Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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, -
13 , nOSEWATEH. Editor.
pally nee ( without PunJnyl , One Ytar..f * 00
Pally II * * nnd Hunany , One Year. . , , . . . . . 10 oo
Hit Months BOO
Three Mrmth * , . , . 2 SO
Bundny lief , One. Trnr 200
Saturday Itee , One Year > 150
Weekly B e , On Ye r C3
Omaha , Tlio T > e Ilulldlnff.
Bouth Omaha. Corner K anil Twenty-fourth Sti.
Council Rlurfa , 12 1'enrl Street.
Chicago Office , SIT Chamber of Commerce.
Mew York , Ilnnmi 1J , 1 * and 15 , Trlbun * Bide.
Washlnston , 1407 P Blrcet , N. W.
All communications relating to netra nnfl edi
torial matter ehould be aJJres cil : To tha Kditor.
nUfllNHSS IjKTTnilS.
All liunlnm lettern nnd remittances should ke
RdaremcU to tttf Heo I'uMlthlnff company ,
Omalia. Drafle , cliecha nnd pnstofflce order * to
bo made pnyablc to 1hi > onlpr of the company.
THE TJCB runuaitiyo COMPANY.
Qforge n. Tuchuck , secretary of The Ilee Puln
llghlnc compiuiy , bclnff duly eworn , unyi thnt
tli actual number of full nnd complete copies
of The Dally Morning. Kvenlng nnd Hunday Her
printed clurlnif the month ot September , 1S3I.
wna ns follows :
i ti.m U M.IZO
" 'I ! ' . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! . ' ! 2i ! .i 17 H 2I.2M 21,057
Jl.3 .1 19 21,0-12
21IM 20 , 20,557
.T. 21,334 21 20.0. <
21.201 22 21,115
21.-127 2.1 . . . . . . . . .2J , < K"I
0 > 21,27S 20,571
10 21.219 20,8 > i
11 2UH7 % ) tXt
12 i. . . . 21.2G2 Zt. . . ' . . ' , . ' . . . . . . . . . 2l.'fl7t
1' 21.231 23 20S. >
14 21.190 20 21,731
13 21,273 30 ' 21.078
deductions for unsold and returned
coplei . . . 8,68.1
Total sold . 640.42S
Dally averace net clrculallon . 21.317
anoruiE B. TzscnucK.
Sworn to before me nnd nubscrlbed In my
presence this 1st of October , 1891.
( Seal. ) N. P. I'BtU
Notary Public.
AVIin lilrrcl Sotli T. Cole to conduct Sen
ator Taylor out of tlio ntuto whllo the Nciv-
berrj bill was iiemlliiK' . '
Official * of tlio IltirlliiRtou nil Iron ( I.
Who jmlil Sold T. Cole for utiijliig with
Tnj-lor to eo that he fiilllllccl his contract
with the oil room bondlers ?
Tlio Ilurllugton rullroixl.
Who kept tlio nenittu In < lcmlleick while
Tiiylor wan ltclii Kplrltctl away ?
ThoniiiH .1 , Mnjnrs.
Who crrlltlcil to a fraudulent voucher for
Tnylor'8 jiiiy after ho hull been abducted ?
1 honing tJ. JUnjorn.
Who draw thn S7J1 which was paid out ot
the tro.niiry on tlio fr.iuilult-iit voucher ?
Slujorn' private secretary , Welt SI. Scoly.
Tlicso nro ntubliorn facta and no nmoniit
of rultlcllnhlnij cim bcfop the. people.
The democratic itrlnmrles resulted in
tliu selection , for tlio most part , of 1111
excellent list of couiiL-llniiiiilc candi
dates to bo
McKlnley's warm reception cvory-
wheic ( hiring his wos'urn ' specch-maUlnjj
tour only Jiicrwixptl enthusiasm that
greeted him on liln return to Ohio.
The Loxow coiiiiiilltef IK the
card Hint tlio : ititl-Tiiiiinany forces have
In tlio niiiiiiiilRii In Now York City. Its
illsflosiiros are. stronger arguments than
any uuinlier of stiini ] ) speakers could
Vice President Stevenson expects to
participate In Si > nator 'lllll's Xu\v York
ramtmiKU. Atllal hopes to be able to
i-all on Mr. lilll to reciprocate tliu favor
before another two yours Bliall have
rolled by.
Chairman Wilson's speech at Morpin-
iowu Satnrtlay was broken up by the re
newal of a heavy storm of rain and
wind. Isn't Mr. Wilson trying to steal
HOUUof our own ISryau's personally
copyrighted thunder ?
The tumultuous year 1801 Is drawing
to n , rlos4 > , yet the Pullman taxes for
Hie year " 1881 ! hare not been paid Into
the city treasury. Somebody Is respon
sible for this Htate of facts , nnd sooner
or later must be forced to assume that
Another tlnvatoiied raise of
rates is uo\v In order. Insurance com
panies profess to do business In Omaha
ouly on the basts of no lossea. When
ever they suffer losses they expect to
make them up by raising the rate. If
they do not try to recoup themselves for
Saturday's nro policy holders will be
grceally ) surprlsod.
A second name on the local populist
legislative ticket has been accepted by
the democrats for the vacancy in their
list. Tills Insures in nt least two of the
populists formidable opponents to the
republican candidates. The republi
cans in tills vicinity can scarcely af
ford to waste nil their ammunition In
bolstering up tlio waning fortunes of
Tattooed Tom.
It is Intimated by a correspondent
that the republican nominee for county
attorney has already agreed-to appoint
the notorious Phil "Winters ns nn as
sistant in Uie public pi-accentor's ollice.
Republicans will be very reluctant to
believe this true In the absence of nu-
tluirltnUro testlmonj- . They have , how
ever , n right to know the facts. The
Candida le In quest Ion can dispel the
doubt by a single word.
Ambassador Hayjrd romes all the -vv.iy
from London to assist In saving the
pieces for the democratic party lu Dela
ware , Things nuist be In pretty bad
shape when the administration feels
called upon to .summon Its ininlsterK
from their posts at foreign courts to
Btem the tide that Is setting against it.
Mr. Bayard , however , is cjulto harmless
and his presence will neither bo missed
In London nor bo objectionable In Dela
Colonel .Tames O. Itroadhead , the
American minister to Switzerland , ap
pointed since President Cleveland wan
restored to power , Is returning to this
country , Imbued with the Idea that
Switzerland has the l st system of gov
ernment In the world , the United States
not cicepted. If this does not throw
the worshipers ot tbe American consti
tution into convulsions , wo do not know
what will. It will lt ) strange If onin
one does not petition the president to remove -
move Colonel Broadhead nnd give the
place to some patriotic citizen who will
Btuntl up for the government which he
renroseutH , ot at least repress some of
his admiration for what uc considers n
Jbetter government. _ , _ > , _ - . . ,
77J/7 MOST IMroitTAKT Til WO ,
In A speech delivered In Ohio a few
days ago Senator Sherman snltl that the
most important feature oC the political
campaign is tlio election of members of
the house of representatives of the
United States. It Is a great mistake ,
said the distinguished statesman , for the
people to think that what happens In
congress at Washington is too remote to
affect their interests. The action of. con
gress lu levying taxes for the support of
the national government , nnd In provid
ing money , whether coin or paper
money , ns the measure of value , affects
directly every Inhabitant of the t'liltctl '
States , whether poor or rich , whatever
may bo his employment , , whether a
laborer , a farmer , a capitalist or a busi
ness man. Every one , whether n pro-
lucer or a cous.iinor , Is deeply JiitoreHted
In the taxes he has to pay and hi the
money he receives or pays ,
In selecting members of I'OUWMS ' , said
Senator Sherman , the people consign to
them all their power over our relations
with the rest ot the world , over our c > h-
loin of taxation , requiring a revenue of
more than $4UOXRiOUU ( a year , over the
mtthie , value and tntiiiitliy of our
mmiey , over our eoiinnor'e.vil ! ftnolitn
p \ 'i rs and the several mat's , ovi-r our
treatment of our million of union
soldiers and their widows and orph.uis ,
over our nrmy aintl navy , our postal
facilities , , our public lands , our Inter
state railroads , our navigable rivers and
i's , and the vast and taricd industries
nearly 70,000,000 of people. lie-
I'erring to the avowed determination of
the democratic leaders to continue the
war on protection , Air. Sherman said :
"Business men are at a loss to know
Itow to conduct their business or what
shape this terror of legislation will take
during the next session. la tlio mean
time It Is open for your linal judgment.
I'hi- ' election of a republican house will
secure you from dangers that you have
so far escaped. " To the same purpose
spoke ex-Speaker Iteod hi JCew York
last Saturday. It Is pretty evident to
: iny sensible man , he said , that qnlot
mil certainty are not to bo hoped for In
lemocratlc success. On the other hand ,
the republicans are forced into such a
position that they must , for the next
two years , give to business that cer
tainly which it must have to do any
thing successfully. While the election
> f n republican house could not make
my change for tlio better from the ro-
[ > ullicnu point of view , It would have the
I'ffect to put a check upon tariff agita
tion and thus give the country a period
of rest , so necessary to the recovery of
business ami the return of prosperity.
If the democrats elect 1he house of
representatives of the Flfty-fonrlh con
gress and retain control of the woiiato ,
nothing is more certain than that they
will .sweep away nearly all Unit remains
if protection to American industries
md American labor. They would
naturally anil reasonably regard such n
result as a demand from" the people that
they should go on with the assault In
the protective policy and carry It out to
the full extent of their declared inten
tions. There can be no doubt as to
what response they would make to such
n demand , nor can there bo any doubt
sis to what the result would be. AVe
should have in Iiiteusilied form n re
newal of ilnaiu'ial distrust and business
depression , \\-itli vastly more serious
consequences 1o capital and labor than
have already been experienced. The
election in Novmber of n republican
house of representatives , however , while
It would not undo what has been done ,
for a democratic president and senate
stand in the way , would put a check
upon the avowed purpose of the dem
ocracy , for It would be a protest and a
warning which even "tho most radical of
that party would hardly be disposed to
Nebraska ought to send a full republi
can delegation to the Fifty-fourth con
gress. The republican candidates for
representatives tire sound on national
Issues , capable , and can bo depended
upon to carefully guard the Interests of
the state so far as they may be affected
by national legislation.
COItKXl \ ) STljVEH.
IJy way of showing the fallacy of the
claim persistently urged by the advo
cates of the free coinage of silver , that
the prices of commodities have been un
favorably affected by the so-called tie-
monctlzatlou of silver , nothing more
conclusive can bo cited than the course
of the price of corn , tliu first of all our
agricultural products In importance. If
it does not appear that the price of this
cereal has followed the fluctuations In
the price of silver It must be conceded
Unit the chief argumontof the free silver
men , the one upon which they mainly
rely for winning the agricultural pro
ducers to their cause , is unsound.
The market value of silver has de
clined almost steadily for a number of
years , duo to increasing production , the
exception to the rule being the specula
tive spurt upward immediately follow
ing the passage of the silver purchase
law of 1SX ! ) . The average value of the
bullion lu n silver dollar was 8(1 ( cents
In 1881 , in 1SST. a little more than 82
cents , and in 1880 not quite 77 cents. It
was under 715 cents In 1SS7 and below
71 ! cents In 188S. Thorp was a slight
decline of three-tenths of a'cent In 1SSO
and in 1890 the passage of tlio act re
quiring tlio purchase by the government
of nu amount of silver about equal to
the annual product Ion of the American
mines raised the price to 81 cents. The
average of IS')1 ) was about 70.4 cents
and in 381KJ the price fell almost to 07
cents. Last year the average price was
under G2 cents and this year It will
bo In the neighborhood of 50 cents. .Now ,
the price of corn has not followed these
changes , so that so fnr as this cereal Is
concerned It Is perfectly plain that Its
market value has not been Influenced
by tlio course of the market value of
silver. In New York the avcrngo prleo
of corn was G0.8 cents a bushel In 1881 ,
In 1SST ) ouly 5'U cents , and In 1BSU but
4S.4 cents , yet it rose to 50,0 cents In
1887 and fiT.H cents in l&SS , while silver
was falling. In 18SS ) the price gf com
dropped to.-13 cents a bushel , sliver re
maining almost unchanged , and In 1800 ,
when there AVIIB an advance In silver ,
which put it back about to tbe level of
18S3 , corn only advanced toJ8.1. . In
1891 silver wont down more than C pet
cent , Imt corn nrorngetl 70.4 cents , ad
vancing per cent lu 1802 the prlco
of corn was 5i cents , or Btlll above the
figures for 1800 , when silver wna
strong and over 0 per cent higher than
In 180 : ; . Last year the average price of
corn In the New York market was
cents a bushel , which was higher than
the prlee of 18SG , 18SO or 1SSK ) , wherena
silver was much lower than It had been
at any previous time ami about 23 per
cent below the market for 18E)0. ) Every
body knows that there Is not the slight
est relation this year between the mar
ket value of silver and the price of corn.
HomnrUlug upon these facts , which
are of olllclal record , a contemporary
suys : "L'nii ' any juggler with statistics
in the employment ot the mine owners
make such llgures lit the theory Hint
farm crops must sell in harmony with
the price of silver ? Is not every honest
student of the great question of money
mid prices driven to look elsewhere than
to the tluctuatlons In silver for nn ex
planation of the ups and downs of
corn ? " Ami wlmt Is true as to that
cereal applies with equal force to wheat ,
oats nmf every other agricultural prod
uct. There never was n greater fiction
than the da" n of the free silver men
that there is any relation between the
prices of these commodities and silver.
The Plxth congressional district has
practically been without a representa
tive In congress for the last four years.
Mr. Kent has been a cipher in all mat
ters In which his constituency was most
vitally concerned. It is precisely In
these local affairs , such ns land olilce
location , adjustment of land titles , boun
dary surveys , location of postal routes ,
that a congressman can render most
valuable service to his Immediate con
stituency. Very few members of con
gress have the ability to make them
selves heard or felt on national issues ,
and Mr. Kern certainly does not pretend
lo be a statesman of the first magnitude ,
AVluit this people of the Sixth district
need Is a wide-awake , energetic avid in
telligent representative who understands -
stands their wants and will devote him
self to their Interests. In this regard
Matt Daughei'ty is certainly superior to
Mr. Kem nud hi every way better quali
fied for the position to which he aspires.
Laying sill partisanship asitle , Mr.
Daiight'r.y won't ! dim1 t'ess ni'ke a moiv
etlk'ient member , and under the law of
the survival of the llttest he should be
American railway securities , but a
few years ago the favorite field for in
vestment for Ciormuu capitalists , will
with dllliculty recover from the shock
they have received from the exposure
of railroad mismanagement made in
the recent report of Dr. Von derJLeyen ,
the high Prussian official sent over to
investigate the causes of railway" bank
ruptcy. "While In the Tiulteil States Dr.
Von ( lor Leyen and his associates kept
the object of their visit us nec.rot as
possible , but they went about , their
work In u systematic manner , and , from
the abstract , of the report at hand , they
seem to have accomplished it with a
thoroughness nnd a minuteness that
cannot but curry conviction with it.
The conclusions , as might bo expected ,
are decidedly adverse to the soundness
of American railway securities , In fact
they constitute such tin arraignment of
our whole system of railway construc
tion and railway financiering as has sel
dom been had from any source.
By reference to the official statistics
the report shows that not over one-
third of all the outstanding stocks of
American iviilroads pay any dividend
whatever , and of those that , do pay
only n very small part make remunera
tive returns on the face value. With
bonds of so many gradations of prefer
ence It Is little wonder that ninny re
semble the stocks In the Intermittent
character of the Interest payments.
Formerly it was an unheard-of thing
for default to bo made on the Interest
of first mortgage .securities , but from
January 1 to June ' ! 0 , 18'J. ! , railroads
to the extent of nS2 ! ! miles , and from
July 1 to November I railroads with
10,7."il miles , and In the first ten months
of the past year railroads with 21i,0 % (
miles have gone into the hands of re
ceivers because they were unable to
meet their interest obligations. Tills
has been unprecedented , but neverthe
less from 1870 lo 1S80 there were 27't
roads , with a mileage of 31SGDU and n
capital stock of ? 2iri2,189r700 , foreclosed
on account of instilliclent Income to
meet fixed charges. The reason for thin ,
Dr. Von dor Leyeu Insists , lies In the
vicious system under which our rail
roads are built. Under this system a
road is constructed without reference
to its necessity or probable business.
It Is no matter whether It is useful , de
sirable or necessary ; whether the capi
tal stock Is requisite or whether the
payments are secured. The govern
ment takes no interest In the matter ,
oven to ascertain whether as much as 1
per cent of the subscribed capital stock
Is paid In , leaving tlio private projectors
uncontrolled until the road Is in work-
lug order. The stock , therefore , is sel
dom paid for at all ; It Is given as
bonuses to purchaser * ! of bonds or con
struction rings and represents nothing
but a speculative discount on the possi
bilities of the future expansion of
trallic. Iteferonce Is made to stock
watering and construction frauds and
special attention called to tlio many
unrelated businesses conducted by the
railroad coriKiratlonK. Many of them
own coal mines anil engage In mining.
Frequently they do a grain commission
business , for which purpose they have
large elevators along their HUM. They
engage in navigation. They administer
other railroads In territory distant from
their own. They aru interested In town-
site booms nnd land speculations. How ,
then , can the managers devote Iliclr at
tention to securing the funds necessary
to pay Interest on bonds promptly ? All
the other factors get profit out of one
ring or another , while the foreign bond
holder is absolutely at the mercy of the
unscrupulous directory.
Thwo things are not altogether un
known In this country , but to llio fier-
man capitalists wlio have put their
money lnto Amcrcan ! railway securities
they inust"bo""n , veritable revelation.
The report means that tlio 1'russlan
authorities-avlll not only not encourage
further Investments of this kind , but in
tend to dlscourngc them. It Indicates
to what nu Extent American railway se
curities hao been discredited every
where by dishonest railway manage
CHAltTKll Il
OMAHA , Oct. IB. To the Editor of The
Dee : The Nebraska legislature would ordi
narily pass such charter amendments ns
seemed reasonable to the growth of the city ,
and tlio welfare of Its Inhabitants , when
agreed upon In the mnln by said Inhabitants.
Iill ! when , as has been the cnso heretofore ,
curly In the session a committee ot EeemltiRlj-
respectable gentlemen from Omalia. appear
at Lincoln nnd demand such and such re
visions In the charter , and a portion of the
Dougtaa county delegation agrees that this
Is right and Just the thing , and then the
next day another set of seemingly as re
spectable citizen * of Omaha appear , nnd declare -
clare that the former delegation fcnew noth
ing about public , affairs , or are Interested
and biased for tlnlr amendments , and the
charter must bo LO and so , or all Ornnha
will kick , property bo ruined , and the poor
people taxed to death , no ono can wonder If
the members of the legislature become con
fused , and think that Omaha really does not
know what she wants herself.
If our people continue to be divided on the
issue , one declaring the charter must con
tain this and that provision , ami the other
demanding that the other fellows know noth
ing about charters. It Is no wonder at all
that the members of said legislature got con
fused ns to who are the real citizens , emi
nent lawyers , honest taxpayers of Omaha ;
that the judiciary committee of the leslsla-
turo throws a good deal of the work over
board as unconstitutional to set rlil of It
and that the whole body of law makers In
time get angry , and say : "Omaha be hanged
with her charter , she always kicks up a
muss every winter , takes up half the session ,
anil Is never satisfied then. "
Find out somehow , through your com
mittees or otherwise , Just what you want
and need , draw It up In plain English ; send ,
If you must , a few level-headed men to back
up your delegation in both house * , kceji the
rest at home , and In ull probability Omaha's
next charter will be an Improvement on the
present one. McM.
Ihere is a great deal of congealed
truth in this communication. The ques
tion is. how shall this periodical clash
bo obviated , It is notorious that the
be.Mt charters that have ever been
framed for Omaha have been mutilated
at the Instance of selfish corpor.Klnn
nmnager.s and contractors for public
workK. They have invariably incited
controversy and fomented division
among' our representative ! * Jn the legis
lature. They have even gone sci far as
to club honest itjemhera who dared to
stiiiul up for [ . of the city as
against frunchisid corporations. Only
a few days ago It wo of tbe best mom-
bets of the lust legislature were de
feated for ivnomiuatlon because they
held out against the threats and bland
ishments ofHielobby. . These men
were plainly * told that they werd not
wanted In the next legislature- because
they had offended the managers of the
franchlsctl cjorjwVations. This Is. the
true inwiirdij'sM ) of our charier- revision
troubled. , !
Senator IJrlce is" opposed to the en
trance of the Pacific railroads into the
proposed railway trust because he
thinks Mich pools are forbidden by
the law as it now stands.
Mr. Uriec has not been very ac
tively engaged in the practical opera
tion of railroads or he would not Inter
pose an objection of this kind. The
question of violating the law voiild not
come In for a moment's consideration
with any experienced railway manager.
The railroads liave been constantly try
ing to organize pools both before and
since the enactment of the Interstate
commerce law without reference to the
fuct that that law made pooling illegal. '
The question of the present proposed
trust is to them whether it can be made
to work successfully , not whether it is
prohibited by law.
The Philadelphia Press has It that
the administration Is trying to make
those southern and western democrats
who favor the free and unlimited coin
age of silver at the old ratio of ID to 1
believe that It Is with them on that
issue. In this the Press is certainly
mistaken at least so far as Nebraska
free silver democrats are concerned.
The administration here has not only
made no insinuations -that it agreed
with the free sliver men , but It lias left
no sUme unturned to Impress them with
the fact that it disagrees with them
from beginning to end. If democrats
lu any other slate are being misled on
the question of the administration's po
sition on free silver the situation In
Nebraska ought to at once put an end
to all ambiguity.
The promoters of ihe Platte river
canal project have organized for an ed
ucational campaign that will enlighten
the voters of Douglas county us to the
advantages to .be derived from the
canal and It * * , important bearing In re
gard to the Jijlure growth of Omaha.
While there lias talready a great deal
been said and written about the canal ,
thousands of'fvoters have not yet miule
up their mlKlls Oiow they will vote.
During the nVxf three weeks all thn
features of the.(1projpct will be fully and
freely discussal. Kvery intelligent cit
izen a gives J-luitj , something must be
done to stlmulatu-manufacturing indus
tries in tills cdtj-j r\ud \ vicinity , and there
is no doubt tl'iat ) the Platte canal would
cheapen powel-'aud double or treble our
inanuracturii'f \ ! "cllltles.
While the IOHH UTuned ( by tlio proprie
tors of the Morse-Coo company shoe
factory Is not to be underestimated , the
heaviest loss Is really that which
befalls the men and women who were
employed there and who now find
themselves without work or the Immedi
ate prospect of work. Most of
them have doubtless been fmgal and
saving nud will be able to look out for
themselves without appealing for out
side aid , but they will feel kin'iily the
cessation of the weekly wages. They
deserve every assistance toward secur
ing temporary employment which the
public can possibly give. The shoe
factory will certainly bo rebuilt and
their services will again be required.
T3icy must not be permitted to remove
from Oinnha from any Inability to tldo
over the interval.
The refusal , to grant the mnudnnnm
demntidcd by the Loulslann sugar
makers to compel the secretary of the
treasury to appoint Inspectors to keep
I rack oC the product with a view to as
certaining the bounty claim disproves
sonic of the allegations that were urged
against tlio appointment of Judge Me-
Comas to the bench of the District of
Columbia. When that name wns men-
Honed for the place protests worts Im
mediately made that Mr. MeComas was
not fitted for Judicial ollice because of
his Intense partisanship us .republican
representative from Maryland In the
house. It was represented that he
would look at every question through
partisan glasses nud would use his
power to promote parly measures. The
granting of this mandamus would have
seriously embarrassed , the democratic
administration and would , If alllriued ,
have formed sin Important step in the
rotmpositUm of-the sugar bounty. The
refusal to gi-anl it shows tlint Judge-
MeComas is nnt 1n be Influenced in his
Judicial decisions by considerations of
party politics nnd vindicates his selec
tion for the ollice.
rmii'liiililn Urnlor * .
Kx-i'resldcnt llairlson la by all oil da the
most forceful nml happy public speaker
In the United State * nt the piusetil time.
but Governor MoIClnley Is un ijxcollent
second. The ileiTwratlu parly contains no
orator who U the vquiil of either of these
mun. _ _
Shutter * the AVIIileU Drrntni ,
Could anybody have been wild enough
to dream n year nfro thiit In October of the
year of grace , 1X91 , Japan would bi > mnk-
Intr a foot ball of China nnd the planters
of Ijoulsiana asking McKlnlcy to K < > < lown
there and preach the republican gospel to
them ?
i'roacrvu tlm True In Italmu-o.
Bllnnenpnlls Tliw * .
When train robbers take JTiO.OOO from a
train In California nnd other train robbers
relieve a Virginia tialn of JIOJ.OOO , It Is
time that the protectionists were devlslns ;
an Interstale larlrT to preserve the truiJe
balance. What we want la a new tariff ,
with a string of customs houses nlong- the
Giving Ktluiuiti-il Imlluii * u Cluiuro.
In deciding to dispense with the aervlccs
of while InterpretiTR nt the various agen
cies and employ Innleutl Indian children
who have been educated at the expense of
the government , the commissioner of In
dian affaire Is taking a praiseworthy step.
Not only should Indians so educated b < -
better qiialllk-d for the woiK than the
whites , but they are likely to tUve greater
satisfaction lo the Indian tribes.
KxtctnlliiE : WOIIIXII'M Sphere.
Olil > c Democrat.
AVomcn will vote for a * late officer In
Illinois for the first time this year. The
last legislature passed a law granting them
the right of miffrnKe In ull elections held
for the purpose of choosing any ofllcer
under the general or special aws , uml this
Includes the superintendent of public In
struction and the trustee * of Ihe Slate
university. II seems likely Ihat the sex
will exercise Its new privilege to n consider
able exlent , not only because of the
novelly of It , but also with u view to promoting
meting Its extension to all elections.
OUT of niK onituf.tnr.
The United States uses nearly half the
quinine produced in tbe world.
In Japan the farmer who has more than
ten acres ot ground is considered a monopo
A , new Italian rifle will send a bullet
'through five Inches of tolld oalc at a. distance
ot 4,000 feet.
It Is an Interesting fact that only one
book devoted exclusively to aluminium has
been published In the United States , and that
Is now out of print.
A law In Norway prohibits anj- person
from spending more than 5 cents for liquor
at one visit to a public house , and alcoholic
stimulants are supplied only to sober persons.
The stock of wines , spirits , etc. , laid In for
a trip to England and back , on one of the
large Atlantic liners Is 2,500 bottles of wines
and spirits , 12.000 bottles of nle and porter
ara 6,000 bottls of mineral waters.
Ono of the curious occupations in the
world Is pursued In London. A woman will ,
for half a crown a pair , take new shoes and
wear them long enough to take off the light
stiffness that new shoes are apt to have.
In 1893 there were brought this country
diamonds of the value of $14.C20.CCO. The
diamond cutters of the United States are
ranked among the best In the world. The
first cutting machine was invented here in
The cap of the Washington monument ,
which forms the tip of its lightning rod. Is
a. pyramidal mas of aluminium , weighing
100 ounces. AVhen that was made the price
of aluminium was ? S a pound. It is now 00
to G'J cents a pound.
A workingman , Richard Latter , now living
In London , posiesses a beard ten feet In
length. To prevent the beard impeding his
work he plaits and conceals it beneath his
coat. Another famous beard professor Is
Louts Coulon , a sculptor , residing at Mont-
lucon , France. His beard measured some
time ago It may be longer at the present
time 7 feet CVS Inches.
Detroit Tribune : Sailor ( defiantly ) It will
take more lhan you to hold me , I'll tell you.
Cannibal ( slsnltk-antly-Oh ) , 1 shall Invite
a few friends.
Somervllle Journal : A full opening nt the
milliner's Is generally followed by a. winter
opening of many husbands' pocketbooks.
Flelgend Blaettur : "I told irty friend.
Emma , tinder promise of Ihe strictest se
crecy , that I am engaged to the lieutenant ,
nnd tlie spiteful thing actually kept the
secret. "
Vogue : Stdli Just look at MIST Desplilno
and Mr. Baldy over there ! Bliss 1'otter
Yes ; a romance of the middle nges , so lo
Washington Star : "Nebcr answer a black-
cvahd In 'Is own laguage. " said Uncle
Kben. "Jif1 you melts yohsef his echo , yoh
Invites contemp % even f um him. "
Adams Freeman : "My. " nald Ihe bald-
headed man , looking1 over the hairy heads
of Ihe foot ball learn , "how secure I would
feel with a few 1'ale locks ! "
Indianapolis Journal ; Hungry
Wol are you studyln * ubooul so ? XVcary
'Watklns f WBH jlst thlnkln' what a pity It
Is when a feller gits dead drunk he don't
Itnow iiothln' about how drunk he Is.
Atohison Globe : When a sentiment Is ut
tered on the stage that In not comp tmentary
to the character of men , nil wives look at
their husbands triumphantly.
Somervllle Journal : "Yes , " sild he
proudly , nnd everybody looked nt him with
new admiration , "yes , I was at Gettys
burg. " And then he added , after u pause :
"I went down there with nn excursion party
In the summer of 1892. "
Detroit Tree Prc s.
"I wonder if upon your heart
My name la writ , " wrote Fhe ;
And quickly he wrote back to her ,
"Why don't you look and eee ? "
Till' .
Klson AVattrmnn In Clilruea Journal.
Two ladles reach a utreet car
That has just one vacant seat ;
Kaon glances nt it nldewlse
While Ihey very warmly greet.
"You take It. dear ! " says one ; "No. you ,
I do not care to nit I"
"There now. It's Voura ! " the other adds ,
ri couldn't think of It ! "
"You're tired , dear , I know you are ,
So do be seated , pray. "
Thfi other says , "O , no , my love.
It cannot be thai way ! "
And thus they stand and bandy word }
Pop quite a. block or more.
But after while a truce la reached ,
The kindly tilt Is o'er. .
Hut just as Ihey decide which ono
Shall occupy the space. '
An able-bodied man slliis In
And ( Ills the empty placu.
There U n marked revival or business In
the train robbing line.
There nro several buckles loose In polit
ical cinches nowadays.
Toor old nreckltirldpe ! Pretty teen Sarah
Oess will read him out of the1 party.
Phil Thompson 1ms not been censured by
a church. Phil's mouth Is censure-proof.
No , Pauline , Mr. nrynn nnd Mr. Thurston
will not meet nt 1'hllllppl. They nro booked
for the Coliseum.
Tliero Is much satlsf.ictlon In the thought
tlint financial cnlnms cannot follow the voter
Into tlio ballot box.
Strausses are quite numerous In Kow York ,
but Ihey lo hoi necessarily show the current
of political opinion ,
These who Imagined ex-President Harrison
wns a political corpse must be astonished ( o
see liovv lively the ghost walks ,
Having recovered from his painful weari
ness , Mr. Wilson Is now grappling with po
litical gastronomy In London courses.
Dr. Holmes bciueathe | < ) $5,000 $ to tils grand
son , Edward Jackson Holmes. The rest of
the estate la left to his son , Judge Oliver
Wendell Holmes.
Mrs. Klock , who Is running for the legls-
lure In Colorado , 1s said to be. a weighty
stump speaker , second to none. She la
wound up for the campaign und shows no
signs of running down.
Governor Mitchell announces positively that
the Ccrbctt-K'ltKsluimons argument will' not
take placu In Florida. The goveinor has not
yet felt the persuasive influence of the
Dewalls o ( Jacksonville ,
Admiral Ito , the Japanese hero of the day ,
who Is known among his devoted sailors as
"tho Lean Admiral , " on account ol Ills ex
treme thinness , lias a daughter who la ono of
Japan's very few blonde beauties.
"Tho country Is going to the dogs"exclaimed
A defeated candldnto for the nomination.
"Glorious country , this ! " shouted the sue-
cessful candldate ; "nothing like It on the foot-
stool. " It makes u great difference whose ox
Is gored ,
George II. McClellon Is named to succeed
Hourko Cockran In congress. Not long ago
George remarked thai the way lo succeed
with Tammany was to curry the wool with
the grain. Ills promotion Indicates close
adherence to that policy.
Man ot peace though he was , the lalo Prof.
Swing lias suspended on the wall of his
study a celled Ion of baggersn \ bowle
knives that might have adorned a Kentucky
editor's sanctum , They were back of Ihe
desk on which lie composed his ser.imns nnd
directly before his eyes as lie wrote.
President Cleveland appears to bo some
thing of a "communist of pelf" himself. He
Is chairman of the board of trustees of the
Huzzard's Hay company , a combination which
announces In a circular that it has "cornered"
all "that remains available" of land along
the bay for n distance of eighteen miles ,
comprising some 3,000 acres.
The Minneapolis Tribune publishes an ab
stract of a letter from a writer In lied
Cloud , Neb. , concerning the drouth In Ne
braska , and preaches an editorial sermon
thereon warning settlers to keep away from
Nebraska , The Tribune Is unfair In Its
premises and unjust In its conclusions.
The drouth was not confined to Nebraska.
It extended through the central western
states. The writer recently passed through
central Iowa , northern and eastern Illinois ,
and western Indiana as far south as the
Ohio river , nnd he saw as much of the
blighting effects of the. drouth in any one of
the states named as can be seen In Ne
braska The truth Is , the drouth extended
from Lake Erie to the Rocky Mountains.
To assert that the consequent destruction
was confined to one state is a perversion
of facts which no reputable Journal should
consciously attempt.
Chicago Herald : Judge Woolson , in the
United States court at Omaha. ( Council
Bluffs ) , has Issued an order forbidding the
receiver of the Omaha & St. Louis railway
to cut wages. He says that the men are
entitled to fair pay from the revenues of the
road , and that the pay shall not be reduced
for the -purpose of saving money to pay the
debts of the Insolvent company. Lahor do-
clsons of the courts bit In all directions.
Globe-Democrat ; Judge Woolson of the
United States circuit court at Council Bluffs
In. , follows Judge Caldwell In deciding that
when a railroad is In the bunds of a re
ceiver , "the employes must be paid fair
wages , even though no dividends may be" "
paid. " Indeed , lie goes a step further , and
decides that employes cannot be discharged
to mate room for men who are willing to
work lor less money. The labor agitators
have a great deal to bay about the alleged
partiality of the courts toward corporations
but certainly decision * of this kind df > not
Justify such a view.
Atlanta Cjnstltutlon ,
Keep on hopln' for the best ;
When the sun gees down the west.
Jou Jest wipe your weepln' eyes
Purty soon you'll gee him rise !
Twinklln * through the dark an' dew
Wern't sunshine made for you ?
Keep on hopln' for the best ;
hen the dark comes , take your rest-
When the mornln' breaks , Jest take
All the sunshine they can make !
There's a llvln1 line o' blue
In the stormiest slty for you !
Keep on hopln' for the best
I'ln the roses on your breast I
In the woods the violets blow ,
Chlrpln' swoct the sparrows go :
Hy the good Lord all are blest-
Keep on hopln' for the best !
CRNTRIt. Nfb. , Oct. 15. To the Kdltor ot
The lleo : In your Fremont speech you
quoted from Congressional Record , voluma
14 , part Iv , pngon 3,217 to 0.282. Parties hero
have claimed that the language you quota
is , not In snltl Record. Will you kindly get
us this record , that we may have the proof.
OEOIIOK A. Slllitli , Treasurer.
The parties who challenge the correctness
of tlio quotation from tlio volume ot th
Congressional Record cited In tlio Fremont
speech ore Impostcrs. The bound volumeot
the Congressional Record , containing th
quotations made from the reportof tlio Ju
diciary committee of the .house of repre
sentatives concerning the conduct of Thomm
J. Majors nnd his accomplices In palming
a forged census return upon congress wai
exhibited at Lincoln to nn audience of 2.500
people. The supporters of Mr. Majors wen
not only Invited lo Inspect the volume , but
requested to rend the report of the Judiciary
committee to the audience , The same WAS
done nt York nnd Ilradshaw last week , and
at both these places this public document
remained on the platform for1 Inspection after
the speaking liad censed. Both at York and
Brndslmw n number of Majors republicans
availed themselves of the Invitation to In
spect the record nnd verify the contents aa
read and published. While It would be Im-
pracllcablo for The Bee to procure a bound
volume of the Congressional Record of tha
Forty-seventh or any oilier congress for each
town and village In the state , the volume
quoted from can doubtless bo found In the
stnto library nnd several other public and pri
vate libraries , Majors himself -has never
dared to call In question the correctness ol
the quotations cited from the Congressional
Record , but simply has sought lo make- light
of the offense for which the committee
asked the atlorney general of the United
States and the prosecuting attorney of the
District of Columbia to Institute criminal
proceedings. See Congressional' Record , pag
3,252. February 24 , 1883 ,
THI- : .
Kansas City Journal : The recommendation
ot an Increse In tlio army as recommended
by Ocneral Schofleld will attract wide at
tention nnd comment.
Whether the army Is strong enough In
numbers is a question that will bear discus
sion ns a practical measure , and we nro not
now prepared lo decide It one way or another.
Hut there Is one feature of the recommenda
tion of the commanding general that needs
no study or dlscuslon to any well balanced
American mind that understands the prin
ciple upon which human liberty rests. Hlg
recommendation that the army may be In
creased at the discretion or will of the pres
ident is a departure from the safeguards ot
liberty that wo are surprised to see In a
grave public document from any department
of the government.
Chicago Record ; Coming from the head
of the nation's military forces , thU warning
must bo deemed worthy of consideration , and
It behooves the War department to make nn
effort to see whether or not General Scho-
field's counsels should be followed. There
Is a wholesome prejudice In this country
against the establishment and maintenance
of any military force other than that neces
sary to command the respect of other nations
and preserve peace In time of Internal dls-
senslons. If this prejudice Is to bo over
come General Schofleld must first explain
how far cither of the dangerous contingen
cies ho mentions is probable. And then ho
must tell how nnd where the limit is to bo
fixed In Increasing the national military
power to adequate proportions without sad
dling the extravagance of a useless standing
army upon the nation. The main
question then U whether or not the general
has not overestimated the dangers If civil
uprisings nnd riots. Tills Is the point which
the War department should most consider.
And the matter must be studied , too , in the
full appreciation of the cold logic that If ever
the tlmo comes when peace In this country
cannot bo secured by civil processes and must
be maintained by militarism which has al
ways to be constantly strengthened in pro
portion as It grows more oppressive this
will cease to bo a republic In spirit , whatever -
ever it may be in form.
An accident company that can
fl'iimc ( weresourcesmnhownIn
F'1/ ( -3
anyItuilriuicoreport ) |
That does pay claims { 'Ocr ° It7a ? irrll
That gives the best accident
policy ever written ' , $
at homo ofllce ) |
A S10ooo policy a clean ,
liberal contract for $24 a
J20 , 111 t 131 OROAOWAY , NEW VOKK.
OtuntH n. Pmrr , WK. Duo. SMITH
President. Becretair.
T. C. BROWNLEE , State Apcnt
C03 1st National Bank Bldg. , Omaha ,
rovn oiosKvs nuitxii on I'ouit ntoxjir
Dollar a. Hat.
That's the plain
est statement we
ever made. We
mig-ht add , how
ever , that you can
have either a soft hater
or a stiff hat for a
dollar. They say
we're crazy to sell thorn at a dollar but that's
our business it's your business to own a hat like
this for a dollar every chance you get this is an
exception that won't be regular at a dollar. You
may say what you pleasa about it , but you can't
say but you are getting the greatest bargain in a.
hat for a dollar that you ever struck.
Browning , 'King & Co
llcllublc Clothiers , S. W. Cor. 15th anil