Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 16, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    M riATATTA A TT.V T TT7' . mTTT7' A "VAr rnr\T > TOr > 1/ >
Detlvmd ty carrier to any part of lh elly.
H. W. TILTON , teuee.
TELEPHONES UuilntM cilice , No. 43 ; n ! ht
editor , No. 23.
Mayno Real Hslate Agency. G30 Broadway.
Iot to trade for horse and buggy. Green-
shields. Nicholson & Co. , GOO Broadway.
George II. Oablo will Rive a political ad
dress In the Clark school house Friday even-
Ing. at 8 o'clock.
Abe Lincoln post Is arranging for a ball
on nc.xt Monday evening , to take place In
Grand Army hall.
Emllo P. Hauffman , aged 22 , and Annie
Kramm , aged 21 , both ot Mills county , took
out a license to marry yeitorday.
Judge McGee opened the October term of
the superior court yesterday morning and
made assignments for the term.
Ex-Governor Boles will deliver an address
at the opera house Thursday evening on the
political Issues as viewed by one ofthfl faith.
C. D. Walker died of heart trouble yester
day afternoon at 5 o'clock at his home , SOS
Avenue E , aged 57 years. Funeral notice will
be given later.
Ueciilar meeting of Bluff City lodge No.
17 , Ancient , Free and Accepted Masons , this
evening , and work In thc > Klrst degree. AH
Masons cordially Invited , 0. C. Case , mas
Charles Lelghuo was bound over to the
grand Jury yesterday on the charge of lar
ceny from n building. He stole a horse ,
wagon and load of corn from a farmer In
Garner townnhlp. Ills bond was fixed at
Michael Whetstone and D. W. Klrkendall ,
accused of malicious mischief In cutting
timber on thn land of James Murphy , six
miles south of the city , near the Missouri
river , will have a hearing tomorrow In Jns-
tlco Fox's court. They are In Jail In default
of $200 ball.
The Sunday School Workers union will
not meet this evening , postponement having
been mode until next Tuesday evening , by
which Unto It Is expected the census of the
pity will he completed and n report can be
made showing Iho number of children attend
ing Sunday schools and the number of non-
Will Marshall , who thought his bicycle was
stolen at the foot ball game Saturday , has
found It. A friend or his found It , and
as there seemed to be no one about , thought
the dwner had forgotten It. lie did not
know towhom It belonged , and so looked in
The Dee Sunday morning to find out. The
ndlct VMS the means of reuniting the young
man and hla wheel , and life has a more
roseate hue.
John Corrothers , the veteran engineer and
electrician nt the electric light station , came
up to town last evening for the time In
n year while the machinery of the station
was running. The reason was that he asked
uoine titno ago to be permanently relieved of
his duty , and hla request was granted , taking
effect last night. Ills brother-in-law. Ed
Cramer , who has been with him for many
years , takes his place. Mr. Corrothers haa
had charge of the station for more than ten
years , and has been the personification of
faithfulness and trustworthiness.
We are sole city agents for several of the
oldest and strongest fire Insurance companies
In the world.Vo also negotiate farm loans
at the lowest possible rates. Lougee &
Toivlo , 235 Pearl street.
l.-fc Bourlclua' music house has few expenses ;
I AL hl8h 8racl0 P'anos ' are sold reasonably , lie
l * " * Stutsman street.
UeVol'n , ilr Tight
Heaters are nt the head. They nro con-
Btructcd on scientific principles. All prices.
CO ! Broadway.
New sterling sliver novelties , very beauti
ful and stylish , at Wollmaii's , 40S Broadway.
UeVorn Air 'light
Heaters are at the head. They are con
structed on scientific principles. All prices.
COt Broadway.
t _ _ _
Pcasleo's ' celebrated ale and porter now
on draught at Grand hotel bar.
Eagle laundry. 721 Broadway , far ccod
work. TI. 157.
Havana Freckles clgar.UavIs , wholesale agl.
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
J'-KltSOSAL 1'A It A lilt.t Pll S.
li.V. . Uussell of Glenwood is at the Grand.
J. C. Mitchell , of tha Northwestern , Is In
Dea Jlolncs.
J. L. Mable of Sioux City Is among the
guests of the Grand hotel.
I.uku n. Mil hen has gone to Ann Arbor ,
Mich , , to complete his studies.
Born , to Mr. and Mrs. Brougham Steven
son , 308 North Twenty-first street , a daugh
Mrs. L'ora EldEijn has bsen calljJ to Qu'ncy
III. , by a , announcing the cerlcus 111
ness of her sister.
Mrs. at. Polshy and daughter , Miss Uuth
Vivian , are visiting her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs.
A. Mark a , on Fourth street ,
Charles G. Ilobb. who formerly lived on
South Seventh street. In this city , Is hero In
the Interest of the Llbb'y Glass company , of
Toledo , 0.
Miss Addle Sherman KOCH to Oedar Rapids
this week to attend the wedding of Miss
Jessie French , -who Is well known In this city.
She will also spend a couple of days visiting
Miss Sable Amy Clark In Chicago.
Dr. J. M. Barstow has received olllclal no-
tlco of his appointment as surgeon of the
first brigade- , with the rank of lieutenant
colonel , on the staff of General II. II. Wright.
This makes him the third medical officer In
rank In the state.
Miss Jessie FUrnsworth left Sunday even
ing for Now York , where she will leave In
a few days , In company with Miss Anna
Bowman , for a European tour. Mrs. S.
Farnsworth leaves today for the same place ,
und will accompany them on their trip.
Mrs. II. J. Gallagher and children , who
have been visiting- her parents , Mr. and Mrs.
Henry Paschel , on Willow avenue , for the
past two weeks , en route to Washington ,
D , O.which will bo their future home , left
last evening for a. visit with relatives In the
eastern part of the county ,
Is your cookery faulty ? The fault la not
always with tha flour. Look to th& baking
powder ! Use Dr. Price's and you will have
no trouble.
Almost Fatuity A phyxt tc < l ,
Annie Uonnegan , an old lady of Savannah ,
III. , and Angelina. Venter , a mlddlo-aged ono
from Oxford , la. , made an astonishing dis
covery yesterday morning to the effect that
Bas was not made to be blown out. They
came In from the west Sunday evening nnd
stopped at the Transfer hotol. They were
shown to room 65 and retired about 9
o'clock , after cirefully seeing that every
spark ot llama had been blown off that
llttlo brass business that stuck out from the
vail. A groan and the sound of a heavy
body falling- was heard about S o'clock In
the morning , and the night watchman , on
Investigation , found the younger woman
lying on thd floor of the upper corridor , with
her head projecting over the head of the
stairs. The elder woman lay on the bed In
side the roam , and both were unconscious.
Owing to tha fact that the window had been
left open , the lives ol both were not gone
beyond recall , and the coroner was cheated
out of a job. They left for the east during
the day.
Selected hard wood for heating stoves.
H. A. COX. 3T Main street. Tel. 13.
Tbe laundries tta Domestic soap ,
J. t" . llnfTuiiijr lunrjr 1'iitrnt ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
Made by the oldest milling arm In the west ,
makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. Aik
your grocer tor It. Trade mark : "Blue
llooster. "
Wanted 10 horses to board on the late
T. P , Treynor farm , 614 miles cast of Council
Bluffs. J. Vf. Carothers. Hi Fourth street.
Qis cooking stove * tor rent and ( or ial * t
Qii Co. ' * ocic ,
> VVubtrwomen UM Domestic soap , t
Southwestern Iowa's Trait Drop Being
Placed on tha Market.
Shippers of tha Stnto Sending Their Product
to All I'nrli nf the Union , Though
tha Output I * Bilil : to
llo Limited.
In spite of the fact that this has been a
poor year for fruit , southwestern Iowa Is
again to the front with evidence that It la
right nt the head. W. J. Davenport of the
Burlington road yesterday put on exhibition
a barrel of assorted varieties which are as
near perfect as can be In point of quality.
Loot month 108 carloads arrived hero from
Kansas City and Burlington points In this
vicinity , and so tar this month there have
been ICO cars. Sunday morning alone twenty
carloads were received , bound for almost
every state and territory west and north
west of here.
Mr. Davenport Is anxious to see the cus
tom of having fruit exhibits every year
started In Council Bluffs , An association
could bo formed among the fruit groworo of
southwestern Iowa which would be large
enough to attract the attention of buyers all
over the west. The exhibit would bring the
buyers to this city In large numbers , and
the advantage of being represented In the
exhibit would be of sulllclent Importance to
cause the members of the association to hang
together. A flue exhibit could be had every
year when the crops are as good as "they are
thla year , and not only Council Bluffs but
the whole southwestern part of the state get
a great deal of enviable notoriety.
1'Lotm. n.otm.
pcclnl l-'Iour tfnlo tills \Vvck nt llrown'g
C" . O. IJ.
In order lo make room for 2,500 sacks of
flour due to arrive on the 20th of this month ,
wo will make the following low prices , for
this week only :
Brown's C. 0. D. Patent , the best flour
made , and a souvenir in every sack , goes this
week for 85 cents.
Garland , the well-know brand that was
awarded the medal nt the World's fair , goes
at 90 cents.
Acme , made from the best Kansas hard
wheat , 80 cents a suck.
The genuine Buffalo flour , only 75 cents.
Trusty , a good family flour , 65 cents.
Itellablo Hour , only 50 cents.
Ityo graham , 40 cents a sack. Rye flour , 40
cents a sack. Wheat graham , 20 cents. Corn
meal , 1C cents a sack.
Remember these prices are for this week
only. BROWN'S C. O. D. ,
Council Bluffs , la.
L'amp.ilRii Appointments.
Chairman T. C. Dawson of the republican
county central committee has Just com-
pletcd a list of appointments for speakers
during tlio campaign. Here It Is :
C. G. Saunders Monday , October 15 ,
Macedonia ; Tuesday , 'IGthi ' , Center school
house , Wnveland township ; 17th , Whlpple
school house , Waveland township ! 18th , Cen
ter school house , Lincoln township ; 20th ,
Center school house. Boomer township ; 22d ,
Hancock ; 23d , Center school house , York
township ; 21th , Center school house , James
township ; 25th , Mlnden ; 2Cth , Frum school
house , Pleasant township ; 27th , Davis school
house , Hardln township ; 30th , Crescent
City ; 31st , Loveland.
Judge George Carson Thursday , October
E , Grange hall , Garner township ; 2Cth , Cen
ter school house , Washington township ; 27th ,
Carson ; 30th , Crescent City ; 31st , Loveland ,
"W. S. Dalrd Thursday , October 25 , Grange
hall , Garner township.
C. M. Harl Thursday , October 25 , MIndcn ,
2Clh. Prum school house. Pleasant township ;
27th , Carson ; November 6 , Oakland.
John Llnut Wednesday , October 21 , Cen
ter school house , James township.
T. It. Bardsley Wednesday , October 17 ,
Center school house , Lincoln township.
Colonel D. B. Dalley Saturday , October
20 , Institute school house , Lewis township ;
2Cth , Center school house , Washington town
ship.C. .
C. H. Converse Saturday , October 20 , In
stitute school house , Lewis township.
11. W. Heeson Monday , October 22 , Cen
ter school house , Center township ; 23d , school
house No , G , Grove township.
W. E. Balnbrldge Monday , October 15 ,
Macedonia ; 22 < l , Center school house. Center
township ; 23d , school house No. 5 , Grove
Hon. J. L. Build Friday , October 19.
Ncola ; 23d. Oakland.
Now * from Now York.
Our Mr. Whltclaw , being now In New
York , advises us of the tremendous drop In
prices of dry goods caused by the new
scale of prices that go Into effect January 1 ,
1S95. Manufacturers are trying to unload
their surplus stock ut a great sacrifice.
Being- among the eager buyers , he could not
resist the- temptation of being able to give
the people of Council Bluffs goods at manu
facturers' prices , so bought heavily. Fifty-
cases of these goods arrived last week. The
latter part of this week will see the balance
of these goods unpacked and ready for Im
mediate delivery to our patrons , who can
expect big bargains In our line. Watch
the dally papers for our prices , which cannot
bo duplicated.
"Boston Store , "
Council Bluffs , la ,
l > a Wntch Clothing ?
The old , old case ot Beach against Wood
ward was brought up once more In Judge
Macy's court yesterday by means of a. sup
plementary petition by the plaintiff , who
was awarded Judgment some time ago
against the defendants , to have the defend
ants required to come Into court and testify
as to what property they had , The plaintiff
claims that each one has a watch , which , If
sold , would bring In something. The de
fendants , on the other hand , claim that a
watch Is a. part of a man's wearing apparel
and therefore exempt from execution. Alter
the court had heard the decisions on the
point he took the coso under advisement , re
marking as he did so that It seemed to him
as though a watch ought to be considered as
much a part of the wearing apparel as cuff
buttons or other similar articles of Jewelry ,
and he should so decide unless the decisions
should very clearly contradict his view.
This morning the two cases ot Landls and
Fllcklnger against the Omaha Bridge and
Terminal Railway company will be up for
trial. The plaintiffs are suing for damages
by reason of the defendant running Us line
ot track In front of their property on
Eighteenth street , near Avenue B.
The trial of the cases on the criminal calendar -
endar will bo taken up Wednesday.
Alas the poor dyspeptics ! What trials they
have ! They would have none at all If they
would cat food cooked with Dr. Price's
Cream Baking Powder.
C'licohy Tlilovod.
Mr. Stevens of Omaha , has had his boat ,
the "Carrie , " tied In front of the Rowing
association boat house at Manawa during
the past summer. Itwas the largest and one
of the finest sail boats on the lake. Last
Saturday ho went to the lake and found the
boat missing. He Instituted a search , and ,
after going the lake over , at lust found the
boat tied near Wright's landing , on the
south stele , with the sail neatly folded and
the masts taken down and securely tied to
the keel. It was all ready to be shipped ,
and had Mr. Stevens been a little slower
about finding out what had been done ho
would probably have stood but little show of
ever seeing It again. The job Is supposed lo
have been done by the samp gang that stole
the sails off of tno other sail boats at the
lake last week.
Domestic patterns can now bo had at
Vavra's new dry goods store , 142 Broadway.
Domestic soap outlasts cheap soap.
Dry pine kindling for tUe. Cheaper than
cobs. II. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telephone.
lirolcn u l.cif.
Dan Clancy , an expressman , was loading
a piano Into a wagon yesterday afternoon ,
With , the assistance of two other men , -when
he lost his grip and Iho piano fell with all
Its weight upon his let ; , fracturing the mem
bei between the knee and the hip. He was
carried to his homo on Hast Broadway ami
medical old was summoned. Ho has n wlfo
and several small children In stringent cir
coiTs oiniit : ; AND IIEIIII TONIC.
1h King of All Temperance Hrvrrngos n
I'erfrct SulHtllutu for I.HRcr Ilcor.
Can be sold -without license , either govern
ment or state : dealers guaranteed by In
demnifying bond ? . Endorsed by leading phy *
s'clans , judges nnd ministers. Wheeler ft
Hcreld , Council Bluffi , In. , are the sole man
ufacturers In the United States. Thousands
of testimonials. Write for prices and In
Crofton , Neb. . Sept. 29. Wheeler & Her-
ctd. Council Bluffs : Please send mo by
freight eight cases Copps Cheer to Yankton ,
S. D , The goods glvo very good satisfaction.
I would like to have exclusive sale. J.
J. Carmlchnol , general store.
COUNCIL ULUFFS , Oct. 6. I have care
fully examined the sample of Copps Cheer
and the sample of Herb Tonic , nnd beg to re
port tfio finding of less than 1 per cent of
alcohol In cither. A. D. Foster , Chemist.
We must admit that the president , whether
we agree with him or not , writes tersely ,
Ills language Is as plain as the high qual
ities of Dr. Price's Cream Beklng Powder.
.To'io .Madn n ontic.
Josle Hulbert Long was In police court
yesterday morning , cliargsd with using obscene -
scene language. Officer Martin , who ar
rested her , told his story , during which Hul
bert seemeil scarcely able to restrain her
wrath. When the officer had said his piece
she startled the spectators by opening a
volley of Billingsgate that has never been
equaled In the history of the Council Bluffs
police court. Judge McGee tried to hush her
up by threatening to have her removed , but
she was Irrepressible , and tne profanity and
obscenity that flowed from her lips caused
a blush to overspread even the features of
the deputy marshal , who grabbed her and
hustled her off to the shy parlor In the city
jail. She fought , bit anil scratched all the
way to her boudoir , which she will Inhabit
$25.70 worth. The case of Jeff Green , who
was arrested at the same tlmo with her , was
continued until this morning ,
Hog cholera preventive nnd cure by Dr.
Jefferls , Fletcher avenue , Council Bluffs ;
will stop the disease In ona hour. Trial
bottle , $1.
School Hoard Meeting.
The school board mot last evening with
President Field and Directors Snydcr ,
Drldensteln , Fonda and Moore present
Chairman Brldensteln of the committee on
teachers reported that he had appointed two
new teachers , Ona Kendall and Mamie
Oliver. The appointments were confirmed.
Superintendent Sawyer reported the at
tendance as follows : Boys , 1,841 ; girls ,
1,950 ; total , 3,791 ; average-number belonging.
3.674 , a gain of 200 over September of last
The bond of II. O. McGee as treasurer
was referred to the president for correction ,
to make the amount $200.000 Instead of $100- ,
000 , and to run to the district Instead of the
county , and the president was Instructed to
ascertain whether E. E. Hart had the author
ity to blgn the name of J. D. Edmundson us
For fine special upholstering and the best
hair mattresses go to the Council Uluffs Car
pet company.
Stole a dun.
Charles Frost , C. D. Simpson and C. F.
Neal , all of Omaha , went to Manawa Sunday
to hunt , They took a keg of liquid ammu
nition nlonc. and -while there made the ac
quaintance of Joe Buchel , who \\orks , when
ho works at all , for Georga Drake , In the
meat business. The three fellows were so
ciable , their liquor was refreshing , their
dinner was good , and Buchel froze to them.
While the three Omaha men were down
taking a pull at the keg , Buchel made off
with the gun nnd did not turn up until
yesterday morning , when he was found In a
haymow In the eastern part of the city ,
with the gun In his possession. Ho was ar
rested and locked up In the city Jail on the
charge of larceny. The gun was a valuable
one. Frost , Its owner , claiming to have paid
$85 for It.
Just received , a new invoice of all the
latest styles In millinery at Miss Hagidalo's ,
10 Pearl street.
The talk among the whist players of
Council Bluffs Is now about an Interstate
contest , to bs held some time during the
winter. Nearly all the towns of any size In
the western part of Iowa and the eastern
part of Nebraska , have their whist clubs of
varying size and skill , and It Is the- purpose
of those having the contest In charge to In
terest them all , A team of four members
will probably go from here prepared to do
deadly work with all the other clubs thai
may try to compete. The Council Bluffs
club has whipped everything In sight so far
and announces that It Is ready for atill
others to get In sight as soon as convenient
The ladles of the First Presbyterian church
will take orders for comfortables and quilts
of all kinds and sizes. Leave orders with
Mrs , Walter I. Smith , 12G South Seventh
Improvcmcnti ! for .Munhnitun lloach.
B. II. OJell of the Manhattan Beach Improvement -
provement company yesterday closed a con
tract wth a local
nurseryman for 500 ever
green trees to bo used In ornamenting Man
hattan park , Forty acres of ground have
been graded off and made Into a park , and
the trees will be planted this fall. In the
spring grass seed will be sown and the park
will make one of the great attractions at
the laJe next summer.
Foil Thirty I'eot.
Frank Lang , a painter , was working yes
terday afternoon at the home of his brother-
in-law , Henry Meyer , on Benton street ,
when a scaffolding on which he was standing
gave way and hurled him to the ground , a
distance of thirty feet. In the fall one of
his legs was broken near the hip. He was
moved to the Woman's Christian association
Kxpeimlve Corn ,
A man giving his name as M. Hlckey
went Into Ben Marks' cornfield at Manawa
Sunday night , and , loading up a wagon
of th ? fruit was making off with It when he
was overhauled , He was given a trial be
fore a local justice yesterday and was given
the alternative of paying a fine of $50 or
staying in the county Jail sixty days.
Premier egg cups at Lund Bros.
Neero Taken from Jail and Hunped l > y n
Mob of Forty Men.
PRINCETON , Ky. , Oct , 15. Will S.
Griffey , a negro , who was brought here t\vo
weeks ago from Christian county for safe
keeping , was token from the county Jail
last night about 12 o'clock and hanged two
miles south of town ,
Griffey assaulted Miss .Lena Berry , the
adopted daughter of a wealthy Christian
county couple , whlla she was on her way
home from church four -weeks ago. Ho was
not captured for two weeks , the matter being
kept quiet until ho was arrested. The mob
consisted of about forty men , all of whom
rode forty miles to do their work. They
came Into town so quietly that only the
Jailor's family knew they were on hand.
They searched the house and found the hey ,
after which they took the man out with a
rope about his neck anil carried him away.
The body was found this morning swinging
to a limb of a tree growing In the middle of
the Cadiz road , It had been mutilated , con
taining several bullet holes.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou
bles. Trial size , 25 cents. All drugglits.
llrlilgo Suptrlnlvnilrnts ID Mm.
KANSAS CITY , Oct. 1C. The American
International Aesoclatlcn of Hallway Super
intendents of Bridges and Buildings \tlll be
gin Its fourth annual meeting at the Coates
house tomorrow. Over 100 superintendents
from the eastern tales and Canada will be
1'iicer Crawford Deud.
DUBOIS , Pa. , Oct. 15. The pacer Crawford -
ford , 2:074 : , U dead.
* i
> i
Water Works Bonds Carried by 'a Practically
Unanimous Vote.
Justice Simp Krrp * Open Nlulit * to SoUlc
Mnlrlinnnlitl Infellrltlr * of Dunlnp Clll-
7cim Driy Not I.oiiq I'uotiQli ( n
Hear All of the Talrif Uoo.
DUNLAP , In. , Oct. IB. ( Special Telegram. )
This has been nn Important day In the his-
lory of the city. A vote for bonding the
town for a water works system was taken
and carried almost unanimously. The women
wore extended tlio right of franchise , and
throughout the day they were seen wending
their way to the voting station. There la n
large equality club here , and nt n
mass meeting last Friday night , called to
aRltato the water works question , one. of the
ladles nude n speech , stating her position on
the question. Tlie town Is almost certain to
take a stride forward now and real estate
no doubt raise 25 per cent In the next
few weeks.
The Dunlap Milling company , who were
burned out a short time ago , will , In all
probability , rebuild , mid other substantial
Improvements w.ll be mode.
Justice Decker has been busy today hear
ing evidence In cases Involving matrimonial
disturbances. His court Is open tonight to
flnlsh hearing some of the testimony.
Catherine ; of tlicM.monlr J'rutrrnlly
of I on a.
JIOIXES , Oct. 1C. ( Tele
gram. ) One of the most notable gatherings
of the Masonic fraternity ever held In Iowa
began here today and will continue In session
for flve days. Prominent nobles of the
Mystic Shrine and members of the Scottish
Kite from all parts of the state arc In at
tendance. Special trains arrived this morn
ing bearing large delegations from Dumique ,
Cedar Rapids , Council muffs , Davenport and
Marshaltown. ] The convention was called to
consider and act upon a number of questions
of vital Importanc * to the order In the Hawkeye -
eye state. This morning was devoted to n
meeting of the Cl Kah.r . temple. A. A. O. ,
nobles of the Mystic Shrine , followed by a
grand parade of the Shrlners at noon. This
evening 150 applicants from all parts of the
state will be Initiated Into the mysteries of
tha Arabic order. A grand banquet at the
Savery will follow the bus'ness ' session this
evening , and It Is expected that the -100 or
more Shriners will be entertained most
As la Tnlmr's Bnullpux "c.ire.
TABOH , la. , Oct. 15. ( Special. ) Corre
spondents In several towns around Tabor
seem to take especial delight , either through
Ignorance or a desire to bo sensational , In
reporting several new cases of smallpox at
Tabor every day or two. There has been
but seven cases of smallpox or varlolo d , all
told , five of which are now convalescent , al
though yet under strict quarantine. Through
these unreliable reports the towns around
Tabor have established quarantlno ngaliibt
Tabor. Therefore the physicians of Tnbor
have Issued the following statement of facts :
TAItOH , la. , Oct. 13.--To Whom It May
Conceiu : Jn view of the many conflicting
Htorles circulated abroad concerning the
smallpox raf = en of Tabor , w > . the under
signed pl siclans cf Tabor , make the follow
ing statement :
There have been but werf cases of small
pox und vnrlolold In Tabor up to the present
time. In the Swartiniiu family , where the
disease first appeared , there hnvo been four
cases Mr. Swiutmun and three children.
Only one case in the above family is
Humcil a malignant form. This family Is
now convalescent. In tlio 'Thomas family ,
icsidlntr next dcor to-Swartman's. one vase
haa appeared up to date. thnl of a young
son , who Is Retting- along nicely , mid- the
family Is under strict quarantine. Another
case , n. doubtful one , however , was that of
Samuel Shulllor. who la now convalescent.
Uhe last case to appear , and the most reveie
of the seven cases , was thut of a man who
came to Tabor about three weeks n o from
Nebraska. About ten days after coining to
labor the man was taken down with gen
uine smallpox. He was at once quaran
tined , as also were the persons living In the
same house. He Is now Betting Along as
well as could be expected.
No other persons have shown any Indi
cations of having contracted the disease.
No deaths have occurred In Tabor from
varlolold or smallpox.
j. T. Tw-nnov , M. n.
H. C. M'KITHIC'K. M D. .
„ , Health Olllcer.
Subscribed nnd sworn to before me this
13th day of October , 1831 , by J. T. Tweedy
and S. C. McKllrlck.
( Seal. ) L. J. NKTTU4TON.
Notary 1'ubllc.
"uprrnin Court I opinion * .
DUS MOINES , 0t. 15. ( Special Telegram. )
The supreme court decisions handed down
today were as lollows : Ora Walters Gates
against L. A. Wilkinson ct al , appellants ,
Polk district , affirmed ; K. A. Ingcrsoll ct al
against \Voodley I lay ward , appellant , Hoone
district , reversed ; Mary M. Davis , plaintiff
and appellant against AVilllam Davis , defend
ant and appellant , M. W. Levy , administrator
of estate of Nelson Davis , Cedar district ,
anirmcd ; Josiah P. Quincy. appellant , against
Nicholas Gulsbach et a ) , reversed ; John
Tally , administrator , against the City of At
lantic , appellant , Cass district , reversed ;
Jacob Dlshong against Iowa Life and Endow
ment association , appellant , Mehaska dis
trict , reversed.
The chanjplon base ball pennant will go
to i . . . ? The championship for excellence
In J baking powder has gone to Dr. Price's
most perfect made.
Hut Cloak Makers Arc Coiiflilmil of a. Sue-
ccsifnl Knillni ; of Tholr htrlko ,
NEW YOnK , Oct. 15. The cloak manufacturers -
facturers have determined to resist the de
mands of the striking cloak makers and to
refuse to make any of the concessions the
workmen demand. It was unanimously
agreed that no manufacturer would make
any concession or compromise with the
strikers without the consent of all. Some
of the speakers tald they would rather go
out at business than accede to the demands
of the strikers.
The executive committee of the striking
cloak makers claim that 3,000 of their mem
bers liavo returned to work , under the terms
specified In the Joint agreement formulated
by the strikers and slgnedi by factory owners
who do not belong ti the manufacturers'
Two hundred cloak.makers employed by
Mayer , Jonassen & Co. . Joined the strike this
morning. At a meeting .of strikers today
Joseph Barondess salcljthnt the cloak factory
owners of New York paU $8,000,000 annually
to the H.OOO employes. ; TElils allows an average -
ago of $500 yearly wages to each worker.
"The factory owners canjapt hold out , " said
he , "There can be/i -.unanimous action
among them. They are all at swords points
ana desire to ruin eapli other. "
lfull Itlver Mill * Stnrt Up.
FALL niVBR , Mass. . Oct. 35. All except
the Laurel Lake and ttlcfiard Harden mills ,
which are closed for jrcqajra , started up to
day with only half of jtlio looms running ,
About 1,000 weavers , .ne-yly all young men ,
paraded the streets and went to South Park ,
where a mass meeting , was held. It Is be
lieved that many of the weavers will stop
work at noon , but thei mill owners appear
confident that the trouble Is over.
Four Killed In 11 Fight. tSTJ
TUXPAM , Mex. . Oct. IB. Word has
reached hero from the Vanilla plantation of
Q. I ) . I3askln , an Kngllshman , tome eighty
miles distant , that a desperate fight took
place there last Saturday. The Mexicans
employe ! on the place were not satisfied vlth
their superintendent , who was an American ,
and a number of them made an assault upon
him. The superintendent had a few friends
among the laborers who stood by him , and
the two ( actions fought a desperate battle.
The foreman was badly wounded , and four
of the Mexicans were kllk'd.
I.anit Onico Kccrlvrr Klmrt.
ST. PAUL , Oct. IB. A Marquette special
to the Dispatch say ; The accounts ol
Thomas D. Meads. x.-rccelver of the United
States land office hcre > , have been found
short and his bondsmen have been notified
So far the shortage Is $2,000 , but as new
claims appear at Intervals It Impossible ,
without nn Investigation , to tell the total
shortage. The money was paid In during
Mead's Incumbency by homesteadcro when
making homestead entries , final proofs or
commutations , and was not turned over to
tin government or afterwards accounted for.
Consequently homesteaders were unable to
get their receipts or patents and could not
realize ; returns en years ot privation and toll
spent In perfecting their rights to home
steads , Complaints from this called at
tention to the matter. Should his bonds
men make the defalcation good no criminal
proceedings against Mead are likely to be
I'rocccillnRK ' nf the City Council ivcn-
Inpj Miiglc Clly ( loitil | > .
At last nlght'fl city council meeting an
ordinance was Introduced to change the grade
on Twenty-fifth street , between K and II
streets. '
J. Pollard and others signed a petition
asking thut the banks be sloped on Nine
teenth street , between Missouri avenue and
M street , as the banks are now In a danger
ous condition.
Attorney Offut gave notice to the council
that the Interest uas p.iat due on the
Twenty-fourth street paving bonds ami asked
what action the cljv proposed to take. The
matter was referred to the finance committee
and ilia city treasurer.
R. D. Van Court & Co. gave notice that the
city still owed them jl.325 for paving N
street , from Twentieth to Twenty-fourth
street niul the bill was referred to the finance
The council decided lo sit as a board of
equalization on October and 2.1.
The street commissioner was Instructed to
place tlio street In good repair at Th rty-
nlnth and Q streets.
Mr. Bulla recommended that an ordinance
b3 passed locating an electric light nt
Twentieth and 1 streets. Mr. Conley asked
for one nt Twentieth and Q and Mr. Ilyan at
Thirty-sixth and ( J , Twentieth and Q , und al
west end of , he L street viaduct ,
An ordinance was passed establishing the
grade on U from Thirtieth to Thirty-first
Mr. Conley stated that the Q street viaduct
was In a dangerous condition and recom
mended that It be repaired ,
city r. ( > < Hip ,
Third Third Ward Republican club will be
organized Friday night instead of Thursday
Foritanello lodge. No. 167. K. of P. , will
give a dnncc at the old Clarke Jlomesteud
In Ucllevup , October 23.
While sorting cattle at the stock yards last
evening. Perry Jones was struck on the head
by a wooden ball from an air gun and pain
fully Injured. A boy shooting at pigeons
fired the shot.
Whenever tried , In club , hotel or house
hold , by reason of its superior strength ,
purity and excellence. Dr. Price's Baking
Powder works like a charm. None equals It
rnnvitLEs OF .1 ninnKo sit JUT ,
Attempted lARcnnlt nn .Miss .Mnr > l.rj > er
Mttuly OcfciKo ,
NEW YORK. Oct. 15. Miss Mary Leper ,
who Is credited with being the first woman
In New Jersey to adopt the divided skirt at
part of her regular attire , was the victim ol
an attempted assault. Laurent Mlllori , a
young frenchman , son of a wealthy family
Is in the Bergen county Jail charged with
the crime. Miss Lsper Is known all over th.
country , She lives about a mile froir
Hackensal ; . Her costume at all times con
slsted of a pa'r ' of boots or shoes , as oc
casion required , the divided skirt and a short
Jacket and a masculine hat. Miss Leper
has had considerable trouble over her radl-
cal notions about dress. She has been
driven from the churches because she per
sisted In wearing the unconventional gar
ments to the services. The story told by
Miss Leper to Justice Gumming was that
she called at the Mtllon house. There was
no one home but the son , Laurent. She
says she did not know this and entered th-
house as usual , In the assault which fol
lowed Miss Leper made a manly fight. She
finally knocked the young man down , Her
dress was torn In the struggle. She got
out of the room while Mlllon lay on the
floor and went home.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervoui bfaO-
atues. Trial size , 25 cents. All
i > r.uixTsii.rj.vr. . OfllrlaUSii tlio Uobhirs Ciut Olll.\
I'lTO TIlOlllllllll.
NEW YORK , Oct. 15. President L. 0
Weir of the Adams Express company said
today that he believed the loss from the
Aqula Creek train robbery would not exceed
$25,000 and that the sum would probably he
less , as part of that sum doubtless uas It ,
drafts and bonds not negotiable.
RICHMOND. Va. , Oct .15. Railroad of
ficials hero now express the opinion that I lie
Qiinntlco train robbers did not get over
$5,000. Mr. Murray , who handled Hie
pouches and cut them open for the robbers ,
says ho Is satisfied from the feeling of them
that the amount did not exced this. He
bays that the bonds ivere all saved , as ho
threw them In a pile of stuff the robbers
Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. IrUl
ilze , 25 cents. All druggists.
.Mrfi. Itycrs < iiilitft a I'olnt.
PITTSBURG , Oct. 15. The long and sensa
tional struggle for the person and estate of
Ebenozer M. Dyers , the Allegheny iron mas
ter , was decided today. Henry Warner was
appointed inlssloner for the lunatic. While
Warner was agreed upon by Mrs. K , M. Byers
and A. M. Byers , the lunatic's brother , It U
really } a victory for Mrs. Byers. E. M. llyers
Is still In the Pennsylvania Hospital for the
Insane at Philadelphia.
la Oar Great Grandfather's Time ,
big'bulky pills were in
general use. Like the
vr-neoTnsaa. of
tlmt decmle tley ]
were btgand clum
sy , but ineffec
tive. Jn tills cent
ury of enlight
enment , we have
Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pel
lets , which
cuicall liver ,
stomach and
bowel derange-
meats in the
most effective
way.Assist Nature
a little now and then , with a gentle ,
cleansing laxative , thereby removing of
fending matter front the stomach and
bowels , toning up nnd invigorating the
liver nnd quickening its tardy action ,
and you thereby remove the cause of n
multitude of distressing diseases , such us
headaches , indigestion , or dyspepsia ,
biliousness , pimples , blotches , eruptions ,
boils , constipation , piles , fistulas and
maladies too numerous to mention.
If people would pay more attention to
properly regulating the action of their
bowels , they would have less fre
quent occasion to call for their doctor's
services to subdue attacks of dangerous
disease1) ) .
That , of all known agents to accom
plish tills purpose , Dr. 1'iercc's Pleasant
Pellets are uneqiialed , is proven by the
fact that once used , they are always in
favor. Their secondary effect is to keep
the Iwwels open and regular , not to-fur
ther constipate , as is the case nith other
pills. Hence , their great popularity ,
with sufferers from habitual constipation ,
piles and indigestion.
A free sample of the " Pellets , " (4 ( to 7
doses ) f > n trial , is mailed to any address ,
] x > st-paid , on receipt of name and address
on postal card ,
CAI , ASSOCIATION , Buffalo , N. Y.
Drs. Copeltmd and Shepard Caring for Sufferers at a Merely Nominal
Expense and All Modiclneg Free.
So far from ( hero being any abatement or
any clear signs of abatement In the recent
uldo prevalence of all manner ot climatic
and c.ttnrrhn ! maladies , there Is no question
but that the past week has been worse than
the preccdltii ; . Drs. Copeland and Shcpard ,
who are perhaps closest to- the people gener
ally , In their professional capacity , have no
hesitation In declaring the maladies referred
to now definitely und decidedly epidemic.
And It Is needles to add that family physi
cians of large practice , professionally fa
miliar with climatic action on the human
system , and personally conversant with the
present situation , confirm the statement as
unquestionably true.
Nor Is the absence of any alarming pres
ent Increase In the death rate of the city
any evidence to the contrary. The curse of
the maladies now prevalent does not llo in
their Immediate or early fatality. The dan
ger and the horror ot tliem Is In n postponed
fatality In their Inncvltablo liability to be-
coma settled and chronic , with no other
prospect If neglected , than that of a long
period of sitffetlng.
Drs. Copeland and Shepard have had a vast
experience In the diagnosis and handling of
these diseases and their subtle complications ,
nnd their methods reflect Iho pretcnt ad
vanced state of medical science.
( Ivor ) All tlio I'lliUo to tliu 1'lij I'ol.llisVllo
I'fuinUcd Him lEcllnriiml then Kept Their
Elder Speck , COS Hazcl-st , , Council Bluffs ,
Isth a widely known preacher and evangelist In
the Christian church. ITo Is brainy and elo
quent and many In Omaha will recall his
able sermon published In The Bee some
months ago upon the top c : "The Present
inK Times The Golden Kulo as a Remedy. "
Knowing full \\ell the Influence of his state
ment ! the elder speaks as follows to his
friends nnd to the public : .
"A little over a year ago I contracted ee-
vero bronchial disease , so that I was unable
to use my voice , nnd It was rapidly develop
ing Into consumption of the lungs. I coughed
Incessantly , with deep soreness in the lungs.
Wasting of flesh and strength had set In
and I was rapidly falling. In fact I was
compelled to resign my pastorate ot the First
Christian church of South Ombaha. While In
The death of MK. STRAINS dissolves our
firm on December 1st , thuiuforoour
Tlio same consists of the best and most pop
ular stylus In all cradcs ,
It will bo offered at figures which will at
Close Hiiyurs and liflcut Quick Sales
Terms uud discounts as usual.
Market and Quincy St. , Chicago.
Prepared from the original formula pr
erved In the ArrhlvcBof Ibn Holy Land , bay
nfuu authuuUa history dating bock 000years ,
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Price EO cents. Sold by all druggists.
The Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
vZl tor Circular aril Illustrated Calendar.
' EUitlo BlocUingi , Uefunnlty Urut. i , Trustt *
t'ruulie ; . UaUntei , tiyrlnEes , Invalid and tlti
left ! Buppllcs. The Lion Uruc IIous * .
lift ! Farnam t3lreL GpontlU Vftxtau Hotfcl-
< CC-OS New York llto HI Uli , , Omaha , Neb
quick rptuini lij Tl'l IV , U. Home Copylui
Co. , 180.HJ7Sv.9Soaiioi.St. , * - '
this state I called upon Or , Shcpard , who
said ho thought he could help mo Borne , but
would not promise me a cure. I began tak
ing his I realm en t. Inside ol three
Rev. J. R. Speck. C02 Hazel-st..Councll Bluffs.
months I was nblo to resume my regular
work , nnd now I nm as sound ns I over was.
1 have been engaged in evangelistic work ,
spcaklne every night during the last year ,
and part of the tlmo two and three tlmca
a d.iv. I am heavier than I have been In
years , nnd 1 say all praise to Dr. Shcpard ,
who did so much for mo , and gladly com *
mpiid him to anyone who Is suffering as t
was. I deem It my plain duty to my fellowmen -
men to point the way to help and safety ;
from the ravages of terrible Ing disease. "
To a ceo nnn oil.i to largo numbers of business
man and others , who 11 ml It Inconvenient to
attend week days , the Copeland and Shep
ard offices are open Sundays from 10 n. in.
to 12 in.
Ofllco Hours 9 to It a. in. ; 2 to 5 p. m.
Evenings Wednesdays and Saturdays
only , G30 ; to S:30. : Sunday , 19 to 12 m.
. . . . . .
IV I Anc.1 - l ln\l mwvmiiw i < * M j. - -
UllS-a-uuy Ouf Warrant Goes with Each Machine.
TheSoutliwIckBallnirPrcsslsriS-lHirsc.Iull-cltclomachlnc ,
\ U has thu hirci'M U'cd ' opening of
* x - '
llalcs tlcht ; dratt
Capacity ; Construction ; Durability-all
Talks. They tnlk In tons the languaqe of profit.
They are easy sellers. They ara a double stroke press.
Profitable to handle. Writs for catalogue and discounts.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
All kinds of Dyelnsr
and Cleaning done In
the highest style ot
the art Faded and
stained fabrics mode
to look as good aa
new. Work promptly-
done and delivered
In nil parts of tlio
country. Send for
price llBt.
O , A.
Broadway , ncnrNorllu
western Depot.
Telephone 22.
V , S , J > C2 > uslloi'i/t Untillia , A'cbrculta ,
CAPITAL , $400,000
SURPLUS , $55,500
OITlctn and Directors Hfnry W. Tntef , crci *
em ; John 6. Collins , vle-preild utj l * it
B. Iteed , Cashier ; AVilllam JL a llught * . ocijt ! >
ant toibler. _ ,
U tha onlj *
Women Excludtd.
18 yrnr experience
Circulars free. *
( 4th and Farnam BUT
President. Cashier.
First National Bank
Capital , $100,000
Profits , . 12,000
Ono of th * oUcat banks In the itats ol Iowa.
< Ya nollcll your buslncu and collections. " * V
pay 6 per cent on time depoillx.f * will bo
Vleaicd to tea and terva you.
. _ . . . llcii In Ilia uttita and
fitilrriil courti. It on inn UOQ-7-H'tf , SuugurC
block' Council ilium. Xu
--Special JV/oiicess /
Kd llurke , at W. a. Homer's. 6JS Broadway ,
lots In Jtuyllsa & Palmer's add , central sub <
Ulvlalon. Hlelilnnil 1'lucc ; Mnyne'i lit udJ.
Jlullln'l BUUIIV. , and I'uttrr & Cobb'H luldl
mint l > cheap. I1. J. Cuilg. No. I'earl itreeC
In Hock rautily , Ncbraika , CIO urces timber
land In Michigan ; will trail a either for toctt
of general mcrchamllbe , and will put in ciuti
11.000.00 or I1,640.X ( > ; house and lot In Colfur.
prlcv , ll.eoo.OOj will tradu for stock of KoncreJ
mrrchandlie and put In IWO.W caah : line r - & -
Idvnca property In Counill Ilium , prlc * ,
II.OOO UO ; will Iroda for ecnvral stock and put In
11.049,04 cn h. All correspondence to bo con *
liJentlal. Addreti lock bux 14 , Council Uluffs.
tvnogrupher. mornings , evening * anil Hatur.
il.iy * . Ad.lrena W 11 , ll e , Council lllunTt.
McCnl'f , Moinlnolde , Hunclay evenlnv , October
7. one cliednut tiorwi. welclil fi.lxul 1W < | ioundnt
four white fet , ( Aid face uni ! while eyvii ha < i
shoes on ; any Information or return ot herM
will be suitably rewarded. U. H. White , ( U |
street tuad I3tu uvuiue , Council Bluffs , -