Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    G TJII2 OMAHA DA FLY IJEEt-'LT-ESDAY , OOTOBIfilfc 2 , 1801 ,
Wheat Attempted to Adrnnce YesUrlaj ,
Aided by Ligh'or Receipts.
That Cereal Continued trongDuring1 the
( irr.itur 1'nrt nt tlio StMltm Al-
Uionirlt the rtill Until tVn
Nut JliUntiUiicil.
CHICAGO , Oct. 1. Wheat attempted to ail-
V.mce loflny , aided by lighter receipts and
firmer cnlilci , but was hit hard by the big
incrcasn In the visible supply , nnd closed
k unchanged for December. May corn closed
% c higher , May onta unchanged and pie *
J vijionB at a slight decline.
jWhcat got n good start from the favorable
' " " "naturo of the early new * nffecllng It. The
foreign mail < tts were nil emoted somewhat
lilghor. The rcreiplH IIPIC and In the north
west were comparatively small , nnd there
was n substantial decrease In the amount on
ocean pattagc. Another material advance In
Iho visible somewhat uoolvd the budding en
thusiasm n' the bulb as the figures were
i > l g rerchril. Primary market receipt" , in-
cludli c tlioBO tit Kansas City , were only
K 12,000 bu , , and export clearances froi.i At
lantic ports since the preceding report showed
the equivalent of 420,000 bu. A dispatch
Irom Snn Frantlsco reported 20000 tons of tht
> ndlcate stock of wheat there as having bev-ii
jiaeletl as ueevlly. This was gnner.illy re-
Kardcil as n bullish point. Stocks In Liver
pool are 2o0.iW ) ) bu. smaller than they wcro
on September 1. The \lslblo supply Increare
vos 1,224,000 bu. lust neck , nml now
amounts to 71,418,000 bu , agjInM 60.5JS.OOO
bu a year ago. Chicago stocks In regular
tlevalota are 227,000 bu. less than they were
on the previous Monday. D ccmber started
btrongly at D4c , against 53c lo Clc at the
close on t-'atunliy. and continued Ann until
the Increase In the visible supply besnn to
force Itself upon the notice of the croud.
I'anlrldKO and Lecmlngton vvero free sellers
nt above Glc , supposed to be for Hosocrans ,
nnd Haldwln-Karnum were liberal tellers also
for Now York principals , It was guessed.
The advance culminated at filUc , nnd oftcr-
M.arils the price receded to from 53" & to B39ic
The closing cables were firm , vvlih the ex
ception that ono very reliable private Liver
pool message said : "Holders unable to sus
tain the advance. " December at the close
Stood at u3c.
Corn was firm at the opening and con
tinued strong during the gi eater part of the
session , although the full amount of the earl )
rKaln was not maintained to the close. Rc-
cc'pts wcro smaller than had been estimated
on Saturday , and the estimates for tomor
row were eyen lighter than today's receipts.
That apparent confirmation of what had pro-
valusly bson he.inl of diminishing re
ceipts at interior points v > ns the main cause
nf the strong tone which prevailed. The
visible supply Increatcd 113,000 bu. , compared
with an Increase of 441,000 In the cor
responding week of last year. Chicago stocks
nro 2,242,000 , bu. , or 283,000 bu. more than a
Meek ago , and tlie total Increase In the visible
is 4,305,000 bu. , compared ullh 8,071,000 bu
laHt jear. Cash offerings were very light ,
nml n demand for round lots of No 'i In
tore Kood. May opened at from GOVJc to
COHc , advanced gradually to 51V < , c , arcl then
declined to 00 ? c , closing at from 5354c Ic
Data market was a fairly active one
throughout the entire session Shippers were
taking the greater part of the stuff , most
of which was being handed out bv local
parties. Carrlngton-Ilannah disposed of a
Eood deal. .May was taken today und cash
being disposed of. May oats were firm carl }
nnd nctlvc later. At the start II sold from
3'iTic to 34c. touched 34'/ , < : , anil soli ] dovvr
lo 333ic. . Sympathy with corn and free offer
Ings principally Intluenlla ] In causlnt
the decline. May closed at 33c.
Tlio provision market was quiet and rathei
firm until about twenty minutes before the
uloso , when the market broke sharply. The
receipts of hogs were 24,000 head , and onlj
15,000 head uro estimated for tomorrow. Port
vas almost 5o above Saturday's closing price
later on broke 12ic ! , anil at the close o EC de-
cllnovas established for the day. Lard urn
ribs pursued a similar course , with a loss of 5 <
each as the result.
The lending futures ranged as follows :
rAl ttclCH . I 'OpOII. J "TfljR. l LoiT. l "OlOBO.
M mlNo. 2
Dee n i fil'f iVS'f
Corn Ko ' . ! . .
Oct 41IW 405i
' ' ' 48) ;
May. . . . .
OnlHKo _ ' . . .
< JCt SR'C 28' :
ov -'IMll ami
JJU a. * ( 3 j
I < rk per bill
Jan . . . . U -7' IS 37W I'l IM ) rt ' 'Sii
) ct. R M s no S < Wii
Jan 7 77) ) 7 U7h
" " "
Oil. . . . . 7 M 7 .17 H 7 Vli 7 2B
Jan u K-'M II 77 > , IJ 77 ! ,
Cash nuutiillonH T.erf us
WHI3AT No. 2 uprlntr .llSH 'ic ; N' " . 3 n
Jiiilntinil : No 2 ml. rIHf31'tc ,
trOHN No. 2. 49r : No. 3 t > llnvr , 4i'nC.
OATS-Kn S. 28Vic , Nu. 2 while , J
JJu. J wlilti * , JOffSllic.
HVK-Nn. 2 4 Hie.
HAItLUY No , 2 , Mflyv , No 3 , M'i " Nu
I. WtlKe.
I'f.AX KIID NO. i , ti 11.
TIMOTHY Hniil'rliiif. . J5 1 3f3 42.
I'UOVISIONS &le iwrh , ptr lilil. , J13 3-jfii.5 :
l mtl , m ) Ihi , , JMOftS 42'4 , iilicrt ilbu sli -
J7.3'itf7. l ) ; iliv hull l FhouMiTS. Imc.l
, uliort | iles boxnl , l7.70J(7.Sn.
lDlntlllcr * ' llnl ht.a stjoO , m-r gal.
The folloulriffera the receipts anil shipment
Onlho 1'roilnco oxoli uuj tally the bjttor
kit was Htevlv ; crc-\ni-iy 1.13.3c : il ilr/
B , llnu at
N W YUKIC OnNKlClL , .M.I IlKlir.
Veiteri'.uj's OiintHtliinn on I'Jonr , Cr.iln am
rrorlnloiin. Mntiili. itr. ;
NOW YOHK , Oct. l.-l'IXl.'lt-teceli ] > ti , 5I ,
IMs. , cxixrtt , 14 WXJ bbl . ; nates , IS.i'K ) pUjrn
market quiet , crlcen without iiiotut | > le t-hang'
liolilam' view * xleailler. K > e floui. unlel ; H.ile :
10 , ruretlUie , 327t(2SS ; fumy , J2 1HIB1
Ilurknheal Hour , II rm al I2.COU2.S' ) .
fOHN MUAU-Dull ; al < H iiom > .
KM ; Nominal ; car lots. 62b&3o , loul :
ItAIU.KV-qulcl. No. 2 Milwaukee. MfiCUil
UAHLKV MAI.T-Nomlniil. Amlein , 70W8JC.
WHIJA.TIticclntB , 32S.1 < l bn. ; eipirtB , 17.1 , *
tu . wilts. 2S7i.t'Jl ) bu futniFH unil 21I > IMJO In
] > M H | > ol. mniki > t utMiiller , No. J re l , flexatn
K c , ilfllvercd , 53'ic ; 67Uf f. u b. , ND 1 nortl
* ui , U C > 4c ilelhereil. O.'tlon * cl neil Bteail
after llucliutlnK to enme cMent , No. 2 Mil. Ma
CaiSWCSMp cli eil , 62Uc , Utjl > rr , OI WS' .
tl.Bcitmti'ic. lfceinb r. tf'iO 7'icl.w . il. C7j.c.
_ toUN llpcelpu. 7 . 2S bu ) i > rlii. 1000 hu
f.aen. 49S.004 bu , futures anJ 43u bu. apnt. Spi
limrbet steady ; No , 2 , 65'ic , elf\.itor and 'Ml'
civil. Uptlsm HiroiiK ; western iecrlpl tlll il
crea liiK. > lay , MHO Itir , oloseT , SlViU O-lobe
UHt UHo. closed. MUc ; NrnvmlMgr , ES4C > 3 > i4
cUwiHl. &Vic ; IX-cember , C4\O"i4iKe , rlcvtil. Trie ,
OATH Hecvlpte , 33.200 bu.i ixi'JitH. 1700 bu
R l f , W3.i > ) Im. futurea nml 114 000 liu nnj
Hi > ut mnikrt stendlrr , No , 2 , K'iKU'Ur ; No
vrliltc. iMfMMc. No , 3 while. 3l'4jf3rle : true
Vhlte. ! 4 U39f Opt Inn H qultt , but Hither ft a <
lor feellns ; May , ISiilS'iCi ' ootol r , 22 4(34
rl.iKt'U 32He. Nmeinber. } 3ti | I3fc. cka J X\
3 > , -cemlci. ! 4ii J5V4c , clJBeil 34-.C.
HOI'S Uiill ; atnle , lummon la choice. CttS <
J'ucltlr roiut. 4HUEc.
3ltUl-S-riim : , wet unllctl , New O.U-alls i
Ircletl. 45 lo CO 11 * . , 4Slf5c. llurnoii A > rm. < U :
M 10 tl Ibs. , IDUllct Ti'xas , Ory , 21 lu 2) It * . .
( j'DHu
I.UATllKll-Klrnii hrnilnck cole , llurnoa A ) IP
Ilirhl tu henry welshts ISiJ
' donie llc
y. < 'ul in nl tin ]
plrMeil lielllec , KiS , iplckleil MhoulderB. V <
c ; I'lrkleil lianw , ICiflolic Ijiul. enk wente
ulrani clisel HI M ko. valen , 5 > i llerre * at
ti I I.Uenx- l ut I8.7S. rUk , SfiSS'iinulen. .
Iti-nn ciHIonn Kulen. nific , icllni-J Imil. qul
ctinllntnt. $3 IU. H. A. , $5'1. cnmpiiind , SliU'fi
I'nk loai ! >
HUT 13 Qulel : wt ) t rn c'l'r , r lTe : wen p
cuuniers IKJtoc , weitern fuctoiy. iJHnO--
> ln . Ibc. Imltallon cn'iimciy. l.tJUc , at"ilal
1415 1- . mute creamery , H iiUe.
l-liK8K-lull | iHriie , bftlD c ; purl Bklinn , t
IUo full klm . 3JJHc. |
KIIOH VVcck western fivuli , ISCIKIBBI ;
| 2.2CfM.SU ircelpls. ,7lS pkgi
TA I. f.O\V \ Klraily , , M hh.l * nl I'.c.
ItOHIN Klrni. Btrulncil. commun tu uoj < l , il
TllKl'BNTINl ! ateaflyj .
1'tmiOLUUM anil unchnnneilt closc.l
C5'4o bid ; Wnihlniton. bbl . , Witlilnsto
| 1M ; renntJ , NIK Turk , J3.ll ;
phln anil Unit urn r | ' .IO | PhltniMphln nml tinl-
tlmore , m bulk J. { 0
Itlf'K PlMilj. rti > tr itlf. fair tt > f lrn , 4SCP
tUc. Jip.n 4"iHI"k
ilOl\Hr.-t ( iilN n Orlenrn open Milt- .
Kuwl to chide * . rtf'V |
i'ia no- < j.ji t , Bcotrh , III.MI/M ot ; .Anvri-
cnn > r
roi'l-RH - ! < lea < l > . l.iKe J9 W o M
t.r.AIl llnrely rlentl ) . dom tllu (3,1511
TlN-l ) rrl > Blciiily ; ulrills. H'.C'WIf' J . plalm ,
nlViPt nnlft
HI'KT.TKHBnnlir , 1 ! p tle. $3 4 ff . < 2'S ' : i nte
on ClianRf 23 lnn No\einlipr ivnt IS.M icnts
il ni llpr al It 4't. . _
'OTrnN Siii : : > Otl lln y ! pilmf crud > > , 38O
31 r. iiinilnal , > If rrudc , ar c , ytllow
iitlir Krnil ii , JTftMo ; clmlco jfllow , ! vS ' ,4 < > ;
nline > ellufl , 3nc n Knl , jilluw oft cmdeii 33O
nc pilmt ! nhltp ,
ON AII. i ( ; , ivuKirs.
Ciinillllon of Trnilo nn I ( Jnotntlou uu
Sliipln mul I iino I'roilnt-n.
JiriTIJIl I'nrkliiR tocx , He ! fnlr to ffood
country , HfllJc , chulce lo fane ) , 15W20ci iath-
fttit cixiimer ) , .iJSfSlc : neparnlor rreamei ) 0
laiQS-rer Ant. , lie
l.tVK I'Ol'l.lllVOil liens , O'i'UCct ' rue lcr ,
Sc uprlng ililikrn * . fci iltickn , 5ii7cj Fprlns n-r-
.In n uul < c > s. "c ; Rulibluii , 536c ,
OAMi : 1'inlile clilckenn , joiing , per tloz. . 12.14
ff2 78 , urnlrlfl clilcKnu , old , p'-r dot. , $2. jrrinne ,
yountf , per tluz. J2 Co S 73 , Rraune , oM , per dn . ,
$2 , lilui ? ! HK ti'iil , per iloz , SI.J3 , Riven nine
teal per iloz . 11.1 , iliHl.n. mlx < il , per iluz. , SI :
caiiMmharLii. JJ TUTfl 00 ; RinllnnM. JZ/OPSOO.
VtJA ] C'hnlre fat and unnll nl HTB quoted
at Mfcc : Inrsi11 unit roni ! e , 3tf4c.
t'Hiis : H VVmcjiwIii full in am , new make.
IS'ie Ntbrtifl-'i nnd town , full nenm , Ho ;
Nelnifki nnl put acini' . 7CSl.lm > mrRr ,
N I. UP. IrliU. No. I. 32" , Bwlps. No. 1 3lfflV.
11AV rplaml liny $8. mMlatnl. J7 r,0 : InwlinJ :
$7 rve i-truw. to LVIor inakn" the pilto on ha } .
i.telit li.ilm rell the teat Unly tup Kiiuloi1 bring
( . ( ' [ I pi let 9.
I'UJlIONS-OId liliitn. per doz , 7c.
I'OTATOr.S-QrxKl Btnc . tOBSiC.
OLD . navy , S2.23. me-
dlum U.l'JQM : . common white brnnt , $1 75 ii
3 9)
ONIONK-On or.ler * 75c.
CAllllAdi : On olilerc , I
riiM'UY IVt < 1nz. . yst.
HUKKT 1'tll'A Klis 3'er II. . Sc , or 7SBI DO
l' r bbl : lcrie > . 13 M per bbl.
d KtocK per bbl. . J2tOti275
tJS Callfcinia freistoiiv. tl ,
Pl.l'MS rnllfurn a , 80diJSI.2j.
3'llt NU1 * Wff(5l.i ) .
1'IJAHS Itaillett. nn KIO ! hlppliiK rtnck : It
IInrd > an 1 It. u'lalrscau , 12 , ulnci XellK II 5
AlMtlC'OTC.illfornla , none.
OtnKKllN-CnlltmnlH. .
OUAIM fonriirilR | i-lli. ) hnnV t , ! 2o' nnnd
lulR 2)e. ) f.iltforna Ttl.aj , $1.:0 , iiutcat.Kf \ \
I I" , coinlilienii ! 1.,0
C'ltAXIII'ltltlCS C'ipe C'rel. fancy. i > per
lihl , ( 'me I' id , cioco ! , f > rif975 |
lltOl'lCAh fltfllS
( ) IIAN < 5iHMi'xUnn , 10. 200. | nr bun M" > 0 ,
JteKH rus 12 , L03 , iier toJl COltl 50I'liiilila" ,
121. SIH J.VI
I1ANANAS Choice stock , fl.71fi7" ppr Imnch
l.nMONS-I'riiuy Me ulnn. SCO. fj , iCO , | l < i.
tl > Ice Me-ilna , SOO. JI.2J ; ZW. l
I INliAl'I'MIS None.
< lu'MnntK h.ivt ? put In an n'i"'Mi | ' into on this
niilit In llmlle.l tiunntlllfi Tin- following , fmtn
the Nt w YniU Ut.lletln. miv be of Inleii-st tu
tlioniliiillni ; In nuts
A tin ill lot of ihestnut * arrived nn tlie mir-
l < i.t luM VVH ] < unit since then Rl pnit nt * hn\f
Kiiutiialj ) IniM-arcil until thu > ait * mm * iUltt | *
lit.u > unit tlic HenHill mi } I" ; sultl In lime f.tlily
t l en 'il. Thr nnta itnlveil 811 fin hivr bet'n
inalnl } fnnn tinunnth. . white tin- cup U tv-
IKiitui iu lj < - lime , especially In Virgin n nnil
N'uiilitmllnn < The reports fnnn in u by nml
thirughuul the iiiw > i pnrt nf tills Mutt , liiivvt-vir.
Indicate a small 3 I , Id sMijieif | tlnlmlni ; DIP ilo
vveiilhei InUrfttetl with the np , nnil n it tnb
rimsil It n > In- light , liut thi- nuts inn smijler
In mzt * than nrinil onth < in nut nir nhvRvci
HtRei than nutH recthfl from tin * noith. an.l
enily In tin ; season the } sell Itetler ihun the
noithein nml nvoiitKe higher In prlte , IIML n
the * iitjn mlvmiees the nnitlitMn utoilc j't4ni
f n > i unit Inter ininnmmls n pitnilnin tivti
Hoiithriti , IIH lh latter ilo nnt Keip IIH "ill invl
l.unin , ' vvoim > Hii'K iniililll than Hie pmili-r
northtin offetlnKN At n lulf clu Mmit * Html M
nlmut * li IHI biMlH fill liivlnx lieen Hie i > ] ien-
.ng iirln- for livu r thrif VPHIH. l > ut Ihli s-.iiun
tlio in i KH xtnitiM nt ! 10 und fill with n , ! ini.
lo JT.r.O nnd tlivn ti > . ulun II lrtiiu.1 ti > $ H ' 0
Mil Iri mi tin < letline nt the tl < , t. A lmli.-l tif
cliPHtniilH vtlirlm i\tv luiunils vrhen Ilu mitn
. .utfunh. . lut vvh n tht > Utunif tits the > will
ntt vtlKh nnin- limn llfiv | H nnl.i Hint tally
In the H iiwii Ilie-y me paid nl i nnirli | i-i slxlj
I'Kiinlx. mul I HIT In th < - I-WIHOH tlie ) me tell lv
iht * llft-iiKinil | Int. Moit nntH .iriive line In
l > i H. nnil K.Mieiiill > btrome moii * tu IIFS heitiil
while In tnniHlt. nn , | u tiny heroine vMirmy nml
id terlinlite MTV tuiiluly lliei nn > tulil limn V-
atfly upon nilUiil. cmil the ininKi I IH tu'iie-
quentl > mliJ.Mt In vtry v.iile jin.l nuild lluiiim-
tltns. When 1lu > nuts nu fiesli nml lu e from
\vonni ihi' > uin IIP inirlul In itfrlRentnis a
con-l'lemhl , . I en Kih ot Hire , liut If vnrm > when
l ut i way they int- nut tv lie m.tih wi.iw vhcn
they ii > me mil , anil n.icli n ver > Minll | > iiiioill | < in
nf ttnnulH aiv of quulltv tu lint In tohl st imp *
uhen Ilie > tench the mnik-t Ikit fpttnl > lliin In
tl.n ! null n , ! Is Inilulnnl In li > few , lliuiikli t < mi
dmlM ,11 . , i. i iiHlc-riiilly uuulo wlilih net M-IV
iaml oni" pnillln tu tliop InteieMul The i > utluul <
nc ms in fiivni' hlghei inkin lliln witsnn tlun
muni , hut the consumption Is iirreitinl hntfil >
> S tinVM ilher mul the ccWt i It In the
the uutltl will \ * > . A liu < ! | iix.ritvn | of the-
nuts ifinM-il In th'H mirkct nn uniKttl lnii >
ronajmillion by lelnll ventlfri , iiml fnlluv Ig I a
ilfiu , uiM Oay , thf whclesalcm i xi > > i.tiu-t nn
itllve il.-m.inil vvhllo. ufti > i a vv.iiin. riilnj ur unfavorable -
favorable , l4 > the outlet will ) iinn n.illv
s'inill Tin- nun kit Is si 111 tin lUjjh foi the n-tnil
vtmlem I , , i iimini 1101- their Inij ! HK imd jirnhiiljlv
thi iniiKvt would han lo full tu Jl m ( I per
IniFliel f lmluc. them to cpesute to any ex
tent , hut uftt i they have rnrnnT'nreil leivln 1 ami
Bellini ? the > l < ieji In the mniket itKU'I e e of
. .irliiliut If Ihe market Is hlKh Ihey Imj
I"irliiKl > nml in IL Imnil-to-rnnnlli manner lie.
liorta from tnriiv nccllon t lulin the llkkuiv nut
trip will ! unaller than usual ih |
/JfHIl.llS Medium , per can Koj h njie ahors
l > c ; Hxtra MnnbiitU 18c , exira tfletu > : t
company stlt-etx. 5p ; New Yoik count30c. .
r US iiinry. * IJIT Hi. . 13c.
IIONiI'll ! finiln lit , , Jjrk luney. lOfll'c.
MAl'I.K KVHI'I'-Uallon runs uuUoz Sll
KtlTfc Alnioinls. niilTc : in < lhi walnats 13lr
lie. fllberlB. lc , Itrazll nuts. in-- .
ClDril I'uio Juice per libl $6 ; half bbl II S5
Itinns Nn. 1 irecn lildw. TUc. Nn. 2 srccn
hliles , Ji o ; No. 1 iricen hi lea. 4'c ' W > 2
Krien Kiilteil liltlm , 341" No. 1 giem ulti-il liWes ,
! ! > In 41 lb . HHc .Nn. 2 Riven Killul h < l-s s t lo
41) lli . Jic ; No -veil talf. S ti > r > | l 7tju
2 veal cnlf. S lo 35 Iba. Kc , No. I dry Hint h'tl s
6c ; No i Jry Hint lililes. e ; No. 1 diy "nlteil
hlOey. DC ; pnit i urtJ hlclei Uc | , cr Ib less than
fully cuieil.
MIiii rni.TS-Oreen silled , rnrh. : ' , ? JGj. ! )
Kieen Fnlleil FhenilhiRS ( nliorl unoled catly sit us )
< nch. lOOClcOr ' fh
} arllnR ( shoit TV mini t-aily
i klnii ) , No. I. each , 5 < J33c , ilr > nhcmllnpH ( nhoit
wooled _ enilv uhlnn ) . No. 2 , each , Be , illy lilnt
ICansT anO Nehrfuk-i biiteher wool jnlts , per
lt > , rctnal wrtsht. 6BSe : iliy flint Kansas nnl
.Nimaska innri.iln vinol jiclts per Ib. uctiiRl
v\elBht. 4ii ; iic , tlry flint I'olorntlo butcher wool
pelt * , pei Ib actual uelfhl. 4lTeUc ; tlry Hint
toloiado niuuiiln wool pelts , per Ib. , actual
nelKht , liio ] : ( have feet cut uff , us It is usfleaa
lo Kiy fre'Klit ' nn them ) .
T.MI.O\V AND QHIIASG Tallnw. No. 1.
BccurltloH Dpnntxl IrrrRiilnr ami Vtry
lulrkly Duvnlopeil Urakncm.
NEW YOniC , Oct. 1. The stock nwrUel
opened Irregular and very quickly developet
weakness In the entire list on a pronounced
selling I'lovenient. The pressure to sal
was heaviest In Sugar , considerable lonj
stork being thrown on the market and th <
bsars potting out new lines of shorts , li
the openln& deaKags n break of 1 % pei
cent took plicc , fol owed by a recovery o
% per cent , and for n short time the lm <
provcment vvaa maintained , but during thi
afternoon renewed , salss sent prices agali
downward , the decline continuing to tut
close. The last sale was at tlie lowest o :
the day and showed a loss of 2 % | ir ceni
from the final sile or Sattirdiy. The pre
ferred block receded % psr cent to 1)216 )
wlilcli Is r. A per cent nbove the conmor
Mock. Distilling sought a ittll lower k-\o
to lay , touching 714 , a decline o
1'i ' per cent from Saturday. A story wai
circuUtc.1 lo Iho effect Hint the Sugn
J rectors had 'allsd in an effort to borrov
$503,000 to pay off rebate vouchers vvlilcl
had matured. The short Interest begin ti
caver at the lower llgures made by thi
shares , and a recover } ' uf 76 per cent en
sued , cC which U per cent had been lost a
IV.D close.
Chicago Ban opened ? i per cent higher 01
a continuation of Saturday's covering o
shorts , but the advance was prompt ) ;
checked by heavy offerings cf the stock , an <
a steady decline took place , vhlch continue *
lo the close , the last sale being 1 % per cen
below the best of the morning anJ % pc
cent lower than last week's closing , Th
heaviness of the shares. In view of the an
noimcemeiit of the declaration of the fesula
I'.4 ur cent dividend In cash , Is accounte
for 1)v ) the assumption that Insiders sup
piled the b.ilk of the stock placeJ on th
market. The other less active Induelrla'
partlclpited lu the depression , declines belli
established at the. close ol % per cent I
leather preferred , ! i per cent In I.aad ) > re
ferred I1,4 per cent In bead common , IV , ne
cent In Cotton OH , 1 per cent In Cotton O
prefcrrnl , Tubicco common and preferred an
Laclcd C ! . and * i per cent lit Cordagt
In tlie > railway list the uraiigera vver
most active , but were not subjected I
very heavy sellingpressure. . Although th
beam mada occasional drives against theni
Iho lluctuallona In the shares were only frac
t onal , except in Uurllngton & Qulncy , whlc
declined 1 per cent , with u final rally of a
per cent Bt. Paul lost % per cent. North
\vcstern \ ( referred H per cent and HockliUu
% psr cent , and Northwestern common Gained
% per cfnt Western Union ntis dcpri'tsetl
by llqulilatlon ut n bull pool , nhlch una
taken advantnge of by prominent bear op
erators to rnkl the stock. A decline ot U
per cent resulted , ol which only t& per cent
had been recovered at thr cloir , Atchlson
fell off 114 Per cent , but recovered * a per
cent. The market at the close was tveak
In tone. The bc-ml market was rather heavy
In the early dealings and during the first
part of the afternoon , but became steady In
Iho later doings , and closed with an Im
proved tone. Tlie total salts reached JMI-
Tlie principal changes are1 Declines , Iowa
Central first * and St. Louis Southwestern sec
onds. 2/l per cint ; Oregon Short Line consol -
sol flves. 2 per cent ! Chicago fc Northern
Pacific firsts , trust receipts , V4 per cent ;
Northern 1'aclflc , 3 per cent ; Missouri 1'a-
clflc con sol sixes and Texas Pacific firsts ,
1 per cent ! St. I'aul firsts. Southern Minnesota
seta Division , 1 per cent ; Oregon Navigation
fives , trust receipts. IVfc per rent.
The Evening Post says Nearly nil security
prices declined today under steady pressure
from the usual operators for the decline , ac
companied no doubt by cautious selling of
speculative long stock. Investors are not
marketing their holdings , but many Wall
street houses took on n rather heavy load
of long stock during the August rle , and
seme of them have apparently during the
pact few days been letting their surplus
holdings go.
The Kvenlng Post's London cablegram
says Stock markets generally were dull to-
dav , with flatness In the case of Americans ,
which cloEoil % to 1 per cent lower on an
average. All were sellers. The HI health of
the czar created nnx.letr and checked trad
The following were the closing quotations
on the leadlm ; stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Tl'e totnl < alei Df htcikM toila > were 20" fl'H
Khfiies , tnclullnv , ' ' K ) ; Huiiir , M 2 > J.
Hurl ngton. 13 4 K ) . rhlcnsi a.t . 2"i.7"l D.a.lllliu
mil fnltle reeitlns , IT F0.1. . Lnuisvllli- . Nnshvllle ,
I.TA ) . l.fnd 3 4VD , Nm tlivvmtein 1 > ' )
Ujillni ; . . ' 3)fl ; link I'iand. S.20 , St IVul 2 < 71) ) I
U'estiin I nlnn 11 3W.
Nfiv \ r < iltinov ilur'iet.
: .IP > nl 1 pi'l tint last loin , 1 per tint , closul
'ilufn 3iinr'AXTir.i ; PAi'ins-Jtrsii pot
r : i\at\NCi : rirm nltli nilunl
iuslncpi In l.inliw-x' lillln nt $1 S6V < Q4 ! K i fm di-
nintitl , ami H S1'4i4 X5'i for xt > il.ij * . l' ( , tti {
rntei' . f4 ! > 'J'iT4 M'4 ml II 8.1/4 87't. 'omme.-x.iil
5464lL ri MSlhcr wrtllliutft. &i'ic.
nilNMENT ItONllb Fum Stntv. Ij nils ,
.lull . Kalliunil bonds , ( liirur.
( tuntatlons MI l ndscrc as fulluns :
> nw York nry UomU M.irhet.
Nnw VOIlK. Oct. I. The demand was very li
regular mid foi modeiate iinanlltlrn f pecla !
ties for uih'cnt wants and the huslnc ti Dm
rencbed wan Incrrancd by rmil ! orders fir n m 11
selection1" Thn laraer piles , however , r.sultt
from firwaidlnps on rommcla thai matuied U
ilay. 1'rlntliiB cloths were In moderate clrmani
with f.ilr alc3 at 2'fcs far Cl aiuares.
M'lblc Mipplv of Oniln.
NHW TOIIK. Ott. l.-Thf visible nupvly t
grain Hatuiday , Heptcmbtr SO , IIH ctmp'ltd b
the New Voik I'roilucc exchange * Is a folloni
\Vlu-nt , Tl 42l , V ) bu. ; Incrpii' " . 1,233 On ) hu.
corn , 4 S03.0CO bu : Increase. 112 OiK ) bu. , oati
Z H ( OM bu. . Increase , S 0 0 bu , rve S3 < > IK
liu , Increaso. 3Si > bu ; bailey , iStt.OW bu , Ir
dense , 51 ! > ,000 bu
llnllilav on till' Trl co > tocU Kiolia'co.
bAN 1'HANCIRCO , Oct. 1. The S.m Kranclsi
Slock ixcbunKv adjouimil becaube of holiday.
rinnnc-l il > ti ! * ,
M "Ml HI' , O t. 1 Cl nrlTS 117,21 : a ncf
Nn\V YOJIK , Oct. 1-Clcarlnsa. JTI.OCU.OSl ; bn
iincc * . fj,93X100.
IWSTON. Ocl. I.-Ckarlncs , | I.T'AO : , bn
line.p. n.KO.413.
HAliTIManK. Oct. 1 Clearlncs , JI.DS5,2.
bahinrm , 5l6s.
I'llILAnnU'lUA , Oct. 1. L'lcurlnBS l 2IV
balanrtB , J1.I87.SV ) .
OIN < " 3NNATI , OL | . l.-M mej. 386 per ccn
New Yoik exchange , | > r , flear.nCT , : , > C4J )
LONDON. Oct. 1. The amount nf bullion K r
lnt the I la-1 , of Unjlantl nn balanee today
I'AIUfl , Ocl 14 p.m. Tlireepel crnt lente
lii.'f Ijf for th account i\'liQiike un Lundoi
: ' , f lie fur iliecKB
NUtt OIliaiANH. Oil , l.-Cliarlncr , 19.S 1
Nevi Voik fxchanse bunk , inirj coiiimerela
U per II 000 dlcrount.
ST. UOUI8. Oct. -Oiear nB . I4.CIS.W ; liu
ances. 1X1J3 Mcne > , cni > nl tfc7 per rrn
UichanKr i n New York , TK ; d scount bid.
NUW lOUIC Oct. 1 The nubtre.-nury Uthi
transfertfd jrio.ooi ) In currtncy to New Orleat
and re | > ortB an acthc drimind for tiiume ] fu.
that city.
CltU'AGO , Oct. 1 n a--ni . 113 'ILOM ; nwnp
i l't per tent on cull. Ml6 per tent un Urn
New York menu-is ? . SSc dlncount ; fuitlioi v
ilmm.i' . ( Inn. nterllng comm-rt < al , 4.H'4'ti4 tH'i.
\VAH1HNQTON , Oct. 1 Tli monthly treasui
Htntemrnt. luued today , > ho thai on Krptrrnb
: 'J. 1VJI. tbi. public iVbt , lif luill In \ \ \ tint
urt , ftiiu-unliMl t j JkM.m.CO. an Incii-aue for Si-
leinber of JS.uinui
LONDON , Oct 1 Ipm. Uar allver , 29311
per ounce Money , (4 ptr cent. The rate i
dlsrount In HIP t'lu-n moiktt for ihort bills
a per cent , nnd for tint * month ! bills , 1-16 p
cent. Gold li quoted today el Uuenoa Ajrri al S3
Madrid , : .W , Llibon. 24 00 , St I'cUrkburc , L
II ; Uorne , 103 , Vienna , 101 ,
M" " 1
t\\l 4 11 I I I1TP r lvlf ir Tl 4 IMf PTO
Week Opens with a MboMi Ran of Cnltlo
and Very Tow IIo&s.
No L'ornfuU nnil Only n I'ew Itungrrs < io il
Knoiieh for llcef'-J-Trailn ' un Uiitlcr
( Jmilm Mow frnmblo for Ilio
l'i'\v llug'n Ufftri'il ,
MONDAY , October 1.
There was a liberal run of cattle today ,
,303 head , and light receipts of bogs , 1,110
lead , and sheep 141 head , Saturday's sup-
ily was 2.7l > 6 cattto anil 0,0-11 hogs , nnd on
ast Monday the receipts were 4,528 cattle ,
,183 hogs and 1-ISO sheep.
While there \vere plenty of cattle on Kale
ho supply of desirable beef steers was
amentably short. There were no Rood
cm fed natives , and most of the western
angers were on the Texas ouler. A hen\y
un In Chicago and n lower market there
rcated a very ueak feeling here , nnd al-
hough bujers claimed to be willing nnd
nxlous to buy good , fat stock , of which
here was practically none here , nt full
Inurdtij'a prices , they did not appear to
be overly anxious for the general run of
tuft , even at prices that were all of a dime
ewer than Saturday. Under the clrcum-
tnnces trading could linrdly have been
thervvlsD than s'ow. Some pretty good
,240-lb. Idaho beevct brought 13.85 , but Ihe
ommon to fair srabsers sold largely around
2.90 to $325 , with n big string of Coloratlo-
'cxans nt J2.33. Tlie tone to the trade was
veah throughout , bat nearly everyth.nK at
ill useful changed hands before the close
Over a third of the offerings today were
cows and mixed lots. In sympathy with
he market for lieel catttle the fair lo good
cow stuff and heifers met with a slow sale
it nboul a lOc decline , $2 lo J2.40 buying
nest of the cattle of this description. Can
ning grades were In bsttcr ttemand , how
ever , und sold about as well as last week
at around ? 1 25 to SI 75. Veal calves were
readily salable at fully steady prices and
here was nu particular weakness not'ceable
n the marKct for bulls , stags , fctc.
Notwithstanding the iltprc'sston In beef
cattle the demand foi stockcis and feeder *
vas fully as vigorous as it vvat at any\tlme
ast week , and trade was nctlve , with the
fleshy grades bringing fully steady pi Ices
and the light stock cattle soiling a shade
stronger. A good volume of business was
transacted. ( iood to choice leeders are
quotable at $2 70@3 23 ; fair to good. { 2.30 ®
2.60 , and common grades from $2.25 down ,
leprescnlatlv sales.
ID covva ( , ' > ! S M
H. MVlnFlow. .
HOGS The suiVlA was too Email as t (
quantity and too Jrjferlor aa to quality t :
atfonl anything lltp a'fair test of the oondl
Ion of trade. Only "fourteen loads arr.vei
and'i.utslde buyer-Hslrrply l pt out , allowlnf
the Ucal packt-rs ttf "bcra-i" for them AVltt
n better market In jDhlcago local packer :
exhibited mere cf a < ! oslre for the few hog :
offoroJ than might have been expected , an.
picker ! them up readily al prices general ! ;
a shade stronger than Saturday. Pair ti
pretty good mlxeir-lK > gs sold nt from ? 5.22H
to f5.45. Tliern IvrfJOiothliiK choice offered
Light mixed and rough stuff told anyvvhun
from 14.40 to ? 5.20'aIDd p gs ana stock hog
were slow eellersTit Anywhere frsm J2.EO ti
14. There REeine < l In , be a tolerably health :
undertone to the trade nnd the close v.a
strong. The bulk of the trading was a
(5.25 to ! 5.35 , OB ufrajnst { 5.20 to J5 40 Satur
day anil } 5,2f. to (5 40 ou lact Monday. Hep
recentatlve tales :
-t . . . 4 :
SHKEP The fresh supply vvnu rathe
small end the quality very common , Th
came nai true ot the holdovers. Bad new
cistern uiarkets made a dull Ua < l9 fl
loner prices. Some fairish native lambs
brought $2 $ 60 , white bucks nml stock sheep
sold at Irom Jl to $ l.37'i. Hcprosrntatlvc
sales !
No. Wt. Pr.
101 itloikrrp M II
17 native Inmbu , , , . . 49 3W
II buckn Ill 1 00
tci nealcin mlxetl 71 1 ITi
Keeelpti nn I ll po ltli > ' > of Stnci't ,
Oniclnl trrrlptn nml dlsponlttnn of rtork ai
ithoxvn by the Imok of the Union HUrk Ynrili
ctnn | ny for the twenty-four hours indlni ; al
S o'clxk p. m. , Octidiei 1 :
Cnr It'nl
fnltlf 170 4.101
HIIKK 14 114D
Shetp 1 141
HIIVPM Calllc.llott * Sheep.
Tlio O II llnuitnonil Co . . . . S19 62i >
Kvvlft mul minimny 791 617 11
There \V i 11 t.-irg" viiipP1J" > > " ' Jl'1 ' " " .v
llnnil I nl tic. . ,
ClIK'AdO Ot I Thiro wciu lnt < of cittlf
In the jnnls to < lay , but not ninny K < \ oncK Of
tin- entlrtmiiilv | | , which wns iMInulol nt 21ion
hentl not inoip than M i > M vveie n.ulMAt
onlv n pin.ill | ) n > | i > rtl' > n f Hint iiiinili t w.nilil
das * nlxne nipillum , tlioic pcllcra who lintl KIUM !
cattle hint no mcn lnn tn fn'l WMik-Lnoi-il Ilirv
vvcriIn n piwltlm lo clt' < " out nl ulrnilv prli r
t'uinmuh nnil mcilluin n.ith mid w plnn c.iillo
wirtwi.ik nml ttenrrnl | > lower ; lln-ie M n iio
nun ) of Hint iln" < In vli-w of I IHI wn-k K
IIPIIVJ inn Muni of HIP sluff ivns ttiiiknl < ff
nt < ini" | > rlc < - or iiinitlur. ffllei * not i.ulnK vi-iv
muih tin1 jnift if Hi ilcnl. Nnllvo cnitlr < > n
nnlnlilc ut fioni Jl to JC > il. nistnn' fi-ni il 3' )
lo } 4 " ) Ti-xniiH Jl I' to J3 1 . S-'nltM nr
print liill | > lit fioni 11 " * i to K , 75 foi tnilivip
a-tl fi-rm J.J 2" In $3 In fir Mcsinr
llnK ixnlptu uctc nliaul 2"i m In u ! flit ro
VIIM nioio lift * In tin tmilo limn h.i lit n in m-
itotl fnr Himi * il.i > H tnisl , nnil u tit in lonn
inil tl Ihc ma-Lot. Itnvpis TVMV KOVV | to | n >
lipr prlciH Ihini prvvallctl Siitini.i > lint Ihi-v
IHI It. thr avi'in e K.iln liolna nbont V PT V )
1 Tim litKt ItFniv Kiti'lfi ' lirtitmlit finn tl , 10
o Jli 1" inO IIH hlffi us J-3 SI v\an paid f.u ll' lil
I'lunvtoro < 'Mi't > llomil | irlfc . linvvwir not
iinnv of Hit * fount * * K lnic atiovt. fi ; Hli'l Ilu liulk
if tlin Inllrr clitmKlnR hnnds litl nv t" > 70 I'oii-
ilnr | n'cp VMtr froii Jj 2i ) lo J3 41 fet hi.ivy
mil mtil'iim wtlclits nnil fnnn J1S.1 to ? " 70 for
iKht 1'iwr flufr wiM niouml H.11. nnil fulli
'r nn J.1 'A In J4 3i
EM I mum if t lav reccl | > H rf slircp \ iilnl
'icim ID iioo to y\.i > n h ml TinRIVIU t mini-
H * ' OVI 1 [ \luUl > IPCPlVMl In OI1P ll IJ WIIH
2',8'W linul Tin1 innrKpl vt llnip , swnniiit',1
h n rntiuI > Hin follov lni ; KO tl , slj > n 1 IH !
. .il off until Ihi-v tiiul forooi ! n ilccllnr of 2V
vlien the look li > lil In n limited vv.iv. | .ivlnK
'i li JJ 2' > to $1 foi KIKH ! to ( holer lintl IxlliM
i-oin "AI I > JJ for pool In f.ilr limtH BiilTiroil
m ninth ( Hint ? off fiom Jl VI lo Jl 71 fm jiuoi t
ch ikt > 'I hi' r\r \ t' vvn * Inili-irrlhiblj li nl
llercliili : I n HP 21.OW In ail ml t-i 1UO
.f . ml , IIOCH 21 IKK ) lif.ul. sheep , 33 IMI ) In ml
The Cxinlni ; J in nil rt-p rtn
11OCJS H"iH'lpl . 25001) ll-nil ollldll Knlllliln
it.ISS Ili'm ) Bl'jiinf ' ts T 5J1 lit nil. l fl iixor
nliout ' . : ' . ' ) ) lunil , iiunllty nnl > fair1 ninikpt no
iv f find tlrm. with inSiPj" 5c lilulur
. li'Mil , innlkct iluP
nml wt-ih | Hl f" < lOfiri" lov\er.
Sriliri' llicpt 31IWO In ml , nnilifl ilnll
.ml prlcnt wt-ak umlir Ihc rxceK-Ov nuliplj
uluut lijQJ-lc louei than Hutuulay.
vrw York I.lvn S'l.r'c ' at irhpt.
Nn\v AOIIK. net i iinvis : r. ppip B 4 - j
Jirail 41 rnrn < nnlr. . ni.i't ilull unit ltinl\
native ntftx fair to K nicl SI r 3C , S. per tin MM .
nnllnao t" luiliim , M SSf4 . " ' ) tninnion to In
Vnor. { 3 K"'t4 11 lanir IH. $ l"H3D'i < x n
17S&1JI ) , liill ! > . iil" KurMpenn nliles iiuoti-
VniHr'rnii Uei nt 'iVV&llijc pt'r Ib , iltfKi'l
\M Blit. TL ( Biralnr ln'if at 6'jlfS'iO ' psi ll > ;
n > exjn tti" toilnj
MAI > Hirvlpm two iln > 5 172 licnil. 1 f:9
t > nli * inaikei w ak ; voalu pioi I * pitni * * .
J10IW7.V ) IIPI lf I In , Ras PTH K > i fli " . " BIO !
li-n < ! < 54 rJW "i mi
HIini' AND 1.AMIIS ItpeiliilK. H'livs. .
/I IKH ) li nil M itir * on SIP. | imrkil M-I v ilull.
i-p aii'l Lift liiinlw ' ( | i r Hi. lj\.ir nlhtr
.nlot nf laiiilj" . ' 4i "Ac lo n over . " . r ( i In ml
unsold. bl. ep | . t to praup , S2nft'2"i ) p . " owl
"arnlH o. > mmin to elixir1. 510'iVI'il '
HOGS Hece.plK II J3T : I 131 hfnd < m w ile
rniirhrt pl.iw imil Inwei , Inferitii to rlio < _ e In RS ,
3 WGC U i > ei twt
Kitr-sK t liy l < lin Mur'c
KANSAS CITY , . Oct -CATTL.n t H . < > ! pts
S.FW , Hh pim-njn , 2 hiX ) lirnd , lioit nKnil >
others lom-i , TPXIVS Bleprs , 51 r/ufil i' < TPXIIB
J3 Mftj ' "I. at'vp
co . 17W200 : bi f PlPdfi ,
KH. JlSifili * ' ptorkpiM and ftolprs 12 will ' ? "
ulls anil in.tul 51 2JS2 M.
HOGS ItPPPlptH , l.SiOi ) IKid phlpmenlK 1 MM
lip il. mm kit string tr hlcifr. Imlk uf IIH |
j" < i. , " < o htuviiH j"S3iftrcri pTok tf $ " , rw
5&1 , llclit" . tiWIJl'iS" 111 Xl'il M 09il'i % i k l
SMuflB ij ii8A , KSXH.-II.
IIIUI" Heielpts. 29W htatl , ch pniPiilH Mr )
il , maiki.t wraUer
Nt. l.milH 1 l\o lonk UHrLpt.
.T. LOTtS Oct I OATTt.ll-Be-PlptJi ' H > 0
lipul : > hlpin nis 200 liciid , inn kit qulii nipnlv
native , common to mPtlliim HtoiM. . JTVirtlO :
tows and lielfeis , ! S.JI2fO. Trsni mnlluni
t.Kfl > JJO
ri'iH JSblSJO1) : ion'
HOOH Hiit-lpls 2rco lii-.ul xhlpliKlltH. 2 3W
htnd , innrkpt nctlvc. Mmnff I0iliUhei . ( turt
tnt-dluin ItVfth'Q tall to Kmnl llRht J" , aft
4tnninvin llKlit. tl > r'- .
Slinr.l' IlpielUH , l.vrn | I MI | , uli pun nt fco
eiil , mu kit pleuH , 5otith\vii'tpiTi mlinl J. HKr
( , natht ! mlxtd. $ : on : . " . ' . . lambs , (3 GO
Miirit liilulu. .
Hecoiil nf receipts nt the four prlnclpil mniltets
fur Monday OctoViei 1 I'04 :
< 'nil1c II c . blippn
th Omnl.n . . r1 1 f 1
ic.ico . i.iin 2. < n .nni
nmB C'lt > . O.M ) 1 1DJ I" ' "
St. L.U.K . 3-0) 25) ) 1 Ml
Tolnli . . 43.MJ 3 1. : 40 IT'H
Sr. I.iiul-4 ( > ) iiriil Vt.ircnt.
HT. I.Ol'IS , Oct. ] . nXJt'll Velj Clllct | lltl-
WIlfJAT ' Ijilfrt ftrons nml v ltll tl.p ( irp-
tlon uf a wialc i pot ruumil 1 > > tinvlnlldp le-
port , iiMlntalncd It * BtteniUh to tlie t-nd , iln -
Ini ' < ( nl ivi hututilaj , Nn 2 rp l. cnsh 4ki.i
Ortulici , ISHc : OPceinlxT , 51i&IX'Sii ) , M.l > . Tfe
L'OHN Mrfnctlieneil 1) > wheat miidp a rKM \
aln. No. 2 mltPil. oj li. 4'j c , Ori t > ei. 4S'4c
ecemtMr , 48Ui . Mnv , 4J % , l7i4c.
OATS Dull wrokti No. - cnhh oml Oitutur ,
? Jc , Mnv ,13'ic
I.YIJ X . S riKiilni , 4Sc bid.
IIAKI.Ur No trndlntr
IIICAN Vliiner , Mfi60'io. ' cast ti.icl.
PI.AX HUBD htead > , 5140 tlriH slile.
TIMOTHY Snr.D Stead } , 3.1iq3.42.
HAY null. 512,45(915 ( 0 lor lame Ivcled K'lt- '
lgi * tlmntli >
lll'TI'IJIt I nchaiiKcil.
KOOH fncl nns < il.
l.HAU-JS W-iitl.Wi.
< OII.V AliAI/-t- : . f(2.5J.
1'UOVISIONS QulPt : ptnmliml mfss polk Juli-
II'TIKtil Ijid prime rteam , tSS'i. tholcp ,
> 1 42Vi ! ; dry rnlt meatBtn \ > rn vhmililnH , > h.S >
lonRS nwl i Itis. IT.lTi slioits $7.40 llncon p < ick l
Khuulilii-H J7.M. ICIIKU , ! - ; rlb , J.M'ifc | 37'i '
Blmrts JS 5'iW8.C."i
KlX'ntl'TS I'lour 8.0 , hblc ; whint , IS.rO
liu : corn , 2G < " ( K ) tu . oatt ) . 7400) Im.
HHII'MUNTS rioui 7.0M li If. wheat , l.'X'O '
liu ; coin , 2.KKI t > u. , nets , n.0fij bu
l\ < Tmil | "HvrkelK.
I.lVniU'OOL. Oil I VHCAT S pn.l > , < le-
manil modiiatp. Su. 2 ltd , winter , 4 1'i.d , N'
I reil. uprlnpr 4n Sil
( * OltN Dull : ilpmantl poor , new tm\nl Ptmt ,
4 Cd. riituiiii Kteaily , dcrinnd poor. Octobei , 4a
'id. NiivrnilH-r < I ) < , 4a t\ < \
n.Ol'n Dull : moderate , St. I.DII | ,
fumy ulnlur. &a 3il
I'llOVIHIONS Ijinl , firm : ill niand poor , HIHIIB.
43s Cd , ( mines , no demand I'mk. eank' dem iml
l oi , prime miff , western. 71s Jdj prlini me i- ,
medium , 63n 3d IlfOf , flrm. demand linn extn
India mess , TTs Cl , prime ITIPHS , 62 M 11 inn.
dull , nioduiiitc ; xlioit cut. 4H Ilirnn ,
Rtead > demand inctletttle , I'umbertaTid tut , 41 * (
short rllr , < ] > 6.1 lone , 4i Ibs . 4J , Ijim
nnd Bhoit diar V Ibs. , 418 IK ) . Hhould > rH , ilnll
; :
I'll IILKi : Ilull. dimHnd modriate , ( Imst vvhltf
nnd tolrreil. 01s W.
TALLOW Nominal ; iltimind poor ; pilme clt > ,
COTTON SKKD Ollr-Stiady ; 2l
TI'ltl'nNTJNi ' : Ftiail > , Ooinand modfatc
KJlIlitH , ilK.
UOHIX Dull ; ilemnnd fair , nun nun SM M
IIOI'.S At l < nnlon I'.nllH' toad , plead ) , d"
n.f.iul poor , l-fti K
Kecelpm uf Ameilcr.n wheat for tile ( invt wpit
win' , rroni Atlantlu perm , 12 OW ( | uariciH , fmn
I'arflc portB IJ.ioJ nunrti-rn from othir | irt >
3JOOO. iunrtern. | The te-ieipis of American ivit
foi the pitt \\itl ; VMIV 4U > 0
' 'rnlt < > nnlatlom.
CIIK'AOO Oil I flip i.ul : Trull companj
void i'Hl'fornla fiult nt auction. reallgliiH I it
follow nB pilfcB : llllinClalrKCiui peaiK , Jl 7r < j
1 W ; Dip ) , tl.Mll.Sn. Vicar. 51 Jt , Winter Ndlli >
tl.40. Shekel | KK > r. II 43 ; Duchox * . J ] 00 Pojinllf
1 1 4' , 7i ! . : > ) . Muluuy paih'pItililc. . OHIIKCB late
' < : 1'liriuilH lntv > . It m > fi1.u5 , Tnka > Kiiipen
half iratex. tl.l'3fn.4'i ; MuliiKfi , Jl .frl 3' , . MUh
t-nt , Sl.M. I'oinlcliin 51 d , inUc.l. n.U'J , lll liup
5 < ij l il. .
I'orter Urn * . Cli'ccm , B ld t dj > at uucl'or '
seven iiirit fallfointa fru't Tokay impi * W li
( it 20 , HlnKlfH , i'lcOII.)1) ; x'nKle MUH.I ! tiape
tl.Uitil.JO : rinllin . Sl.Uiil 41 ; ikiubli
crntPB. 52 V > t-alwuy pm In , f ) < / ; , ' I'nile
lute piuche . Wfi9' > c. Japan plllrrn , ( I Vi. Jlui
tlelt peurx. 51 Sil2.3) ) ) .
I'ortei llrnn. roinpuni , New Vnrk mild thiei
HUB : Half ciule Tnkuy irciIt.lfUl | It , , V
lagan , J I V > . Tomlco PI-HI * 5&3j&30j il'Aujniiki
t3 W , ; Wlnlrr NVIIIn. II SI Kalwuj p.-uclili , tit
S5c , Oe.r e' lute. 7Uf .Q ) .
? tliiiifiiIU ( U heiu
MIXNKAI'OLIH Oil 1 Wlieal trnlay npranei
ulMUt Vii1 higher lli.ui HjtlirJay Tn llrrrnen
wan 1'UK'd larlly on ,1 ghur llvrip > l prlie * nm
emallti termlnul rutlptn lluouglioui tlie coimio *
Th mi.M'iin-nl In the noithwett ( jnilnum brirl
lioth at liTmnlul nnd Interior pilaln Tim nci
va.nct ? for futuiM WHH utniut 'gc. uml cloBed frmi
Sc lu HI higher today l x-al nnl nif-nt fnv tci
an ndianre ) &nd what little effort wa nuulu b :
Irodrm et-fnud to ) > e > o that end. At the rumi
lnu ) th r wa somt caution sbout bujltg UttfJ :
Steel Ranges $24.35 ,
Worth $38.00
4-Hole Ranges $5,65 ,
Worth $9.75
5-Hole Ranges $9.25 ,
Worth $17.60
Base Burners $11.35 ,
Worth $20.00
Canon Stoves $1.75 ,
Worth $3.60
Parlor Cooks $8.6O ,
Worth $17.60
Laundry Stoves $3.40 ,
Worth $6.60
Oil Heaters $4.90 ,
Woith $9.75
Oak Stoves $5.65
. ,
Price 814.65
For thK Iinnd'-tiiiK1 luso humor , Worth $11.00
ivhlc'li Ii ft in iino of tlio iK'st
fnuntlrii's In ilic t ulti'il Sttitos. Parlor Heaters $7.60 ,
It Is full nli ko Ml mul lui- ! all
th'i liiloil IniDiiiMiinuiil.s anil K Worth $16.00
XMJll wurtliM.1 0) )
Guoohno Stoves. $2 99 worth ? < > 00 Shovels 5c worth lOc
GiibOlltioOeiH.,35 | worth $2.00 Dampers 7c worth 20o
Zlno Boat ils. , 78c worth Sl.iJO IJil > o Collava 3c worth lOo
Steve 1'ipc | Oc worth 20o Klbjvvs 8c worth Ii5c
Coal IIoiU . | 7c worth 32o Pokers Sc worth 10u
WIOxirtli ii r "n > In ,
. p > nr week nr 94 par moutU
1825 wurtll nl i.-i > oil ,
4 > 1 . "O par vvuck or 0 pur munth
851) vrorlli nl tMiotli ,
! S'4 p r ivuolt or 8H per mnntll
l 7fi vvorlli < l i o I < | K ,
S'i fifl | irr ivOL'k or S1O par month
810O vroiih < if i : iiU < ,
K'J per vrticK or Ol per inontli
TnlCH yiitir elniloi U'o don't care R I ( J OD worth < il coatln ,
Hip ulilrli > uu clioiiHC. I t > I per weak or Sin par inont'i
Ilo i33 ,
Send 10 cents for pi > vtiiie , on Illg ' 91Citvlo. . ; t .
Write for IJiby : O.irrhige or Steve Cat.ilii uj .MalUJ Frj5.
G.ioJ i sU H i piy iiil * la Ca.i liil Hi i f S Jj it i O 11:111 *
Cloaj E.'Jiti ; ? it ( > :5) : , stjpt Al j ii iy a 11 S UarJ lys.
In view of HIP fnpt lint HIP Inn nif HI ! " II.IB not
been tlie favorite H il foi mini ilinrnKt Tien-
Ims Loui soTiP lookinj foi n < ! < M in In tnp o un
try receipt * but It dim n-'l w i in lo torn" > et
anil the muvpmt'nt In I hi * nut-Hoi IHKI WffU w.ia
as luiRt n-nil > IIH In nn > n tk KIU | - the new
luiiiKlrnlnB iiml for
clop vitiii liiirveftMl Timlp in
the pa t week IIIIB 1i ( n nli. ut liv IP .in l i < "
for any l l < - piPvlouH wet-k Ilu tiiinl.vt LJ u :
Octuliei , flc DecPinlii'i. ) ' , Mnj. S'HI' .
\Vlifiil on trackNo 1 luinl r.M4 ( . No 1 noith-
trn. tC t- IttctliilH Wfi < - 4J,0'i ! ) In
The Hour mnikft HUM U nii'l ralhir Ilinipr
In HjniMilhy with Urn hliinlliiPKH In vvlii-nl. I'nt-
ents. J3r.iiJ.40 : liak.M Jt9i2' I'nilattlon
estimated at a'.0 , lihlj- . . foi the " ' " " "
lioum , ulilinnenti * ,
C ! in * < 9 M iri t.
N13W VOKK , O.t 1 Cori'lJlJ-Opllunii openml
cteaily , cl < * l luttlj Mi > nl > nl MJill polntB net
tlpcllne : Balei 2J2.0 1.UBH. Ill In.llnK. Ci.toer
J13WS13II. Sim-mlui. IIJ21 ilJJ > . Dwi-mlii-r
1I.7S 1HO. Inniiirv 1 1 1 40 Ma Oi I1 Si
ll 40. Hpot fnfpf Itio dull , No i $ I W.
mll.l ilull. 'iinlu\.i. is til'it. > u\ff \ W IIIITH
Haiitos ( KulxTiy M"t Jl'1--1 ! irfhiiumil Hy-
irlfd fiom N - Vii. Hi * . * I < K * ; totul "ll'l ;
for fitITiiltwl Stilri : < . 4."i.fC ( , IHKOKI nsl 23390
Laif * last > eir. , . .
SANTOS , Oil. l-Q rl K" l imniitihmUilK ,
11140 , ivtrlptH. I'l I'M l' l" Klink 42U.W 1 IB
Weekly tejmit : CJulei : IHM ! u\ii.ii.p , per 10
k'los. N1.4I , receipt * ilinliu Hie y K-k. I ft * CM
basa : Khlpnipntx to the t'nltc'l rttutes , 4J.004
KICK ; ftiiok , 4S2.0H Inn * ,
HAMIIt'HO , Oct. l-Hl ul5. iiil unchaiiBfil
to'.OHlifK ' lo ' ' ' to ' , W , pfK hlfcliPi wilJT I'.fJ5
\niRi \ ; lluinliuii ; , U'ii > < i ) liiB . " ' which
C2W ( II ITH are I tinI I HK.ilnsI 1M.I ) ImKa anil
4SOOln n iikpectUily h < * l month
HAVlti : . Oct l. < ] H-iii-a untlmngfil lo ' f
Ion IT , nt mxin. uiuhinxH fi" > ' IK-mHif , nl 3
p in , Btejil } , inn hallsil t'ltnl mle * . 41 WO
' ' 'lllb JANIIIHO Oil 1 WuiK N" 7 , Itlo ,
ncmnal , exchaiiKe liVl. r plti | . > . " ) l > - .
cloiue.1 for the I'll I il Kliiti-n. none , Block ,
U'cnk nominal.x -
2W.I ) IwKi'.IVeokls ni'iirf
chance . nnt in .ttil i-mlinncf 12't'l
. in-l lmK P | IJI * to
n-celiitii ilurlnit Hi" PiK 1.1 ,
Bute" . 2'la > > 1 .M. Ki" < k 2 > 'W
VV ( nil iirxt * ! ,
J/NDON. Oct. 1 Al tin- i * > 1 aucllnn " .lip *
Udny 1.-777 tnl.s wein , , ffi l , f which 1.000
rallier laruer | iro-
VMTP Illidrawn. lluif H n
iiortlun of faulty. ( iPiinuu IIUH-IB Imiixht Kreisy
niirlno ? frctly. VoiUnhli.mul Hiotlunl lingers
tjUBht crom hrwclH fr , in l CMI | nfru In Una
ileinaml nml Irn-KJliii The AniT'cun ' imilm eii
lodny nmoiuile.1 In hunll > Vxi Kilca. 1 olUwlne
nn < the wileH In ilitull :
New Hoiith Wnl B. . il l l" , Buiiiiel Silfl
IH 'i < l ijlensy. 1'JilftM yupiimlnml. 423 Ij-ilm ;
KCOUIC I , IH ' il. KIPPI7 > , I ; VIor.ii 2 018 lia es ,
wouinl. 7'il U I'll KKII > I > . , ' . 'i < IO Jit : Snith
Auxlrulla. 1671 luilPH , Biinnnl , k'j < l U 1'iil ,
KTiaKy Ilfl7\il : N.- /pnlnnjl. J.rjlU luilPH
ruouicii MjiUHua . i > , A'lwu'ii ; ' r ' '
( JoCHl lun > and Nninl , blj b.ili-H , ncjtinil , 9'ia '
"HT IXtiS , Oct I
Kama * Cllj
rtfinanil Rixnl , Nn 2 luinl , 4i > fMr'n : No. 2 iptl ,
4W3. No. 3 ml 4rti'43V.c : ii-J till 43 4i\
fUHN Mlxnl. twmiln.illy rliail ) . No. 2 inlxnl ,
4Co ; No. : while , 4SO4H'lt. '
OATrl-.Muu ; Nn. S iiilxul. M'gtf.'Sc ; Nu. I
uhlli32'lc. ' .
llt'TTIJH VV'iuk , cicHtnii ) . lSC(22c ( ; dairy , 17
KCICS At tlie mul flnn : Ilo.
lliciil'THVliiMt : , 3I.4SS Uu. ; corn , none ;
frtln 3 40U | , ll
Hllll'MKNTMVVIient , 23.1J3 \ > a ; cum , 7,011
l u. | oiitu , nune. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Coltim .tlurket ,
NiW OIILRAKH. Oit. 1 > TTON Quiet ;
middling , 5Moi low mlrtilllnir t c , K l oidlnary ,
[ ' , jc , ocl recclpw , 1I.7W , bolci , _ Tf , U/jii tales ;
Dueber = Hampden
17 = Jewel
arc known by railroad -
17 road men and other
experts to be unequalled
equalled for wear
and accuracy.
The Ducber Walch Works , Canton , 0.
8 [ 'lend Id cu rat I Tangent for Norron or Elck
Hc&dacha. Uralu Kihnuitlon , blwplMnneu.
fiocl&l or general NeuralularnlKO fur ltli i > '
niitlim , Ooul , hlJner Dlwrdero , Acid ! > ;
| > PI , AnirmU. Antltlota for Alcchollo
Bnd other OECAKM > 9. i'ric , 10 , SSunuCUcoulit.
151 S. Wctlotn A nuo. CHICAGO.
Vet tale hy alt drujcgUU. Oman * .
Commission Mercliaut
Ci r.i in and Provisions.
Private wires to Clilcaco und New Yirk.
All business orders placeU on Chlcacc
Uourcl of Trail o.
Carrc&pundbiico solicited.
orricu , room 4 , New York Life llulldlnc.
Telephone } 3UI.
nale * . 4.0V ) balen , rplnncr * , 1,410 bales ; clock.
-S Oil linli-K
Ni\V Oltl.KANH , Oct , l.-COTTON Hlfady ;
aln. fiol. ] lZf > b.ilex ; to arrive , 2X ( ) bale * ;
oidlnar ) , & 91tc ! , ffiud ordinary , C 'J 1 , tow
mlddllnK , C Z-lic. Rood , C 9-10c , Rood inlddllntr ,
l > r.-lCc , mldilllnic fair , 6 T-lCc ; fair , 5c
HT. Ul'IH. Oct -COTTON Ho lowfrj mld
illlllk7C , milcK 2i baleii recelpln 2HO bclca ]
uhlpmcnl * , 1W ) tmleii , mock , 9,100 bu.lm.
I'ourla llruiii JMarliot.
I'KOHIA Oct. l.-COKX llliher ; No. 2 , Ucj
N . 3. in.c.
O.VT.S-K.rm. higher ; No. Z white , iO'ii ; Nu. I
uhltc. 29KfaJc.
Itri ; Nominal
WIII.SKV firm. li'Kh wine b l . II 3.1
lliciil'T.Stirat. : ; . 2,4 bu.i coin. 2162) ) bu.J
oatK , ZJ.'OO bu , r > e , none , bnrlcy , 2,100 Ml
HHII'MIINTH-Whuil , 1.200 bu.j corn , 6 0 bu.t
out , 13 , CW bu. , r > e , n me ; bailey , I , TIKI.
Dul'UliMieut . ' \lurkel.
DIIMSTll. O i. -AVHUAT-No. . 1 hard , ranh
and October , ti'ic. No. 1 northern , ia h and Oo-
loU-i , U > Kc ; Ucoi-mber. MT'.c , Maj , U No.
2 norlhein , tath. tZ o ; No , 3 MH > ' ,
4C\c Ti > Arrive : No. 1 , old and Imw , MV.
NK\V YORK , Oct -HUUAU ll w dulll
mle * , 3,429 bagi inola e , 19 tent , to Canada , at
2c. In l > ond. ruined , dull
IXiNDON-HUQAU Cant , vtry dull !
Eta Java , lit Mi