T1JL15 U3IAJJA DATLiY 1IIS15 : , OCTOBER n , 180-1. n TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE. COUNCIL BLUFFS. - - NO. 12 I'EAIIL STUBKT Ctllrcrcd by cnrrl r 13 any part of th * city. H. W. TIL.TON. Lessee. Tr.liT2PJION'r.nuiliKM omce. No. 43 ; nl ht t-Jltor , No. n. 3IIM1K .W5.V270A. Mayri Heal Eslat * Agency , 639 Broadway. Nrxt Saturday linn been fixed as the time foi the addrccs ot W. J. Ilryan of Omalia. The UlRh School cadets Imvo received their uniforms. The suits look quite nobby ami are an excellent fit. Selly Hough was fined * 10 flnd costs in police court yesterday morning for d.unUcn- ncsii and disturbing the peace. UeboUah Itcllef nssoclatlon will meet Wednesday afternoon with Mrs. Smiley. 701 Slutsman street. All Hebekahs welcome. Any private families having sleeping rooms which they -will let for a few days will con fer a favor by leaving word at the Grand. E. I' Clark. A IIITKO number of business. lieu r-3 were decorntetl yesterday , and It Is. the desire ot tlie committee- that as many others as possi ble shall follow suit. Judge Macy heard the last end ot the suit ot Dcvlne against Hanscom yesterday , and will ( mud down a. decision In that caseuiul nlno In Ihe case of I' . H. Wind against Dcvlne ft lljiir.coin , this morning. John Montgomery , who Just turned 98 two years ago , but now announces that he lufl passed the 103d mile post of bin life , wns nrrcsteil yesterday morning for allowing Home of his caltle to run at large In the southern part of tlio city. . A Council Illufls rubber Blnmp manufac turer lias been after J. M. Matthews , the county auditor , for the past month trying to induce him to adopt a scheme for mark * - lii ballots at elections , and thereby doing nway with the cause of so much troub'e caused by other marks than those neces sary , made with lead pencils. The scheme consisted of a itibber stamp , mounted on the end of n ktioh-hanilte , with the letter "X. " and n rubber stamp pad. Tlie auditor claimed he paid S cents apiece for Indelible pencils , and the rubber stamp scheme would cost 10 con Is ouch. There are about 200 toUnf- booths In the county. He also claimed that a number of the voters would not know how to use them , ntthouRh It sometimes looks as if It Is the same wnj with the lead pencil. If the stamp wy ? adopted there would be no mistaking the nark made by It. It IH a bad business policy not to keep your lionio Insured In a thoroughly reliable ( Ire Insurance company such as the Palatine ot Manchester. England. This company Is repre- tcnted by Longee & Towle , 235 I'eail street. ll < > * tou More. We offer for a starter for our great ten days' sale the following bargains : 25c English cashmeres. 30 Inches wide , 19c a yard. Yard-wld < j all wool ladles' cloth , worth 39c , for 2fic. All wool novelty dress goods , worth COc , for 39c a yard. GOc all wool cashmeres , SOe a yan1 Fifty-Inch gloria silks , EOc u yard. 7Cc gray blankets , GSc a pair. II brown blankets , C7c a pair. jl.75 gray mixed blankets , full J1--1 , fur Our $5 blankets. In gray and white , ? 3.75 a pair. III tie and red prints , 3c a yard. Dest light prints , 4c a yard. Ameilcan blue prints , DC a yard. Fine Saxony yarn , Gc a skein. Yard-wide inualln , 3'c a yard. Ladles' vests and pants , 25c each , wortl 39c. failles' wool underwear , worth $1 $ , for 7Cc tacti. tacti.Union suits , from SGc to $3. SVntch the papers for a more complete Us cl bargains , BOSTON STORE. , Fowler , Dick & Wnlker. Selected hard wood for heating stoves. II , A. COX , 37 Malnjstreet. Tel. 3. Havana Freckles clgar.Davjs , wholesale ngt Washerwomen use Domestic soap. I'JJK.SO > Ml , .11 George F. Camp has returned from t limiting- trip In AVIsconstn. II. K. Montgomery and wife of Fort Worth Tex. , are guests of the Grand hotel. Mrs. M. I ) . Jones has tusen called to Fen du L.nc , WIs. , by the Illness of a lelatlve. TU v. F. L. Jlayden of Logan , Utah , Is li the city shaking hands with his numtrour frlemli. Mra. Elizabeth Fox of Corning Is In th city , the guest ot her son , UapiHy City Clerl C. A * Fox. Mr- and Mrs. A. W. Johnson left last even Ing for Sioux City , where they will attend th Interstate fair. Mrs. 0 , Sherwood and children visited Mrs , Frank Wright on South Seventh street fo- the past few days , Augustus Llepold left last evening for Chicago cage , where he will resume his studies I thu Bering Medical college. Mr. Riid Mrs. C. L. Dickey of Grand Island are the proud parents of a little girl , and Mr. D. S. Pile Is a grandfather accordingly. Mrs. R. N. Whlttlesey and daughter re turned yesterday morning from a visit to Mnmion , III. , accompanied by her sister , Miss Mlnnlo Pfelffor. W. H. James returned from Sioux City last evening and will make preparations to move Ills family there at once. Ha expects to leave this week. Judge Joseph R. Reed returned yesterday "rom Santa Fe , N. M. , where he has been iioldlns a term of the United States court of private land claims. Mrs , II E. DeKay nnd sons. Maurice and Karle , arrived In the city last evening for mi extended visit with the former's father , Ilev. T. F. Thlckstun. Smith McPherson of Red Oak Is in the city , lie states that tlfe rain which visited Council Bluffs on Monday extended ns far east an his home , and thoroughly drenched the country. _ tJtotr * . MoveJ. Stoves. Buy your stoves of C. 0. D. Brown and eavo'iG per cent. We are solo agents for the celebrated Ar lington Steclo ranges , royal nnd Imperial Nor- jnan base burners , Victor favorite , Victor prize nnd Home Hule cook stoves. Aetna and Golden Rule Hound Oak ; also the Majestic , Splendid and Novelty oil stoves. The celebrated airtight stoves only J6.00. Renumber , we will snvo you money ns ftell B * fuel If you buy your stove of us. Stove pipe , only So Joint ; stove plpo el- Iiows , So each ; 3 Un cups for Sc ; Jelly glasses , 2Eo per doz. ; wooden palls , lOc each ; 14-quart tin pall , only ICc. QllOCKHY DEPARTMENT. 10 It > 3. granulated sugar ( or $1.00. 100 * Ibs. granulated sugar for IS.25. 3 cans tomatoes for 25c. S cans corn for 25c. Ginger snaps , Co per pound. Fresh oysters , 12V4c can. We have a full line of Rower pots at about one- hnlf regular prices. BROWN'S C. O. D. Bourlclim' music house has few expenses ; Mgh grade planes are sold reasonably. 110 GtuUman street. Duncan' * shoo are always the best and cheapest. , KIUIIH l.aumlry Co. C20 Ftarl ttreet , Telephone 290. Dcmeitlo ioip breaks hard water. Held Up un feevrntli Street , Miss Sophia Watson was on her way to her home on "Williams street Monday evening nbout R o'clock , when she was assaulted by n ncuro , who met her at the corner ot Seventh and Mill streets. The fellow nelrcd her handbag , which contained a small Minount ol cash and a few feminine articles ot not much valuo. When Miss Watson rf.clied her homo she hurried back to the scene of the robbery , accompanied by her brother , for the purpose ot recovering- her umbrella , which she had dropped In her fright , She found two umbrellas Instead ot only one. and supposes that the second was dropped by the negro In his fright. Ko a joint , Swalne'i. 7 < 0 llroad- ' * ) ' Pcol'ion of Judcto iTcQaa in the Motor Caia E versed by the Supreme Court , JUDGE GIVEN RENDERED THE OPINION Court lldliln Tlit-ro U Nn Public Interest INimniidlng lluit tlie iM-lmnkn Com- llo l.'iiconilllldimlly lltmtctl llceturr Tonic No Part. A teleer.im wns received yesterday from Des Molnes announcing that the decision of Jucllie McG'tc of the superior court of this rllv liad bstii levcrscd In the suit of the Slulu ex rsl J , W. Crostland aRalnst the Omaha & Council Uluffs Railway and Dildge company. Judsc Given handed down the decision , JuJge Deemcr taking no part. Inas much as there Is nnother suit now pending In thu supreme court In which eonio of the KBIIIO points lire Involved nnd which uns de cided by him \\hcil he was district Judge In thin district. The court holds that the lease taken by the Nebraska corporation does not linllcate n Intention to defraud. Though It has eared thu property U still exists subject to II llnbllltlfs upon It by said act and ordl- once , and Is the owner of the bridge und allwny , subject only ' " "ie rights of the S'ebraska corporation nnd It * mortgagees. 'It seems to us , " nays the cotut. "that the ubllo Interest demands that Ihe corporate xlstem-o of thu Iowa company shall not be 'orfelted. The court holds that theru Is no itibllc Interest demanding the Nebraska : nmpany shall be unconditionally ousted. Our coi.cluslon Is that the Judgment of the superior court as to the defendant Iowa corporation should be re\crsed and Judgment is lo Nebraska corporation s-houltl be modi fied so ns to tuko effect \vlthln Blxty dnys after final judgment , unless bald Nebraska loriwatlon shall show to the court that It las qu.illllcd lUclf to exercise Its corporate 'unctions In this stale by compliance with aid chapter 70 , nets of the Twenty-first general assembly. " "Although un Its face the decision looks Ike u defeat for us , " said C. M. Hart , one ot .ho attorneys for the plaintiff In the suit. 'the fact In that we have won nil we were UghtliiK for , with the exception of the G-cent "are. The suit was begun with the main ob- ect of compelling the companyto pay the ibattlm ? property owners far the paving he- ween the rails. Then we wanted to compel t to pay the city likewise. Lastly , we tried .o use the suit as a club to compel the com- lany to put n 5-ccnt fare In operation be- , wpcn Council llluffs and Omaha. "Alter the decision wns rendered by Judge McGee the otllclals of the company began to see that they were In a rather tight place , and they came up and paid the property -wncr } 10,000 for the paving , and the city 13,000. Previous to doing so. however , they ivantccl us to agree to dismiss the suit upon lliclr doing fo. We were sure they would ! iavo to pay anyway , and so WP refused to Manilas unless they would agree to a n-cent 'are , This last thing wo have failed to got. "Although I have not spen the decision , 'rcm what I have learned of It I take It that he. main ground upon which the decision was reversed was that the remedy Imposed by the court was too drastic. Judgs McOee told me after he had made his decision that he hatl loni > his best to nnd some way cf beating us , for he felt himself that a Judgment of that sort was too ccvere , but he could not flnil any way of lightening It. " "What will be the effect of Ihls decision upon the outcome of the other case decided by Judge Deemer In regard to- the tax voted by the people of Council niufla to help In putting the line Into operation ? " wns asked. "Not any , necessarily. " was his reply ; "the other decision can be affirmed without contro verting the opinion In the cnse just decided. The latter simply provides that unless , the Nebraska coriwratlon complies with the law and mukns Itself an Iowa corporation within slxly days , thus making Itself amenable lo 'he. Iowa laws and preventing It from remov- IIR cases to the federal court , Its charter will be void. Hut It makes no reference to the question of whether or not the tax could 'nu fullybe assigned by the company which .t had been voted to aesltt to an outside company. " _ Premier egg cups at Lund Dros. Diniestlc soap outlasts cheap soap. Mr. J. Perry's old friends and customers will now flnd him at Morris Bros. ' shoe store , iJOO llroadwuy. Hoots and shoes made to order ; perfect fit guaranteed ; repair -work at all kinds neatly done. Gas cooking stoves for rent and far sal it , d Co.'s ofl1ce. ofl1ce.All All t ) rr I The Council muffs Manawa Electric llull1- ay company stole a march Monday night on the men who are opposing their project of putting In n new line between the two places. It was the night for the tegular meeting of the .Manawa town council , but as such things usually go by default for lack of business , It was necessary to take special precautions against nonattetidaiice of alder men. The i allwny people accordingly spent the entire early part of the evening In rustling around In a lively fashion , awl at last succeeded in getting a quorum together. and It was n noticeable fact that the quorum did not Include any of the officials who have been suspected of being out of sympathy with the electric railway project. Then an amended ordinance was presented and passed under a suspension of the rules , by the terms of which the railway company Is given u right of way over all llie streets and alleys of the town of Slanawav Instead of merely on the county road , which ends abruptly in the lake , at a point Just west of Colonel Heed's pavilion. It Is now under stood that this means that the new road will gii completely around the Grand Plaza , and although those who may be supposed to know arc not dlcposed to talk , some color IB given the rumor that the company expects to build Its line clear around the lake , endIng - Ing at Manhattan beach , Instead of de pending upon the steamer line to get the company's patrons across the lake , No , dear reader , a Garland stove will not pay oft a JGOO mortgage every year , answer the door bell nor carry In Its own coal , but It will save you from a quarter to a half of your fuel and add to the beauty and comfort of your home. P. C. Devol sells them. A full line of Ihe latest "nnd handsomest designs In carpets , linoleum , oilcloth , etc. , Just received. Prices always the lowest at C. D. Carpet Co. , 407 Broadway. Cole's airtight heater rclls from J6.00 to $11.00. None genuine without our name on the lid , Bold only ut our store , 41 Main street. Iteware of inferior Imitations. Cole & Cole. Favorably Inctlnnl. The 01111111110 ? to which was referred the proposition of William Danlln , with regard to on air line railroad from New York to San Francisco , met at the Grand hotel yes- terdfiy noon , according to appointment , for n further consideration ot the. matter. Mr. lUnllu presented references , showing that he was all he claimed for himself , 'and one of the gentlemen present Is authority for ( he statement that there was a considerable Improvement In the way he was regarded. To BOiup of them the project as presented Monday nl&ht was a hair-brained scheme ot a bunco steerer , or , at best , a. crank , but one level-headed business man on the com mittee said that after a little- more thought he had begun to feel as though the scheme would be carried out to perfection some day , and be did not see why this should not ba the time. If tha statements of those who were there are reliable , there seems to bu but little doubt that Jlr , Danlln will get what he Is after. One plan suggested yesterday was Hut | C subscriptions be so licited from the citizens to make up the- re quired VMJ subscription lo the stock fund. As the members of the committee are most of them pretty fully occupied Just now with matters pertaining to the Army of the Ten nessee , It was thought advisable to postpone any definite action for a fendaye. . when another meeting will be held. Mr. Danlln will return from San Francisco In about sixty days , _ Nimpurcll line bulimltteil , The petition of Hecelver Arnd for permls- ilon to ceil the NonjjareJl waa submitted to Judge Micy yesterday General Test stales that what Mr. Arnd said In The Ilee Inter * view ol yesterday about tin ! Increase of sub scriber * Is true , nnd that In fact the circula tion has been Increaslne ever since several months ago , when K. F. Watts took charge of the circulation. Dill he denies that there are any "old accounts bobbing up gcronely at all limey , which are not to bp found on the booUs of the old management. " Iho Kingnf All Trmriernnc * Perfect Mibttlttltc fur Can be sold without license , either govern ment or state ; dealers guaranteed by In demnifying bond. Endorsed by leading phy sicians , Judges nnd ministers. Wheeler & lloruld , Council Blurts , lu. , nrc thr sole man ufacturers In the United Stales. Thousands ol testimonials. Write tor ptlct-s nnd In formation , On the bad : of. nn order for n fresh con signment. of Copps Cheer , Lellny Wood , Coin , la. , writes tinder date September 2fl ; "Had a republican rally hero last night , H would have astonished the gods to zee the way they came ntter Copps Cheer. " IIAMUtnta , la. , Sept. 24.- Wheeler * Her- cld : The Copps Cheer and Herb tonic nt hand , uiul wo are pleased tn state that we arc storllr.s out with a very good sale for o beginner. C. 11. I'h'.llpps , Cafe U'Moln , Kunilshed rooms lo rent , with good board , at $5 per week. C20 First avenue. Jahr Markt slippers. In shades to match every costume , at Snrgcnt's. Tin ? cause of the present boom In real putato { 8 due somewhat to Mie successful sale of fruit and garden lands by Messrs. Day & Hess In the ICIeln tract. 'Ihcy hu.ve 200 acres In amounts to suit , sul'ahlo lor trull and gardens. Also bearing Cr.ilt farms far sale. _ J. t' , HotTm.i.vr' * liuicy Talent , Hungarian Process Flour. Madu by the oldest milling film In the west , makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. Ask your grocer for It. Trade mark : "Blue Rooster. " _ _ _ _ _ Eagle laundry. 724 Broadway. Tor < < .urk. Tel. 1GT. _ Sargent never disappoints the public ; Jahr > Urkt slippers arc here. Council Bluffs lent No. 32 , Knights of the Maccabees , gave an entertainment last even ing at Dohany's theater. Belore the doors opened every seat In the house had been re served , anil when the curtiiln rose there was not an unoccupied chair , and many were standing. H was the first time the atten tion ol the public had been prominently drawn to this organization , nnd It was some what surprising that there should he so lar e ii turnout. The program presented was one which well repaid the listener. Jacob Sims acted ns master of ceremonies. Major N , S. Boyton , the supreme record keeper , delivered an address. In which he spoke ot the principles of the order end of Its rapid growth , Miss Ulna M. West , who occupies a similar position In the L/adles of the Mic- cabecs , also made an Interesting address. In addition to these features , there was a piano solo by Miss Bessie Cochrnn , a vo-l duet by the Misses Downing , a recitation by Miss Edyth Thomas , n selection by the Omaha Maccabse male quartet , and n banjo duet by Mr and Mrs. C. A. Atkins , The local branch of organization , under wlioie auspices the entertainment took place , began operations less than three months ago , but bus already worked up a membership of fifty , among whom are many of the best people of the city. Meetings are held for the time being In the Scottish Kite hall. Sev eral candidates are now ready for Initiation , and everything points to the Immediate and rapid growth of the organization until it numbered among the foremost In the city , 'Sargent ordered the- slippers for the Jahr Markl , and they are now ready for de lUery. _ WonmirA MlMHlutiary Mr itlng. The eleventh annual meeting of the Des Moires branch of the Women's Porelgn Mis sionary boclety will be held In the Broadway Methodist Episcopal church October 11 to II. The following Is a list of helpers nnd speakers for the meetings : Jllss Martha Day , recently returned from India ; Miss Anna flicker , under appointment to Jubul- pen , India ; Miss Hiith Collins , who will also go to India this fall ; Miss Helen Qallowa ) and Miss Fannie Meyer , under appointment as deaconesses to West China ; anil Miss Elizabeth Goodln. under appointment to Soutt America. The following Is an extract from a. mis sionary paper published at Des Molnes ultli lelercnce to the event : The ladies at Council Bluffs are already planning broadly for the success of the meet ing. Hud they request that all delegates ami visitors take the street car at the depot and go dlrectlv to the Broadway church. The chairman of the entertainment committee Is Miss Sadie Sims , 312 Plainer street , to whom all names should be sent by October 1 Jahr Markt slippers , in every color re quired , at Sargent's. Instruction on the piano will be given to a Hulled number ol pupils by Mrs. J. A. Haft 1022 Fltth avenue. _ Dry pine klrdling fir sale. Cheaper than cobs , II. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telephone 43. _ .lolir ftl ill-lit. The opening performance of this charming entertainment will be on tomorrow ( Thurs day ) evening , continuing on Friday evening. with a matinee on Friday afternoon. It Is to be a benefit lor the Women's Christian asKOclatlon hospital. For many days past the young people and children have been In training by Miss Goodman , the director , and the Women's Christian association ladles have been untiring in their efforts to make this benefit a success and furnish a treat for the citizens. Tli2 cause Is worthy , the entertain ment will bo line , Don't miss seeing what the children and friends have been preparing for us. The costumes will be quaint and pretty and the refreshments good. Admis sion 50 cents. Reserved seats 75 cents. Slippers for the Jahr Varkt , ordered es pecially at Sargent's. The laundries no Domestic soap Before buying your wood heater call nt Sw nine's. 743 Broadway , and see the Acme heater , the bcsl airtight steve made. Stove- plpa So a Joint , _ Swalne will save you monsy on stoves anl rai tes ; , 740 Broadway. Stoveplp : Sea joint , TMAIXH voi.i.ntK istnnu. Several I'r moat Injured In a Wrerk ,011 tlie Cleveland , l.onklnn & Wlieellui ; . MASS1LLON , 0. . Oct. 2. Two passenger trains on the Cleveland , Loralne & Wheel ing road collided at Paul's station and sev eral passengers were painfully but not seri ously Injured. Among the Injured were : Mrs. Kate McKelvey of Urlchsvllle. O. Miss Mahan , sister ot Ilev. Father Mahan of tliU city. William GUIs. A. R. Hade. Itev , J. D. l-to of Roscoe , O. J. Adams , Mrs , J. 1) . Miller , residence unknown , A physician was fortunately on board tha train and attended to the Injured. .W'Otf.l.VK HKHtltKXTK f.Y TI'.lllHIII. Four luiuriiimn Hrars lx > o e In the City l.linlt * . SPOKANE , Oct. 2. Ilesldents within the city limits have been In terror because ot a cinnamon and three black bears that have beenprowling about. Some mischievously disposed persons releu.ej tbem from the pit at Twickenham park. The bears entered a kitchen , frightened Ihe women Into n faint and attacked a man , whom they nearly killed before they were drhen off. They attacked all would-be raptors and are still at large , despite tbo efforts of a platoon of police and fifty amateur hunters. * Hud u lil ti trn < n Viivarcc. I'AYAU Oct. 2. TheUritlnh ship Aliu- dale , Captain Owens , which called from Ta- coma. Wash. , on May 10 for Queonstowu , has put Into lt < * pert for medical assist ance. The Alnsdile encountered heavy gnlca on the voyage , during which Seaman Thomas Dlckson was badly Injured and four other members of the crew , Glasson , Thomp son. Frlenton and Kendall , were washed over * beard and ilrovrocd. SENATOR AILISOJ ON SUGAR [ ' , , P opo ! at Tiplon Wgti'wuif on the States of t"o DenT. n' , - It : / I iW\ STATESMAN IXPLAlisTHE SUSJXT > H I ItrvlDiv of thn Irrit lnll u , y\Tcctlng Dial I'rinliict for lht > Pi t Utcmle Wliiro Ilia < > nitc t. Intercut CVntcn Ut 1'ie wit.1 TII'TOX , la. , Del , 2. At thf > county con vention litM licrc lodtty a nmRninccnt audi ence was assembled to listen toL'n ted Slates Senator Allison. Mi. II. L. . Urolherlln , pres- Idenl , Introduced the speaker , alluaing to Ihe long and highly lior.ornblo career ot Mr. Al- lUon and to the fact that Iowa would be proud 10 follow liltn as their presidential can- Oldate two years hrnce. The senator was In excellent \olcc and humor and responded hnpplly. He paid Congressman Cousins , whose lioiue Is here , a glowing tribute , prais ing his nblllly and lilgh character , anl gave n masterly address. Continuing ho tald : No question Involved In the tariff legisla tion of tlie last BiTHlou hits been moro widely discussed Ihun Ihe sufiar question , and no quusllou Is of urcaler Interest to the wliolo people ot- the ITnlleil Stales than this. I'ntll the act of tSDO , under nit tariffs nnd under all clianRea of the tariff , siiKnr bore a heavy duty s compared with other A heavy duty was plnced upon It by the original tariff act In 1750. The duty on siisnr wns cpeclllc from 17BS to the \Vulker tnrlit of 1BH , when an ad valorem rate of 30 per cent was Imposed ami con- Inued , except , us modified by the act of .857. until lf > Gl. From 1SGI to 1853 the duties were ppeclllc and iK-cordlnK 1o u statiilatd of color , known c'oimneiclnlly as tlis Dutch Btand- nnl , which was supposed to Indicate the sncrliurlnaFtrensth of the sugar by the color. U wns found , however , that n cheap and harmless modn of coloring could lie adopt til whereby KUtfiir of great sacchar ine strength could ho BO Increased In color , though being of high , saccharine strength Ihls change of color brought It under a .ower into of duty tlmn was contemplated by law. So that , In JS8.1 , In the revision of the tariff 111 icspects raw sugar , or uKiir not aliavc 13 Dutch standard n tolor , the po'.arlscopc test wns applied to ll > t the ruto of duly , and upon all sugars ahovn II Dutch standanl In color a speclHc rate of duty Was levied , according to the Dutch standard of color These rates were so adjusted us to fiv ! the ro- llnera of cugar n protection varying fiom 1mlf n cent to u cent and a quarter per jiaiiml , depending npon Ihe Impurities In the sugar Imported. I'or the double purpose of procuring for the people cheap su.yar , nnd , also , to secure tlio wide and rapid development of the pro duction of sugar In , our own country from beets , ratie und t-orghutn , sugar not above 16 Dutch slandaid wns put upon the free list-by the net of 1KK > , and u bounty ranging from 14 to 2 cents per pound was piovided for to stimulate the production In our own country. STIMULATED SUOAIJ. PRODUCTION. This law of 1SJO , ns respects sugar , took effect April I , JE31. Tlue bounty gave a great Impntus 1o the production of cane sugar In I.ouslann and Texas , nnd It at once started the development of the beet sugar Induntry In Nebr/iKka and In Cali fornia. The result luisibecn that during the year ISO ! IxniHIana , itearly Ooubleil her production , nnd a number of sugar beet factories wenestablished. . , This was the situation , wiiPti President Cleveland apaln came In4o.ppwor and when the I'ltty-thlld e.otiBreBS tyas called In ex- trnnrdlnury sebslon In August , 1S93. Now , aa to the leglfllatlon of this session of congress upon this wubloct. who Is ro- ponslble tor It. and what. Is the extent of that responsibility ? - , Vnrter the conHtltutlon iiiH bills for rais ing revenue must orlglnafo In HIP nouse of rvproapntullvep , and , thorcforo , the respon sibility for dealing with. ' this question ipstfil with the lious-e In th § tlrsl Instance. This llnuncc committee" ' Immediately en tered upon the work of- preparinga.Jarirt . bill and on the 19lh of December , IS ! ) ! , re- poited their 1)111 to the house. And , al though they hud bitterly denounced on Iho stump and In their newspapers the legisla tion of 1S90 , because It gave u bounty to sugar producers and because It gave n pro tection to refiners of sugar , after full deliberation - liberation the eleven democrats , selectee' from Ilia leading members of the benne , re ported to the hnune a provision giving the full amount of the bounty provided for In Ihp act of ISM until the year ending June SO , IRiS , and then continued It vvllh a reduction of one-eighth part each s'ear until 1901. The whole measure was unsatisfactory to many democrats In the senate , notably thop from the Industrial stntes of the north and from the states of Maryland and Alabama , their claim being that It dealt unjustly with the great Interests of their states , especially those of Iron and steel , of cotton and woolens , ns also many minor Industries , such ns chemical Indus tries and the lllse , Louisiana especially op , posed , ai did other states , the sugar scluil , ule. and It was an 01x311 Eccrcl that the lilt could rot pass the senate unless It was materially modified. The result was a cau cus of democratic henatora which Insteil three days and Instructions of the cnu cu to essentially modify the bill , and 1r that ctincui , after full discussion , th < schcdulo on sugar was agreed to , ns wcr - mun > other modlflcntloiirf of the bill agree to in detail : others wete left to a commit tee on caucus to so change | he bill n.s to make certain of forty-thieo votes , or a mn- lorltv , for Its passage. Thus , for the llrst time' In the history of tariff legislation , a caucus dlctatetd this details of the bill , The sugar Hchodule thus agreed to received tin support of there forty-three vote < < , being al this democrats except Senator Hill of New ° ' rt'ni3KINEnS TAKEN CATIK OF. This new schedule changed Ihe duty from a sncclllc to an nd valorem of 40 per cent with n differential to the sugar vjllnors o one-eighth of u cent per pound and un nd dltlonal one-tenth of a cent on susrnr 1m ported from countries paying n bounty on sugar exported , -with it proviso that v.-here un exporter of sugar relinquished the bauntv the additional one-tenth of a cen' should not bn charged , and , Inasmuch a' ' the pres-ent bounty upon sucar exporte from Germany Is only 6" * crnts per 100 pounds and the one-tenth of a cent I rnuil to 10 o-nta on cacti 100 nounrls. Hi exporter In Germany will relinquish th bounty and thus save the additional duty , The renator then ilelnlled the contest be Iween the senate and house and quotci liberally fiom the letters of Presldon. Cleveland to Messrs. Wilson and Catehlngii. Tim lilytory of the various phases and muandcrlngs of this bill , and especially ( li legislation on sugar , shows that the dumo rratlc party on the inth of IhwmlHT wni committed to fieo row sugar nnd a bounty and nlso to an ample protective -diitv on rolltied sugar : thut later they abandone jn the house the protective duty on rpfini'i sucnr , and also surrendered the bounty. That the Injustice of destroying th sugar-producing Industry of our country and In order toecura Ihe. voles of nugar , urodticlng states , led the , tlimocrnUc ) party In the cennte to resort toa'.r > rotcctlvo duty "n sugar , both raw and rellned , under th thin guise of a duly 'fop' ' revenue. ; thn. during all Btngci of thefprttgressot thebli : cure wns taken to givft. full protection Ic tlio rcllners of suar , instinct from und In addition to that glvin Jhe producers o sugar ; that oil this ei'deVl ( n taxing sugu to all thu consumers of the United State . to the extort of HI per cent' ' of Ita value In foreign markets. I SUGAR It must not be forgQLtCTL''ln ( ' this tllfcun- slon that the republican' jifrrty. In the Ben- ntn and the house , vet fi ugalnst every provlslon and every fugfiesllon placing a duty upon sugar. Thoyf .fjre willing- en- [ ourago the production < u rngiir In this country by moans of a system of bounties , which proved so miccesafUr under the act of ISM. and therefore voleil for each and iivcry bounty nrovlsloninth. ti w is rfnitd. tinrmany , with a iwpuUifon trore iltrsu and with land nited nt . nil > h higher nrlce. constantlv co.nlnng I'Till'iHillon , In 1683 produced tXKflOO tbns , f pu-nr Hem beets , of which she coisnrncd Icfs limn one-half , and exported the remainder. G3- IKX ) tons of which cume lo ( lie I'nlttd SlaleB , It l said M.B iirri'iitvlloi In Opr- matiy this year will bo ITOO,0 < IO f y.tv , 11 il It IH iilKO > > .ild thut i * U a nroliluUl-j oup In CtMutiny n-latlv ily to other rirpn , Now , can uny ere tell mewhy these beets should be grown ther i rullioc tlmn heri ) , und Iranpuorteil to New York and from thi-'H'o Irtu the great iitrrlciilturol atutea of the went for consumotlonV It lias IH-PII demonxtrated that tha soil of lovvu , Nebraska. ICaiitns , Tallfornla anil O-egou IN i-s'ix'clally adapted to the growth of bentx : Ihut more sugar per acre cnn be produced here than In uny part of Ger many , and yt , for a theory , we destroy this power of pruductlo" . % Vo consume In Iowa 127,0 < Xiioa pounds per annum , costing1 mote tlmn $8COOWO. why should we not produce It nurnelvcs and enrich our people hy keeping ul humu thlx vast sum ? After detailing the bunlnesi stagnation and conseiiuunl Idleness of thousands of men , due to tha democratic administration and policy , the senator said : As burned fihiiiir r > dread tlio fire , no will disappointed voters nvolil the drmorrnllc ticket and cant tnclr foituncytt nnd their votes to promote Iho prosperity o ( their country , tbnt prpn- rxrlty xvhlcli prnvallt'il before the fatal dny of 18S2 , when tJrover ricvelnml ixnd n. demo cratic coiiKress were Installed In power. U.1VK SrKIMlVS ; OVATION. i Cltj Turn * Out KnuiAMe to lle.tr thn Oh In Onvriiior , KAN'3A3 CITY. Ocl. 2. < J6vernor McKln- Icy reached Ihls city about 0 o'clock tills morning on the rprclal train tram St. Lori Is. Mayor llarnes of Kanint Clly , K.iti. . came from SI. Louis ulth him nnd a reception committee , compared of Mr. Chnrlex fllmtl- ncr of the republican elate coininlttce , Mr. Jarvoss llarkness , president ot the Missouri League of Itepubllcun Clubs ; B. C. EJwards , managing editor ot tha Kansas City Journal , and ex-Congressman Warner , met them n few miles out of the city. The mornliiK was ipcnt In receiving callera at the hotel and In driving about the city. \Vlien Governor McKlnley went Jo the stage rntrnnco of the Auditorium Ihrater at 2:30 : o'clock , he found It necessary to make full use of his physical strength to Ket In , for the crowd In ftonl ot the door was so tightly packed together that such a thing aa making room uns out of tlie question. The stage , too , was jammed , and he had to fairly force his way through , assisted by several strong-armed men , and when he finally reached tlio footlights he looked out upon a throng Hint IIlied ull the scats and aisles , and even utlllied tlio ventilating openings around Ihe dome ns places of ob servation , while far out Into the aUect stood a struggling mass of people , who strove In rain to secure cdmlsslon Into the building , WAS A WKSTEKX WKl-COMB. A great shout of welcome went up from thousands ot throats. Women waved tliclr handkerchiefs and men howled , and thojo outside took up Iho cry anil ri'-echoed It through ( he streets. McKlnley Mas given a sample of genuine western cordlajlty. Mayor Davis Introduced the governor In u rather florid speech , In which he eulogized Ohio and Its famous cltUgns , and tald that unless the signs of the times were wrong Its present governor would two years hence be the leader of the republican hosts. The sentiment was vigorously nppliuaed. In his first sentence Governor McKlnley struck a Ksponslve chord. "Proud as 1 am , " he began , "to be an Oliluan , I am prouder yet to bo an Ainer- can. " Then ho proceeded with his speech. "I have come among you this afternoon to talk with you a lltllo while concerning the great political questions that are upon us this year , and discuss with you and be fore you the relation ot those questions to the business Interests of the country. Politics tills year Is business and business Is politics. " References made to ex-President Harrison , Hon. Thomas 13. Heed and the late James G. Blulne ns the history of republican tariff legislation was recited were warmly ap plauded , as was the observation , that "We have not a single commercial competitor In the civilized world that does not rejoice over the passage of the Wilson law. " The governor found a subject for reflection In the fact that Mr. Wilson had to go to a foreign country to get congratulations for the passage ot a tarlfl law which bears his name , and when some one In the audience sang out that tlie only Industry which had been called Into existence by the Wilson law waa that of free soup houses , McKlnley responded with : "There's not an American citizen but would rather earn his own eoup than to bear It of others , and under the policy of the republi can party we never had to have a free soup house , for every oae who waa ivllllug to work had work , nnd he had his own soup at Ms o n table. DISOWNED BY DEMOCHACY. Senator Vest told you last night a story uboiit a dog which came by express and no body could tell where It came from or who It was for , because It had eaten Its tag. He applied that story to the populist party , but he might better have applied It to tlila Wll son law. Everybody disowns It , and yet you are asked to approve of It. Why , the democracy of New York dleonncd It formally and officially when It nominated for governor of that state David D. Hill , the only demo cratic member of the senate who voted against It. 'Mexican ores are Just arrlvlnc- Aus tralian wool Is coming In by the caigo. Ev ery foreign product upon which the duty was reduced under the Wilson law Is ccm- Ing Into tills country In unusual quantities and every foreign product that cornea Into this country in competition with our own displaces Just so much of American products And , when those arc displaced the Ameri can labor required to make them U displaced and yet they ask the worklngmen of the United States to approve by their votes the Wilson law. Who Is employed now that was not employed In 1892 ? " "Only the congressmen , " promptly an swered one In the audience. "Yes , " retorted Governor McKlnley , "and It Is because the congressmen have been em ployed at tearing down the defenses of pro lection that there Is no work for any one else , When I spoke In this city two year ago a gentleman In the gallery wanted to know what I thought of the eight-hour bill a question then among worklngroon was how to reduce Ihe hoursof labor. ( Laughter and applause. ) There Is no trouble of that lilm now. The worklngmen are not looking for shorter hours now ; they are looking fo ; longer hours. " Some Inquisitive Individual ntkcd : "What's the matter with the A. P. A.7" The .Interruption was not well received , and there were cries from all parts of the theater , "put him out. " Governor McKlnley paused for a tnomen before replying , then said : -'The question wo have to settle now Is wliat Is the matte with the country. " A burst of applause fol loucd. ' At the close of his address In the theate Governor McKlnley spoke for a few minute to a large crowd outside , then crossed th river to Kansas City , Kan , where another larg crowd was gathered. He leaves totnorrov morning on a special train for Topcka an Iltitotdnson. Ho will speak briefly at sev eral points enroutc. r.kMUUS I'OLITICAI , CONTEST. KontncUy Iteputillcani Making Ililnck Lively hi Ihe Congressional Fight. MIDDLESnOKO , Ky. , Oct. 2. Tlie famou primary election injunction suit of John D , White will be argued before Judge Jone : at Kdmonson , Metculf county , October 4. I is thought by the ablest lawyers that tli Injunction will be sustained and that th republican committee will declare that n election was held. Dr. Nell of Adnlr count ; has entered the race , making- four republlcai candidates. Wait Oppimcil In lorporate Or ml. MAHQUETTB , Mich. , Oct. 2 , flush C"l ver , who reilgnea the receivership ot th Marquctte land office a week ago because o WHEN DOCIORS DISHGREE What HCCOIIK-S or the Patient ? Doctors have their hobbles as well other people , and In the treatment of disease often carry them too far for the patient's good. For Instance In the treatment of In- dlfiestion or dyspepsia many doctors give bismuth and nothing else ; others rely on pepsin to bring their patients through , mill another doctor treats stomach troubles with the various vegetable essence * and fruit enlls. Now , one or the other of these excellent remedies becomes a hobby with the doctor who lias had moat tuccees with the- particu lar nno In question , because all of them are first-class remedies for Indigestion and dye- pejia'.a , but not one of them alone Is so good as a combination of all of them , xuch as la found In Stuart's Dyspeptli tablets , which contain not only vegetable essences and fruit inltB. but also Ihe frenhegt , purest pep sin und bismuth , making altogether n remedy unsurpassed for every form of Indi gestion , botir Etomnch , nervous dyspepsia , belching of gas , dUtresa after eating , sleep lessness , headaches , etc. Stuart's Dyspepsia tablets IB not a secret patent nostrum , but you can see for yourself what U la , and knowing this , Its success as a dyspepsia cure Is not surprising , All druggists - gists recommend and sell them at & 0 cents , or K your druggist does not happen to have them , send by mail to the Stuart Co. , Mar shall , Mich. Secretary llokf PrrTlh's orders lo soUlrri In favor of the Michigan Uind anJ Iron comjinny , was nominated for congress by the dcmocratn ot the Twelfth district to day. Tap hoped-for fusion be-tween demo crats nnd populists tailed to rrmttrlivllip. UKVJMTKD TltK A. lA , Connrrildit Municipal Illrotlom < HT Cntho- llrK l'liirffn : nt .Mnny .School Itimril * . NBW HAVEN , Conn. . Del. 2-IUIUrns Irom 100 toivns ot Connecticut show un precedented gains for' thf rc-puUlc ns In the munlclp.il elections yesterday. Towns that have not elected republican town offlwrs IB years went republican by EOOU majorities. In Watcrbury the Amerlcaii 1'rottctlvc asso ciation movement nrou < cd the CiUholIcinho tuccccded In electing nn entire school board of Catholics. Jn Vi > w llrltnla llic 110- llccnsc vote of one year ngo is reversed. Th liquor Question has been under constant dis cussion during the year. In almost all towns where the Amerlcnn Protective asso ciation matin a flight they met with defeat. Mcrlden , Norwich , Mldillotottii and Now Milford - ford , which have been democratic for years , fc'cro captured by the republicans , but New London elected a democratic mayor , dis placing a republican. The republicans , however , won all the other ofllrcs. Ohio Cnniri' li iiil Ninulimtlnii. CINCINNATI , Oct. 2-lemocrnts of the Plrst district today nominated H. L > . Peck for congress. In tlie Second district M.V. . Oliver was nominated. Beauty a J Purity Go hand in hand. They arc the founda tion of health and happiness. Health , because of pure blood ] Happiness , because of clear skin. Thousands of useful Jives have been embittered by distressing humors. CinicuKA RESOIAT.NT Is the greatest of skin purifiers As well as blood purifiers. Because of its peculiar action , on the pores , It is successful in preventing And curing all forms of- Skin , Scalp , and lilood humors , When the best physicians fail. Entirely vegetable , safe , und pala table. It especially appeals to mothers and children , Uecause it acts so gently , yet effec tively Upon the skin and blood , as well as the Liver , kidneys , and bowels. Its use at all times Insures a clear skin and pure blood , As well as sound bodily health. Sold eveiymliere. l'ri ( $ i , PyrraR AMD LIIKM. CIKP. . Sole I'rnp * , Ituuoti. " llov toCuic bkin and lilood IIumor , " free. * 1'nrlnl IlloinUlim , falling hair an.l sim ple baby tnihet prevented by Cutii'Uni Snap. NerVOUS InJtanlly relieved by a Cntt- cur.h I'tiister , because it vital. Paill5 and uei the nerve forces , and- hence - . . . cuiet ncivoui paint , ' - Weakness ananumb ss. Maria Ilns written a compact cook oook , rnntnln'trx cmo hundred recltn'.i forpilnlahlu : < l iljL'B , which cin : l > u n'glly ami oho-ilv | | trupnrr < l at homo by using Ihe wolI-Knuwii Liebig COMPANY'S Extract of Beef. Miss I'.irlo.i'i rcpiifitloii N usiif- flvluntguiiratiteo Unit the roclpes tire practH'iil nnd ; : ooil. Muny of them Klvu linnrovccl niHihoas of prcpiirlnu the simu.crillslies.wlille Eflrno tire for ilUhea which In.vo . bi-on conslilcrcd n Lhu province r > f tin : proFusslnnul uou'.t. lint will li cull 'JO ' easily mmlo nltli l.lu COMPANY'S nxtnwLof llcuf. . , inarch Jl t , 1SSI. Aloe & Tenfold Co : I urn \rry much pleased to commend W. U Seymour's ability n un opti cian , having been satisfactorily ( Wed with glass , ea 4or astigmatism and derived gieat benefit UKTelinm In my niufteslonul work. 1 would rro- commend nil ot the arUallo nroft slon to do llko wise. Very Iruly , j. LAUUIB WALLACE , Onialia. Acndrmy at Kino Arts. IIJSADAC1IU CAUSK1) HY HVB STRAIN. DON'T TIIII'LU WITH YOU11 EVES. Manpel ions ulioee heads ule connluntly ach. me liftM > no Idea what rcle ! sclenitllciilly nttfd glasses -will clve them. This theory la nuw unl * \tisally CEtubtlshea. "Iroprupcily ntted glasses will Invurlnbly Incieuse tha trouble nnJ mar lead to TOTAL , HI.INUNESS. " Our oblllly to adjust classes safely nnd correctly Is Uoyond ijuestlon , Consult us. Kyrs ( c | pl tree of rliant , THE ALOE & PEKFOUD CO. , Opposite I'nj'.cn Hotel. LOOK roil TUB Q01.D LION , BAILEY , THE DEWTIST Illi-lUibUi Denial \Vorlt nt I * wmr I'rlci'n. TEETH WITHOUT PLATKS. rl < lire work Full But luolli un rubber $ .1.00. fit Kunr.mtocil. Sil- rur til.lnrt * 1.00 ; puru col.l fl.UJ. OfBco , 3rd floor Faxton BlooV , 16th and fnr- n m S'ro IB. IVlcphono 1O.S3. Lndv Attrndaut. il'rrnmi USK Ult. IJMf.UY'S TOOTH NERVOUS PROSTRATION , ( MIURISTUEXU ) INSOMNIA , NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA MELANCHOLIA , AND THE THOUSAND ILLS THAT rOIAOW A DinANGCD CONDITION OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM THI IMT eT OFIHC BKMN Of THE DX , rncrincD UNDIH THE ronMuiA or Dr. WILLIAM A. HAMMOND , IN HIKLADDRlTOnVAT WASHINGTON. D.C. DOSE , d DROPO. Pmcc. Pen PHIAL or 2 DK OHM . $3.00. COLUMBIA CHEMICAL CO. WASHINGTON , D. C. ( NO rOH BOOK. * KUIIN A CO. , AOKN'TS 1'OR OMAHA. IS THE BEST. HOBQUCAKINO. 5. CORDOVAN , rREfiCH&ENAMEtiEDCALF. * 3.BPPOLICE,3 SOLES. $2.WORKIHOHEN fl < j EXTRA FINE.fl . BOYS'SCKOOL LADIES SEND FOR CATALDQU6 BROCKTON , MASS. Vnu run avi > money by wcarlni llie \V. I , . Hoiialun 83,0(1 Klioc. IlcrmiKc , vc are 'Jio Inrscst manuta tureri a HiliRrailoutKliocii latlio worm , ami guarantee thtl vnluo l > y slumping thn nnmo nml prlci * on tbi Imttorn.uhlcli jtrotMt you n Bluit lilih priori au < Iho ml JUIrmarTii profits. Our shoes e < iual cuiton nork In ttyle , coir flltlng r.nd wearing quillttei WHiavothem * nlcl i-reryuliero nt lower price * frx < hn i.ilnc Rlvvii than r.ny other make. Take no > ut > itltiitr. If ) our dcAlrr cannot supply j-ou , we can. Sold by A. W. Bowman Co , , 117 N. IQtl. C.J. Carlson. I2IB 24th. Ellas Svotiso-i , 2003 N 2401. Ignati Nowmmi , 424 S. Otli. Mi. W. Flalur , 2925 Lonvonwartt Kelly , 8tlg3r & CoFarnam & I5tl T. A > Crosey , 2503 N at. So , OmaMi 4 * l sj 1 and Hot Water HoatlriT fo > Roaldoncoi and Buildings. J. C. B1XBY , 202 Main. 203 Pearl Streets , CouucL' ' Bluffs , Iowa. Or ( ho I.irnor llaMt I'oilllvcly i'ared bj uilmlnlilerlnir III' . Ilulnc * ' Uulilrri SiKTlIlc. Item beelvtn la a ou ; > otoolfco or Ira , or In rood , without thakauwlaUfcu of thopatient. It jibolutey | imriulfBi , and will erfcot a permanent and ipieos cure , wbttbcr ttio patient ' a moderate drinker or an alcohollo tvrcck. II liar been Blvea In thousands of cjaa * . and In crrry instance a perfect euro hai fol * neil. It frrtrPulu. Vhe > 7itamonootmprein > te < l .Itbtlie UpeolAa.it bicomeg an utter linpoiilbill .ruolliuor ppottto toeilit. qOLUEN Nl'KUIPIU IJO. . Prop-ra. rinclmiiitl , 0 48-cnat book of partlii'lftra fr-wi. 'Co ba bad p' .r tale by Kulm & Co. , Druggists. lEth and Douglas streets. Omnb QUO. P. * ANFOUD. A. W. IUCKMAN. J'reslilent. Cashier. Firsi Naliooa ! of COUNCIL BLUFFS , Iowa- CiipUnl , $100,000 ProlHs , - - 12,000 One of tlie oldest tanks In the state oC Iowa. We collclt your business and collections. AVl pay C per cent on llmo deposits. We will I * pleased to r > f f and serveyou. . < Jlnw ollilo a uyu n in HI cti > fxilrrnl ruurt * . Hooinn J.'OU-l-8-O , block' C'liiliioil Illuirti. In Nofcicesi Council I1OOM KOI ! IinNT ; CENTIIALI.T lornted ; private family. Address II li. lie * . Cuunrtl UlullB. _ C1I1MN13YS CLKANKD ; VAULTS CLKAKL'D. Ed Uurlto , atV. . U. llomer'u , & 3S IJroadway , LIST YOUn VACANT LOTS WITH QHEK.V- lilflde , Nicholson & Co. , COO Uroadway , ONIJ OP TUB iST 31EAT TlAUKKTS IN HID city , with nn eslablliili d trade , can L Iwught tcasunnbly , or will exchange for good leu I i-utale. J , D , Johnson , us Uroadwur. Council muffs , " 4 l-ACItn STOCK PAHM , DWEM.INO IlOf 8U , two lianiK , nitlnir In fred lots , 170 ncrcr , cul- thalPd , WIKMIB , paxture. A bargain , | 25 per Hcie. Inildo fruit fu ms , bearing and planted : \ruelaliU nnd fiu't ' lands , Carson & lialrd , loom 0 , Ilvcii'tt block , Council lljuns , la. A crtKun LOT In Council Illiirin. with luo fair IIOUBCH. Cent - \-t nd rilly located In N. W. port of city. Only 1100 M ensh. linljTice easy term i. Jluitt b auklc. Addrt-HS M. H. SI. , 'Varnervllle , Xeb. i-ou EK.SVT , ifunNitiiiuiroR 1'Aimw ri-n-L nlxhid IIOUHO Cur the winter , 100 Ulcn arenuo. IJIKI , WANTKI > KOU OiNT.UAL IIOVSO- work , Inquire 320 Avenue K , city. COUNCIL BLUFFS STEAM DYE WORKS All klnlioC Dyolnj ndUe tnliir dunoln the hlli 4t style of the iru t'ulol : inl stained f ibrUd mutl to teal ; at wool .11 nor , Worn promptly ( lone an 1 aollvurol In nil purls of tha country , doul for l > rloj Hit. A. MA CHAN , Itroadway , noir nuKlurn Dupob. ' Tul liono 21 MANHOOD RESTORED ! 2i.I ! ? ? . uf i N. . r KMiS&VM.V.7u5 'i ' % rew.nlldrnlniand Imi t _ < f puvorln < l n mltf olJrtinni of cither re bf uvc'reieriliui.yniillifiil'f rrori eVceiflTe u iiionn. which Irniliulntlrmllf , ( Viniuni | > ilonor ln > anllr. Can l > o carried la pocket. Ulperbni OiorBS , bf ajill iirciiolcl With a.1 urrttr i a \vrlllcnKuurualra l cure nr refund Ilia muury. tvold 'JT uij , „ . A'kfbill. takamiuibitr Wrlt f < > rfro Mititlrnl Hi > fci ntii > ItA. i-r tn' innn iiM. . Inplaliiwrapini. AddrciiNKlt VEHiEUC'O..AIui-oijoT | inr'c | ( ; U1CAOU- fiuM ia Omaha by Ebermaa It McConneU , Konu & Co , eel Viclun ft Utickuit ,