Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Plan Adopted by the Board of Education lo
Meet the Deficit ,
ThU Crmr Tnkrii In Vreferpnee to Cnlllnjr
fcnlntlr * ol iflijli School Tcnclicru nntl
Janitor * n * Finance Comtnlttuo
cl Ollior lluttneii.
'At the meeting of the Board of Education
h ld last night nn attempt -was made to
plunge the knife Into the salaries ot Ills"
ehool teachers ami all Janitors receiving
more than $60 per month , but this was de
feated ami In the end the school year was
shortened one month. H will close on May
25 this year. Instead of on June 25 , as In
former years.
Alone the line of retrenchment Mr. Hhoades
presented the following report :
"Your committee to wlilch was referred
the question of finance would respectfully
recommend that the school year bo closed
on May 25. 1893 , nnd tliat the salaries of
teachers , principals and Janitors bo adjusted
on that basis. Your committee would also
recommend that a cut of 10 per cent be maclo
In the salaries of all teachers In the Jllsn
echool , and a cut of 10 per cent In the nala-
rles of all Janitors receiving more than Joi1
per month. Your committee would rccom
mend that the commltttee on buildings , prop
erty and supplies be Instructed to ha\o no
material purchased , or work performed unless
the committee first receives the approval ot
the board , or unless absolutely needed In
case ol accident. "
Mr. Plerson submitted a report , which wns
In lltio with that of Mr. Rhoades , with the
execution that It spared the teachers In the
Illch school and the Janitors from the cut.
Mr. Hhoades was loaded down with figures
nnd proceeded lo show that by adopting his
report the turn ot12,000 could be saved dur
ing the school year. He Insisted that the
Plerson report saved but $10,000 , which
would not do much In wiping out the deficit.
Mr. I'kxson maintained that by the adop
tion of Ills report $35,000 , In stead of $10,011(1 ( ,
would be saved.
Mr. Ithoades maintained that In Omaha
High school teachers and Jantors , wro paid
more than In other cities.
MrHursesa Insisted that Mr. Rhoades
was In error , nnd In support of his position
read from a 1IM , showing that Omaha sal
aries wcro much lower than In other cities.
Tlio Janitors were good men and It was not
necessary to go outside to find out what
they should be paid. They were all good
men , nml If their talarles wcro cut 10 per
cent they would leave and seek employment
elsewhere. Mr. Burgess knew that the good
teachers would not stand the cut proposcJ
by Mr. Ilhoades ; they would leave , while the
poor ones would slay
Mr. Elguttcr thought that It was true Hint
High school teachers and Janitors were paid
good salaries , but he did not think that they
should be made the victims to help make up
l shortage In revenues.
The adoption of Mr. Khoades' report was
defeated by a vote of eight to four , -while the
report submitted by Mr. Plerson was adopted
by a. unanimous vote.
James H. Melkle , the attorney for the
Board of Education , reported that he had
consulted with the city authorities upon the
matter of special taxes paid by the school
district of Omaha on account of the Tentl
slrectviaduct. . The city , ho said , hod re
fused to refund the taxes , or any portion ol
the Mine. As the taxes were paid on Octo
ber 23 , 1890 , he said that the statute ot
limitations would run against their recovery
on October 23 , 1801 , The report was re
ceived and placed on file.
Some forty of the citizens , of Central part
and vicinity petitioned tor a night school U
that vicinity. In their petition they prom
Ued to pay the salary of a teacher , providing
the Hoard of Education would supply room
beat , light and books. The petition was
placed on file. The board decided that I
could not Incur the expense.
The treasurer reported $21 , US.43 of schoo
moneys , on hand on the first day ot the present
ent month.
Superintendent Marble reported that then
were 579 children attending schools outside a
their respective districts , not Including those
transferred on account ot lack of grade In
Iho schools In the districts In which thc >
There were six bids on the proposition t.
ECll the board a slto for a school -building In
Iho vicinity of Fortieth and Davenpor
streets. The bids ranged from $8,000 down
to $5,600. All bids wers referred.
By resolution the superintendent of build
Incs was Instructed to report the kind am
quantity of coal ufccd each month during th
comlnc winter , making his report to th
board each month.
The Judiciary committee Issued an In
structlon that nonresident pupils report thel
attendance to thesecretary of the boati !
that the cases might be presented for con
alteration ,
Just before adjournment the second nt
tempt to cut salaries was made. ilr. Low
offered a resolution , providing for a cut o
1214 per cent on salaries of High tchoo
teachers , taking effect November 1.Vhc
the Vote was taken , the resolution was do
fcated , Messrs. Lowe and Hhoades alon
voting for Its adoption.
Beyond all rivals In leavening power I
Dr , I'rlee's Cream Baking Powder , Govern
tnonl until } sit , gives It 16C cubic Inches avail
able carbonic acid gas per ounce , higher b y.
lar than any othtr baking powder know
Number of Subcommittees , \ppalnlcd-Dull y
.Scmloimlll llo lU-lil.
The reorganized charter amendment com
mltteo held Its first meeting In the mayor'
office yesterday afternoon. No business wa
transacted beyond the appointment of sul
committees. A general discussion was hod
DS to the methods to bo employed.
The commlttCQ organized by electing E.
E. I low ell chairman , and D. H. Wheeler
secretary. A suggestion that the sessions
of the committee be held In the evening In
the council chamber was adopted , and the
mayor suggested that the committee meet
every night for at least a week , In order that
thB contemplated amendments might he for
mulated , and mada an Issue In the legislative
The resolution offered by JIayor Bemls lo
the old commlttoa providing for such amend
ments as wotiM allow all public works to be
done by day labor was taken up and briefly
discussed. Chairman \Vlnspear , of the
Board of Public Works , said that ho was not
willing to go aft far as the resolution con
templated , but thought there wcro some de
partments In which day labor might bo used
to advantage. He cited the street sweeping
contract for example. Htro the city hud
been obliged to pay the contractor $22.00' ' )
during- the hard times , In accordance with
the contract , when. If the work could have
been done by the board , the streets might
liavo been kept clean for half that sum.
Presld nt llowt-ll appointed the following
subcommittees , which will report at the next
eckslon of the committee , which will bo held
In the council chamber at 7:30 : o'clock , Friday
On Assessments A. P. Tukey , D. II.
Wheeler , John Lemly.
Day Labor \V. S. Popplelon , L. D. Fowler. :
II. V , Wyinan. .
Paving , Ilepalrlng nnd Sewerage Andrew
Rosewater , W. F. llechel , J. H. Wlnspear.
Franchises anil Eminent Domain W. F.
Decliel , J. U. Uumont , W. J. Conncll.
To Consider Measures for Taking the Board
ot Health out of Politics 1J. . llurkley ,
E , R. Overall , W. J. jJonncll.
Clmuilicrliiln'i Colic , Chulcrii uml ulnrrliiu.i
Itrmeily ,
"I would rather trust that medicine than
any doctor I know ol , " cays Mrs. Hattle
Mason of Chllton , Carter Co. , Mo. , In speak
ing of Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy , For sala by druggists.
Joyce , millinery , 1C2I Douglas street.
MtTc-rr llolel II. Mlliiwuy ,
Hates reduced ; 12.00 lo | 3,00 per day.
City Council Meeting- .
The adjourned cession of the city council
last night only lasted long enough to allow
lUe passage of A resolution lutborlitng-
change of grade on Woolworth avenue from
Thlrly.lhlrd to Thirty-sixth streets. An ad
journment wan then taken until tonight to
allow the democratic members lo attend the
Jollification. _
Itflynml Compnrlfton.
Are the good fualltle | possessed by Hood's
BaiKiparllla. Above all It purlflca the blood ,
thus strengthening the nerves ; It regulates
the digestive organs , Invigorates the kidneys
and liver , tones and builds up the entire
system , cures scrofula , dyspepsia , catarrh
and rheumatism. Get Hood's nnd only
Hood's Pills cure all liver Ills , bllllousness ,
Jaundice , Indigestion , sick headache. 25c.
Mr. i : . Kojflvrutor Will Addrcsn Ilualnpss
Mm t llnyd'H Uporn lliiinc.
Mr. E. Kosowater will address the business
men of this community Wednesday evening ,
October , 17 , at 8 o'clock.
Boyd's opera house has been secured for
the occasion. A certain portion ot the
house will be reserved for gentlemen with
their ladles.
Mr. Kosewnter will discuss "The Credit of
Nebraska The Moral and Mercenary View
of the Stale Campaign. "
Every business man who feels an Interest
In the result of the state election Is Invited.
Ushers will be in altendance and admis
sion will be by ticket. Parties holding
reserved seats are requested to claim their
sittings before 8:15 : , At that hour the doors
will be thrown open to all comers.
Admission tickets arc being distributed
among the business and professional men of
the city. Ladles are especially Invited.
; N mtos.
Grocprlm nt Kcducrd Prlcr * .
21 pounds granulated sugar , 11.00 ; Cali
fornia plums , green gage , egg cr golden
drop , e.m. 12'.4o ; California table peaches ,
can , ll'Uic ; apricots , can , 12'.4c ; Jelly , pall
only , U5c ; quart ran tomatoes , only 7V c ;
sugar corn , 7ic ; cornstarch , 3l4c ; gloss
starch , Wtv ; Instant rising pancake flour ,
I1iic , 3 pound can golden pumpkin , Sc ;
oysters , per can , only 8'fic ; quart cans soup ,
chicken , etc. , ICc ; popular brands of soap ,
bar , : ic ; sapollo , bar , He ; castlle soap , largo
bar , Iflc ; toilet soaps , cake , 2V&c.
White Tartarian cherries , pound , 7 4c ,
sultana * raisins , pound , -Ic ; California black
prunes , pound , GV5c ; French ralsln-cured
prunes , pound , 7'/io ; California apricots , 9V4e ,
pitted plums , 7 ! c ; new Bartlett pears , 7' c ,
evaporated apples , 7'&c ' ; evaporated black
berries , pound , 7c.
Flour was never so- cheap In seventeen
veaiH as It Is now. Just think , good flour
for , snck , 50e ; pure Snow Flake flour , sack ,
C3c ; Minnesota XXXX superlative , sack , S5c ,
best Minneapolis XXXX superlative , tack ,
05c ; the well known Cream flour , sack 9.1c ;
Uonlta hard wheat flour , $1.05 ; lay In your
winter supply while > ou can.
There are over 1,000,000 sacks of coffee
more on hand this year than there was this
time last year. This Is the reason why
coffee is so low in price. R o coffee , pound ,
Be ; Hlo combination , 7'icj Oriental Java ,
V 'sc ; Mocha and Java , So ; Maracarbo and
Santos , lOc ; African Java , 123c ; Santos
and peabsrry Ific ; Martinique , 17Jc ; Guate
mala and Java , 19V6c , Brazilian Java , 17'/ic.
The country Is flooded with tea There
are over (5,000,000 ( , chests of tea this year
morn than there was last year. Good tea ,
pound , 5c ; sun dried Japin , lOc ; Young hyson ,
12J..C , Moyunc tea , ISc ; Gunpowder , 12'ic ;
PIIIK Suey. 15c , Nankin tea. lUc ; Oolong lea ,
8'4o ; Formosa tea , 16c ; Amoy tea , 12J4c ;
Ceylon , 23c ; India and Ceylon blend , 29c ;
Monsoon tea , jc.
Leaders In everything.
Aim-rlcui ) Tailor * .
We tal.o pleasure In announcing to our
friends and patrons that wo have reopened
oui tailoring establishment at 311 Paxton
block , where wu will be found with n fin ? line
of new goods , which we will make up in
suits and overcoats at from $25.00 up.
311 Paxton Block.
The minstrel entertainment for Hie bencfl
of tlie Creclie Thursday evening nt Boyd' !
Rives promise of being a moat artistic per
formnnee , tlio ladles taking part being thor
( Highly well in the
up lines of work ex >
peeled of them. WIillo Thurston and Bryai
are tallchig to thousands In the Coliseum , tv\i
clever Society women In black face will clvi
a bmleuquo of th& great debate and will In
trodiice no end of local "gags" and "Jokes. "
The box olllco ut the opera house will bo open
Wednesday .md Thursday for the sals o
tltl < its and parties having purchased ticked
can ha\o them exchanged for scats at tha
A gift with bal.lng powder means Inferior
Ity. Xo Rifts with Dr. Price's. Cream Bak
Ing Ponder.
rtlillnrcl Hotel ( ( mngcx lliiiuU.
J. E. Market & Son took possession of th
.Mlllanl hotel yesterday , Mr. Thomas Snob
retiring. The transfer Is nn nmlcabl
one in every respect. Mr. Swobo having de
elded to ( jult the notcl business , for the pros
enl at leabt.
After matters are In shape 5Ir. Swobo wi :
remove to ono of his"houses In Langdo
Court. Mr. J. E. Market , the new senlo
proprietor , was formerly associated with Mr
Swobe In the management the business
but yuld out to the latter several years ago
Ho will continue to operate the eating house :
on the line of the Union Pacific In conjiinc
tlou ultli the Mlllard.
Ani Your * Children Subject to Croup ?
Every mother should know that croup cai
be pre > onted. The first symptom of tru
cinup ia lioarneness. This is followed by i
peculiar rough cough. If Chnmbsrlani'
Cough lEoinrdy Is given frotly as soon aa ( h
clilld becomes hoarse , or even after th
rough cough has developed , U will preven
the attack. 25 and 60 cent bottles for sal
by drutrehita ,
Oiiriha n < l Ulilmgo Limited Tirtoeu-IIou
Leaves Omaha at 0:35 p. m. nnd arrive
nt Chicago 9.40 n. m. via 0. M. ft St. P
H- . for Chicago and all points cast. Train
made up and started from Omalii , acaurln ,
passengers clean and well aired cars , Th
only line running a solid vcallliuled tleclrl
lighted train from Omaha direct. No wait
lute for through trains.
Kkgant chair curs , palace sleeping an
dlulug cars. Ticket office. 1GOI Farnam stree
c. s. c A mi 11 : it.
Ticket Agent.
The lolloping marriage licenses were Is
sued yesterday :
N'dmo and Address. Age ,
C. A. Huun , Omaha "
Anna \\Vst , Omiiha ,
Klmer K. Peters. Green River , Wyo S
SiruU llulton , Omaha. , . . , 2
Hrrmuu II , Newhou e , Council Bluffs. la , r.i
Anna Mi'Crkknnd , Missouri Vulley. la. . . 1 !
\Vlllluui Wooley. Omaha D
Smile Monfort , Omuha "
Juhn II. FuiBt , Omaha
iinVUi : : Crileif , Mnrsliallvllle. O
A Vrry Vuhmliln Mr < llc\ne. \
There U no medicine so often needed 1
every homo and so admirably adapted to th.
putio | es for which It U Intended as Cham-
berIain's Pain Halm. Hardly a week pastes
but fame member of ( he family has need of
It. A toothache or headache may be cured
by U. A touch ot rheumatism or neuralgia
quieted The severe pain of a burn or ncald'
promptly relieved and the sore healed In
much l ( > ts time than when medicine has lo
b sent for. A sprain may be promptly
treated before Inllammatlon sots In. which
Insures a euro In about one-third of the tlmo
otherwise required. Cuts and bruises should
receive Immediate treatment before the parts
become swollen , which can only be done when
Pain lUlm Is kept at hand , A eora throat
may be cured before It becomes terlous. A
lame back relieved and several days oC valu
able limn saved or a pain In Iho side or chest
cured vlllinut paying a doctor's bill. Procure
a CO-cent bottle at once and you will never
regret It. for isala by
Tirst Big Meeting of tha Campaign at
Washington Hall Last Night ,
Kutliudnitla Support of llolcomb anil Utlier
Nominees Mot a Mntter to llo
tlono < t l'roi > < i o to Shut Ilia
Jlnllronds Ont.
The democrats Inaugurated their local
campaign last evening with a procession ,
headed by the First Ileglment band , and a
roily at Washington hall. The principal
speaker ot the evening f > as ex-Governor
James E. Uoyd , democratla candidate tor
Mr. Boyd was In bad form , having arisen
from a sick bed to bo present at the meetIng -
Ing , and he spoke with evident difficulty.
The larger part of his address , wns devoted
to a discussion of tlio tariff and the silver
questions , and upon the latter ho took decid
ed Issue with the doctrine of free coinage.
Harry Miller called the meeting to order.
Before Introducing the speakers , ha said a
few things on his own account. Like his
distinguished friend In New York , lie was
a democrat , and with all the ardor and en
thusiasm of his makeup hs proposed to work
for the election of every man on the demo-
cratlc ticket , from Silas A. Holcomb down to
Churchill 1'arkcr. The republicans , lie said ,
Had nominated a man who by the best re
publican authority In Nebraska was notori
ously unfit for the position of governor. Tom
Majors , nsterled the speaker , w s the rep
resentative of u corrupt ring , and the demo
crats had decided to assist In defeating him.
He said that he would And no fault with
John McSlianc , W. A. Paxton , W. S. RIc-
Hugh and nuclld Martin , but he wanted to
tell them that there were enough populists
and enough decent , honest democrats In Nebraska -
braska to elect llolcomb.
C. J. Smyth , chairman of the meeting , was
the next soeaker. He said that In the pres
ent congressional campaign there were three
candidates , and that beyond question the
contest was between the republican and
democratic nominees. There was no hope
for the election of the populist candidate
and Mr. Smyth made an eloquent appeal to
populists to rote for Boyd instead of Dcaver.
Ho defended Doyd's attitude on the silver
question and claimed that the latter was
the friend of the while metal.
Mr. Smyth also referred to the calamity
crusade. He said that the cry raised that
Nebraska's credit would be ruined by the
elect on of the democratic candidate for gov
ernor wns false. The state of Nebraska , he
said , did not need to borrow money. It had
money In Us treasury , and It also haJ a
great deal of money not In Its treasury. He-
feirlnc to the assertion that the election of
Holcomb would drive eastern Investors away ,
ha mid that the constitution of Nebraska
prevented any legislation Impairing the ob
ligation of contracts , and neither democrats
nor populists could legislate against the
eastern Investor , even If they desired.
After being introduced as the ex-governor
of this state and the next congressman from
this district. Mr. Boyd stated that on the
advice of his physician his remarks Mould
be very brief. He held that It was the duty
of every cand date for office to declare his
position on alt of the leading Issues before
the people. Four years ng-o , he said , he had
been elected governor of Nebraska , upon an
Issue clearly defined , and upon which the
republican candidate was silent. In the
democratic convent(6n ( a bright democrat
had declared , "God hateg a coward , " and the
defeat nf the republican candidate for gov
ernor four years before proved the assertion.
Mr. Boyd took up first the recent finan
cial panic , and argued at some length
against the assertion that it had been
brought about by fear of democratic legisla
tion , The panic , he declared , was brought
about by the bankers and money loaners.
England alone , according to a statement
made by Gladstone , had $5,000,000.000 In
vested In America. At 5 per cent per an
num , America was sending back to England
$250,000.000 annually as dividends and In
terest. Naturally England had a deep In
terest In America's financial system. Con
sequently , when England saw the United
States treasury empty , the gold reserve di
minishing , a he.ivy deficit In bight and vaults
overflowing with silver , she began to with
draw her Investments. The flow of gold to
England brought on the panic , and the gold
had been driven out of the country by re
publican legislation.
Mr. Boyd discussed the tariff question nt
length , declaring himself In favor ot a tariff
for revenue only. Ho said that the repub
lican party would never advocate the rc-
ennctment of the McKlnley bill. He denied
the oft-repeated assertion that the price of
farm products went down with the price of
silver. The price of hogs today was twice
as high as It was when sliver commanded
Its highest price. The price of wheat and
other cereals was fixed by England.
Mr. Boyd declared himself In favor of the
election of United States senators by the
people and in favor ol arbitration of differ
ences between capital and labor , but did not
favor compulsory arbitration , for where com
pulsion began arbitration ceased. He WOE
In favor ot the regulation of freight rates ,
but believed that maximum rates should be
fixed by a commission rather than by the
Mr. Doyd expressed his \lews on the silver
question at some length. As long , he said ,
as Grovcr Cleveland was president there
was no hope of free coinage of silver at the
ratio of 1C to 1. Personally , he was directly
Interested In the extensive use ot silver , as
he was the owner ol nine-tenths of a silver
mine producing 3,000 ounces per week , but
ho would not favor the Injection of silver
Into the national currency to such an extent
as to endanger the credit of the nation. Ho
eald that he firmly believed that the enact
ment of the law for the free coinage ot
silver at a ratio ot 1C to 1 would drive from
J550.000.000 to $050.000,000 In gold out of the
United States and put this country on a sil
ver basis. Ho did not believe that HID pas
sage of such a law would restore prosperity
to the country , and he cited the financial con
dition of Mexico as an example.
In conclusion , Mr. Boyd stated that he
was In favor of the election of Judge Hol
comb , and asked th support of populists In
his canvass for congress. Ho had been a
resident of Nebraska for thirty-eight years.
Ho had served tlio people In many public
places , and he was perfectly willing to stand
upon the record he had made , and if elected
to congress he would endeavor to perform his
full duly.
The next speaker was \V. S. Poppleton ,
candidate tor state senator. He reviewed In
a comprehensive manner the alms and pur
poses of the democratic candidates for the leg
islature. In addition to voting for Bryan
for United Stales Herjator , they proposed In
vestigation of state finances , an Investigation
ot the- state penitentiary , and the revision
of the convict labor laws , and the- passage
of Irrigation laws which would prevent the
absorption of the state's scanty supply of
water by eastern syndicates ,
Ed Smltb , candidate for county attorney ,
was then Introduced. He said that the only
Issue In the present campaign was : \Vblch
party la presenting the best men for the
offices to bo filled this fall ? He discussed
the , tariff question , and then , alluding to the
state campaign , said that the issue was
sjuarely joined between the railroad corpora
tions and the people. There were two big
offices In sight the .governorship and , the
United States senatorshlp. The B. & M.
wanted ono ot these and the Union Pacific
was after the other. If the democrats did
their duty llolcomb would defeat Majors ,
the Ir duty llolcomb would defeat Major * ,
and TuurBton would be beaten by Bryan.
W. 8. Pelker , candidate 'lor ' state senator ,
closed the meeting with a vigorous fifteen-
minute talk , In which lie paid a tribute to
the long career of Governor Doyd as a citizen
of Nebraska ,
of ! the voters arc taking itho precaution to
resistor early.
The remaining- < Jay mr -which the regis
trars will sit nto as tollatafe :
"Wednesday , October 177
Thursday , October 25.
Friday , November 2.
Saturday , November',3. '
Ian of the Ie > nocrlto ICotnln the City
When the city clerK -ordinance was passed
iy the council the republican members ex
* acted that It was scttltd that a successor to
the late city clerk wtfuld' ' bo elected nt the
: omlng election. But unless a plan that has
Inco has been Incubated by the democratic
talesmen In and out of the council proves
bortive n desperate effort will be made to
iilllfy the ordinance or at least postpone
Is approval until It Is too late to Include
.he mention of the clerkship In the election
It was stated yesterday by a democrat
* ho Is supposed to be In the scheme that
he courts would bo applied lo for nn In
unction to enjoin the mayor from signing-
he ordinance on the ground that It Is Illegal ,
he democratic councllmen and others have
jecn doing a good deal of caucusslng since
ho ordinance passed , and It Is understood
hat they have made up their minds that the
ilan la worth trying. Previously they cn-
leavorcd to convince the mayor that the or-
illnaiico was Illegal and that he could not
Ign It , but falling In this , the appeal to the
: ourts was decided on.
It Is understood that their petition for an
injunction willl be based on section 129 of
ho charter which says that "The city dork
hall be elected nt the same time as the
mayor , and shall hold his office for two years
"rom and after the first Tuesday of January
luccecdlm ; his election and until his suc-
: ossor Is elected and aiiallfled , "
This Is Interpreted to mean that a city
ilerk can only be elected at the regular city
lection , nt whloh the mayor and other city
ifflcers are elected , and that In case of a
'acancy the appointee of the mayor and
council shall hold until the two years term
las expired. A dozen of the leading lawyers
n the city have been consulted , but It Is
t claimed that they have held out much
Section 16 of the charter says that the
nayor and council shall have power to fill
iuch vacancies as may occur In the office ot
jouncllmen or other elective offices of the
: lty , and It Is on the Interpretation of this
lauso that the legal status of the proposl-
.lon hinges. The democrats assert that this
liould bo construed to apply only to on tip-
lolntment by the mayor and confirmation by
ho council , while the republicans claim that
t also concedes the authority to call an
ilectlon at any time under the provisions of
ho ordinance which was passed last week
If the court can he Induced to take the
icmocratlo view of the proposition It Is ex-
iected that the Injunction on the mayor will
ie granted on the ground that the council
lad no legal right to pass an ordinance
: allng an election at a time not contemplated
py the charter. The republicans are borrow-
ng no trouble , and declare that even If their
ipponents should appeal to the court they
vould be knocked out In a minute , as the
ipeclal election to fill a vacancy was ex
actly what was contemplated by section IS.
lujiirs Men l.ufj nn Alllilnvlt to Omiilia for
Inxprdlim of tlio llossrn.
The somewhat notorious L. D. Illchards
orked his annual pass over the Elkhorn
oad yesterday afternoon In order to make a
rip to Omaha. The train was somewhat
ate. but the honorable gentleman from Fre
mont whlled away the tedium of the journey
iy listening to the reading of a four-page
TQdavlt purporting to contain the sworn
tatcment of sonic one who had unearthed
iomethlng or other of terrible Import. The
mine ot E. Uosewater Is said to figure prom
inently In the affidavit. The people -will not
made aware of the ) contents of the docu
ment until It Is first pdssed upon by tha
railroad ananagiirs whir are 'directing ' the
cpubllcan campaign , in this state. If It Is
'oemed of sufficient Import to warrant pub
lication. It w 11 be .duly . double leaded in the
first column of the Burlington Journal uptler
* he guise of n tpeclal dispatch from Omaha
The Bee Is not worrying over the pros
ect ot further attacks from the railroad
emissaries , who are traveling up and down
Nebraska In a vain endeavor to bolster up
he wavering columns marching to almost
certain defeat under the leadership of Tom
Majors. But It merely desires to warn the
peoph that the campaign , with the Majors
crowd , has nt last reached the point where
nothing but the roorback will meet the exi
gencies of the case. The charges agalnsl
he. republican candidate for governor cannot
be effaced by attacks upon The Bee. The
people who are demanding honesty in the ad
ministration of the nffa rs of the state gov
ernment will not be deterred from their
purpose by trumped-up charges conceived In
malignity and born In hatred They wll
not be distracted from the real Issue by false
statements concerning any private Indlvldua
who may bo opposing the projects of the
railroad managers who are willing to stake
the whol credit of the state In their effor
to fasten misrule upon the state for another
two j.ears.
l.OSIMl TlliiH : JOIIS roil IT.
foiloral As lT o < l on Itmployes Who Itofuso
to Support Major * .
The government Inspectors under the Juris
diction of J , Sterling Morton In South Omaha
are not having any particular picnic. Tha
gentleman has giadually reduced the force
until ( hero is only a corporals' guard left
When a government inspector wns singled
out who had the manhood to declare hL
honest convictions In regard to supporting
the ticket headed by Mr. Holcomb he wa <
branded and * the word passed on to head
quarters. Yesterday Mr. Vaughn and Mr
Horrlgan , governmcnl taggers , were laid off
Dr. White , the chief mlcroscoplst , was uls
given notice that his pay would be looped ol
until such time as the powers saw fit to re
Instate him.
There are a few more government employe
who refused to slga Martin's petition for th
Sturdovant ticket , and it is said they wll
also be ghen \acatlon. .
Air , Murtlri Will1 Demand 11 riucu on I lie
OfltclHl Stuio Ititllnt.
Euclid Martin said yesterday that h
would appeal to the courts for an order compelling
polling Secretary of State Allen to place th
nominees of the straight democrats on th
official ballot.
The matter Is now In the hands of attor
neys and Mr. Martin .expects some move 1
that direction to be made very soon. Th
ex-chairman said that Secretary Allen neve
allowed any evidence to be taken In belial
of the straight democratic ticket , and In till
Martin alleges that Alldn was wrong.
"There Is no question In my mind , " sal
Martin , "that Allen made a grave- mistake
Ho had no more right ito refuse to place ou
ticket on the official ballot that he had to re
fuse the republican or populist tickets ,
want this matter settled and hope that I
soon will be. "
Tlclcct-of-l.cnve Mrtn Uliappcuri.
NEW CASTLE , Neb. , Oct. 15. ( Special. )
James A , Cook , who U 'out ' of the penlten
tlary on a tlcket-of-teara trying to secure
pardon , and who hus'been ' running a black
smith shop at this pls'cc for the past tw
months , has suddenly disappeared.
James Warnlck , a farmer living abou
eight miles northwest of here , while unde
the Influence of liquor , fell from a wagon
west of town , Wednesday , and receive
severe Injuries , the wheels of the wogo
passing over his head , rendering him uncon
.ffairs of tlo Ltatons Still Further Mixed
Tip in the District Court ,
liilmn the Attorney Deceived IllmnmKJIvc *
III in No Chance to Kxplnln Punchier
Contenting Joseph Crclfflitnn'a Wll
Utlier Court Matter * .
The LIntons and their English bankers
invo entangled themselves In another batch
t law suits which have Just found their way
o the court records of this county.
Last week Phoebe R. E. E. Llnlon , the
wfo | of Colonel Adolplius F. Llntonbrought
a (300,000 damage suit against the London
tanking house of WhlUaUer , Cooper & Co. ,
akliiR her London attorney. William Isaac
ihard , a co-defendant. This suit has been
Uthdrawn nnd another for a like amount
commenced against the same parties , the al-
cgatto-ns being almost Identical. On top of
all of this , the husband , Adolphus , has sued
John W. Cooper for $75,000 damages , the
averment being that as long ago as January
1 , 1889 , Cooper nesllgontly advanced the
urn of JE10.000 sterling to Coatcs & Son on a
vorthless guarantee The check was drawn
iy Llnton , and In return he received as col-
ateral security 2.000 shares of the stock of
he San Sebastian Nitrate company. On the
heck the plaintiff alleges that he was held ,
and In order to get out of the deal he had to
pay over In good money the sum of U2.DOO
tcrllng , no portion of which has ever been
oturned ,
In another suit Llnton has sued the at-
orney , Shard , for 183,000 damages , alleg-
ng that In London , when ho was sued by
Coates & Son on the San Sebastian Nitrate
ompany stock deal , he retained Shard to
ook after his Interests , then and there ad-
nnclng the sum of 120 as a retainer. In-
tcad of looking after his end of the suit ,
Jnton alleges that Shard entered Into a
ecret agreement Vtllh the enemy , making a
ettlement lhat was against the interests ot
ds client.
ciiorruD HIS IIIM.U orr.
Judge Scott ( Sets Aftrr Attorney Itltcblo
nnd blmt * Him Out nf Court.
Judge Cunningham R. Scott had another
no ot his tantrums yesterday , and while
he spell was upon him he swung the cleaver
nd cut off the head of a lawyer , sending him
ut into the world without a sheepskin.
Some months ago the police raided the
alaon of Mike Wallenz on a warrant sworn
ut by the city license Inspector , In which
.ocument . It was charged that the said AVal-
onz was selling liquors without first having
ecured a license. Wallenz waived examlna-
lon and the cato came to the district court ,
vhere Attorney Albert S. Ritchie was look-
ng after the defendant's Interests.
Something like ten days ago Sir. Ritchie
appeared before Judge Scott asking for a
continuance on the ground that a material
tncss , Peter Eck , was absent from the
tate. At that time an affidavit was pre-
ented In which It was alleged that Eck
vas In the northwestern portion of Iowa.
Yestoiday Mr. Ritchie was In court again
.o ask for another continuance , still urging
hat he had been unable to secure the
attendance of his witness. He said that
3ck wns In Bloomlnglon , III , and to prove
he statement he asked Wallenz to produce
a letter written by Cck and bearing date of
October 11. This was the firebrand that
caused Mr. Ritchie all of his trouble Judge
Scott , at the mention of the letter , paced
ho floor , declaring that he was not to be
ilaycd The motion /or a continuance
id said that he would overrule , and what
vas more , he would disbar Mr. Ritchie from
practicing In his court. Mr. Ritchie tried
o explain that after he had made the affi
davit , some ten days ago. In which he had
alleged that Eck was in Iowa , ho had gone
over to Bloomington. where he was at this
: lme. Scott remarked that he still had the
affidavit in mind , and added : "You are
disbarred from practicing before me until
you can purge yourself. "
In speaking of the matter after the court
had adjourned , Mr. Ritchie slid thai he was
acting In the most honorable manner with the
court In the Wallenz and all other cases.
The only reason lie could Imagine that
Scott had It in for him was by the fact that
one year ago when a large number of the
lawyers of the district took steps to have
Scott removed from the bench , ho signed
the petition asking for his removal. Re
garding the Wallenz matter , Mr. Ritchie
said that he know nothing about Eck having
removed from Iowa to Bloomlngton until he
read the letter , and asking for the con-
tlnuar.ce was simply a duty that he owed to
bis client He had not Intended to mlslcac
or Impede the work ot the court. So far as
purging himself In Scott's court was con
cerned , ho said ho did not think that he
should do fo , as he had done nothing dis
respectful or unprofessional.
Contest li B Her rnlhcr'n Will.
The contesting of the will of the late Jo
scph Crelghton is occupying the attention o
the probate court , where a fierce legal battle
la being waged by the Interested parties am
their legal representatives.
When Joseph Crelghton died , October 1C
1893 , he left property of the value of $81,000
which by the terms of a will , executed July
14 , 1SS8 , was nearly all left to Bishop O'Con
nor and his successors for the establlshmen
and maintenance of charitable Institutions o
the Catholic church. Now the will Is being
contested by Mary A Shelby , the surviving
daughter , who alleges that when her fathe
executed the will he was of unsound mini
and memory. She also alleges that th
signature and the bequeathing- the prop
crty was secured by the exercise of undu
_ _ _ _ _ _
After it Divorce.
Rasmlnn Madsen has taken the prcllmlnar }
steps to secure a separation from her husband
Hans Madscn , to whom she was united In
marriage as long ago as 1S47 , when they
were both residents of Denmark. She al
leges that ho IB a drunkard beyond the hopi
of reformation , and that In addition to this
she says that he is something of a brute
being very Iiandy with his fists when lie. Is
correcting the ways of his children. O"
these children , the plaintiff alleges tliat then
are seven , and she. asks the court that they
bo given Into her custody , and at tlio same
tlmo that Hans compelled to contrlbut
to their support ,
Opening nf Twenty-Ninth Avenue.
Laura S. Tllllston , William Randal am
others have Instituted a cult against th
city of Omaha , looking to the enjoining o
the collection of the- tax levied to pay th
cost of opening Twenty-ninth avenue from
Farnam street through McConnlck's addl
tlon. The- ordinance was passed on May 7
1887 , at which time it waa declared ncces
sary to appropriate- certain private propert :
In the opening ot the street. At this time
the taxpayers along the Hue ot the stree
object to paying the tax which lias been
Surrendered hj ilor Homlnmrn.
Ella Glover , the young woman who was
accused of stealing J7B from one ot the
guests at the State hotel , and was held to
the district court In bonds In the sum o
J500 , was yesterday turned over to the sherll
by her bondsmen. The woman la now In Jal
although there Is an attempt being made t
secure a new bond.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
A Conservative
Wo nro truly n consorvatlvo concern , with a burning passion to
rcguluto unjust business inothods. In doing Itvo polca our nose in
our own business , nnd study our loasons carefully until we ( col corn-
potent to touch others. Success is nttuhmblo by fatudyin-r the wants
ol your own
Wo studied the shoo question for almost u tlouado. Now wo'ro
furnishing a lesson how n shoo can bo had that will giva all good
Bcrvlco for less than a , chotip-for-ona-ilay-flxcd-up-klnd nntl back It up
by { riving you a now pair free H any of our shoes , ( no matter what
grade ) prove deflective , do not wear reasonable well , or wear out too
Th la year we studied how to ol ova to quality and lower prices.
We got there Your shoos will cost you a good bit less horoaftet'i
Dolhir-aiid-Fiftcen-Ccnl s for a good working- shoo , equal to any
$2.00 shoo made. Dollnr-nnd-SIxty-Fivc , Is as much as you might
expect for S2.3C. Two Dollars fora calf shoe , which hytho- way
Is our new departure from our former 32.25 value , with a perfect
guarantee these to bo equal and bettor to any $3.00 shoe in anyoncs
shop. Two Fifty , la our rcjrlar standby. Wo'vo challenged the
world to produce their equal. American Calf ours are In every
shoe with a Goodyear welt and double back stays. Every last too
shape and slyle in vogue , and 84.00 Is tholr honest worth. Thrcu
Dollars invested hero for n pair , moans a fine ? . ) .00 pair of shoos , as
rrood and pretty as any exclusive or nonexclusive dealers can" furnish
without any guarantee. You don't rlbk uy buying shoos hero but
you tlo so by bjylng ebcwhcre.
Milwaukee Grain shoes. Wo carry thorn in quite an extenslv °
selection with bixtooi or without , suitable for any work subjected
to damnncss. a grain shoo is recommended , because they're a heap
moro durable and keep your foot dry. Our prices bcpin at One
Dollar a pair , .
Our fall catalcuges will tell all about men's wear. Wish one ?
Do You'.Know Sarah
That Raymond has all of his Diamond
ting , etc. , done right in his shop in the
same building , by skilled workmen. Ho
repaired my watch and set that RUBY for
me the other day. You see the work is
the best and cost no more than unskilled
mechanic's. You better go there.
RAYMOND , Jeweler.
Corner 15th and Douglas Sts.
Seventy-Ore Styles of Sideboards.
Tliis One Was $25.00
NOW $12,50.
Shiverick's October Sale.
Harch Slit , -
Aloe Tenfold Coi-I am very much pleasea
Co cgmmend W U SfjmoufB ability m un optl.
clan , hftvlng been nall ractcrrly ! IIUnl ullli glais.
ci fet BBilrniatlsm and derived great bencllt
therefrom In my profenlonal work , i woiilil iec-
commend all of tli artistic iirof slon to do like *
wlee. Very truly. J. LAUK1C WALLACE.
Omaha Academy of Pine Arts.
Many persons whose beads are constantly ach
ing have no Idea what relief iclriuillcully fitted
Clatieswill five them. Tlila thccri \ nuw uni
versally emmiBlitU. "Imprupeily mteil clause *
will Inv&ilably Increase tha trouble nnd may
k d to TOTAL IJMNDNESP. " Our ability lu
adjust classes safely and correctly Is beyond
question. Consult us. Kycs tested free ot charge.
Opposite l'axan Hotel.
When Iliclr tender Uni nro literally on ( lie ,
with Itibliir , tmrdjtr , icaly , Hi.J
blclchy tkift aiitl culu illicuiri ,
Hllliloil of bolr.noae bptitcther *
rc&llie. CL'ijtvru IlEveDtEa at.
/aid immediate relief , permit trnt
aDd elecp , und point to u | icrJynn < l
arauomlcalcure nlK-u Iho tut phyilclcin and al
Whar rcmcdict fill. cJolJ everyw iro.
Chocolat = Menier.
His reasons art :
Tea nnd Coffee create nervousness with
i people too nervous alieacty ;
V 'ter Chocolates arc not lit to make a cup
uf chocolate ; cheap ( sweel ) chocoUles jam
i npiirehence injurious ;
COCOA is no more like CliOCOLATG
Hi an Skimmed Milk is like Cream.
Chocolat-Menier is an eiquisite Vanilla
Chocolate , as nourishing as meat , as low
priced as other beverages , and /.w superior.
Ask for yellow wrapper. Your pocer has it
Av. . Lhlrazo-bU IV. lroa ) < lnnr.X.T >
Tea Tables
noimaorsquare )
Were $7.50 , Now $3.75.
Shiverick's October Sale.
tale bj til First Class Dealers , Munufuuturod by the
Factory No , 301 , SL Louis , Mo. .