Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, October 01, 1894, Image 1

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n Bull's ' Pictest to the Ohlno e Imperial
Council Prows Effective ,
M.'mperor Appoint * ComnilMlon lo I :
l mlitn Into tlio Conduct of the War
t'Jmrcetl tliliwue MUlorluiirn Are
l-i < j to !
LONnON , Sept. 30. A dlipatch from
. .hartgbal sajs that owing to the protest of
real Britain the Tsung-U-Yamen has or-
cred ( he releasenf the British steamer
ithan , recently seized by a Chinese' war-
ilp on KUsplclon that sliu was earning con-
rnbnnd articles of war. Tha owners of the
, itearner Intend to claim compensation for the
rke'7iirc of the vessel.
The dispatch adds that Viceroy LI Hung
mug lias received Important dispatches by
> > exprcBj from Pekln , Ills enemies sedtt-
1oitsly encourage the dowager empress. In
. ' e belief that the defeats ot the Chinese
CH were due to hla Incompetence and
' corruption.
The Tunes tomororw will publish a dispatch
i ut from today , stating un Im-
ierlal decree has brn Issued appointing
rlnce ICiing. the cmperor'n uncle , the prcsl
cut of the THiing-LI-Yarnen , and the prcsl-
/ cut nt the udrnlralty , as a Kpcclal com
.rnlltei lo conduct Ihe war operations ,
* A dispatch to the Times from Frankfort
. SHJK tha London correspondent of the Frank-
v irt Zcltung telegraphs that he has Icarnel
'cm excellent sources that Japan , If she Is
* ? iCtcirlous over Chln.i , intends to divide China
S dto three Independent kingdoms , which will
C jo placed under Ihe rule of native prlncas
" ie of whom will be LI Hung Chang , If
ecessary , Japan will call a conference of
he. powers lo decide the nnttcr.
\ uvnsVIN i > ( lltn.l.Y.
II llnv i it Oo d Wuiklnir niujoilt ) In t ]
> ext hUirtbliii ; .
STOCKHOLM , Sept. 22 ( Special Currc-
. ndcnco of the Associated Press ) The
'tluiiB which took place In Norvvay last
> ck resulted In a victory for the conserva-
e party In the Stavcnger district fifty-one
tiserviitho and only eleven radicals vvere
pled The Akcrhua district elected forty-
lit cbnaervnlives and eleven radical ? . The
rty nf the left was victorious In the Kris-
i district.
\V Llndholni , formcilv assistant secre-
j nf state of Michigan , la now on his
" y back to Amcilca An previously an >
"nrkmccd , Llndholm vas arrested in Oallien-
rg by order ot the American government
h 1 embezzlement , of ftato of Mlchlgai
i oney bi > liiK something between $2,000 and
4t,000 The prisoner has , been handed over
1 two Aiiieiican netcctlves sent to Clothen-
rg lo take him back , to tlio United Stales
Tlowe , ihu Incventor of the biillet-proo
at. Is at present giving performances in
rckholm. So far ho has met with grca
"Bess. The rllles dlsclmrged at him hav
en of the Krag-Jocrgcn'on pattern ami
re made bj the onlcers ot the Swedlsl :
ilty The bullets have not jet succeded li ;
i nelratliiR the invsterlous armor. Dawe
? js ottered to sell the secret of his Invcntloi
In the fiwpdl h gavernmerit for $18,000. No
ninny montha ago he aeked $500,000 for th
; eu > fltj liul times are hard in Europe. It I
not Illtcly. however , that ho will sell hi
intent. In Sweden
The lirgfl Skonvlrk taw mil's under Hie city
o ( .Sundsvllle were burned the other day.
"lie laborers' cottages were also destroyed bv
ro and hundreds of people were made home
SSR.Klnc Oscar will stay In Christiana mill
teptembT 2' ) , when he leavea for" Hunnen
frs : . Svvetlen. where' the usual annual el
mill , to which Kmperor William and th
> rince ot Wales have been invited , Is. to
iko place.
This city Is believed to be the largest tele- city In the world. According to the
itest statistics given out by the -toekholm
Setmal Tclephono company , Stockholm has
t j resent 11.000 'phones , or about one tele-
to every eighteen Inhabitants. llo-
lhe present year ends. It Is ebllevcd
wlll be a telephone to evety flfteen In-
. , JwcJon nf Trouble In fttSunnrry Sscliool
< > r thu < ! crin in Army.
BERLIN. Sefcyt , M. The sensational rumor
"gained currency' early this morning that
ilRhty iiaiicommlsb\pnei ( Omc.ers of the I'yurth i
regiment of guard * iocatei ( n ulo Motbll
_ liurrue-ks hud beeilJJU.jejt , , , ) . The real facts
learned ubsoc.u4 | | lly < , t apcnra | that
[ -J8.I cuminlaslonedoffll era teiOIBng , , | to Ihe
\chief \ Rueimery schoolf , were nrrcsted Satur-
Idas" urnlng , The f ) FUlrc. to identify one of-
who was a Jijjseu. UI , ( | MBolujtiating BO-
pnmplii Ui-'jlvtlK | ( | callej ! tQ | , duthorl-
4C."T > ie to arraign all the officers ,
g wham was the suspect , before a mil-
jtaiy tribunal. Thq guards v\cre alarmed and
j > icorlcd ttio prisoners to MndgeburR with
fxed bayonetb.
LONDON , Fept. SO. A dispatch to the
Call ) > - Nevvs from Berlin sajs the arrest of
Jho iionc"inni FRloncd officers had nothing lo
T0 | with socialism. The commander of the
Riinncry school Is disliked on account ot his
"evprlty. Having rollced the growing spirit
ol fiiMtbordlnatton , he called the nonc-tnmls-
soiud olllctrs together and severely repri-
inundctl them. Thla was oil Friday night.
Tlie men hubseiniently became noisy and ' '
troublesome , and the commander visited Ihelr
rooms and ordered tlmt they be silent. The
inc. ) became Insolent and openly refused to
obey tie ! order. They finally became threat-
cuing , ani the conimander drew his
swurd In self-defence , ThlR had the
l.cct t restoring order. The com-
nander Immediately telegraphed to
Jinperor William , who ordered the arrest
if the mutineers. The Fourth regiment of
ho guurtlrt vrai summoned and surrounded
[ the school during the night. The non-
| 'OinniU l"n < 'd ofllcers were aroused and v.cnt
llnto the- court yard , where th commander
Bjidrtressed them , sa > lng : "You arc * all
IprUoners. nverybody who trie * to escape >
niKf abld > hy the conaeriuenccs. "
All the prisoners were escorted to the
E-ftllwity elation , and nt 3 o'clock In Ihe
miornliiK wie sent to Ihe Madgeburg fort-
Irris. Another stor > - of Ihe affair ta > s the
lominander , Itaron Stettin , was passing
fthrough the court yard -luring a drinking
and that the men upon seeing htm
Intuiting wards.
Mnmiiuelll tn Ihn Pnet Shelley.
HOMO Sqit. 30 A monument erected by
| Italian , mtmlrcr ! to Shelley , the English
Jvoet , wns imvclled this morning at Viareg-
, Klo , off vvhlch town Shelley WUB drowned !
jjiily E , 1P2- Included among the members
jof the comtnllteo htvlng the arrangements
i h rhMrgo were Mr Qladstone , Algernon
Inhume , the Knglleh poet ; PelK C.iuil-
j lot II. ItlKgerlo Donslil , MPIIO | | llarlh.ildl , 1M- I1 1
jnunid < 1e Vinlcis the poet Ilovlo and other
Itulaii | > . Taere wa ? a c'i-
I rrlng1 u ( 'iiipli.h : resldeutv it I ninrnt
'ItallatiK ' I July hiflloy vvos "ii.'tmiueJ ity
I Mr Leigh.
Siiiliilliin ll < Miinni > trjlliiii III V leiinii.
VIRNNA , Spil [ SO.-Tlio ( OdftlUtu of this
"My today ImM n demoimtrdtlon In front uf
.Itiu Iloiixe e < f Parliament. A labor song- , the
"hurti * 'A which dem.iuda mil versa ! euffragr.
iiiog. The i-lnpng had thu effect of |
lhorowa restive and the nalirn In-
Mttd dispersed the meeting , Four-
lc ii of iho leaders vvere urroxted.
< 'llllll > C llll.VlllRIIII. . Ill pi.
LONDON , h > pt. -Thiro I * a atrrnj : ui-
plclou that tlie Chilian cruiser Dlnnco Hn-
calaiU , which wa completed on tlie Tyne
thli wetKv will be turned over to a Chinese
R ooon at h * ftaches tbe blfitt K
on October 9. The Chinese alilp Chin AVe
arrived at Llverpjol yesterday with n large
number of Chinese on board It Is said these
men are Intended for Ihe crew of the Chilian
warship. _
AM , yonr AT I MJIH'IHI.I S.
HrfiigFM llronjrlit llnck lln n Not. Yet
llren l.nniinl ,
NUW CHILEANS. Sept. BO. The Times-
Democrat' special correspondent at IJlue-
flelds under flute of September 14 , writes as
follows Blnce my last letter nothing hero
hai created' ripple The IlrUlsh gunboat
Molnwk arrived off Minefields- with the ban
ished Kngllrhnirn and Americans a few days
ago. None of them \vero allowed to come on
shore The two Americana , Lampktn and
Wlltbatik , were put on board the United
Slates elilp Mniblohead. nnd the Englishmen
were carried by the Mohawk to Jamaica. If
a ! ! the tumors I hear on the streets hate
any truth In them , It best for some of the
[ finished not to rl-jk fair trial of the
churgcx against them. Since my advent here
on Mie second Instant , no arrests have Vcn
made , nor has any one been oppressed In any
way On the contrary , the , result of an elec
tion on tlie 8th Instant. Indicates the Amer
icans are In no ircat danger at present. The
alcarte Und four councllmen elected were
Jose Madriz , special commissioner of the
supreme government , ha * IsstieJ a clrcuar
declaring that the hoisting of foreign nag ?
on private edifices In this city Is prohibited
Commissioner Jludrlz has also Issued a de
cree prohibiting the Importation of firearms
and ammunition. The Urltlfch subjects , ulias
Mosquito Indians , still continue to leave
Minefields for Jamaica and Grand Cayman
A few ila > s 100 soldiers of the NIcaraguaii
.army ul i departed from Bluetlelds for Nic
aragua ,
Mill quit 1'tillllen a I Turn llln Attcullo
In Kiilatug C on or.
CITV OP IICXICO , Sept 30 General An
tonio Ezeta has ajrivcd here. He called on
Presdcrit DliiK today In a merely friendly
way. lie denies any Intention of starting it
revolution and says he hits In no way author
ized the telegrams sent out from San Fran
clseo sitting ho was coming here to make
war on Salvador or Honduras He says be
Intend * making ( Ills' country his home and
will cn .iRo In colTe planting and bring h.s .
family here. Ills grandparents were born In
Metlco and lie looks upon the country as
Ills adapted I ume. Ilu laughs at the idea of
war between Mexico and Guatemala. He
srnvs 1,000 Mexican soldiers would b * mare
limn enough to clean out Guatemala , which
lies no soldiers of esperlcnce and worse olll-
President Diaz was Interviewed and says
the telegrams imbllshcd In the United Stales
that Mexico hns any intention of Interlerlng
with Central American affairs is absolutely
without foundation. The- boundary dispute
with Guatemala will be , he said , fettled
without vvut
"VllnlMer Matltlr IJtf.p < is . < l.
XI3W OULKANS , Sept 30. The As-
sucluti'd press correspondent In HluefleUN ,
Nicaragua , under date of September 24 , says
Jose Madrid , minister of foreign affairs ,
who ha * been In Minefields on behalf of
I'rctildent Zclaya. hab suddenly been de
posed fro mhls office , and on September li >
left for Managua.
The threatened revolution between the two
pattl's. us fur as can be learned on the
Atlantic coast , has as jet not made Its ipr
pearance When civil war dpes ooMe ; It'
will he short ami . .the - onsoiVKtlve paitj ,
which is composed of the brains of Nicara
gua , "III oncjo more be put In power ,
IM'eium I hat 1rim1 > l t'ie C/nr.
VIHXMA , Sept. 30. The Tagcblatt pub
lishes a letter from 8t Petersburg stating
Is ' Muttering with two distinct mal
adies , lie has been affected for some time 1
with highly developed neurasthenia , coupled
with anaemia When the attacks are severer
than usual his whole household Is alarmed
TheHceond disease was long In developing
At first It was taken for diabetes , then
Hrlght'H diseate , and finally for tuberculosis
adeUion of the kidneys. The kidney affec
tion was aggravated lately by a cold con
true ted during a night visit to his son , Grand
Duke Gc-oige.
I'll keil IrinipM to HiTrnd I'oliln.
SHANONAI , Oct. 1. It Is reported here
that Sunk-Kill , tlio emperor's father-in-law
Is taking "i.OOO picked Manchnas to Klvan ,
where he lias been appointed to the chief
command. The Kashgar corps , numbering
20,000 men. Is expected to arlrve at Pckln
shortly. All the foreign drilled troops In the
province o of Shen-SI , Ilo-Nan , Shan-See.
Bhang-Tung , Hit'.Van , Hn-l'el and Kang-Seo
sent to cover PeMn , are masMng nt Tung
Chow nuclei General Liu. They number
.Ti.OOrt men.
-ellllli ; : tile Itrrr lln.lrott.
LONDON , Sept 30. The Ilerlln correspond-
ent of the T.mes sajs that negotiations have
been upene < 1 between the brews and the < > o-
clallstH. with a view to bringing about a com
promise of the long continued beer boycott.
The brewers have conceded a portion of the
ilumindH made by the * socialists and It la
probable that tlio negotiations will effect the
desired end.
OiiU li lteciitnro | .Miitiirtum.
AMSfUliDAM , Stpt. SO. Dispatches from
BuUnlu announce the Dutch , after having
eight houra hard fighting , captured Matar-
: uu.i the ttonghold ot the Ballnese rebels.
The Dutch loss was one I'eutenant and
twplvo privates killed anil four officers and
fort-live private ! ) wounded. Ihe Dallneao
Ijst hpavllv.
liiHtnu HIIIH on the .New Tail IT lji\v.
LONDON , eit. | 30 , A dispatch to the
Time1 * KIJS M. flruwacit , consul general of
Traiice at Chicago , will be at the foreign office
thro days this week for the purpose of In-
slrncting all comers on the new American
tariff Inw
I retail tiitli iKtudur tn IHKlunil llrslK" " .
I'VltlS , Sept , 30. The Temps hajs M. He-
Troasls Trench nmbissador to Great Prltaln
haH resigned and that he will bo succeeded
by Huron tie Courccl , who was prealdent elI
I ho llerlng sea tribunal ot arbitration
KiiHil * Will ll-in mi .Veil trul
LONDON , Oct. 1. A dispatch to the Chron-
Icle from St Petersburg says that Russia
Intends to maintain a neutral position In the
( Milnehe-Japanei-e dispute , unless Japan an-
next'tt Curea ,
1'enlrul AmnrlcH 11 In i Dropp-il.
NiV YOKK. Sept. 30 A special dlspatcl
to the \Vorld from Tegucigalpa a > u 1)6
project of u Central American union has tieer
dropped for the present.
kim llomliiK < > Iie < tro ) < l l > y the Iliirrlinne-
PAULS , Sept. no. The Dcbatg has a dig
patch from San Domingo stating thai half of
Ihii town was destroved by the recent htirrl
I olor PrlntlniWorks lluriKil.
LONDON , Sept. 30. The Crown Poln
Color printing works at Leeds has been lie
ktro > ed by fire , entailing a loss of noo.QOO
cirr nH tv .
ClnirLcl llli VlllfnlljAllHbruuillug tiiltli
ultll Intent In Sleiil , _ .
UAKLIN'S. Wvo , , Sept. 30 ( Special T le-
gram- Word i cached here today that Cap
tain P II IUy , V. 8. A. , actlnt
ludiun ugcut .it Bhoshone Agency , near For
i WuBlukitt. ha-t been arrested. Thevvarran
! charge wilfully inlsbrandlng live nlockwlil ( |
Inte-nt to thereby uleal the same and jirevcn
the Idftilille-atlon thereof. The crime U ul I
le-ged to hnve been committed on Septcmbe
7. CharUx Illondle , nn ex-cow buy , IK
charged an accessory. The ca e escltei
more than ordinary Interest nn account of
the prominence ot the purllrs iinJ tin
friction rxUtlng between the captain am d
people of Fremont county pertaining lo In
dUn affilnu
NT is
Union Pacfio-We'tsra Un'oi Telegraph
Oaaa Wll Come Up iu November ,
Snvrnll Other Important C'nnei un tlio
Docket fur tlio C inning Term , A lining
Them un Inlertnt Conituerca
Co in nil ton fa 10.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 30 The fall term
of the United States supreme court will
convene on Monday , October 8 , nnd devote
that day to the customary ceremonies of the
term , the call upon the president , etc. The
work of the first week will be upon the
docket , no Important cases being In hn-
mediate prospect. It Is not probable that
there will be any dechlons rendered by the
court before the latter part of November
In the second week of the term the cases
particularly assigned will be taken up , unions
them being a number of considerable Im
portance The case of the United States
against the Union Pacific Railroad com
pany nnd .thu Western Union Telegraph
company Is one , being brought to test the
light of the Union l'.iclflc to lease Its tele
graph franchise to the Western Union.
Another Is the case of the Texas Pacific
Railroad company against the Interstate
Commerce commission , the question at Issue
being the right of the railroad to discrim
inate. In freight charges In favor of foreign
freight The cpsc of New- York against
Eiu > Is early on the list , Involving the
prosecution of John C. Kno , the Now York
banker who fled to Canada The rise
agahiHt thf > Kugir trust unJer the anti-trust
law Is also aaslgnol. Justices Field. White.
Hrevver , Ilrown and Shlras are In the city.
Justice Harbin Is In Chicago. Chief Jus
tice Fuller Is expected to arrive lit the city
on Monday. Justice Gray has not yet ar
rived homo fiom Europe. Justice Jackson
has been at Manltou Springs all sum
mer , and It Is not knnwn whether he will
bo back for the opening ot the full term.
M TIlAtK Kill
tlrxleui President Deilarrs the Proposed
Coutriss of > itloiiH Wilt lie I'oitponril.
WASHINGTON , Sept 30. The Mexican
government , which originated a glowing
scheme for the rehabilitation of silver as a
money metal by a union of all the nations
of the western hemisphere with the great
stiver producing countries of Asia , his been
obliged to defer for a time nt least , the
preliminary steps. It was In contemplation
to gather delegates frotu these countries at
nn International conference , to be held In the
City of Mexico/ are ! It was part of the plan
to make It uncomfoi table for European na
tions that persisted in holding to the Muftli * ] I
gold ytandnrd by negotiating trade and com- I
metclal treaties between the nations party , !
to the conference , ali | < iwVng cplondlrt' 'tfade j
advantages. ' to sllver-uslrg countries. But all ! <
this tuts fallen through , for the present , at ! '
least , and the news comes from JIe\lco , where I
' President Diaz touched upon the subject In
a , message lo congress , In which , after de-
( ciibit.g lue reforms he had inaugurated in
the" Mexican finances , he says :
"Unfortunately , the plan thus made had to
be deferred , the hostilities between those
most Interested , ( Japanese and Chinese ) hav
ing In the meanwhile Intervened. "
J'OISI.I > i I ( UN V A 1.1 ! IS.
Dlllilultn to in nt from tlin IllrcLtiir of Ihu
llnllPil Matei Vtlut.
WASHINGTON , Sept 30 As required bj
Ihe act of August US , 1694 , the director of
the mint hat t&ttniated anil the. secretary
proclaimed the valui > of foreign coin' . The
changes arc as follows
Value Value
July 1. Oct. 1.
1S94 1S9I.
Hollviais of Uolivln . J0.117 KHGt
Peso of Central AmcrlcM . 4K7 4(57 (
Shanghai Tnel of China. . .076 OJ5
llnlkwan Tuel of China . . 753 Id's
Tlen-Tcln Tnel of China . . . .727
Che-roo Ttiel of China 717
Peso of Colombia 417 4b4
Sucre of Hcitadot 437 .4M
Rupee of India 217 AU
Yen of Jupan 401 . .IX )
Dollar of Mexico , 497 .f.OI
Sol of Peril , 4" .4M
Rouble of ltu sln 366 .371
Muhbub of Tripoli . . . . 413 .418
The estimate of the value of coins of coun
tries having a blngle silver standard Is made
up on the average price of silver for the
- three months ending September 20 , 1894 , viz.
$0. < M127. There has been added to the list
- the Tlcn-Tsln and Che-Poo taels of China
These values are stated to govern In the set
tlement of the customs dutlen.
lrlg < ller ( meml llnpklns ( tfltlres.
WASHINGTON , Sept SO. Ily operation of
law Brlgad er General John H. llopklns.
commUsary general of sitbs'stence since
December , lh2 , retired from active service
jesterday. The fact was announced In an
official order from the War department re
counting at length the gallant and meritori
. ous eeivlce of General Hopkins since his
graduation from the ml ) lary academy In
1852. After Indian service he- was with Mc
Dowell at Bull Run , on Grant's
staff at Shlloh , anil Vlckeburg an 1 Mobile ,
Ala. He became a brigadier general In 18G3
and commanded a division and received a
number of brevets for meritorious and gal
lant service.
I. HIPS n * .Mnll Koutea
- WASHINTGON , Sept 30 Second Asslbt-
ant Postmaster Ocneral Nelson Is giving a
great deal uf attention to special mall serv
ice In large cities He has ordered prepared
- maps of nil large cities , showing the sur
, face car lines with a view of having mall
cars run over them. He expects to give- his
attention especially to carrying ; mall on elec
tric * ear * which run fnuii the centers of cities
to the fciiburbs and to adjoining smaller
towns Cable cars may be utilized where
- possible , but Mr. NeUoit Is of Ihe opinion
only on electric cars running long distances
will It be profitable to carry the malls ,
- rroicriitlnt ; tlio Sheep Men ,
WASHINGTON , Sept. 30. Act'ng Sccre-
| tary Sims of the Interior department has
asked the attorney general to direct the
( proper United States attorneys In California
lo Institute proceedings against all tres
passers on all forest reservations In that
. Btate. It appeals sheep men have torn down
the notices of the government to cease tres-
pasting and have allowed their sheep to pat-
turo In Ihn reservations There Is no | > ro
- Vislon madR for guardians or watchmen for
restrJtlons , and the only way the Interior
department can prevent ticspaeslng Is by
prosecuting offenders.
Morm Unrnliig * 1)1(1 Mmli Good.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 30-Actlng Chief
Dunvvorthy of the Weather bureau has Issued
a special chart Illustrating graphically by
sl\ maps the origin and progress of the
West India hurricane which lasted from Sep
tember 34 to the UUtli. The weather ebb -
- b rveni aloiiK the- coast report that as the re
sult of Ihe hurricane warnings no shipping
wan d urn aged. The warnings also were of
K great value to the r ce Interest * and the damage -
ago vvus j-llght. The goods In Charleston , S.
. C , were movc-d long before the Btorm tide
arrived , mid $1. < M0 > ' ) worth of properly was
KrlKfou iMuilu Twenty-One Knoln.
W\SIIINGTON , Sept. 30. The v.slneerlng
boards rrporU upon the pe-i forma nee In prl-
I vale trial of the torpedo boat CrlccBon are
that hc nude tvvent-one knots with 350
) revolution ! , of her propellers. AH the- engines ,
are iU lRii d tu tun when at full speed 400
tevi'Uilloiis ' , the cnglirera have no doubt II t
* U1 niako the rt'i'ilrtd ' twenty-four knote oer
hour when In trim. A J has been neces
sary ta send to Diibii < | ue , Jfhere the boat wna
built , to replace thfe broken eccentric , the
ofUclal trial cannot be Held Until the week
after next.
x.tlt vVnlrr l'l ! i i"Vol "AMinlttnl Prcc.
WASHINGTON' , fecpt 30 ecretary Car
lisle has made a decision. In which he holds
the paragraph In the new l&rllT bill placing
on Ihe fiee list "fish , frozen or packed In
Ice. fresh. " does noC apply to salt water
Ilali , Inasmuch at th * latter Is specifically
placed In the dutiable schedules at the rate
of half n cent per pouml
-i//'j..T//MJ A.I.M > c.t.srs.
KnocUcU Out liy tlm Nocclftl l.i nil Conrt ,
hut VUll > nt lilvit Up.
SANTA rn , N. M. , Sept. 30 , In the United
Statei court of private land claims , appeals
have been taken to th * United States supreme
preme court In the following cases' The San
Miguel del Bade grant lit San , Miguel county ,
In j which ex-Vice President Lev ! P. Morton la
the t principal claimant ! the Canada Deles
Apache grant , In Valencia county ; the Canon
do Chtuna grant. Involving it l&rge tract
claimed by the Rio Arrlba Land & Cattle
company ' , in Ilio Arrlhn county , and the
131 Titjo grunt , near Albuquerque. The court
has confirmed tha llartolomc Dergre grant
In Valencia county to Ihe extent of eleven
square leagues , an defined by the act of
possession , The claimants were Clolsa L
Bcrnre and the estates of Miguel A , Otero
and Manuel A. Otcro , and the amount
crlglnnlly claimed was 250,000 acres. The
coutt was badly divided on this cliltn , and
It was sustained by a bare majority. Judges
Fuller and Murray filed dissenting opinions
on the ground that the val'.dltv of the
original grant hud not Ijceti established , and
that , even conceding this to be true , the
grant hail been abandoned. The case was
hotly contested on both ) sides. In speaking
of a possible appeal ot the Cochltl case ,
United States Attorney Reynolds said if an
appeal was to be tul.qn , ( here was no reason
vvhv It should be donej at once , and then
added that ho would seolhat. It was docketed
In the United States supreme court Inside of
ten days , and advanced ) for hearing at the
approaching October term.
nigh Winds nnd Heavy $ - ( ireutly Itetnrit
Incoming- J'enKels ,
QU.UtANTINn. Stnten , Island. Sept. 30.
The prevailing eastetlyi wind of the past
few days caused an unusually high tide
today At S o clock u. jm , the wind hauled
to tlie east , northeast. ) and continued to
freshen , and at 11 o'clock il blew a strong
gale from the same direction , with a verv
heavy sea and prospeclu , of a big storm
Incoming vessels reported a tremendouslj
heavy sea running all along the- coast Ves
sels from the pastwardthave had the wlm
fair , but those nrrlvlngjfront the southward
felt the full force of' Ihe sto-tn. The
steamer Comal of the Sfallory line was the
onls vessel to arrive this morning fiom the.
i-oulhward. Captain lilsk reports havltif
experienced very heavy"weather since leav
ing Galveston , a continuation of east , or
northeast gale * , with hljXh head eeas , which
greatly retarded her progress , she being de
lajed more than tyfonrhours. . She
Ljr celvc < ( no tfcttfmge , how-vcr A very
ihlRli tide , prevailed itienir the Staten Island
shoie this morning , but FO far as could be
ascertained , no cerlou ? wns done to
property along Ihe s oro. The steamer
Grecian , of thu Allen line , which cleared
jreeterday for Glasgow. \ < eit" ) to anchor lit
jravesend bnj tn awat | Jfjj ahitteinent of the
gale. lAt 11.15 a. m. h..4 ° got"/undr"vyay
mil proceeded on hervisage. . All -vessels
coming from snurheiti ' pnd AVeit Indian
ports < vlll undoubtedly fee ) ( be full force of E
the gale and be much dflajed
\Vrntrri ICotuU < ) lit-ct tn Contrtl 'tiulllc
, \B ( H Illlldll 1. 1 111- > l tVlllgrillIll ,
CHICAGO , Sept -There H a lively low
btewlng between the \Veatern Passenger
a oelntlon und the Central Traflla associa
tion. Ihe vvtsletn n > .i < l& < lAtla'e | the east
ern toads nre imyliiKT * uch , large commla-
.sloni : on thiouch bu lne s originating In the
tenltoty of the Western lusoelutlim that
the tales on regular' business ntc being
bidlj enlped The Centra ] Tratllc llneaic
in rather the better position In the contro-
versv , us they are tible toiemlnd the west
ern lines tlint on se-vernl occasloiiB the c stern -
ern lines hnvo Invited the co-operation of
the wc-stcin lines In pome uintngernent
which would abolish , thei p.ivment of com-
mlt-xlons entliely. /
The Southern PacificIs extremely
HIIX.IOIIS to have the old Trunscontlnental
Pn. sciifrer UH'-oclntlon In full operation
fipaln. The main illftlcillty at pie -ont IH the
dlfTetenees between the Southern Pac-lllc
and the Atelilmiii anil thdne , It Is believed ,
will be at ranged before long 'ihere Is n
Kiowlng opinion , Ina. that the Atchfson ,
which l Bt piesent n , member of no asso-
ilatlon , will befctc lone experience n change
of heart and become once mole a inembci
of thc Westetn I'relHht 5ind Weslein Paw-
scnger usxoclatloim. Thtt opinion Is bised
latgely on the belltjf llutt Receiver Walker
Is partial to Ihe a oclallotiH.
nv.4 t.v.\vii
Drg.inUt and oxton of n fit. I.ou ( Imreli
-ItjHterloimly IJptnoneil
ST. LOIT1S , Sept ffll .loseph Cunningham ,
nexton of St. Peter's I ! lncopul chinch , Is
dead , and S. V Ite kett , the organist , Is
d > lns froirl the eTebti ( < oC an udmlnlHtr.itlon
of some violent poison hi a lunch of which
they partook In the cliunh There Is no
elue to the peipetiators of the murder , : ia
It Is believed to be > , noi li theio any ex
planation of the mvjitery. Hcckett wan
prae tlclng upon the organ for the Subbuth | ]
seivlces , und , accotding to Ihe fragmentary
Btory told by him , he partook of a lunch
which Cunningham iind procured. lltoiKt
Thompson , colored , ex-nexlon of the church ' ,
who was leceutly removed to make a place
for Cunningham , Is undei arrest , but tfie
evidence to conmct him with the nlfuli Is
very Might.
I'urtlfj Inir Peiiiuin'n ' llnrbor.
PHNSACOI-A , Kin , Sept. 30.-AI Its last
nesslon congress opuroptlated $ IXUOO to
hetln the woiU of foillf > lng four ports on
the gulf coaht , along- lines to be designated
by the cecretarj' of vvhr , Secietary I.amont.
in tirconlnnce with trm recommendation of
the engineers cotiatTtiituiK the board of
fortifications , has designated Pensapola ns
ono of the vorls. THK engineer In choree :
of the- government weirR Iti this harbor baa
been notified the suni , of TIOO.WX ) lias been
plnt-cd to the Credit of Penwicola ami in-
xtriicted to begin th tturveyc for u Kite
upon which le > erei I Jv.lntteiy ( if heavy illn-
. .ippcarlnguns und i tatteiy of seacoai-t
niortaiH Ulu : bitehatt > fen Helectcd on
Santa Itova Nlatiil , , UHC mile east of Tort
Plckens , anil u Hitrvey In now being made.
Tin- estimated cost jot the work Is over
NI3W YOniC. Sept , 30The vveddlnK of
.loseplilne de Acostn. daiiRhter of the late
Qcneial Jose du Arotlu of VentBuela. uml
Albert O , Kalcon , formerlv KVc'relaiy of the
Peruvian legatlc-n ut Wufhlngton , took
place nt St. Loin chtireh this evening- . The
bilde was richly attlr < I In'vvhlle natln , with
millings of lucv. She vatl < ed up the "Isle
with her brollnr-ln-ldw. " nencrul J. T.
S.iveilu , mlnhtii- * nr of'Venezuela. After
the ehtirc-h eetemony' celetnony VV.IH given
by Ihe bride's mother , .Mrs. Joxe do Aoosta ,
In the suite apiirtmenlM In the Waldorf ,
I'uiuideil li NryC'rotlierluiDil. .
NiW YOIIK. Hepl Zo. lly solemn nnd ,
nipreHxIvp ceremOrdw ! In St Ctuytioatroiii
Hplsc-opil church t 0u > thu peisotmllty of
ItUHBel Whlte-omb , u former Uoston society
man , was sunk , and he emerged Into f
"Brother Hugh , ' ' the fountlir mul first
member of the new Hiothvihoc l of the
American rhuiih , Ills life being c-onsc-
cratHl to vvoik amom ; Hie pool and lowly ,
and f-peddlly among the children of pov
erty. Brother JltiKh v\lll ba joined l > j mi-
ottiti Itonlon } ouni ; mun In a work or yo.
I'lilK-i-'i Itiiiiuliiy SI it lleail
MKMPHIS , 8vpt. -Oeneral A M West ,
( iindldate for vice president uf the UnlleO
HtaU" ) I" 1 81 on the Kre nba < K ticket wlilt
nene-ral Uiiijumln K , Ilutler. ilUd at ifollv
Springs. JMI s. , toduj JPIU M ) West vvns
Ihe tlr l president of Hit Chicago Rt. Ivouls
te New Urleann rallnn > ( now the Illinois
Central ) , and was the pioneer railroad
t buMJer of the south.
Unknown L'noh ' Ton h Kills d in n Freight
Wreck in Illinois.
Train \\rcclccraltetuotn I till I uml Hitch
I'j i < < ciijor Train Toledo , ( Ililn
I'liglnerr Hlllr < l Hint l > i ivi.r l
Othc Injured.
WOODSTOCK. 111. , Sept. 30 At .130
o'clock this morning a fielght train bound
for Chicago was wrecked on thu Chicago & .
Northwestern at Grovtr'a Crossing , about a
mlle west of this city. When the wrecking
crew reached the spot the vclco of a man was
heard calling for help H s hand protruded
from beneath the debrK Iho wrecked car
vva loaded -with green planks and the lum
ber was removed as rapidly at , possible , lho
result being the discovery of live dead bodies ,
one man badly Injured and a boy seriouMy
bruised and shaken up. The dead ate :
LITTLE. Frtcpcrt. 111.
TYHIJLL DAVIS , Mount Morris , Ul.
UNKNOWN IJOLincoln. . Neb.
UNKNOWN BOY , residence unknown.
UNKNOWN MAN , salt ] to be known as
"Milwaukee Hddle. "
The Injured are : Jo rph GraJy , Pali Illver ,
Mass , leg broken , back Injured and let !
vvrst chewed by one of the boys In his death
struggles , the latter dying with his head
pinned by the lumber to Grad > 'h breast.
Sam Newman 12 years old , lreeport , 111.
TOLKDO Sept 30. Train No 42 , tin Ihe
Wabash railroad was wrecked this morning
at Maitnice a small town twelve- tulles toitth
cf the city. The accident happened shortly
before 7 o'clock and was tht result of a well-
laid plan to tHtch the entire train. Happily ,
albeit mlraculoililj. Hie Pullman kept on
the track , and the mall and baggage cars ,
although badly vvtecked , dd not contain any
F N Smith , engineer , Toledo , was killed
The fatally Injured are A H Day ( Ire-
man , Toledo , and the slightly Injured S
Holland , Inall clerk. Cleveland : U. P J Provost
vest , n. S Comn and J S. Dallon of ToleJo
The wreck was , planned b > whoever con
ceived the plot to occur ot the west end of a
long Mtllng just bcvond the Maumcc sta
tion The rail at the lower part of the switch
target had been removed and the switch was
partly thrown. The target Indicated a clear
truck and engineer Smith was not aware of
the situation nmnj minutes befoic bis motor
was bumping ilong on the ties. As boon as
the train struck the switch It leaped Into
the air , fell forward toward the ill ten and
turned completely over. The trucks of the
mall car * followed the engine , but the cara
t'-cmsclves went in an opposite direction
Undar them were found the dead body of
IJng IICCT Smith and riremnn Daj At the
time of the wreck the train vas tunning at
Its regular speed and It IB considered a
mttaele that no more lives ivere lost The
express and baggage cars were literally re-
dtired to splinter * , although thu occupants
escaned unhurt. There wtre bevetal passen
gers on the combination smoker , which w.ia
wrecked beyond repair , yet no scutches
could be shown by any of tt'ein The pa-
scncers In the Pullmans were only made
aware of the accldtnt by th.6 severe Jolting
which they uxperlencsd Wrecking tialns
from Trtedo s-nd Fort Wayne , Jnd. , were
Immbdldtelv sent to the nee-no of the wreck
and the muln track was cleared for travel
by 7 o'clock thl& evening The dead engi
neer and llremnn are both new men on the
road and ore believed to Imve eomo from
the Lehlgh road during the recent Ameri
can riallvvay union Mrlko.
Ho VI in Co from tlmilii to Oe * .Molnea
unit riicin lEe ltaiiiiluti | il
MOINES , Sept. 30. ( Spec'al ' Tele
gram ) About all the atrangemcnts are com
pleted for the grand republican rally to be
held In this cltv ne-l Prlday evening , and
It Is expected to eclipse an } thing political in
this city this fall The chief attraction will
bo Ccvernor McKlniej of Ohio at dually
Tabernacle and Congressman Dolllver ol Kort
Dodge at Poster's opera house. Governor
McKlnley will also speak at the opera house
to give all who can a chance to tee and hear
him. Governor Jackson will preside al the
Tabernacle meeting and Lafe Young at the
cpcta house. A banquet will be tendered
Governor McKlnlej at the Savery1 house after
the mectlncs. at which 250 covers will bo
laid. Hon. A. II Cummins will be toast-
mast'r on this occasion and Colonel E G.
Pratt will preside The speakers will be.
Governor William .McKlnley of Ohio , Gov
ernor Prank 1) . Jackson of ( own. Congress
man J , P. Dolllver , Congressman John A T
Hull , Editor Lafayette Young , Chairman
James E. lib the and Judge George G.
Wright. McKlnley will come In from Omaha
over the Rock Island , tpeaklng from the
rear platform ut the following pl'iceb and
times : Avoca , 12 4f > , Atlantic , 1 10 , Anita ,
2.03 ; Casey , -iIO , Stuart , 30. ! McKiuIcv
and party will leave Des Molncs Saturday
morning over the Chicago & Northwestern ,
passing through the following towns via the
Northwestern mid Iowa Central at the times
Indicated Ames , 7 50 , Nevnda , 8.10 ; Mar-
shalltown , fl.Ol , Hldora , 10:17 : ; Ackley. 11 27 ;
Hampton , 1OH ; Mason City Junction , 1 05 ;
Mason City. 1 15.
< ; .i//siio/f//r n'ir.i , .NOT
HeiileH Vll IntervloTVH with Him Coiicei
elm hlnUltis i > f tbn Koiv Mi ng.
ST PAUL , Sept. 3n-Captain Thomas
llvder Galeswuithy of the liutlsh meiolmnt *
man Kovv Shlng , which vvuu sunk by the
Japanese crulFer over a month agu
while taking Chinese tioopg to Coien , m-
rlved In this city tonight on the Not them
Paclllc und left tonight for London , where
the lirltlsli ndmlmlty Is nwaltlng his lepori
on the Koiv Shlng affair. Or Franklin
HogerH of ( he naval lionpltal at Yokoliumn ,
with his vvlfe and daughter , urtlveil an the
same Iruln nnd i > iocee-ded tonight to fill- '
eago and Washington on a vac.itlon trip.
Neither vvould pcnk of tlie Kovv Shlng-
event. Cwptuln iJnlenvvotlhy MUbmllted to
enough of an Intel vlPvv to deny all the in
tervlevvs that were alleged to have been
had with him , urttertliiK' l\n hud not until
today poken to n neuxpapet man In Amer-
Icn. He Balili "I declined every InvltHllun
to malcn uny mil of a statement for the
pres . I fjnhe to nobody and I have nothing
to Hny to you , nor will I mieak to uny onu
else until 1 tc'iirli nngland. In due time
Ihe full imitlciilarg will be made known to
the world , "
Sturm Diinum-e nttliintl < fllr.
ATLANTIC rlTV. N , .1 . Sapt 30. The
northeast ptorm which hns been raging
along the roast for neveral dai.s is liicreas-
Itm lu fury tonlKht. Heavy ( -ule.H are
iilaylng havoc with the telephone and tele-
Kraph wlreB and Ihe suit IH daiiKcr iusl >
high. The vvnler IH on u level with build
Ings In the Inlet dixtilet ami IH bieaking
over the board walk all along the OCLMU
front. The- elect ilr lalhojd on HiiiKiintlne
street ha.s been vvntiheit up In never. ! I plates
on the lower end of the beach and It H
fenred the Mn n tea in bout wharf will go , AH
It l rapidly weakening. The rnlliond track *
at that point were xuhineigeil and tin ; l.uc-
afternoon trains had great difficulty In
_ _ _
nn > t < i Off tlie I'firvlioul ti" < t l > rr > vrueil ,
MINNKAJ'OLIS , He pi. 30.-At Cha kn ,
twenty inllt-s w ntli of UIH | rlly , hut even-
liiir. JX > UH | Sh.npe uml bin family of nvq
children OIOVM unrm the fetry to fiom the
river It being ilurk lie diove tuo far , und
the pole knocked iluwn Dm aprcu anil the
team nnd family drove overboard Into the
river Sharpe nuved hhnyeir but hlH wife
and ( he children and team vvf-te Oiovvncd ,
ml < i ( u rinin'nent JMnuitor ,
Kept lA upeelal from Olivet
to the Free PieBB aH ThoiiuiB lHbtook ,
prim Ipal < I ihu normal ilvimitment of olivet
( .olliegc. died lad nlKbt ot ittrophy of the
llvei I'rof i : tubuck vvus one of the most
prominent cdurulois In Michigan and w.ia
71 yearn of a to. He nerved ub principal of
Ihe State Normal school ut Yi llnntl nnd
for many j ears haa been known n Ihw
fnthcr of olivet college. Prof iXnbrook
nlso pave several jenrs of nervier as regent
of the State university nnd "title super
intendent of public Instruction Ills active
connpctlon with MIchlKnn educational liuer-
e-sts lasted nearly hnlf . centur } .
7'or.wi HIM it tn.iM , > iri..isr.
Mr * . MiiNiiimrvv of Onmliiv l.oeute * Her
M ! lnc Spmnii In tlit > Chleiitso Vluruite.
CHICAGO , Sept 30. ( Special Telegram. )
John McNamara left his home In Cunilng
street In Omaha five years agu , and thnt was
Ihe last hi * wlft or family heard of him A
year ago Mrs. Mc.N'amnra and her three chil
dren removed lo Chicago McN'nniara was
about CO vrars , old when he dli appeared. As
the yonrs passed End no word cime from
him the family mourned h m as dead. Once
Mrs > McNamara read In an Omaha paper
that an unknown man , answering the do-
scilpllon of her husband , was killed by the
cat a at Los Angeles , McNamara had
frequently talked of going to California be
fore he left home , and ( his strengthened
Mr. . McNamara In the belief that the man
killed at Los Angeles vvns her husbiiil.
Kcr Ihe last vear Mr ? McXamara und her
children have been living at Fifty-first co.irt.
September 22 one of the children , now grown
to be n voting woman , sty an account In n
newspaper of the killing of a man supposed
to lie John McNamnrn by a Northern Pacific
express train at the Crawford avenue cross-
InE The remains -were taken lo the eou ty
morgue. Thu girl suggested that prrhap * . It
was the long-absent hushand and father , and
the mother was prevailed upon next day to
RO to the morgue -with the eldest daughter.
The-y were shown Ihe bo-ly of the man nip-
posed to be John McNamara. but Ihev fulled
to Identify It. The morgue keeper told them
the body would bo Kept ten days , and then , If
It was rot claimed. It would he burled In
the potters' field. Today Mrs McNaniirn
rcniurlcd to her daughter that Monday
vvoull be the tenth dny
"I've been thinking all morning , " she eald ,
"of a scar that was on jour father's tippet
lip The body vvc caw at the imirgue had
a inustharhe. Now If the mustache was
fhaved off , 1 could tell positively vv hi I her
It Is John's body or no"
Mis MsNamara , In company with her
diUKhter. made another visit to the dead
hou o. She e\plalned her errand to the
morgue keeper and the dead ninn s mustache
vvai shaved oft There , clearly tevealed was
the big scnr that Mr * . McNamara MI Id would
be found If the body was that of her huiluml
The Identification seemed complete , nnd In
stead of being put In the potetrs Held Form
McNamara , the outcast , will receive u Chris
tian burial.
c /.vro/.riMJ I/////UAS.
Imprinter ISnrtui'll < .elH u Venll < t
Ilio Citieriitni n * .
ItOSTCiN. Sept 30 An Imiijitnnt derision
infecting millions of ilolhus vvotth of i-l tlms
against Ihe United States irdveimn'nt
been rendi'ted by Judge Colt of tlie I'nlted
States rourt The decision win in the1 lt'-
hrtled cn'-e of Joseph Hmtvvell , mi hn-
poi tetiiKt\Inst Leveiett SaMlrmlt , loim-
eilv < ollcrlor of the tint t ul Itoston The
question at Is < Mie was on Ihe Interpretation
of tedious " .Oil and .V.U1 ot the rev's l
stttutes of 1S77 , reguUtiiiK the time man
ner nnd an into of a ptotest ti ilnst th > juy-
rnent of due * UtirtwtH tiled u wiilten pro
test with the collector within ten days
after liquidation , but the govt tnmeiit ion-
tended when mgtilng the cnse that Uic pto <
teat should have been nude when Hitrlwel
inlil the estimated ihilv JudKe ( 'ill lur
row deilded Kurtvvell was il ht The > ; ov <
cinnicnt will lake an appeal This H nal <
to be the tlist ijeclMon ev.-i ylvcn nn ( h <
point In question ,
vjld Tune rmit I'uHsn.v v
CLAYTON,1 N. Li Sept. " 'I. ThDinn * * O
) Josg-s , belter known nS "rnrlp Tom , " oni
of thu oldesl American residents of Xrv
.Mexico , Is dead. Mr. HosK eiirne to Nnv
.Mexico In 154' , with his falliti. cine of tin
first otKanlzerh of th Ill-filed Donne
party , the llt t to tir.vtl ovwlim ] lo Call
fonila "I'ne-lu Tom * aeleil freqiuntlj' a
guide fet Ftcmunt. He was e
lectcd bv Cirnernl Kcniney In ISIS to < atiy
the Olppatchcs of lltiuiil Siott In Ol <
Mexico lo Foil Leavenworth , und met vvltl
many thrilling experiences while etiKiiRri
In thin riutv Mr was n biothi'i-ln
I.'W and ( ompinloli for nviny veatH of Kl
Cm son , and his glories of his life wltlf th
noted scout vvem InteiestlnK to th" e\ticinr
Itl4 > t lit u Tiirpinlliii'till '
SA\AiNNAH , Sc-pt 10.-A speelnl ( . > tin
Morning News fiom Vnldohtu. suvs th i
vv3H a small riot at he turpentine Htlll neni
thit plure In which two calmed men w re
killed nnd three members of the liirnlly of
I : Glllesple , the/ manage ! n white man.
vvere wounded. The blacks hud been llrud
by the manairer for gambling , and the
money involved taken out of their wiim-n
Thr-y got drunk nnd innde an nttnek upon
Ilio manager nt his house HP vvis vvntmdeO ,
but not seriously. His vvlfo and ( hlldicn
were bruised. A black miiri In tlif nuii-
nger.'K benne VVHH killed Tin Hotels than
went aw ay and got Into u dllTucnni * an
themselves , and one of them VVHH killed
liuiir : ( iiii' < l Miner * lt < v. , ueil.
I'AHItONOALi : , PJI Sipt "D John K.
Fanllng , William 1 $ . Jvlltchdl. Ucorgc
Iluinej nnd Andrew Klalieck > , tin inlnpirt
who were entombed In the elope of tlic-
Noilhwest Coal company on ThursOaj. , were
i < -.cued ut a. Inte hour last night AH are
alive nnd well and do not peem much tlit-
vvoise for their long linpil onm < nt. As
soon as an opcnlig vvaa made lelreshmentH
were pnFseil thrau.h to the piNoneiH ami
thrlr htingei and IhliHt hud ijeett Ffttlstlcd
before they ipuihed the muiiitf. The tnpii
VVLIC wltliout light nnd food foi Ufly-four
bouts 1 bey pioctited water flow u niliil.i-
tute well which they dug-
riiliiHinin Aflir i'rrrl'nsinie Iliiuie.
TUCSON , AtU , Stpt. M Slnre the enaet-
inent of the Geary law many C'lilne e Imve
come Into Arizona from Melio foi the snip
purpose of Deeming transputtallon to then
natlvo land at the expense of the I'nltiil
States Kovouimdit. Tlie exclusion law pio-
vldes thai In the discretion of the rourt
Chinese found xinlawfullv In thu I'njted
Slates may be Iniptlsoiipd at h ltd labur fur
not more than one year and th n deported
It la llehely Iliat hereaftet Chlm'-e con
victed on this charge will be given the- full
bcncllt of the law , to Htop the wholesale
Immigration of Mongolians fiom the Miuth.
srnrtu MHK IteMf ] ! * ! ! Nevi I -bitiit ,
UOSTON , Sept. 20 The C0ant ( if Hoiitlicin
Nc vv England vvaB today visited by fierce
gale , which caused unusual ) } blih tides ,
but which , having been untlelp.iUd for
- ' Kcvenil duvs , did only ! ljlit ilimiice to
I shipping The storm ceritri was about IV )
mllen htiuth of Tire iHlnnd light Thin aft-
einoon the wind blew foily-foiit inlle-s an
hour off Block Island , nnd wine i tin fell ,
but the pieilpltatlon vvus Hllghl The har
bor Is tilled with southbound VCHFI-IH , which
ate waiting for I hi Morm outlet to pass
out of theli course. No herlotif disaster lias
been reported.
Nci lurk . " -nlo in * I lo e < l Vrit rilij.
NHW YOIIK , Sept. TO-Thin wus mi ex
ceptionally dry Sunday , Saloons In every
part of Ihe city were liRhtly cloM-d , Tim
sticetH were full of patrolmen und < lrUi lives
In citizens' ulothCH and the dlHlikt ner-
geantx ami roundsmen attnehed to the oflleo
of thu Inspectors were eHiu-eltillv vigilant.
The total number of niientn foi the twenty-
four hnuiH ending at midnight IK .MO hy fur
the laigest ever madeIn n slnglri ilay
prloim UuiniHiiyH
SCHANTON , 1M , Sept. JO Two sellout !
rmiuwiivs occurred near here. In one. at
( "ntk'H Hummlt , Pattick Lonney.IH killed
At fairkuvvunnn , where two carriage * col
lided , Itolieit WIUH was Inttumlly Injured
nnd Mia..vVillls had her colljt bone biokun.
Their clillil V.HH thrown ovei the rulllng of
a brldgu Into the river , thirty net b.-lovv ,
hut xnffered no further Itijtiiy thim u
hiokin nose.
lletlrod MiTllmnt L'onilillth Hlllclilr ,
PHII.AHULPHIA , Sept. 30.-John A.
Meehuii , n former well known rnmhunl
of this city , committed iuiMdu ut Ihe
airiitd lioiise by uhootlng himself In Ihu
hend. Tor many yeats be vvau u lurtiur
In the firm of Hood , HombrlRht & i'ii. , na
when he withdrew from It uliout ten 3 aura
ago , he too kout | 1M,000 No cau fe IH known
for the deed
I'rnliUlorlo Illnnt I'ouuil ,
I'OltTHMOlTH , O. . Sept. 80.-he ! k Ulon
of u iirehUtbria giant has been cxhmuul in
Kentucky , twelve miles below thlx illy.
The skeleton IB eight feet in hrlsht and
four feet across the shouldeis.
Mju'try Snrronndinsr tlio Killing of Mi
L. Donelly nt UatnliUTg , In ,
„ II , Diirldmin , AMui Ilud Itrcn Tniirlliig
nltU Him , Siipp"1' ' ' to "c lho " *
Jlurilcror N > lotl < Knonii
fur lho . rliii < %
UAMUUnCJ , In. , Sepl 30. ( Special )
icrrlblo murder was commit led last i'rldivW
n the suburbs of this town and lho body ,
burled In the willows near the Kansas Clty\
railway brldre. The body was found tills \
notnlng , The pirtlculars arc as follows :
1'rlday two men passed through hero In a.
covered wagon. They Imd eight or Icn
mrses with them , nnd stopped here for n
while and tried to i > cll or trade some ot
the horses. This fact , together with n
lecullar Iron nxlo wagon they had , caused
ono to take second notice of them. They
camped In the suburbs of town , near Mr.
Hled's farmhouse , \vlth whom they tried lo
sell or trade. To Mr. Itled the murdered
man ga\c some Information In regard to
ilmself. He said ho v 3 from Pldtta
counl > , Nebraska , and had lost nil of hla
crop , was a single man , 3C jeans old , with
lothlng to Bliow for his life's work but a , lot
of old hordes and u wngon. The man who
was with him vas a traveling companion
and Unit was all ,
About 9 o'clsol : tint evening ( Krlday )
two shots and cries of "You are killing iius"1
and "Murder" were he'.rd by Mr. Hied , who
was at home about 100 ! yards away from
where the men were cimpcd. The. idiots
and cries \\cro hoird by others In town , \vho
went down to Investigate. They went down
to the wagon , from the direction of which
the sounds came , and asked a > oung man
there If he Inul heard any shooting. lie-
said jes , some one In a wagon along the-
road did the shooting. It being dark they
gi\e up the search , supposing some one
who was dnniK did the shooting for furi ,
but the ne\t morning they renewed the
search , still having a belief that there was
something wrong , but could find nothing
Last evening word was received that thore-
was a wagon and a lot of horses alnndonri
ROJth of town , near Mr Taylor's farm. This ,
convinced the people that a murder % .
certainly committed , and n seirchlng party
was organized to go through the \\lllov > s.
again , with the resilt that the body \vas
found burled about a foot belowthp ground ,
horribly mutilated about the head , is If by n
an axe. . <
The man who was the companion ot the
murdered man was seen neir Watson tiding
a toan horse. Ho WES also ferried across
the Nlshna. Telegrams aie out for his ap
prehension. He la a man nboul 20 > eara.
old , smooth mid round-faced , freckled , light ,
hair , about 130 pounds I'roin letters fouixl
in the wagon , w > ilch has been brought back
here the name of the murdered mail IK as-
ceitallied to be M L Donclly. who canio
from Independence , Kan. , to 1'latte county.
Nebraska , and fiom there started out over
land , The mime oC the murderer Is L. If.
Davidson of Lu Snllo , Cole , but when the
two lolned company la not knpvvn.
A man answering his description la under
arrest at rorcs1Clty , Mo.
Seircliiry Alortou 'K 1'jcppitcil to Drlltor an
Aili'r ' i > .
XVIIRELINOV , Va. , Sept. 30. The.
Tanners Natlo-ial congress , composed of dele
gates fiom every state lit the union , up-
pclntcd by the goverrorj ; , will meet In Parl < -
ersburg Tuesday and remain In session until
Saturdiy evening. Great prepaiatloiw nro
being made by the citizens of Parkersburg.
for the ruteptloi of delegates and tlie several
hundred representative farmers from all
parts ot the country who hixe ulteady bagua
to arrhc The address of welcome will be-
dellverwl by Governor McCorkle , and among ;
the many dlatlngul'lud men who will deliver
addresses Is the sccrclarj of agriculture , Mr.
Morten , who is expected to nrr.vo fiom Uu-
iow | In time to lartlclpatc In lhe > proceed
ings. Six hundred delegates will ba In at
tendance. Thurfctioj'g fctslcn will be held
on historic llltr.nerhatfct Island , where n
bunijuet will Lc scried the delegates by the
< tlztns of I'arkcrsliuip On Saturday an
excursion will be tun to the famouk Sister-
vlllo oil ( Icld The regular seeilons will b
huld In the \cr.ckr.iy nf " .lualc and will b
open to the rub Ic. The National Farmer *
congress Is n npartUan In Its character , and
has alliance with tlu '
no many peml-part'tan
farmeis * organUitlof.s ot the country. At
the coming tttslon many \aliialile papera
will be read , and the proceedings are ex
pected to be fruitful of much good tu the
agricultural class.
7/7.vj. < > / : v inr. "j/tn irr.
Noim of ttio Acllon htipi > r flipi1 for UB-
kunun ISiMions.
NE\V YOJtIC , Sept. 30 A cprclal to tli >
World from Washington H-vys the Cblneuft
gov eminent , uftcr n delay of more thnn a.
month , has llnully ratified the tirnly with
the United Staler jiro\ tiling fur the ex
clusion of Chlnece labori-iH fium Dili coun-
tiy nnd recoguls-Ins the \jlldlty at the
Ueury law unil other statutes Jointing tu
the Ohlne e ImmlKrutlun net. Qlllclal 110-
tlllratlon of tlio decision ImH IIPCIIwtlhelil
under olrciim taiu s psceolliirfly inyHtlfylnB
to the Stnt < ' drpaitnicnt. The nevs of tlit >
laLUlcatlon by the SiiiiK-H-Y nK-ii , the Im
perial coimi.11 for foreign iiITuliH , lcake < l out
through tinolllclal < lmnnelp The net Ion of
the Chinese government was tnlu-n In se
cret nnd IB known to { illy n tew ntllolnln
lierf , who lm\e been gunullng the Informa
tion with M < at t.ire tu prevvnt ltn being
mudu pulillc In advance of tlio foirnal rx-
chanKc of r.itlllcatlcnshlch \ It is
fen led may long be postponed ,
.v inwirii ; > i.\ tin IK.
rroiiiliirnt Kiiii > n * Lit ) C < nlriutor t'onnil
Alini l ' iMiil In tliu bircxt ,
KANSAS CITY , Sept , SO. Joseph OoHllc.
a well-to-do local stone contiuctur , was
found on nnuutlj Ing Htreet lai-t night , Hlowly
blerdlug tu death , When uce.UlentuIly
Htmnbled aver by a biy till tlu > vboiuulcA
man could say was : "Tlic-y uld tliSy woul l
kill me , uml they have nearly done it. "
Gentle , who holdfl neveral building contracts
In thlH city , recently dlpclmiged xevenil oC
bis workmen , who awotn ut lho time they
would liuvovcncenncc. . Tu tlieto , or oti
of them , the or I me Is laid lunt nt rltiilc
thl evening- explosion vva.i hc-nra nornlne
fiatn near where GeMlp vitm lilor found.
Its Hource could not be learned , huwevcr.
and nothing ; further wux thoniht ; of It till
the body vias dlwoveied late at lilglil An
Iiivi-Htlgatlon Hhoued that ( letlli.-'n hainl
hud been torn off , onet > e KOIIKIH ] out , and
hlb body otherwise Ehocklngly niutllrnwl 1 > y
tlie exploxlon of u djnuniltc laitrliiire II *
will likely dip ,
Mimlorccl for IVinlun Sliiiip- .
DAYTON. Sept. -Frlduy WOH penelon
day nt the Soldier ' hume and the vetrraiia
V.CIB paid J1W.OOO A frw of tliimrltrtl \ tlm
dlveM In the vicinity of the liiKtltutloii Bnt-
unlay ami were robbed , At 1 o'clock tliln
morning tlireo of Ihe ild toldlc.wirc founfl
nuiidered and their biidlcx Ijlns lu tlio
road , Their nnmes me AdulplniH I'UIHHU ,
Cornelius'lon and John lluiielt of the
navy. The citi jullcc nnd dttocthvo iinvn
llfty HiispcctK lockid up A nuMbci ufH -
eruns ore mlBBfnif frum Ihn honx1 , but will
turn up all rU'ht.
High M lull * on I. nko Superior ,
CALUMKT Mich , Hept ! -Terrific ln *
atorms prevailed litre and on Lake Superior
nil last nlKht utid today Allliotigh no
n reeks have been liennl nf II In quite lire
able that sornu boats have he.n destiojcd.
Ciiblo ( 'oiiuiiiiiiiiuilciii
NKW YOIIK Sept 10 The Anulo Amerl
can Ttlcjjruph company fuinletK.i Mm foNi
lowing , Tlie London olllce leportx ( Oininuni J
ration btiHicn ltaramarlv | and
liau been restored.