Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 15, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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OFFICE - - NO. 13 PEAnii
Rtllvered by carrier to any part of the city.
H , W. TILTON , L sco.
TniXniONna Uuilnns office. No. 4) ; night
dltor , No. U.
Mayne Heal Estate Agency , C30 Broadway.
The Fifth ward populist club wll havd a
nicotine next Tuesday night ,
The school board will hold Its regular
monthly meeting this evening.
Lot to trade for'horso and buggy. Green-
shields , Nicholson & Co , , COO Broadway.
A game of foot bal was. played Saturday
by the first High school team and an eleven
composed of young attorneys. The game
was a warm one. and neither Bide scored.
The third attempt within a few weeks was
made Satuiday morning to rob the till at
the Mint saloon. A young man employed
about the place came In early and catching
the alleged thief In the building chased him
up stairs and out upon the roof , from which
he made his escape to the ground.
The 4 o'clock service nt St. Paul's yester
day afternoon was not largely attended ,
prtfbably owing to the fact that the new or
der of things was not very well known. The
choir rendered Cornell's "Magnificat and
Muno Dlmlttls" In P , and "The Sun Shall
Bo No More Thy Light by Day , " by Wood
Joslo Hulbert was full of Joy yesterday
morning and refuted to leave the Northwest
ern depot , from which Jeff Qrocn , a colored
man , tried to tear her away. The result of
the difficulty was that both were arrcetcd ,
Joslo being charged with the undue use of
obscene language , and Green , for disturbing
the peace.
Tuesday evening , October 1C , there will
bo a social and donation tendered Rev. James
H. Davis at the First Baptist church , It
being the occasion of the second anniversary
ot his pastorate , A cordial Invitation Is
extended to all friends of the church and
congregation. All donations will be left at
the church ,
Unltedi States Marshal Bradley has placed
under arrest a man named Cullop of Albla
the uncle of the man who Is supposed to have
shot Deputy Marshal Hay. The relationship
was not the cause of his arrest , hut he
simply chorged with Bootlegging. The
younger Cullop Is still at large and Is thought
to be hiding in some abandoned mines around
Jim Walton , Guy Watton and Hedger Lar
son wore blowing nwny the Sabbath In
cigarette smoke yesterday when a woman
who owned the barn where they were tried
to dislodge them. They maintained their
position by Iho aid of several chunks ot dirt
and bricks , and the woman had to flee. She
had all ( lire arrested on the charge of
malicious mischief.
fe Peter Dyer has been bound over to the
grand jury on tlie charge of assault and
battery with Intent 16 commit robbery.
John Williamson , who lives a short dis
tance south of Crescent , claims that Dyer
broke Into his house , and that when ho un
dertook to prevent a robbery Dyer attacked
htm , bruising him about the face In a rather
unpleasant fashion ,
Proprietor Clark ot the Gram ! hotel 1 <
making the Sunday afternoon dinners as
attractive as possible , In order to secure the
patronage of ths people of Council Bluffs.
In addlt'on to tho'elaborate menu , music Is
furnished by Dalbey's orchestra of five
pieces. Yesterday a large number of home
i people took their dlnn'ers there and the cus
torn bids fair to become very pdpular.
The annual meeting of the Des Molnes
branch of the Woman's Foreign Missionary
sonlety of the Methodlat church closed last
evening. Services were held almost all day
al the Broadway Methodltt church , of the-
same character ns thpse held during { lie
week. The services at many of the other
churches were varied by addresses from
some of the ladies attending ns delegates
All the visitors are enthusiastic over th
entertainment " ; -provide I for 'them"by th
church peo"pleot this city , and the msctlng
has been , productive of much good ,
We are solo city agents for several of th
oldest and strongest fire Insurance companle
in the woild. We also negotiate farm loan
at the lowest possible rates. Lougee &
Tpwle , 23B Pearl street.
coi'i's ciiiiiH : AMI m-utu TONIC.
The King of AH Temperance Jlcvcritgo-
1'crfvot Huli4tltutt > for J.ngi-r Ilrcr.
Can be sold without license , either government
mont or state ; dealers guaranteed by in
damnifying bonds , Endorsed by leading phy
Brians , Judges and ministers. Wheeler f
Hereld , Council Bluffs , la. , are the sole man
ufacturern In the United States. Thousand ,
of testimonials. Write for prices and In
Crofton , Neb. , Sept. 29. Wheeler & Her
eld , Council Bluffs : Please send mo b ;
freight elcht cases Copps Cheer to Yanklon
S. D. The goods give very good satisfaction
I would llko to have exclusive sale.
J. Carmlctnel , general store.
COUNCIL BLUFFS , Oct. 6. I have rare
fully examined the sample of Copps Chee
and the sample of Herb Tonic , and beg to r ; .
port the finding of less than 1 per cent o
alcohol In either. A. D. Foster , Chemist
Dick Fcnner has returned from the west.
Miss Dasslco Knight of Carter Oak , , Ii. ,
la the guest of Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Baker.
Joel Stewart has returned from Dobbs
Ferry , N , Y. , where he accompanied his
daughter , Miss Eleanor.
Mrs * W. M. McCrary Is homo'from ' ; Kansas
City , where she was called by the death of
her son's wife , Mrs. Harry A. McCrary.
James M. Fcnlon , who has bscn cultivating
the acquaintance ot babies , husking corn , and
Incidentally hustling for votes in the cast
end of the county for the past week , has re
turned homo much pleased with the leak of
things ,
Mrs. J , M. Matthews loft last evening for
Burlington to attend the meetingof the
Iowa grand lodge of the Daughters of
Hebekah. Mrs. J. F. Spare nnd Mrs. John
Dougherty will leave this evening for the
same place. J. F. Spare , L. C. Huff and
George F. Smith will attend the meeting of
the grand lodge of Odd Follows , which Is
held at the sametlmo and place.
The recent autumn display ot millinery of
Mlsa Hagsdalo attracted a great deal of
attention. Ladles can now have an oppor
tunity to get bargains in the season's nov
Dourtclus' music house has ; few expenses ;
high grade plonca are sold reasonably. 110
Btutsman street.
II oVol'i Air Tlg-h t
Heaters are at the head , They are con
structed on scientific principles. All prices ,
601 Broadway. _
Now sterling silver novelties , very beauti
ful and stylish , at Wollman's , 403 Broadway ,
Coming ; Th < < ulrlcnl Atlriictloni-
The frlanls of Ed F , Cogley will bo glad
to hear that Fisher's ' "A Cold Day" com
pany , with which ho Is now connected , will
appear at Dohany's opera house next Wed
nesday evening , the 17th. The people of
Council Bluffs are greatly Interested In his
success , and there will undoubtedly bo a big
turn out.
Among the companies booked by Mr. Do-
hany tor this season are : Frahman'g "Jane , "
"Charity Ball , " "New Boy , " "Sowing the
Wind , " "The Olrl I Left Behind Me. "
Mr. J. Perry's old friends and customers
will now find him at Morris Bros. ' shoo store ,
COO Broadway , Boots und shoes made to
order ; perfect fit guaranteed ; repair work
of all kinds neatly done.
DnVor *
Heaters are at the head. They are con
structed on scientific principles. All prices.
C04 Broadway ,
Fine dressmaking ; ladles' cloaks and boys'
suits made at No. 21. N , Twentieth stte-et.
Peasleo's celebrated ale and porter now
on draught at Grand hotel bar.
Eagle laundry , 721 Broadway , tor ( rood
IWork. Tel. 167.
I Havana Freckles clgar.Divls. wholesale act.
Domcttlo ioip" brc k bard water. t
That Salary Grab at Manawn the Subject of
Some Oorament.
Rnji Tlit-y fnljr Talked ot Taking 2SO
anil When Told ItVm
Tliry l.ct the Matter
Drop nt Once
Colonel F. C. Reed states that the allega
tions made In the BUlt commenced tn the
district court a few days ago to enjoin the
officials of the ( awn of Manawa from Issuing
warrants for the payment of $4,000 back
salary far themselves are all false. He
Bays that J , M , Crlssrnan , the plaintiff , filed :
the petition for the purpose ot prejudicing
the court In the case now pending for the
sovprance ot a large portion of the town ,
which will coma up for trial at this term.
The only foundation for the statements , he
ays , Is that at a recent meeting of the
ustcos they discussed the question whether
ley could Issue warrants for such a pur-
esc , and the amount they wanted was
bout J250. They consulted an attorney ,
; ho tnld them that such a move would
o Illegal , and nothing more was done about
ri.ouit , ri.otMi. FLoon.
pecliil riour halo till * Week nt Hroirir *
C' . O. l > .
Ill order to make room for 2,500 sacks of
our due to airive on the 20th 6f this month ,
o will make the following low prices , for
ils week only :
llrown's C. O. D. Patent , the best flour
lade , anil a souvenir In every sack , goes this
eek for 85 cents.
Garland , the well-know brand that was
warded the medal at the World's fair , goes
t DO cents.
Acme , made from the best Kansas hard
heat , SO cents a sack.
The genuine Duffalo flour , only 75 cents ,
Trusty , ri feood family flour , 65 csnts.
Reliable flour , only GO cents.
Uye graham , 10 cents a sack. Jlye flour , -10
ents a sack. . Wheat graham , 20 cents. Corn
leal , 1C cents a. sack ,
Remember these prices are for this week
nly. BROWN'S C. O , D. ,
Council Dluffs , la.
l.ullH-niii Synod.
The synod of the Lutheran church of Iowa
il at ( "airfield last wek , and un Interesting
; me was had , many of the leading lights
f the church being present. Tlie president's
eport was full of Interest and showed a
teady and substantial growth. While-
lie IJngl sh branch of the Lutheran
hurch is comparatively weak in the
late of Iowa , > ct In the state there
re over 00,000 Lutherans and the English
irancli of this , progressive and growing
hurch Is vapidly gaining a footing In the 1m
ortant cities In tile- state , nev. G. W
inyder. pastor of St. John's church of this.
Ity , w.ia re-elected to his position of sec-
etaiy , anil was chosen one of the delegates
0 the general synod to be held at llager-
own , Md. , next Hay. He also gained main
ompllmenls on his address on the sub
ect of "Church Extension. " Of It
he FalrfUld Journal says : "As he steppe ;
orth without any notes whatever nnd pourec
orth a Mreani of etoquence , fun and busl
aess were mingled , so that the old and young
could each take homo what they chose. Hi
related Incidents of his own experience In
getting money for church and educatlona
nstltutlons tmdar moat adverse clr
cumstaiices , that they may be o
jrcat surprise to any one engaged In any en
erprlse where money Interests are Involved
\fter putting the audience thus In aympathj
with hlmarlfi he mule an appeal 't'or the new
church to bo In Council Dluffs , where th
reverend gentleman Is pastor In charge. Con
eluding Ills , address with the suggestve np
eal that this must be done only with th
; mrpose In view of building the splrltua
.cm pic of our God. "
Noivsfrnm Now Yurk.
Our Mr. AVhltelaw , being now In No"
York , advises us of the tremendous drop I
jrloes of dry goods caused by the ne\ \
scale of prices ( hat go Into effect January 1
1695 , Manufacturers are trying to unloa
Ihelr surplus stock at a great sacrifice
Using among the eager buyers , he could no
resist the temptation of being able to glv
, he people of Council Bluffs goods at maim
'acttirers' ' prices , so bought heavily. Fifty
cases of these goods arrived last week. The
latter part of this week will see the balance
of these goods unpacked and ready for Im
mediate delivery to our patrons , who can
expect big bargains In our lino. Watch
1 he dally papers for our prices , which cannot
be duplicated.
"Boston Store , "
Council Bluffs , la ;
Dcrlatmi on Tax Dcrnls.
Last Saturday the supreme court of Iowa
rendered a decision In life case of Edmund
Llndscy , appellant , against Boone county ,
which Is of considerable Interest to the people -
plo of 1'oltawat'tamlo county as well , from
the now light which It throws upon the busi
ness of buying property At tax sale. The
plaintiff bought a piece of property at tax
sale 'In Boone county and brought action to
recover the amount paid the county because
he has not received anything by his purchase
on nccoutn of the defective description of
the land. It Is held by the court
that ho cannot recover because he
took his chances when ho paid the taxes ; ho
did , so voluntarily and assumed all risks ,
for , as In Judicial sales , there Is no warrant
In the bales , " and there can bo no recovery ,
except for the amount of the taxes paid ,
and Interest , where land has been sold on
which no tax was due , or where such
land Is sold In consequence of an error In
the description in the receipt , which was not
true of this case. The action also asked for
recovery for subsequent taxes paid. The
court says : "A purchaser at a tax sale must
beware. The description of the premises Is
open to h' ' Inspection , and he buys just as
the county offers to give. If It Is not suf
ficient to carry the title he need not
buy , So with reference to the subsequent
taxes , ho has the right to pay them , but Is
not compelled to do so. If he does , the pay
ment Is voluntary , and no action will le to
recover It back. The subsequent taxes were
not paid through a mistake , nor was there
any fraud In the transaction. ' So the tax
speculator must be content with his bargan.
In Memory ot Sin. Mumnm.
Whereas , It has pleased God in Ills Infi
nite but Inscrutable providence to call to
her heavenly home Anna , beloved wife of
S. J. Miimma , from our number and midst ,
Resolved , That wo , as sisters and compan
ions' of Academy No 1. I'.lgrlm Sisters of
America , do testify to- the honor and esteem
wo feel for her character as a. loving wife ,
mother and friend ; nnd
Resolved , That we give expression to the
deep borrow wo feel and share with our
brother and little daughter and those , who
mourn with them In this great bereavement ;
nnd be it further
Itebolved , That these resolutions bo spread
upon the minutes , printed tn our dally papers
and a copy sent to the bereaved husband ,
ol lluusobrcukeri.
The capture of Kdwln Bird at Bolivar , Mo. ,
by the sheriff and his men Is something that
will bring delight to a good many
people In Oakland. Bird Is known
to ba one of the hardest charac
ters In the county. He has already
spent one term In the penitentiary , and there
U enough evidence , It is claimed , on hand
to convict him of burglariitag the houses of
several prominent people In Oakland. The
biirKluiles covered a space of about a week ,
and In that I line the residences of Sam
uel Guff , Mr. Klocum , John Hess , Joseph
Gates , and Buck Owens , besides a hardware
store and postofflce , were- broken Into. Wil
liam McDonald and Jarler I'uryear and his
brother W. H. Puryear , were are ted on
suspicion of be Ins Implicated In the
affair. One ot the men told
the wl.ole story , and , at a result ,
McDonald and Bird will undoubtedly go
across ( he state , while tliero Is a tittle rnoro
uncertainty na to the outcome ot the prosecu
tion of the Purycar brothers. In the resi
dences above mentioned cash to the amount
of (400 ( was stolen , Bird will probably reach
here early thlsjvook.
Mot Jlloir Cheap , hut linnOnotl , nnil 10
Mcc for tlio I'rlrc.
That la wit it every one says when they are
told : the- price ot the new style shoes
DUNCAN Is receiving every day from the
largest and best factories In the east. The
new style children's thoes and slippers are
designed from fairy children's dreams.
The ladles' shoes ere In lace and button ,
with pointed and narrow square toes , and
of the finest and best quality , The men's
shoes ore of the latest styles ot narrow and
equaro toes , the best makea , and range In
price from $1 to $5. Also the latest razor
toes tor boys and misses , lace and button ,
heel and spring heel. Go to DUNCAN'S for
the latest styles , 28 Main and 27 1'carl
streets ,
Hospital lleport.
The following Is the report of the Women's
Christian Association hospital for September :
Number of patients nihospltal September 1 ,
10 ; admitted during September , 11 ; dis
charged , Ej ; died , 3 ; county charges , G ; char
ity of Women's Christian association , 4.
Donations of flowers , vegetables and other
needed supplies from Miss Lyons , Mrs. Grla-
weld , Mrs. Cook , Mrs. Bllmn , Mr , Klsslll ,
Miss Thomas , Mr. Raymond , Mr , H. W.
Kneedy , Mr. Chambers , Mrs. Lucas , Mrs.
G. Q. Rlc , Mr. Homer , Mr * . Holtz , Mrs. ,
Gravatte , Mrs. Huchman , Mrs. Kothert.
The "Jahf Markt , " thanks to the general
public , was * a success financially , The
association Is under lasting obligations to
the many ladles , gentlemen and children who
granted BO many favors during the preparation
for the entertainment and who gave of their
time nnd money to make It a success. Names
cannot bo mentioned , lest some should be
omitted , but to each nnd all the association
tenders Its heartfelt thanks for such dls.n
terested service.
Commissary Mrs , Spies , Eoltcltor , and re
ceived donations Iron the following : Mrs.
Oscar Keellne , Mrs , Clinton Byers , Mrs ,
Thomas Officer , Mrs. J. J. Menotli , Mrs. W
H. N. Pusey , Mrs. G. Miller , Mrs. A. W ,
Askwith , Mr ? . C. A. Swobe , Mrs. C. W.
Dyer , Mrs. S. T. Elwell , Mrs. F , C. Longer ,
Mr. Kmll Itasch. Mrs. W. L. Kerney , Mrs.
D. McCrea , sr. ; Mrs. II.V. . Sawyer , Mrs. E.
Children , Mrs. T. C. Heed , C. O. D. Brown ,
Mrs. IL. . Heed , Jacob Ncumyer , Mrs , L
F. Henry , C. W. Smiths-Mrs. George Sanford ,
Mrs. M. Wallman ; total amount , $30.50.
Donations , as good qs cash , from Mr. Wil
liam Thomas , abstract of title , $4.00 ;
Hutchlnson Hros. , commission ; A. 1 > . Foster ,
one J. r mecca compound.
Cash rcceiptb , $308.38 ; paid out , I30S.31 ;
balance on hand , September 5 , 4 cents.
Dimestlc soap catlasts cheap soap.
Dry pine klrdling for sale. Cheaper than
cobs. II. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telephone
Duncan's shoes are always the best and
cheapest. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Tor due special upholstering and the best
hair mattresses go to the Council Bluffs Car
pet company.
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for eala it
Ins Co.'s office ,
Selected hard wood for heating stoves.
II , A. COX , 37 Main street. Tel. 43.
The laundries nco Domestic soap.
Will ItaUo Sugxr ll < ; et.
The farmers In this vicinity are making
preparations for raising sugar beets on a
large scale next , year , as the result of the re
cent organization of a company for the pur
pose of building a tugar factory In Omaha
II. C. Graves and C. L. Becker of this
city are among the promoters
of the enterprl&e , and both are engaged now
In raising beets , which are shipped to Nor
folk. The beets are sold for about $5 per
ton , and as Mr. Graves has raised from six
teen to eighteen tons to the acre , ho has
found the business profitable. The soil ol
western Iowa Is said to be the mos
productive iu the world , so far ns raising
sugar beets Is concerned , and with a factory
In the Immediate" vicinity'to-'buj' ' the product
there Is not the slightest doubt that th
farmers of Pottawattamle county will devote
a good deal of attention to their new Indus
try. A meeting of the factory people Is to be
held this week at the rooms ol the Com
merclal club In Omaha.
J. r. IIcifTmuyrH I uncy Pntent ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
Made by the oldest milling firm In the west ,
makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. Asli
your grocer for It. Trade mark : "Blu
Rooster. "
Wanted 40 horses to board on the la I s
T. P. Treynor farm , 5 % miles east of Councl I
Bluffs. J. W. Carothers , llg Fourth street
Hog cholera preventive and cure by Dr
Jerterls , Council Dluffs , wl I stop the discasi
In one hour. Trial bottle , 51.00.
Premier egg cups at Lund Bros.
Washerwomen use Domestic soap.
MiiniiiiiriitH to Mir. < It Now Heine
lUhcd Ity tlm Intrrtinllomil Commission ,
The United States Internal boundary com-
mission has arrived at San Diego and Is
completing the work of establishing 258 monuments
ments marking the line between Mexico and
the United States from El Paso to the Pacific
ocean , a distance of about 700 miles. The
commissioners arc Colonel Barlow , United
States army ; Lieutenant Galllard , United
States army , and Mr. Mossman of the United
States coast and geodetic survey. Their
staff , of engineers , soldiers nnd laborers
numbers about eighty. For two years and a
half this party has been In the field erecting
the monuments and resurveylng the boundary
line , which was originally established by
Commissioner Emery from 1849 to 1853.
The fifty-two monuments then erected have
been supplemented by 20G more , which are
for the most part plain Iron shafts on rock
and cement foundations. By agreement
with Mexico any errors discovered In the
original survey by the present commission
shall not bo corrected , so far as ownership
of territory Is concerned. Few errors have
been found In the first survey. The largest
was along the New Mexico boundary , where
by Uncle Sam gains nearly forty square
mtls of land which the new survey shows to
bo In Mexico.
Muctr of the trip of tlio commission was
through .irlzona deserts. At times It cost
25 cents a sallon for water needed at cer
tain remote points by a small party of men
and horses ,
rilHHXJ.l JltlltiAMHi KHV.ll'K >
Eastern Tr.iln Iloblicra Snuglit by an Army
cif Ifntectlvea Without Siiccem.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 14 , Not the shadow
of a tanelble clew to the Identity ot the
men who accomplished the remarkable feat
of train brigandage In Virginia Friday night
has yet come to light. The little town of
Quantlco , which consists of half a dozen
houses , usually almost Isolated from civili
zation , Is overrun with detect'ves. There ore
almost as many theories afloat as there are
detectives , but the only points on which the
theories are practically harmonious are that
the robbery was a carefully planned one ,
executed by professionals , and that the men
are now probably far distant from their flsld
of operation. The man arrested on suipl-
c'on last night will merely bs arraigned
in the police court on a charge of vagrancy ,
as no evidence lies against him.
, lnlui nn WIIH round Onlhy.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 14. The War de
partment has received the findings In the
court martial case ot Wllluin S. Johnson , re
tired , Springfield , Mo. , tried some weeks
ago on the charge of Indebtedness , It la j
understood that Captain Johnson was found
KUlltv and the sentence of the court Is dis
missal. The department has sent the case
to the president for his action ,
Antwerp Wurxliouin Iturncd.
ANTWERP. Oct. U Joraon'a honied
warehouse , Felix Coulma stores a large ad
joining coffee warehousewcro burned Friday
night. The loss will foot up a very large
lor II i } 11 r ( I nt SViitlilnston.
WASHINGTON , Oct. 14. Ambassador
Bayard arrived tn "Washington last night
from New York. He will bo here for t-wc
weeks. lie Is stopping with a relative , AV .
13. S. Clymer ,
n < Tr
Marvelous Results Wrought by the Devel
opment of Electrical Power ,
- \ ? v
Electrical Appllancei nnd , ; No\eltles In
Every Ilrnnch of Jmluntry-Coiitrllmt-
Ing to the Comfort and. Pros
perity or the I'eoplc.
Copyright 1S3I.
Moro than once the tasks , the horizons ,
the hopes of men have been forever trans
formed by a discovery or , an Invention which
seemed at Its birth a very small matter.
Thus waa It when an Iron needle , afloat per
haps In a cocoanut , first safely guided a ship
out of sight of land and sky. Thus , again ,
was It when charcoal , saltpeter and sulphur
wcro first combined and fired In a gun , to
leave thereafter the iloutest soldier weak
Indeed who should be shorn of his powder
flask. And when Guttenberg divided the
solid lines ot engraved metal Into separate
letters , or movable types , as we say , did ho
suspect , do you suppose , that ho was usherIng -
Ing In the democracy of learning ! As big
with fate as the types of Guttenberg was the
devlco made public by Alexander Volta of
Pavla In the very first year of this con
tury. This contrivance was a new nnd ex
cellent meansof obtaining a flow of elec
tricity. Previously In a "pile , " as this In.
genlous man , Its Inventor , called It , n cur
rent had been derived from a series ot pieces
ot zlno and copper , each bit ot metal sepa
rated from Its neighbor by cloth moistened
In acid. . Volta had now much Improved this
"pile" by putting each zlno and copper pair
by Itself In a cup filled with add. From
this "crown of cups" he produced a strong
and fairly steady stream of c'ectrlclty , with
the advantage that It lasted frr a consider
able time. Much as the cup or cell ot Volta
has been varied and bettered since It loft his
hands , It yet remains essentially the device
he created , and to him , therefore , Is due the
honor of reducing to vatsalage the gentlest
and mightiest , the most versatile und the
most biddable force In the stronghold of na
ture. It Is the voltaic cell which has taught
the electrician his business , with the result
that today tt finds Itself In large measure
supplanted ; where once It reigned monarch
It Is now merely a partner possessed of a
small and diminishing Interest.
The distinctive mark of a really great In
ventlon Is Us frultfulneEfl. The voltaic cell
was no mere addition to the armory of ex
ploration and conquest ; It entered the field
with all the fertility of a multiplier ; It mar
ried old resources with the Issue of powers
before unimaginable ; It gave familiar weapons
a new edge , and pointed them to triumphs
not only easier than the old , but vastly
richer In spoil. If science In the nineteenth
centurv has won victories more decisive
than those of the eighteen centuries before.
It Is largely because electricity has been
captured and Impressed for n thousand new
services. And thus It oombs about that
as inventions of prime 'dignity now make
their appearanca at moro frequent Intervals
than ever , the pace of scientific progress is
quickened prodigiously , and the history of
Industrial art becomes llttlo lelss than
story of chronic revolution.
Priceless as the voltaic cell has been hi the
past , and valuable as It pontluues to be , Its
field Is narrowly limited In that It feeds on
costly zinc. Electricity has only come to Its
kingdom by reducing itsjtax to a reasonable
lew payable In coal. The , dynamo , which
enables this tp , be done , jhlngcs upon a faci
observed by Oersted sixty yenra ago namely
that If a magnet be moved near a piece 01
metal , preferably a cell , ot' copper wire , a
current of electricity Is p'rotJujed In the cell
This discovery of Oersted's 'is Illustrated It
every electro-magnet ItS core is simply a
bit of soft Iron until you bfinjr J ( very' nearer
or make It ( ouch a steel -riiagHbt. ' 'Then"fo
an Instant , as" the coro"1 > gcomeg magnetic
you excite electricity In- the wlro surround
Ing your , electro-magnet : You pay for tha
electric pulse In the forcible pull requlrei
to separate the electro-magnet nnd the stee
magnet from each other , Replace this effor
of the hand by the might of an engine , will
correspondlnc Increase in the size and 1m
provement In , the form of your magnets am
cells , nnd your little experiment merges Int
building and driving a dynamo. Toda-
dynamos of the best design give out In thi
form of electricity 92 per cent of their en
glnes * power ; their Improvement Is so un
likely as to be unsought. Although the en
cine which turns the dynamo wastes at IU
best fully 90 per cent of the furnace heat
the dynamo Is nevertheless Incomparablj
cheaper than a battery of cells when elec
trlclty Is to be produced wholesale. Th
emancipators , then , of the current release
at this hour for new and myriad uses , ar
the mechanicians who have brought th
dynamo to Its present pitch of perfection
and the engineers , who , with their trip ]
and quadruple steam cylinders , ask hardl
more than a pound of good coal to deliver
horse power for an hour. If to these me
electric art and science owe much , magnlfl
cently has the debt been repaid. First an
cheafly the current rotates the electric motor
which Is llttlo else than a dynamo reverset
With the Introduction of the dynamo and
the motor a new day has dawned In the
workshop nnd factory. As we find out In
replacing at our street door an.old-fashloned
moving bell pull by a motionless wire armed
with Its push button , electricity can transmit
motion without any movement on the part of
the transmitting wire. Availing himself of
this golden property , the' ' machinist removes
from his shop a wilderness of whirling wheels
and belts , and puts In their place a few wires
at rest , each of which enters the electric
motor which drives a particular machine.
Manifold gains resu't. Tliero Is a saving of
power , often enormous , required to keep
going the multitude of needless wheels and
belts. it was once found at the Waltlmm
watch factory that three-quarters of the en
gine's power was absorbed by shafts and
gearing without a single machine being har
nessed for duty. And where one machine
among many Is to bo set at work by Itself ,
especially at a distance from the engine ,
the loss In the mechanical conveyance of Its
power becomes Inordinate ; this loss Is almost
wholly avoided with eectrlcal transmission.
More benefits still : The factory building light
ened of much of its burden , and subjected
to a good deal leas vibration than before , can
be safely constructed with thinner walls.
while Its rooms become lighter , cleaner nnd
more cheerful In every way. Electricity Is
of all forms of farce the one most easily
kept by Itself , that Is , preserved from losses
resembling either leakage or friction. Hence ,
a current cannot only 'distributed through
out a workshop with the Utmost convenience
and economy , but It cat > jbpjsent to a work
shop from an engine orya water wheel many
miles away. Today Niagara Is yoked to
the wheels and lamps ot'Buffalo , and In
famous experiments at Iia\iffen , Germany , in
1891 , electricity was carried 10 miles with
a loss of only 28 per cent 'I That wonderful
achievement , however , thaWdd what can bo
done at a pinch , rather than what It Is safe
and proper to do as a jthernl thing a cur
rent ot frightful Intensity traa taken through
the air on wires with no other safeguard
than a death's ' head andTA'crpss bones , nailed
to each pole. Until Ihji ijresenl gigantic
feat at Niagara , It ha/'seldom * / been found
profitable to transmit waters poxver by elec
tricity much further | h ftj0twenty miles.
Where fuel Is dear , as In the mountainous
districts of Arizona , tljU distance can be
much exceeded , But wMertf coal Is cheap
the constant Improvements'm steam and gas
engines make them less'and less expensive
as prime movers ; this. . Vihllo the ordinary
power Is apt to be Irregular In flow , and asks
a considerable outlay to make it available ,
With the transmission of electricity for
distances vastly moro than twenty miles we ;
have long been familiar In the telegraph.
It Is by improving the coverings which pre -
vent a current oozing from Its wire , by rais -
ing the intensity of a current ten-fold , 8r 8a
more ; and above all , by Increasing Its quan
tity so as to make the enterprise worth :
while , that the telegraphy of power has ad -
vanced step by step fromtha telegraphy ol
mere blgnals. And in the- telegraph at worli :
over Ita long mileages , wo note how a re
markable peculiarity of electricity comes to
play. In days of ypre , when letters re
Intrusted to a chain of messengers , each ot
whom bore the pouch as far as ho could
Ita bearer might come * to the end of his d.IP
I utterly fagged out , but If he had strength U
I pass his burden to the next man. 11 wni
enough. There la much the tame ayitcm ot
relaysIn long distance telegraphy. A mes
sage , let us say , from New York to San
Kranclaco , goes first as fat as Duffalo ; nt
that city the Now York current , very weak
alter Its Journey ot 110 miles , touches off a
second and poweiMl current originating tn
Buffalo , -which. In Its turn , takes the dis
patch to Chicago , There a third current en
ters Into the task , and BO on , until , at the
end ot a succession ot transfers , the words
spelled tn New York arc clicked out In Ban
Francisco. The whole process Is committed
to self-acting repeaters that do their work
In a small fraction ot n second. It Is In
pulling triggers In euch fashion as this that
electricity brings to machinery something
very like a nervous system , so that an Im
pulse of the feeblest can direct and control
the most ponderous wheels and lovers. Doth
workman and artist arc thus permitted to
reserve their strength for tasks more profita
ble than sheer muscular exertion. And yet ,
from force of habit , the exchange ot labor
for ease Is not always welcome. When an
old-fashioned pipe organ Is fitted with elec
tric keys the performer , freed from the
slightest physical strain , has at first an un
pleasant sense ot duly Icfi undone.
Marvelous are the automatic devices that
have sprung un In the wake of electricity.
A torpedo , for example , can bo lifted ,
lowered , propelled , steered , stopped , and ex
ploded through wires which end under the
finger of Its commander , n mile or two away.
In fact , It Is perfectly feasible for Its director
to give nil his orders In advance and build
a torpedo which will take a course and tuinil
a fate of both murder and suicide , prear
ranged In Its springs and magnets ,
In the service of cither war or peace one
would Imagine the ordinary telegraph to be
speedy enough. Not so thinks the Inventor
In "rapid" teleuraphy a message finds Its
way from New York to Chicago at the rate of
150 or more words a minute.
The dispatch Is taken first tea
a machine , which expresses each let
ter In perforations on a paper ribbon ; this
ribbon Is then driven botwcu two pairs of
light metallic springs ; at every perforation
these springs for an Instant come together ,
nllowlntr a current to take lt& path through
the telegraph wlro. At the receiving sta
tion mechanism of much the same pattern ,
but reverted in direction , translates the Im
pulses Into the familiar Morse alphabet.
In thus dividing the task between an operator
and an automatic machine , Intelligence Is
given that part only for which Intelligence
Is required , and for the remaining part the
utmost speed of electric apparatus is Invoked
a fS'ecd which , It Is scarcely necessary to
say , far outstrips that of the most expert
telegrapher. Among the many systems of
rapid telesraphy that Invented by Delaeour
and Dclany dpscrves to be mentioned for Its
uncommon Ingenuity. To understand It ,
let us glance for a moment at an everyday
application of electricity Its use In making
the pendulums of a score or a hundred
clocks keep perfect step , no matter how far
apart they are. In sending an ordinary dis
patch an operator occupies the line for but
a small fraction of the time. The "phonic
wheel" devised by Delaeour and Delany for
one-sixth of the time gives him the line ex
clusively precisely as If no other operator
were engaged upon It. Because six phonic
wheels at each end of a line keep step , the
particular sixths ot two wheels told oft for the
sendlnc and the receiving ot a message co
operate without the slightest confusion. Over
a single wire six telegrams can therefore
travel In company \\lth no jostling whatever.
At the Inception of the telegraph In England ,
no fewer than five wires \\ere demanded to
convey but one message. Wcatherbeaten
strips of wood , showing these flvo wires se
curely embedded , attracted no little attention
at the British electric exhibit at the Colum
bian fair.
To return for a moment to the electric
clock. We can. If we please , seal it up In
a glazed boK , so as to exclude dust , Insects
and rust-creating dampness. Here a path
opens to the inventor who wishes to shun
the resistance \\lflch a rod or a wire \\ould
encounter it It had to move throughout Its
whole- length In actuating a valve , a steam
Indicator , or any similar mechanism. H Is
often of Immense Importance that a bit of
metal at rest can throb with a pulse strong
enough "to do severe drudgery. Three years
ago anj engineer wished to know precisely
how much heat diffused Itself through the
wall ot a steam cylinder. A motionless wire ,
hidden In the metal of the cylinder and con
nected with a delicate electric thermometer ,
answered his question as It otherwise could
not have been answered , for there was no
Impediment from friction or other source
ot error. In a task very different from
the saving of heat , the engineer owes an
other debt to electricity the telephone en
ables him to detect flaws In beams and
shafts to which , In the construction of bridges
and locomotives , are to be committed the
safety of human lives.
Electricity , light , heat and chemlc force
arc lu all their essence mo'tlon. They differ
doubtless somewhat as the movement of a
screw propeller diners from that of the
water wave which circles out from It , eras
as the waves vary from one another In
length and height. Hence it is that elec
tricity can be tlie. source or Issue of any ot
Its kindred , and its peculiar sensitiveness
makes It a means ot surpassing delicacy
In measuring heat , light or chemical action.
Prof. S. P. Langley's bolometer , as recently
Improved , declares a change of temperature
of one-millionth of a degree of Fahrenheit
a refinement scarcely approached by any
other feat of scientific detection. The
responsiveness of electricity has been utlllzet
In a wldo variety of tell-tales and alarms
Selenium , a metal of the same lineage as
sulphur , and betraying Its kinship by a de
cided family resemblance , has the curious
property of transmitting electricity niucl
more freely In light than In darkness. A
rod , of selenium , therefore. Is the core of a
device to give warning when extinction be
falls an electric or other lamp ; a duty this
In lighthouses , of vital importance. Ii
thermometers a current broken or completed
acts as an automatic lire signal , or on ship
board announces approach to an Iceberg ; In
a steam boiler It sounds a gong when the
water recedes below the safety line ; similar
ly , the tampering of a burglar with bolt or
bar is Instantly reported. Each of these
warnings , too , can register Itself wherever
you choose , so that In case of neglect there
can be no disputing the fact. Now , If an
electric contrivance can call an attendant
to do some needful task , why may not Its
Inventor go a step further and so add to his
device that It shall of Its own motion mee
an emergency as It ? Accordingly , we
find a furnace , for example , provided will
electric control so that the draught , la openei
when the temperature falls too law , or Is
closed when the flame Is too fierce. Every
year brings out self-acting contrivances llko
this ; the Inventor ; who began by conferring
a nervous system on the- work of liia hands
has now gone the length of putting what is
very much like- brains In his magnets am
As wo prove every day In unhooking a tel-
epnone or lifting an Incandescent lamp , at >
electric current can readily traverse a flexi
ble wire. This unbars a new door to the In
ventor. Today lathes and drills are designed
In form which comb ne a motor with a tool ;
so great Is the convenience- the union
that wo are promised an extensive remodel
ling of light machinery of all kinds. In their
original estate rigidly limited In play by
shafts , belts , or gearing. Dentistry and
other arts of nlca manipulation arc in
debted for many of their recent triumphs
to the flexible mechanical shaft a tightly
wound cell ot steel wire. This device In Its
turn Is being shown to the door by the new
partnership between an electric thread , and
a tool. But the wire , i lender as It Is , which
usually binds a reservoir ot current to Its
work , can on occaatlon be discarded , as wo
see In the rolling contact ot a trolley wheel
with the overhead wire of electric railroads ,
And ; even contact can be dispensed with
In favor of Induction , If wo do not mind
suffering a llttlo loss. What Is Induction ?
Every youngster sees It at work when he
makes a steel magnet hold up an Iron nail ,
which nail , for the time being , becomes
magnetic by the influence or induction of the
President. Cadiler.
First National
Capital , . - $100,000
Profits , - - - 12,000
One of lh olJett bank * la the itate of luwa ,
W lollclt your builn and collection ! . \Vi
fY t per cent on lime depoiltaV * will IM
Cleu l to anil lervt you.
magnet. If the steel magnet Is really strong
It need not touch the rmlt at nil , but will
sustain tt though n bit of stiff ennlboard
separate the two. Induction ot much the
tame character causes a wlro pulslns with
electricity to oKect a second nml neighboring
wire , so that across govern ! f > et ol space
telrsratns arc transmitted to trains on Iho
Lohlgh Valley railroad from stations lioslJo
the track. With heightened Intensity of cur
rent , Mr. William II. Prccco lias succeeded
tn sending such messages three miles , In
stead of n lew fret. Very often Induction
brings us messages -wo would rather not
hear , as when wo take up a telephone In a
crowded city circuit and are obliged to listen
to half a dozen persons tall ; I UK ut once.
The builder of tha dynamo has something
moro to do than to servo his neighbors , the
machinist and the engineer. In cities , at
least , the chief use ot the- current thus far
has been for llcht light -which for Ilio ( Irst
tlmo has parted company with combustion ,
and with all that combustion means In the
way of heat and noxious Rases. The arc
lamp , which detains the day in Iho expanses
of squares and streets , Is the cheapest as well
as the most brilliant Illumlnaiit known to art.
In taking the place of oil It affords the
mariner a broadened track qf safety , As a
search light It brings us bade to something
very UXo the ancient beacon , except that It
Is Immensely brighter , so that In a clear
atmospheres Its beams command a circuit of
a hundred miles , or prints Its story on ( he
clouds as on n tablet. In a sphere less
ambitious the Incandescent bulb is even moro
useful , In mining , whore safety IB cardinal ,
there should be no other light. In the
household , while Incomparably convenient
and wholesome , It lends Isclf to exquisite
effects In decorations ; at the same time It
Insures metallic surfaces from the stealthy
attacks of gas , and lengthens the Ufa of
ostly books and p'ctiires. In the theater
IB electric engineer enters with the wand
f a magician at a touch ho recalls the gates
t sunrise , or paints skies curtained with
lends and studded with Hturs In all their
liangeful splendor. The astronomer , with
lieso now aids at his command , can show us
ho earth and Its sister orbs , us lu ages long
Istaiit they careered lluough spare without
orm and void. GKOKC1E ILKS.
Tlio < ) ili ! 'loi > lrnit.
A oed story Is told on a prominent gen-
.eiuan . who has on several occasions been a
andldato before- the people for official hon-
rs. Th ? geiiMemnn Is a smart politician and
noxvs how to secure votps , or at all ovo'ils
10 has been successful at the polls. However ,
n ono occasion the prominent gentleman
limits to having met a smarter , man. The
alter approached him on election flay with
10 statement that If ho bad some whisky he
oulil vote a man for him. The candid tto
are up half a dollar In compliance. Later In
10 day , meeting the smarter man again , the
andldato greeted him with :
"Well , 1 suppose you voted your nun ? "
"No , " came the response , "the other fellow
ad a quart of whisky and voted me. "
A SlK < > f " ' " Tlmi'R.
Washington Star : "They say trade's glttln'
a heap brisker , " said Plodding Pete. "I
wonder If it'll make any difference iu our
crfesslon ? "
"You bet It will , " replied Meandering
like. "I feels de effcks already. Men hoz
; ot so much bus'ness ter think about thet
hey ain't got time ter stop an' llsteni ter
hard lupk story. "
LOCO motor Atnxia ,
Epilepsy. . .
Dr.WM. A.
. . . ,
Done , s Uropi. I'rlce , two drachmi , IJ.BO.
Columbia Chemical Co. , '
IND ran aoon m
4o n lnv henti n room In cold weather. IIoMi
lire 4 $ hours. The best of Us clan. Hums wood ,
robs , Inish , Sola l > y Iho trade everywhere. Se
cure the agency nt once. Manufactured by
When their tender iMni arc literally on fir * .
with Itching , turning , tcuty , nct
blotchy tkln ni.d tcidp dltmie * ,
Tilth loss of hnlr , none Lut mothct *
realize. ClTicliu HCUBMKS at.
lord Iramcdliilc relief , prrnill rcl
_ . and sleep , and point ton ipCMlyapcl
economical euro n lien the licet iihyriclani nnd all
mhcr remedies fall. Soldmcrywhcro.
Castoria. is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants
and Children. It contains neither Opium , Morphine nor
other Narcotic substance. It is n harmless substitute ,
for Paregoric , Drops , Soothing Syrups , nnd Castor Oil ,
It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by
Millions of Mothers. Cn&toriu destroys Worms and allays
feverIshness. Castorla prevents vomiting Sour Curd ,
cures Diarrhoea , and Wind Colic. Caatoria relieves
teething troubles , cures constipation and flatulency.
Castor la assimilates the food , regulates two stomach
and bowels , giving healthy and natural sleep. Cas-
toria id the Children's Panacea the Mother's Friend.
Castoria. Castoria.
"Castorlft Is mi excellent medicine for ch'l- ' " Castoria is so-well adapted to children that
Iron. Motliershato repeatedly told mo of Ita I recommend It assuperiortouny proscription
good effect upon their children. " kuonuto me. "
Da. O. C. OeaooD , IT. A. Ancnxn , U. D. ,
' Lowell , Macs. Ill So. Oxford St. , nrooltlyn , N , Y.
" Castoria 13 ho hol i eincJy for children of "Our physicians luv the children's depart
which I am acquainted. I hope the day U not ment hava spoken highly of their * pcjrl-
far distant n lien mothers wlllconsldcrtho real cnee In their outside practice with Castoria ,
Interest of their children , r.nd use Castoria In and although we only have among CJIT
stead cf medical supplies what la known as regular
destroying their loved ones , by forcing opium , products , yet we are free to confess M HA
morphine , soothing syrup and other hurtful merits of Castoria has \vos > " " ta look with
agents down their throats , thereby sradiui ; favor upon It. "
them to premature graves. " UNITED Hosrirui Ar DIBPEJISIHT ,
Dn. J , K. KlxcnnLOE , Boston. Moss.
Couwny , Ark. C. SMITH , Fret. ,
Tto Contanr Company , TT Murray Street , Now York City.
Wo will tell you happy , easy ways of raising it.
We will furnish you novel schemes for entertaining company.
atonm nnd Hot Wnlnr MqpUnf for
Roslcloncos and Qutldmsa.
J. C. B1XBY ,
202 Main , 203 Pearl Streets , Council
BlufTa , Iowa.
- "Special !
GoUijci !
lid Uurkr , t W. 0. Homer's. 133 Broadway ,
lots In UnylUs & 1'nlmcr'H itdil. central sub
division , Highland i'lnce ; Muync's 1st add ,
Mullln'H mlidlv. . anil Totter & CcljVa add ;
must Lo ilu-np. l > , J , Kinlt' , Nu. 9 1'earl street.
_ . . 8AI.U Oil TltADi : . 3M ACl'.KS OF LAND
In Itrx-k county , Nehrucka ; CM arc"1" timber
Imid In MIUilKnn ; Hill tnule either fur clock
ol cennul mvn-liutulliM' , ami ulll put In conn ,
Il.0u4.04 or JI.&W.Wj liounu nml Int In Col fax.
lirlce. Jt.C-rt.'W ; wilt trade for Htnck of general
incTcliiuidlfu anil put In | V . ' > J lax.i ; IInu rtu-
Idpnco iM-Dtturty in Uiuncll lllurtii. price ,
II.OOD.OO ; will trade for errm-ial flock anil put In
TIXh.UO ( cnnli. .Ml corifi > i > iin < lfiu lo be con *
llOcnllul. AildrLfB lock box 41. Council Uluffg.
tciiogr | ilir , mornlngH , exrulngH and Hutur-
Ua > . AildrimV 11 , Hoc , Council Itlurfn.
roil KAI.K , rri.1.1 w/xm JIRSHV : cow ,
with 3-ilay-oM calf , tt 19 , lice , olllrc.
McC'iilxs M < irnliiK IUe , Humlay evening , Octotwl
7 , ona HifMnut linrxc , wclnlit tllwut 1'KXl pound * ]
four while fwi , laid luce und wlilt * tyttt had
dhoca on ; any In f urination or rHuru ol horn
nlll be Hiillalily rewarded. 11. II. White , ( th
* lr t unit tttli uvt-nue , Council III a ft .
from foot ball ground ! Haturday , p. m. Reluri
to Win. N , Mur hul ! , 30) 'Pi-nth a.venuoj r
ward ; DO