rif f "TT > 1MIE' ( ftlAHA DAILY BJ2E : , OCTOBER 2 , 18f)4. Tim OMAHA DAILY BEE. COUNCIL IlliUHFfl. - - NO K PUAtlti ty rartlor to Jinr part tl itir city. H W. TILTON. Lesice. ofTo * , Ho. 4J ; nlrhl editor , tilt A OK ,11 Hral Estate Agency. 639 llroadw.iy Mr Snrah E. FrnrVHn % va granted r divorce ycrtcnlny frm JBIIIBS Frankl n. The Sandwich Manufacturing company ha1 lectntlv filled tip some very line offices It tlielr building on Lower Mnln strict . The funeral of Mrs , Susie 8 , llouck xvll take place tlili afternoon nt 2 o'clcck from thi Tslidenco of her Ulster , at 128 Graham nvc 11110W J Dryan has Iwcn engaged by the loca democrats and popullMs to give a speech li this city The meeting will be held out o doorx , If possible. The mnrrlcRe of John W. Mnrsc am Cnrrle M Clark Is nnnounced to tak > plac tomorrow. They will bo at home at 71 Fifth avenue after October 12. Squire Whitlaltcr of Pottaxxattanile count ; and IMlth O.sborneof Norwalk totuishli were given n license to vvcd yesterday. Thel agei WCTO 27 aiiltce. Justice Fox tied th knot. At the Inst regular meeting encamt mtnt No. S. I'nlon Veteran lesion , ati Ladles' niixlllary No. 17. Invitations to nl UTil the reception of General 0 M. Hods tom&rr 'W weri accepted. The we of the ttatc against WhclBton \ aid Kirk en Jail , charRwl with cutting tro , on cnMlicr man's laud , was completed an f iiilit.nued tu Ju tice Fox yeiterday. A At cfolon vx 111 be rendered Si-turday. II. 0. Hartxxfcll'a ' divorce * ult agalns l.urlrdn f. Kartwcll vvja ilrcMed by Judo _ .lnrj yesterday. The dcftidant put In or jj petition allying Inhuman twaitneni nnd not only KOI the divorce which her hus band ashed for , but alimony In the Finn i $500 In uddlt en. The traveling men of this city , accnn pauled by their wives , vxill , at llio SUERC' tlon of Mr. Kd Hc'.xe , traveler for Carsai Plrle , Scott & Co. , Chicago , meet at tli OlMiul hotel Sunday evening next , Oetcb < 7. at 6 p. m. , to attend d nner , the Idea i the Joint attendance betny to show the goo 1\lll of the traveling motv toward the hotel. Charles Robinson , who VMS arrested bo' ' eral days ugu for vagrancy , and give thirty minutes In which to leave the clt ; tyis found yesterday morning not "have taken advantage of the Kind offer < the county , and brought In lo enjoy thin days' protection from the w'.ncl and we IA > ur more vagswere given the alternate of thirty mlnules or thirty d.iya. Selly Hough blew Into toxxn with his a ruttcmrd regularity yesterliy afternoon at Immediately capturetl It. He was vrliooplr nnd yelling like a Comanche Indian vvhi Officer Covalt gently gathered him In. I was slated with drunkenness and dlsturbli the peace , It has been about three da ; El n co he finished n jail sentence fi cHsaiilt and battery upon a man at a. Cresce : Oly dance. A rusllp.de of Bluits that sounded as thoui a couple of regiments might be engaged bullct-to-bullet conflict aroused the Inhat tants of the northxxcstern part of the cl Sunday morning about 7 o'clock. It p ov to l.o the vx-urk of about 300 duck huntc at Dig lake. About the time the shcotli nni at Its height a. Northwestern train ha jicned along , and the passengers proceed to lie down In their seats , thinking that gang of train robbars wore trying to b a few victimsor so. The.y al ! escap with uholoskins , which was considers ! more than fceveral of them expected to do. It U a bad business policy not to keep yo' lione ; Innured In a thoroughly reliable fl iiiKurunce company such as the Palatine ilanchcster. England. This company la repr * euted by Kougeo & Toxvle. 2J5 I'earl etrei -llo t i > toro. . \ \ ti offer for a starler for o\r great t days' sale the fallowing barealri. ' 5c Kngtlsh cashmeres , 3 ( ! Indies wide , 1 n yard. Yard-wide all wool ladles' cloth , worth 3 ! for 2Cc. All wool novelty dress goods , worth 0 for S9c a yard. f > 0c all uool cashmeres , 39c a > nrd. P'lfty-lnch gloria silks , COc n yard. 7Gc gray blankets , &So a pair. ft brown blankets , CTc a pair. $1.7C gray mixed blankets , full 11-4 , I | 1 19. Our | 5 bliinkrts , In gray and white , | 3 d pair. IHue and ted prints , 3c a yard. liest light prints , 4c a yard. American blueprints , Gc a yard. Klne Saxony yarn , EC a. skein. Yard-wide muslin , 3 > , &e a yard. Ladles' vests and pants , 25c each , vxoi 89c. Ladles' wool underxxsar , worth 11 , for each. each.UnlDn suits , from SSc to $ S. Watch the papers for a more complete I of bargains. BOSTON STOIU5. Fowler , Dck ! & Walker Selected hard wood for heating stoves. II. A. COX. 3T Main street. Tel. 4S Havana Freckles clgar.Uavls , wholesale a Washerwomen use Domestic acap. j'K/i.su.v.i-i1. r.i II. A. Keys has returned from a visit Bed OuU. S. J , Cook will officiate as night clerk the Grand hotel. Sir. nnd Mrs. Charles C. Lincoln ot Pci are visiting friends In the city for a f days. 1) , L. Itoss left last evening for Tetc burp , III. , whore he Is to be married torn row to Miss nela "Miller. Major George H. Richmond of Wlscon Is In the city , lo attend the meeting of Society of the Army of the Tennessee. Colonel Cornelius Cadlo of Cincinnati , tccretary of the Society of the Army of Tennessee , Is a guest of the Grand hotel. Mr , and Mrs. Gcorgo H. Jackson nnd M Emma Potter have gone to Keokuk , to tend the meeting of the grand chapter of Order ot the Eastern Star. Mr. Matt Mergen of the firm of John M gen & Co. . the South Main street grocer , depart Wednesday morning for Farley , & en a hunting expedition , and will bo abs tliK-B vxreks. Colonel \V , S. Moore of Den Molnes , rep Renting the Midland Monthly magazine , rived in the city yesterday to attend rueetlnor of the Army of Tennessee. Cole Jilooro is a veteran newspaper man , and of tlio objects of hla presence hero la write an Illustrated magazine article with 'Army of Tennessee for the subject. Cole Moore was only a high private In the an but he folio-wed it through oil of Its vlcl tudea and has found n large fund of mate to draw upon. The Midland Is unique original In character and Is one of the r ( lomenat magazine successes of the day , product of western people and western gen blove * . 8to o . Stnvt" . Huy your stoves of C , 0. D. Drown eave 25 per cent. Wo are sola agents for the celebrated llngton Steele ranges , royal and Imperial J man base burners. Victor favorite , VI prlte and Homo Rule cook stoves. Aetna and Golden Rule Round Oak ; the Majestic , Splendid and Novelty oil sto The celebrated airtight stoves only $ C.O Remember , we will save you money well as fuel If you buy your steve of us- 8tove pipe , only So joint : stove plpo bows. Be each ; 3 tin cups for 5c ; jelly glas _ JCc per dor. ; wooden palls , lOc each ; ll-n. ' t In pall , only ICc. * ' GROCERY DCPAUTMBNT. 19 llu. granulated sugar for Jl-CO , 100 granulated sugar for $5.25. 3 cans toma tor 2Jc. 3 cans corn for 25c , Ginger sn to per pound. Fresh oysters , 12 > , &c can. liavo a full linn ot Qoxver pots at about i lialf regular prices. BROWN'S C. O. 3 Hourlclus' music house has few expert high grade planes are sold reasonably , gtutsman street , nuncan'i hoe are aUays the best cheapen t. _ _ _ Ijiumlrjr Co. 1 CZO Peart itreet. Telephone 29U t EoaatiUo loip bnika hard water. SEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Twenty-Uin h AnnnalBonnljnnf te Arm of Ibc Tennwscu Kcoti SHORT SKETCH OF THE OHGAN'Z ' VTICN I'urnicil In the I'lolilVhiii Ilio \\t\r Win Just Kudliig. II lln * K l > t Allio Tim rortiiLMl In I'IICD of Urntli. Council tlltiffa will receive quite an ( Ion tu Its temporary population today In the visitor * who flte to attend the annual meeting of the Rcclety of the Army of llu Tennessee. The first meeting of the session proper will be li'.ltl tomorrow , nnd lor a ft\\ ilaH the city will have the privilege of en. IcrtalnliiK the most distinguished array o gui-nts probably In Its entire pmlous hl ' tory. There Is hardly a man In the DiR.inU.i lion but whuss name Is knowr. nil over tin country , and many ot the names are house hold words * all over the land , made so b ] their brilliant exploits and deeds of dnrlm In the late war. Ever since April 1 * . 1SC3hen the or Kanlzatlon uns effected , the society has bos : a fnmlllar tiling to nil v\ho have lie en ut a ! hitt-rested In war matt"- ! . I'alclgli , N. C. lias the honor of being Its birthplace , am Ihp meetings hnvc been held each ycur at tin leading cities nil over the country. In th. . senate chamber of the Haielgh capltol th crK3n'7iilIcn had Us birth , and Ha fathe was General Frunl ; P. Blair , rommander o Iho Seventeenth r.imy corps , who has sine gone to the bjyoiul At this Hirt uncling thirty-three oliirer vierc present , less than half of whom an htlll livlnrr. The committee to v.hlchu Intrusted the crk of drawIiiR up a pla ; of organization ns composed uf Ueneral John A. Logan. Prank H. IMalr , fillcs A Smith. W H. Woods and A. J. S'nlth , o w'so'n tl.e MPI mentioned Is tl.e only * ur vlvor At the vecond mrotltijc , held nln diys lalcr OereralVool : presided , and th plan ttliiCli the committee jire'otitcdva adopted , nnd the toclcty brought Into actlv operation alons the lines It proposed. Evcrv officer ho eer\Eil with honor I the union nrmy v as eligible to membcrshli and the object , us stated In the report of th commute * , was "to keep alive the cordlu feeling vvhlch tins aVvxays bc n u > leadln chaiacterlstlc ot this army during Us cacc In the service , and glvon that harmony t action which ha ? contributed In no small d ( Step to Its Klorlcius uchlevcments. " Lee wn on the point ot surrendering , and the me Mho had so enthusiastically supported th union during UK darkest days were at tli point \\hero they could see the flrM tali : gl.mmcrlrgs of the coming day. Meeting xvere to he hold each year , nnd this pi a has I .ten etrndlly adhered to. fJencra ! John A. RawIns ! was the fin president and held the ohlce until the da of his death. lie had but tuo successor General William Tecumseh Sherman. wi also held ( ha position throughout life an thtn laid down the gavel , to be taken up 1 : General G. .M Dodge. Colonel L , M. D.ij ton , the first , recording secretaiy , held U cPico until three > cars ago , hen his cleat made a vacancy , which vias filled by tl election of Colonel Cornelius Cadle. Ocner ; Andrew IllcXenlooper and General M. 1 1'orce still hold the offlces of corre-'pnndlii srcrctar * and treasurer , to which they ttei elected twenty-nine years ago. Tlie twenty-four meetings of the soclci which have been held since the nnellng , Cincinnati wertj pt St. bouls , Chlcag Loulsllle , Cincinnati , Matllson , Toled SprlngHcld , Ues Molnes , Washington. E I'aul , Indianapolis , Chicago , Cincinnati , S l.siils , Cleveland , Lake Minnetonka , Chlcag Hoc ! : Island , Detroit , ToleOo. Clnclnnal St. Louis and Chicago. A flney : prlnti and bound volume of the reports of ea < inectlng IB prepared , and the vtiole set co tains an exceedingly Interesting nnd.alu ble collection of war reminiscences , At the first meeting , held In Clnclnnai 225 officers were present. The number hi varied each year , the largest nttondan < being 350. Tor the past few years tl attendance has been constantly growli les ? , as death goes on gathering his harve : and last year there were 175 on hand exchange recollections of the past. Durli the last year there were eight losses 1 death , but the army roll stilt contains abe & 00 names As the years go by and t ; scenes which called the- army Into be.i grow a little more dim to the sight t : members take a frefch hold on their meme les and a fresh Interest In the meeting Hach year brings them so much nearer t end , and they propose to enjoy thcmselv to the full limit while there la a chanc The doors of the liomts of Council Dlu : will ba thrown open to the visitors wli they are here , and The I3ce bespeaks f them a hearty welcome. The scientists who have withdrawn tht cndcisemont of the powder branded "abs hit Ely pine" because Its formula Is chang unite In commending Dr. Price's Dakli Powder ab the most wholesome and cfflcle leavening agent now before the public. TWIN CITV WANTS A CIIAHTKIt. lour-Yrar-Ohl linllronl Schema Co men I In til * l nmicll Mi'ciin ; ; . Sis people besides the councllmen we present at the regular monthly meeting the city council last evening. In the a sence of the mayor Councilman Keller pi sided. The regular monthly bills were , lowed and reports or heads of departmei received and referred. The amended or nance of I lie Council Bluffs and Lake Me awn electric ralluoy , giving the right way on South Sixth street' to Twenty-fi ; avenue , waa passed. The city clerk was Etructcd to advertise for bids lot eewer cc Btructlon on avenue K lo Oakland avenue , resolution ordering new curbing on Droadwt Main and I'earl streets was laid over ur next meeting. The clerk was ordered to advertise i sidewalk bids for stonr , brick and plank all places where wnlks had been ordered. A remonstrance from Leonard Everett a others against paving Second avenue was : celvcd and placed on file , the ordinance hi ing bccii patsed , A pitltlon from property owners on Aver P , Biking tor pavlrg and curbing , was re uiKl pl.iced on file. The folloulng registrars of election wi chosrn , the first name' given being the rubllcsn : First Wunl-1'lvst precinct , AV. C. lit drlrks , CSeorgo Oliver ; Second precinct , C. UnUIy , Tred Hontn. Second \Vanl-h\ist precinct , R. II. rink Third Ward First precinct , O. B. Treyn A. S. IJIack ; Second iireclnct , J. It. Ar strong. Forrest Klnnoy. FoutlhVardK1rat precinct , A. J. IJrov F. W. NeaM Second precinct , P. C. Jai son , C. II. Mitchell , Fifth Ward-First precinct , John SklnV W , W. Cones ; Second precinct , liana Sai wick. G. O'Neill. Sixth Ward-First precinct. O. W. Turn J. P. Andeisou ; Second precinct , J. T. Bi ner , 11. TIcrnpy. id thirty-five out of forty-one owners of bar shops asked the council to enforce the 1 requiring the closing of barber shops on S rr - day. Petition was received and a spci r- ordinance prepared by the barbers was r sented , It went through to Us second re Ing and was laid over until the next meetl The ordinance fixes a fine ot $25 for Its vie tlon. tlon.The The question ot purchasing ot the del as nozzles lately tested , was referred to the cc mlttce ot th whole. The old Twin City Street Hallway compa originally Introduced In 1S90 and rejected rt again presented i no apparent reason , was read. This Ib the John W Paul ordinal Its reading "ftan listener to with a good < is , of Interest , for It was new to many of es aldermen. After the ordinance had been 13 , celved a communication from the Union L 'o ami Improvement company \\ns read , atk e- for tlio vacation of Twenty-fourth sti north ot the lev i < , and offering In lieu , extend Twentieth street to Dig Lake. II thn communication and the ordinance w 1C referred to the committee of the whole. The committee reported favorably upon request for an arc light In front of the F Baptist cliurcli. Council adjourned until October 11. iliiror * > Ui t Tote l'n I r. The petit Jury In the district court brought la tot active operation ! yesteri but ro rmtluera tins on hand for them. JuJjo Mary put in a. MUlr time glMng thoirt vine Inductions nn to what their dutlei wcrr , and .11 the courre nf his remark * man aged to five thfin nonio xery useful advice on the subject of earning their lees. l-'or Home time past It hns Ixrn customary for certain juror * , wtio border % 6y closely on His profession , to hang out until after 9 u'cltck when tliey ftrc dcllberntlng oti n verdict , bccauro that filvci them two days fe s for one day' * work. Hpcrntly thtre h H been ro much of thU ecrt cf work done that i.o one cvtr expocls n Jury In until 0:0.-i : p , Hi , , but very shortly after that time. The atlenUun of ( he roi'rt wai nttrnctfil by ill's atrango uniformity of ac Inn , and yester day ho gave- utterance ? Ic some vary dccldul langnnge on the subject. It romalni to be eeen how much cttciitlcn the gentlemcri ol ( he r'rot % lon. If there are any fuch on tlu liaiiel for lliU ttrm , will give his adv ce. Perfect purity nnd mifqualleil strength an illMlnctlvo iiualltles of Dr. Price's Pov.tltf. WAV UP IN TIII5 MIM.tO.SS. Vli T.'nc 1'rojort vpriins Upon ilio IVnpV o < nnnrlt ' hitT lij i ' lnc.iuoin About twenty-five prominent citizens o Council muffs were Invited to meet Wlllian Uallln of Chicago last evening at the office o AV. J. Jamison , In the Masonic temple. Mr Dallln represents the Atlantic & Pacific rail xviiy Construction company , and the schem ho had to lay belorp the people of this clt ; was In connection with the plan the compan ; has had under way for Ihp past four years ol constructing rm air line from New Yorl to San I'rancltco. He Is mal.lng gti effort t pnl'st ' the Eympnthlcs rf the people of th towns nnd cities near which the propose , line IK to pnss , and claims to li \c siiccecdc. . w < ll thus fur The line of thp road run within a quarter of n mile of ( he norther : boundary of Council Bluffs , according to th survoxs which Imvo ilrcady been made. The read , co Air. Uillln says swerve neither to thp right nor to the left. It p.is a thiough the city ot Chicago , but If any othc cities want to lm\e It mil through ther ihry mupt move. The work of coustructlo on the part from New Vorl < to Chicago I 10 bo commenced In 1SII3 , and to ba ftnl'hc In 1SUS. The estlmiited cost of this portlo Is f 12.1.000,000. Worn Chicago to San Krar clvcii the cost \\lll be SinO.nao.OflO. A ] .at ot his tclieme Is to ghe the United St.itr . EiAnrnmont. If it proves agreeable. Cl | i the Rovernment agrcelrg to ciidoiae ti ! cuit nf the entire Monk , In consideration c bonds of the rouil. Me wrote Senator Cu loin of Illinois rociucBtlng his assistance , nil rf-c'ved in return a letter In which 1 ; t'loiieht ho could read between the line fie scnrtor's wIllliiBress to do all ho couli Either rteam or electricity vxlll be ued t .1 motive- power , as may be deemed advlsabl Aftrr rcad'ng ' tlie prospectus of the con pany , In which hundreds of millions of do hrs were dashed off with the same gllbncs Hut most men use In speaking of 5-cei rlg-irs , Mr Dallln p-e'ented hla proposltlc to the people of Council Bluffs , lt was , th ; $20,000 bs pledged in cash , to be paid whe the line Is completed from New York to tl Missouri river. In car-c U passes vUthln quarter of a mile of the northern bsmidai of C"unc'l Dlnffs. In .illltlon to this he wan $300 worth cf stock subscrlbsd for. to be pa within thirty days , to bo used In carrying c the preliminary work , xshlch Is to be con pleted by December 20 , ISI. ! ) Ho is now i his way to San Francisco , and will presei similar propositions to the people of the vat ous places nloni ; the proposed route. It was decided that the best xtty out the illlllciilty , or Into It. as the case may I was to appoint a committee of seven , who duty It should be to Investigate the ma ler The committee consists of Frank Trlr ble. Dr. J H Cleaver. William Moore , W. Jamison , W. II. Thomas and M , F , holirs It will meet this IIODII In the parlors of t Grand hotel LOPI'S lUKi : . Th < f King of All I'crCvCt vulj lltut < ! for l.agrr Krer. Can be sold \\lthout license , either gover incut or slate ; dealers guaranteed by I dennlfylng bond , Endorsed by leading ph Klclans , judges and ministers. Wheeler Ifcrcld , Council Bluffs , la.j-nre ( he sole ma ufacturers in the United States. Thousan of testimonials. Write for prices and I formation. On the back of an order for n fresh co slgnment of Copps Cheer , LeRoy Woe Coin , la. , writes under date September ; "Had a republican rally here Ian night , would have astonished the gods to see I way they came after Copps Cheer. " HAMBURG , la. . Sept 21. Wheeler & 1I < eld : The Copps Cheer and Herb tonic hand , and we are pleased to stale that > lire starting out ullh a very good sale for lipglnner. C. U. Phlllpps. Cafe D Main , The cause ot the present boom In n estate Is due somewhat to ( he success ! sale of fiult and garden lands by Mcas Day & Hess In the Klein tract 'they htt 200 acres In amounts to suit , huPahle I fruit and gardens. Also bearing fruit fan for sale. MoXInlrr Will Talk. Governor McKlnley will arrive In the c next Friday morning1 at 9 10 o'clock a make a speech to the people of Coun Bluffs , During the last tew days he li been making a tour of the central stat delivering from two to eight speeches a da ; usually two full speeches and half a do * or so five or ten-minute talks to the peoj of the towns through which he passes , fr < the rear platform o ( the train. On t ! imrnlng following the- day he appears f Omaha he will deliver a full speech to t people ot this city He will bo brought a special motor train to the scene of t meeting , which will be held out of doors the weather be favorable , and if not. In 1 largest building that can be obtained. Fi ther details will be announced later. .7. O. Iloftiimyr'H l-unry Patent , t Hungarian Process Flour. Made by the oldest milling ilrm In the we makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. A your grocer for It. Trade mark : "Ul Rooster. " Eagle l&undry , 724 Broadway , l ,7 < HI ark. T l. 157 , [ Premier egg cups at Lund Bros. * Dimestlc soap outlasts cheap soap. the Wonpar U f ue. After several postponements , the petit of Receiver William Arnd for permission j sell the Nonpareil as soon as he could ftnt buyer vxas brought up In the district co yesterday. Slnre Mr. Arnd took charge has enlarged the subscription list by soi thing more than a hundred , but he sta that the Institution Is stilt losing money the rate of $250 a week , from the fact t old accounts that vxere not found on books , accrued under the former mana ment , keep bobbing up serenely at all tin The matter will be taken up again thU mo Ing at 9 o'clock , and It Is expected t during the day General E. F. Test of old management will be put upon the sti to tell what he knows about the way paper vxas run. Mr. J. Perry's old friends and custom will now find him at Norrla Bros. ' shoeiU COO Broadxvay. Boots J-.r.d shoes made- order ; perfect fit guaranteed ; reralr w of all kinds neatly done , ( rand MHImrrjr ( Ipeninc ; . Ladles , you are Invited to attend the fin millinery display ot the season at' \ Sprlnk's , 19 Main street , Tuesday i Wednesday. October 2 and 3. Gas cooking itovei for rent and for lain Gas Co.'s office , f. The MivcriiherH > r The Knights of Ihp Maccabees Invite p. public to a entertainment at th : or. 'house this tvenlng. A rich literary musical prcgrum Is provided for. T ) who de < lro to reserve teals can do E calling at Evans * laundry. Children not be ii 1m ttul unless accompanied adulta. No , dear reader , B ( iarland etove will pay off a ftioo mortgage every year , ana the door bell nor carry In Us own coal , It will eave you from a quarter to a hall your fuel and add to the beauty and com of your home. P. C. Pevol tells them. V. .11. < . . .i. ttHlljr Dity. All the churches will unite In a ir meeting under the auspices ol the Yo Men's Christian association next Suu evening at the Fln Presbyterian church. Special program and an addr AU ) > y n man ot national riputaton. iv rytitAly will bo wel come. Unit * unnts Mr. 11. A. Dolt and Miss llmh C. Dunne were married Augutu 4. bulHiuspite ot ad- \ers circumstance ! ) Imvc tucccriltJ In keeping the matter n profound secret mini now. Mr. Bolt , who is In the drug business on Lower Mnln street , lm bc n rooming at the resl- dtncs of M'ei Dunn's mnther.nl 806 South Sixth strnet for a long tlnlJ nnst , and the fact that an nttnchmerit existed between them was an open secret , sd-'fur'as the mem bers of the family were rcnoernod. although lust how cctluos u one was x > My a matter of Efcculatlon , On the 4th , oT August Mr. Bolt decided la take a llttlo fishing trip lo llorey Creek lake , anil on the samn day Miss Dunne was supposed to be visiting at the home ot n Mcml of net'sIn the eastern part of the cly. But Instead the two boarded the same train , bound for Ttliamah , xvherc Rev , A. G. Wilson pronounced the words that made ( hem husband and wife. They relume J home UK RIme : evening and U was not until last Wed nesday that ivcn the jounij ladj's mothei Ircnmo award of th ? f. < et that another fnm- lly had sprouted In her home , The an nouncement was formally made last i-venlng and , although It will le a Kilnful surprise to the mnnv friends of the young couple hearty congratulations will ncxcrthelc.s bi extended. Beyond comparison Dr. Price's llaklnt Powder Is the fax-orlle. KnriHiMl tlin Dlvorrn. Judge acy announced his decision yestcr day In the divorce- suit of ilclcn M. Altchl son against William G AltchiEon. He hcli that th& plaintiff hud not proved sufilclen ot her allegations to furnish ground for . dlxorce. He delivered , in connection will his decree , one of the most beautiful homllle on the subject of domestic duty nnd affectlo : that hai ever ben heaul from the bjnch c Pottawattamle county A full line of the latist nnd haiuls mes designs in carpets , linoleum , oilcloth , etc. Just rpcclvo'l. Prices always the lowest a C. B. Carpet Co. . 107 Broadway. Colo's airtight heater sells from $0 $ 00 t Jll.dO. None genuine without our name o the lid , Fold only at our store. II Main sti eel Beware of Infeilor Imitations. C'olo & Colt Lotl Pointer pup , 2 months old ; liver colored ; double nose. Return lo C. H. liar nan , corner Second avenue and Eighth strosl Instruction en the phno will hi > given In llulteil number of pupils by Mrs. J. A. RoC 1022 rif.i avenue. . _ Dry pine Kit tiling fcr sate. Cl-eaptr thu coba. H. A. Cox , 37 Main street. Tclcphon 48. Pictures and ( lags Jar decorations at Busi nell's. rtio laundries no Domestic soap . , H.1.V7 TJll-.tlt Inlcroalliii ; CiimpUc.itloiix ( itoU'lni ; Out n Imv.'a liilrt Lnir. Dns M01XES , Oct. 1. ( Special Tel giam. ) The aiiessors arid the Board i Supervisors have made up an agreed ca ; tor EiibmlsH on to the district rouit lo hai ' ' Judicially determined the'quc'stion whethi or no the assestors are legally entitled compensation for work 'nerfpimcd In Ii vcstlgatlng plajes to dejefmlne if whlsl and other liquors were sdid. . The assesso bold that they are entitled tb compensate In any event , as they vxeres compelled to pi In time to inform ticm ! ovca : upon tl question biimclenily toarrnnt or declli lo levy the mulct lax agalnat Ihe places 1 vcstlgated. The cuse vsill como up for hea Ing before Judge Conrai } s scon as tl Issues can bo made out and presented , this and other counties ( he assessors ha' ' heretofore- been lefu'ed'Ule ' compensate claimed where no violation Was found , l.llidlt AI lnctl < Hi.is , . MARHNQO , la. . OctraSpcclal ( Tel gram ) The Ulllotl abilutllon case , vvlil has been on ti lal here for the pant sev weeks , has resulted In a victory for I state. T II. Burke has been bound over the grand juiy under bonds of $1,000 , default of which lie remains at Ihc couti jail. This decision was generally expecte as the testimony for the state YIP.S eve xvhclining. IOWA CITV , la. , Oct. ] . ( Special Tel gram. ) C. S. Lake , attoiney tor the d fcnse In the case of the state against Burli the alleged kidnapper , has arrived here , ai brought a habeas corpus case In the dlstrl court. Burke was. sent to jail by orJ of the lower court In Marengo , ami Attorn Lake seeks to have him releaeel , clalmli unjust imprisonment , alleging that his clle Is guiltless of abduction. J'.lllll-P lit ( ilCIUVIIOll. GLENWOOD , la. , Oct. 1. ( Special. ) Hartman & Son , the North Side Hardwa company , failed to open their doors 11 morning. They propose to turn their * > to over to their creditors , Shoit sales a slow collections U given as the cause. Tl wa's the most complete hardware stock Glenwood. READY FOR M'KINLEY. for Ills Kecppllim Arc Abe Cnmpletcil. The arrangements for the McKlnley mc < Ing In thli city next Thursday evening a practically completed , a few details yet i malnliiE to be cared for. Governor M Kinley speaks at Lincoln Thursday afterno and vxill start for Omaha on the regul B. & M. train which leaves that city 4:55 o'clock. The Omaha reception commit ! xvlll go to Lincoln for the purpose of t companylng the Ohio governor to this ell The train will arrive at 0:50 : o'clock und xx be met by President U. II , Roblson of t < Union league- , and a staff composed of t e presidents , vice presidents and secretaries the various ward tepubllcan clubs , and t entire party xvlll proceed to the Mlllai where Governor McKlnley xxlll be given opportunity to obtain i few moments rest The speaking will take place at tlio Cc Eeum at B o'clock. It has been decided tl n parade will be Impracticable nt this tin although It Is the purpose of the local co mlttpcs to have a monster demonatratl n later In the campaign. Scats have been p ; 0 vlded for 10,000 people and 500 extra cha have been placed around the platform for I . . ladles. Three ushers have been appolnl 1 from each republican club , making' llfty , e all. all.The railroads have mad * , rate ot one fi for the round trip lo all , wl > 67 desire to cote to Omaha from points within 150 miles , special rate of II for tlitfcTound trip 1 also been made from Lincoln and It Is < pected that hundreds will lig.presenl from i Capitol City. James K oivthln , chahn : of the Iowa state central -committee , xv ten members of that organization , will present. Mrs. Ellen. Mnlson , wlfe > of Elder Mais pastor of the U , B , church 'a I Gallon , III. , speaking of Chamberlain ,1'iUn Balm , sa "I can cheerfully recomiiifu'd ' It. " Appl to a cut , bruise or burn , It produces n soc Iru , pleasant effect , relieving the pain moEt Instantly and liEullug'thc parts qulc and without leaving a scarfA flannel cl dampened with this I nip/en ! and bound over the affected part v > Jlj , < jire | a sprain less time than any other treatment. Sold druggists. , f A New Train to , Clilc-.iK" . Commencing August 12i ( he "Omaha : Chtuigo special , " via ( Be Chicago d Noi western railway , leaves Omaha dal'y at I p. m. , und arrixes at Chicago 8:45 : n morning. Vestlbuled dining car , ( sleepers and chair vaia form the equlpm of this 'train , and all are up la "Noi western" st vTd rd. U01 Fanum street , city ticket office. Hotel at Or.rltei Iturm-d GIIDELKV CBNTEIt. Neb. . Oct. 1. ( S clal Telegram , ! The Corey hotel uf thf * pi xvis destr y d by tire ut 2 o'c ok jester inoui.ns. Tne tire orlg.nated In the k tcl : Scarcely anythliiK xvas saved , as Ihe fire ' under good headway when dlncavered , surancc , J2.500. _ I'Jrn I IP Icritvrr il. MAN1STEE , Mich. , Oct , 1. The bodl the live members of the crew of the wrec schooner Home were found yesterday afi noon near Scul Ccolx point. WAS BILLED FOR HIS MONEY Kot7e for tlio Kurd r of Connelly Near. flaralmrg Apparent. DAViDSON HAD NO MEANS OF HIS OWN llu Win CniitttuiUjr linpiidtiiii-d lor Aflvht * mirn tiy Ilia Father , M lie l.lxvd tu Nrbrmkn tli'ioli tlietHM ! Iliilmpnrlntit. 1 -\MBURG , la. , Oct. 1. ( Special. ) Then are no further developments In the murdc : case. Word has bjcn received from a brolhe from Macedonia , la. , that he will be hen tonight and take charge of the corpae , v , Mil lies at Mcdtod's undertnUlut ; loam : , Th : oroner's Jury has adjourned imlll Tuefilay iherlft Stiles Is out hunting ( he murderer Mvldson. The murderer xxas In the employ of Don elly at $ G a month , according to a not ound In a memorandum book , nnd had bee ivllh him since September 0. It has sine ieen found that the murdered man xvas hid len under * omo fodder near the vxagon xxhe be party went down to Investigate. Th murderer was standing there as uuconccrnc s If nothing hid happened. After th icarchers left ho evidently carried the boil ver Into the willows and burled It and drov way xxlth all of the horses From all that can be gathered , coiislilerln .he amount of jewelry , good clothes , an money Donnelly possessed , It la fair to stir > ase that he vxna murdered for his valuable and horses , All property which Fccmed t > clonc to Davidson xxas n cheap little satche The contents consisted of tx\o rather dllapi dated undershirts and quite n number of let era from girl friends , and several whlc were from his father. The first ot Ihcse xva no written from Lascllo , Colo. , nn is a pathetic appeal for assistance 1 ho xvny of money. Thij father call m Burl to "for God's sake , and tli sake of your little brothers , raid mo a. II' tl money. " The father seems to have been blacksmith , and hard times hud uompelle him to mortgage h s tools , Ifatn , etc. , an ho mortgage was teen to be foricloe ! 1 ami I would bo left with nothing. The night In fora the letter vxas written , \\Mch wns I April , It had snowed und they had no fin nor any inonty with vvhlch tu buy It. 11 told hoxv the children had been llxlng c potatoes and salt , and were crjlng for fee It closed xvlth n strong appeal for aid. I another , xvrlttcn after he had got axxay froi atellj , ho saja : I'AXTON , Neb. , June II , IS'JI.-Doar Soi e arc nt I'nxton , und I h.ixv not KI quite a. dollar nml I have not got giul > d us nor the team. Jly team got uvvny fin mo nt ItlgSprlng.s and gut back in tl sand hills ami It broke mi' to get tliei Tills caiinly Is burned up. Their * I" iiotlili no grass1 , only 'long next to tlie live I hear It Is worse ahead cif me. Noi Bert , send me pome monry If you can fi God'B sake , nnd for your iiooi tilt brothers or I xvlll have to lifg till t can g some help , anil I am utmost cniyy. have never seen nn > trouble till noxx , wan In the sand hills nlmoHl a tiny , afo and no water. Noxv , Uert , Hend me HOM money If It Is not very mticii and It xv help me to Kel through to Butler count Send It to Gothenburg I will wall the till I hear from you. Wall la Imck Colorado. Navy please help me nut j ex'cr , your father , M.V. . DAVIUSOX. Davidson seems , by the letters which 'we found In hlx grip , to have been continual Impoi tuned for money from the apppa ance of hli clothes , the letters he x\rote ai those ho received , all bore the name cxlilon of abject poverty The last one he recclv at Nebraska City would Indicate that he hi only been the companion of Donnelly a she time. The fact that the murdered man kc his bills sexxcd up in his clothes only M-CI to Indicate that l.c wus suspicious of Davl son. Ha vxas evidently the benefactor of 1 murderer and hud picked him up , preferrli almost anyone for a companion to truvcli alone. Be that as It may , his life paid t forfeit. Telegrams were sent In every direction intercept him , and along1 In the evening a swers began coming In , the flrnt of nhl was received from Forest City , Mo , stall that a man answering Davidson's descrl lion had been captured. When this was i ported to Coroner DePreece he adjourn the Investigation until Tuesday mopili Sheriff Stiles and Deputy Sheriff Jones , tu Ing with them vVcrt Reid and one or t' others to Identify him , xxent down on t midnight Iraln A telegram was sent Ihe city marshal of Independence. Kan. , a the following ansxver was received late In t evening : INniSPKNOBNCi : , Kan. , Rent SO.K gene Stiles , Sheriff : Know Mcll Doimell Hla brother Ilx-ea abcut Hmlli" tic heie ; will notify him.II. II. O aiUKI-ITH. City Muifhul At 5 o'clock this morning Sheriff Stll and Deputy Sheriff JOIIBJ returned from F ( est City without any prisoner The m xvho went with them to Identify him said t moment he aw him that he was not t man ho had teen with Donnelly. H was great disappointment , for the descrlptl given of both he and his horse tallied xvl that of D.ivldfcn. Mr , Jones , who has been on the go night mill day since the crime xx committed , xvas very vxcary this morning , I said he was ready to start on a fresh tn Sheriff Stiles feels very sure that Dav eon cannot get far away. Itnpport Hun Kcarlieil Denver. DENVER , Oct. L J. M. Rapport , who walking from Nexx York to San Prancl : on a wager , has arrived here Ihree da ahead of time. Rapport got along vc nicely until he reached Lexington , Neb. , I afttir leaving that place he suffered l want ot food nnd clothing. He will probal reel a day in Denver and then slait on 1 journey to the coast. Rapport Is duo San Francisco on December 1 and expects arrive there on time. Hypochondrica ! despondent , ner\ ous , "tire out" me -those wh suiTer froi backache wea riues : loss ofer Ory , < \\7.7. \ ness , melat c li o 1 y a n discourag < ment , Hie n suit of e : haitbting di eases , or drains upon the systen excesses , or abuses , bad liabits , < early vices , are treated through co respondence at their homes , wil uniform success , by the Spccialis of the Invalids' Hotel and Surgic Institute , of Buffalo , N. Y. A boc of 136 large pages , devoted to tl consideration of the maladies aboi hinted at , may be had , mailed s cicret)1 sealed from obsen < alien , in plain envelope , by .sending 10 cen in one-cent stamps ( for postage < Book ) , to the World's Dispensai Medical Association , at the abo1 mentioned Hotel. For more tlu a quarter of a century , physiciai connected with this widely eel brated Institution , have made U treatment of the delicate diseas above referred to , their sole slut and practice. Thousands , have co sultea them. This vast experien has naturally resulted in ituprov methods and means of cure. A RECENT CASE. Mr. William No P , 3oth street and Avenue A , Council llruffs , U n eklllo > 1 mcchanlo at Iho smelting W1LMAM NEii' , SGtli * t. niul Avenue A. "I had sour stotiiuch , or acid dyspepsia , " r.'ilcl ho , "cvtr since I UIIB n email bay. Moiithfuls of BOUT gas and lluld wi > ro con stantly belching up from my ttoninch. K.inr or flvo t lints escry month I h.id a bail spoil of bilious attnck. At these times Intense headache with vomiting U pt me from vtorK. liven n drink ot staler would not stay down , t took pounds of sott.i uml much other slud , but iot no real beneilts , After a uhllo th > klili.cys and bowels became shiRKlsh , aOdlng much to my misery. The treatment recently tlvcn me by lrs. Copcland & Slicpiird has cur.d mo after years of torment. I don't want to lire you by lullliiK thu thousand miseries felt by a dyspeptic , but will Jubt " < ay that these physicians Ka\e me a % new Ktomacli so H SOCIIIK nnd cleansed my whole system. I am entlrrly well now. ThMr's Is , In my opinion , the best treatment known for dyj-pepsla und like troubles. " , , RS , COPhLASD &SIHPARD , UOO.MS . " .1 AND 312 NEW YOHK 1.1 Fi : IiriUDINQ , O.MAHA , N U. unico Hours-9 to 11 a. m. , 2 to D p. in IJvenliiRS Weilncsdnvu tint ! P.iluril iys only , 6CO : to S' 30. Saiidiiy , 10 to 12 m. IlMfejp ® Made a well Man of We:1 IHDAPO 1IIX CI.EIT HINDOO REMEDY I B0111CE3 THE ABOVE lltlftri/IHIuBU DVV8. C i < . nil NerTous Ulscarcg. lulling Memory , l'arc lf.Blcoples > ni > f , Nlantly l.iiif - _ ( lonn , otc . taimHl ly | ial t olw p < , ( Tlv CB Tl'/or nnd f tie to nhrunkcnoipniis end quickly Imt purely icctorci l.o.tMniiljooJ 1'icilil cr joiini : , Hasllj mnlcclllitctt pocket. 1'rlioOl.OOB rnctocu. t-lr tor r.cllli ( ) ( a vrrlllrti c mrnntro lupiircomionrvrolutuU-il. Uon'C tni\inn fmfliilftn , Imt Insist nn liutlng INKAl'O , 1C voururucKlit ban nut rot It. we vrlll rrnd It prepaid. flrlmtnl MedlcalCo. , Frej > i.t CLIciga , ill , , ereur | tii . SOLD by Kuhn & Co , Coi ijlhctiil Douplas : ' . Sis. , and 1. A Fuller Ic Co. , Cor. 14ill nnd Douglass Sis. , OMAI A , NbU. l > i. il.lj klL'tt. v , Torliulrjr , c.nci , Still LXC1X ] HI ( Ul llK , I I. Ill li t , iuh , nt > id , tn. I fkmoiil iralii dUfmn , u thni.ml ! l.il.tt it Ulr , Llli a ilnylc iippilc.iilcn m < il i und econoinUnll > cutrd y the Ci'TKl'ni Ur.xtnits , btn lli.- bent | iij.lcani ! ) full. Cuief Ihc effects ot Bell- ' use , to.tetbcs , enif luiio , Impilcncy , va'.coccle anil conatl- p.iilon. One ilollur u Los , sis for J5. Kor ' . / - sale by TI1K GOO1J- - MAN DUUU CO. , Uiiialm , Neb. T4 Trill neud TOU tb mnrrrlour Frencli Trcpitrailcn C ALT HOE- frc * . and a kcsl KUsrantee thnt l.'ALTllOil will llMtorc your Eleultli , itroncili * uu > l or. t 'if it and fay \atttfitd. . AddrossVON PT.OHLCO. . B l. . itou lc > S CadauU , OUo. EDUCTIO..AL. . Tin : NorniixxubTuu.N UILITAIIY ACAD. IMY IIIUHLAKU IAKK. ILLINOIS. The moHl bcuutlful anO hi-altliy UicaLIun n [ * ake tlclllgan Thorough clUH lial academi md cninniLic'nl courses , Kveiy instructor i | ieclill9t : In his branches. I ndon-ed t > the UR | > utor < > ( llllnulp , and annually Inspeclr-d Lx omclal rfprrscntatlxea of Iho slate Session opens September Wlh. Illustrated catalogue ao-i on application. AMERICAN CONSERVATORY VEQER Music HallChicago. Anhrat.ru r\'i i HII I lo tnimeuul Muilc. Ommilk trt. 11' M'Kon ' lhl urh. r MA ) ( * ( rurtmrlifi * TcnnttiiMlcmTv f Ulrnul > uirin Hrpt Jtli nvuJfbr IlliiMtrAUOrnrilojiu ' . J. * * f > ltf The Menlea * Chocolat = . Ills reasons aitt Ten and Cofico create nervousnejs with .1 ivoplc lee mm us ; .l cad ; ; Ultter Chocolates are not lit to mate a cup of cltocolitej clieap ( sweet ) cliocobtes atfl -.nipiirc , hence Injurious t COCOA is no more like CHOCOLATE than Sklmrruil Mill : Is lil.a Crcntn. Cliocobt-Mcnlcr Is an eaqulslle Vanilla Cliocolate , as nourishing ns mc.it , as low priced as other bevcrasccj , ami.ir mbtrior , tek fcrycllov/ - * r. Yc < ur grocer Jus it PARIS p $ IE G\3 3 E ? UONDOK , "iMVnlifh Al. . ( lilt i ii S < l\k. lltiiailnnr. X. f- . , .uutcli 3I > I. Alee . J'tnrnia Co t am xiy much - lo vumiiipiulv | 4. biiii ur > ability in nn uplt- emu , li.mne been t tntuciuul ) ' nttrd 'wltti Kl" - es .ur nstlKniatlfm otul deilxnl preot benclH Ultitriniii m my uioftuluiinl xvuik. \ruuW ice- cnnimrml nil or liir mtlmio nu > t 8lon to < lo llkt- wl e. Vciy truly , J. l.AI'ullJ VVALLACB , Omahi AcaJcmy o ( PlniAlts. . IIUAIJ.VCIII : r.vt hi-.t ) nv IVK STUAIN. no.N'T rr.irj.ivrni youn nvns. Many iieii > ana xvnoto iuu | j .ue coneiuntly ach- iiilf Imvc no iil > a iuu i\-f tclcmlflcally mteil ilas i'3 will Kl\a Hum. Jim UKUI > IB nununt - \ 01 fully en.ib ! tlic.l , 'liuirun | | lly lilted Klamiei will Inxari.ilily Inricuna Die tl iublo nnil mar luul to TOTAL. HI INHN'USS " ) , ir ability la ndjusl EhiFum rnMy nnil rorrrrily la beyontl Consult u nyc tcstej free of clmrct. THE ALOE & PENFOUD CO. , Opposite Pn tcn Hotfl. LOOK 1-Otl THU OOUD L.1OM. NEBRASKA U , ti. nfii l.iim/iu , CAPITAL , $400,000 SURPLUS , $55,500 OfTlccrt and Diitctort Henry W. Tntei. prci * .Jtnt ; Jclm S. Colllni. vl < e-pre > ldcat ; Leu's S. FlcfJ. Cashier ; William II. S. Uugbti , c. < Sl. ait cikhlcr. cikhlcr.THE THE IRON BANK QEO. 1 > . 8ANKOU1) . A. Tresldent. First Saiional of COUNS1L UL'JFFJ , lowj Capital , - - SL00.03D I'rufits , . . . 12,000 On ? of the eldest lanka In Ihe Hate ot Iowa. We Kvllclt jour bualnesi and collectlanii.V liay C iwr cent n lime deposits. Wi will b * pl-ard to Bte and rervc you. - Special ColiJjcii i-rnxisnco r.ooxi-on nnxr : located , private fumlly. Address H 15 , Bcc , riainol Ululfa. cimiNr.vs CLiANnn , VAULTS Hd Iturko. at VV. H. Homer's. CIS Ilrou.lwa/ . J.1ST YOUIC VACANT"l.OTHVmi ORCnX- > hlelJ . NkliojBon .ic C'o . COO Hroadway. ONI : oh' THI : ni-rsT MKAT MAHKUTS m the i-lly , wllh nn iMallli'lied ' trade , can bo Knight iriieoiinLI ) , ur will extimnsc for eooil iiiil cstute. J. l > Juluison , Wi liruadvx.ir. Council IJUifT.s. pAitxr , , two liains , cprltiK In feed lots , no ncrcs cut- llMitfd , vioodn. piisiuro. A barguln. Ill per HCIP InMdo fnilt fn nn henrlns and planted ; v < 'K > 'tab and fru I Islida. Careen & Halrd , iixiin 9 , Uxcielt liluck Council lllufTs. la. A H.VAIJ7MM WILL HUY A COnNDTl LOT- 111 rouncll llliiflB , with txvo fair houtrg. Con von'ently ' loratcd In N. W , part of city. Only jr.0.00 tosh. Dclancc ensy terms Must l. ijultlc. AdilictB M. I ) . M , , Wnrncrxllle , Neh , rou UINT. rt'iixiBiiRn on PAnTLV F fT- nlshcd IIOUSLlor Ihe winter. 400 Olcn avenue. a in , ) i in > n is nt II. aperies , 13 JL CO is ' Our drapery department is full of new things jus1 r > * " ut or now , and many of them at much lower prices than ly 12 heretofore , as these have just been imported In to under the new tariff. For doors and arches we have : The new Negas curtains. The new Durby curtains. The new Verdure curtain ? , The new Tuscan curtains. The new Ramsic curtains. 100 Couch Covers $1.65 each , former price $3.50 , Lace curtains of all kinds. The line of Swiss Laces by the yard is complete in all widths and the variety of patterns and qualities is far greater than ever before- These goods are more popular than ever this season. s ile ilk WEI DON'T © AY MUOHl e A IZ-IOHS-a-Uay o'uVw nt\ioVi"irth"Each"fi \ ehin * m Tim Southwlck Haling Prttiis al-tiorsc.Iull-clrcleruaclilnft. ' It has Uio liirgi'fct lecil oi > enlnrjot a Doiilitii-Stroko 1'teis s the Wulld. u y c llnlcs tlelit ; drnlt llpht. n Cepacltyi Constructions Durability-all the UI3ST. is kB Soufhwkk Skam & Horse Power Press icy : Talks. They talk In Ions Iho langingo f profit. Thay are easy sellers , They areQ douolo stroka p BI , y ProHtablo to tinnclls , Write for c talojus and disco n. 3. i- SANDWICH MFG , COMPANY , Council Bluffs , Iowa.