Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 03, 1894, Page 4, Image 4

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Pelly ! > < uiiliunt Hutvl.i > - ) . On * Year . I 8 t
I'"r lt lit , l fun.laj , Une Yenr . l '
Blx Mumhn . . lie
Tl-rr < .Mouth * . 8t
Riinilny lt , Ono Yanr . 3(1 (
fl < iintay ! ) < . . . Ona V u- . , . 1 t
Mei'ily lies , On Vcni- . . . i
pnialm. The J'.f lliilMlii * .
J * 'illi ctmihn. .Vrner N nn.l . Tt nty-fciirlh Sti
'min.ll llinlTii. I ! t'niil Str * l.
r l < "i i Oflfo , 51 ; Chnnibor nf ttniemcrcn
Jjcw Vorh. ItnHn * IJ , li an < l is. Tribune HMr.
V , i lilntlim. ; U. ? I' Htrcet , N. W.
All rnimmiiitrtilnn. : < rrlMlnff 1o titwK fend f-41
totlil : mult'-r yli'nilil bo mlilronot : To tilt H-lltoi
ov cmcrrATioN.
. „ , II. TWIiiirk , necrotiery nt The H < -
UKline cnmpnnv , llnff rtuly iwcirn , iy Ihn
llio nrlunl mimlirr of full nnd eompleliI'uplf
ot Tin- Dally StwnliiK. Uvenlnir niul Knnilnr Hr
prlntnl iturlng tie : month of Hfi > leml r , ISM
> vn os follnn'x :
t. . . SI.VH 1C 'JU !
* ' 33.IM 17 21.M
= SI.MS 18 S1.0'
4 21.Ml 19 21,54
fi 21.IM 20 , ll.t'-
A : i.J3l 21 2',0 )
" 21,201 22 21,11
21.157 2.1 * i1.M
. . . . ' 23,27:1 21 2 > > , t > ;
H 21,211
11 21,107 2 > ) . BS
I ! 21,242 27. 21.07
11 21.221 23.
II 21IM 23. 2U3
13 21,273 CO. 21.07
I.rcs ili > iuct ! < iiin for un ol < l nnd
copies . ,
Total r.M . M :
Dally average nd circulation . 21,21
arxmctr. n.
Sworn In liofaic me nnd niiecrl1i < l In mi
yrwrncr Hili 1st ilny of October , 1S9I.
( Seul. ) N. I' . Piilj.
Notniy Public.
W * rrjolrn In tlin qnliikrncil ronseleiicr u
llio | ir pl < ! I'lincRL'iiliiK | iulltlril : iiftnlrs , inn
vlll linlil nil inibllu ofllcors In u rl lil rr
| > < Hllill > Utl ) mill PIIKURO ( Hint iurin : 'iilcilu'o'
that tlio priitrctitl'iii mill pnnUlimrut of ill
Avlio l > ctrny ( illlohil trmtn nlnill ha oivift
thorough mid iiimpiirliig , Muttnnnl lirpub
HCHII Pliitfurin , 1KTO.
Tcoplc who bought conl Avbllo ' tin
price wn down nro the ktml who K < 'ii
vally iniike hay wlillu tliu sun slilnt > .s.
Senator Hill has not j'ot dlstrHmttK
pieces of his shirt ns souvonli-H for tin
{ Ick'R-iituH who nominated him for KOV
cmur of Xi-w Vork.
Of course tluit Kansas cycloiu ; Is i
vlsltiilloti of the Almighty ui > on a people
plo who would be so base as to t-k'ct i
t | ) Stllto
It Isn't Jud e .Tonkins who has beoi
rcvi'rscil. It was ex-Sena lor Spooncr
wlio wrote out the famous Xorthun
I'ai'lllc Htrlku injnnctlon order.
\Vn are sure that the Woman's clnl
lias commenced wlint will be a. pros
perons and useful year , both for tin
dub and Its individual members.
The Hoard of Health Is talking o
substituting horses for sonio of tins niei
ou Us pay roll. Tlnj .liorttes would bi
no more prompt lu drawing their sala
res than the men whom they displace
No , not nt all. McKlnley doesn't fee
badly because he didn't pet u Londoi
dinner. Everyday United States foot
IK .good enough for those who boh
American Ink-rests above those of Grea
Tlio way for the school board to re
trench Is Jo retrench sitronce. Muklnt
unnecessary appropriutlons now In tin
hope tlmt'n saving will be effected nc
wiuio future time Is trilling with tin
Interests of this taxpayers.
The report of the congressional hives
tlgtittng committee that looked Into tin
conduct of Judge Jenkins In relation ti
Ihe notorious strike injunction also ciiiui
lu for sin endorsement In the modltleatloi
of Ihe Jenkins order by the IJnIUx
States circuit court of appeals.
Will 1'rosldent Cleveland take n loavi
of absence this year In order to retln
to Xew York and cast a vote for Senate :
I III ! nnd the others on the democratic
ticket ? Or doesn't the Interest of th <
administration lu the success of th <
New York democrats extend quite s <
far ?
That Kansas cyclone tried Its bos
to catch ( Jovernor Lewelllng's home
but unfortunately missed it by ten feet
If It hud only demolished the areh pop
ullnt' house what a glorious Illustra
lion of consequential and provldentla
damages Tattooed Tom might havi
had !
California labor organizations refusi
to observe Labor day in that state 01
tins 1st of October because they wnn
the holiday uniform throughout tin
United States. If California Is to havi
n legal Labor day there Is absolute ) ;
no reason why it should not come 01
September 1 , the same as elsewhere.
Clem DeuviT is rapidly gaining 01
ex-Governor Jloyrt In the congresslona
race , and by the time the racers paw
under the wire the chnnceH nro ten ti
one that Heaver will bo several length :
ahead of lioyd and both of thorn \vll
bo distanced by Mercer , ir , Uoyi
had better keep his eyes on Dearer.
Whllo the Hoard of Education is get
ling after non-resident pupils lu tin
public schools It may us well also pa ;
pome attention to tlio resident puplli
who are not within the limits of tin
school ago. If the finances of the bn.iri
will not permit of giving proper educa
tlonnl facilities to nil who nve by lav
entitled to them , those who are no
entitled to them ought to be nt one
excluded from the schools.
Senator Vest of Missouri lias ncroiu
inodntlngly shelved his quarrel with th
president for n short while , In orde
that 1m may devote his attention ex
cluslvely to pronnrtlng the prospects o
the democratic ticket In that state. ' Till
docs not menu , however , that the gen
utoc luw become reconciled with I'resl
dent Cleveland. Only glvo Vest half i
cluinco to express his opinion of th
man in the white housa and the rec
onclllatiou will bo iuilcflultuly
of Till : TKXflnShK , :
The Society of tlio Army of the Ten
tics oo. which meets In minimi iviinlot
In Council Ulufl's today , It n tnllltnr :
01'iititaallon iinliiuc both In Its char
acler and lu Its history. It wits orpinl/ci
befiire Ihenr had ended. Ha foundci'i
proi'laimlng their purpose "to keep nllv <
the cordlnl feeling which IIIIH nlwayi
l > eeii n leading characteristic of thli
army ibirlng II.H career In the servle <
anil given that harmony of action whirl
has ciiiitrlliiitcd In no small di'grci' t <
lift Klorloit * ticlili-vements. " In member
shl | ) It Is restricted 1n commlsslimed ot'
Heel's who luive served with honor t <
the union nt some period during tin
great war of the rebellion in the IV
pai'tinent of the Tennessee , and like al
nrganl/.ntloim composed of inembori
with similar itualltlcatlons must grad
inilly hecome weaker In nuiiiei"i / ai
comrade after romrado dlsappoatN. un
III the object of the society has beoi
completely and fully attained. N'oollio :
society coverbi } , ' the HIIUIO Held can ex
Int nnd the society can have no sue
cessors. There may posilbly urlstocen
sinus when tin * Idea may be utUlzci
to organize the olilcers of some othei
corps of some future army , but. we cai
scarcely Imagine circumstances tha
will produce the success which this oin
has met.
It is as much from the personnel ai
from the purpose- that the society lini
gained its wide Inllnence and Its gren
importance. In the Army of the Ten
iii'ssec were in el in led u group of tin
braves ! soldiers that responded to theli
country's call to arms. To specify bj
inline a few who reached the highest
rank would be Injustice 1o the nianj
who would hsivo to be omitted , but the ;
have almost all bwn prominent as wel
since 1ln war as during the time hos
tllltles were ponding. Vnder the < MIH
lorn of re-electing Its.otlk'ers so louj
as ihey remain nvalhible. ( ienernlV. . T
Hhci'inan acted as president of the so
clety until his death , when he was sue
cceded bythe present president. CSen
oral < ! , M. Dodge. The same policy hat
been pursued with reference to tin
other olllces. two of this original ollicer :
still serving.
Tile reunion In Council ISlnffs belong.-
in almost equal degree to Omaha , am
the people of bulb oltlcs should unit *
lu giving the visiting otlicors a welcoun
that will be memorable In the. annals oi
the society. While reviewing old friend
ships the guests will not. neglect tin
opportunity for making new acquaint
nnces. They should be encouraged , t <
make themselves fumlllav with the re
sources , Industries and people of tin
two cities and to mark the growth oi
the great west that lias been made pos
slide by the victories which they woi
In the war. The two cities welcomi
them to everything that may contributi
to their comfort and entertalnmen
during their stay with us.
/ ' / < . ! IY.V , \ rOAPJO/v'ATH (3AMK.
The. attempt to railroad the unior
depot ordinance through under whli
and spur , in npito of the glaring defects
and. reckless disregard of the public In
terests , lias scarcely a parallel In tin
annals of the city. The contrast be
tweeu the llnscall ordinance nnd tin
llrst : ordinance that wns submitted t <
the people and rntllled some years ag <
Is moMt striking. The Ih-st union ik'po
ordinance , : is drawn by General Solid
1or Thurston of the Union Pacillc. re
quired two-thirds of all the votes cas
at the election for Its ratification. Tin
Hascall ordinance does not require i
two-thirds vote , or even n majority oi
the votes cast at the election , A ban
majority of the votes cast for the propo
sltionlsaH that Is required. In othpi
words , Ir only 5,000 of the 20,000 voters o
Oinaliu vote on the proposition , 2.riO ]
would carry it. Contrast this with tin
canal proposition. In that case It wll
take not only two-thirds of the votes cas
on the proposition , but two-thirds oi
the total vote of the county reguvdlos :
as to the number of voters who fail tt
cast a vote for or against it.
The llrst union depot ordinance pro
vlded that the union depot shall be
built lu accordance with the plans am
sketches on tile In the city clerk's oltlee
The proposed ordinance leaves It op
tlonnl with the Union Depot companj
to finish the building as originally
planned , or to remodel and cheapen tin
structure. As a matter of fact , tin
building begun under the llrst unloi
depot ordinance Is a cheat , ami not h
conformity with the original plans
The first ordinance required tin
Union Depot company to give n bom
Intho sum of OO.OOO , to be also slgne *
by the Uulou Pnellle and UiirUpgtoj
railroads , that the building would bi
completed by January 1 , 1SL' ! ) . Tin
proposed ordinance contains no guar
unty that the building will bo com
pleted at any specilled time. The con
tractor Is required to begin work on 01
before Xew Tear's day , Iii05 , and com
piete tile structure within n year fron
Unit dale , but there is no bond oi
guaranty that It will be llnished withli
that time or live years hence.
The original ordinance provided tha
nil railroad companies that may dcsln
the prlvlli'Ke shall have the right ti
run pansenger trains Into and fron
mild union depot on Just and equtlnbh
terms , to 1m agreeij upon by the Unloi
Depot company and the railroad com
puny making application therefor. AIM'
lu case the said companies are uiinbh
to agree as to wlmt are Just and eqnltu
hie terms , the question shall bo sub
inlttrd to threw arbitra'tors. one to hi
chosen by each of said companies , tint
the two thus selected to choose tin
third , the decision of any two ot salt
arbitrators to bo binding upon boll
companies. Another provision of tin
ordinance was that all railroad com
panles that may desire the prlvliegt
shall have the right to run their passenger
songer trains over the Missouri rlvei
brldgo and approaches thereto of saU
Union I'tie llle Hallway company , nsini
therefor its tracks from the Unloi
transfer r.t Council Bluffs , la. , to am
from the said union depot , upon jus
and equitable terms , to be agreed upoi
between the Union Pacllle Hallway com
pany nnd the railroad company ninklni
application for such use of said rail
road track and bridge , and In case tin
said companies are unable to agree a :
to what are just and equitable term *
this question whall bo submitted to threi
arbitrator , one to bo choseu by each o
said companies , and the two thiist se
levied to choose the third , the decision
of any two of said arbitrators to IK
binding upon both companies.
The llrtscnll-Coiuji'll ordinance mnlti
nil thi'Mvital guaranties and leavet
the Union Depot company free to ad
mil only such roads .is will accept \\t \ \
arbitrary conditions , iiml tlio depol
company may even exclude nny rail
road from the use and privilege of tin
terminal facilities for which 1hls eltj
has H trendy paid over $1,000,0(10 ( hi
bond * and Interest.
( Julie apart from releasing the Union
t'acttlf and I'urllngton companies froti
all the contract' obligations mulct
which the depot grounds were orlgl
unity donated , the Ilascnll ordlnnnci
requires the mnyor to quitclaim ami
convey the title tn streets , alleys innl
grounds oC liiimeiiHe value , nnd ex <
cliaugc these grounds for tliu Wlnnpeai
triangle , which belongs to the city , sun' '
Is now In Its possession. Another , am'
evfii more worthless nop thrown to tin
city as a blind to cover up the nefarl
ous bargain by which the city Is belli ) :
contldeiiccd out of its rights , Is the pretended
tended cancellation of the .7UVMK : ) ( ) , h
bonds which have already been can
i-f'Ii'd and declared Void by the courts.
Why any member of the councl
should support a proposition that , in
volves such vital Interests to this cltj
and contains no safeguards , passes oui
rut : hvc'/JK.isw ? / ; < MO I'tinni ' cr.
lU-foroneo was inside a short time age
to statistics furnished by the dlrei-toi
of the mint showing the bicresislng pro
duction of gold in tinworld. . That or
llclal lias jifSt made public later t-stl
mates , revising those previously made
In which It Is shown Unit tile minimum
gold production of the world for IS ! ) I
will be not less than .fl'lt.OOLMHXi , in
stead of * 1 < ! S.OOO.XM ) . as given In tin
earlier estimates. In 1S :5 : the gold pro
duction of the world was ? irM.OO,000 ( )
or .flM.OOO.dOO less than tliu estimated
product Ion for the current year. An In
leri-sllng feature of these estimates re
lates to tiie relative gold and sliver pro
dnctlon of the world and of the Unltec
States for the year 1SW.
The silver production of the world
will not vary much this year from bisl
hi quantity , but It will represent con
slderably less In commercial value. Tin
vnliiiof tile lil ( , < HXooo ) ounces pro
duced In ISO. ! was estimated at ahonl
$ ljrtK > ( MHH > . whereas tin- same output
for 1MH will huve a value of only about
$ 11..000.000. The director of the mini
shows from these llgures that I ho aver
age value of the gold alone produced
In the present year will be somewhat
In excess of the average annual valm
of the world's output of gold and sllvei
combined during the years Istil-lVt , and
only $ ir > , < > 00,000 short of the average
annual value of the world's output ol
gold and sliver combined for the mow
recent period of 18UU-7J1. This gold pro
duct of the world for tin ; last four yem :
Is thus stated : 1J8H. $ iU.050,000 : ) ; 180' > ; law , si-r.r > ' . ! iooo , ; isiw
( estimated ) , $170XW,000- being ob
served that the production for tin- pros ,
cut. year may "exceed this' amount
Thus in four years there has been tin
great Increase of ? li,000OD ( ( ) In tin
world's gold supply , mid It Is estimated
that the production of 1803 will show
a still further Increase. Certainly , hi
view of these facts , there Is no substan
tial ground for the apprehension of r
gold famine , which the advocates of tin
free coinage of silver seek to create.
There Is matter In these llgures foi
the serious consideration of those people
ple who are disposed to look with fnvoi
upon the demand for the free and un
limited coinage of silver. If the gohl
product alone for 18' ) 1 exceeds in valm
the annual average of the combined
gold and silver product of thirty year.--
ago by over $3,000,000 , and that , fen
lS"i ! exceeds the animal average of the
combined gold and silver product ol
twenty-live years ago also by several
millions , as seems u sim-d t'mm the tig-
urea of the mint director , the annual
gohl product will have reached a llgurc
that , will utterly destroy the claim ol
the free silver nelvocntes that gold can
not be produced In mitlieiont quantity ti
make It a safe * money metal for tin
world. The effect of this Increasing
gold supply will In time , of course , bt
favorable to silver , and If the rate ol
Increase for the next four years should
be as great as that of the last four ,
without any marked Increase ! In tin
production of silver , a considerable siel
Vance In tliu commercial value of the
wldte metal would be assured. Meari-
whllo the llgures of the director of tin
mint , which , so fiir as they are esti
mates , are undoubtedly conservative
completely dispose of one of the argu
ments In support of tlio demand foi
the free and unlimited coinage of sllvei
Unit there Is danger of tlio world ex
perleuclng a gold famine.
The Philadelphia Itcconl , whoso edl
ter , Mr. William M. Slngorly , Is tin
democratic candidate for governor oi
Pennsylvania , gives its approval to tin
views of Mr. De-pew and Senator III1 !
that there should bo a cessation of tarlfl
ngltnthm and the country bo given ar
extended period of industrial peace and
traiiqnllity. Tliu Record says thntsue'li
nmcndmejits as experience may war
rant from time to time will bo made ,
with little resistance from any quarter ,
' but the industries and labor , capita !
and trade of the American people will
no longer be tint sport of partisan war
fare. " Tlds sounds very well and per
haps n majority of the people would up
prove It , but who are they win ) threaten
to keep up tariff agitation and maintain
a partisan warfare against Ihe policy ol
protection to American Industries ami
Almcrlcnn labor ?
In ids memorable letter to Chairman
Wilson of the wnyH nuel means commit
tee Mr. Cleveland nald of the tariff bill I
that subsequently became ; law that It t
fell far short of the consummation foi
which tariff rofemners hael labored and I
was an nhanelonnicnt of the principle- : I
and pledges of tlio democralie party. Ii I
his letter to Mr. Catching * the president t
said that those wln > had fought bravel >
and well for tariff reform , not ncceptlnt
the new law , "should bo oxlmrtod ti
continue the struggle , boldly challentr
hit ; to open warfares and constant ! )
; : against treachery and half
their camp. " HP declared
that he would take his place among the
rank nneWik * of the party who refuse
to nceoptOUnt results embodied In the
bill us the otii > ie of the war. There oh'
vlouslyI'H , no thought of industrial
pence lu ( jiu , mind of Mr. Cleveland
when lie lliuts wrote. With deliberate
care lie trncod the lines which conveyed
to Ids purt'y 'the ' assurance that so fnv
as he was concerned the tarHTrtght wan
still on , and ! Ihe announcement was re > -
ci'tved bjMhe leaders and organs of tlu <
party wltlimit. dissent. Mr. Wilson , nisei ,
Is em record to the same offe-ct. In th
house' of representatives on July U ) , In
moving that Ihe house disagree to the
senate amendments to the tariff bill ,
the chairman of the ways and menu ?
committee said : "Tho bill which -comes
buck to us from the wunto lias not met
( lie nppnmil of tliu great tarlfC reform
sentiment of this country. It lias not
boon accepted by those who , tbre ugli
defeat and victory , 1mvo followed till *
standarel with so much enthusiasm feu
ten yesirs past , as the fruition of theli
efforts , as the performance of their
pledges , and as the full ami substantial
rcallxatlem e > f their great victory. " lie
told his e'eMislltuentswhen reiiomlnnted
that the contest feir tariff ivfonn wiif
to gei em. nnd lie has niiqnaU'lodly en
dorsed all that Mr. Cleveland said In
his Catchlngs letter. No language could
more explicitly convoy the
that the war against protection is to bn
maintained than did that uscel by Mr.
Wllsem at the- London Chamber of Commerce -
merce dinner.
Who an- the men , then , threatening
to mnke > tln < Industries and labeir , cap
ital ami trade eif- the Ajncrtcnii people
llio sport of partisan warfare ? The roe-
ogni/.eel and responsible leaders of the !
democratic party. Xe > republican
leader has lit lot-oil any such thront. It
Is to bo hoped the Inlluonco of Mr. Gin
gerly will beeejunl tei the tnsk of per
suading the lenders eiC his parly to
abandon the position they have taken
In tills matter , but. it is extremely
doubtI'ul whether he can dci it. The
only c.-erlnlnly effective way of reducing
their 7.eal for continuing the tariff war
t for the penplo te > elect a republican
house eif representatives in November.
It is reported that President Cleve
land is putting feirwarel John K. Cowen
as his personal clmh-o for the demo-
cralie1 nomination for congress in onu
of the Hnltliiioiv districts , and that he
bus selected him te > be the llrst assist
ant of ClnUrnum Wilson in the contin
uance eif the light fen- tariff reform in
I he next hftuse' . Tills is decidedly Inter
esting if tVtie.1 Mr. Cowen Is acknowl
edged te > bekiui able man and a devoted
tariff rofe > rijir [ } , but lie Is use > , ami has
been for iimny. years , t' o general coun
sel for .llaltimeire . . & Ohio rallroael.
lie Is a pretnoune-ed corporation man ,
and In tho-flvTlsiem of the tariff could
not very iweill- escapes the corporation
unit trust IniliH-'iie-cs. "While In congress ,
tern , be wq'iild ( fluidities * be expected to
look after the'affairs of tliu Baltimore !
& Ohio , sihtl perhaps to assist In the
splnmies ; of every either rallroael from
which ! tlio' foritii'r mlg1lt : ' e < xp'eeit'r'fave ' > r'H
In ' the rntlwio'1 world. ' It doe-s see-in
wondrous strange that. Mr. Cleveland
should select' nil ids meist confidential
advisors and me > st of his personal ropre--
sontatlvca in congress Crenn nmemg just
those men who have been most inti
mately Identified with the great rail
road corporations of the country.
The German government has submit
ted te > government a formal protest
against discriminating duty of one-
tenth ef a cent on sugar imported from
countries which pay an export bounty ,
it Is stated that the Gorman govern
ment regards this provision as espe
cially oppressive 1e > the sugar producers
of that country nnd nisei us violating
treaty nrraiigements. Uoforenco is
made in tin ; protest to the eoneessiem
in raising the embargo on American
pen-k , which may fairly be regarded as
an intimation that the embargo may be
reiinposod if the discriminating duty em
sugar is mulntnlncil. This action on
the part of the German geivernment Is
not at all surprising. On tliu contrary.
It was just what was to have been ex-
pectoel. That country has n just griev
ance , and It Is pretty safts to predict
that she will Ilrmly Insist on having
tliu cause of it removed , mid If that
Is refused will adopt such a retaliatory
policy as she. shall doom be-st. The most
natural thing feir her to do woulel be to
restore the embargo against our pork ,
which woulel mean the loss of a very
valuable market.
Appropriating ? 50 for a foot ball
coach is a new way of Inaugurating n
regime of rigid economy In the public
schools. The Idea that the money re
ceived as admission fees to the High
sclioeil commencement exorcises Is n
trust fupel for the benefit of tlio pupils
of that school Is ridiculous on its face.
The graduating class is no longer in tliu
schools , ami ttio-cnn , have no benefit of
the fund , nThun , too , if tin- board has
any right tit-o'xnct such admission fees
It can only"1 ] * } ! so for the purpose of
covering thi ? surplus over expenditures ,
If nny , intolUe/publlc treasury. TJioro
oxensc'teir keeping this -
Is no mom-y
separate frilii'i'thc e > rdnnry ! resources of
tin ; board , 'iilnch less to expend it for
coaching n jlojsjjn or fit'te > cn boys on the
foot ball lk > ) ,
liic a' vurty at I'ulliuuii.
The state fct'-'affalrs ' at Pullman , as de
scribed by noilBre ; pendent of llio Kxpresn ,
Is Helling wurrw Instead of better. MakhlK
all allowances for exaggeration on the one
hand nml for lmlf-truths on the other and
for the hostlllly' taSvanH Mr. Pu Iman which
colors the sta'tements made io ihe reporter.
It yet remulnd- evident that the town of
Pullman U today an example of about the
unhapplest Industrial conditions that exist
In the United Blaten , Instead of being , what
It Ion ? was supposed Io be- , the model in
dustrial town of the continent.
Platte Center Signal : E. Rote-water jp'aka
hard trulhn lu pollto language when ho sola
after mich man ax Thnyor , Majors & Co.
MnJoM lwer U reported to bo IlowfoiR frwly
nt tlrand Inland and other poliitu , but the
uurrfent Is not ntconi ; enough to ktom I hi
tide ol Holromb votes.
Tinbo uj traveling men who hold Jlnjort
rallies on Sunday at Lincoln nre not helping
the cause of their pot. The boys on Ihe
road who do the buslnexs are talking ( oi
Holcomb ,
The rttnks ot Iho legislative catidldates Mil
be nearly full by the- end of this week ,
Fusion acting to prevail to n larger extent
than usual , and ! u aumu case * llioro vrt\\ \ \
be only one imtn running In n district lit-
exiiise oC the vlllulriiwal ct the republican
The republican papers ot the slate that
Imvo bolted thu nomlmitlon of Mnjjrs arc
gtrliiK their readers more real lively editor-
lal'i thai all the other supporters of the
"straight" tlckrt. The klcas or the MR Jon
organs nre stcvcotyped , nnd cminnte from
the literary bureau now being conelucteel | ji
AVIsnei- Chronicle : Tha Chronicle mnln-
talna that thu party manipulators have no
vlght to put up a corrupt uiul dtMrcputablc
candidate ami ( hen demand that thu news
papers of the party ulmll declare to the world
every week until election day that such can
didate Is mid reputable. It Is such
subserviency to party that has cost the party
press tlw resprrt of the public. Tha Chronl-
clo won't do It.
Bennett News ; Whenever a man cornea
before the people who IB completely under tha
control ot corporation Influence ' .s-ho luitUrs
away hla veto against the best Intorosta ol
the peop' vvho makcj merchandise of his
ballot , nnd whose opinion on e'iry question
Is measured by the amount of money he re
ceives for his vote no amount nf endorse
ment can make him a republican , and no man
can be accused of unfaithfulness to his party
who refuses to support such n man.
Nellfih Yeoman : H causes republican edit
ors of the Tom Majors Ilk much agony to
see many other republican editors who be-
llevu In honesty In politics "going Into
ecstaeles over the pop candidate for governor
Instead of supporting the republican ticket
as they should. " Any honest mid conscien
tious man , no matter of whnt political faith ,
will acknowledge that In Integrity , honor ,
ability , nnd morality. Judge Holcomb Is ns
far above Tom Majors as the. heavens are
above the earth.
Valley Enterprise : In splto of the opposi
tion of the railroads , nnd , therefore , of the
republican machine , combined with the ad
ministration , federal olllce and corporation
democrats , exerted both before and during
the democratic state convention In an effort
to further the election of Tom Majors for
governor , that convention nominated outright
Silas A. Holcomb for governor and James N.
GalUn for lieutenant governor by a viite of
more than two to one. This action on the
part of the : democrats makes sure of the
election of Judge Holcomb for governor.
Lincoln News : If the state oinclals desire
to hazard republican success In this mate
they have only to enable the bolting demo
crats to place the rump ticket on the olllclal
ballot , to the exclusion of the regular nomi
nees. There Is .such a thing us fairness In
politics , and when It Is manifested it will
receive the manifest approval of the people ,
while political unfairness is certain to re
ceive the rebuke of honest voters of the
state. A manifestation of fairness on the
part of Its representatives will be to the ad
vantage of the republicans this year , not only
because It Is right , but because It will pre
vent placing on the olllclal ballot a ticket
that will draw votes from the republican
ticket. It has no deserved place on the bal
lot and should not be allowed to go there.
Plattsmoutli Journal : That Xcbraska has
been robbed and plundered without conscience
for years by a set of political bummers , who
have always consorted with the railroad
lobby , Is a fact too well known to dispute.
That Tom Majors has ben a part of this
gang Is also well known , and that he got his
nomination by bribery and gang methods Is
well known , openly charged , and Is not de
nied. That the Castor crowd of politicians
who nro maseiueradlng as democrats Is In
consort with .the boodle gang of republicans
Is a .fact , as patent as the nose on a man's
face , and every honest man \vlll shun them
and their projects as one would the haunts
of a viper. There need be no mistake on the
part of nny one who wishes to promote the
well-being of the good state of Nebraska.
The republican st'ate central committee
announces that It will soon flood the state
with letters from eastern capitalists order
ing all loans withdrawn until the result of
the election U known , as no money will ho
sent to Nebraski : If a populist governor U
chosen. As. a sample of the letters to fol
low , one has already been given to the pub
lic purporting to come from "J. F. Crofut
of Burllncton , Vt. , who has targe financial
transactions In both Kansas and Nebraska. "
Mr. Crofut is quoted as saying that he would
not loan a dollar In Nebraska If Holcomb
Is elected. After the letter had been
printed an Inquisitive resident of Fremont
wrote to the postmaster at Burlington , Vt. ,
to Inquire as to the financial standing of
Mr. Crofut. In reply the postmaster re
ceived the short but satisfying note : "No
such person is known here. " It would seem
from this that the liar employed by the
committee lacked the requisite experience.
I'lenlv < it TlmlKir In Sight.
St. Ixnjl ( ilolie-Heinocrnt.
The- republicans are not running anybody
for president this year , but they are keep
ing the fact plainly In view that they have
plenty of presidential material , and that
when the proper time comes they will nomi
nate a man whose election will be a fore
gone conclusion.
\\liy Kill ll.-lmtr .
New Yi > rk livening IVwt ,
Hill has never yet run rev frov-- -
ngnlnst a republican In whose su : > por. , , .j
party wns united anel In a year wht-n thfr
was mi chnncL- for trades. This In the situa
tion -which confronts him this year , nml 11
Is Hmnll wonder that he shrank from a
campaign In which he must stand on hU
record. _
Airnv with the lleiiril.
KHIIFHS City Htnr.
John Bwlnton , the New York popnllstlc
labor leader , declared In n Hpeech last night
that I'effer oC Kansas would not do for
the populist candidate for president In 1800
unless he should shave off his "preposterous
beard. " I'effer without his beard would not
be I'effer , and. If Swlnton Is n. true prophet
of populism , Peffer may an well take down
his presidential lightning rod.
Tuxes Slim Ho Paid.
According to Judge Fleld'H latest decis
ion , lawyers may snaw and courts may
crack the bonen of our tax laws , but never
theless the people must pay their tuxes.
This Is well ; as It usually Is when court H
consult common sense as well ns "prece-
elenls" and "authorities. " If the courts
will give the world equity It does not
matter BO much how legislators make and
lawyers break the laws.
I'lilno Trie * of imtern : SliarU * .
Detroit fc'rco I'ri'xa.
After nil the clamorlni ; and lamentations
that como from the cost nbout the mort
gage-ridden west , it Is ehown by the census
reports that In New i'ork City mid thu ten
counties surrounding It the mortgage elehl U
21.25 per cent of the wheila mortgage debt
of the United States , and IH 62 per cent of
the ilebt of nil the northwestern states , In
cluding Ohio , Indiana , Illinois. Michigan ,
Wisconsin , Minnesota and lowu.
A fituomv Preispect.
Minneapolis Journal.
It la pretty nafo to say David Ben
nett Hill would glv half his next week's
salary If he had refused the nomination for
governor before the anti-snappers came out
with their announcement or n bolt nnd a
separate democratic ticket , He can't pull
out now , becnuso thai would be taken to
mean that he. wan afrnld of the anil-snap ,
pers ; and if he makca th rnc s for governor
he Is mire to bo beaten. Mr. Hill Is In u
bail box , and the man at liuzzaru's Day
Isn't saying a v.-urd.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S.Gov't Report
iu intvor.
N w Vork WorW : When hcr ? ft r Amer
icans are Jt a loss for n couiuarlion to express -
press extreme iinpMlty In n buronucrat thpy
will iay his skull l no thick aa that ot Iho
in n who triad to take the ninia ot Ai- |
uimftttox out ol AlUBrlcnu history ,
I'hllNitelphla Inquirer : The ortaine la
aunhiil hlatory nml npyilnst good tnsto , nnd
the new name ut Surrciue-r , with which Ap-
pomnttox Court Hoiilo has been christened
by the I'ostomco department , Is go teobte nn
expression ot Jho tvcnt which took rlncs
tliaro that the ] uillclatu can only \vcnJcr
that Ita suBgcatlon wag even ttricrotaJ.
I'hlladclphla Press : "JIo comes troin AJI-
pomnltox niul Its fuinon-i nppli' trco , " qiiateel
lloscoo Conldlns In placltiB Oern-nil Ornnt
In nomliiiitloii before the ClilMKa cunve-iitlon
lu 18SO. The I'ostDtllce department hns
done whnt tt coulel to innUo the historic
couplet pointless by chiriilnK : the ) po tottlco
ttnmc of Appomnttox to Surreiii'er. Could
anythlnc be more silly , unpatrlotlu nnd mi-
warnitited ,
Mliinenpolls Thnos : The onlcr of tlie
Poitodlce doparlmrnC chutiKlnR llio naino ot
Appnmattox to Surrender Is one of those
olUclal stupidities for which one can and no
excuse or r en son. H ta tcarlnc up n name
by the roots tlint Is u&soclated with tlie his
tory of the mast Important struggle of the
nation and Is a ploce of ottlclal van < lnllm that
will be condcnnicd In tliu south as well as In
the north , They might us well ohseiiRo the
ivame of Lexington to SlatiRlitcr , of tlunker
tllll district of Uoston to ScrimmriKB.
fB v York Trlhiinc : Asslstatit Poitiaasler
General Maxwell' * csplniiatlon of tuu rea ' ' : i
why Appomaltox vvas chnngeet to Surrender
dors not moml ihu innttcr In tha least.
Mr. Maxwell dors not arxumo thp rcsponst-
btltty for the preposterous chanse , but of
course soiiu' one lu the I'ostoillce department
sanctioned It. Appomatlox should by nil
means remain untouched. Tlia suKsestlon
of Surrenelor as a substitute for It must
have originated In n madhouse. There must
bo common senfe cnou h left In the depart
ment to decree- that what has been done In
this matter phall bo undone. Wo notice
that Governor OTarrell Is highly Indignant
over what he 1erma nil Insult to the people
of hit state. That IB a good sign. Ho
oucht not let liln wrath RU down until Appomattox -
pomattox has been restored.
XlilUt.MK.1 .V/JWIM.S-K.I.VA
Tlio Yurie Ually Press has 6iicciimbe < l to
tlio hard limes.
\V. n. AVlll.vd hns started the News Rt
Homer. It Is u strulfiht republican paper.
The Nebraska grand lodge of Good
Templars will convene at Columbus October
Hon. A. L , . Towle , who has recently been
located at Portland , Ore. , has changed his
location to I.os Angeles.
Uurglai's entered the store of II. J. Lc-
brlnk at Firth and got away with $ i5 ! worth
of goods as4 J2 In pennies.
AEJss Mary Slehner , a resident of Colfax
county , despondent over poor health , eudeei
her life by jumping Inlo Shell creek and
drowning herself.
A thief entered the Catholic church nl
Hustings and walked off with someof the
Bold plate belonging to the service. No
truce has been found eif the > missing articles ,
While Thomas Harrison was driving home
from Stanton he was stopped by two men
who jumped on his wagon and assaulted him
with n club , ln.-ealdiifr his arm. The men
then went through his pockets and robbed
him of every cent he bad.
Eighty acres of land In Madison county
sown to flax last rear with seed purchased
In Dakota Is this year covered with Hus-
nlaii thistles , and all the farmers tn the
vicinity have agreed to turn out and at
tempt to exterminate the pest.
A. big buck on the ranch of J , P. Latta
near Tekamah badly gored a lad mimed
Dunlapwho had entered the park. The
boy was standing with his back to the ani
mal , and the sharp horns penetrated no
deep that herunrly died from loss of blood.
Japanla rules the Pacific waves.
Lord Haw Us'B ta'lons run to the cricket
Track elevation has taken n practical start
In Chicago. Heretofore the railroads were
satisfied with elevating people who happened
on the crossings.
A Uoston linguist 1ms succeeded In trans
lating LI HUIIR Chang's name. It signifies
"Tho plum of perennial prosperity. " What
funny afillctlons parents thoughtlessly Im
pose on their offspring.
"Tho voiceless candidates of an unknown
cause" does not accurately describe the
Cnslcroll llcltet. Strike out "unknown"
and substitute "railroad , " and tlie expression
fits like paper on a wall.
During an enthusiastic pause In his spoach
nt Muncle , Ind. , Governor McKlnley banged
Ills new silk hat on the desk and wrecked
It. Tills Is not tlio flrat time Mr. Mc
Klnley caused the battering of tiles. It
wns his little bill that provoked nn out
burst during which Mr. Illalne shattered
his tile In a senate committee room.
While Senator Jones , the newly ( lodged
populist , was trying bis luck at placer min
ing' at Mnrysvllle , Cal. , a family nnmed
Murphy lived In the house adjoining his
boarding house. Old man Murphy's daugh
ter , a rosy-checked girl , was tmited with
so much harshness by her father that the
boarders remonstrated with him. This girl
was the fyturo wife eif William Sharon , cao
of the owners of the Comstock lode , and. her
daughter became Lady Hegkctli.
MM/r ivm r < iv
Sitmpln of Truthful Tom'i Slock .
to tlir llittio * .
Aill&ncfl ( Neb. ) Trlbuns : IVHow el'xns ! ' ,
my namela Mujon. anil It kecmii ns thou&h
my aid hlrhorjr Bhlrl would Imrit with Juy.
I appear before you ns hutmry as ever for
ofilua , which I have been nft r svor iliue T
took up my residence In N'cbtmka. thirty
rears jgo.
My llrst ercat effort nil delro wan to pi
to concres . I went , was kicked out nml
returned home ( Hurneh fur TV > m llccd ) .
Gentlemen , I havn no wa for Tom Heed of.-
Kd iiuseivHUr ( Ilurrnh for Iloaewaterj.
1 wlsli you would not Interrupt nw.
( llosewHter i y * he cun pruvs all lie 1ms
MM about yon. ) *
t would like tei say somellilnir to get tha
farmer and stockmen vote of Nebraska. I
stand Iti sulld with tdo railroads and I prom-
lie you It you elect me governor you Hhntl
all &hlp your grain , liny and Hock free whilst
I retain the ofllce ; every man ulinll have u
t > a . Just Ilko mine , If you give me > our
( What about those Taylor voni-her * * ) *
I will explain that titter elect Ion i don't bo
too Jmiuliltlvo.
I with to speak to the railroads ami
bankers ; I am on your sldo frenn the ivorel
Bo my proceedings as lieutenant Roverneir
shows I will do mothliiK you dt-slro Ina to
do. In other wovdn , will veto anything you
dnn't wnnt , ami sign everything you do-
want. And tlio bankers--1 am with you
on bootllliiK the suhool money , ami using liter
Interest for cnmpalsn funds , and In fart ,
am for nnytlilns from Mosher down to Iiar-
rett Scott , or .my other county thief.
1 wlih to say to the ladleM you can Uclp
me In thl * campaign. I have some500 old
shirts at home in Nemalm county and In
tended to give them to the poor of Otnuim
thin winter , but think I can work thorn Into
the campaign that is , tlio Indies will form
sowing circles nml worle thorn Into Majors
badges , to be worn near their hear IK to rc-
inliul them , their husbands ami sweethearts
that Tom Majors Is Intending to be the
next governor ot Nebraska , cither by
means or foul. It mutters not to me. If I '
cure It. I would say to Iho saloon bu'ns ,
Veep about half drunk on the railroad money-
sent you. BO you can shout down nny 0110
who mlslil mention the name * of Iloloomb.
When yoiT are with OhrlstlatiB , pray ; "
when In the saloon , ilrlnk anil treat ; when on
the farm , swear , just as I do at homo , but
be sum nnd tell them to vote for me , txs t
will make the best governor Nebraska cvetv
And norf. fellow citizens , allow me to
thank you. nnd nny one that should , after myi
election , ever call at the lieutenant KOV-
ernor's oftlce in Lincoln , will always find tlio
old demijohn full.
-f.V .1 JUZTKltlXtl TO.V7J.
Oalvrwton News : The Handbngffer con-4 *
Blders It fair to glvu and take.
New Orleans Picayune : "Kind words can
never die ; " but they Ret very tired when
they uru not appreciated.
Philadelphia IleconI : Muggins That bar
ber of yours cul me dead on the street yes
terday. ItURKlns That's jiothlns. He cut .
mo In his own hop today.
New York Sun : Toots Is Miss Florence
at lioino ?
Maid fjot me see red hnlr. turn-up nose ,
no moustache to speak of yes , sir ; ecnno
rlsht In.
SlftliiRS : The last sail riKht was admin
istered to the man killed in a prize flBht.
Indianapolis Journal : "I nrn afraid this
lep will have to conic off , " said the doctor.
"KC that's the cane , " said Oklahoma
Rnhp , "vnu Jlst might as well kill mo off
nnd be doins with U. The' ain't no uses fcr
n man to RO on llvln' merely fe > r the fun
of clylti * some tlmo with only one boot on. " * '
Cleveland Plain IJenler : Sympathetlo
Nelfihbor And your poor , elenr husbane ) hasi.
just died ? Grlef-Slrlckcn Widow Yes.
Poor , pour Jim ! He was always doing
sotnetlilnfT to make me happy.
Syracuse Post : His City Brother Well ,
Hnbe , what do > 'ou think of society , llubo
Wall , It seetns ter me ttmt the men folks
nre mlBhty stingy 'bout buy'iig ' theIr wives
clothes enough. ' ' - " > ,
Chteneo Trlliunp.
Says Ttoswell P. ,
"I Biieas , " sayn lie ,
"Thei's nothln' noft In that Job ft-r me.1' i.
An' William C.
Whitney , ho
Says : "I do not wnnt It , cz I kin sec , "
An' John 13.
Thatcher , he
Says : "I don't n mount to a tinker's ! > , '
An' David U. , U
He says , pays he ; * *
"Your candidate I cannot be , "
Then Tammany ,
It says : "By gee ,
We're runnln * this convention ! SEe ? "
WnnlihiRton Slur.
Oh , pumpkin pie , the bards polite
They who in poIlHlied | ) hrnse Indite ,
In sad nt-Kk-ul have lei theo lie ,
A Klorlous theme whom none will try ,
Kxcept Iti dlnlcct he write.
Vain , hurrying , hungerlm ; man , why T
For vulgar gold which fools the sljh | *
This aureate treasure ever nigh ,
The pumpkin pie ?
OraU-ful at mornlniT , noon nnd nlerJit.
Some with n fork , sonio bile by blto
Kxhaust the joyn which in Ihe He :
Ltul all will Rlrih nnd tnste nnd sigh
In dreamy , half-expressed delight ,
"Oh , pumpkin plo ! "
.unxwu noiirii oi : v W .i/o.vj'
As o'er the world they wanclerod round in
ventions new the Brownies
found. The oars are run by
'leclrio wires and horses
draw pneumatic tires , as lik.o
the wind they onv/ard speed ;
nor to the former records
hoed. From records old are seconds scraped on
tracks that like the kite are shaped , And elothoa
that now are just the thing are made alone by
Browning King ; The ad. man had got this far
when the manager said , "Let up on that stuff arid
tell the people about those suits and overcoats. We
never had their equal in the house for style and
makeup and the prices are the lowest over known
in the history of the clothing trade , For $10,00 ,
$12.50 , $15.00 and $18.00 there are suits and over
coats that are worth well , tall 'em to come and
look. That's all we ask. "
Browning , King & Co , ,
Reliable Clothiers , S. AY. Cor. IStli and Douglas.