Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Vfheat Broke Under the I fluonooof &n In
crease in the Visbio Euppljr ,
On In .ttenhljr I'olluwnii I ho Oilier < lrulu
JMurhotn , closing wltlfa Tliror urth
Cent I.osi C'nrn Dulltrrlci tyomo"
thing of a Fuel or ,
CHICAGO , Oct. 2. Under the depressing
Influence of a big Increase In the visible sup
ply , December wheat broke down to the
frround today by selling nt 52 ii' , as against
C.'ic , Its previous lowest price , and It closed
ot the bottom of the decline and % o lower
than at yesterday's close. Corn began
weaker to the extent of ' , &c , and provisions
noted in unison with the bearish sentiment
which prevailed In the grain pits. Oats
meekly fcllovvcd the other RMln markets ,
closing with n % c less for May.
The struggle In the wheat pit com
menced with the bears on top , and starting
with that advantage they proceeded lo
pound every remaining vcntlg ? of bull life
out of It , nnd succeeded In doing so. Tnere
vicro sellers of December at 53ic Im
mediately at the opening , and In thu course
of nn hour and a half It could ba bought ut
GSttc. The bullish sentiment which hnd
prevailed for n couple of days completely
disappeared. The cause of the depression
was briefly summarised by the phrase , "Too
much wheat. " The receiptD at Minneapolis
mid D.tltith numbered 1,065 cars , compared
vvlth BOS a year ago. The total receipts at
the nlno primary markets amounted to
Xti6,283 bu. The stocks of wheat In the
VnUetl Kingdom are reported at D.200,000
1m. less than at the corresponding tltnc last
yrar , and there were bids from there to
New York houses of ic advance for Man
itoba hard and No. 2 Chicago spring. The
hhlpments for the week from the Haltlc ,
Dlack ea , Argentine and other oxpsrls
were 3,300,000 , exclusive of Indian ship
ments , which amounted to 184,000 , bu. Ilrad-
Ftreet's visible statement gave an Increase
of 4,38.1,000 bu. on both Bides of the
Hocklea , nnd that was a signal for further
weakness In the market here , December get
ting down to C3c In about fifteen minutes
nfter the report was published , The wcak-
iien became more pronounced as the BCS-
tdoti advanced , arwl December closed ut a
licw low price 52&c.
Corn was , ns well as wheat , a mark fur
the bears to shoot at. It declined over HJu
per bu. nnd appeared weak at the de
cline. The Chicago receipts gave no Indica
tion of what the movement from the countrj
might become If there was storage room
here , and that Is the most depressing feature
uf Iho present situation and the condition of
affairs which more than anything else gives
the bears the present leverage. Receiving
houses very generally reported having car
loads of corn still unloaded which arrived
here over a month ago. Receipts hero today
wore 130 cars and tomorrow 150 cars are
tstlmutcd. The market opened weak , v. lilt
tellers at yesterday's closing prices and few
buyer * , except at % c concession , The first
tram-actions were at from 50&c to BOHc for
May , and the tendency during the remainder
< > f the session was strongly downward , with
4 ! > Uc ruling near the close. The final trans-
nrtlons were utI9c for May.
Oats were moderately active , although
trading was almost entirely local and scat
tered. The feeling was weak , however ,
nnd prices lower. There was , however ,
very little demand and prices declined even
though the offerings were comparatively
Mnall. May started from 3.ic to 33Jic
nml fold gradually down to . .4Vic , where It
closed ,
The provision market was dull early and
late. The prices were at their lowest us the
session ended. The receipts were 19,000 , and
for them the prices quoted were very weak.
The packeiu were free sellers and received
encouragement from the weakness of the grain
market. The result of today's business In
provisions la a decline of 4",4c In pork , 37' < -
in lard and 22V&C In ribs.
Freight rates were steady nt lj c for
wheat , l ? c for corn and Hie for oats lo
The leading futures ranged ns follows :
' AitlcloH1 I Open.J High. I Low. [ "Close.
V l.out.Xo. 2
Col SIM ! MM Mm ; SO- ! ,
Die ' '
Mtiv. . . . 5U oi > s7' - o > -
I on i No. ' . ' . . oiWi
40 ! < Wi
1 > CC 4Ha 4Mi 4Gj 4llfi
Way. . . . . - HIM '
Ortu No. _ ' . . .
( X't. . B7 | <
Nov. .
Slay. . . . ftJ
1 nfc tier bUI
Jnn. . . lit 10 13 13 1'J 70 12 75
1 uiU.IOdliH
Ocl 815 S LI 7 KO
Jim 7 til ) 7
lion Ulbt
Oct 7 10 7 111 n KB (1 K7 ! <
_ U Ilil Ci 113 U Ml U 611
Cxnli quotation * ; vvi > r < - ns follows ;
KI.OI itDull. . easy.
\VIII2AT-No. ! sprlnjr , Cfl'jW V : No. 5 , iinnil-
l Nn. I feil. COViOM c.
lOUN-No. 2. 47T o ; No. 3 jcllovv , li'ic.
OATH No. 2. J7i4c ; No. S while. Sliit/llVsc ;
Ko. 3 wblto ; nvt 31c.
KYI-Nu 2. c.
IIAHI.UV Nn. i , Kc ; No , 3 , iOttMiNo. ; . 4 , 41
PUAX. sr.UD No. 1 , JMC'S.
TIMOTHY HKHD-l' , 1V37-5.-
ritOVISlONS Mop * pork , per bbl. , | 13.ftf n r .
lArd , | ifr 1IX ) Ilu. , j7.SOK8.OJj short rllw , lilo .
liHit , . | 7.uOx7.40 ; iliy mil'pil Bhtiulilri. lni\iJ.
9 * > . .l ? 44N.oij ithort iloar Hklf-H , IIOXIM ! , | 7.bOJf7,7T * .
WHISKl UlnUllHiilnlnlKil ( jiHxN , per K.I ! . .
The follotvlnp nero Ihe rccclpU anj
loony :
Niciv YORK < ; IMUAL : , .
Yciteriluy'B Uiiotiitloni on 1'Iour , drain nil
I'luvlalnns. Mdlula. lite.
NRW yoniv. Oct.FLiOrUlleeelpt * , 45.900
Will ; exports , ! 5t < h ) Ilil8. ; rales , 8.000 pliR . ;
Iniilkft oierifil iptlct nnd about Htrady , etisetl oft
nnd clos I vvrnk at nominally unchanged prlevi ,
I'lit luner < n Bell. Southern flour , dull. ll > o
llnur , ilull unil raster ; Kales , 389 liMn , ; tiupfilln.- ,
I2. ? 7r. ; fancy , 2.SOJ2.M. lluvkn heat Hour ,
muler ; nilrs. 3M 1)0KB ; | : .K > O.40.
llt'l-KWIIKAT Dull ; nomlnalljOc. .
COTtN Mi\I. Dull ; ruloi , 3UU bbla. ; 40i >
llranilyvvlnn. J3.W.
HVi : Hull , inr lots. 4DMc ! boat Ioid ,
I'X liAIII.iVNominal ; No. 2. Mllvvniilteo ,
L llAlll.liV MAl/r-Dull : 63c.
WHKAT- -e'pt , 53.WO bu. ; puports. ! S 3 < i" )
bu j miles , 3,2njCOO bu futures uiul K& O'W bu ,
H > t. rlmt | market opcnul ilull , ruled Innctlvr
Hinl hfiivy clowil Tfcuk , No. : rnl. In * > tin < * und
elevator 24HcdellveriM. ; . Wi' ' ! f. " b. . lS\c ,
northern , Si'io dellvernl ; No. 1 lianl. e..HtOc -
llvi-rc.l , Option market opened luxver un 'IU-
up ( lntnl nclllnu by yi-Btcrilny'n bujeiv , tictul
Iii-nvy nil murnlnK , brake tthai-ily on 111 ml-
tivrt'H biff I mi-rune In visible supply , niuh nir
H.MIHW iiH > r > i In Ihe iifttrnoon uml cIvBlim wink ,
Jf i. 8 nil , liny , ClH 62iSc , clos il 61Hc ; Octiiber ,
HSlfSHmLlo iid MHo ; Uoccmlwr , ' "
clwwl „ % (
< * O1INKnvlpti. . Cl.COJ bu. ; exMirtB | lO.IOt ) bu ;
jlc . 1.0JI.I 1 bu. futures anil 32.000 bu.
KKI | inarkrl oH > ned quiet , rulnl ( lull ntnl
vveuk ; No. S. H iGSjc dellvrreil , Oiitlon marhcl
> \-uk ul the opening , depr > i-.l hy contlnuf * !
lliiuliliifon , lulk ot lamer rrrelpla , anil rym-
liuihy with wheat , cloiilnr weak. Octuber , P2T t
" - vl > 4ieil Mio ! ; November , t3'4fu41ic , t-loms
lH-emli r. (2VifiS3 > ic , cioseil SJ'ic.
OATH-llecelpti , : iSi bu. , eximrti , 1.IW ) bu.
Bairn. 3S.1.UX ) bu , future ) and ii.l bu. KIKII
Xuot umiKrt opened Blrnily , ruled quiet ain
clofeit itiel | ; No , 2 , Sic ; No. t Oellvereil. 33Vi < -
Ni > , i while , StKUUc , track , lulxttl , 33fi33tic
imikvMilt * * wesiem , JIUIVO , Option main t
viienMl meaily , ruled Mi k'r ami rlot > ed wrok
Tvtlh iv leut and com. Jiinunry. 34 * r. noniliuil ,
Jittt.I7tf37f c , ( lofted 37c. October , 31t44f.l24v.c > l
cueil ( 31aic ; December , ! U iQ3IUc. rlox.iir 3 % >
IIOl'H Dull , mute , common lo choice , SV-v ; :
1'utltUcoo it. 414180
IIIDIIS 1'liiu. wet calted , Nf\v Oilcuim tv-
li-tti-J IS tit CO Ib8. , 4iit5c ; llucnoi Ayreii , dr > - .
W In 21 Iluu , lOQllc ; 'IVxtii , dry. : i to JJ Ira. . >
UUATllKIt I'lrm ; hemlooh sole , llucnos AMVM.
Unlit tn heavy welghl . lS < 71c.
\V'OOI/--Qulet and ileaity , domestic fleeo * . It
I'llOVlSIONS-llee'f. neatly : cut meats , ilull
I'llMitl Ix-llleit , 7iOS < lP , plckletl ( houltlen ) , C i.
jilckli-J luinu , > O10'ii' . l.anl. vvmik unit love- .
\\tnlvi1i tleHin cloavil at 18.Ji iinUtHl. aliJiJ
tleri-n. nt J .r(4 r8.W. clly. J % Scmien , S
tl rre4 Option Kilei , none Helliml , qultl con
tinent fS.73 , Bouth America , 9' < i. , compounil.
UlMiC. I'oik , dull.
I1UTTKB titeaily. vrettfrn dairy. UC17 ( | , we t-
pro fttMJuerr , UtiU ; wc tern ( uicjr ,
I'.lfrlnn SR < Imlinli > t
ilnry IH/S * . weM m rrrnnirr >
, Half , Inrj ; * . WjUV : l rt
Ikllim ! , rull pklnm.
i * * ! * inln 2lr ; Ire IHllii'k ' , ; m Pt. | ] 4MJI. * ) .
-Dull and iinenum : * ! rl.rtml nt
bid , WiiiililnRtun , bl > l , M , IVaMilnKtnn ,
Inilh pr , iellne.1. New York. IMS , ] ' 1ill-"W
lilda and Itnltlnir.rn , V , 10 ; I'liilnilelphli- llfll-
II more , In bulk. Ja CO
not INHteady , lr lned , common lo Kooil ,
dnmntlc , fair to oxlrn , 4 fl
'jc , Japan , ' .
jr : New Orlenno fpen kettle ,
lo ch'iliGi , , - .
t'Ul lli < iNTqiilet ; Hootch , JlJ.&iVftn.oim ; rl-
. " . .
rtif. iic-Htpni ! > , lake.
l.i.Vl-ia : ler ; ib m-Klfe , cp
TIN-Oi | . ,1 tuine and clo-eO III in.
i : . MiiillS kii. ldatei. steady.
HPKLTint-llnnly ( tend ) ; d < .m tlc , J1.42' f ?
S.4" ; nalM on 'chanBe. 21 0 thx. Oclobi-r oppcr
.it IH ; 2'i timx up t tin al tli'i , . ' , tnntfnt tin Hi
tl'.ffi'i , S3 tutu Ooluber t.n al IK7V ; 5i toni
N i\enib-r Un ( I3.3) .
COTTON HKtO Ull < Qukt ) buyem nnd neller *
iipsirl. mi pressure to FI > | | ; vxportrr * Indirferint.
holdlni ; < itt In expectation of lower prlc * to le-
v\\l \ Irum rcielptu of new oil ,
L'onillllnn tif Trit lo mil Oiiitnl' : > H ou
stiti | ! i niul I'anuy I'ritilnco ,
llt'TTCIt-l'ncklngr Block , lie ; fair lo csod
country , KBlIo , choice to fancy , IWOci galh-
eic < l Lfuniery. 0lj21c ; separator cicaimry , Ktt
UrtdH-I'er doa. . ISc
l.lVi : WI'LTIIY-OIJ he-K. 5 < jc ; rinwieia.
3e ; ppilng ihUKen * . c , iluckr , , ' .i/7c / PCrlnK ler-
kp } , iffT'jPlien turKejB , Tc ; gibbl'-ia. 5UC.1 ,
old BfcH. . . lfi" > o.
OA5III J'inllle chlikenx. > oun ? . per ilo ? . . SI.M
{ ! . ' < 5 , pnilrlo ihliken . old , per dor. , K : t-rou. o.
> iunK , PCI dnz. . ) i.VWi. 3. kKHiBc. olJ. per dnz. ,
f.1 , liluc n Ing1 leal , per floz. , J1.23 ; Kieen VIIB |
tval ] > er do . . $1.J * > : dncka. , mKed , pur doz. , ] 1 ;
canv.i b.-ukK , 38.rWt.CO ; m.illnidK , J2 D03.00. .
VlIAlr-rhitlce fat and smalt veals lire quoted
it Vic ; lnrKi. und coarse , 3i&4c.
CHIIIiSI. Ulrc tifiln. full i-tiani , new inaKi- ,
\r \ , Nebnn-kn und IOIMI. full cif.irn. He ;
> Vlirixkii nnd Iowa , part 9 < lm , 70S' ; I.lmbutKcr ,
Vn. I HP. hrlek. No. 1 , ia : HwlM. JJo. 1. HM11 * .
1IAV Itplaiiil hay. $3 ; niMlntid. $7.M ) : lawlnnd ;
7 | rje itrnu , 1C. Color iiukm the pilcc nn hiy.
.iKht l'i\l" \ < rell the be t. Only Uip Rindes lirlnu
r > r > iirktfl.
l'nioVH-Old : : blixl . per doz. , 75c.
! > OrATOiH : Oood ntoch. i > iV.
OLD HUANs Ilnnd-pliUrd. nnv J323 : m -
In in. (2lui2.i : ; common nhlte beans , J1.7IU
, W.
ONIONS On aiilerx , 70 7 > .
< > AllltAOi--Oll : oulelii , IHIl IV *
Cii : ; : iSY 1'cr dnz. . SOHIoe.
SVVI2KT I'OTATOlM-l'er lb , , 3c , or 13 7J84.00
i r bbl. , Jei ey , J3.1i ) per bbl.
Al'I'I.KS-donil FtocK , per hbl. . JZ.60tT2.75.
ri.'Al'UK.S-CjIlfornltt fn-ealone , l Jl , clings ,
n.AUH llutlletl , no pintl ( Oi'pplng ' nloik ; 11.
Junlj- and It Clalijrcau , | 2 , , \l.tcr Nellla , J1.3
lfornla , none.
OH Illlll IKS California , non- .
llUAl'iH-C\nctinK : ID-lb. basket , 2Ic , unind
ilfl. Sic , ( nllfnrnla Tokay , JLMj musott , Jl 3 til
:4Q , romleheon , ll.M.
< 'ltANlliilUlis : : Cnpe Cod. fiino. f ! > .7Hl.CO ( )
ier bbl ; < 'upe Cod. jholit , fMijjl'.7i ' ,
HUANdCK-JIe-dran. IfO , 200 , pet box , $45" ;
lurtlni * . 121 , 100 , } 3 ; > ) .
HANANAH Tliulcc KUxk. ll. ! )2.7i per bunch.
I.UMUNH l-'uncy Meuilna , 360 , } i ; 360 , $1.7" , ;
mice Mei-slmi , : ) . $1.M ; W ) , 14 2:84.JO. !
I'lNK.M'I'J.US Kune.
OY Tins Medium , per enn. lie ; horse shies.
5c ; cxlm xtimlaida , ISc ; extra sl..ct . S2i. ,
> nipjny "n-li't-tw , 2&c ; NetiJ'nik i-uunlB , COc.
1'nlrt liiin-y. per lb. . IGc.
IIONIIY I'alifiirnla. 15c | dark h-iney. 10 < J12c.
H.M'l.i : SVHtTI'-OiiIlon rann. per < loi. , J12.
Xt'TH Aliium'ls , 15JI17c ; Kniflls.t ualnuts , 11JJ
2c : lllbiitK , 1:0 ; Iliii7ll nutt. lOo ,
C1UHH I'tirijuice , par bbt. , JSj half bbl $1.53.
Hinnrl Nu. 1 Kieen hlilcs , S' c : No 2 creeti
iIilcs n'4 ' < ' Nn 1 K i-cn Halted hlilei" . 4'.ic : No. 2
it--n wlt-il hl l-s a"n' , JJo1 gr * i-n suited liMes ,
' Hi II His.4ic ; Nn. 2 ffrrcn F.ilt.d lililoii. 2i tn
I Ibi. , S'j'-l No. I vi-Bl calf. S | o r , MM , 7o ; No.
\ eae.ilf \ 8 tu 1 % lbi > 3c ; No. 1 dry ( lint bides ,
c : Xn 2 dry Hint hides , 4c ; JJo. 1 Or } ' BTltwl
M < * , So , nai : ( .tired lildcn .ic per lb. leea thnn
ullv riued.
SIIKii' : rni/PH Oreen silted , encli. Z'.fJSOc.
rn-n cilleil t.ipiirllnR | § ( liort woolcil . > arly sklnn ) .
ach , IDW.Didty Rlinirllncti ( bhnrlMiuleil early
l\inv. No. 1 , riich. S'JlSc drj' Flicarllnps ishort
\ooled " c.uly xkliis ) , Nn 2. each. So ) illy Hint
"un-Md intl Nilirfufcn butcher wool pells , pet
i. . rrtunl vvclulil , 0So ; ili- > ' Hint Knnsai nnl
Vbi.fKa tiiiinnlnniiol peltH , per ! ! , actual
velxhl , 41i5'c ' : diy Hint Coloiudo butcher wool
Il . prr | li. actual iV'teHt. 4ff81icl dry ( lint
ni 111.-i i In nminiln vvool pelts , per lb. , actual
tvi-lglit. 4iii.have ( ; ( feel cut onT , us It Is US IPHI
i nn > ' fu-lKht on them ) .
T.Ur.n\V AND OIIKAHG Tflll.iw. No. I , 4Hc ;
allow. No. 2. Ic ; BICIIFP , v\hll A , Ic ; eicune ,
wliltc II , 3'5 < - - , nn-ase , yellow , 3'Jc , itieme. dnrk.
40 , iiKI biittii. © 2Hc ; beeswax , prime , ! 3tf.0c ;
uugh > i > lloI'.iff.c. .
u ii A NCI- : ) ( > * < ; u t.\
rHilitii'ol' * ) lleji irt Ooverlnsr ttio Accumii.
latlon at I'rlnclpjl roiiiis ,
Niw Y011K , Oct. 2.-fipetlal uible und lele-
icraphle ad\Ues to Hr.i Islret't. < * overlnK pilncl *
nil P..IMU . nf ai-curnulutk.n In the I'nlt'd Klnlip ,
"unid.i Htil Hurepn Ind , cute lb" flowing
lKiiiK'x In Diixk of ffialn laxt rliiKirdas , com.
> jei | | with thf pree.-d'ns Situntny !
Axiill.iliie MUpplliH , t'nlted Sin Irs und Camilla
c. ) t uf the II ck > inouitatnK ; Wheat , Inireasp ,
r.,0i bu j iorn , Increase , SGS.frrt bu , oatH , In-
UKe , lli. w ) Im. tllilted KlHti's , ent of the
l ! } tu.juiil.iliiH . : Wlu-it , Imre.ise , 7S i ) bu fur nnd In JJurnpeYliiiil : , deciense ,
IIHI.Mlje ! ) of llollllStlC Mill-Ill nt tk
of Hi" liuiKy mauntulim mil ivimitnl bj
tb iftuln pxrlianxefl Include l.ifel.CCK ) bu. In
iiDillittfitrm Interior elnatorx ; OH..Oi. . ) Im. jil
Mnnllolm iHiliitn ; IJIfrW lu. In 4'lilraim pr.xut"
lpvatorx ; < * , OKJ bu. In } lltm.ipul H pilvute eli-
atoi-s ; Bl.i W Im In private eleVHtotf ;
4tiKKt bu. at Cleveland , 3i IKJO bu. at l.eavin-
wnthi Si.1 ! * ! Im , at Neu Oilrniiii ; 2'XW ( bu. at
Corr " pond n drcreAccH Include only Ii50) ) bu.
al Newp. > rt N"WH. nnd I'l.ou * ) bu. nt 1'ort Huron.
Available viheut Htockn In AUftialla. KAptetnber
21 * . an tabled HrndFtreet'H. umiunted to rsViO.O-M )
bu. , iiK-ilnst ; , ( w. < K ll bu. Ihree m n\li * ana , and
nit vompjied with 2.WO.IWO bu. on" > Mr ag\ > ,
( otton .Market.
Ni\V Oni.KANP , Oel. -COTTON I'lrni ;
mlddlliiK. "i 'J-lIx' ; low mlildllnj ? . 5 J-16oi ( T > ' " 1 or-
illniry. 5 l-lbc ; net inelptB , S1/J40 bnles , Kn > s .
2U.U2 halcx ; exports to ( iteat Ilillalu. 8,791 balet ;
iuiRtvs IM * , 5,1EX ) bale * ; H.ile * . DtK ( ) lialea ; stixk ,
.M'J buliB.
Ni\V 01lI.i\NS. Oct. -COTTON in y ;
iihed lUin ; RiliH. rpcil , 4IUQ balei < ; to tnrlve ,
2.UW bales : receipts , 23.8J2 NiU's ; exports , Oreat
llrjtnln , S.7SK ) lulew ; co-islwtoe. S.V'O Imles ; Hlock ,
stunt IIH | S : futures , quiet ; wilex , Ti.SOO l.iles ;
October , r. 6J bid : November. .6Mi5.CI : Decem
ber * ; ,7JH > .72 : Januao' . $3.74S)5.iS ) ; Kebmar } .
* 3.7iiftVM ) , Jlaich , J' 5 8i : April. r..Mfitl ( :
ilay , ! . < > 'i ' i3.97 ; June. J60JGB01 ; Julj , J6 Oiy
i > u- > .
uST. . 1.0l'H. [ Oct , 2. COTTOX-Qulel : mlddllna.
5)Je ; wilex , MO Imles ; receipts , 4W bales ; shlp-
menti , SlO baleu ; motks , IM'HO bales ,
DrulliiBTH In .Stisnr Kxceoil till ) Totnl Trail 8-
urtloiu In Ollior l.lnr * .
NfiW YOUK , Oct. 2. On the Stock ex
change toilay the sales of one stock Sugar
exceeded the total transactions In the rest of
the Hat. The liquidation which Ima been In
I > rosres3 for some ( lays past In the thares
ot the SuKar trust was continued Uday with
Increabed force , nnd Inside Interests , It Is
clalmeil. foster the declln'ng tendency of the
stock. The suggestions made from lime to
time ut political conventions and meetings
that the fight for tariff reform U but begun ,
and that broad hints that at the next tesslon
uf congreeu anotlur effort will be made to
rempve the protection now given to the re-
MnerM of sugar , seems not to be lo t upon
the trubt. The lack of support In the Sugar
speculation } iy the controlling Interests of tha
citiipatiy Is thus accounted for by a large
part of the street. It Is even said that tltey
tire feeding out Block with a certainty of being
able to take It back at lower figures. Today
moie than 100,000 shares ot the stock
changed hands on a steadily declining scale
from the opening to the close , the last being
the lowest price of the day , and 3H per cent
blcnv the last tale yesterday , I'rjssur : to
sell WHS very prcnounccd at one time nnd In force In the late deal ngs. Sugar
preferred Is down 2W per cent. Tht other
InJu. trials traded In did not share In the
extreme depression of th leader of the mar
ket , although some of this group made dips
whlcli wtre only partly recovered at the-
closr. Oeneral Klectrlo fell off Hi percent ,
but rallied H per cent. Chicago Gas , on u
renawal at the thort catering , rose 1U > fin
ally reacting % per cent. Jtubber pref.rred
receded I per cent. Dlat lllng moved within
a range of % per cent and stands un
changed1 on the day , In the railway Hat the
speculation "as In the main strong In ton : ,
e pecUlly for the grangers and other active
strx'k . The trading , however , was light In
volume , und the movement of prices slight.
Ilcyoud > omc ktimll buying In Si , Paul , for
eign contingents w re pract rally cut of the
market. No Inconsiderable part of the pur
chases waH for the short account , which has
been largely decreased during the past few
dayx. Compar.d with yesterday's closing
prlwa. tonight's final figure * generally enow
advance ! ranging from H to SU ! 1'tr cent
the latter , New Jersey Central , which re
covered all but 1 per cent of yesterday's
break New York Central Is Ti per cent
Vtjnr ctnt.Y it-
orn Union ontl ltdck Island. H per crnt. ami
Ml soiirl Pacific 9S p r cent. Som * of th - spe-
claltlta Khovv lojR'3 on the das * . Including
Pl'.titurn , Cleveland. Colutnbus , Chicago A
8t LoulB prrfcrred , 154 P < * < " ' ! Cleve
land , ColunibiK. Chicago A St lxu a com
mon , U& per cntj Wheeling KI I ko Erie ,
rreftrretl , and Canada Pacific , 1'4 per cent ;
Norfolk A Wtntcrn preferreil nml 1'ltiaburg
ft Wc-ktcrn preferred , 1 per cpnt. Except
f r Sugar , the market closed firm.
The bond market was easy during the
meriting , but gained during the afternoon
and closed firm. A moderate Unmc of busi
ness , was transacted , the Kales aggregating
| 9UnCOO , The principal changes ot the day
are i : Advances Toleto , Ann Arbor fl Cad
illac I ii. , T < i per cent , Missouri Pacific 3s , 2
per cent ; Moshv lie A Chattanooga firsts. 1V4
per cfnt ; New York , Chicago & St. l.otils 4s ,
I'4 ' per cant ; Cincinnati & Springfield firsts ,
Kike Shore si'ionds , Bast Tennessee equip
ment trust receipts and United New Jersey
Ai , 1 per cent. Declines Colorado Midland
Is , 2 per cent ; General Electric debenture
da , 1 % per cent ; Northern Pacific 2s , 1'A '
per cent ; Toledo , Pcorln & Western. I
per cent , and Illinois Central 4s of 1052 , 1
per cent.
The Kvonlng Post's London cablegram
say : Amcr can nccurltles hwe merely re
flect the in a ticct. The account litre being
small , the decline has also been rather less
marked than on the American Ride. Grand
Trunks were ( let on the disastrous returns.
The general tone remains apathetic. The
next rise Is expected to begin vilth the
gilt-edged stocks on the glut nf money ,
The Evening Poit says : So tar as the rail
way storlts were concerned today's was a
favorable market. Particularly In the
grangers there was first an abrupt movement
of recovery , ther. a lapse Into dull steadi
ness at the higher level. This caution on
the part of the speculators for the decline
has a double cause the very favorable Au-
Kii4l net returns und the He drop In the
prlrs ot corn since Its maximum quotation
of September 13.
The following vvcru the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today !
AtchlHon . t ; . P. D Ji i. .
1411 Nortluv Pfstorn .
A lion. T. fl 11 ilo rifd. . . . . .
< lt ) pld . 1711 N. Y Central. inn
Am. BxproHH. . no N. Y. .t N , Kns
Ualtlinontfcniilo. 7WJ Ontario A W. .
Cm. ul i Pacific . * Oti'ion Imp I- '
Quint ) 'i Southern. fit ( Jmmn N.iv , . " - I'aelllo . . 17 D. S U .V V N 7Mr
flies , i Ohio . . . IMclllcM.lll. . 1-1 H
I'hlc.igo Alton. . . Hi 1' . D. * K HH
r..n aQ . HiT2H lit
Chlc.uoiinH . . . m P.iHco . lull
ruiiualldaicd Oat . 17V
C.G.C , tst. r , . . . ' Ml illclimonU Tumi. .
Colo. Coal .V lr.ii ri do pM
CollonOll Curt. . . U. O. IV 10
lid , li Hudson. . . H. a. w. urn 10r.
Uol. Lnutc. .t W. . . Hock Inland . . , . LO
1) . All O. pM . . . . St-Putl _ IU
IJ.A.C. K. CO . . . . SU I'-uil ifd . . , IIH
Kant TiMin . 11 St. P .t Oinain. . . : i ; )
irto . do ] ) til ir.-
ilDtifd . Soutliorn Pats ir.Vtl' '
For ! Wayne . 1KI Siur.vr Kellnery. . . Hl )
K. Northern ufj. . 101 Ti-nn. Coil Mroi IM
O.A.E I. nfd . Icxta Pact tic. . . . IMJ !
Hock me Valley. , T. .feO. Cent , lit I. . -
111. Ci'iur.-il . Union Paclflo ! ] >
St. I'.ADultith. . . . as tl , S Extirem 48
K. AT. tifd . VV.SU r , .P
IJiUo Crlu.VV. . . . do nfd
do ptd . \Vcllft rlt. .
l.aio Shorn . \V < * Htorii Unluii. . .
Lead Trust . \Y. A.L. K . . .
. . . . < io nfd i ?
Lotilavlllu.V N. , V M .VSt. L
Manhattnn Uoti. . . D. kli.1 }
SlemiihlHA C . 111 (7. ( K
Mk'hlKII ] CVllt. . . . IH N.L
Mo.Paclrlc . C. F A I
Moblla.ti. Ohio. . . . do tild
N.iHhvllloC'hit . , Il.fcT. C an
National CorJ no. T. A. A.Ac X. M. . . t
ilo i > rd . am : T. SU I , .V K. U. . . . 1
N. J. Central . . ta 1i i ;
N\.W. pfd . S R U
North Am. Co . do nfd 4m
Nortlmrn I'aulno Ant. Tob. Co . . . . lls
No. i'.ic. DM . . . clLI nfd 111(1
in" roil , .
Thf total CHIPS of stockH tinlay nrtf 1R1..M !
bharcs , Includlns : HiiKar , ins.SiV ) ; Hurllnnton ,
IfiJOO : ChkaKii < : . H. JO ; UlMllllnK. i.J ; Ofn-
einl nipctilc , I Tim ; I ulnvlllc X.i-ilnllli. . r , SOI ;
National I , < .ul. 3.100 ; Hock iRl.ind. S.003 ; St , I'.nil.
ll.uoO ; AVefttrn L'ntun , ,300.
NOH Yorli Mniicv .Mnrhrt.
NK\V YOllh" . Oil. S. XtONI'.V ON TAI.T.
Ka.-y lit 1 pel' ii-nt ; last , 1 iu > i lent ; doi-iil ,
1 per cent.
1'ltlMi : MllllOANTlLK I'AI'KH-SOJ'i per
WriJUl.INa KNCIANOlriini. . Hh > u.tual
IjuMnexs In lankvrH' till ! nt M.fhfi I.J.G' ' , nnd
$ I.Kt4 for demand , and ? I.S' iI.RGi ! for hlMy
d.i > a. I'wtfd mtcn , J4.fCffl K > s aiml * 4 67S < . ! > U1
< iimmerclHl I.III.H.SI'iWI S4'i.
HIl.VIIH < MilTll''H1ATKS-tp. :
< : o\'nHNJtiNT IIONUS Firm : stale lx > inl .
lull ; tallnml Ixmila. linn.
rio mi : iiuolutlunn un bonus \\eic us follows :
] s. rmnit iit > I ) , fljll. O. 13
U.S. fiBco-.ip. . . 11H Hi la 2nJs
11.3 4uri3j 113M (1. II. 4.3. A.Us. , .
H.S 4HCOIIII . II US do 7 na
U. S VHTJ- . lid It. A.T. C , 5s. . . .
PacltlcdiolMi . HU 07
.V. . . . ! ( ) - M. K. A.T. lBt4i. . bOK
Ala. Cl is 1 11 . 101 iloMli 4.1
Ala. Clni C . Mutual Unlond-i . 1111
( : iirroneUi = i. . . . ' 117
ra. NovvCoa. 4i. , No. Pile , ihls. . . . . II- '
Missouri Un . Kin Nc P.ic snd . . . . IIM7M . N. W. Consols. . . 141
do IB . . . * . . . . do s. y. Djb. ris. 11
.O. non fiint . "U. O. W. 1st 9 . . 11il > {
Tenu. uuw HJI 0 , St , I * Couioli 7 . 1SU
Tc-nii iiGWuelO . . . . IIII ! St.P.C..VP.W.-n. _
Ti-iin.ul-l tla. . ( Ill
Va. OerimrliM. . . . s L , .V.sVll > eu.J
do deferruil. . . , Tux. Pao. lulu , .
AtchlBO.l In . 7 TI-.C. P.ic. 'Ja
AlchlHon is A. . . , 2. U. P. lat-iol'ilJ .
rnmula. So. ' 'nclH . Itn'j inn
Ten. Pao iHlsVJ. lli'-'l ' iout'ierull. U. " > ,
D. .t K , n. IN , . 113
* ofCerod.
Itlll1Sf > S t .
BOSTON. Oot 2. Sail loun a esp cent
lnio loins .1-tl DC.MIC. . iJuii urun tor
HtuckN , On ID. i tl iiinl ir s i IPH :
A.T. A & K 5T W End DfU. .
iVin , Suzar Ill- Wuattnch. Kl. 34 ! i
Am nld P" w Kioc , nfu. . 6'J
IlaySlatuGif. . . . llh WH | Cemril .
L'c-UTolcp'ione. . . . fflJIt Atclitaon 12U a .
I'OHIon A A1U uiy. . . ! ) . . > ; AtulllHOll 4H . xu
UOHton.VM.itnu. . . . fi.l New Hnrlanl < la. . 1II9K
clr > pfd 1T,0 ( ion. Klcclric 3s. . .
C. . It. A.W 7-'J , Win. Cent. Inn .
FllclibnrB pfd 7ii Atl.milc . 10
( , on. Kk-cirlo .17) ) ? IlOHtou & Mont in i
Illinois Bli'ul. . . . SI ) II ntto .V lioHton. . , .
Mi-xluui Ci'nlra. . . 79 ;
N. Y. &N. K 2li ; in
Old Colony 17s Cr.uilcUn .
On-con Short I.lri > 7i
ItuoiK > r. SS Ouccoli
Union PnoiQc I''ii QlllllCV
Wt'Ht Kna ft'i
NjrYn.-c IIHI ; { I'i
NBW roait. Ool. SJ. The followinz ara thi
closlni : mining quot uiu.n :
riiolor. t > \ IMymoutn. . . , in
Crown I'olni. 7.1 Sierra 2cv.v1a , 4. . . 130
fon.C.11 , , t Va , , MID Stand inl 1I&
DeadwooJ . ' ( I Union Con 00
< ; ould iCiirrji. Hi Vrtlow Jacket. . . , 101)
Hulni Norcruai. . H.1 IronSllvur. , 10
llomeBtako U.'O QuIcUnllver . . . . . . . l&'l '
Mexican 171) doprjfulred . . , .111) )
Ontario MX ) linhvcr. . , . . , , 1U
Ophir , 4110
Ban KranoUco .Mtnlni ; Mock Quotations.
SAN FRANCISCO. Oct 2. The offlclnl t-loHlnif
qiiotatlonii for mining BOC'B today woru as fol-
luwa :
Alia 'Jl rcrosH , . 77
Itolchei- . , . , It" Mexican lint
Hc t i Uftlitbel- . . . . IK-t Mono SI
TlodluCoi IH.- Ophlr 4VD
iiuiwcr. ao I'c-lOHl 84 us S.W.IKC HS
Con.Cil iVi BS7K Slerr.l 145
Crown 1'o.ut llo Union Con 11.1
Knrrkti Con X5 Ulan la
Honld t : Ciirry. . . . 110 Yi-llow Jacket. . . . IL'3
T.oniloil Stock < } notutionl.
LONDON. Oct. 2 1 Pni , l. lr ) l :
C.nndUu Poclilc. . SU I'.illl com tillU
Krlo. . . . N. V. Uonlnl KM
lllH. Central OS'i
Mcxlcau orjliidiv. 18 Uux. Ccn. new IH ,
Fliiiiiiulnl Noti .
N1W OHl.KANS , Oct.CleailiiK , JI.S73.B7n.
IlAI.TIMOlt ! ; , Ocl. 2. Cleurlng" , $ I-I07,103 ; bnl-
nncra , IJiO.CIM.
1IO.HTON , Oct. S. Clearing ? , JSl.SID.CTl ; lul-
ntices , | A
YOHIC. Ocl , 2.-CUarlnc8 , J133.4S1.I10 ; - . J10.SC3.972 , * > Ki.i'iiiA. Oct. : . 4'ifuriiiK . $ rj,543.-
Ml ; t-aluni-eti , 1. .C3J.
HAN KHANl'WO. Oct. 2. Uraft , fight. U'ic ;
leleET phlc. I5c ; silver batn. C'ici lloltun del
lam. UG * 3U < ' - .
CINCINNATI. Oct. . Money , J Per cent ;
New Vork rxcbaiiEe , 2 c illKcount and | * nr ; ilei
I'AIIIH , < > < ! , t 4 I > tn. Three per rent rent * - > ,
1021 l.liu for Ihe account ; exchutiKt * on Iximlon ,
25f 164,1' , for cheikf.
WAS1IIKGTON , Oct. . Tlie cani IllumeIII
Hit * tr-arur > today naa Jl > , :3Jn ; , ut whlcli
i38.S73B&g v\ni4 RC M iviur > i- ,
.ST. I-Ol'lH. Ocl. 2-rienrlnRH. $4.05i.3 ; bnl-
iincm , liiS.O-li ; money , ilull , t.fiT per rent ; k-x-
< | ] jjilt un New Yutk , ilbcount. bid ,
LONDON , OU. J.-iold ID i > uoletl tuiluy nt
ll en < " < Ayre-i ut 227 ; Madrid , 18.00 ; llfl > n ,
24(0 ( , St. IVIereburir W , Alliena , 77 ; Home , 1' * ;
Vlwina. ltd.
l-IUCAOO , Oct. 2.-n arlmci. J17.K4.OjO ; mon y ,
4 < l4Vtu tin cull ; Ci(6e on time ; New Vurk en-
chunife , M * " illncount , lorelKn eichance , rtrra ;
tctllnir rominen.'lil , J.Sliijl.S3'i
MWDON. Oi-t S.-liar blUvr. KM per ounc * :
money , * rent. The lute C' ( dlncnunt In th
upnn nmrKel for khorl blll > li H | > er i-eul nnJ
for Ihrev mnnllui' Mll > 9 It per cent
IliUl.lN , Oct 2-The vveikly ktatemmt of Ihe
Imperial I lank nf ( lennany > bnvrn ih fnllmvInK
chiin en , fonipareU wltb. Iht prevlaua account ,
Cah In lianil. decri-nne , 27.HXI.iiCO marks , treas
ury nolrt , decr'aJ" . 3.480,000 muiki. other aeciirl-
tits , incri-aic. 7t.040.lXlD mark , notes la ctrcula-
lion. Increase , IH.tW.lvd muki , ,
Cn'y Moderate antl Mnch Behind
tha Earn o Day Last
llrrtncd Href Men llnvo Much TntiliU >
In I'lnilliiR Ilr Utlilc Stock t'ovvii ,
( .Knurr * mid Muckrn I'lrni
bag DnOrr I lilunK" ' " Orriilc.
TUH30VY , Ocl. i.
Supplies of all kinds ot stock were c.tly :
moderate' today , and the luo days' supply
falls considerably short ot the arrivals for
the first ( no days of last week ,
Thtro were In the neighborhood of 3CK
cattle on Bale , but there was not a choice
load In the lot , either natives or wrsterns ,
while very tew of them would clnsa above
medium. Offerings Included \ery Jew im-
lives , KooO , bad cr InilllU'reiit , the big bulk
of the arrlvtls helus from the range , and
very largely on the butchers' stock and
feeder order. The market was \ery much
ns It was 011 Monday , Holders of de.slrable
beef steers had no trouble In Directing sales
ut fully steady price ! * , while It vvns no holi
day job lo pel rid t > f the low grade stock
Buyers neglected It entirely or made such
low bids Hint ri'llcra could hardly be 111-
duc il to let RO. As Borne ot the cattle vvere
late In u'jrtylr.g ' the market lasted nearly till
day. There seemed to be a fair undertone
ol strength to thu market for good cattle.
but tin- under grades vreru Blow nnd weak
Cow stuff generally sold at full Monday's
figures , while the common and canning
Siadca were. If jtnythlng , In better donund
and stronger. There we , e thirty-live or
forty loads on sale , and they soon changed
hands. Venl calves were picked up freely
st good , strong prices , from $1.60 to $4 , antl
bulls , stags and rough stock generally sold
at all of last week's prices , tram $1.2. to
f2.2o , for common to very good stock.
The fctockcr and feeder tr.ide was IT very
gooj slupi- . Supplies were liberal , but net
excessive , and therewaa a geol demand
for everything offered. Light stock cattle
nnd yearlings seemed to have the call and
are selling to better advantage than the
heavier grades. The'reason Is that they
are relatively cheaper , as they v\lll have to
be carried over a year anshow on account
ot the short corn crop. Ootd to choice feed-
era lire quotable ut 2.70 ta $3.25 , fair to
geol , J2.ya to J .dO , and common grades
.from } 2,25 down. Representative sales :
S' . > . Av Pr No. Av-i l'i. No. Av. Pr.
14 . . .12CS $3 31
1. . ! MO 1 00 ' . CO . S3.ti : > ' .
1 . 1 < * U. . M5 1 K ! HI. . > IH S V >
1. . 1 DO ' ' ' ' ,33 2 IK )
1. . , ( to 1 00 c' . . . IK 71) . 7C" . 2 W
3. . , hit , 1 ID ; . . .1010 1 ir , . SOI 2 W
.1. . . 700 1 li ) 13. . . . 711 I 71)N n. . . , Sl 2 M
3. . , MG 1 10 I..11C.I 1 i . kJO 2 W
, IC3 I JO 4..i ! ' < ; N ) n. jivi 2 r > i
1 W > 2. . . . .IK' 1 ST. n.i
1 iO 2. . . . 7 .Y 1 81 . SO1. ) 2 10
12. . 1 to 11. . . HIM 1 ( C. U" 2 M
I . 7 > 0 ! . . . .IUVi I 81 S-'il 2 10
11 . i .v.uw i r , T * 2 15
8 . . K2 i..wo i s i II. . . Ml 2 li
6. . . h'd 1 00 I. . . , " 00 l 1 > IIr I'D ! 2 IS
B . . Mfl i . . .loro i 'D r ,
II. . 1 05
W3 1 > . IIVII C i
f < H ] t CO 2.410 1 ( ! ) 2. . 7o 1 ! 0
. 740 1 i' . 12. . . . 4SO 1 70 2. . . fcVI 1 tO
, 753 1 " . li.- : ; M > 1 75 11 . . MX ! 1 91
: co i ; o i i. nw 2 no
MIIKiitS : jAXD Sl'
571 1 V ) 4. . . . SI 2 5' ) : : 0) )
. StO I 'Hi i. . . . sif'sm . n
i" ' ) a..J. ml 2 in i mi
nr. : . . , ! , as 2 r. ) 1'M 3 ! J
, m\ \ 3. . . . 2iI 2.'It 21 * . 3 2 !
. mW , ! , < ! * . , U./VX ) 2 m , 163 S .VI
3 ,
, "W
! ! ! i r > 3 oi
.1313 i ni i. . . .us- ) i . .113) 1 SO
.urn i is ! . . , . MO i .11:0 l no
i w i. . . I 75 . , SiTi I 1" )
1 . i. . . ' i ! IJM 1 : D
r. I S ) i. . 10V ) i r'H i . I2J1 1 ! )
r.i . I ft' , i. . .1.100 i ' i i . 124 I 2 "I
i . iov > I 61 i. 1521 1 zr , . , ! 23i 2 li
i . .1:10 I 13
i 14. . : . - , 2 ? o 4. . . S.,2 2 K
ii . If. Ml 2 33 ir. . . . M ; s .v ,
M . S71 14. . 7 S 35 . . 4 2 < , o
1 . m > . . . 78S 2 31 M. .112. ) 2 tS
2. . ' . ' * ! oo 4. . US 8 35 3. . 'J5.1 2 * i
1. . 400 011 3. . .733 241- 1. . . 310 2 t.5
4 . 011M 11. 1. . Ml 2 1.5
r. ! U2 'Dtf - . 5 4- .11.1 2 S
1. MM 'DtfW las.2 co . 4W 25 <
IS l. . U14 20i
13 71" . ) . ' , 2 7l >
II * > . 474 J M . It ) 27) )
pi 13 ' . . 2 50 . ' 140 2 75
W. . ' vi
, ' 1. MS 14. yv >
Vn. Av. 1'r. No. Av. 1'r.
' ' . MO Ji 75
. ' u 22'- . Ml 2 M
.10W S fO
4 frnletH. . .1 XK ) 2 10 .10)8 ) 2 5n
.11HM 1 in
1 fi'eiler. . . . HO 2 i )
. . ! llO 2 50
M4 - W
. . ! l".3 2 50 1 fLi'ilcr. . . . ' 2 511
1 feeders. . .1013 2 JO C freI-i H. . . 2 V )
3 feed Pin. . . . 'jio s : o 1 slacr 2 10
1 bull . . .11SO 1 CO 1 bull
1 bull . . . . . .1450 1 1,0 11 CIIVXH * > 1
. . MS i r. 4 rimn ,1W ) 2
2 lows. . . . . ! " ; . > 2 15. I cau. 15
. . ! > U i 15 1 cow . .V)1 1 15
4 cows . . . ' . 'CO ' t t : > 3 invvs . . , . 7WI
Ifi COVVH . . . 'JTO 2 15 13 cimx . 981 2 15
2 15 15 cow a . . . ! I3I 2 15
10 cows . . .1H17 1 15 2 HlH.tls. . 1010
1 Rlr , UK. . .1150 225 1 Ktr , UK. . . .ll.M
1 Htl-.tlR. . .1IM 2 23 2 KtlS.tlg. . . Utx )
30 fo-ili-IB . .1143 120t > 2 V5
, .1DS7 is rewicis ! ! . . ( At. 2 T
1 le ler. . . 8SO .10S7 2 f ,
. .1WO .1010 2 b5
12 tWderfl , . .11C3 2 S.'i 111'lB. . . IKS 2 85
10 Jeedirs . .11:4 10S7 '
1 feeder. . .mat 2 ki 17 ret-deiii. . , iir-o 2 si'
Ia > Rlatc I.lvn Ktoclc Oo.
1 fewlor. .U H > 2 C5 M rerilfii ! . . . .lO.'l 2 6'
1 ferdpl. ' ' 51 feedcm. . . .1021 2 t > 5
Mr * , tig. . .1230 2 50 31 KIlMlR. . . 1211 2 M
23 . . .ll'IB 3 10 27 Kt ! X. . . , .lt7t ; 3 40
28 . . _ 3 III U3 ht < ' ! 3 . . .UM 3 40
43 nil-era IllKl 3 10 40 HUH-19 . . < , II7ti 3 40
A. II. lliilil.
I bull , . . .1350 I Ut 1 calf . 300 2 23
ID town , . . , 924 . ' 10
1 riilf , . 140 3 75 2 Mr-Mis ! ! ! U'25 2 M
, . . ,1310 3 A 4 uleerH. . . , .iio : 3 an
2 fivers . . . ,1210 2 . .Ilb5 3 2S
1'n I rick 2llroi
I Lulls , . . .1KO I CO C2 in s . .ICKHi 2 43
I , -O B . . . . ' 170 1 ! 43 1 fieileiii. MKr > 2 TiO
14 tc < 1 < i , . I10S . ' 6S " ' " " " , .1:31 3 > s
' nir.1"1"
1 o - , . . .I M 2 00' , .1000 2 M
7 (1IMH , . . .113 : 255 2 i o-v ti. , . . . .1033 2 55
13 l-UVVB . . . . ' . 'll 255
: Imll 1035 1 ; 5 . 2 Imlla . .K'8) 1 CO
1oiv. . . . , . , . 2 ill 1 1 1 . 1150 2 M
13 TOHR , 1011 2 I III 2 tl'lllu.K. .II I' 2 W
1 feeders , . . . 985 i S"f i a 1 3 25
1& fecOerfl. . .1 < )37 ) 3 2.1.t
t ) . Cato.
22 fleers..1250 S TTi , * J
Detroit & Wyjmlnir Catlle l
3c-IIHtl 1011 t ! * - - 1 COW. .mil : i
2 long 923 2 53 p ltiii-vti
1 flier ISKI 301 u 9 u > r .ii'ii 3 M )
1 uteer IHD 33 ] , - 37 ! * . . . . , .1212 325
1 ulcer..liW 4 fnl \ 3 Htrs , llg. . .1U33 2 35
NI\V Jinxico.
ir-U. Itlaln.
Bl < inm CI3 1 7U _ * nilxul. . . , 712 1 > 3
.soitrii ; ; DAKOTA.
1 row. . . . . . . . & 1U 249 I cow SM 2 40
2 4' )
J cow 1W ) 24) ) " * I cow 1)70 ) 2 4) )
I cow 110I 24(1 I cow 920
1 cow..1130 2 * I3" " " 1 COW lOOO s ; s
5 cmrn..inu ) Z 7SK' ) * 7 C < AV . . . . . . .lillil . ' 75
l' COVVH 1042 2 7i I tow liftii
1 < MIW. . . . . . .IT J * ! 751 C 3 coviji. . . . . . . lit ? )
15 CUVVH llt ! 2 40.1 a
IE > > V.-Hliann.
25 reedi-ra.,1037 2 ! ) 10 feiili 1127 3 23
Oiui > p'nter & II.
8 rulven 2t > 3 265 19 rnlveii , , , , , 31 .
1 i-ow * . , . , . . , TA.1 1 7u I 16
5 < .av\8 , . IMHJ 1 75 3 ivuvvj 1 75
27 ( .own (48 1 i-uvv 1 75
i cows i < a 2i-- . 8 OOWH. . . . . . . : :5
3 : C-OVVH H'j 2 25 4 I-UUH , 1115 2 f
225 t : . ' .
I e < ow. . 2 25 1 ll V Mil 2 2 >
WO y U 15 culvfa Jo I 3 2J
I run 276 'l l -r Illi ) 3 ST' .
< . Tcrirll.
i : row * ! i < H 2 D" J Ktei-lt ) , ! CC 3 15
' . t
IP t-own 3 S30
Mdiiie & itc' tlnx.
I bull 135i > 1 0 4 MlaK 123d I SS
> C-JKII . . * : w 1040 * 5 < l
51 tier . . .1104 3 C7H 1 2 C'rn . IHO 3 t,7'i '
IN vlren * . . UK 3 C7
IIOCJS The reeenk break In htK vnluet
has resulttil In uhuttlnc off receipts to a
great extent , at least that ta one reason
given for the llglit supplies recently. Only
about 3,000 hogs arrived today , and the gen
eral quality of the offerings was no Improre-
< geat over that ot Monday/ There wai come
otttslilo dptiiBitd nt the openlnR nml bids
were uneven , bill in the muln fully Meo'tjr '
with MondnrTiio top vvnii J5 59 for a very
Rood load ol liwivlet. and the fair ta K cd
mixed hogs col it largely at J5 20 And . .l. ,
After the first few round * , however , .vul
news ot Iho lw < ik In IIORK ami provisions
at Chicago had arrived , the marUel vvrnt oft
tindly. Fair lo pretty good mixed hogs
aold lor 15.16 lo $ E > .2li&nd UHTO vtere
terliiK sales ot poor ItRlit antl
stuff down to Jl.CD. The clustvrna fully
a dime- lower than the opentnt ; and
londi were Ktlll unsold. One tveck BRO
today tht < bulk ot the hogs chntiRcil liamls
at $5.10 to $5.i ; < ) . Kcpresentatlve wjlcs ;
No. Av. 8h. Pr. No. Av. Eh. IT.
M . JK ! 2i 1J in ] K ) . . 5M . . J5 T ,
KS . irz 4 > i see nr , . , ± tr. 131 r. 2 ; ' ,
31 . 167 . . . 3 ( ! Cfi . 22.1 40 .T 2 14
41 . lll ! , . All 47 . 2 < M M . ' 30
l7 ! . 11 ; in 515 HI . S > i IJfl . )
lit . 170 1 ! ; .1S 8'l . 2IS SO fi3 >
III . ir.S 50 515 ( Si . 2TO 41 531'a
KS . 13 101 B 2 < l 71 . 211 Si > J 535
M . 212 121 t SI 311 . 1FS . . . r , .f ,
D . 241 Ml f , 2S Hi . ill . . 5 .C
; a . . .sis HI : 25 ro. . . . .tit 40 035
1)3 ) . 1K9 14 6 25 M . , . . . ,272 . . . 035
S ) . Ml 120 C 2r. fil . 2.1J . . . .135
h'l ' . 21S , , . Ti 5S 47 . 21 IW ) J 35
72 . Ill 2i 52 ? 74. , , . ZV. 121) ) 3 4' )
r. ; < . , . .2ii iw 623 fti . z ; 40 n
; ; . . . . .sn iw r > 2s 51 . i . . . c so
72. . . , 223 IM r. 2.1
1'ias AND nouait.
.11. . , . IB , . , 1 W 3.1. . . . D2 . . . 3 'iO
1 . 32 < } . , ! M 1 . 13.1 . . 4 IH >
SU. . . .78 . 3 53 M. .IIS 40 4 M
l\ \ . S3 , . 3 M ( * i. .Ul 211 4 7 < >
SHGEP There vvns a very fair run today ,
not far short ol 1,200 hc.ncl. IncltidtiiR some
very fair western wethers and some common
native lambs. There was ix very fair demnml
from Killers , but with a 2o4Qc decline In
Chicago buyers here were demanding liberal
concessions and trying to liny the sheep
about a quarter lower than last week
Sellers vvere ct course slow to accent the
situation , and the-inarhet ruled very dull at
the decline Fair to choice natives are
quotable at (2.2502.90 ; fair ta ROOI ! west
erns , $2.00@2.G ( ; common nnd Block sbeoir ,
$1,25T2.2S ; good to choice 40 to 100-lb
lambs , $2.M T3.7u.
untt'ACio i.ivi : < m > uic.
Tllci-H lit CHtllc ll.Il ! UIIIU-lllI ) III Mill/I- /
Ililnitii ; IVU-i-i.
I'HICAOO Oct. 2rllcrs ol cntll ivlille ml
rnlUil iipjn fur nitullier Iniporinnt ii'.liRtlmi In
[ iilrf , fmin.l It \i-rj1 Imnl ivoilt In ni.iko s.ilcR
nl ytM < inlR > * K ilTllnp. XntvvltliH'u illnc jwtci-
ilnj's nilvano' In tli < - fnrclKn tnaiki't , i-xp > itr
xvpri' nut ill * | O''ii < l t > ilu tniKli triidlni ; n THOK-
ilny l nn off ilaj- for canti-in | I | | > | HTH. Tlie f.ict
Hint the uitlviilH VVCIP onlv n t Itlo munk tlinn
tlilnl nn InrK ? H * for Cliunliiv ill < l lint count
for much. 1'rlirt. VM-rc nlKiiit Htunly. innnltii ;
rn < iu J1 to J.0.25 Inr millveH , riuin II. V ) In J4 5n
Tor Mi-nlprtis nml .it fiiim tl. : . ' tn ? 3.W f t
Tixnnx. Not man > ! il"H - i > ii > ciTiMlnl nt nv < < r
(575 ( ; from Jl 7" lo $ " , V ) lm , Klit mo-t of III.-
nathc's. nml liniii K SJ ti > 93.23 tlic liulk < if tin-
tti'slftns. T.ic supiily VHIK ni.ulr up of nlnnil
l.B" < l ti.itlvc.i , CiT ) wwlfins unil I.-JM luxmiv
lit nililll.'dn to HIP ; iho\c tluMiVM'ii' many MIIIM |
lattl , ' . nml tinKiipplv provnl k'r.'atir Mian th"
li'mn-il vvniilil nl-nrli The ntix.l Pr uii'l ffwlcr
Itiulc tvina n quiet , with piling AmultiK th > -
btijir. Tiir culf inatUpt nlwi i liu\ f l v ukmK
HIM p-ipiilv tvntlmilnir viIllicinl. .
Some * piUen fdr liogrs luiil tn li - nCL'ppti-il , Thi *
linlooKnl Tur Incrpj e fu HIP tYxHlntn luil enl >
IIHK rlinrKii ! tinupwanl trnJrnry ili-vvli p-il l i > t
\\trli. lUt tviriKil tlni In the m > | iwiliillrpc
Hun. TliP > vvi'nolT from too lo I. | i fonth
< | nnt lay Tlin ofx'iiliiK was vvllliln lOo nf > n
li-nl.i'K iitiutntlo-'ji. lull tli ' in.uKpt un-v * lin l !
ily VVOI > P nnil bcfoii- iiV-lmU tin' IIPXI IIPHVV
uorc ijuutril at from IS to S .n. . nnil tlm t'l'H
llKlit lit } i.70. The ili > jL tit Jil Iti rutiiiii in In
Tnlr Ktitd * * vvas not UHK Ki'vpu * . unil liikpn nil
In nil UKJ niaikcr vvnf * a mosi imKttlsfui'Liiiv
tint * lo ii llpr ! > . Tlu > ii.illt > , tliniivli l > i-ltPi tliini
for > < * at < jtlny , vynn not uji tfi Iho avortiKf.n
lust < -ek , llipie lii'IiiK n wrixmilpinnc.11 of llRlit
unit loiiRTi ui'xttl ' pttiff Moil oC tu ) > IIU ITKIS
A\ H ilnlii * below f3 75.
Inliwp ( thp > mnst liojipful tlilnir HiHt i-oiikl tip
HI ! or tmlriy'K u-ifl that It v\hs nn u in *
th.iii on Moniliy. The i It umKtuii' * . * . Ihi
.il.lMiH vvetxlifH linn u Ihlnl us l.ilK" ' if * for
Iliat it-iy > nl Tor lull I tile u- < HIP innivrif
ivvll Illljil vv th HitIwnlnRS nf HIP ilujliefuir
Tin * fi-pliiiK VVIIH a IIIIlP li'i * il > | irej" i ii anil
tint W-IH tlic PxtPiiL n ( tin * lttiirov nil-lit 1C Ini-
| inninu-nt It in. InuilliU. . C.IKM ! In cli.ilcc
xlurpvcrc1 sfil.ililp itt from IJ.51 tn 13 anil < Mm
< * thcM pre iuuli-a | ax lilch us Jl 25. Pur
peeler klmlH Male1 nnifreil iliivvn lo 75c. Thi >
Intnli inaikot WUH llrm at from II. BO ti > J1.M tut
iHHtr tn tlioki * . Snln * of MliePiiin * iJirK- ! ,
Li-lrnv I2.SO. nnd fmin $3 t > tl.75 HIV I.I.JK
* if HIP laitii ) ' *
Itt-rpiilK : f.ittlp , 0io liPiul , < "ilv , Rn ) liciui
IIURH , li'U1) ) ) .irail , hhpori , S.O'X ) h iil
Tli * l > * nlnff .luutnHl rrrHjil * *
HOtlS Hpc-fltitH , Vjn > liiil , ullk-UI vi Iciilny.
24 S33 hcml.hlinncnts. ; . 9.37'J lnil ; | i < n nvei.
wbout lOOO lipail , " ijunlKyiliuvrs wimp lmpni\p
mi'nt : mill let itull nml WfOk al " ( IDo 'VcHnc.
4\MTUJ HecclplB , ' 1.000 li.ul , m.llKet illlll
and vvnak ; iiulli * u niiinlx > r lft l nvi-r fiuni i-psiir
SIHIMI1 lle < elitn | , 9,00i ) lioail ; ninikst dull
with a tPmleiH > - lo lo or pllcm.
ICc-t-vlpts Kiid DliiKnltinn uf Stock.
Ofliclnl receipts mil ] ilUposltlon nf stnck HV
shown Iiy Hie IxxikH nf I ic 1'nton Htock Yaifl"
ioniiHnj' | for the t\vrnty-fnur luiira enJlng at
J uMmk p. ni. . OtttilHr 2 , K34. '
Cn * " " . Ilwitl
< Vttle . . . HI t.45
HOKS . U 2 i"
Shi-ep . . . . . . ' t.W
Mnivcs anil nuil H . . . 2 l'i
Ilu JITS. futile. Ilf.Ks. >
Omn in nek np C ii . 176 . .
The f ! II. llani'ii-n < l < 'o . . . "
Swift nnJ rompiny . " 04 M5 3DS
'IhtI'uilnliy J'luklifr 'o . . 1X2 > " ' ) . . . .
A limn . 2SI . . .
It IJeckiil- : Di-Run . Mi .
I , l.ol > : nnn . 113 .
1'nJiihy. fi-om Knn'Hx nty HO
t'ud.ihj llrs Oi . M Ivviiu-ff-p . . .
I' < 'o . Iv C' . Mo. 2il
ana fi-'iU-ro . 1 111
Tutjil . J.flt . ' 1)14 ) J l
Mr. I.iiul * I.Ivii Slork
| 1\J. , i J v.'Vf | > l . II. , "J ll.llll. nil , | , n lf. . u u f J
bead ; nmiket p k. I03i15clouer , KOOI ! heavy ,
Ki.h3ff5.7. : Riioil light and | nlx l | 1.43f ! 55 , c-om-
limn loUBh and p'-rn. . $ l.:0ii. > 40.
HHKKI * Tl'-iPlplx , J.SIO hiiicl ; Kliliinu'iitu , nnne ;
inaikH active , llnu rlc-jily. niitlvn HiUr.l , J2.W
I&.1.IH ) , wnilbwosU'in ' mtxi'il. $ - ' * > ' * & -8" .
KiiiiMtK C'lty I.lvo Moultfurhet
KANSAS CITY. Oct. 2 ( . 'ATTI.I3 neoflpli * .
r > .VK ) hp.-nl : slilmi"nli . ! f,4iNI head ; iniiUrt nliiiul
Htfiidy ; Texas HtenrB , : TemiH mv-H.
tl.S3il2.5D ; beef MWIH > 3 WHi'i " ' 5. ll'illvi1 cuvvn.
llO < iS "ltecfl | > 1K , 0,001 Iteuil , Hliliiinentii , 300
bend ; mirket ueuk : bulk of tuiles t5.-Xi5.3. ! > ;
llPHVli-H , Jj.S5S5.C5 : iiackeif , f5.2iS52J ) : mUul.
.25ji.SI ( ! ! ) : VKlilP. $1.2J"fi5.35j | i KH. Mtl3,5i.
Hlinni' ItPvi > iiiH. | 2.WO lu-ml ; lililpincjitH , none ;
inailiCt about , sti-aily.
Mock In nlihi.
Iln-nnl of ipcplptt HI Iho four principal maikets
fur Tun-iliiy. Oitulwr 2 , 1S94 ;
Caltle. Hoe' . Blieep.
South malm . . . . , . 3M 2.W 1.137
KunsuH I'lty . 55i Gmi , > 2W )
HI. IXJU.B . 5,4IH ) r.,4X ) 5S > 00
Toliiln . . . 2 1 , 3711 H.OJ7 15.M7
( 'lilL'.tcn lrult Oiioliitlniu.
rillt'ACIO. Oct. 2. t'nitpr llix compunClil -
cuirn , sohl tvvn Mint < if C'ullfiiinlu fiult at Juc-
llon Indur : Double rmtrs Tnknjr Krap-'H. J2. ( i1j-
4.15 ; HliiRle , IiOrfitl.Su : slnulp MUK-iit , 7C > firJl. < > 0 ,
1'lciiint lat < - | M-ac-li n , S'K-Jitl.oO ' , SalwajK. 7Hi80c ;
half iKixt'B Sfikrl prure , | 1,35 ; rmlf luxe Harl-
IrllH , 11.13 ; IKIXI-O , 42.K.
At New Yoik four inw ! It-ilf cnitPn Tukuy
KrupcH. 83. lU 12.25 ; ImU MtihCatti. r-.V < J2,00 ; l.i ! | .
vulup , tl.55 ; Moroccos. .40r-2.2i ; vvlilt * Tnfcnjn ,
tl.75 : Itocv of IVru HW ufwiitnl. tl. in.25 ,
11. IIiinljK , I1.4501.CO , Cnmlc , I1. : 2 , 0 , p ic1i < * ! i ,
The I'url Piu'.t cnnipany , Oilfilfm , solil HM fnl
IOUH ; UJel ) x-aiii , (1 4 fll.ri ; ] cnienc < < . Jl.l.i ;
ItoHC. SI.'iO ; clAnjuu. } 1.49 : 11 CI ill < - 'iii , ( ITO ;
Nellit , emull. Jir.fll.W ; lilotit Mont-uu fl.CO ;
CuluniMa , II 4 , Tokav BrapeH. crule" , fcMiK-.V , ;
liult iruten , Jl.WKnl.ll5 : Mtiecat , 1 rut PH. H 03 ;
< 'firnlchcoti , cr.iten , $2.40 ; Sulvvay | n-ii < 'lie , 75c
l'lcueti | > . lati * , We ; quinces. Jl.
IVorbi liniin Mnrliet.
l'iOlrA : , Oc-l. J. C-OItX Finn , ilcdilf ) No.
2 Clc ; No. 3. Sil\c.
OATS Acthi' . 'iTceulnr ; No. 2 white , 3' ' ) j.l' % c ;
Nn. 3 vvlilte. 23'j ' Jie.
\V1IIWKV Pinn ; nine luml.i. tl.rt.
ItWIMI'TrV W.ieal. l.dXl bu.j ctirn 2i. 0w bu ;
ilia. 48 * bu , : rve. none ; Uuley. 2 lux bu.
MIII'MIINTS Wheat , iiiinni iiirn. mine ; mil
, l bu. ; r > c , none ; barley , "W bu.
Soir York' * Low IVbtntMnrl ( r.
NI3W VO11K Oct. J. Tbp vbcjt niark t lien *
inadu iinntliri Hharji In i-ill tinla > . which ciinle < t
lirliilu a Inner point than ever In-fun * In Ihe
iilitu--y if thn train mniki-t. IttHrinlier rolil
fnmi : ,7'tt' ilnnn to bi c , ila > lni : weak Hi Ihe
luueiil ixilnt. Thn mlllnK 1 > II1 < 'O ' * the dlut > i iilnle < l
liuteiK ot veHlenlaj. A futliit 111 Ihi * VM-nkne-ii
of ih * nun ibn blir Inn-e4i < * In lh v' '
WeUi [ | > l } IlKUri.l out b > HriKtotirrt.
Ni\V YOUK , O < l. ! , ThPif ni II fn inovo-
nimt uf KOU.IH In HIP fxiiulloti of oM uiul new
oiih-rH , ih' * llj * III * fiiinier. Tli Il * > r buxliKv *
vva nf niiiiilnul prui rtluiii ) . Th nilikrt n-
ncln lliv iUlet itpuul to tli - vei > artlv * ' liuuli
M , W. HARRSS & GO ,
163-165 Dearborn-fit. , Clilcago ,
15 Wjll-H. , New York. 70 Slac- . , Builon.
CITT. C017 TT ,
< . : EOOL.V/AT H and
Bootbt ma Egld. C neiBoni oc BclUl'.f1I I
Steel Ranges $24,35 ,
Worth $38.00
4-Hole Ranges $5,65 ,
Worth $9.75
6-Hole Ranges $9.25 ,
Worth $17.60
Base Burners $11.35 ,
Worth $20.00
Canon Stoves $1.75 ,
Worth $3.50
Parlor Cooks $8.6O ,
Worth $17.60
Laundry Stoves $3.40 ,
Worth $6.50
Oil Heaters $4.90 ,
Worth $0.75
Price 814.65 Oak Stoves $5.65 ,
Tor tills Imiiel-oiiio li iso Iniriii'r , Worth $11.00
whlclt Is f ri in tine t.f iho bos I
foiinilrli'N In 'he I'nltLMl tHiileq. Parlor Heaters $7.60
It Is full nlfkolul nnd Inis nil ,
tlin latest ItitpiovmiRiiiti and is Worth $15.00
well wm tli * V > .W.
Gus-ollno Ovens..SI.35 worth 92.00 Shovels 5c worth lOo
Xinu Dennis 78c worth $1.50 Dumpers 7c worth 20o
Pipe Collars 3c worth lOo
Steve PIpe IOC worth 20u
Klbovvs 8c worth 2 ! > o
Uoul llcilu 17c worth .IL'o Pokora Qc worth IDo
8IO unrlli or "on Is ,
SI per WDok or 8 t par mimth
O' fi vvtirtli nt ' nil ,
ISI All pr trei'Ic nr fl per in on ill
HBO VTurilt nl i' iiiil ,
WJ pur work or Hrt per moutli
87. " mirtli nt LU "I * .
iSIS fit ) tier work or rlO per mimth
H10 wonli nf coiiil' ,
8.1 per VTovk ur 812 pt-r moiilli
Tuki-jiiur rlinlrrV iliiu'l cMro a wet Hi or conilH ,
Illp ivlilc'li you clinune. f4 peliTuck nr 815 pnr moutli
Formerly Pe3pla7a Kamnalh Ifl3h.Lnj.ji Ham 3 ,
Send 10 cents for postage on Hi. ; ' 01 C it ilu u.
Write for B.iby Ciirriago or StovjC it.ilojujM uUJ Frjs.
GooJ-t sjld ii.i p iy.n.its i.i C i i ; [ .1 if ; It i ) it i O ii.ihi
( Hose li/o.i ! i. ? it ( il : ) , oxjpl 4U > i.iiys ill a itar J iys.
tlanof tt Jttmou < l'rcncn physician. wl ; qulclclr euro Ton ol Ml n r-
vouii or dhi-a-ies of the KeucTctlvo orzaiis , ei-rli in test ftfoniinwl.
Insomnia , I'nlnsln J-.tnl&aloni.h'crvoua Ucblilto.
Implen , Unfllntss V , Unity , KxtiaosUne Cralnn , Varlcoc < ! ani
CUriDKMKclfttniPfl thollvor.Cao feltoayii end the urinarr
J BEFORE AND AFTER ors-anaofalllmpurlUBS.
DCI'IDKNH BtrrnRtlipus nnd rcstoroa small weak orcanB.
Thu niiBon pufT'Mi'rHstroiiox.currd hy DoctarslH t > "C.raiiO nlnotr ivrcenl are troubled vrltit
rtostutltlit. CIll'IDENPJ U the only known rptr.pdv to onrottlthi.iit an oporallon. C.OOO'.rn *
tiuonlilR. A vrilt"niriiaraiitengt < n nnd money rptiii-ii' i If HIX IWJJ-PFKIOPH not rsffrct u p r-
i.aiiiit euro. Bl.00n b > rv.nix forfaf.l" . li.vnnll. Stiiil for Ircul ir ar.d tcntlmotitnln.
r. MXPIOIKi : CO. , P O. Bo-c WITH S.iu Ficnit [ Forsalubj
UUODMAN I1UUG CO. , 1110 l''arnamStroot.Onuitt. !
Vnil whohnroliern barabucif'o.liTtlKi "rieclrle n lU. " "rellawBafleror. ' ' ' ' ! ! ! } ! ) . *
I Illl "Crayon"Trocheii , " Vaeunin , " "Fixo Cure" "Jutcks. und who ImTn founil
ww yourself crowing oldera-nd-woraci YOU w1 * hiifiiBltenup Indoepalr.Baylnir
" I 5oomrrt , tbera U hopu for aiei" I . - ho
era < no o > an ar. nro ulntlrir.Into nnjjrtjr
rrive./irdrifllncrurKin n naortle-'iiiieaof slrkncssnnil inl-fortiino , IT ! * , und 1
a rit me i full for QDESTIO ! * ITSIS ul inn ftt no . r rnotircti .1. t I
E l , miikillllirot. Ihn.cnridlhiiuD < ii. I TAB 01 UK TUU. Twcmj rf.ri' tlfrntncc. iriffLIUIV , (
AltO wrn hc'.ir t kl.llr.UDnnlilic'.Ur. . roniiil ti n > Kr n > lll < ir fcf mil , tr > n < tl > tr l. * "
_ _ 3 K-dlrt M.lnfr bfr lb ln iirl'.0 D. l rtfr l.l * Mjnilr iMHr ni.Jllltrel l tol8 [ lTtl.
Or. N. . WJOU. Presldanl. CHICAGO WEDlCftL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. 30 Van Duren St. Chicago , III.
ill Inat innntli , imil i t llern must be allawoil to
linvi * lime * in tiuiiht-t thilr luitvtmKOfj bffnr * * Ini-
iMirtant juMltlonal "iif-H cnn lj < < mntle , li nco tli < *
Oeinnnd uf jnbbtrn IHfty flark iiml | niiclias. > lire
confined to unuul rrqulu-mcnt * . Printing olntlis
\ur ) ttnil > - , with fuithi-r fiile.s nf p | t at S'ic.
ivooi. .M.\itir. ;
Itoslim Triullni ; In Unit I'roiluct In I'll or
of Itnjrrrs. .
HOSTON1 , Oct. S. The < . ! inaikct U ex
ttfindy quirt , londliiK In IHUPIK' favor. HiMf-iH
me liuldliiK off , looMiitf for IIUM-I tlKUrcn. Klepcea
ai-o about 'i ' ; ntt from lint wt-elc. Aurlnillnn
giTitU'H are nbout tlio Ninie , o'xvhiK to Ixmilnn ouo- ,
latfons. On le-rltoiy uonl9 Uifr * * IH no r-uutHMf
( liatiRe , but In buyrrH * fiuor. lrlcrt * nrc * HR fol <
IIIMH : Ohio llc'i'ii-n , > X nml XX und nbove , IS'
J- , the litter fur rliolci-Ht : X. IWlSr ; Ohio. No.
1. llfece , 21c ; Ohio , Ucliilne IIH-H.-C. 20 i21o ; Montana -
tanamxilti , ilnp and line mrilhiin , 1W < \ N'u.
2. im-dlum. 12fillcV ; > nni'.ntI'tjli. . Npuidii nnd
folorndii. linn nnd lini. in < > iluni. | Si/llc ; No. ! ,
H jl-c * : . \uptnillan iunibliiKi chulie , 21fii23 < - ; a-
criik'f , IKt'Xc ; Htetfim iu > ulH , enatPtn fair , Sifl'Jf ;
ciiftern dinlcp Italic.
ST. IXJI'Iri , Ocl -WKll. . Steady , quiet , un-
( iMnfii ] .
1XJNIHW. Oct.At the wool auction unlc-i
tud.iy 13.312 liaUu AHO ulTi'M-il , ot which 1,100
utiu uttlulniwn , ( luniuii luiji'iH tool ; * - ( * > d
< oiued and Krmiiv , Not much .VHP orfi-rt j snlta-
lilf for AnuTlnt , the bu rrt * thi-r frnni p.ild ex-
Ire me rilti.a. Tilt follow Intr uic tn > aalen In d < > -
tall : New KoulliVnl < n , 1,1'i'J li.ilra ; vcouicd ,
in'iU ; KTTOfcV. O,4 ( IW ; Quwnsliind. 2,570 lialsn ;
woured. 14dfi ! ] SVidi Biea y , BVidfiSHd , Vic
toria , 1I1S balcH ; Hvourt-il. I'li'lftlH li'l : Krcany.
IVtdfi3 < id ; South Auttuilla. - X l > ales ; KrvMy.
.l ; Sunn Uln-r. ii ! bale ; Kreasy. 5.1ft C.I ;
. . ,
it-HHy. 5Uili < lld ; CaiHt nf Ooml Ilnpu and Natal ,
.S.M bal * ; couri-d , MVlx Id'reany : , WS(75d ( ! ,
Ml , I.nutB ( Jo in nil Market.
ST. I.OI'IH. Oc-t. ! . n.Oft-llull , iinrhangMl.
UIIJJAT AVenh on HvlllriR nml JtradalrrH'ii report -
port on tVl < p , liwlnK ! ' < ; No. Z red , ci i.
IS'ir !'.c ; Oi < i mber , I'J'ic ; Jtay ,
( OHN 8li < .t drun ltll ulu-at , l liiR l'4e ; Nn.
nilxpil , I-.IHI , 4W c ; Oclolier , ! ) ) December ,
KJ : .May , 48Uc ,
OATS \Veak , l . tr : N'o ! c.ibh , IS'.iCi Octo-
MT. ' , , < Mn > , Jl'k' ' .
1IVB No. 2. ofti-iel at oe.
IIAI1I.KY- iindlnx.
IIHAN C0'4c brt. nu-kid. ennt truck.
KI.AX HI1KD Hiriuly ;
i'u > viu : HIKU KiHHd
TUIOTIIV fiKil-3S.HW(5. : V5.
llAV Uull. illUKUlm : , uut uncli.iUKfd In
Itl'TTKH I'lHlmng-.l.
Hl'131/rKH J
WII1KKV (1.38
l'IUVIHJO.NH-lxa\.T und vny depreHiird ,
1'iHk rUndaiM uir" , jubbjnir. $ U7i. Ijid ,
iirlmn Kteam and ihuke. t'.W. Dry rail ineate ,
IOOPP .houldrtH. IK.2.V , | onKi > nnd ribs. IT 1IV4 ;
hlicnU. tT S3. lluc-on. rhmld m , ITi > li
IOIIKM , IHliS , ilbx. ls.-1. Uncoil , paiknl Khnul-
il.-rn. ; . & ) ; luiim , W.K'i ; , H.r. ; cliortu ,
Im. : uim. li. ' ) bu. ; imln , lii.'VK > lm.
Mlll'MKKTH1'lout , K.UdO Uilii.j wlimt. l.OJO
bu. i corn , V , " " ) ' "I " .id1 , T.'KM hu ,
KANKAfl i'l'tV. Oil. t-AVHKAT Htrailfi tin *
Z hanl , 461iU4to , No. i led , * ; No. 3 red , liW
' .e , rejeeled | Jf(4l :
COltN Hluw anil urak , uhltr , about 'jc IiiHtr ;
Xo. t lillifd. I' . ttlOc. No. 1 white. < kc.
OATS 'jc hlKher. In Iwner dcnmnd ; No. 2
inlned. n j30c , N" . 2 "III If I2 i- ,
il"PTiH | : r.vjlc * . l ' d ) . jH r , weak ; creani
erj" , IBOSlc dalr > Kftllk
KUQS Aitlta and miunK , fmh , ( carce ; n-ll-
Inr a I Me.
mx'RirrttWheat , ll * 3 bu.j com , nona |
can. I. coo Im.
13-tW bu.j corn , IW bu. |
Prepared from the original formula pr
nervi-d In the ArchlvcH or the Holy Land , liar-
lnfau autbeiitlc hUtory dating back GOOyears.
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Prlco SO cciita. Sold by all ilxuggtaUb
The Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
t C ' for Circular ami Illustrated Calendar.
Dr. C. C. V/iifi Noivo and Grain Tnalmtnl
MtoldunclBrpoiHIvonrltten gusrantw , bruutlior-
lieil " ngcntB onlr , to euro Wf.k Memor : I u of
Losses ; E II Irarailnck ol
| _ Confluence :
. . . . . . .
.vuniflM ; Ijiultuilt- ; all Dri-lni ; Los ot fowo *
of the 0 iiemllr < ] Orcans In ullhsr eirsuHOclbji
o iortlon ; Youthful Errori , or ilicoiflva U oot
Tobacco. Opium or IJ'iuor. nhkn. noon lead ta
HUerConturnpllon. . JiniMj nnd Pe tli. Jlyri 0 ,
n aboi ; 6 fur 13 ; wlthwrllengu ( r nte to euro or
r lund moaor. TVCS1 'BCODOilHVKUP. A rUto
"jr for Couci ! , Colds , A thmillrtmPhltlii , Croup ,
iVhoojilag Coujh. Ijoro Thrust. 1'leamnt toUko !
IniBll ilie dlicontlnudl ! oldeno.lte , now-Ko. ; old
IcUo.cowWc. aUAKANTEEa U.uljotlj-
Qoodaiao Drue
Lost Manhood L
n , . , ,
itiophy. etc. . lurely curril by 1NJ AI'4 > . the rr l
lllmloultcineclr. WithurUle.j r u.utm , fiulaby
J. A. Pull r & Co. , Corner ijtb and Douclaia Sti. ,
Commission Merchant
Gnilii iiuJ Provisions.
_ Privata wires to Ctilcaco and New Yurie.
All builtiexa orders iiluc a on Chlc B
Uo 4-d or Treile.
Carr iiijaiiilt > nco solicited.
Offie * . mom 4 , Neiv Xork LUi