THE OMA.HA DAILY iBEEi rin ; OCTOBEU 12. 189-1 , Cooks , Laundresses , I. * Waitresses Everyone of them read The Bee "Want ads. Therefore , families want ing help , seldom fail to reach them i the day ad is published. Wants are run in both morning and evening papers without extra cost. 17 words for 25 cents. Coachmen , Waiters Valets. SPEOlRli NOTICES. Advertisements for these columns will ba taken until 1230 p. m. for ( lie evening , nnd until 9:00 p. m. ( or ln morning nnd Sunday editions. Advertisers , by jc < me tlnH a , numbered check , can Imvo nnswera addressed to * . numbered Icltir In care of The Dee. Answers no addressed jvlll lie dellvefil upon presentation of I ho check. word ' n te , ISo a word first Insertion , lo 'Vr thereafter. Nothing taken for less than 23o for flmt Insertion , . These advert lunmontg must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTKD. SITUATION IN COUNTRY JOB ami ncwspntier olllco , by practical printer. * yvddre sY SS , Dee omce. A-670 II BY AN EXPERIENCED LADY TEACHER children to teach In Mm English branches at their own homes. Host ol references , Ad dress Y 67 , Bf Office. A-HM-U WANTED , ONB OH TWO OFFICES TO TAKE care of ! Rood rcrerenceii. Address Jnnltor D. * & H. ticket omce , 1321 Fiirnam. A-Mail 12 WANTHD , BY AN EXVEHIENCED LADY , nuilnit In conflncmenl : Lost leterencw , charges moderate. Apply 1912 Casi strcci , * It A M578 WANTKD. HY LADY 01' KXrKHTUNCB , I'O- Hilton as ishlcr or olllct work ; city icfer- cnccs Adilresg Y C7. Ucc. A M5TT IT WANTEP KALE HELP. WANTKD , A FEW I'linsoNB IN KACII place to do writing : cend stamp ( or IM page book of particulars. J. Woodbury. 123 > W. IZJ Btrrfft , N. Y. City. l > S1CM WANTED , LABORERS , SOUTH ; OOVEnN- mtnt work Iti Tennessee ami , Arkansas Kramer , labor agency , llth and r.irn.ini ' ptrrrt , * lt-MSC'J IS WANTED , OENTLEHHN NEWSI'APEn COX- Irlbatoru In tveiy town to report nil Important ImppcnlnKH and write articles ( or publication on any subject. Experlenre not nccefsaiy , O > oil iny for iipnra time. Our Instructions tell you now to do the work , Bend stnmu Tor full par ticulars. Modern Press Asj'n , Chicago. 111. _ _ J2ri7 ! _ WANTED , SALESMAN : SAI.AIiy PROM tart ; i > eimanent place , Drown I3ros. Co. , nur- " " er > men , Chicago , III. D 1U OK * WANTED ] nCUADLC YOU Nil AND MID- dla-agcd men In every county to act M cor- rcsponuVnft ) tmd private detectives under Instructions for the largest and li"it i equipped detective bureau of the kind In tlie country , Previous experlcnca Is not required or necessary , Small boys and Irresponsible parties will confer a. favor on us by not ft * " .uinswtiMnfl. llefrrtnccs Klvcn und rcitilred. r ? - ufave been established for years. Send stamp for full particulars and get the Iwst criminal paper published , offerliiK thousands of dollnrs In rewnrdi for patties wlio are wanted. National Detective Bureau , Indianapolis , InJ. I1-M170 _ MEN OK aooD ADDRESS CAN FIND STEAD r employment and good pay by calllriR at I MO Douglas. qi-MlM 029 _ WANTED , HHLIAIlLn SALESMAN , ALltKADY traveling. to carry our lubricants as & sldo line. Manufacturers' Oil Co. , C1e\flaml. O. U-M27B Nl * _ _ _ _ WANTED. MEN IN EVERY COUNTY TO ACT ns private detectives under Instructions ; experi ence unnecessary ; send * tain | > . National De tective Bureau , IndlanapalU. InJ. " D MM3 1Z WANTED. DlUia CLERK. ADDRES3 Y 36 , Hea nlllce. \ B 3C2 WANrno. STRICTLY itRLiAnr.R AND CAPAble - ble mlecmen to represent manufacturer of com plete line of Hflirlrntlnt * oil' , Brrnse * and boiler cuiniKiuntl , exclusively or dde line ; salary or commission. Adilrees Htoddard Oil nml Cam- pound Co. , Cleveland. O. U-M5CT 1J WAITED FEMAliE HELP. WANTED. LADY NEWSPAPER CON- Ulbutore In every town lo report all Important liappenmim nnrt write articles for publication en any subject. Experience hot necessary. Oasd pay fur spare lime. Our Instructions tell you how to do the work. Bend stamp for full par ticulars. Modern Press Ass'n. Chicago , III. C 118 "USB PRESTON'S BEST TLOUH , IT QIYCS entire satisfaction. All grocers sell II. C MI70 NS WANTRD. OIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSn- work. 2SM South 13th strot. O-4 4-ll' _ LADIES WANTING FIRST-CLASS dlltLS call at Hcamllnavlan Y , L. home. Onico 2W N. 16 tli street. , C MiiiiJB' _ " luVnY A"HELIAULK , EDTCATIOD LADY , NOT under 25 , for a iH rmnnent position ; no experl- once nrcesjary. Address S C6 , Bee.O O 2157111 WANTED. A OOOD WAIST TRIMMER TO GO to Nebraska City. Call at Pnxton hotel Kntur- dny ev itlns between C und t o'clock. Mrs. Nellie Davis. C M57J 13 _ FOR BENT HOTJSE8. HOUSES. F. K. DARLING , DARKER BLOCK. P-S9J _ _ -irODSCsTN ALL PARTS OP T1IH CITY. THE O. ! " Davis Company. IOCS Farnam , D SW KELICENNY & CO. , ai. CONTINENTAL BUI. D 8J7 _ FOR RENT. CJinAPEaT 6-ROOM COTTAGB ) with bath In city ; nly 13.04. son California trcfl. D M3M _ _ _ _ NEW ROOM COTTAOKNEAIl linMISPAHK. { 900 , Tldellty Trust Company , liu : l-'arnam. lo-iioon iiousi : . LAnoi : BARN , KTU AND Indiana n\cnue , J15.W. SIT Klrat Katlotml bank. 11BKT , EIGHT-ROOM MODERN 8:3 South I7tli Hi. ; nlsoKroam cottage with torn. Q L. Oreen , R. 23 , llarKer blk. P-63T DESIRABLE ROOM COTTAGE , ! SI3 WOOL- ave. lUngwalt llros. , liarkcr blk. blk.D D00 J-ROOM CORNER TLAT AT 701 8. 1JTU itreet ; rons and nil oilier conveniences.V , C. llaller , room 811. Paxlon block. D-IM HOUSES t BTORE3. F.D.\VEAD,1 & DOUGLAS p-oi 31 _ _ VOR R ENT. FROM NOV. 1. A PiRST-CLASS 8-rooin house , nicely ( urnl lnKl , with all tiio.l. rn Improvements , located on car Una. JS miles train city hall. Cheap. Address Y 31 , live. D M50J _ C ROOMS. HALL AND BATH TIOOM. IN" quire KH 3. Ulh ctrect. D M5SJ 1 ! aooi > j-ivE-noo&t month. L. S. Eldnner , 310 N. Y. Life. D M277 _ _ _ MU MASON BTRKin : ; I ROOMS , MODERN , tlecant location , )3HM ; nlsj T-rwm houna In Orchard Hill , newly vnlnted nnd papered , J7.0X B , K. Humphrey , iJI New York Life. P-MtCTll * ( _ uoustv , a. TEMi'Lirro.v. PAXTON BLIC , D-MU N8 _ _ _ KOIl RENT. TWO S-ROOM KH5OANT I1RICU housouj nil motUrn cnnvnlencesr 1 block from Walnut lllll motor. 422. Cumplrullor'a utllce , U-MBQ iiouen HU-ST VACATID : ) NO , S72I J rknon street , till modern Improvements , i > 1eiidM rt-palr (11 Muck * from court house ) , li vej street , cltean rent to mini I family. Key t cot tutu second door we t lUn 11. Wheeltr. jr. , Doitk-laj and nth MI. ( Insurance. ) D-SC3 _ _ _ 1-LKA8ANT T-UOOM 1I01'I5U : MODERN. SMI slrett. | > 480 U _ HOI'SB IN GOOD ItUPAIR. OAL lUt Ulh strut. 11 W. D-KO-ll' C.ROOK coTTAfiB. MooinN IJtPROVE- me nil1113 Kn. llth. f ROO&l'cflTTAOU WITH FURNACH KOll JlJ.w. ut .rill Wtbsur street. -USSI II * 3OH. RENT HOUSES. Continued. FOR. RENT , ID-ROOM DWELLtNO ; MODHRN conveniences ; first-class1 location. Knaulre of _ W. I\ Clark , S2D3 DoURlas. D MMg li _ 5-ROOM COTTAGE , WKLL AND CISTERN , HIT N. 18th , J1S.OO. 7-rtwm IIOUBO , HS Lnfoy- ctle avenue. Walnut HIM. city water and cis tern. 515.00. G. Q , Wallace , 312 llroun blk. , 15th nnd Douglas. U MIIS 14 _ TOR RKNT , TOUR-ROOM COTTAGE , COHNHR 301 li nnd Sahlcr streets : oellar. clelrrn , city water 12.00. ' ; Inquire 1318 1'arnam street. D-M57I 14 _ FOR RENT FTmaiSHEU ROOMS. FOR RENT , NICELY TURNISUKD SOUTW room , modern conveniences , to onu or two rentlemen , 2017 Dodge. E H799 FOR- RENT , NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS , with or without board/ Call 2101 Douclas. 14 846-17 FURNISHED ROOMS. ISM CHICAGO ST\ Suitable for ono or tno centlemcn. 1J 11363 nS17'rUINIS"CI ! ? > ROOMS , ALL MOD- . 2015 Douglas. , B M371 15 FURNISHED OR UNFURNISHED ROOMS. 516 South ZJtli avenue. E 103-15 * TWO LARGK ! DESIRAULB FURNISHED v rooms In private fatrilly , KU I'urnam. E M13S 13 FURNISHED ROOM , BATH , IS. 1D11 FARNAM. E-337 12- ROOMS , STEAK HEAT. 2ND ll K > r 321J4 N. lltli St , flat A , U 5CO 11 THIIEE WELL rURNlKHBD ROOMS ' TOR house lief pi HE , J7.00. 24U Ho. ICth utrert. K-MS77 ll FOR RUNT , FlTRNrsiIRD TOOMS ; JI.OO PliR week antl up nuls ; stf.un lieat ; table board , W.OO. Union Hotel , 15th and Wcbit < r streets. E-M5TG 12 * rTJB.NJSHED BOOD1S AND BOAH3X NICi : ROOM WITH BOARD , CHEAP , SIOO CAS3 F 3W-O11 * PURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD. 201J Douglas. B' M77Z-Oli NICE XATtOE "FRONT ROOMS. SINGLE OR ensulte. fumlihed or iinfuinlslieil , with flrst- class board. M1J St. Mary'a ave. F 11367 U 1HK HILLSIDE. ROOJIS ; FIRST-CLAS3 table board ; slejm heat. ISth and Dodge , F-M47J I3 NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOM , WITH alcote ; also tlrat class board. 533 St. Mary's a\cr uo ! 521 16 * DESIRABLE ROOM. WITH BOARD. IN PRI- rqto family. "M N. 13th. ! ' M532 17 FOB 31ENT STORES AND OFFICES FOR RENT , THE 1-STORY BRICK BUILDING 915 Farnam street. The building has n fire proof , cement basement , complete steam heat * Ing fixtures , water on all Moors , gas , etc. Apply - ply at the ofllco of The Bea. 1 910 AGENTSWANTED. CANVASSERS. SOLICITORS , AGENTS OR any rcllabln person of average Intelllcenco and good adilrees who can present and advocate a popular national enterprise of Inestimable value to the Individual und liomp and family jirotcclors can secure steady and prolltnble em ployment by addressing Rev. W. 1\ Eastman , ftg Ufa building. Omaha , Neb. J-M503 IS AOBNT8 WANTED , MEN AND WOMEN. T"HE newest nnd most practical book , Jiut ready ; sold an Installments : write toe full particu lars lo Chailea Kcrlluicr's Bonn , Subscription Dcparlmenl , 14 , 153 Cth avenue. New Ycnk City. J M573 12' WANTED TO BENT. WANTKD ONE OR TWO FURNISHED OR UN- fnrnhhnl nxims for light houieVeeplnir. Ad" dress Y C5 Bee. K-MI-11" STORAGE. STORAQE.WILLIAMS & CROSS , Kll 1IARNEY M-903 BTORAOK FOR HOUSKHOLB GOODS ' ; CLB'AN and cheap rate. R. Wells , till Firnnm. M 904 M-713 OMA'ANfiSTORAQU CO.,1503 PARNAU. Tel.loi SI-903 BUST STORAGE RUILDtNCJ IN OMAHA. U. 9 , gov. bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1013 Leavrnncrth. M 908 CLIAN. DRY STORAGE FOR CARRIAGES and buggies In our new brick building , 1G03 - 10-11 liarncy St. Columbus Buegy Co. 4W-21 WANTED TO BITZ. WANTED. CHEAP BUILDING. 12X14 , WITHout - out plaster , for removal. Ktitle prlco and loca tlon. Addrees Box ; T7 , Bennlnston. N-M5SO 12 WANTKD , HORSE AND TWOATED : bufrity for his Keeplnff for winter ; very light work and belt of care. Address VT W. Bee. N M5I2 12 * WANTED. GOOD TEAM OP HORSES , nelctit flboiit l.SOO pounds. Omaha Pai-klnir nir Co. , Cuminsnnd 15th ttrects. N M575 IS * FOR SALE FOTINITTJRE. PAYMENTS 13ASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. I n\r prlceti on furniture and household goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , C13-61S N. Itth st. 0-907 CLOSING OUT ENTIRE sroric or I-URNI tuie , itnvt-s , etc. L. Allnian , SOS N. ICth , 0-SC3 STOVHS AND FURNITURE AT CORT , MUST bo sold at once. I. Bruesell. 710-712 N. ICth. O-M9.3 O23 rURNITI'RE AND ENTIRE HOUSEHOLD e.Teclaor jalo clioup. ! JU Dougl.ii st. 0-539 1C * TOR SALE-ART OARL.1ND STOVK. S323 Center itrei't. O K9 13 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL feuco made. C. II. l. < y. ! K)1 ) l > iuj.u. j-74 kLm BANK ANO.PLATTB VALLKY 8\ND FOU sale. C.V , Hull Company , Mtn und Izard sti. Q-M9 IF YOU BUY. BUV TUB BEST : MACKIN- " loslieo. rubber boots , arctics , syringes of all klndi ; iu tubing ; all best quality , Omaha Tent A Awnlnt Co. , 1311 Furnam st. q 543 IMPOHTI3D HARTZ MOUNTAIN CANARIES , wiinsnted singers , KM1 Kold llsh. with glcba , J1.S5 ; younir lurrots. in 00 to 120.00 : bird caccs , ld , olc , ClclrUr1 ! bird store , 40C N. Ulh street. Q-MS20 Nl MRS. DR. H. WARREN , CLAIRVOrANT , RB- llabl * tmtlncs * medium ; 1th yur at 11) N. ISth. 8-9H " " " "gABBAOE , BATHa. ETO. MADAM MHTII. OJ S. 1STII. ID TLOQR ' room I ; massage , rftnon alcohol , strarn , 'R.ul - phurlna and no b th . T-M411 ' MAS3\Oi : . MADAMU BERNARD , 3111 DODOq. T-MMT M * TURKISH BATlisi J7/C5IKS' / TURKISH IIATHS ; I10UIES , J A. tt to S p. m. Hauty Culture parlor * , rimovcd from Dlig , to 1W-10 Uf Vltf. 11611 PERSONAL. WHOLR WIIRAT BREAD FROM UNDOLTED flour at loxiEtB L. Ramser'i , SI7 N Kth strret. U-MI17 Oil OATHS , MA6SAOE. MMIi POST , JUV4 B. 1STH. UI4 IIELLH KPI'KRLKr IB FITTED AND MBAB- ured to the flxure ; always renmlns shapely nnil ls _ better prepared to retain the nner'outline * measurements are necessary and all fitting I" done by experts. It's the only rnrset thnt makes one nhapcljr an'l Is appreciated by every lidy who calls at parlors. 1KB Fnrnnm street. U M37SOU MACKINTOSHES RUliDER BOOTS. 1311 Far. U-611 PHYSICIANS WHO DISPHNSE TIIEIH OWN perecrlptlons can secure ralunMe Information trre by addressing P. O. Uoi 813 , Oirmha. Neb. U-M3SJ COMPOUND OXYGEN CURES CONSUMPTION , asthma , lironchltls nnd catarrh. Homa treat ment 16.00 per month. Thre * days' free treat' mcnt. room t 0 Douglas l > lk. , 16th sn < l Dodso. U-I5SOM LACE CURTAINS CLEANED EQUAL TO new. Can ami eumlne specimens of work , im N , Xlh st. U-MltS ' OSCAR HUNDELL. TOR 12 YEARS WITH O w. Cnok. hns rrmovwl his shoe repair shop to 8 > 17th street , north ot Douglas. TJ M2U Nl l'RESTON'3 CALIFORNIA FLAKES FOR breakfast ; superior to oatmeal. Try It. TJ M371 N5 _ _ _ _ VIAVr HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book or consultation free , Address or call Vlart Co. , US Hoc bldg. Lady attendant. _ _ U 107 MME. LA ROOK. MASSAGE , 1000 LEAVEN- worth street , tlilid floor , front rooms ; two first- class operators. U M55Q 17 * CUT THIS OUT AND PRESENT AT COWAN'S Photo Studio , (3k Itnmdwnv , Council llluRii. late of Omrthn. II will entitle you to 12 cnb- Inct jihaton , the very best , nnil one 8x10 panel tor I1.C9 ; without this. JI.CO ; far 10 days imly. U-M557 H LADY , GOOD HOUBKKEHPEtl.WILL DO llRlit work , care of children or sew Tor coral respectable home ; mast hare piano. 4101 Lafayette street , city. U 56& 11 * LADY IN COUNCIL BLUFFS WANTS TO adopt girl baby 10 months old , Ueht luilr , fair complexion preferred. Lady In Omaha wants little Rlrl , ngp 3 In 4 years , light hair , light complexion. Rev. Cliarlcs W. Savldgo. U 5 2-13 MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE , LIFE INSURANCE : POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. S. Chesney , Kansas City , Mo. W-915 , ANTHONY LOAN A TRUST CO. , 51J N.Y.LIFE , loans at low rates for choice security 1n Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W 81S MONEY TO LOAN ON" FARMS IN DOUGLAS county. Improved nnd unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam st. W 817 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Brennan , Love & Co. , Pax ton blk. W-818 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TUB O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Famam st. W 919 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved anil unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to 5 rears. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. W-817 LOANS ON IMPROVED * UNIMPROVED CITY property , $3,000 and upwards , 6 to 7 per cent ; no delays. W. Kamam Smith & Co. , 1329 Fnrnntn. W-920 CHAS. W. 1SAINEY , OM. NAT. DK. IK/DO. W 921 MONKY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTAT"c at C per cent. W. U. Meiklc , 1st Nat. bank bldg W-922 VERY l.O\V RATES MADE ON GOOD LOANS. J. W. Squire , 243 Bee bids' . W JCO WE HAVE SEVERAL THOUSAND DOLLARS for sbort time paper or 1st das intFre. lotins. H , H. Harder & Co , , ground floor , Bee Milir. W MIIS MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horsca , nasans , etc. . at lowest rates In city ; Do removal of ( roods ; strictly confidential ; you can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 3M S. ISth street. MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. . 701 N. Y. Life bldg. X 924 J. H. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 RAStGU BLOCK. X 02S MONHY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- turn- pianos , horpes. wagons , or any kind of chattel security , at lowest possible rates , which you cun pay bnck at any time and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO , , Room 4 , Wlthnell block. X 3lt BUSINESS CHANCES. A SPLENDID INVESTMENT ; WILL SELL A good paying p.ilnt and wall paper business located In this live and progressive city. Ad dress box 85 , Grand Junction , Cola.Y Y 2SS-13 * FOR SALE , A GOOD PAYING RETAIL BOOT and ho store In the Black Hills , carrying a stock of II.OJ0.09. doing a business of 114,009.00 , a year , nnd residence ; good reasons and reference. Address V 40 , Omaha liee. Y-MIM 12 jaxi.00 MONTHLY GUARANTEED. MANUFAcT- ttirlnc concern "wants representative En . ( or any city not taken ) . Must have a few hundred dollars oanh to pay for goods on de livery after oril M8 me scented. l'C Vail , Morse building. New York. Y-MS72 12 _ FOR EXCHANGE. A OOOD LOT IN BAST OMAHA TO Ex change for young work horses or mules. Lamoreau * Bron. , 805 S. 16th. Z-10S GOOD IM ACRES OF LAND N. E. NEBRASKA to trade for merchandise. Address Y 46. care Bee. Z M4GO 12 GOOD PROPERTY TO EXCHANGE TOR nii > rcli.inill e. In wrltlne Rive full particulars. Address Lode liox 27 , Hlu-lton , Nebraska. Z MStl 1S TO KXCHANGE. $2 , 00 CASH INVESTMENT In Omaha property and 5500 cah for (2,500 stock shoes or olothltiff. C , 1 % Harrison. 912 N. Y. Life. Omaha. K 511 23 FOR TRADE. GOOD BUSINESS PROPERTY. centrally located , clear , for laruo tract of land near Omaha. Will assume Incumbrancc or pay difference , Enquire at 2G02 Hurt street , city. FOR SALE BEAL ESTATE. GARDEN LANDS , S MILKS PROM POST OF- ( ice easy terms. Call at 949 K , Y. I.Us. R E-7U CHOICE GARDEN LANDS. 5 MILES FROM Omaha postofflre , 10 to HO acres , some trade. N. D. Keyca. 61T Paxton blk. It B MS27 IJAROAINS. HOUSES. LOTS AND FARMS. sale or trade. P. K. Darling , liarker block. RIS-an HERE IS A SNAP OWING TO REMOVAL to Chlcngo. will sell my home , 1511 Sherman n > enue , .at a very low price ; t rooms ; all modern Improvements ; lot , 50x123 , Look at house , and It It suits you , will ruuke price to suit th' times ; U cash , balance on time. I ? . M. IIul-io. RE M375 12 FOR SALK. NI3W i-ROOM CO1TAGE ; CEL- lar. cistern , city water ; cor. 20th and Snhlei ; J 1.150 M ; Inns time. Inquire 1319 Parnnm , tJatu- uel Uiirnn. RE 7T3 OMAHA LOT FOR SALE CHEAP ; COR. OF Slat and stieets. AVrlte to n. Peter son , llldlr. Neb. RE M5M N8 FARM LANDS , C. I * . IlAKIUSON.Dl . ! N. Y ! Life. R B C1SN88' IRRIGATION. 210 ACRES IN PLATTE VALley - ley , under the Elm Creek Irrigation ditch. In llunalo county , for sale. Gentle slope , just right for Irrigating ; beautiful grovts , rich noli and ilrsl-cl.-xsa Investment. Lawrence Kellcyi Kearney. Neb. RR M5i3 U _ _ _ _ _ BEST HEATERS ON EARTH. ! Be sure you examine them before you buy. PiHIts who desire the choice of ihs best line of staves on the market must buy either the Favorite tasuburner or the Oak healing stoves. They have been manufactured the past 3d yvar > and where they lia\o been used alongside of other stoves have proven thui elves the moil economical stoves made. Wo guarantee them. They are the cheapest and best stoves made We have the Born steel range , a model of per fection. A. M. McCargar , 410 N. l lh street MSI Nl CARPENTERS AND BUIMJJEBS. HAMILTON RROa , GKNnRAL CONTRACT- ori and builders , carpenter work , storm win dews , and doors. 41 < & . llth st. , leL 1179. . . MICK OM I C. E , MOItRILL , CARPENTER _ ANDBUru _ > ER. paper lianrlne and Blcn . brickwork and plna- terln * . Offlca W ) S , 14th St. , tiltphone 408. 408.tiS tiS TYP WBITEKS. STOLEN TYPEWRITERS OFFERED FOR sale should malce you suspicious ; funny they are mostly Bmlth's. Try one and ycu will un derstand why ; full Una of supplies. Smith- 1'reralm Co. , llth and Farnam : tiUphone , 12SI. M-'Jg FI.OKIST8. 8. H. STEWART. PLORI8TI AI.r KINDS Or bulb * od cut ttovrir * : im Capilol uvenu . _ NEW BULBS JUST IMI'OItTBD , , i , , CUT FLOW- ers. Utu i EnclxAl * , Paiton hotel. 1111 Faro. Mia oat PIANOS AMy flKOAtre THIS tt'EEIC THE rdLTloWINa IN'STRU. intnts , for cash or monthly payments : One Hale upright pinna. . . . . , , , . .1170.M Another Hale upright piano. . 150.00 Ore Hall ft Son upfl ht , nlono , . . . , . . . , , . . . . Ohio Vatler square pUh i. W. 0 M pen & llatnlln orsin , . . . , . , , , . . 1J.M H altr organ , Huh toriJj. . . H.M Hmllh American orxan , high tot ) . , 27.V ) Tajlor & Farley orean.-hJKh top 33.09 Klmbs.Il. Emerson nnd llallel-Davtt , piano * . A. 11OSPK.JUa 1311 DDUKlnt si. 1 MI3I O31 IF PURCHASED AT ONCU One upright piano , ( SO. sold. ii uf Ono 3-strlnn nrir scato.nlano , 1157.M. IA M > M. > * sold. oJi i Ono new \VtRman , tii" " ) . One new Wenman. t50il.i 'i Ono Hstey organ , $33. Ono Klmball orcan , 12" . One lla > ' Stnte organ. 52'X ' One RhonlnKer , $21. One jroo.1 onin , (15. ' \Vojdbrldge llros. , 120 N. ISth street. 874 OM MUSIC TEACHER. MARTIN CAHN , TEACHER OP PIANO- forte. Htudlo. 104 N. 2id si. Mill O31 MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. Q. F. OELLENBECK. BANJOIST3 AND teacher. U10 California street. 814 BP3INE33. . NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. 613 3. 16th. 910 DAMAGED MIRRORS iTESILVKRED , 719 N. 1 . 911 THB NEATEST BARBER SHOP IN CITV ; court of Dee building. Fred Buelow. 311 ROGNElt & EISELE. SIGN PAINTERS ; BEST work at lowest prices. IMS Douglas strut. M8M ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged , clectrlcai and general - eral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Onaha electrical Works , E17 and 619 8. 16th si. 943 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants and nit kinds of electrical construction. Western dec- trie Supply Co. , 418 and -420 8. Ulh el. I4 WOLFE ELECTRICAL CO. SUPPLIES AND electric wiring. 1611 Capitol avt. Tel. 1411. M132 O31 BICYCLES. BICYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires end sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. It. Hcflln. locksmith. 311 N. 16th St. 934 BICl'CLES-ALL STYLES. ALL PRICES. Bend for our Hit of second-hand nnd shop worn blcrclca. Repairs and cycle sundries of nJl kinds. M. O. Daion , 402 N. 16th st. 938 BICYCLn PRICES CUT IN TWO. A ' 84 Fowler for JSI.60. A ' 91 Sylph for 187.50. Other makes equally as low , Se our stock and get our prices before buying. A. H. rUUIUGO c CO. , 1211 Douglas street. ' 167-0-27 BICYCLE RlDING. BICYCLE RIDING SCHOOL. 1714 CAP. AVE. M23C N2 * UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMER3 H. K. BURKETT , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1C1S Chicago Et. , telephone 90. 937 SWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS AND embalmcm,1701 Cumlng st.i telephone 10CO. 918 M. O. WAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMI balmer , 1117 Farnam St. , telephone , 223. 833 C. W. BAKER UNDERTAKER , 61J S. 1CBT _ , OPTICIANS. t . I. F. Ponder , manager , Kjyes tested free. 223 South 16th , I ? Klnslerjs .drug istorc. 416-31 * THE ALOE & PENFOLD ; CO. , SCIENTIFIC opticians. 1403 Farnam st , opposite Paxton hotel. Eyes examined free 791 OMAHA OPTICAL CO.'LT3ADING OPTICIANS. J. F. Ponder , manager. Ryes tested free. 222 South Klh , In Klnsler'9 drig | store. M223 15J WE ARE CLOSING OUT OTJR ENTIRE LINH of gas nnd electric light fixtures , globes , etc. , at cost , as we are absolutely retiring from the fixture business. It will pay to buy at once. The Hussey & Day Co. , 411 South 15th St. , Ramge building. C49 O21 GAS AND ELECTRIC LIGHT FIXTURES made In design and finish to harmonize with any architectural style desired by r. M. Rus- Edl. 313 B. 15th street. M700 O22 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savings. Apply to Omaha L. & B. Aes'n , 1704 Bee Bldg. G. M. Nattlnger , Sec. M 951 SHARES IN MUTUAL L. AND D. ASSN. PAY 6 , 7 , S per cent when 1 , 2 , I years old , always redeemable. 1701 Farnam St. Nnttlnrer , sec. 952 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VAN SANrS SCHOOL OP SHORT HAND , N. Y. Life , Omahs. . Ask for circular. . 788 r.OOSE'B OM. BUSINESS COLLEGE. 15 & I'/iR. W _ OMAHA COMMERCIAL. COLLEGtJ. 1GTH AND Douglas ; send for catalogue. Holirbcuch Bros. M221 Nl STOVE REPAIRS. STOVE "REPAIRS FOR iliflOO DIFFKRENT males of sto\es. Water attachments and con- nectlons a specialty. 1207 Douglas street , Omnha Stave Rejulr Works. M 175 STOVE REPAIRS OP ALL KINDS : ALSO hotel range and general assortment of ranges. cooks & lieaterf ; water attachments put In ft connected at J. Hughes , 607 S. 13 st & Jnckpnn. 642 O15 HOTJ2LS. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROUEAN ) N. W. COR. 13 ; n ana Dodge. Room by day or week.MS31 MS31 HOTEL BARKER , J2.DO PER DAY. 140 ROOMS , In the heart of the business houses. Special rates and accommodations to commercial trav elers. Room and board br the week or month. Frank HIMItch. .Mgr. 313 PLUMBERS. J. J , HANIOAN. PLUMBING , STEAM AND hat water healing2703 Lea\enworth st , 931 FREE PLUaiBING OK EVERY"KIND. . GA3. steam & hot water heating ; sewerage. 313 S. 1C. 933 JOHN HOWE & CO. . PLUMBING , STEAM AND hot water heating , gas fixtures , globes.l.'l S. 13. KRUGER BIIOS , , SANITARY PLUMBING , GAS titling , drain laying. Telephone 1270. 2813 Leuyenvrorth street. & 63 17 DRESSMAKING. DRESSMAKING IN FAUHEa 2120 „ ' 10TH. ' I t M-492-O15' FIN13 TRESSMAKING VAT 'LOWKST ' PRICES. Madams , Corbatt. 424 N..I7th ' St. . cor. Cass. , Ml 44 029' LADIES. CALL AT ISlJ'flJOUOLAS STREET for latest designs In dreVsniaklng ; work guar anteed. OY > / M312 15' HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY BY TO. < 6R CAR LOTS. WB buy hay. A. H. Snyder. " Burt st. Tel. 1107. ii. . * l > 4 NEBRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY. grain and mill stuff. , W 'aru always on the rnark'et"to buy'or'sell.3 'f(67Klchala ( | ! . DM COAL.t D. T. MOUNTllASIlEMO\"nD HIS COAL OF. lice to 209 S. " Itlh St. . BiiMo. block. OM BHBRIDAN COAL. BXCHLLENT SUBSTITUTE for hard coal and W.&O tin : cheaper. 1 03 Far * tarn street ; main entrants : Board of Trade. moa FURNACES. 1EST FURNACIf MADE. SOFT COAL BMOICU consuming- hard coal furnaces. .Eagle Cor * nice Worka. 1CS-HO-1U N. Illh st. W GRINDING. RAZORS. SHEARS. CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW. _ era , jtc. A , L. Undelund. IM 8. llth. 79 ! KERCHANT TAILOR8. I WISH TO ANNOUNCE THE ARRIVAL "of IMPORTED AND DOMHST1C Fall nnd Winter WOOLENS. Q , A. Undqulst. Merchant Tailor , IK a 15th at MW7 DENTISTS. DR. GEORGE B. NAHON. DENTIST. SUITE 200 Pmton Llock , Hth and Farnam sis , Tel. 712. DR. PAUL , DENTIST. 209) BURT BT. T" LOST. LOST , WHITD MILCH COW : TINDER WILL Ni rewanled by returning the same tn Ml 8. 81st street. M5M 12 IXJST-PART OP GOLD KARRtNO WITH DIA mtmil set , Stptrmbrr Zith , near HUh school grounJs. Return lo 1S1I South 10th , Ilrwnrd. HA-U * CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS. GALVANIZED Iron cornices , nil St. Mary's ) nve. 959 EAGLE CORNICE WORKS , JOHN EPH- nelcr , prep. , 109. 110 , 111 N. llth. Estab. 1S6I. 909 COMMERCIAL COLLEGE. OMAHA COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 1CT1I AND Dvuglas ; aend for catalogue. R htuoiiKh Bros. M221 Nl _ _ STENOGRAPHERS. I F. J. SUTCLtFFE , OENERAL STENOG crapher. 212 Dee building. Telephone E > 97. WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. 1008 Farnam m. ll DYB WORKS. SCHOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYB WORKS. 1B21 1'arnnm "street. Dyeing of crerjr iJtscrlB- tlon and dry cleaning. 817 ' TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- IOEUC. George K. Brown , jr. , & Co. . 709 S. 16th. 919 UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH M. S. Walkln. 2111 Cumlng. Tel. C02. SM JOB PRINTING. RM5D JOB PRINTING CO. , FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th St. , Bee building. 9 7 NIGHT SCHOOLS. ROOSE'U OM. BUSINESS COLLEGE , IS & FAR. CM | PAWNBROKERS. H. HARDWITZ LOANS MONEY. 413 N , 1STIL 1 HIM RE A LTV MARKET , INSTRUMENTS placed on record October WARRANTY DEEDS. Robert Rutke to H H Harder. R 70 feet of n 117 feet lots 1 and t , Clark 1' ( ox n 8H feet ) I 2.000 William Mater nnd wlf to Robert Uutke. undlv ' 4 lot 1 , Van Uuren Place 1 Robert Rutke to Carolina IVI.tkumii , same 2.GOO L \f Tulleya to a K Tullejti. lots. U , 11 and 15 , block ' 'D. " Saunders St ll's. add ; l.GOO Andrew Jensen and wife to Gooice Koch , wV4 lot 5 , bloctt 471. Qrandvlew 2.000 D O GIITcrt and wire to A T Wagner. lot 21 , block 4 , Matthews' suMlv. . . WO O F Davis company to M A Hoirmn , lots 23 and 23 , block 4 , Ijikavlow. . . , l.JOO Same to same , lot 4 , bloclc 13 , Bedford Place . ' 800 M A Ilomon to Lorcnz Ktwnlif. same and lot 32. block 4 , Lake\lew 1,300 Joseph PotrowskI snJ wife to J P Krcjcl , | nt 8. lilock g , Arbor Place. . COO J It Jlorst amL wife to M J Matthcw- snn el nl , lot 22. block 0 , Potter & C's. u < M 1.100 W H Ilocheford nnd wlCu tu C E Dullle , lot 10. block 5 , Improvement Associa tion mid 1 I C t C Duma to Cell a Ilochefoul , Rune. . 1 I Charles ( lletts nnd wife to Eilu.iid Sachs , w5 ! so 32-16-11 4,000 DEEDS. Sheriff i lo H D Gay , lot 0. block 8 , Omaha View 523 Special master to Omaha Loan and IJullillniT association , lot 13 , block 4 , Bedford Ptyce 2,100 Same tr > Mutual Loan and Building as- , Boclalloti. lot 4 , Urn & t"s ; , uubdlv l.SOO Same lo Andrew lilies , lot 19 , Anlsfleld 4SO Total amount of transfers 5 22,223 iiUREAU. . SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Boo * * Building , OMAHANeb. Advlco FREE -q > . rT RH1LWHY TIME GKRD Leaves I CHICAG.O t NOntHWEST'N'lArrh el OmahalU. P. jjjbpot , _ IQtl & Mason _ _ _ ] _ Omaha Il:06am , .Eastern ! Express ftfOpm I 4OOpm..Vestu : > uled Limited t40am ; :5l.Rm : Mo. Valley Ix/cnl 10Dpm : ! . . . . . . Chicago Special. . . . . „ JUpm : Leaves ICIIIUAQO" . BUHL1NGTON & Q.Arrlve | " Omahal pspot 10th an4 MnjtonSts. _ | _ 0maha 4:4Spm : H..Chicago Vestibule 95lam ! ) fKa.m Chicago Express , 4Upm : 7:0pm Chicago and Iowa Local S:0 : am ll'.Siam Pacllic Junction Local BiSipni LeTveTlDUn triNc5foN"Tr M'o7"RlVER7rArr'ive7 Omahal Dtpot 10th and Mason Kli. I Omhaa : Exiiresa 3jam ; 10:15am : Deadwood Express 4IOpni : 4(0pm : Denver Express 4:10pni IEOpm..Nebraska : Local ( except Sunday ) . . Crftpm ; Leaves I kr"c. ; T7 jT& CT Ti. ( Arrives Oninhal _ pepo lOth anfl Mason Sts. I Omaha T:45amr. . . . Kansas CHy bay l\pre . 5:55pm : t:45pm.K. : C. Night Er. via U. P. Trans. 6SOam : Leaies I CHICAGO , R I. & PAtlPIC. Krrlves OmalialU. P. Depot. )0th ) & Slason Sta. I Omaha EABT. _ _ _ ll:15am. .Atlantic Express ( ex. Kunday ) . . . C:0ipm : Klcht 4:40pm..ChlcJso Vestlbulwl Limited. . . . lOSpm : ll.S.-iiiii.Uklalioina | Exp. < to C. B. ex Bun.lliOpni ) ! WEST ; _ 6:03am.Oklahoma & Texas Exp. < cx.SunTlir3ipra ) l:10pm . Colorado Llmlteil . 430pm ! Lea-vesl UN ION PACI F I ( \ fArrb-es qmahi\trnlon | Depot. 10th & Mason Sts.l Omahji 10:00am : . Kearney Express . 3:5epm 2:15pm : . . . . . .Overland Flyer , . B:40pm : Z:15pm.Beatrtce : & Stromsb'p Ux ( ex Sun ) S:50pm e:40pm : . raclllc Express , . . , . 10:5Sam : 6:3apm . . . Fast Mall . H.'iOpni Leases I CHTCAa'dTMl I rve OmahalUnlon. Depol , loth and Masnn Sis. | Omaha " : S5pm. . . . Chicago Limited . r . :30am : U:10am. . .Chicago Express ( ex. Sun. ) . . . . B:0ipm : Leaves I F. . H & MO. VALLEY. [ Arrives Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Sts. | Omahs. 9:05am" : . Deadwood Express . 6:10pm : > :05nm.CKr. : 8at. > Wyo. Ex. UIx. Mon. } . t:10pm BOOpm..Koiollc : ( Express ( Cx. Sunday ) .lOMiam G:0pm : . St. Paul Express . 9:40am : Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. [ Arrives Omaha ) Depot ISth und Webster Sts. I Omaha ; 00am . St. Louis Express . 6Mam : 930pm ; . Ht. Louis Express. . . . . . . . . . tilOpm. . Pally ( exKun _ ) Ncbra l < & Local. . 910itii ; " " eaves I C. , ST" P. , M. & 6" TAFrTves Omahal Depot Ijth end Webster fits. | Omaha 8:00am : . Sioux City Accom. ( Ex , flun. ) . , . 8:0pn : > I0:00am..6louic : City Accom. ( Sun , Onlj. ) . Soptn : ] 3lipm.Bloux : City Exprcas ( ICic. Sun..ll:53ain EiSOpm St. Paul Llmlled . . . . . . 9IO.ii"S ! Leaves j SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. IArrlves OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th Miuon St3. | Omaha : ! Sam Sioux city Passenger 10:2 : * > tn l:55pn : > St. Paul E prcm IQ.OQjm Leaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. "lArrlveT Omahal Depot 15th nnd Webster Sta. I Omaha 6:30pm St. Paul Limited 9:40dm : 530pm ! Chicago Limited 940nin ! " ' Leaves I "AVA'BABII RAlLWAy. ( Arrives " Omahal Union -ppl.19th & Mason 8ts. | Oniah- > S.t. Louls Cannon Ball 12:3jp : m WKSTEUN J'JSSfllOXB. Veturnni of the l-ato AVur Huiitenitierod by the linnerul Governinent. WASIIINaTON , Oct. ll.-Speclal.-Pen- ( ) slons grantetl. issue of September 29 , were : Nebraska , : Original Luclna P , M , Shlck , TTolmMvllle , Oage. Increase John W. Chll- denon , Falrflclil , Clay. Original widows , etc ; Ellen Smith , Hastlcrs , Ailams ; Ann B. Francis , Tamora , SewarJ. Iowa : Original Ktljnh Murray , Atlantic , Cuss ; Hllsha. D , West. Perry , Dallas. He- Issue Joel Hall.VlntPIs 't , Atndlson ; Joseph M Johnston , Uea Molnca , I'ollc ; Samue4 Smith , Wheeler , Pottawattamle. Original widows1 , etc. lleitpwal Slarlha Scott ( motlipr ) , Falrllcld , Jefferson. South Uakola : Increase Charles H. Hunt. Ington , Huron , BeaUIe. Orecon Kidney Tea cures nervous acbes. Trial size , 25 centi. All drugs'Li , 8aK ' llrfftcli of Prnnmc Cuno DlimlsseO. NEW TOUIC , Oct. JL-Tho action trousht by Delia , Keegun to recover JIOO.OOO from Russell Sage tor breach of promise and seduction was dismissed today In the court of common picas. The- counsel for Miss Keegarr was not present nnd counsel for i Mr. Hage simply fald that Judge Prior > had decided previously that the action WM barreil by the statute of limitation , - whereupon upon the Judge dismissed the cases. Oregon Kidney Tea curei backache- . Trial ilze , i'S etnti. All druggist * . DECIDED ON WABASB WAGES Precedent Eslablished in Settlement or Union Pacific Onso is Follovcd , WOOLSOXWILL NOT MAKE A GENERAL CUT , ul Jutlgo IlaliU tlmt Culihroll'K Post- lllon WIM ItlRht nnd Itrvclver'M Peti tion In DiMilinl sllRlit Itniluotlon for l.ucnl Kiielncom mnl I'lrciiicii. Jn tlio United States circuit court In Council ( IJlufI * yesterday JttilftoVoolson handed down a decision In regard to tha petition last Jlajby Receiver J. P. Barnard asking for permission to reduce the wages of the employes of ttic Omaha nnil St. Louis OVab'ash ) railway In nccordanco with a schedule drawn up by him. The employes whoso wages wcro to be affected filed a protest , and ti.V. . Iloss was appointed master In chancery to hear evidence on both sides and render an opinion on the facts Involved. Ho heard the evidence last summer * nd recommended that the schedule proposed by the receiver bo concurred In , The evidence was heard by Judge Woolson at the term just closed. I In lila decision , rend just before the noon adjournment , ho recites the doctrine laid down In ( ho recent decision of Judge Cnld- * ell that "the employes must bo paid fair wages , even though no dividends may bo paid , " nnd holds thnt the rtilo must govern , always keeping In mind the general rule that alol court must turn the road out of the hands olc the receiver just as soon as such n. thing can : bo safely done. A comparison between the wages paid an the Omahn & St. Louis and tliosa on other roads running through the | snmo kind of country follows , the result of which Is to show that the former are not Itb excess of the latter excepting In two branches ! of the service. The court then says , In substance' "Tho receiver shows that large numbers of railroad men are now out of employment , so that the places could be filled for less money. The court cannot regard this as hav ing much , weight , The retention of faithful , Intelligent and capable employes Is of more importance than a temporary decrease In earnings , and the court would not bo justi fied In discharging satisfactory employes be cause of present ability to employ others at reduced wages , thus , perhaps , rendering the road liable to accidents , for which the court would be legally and morally responsible. If the wages are no greater than on other roads running through the same country the reasons for n reduction should Indeed bo weighty. The evidence shows that some em ployes are hardly able to maintain their families on the present wages. The highest and best services cannot bo expected from men. compelled to live In a state of pinch and want. The receiver has administered his trust with ability and economy , but .tho court cannot concur in the reduction ho proposes "Tho facts as found by the master In chancery are fully warranted by the evi dence , but a decision must be governed by the principles of law above laid down. It Is conceded by the employes that the pay of local freight englnemcn and trainmen on this road are greater than on other lines with which comparison 1ms been made , and their wages should accordingly bo reduced. The proposed reduction , however , Is not a proper one. The receiver suggests that the wages of local freight englnemen be reduced from 5 cents to 4 cents per mile , and those of local Jlremco be reduced from ' 7-10 per mtlo to 2\i \ cents. The court orders that the reductions be : On engineers , to 4V& cents per mile , and on firemen to 2 4-10 cents per mile. The petition of the receiver will be overrated excepting as to thcso two par ticulars. " BT , PAUL & IJULUTIl KLKCTION. Many ClmriBcg .Alarlo In the llonril ol Director * . ST. PAUL , Minn. , Oct. 11. The annual | meeting of the stockholders of the St. Paul & Dulutb railroad was held today. R , Homers ers Hayes nnd Thomas Denny wore re-elected directors and ex-Governor W. R. Merrlam was elected to nil E. W. Peet's place , the latter having refused a re-election. The other directors are : C. S. Day , A. H Stevens , It. D. DocUon , Jolin Hiker , New York ; James Smith , Jr. , and A , D. Plough , St. Paul. A majority of the stock waj rep resented , The animal report shows earnings of 51,113.303 ; operating expenses , $1,049,527 ; surplus eornliiKS , J4G3.SGG. This Is n de crease In surplus earnings of J591.SS1 , the decrease being duo to tlio general business depression. Greater economy , houever , xrcritly reduced the loss In net earnings , the decrease being only $213COO. A supple mental report Is devoted to the Illnckley lire , the loss by which cannot bo accurately estimated , but Is mostly covered by Insur ance. Special mention of the train crew of the burned limited train Is made. The net Income of the road from land and stum pa go sales Is $114,850. , SWITCH LAW. I in tn > Cimn to lie Heard In I Onmlm Today , ' Judge Chapman of Plattsmouth will be In the city today to hear the arguments for a demurrer In the transfer switch law cases In which the Fremont , Elkhorn & Mis souri Valley and the I'aclflo Short Line companies are defendants. The attorney general will represent the state , while At torney Hanley will look after the Interests of his company. The railways contend that the law Is not constitutional , and protest against the maintenance of transfer switches at different points along thslr roads. The attorney general claims that a more speedy exchungo of cars Is demanded , by the public , and that transfer switches must ba maintained in accordance with the laws of the stato. This case originated In Holt county , but Is to be heard here by agreement of oil the parties concerned. There are other case * pending which will be made tents of the validity of the laxv. nought ( n by tlm Sturklioldora. i MINNEAPOLIS , Oct. 11. The sjockhold- ors' committee bid tn the Minneapolis & St. Louis railroad today for ? 1,400,000. This was the face of the senior mortgage with accrued charges. There was no other bid , ami the property was knocked down without much ado. The stockholders , be- iKUiKht the equipment and Improve- I mcnt * for J450,000 without opposition , raakI I Ing the total amount of cash necessary to close up the transaction a trifle over $5,000,000. L. W. Dull , of New York , representing Chairi man Olcott. of the stockholders' committee , made the bid. A check , duly certified for { 35,000 , was deposited with the sheriff as a guaranty , and tha entire sum will be paid over lo Henry Selbert , trustee , at one of the local banks , either In gold or In the form of a collided chock. A meeting , to perfect the reorganization of the road , Is to bo held to morrow , and It Is expected that the present corps of oflfclaU will ba retained , though this U not definitely settled. Ilnllnuy Nntnt. The Missouri Pacific announces two harvest excursions for all points In the BOUIheist , the dates being October 29 and November G. The dispatchers on the Iowa division of the Rock Island will be consolidated at DCS Molnes next Sunday , thus closing the dis patcher's olllco at Council lllufTs. R. A. IlQBBig , who resigned the position of cashier at the Missouri Pacific , has been succeeded by Frank A. Cleary , formerly chief clerk. W. W. Johnson , who was commercial agent at Deadwood for the Burlington , has been made commercial agent for Montana with headquarters at Billings , In chat-so of all freight and passenger buslneii for all Uur- llngton lines via Ullllna * or St. I'nul. j. L. Bentley has been appointed to succeed Mr , Johnson at Deadwood. The ) colored man who applied to Dell Branch of thu nurllngton for a round trip ticket for a corpse hat been temporarily displaced by . nun from Sterling , Colo.who has asked the freight department i-f the Durllngton for rates on emigrant moveables from Sterling to Lib erty , Neb. , Including a corpse. The tariff beeli do not show rate * on dead freight and the prospective citizen of 'Nebraska will bar * to par Ml faro for the body. FHOM SOUTH OMAHA. CharltlM Call for l > otntlon MHRlc City UoMlp. D. S , Adams , president , and E , McDrldo , secretary of the Associated. Charities , ty { "Tho season la rapidly approaching when wtr shall Imvo urpent calls upon us for relief from many deserving1 nml suffering among our people. U has been a hard summer for many who were anxious to get work but vi > ro tinablo to secure- steady employ ment. Wo Imvo already had calls from those re doiorvlng. There- are many among tu al . Wo call upon the visiting committee , which Is thu E.itiui ns last yt > ar , to canvasa the districts nnd get the names of these willing to make donations and rend them Inni to the secretary at our rooms , Twenty- nisi etrcel. N , and wo will ba very glad to call upon the citizens nnd collect the same. Persona who foul Inclined to help n goud cause ulll send their mldrcsses to the secretary. " _ .Mnclc City < | < > H | | I. Z. Codtllngton Is homo from a trip lo lilt * nols. George AV , Masson la homo tram a trip to Michigan , A son hns been born to Mr , nnd Mrs. Hob- ert Jenkins. Mrs. II Ink o. of Hastings , is visiting her daughter , Mrs. Dr. KvereU. The pupils of the Kourlh ward school will give | a literary program on Library day. Attorney Van Duson Is booked for A num ber of speeches In the state In behalf of the republican ticket. . The Indies' nld society of the First Presby terian church will glvo Ha chicken plft dinner next Thursday on N street. A thief entered the residence- John Klontncr at Tnonty-flrst and Q strccta yes terday afternoon and stele n revolver nnd some clothing. U. II. Lawrence , formerly of South Omaha. came dawn from Custcr county yesterday where ho la engineering' aomo Irrigation dltchw. Rev , Ilobert L. Wheeler's Sunday morning topic will bo : "Who is Greatest In Your Church ? " Utcnlng topic : "My Vacation tn the Mountains , " Misses Emma Woods , Fannlo Sago , Marlon Thompson and Mr. II. Posser are delegates to tho-slato convention of the Christian I'n- deavor society that meets at Lincoln on Friday. Arrangements have been made by the members of NcbraBk lodge No , 227 , Ancient Order dl United Workmen , for n grand bono- flt ball nt Bauer's hall , Friday evening , October ID. In order to Increase the fund for tho- pub lic library the school teachers ol South Omaha have- concluded to give dinner and supper on election day. The teachers will bo assisted by a number of women who nro taking an Interest In the library , Hugh Landy was yesterday , released from the county Jail , nftcr scrvlnK fifty days for assaulting his aged mother. Ho had only been liomo a few hours when ho again pounced upon his mother and abttsetl her shamefully. A warrant was Issued for his arrest. WAS EARNEST COMPETITION. Contractor * Cnllnhnii nnil Illloy Iliivn u I'lst 1'ljrlit OMT PiTnmml .Uiittnrs. For nearly three years bad blood has os- Istcd between Eduard II. Callahnu and James B. Hlley , two of the prominent contractors of this city. During all of this period the two men have glared at each other , not speaking as they passed. Yesterday afternoon , how ever , they came together in the presence of 1,000 persons , and some of the aforesaid blood was spilled around the U'nbaah corner. Hlley was badly worsted , Callnhan says that the trouble grew out of some deals that he had had with lllloy and that yesterday when ho saw Hlloy coming across the street he remarked that ah waa a swindler. Ho thought that Hlley heard the words , because * ho struck at him , landing 1 : a blow In his faco. Going into de tails ! , ho said tliat Hlley had swindled him out of (7,000 and that upon thrco occasions when ho had asked for his money , ho had bean assaulted. Years ago he said that ho and Hlloy were on the best of terms and that ho loaned Hlley $2,500 on an aero down tla Thirteenth street , it being- represented at the 1 1 mo that tbo property was free from all Incumbrnnccs , After making the loan , ho discovered that the taxes on tbo acre had not been paid for a number of years and that they aggregated $1,000. To settle this mat tle , he said that he took n deed of the prop erty , but subsequently lost It by reason of executions which were levied to satisfy Judg ments which were against Hlley. In addition to this , Callahan related that Rllcy came to him , saying that ho was bard up and wanted to negotiate a 5-3,000 , loan upon same property Iit Sioux Falls , S. D. , It being represented that the lots were near the business portion of the town. Relying upon thcso representa tions , Callahan said that ho loaned the money and soon thereafter discovered that the lots were seven miles from the postofflco In a town of 5,000 Inhabitants , and were not worth to exceed $300 , had they been clear , which they were not. Some time ago Callnhan said that he attached Illley's odlcu furniture and this , ho thought , brought about the assault of yesterday. Ho said that he did not Intend to fight Hlley , but when 1m wis struck there was j nothing for him to do but to retaliate and protect himself. Mr. Hlloy's version of the affair could not be obtained last evening. Homo mill Aliroiul. It Is the duty of everyone , whether at homo or I raveling for pleasure or business , to equip himself with the remedy -which wJil keep up strength and prevent Illness , and cure such Ills as are liable to coma upon all tn every day life , Hood's Sarsaparllla keeps the blood pure and less liable to absorb the germs of disease. Hood's pills are hand made , and perfect In proportion and appearance. 2Ca per box. VOKKVAST , I'ulr nnil Sllshtly Cnolor Wrather la BoiillK-iiKtorn Ni-lirniku. WASHINGTON , Oct. ll.-TThe forecast fpr Friday Is : For Nebraska Fair ; winds shifting to northerly ; Mlchtly cooler In the southeast portion. For Missouri Fair ; southerly winds ; slightly warmer In eastern portion. For Iowa Fair ; southerly , shifting to westerly w.inda ; slightly cooler In the north west portion. For Kansas Generally fjlrj southerly winds. becoming variable ; cooler In extreme western portion. For South Dakota and Montana Generally fair i ; northwest -winds ; llchl changes in temperature. i Local Keciiril , OFFICC OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA i , Oct. 11. Omaha record of temper ature i nnd rainfall , compared with the cor responding ' day of the past four yeura : ISO I. 1S93. 1SD2. 1S91. Maximum temperature . . . 70 63 78 G9 Minimum temperature . , , . -12 45 65 45 AveraKe temperature M C2 CO 57 I'icclpIUtii n 00 .CO ,00 .0 } Condition of temperature nml precipitation nt Omaha fcr thu day and since March 1 , 1831 : Normal temperature C5 IJxcess for the day r 1 Accumulatcit exocsn since Mnrch 1 635 Normal precipitation 03 inch Deficiency fur the Uny. , . , 09 Inch Total precipitation slnca March 1 13.C3 Indies Accumulated deficiency glncu Maich 1 11.31 Inches ICepurts from Other StatUtai nt d 1' , at. "T" Indicate * iraco ol r.iln OUOHOK E. HUNT r.iV Voinoill OttlcUJ.