THE OKAILA. 1 > AH/T BEE : JUO-OTDAT , OOTOBEB 15. 1804. " Cooks , Laundresses , Waitresses Ereryono of them read The Eeo "Want ads. Therefore , families wantIng - Ing help , seldom fail to reach them the day ad ia published. "Wants are run in both morning a.nd evening papers without extra coat. 17 words lor 25 cents. Coachmen , Waiters , Valets. SPE.GIHL NOTICES. .Advertisements for these column will b token until 12:30 : p. m , for the n-fnln * . nnd until : W p , m. for the morning and Sunday editions. JVdvertlne , by rcquesllnc a numbered check. n have answers addreesed to a numbered letter In care of The Dee. Ann-wera no nddra edwill t > delivered upon presentation of the check. Rate * . IVic n word flr t Insertion , lo n word thereafter. Nothing- token for less than 20 for flrat Insertion. . , , These odverllocrnenti munt run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. BXPKRIKNCED I.AI3Y STENOGRAPHER DE- nlros position. Can furnteh machine. Adilre Hoom 22. DoURlns block. A-MMT H" WANTED MAliE HELP. WANTED. A FEW PERSONS IK EACH place lo do wrltlnc ; send stamp for 1W pace book of particulars. J. Woodbury , 127 W. d street. R Y. City. II-HC38 WANTED. LA110UERS. SOUTH : GOVERNment - ment work In Tennessee and Arkansas. Kramer , later agency , llth and WANTED , OliNTLEUEN NEWSPAPER CON- trlbutors In every town tn report nil Important happenings nnd write nrtlcles for publication on nny subject. Experience not necessary. Gwx ! I > ay for spare time. Our Instructions tell you Jiow to do the work. Semi stamp for full par ticulars. Modem Press Ass'n , Chicago , 111. 13 117 "WANTED. SALESMAN ; SALARY FROM etart ; permanent place. Drown Bros. Co. , nur- erymen.Chlcago , 111. n 111 O30 * _ WANTED RELiAnLK YOUNCI AND MID- dle-nK I men In every county to act ns cor respondents tmi special jnlvate detectives under Instructions for the Inigest nnd b st equipped detective buimu uf the kind 111 the country. lrc\Ious experience Is not rean'r ' d or neccnary. Small boys and Iricsponslble parties will confer n. fa > or onu by not nnswerlnc. References slven nnd required. Have been estnbllshed for years. Send stamp for full particulars nnd pet the best crlmlnnl pupor published , offering thousands of dollar * In reward * for rmrtles who are wantcrl. National Detective Bureau , Indianapolis , InJ. n MHO HEN OF OOOD ADDRI3S3 CAN PIND STKADY employment and eood pay by canine nt ISIS DouRlas. B-M150 O2) WANTED. RKLTAI1LB SALESMAN. ALREADY traveling , to cnrry our lubricants ns n side line. Manufacturers' OU Co. . Cleveland , O. B-MZ7G N3 WANTED. ACTIVR , HELTAHLU MAN TO repreprnt us ; . J18.00 weekly ; Hive reference. AdflrW Shfpp & "Co. . T. O. Uos ' 785. Philu- delpliU. Pa. n MCI7 18 FIRST-CLASS PANTS AND VEST1LVKEH ; steady work to sober man , Hubert , Binnberrv. JIo. U MCC1 15 WANTED. FIRST-CLASS SOLICITOR ; STATE afje , former experience , salary expected and references. Address A 24. Itee. U-M719 15r WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , LADY NEWSPAPER CON trlbutora In every town lo report oil Important bnppenmcs nnd write articles for publication on any subject. Experience not necessary. Qaad pay tor spare time. Our Instructions toll you how to do tha work. Bend stamp for full par tlculars. Modern Pre a Ass'n , Chicago , III. c-iie USD PRESTON'S BEST FLOUR. IT GIVES entire satisfaction. All grocers sell It. C-MS70 Nl LADIES WANTINO FIRST-CLASS GIRLS call at Scandinavian Y. I. , home. Oftlcc 205 2i , 16th street. C MB38 20 * WANTED-A FIRST CLASS COOK THAT UN demands washing and Ironing. Apply nt 610 K , Z2ml St. 0-603-15 * FOR RENT HOUSES. HOUSES. V. 1C. DARLING. JJAKKCR HLOCK. D-895 HOUSES IN ALT. PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. f. Davis Company , 1503 Faruam. D 896 KBLICENNY & CO. , R.I. CONTINENTAL BLK. FOR RKNT. CHEAPEST C-UOOM COTTAGE with bath In city ; only U5.W , IU31 , California rtrret. D S136S NEW MIOOM COTTAGE NEAIt I1EM1S PARK , W.W. Fidelity Trust Company , 1701 Karnam. D M 3 ID-ROOM HOUSK , I.ARCB HARK. I7T1I AND Indiana , avenue. 113.00. 117 First National l-ank. D M 3 FOR RENT , EIGHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE. (3 $ South nilv st , ; auu S-rooiti cuttaec wlih barn. G L. Green. R. S3. Barker blk. D- ; DESIRABLK T-ROOSI COTTAGE. K13 WOOL- wortli ave. RlnEwa.ll Urua. , U.irUer blk. D 900 _ FINE T-ROOSI CORNER FLAT AT T01 B. TH street ; ranire and all other conveniences.V. . C. Haller. room Ell. PaKtonJJocfc. 'D-300 HOUSES &STOREsTi\D.WEADl & DOUGLAS D-iOi3l _ GOOD riVE-ROOM COTTAGES. J8.W PER month. L. & Bklnner , SID N. T. Life. D 3IZ77 _ HOUSES. W. G. TEMPLETON. PAXTON BLIC , D MtTO N8 _ FOR RENT. TWO S-IIOOM ELEGANT RRICK houses ; all modem conveniences ; 1 block from Walnut Hill motor. * . Comptroller's olllcc p-aisao _ _ _ NINE BOOK HOUSB3 ( JUST VACATED ) NO B72I Jacltcun street , all modern improvements Bplonrtld mpalr (1 ! Mocks from court house ) pavnl tre i , cheap lent to Bindll family. Key at cottacn second door west. Dun II. Wheeler Jr. , puurlas and 15th Sit. ( Insurance. ) D-5C5 _ FOR RENT. 10-ROOM DWELLING : MODERN convenlenres ; flint-class locution. Enquire a W. P. dark. HOI Doug-Ins. D M5M 15 * ZOW HARNTJY 6TREET. IS ROOM8 , MODKIW and Jlml rluss. John R. Wibsier. til ) Board &l TraJa llulldlin.- . D SOT < ai so. imt D MSNH * DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN ALL PARTS of the ct- . IS , U. Klieaff. 431 I'ailon block. D MM1 N * _ DESlnAULE JMIOOM IIOUBK. TWCNTY-FI Vt , dollars per month. Inoulre 1S1I Dodre St. D-CtO _ _ _ -ROOM HOUSE -WITH RARN , IS MINUTIM ram from pnstottlce , U > . U D. Holmes , 61 I'OH HI-NT TWKLVK-nOOM IIOUSK. NO. J51S ChlcaRn St. . bath , laundry , furnace , ens , mantels , pljti Ktass front , cittern , barn. etc. . rrnt 150.00 ; near High school. Apply to Tha Il > ron Heed Company , tit Bo. 14th St. D CM-15 FOn IlENT NICE 6-ROOM FLAT WITH 4 closets , city water , B minutes' walk from union depot tt3 S. Hth Bt. tlt.V ) . D-t99-15 FOB HENT. KiaiiT-nooM HOUSE.WITH lumaco. rnnE , hot nnd cold water : ona person would llki to bourd with party renunc If uereu- sJbli. OflarKo J , Paul , room Ul liuard of Tnida building , U lira U * FOB JIENT7 TWO BIX-HOOM FLATS AT ll& jutd 41 8. llthslmt. . In coed condition. A. J. Pappltton. .loom :14 1st Kali , bank bld . FOIl Bl-Nr , HOUSES 117 AND 133 8. SCT1I street ; choice. D. Y. Bholes O > M yirst Nat. banfc. JQ-M6 ! Fon'iicrrr. iiotmn ON N. w. con , ai > AND Webster. Z. H. KnlgliU D-aiCTt II' t-ROOM MODUltN HOUHE. ONE ULOCK from Purk Hnue ; elrmnt iDCatlon , $ JO.OQ ; < T-roora bouse. Orchard JIIII , 47.OU. S. K. Hum * . Ohrer. W KIM Xork UTs. U-UCM ll > TOR BENT HOUSE8. Continued. ROOMS ON GROUND FLOOR : BRICIC liouse ; rcasonablo to right party. 1501 I ierce > ri-et. D-MG93 ! ROOM HOUSE , HALL AND HATH ROOM. Inquire S13 S. ISth street. D 670 29 'LEASANT ' 7-ROOM HOUSE ; MODERN. 260J Dodge street. U ( S * 13 * IX-IIOOM HOUSE. IJATH AND CLOSET. IN Hood rrnilr. st 825 H. ISlh. Three-room house , BJ7 N. 85th street ; cheap. D M721 21 BENT FTJKWISHELJ BOOMS. OH RENT. NICELY FURNISHED BOUTU room , modern conveniences , to one or two ecntlemen. 304T Dodee. E MJM OR KENT. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , with or without board. Call Z1JI Douglas , . E 8IS-17 URNISHED ROOMS. 1S05 CHICAGO ST. Suitable fur one or two gentleman. E M36J "IIRNISHKD OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 62 South mil avenue. 14 403-15 * URNISHED ROOM , BATH , 1C. 1311 TARNAM. E-600-U * GENTLEMEN DESIRING A PLVUSANT home Irt n refined family for the winter ad dress A I , Hoc. E C09 15" URNISHED ROOM , 237S IIARNEY STREET. E JIOS3 1C * VICI'.LY FURNISHED ROOM ON SECOND flour , down town location. Enquire 1SJ3 How ard , "d floor. E M092 1C FURNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. v'ICU ROOM WITH BOARD , CHEAP. JIM CAS3 K I3I-O11 * URNISHED ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2513 Douglas , F M772-O15 * VICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM , WITH alcove ; also tlrsi class board. 25:3 St. Mary's aieuuo F S51 16 * DESIRABLE ROOM. WITH BOARD. IN PRIvate - vate family. 70 N. 10th. F M552 17' MUST CLASS DAY BOARD GIVEN AT THE Brunswick C fe , MS South 16th St. , for Jj.0 per week. Niithlng belter In the city cnn be had at the | > rlce. F 53G 85' M.EASANT ROOMS AND BOARD , J13) HAR < ncy. TWO NICE FRONT ROOMS. AND SINGLE room , with board : private family. S221 Dodtte , street. .F MC16 1C * ILEGANTLY FURNISHED BOUTII T-ROXT room nnd private board ; all .convenience * . 211D Douglas slrtet. K M712 ! 'IIU HILLSIDE 38TH AND DODGE , FUR nlnhed nnd unfurnished rooms with board ; strain heat ; nlxo day board. F M 720 IS * UNFURNISHED ROOMS TO BENT. THREE ROOMS : PRIVATE HOUSE ; MODERN , with tient ; references required. 10'JS Oeorula avenue. G MM8 16 * I ROOMS IN BRICK FLAT. 1C09 LEAVEN- worth Ktreet. G MiOS 19 * FOR BENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT. THE -i-STORY BRICK BUILDING IIS Farnam street. The bullUlntf lias a fire proof , cement basement , complete steam heat Intf flxtuirs. Miter on all Doors. BUS. etc. Ap ply at the ciliceof The Bee. 1 914 FOR RENT. THREE-STORY AND BASEMENT Btoro bulletins nt 1011 J-'jrnnm street ; small fttore und olllocs In Exposition bulldlnf , ad- Flltrenth Street theater ; ball 22xlCO f.t nt 1W1 Fjirnam street , all In Rood condi tion. A. J. Poppleton , Jlooni 31 * 1st Nail. bank bldg. I MOW N1S AGENTS WANTED. : ANVASSERS. SOLICITORS , AGENTS OR any lellable persan of average Intelligence and good address who can present and advocate u popular national' enterprise of Inestimable \alue lathe individual and home and family protectors "cnn secure steady and profitable em ployment by addressing Her. W. iV Kastman , 602 Uefr buUJlnp , Onuha , Neb STORAGE. STORAGE.WILLIAMS & CROSS , 1Z1I IIARNEY STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. U. Wells , lltl Farnam. M 804 OM.TAN&STORAGE CO.,1501 FARNAM. Tel.1553 M-903 HKST STOJIAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , TJ. S. ccr/ . bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. .Lowest rates. lOIJ-101 ; Leuvcnworth. M-908 CLEAN , DRY STORAGE FOR CARRIAGES and bucelps In our new brick bulldlne. VX3- 10-IJ Harney Bt. Columbus Bugrr Co. 4D3-21 CARRIAGES , BUGGIES , ETC. . STORF.D. P. J ICarbach & Sons. , Cor. litU and Howard Sts. 607 WANTED TO BUT ? . I HAVE CUSTOMER FOR A FEW NICE. cheap bulldlrw lots fcn .cash. ; do not answer this unless you have a bargain. J. A. Lovgren. COS Brown block. N MCISII MODERN U-dAUOIi . .SHOTGUN ; MUST BE A bargain ; slve iiarttculors. Address A II. Bee. N MG21 15 WANTED TO BUY. 10 ACRES , LESS THAN 6 miles from , South Omaha : state locality nnd price. Address A IS , Bee. N-11663 U * FOB SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. Low prices on furniture and household eoodi. Enterprise Credit Co. . 611li N. Ktli ut. C S07 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE STOCK. OF FURNI- tura. Bt rei. etc. L. Altraan. 801 N. 16tti.O O ttl STOVES AND FURNITURE AT COST. MUST bo sold at once. I. Ilrussell. 719-7U N. 16th. O-M Ji O3 FURNITURE JVND ENTIRE , HOUSEHOLD effects for Jala cheap. Cll Uouslai K. O-&S ) 18 FOR BALK-ART Q.UILAND STOVE. SJ3 Center itrett. O-SS3 U FOB SALE , HOUSES , WAGONS. ETC FOR SALE. GOOD SINGLE-FOOTING SADDLE horse , safe for any ona to ride. ITta Leaven- worth street. r M674 15 * FOB BALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL ftttcn * . C It. Ix-e. Wl Doi.AUw. IF YOU UUI. I1UY TUB J1EST ; MACKIN- tothes , rubber boots , urctlcs. Tlnff s of all kinds ; gas tublnr ; all bait quality. Omaha Ttnt A : Awning Co. , 1311 Farnam st. Q 5IJ BANK AND PLATTE VAt-LEY BAND FOR sal * . C. W. Hull Company , ZUlh nnjlrard st * . Q-S < 3 > IM1KJHTED HART7 MOUNTAIN CANARIES , warranted stnEert , 53.M : I gold llth , with globe , JH5 ; younic parrots. JO.W to JW.CK ) ; bird caces. * * * d. He. GtlKltr's bird ttor * . tot N. lEUi etre U Q KKO Nl . , A BET OF ENCYCLOPEDIA BRIT- annlca , ninth edition , with American revisions and additions , at a irrnlly reduced price. Klilier fw cash or on time. Address A 17. Il e Q-MM3 M von SALT : . A FURNACE CAPABLE or HEAT- ln an i-room house , ul a turealn. al > t > a Uriro heutlne tv used on jeaauii. H'3 Park ave- nu u Q ilCil 1C * MISCELLANEOUS , WANTED. TO RENT M OR SO-ArRB FARM Inside U mile * of Omaha. Addrer * A IS , B * * R M W 15 OLAHIVOYANT3. NO PERSON CONSI'LTINO TUB WORLD-nH- nowneil clalrroynnt. Prof. Almeda C ever dlnappolnted , Invariable- satisfaction re sulted In all cases , Rs proved by Innumerable testimonials. In health , wealth , hnrrlnesn , * H In trouble. despair , or doubt , will nnd positive relief and assurance of Incalculable benent by consuttlnR- the moat cclebrntnl clairvoyant tbc United States ever knew. The professor possesses powers of marvelous character , -unsurpa ed by nny so. railed medium or future reader. His mic-cefl In the past | rrovea his vnst nblllty to help you now. Interview him nnd } 't l will nay ho l the Rrwxt. est wonder of the mte > . The professor chaltenites the world to prove his eijunl In the great powers which ho possesses to carry out all he promises. He overcomes your enemies , removes family trembles , restores lost affections , cnuaeo happy marriage wltli the one you love , removes evil Influence , bad habits , gives Correct Information on Ian- nulls , divorces' , lout friends , etc. Valua ble adVce Hlven la ladles and gentlemen on love , courtship , marriage and how to chaoso a wife or hunbnnd for future happiness ; what Irani- nes5 brst adapted to speedy riches ; tells It the one jou Invo is true or false ; stock speculations n itpeclalty. The profesmr does not require to return to such methods as Egyptian chnrmg ami other frivolities. Hel.i no fortune teller , but n Ufa reader from the laws of science , that Is , rlnlrvoyancy , and thone who have ben hum * bugged by pretenders the professor wishes them to rail before giving up In despair , nfl he guar- nnteex Hmmpt benefit. Corrcupondenco strictly confldentlal. Send Ptnmp for reply. Remember the number. 321V4 N. llth street , Flat A , 9 to 9 , Sundays Included. S M72J Vf MRS. DR. II. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT , RT3- liable buslncus medium ; 7th year at 11) N. Hth. 8 911 MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAM SMITH. M2 8. 1JTII. JD FLOOR , room 3 ; mojwage. vapor , alcohol , steam , ul- phurlne nO sea baths. T M67U 20 * MASSAGE. MADAME BERNARD. 1419 DODGE. T-MW7 Z2 TUBKISH BATHS. LADIES' TURKISH BATHS ; HOURS , 9 A. M. to p. m. Beauty Culture parlors , removed from Karbach Bldg. to 109-11) Bee Hide. M M PEBBONAL. WHOLE WHEAT BREAD FROM UNBOLTED flour at Imogen L. Ramsey's , 217 N. 15th street. U 11317 O19 BATHS , MASSAGE. MltE. POST , 31 i4 8. 15T1I. MACKINTOSHES & RUBBER BOOTS. Ull Far. U M3 PHYSICIANS WHO DISPENSE THEIR OWN perscrlptlons can secure valuable Information free by addressing P. O. Box 813. Omaha , Neb. U M7M COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES CONSUMPTION , asthma , bronchitis and catarrh. Home treat * mcnt I6.W per month. Three days' free treat ment , room ZOO Doutlas blk. , Kth nnd Dodgi. U-1BS 029 OSCAR SUNDELL , FOR 12 YEARS WITH O. W. Cook , has removed his shoe repair shop lo 6 , Hlh slreel , north ot Douglas. U M219 NI PRESTON'9 CALIFORNIA FLAKES FOR breakfast ; superior to oatmeaL Try It. U M371 N VIAVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES Health book or consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co . 340 Bee bldg. Lady attendant MME , LA ROOK , MASSAGE , 1C09 LEAVEN- worth street , third floor , front rooms ; two first- class operators. U MOM 17 * WANTED. SKWINO RY TUB DAY : OOOD cutter nnd litter ; moderate cliurges. Addre A IB , Hee. U M6SO 2J * PERSONAL ; JENNIE ROSS , LETTER AT pofllonice. U MC62 19 INFORMATION WANTED AS TO WHERE- abouta of Jlmmle Kvans. 12 years , rather small black e > es , slight acar on back of liniul. Ourl blue hat , durk Kr y double-breaated JacKet , brown Klnfibam waist , with whllo Btrlpes and patent belt nnd buttonholes , llghl-colored kn < * panls , black Blockings , buttoned shoex , with o < ld tips ; took : fast malt Kolns west Sept 23 John B , Evans , 261S N. 19th avenue , Omaha Neb. U M710 1C" LADY IN COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS TO adopt elrl baby 10 months old , light hair , fair complexion preferred. Lady In Omaha wants little girl , age 3 to . years , light hair. light complexion. Rev. Charles W. Savldge. U 5C2 13 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. V. 8. Chcsney , Kansas City. Mo. ANTHONY LOAN & TRUST CO. , 318 N.Y.LIFE , loans nt low rates for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property , W-9M MONEY TO LOAN ON FARMS IN DOUGLAS county. Improved and unimproved Omaha rea * estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam st. W-817 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED O MA 13 A real estate. Brennan. Love & Co. , Paxton blk. W SI ! MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam St. W 813 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES OK Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to C years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnnm. W 917 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property. { 3,000 and upwards. 6 to 7 per cent ; n delays. W , Faruam Smith & Co. , 1330 Farnam. W 920 CHAS. W. KAINEY. OM. NAT. BK. BLDO. W 321 MONEY TO LOAN OSI OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. B. Mdkle , 1st Nat. bank bldg VERY LOW RATES MADE ON GOOD LOAN& J. W. Squire. 218 Be bldg. TV 360 _ WE HAVB BEVEnAL THOUSAND DOLLARS for short time paper or 1st class mtgc. loans. II. H. Harder & Co. , ground floor. Bee bldir. W MI4S MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON .FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagona , etc. , at lowest rates In city no removal of goods : strictly confidential ; yoi can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 200 8. 16th street. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP erty. Ilarvln Loan Co.701 N. Y. Life bldg. X-MI J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 RAMGE BLOCK. X-933 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI ture. pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind o chattel security , at lowest possible rates , whlc ! you can pay Inclc at any time and In an amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. " Room 4. Wltnnell lilock. X-9fl BUSINESS CHANCES. WANTED. RELIABLE MAN WITH J330 , TC take exclusive snlo of a new article ; sold ti eenrral stores , hardnare and lmrn-ss dealers. business a monopoly nnd good for $2.0)0 ) yearly * If you are looktne for the best paying bus'ncs : In the state far the capital Invented call an BOP what I offer * E. Shaw , Arcade hotel. Y M71S IT * TOR EXCHANGE. A GOOD. LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EX changa for young- work horses or mules , Lamoreaux Bros. , 3 6 8. 16th , Z 1(3 GOOD PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE FOK merchandise. In writing give full particulars. Address Lock Box -.7 , Shelton. Nebraska. Z M511 15 TO EXCHANGE. J2.000 CABH INVESTMENT In Omaha property and. J500 cash for 12,000 stock shoes or clothing" C. F. Harrison. 912 N. Y , Life , Omaha. . . 511 23 * FOR TRADE. GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY , centrally located , clear , for targe troct of land near Omaha. Will assume Incumbrance or pay difference. Enquire at 7602 Hurt street , city. z atssa HAVE ORANGE AND GRAPE .LANDS IN sunny Florida for lot or house nnd lot. Ad dress A 1 . Omaha , Dee. Z MW1 17 * FOR TRADU EQUITY IN RENTAL PROPerty - erty for residence In southwestern part of town. Address A ii lies ollloe. Z M722 IT FOB SALE BEAL ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS. 5 MILES FROM POST QX- Bce asr terms. Call t W N.Y. . Life. II B-m CHOICE GARDEN LAND * , t MILES FROU Omaha poslolUce. 10 to If ) acres , some trade , N. D. Jtvycs. SIT Puxton bile. U E ai32T IIARGVS. . HOUSEB. LOTS AND FARMS. sale V. trada. F. 1C Dajllng- , Barker block. RE-9.T FOR BALE. NEW 4-ROOM COTTAUE ; CEL- lar. cistern , city water ; cor. 10th and Bahltr ; S1.ZSO.OO ; long time. Inquire nil Farnam. Sam uel Burns. HIJ TJJ OMAHA LOT FOR BALE CHEAP ; COR. OP list and Castellar strwu. Writ * to B. Peter son. Blair. Neb. RE-MK4 Nl FARM LANDS. C. F. HARR18ON , 18 N. T. Life. II E rN2S SIGHTLY HALF IX > T. ORCHARD HILL , south , front , three or four blocks north of rca- errotr. Address A t. lie ? ollloe. RK St : II * TUB CHEAPEST PROPERTY KVER OFFERED wltnln < minutes' walk ot Dee building , full lot. Will ttke cheap outside lot as t > art par- inenU Fidelity , 1702 Faruani St. 4ltiHlJ B \LE REAL ESTATE. Conlrntttd , DO YOU WANT A FrrJKfbVTHtDB UUILDINO lotT IVe will sell you one within a mile for half Its value snd tisopin outside clear lot ns part rarmcnt. Fldclltr , ,1701 Farnam St / ! ; - 60X92 riSKT , CORNHIl JTAHKBR AND ZTTH JSW.OH Gooil trackan.lnUii will leave or build to suit tennnt. Good.xtihurbfut ncreags chenp. Oardera laml for VejU. 8. 8. Curtis. 180J llamey street. S RE-MM9 IS * PIANOS A < ND ORGANS. 'IH3 WEEK THE i rOLLOWINO IKSTRU. mcnts , for cash or. monthly payments ; 'no ' IIa1 upright plAhoJ , II70.W .nother Hale upright pinner 1W.OO ne- Hall A Son upright piano 110.00 hlo Valley suuara piano. . . . . . , CO.OO lamn & Hamlln orgnn. . Il.SO eatly organ , high top Z2.60 Imlth Amerlcnn organ. : high top , -7.59 njlor A Fiuley organ , high top. . . . . 85.03 ClmbaU , Emerson anl Hsllet-Davls pianos. A. HOSPE. JR. , U13 DjuclR't st. 1.1131 031 F PURCHASED AT ONCH One upright piano , KO. sold. * ' ' One 3strlngnew scale piano , U87.&X One new Weg'man , $3M. One new WeBmati , IHO , One Katey organ , 13) . One Klmball orgnn. * I5. One Bay State organ , It ) . One Shonlnger , 123. One Rood organ , IIS. Woodbrldge Bros. . 120 N. ISth lrel < . , r. on MUSIC TEACHEB. 1ARTIN CAHN. TEACHER OF PIANO- forte. Htudlo. 40 N. 23(3 ( st. Mill O31 MUSIC , AltT AND LANGUAGE. G. F. GELLENBECIC. BANJOIST3 AND teacher. 1S10 California street. 911 DllESSMAKINCr. DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. 21M B. 10T1I. FINE DRESSMAKING AT LOWEST PRICES. Madami , Corbett , 424 N. 17th St. , cor. Cast. Mil. 0 * .ADIES . , CALL AT 1B11 DOUGLAS STREET for latest designs In drcasniaklDe ; work guar anteed. WMJ lir DRESSMAKING IN PRIVATE KAMILII5Sji'IT and style guaranteed. Address A ! 2. Bee. BICYCLES. BICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires and sundries. S&fel opened , repaired. C. R. HeQIn , locksmith. 311 N. 10th st. 934 BICYCLES ALL STYLES. ALL PRICEa Send for our list of second-hand and shop worn bicycles. Repairs and cycle sundries of all kinds. M. O. Daxon , 402 N. 1Mb at. 3 BICYCLE PRICES CUT IN TWO , A ' 94 Fowler for SSLSO. A ' 91 Sylph for JS1.50. Other makes equally an low. Be * our stock and set our prices before buying , A. II. PERR1GO & CO. , 121t Douglas street. MT-0-27 STOVES. BEST HEATERS ON EARTH. Be sure you examine tltem before you buy. Parties who desire the , choice of the best line of stoves on the market must buy either the Favorite baseburner or the- Oak heating -loves. They have been manufactured the past * ) years , and where they have been used alongside ol other stoves have proven th intelves the most economical stoves made , "We uuaranteo them. They are the cheapest and beat stoves made. We have the Bom steel range , a model of per- A. M' . McCargar. 110 'l { . Ulh street. 1 M22I Nl PLUMBEKS. J. -IIANIOAN , PLUMBING. STEAM AND hot waterheatlnB' , 2703 Leaveuworth DC. CJ1 lTEEPLUMBINCl OF" EVERY' KIND. GAS. steam & hot water heating- ; sew rsgc. 313 S. JO. S3 ! JOHN HOWE & CO. , PLUMBING. STBAM AND hot wattr beating , ensfixtures , globes , 421 S. li. t - 8a KRUGKR BROS. , SANITARY PLUMBING , GAS mtlnir , drnln having ; 'XcJcpbonf < 127 < > . 2815 ' . * * * * _ > | r. -i t to ELECTBIDAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES 'AKD CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and gen * eral machinists ; superior woik guaranteed. O-uaha electrical Works , 817 and 1 a ICtli Bt. 943 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC * tors tor electric llRht and motor plants and al kinds of Electrical construction. Western , elee * trio Bupply Co. , US ana t-0 X. l&th zl. 911 WOLFE ELECTRICAL" CO. SUPPLIES AND electric wiring. 1411 Capitol ave. Tel. lilt. M132 031 BUSINESS 'NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCILVUMPJPE ; FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. 61 ? ft 16th. 910 DAMAGED MIRRORS KESILVERED , 719 N. 16 , 941 THE NEATEST BARBER SHOP IN CITY court of Bee building. ' 1'rcd lluelow. 311 ROONER. & EISELE. SIGN PAINTERS ; BKST work at lowut prices. ISIS Douglas strttt. UNDEBTAKEBB AND ESIBAX.IYIER3 II. K. BURKETT. FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , IMS Chicago St. , telephone 90. 937 SWANSON & VALIEN. .UNDERTAKERS AND embalmcrs.ltOl Cumins > t. , telephone 1040.SS3 SS3 U. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM- balraer , HIT Farnam at. , telephone , 123. 833 C. W. BAKER. UNDERTAKER , 613 B. 1 ST. 611 GAS KDETUBES. WE ARC CLOSING OUT OUR ENTIRE LINE of eas and electric light fixtures , globes , etc. , at cosl. as we are absolutely retiring from the fixture business. It will pay lo buy at once.Tho HusseySi Day Co. , 411 South Hth st , Ramgo buimine. CIS O21 GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTUREo mad * tn design and flalih to harmonize with any architectural style desired byF. . M. RUE sell , 113 S. llth street. . U790 O2Z STOVE BEPA1BS. STOVK ItEPAIRS FOR M.OOO DIFFERENT makes of stoves. Water attachments and con oectlons a specialty. 1207 Douglas street , Omaha Stove Bepalr Woikx M ITS STOVE REPAIRS OF * ALL KINDS ; ALSO hotel ranee and general axsortment of ranges cooks & h-atem : water ; attachments put In I connected at J. Hughes , WT S. 13 st & Jack-on. VU OK HOTELS. AJSTNA HOUSE ( EUnoUEAN ) N. W. COIL 13Ui and Dodce. Itoom , by day or week. " MMl HOTEL BAllKKn. I2.M PEJV DAY. 14 nOOMS In the heart of tht laistness housei. Bpecla rates anfl . , . . ! , „ „ _ . . . ,1 , . > * . . . - .1 commercial trav weeij DJ montij SHOBTHAND AJTD 3-YPEWBITINO. , VAN BAJTTS BCHOOUOI' SHORT HAND N. Y. Life , Omaha. circular. T31 r.OOSK'B OU DU8INES9CpLI.EOB | : . 15 & I'/.P rlrl OMAHA COMMEHCIA3iriCOt.LI ! an , 1 TH AND Uouglai ; send for cntatPffUe , Rohrboueh llros. NI BUTLDING & LOANra.SSOCIATION HOW TO GET A 1IOS1K "bR SECURE GOOD interest on savings. I AfUr to Omaha L. , II. As 'n. 1701 Dee PldgU. . II. Nattlnger. Sec. -VT U3 BHARES IN MUTUAL'fil XND B. ASSN. PAY C , 7 , I per cent ] ti S years old , alwayi redeemable , 17M Farnam .sU Nattlnger , sec. ' * > 953 CABPENTERS 4ND BUILDEBS , HAMILTON BROS. . GENERAL CONTRACT on and builders , carpenter work , storm win daws and doors. Ill B. Ittli sL , teL 1171. 021 . n. MORRILU CARPENTER AND BUILDER paper banging and ibrns. brickwork and plas tertng. OlHce109 B. Hth st. , telephone Va.ta ta OPTICIANS. OM > IIA OPTICAL Ca. LEADING OPTICIANS J. F. Ponder , manager. Eyes tested free. 2 : South Hlh , In Kin-lei's drug itor * . M223 * THE ALOE A TENFOLD CO. , BCIENTIFI cptlelani. 1408 farnam' St. . eppostt * Paxto hotel. Eyes examined ( r . 78V PLOBISTS. S. II. 8T-SWART. FLORIUT ; ALL 1CI.ND3 O bulbs and cut flowers ; 1623 Capitol avenue. 173.030 HKW UULUS. JUST IMPORTED. CUT FLOW ers. Hcsi & Bwobodo. Paxton hotel. Kit Farn. MIS3 L03T. X > ST Bundar nlghl , wmewhens on thf > Dodge n.nd North Twentieth cable line , n purse-con taining a. tn.alt mim of money nnd a trunk kry. Kinder will recelvo- reword by leaving al Bee counting1 room , HAY AND DRAIN. UY TOUR HAY IJY TON OH CAR LOTS. WIS bur hay. A. H. Snydtr , IMS Butt it , Xel , HOT. DM NEBRASKA HAY CO , , WHOLESALE HAY. grain and mill stuff. We are always on tht market to buy or sell. 1102-4-6 Nicholas si.9i3 9i3 COAL. 3. T , MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL Of fice to 20 S. Win St. Brown bbiclc. BM HERIDAN COAL , EXCELLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard coal and H.M ton cheaper. 160j Fnr- nirn street ; main entrance Uoard of Trade. 153 O29 TYPEWBITEBS. TOLI3N TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOR sale should tnnke you suspicious ; funny they are moatly Bmllh's. Try one and you will un derstand whys full line of supplies. Bmlth- Premler Co. , 17tli and Farnam ; telephone , ISSt M 3711 MERCHANT TAILORS. WISH TO ANNOUNCK THI3 ATHUVAL OF IMl'OHTBD AND DOMESTIC Fait ntld Winter WOOLENS. a. A. Llndqulit , Merchant Tailor , Hi S. 15th it. MM7 CORNICE. VESTEH.N COIINICD 1VOUKH. GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 17ZJ St. Mary's avo. 9H coiiNicn WOUKS. JOHN EPU- n l r. prop , , 108,110 , Hi N. llth. Eilab. 18C1. FURNACES. 1BST FURNACE MADB. SOtT COAL BMOKE consuming uiul hard coil lurnaccs. Lagle Car- nice Worhi. lOI-HO-UJ N. llth t. W DENTISTS. Dn. OKOnOKS. NASON , DKNTIST , SUITE Z0 Paxton block , Itlb and Farnam sis. Tel. ill. 983 DH. PAUL , DENTIST , MM 1IUHT ST. 961 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDEUMY AND FUIlS. SEN1J FOH CATA. George K. Drown , jr. , & Co. , 103 B. 16th. COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COMUCKCIAI * COLLEGE. 16TH AND Douclaat Bend for catalogue. Holirbough Urou. tmi Nl STENOGRAPHERS. ' . J. BUTCL1FFE. OBNEnAI , BTBNOO. grapher. 232 lleo building ; . Telephona 97.MO MO II WHOLESALE COAL. OtlNSON imO3. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kind * of coat Correspondence sollcllrd. 100S Farnam el. Ill DYE WORKED BCItOEDSACK , TWIN CITY DYE WORKS , 1521 Farnam street. Dyeing of every descrip tion and dry cleaning. 87 GRINDING. HAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW. ere , etc. A. L. Undeland , IW 8. llth. 792 BICYCLE RIDING. I1ICTCLE IUDINQ BC11OOL. 17U CAP. AVB. JI235 N ! OTHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTEIUNQ VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH M , B. Walkln. 2111 Cumin ? . Tel. C02. 90S JOB PKLNTING. rtliED JOB PRINTING CO. flNE PRINTING of all klnJa. 17th St. . Dee bulldlnp. l * > 7 NIGHT SCHOOLS. uoosE'tt ' ou. jiuaiNKsa COLLIOK , K & FAR , . , 604 PAWNBROKERS , II. MAROVTITZ LOANS MONEY. 41S N. J5TII. J5TII.IM IM Or the Liquor Habit Poillltrlr C'ural ny adiutnlaterlitff l > r. Iluluet * < loMn 9 | > rrlflr. iltom b elTBa in u < jupofoofl > o ot tta. erin foofl , vrlthoutthelcno-wledgo oftui patient. ItlcibioluteH nanntftss. and will effect a permanent and tpecdy on re. irbttner the patlint It a ncdeiale drinker or An Jo3holio wrec * . It Jun been Elven In tbounndi > f easot.and ineverrjoatanoea perfect cur * aural. > we _ < 3. UNerrrl-'alli. TneejratemonaaliapreEnatKl .tn lie becamean utter imt-oiilbllltr r td liquor appetite to exist. 1OLDKN Ml'KCIKJO CO. . Frop'n , C' , r. , 40-r * e book of paxtio\l ra fro * . To bo bad n' > r tale by Kubn Co. , Druggisu. Cort'o and Douglas street * . Omah BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bco Building , OMAHA. Nob. Adviuo FREE RKlLWflY TIME CHRD I CHICAGO : NORTHWEST N I ArrtVes OmshalU. P. Depot. J0th & Mason au.l Omaha lloSam Eastern Express 6:3 : nm 4:00pm : Vestlbuled Limited JMOam : SSara Mo. Valley Local , . . . 10:30pm : 6l5pm..Omaha. ; Chicago Special. . . . . . . 2:15pm Leaves ( CHICAGO. BURLINGTON & q.Arrives { Omaha I D pnt 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha :45pm. : , . . Chicago Vestibule S:5Janj :4Jam : C'Jilcago Kxprvss 4:2opjn T.fCpm..Chicago and Iowa Local UWara 11 ! Kam Pacing Junction Local t > ; 55pm Leaves IBURL1NGTON & MO. RIVER.IArrlves Omaha | Depot 10th and/Mason Sts. I Onvliaa 10l'iam. : . . , . . . , . , . Denver Eai > reu. . . . . lOHonm Dendwood Express 4:1 Opm : Kprn ) Denver ixpre a 4li > pci ti ( pni > .Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) . . < : Wpm 8:15am..Lincoln Local ( except Sunady.ll:2San Leaves I K. a. BT. J. & C. B. ( Arrives Omabal Depot 10th and Jlaeon Bts. I Omaha ' ' l.-iSam..Kansas Cltr'D'ay Kxpress IMSpm.K. C. Nlcht Ex. via. U. P. Trans. leaves I i.'HICAUO. R. 1. A PACIFIC ( Arrives OroahalU. P. Depot. lOUi & Mason Bin. I Omaha EAST. ll:10am..Atlantic Express ( ex. &unday > . . . tCipm :2iiin. . . . . Nluht Exprcua CSOam 4 : < 0pm..Chicago Vestlbuled Llmltfd , . . . lD5uin llt5pmOkIalioina Km. ( to C. U. ex Hun.ll:3upm ) 1 " " WEST. 6:00ain.Oklahoma : & Texas Exp. le. . l:10im Oolorado Limited lSJpn Leaves I UNION PAC1FIO Omaha ] Union Depot , IQlli A Mason Sts. | Omaha lDt51mV. : Kearney l xprens , . . . lCOpin 2Upm Overland Flyer. E:40im tlSpra.Beatrlc : & Biromub'i ; Kx ( ex Sun ) lM > pn l:40pm : Pacific Impress lOdfam l:30pm Fast Mall. . . . Leaveq ) CHICAGO , MIL. Ik BT. PAUL. lArrlveT Omaha [ Union Depot , 10th and Mason till. | Omaha l:3Spm. : . . , .Chlcagu Limited lS : ara U:10am..Chlcnso " Expresi ( ex. Sun. ) . . , . E:00pn Leaves I F. , E. & MO. VALLEY. ( Arrives Omalial Depot ISth and ' Webster SU. | Omaha iToSam .TJeadwood'Express E:10nm : lOSani.Ex. BaL ) Wyo. KK. < Bx. Mon. } . C.0pm : EWpra..NorIollc Express ( Ex. Bunday.10 ) : Un St. Paul Express i:4 : an Leaves k MISSOURI PACIFIC. ( Arrlres Omaha ) Depot lith and Webster Sts. I Omaha l00am U.SL .Louis Uxpreus . , . . looan t:30pm 1..8C. Ixiuls Eiprcss „ . . lKon ; C'.lPpm.Dally ( tt. Bun. ) Nebraska Ivocal , . Leaves I C , . BT. P. , 'M. & O. ( Arrives Qmahal Depot 15th. and Webster Bis. -Omahi I .Sioux City Accoin. ( Ex. Bun. ] . . , 8:01rrm : I9OOun..BlouK City Aocora. ( Sun. Only. ) . . l:0r : > d Jtll&pm..Bloux City Express IKs. Bun.ll:6sim ) ! t:30pm : Bt Paul Limited. . . . . . . . . . J40m ; Leaves" ! SlOl5x CITY t "PACIFIC [ OmahilUnlon XXepot , 10th A Mason tits. ) Oman * littara. . Sioux : < aty Passenger ! Bpm. . . Bt. Paul Exprem..l : < lOan Leaves I BIOUX'CITY - Omabal Depot 1Mb and Webster Stt. I Omah tiJOpm Kt. Paul Limited :4aani tJOOpm . . .Chicago Limited : < 0am Leaves 4 'WABAail RAILWAY. ( Arrives Omahjl Union P p < > U IQIIi Jb Mason BU.J OraalM iMpm. , tit. Louis Cannon Hill lf:15pra : lt B Stings Cnr Deufncsi. > V. tb Jones , a farmer living a few mile from Sioux Fulls. 3. D. , bu juut recovcrei his bsuinff In a most remarkable manner Fire Tears ago ho becatno very deaf. an < lnc tlien. though he has tried yarloui kind of treatment , hla hearing hai been practical ! ( one. The other day lie iras workluj ; with avrarm of bee * , and manr of thorn , Eettlii under the net 'wblcb. corere'd hla face , etun him aeverelr on the e ri , The next day til deafness lett him , and now be can not enl hear xlth hla old power , but hl hearing I much more icate than formerly. 'I1IL ' PARKER'S ' JERKED YESISOS Jo D. Marvin In \VAslilnnton Btnr. In the winter of 1871 , the SlouK Indians avInR committed acrloMs. depredations In ha Yellowstone and neighboring regions , cncral Crook , commanding the government roops In that district , resolved to punish ticm. First , however , ha sent them word hat tlicy must cease from their depreda- lens and return to their reservation. They reatcd his communication with contempt , nd , accordingly , on March 1 , 1871 , Colonel V. n. Williamson , acting under orders from Crook , act out with ten companies f cavalry , some COO men , to make a forced arch to the place where the Sioux wort ) nown to have established themselves. Ills nsructionswere ( to foal the Indians the everest blow possible. With pack horses to carry Ills rations and amp equipments , Colonel Williamson pro- eeded to a point some thirty miles from the ndlans , and there established a temporary amp and headquarters. Hnvlni ; done this to led about flfty men In charge of the amp , and , supplying the rest with such ra- Ions as they couM easily carry In their haver- acks , ho sot forth with them fora swift ride o the Indians' rendezvous , each man being rmcil with a carblno and a revolver anil car- ylng a supply of ammunition. Among the Ulcers who accompanied Colonel Williamson vero his Eon , Lieutenant Arthur Wllllnm- on , who had ns yet seen but little rough ox- terieiice , and Captain I'hll I'nrkcr , who had > een In several engagements \\ltli the In- lans , and who was , moreover , shrewd In rtlftco and device when occasion required , Colonel Williamson knew that ho should flnd n him a valuable assistant In his undcrtak- nc , and ho realized thnt his undertaking vas a illfllcuH one. The Indians outnumbered its force probably two to one , nnd they were ugly and full of flght. The xupply of rations and ammunition they were able to carry was necessarily small and the weather was ully cold , General Sheridan , In his report of this raid , says that thn cold was HO In- CMSO that tha mercury congealed In the hcrmometer. The troops reached the camp of the In dians the next morning just at daylight nnd made an attack at once , dashing Into their 'Illaco and taking them completely by sur prise , The Indians , roused from slumber , ; elzed their weapons , but could not make a itand against the fire of the cavalry In their nldst , and , gliding along the ground and lodging from tree to tree , they fled In all directions. A few were killed , but the great lulk of them escaped , fleeing Into the woods , where It was useless for cavalry to attempt o follow them. Colonel "Williamson at once cave orders to set lire to the village , and everything , lodges , blankets and food was piled In heaps and burned. Nothing now re mained that could bo of use to the Indians xcept their ponies. There were about SCO of these corralled at ona end of the village. Some of the Indians had tried to get their lonlea before escaping , but the soldiers were Between them and the fold In which they were Inclosed and they wcro obliged to flee without them. If the cavalry could now kill these ponies the Indians would be left helpless. They would not be able to get back to their reser vation , and , deprived of their food and blan ks , which had been burned , they would surely starve and freeze. Colonel Williamson realized this , and ho at once directed that : ) io ponlea should lie killed. But bow to kill them was a problem. It would not do to shoot them. Their supply of ammunition was too small. If they used up 800 cartridges n killing the ] < onlcs they might soon Ilnd .hemselves nt the mercy of the Indians , who lad their weapons , nnd who , rendered des perate by their losses , were certain to attack them. If they had axes , they might accom plish the work of destruction , but they had none. Searching through the devastated vil lage they found three or four hatchets , nnd with these an equal number of men begun to knock the ponies In the head or to hack and malm them. This was n slow process , md It was not long before they were obliged to discontinue It , us the Indians , concealed In xho thick woods which surrounded the vil lage , began to pour In their bullets upon the soldiers with fearful accuracy. Colonel Williamson saw that ho must get his men out of the woods Into ihe open ilaln , where they could return the flro and force the Indians to keep their distance , and ns they would not stop to kill the ponies , and as the Indians must not be allowed to recover them , bo decided to take them along , driving them ahead of the cavalry , nnd killing and maiming them as best they could as they proceeded back to their temporary camp. This lie at once set about to do , but not with out the greatest difficulty. The ponies were excited by the firing , and by the killing of some of their number , and It was almost Im possible to keep them herded together , nnd : o force them along. The Indians , seeing their ponies being driven away , became more desperate and bold , and harassed the troops fearfully. Rcfore they reached the plain at a point beyond the range of the enemy's bullets Ored from the woods several of the men were killed and others were wounded. The hardships which the soldiers bad en dured from the time when they left their temporary camp on the preceding afternoon were terrible. They had ridden all night through an atmosphere so cold that their : > renth congealed as soon as It left their nos trils ; their faces and hands were covered with Ice ; ears were frozen , and hands and feet were benumbed ; many of them were wounded , and as yet ncne of them had had a mouthful of food. They now stopped on the plaJn and built fires and proceeded to pre [ uro their breakfast. But this they were not allowed to do In peace. The moment they dismounted and began their preparations the Indians poured forth from the woods directly loward them , coming to with In 300 or 400 yards , and firing Into them , at the same time aboutlng with all their might , in the hope at stampeding the panics. The troops re turned the fire , and , remounting their horses , they drove the Indians back Into the woods , jut as soon OB they returned to their stop ping place the Indians renewed their bold at tack. Again and again the cavalry drove Dack their desperate foes , and again and again they returned. This harassing warfare was kept up during the whole of the day. It was only by unatches and by a few at a time that their food could bo cooked And eaten. Vfhen night came It was far worse. The savages , scat tering themselves In the darkness , fairly sur rounded them and kept up a continual fire. They were unable to obtain any sleep ; the cold was still Intense , and many of them were wounded. It was a fearful situation Of course the cavalry could have mounted and galloped away , hut they-could not do this nnd take the ponler with them , and If they left them behind the Indians would capture nnd mount them and giro chase , and , a * they outnumbered the. icldlora two to one , a battle would be unequal. This state of things continued through the next day and night , the Indians becoming even bolder than on the day before. On the ( bird day Colonel Williamson resolved to move on at all hazardo. He realized tha there were two things that must uo done h must take his men back to camp and he must not let the Indians recover their ponies As they moved on across the plain , keeping the ponies together and driving them along the Indiana followed , alternately rushing for ward and tiring Into them and as swiftly re turning and scattering In all directions. Th progress of the cavalry under these clrcum ilancfs wan necessarily slow. During tha last two days they 1iad advanced only elgh or nine miles. Some twenty rnllea still lay before them. The situation of the troops was now ng cravatod by the giving out of their rations To bo sure , they could cat horseflesh , and thuy had plenty of It. There was now an ad dltlonal motive for killing the ponies ; they required their flesh for food , and horseflesi will probably sustain llfo aawell as venison There Is a sentiment in men's minds , how ever , which makes the necessity of resorting to such diet anything but agreeable. Soldier become accustomed to hard alternatives , am these COO cavalrymen , whoa th pangs o hunger became excessive ; brought themielve to partake of tha objectlonabU Kustenancc without much dial cully , all but one. Younj Lieutenant Williamson , -whom I bavo men tloned as hiving accompanied hla father Colonel Wllllinuon , upon this raid , was tin iccustomed to rough service. Ha had see cnly the easy aide of a aoldler'i , life. II wai. perhaps , something : of what they cal In far iwl parlance , a tenderfoot. At leas ha had a tinder stomach. Ho could not ea pony meat. When the troops stopped to prepare pare their food , and. cutting strips of flea from the ponies they had slaughtered , brollet them over their fires , and ftto them wit more or leu relish , he could not Join them lie could not even Iwk on and witness th rocoedlntf. Th sight of the dreadful pror. nder ren th thought of It was horribly ffenslro to his legibilities. His srmpathtj- UK companions did everythingthey couia a overcome his sentimental scruple * . They til trim and sightly cutlets and broiled thorn ntll they wcro crlp nnd brown , but It was o use. Ho could not eat them. The conso- ucnco was ho went-unfed. There was not a , crap of venison or dried be f or biscuit or t anything but pony meat to bo had , To RO without food In any season In bad nough , but with the temperature at 40 fle- irces below zero It Is more a question of reczlng than of starvation. The lieutenant aa obliged , to heat himself continually , and o get others to heat his llmba to keep his lood In circulation. Colonel Williamson bo- tmo alarmed for his son's llfo , nnd ho egged htm to eat the food , but all In vain. On the third day after the rations gave tt the colonel nnd Captain I'hll Parker , ho. as I have already said , was n man f lie-view , were riding together , when th oloncl asked the captain It ho could not link of some way to overcome his aon's enllrncntal feeling- , and , nftcr pondering while , the captain replied that ho would sco lint ho could do. Ho had hit upon a plan , and the next llmo hey stopped to prepare thnlr food ho preceded - ceded to carry It out. Cuttln from 0119 ' . the slaughtered ponlos a strip ot moat tnllar to the strips of Jerked antelope meat hlcli had formed a part of their rations hen they started on this trip , ho heated slowly heforo the fire , to give it n dried ppearanco , nnd then put It Into his haver- ick , where. In a llltlo while , It was frozen Iff. Afterward , as they rode along , lettlni ; 10 of the men Into his scheme , ho told Im to toll the lieutenant , as the greatest of avers , and under the strictest Injunction of ecrecy ns , to who was his Informant , that aptaln I'hll couldn't cat pony meat ajiy ioro than he could , and that ho had aomo ntclope meat In his haversack. It wna not nany minutes after this was dona before lo young lieutenant drew alongside of the aptaln , who had purposely drawn his horse little apart from the- others , and told him hat ho had learned , begging him for Qod'a ake to glvo blin a piece of his nntelopo neat. 'I ' haven't ' got any , " said the captain em- Imtlcally. " .yes , you have , " Insisted tha starving outh. "I tell you I have not. How could I have ny when the rations gave out days nnoj" "Now look here , Captain I'hll , one of the ion told me that ho saw you got same an- elope meat out of your Imversnck , and that ou couldn't cat horse meat any moro than I an. " "Who told you ? " "I swore I wouldn't tell. " "If I linew the man I'd kill him. Now , ook here. I have a small strip ot nntelopo icat , but I shall need It all and more too cforu wo get cut ot this d d scrape. If divide with you I shall probably hare to o without myself , but If you will swear hat you won't tell anyone I will give you piece. " Thfl lieutenant swore by nil the gods that e't tell , and the captain , looking bout , as It ho were afrnld that some ono iould see what was going on , reached Into Is haversack nnd took out the strip of pony neat he had prepared a little whllo before , nd cutting off a very smalt pteca ho cau- lously handed It to the starving wretch , who lzed It fiercely , and Immediately concealed : In his haversack , and at evening' , when hey stopped and built their ( Ires , ho made aste to broil It , eating It voraciously. Vlien his companions wondered at his cat- ng pony meat , ho told them that his hunger ad overcome his scruples , thinking the vhllo to himself how they were fooled , The next day he began begging1 again to .the aptaln for another piece , and again the cap- aln Insisted that he could not let him Imve ny without endangering his own llfo. "If I glvo it to you I shall starve , and I must think ot myself , for I have a wife and hlldren , and you haven't. " "Hut you wouldn't see me starve , would -ou ? " "If you starve it will only be the fortune f war , " the captain answered grimly. "II no of us must starve I had rather it should ie you. " "Captain , I'll glvo you my whole month's ; olary when we get back to the fort It yoU' will let : no layo ) one morp piece. " The captain' finally , yielded , after again mklng him Bwear that he would not tell any one , and warning him not to forget that ie owed him $180. All this tlrno their suffering from cold and atlgue and the harassing by the Indiana lad continued , hut they had managed to kill a good many of the ponies , and they wcro low not more than ten miles from their amp. Colonel Williamson accordingly de- ilded that the time had como for dcclslvo .ctlon. Sending two riders to gallop ahead o the camp to announce that the troops vould arrive that evening , and to see that < lg cunpflrcs were built and abundant rations vere cooked , the colonel ordered the men o rldo In among the ponies with their re- rolvcrs and shoot them as rapidly as possible. This was Bpcedtly accomplished , and in a hort time the whole troop galloped away , caving the Indians behind with no resources pxc pt the food which their dead ponies af- ordcd. That night , as the soldiers Eat around their camiiflre after an abundant supper , enjoying the comforts of vrnraillj and sated appetites and their pipes , as they iad never enjoyed them before. Lieutenant Williamson told how Captain Parker had , Raved his life by sharing his antelope meat vlth him. "But , " fold he , with dolcrous expression , "ho mndo mo pay for It ; 1'vo got o glvo him my month's salary for a pleco jf Jerked meat no bigger than my hand. " The time had now como for the captain o let the cat out of the bag , which be pro ceeded to do , and when , amid the roars of aughtcr of officers and men , the young lleu- enant rrallxcd how ho had been duped , and hat he had eaten pony meat after nil. he iroke nway from the campfire and rushed out nto the darkness , * where , as the narrator , vho told me the story said , he Uirew up everything but his commission. The scrofulous taint which may liavo been n your blood "for years , may be thoroughly expelled by giving Hood's Saraaparilla a rial. Drink Tlm-e 1'lnU of Water Dally. "A reason. " says a physician , "why I often irescrJbo one of the mineral water * for my latienU and have them take It dally in con siderable quantities li simply to glvo them sufficient water. It Is an error committed by nany otherwise sensible and intelligent per sons that drinking much water Interferes with digestion. One of those persons said to ma lately : 'I rarely drink a swallow ot water ; a cup of coffee with my breakfast , a cup of tea or chocolate with my luncheon and an after dinner cup of coffee again with my dinner , that Is practically all the liquid I lake' ( tats with an air of conscious rectitude ) . To begin with , tea , coffee , chocolate or beer , wine and the like are not substitutes for water , which i one of the most Important of all substances required for the nourishment of the body. Don't drain a half-pint glass of iced water Just as you sit down to cat. That Is palpably Injurious ; but do Jiavo a big glass of water that has been boiled and coaled brought to you on waking , and by the time the bath and toilet have been accomplished and breakfast IB to bo taken the- water will not bo an Interfering agent. About three pints of water n day should b regularly taken ; fully this la needed by the ay stem. " Oregon Kidney Tea euros nervous brtd- atbea. Trial size , 25 cents. All drujrt.tlt. A l.uftan In ilpurnalum. Boston Transcript ; Professor of Journal * Ism If you were called upon to report n dog flght , what would be your governing consideration ? Class To Increase the sporting circula tion without driving : away the religious readers. i Professor How I * this to b accom plished ? CUs By deplorlnc the brutality of th exhibition and then describing it , Professor What destroys barns ? Class The lire ( lend. Professor What did the sc no dot Class Beggared description * Prufossor That will do for today. To morrow you may prepare yourselves for ex amination on baffilnc investigation. When Aitriraj tick , we care ber CaitorU , "When sha was si Child , the cried for CutorU. When sJifl bocnmo Mlsj , s3ia clung to Cutoiit , When she hid Children , sh e T U m Oastoctl