OMAHA DAILY BEE : iSiZoNDAY , OCTOBER 15 , 189-J. G&SSIP & OF THE CRIDIHON Ynlo and Princeton Not Able to Decide on a Date for Their Game , MINOR COILCGE CLUBS SHOW UP WELL Bcorci Mnilo Afrnln t llotli Ynle nnil Her- varil I'enmjlinnlu In I'lno Kettle Western Cltilis Oprn Hie Scinou In Good Stylo. Last week the annual business meeting of the Intercollegiate Foot Ball association uas held In New York. Princeton and Yale are the only members now. anil the delegates present were : T. 0. Trenchard , E. 12. Munn and A. 0. Mllluank of Princeton , and E. S. Cable nnd P. A. H Inker of Yale. The moat Important matters tlial came up were the choices of date of tlic game between the two big colleges and a selection ot suitable Grounds. Neither was decided. There Is no lack of ground ? on tvhlch the game could IJG played , and It la only a question of se lecting the one most accessible and of the money to lie made. Manhattan Field will probably bo again ( elected. Dut the question of the date Is causing a good deal of trouble. At a meeting of the Princeton Graduate advisory committee last Tuesday It was decided to maintain that tlie date of the game be not changed from Thanksgiving day , unless the Yale faculty objtct. If the . Yale faculty objects , however , Princeton will consent to have the date changed to the following Saturday , December 1 , Yale decidedly ob jected to playing on Thanksgiving day , and nt the meeting1 of the association Captain Hlnkey Insisted that giime should he ployed on December E , ns he contended that ItVIIH Impossible far the team to be In proper form within ten days of the Harvard match. Nothing definite has been decided yet and theie Imvo been reports that there will be no name. This Is hunlly piobnble. The Katne linn become an feature In the cast , and too much money can he obtained from It , to be used In paying the bin ex penses of keeping a successful terim , to warrant Its abandonment. It is said that Yale has even Kane so far as to demand that the game be postponed until Uecemer 10. Princeton cannot play later than De cember 1 on account of objections of the faculty. In all probability then the triune Will come oft on December 1. This will be Biilllclent time for avcll trained team like Yale to recover from Injuries received ten days previously. Princeton Hill meet the University of Pennsylvania on November 10 , probably It Philadelphia. There was considerable talk of having the game tnke place In Trenton , but that I" ) not probable. Pennsylvania will not play Yale this year. Captain Knlpe of Pennsylvania hau said positively that the panic will not tnke place. There la n. general rejoicing- over the fact that liar Vttrd has refused to meet Princeton , as till" will practically Insure a game with rennsyl vanla. The Harvard-Pennsylvania game wll ! occur on Thanksgiving dny. Another hat game that will occur on Thanksgiving day Is that between Cornel and Ann Arbor. Cornell saw Inst year what lack of coaching did. The managers have obtained Newell , Harvaid'a old star tackle , and he Is doing wonders with tlv green material , Indications point to th < college having1 the strongest team thn. ever represented her. Corne-lllans think that they have another Oagood In Slur- buck , a new man , but who runs fast nnd strong nnd exhibits wonderful enduianci and sand. MINOIt TEAMS DOING BETTER. Two of the- big teams were scored n K.I Ins last week. Whether this Is to be attributed to the new rules or whether the fact thri the minor collects. In obtaining coaclic : from the star players of the blj ? team" , hnvi brought out better play , Is hard to decide. I3rown scoied a touchdown against Harvard nnd William : ) one against Yale , and kept the contest a tie for nearly the llrst half. In this game It Is said that lllilkey ill liber ntely kicked Heard , the left tackle , In UK Second half. The ball was In Yale's posses Blon and Heard was In place , but looked over his shoulder. Hlnkey saw him iim ! rushlnR up behind administered a kick while lieaid was In a stooping position urn nngrlly ordered him to get Into place In better form. Hlnkey , in training the team last year , was notorious for the brutal Ian jruage he used to the men on the Held. II has used the tame tactics this ycai , am rumors which at that time were believed t toe unfounded have been spieud that h would reslgm Yale showed up very poorly also In th same with the Crescent Athletic club 01 New York. The score was 10 to 0 In favo ; of Ynle. W. T. Bull says : "Within tin recollection , of the oldest graduate sticl weak play on the part of the college men could not bo recalled , e"en In all the years the two have met In annual games. Thf attempts of the line men to carry the bal through the Crescents' rush line wen quite laughable. " Pennsylvania ilefeatet the Crescents four days after by the score of 22 to 0. The play of all the unlverslt ; men was creditable. Whnrton wasi against Sanford , the ex-Yale guard , nn toyed with his bits' opponent. Minds n "Wojionhurst , the tackles , advanced the ba ] well and tackled strongly. Center Rusl Bull held his own. very well for hla lira name against a strong opponent. In th back field Gilbert carried oft the honors am followed his Interference beautifully. Os peed can't learn to da that , apparently ; I lie could there- would be no back In tin country to compare with him. The lean that lined up will. In nil probability , lit the 'Varalty , and Is as follows : Left end , ItOBengarten ; left tackle , Wagonhurst : left guard. Woodruff ; center , Hull ; right guartf /sVharton ; right tackle , Minds ; right end Upton ; quarterback , Knlpe ; left half hack Gilbert' right half hack , Osgood ; full back Brooke. The only change In Princeton's team thl last week Is the moving ot Morse from Inl back to quarter. Trenchard went back t ( hla place at end. It was like bringing oui a new team. Morse played a quick , head } gam.e. and though his ankle bothered him he made- some pretty runs. Ho will b sorely missed at half , but It Is clear that h IB the only man on the Held who can pin' quaitcr as It must be played , If Prlnccto la to win this year. The work of the team has not been especially strong In the game : last week , but yet the play has been bet ter than of the other teams , with ] > osslbl the exception of Pennsylvania , Hard luck seems to have given lip n' other pursuits and taken up Ita abode wit ; the Harvard team. Grey , half back , brok his leg , and 'Acton , at guard , fell on th ball and dislocated his elbow. Hoth th men were practically sure to make th _ varslty , and the accidents have put them out of the race , for good. Brewer , Wright Ington and Drown have been laid off will , bad ankles. The only satisfaction that Is left IB that the season Is still young. The week's practice and games show tha Pennsylvania Is the only team that has Im prpved. The other three teams appea rather to have retrograded. OUTLOOK IN THE WEST. On the Pacific slope the game has In creased In popularity this year apparently. The prreat event of the year Is , of course , the Thanksgiving game between Ldand Stanford university nnd the California State university , nnd the teams of both are prac ticing hard. The line of the Stanford uni versity will probably be the same as last year , with three exceptions. The backs will all be new. There are very few good candi dates , and the outlock Is gloomy. There are a number of positions to 1111 on the team of the State university , but candidates are numerous , and California Is In hopes of pullIng - Ing out a victory Instead of u draw this year. Three games have been played by the Kansas university team , one with Ottawa k university , oVie with the Topekn. Athletic club , and one with Donne college. Crete. These , with the practice work , chow that the eleven this yrnr Is a very strong one. It la being coached by Hector Cowan , the star tackle of Princeton's ' 88 team. There arc a mrge number of candlditen. and they were given a great deal of preliminary work before any team was organized. When It come to the forming of the first nnd second elevens , the men -were of such even ability that there was a constant shifting from one team to the other , and It hna not yet been definitely decided which will be the first eleven when the regular league games nro played. The men that are- back are : Williamson , captain and full back ; Stelnberirer and Shcllenberger , ends ; Platt In the line , and MoMurraiy behind the line. The strongest new men who have distinguished themselves are * Wilson at halfback , Hester at full. Hill nt half , and Armour , Stone nnd Porte In the line. There are many others nearly as brilliant , and some of the others may lie dropped te > give place to new men In any ovent. thf makeup will be stiong. The next big name IB with the Iowa university at Iowa City , on November 3. This Is the first game of the Interstate league The Doane college eleven Is being coached by Charles Tlurnau of this city , nn old Ann Arbor man , and has shown up remarkably well. In addition to ( he tram * with the Kansas untvenlty , mentioned above , u icaine will be plnved an Tuesday with Ottawa uni versity. They have such players a Taylor , Toomy. Allen , Potter , Fnrrar and Bldell , and Will put up a hard fame. Today a. tame Is to b played with Topeka Athletic club and will be another hard contest. TJIV WASHINGTON 1'AKK CLOSED. 1'Mcngo'n 400 Did Not flolMi tha AM- nojHnce of llrliifr Indlctril. CHICAGO , Oct II The announcement of the Washington Park club that 11 will hold no more race meetings does not mean that ( here will bo no more- racing on the track , but simply that the club will not assume control ot the racing- . The organization has always Seen nn much of a social as n racing coterie , nnd the members of thq club were socially cmbarrafB l nnd personally annoyed by the. Indictment of the club olllclaln last utnmcr on the ground that the race track , ns a common nuisance. There was also a tronff feeling among a portlcn of the club gnlns ( President Wheeler. The sentiment .ad some Influence on the- action of the club ast night It was thought President Vhceler was extravagant. The expenses . ' the race track this season were some 55,000. and this , rat I the nntl-Wliceler pirty , as far too much , The announcement of last night was .rne-ly In n racing way. Four stakes for i93 qnd 1S9G close Monday , and hundreds of ntrles had already been matfe for them. nhree 189C stakes , the American Derby , with 0,000 added , the Sheridan stakes , $2GUO .tided , nnd the revived Englewood stakes , :2,000 : added , also will close tomorrow. The lub also haa three classic event" ! for the t j season , closed last October , which will mve to be abandoned , They are the $23,000 American Derby , upon who o candidates .he bookmakers are already batting ; the Uueen Isabella etnkeM and the Sheridan UnkoB. Although abandoned by the Washi ngton Park club , these three events are not Ikfly to be nullified. Oeorgp V. Hanklns if the Chicago Fair association , who oper- tes the new Harlem track , raid after he .ail henrd of the board's action : "I shall make the Washington Park club an offer o take the stakes which have closed and ire closing off Its hands It Is best for vestern racing that the stakes should not lie , and I am willing to lake them to larlem nnd pay the same to owners as the iVushlngton Park club. " MISS MOSINTIIIIVI : TIM : CHAMPION" . Connecticut's rvnmlo rentier 'llentcn In MillionStjlo nt M l.oul . ST. I.OUIS. Oct. 14-Before a throng which packed both banks of the river , as ell as the great Eads bridge , Miss Hose Uoscnthelm this afternoon won the mile : nd n half Pculllng match for the female ihamplonshlp of America , defeating Miss Tilllo Ashley of Hartford , Conn. Miss Ash ey lost heart before the race was half over nnd gave up. Miss Mosenthelm's time tvns 12.13J4. In addition to the great crowds .hat saw the race the river was nt the itartlng point covered with n fleet comprls. tig everything from a steam , tug down to a housebontman's dinkey. The nlr was crl = p ind cool , with a rather raw breeze blowing , Tvlilch , however , had little effect upon theater . \ater The course , which was down stream , Jay between the two great bridges. It was kept clear by patrol boats up to the firing of the blurting pistol Little time was lent Ui preliminaries , and at 4 35 the girls got iiway to n good start , each pulling an easy stroke. After a sixteenth of a mile had been gone over the pulling wai then strengthened n bit. For the first quarter-mile there was "Ittle to be seen between the bows of the two shells. At this point the St. Louis girl quickened her stroke , pulled Into the lead nnd was never thereafter In danger. A half [ lozen lengths below the llrst half mile the Hartfotd girl pave u [ > the race nnd prac- tlcallv stopped rowing- . The western woman kept her pace and finished an easy winner amid the jelling of men , firing of boat guns nnd Rcrecchlng of locomotive whistles from the tracks along the river bank. Immedi ately upon the close of the race the con testants were picked up by their tugs and taken to the club houpe near the stijrtln point. Miss Ashlev and her manager , Mi E N. Atherton , left for home tonight. IEH ; UATTIIH ; o : * TIII : inu i.n I ) n fly Ilrndn the I.l t with it Tremendous PrriiMitiiKn. WASHINGTON , Oct. H President Young of the National Bise Ball league today guve out the olllclal batting records of players for the season of 1891. Duffy of the Bostor club heads the list. His record In full Is nmcs , 124 ; at bat , CM ; runs. ICO , Hrat bases 23G ; percentage , 433 ; total bases , 3T2 ; sacilflce lilts , 10 ; stolen , bases , 49. Four of Phlladel phla'w players follow Duffy , vizi Turner , with a percentage of 425 ; Thompson , 403. Delchanty , 400 ; Hamilton , SOS. Captain Anson of the Chicago team romes next with a percentage of 394. Baltimore noxi makes Its llrst appearance with Kelly , per centage 331 , Hullldny of Cincinnati Is tenth , with n percentage of 381. New York's best batter , Dovle , percentage SG9 , It No. 12. Brooklyn , Cleveland , I'lttsburg , Louisville , Wns-hlngton and St. I ouls mak their llrst appearance on the list In th order named. The record In full of the lead Ing batter In each club , except Duffy o Hoston , . heretofore given , Is as follows : > ; Turner , rhllad'n. . Arson , Chicago . , Kelly , Ilultlm re. Ilcllltlay. Clnclnnn I Ooylc , New Yorlt . Gillfln , IlronklMi. . Chlldt , Clelam ] Smth. I'ittKlmrB- . 103 Nlcoll , Louisville 1 22 Joyce , Washington Miller , HU Louis. . M lire ! I ! irift nl Menl. JIHAD , Neb , Oct 14. ( Spsclal.-The ) wee Just closed was one of the greatest sportlnf periods In the history of our prosperou young city. Trldny was the big blcycl tournament and the dedication of the nev half-mile circle race track. Wheelmen wen present from Fremont , Klkhorn , Waterloo Ashland and Wnhoo. The meeting Frlda : was only n forerunner of the many of It , kind to follow , and the gentlemen who an pushing the enterprise deserve , the com mcndatton of the people of Mead and vl clnlty. J. Thorson won In the half-mile race , H Miimm second. Time : 1:28. : One mile race : O. Thorson first , O. Ander son second. Time : 3:05. Two-mile race : A. Matson first , H. Lund gren second. Time : 710. ; P. L. Hall was. the winner In the slow race. In the half-mile free-for-all race , A. Mat son was first and C. Thorson second. Time 1:22 : In the ladles' half-mile race. Miss Dell. Condlt rode the winning wheel and Mis : Minnie Ostenbertf was a. close second. Thli race was the prettiest llnlsh of the day , AnnUiar Ileurllt fur tlm ( Ilaiiln. NT5W YOItK , Oct. 14.-AI1 the base ba cranks In New York Bttite appeared to hav assembled tonight In the Broadway theater , where the Temple cup was presented t Captain Ward nnd his Giants. The fui began by the DeWolf Hopped opera , com pany singing a chorus. Attraction after tit- traction followed In quick puccesston. Justice Orady made the speech of presentation and Delia Kox carried the handsome cup nnd placed It In Captain Word's hands. The captain of the Giants made a short speech The ceremony over , there WHS a wild storm of cheers nnd edafenlng applause. About J4.00) was received at the box office , which goes to the Giants. Menu i'lilliliiKill'H I : * < . NEW YOHK , Oct , II. A new starting de vice was successfully operated at the Morris Park race track yesterday. A gate was erected across the track at the live fur long post. .Two races were started with It today. In the llrst n Held of ten , which stood before the apparatus , was sent away beautifully. After thre ? gongs are sounded the gate swing forward and upward and the racers are enabled to Get off In a bunch. Unuicla * Han Club Tourney. DOUGLAS. Wyo , , Oct. U.-Speclal.-A ( shooting tournament will be held nt Doublas on the 25th Inst. . under the auspices of the Douglas Gun club. Several handsome prizes will be offered. It IB expected that all the crock marksmen In central Wyoming and western Nebraska , will be In attendance. Olrnion unit Murphy ITnilorIrrfM. . HATLIMOYIR , Oct. H. "Kid" Gleoson of the Ilnltlmorc base ball club and Johnny Murphy the lightweight , were arrested at Camdcn station tonight for assaulting and beating Policeman Leary. McMuhon' IIaltlmore'8 crack pitcher , was In the scrap , but so fur has eluded nnest. < hrjciiiin to llnve Ituces. CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Oct. 14.Speclal ) A number of horsemen In this section are endeavoring' to arang-e > a series of races to be run en the track of the Wyoming Fair association In this city on Saturday , the 20th Inst. M'liero the labor Is. Detroit Prea Press ; "It must bo pretty hard work pounding the pavement with that sreat rammer , " said the Idler. "Sure , " aald Mr. Grogan , "U la not the droppln * av the thing on the sthonea thot Is the har-rd wor-rk at nil. It U the Ilftln' av U up. " FAMOUS TOWER OF LONDON Traglo Stage Where Heal History Wes Acted by Great People. A VIRTUAL HiGHWAYTOTHEOTHER WORLD Uhcro ( Juecui mid 1'jrlnccs , Ilrroca nnilYll- UlnN VVrro UxccutcilValln Grnvjn with Inscriptions I.oro and Legvidi of the Tlinoi , There has been nn Immense amount of writing done concerning that historical spot , the "Tower ot London , " and &UI1 there has been n great deal left unsaid concerning Ills ancient and Interesting edifice , During y stay In London this season I spent con- derablo time In looking through and ex- mining the different portions loft open to Isltors. There arc several towers and wings i use by the government , which visitors ro not allowed to enter , but still there Is nough left open to the public to keep the Isltor busy for many days , should ho bo In- crested In historical rose-arch. William the Conqueror very soon after litalnlng possession of the kingdom , selected fie ground on which the toner stands today ml liereon built the prison which was cstlncd In after years to hold some ot the most Illustrious men nnd women of all times. rom the eleventh century a hup at to the resent day. When this spot was selected y tha Illustrious Norman It was partly enimed In by the ancient Roman wall built n the fourth century , and just before the eparturo of the liomatis from British soil , t Is supposed that the construction of the ewer was commenced about ten or twelve cars after the battle of Hastings , although ho exact date Is not known. The tower has icon remodeled In part and Improved from Ime to time , until It has assumed the vast Intensions and we might say peculiar nrchl .ectural appearance of the present time , 'hero Is to bo found In the building almost 11 styles of architecture which have flour- shed In England from the beginning of Its ( instruction until toil ay. There Is an open space within the walls Imost In the center of the tower called the green , whereon most of the executions took lace , and they wore many. The spot thereon the lovely Lady Jane Qrey , Que'en iVnno Boleyn , Queen Katharine , llflh wife of Henry VIII. , and numerous others met death , la marked by a large slab of stone set deep Into the earth , nnd the visitor can hero stop and muse over the scenes which must have taken place during the various executions of lovely women , Christian men and scoundrels , If lie feels Inclined to do so Whtlo standing upon this spot I was more nc Ined to Imagine the scenes of the execu- .lon of the Lady Jane Grey than any of the rest , and I stood for some time wrapped In deep thought , my mind turning to an old chroniclers' description of this most fiendish of crimes , committed by those whom this jc-aiitlful and accomplished woman had lilthcrto been betrayed Into believing her best friends. HOW LADY JANE OREY DIED. This writer says "About 10 o'clock on the morning of the 12th Gulldford Uudle. went forth from the tower , to the scaffold on Tower lilll , that he asked the people to pray for him , and held up his hands many times to God with toars. Ills caicas throunc nto a carre and his hed In a cloth , he not brought Into the chappell within the tower , where the Lady Jane , whose lodging was within Mr. Partridges houce , dyd BB his dej ! carcase taken out of the cart , as well as sin dyd see hym before alyvo going to deatln a syght to hid no less than deatlie. By thl tyme was there a scaffold made upon th grcne over agayriBt the white tower for-the. galdc Lady Jane to die upon. , The saltle lady , being nothing at nl abashed , neither wllh fcaro of her oinu deatlie , which then app-oached , neither will the sight of the ded carcase of hlr hus bando when ho was brought Into the chappell. came fourthc , the leveten.umt leading hlr , In the same gouno wherein she wns ar rayed , ( a black gown of cloth , a cap lined and edged with velvet , a "black French heed , a blark velvet book hanging befon hero and another book open In her ham ] , a little before death uttered1 thesewordes , Pyrst , when she mountt < lpon the scaffold she said to the people stanilynge thereabout 'Good people , I come hither to die , and by a lawo I am condemned to the same. Thi fact Indede against the Queens "Hlghne ? : was unlawful and the consenting thereunti by mo , but touching the procure ment and desyro thereof by mi or on my halfe , I 'do wash my handcs thereof ln _ Innocenclo 'before1 God and the. face of you Christian pcopl this daye , nnd therewith she- wrong he. handca In which she had her booke. Thci : she sayd 'I pray you all good Christian people to beare mo wytness , that I dye u true Christian woman , and that I look to b < sav\d by none- other meane but only by tin mercy ot God. In the merltes of tttt bloui of His onlyo son no Jesus Chrlstc. Forth with she untied her gouiie. The hangman went to her to have helped her of tlicri withe , then she desyred him to let hei alone , turning towards her two gentle women who helped her of therewlthe , alsi her frose paste and neckerchef , gyving tt her a fajre handkerchet to knytto about he : eyes. Then the hangman knelcd doun ? urn a ked forgevencs whomo she forgave mos willingly. Then he willed her to stand upoi the strawe which doing she savve the blocke. Then she eayd : 'I pray you despatehe m. aulckly. ' Then she kneled douno saying 'Will you take It of before I laye me douneV nnd the hangman answered her : 'No inadamc. ' She tied the kerchef about lie ; eyes. Then feeling for the blocke sayd What shall I do ? Where Is It ? ' One o the slanders bye guydlng lur thereunti she layde her head douno upon the block and stretched forthe lier body , and said 'Lord , Into Thy handst I commendo m splrlte , ' and so she ended. " With the history of the past Ufa of thl accomplished woman In the mind and view Ing the exact spot on which her executloi took place , can you Imagine anything mor touching when wo consider the unquestlonei goodness ot all her dexds , and when we re member also that at this age goodness wai at such a premium. We can hardly under stand that any set of men could bring abom her death in this manner , be they even s wicked as at the period of her execution. In the chapel most ol the : people * execute on the green have been burled , and He then to this day , Macauley , In hla "History o England , " says of It ; "Thither have bee ; carried through Miccesslve ages , by the rut ) hands ot gaolers without one mourner fo ) lowing , the bleeding relics of men wh have been captains of armies , the leaden of parties , the oracles of senates and th ornaments of courts. " I presume I attach more significance to these ancient executions than is their due , but I was always charmed by anything historical , and It does not seem that these de.ds which have been written of and sang In prose and poetry bear the same stamp as do the executions and crimes of the present day , THE PRISON CIIAMDER , The Ucaucliamp tower , where all the notables were Imprisoned for eeveral hundred years , has been preserved as Intact as pos sible , and hero we can tee the designs upon the stone walls scratched by sharp Instru ments In the hands of Illustrious people , wheat at the time did not know how long they wcro to remain within these dreary walls , and , when released , whether the act would be accomplished by the executioner or gaoler. Here , In a room about thirty feet square , I should say , and without two small windows , set deep into tha stone walls , furnishing- light , some of the most noted people of the llrltlsh Isles spent year * of their lives In solitude , and , us a witness to their Idle moments , left upon the walls their coats of arms , names , etc. , some of the designs being executed In a most artistic manner. Probably the on requiring the moat work and exhibiting the > greatest amount of skill was that done by John Dudley , created earl of Warwick , and who died In 1551. He was the oldest son of the duke of Northumber land. There weret five brothers In the Dudley family , namely Ambrose , earl of Warwick , created 1661 ; Gulldford , beheaded In 155-1 ; Robert , earl of Leicester ; Henry , killed at St. Quentln ; John , the eldest , and the cue whose work remains In the tower to bear witness ot Ills Imprisonment , was Incarcerated on the 25th of July , 1553 , and remained vrllliln the totter until August 18 of the name year , nhtri 'ho was tried for high treason , found guIHjr and returned to the tower. He wrote n letter ( O'Quecn Mary , In which ho quoted nn old pro-fcrb , ' "A living dog IB better thnn a dead lion , " but , notwithstand ing his earnest appeals ( or life , both to the queen and through the Influence ot Stephen Gardiner , bishop ot Wincnestor , ho was exe cuted on the 22d ot August , having been allowed twenty-four bourn respite to hear masR. after the date iQl hU execution had been fixed on the 21st. In carving his design upon the walls he was thoughtful enough to remember all his four brothers- . Under a bear nnd lion , sup porting a staff , Is the name John Dudley , and surrounding them Is a wreath of roses for Ambrose , acorns for Itobert , gllly flowers ( or Outtdford , and honeysuckles for Henry , At the bottom ot all are four lines , as fol lows : "Youe that these brasta do wet behold and EC , May demo ftltlie ease therefore hero may they bo with , borders wherein Pour brothers' names who list to scrchc the ground. " The third line Is defective , but Mr. Lotties , who.wrote the authorized guide to the tower , thinks perhaps It should read , "With borders wherein eke there may be found. " A WOIITHLESS CHARACTER. During the administration of Cromwell , eorge Vllllers , second duke ot Buckingham , ho married the daughter of Sir Thomas Fairfax , at which Cromwell wns much In cused , was/ / committed to the tower for that ery act. He had been absent from Eng- oml for a long Interval , but secretly re- urncd , was captured and Imprisoned. He tns one of the handsomest men of hla day , nit was the possessor of a most unenviable harnctcr , and so was disliked by almost all , vlio knew htm. At the restoration hei was inado master ot the horse and became a Tiembor of the privy council , but he was so 'ond of Intrigue that he was always In rouble and finally ended by being returned : o the tower. But King Charles soon rc- itored him to liberty ami his titles. Ills cseons ot prison life did htm very little good , ! io-\ve\er \ , and his actions were , If anything , nore disreputable after regaining his liberty han before. Pope's description of this man peaks of his final Illness , beginning "In the \orsl Inn's worst room. " His existence dur- ng his last hours was most pathetic. At his death his titles bccamo extinct , as he left no children Guy Fawkes and his ac complices wera Imprisoned In this room dur- "ng their trial and pre\ foils to their execu- .lon. .lon.Queen Queen Anne Boleyn , of whom there has been so much , written , spent a portion of licr life In this room previous to her execu- lon , which waa brought about"by that \lllaln lenry VIII. She uas the second wife of lenry. Kducated In Trance she returned to England and became a maid of honor to Queen Kutherlne of Arragon In 1527. In ' 532 she was created marchioness of Pembroke at Windsor castle. The ceremony was \ery extensive , owing to the Interest of Henry VIII. , who married her In 1533. She was crowned que.n during the same year. After the ceremonies wcro finished the king and queen went to live at Hampton court , where the time was spent In festivities , and Sir Thomas Moore , one of the greatest scholars of the ago , who was at the time ImprlsoiiPd In the tower , hearing * of the feasting and revelry , remarked : "Alas , It pltleth me to think Into what miseryipoor soul , she wll shortly come. These dances of hers -wll prove such dunces that , she will spurn our heads oft like foot balls , but It will not belong long until her head will dance the like dance. " ' During a fete one evening the handksr chief ot the mieen fell from the balcony Into the court below , a slgn.-as Henry chose to Interpret It , to oner ot thehousehold. IK had tired of her by this tlmo and on this slight pretext called' a council In "West minster , where the ijUeen and several others convicted and thortly afterward wer arrested and thrown Into the tower. In vain she appealed to the king for mercy , all of her pleas were answered with cold disbelief. Shortly afterward \\nsbroughi to trial , charged with adultery , and con d.niited to die. On the 19th of May she was conducted to theB affold , erected on the stime8pot wher " " Lacly Jam1a"nd"sevCral | : tifners mqt deatTT. A STRANGE LEGEND , We are Indebted to Disraeli for a legend connected with her death , which , 'I ' consider very pathetic. She would not allow her ejes to be bandaged , preferring to see the llplr ot day as long as possible. When the execu tloner ( who hod been Imported from Calais as an expert ) approached her ehe would casi her e > es up at him with EO pathetic an ex presslon as to unnerve him , and ho made three Ineffectual attempts to strike the blow , but failed each time. 1'lna ly It was decided to resort to a stratagem. The executioner removed his shoes and approached from the left , while n person wearing shoes approached from the right. The queen's attention was attracted In this direction , and the execu tloner was thus enabled to strike the fata blow , and so ended the life of themes beautiful woman of her time. The walls of the Beachamp tower bear the word "lane" In two different places. It Is supposed that these Inscriptions refer to the Lady Jane Grey , and It Is thought they were Inscribed by her husband , Lord Gulldford Dudley , while he was a prisoner In the tower but this Is not definitely known. The Inscriptions In this tower commence near the doorway , the llrst of which Is . of Walter Paslcw , and Is dated 1GG9 and 1570. This person was not otherwise famous They extend on all sides ot the apartmen and there are over 100 of them In all , BI that It Is Impossible to glvo a descriptor of all In , the limited space at my disposal Suffice It to eay that here may be seen thi record of Imprisonment-of the- greatest men and women of the times. In which they ll\ed Sir Walter Kalelgh , whoso name , from hh connection with American history Is known to all , has left hts mark upon these walls OB well as kings and queens of England ant Scotland , and earls , dukes and princes galore. . The tower yard Is filled with ordnance o all ages In promiscuous piles. The Whlt < toner , which [ a ttio largest single structur In the enclosure , btands In the center , anc within Its walls may bo seen the armor worn by England's Kings for parade and battle and the marks of blows may yet bo seen upon their burnished faces. _ The battle axes spears , and In fact all classes of weapon used In ancient warfare , are also groupei here , and are kept In as good order , per haps , as when the owner was alive , an wielded them with dcad.y effect , I su pos as I am forced to stop somewhere I mlgh as INCH discontinue here , for U would b Impossible to touch upon all the sights am Incidents attendant upon a visit to the Tonei of London without writing a large volume. . I will eay In conclusion that a hasty visit t this place Is the height of foolishness , an with mo would only make a regretful departure parturo , consequently i would advise any on contemplating a visit to London to set asld at least a week for'thtfrexamlnatlon of thl mokt historical of spots , and I can safely should they make Ua.month , they will ye find on the last day firbjects of Interest t examine. CHAHLES It. FEIIRALL. Oono A most Important'fcrnAch ot business In th human mechanism Js that transacted by th kidneys. If your kidnuya have gone out o business , look out ! > * lol > n they will becom diseased , unless thej .resunie the payment o their debt to nature , . . Use Hosteller's Stem uch Dlttera at the stnn and ull will be wel Employ It , too , for Jjijurlal ) and d > 8pptl troubles , constipation liver complaint an feebleness , j A Wni "Memory Is a gltt that seems to be vcr unevenly dletrlbutellsald G. L. Illackwel a Chicago rallrcatr OTTCIal , to the Globe Democrat. "Wo liaWa man In the emploj of our road who Is rblcsted with the moe wonderful memory I ' "ever heard of. It the duty of this man to keep account of th different cars as they come Into the yurd , When a train whistles he steps out on th platform , without either book or pencil , an takes a menUl note ot the- cars as they g by. If any one happens to bo standing nea him at the tlmo he Is thus engaged he doe not hesitate to enter Into conversation wit him , and when the train has passed he step back Into the office and makes a complet and accurate record of the train , beginning. at the first car and ending with the caboose , Sometimes , just to test hl > ability , the me would get him to bfjrtn at the caboose an write the numbers the other way , or els begin In the mldillo of the train and wor both ways. In any caie ha never ha made a inlatako that I know of , Car nun : bars , the names ot the roads to which the ; belong and their relative positions In th train would always be recorded accurately. ' LAMBS ARE BECOMING SOY Plucked Public Steering ( Hear of the Wall Street Manipulators' Den , OM.Y SOLID INVESTMENTS ARE SOUGHT Stock * Width Hnro Hern Juggled bjr Specu lators to the Or rut Io s of the lluycra Are No Longer In Itriursl. | NEW YORK , Oct. 14. Henry Clews , head ot the banking house ot Henry Clews & Co. , writes of the situation In Wall street : "Tho stock market as yet showsno signs ot violent change cither for better or worse , notwithstanding the 'professionals' arc likely to remain In control , In the absence of fresh features calculated to attract a substantial demand from the public. The Industrial properties continue to absorb more than their share of attention , and still form the dis turbing clement In the market. Inasmuch as they are destroyers of confidence , and are causing other securities to suffer unneces sarily and without special reason , There are but few unfavorable situations , however , out of which ( to not coino some good result , and this one Is not likely to bo nn exception , as In the end It will tend toward n revulsion of feeling which will place the Industrials 'n the background , nnd speculativefnvorlt - sm will once more be with the peed rail road stocks. The movement has been 'woiked' for nearly all It Is worth In con- icctlon with the former class of securities , and the tremendous looses which outsiders have suffered as a result of Insiders' inanlp- -ilatlon are undoubtedly going to prove n .csson not easily forgotten , nnd one which iv III naturally turn the current of ppecula- Jon away from manipulated stocks and to- ivards securities the movements ot which nro governed by natural causes , nnd not by he machinations of a few men. The sltun- lon of the rallroadH Is encouraging ns far as the outlook Is concerned , and although their present condition Is not all that could lie desired or may be expected later on , It H at least n guarantee of better things to' come ; nnd earnings tire good when the gen eral condition of business throughout the country Is considered. It must be remem bered that railroad returns now are being compared with those of n. particularly pios- perous period , when the bulk of the World's fair business was being done When the-j are compired with the ordinary tialllc re turns the showing Is not so poor after nil , nnd with the habits of economy now being so well learned the propped for n marked Improvement In net receipts Is good when the general business situation begins to mend with more rapidity , as soon It will. The 'granger' stocks have suffered for n long time on the prospect of a small corn crop this year , but this Idea , has undoubt edly been cairled too far , ns present Indica tions certainly point to the prospect of con siderably larger yield than nt first expected The Washington ngiloultuntl report. Issued on the 10th lust. , shows that wheat and corn Increased over their estimate of last month , and Information irom private sources from almost eveiy direction Is to the effect that the crops this year are much undetestlmatcd bv the government. All these form another reason why an Improve ment may be looked for later on , for when a Titock or class of stocks Is unduly de- presied n reaction Is natural when the cause for the depression Is removed or dls covered to be principally the result of eiror It has always been a pinctlcal Impossibility to Induce the public to buy stocks when they are away down , but after the range of prices has advanced to a considerable extent outsiders begin to buy. The tilin to do Is to put chape while It can be done at low prices and before a KIowing de mand has advanced values. This ought to be n good time to buy properties which enjoy confidence , with the Idea of putting them away and holdlni : them for a few montlm at least , bv which time the pi Ices for nil good securities will In all prcbibllllv reach n much higher level. London , though for some time past having shown a much more marked degree oC confidence In Amer ican railways , * la nt pre ent doing n llttli- liquidation , ns a lesull ptlnclpally of the slight fear of political disturbances Should this , , continue Ittna.v refuiuln amoderato shipment of gold fiom this Klde , unless there should spring up an IncreahOil demand abroad for our grain and cotton. The fctrenfith In th.e steillnjr exchange market has naturally entered Into the situation tea a ceitaln extent as an unfavorable factor , but with the present superabundance of money and low rates therefor It should cause no uneasiness. The bears , however , are disposed to make the most of It to de press prices : their raids will furnish excel lent opportunities to pick up cheap stock for quick nnd profitable tuins , and thereby be a blessing In disguise for those who avail of such opportunities. " IU.VJi : V OK TIIK WOOL , TKADK. MiuUet Comparatively ( Milnl , but Consiilcr- iiblo Dmnrstlr Itolnjr Sold BOSTON , Oct. Jl , The Ameilcnn Woo and Cotton Heporter says of the wool trade "We Imve had a. comparatively quiet mar ket since last wilting , although conxlder- nbly more domestic wool has been sold than In the previous week , Most kinds of do mestic are selling In. a quiet way. Fleeces ore moving some , especially the coarser grades , nt quotations. Fine wools , while not finite so active , aie being taken In n small way ; nnvthlng In desirable parcels Is selling at current rates. "There Is some Inquiry for Texas and' California , and considerable sampling. "Territories are selling well , particularly medium Kindts of Moitnna , Idaho nnd Wyo mliiK' this npplle's , of couise , to wools o good growth ; poorer selections are dull. "The coarser grades of domestic pulled wool are In good demand. These are nearo a foreign basis ; some are cheaper "Fair pales of foreign wool have been made this week , although the- quantity taken shows a. consldeiablc falling off fron last week. This hlg-nllles nothing ; manu facturers generally realize that they cni : flnd , aa they wnnt It , a better Australian here and more of It cheaper than It can be obtained abroad. Scoured wools of various soils have had n good week. "Wools are being held In Ohio above thl market. "The sales of the week amount to 2.2C3.00C pounds domestic nnd GSO.OOQ foreign , making tx total of 2,852,000 pounds , ngalnut n total of 3,324.050 for the previous week , and n tola of i,63I,500 for the corre * > porullng week lasl year. The sales since January 1 , 1891 amount to 115,125S35 paunds , against 31,308 , 000 pounds a year ngo. "The- total sales In New York for the week were 728,000 pounds. "The aggregate sales foi the week In Philadelphia were 1,297,813 pounds. " LONDON VINATkCIAl * ItKVIKW. ( Jerumii Demand for ( io'il Censlujj Oulng- to the Itlsp In Itntcg. I.ONDON , Oct. 14 , Owing to the rise ( n the rates of exchange the Geiman deman for gold Is ceasing. The fact that the bnl ance of the trade Is against the United States makes American gold exports mor likely than Imports. Discount intes here therefore , exhibit weakness , Nothing Is ye settled In regard to the Spanish or Chlnes < loans. It Is probable that the latter loai will be 0,000,000 , secured by customs due ; at the treaty ports. The stock market ha not yet fully recovered from the recen scare , but since * the settlement , which wo got over without trouble , the markets h Hliown n , distinctly stronger tone. KQrc securities , even Russian and Turkish , wen better , while becurltles iecovere . from their temporary relapse when It wet recognized that the Interest on the bond : Is not dependent upon the Imperial treasury but upon the revenue ot the treaty ports. Home railway securities during thewee - were easier. All Investment stocks suf- feicd more- during the scare than ppecula- tlve hecurltles. An Impiovement In A inert can railroad securities is a Ionic time com Ing. Purchases of these Heuciltlcn were on the most moderate scale , while bear Helling tended to depress the market. Louisville & Nashville was down " per cent , Atchlsor mortgage 1 % per cent , lirle < H.-onds V& pei cent and Reading firsts 1V1 per cent. Al the others showed fractional decline * . Gran Trunk of Canada was Improved on th week. Canadian Pacific fell pharply on th expected new Issue of preference clock South American secuiltlos wcro strong. LONDON UHAIN MAKKK/T. U'ruthtr During the Week I'niurublo fo J'nriu Work. LONDON , Oct. 14. The weather has bee favorable for farm work and the market fo ; wheat has been fairly active. Consumer ! have been buying moderate , but forwari buslnebti was dull and Inactive , while spec ulatlon wan Inanimate. Huesla Is shlppln freely to the continent ; the xports havi been liberal , owing to the pendingsloppagi of navigation. La Plata cargoes arrlven were In fair request at easier rates , llci winter parcels , shipments from New VorK for October delivery , were quoted at J9a d , Flour waa steady. } iaker brands wen quoted ut 3d advance. The offerings- maize were light , European maize was I poor demand and a turn w aktr , mite The Washing of the Feet gets to be a weighty matter , in these jdays when colored stockings will shed their colors. Pearline docs this work beautifully. Jt's not only thoroughly effective , but it's healthy. Doctors recommend Pearline as a soak for rheumatism. Try it in the bath. It will give you a new idea of cleanli ness. Bathing with Pearline is a perfect luxury. Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tclt yon , Beware I ! ' 'jsl ! nLR ° ? .1' ' a * " or "the same as 1'carllne. " IT'S FALSE Pcarllno is never peddled. If your r sends you an imitation , be honest lend U fact. VQ JAJUES York. . * * and * Special Stove Sale Steel Ranges $24.35 \voitli \ $38.0 4-IIoIc Rinjcs 4.90 \vorlli \ 9.75 Base Burners 11.35 \vorlli \ 20.01) ) " ' ' ' Base Burners" . . . . . 14.75 worlli 30,00 Cannon Stoves 1.75 worth 3.50 ' " " Parlor Cooks. . . . . 8.60 worth 17.60 Laundry Stoves 3.40 worth 6.50 Oil Heaters 4.90 worlli 9.75 Oak Stores 5.65 worth 11.00 Parlor Heaters. . . 7.60 worth 15.00 Special Carpet WOD ! Ingrains . . . . 49c worth Unon Ingrains. . . . 28c worth Smyrna Hugs. . . j 1.24 worth Tapestry Carpel. . 48cvoilli \ For this pretty fnll-nlckolot ) Velvet Carpel 59c worth Oil Heater , which would cost you elsewhere abaut $8. The Body Brussels. . . . 67c worth name of it is "Splendid , " and 'Icmp ' Carpets . . . 12c worth its rightly named , for it is n splendid oil heater in every Misfit Ingrains. . . . 4.60 woitli sense of the word. Wo are solo agents for ' 'Splendid Oil Jlisfil Brussels. . . 8.75 worth Hcatuis , carry a largo varie Lace Curtains 98c worlli ty of styles nnd guarantee every ope to give batisfautiou Poilicres 2.95 worth or money refunded. Window Shades. . . 24c worth TERMS : 8LOvnrlll of rroti ll , 1 81 par wo a It or SI par luontli 8'J5 irortll ot , ciim ( , tjtl.nO pfer ivoolc or 0 per mouth 330 worcli f Km > I * . S3 per week or 4M per month S7f > worth at qo3it ; , 8i.fil ! per \vii3k or BID par month @ 100 worth of tof ! * 8.1 [ > ir ir GK or ttlti pur mouth Tultejuur choice \Vu don't o gjo3 ; north of eomK Hip ivlileh joti change. S4- puivoek or 815 parinon Fornnrly People's Mammoth Installment House Open Monday and Saturday Evenings * Thin RreatVecoiabU tlonof n Stmom 1'rench pliysldnn , will quickly euro > ou of all ; ions or din tam o ( ( ho tcturalUe orKani , eucti us Lost Manhood , Insomnia. . Pulnaln tlioDucU.He.nlnol .missionsNervoug Dtbill'T. jimplci ; , vnlltutaa f < ilarry , Kxuaiutluir Urilna. Vaiicorrle BIII } , CUriliKN 1C clpnnc3 ; thollvor.tho kldncya and the urinary 1 BEFORE AND AFTER orsana of all Impurities. OUI'IUEXK Btrougthcna and restores amnll weah onrann. The roiaon Buftorrrs are novcunMhy Doctors to bnoinno nlnctv per Cent nro troublndwlll rrontiitltlK. CIII'IUKNi : la the only known roir.wlv to-euro without an operation. SOOOtoB- tlmonl.Us. A wrlttonifuarantei'Rrlvon and money rutiiiiio't If NIX oor.csooea not pffoct a - ma.nunt rnro. 81 ooubox.alx : lorSVOC , bvtnall. Send for Mrcutnr nnd ti'HtlmontalH. AiMrpsaDAVOLJtKlUOINi : CO.P.O.Im < : < .1 7l " GOODMAN DRUG CO , 1110 Karnam Stroot,0mala. "IF AT FIRST YOU DON'T SUCCEED , " TRY American maize wns Innctlvc. Barley was alow and fairly Hteady. Ota were dull nd easy. jllnnclioter Trwilo Itovleir. MANCHESTER , Oct. H.-The nKKreuatu of business during the week was nmaller thnn during the precedlnR week The tone of the market was quiet and fairly hopeful , but the absence of the China demand was felt. India TiauRht yurn and cloth moder ately. Several Important specialties were so well Kolii that they are now unobtainable before February delivery. Much of thlw business wan speculative , In anticipation of the expected Import duty. South American orders showed Improvement. The Turkish and BtfHHIuri trades were moderate , \VRbTRltti Votenin * of the I-ato War Iteinonibnreil liy the < 2onerat C.oiernmeiit. WASHINGTON , Oct. Spcclal.-Pen- < ) - slons granted , issue of October 3 , were : Ne braska : Additional Kiaicls Kearney , Hisl. Inns , Adams. Inciease Silas Heals , OrUllo , CUHtcr. Iowa : Increase AVIIllam Gootlln , Farrn- Ington , Van Uuren. Mexican war Bu'r- vlvors Increase Isaao J. Fish , Manilla , Craw ford. Colorado : Increase Henry H. Newton Highland ! , Arnpahoe. South Dakota : Increase Samuel H. Morgan , Colvln , Charles Mix. Wyoming : : Increase Joseph A , Palmer , Cheyenne , Ijiramle. IBBUB of October 2 , were : Nebraska : OrlBlnnWWIlllain I'nmpel , Friend , Saline ; William Hchroeil'T. Lincoln , Ijancaeter. Iowa : llenewul and Increase Uavld J , Curry. Qrant. Montfjomery. Increase Tim othy I'nrkH , I ewls , Cuss ; Ilabert li. On-n- baiiRli , Farrafrut. Fremont. Itelssue Georjje T. Claypoolo , Went 1'olnt , ; James Dee , liagley , Outhrle. Original wldown , etc. Caroline F. IlradBhitw , Volga , Clayton. Colorado ; Original Ildward F. Parker , Denver , Arapahoe. Increase Spottawood JUce , Colorado Springs. Kl I'uso. Ncncl "Wuy of SinliiR- HIrp. One of tlio moit brilliant pieces of ocean Yrecking , Eeamanihlp on record , whereby the vetiel , ( ar out In the Atlantic with her cargo WM. LOUD ON. Commission Merchant Grain and Provisions. Private wlrea to Chicago and Now York , .111 business orders placed on Cblcujfi Uoanl of Trade. Coirespondence solicited. onic , room 4 , New York t.lfo Building , telephone UCti. If > ou wish to bo Hiivreinful In " - I/\TIOV / In grulu ar itiicUn , urrltu lor pur * tlcnlKra. J.y. UlllHVMNi ; A CO. , lIurtkurM and Itroherrfi It < furcncns liil , llonii < lnock llulldlnfr. In uvi-ry htutc. LIlll/MUU. on fire , was saved and brought safely to , port , was performed on board the American ship John Jay , commanded by Captain Samuel Jackson. When two weeks out tlie cargo was dis covered to bo on fire , Bays Harper's Yountj People. The captain determined upon hla tourto o ( action. Ho had the carpenter low ered over the rail , and Instructed him to bore , several holes low down by the water lino. The vessel was then put on the other tack BO that she would be keeled over on the- side where tfio holes had been made. The water shot through these openings. , and after ( ho ship had been allowed to link. almoKt to the level of the deck , she waa put around on the other tack again , so that tli . holes came within two or three feet of t ho/ top of the water , Several of the sailors , with lines made Cast under their nnn and holding , lone wooden pegs and hatnmeri , did down along the tldo , steadying themselves by ropes. that had been passed under the vessel and hauled taut , BO that they came alongside of- the holes. The tapering pins were thrust Into the openings and knocked tight , then the vessel was put before the wind to get tier- on an even keel , and the craw turned to a&ik. pumped b&i out.