Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 02, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA DATTAr HEE : lOirESDAT , OOTOBEtt 2 , 189i.
Jo'cpli Krob Kills Mha Lfizlo Br.tcbcclc and
OomtniU Suicide.
Illuoily Work llmio In the Homo of tlio
Yniinc Momnn Ncnr I > orcdc tcr ,
Nrlj. fi-liitU of ( ho Cow
iir lly Deetl ,
nOIlCIIKSTBH. Xcb. , Oct. 1. ( Special
VelesrnrnO MIsF Lizzie Ilraebeck. a younp
lady about ir jears old , was fatally shot by
Joseph Krob Ins * , night. Tha murderer then
committed giiloid" . The tragedy occurred al
the homo of the murdered girl , about clglil
mllca MUlheift ; r ( till : ) city. When the par
ents rushed Into the room on hp.irlns the
tthots , they found their daughter lying across
the bed dead , tUth a bullet hole In the abdo
men and another In the back of her head.
Joying on the lloor of the same room wa !
Joseph Krob. n jnung man about 22 years ol
nge , who wan nl'-o dead , from the effects o !
t o bullet holoa , b th In the left breast.
The verdict ot the coroner' * Jury was tc
the effect that Krob had first shot Ml-sH Ilrae
lirrk and then himself , and that the cuiisc .
the shooting was the young lady'a refusal U
marry him.
Krob's romalna irc-ru brought her P. where
they will be held until his brother In Cuba
Kan. , Is heard from.
Miowiits : AM , OVKII NJI > K.\SH.\ .
Miiny Town * In tlm Stnto Report Ilrnvj
NOUTH PLATTK , Neb. , Oct. 1. ( Specla
Tcltgram. ) A go'-d shower fell here today
settling the Oust that has been coiislder.ibl ;
unsettled since the middle ot July.
KXETHK. Nth. . Oct. 1. ( Special. ) /
good , steady ruin lias been ( ailing nearly al
the morning , and makes the outlook for .
fall wheat crop , to be put In , much belter
DUNCAN , Nob. . Oct. 1 ( ) Tin
drouth , which 1ms prcva led here during th
las' three month : ' , was broken by n tun
hours' heavy ruin this morning. Fanner
are putting In rye for spring pastur-ine
SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Oct. 1. < Spela
Telegram. ) Two Inches ot rain fell here nin
over the state today. Pastures will be brightened
. , , - oned up , saving tha scant supply ot hay lid
fijf by farmers.
1 x < * t 'r lirorltleA *
EXCTnU , Neb. . Oct. 1. ( Special. ) Th
members of Kxeter camp No , 887 , Kodcn
Woodmen of America , gave a very pleaaan
tcclal Saturday night in their lull to th
ntcmbers nnd their families.
Mrs. F. J. llutsell ot Norfolk Is vsitln
vltli her partnU , Mr , and Mra. C. A. Hlclsjl
Sunday , at the residence of the bildo'
Iinrcnta , Mr. and Mrs. Timothy filmic , wer
married Harvey \Voodworth and Mte
Kutn niiulc. The happy couple will mak
their present home In Utlca , Kcb. , wher
\Voodworth Is. In business.
Married , at Utlcu , Neb. , Sunday , MrV
J. Compton of Exeter and Miss Gertrude K
"Williams of Utlca. They go to hdurekc
Ins hero at once. Will Is editor ot tli
Exeter Democrat.
Mr. Robert Wallace of Morrison , 111 , I
visiting with his cousins , ' Mr , W H. U'al
la.ce and Mrs. S , P. llogers.
William Morgan , a farmer and an old res !
dent of this place , sat clown to breakfatt IHI
innrnlng as usual , and In apparently as goo
health as over. After finishing his meal , o
rising to leave the table he fell over on th
floor anil died. Immediately. Ills trouble wa
heart disease. Ho leaves a family ot tw
Bans and six daughter * .
Stood tlm IMurshnl Off.
. , , „ , TABLE HOCK. Neb. , Oct. 1. ( SpeclalO-
* V v Sunday morning Marshal Norrls dlscaverc
a man In the rear of Tlllotson fc. Llnsloy
liardwaro store , and , drawing Ills gnu , corr
inanded the fellow to throw up his hand
The man did to , but not until he had give
a shrill whistle lo warn his- - pals , who wci
nt work on the Insideof the store ! . Norr
captured the first , but one of the men on tt
Inside drew a gun on him , nnd he was con
lielletl to let the fellow go. There were tina
in-a on the Inside , and after their outsit
* * . man had been liberated they jumped throne
the class In the front door and all three c
caped , They had made their entrain
through the wlmldw In the rear. Notlilr
was taken , however , and all the dama ;
tloiio was the broken windows ,
Uniuli Votcit fur Irrigation Work.
J.OUP CITY , Neb. , Oct. 1. ( Special Tel
gram. ) Loup City and Logan townshl
voted today on the proposition to Issuu bam
In aid of the Sherman County IrrlgatU
Water Power and Improvement compan
and the proposition carried In both township
The-vote In Logan township was forty-s
votea for and twenty-one against , and l oi
City by 1S2 for nnd forty-three against. Tl
amount voted by both townships was ? 2 !
00-1. Uonflres are blazing and bands a
here tonight. L
M'llrov l.lvnrv Unril ltiirnl ,
WILCOX , Neb. , Oct. 1. ( ! Tel
Kraiu , ) SunJay night Myors & . Moore
livery barn was totally destroyed , with co
tents. Including four horses , carriages , ha
ness and grain. Loss , 11,000 ; Insuranc
U. Wilson's grain office and scales we
also destroyed. The wind was blovvli
strong from the southeast. Other bulldln
caught fire , but were quickly extinguish'
and thct fire kept under control ullho
further loss. _
Numerous Cntr * or lllphtliorlu nt Tnhiiiiiu
TEKAMAII , Neb. , Oct. 1. ( Special. ) Vc
terday was the first Sunday In the hljto
ot Tekumah that the church bells fall d
ring out tha call for religious , worship. T
town la virtually quarantined against dip
thorta , and uvery day reveals new cases. ]
prompt medical attention and ir-Mtc
care only tv.'o deaths have resulted. 1
public Rathe rlitca are permitted , and ch
drcti ore prohibited from leaving their honn
Ke\v cases are reported this morning.
( Irnnd Iitlnmt Mi ur 1'iiotor.v Cliitril.
OUAND ISLAND. Oct. 1. ( Spfclal-
lias been decided that the Oxnard sugar fn
lory of thla city will not be opened this ye :
The beets will be shipped to Norfolk , a
there are a number of men among1 iht ei
ployta of the factory who will be out
work. One of the Hall county repi
eantatlvea who voted to violate the stat
bounty- contract two years ngo Is Candida
for senator John U Johnson.
Itobliuil unit ilirmrn from the Triln ,
DUNCAN. Neb. , Oct. 1. ( Speclal.- )
tramp was robbej by his companions a
thrown frcm the fast mall at S kilns , (1
miles cast of hero , Siturday night. Ho *
not Injured , as the train had slowed do1
vhllo passing n freight train.
Itottirm tn ilia Olil Country.
WEST TOINT , Neb. , Oct. 1. ( Special.
Mr. Patrick Bclind , an old resident ot W
Point , ealls for LUcrpool on the Majestic
October 3. lie will remain In Europe c
After every Ulal the high position of 1
1'rlcu'c Making- Powder Is better assured.
Kuliurlor .Null's anil 1'ernoiml. .
SCIIUYLEn. Neb. . Oct. 1 , ( Special.
Wells & Nleman's mill Is running ag :
after being dared down a couple of ei
to undergo repair ; . t
The suit ot PliElpJ & Sabln agalnit Jose
ixnd Anton. Shulta for J500 attorneys' I
was hcarJ before Judge Allen this vce
The pUlnlltfj were elyon } 350.
J , M. Cllne and family ot Forest , O. , i
hero visiting Mr. C. Cllne's listers. M
Dr. Woods and Mrs. A. M. Parsons.
Miss Carcla Woods returned lo Cvanst
111. , Thursday to resume the study ot vo
music. She graduated there last spr
and did not Intend to return. During i
bummer t-bo rtcchcU not lea that she1 1
been mvardeJ a rcinpllmciuary scholars !
In recognition of licr proficiency 1
soholar&hip being worth about { 200 , aba
A cldeil to return.
v * To fulfill hla pie At * to _ lro the Sciiuj
liasa ball teem an oyxter supper It they would
win tlio llireo games that wcro to be jiUycd
during the fair , the team was Iniltcil Intc
tlia parlors ol A A. Schuster' * rr auranl
one night thli week and tcrred witli oysters
In nit styles desired. One more Rivme tr
bs t'laj-cil ' here Krlday with Cedar lllufl !
nlno will cloeo the season for this yenr ,
Saturday afternoon Contractor . T. Scotl
opened the new school building tic is jusl
finishing to allow the public to < lc\v anil
Inspect tlit- structure &B he had Invited then :
to do. School will to begun Monday
on& month later than u ual , to contlnu <
eight calendar months Instead ot nine schoo
months us heretofore.
The school board appointed an txnmlnlnf
board for this fear that proved so unusual ! }
rlKld In lie requirement * that Jour of th <
tcacliprs elected failed ( o pass. Those wh (
did fall were offered opportunity to try again
but one of them at least , It nut more , wll
not do su. An a result two positions x erl
left vacant , which necessitated the caltlni
In old teachers who had left the ranks
Mrs. J. \V Stewart , who laugh
as late as latt year , nns railed upon
an was Mrs. I'r.inU K. Moore , who AMIS In thi
schools for five years up to two years ago.
As an enemy of comfort dyspepsia ha
no emial. It IK banished by food cookei
with iir. Price's MakingPowder. .
Italn 1'iMtiioiini II * Openlm ; Until I til' '
jvpulntrAttruction ; ! L'rniiiUvil.
The Si. James orphanage ( a r was no
formally opened last night as hnrt been ar
ranged , owing to the heavy rain which kep
people at home. However , a number bravci
the \\et weather and vlaltod the bunths. Th
opening will occur tonight nnd Ilev. Di
Duryea and Illshcp Scanned Mill make ad
Iressea , after which an elaborate musics
nd lltcniry proRram will be film.
Exposition hall Is handsomely decorate
with colored lights , Amorlcain llagj am
' 'tinting ' , while a hugo union shield , covere
Ith Incandescent lights , sets oft the stag
ecoratlons to good advantage. The booth
nd talcs tables ere arranged arcund th
Idea ot the hall , while In the center Is th
lower booth.
The proceeds ot this fair will be used to
he benefit of the St. James orphanage , an
icarly everything has been donated. Th
overal parishes have Interested themselvc
n the far ! and they furnish the tupplle
isoJ In the dining hall. Lunch will b
ervwl every day from 12 to 2 and suppe
rom 6 to 7. air. and Mrs. Carey and Mi
ind Mrs. Donovan have charge of the dlnln
The booths arc pretty and attractive !
lecorated A fancy booth on the north sic :
'f ' the hall Is presided over by Mrs. Maj <
' . IJ. Kuray and Mrs. Thoman JlcSham
The gypsy camp Is presided over by Mlss <
'Itzpatrlck and Rnker , and visitors can ha-\
heir fortunes told In true gypsy style. Tl
general salei Kible In the cast cud of tl
liall Is n thing of beauty.- This table
In charge of Miss Maggie SvUft , who
assisted by Mrs. Thomas Pllzinorrls , Mr
Taylor. Mrs , C. F. Taggart and Mil
At the candy booth Sirs. Lizzie Koetei
presides. She Is assisted by Miss Hocl
bud and several other young ladles. Mr
T. IlnrUc , nsslsted by Mrs. Trayner , Mil
Xleftnor and Miss Barbara Kaufman , hai
booth on the south side of the hall. Th
'Ooth ' Is filled with all kinds ot fancy wor
nd works of art. The fancy paper wor
booth Is another beautiful place. Flower
hades , and In fact everything that can 1
made out of bright colored piper , may 1
"ound here. This booth Is In charge i
lltss Munchhoff , assisted by Mrs. C , i
iValtcrs , JlUa Lulu Shank nnd Miss Eti
3relKhton The art museum IR superli
: endcd by D. J. O'Donahue , while Mlssi
Maggie O'Rork , Hayes , Solomon , nurkli
and Burklmrd have the flower booth in tl
center of the room. Miss Cherry Tylee hi
charge of the phonograph , which Is one
he popular stands. The "Arctic Ueslom
booth , vihere frozen sweets are dispense
"s presided over by Mrs. David Shanaha
assisted by Mrs , Dal ton Ulslcy.
On an easel , near the largest booth (
he north side of the hall , Is n crayon po
trait ot Hlsbon Scannell , which Is a Hi
piece of work , and la attracting a gre
deal or attention. It Is the work of Ml
Muttle Taggnrt of this city , who U alrcai
liccomlnK well known In art circles f
the excellence of her work.
A printing office , complete for the produ
tlon of a small paper , has been set up on tl
south side of the hall and n n-mi her ot ar
bltloua youns men are publishing a smt
four-page dally , known as The Fair Journt
The young men having charge of th s vvoi
are Ed S. Furay. J. Swift. P , C. McICIllo
Clurlej Moratly , James Tracey nnd Jum
Two vcllng contests have been arrange
Ono Is for the most popular saleslady ,
whom will be voted a fine diamond rln
The contestants nro Miss Luella Bel A an !
Ml s Mary Meyers , Miss Lillian Ctrnacle ai
Miss May Bav.-en. The other contest Is h
tween the most popular mon of cither Oma !
cr South Omaha. The contestants so taro
are P , T. McOraw and Chariest 11. Ilro-w
The prize Is a handsome diamond stml.
The fair will continue every day exce
Sundays until October 12. On Sunday
flno musical program has been arranged frc
12 to 2 , nnd dinner will be tervod T
Fort Omaha band will furnish tha mua
There iv111 bs music for a couple of hou
each evening during the fair.
I or tli .Mission l.uumlry.
The ladles ot the Tenth Street nilssl
met , as they have for twenty years , at Mi
flanen's reams , last Friday to arrange pla
for winter work.
The first business proposed was organlzl
to conduct a laundry , the object of which
to give work to those women who carry t
cntlro burJen of a family and to those w
share the burdens.
Mrs. Jardlno was made chairman ; Mi
Paul Charlton , treasurer ; Mrs. D. II. I'oi
The eiiterprso will bo under the Immedlj
supervision of a committee of ladles , w
known promoters of charitable schemes , o
of whom will be on hand each day to ses tb
no unsatisfactory work Is lent out.
competent bojkkeeper and store manas
will be there 31G South Twentieth atre
telephone 1710 at all times to glvc > inforn :
tlon. A wagon will bring and return t
clothes. The management Is to be tin
ouqhly practical and business-like ; the prlt
as low as possible.
The placeIs now thoroughly cqu ppsd , t
only need being patronage. Fifty appllcai
for work liave besn entered on the boo !
with a dally Increase.
With the guarantees given and the vt
great necessity for such an enterprise , w
not tha charitably disposed come forws
and by general patronage aid In making
a success ?
The "Mothers' Meeting , " so great a si
cess last winter , will be reopenaI as sc
as practicable , and from experience galr
there the lodlea expect IL to bo more poti
for good. Dcsldes the garments cut a
made frcm new material , all second-ha
clothing donated will bo mended and
modeled befcro given out , and In add t
a shoemaker has been engaged to repair <
shoes KO as to be serviceable.
In view of what Is contemplated and
the threatened distress , all nro urgently
quested to send whatever may be spai
from their actual necessities.
MRS. J. D. JARDINE , Chairman
MHS. D. H. POrc , Socrelary.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures bickachf. Ti
jlze , 25 cents. All druggists.
til 1'iilrbnry.
PAIRDimY , Neb. , Oct. 1. ( Special. ) r
trlct court convened this morning , Jui
Hush presiding. The civil docket U a II
one fifty-seven cases. Thers are ten ca
on the criminal docket , but only two of
portance , that of George S , Williams , char.
with the murder of Charles Smiley , the i ; <
Island yardmaiter , and the forgery c
against Simon Pearce.
The Hock Island engineer corps nre surv
Inn a new line between Falrbury nnd 01
Btono. The line will bo about the sa
length as the one now in use , but a belgrade
grade , and by using ; the. bridge over the LI
lllue river on the Hells-villa branch they t
maintaining one bridge.
In order U Introduce Chamberlain's Coi
Remedy hers we sold several dozen b-ttlei
a strict guarantee , and hare found every I
tie did good service. We have used It o
pelves and think U superior to any otl
W. I. Mowrey , Jarvlsvllle , W. Va. For f
i v druggists.
' .3I , nt Oniiilin , HUB A , Clilca
Th new vestlbuled train now running
the "Northweilcrn" ea t dally.
Stand pre-eminently lower than for the s
goods of equal excellence can be bought else
where , and our assortment stands pre-eminent
above all others ,
A stylish garment , Best i n ported kersey , a
Silk sleeve lined in blue .50
, elegantly made and . beautiful garmentcom
and * black , a regular trimn'ed , usual bining all the good
$1O coat for price $12.BO tings in a $1B coat
9Oe Boy's Knee 7
Men's Woolen Pants. Pants , fusing Child's 2-piece all wool Suit , our fusing price. . .
Men's Woolen Pants. $1OO price Child's --piece Suit , a little better ' trimmed , fusCb H *
ing- price . r
Boys' Long
Men's Woolen Pants. Pant Suits , Child's extra heavy all wool cassimere suits , fusCD -4
ages 14 to 19 ing price * T .
Men's Woolen Suits that are bargains at $6 any years , 3 pieces
where , fusing price
Child's heavy Suit , all wool , with extra pants ,
Men's Suits , in three shades , good value at $7.50 Boys' woolen fusing price ;
will be fused out at cassimere
Suits , ages 14 Child's double-breasted all wool cassimere Suits ,
Five new shades of our standard all wool cheviot $6.25 to 19 years , at fusing price
Suits fused at ' . . fusing , price of
Suit in either sacks ' Child's Junior Suits , in cheviot and cassimero ,
Strictly clay worsted , or Boys' elegant
braided , far to , fusing Cb G )
frocks , fusing price cheviot suits , price neatly ages , 3 7 years H 1 ,
dark effects ,
Genuine English cheviot Suit , in regent cut , ages 14 to 19 ,
either style sack or 4-bulton cut-away 3 Cb Q go at fusing Child's Junior .Suits in black velvet , a neat ele
shades . H5 . , price of gant suit , fusing price
successors to Columbia Clothing Co. ,
Corner 13th and Farnam Streets , Omaha.
Dcc'ares that Ha Accounted for All th&
Funds Becjlvcd.
Dune on Paper and Little Money
i Wits In Sight , a Moslicr Found
It Coiivonli-nt to Kct.ila
tlio Dullir .
LINCOLN , Oct. 1. ( Special. ) The. de
fendants In the Hill case filed their answers
this morning with Clerk Campbell , and
uhtle they vary In some particulars they
all aijreo substantially. The holding ot the
olllco by Hill Is admitted , and it Is stren
uously Insisted upon that Hill has fully ac
counted for and turned over to ths persons
authorized to receive the same all the funds
which came Into his hands as such treas
urer. It Is alleged that never In the his
tory of the state has It been the practice-
or custom tor the persons paying money
Into the treasury to pay It In actual money ,
but It has always been paid In checks ,
ilrafts and certificates of deposit and the
Hill received from Wlllard. nho preceded
him , the funds of the state in checks ,
drafts and certificates of deposit , and did
not receive in actual money to exceed
$2,250. Wlllard had the funds deposited
In the Capital National bank to his credit
as treasurer , and when he turned over the
office to Hill he turned over these cert I ( lea tea
of deposit among others. That Hill never
collected or received In actual money to
exceed { f.0,000. That the $285,357.85 de
posited in the Capital National bank and
represented by a certificate of deposit la-
sued to Hill was the proceeds of other
checks , drafts and certificates of deposit ,
and this certificate of deposit was turned
r over to J. S. llurtley , his successor in otllce.
along with other certificates ot deposit.
Hartley took these certificates and opened
with the Capital National an open account
for the amount In his name as treasurer of
the state , and checked out of the funds thus
deposited the sum ot $50,000 before the bank
failed ,
The capital clty.-baa heen shivering today
under a drizzling rain and steam la on In the
olllco buildings.
Edna Marshall , ( he colored woman who
figured so prominently In the Bennett libel
case , \ \ \ ] \ be- released from the penitentiary
on Thursday.
\ rt-csptlon will bo tendered to Governor
McICInley by the Commercial club.
Captain Ireland's Ttrort shows that during
September the number of airoata maile was
295 ; the total number of meals terveJ was
l.ltl , at a cost of J13S.25.
The state grand lodge Knights ot I'ythlaa
will niMl In Lincoln October 10. The om-
cers' headquarters will La at the Capital
hotel , arrangements having been perfected
thli morning.
Samuel ScesrUt eilis the district court to
cancel eome decda to property In the south
ern part of the county because ha was In-
tana u-'lien ha gave them.
Lucy I. Hall was even a divorce this after
al noon from William L. Hall on .the ground of
cruelty. This Is the rase which has been
hanfi ng on for a long time and which has
cau cd more or lesw trouble over the de
fendant's r-roperty.
JudKB Strode has ordere/l the sheriff to
bald the proceeds from the sale of the Halter
blcck to C. T. Hoggs until the numerous
cases ugalnat Halter have been settled up.
Don't b afraid to rat hot biscuits when
cooked with Dr. Price's Daklng Powder.
rrnltriitlnry Timber Tnkt'ii lo Lincoln.
OKAND ISLAND , Oct. 1. ( Sptclal.- )
ShcrlfC Georga P. Denn went to Lincoln this
er mornlniv : > lth Frank Marks andV. . A.
le Mason , vrlio were sentenced to th peniten
vo tiary for one year each for stealing a bicycle
and for forgery , respEctlvtly. Hoth ' " "
guilt ;
YcslerJay Police Olllcera H. llyan anJ
Joseph Smith Bhidovvtl l\\o Biisplclous char-
actera , who icon sneaked ( o tha rear of Jlin
Koblnson's teconJ-hand place , wbare the )
found oicn dcors and a man leady to < k
"liunlnt'sa. " Oll'.cer Ryan permittej them
to enter ami In a few minutes ha followed ,
It vtai a eenulnu surprlie party to the tv\t
U. characters and to Jim , as tli ? latter had
on the watch already In his posscsilon , Vpot
Uyan't question IB to what the men bad of-
'ered to sell , Robinson pulled a lady's fine
rutch out of his pocket. Ryan then took both
the men and the watch. Chief Powers
rcadr on.account of.Uhe burglary of C. P.
May's residence at , Fremont Saturday and
.his morning he telegraphed the latter. Mr.
May fully Identified' Hie 'watch Vnd will
come on at once with a warrant for the
men. Tha men gave their names as Harry
N'olan and Charles Larson.
llrinouiVltj "WorkiiiEmcn Should Ho Hot
ter Itei > roMMitril In < onre : * .
Tailors' union No. 92 held a regular mect-
ng last night In Green's hall. D. Clem
Deavcr , president of the State Perforation at
Labor nnd populist candidate for congress ,
visited the union and delivered a short ad
dress. Mr. Deaver assured the members that
if elected to congress he would work for the
Interests of the great , plain working people
and quoted some figures to prove that the
worklngmen were not very well represented
In the congress ot the United States. He
said that the congress that passed the na
tional banking act was composed of 1S9 bank
ers , ninety-nlno lawyers , seventeen manufac
turers , seven physicians , one mechanic and
one farmer. The census reports showed that
from 1880 to 18SO the land owners of the
country Increased 2V4 per cent , and the ten
ants Increased 40H per cent. During the
same time the Increase of population \\as 35
per cent ; wealth gain , 45 per cent , and debt ,
13C per cent. He read from census biilletlns
showing that the workers In the text lie In
dustries of Philadelphia received on an aver
age only $373 per annum. This , ho thought ,
was on account of legislation which he pro
posed to remedy If elected. The labor
troubles could not be permanently put down
by military display , as tlio worklngmen had
a Just cause that uas demanding considera
tion The speaker was roundly cheered when
ho concluded and Invited to visit the union
at Its next meeting.
Dr. Price's ' Baking Po der possesses not
only superior leavening power , but that per
fect purity In composition essential to the
promotion at health and1 the preparation ot
palatable food.
iVu Kxhllilt or drain anil < lrmtn from the
C , N. Dletz and II. n. Cady , who are
largely Interested in and about Sheridan ,
Wyo. , hnvo brought with them a line as
sortment of grasses , fruits nnd vegetables
grown In Sheridan county , which they have
placed on exhibition In the olllco of the
Sheridan Coal company In the Board ot
Trade building.
"There was no Intention ( o make a selec
tion oC the best- products ot Sheridan
county , " said Mr. Dlelr , "Mr , Cady and my
self taking the thlng > that first came to
hand. There areMnearly forly different
kinds of wild grasd' growing on the up
lands of the county , Vml all are very succu
lent and nutritious.never think ot
taking feed with up , for our horses when
making a trip Into theirmountalns , for there
Is food In abundance for them. AVe turn
them loose at night. ' a'nd ' they easily can
find all they want bnoat. " The potatoes
shown are of the , clcest variety ? the
pumpkins grow aslarue as boulders , one
on exhibition weighing t thirty-five pounds ,
while other vegetable ' are In proportion ,
Such an exhibition "cannot help but brine
this new section o.Jhe ( northwest , Jusi
opening to Omaha ' .iraa'e ' , Into prominent
My boy was taken" ! iih a disease resem
bling bloody ( lux. T , first thing I thought
ol was Chamberlain'sCflllc , Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy. Twa doses of It tettled
the matter and cured' him sound and well. I
heartily recommend tlils remedy to all pr-
Bona suffering from a'like cmplalnt. I will
answer any Inciulrtei regarding It wher
i.tamp Is enclosed. I refer < o any county of-
Itclal as to my reliability. Win. Roach , J. P. ,
Primroy , Campbell Co. , Tenn. For aalo b )
, Tmt J.lttlc raster.
The "Northwestern" Number Six. leavlni
Omaha i p , m. dally , now arrives In Chlcigi
7.55 a. m. , instead of 8:15 , as formerly
"Just a little f ister. " Don't con fuss till :
with the Oinnha-Chlcjgo special , vrtilch htll
Ieavt'3 at 5:4i : p. m. dally and arrives at Chi
oitro 8:45 : a. in , No need to- change thli
City office , HOI Farnam street.
ll'liy ll lilt , lr. MchnU ,
Plumbing- Inspector Duncan was on trla
In 'the criminal court yesterday on tin
charge of assaulting : Dr. Ueorge Nichols ,
few months ago. The men met la Shennai
& McConnell's drug store Just after the death
of Mall Carrier Duncan , a brother ot the
nspector , and the latter was laboring under
he Impression that the doctor had not given
ils brother correct professional treatment.
The doctor turned to Duncan and said that
lie wanted to talk to him. Duncan said that
iie wanted nothing to do with the medical
gentleman , and soon afterward struck him
a powerful blow In the face , breaking his
nose and otherwise disfiguring htm. The
case was heard In the police court and Dun
can was fined $40 and costs , lie appealed
and the case was tried yesterday. Duncan
claimed on the witness stand that at the time
of the assault he Mas III , and was .suiterIng
mentally over the loss of tils brother. Ho
wus not responsible for his actions , and
while talking to Dr. Nichols Bald that he
could plainly see the face of his dead
brother. The apparition caused him to lose
control of himself and he assaulted the phy
sician. The Jury has the evidence under
Dr. Price's Baking Powder never varies.
As supplied to consumers U Is of the same
line and even quality a * that whlcli received
the highest award at the Columbian und
Mldu Inter fairs.
Prisoners tlmrfrvil xrltli Tliutt * nt TuUor.
! . , anil In Dm iliu.
Yesterday morning Officer Klssane arrested
Charles Weat at Tpnth and Did e streets.
He Is wanted at Tabor , la. , for burglary. Ho
gave such Information to the officers that
last night his partner , W. II. Murray , was
also arrested.
Onicer Klssane found the man In a saloon
at Eleventh anil Capitol avenue. A tier n
hard struggle and with the assistance of
Block Watchman Matza West was arrested.
The patrol wagon was out at the tlmo and
the officers marched the prisoner between
them to the station. He fought and struggled
all the way. In his possession were found
O watch chains that were stolen at Tabor ,
a diamond glass cutter , n locket , a watch , a
pair of cuff buttons , a World's fair halt dollar
lar and other articles.
The burglary for which West and Murray
were arrested was committed. Friday night.
A series of robberies recently reported In
Omaha. Is attributed to them.V , B. Mil-
lard's residencewns entered through a win
dow , a pnno of which was cut around the
bolt. Several other cases have been re
ported. Mrs. Copeland , at 2416 South Six
teenth , reported the loss ot a watch ilng and
gold spectacles , and West was seen In that
vicinity by Officer Klssane. Among the ar
ticles that Murray had In his possession , the
watch , a silver one. Sergeant Ormsby saye
was stolen hero. Although the tvto are
wanted In Tabar , on effort will be made tc
hold them hero.
About four years ago West was arrested by
the same officer , Klssane , and the call turned
In from the same box. Ills real name le
Billy La van. Ho Is also known as Billy
McVey. Ho Is n Mexican. At that tlmo he
was -working with O'Brien and I'ugh , twc
others of the came sort. They were mispected
of several burglaries , and finally one nlghl
Klssane caught Lavan , alias Went , ncai
Tenth and Dodge Etreets. L.ivau is a des.
perato man and ho pulled a revolver upon
the officer. He tried to shoot thrco times , In
the last case the barrel brushing Kissano' :
mustache , but each time It mK'.eil lire
After a struggle the man was anvsled. II <
told the names of his partners , and they , tco
were arrested , They were wanted In Iowa
nnd when taken there , were eent to tha penl <
tentiary. Lavan has probably Just come out ,
The police think' there nre others who have
had a hand In the recent burglaries.
Tlio C > rcjtc c Irrl illnii Kntgrpruo In
U In the Pecos Valley , New Mexico. A specla
excursion to celebrate completion of tin
railroad to Rcswell will start October 9th
One faro for the round trip , plus J2.00
Ij'mlt of time , twenty days. Krce transpor
tatlon. Eddy to Roiwell and return , lurnlshec
all holders of excursion tickets. Call on 01
address 1'ecoa Irrigation and Imprnvemen
company , 417 Stcck exchange- building , Chi
cago. _
Onn Hundred Moonshiner * Cuptnrril.
ASHLAND , KV. . Oct. 1. Till * ntternooi
United States Marshal Grecr and hU dcputle
left for Louisville , with 108 moonshiner
Just from the upper Big Sandy valley. Th' '
party Is made up of women , boys and men
some of the latter typical desperadoes.
Cook's Cxtra Dry Imperial Champagne I
spl'ndld to entertain your ( rlenda with. It
bo < iuet and deUclcua taste U unrivalled.
Piom the field of Honor Through the
Court to a Cell.
llorr You KUI rlen-\Viictitor and Killtor
I'olailurf Coiii [ > t.Uiul Ijj tlu Kiniiei-ur
to Snffur ( li ! ill I
tar the Yloluttuii.
UEHLIN. Oct. I. llerr Von Klderlen-
Waclitcr , I'rusKlun mliilatcr to ll.itriljurg , and
llerr 1'olsilorf , editor ot the Klaihlcradatscti ,
have been condemned to four months Im
prisonment In u fortress ( or lighting a duel.
The duel fought platols near Ber
lin on .April IS. 1'lve slioU were tired , and
Ilcrr 1'olsdorl was Hounded In the arm. The
Cau ? if the encounter was an alleged libel
upon llerr Von Riderlen , ( hen chief ot the
press department of the foreign oflice , which
Ilcrr i'olsdorf allowed to lie published In
the KUddcradatsch , a comic paper which be
came notorious for Its attacks , upon certain
employes of the government.
The duel ruined the political prospects of
Von Kklcrlen , as his action In tills matter
was only Justified by j military clique on the
ground that the attacks of the Kladdcra-
dutgcli could not be endured by a man ot
honor. Emperor William , houuver. did not
take this view of the case , although Von
Klderlen vsas for a long tlnio a friend of the
emperor. The ICIadderadaUch alleged but
never proved conclusively that llerr Von
Klderlen nnd Herr Von llolsteln fostared ,
the feeling between the emperor and Prince-
Bismarck. Von Klderlen , especially , Is
eald to have used his position as chief of tha
press department of the foreign olllce to
further his own ends , and even * went to the
extent of trying to bully Chancellor Von
Cnprlvl , and It wan reported at the tlmo that
a person closely acquainted with the workIngs -
Ings of the foreign olllco become BO disgusted
with Von Klderlen'd directorship that ho
divulged all he knew to the proprietors ot
the KladderadRtsch , lor when Its editors
were asked to furnish proof of their accusa
tions , their informer , fearing to compromise
himself , remained silent , and Herr Polsdorf
was made to suffer the consequences.
Since the fall from power of General Count
Von "VVolderaee there has been no such collapse
as the tumble ot Von Klderlen from the em
peror's favor to the position In which he
found himself after the duel Iran ncd upon
by his Imperial majesty and former Iricnd ,
who , Boon after the news of the encounter
became public , allowed U to become known
that the fallen favorite would have to suffei
the fulPpenalty tor breaking the laws. This
was admitted In April last , but the sen
tences were only announced today.
The rosltlonof Dr. Trice's Raking Powder
as the leading baking powder of the orld la
now established.
Vttfranfl nf the l.ato U'ar Itcmambcrcil by
thn < ii-ni > ru1 Ciivcrnnii-iir.
WASHINGTON' , Oct. l.-Speclal.-Pen- )
slons granted , Issue of September M , were ;
Nebraska : Original Loamm ! Woyil ,
Clarks , Merrlcfc ; Jesse Uesst , Decatur ,
Hurt. Additional David. Btoneburner , St ,
Paul , Howard. Incicase Geary Let ? , Nc | .
son , Xuckolta.
Iowa : Original Hiram SI. Mapes
Adams , Mu ° callne ; Juinc : ) B. Held
\Vuukoii. Allnmakee. lU'nc-wal and rola
KUB James Mrlntosh , DecorahVlnno
Bhleli , OrlBlnal wUlown , etc. Can lo M. .
Slclntosh , Decorah , Vlnnpnliluh
Colorado : Original Lewis HrookH , Mln1
neapotl.H , Baca , Original wlduwj ) , etc -
Slay U. Duvls , Lovcland , Larimer.
Oregon Kidney Tea curei nervous head
aches. Trial ! > e , 25 cents. All drugelila.
.liiiniied from tlioVlnilr > \r.
HASTINGS , Neb , , Oct. 1. ( Special Tele
gram , ) A burglar entered the residence c
H. M. Oliver yesterday afternoot
at 2:30 , and , upon being dli
covered , Jumped from the second
story window. As Sir , Oliver and family an
out of the city. It la not known how mucl
woa carried away. There has been no ar
Oregon Kidney Tea cures all kidney trou
tries. Trial i < ze , 25 cents. All druggists.
' < * ' x %
This extra Conatlpatiou
ordinary Re- ,
luvcnator Is Falling Ben.
the m o n t "
wonderful onstwltchlniS
discovery of
of tlio
the n e. It and otbor
has been endorsed
. .
dorsed by the
leadlngtcicn- Strengthen * ,
tlllu mou of 1 n VI K nratti
Europe and mi d tone a th a
America. on'lrchyztt'in.
Hudyan U Hudyan cmea
purely Deb llity ,
table. Nervousness.
Hudyan . JvinligloiiB ,
and develop < sand
and rcttorei
of the (1 1 s- vcnk .
chnrgo In 20 Pain * In tha
days. Cures tact , Icesei
LOST by day ot
MANHOOD nigiitstopped
quickly , Otcr 1,000 private maursements.
I'lemuturentiK means ImpoUncy In tha flrrt
( luge. It U a symptom ot wakncsi and
taiicnncss. It can be cured In 24 days by lti
use of Jiudyan ,
The new discovery nna modi ) by th specialist
ot the old famous Hudson Medical lllitllute. It
Is the strongest vltalbtr mafle. tl Is very power
ful. but ImrmlcKg. ? r ! ' . Cor 51 , Co a package , nr
fix package for K CO ( pttln < Mil < M bou > .
Written Ruarantee given for n cure. If you buy
six boxen , nnd nre not entirely cured , six moti
nlll lie sent tn you free of all rlmrge. Send far
circular * and te llmnnnl ! .
Junction Stockton Market , and Kills
Streets , San Franoisco.Cal.
WE Nervous
AW )
CUSE Special
Catarrh , all DieoaaoB of the Noso.
Throat , GhostStomach , Llvor. Blood
Skin onU Klclnoy Dlsonooa , Log
Call en or addresa
Dr , Searlcs & Searles ,
Piimary,8 condary and Ter-
S nu tary | ( aea Of Bloocl Poison
H you don't tiellev * we can evil a your ea.i
P'trmunently , come to our oftlcc and ea what
W ) can tin for you In ten ilayi * lime It will
mit yut > nothing , Consultation free. Correipoiul *
Omen ncillclleil. DINHMOIU3 HUMKUY CD.
: o Uouulai llk.Omalia , l