Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 29, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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    THE OMAHA DAILY BFE : SA't'ijfUJAY ' , SEl TEM Fn , 20 , 1801.
OFK1CH - - NO. 12 1'EiVUL
Dtlhucd by cnrrltr lo any part of lh cltr-
H. W. T1L.TON , L * s .
1 1.I.T l'KOXE3--luilnc s office , No. ;
editor No. .
MIXOli .
Real Estate Ag'-ncy , C39 Hroadway.
opening party of Chambers' dancing
ncailenty took place. last night.
Tcm 1M wards wns fined $1 < S-30 In police
court jpsterdny morning for drunkenness and
disorderly con il net.
Ambrose llurlto , a rlMiiR youns IcKal llglit
of Mils city , was marrlcil Tliuraday evening
to Miss Maude Cornell of Omaha , at her
This evening In Ihc court house the dcino-
f-ais will hold a township convention for the
purpose of nomlnatliiK candidates for Justice *
tf the | ience , constables , township triistoci
i > nd clerk.
Tor tlie paat few ilayd the county treasur
er's ofllcc has been thronged -with property
owner * who wore paying the last half of the
yearly luxes. Today Is the last day when
payment can be mode without an. added pen
alty of 5 per cent
\Ilss Nellie Ilcebce entertained a. number of
her friends at home Thursday cvenliiK In
honor of her guests , Miss Marie Camp and
1'red Carson of DCS Molnes. Those present
were : Misses Marie Camp , Zena Lin Re ,
Iteiia Williams , and Mossrsi Fred Carson ,
Ktl CUiy. W. U. Ilcobee and Frank Lenz of
Oiiuhn. :
The funeral of Mrs. P. Danahcy will to be
place at 3 o'clock Sunday afternoon at her
late home , -114 North Eighth street. She
died Thursday night at the age of 51 years ,
nfter an Illness of two weeks , leaving a
liiMUand und six children. After the serv
ices at the houte the remains will be taker
to St. Prancls Xavlcr's Catholic church.
A KHHS of young fellows who have beer
In the habit of conBrcpatlng around the en
trance to Dohany's theater and malilng life
n burden to all who attended the perform
unces was broken up by the police Thurs
day night. One of the members , Fred Green
a colored man , announced his Intention o :
slaying till he got ready to go home. Hi
van accordingly arrested and In police cour
> B8tcrday morning a fine of6.M \ was av
Pi.scd against him , which he will have to
\\ork out on the streets.
H IB u bad business policy not to keep your Insured In a thoroughly rcllablo flro
Insurance company such as the Palatine o [
ManchPBter. England. This company Is repre
sented by Longeu & Towle , 235 Pearl street.
Suttiriluy'ii Spaelnl S-ulo.
Children's navy blue school Jackets , age 4
to 12 years , Saturday 89c each.
All our misses' all wool Jackets In navy
brown HIM ! tan that were H.OO , $5.00 and $6.00 ,
Saturday at $2.98 and $ .1.38 rnch. ,
Saturday we offer a smnll lot of limes
full weight Jackets In navy and black In
small sizes , 32 , 34 and 3G , that were $5.00 , at
$1 GO cnoli
All our $7.00 and $ S.r,0 and $10.00 Indies'
CHpes , latest styles , go Saturday at $ j.OO
Special sale feather pillows and down sofa
p Hows. 1-Vathcr pillows at SSc. C9c , $1.00
Down sofa 'pillows , 20x20 Inch. Saturday
Saturday evening , 7 to 10 o'clockveoffcr ,
100 doyen ladles' 4-lmtton real kid gloves In
tans , blown and black , never before sold at
Ires than $1.00 and $1.25 , Entire lot only Sat
urday evening at C9c n pair. See them now
( llfplayetl In our show windows. Don t miss
this , you will not
Council Bluffs.
A steel ninge lasts a life time 'and save
$10 In fuel each year you use It. A cheap
stove wastes fuel and Is ft constant expense.
"We ran sell you a cook stove from $5 up
luit don't push them. Cole & Cole , 11 Main
street. _ - . - _
KtuiiH l.Hiinilry Co. .
D20 Pearl Ureet. Telephone 30.
Washerwomen use Domestic cap.
IWf.SOA.-I / . IM ff'l / . ! ! *
Mrs. II. II , Inman has gene to I'lattsmouth l >
> > f > b , , to visit relatives.
Mr. and Mrs.V. . E. Chambers are abcul
to move to 623 Mynstcr street.
Judge A. Dewcy of Washington" , la. . Is th
Ktiesl of J. H. Atkins and family.
Charles Atherton goia to Stansberry , Mo.
today , to be gene a couple of weeks.
Mrs. Augustus Uereshelm returned yester
day from a visit of two months In Michigan
Mrs.V. . \V. Sherman returned yestcrda
morning from a ten days' visit with friend
In Chicago.
Mr * . H. O. Graham and Mrs James Wes
ley left yesterday for Persia , fa. , to vlsl
> \ltn fi lends a week.
Mrs. Nellie Baker of Denver Is In th
city , the guest of Mr. and Mrs , \V. II. Trey
nor on First avenue.
Mlns Sable Amy Clark left last evening fo
Chicago , to resume her studies Iti the sclenc
of kindergarten teaching.
lE. . Simpson of Sioux City , a well know
newspaper man , now city clerk , Is In tow
and will spend Sunday here.
John II. Clark haa returned from Re
\Vlng , Minn. , whither he was called by th
ili-ath of his mother. He took the remain
to central Illinois for Interment.
Mr. and Mrs. W. 13. McConnell have r
turned from their bridal trip Is the caster
part of the state and arc living at the res
dcnce of Dr. M. II , Chambcrlln on Dlu
John W. Ferrler , who has been spcndln
his hummer vacation Iti this city , left Thuri
day night for Ann Arbor , where he will n
SUMP his medical studies In the Unlvcrslt
of Michigan. _ _
C. O. I ) . HriMvn Mill CnttliiK
Wo have Just received one more car loa
of that flno granulated sugar , to be Bold
13 pounds for $1 , or $5.25 PIT 100 pounds.
Also a" carload of California dried fruit ,
bo sold at the following low prices : Drit
prticehs , 12c per pound ; dried grapes ,
per pound ; dried apricots , 12',4 p.-r poum
dried pears , 12V&C per pound ; dried nccta
Ires , 12140 per pound.
Ginger snaps 5c per pound. Three tin cu
( or fie.
Stovepipe So per joint. Jelly glasses 2
per dozen.
Clothes lines Be each. Clothes pins Ic p
A good broom for 15c. Scrub brushes fro
3s up.
Fourteen-quart tin pall fci' 15c. Two-hoi
vcrderi pall for lOc.
Large-rlzsd tubs o5e. medium-sized tu
45r , small tubs 35c.
llcmembor we have the largest line
cloves In the city. Stoves cold for cash
on easy terms. lie sure and visit our sto
department before you buy.
Have you tried our C. U. U. Hour ye
Kvery sack has a souvenir In II , and on
$1 per sack. UUOWN'S C. 0. D.
The CAUse of the present boom In re
rstate Is due somewhat to ( he success !
isle of fruit and garden lands by Mfesi
Day & Hess In the Klein tract. 'I hey ha
200 acres In amounts to suit , suitable I
fruit and gardens. Also bearing- fruit fan
lor i le.
J. ' . Hufrinuyr'ii I miry rut rut ,
Hungarian Process Flour.
Made by the oldest milling firm In the we
makes lightest , whitest , sweetest bread. A
your grocer for It. Trade mark : "HI
Hooster. "
IJr.-Ht L'Hiidr hule.
Ladles , bring your children to liaird I
Damon's. G21 Ilroadnay , Saturday , Septe
ber 29. Each person receives a , present *
every purchase.
The ladles of the Christian church li
en sale today and every Wednesday ca
ginger bread , yeast bread , salt rising bre
U home made , at Homer's grocery store , a
Hell & Sons , 102 Ilroadwoy. Orders will
taken for pics. .
Dry pine kindling fcr sale. Cheaper tli
cobs , H. A. Cox. 37 Main street. Teleplu
Poutitla * otp breaks ) bwd water.
Committee's Beport Coucmuing the
of lh-3 Tennessee Eeuulon ,
I'laii * l. l < 1 Only t'ont mplnt the Accnin-
nind.tllon of Imllcil HuenU nntl I'.tvn
AVI1I He Samewluit CrowileU -
for Klliow loom >
A mectlns of the committees of llif Army
f the Tennessee was held yesterday morning
t the government building and reports
era made by all of them to the secretary ,
Oliver Anton. The outlook Is promising
'or one of the1 largest attendances that any
Imllar gathering lias had before. The com-
nltteemen. both those from Counc I Illun >
.nil Ilioio fiom Oinnha , have worked hard
iiiil the rc.ult of their labors will be maul-
est In a most successful reunion. Til *
ncctlng at the opera house on Wednesday
veiling , the 3d. will be attended only by
liose who hold cards of Invltatlcn , U ha\lng
hern found necessary to Until the attend
ance. Governor Jackeon will deliver an ad-
Jrcss of welcome In behalf of the state , and
Mayor Cleaver In behalf of the city. Oen- G. M. Dodge will make a response for
ha loldlcru , and Miss I'lerron of Chicago
will furnish vocal music and recitations.
Otlirr speakers have been secured , whose
tames will be announced later.
The bamiuet at the Grand hotel on the
following evening will be one of the most
li'llllant cffti IB ever seen In the city , but
the great majority of the people of thp two
cities will have lo depend en tin- new 'papers
for their Ideas its to the brilliancy , from
the fact that while the hotel dining room
will accommodate only 200 , acceptances of
Invitations have been received from 160 of
thoia to whom they were sent , and there
aic st II 100 or more to be heard * from. Con
sequently. Iliere will be room for but very
few excepting outsider ? , and even
the members of the committees
who have done FO much to make
the affair a success wilt have to
stain1 cut In the cold and sniff the vlundu
from afar. The Dudley Uitck quartet has
been engaged to furnish the niudc for the
Cinincll liUilTg , In.
Prices to close previous to opening o
fall goods , This week you may vxpcc
Hume unheard cf prices.
He red and Indigo blue prlntb 3c.
Sc apron , checked gingham , tic.
7c quality prints , black and white am
fancy. 5c.
lOc dress ginghams fiVic.
Extra value gents' sox Be , lOe and 12'-Jc.
25c grade gents' black sox ISc , or 3 for
$1.00 gents' shirts , tie to match , C7c.
Over 800 dozen handkerchiefs at special
priczs. See values offered at : i for lOc , C
for 25c , 1 for 2f > c.
$1.00 ladles' kid gloves ( odd lots ) Gc. ! )
7i1c French flannels , good patterns. SOe.
30-Inch heavy double flannel , worth luc ,
for lOc.
} 1.09 all-wool shrunk skirt pattern C3c.
COc colored nll ! ( plushes 5c.
Entire stock of fall weight garments.
Jackets and capea , ranging In prlc6 from
$1.50 to $0.75 , choice to close $2.R5.
( Cloak department , second door. )
Council lUluffs , la.
ItiiniFil H t.iit < > .f liny.
J. C. Lewis , who has a farm south of the
School for the Deaf , lost about 150 tons of
* hay jcsterday by flro. The ( Ire started the
night before through the fault of the em
. ployes of a man named Schultz. Sixteen big
, stacks were demolished. The hay was val
ued at about $8 per ton.
Constable Daker went out six miles cast
of town las > t evening and arrested Joseph
Leopctsoll on u charge of criminal careless
ness. He has Iisen employed by Farmer
Schultz during the last few weeks. Yester
day Schultz told hl3 hired man to go out In
the Meld and set fire to some remnants of
last year's liny stacks , and he did so. The
, lire quickly left the old hay stacks and went
along with the hurricane , sweeping ever >
lit thlliK combustible before It. Among the
property destroyed was the hay belonging to
Lewis. Schultz flatly denied that nt ga\e
< his new German hand orders to set the lire.
The young German stoutly avers that he was
. acting tinder orders ,
n.iy ; The lilntr of All rrmpcranro Itrvrr IRC * , n
as IVrfrct SttliMltuto tor t.xci-r tlccr.
Can be sold without license , either govern-
iiicnt or fctate ; dealers guaranteed by In
ill demnifying bond. Endorsed by leading phy
sicians , judges and ministers. Wheeler &
hey Hereld , Council Illuffs , la. , are the sole manu
y- facturers In the United States. Thousand
of testimonials. Write for prices and In
or formation.
CO OTTUMWA. la. , Sept. 23. Wheeler & Her
eld , Council Bluffs : Enclosed please find on
of your Kttarantees indemnifying us agalnsl
damage. Your agent agreed to this verbally
I'leaRO sign and return. Wo are pleased will
the goods , and also by the verdict ot omo
cd our doctors , who made a test for alcohol am
hens Is confident there Is not one per cent. WalUi
ns T. Hall Co.
re- A full line of the latest and liandsoinosi
linoleum oilcloth , etc.
irn designs In carpets , ,
! just received. Prices always the lowest a
stuff C , II. Carpet Co.107 Broadway ,
Eourlclus' music house has few expenses
ng high grade pianos are sold reasonably. Ill
rs- Stutsman street.
Ity Coal
Best Centervllle lump coal $3.25 $ per ton
H. A. Cox , 37 Main. Tel. 48.
iacl Duncan's shoes are always the test am
at cheapest ,
to I Had , ! \elry.
led A couple of tough-looking characters wer
Co ( picked up by the police yesterday aftcrnoo
ml ; with a lot of Jewelry hidden about thei
which Is thought to have been stolen. A
the they their as
aps ] city Jail gave nanifs
Parker and George AVllllams. The latter \va
25c ! a colored man. Among the stolen jewelrj
which la now awaiting an owner at the ell
per marshal's office , are a ladles' gold watch ,
pair of smoked pearl opera glasses , with th
om Initials "F. M. S. , " and a number of ring
charms , cuff buttons and bangle charms.
No , dear rcader a Garland stove will nc
ubs P-iy on * * ffio ° mortgage every year , answe
the door bell nor carry In Us own coal , bn
of it will save you from a quarter to a halter <
or your fuel and add to the beauty and comfoi
of your home. P. C. Dcvol sells them.
( , Linllei Only.
' Candy sale Saturday evening , 8 to
o'clock , Finest cream candles made , at th I
nalo 30c per pound. IJalrd & Damon ,
real Broadway ,
'u' ' ' A rich program , music , oratory , etc. , i
srs- the entertainment to be given by the Knlgh
1ve ot Ihe Maccabees Tuesday evening , October
lor at the opera house. Free.
Allclilunn Dlvorm Ca ,
All day yesterday was spent by Jud |
Macy In. hearing the evidence In the case
est , Helen AltchUon against William E , Altcli
Ask son. Doth of the parties are well known
Hue the prominent circles of Council Bluffs , Tl
evidence was not all In at the hour of eve
Ing adjournment.
& Gas cooking stove * for rent and for ial
em- Can Co. ' office.
' " '
Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway , (37
xork. Tel. 157.
ake , Selected hard wood for heating stoves ,
ead , H. A. COX , 31 Main street. Tel. 43.
, „ I'remlrr erg cups at Lund Bros ,
l'l ) ti > Kru | > lirr Indicted.
.ban Oscar Srumun , a young photographer II
tone Ing at ilrrda , la. . . has been Indicted by t
federal grand jury of the crime of send I
obscene photographs through tb Unit
The Home and COUNCIL BLUFFS , IOWA , And Unique
Foreign O in-
Market Affords Own Importation.
ew Prices
Every department stocked to overflowing with all the newest goods the market affords. Our line of dry goods ,
etc. , supasses anything ever shown in western Iowa , and having four stores to buy for , enables us to get closer prices
than any of our competitors. We buy direct and thus save the jobber's profit , all of which goes to tell the story of how
we can sell good goods at low prices. We will guarantee our prices on all goods.
Cloak Dept.
Our line Js now complete In this depart
ment and we give a general Invitation to
the ladles of Council Bluffs nnd vicinity to
come and Inspect our stock before buying ,
us we know our styles and prices are right.
Ludleb' Jackets in black , blue and gray mixed
goods , ns Inches long , a dandy , for $7.CO.
At $10.00 , $ l'2.00 and $ 14s00 we shoxv an
nc of material , such as covert
cloths , beavers. Meltons , cheviots , etc.
JtT.liO , $19.00 lo $25.00 we show the nob-
blest garments of the season In a big variety
of styles and materials.
Children's Cloaks.
This line of cloaks we- pride ourselves on.
\Ve have everything that Is new and nobby
far the little ones. We start our llnu with
a dandy nt $2.50 for 4 years. This IK n
cheviot , full cape and made In- first class
Council Bluffs , Council Bluffs ,
States malls. The grand jury spent a great
deal of tlino looking over the books nnd pic
tures and finally decided that they were
unlit for the malls , Seaman Is In jail and
Illtely to rc-maln there until his trip across
the Mate begins. He lus admitted the crime.
Huston Store.
We oiler for today , ns a starter for our
great ten days' sale , the following lurgalns :
25c English cashmeres , 3G Inches wide , 19c
n yard.
Yard-wide all wool ladles' cloth , worth 3Dc ,
for 2fic.
All wool no\elty dress goods , worth 50tr ,
for 39c a yard.
50c all wool cashtneies. 3c ! ) n jatd.
Fifty-Inch gloria silks , We a yard.
Tc gray blankets , 5So a pair.
$1 brown blankets. f 7r a p'ali.
- fl-3 gray mixed blankets , full 11-4 , for
Our $ " , blankets , In gray and white. $3.75 $
a pair.
. Ulue and red prints , 3c a yard.
Best light prints , Ic n yard.
American bine prints , 5c a yard.
Fine Saxony yarn , Be a hkcln.
Yard-wide muslin , 3 > , c a yard ,
Ladles' vests and pants , 25c each , worth
Ladles' wool underwear , woith Jl. for i&c
- each.Union snllK. from Sue to J3.
Watch the papers for a more complete list
ot bargains , UOSTON STOIIH.
Fowler , Dick & Wnlkcr.
! Dimestlc eoap outlasts cheap soap ,
Instruction on the piano -will be given to a
Hulled number of pupils by Mrs. J. A. Kcff.
< 1022 Fifth avenue.
Havana Freckles cigarDavis , wholesale agt.
The laundries us * Domestic soap.
fttll .1 TEttllini.K VJSIMli.
Veiling Ilr. Hjntt , rormerly if Milfonl , In.
il'ctt-il by I litirnnil Jury ,
ATLANTIC , la. , Sept. 28. ( Special. ) The
grand jury has returned an Indictment
against joung tr ) , John Hyatt , formerly of
; Jlllford , but now of Red Oak , la. , chargIng -
Ing him with the crime of Infanticide. He
Is alleged to have smothered the newly born
babe of a young girl of Mllford. The young
man has been arrested and his bond fixed
at $10,000. In company with nn officer he
id Is now' making an effort to secure this
amount. Young Hyatt has been a member
of the medical profeatlou hut n few years.
Ho was forced to surrender his location
re In Mllford recently because of falling prac
in tice.
in tice.The crime for which he Is Indicted Is re
inn. volting In the extreme. Steps have been
n. taken to apprehend the father of the mur dered ch Id , who was a party to the crime ,
asy. anil ho will doubtless suffer as fully as
y.ty his accomplice , young Hyatt , The mother
tya cf the Infant Is of a most reputable family
a and has always been regarded as. a good
lie woman up to the time she was' led astray
! b > her lover.
The excitement ever Ihe affair In Bed
ot Oak Is great , wlic-ro all the parties are well
er known , and where Ur. Hyatt's father en
ut joys a considerable practice among the beat
utof families.
of cf Montgomery county
irl Two Hundred Mlnlnter * 1'rfiPMl.
LEMATIS , la. , Sept. 28. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) About 200 ministers are In attend
10 ance nt the northwest Iowa Methodist con
Is ference , which met her * Tuesday. The ses
121 sion today was devoted to addresses by S. T.
Heller , U.D. , LL.D. , vice chancellor of the
at American university at Washington. A
its number of probationers were called up , their
characters passed and they were advanced
to the second year. A number were passed
on as to characters In the third year und
continued. Three members were admitted
ge to elders' orders. The bishop appointed a
geof committee lo draft resolutions appealing to
the. United States government for protection
hlIn for South American Protestants front Catho
In lic persecution.
limn Mull hliuiit * HlniM'lf.
LEMAHS , la. , Sept. 2S. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) Thomas Collins , living nar Kemsen ,
In this county , attempted to commit suicide nlgbt by thcoting hln.eell Kith a 10 olver
while under the Influence of llriuor. The
ball struck H rib and glnnced , going through
the fleshy part of the heart. He will die.
Stork Hxlillilt r. ICi-cli ItiipM * .
HOCK KAl'IUS. la. , Sept. 28. ( Special. )
The second day of the fair here paused of !
quietly. There was a large attendance and
some good races. The Block exhibit was
the good and shows that In cattle , hogs and
Ing horses Lyon county can compete with any
ted of IKT neighbor ! . The exhibit In the floral
Our ne\t Is a satlnctte , which wo guar
antee , braided cape and sleeves , nt $3.25 for
4 years , At $3.75. $1.50 , $5.00 , up to $12.00
our line IK unsurpassed. We carry a full
line of eiderdowns , plain and trimmed , from
Jl.G'.i tu J".00 , all of which are exceptional
good value.
Dress Goods ,
3C-lnch cashmere , regular C.'c grade , 19c.
Yard wide all wool ladles' cloth , actual
value 3Sc , on sale at 23c.
Big line novelty dress goods , worth COc ,
on Bale at 3'Jc.
All wool novelty dress g ods. special ut
See our line all wool plaids , worth "Be , on
pale at 39c.
| IH-lnch ladles' cloth , worth 50c , on sale at
| 51-Inch Gllbrt flannel , worth 7Ec , on sale
' at Sim.
hall , although not large , was good. The
day was as bad an could possibly be and
during the- races clouds of dust would obscure
the horses and riders , In the Lyon county
championship bicycle race E. L. Partch won.
Time , for halt mile ; ItfO. '
II K.I T/IKJttin Till ! STUU31-
L'apt.iln 11 f u Morg u Lln r Telia of n Ter
rific KnlnfHll.
NEW YORK. Sept. 28. The Morgan line
steamship Eldorado nirlvcd from New Or
leans yesterday afternoon , eight hours over
due. Her delay was caused by a severe tus
sle with the tornado Into which she ran
Sunday night off the eouthern coast of Flor
ida. Captain Percy hai teen warned of
the approaching storm previous to leaving
port by a sudden drop In the barometer , but
decided lo chance It. , Sunday night the
wind howled through the rigging at a fifty-
knot clip and everything movable on deck
had to be doubly lashed. The rain fell con
tinuously and In torrents. Captain Percy
never changed thevessel's course and at
daybreak on Monday morning he found he
had weathered the storm and was on the
edge of the tornado. At this point , how
ever , the wind veered to the noithward and
olloweil along In the- wake of the Hying
"It Kept right along with us , though , "
haid the captain , "und followed us right up
o the Highlands. We kept on the verge ot
t. however , and It simply flirted with us
all the way up , Torrents of rain continued
o fall throughout it all. I have been In
storms before where the velocity of the
vlnd was as great , but never before experi
enced Midi a continuous fall of rain. It
MIS like a cloud burst. Just before reaching
Ilatterus the lightning commenced to flash ,
and streak after streak chased each other
across the sky for forty-eight hours. Some
of the flashes were so close that I thought
we should be struck. The passengers had a
sorry five days' trip of It. They were
loused most ct the lime , and many were
sick the greater portion of the passage. "
Captain Percy says that any steamers
which were twenty-four hours behind him
must have fared very badly , because they
would be In the very center ot the storm.
The Ward line steamer CliSnfugos , which
went to sea yesterday afternoon , only ven
tured as far as the lightship and then put
about and dropped anchor In Graveeend bay.
NORFOLK , Va. . Sept , 28. The storm Is
subsiding here and thus far shipping ap
pears lo have gone through tt safely. The
vessel reported anchored neir Virginia
Heach last evening passed the night all right
and Is still anchored there , Nothing Is
known at the signal ofllce here of the two
vessels which outside dispatches reported
were ashore near Norfolk. The schooner
Annie E. Reynolds , Captain Hill from Dal-
ttmorn for Georgetown , S , C. , went ashore
In Mother Harkness hole near Old Point
yesterday. The vessel Isilylng easily.
SAVANNAH. Septji SS. The steamship
Kansas City from Npw York and Dessong
from Philadelphia arrived this morning ,
They caught very heayy storms off Hatteras ,
encountering hard wind ? tbat , retarded them
for several hours. The masters report pas
sing sBveral schooners "hove-to" on the
way with water dashing over them.
Without a liberal sijp'ply of Dr. Price's
llaklng Powdjr no modern cocking school Is
tely equipped. I
fudi-t onicVrx S'uineil ,
ANNAPOLIS , Md. , Sept. 28. Commodore
Phythlun today amounted the following
cadet ultlcers for tlio'Jifavil cadet battalion :
Lieutenant commander , S. F. Smith of Penn-
Hylvunlu ; lieutenants'R B. Baldwin of New
Jersey , P. M , Oonnolt of'Maryland , G. W.
Orosbeck of Ohio , H. V. W. Butler of New
York ; ensigns ( senior ) , H , Lannlng of Illi
nois , A. T. Chester ( at large ) , W. R. Gher-
urdl ( at large ) : ( Junior ) . S. C. Vlstal of In
diana. M. J. MeConnack of Michigan , W. C.
Davidson of South Oikotu , A. T. Wadnama
of New York : chief petty officer , Worth Bag-
ley of South Carolina :
Says M. W. Selby. Muncle , 111. : "Last
summer a coal miner came to my drug store
ono night , half dead with cramps. Thire
wai no doctor to be had. He naked me II
I had anything that would help him , 1
opened a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic. Choi-
i-ru and Diarrhoea Kerned- und gave him a
large dore. In twenty minutes his pain was
all gone. Thin mun had been subject lo
cramps , but has not been troubled since. '
Every family should ktep this remedy at
hand for use In such cases. It can always be
depended upon. Far sale by druggists.
IlirVrrkly for Hie C'mnpuicn.
The Weekly Bee will be tent up to No
vember 15 , covering the entire campaign
for 10 centa ,
Fine French flannel , actual value Cflc , on
sale at COc ,
40-Inch all wool colored Henriettas , regular
50c grade , for 3 c.
CO-lnch gloria silk at 50c , Cflc ami 7 c.
Special exchange dress patterns from $1.33
to jlti.CHJ u pattern.
Medium weight gents' underwear , value Toe ,
on Bale at f > Uc.
Gents' gray underwear , value SSc , for 23c.
Natural wool underwear , worth 75c , on sale
ut 62Hc.
Special gents' heavy fleeced underwear ,
actual valtKi $1.00 , on sale at 7Cc.
Extra heavy Scotch wool underwear , best
value ever offered for $1.00 ,
Ask to tee our $1.50 gents' underwear.
We carry five different lines In children's
underwear , ranging In price from lOc each
to the driest lamb's wool.
Details of the Great West [ ndhn Storm Beginning -
ginning to Come ID.
Sole nil Largo Cigiir I'.icloi-lci Wrecked St.
Aiigustlnu AUu MinVrcil Urcutly
uly ! Twenty I'er out of the
Uriiuge Crop Di-HtroyciI.
JACKSONVILLE , Flu. . Sept. 28. Commu
nication with bouth Florida Is being restored ,
and special dispatches to the Times-Union
relating lo the damage done by the West
.Indian cyclone tell the same story of houses
wrecked and crops dcstioyed , but no loss of
life is reported.
At Tampa several large cigar factories
were wrecked. The large three-itoiy brick
factory of Heldeiiberg & Co. was destroyed
The factory of C. A. Joyce was demolished ,
as were also the factories of Vebor and
Manararn and others. The First Presby-
crlan church and the Palatial hotel were
badly damaged. Several smaller structures
were also demolished. The total loss on
lUlldlngs ut Tampa Is estimated at $50,000.
During the storm at Fernamlana the British
steamships , Boston City and Clmvllle , col-
Idecl nnd were badly damaged. The steamer
DeRarry was driven against the draw bridge
and wrecked. The steam yacht Maude was
sunk near Crescent City.
Today the Tlmeb-l'nlon received advices
torn St. Augustine , which has been cut off
since Tuesday. No lives lost , but se\eral
louses were wrecked and the losses will run
n to the thousands. Nearly all the windows
in the city were blown In and the houses
looded with water. The Ponce de Leon
iotel was damaged In this way , The lessen
on the hotel's furniture Is heavy. At St.
Augustine the waves dashed over the sea
wall and made rivers of the streets. Many
wharves were blown away. Between Green
Jove spring and Pnlatka , on the St. Johns ,
twelve wharves have completely disap
peared. Between Jacksonville and St. Au
gust hie not a telegraph pole was left
The damage to the orange growers Is great.
In the large grovea the ground Is completely
covered with green oranges. The loss Is fully
20 per cent. The. east coast Is still cut oft
from communication below St. Augustine
and Palatka , though communication may bo
restored tonight. Kvery effort Is being made
to hear from Jupiter and Key Weit , which
are supposed to have been In the storm's
center. The storm was as severe In the in
terior ot the state as on the coast. It struck
Tampa and then traveled northeast to Jack
sonville and St , Augusllne. At Ocala and
Orlando , Interior points , several eels were
found after the storm passed , It Is safe to
say the storm has cost Florida more than
$1,000,000 , but no lives have been lost , un
less at Key West , Tltus > vllle , Jupllcr , or other
east coast points.
Lady Henry Somerset maintains that pure
food Is half th i battle of life. A guaranty
of purity In cookery Is the use of Ur. Prlcn's
Cream Baking Powder.
lluycott on riultilij'i Tin-it Knleeil Other
Magic < Ity Neira.
The boycott placed on the Cudahy Packing
company by the striking butchers over a
month ago has finally been taken off by the
Central Labor un'on ,
There are only a few of Ihe old butchers
left In the city who did not get back to
work , Those who felt tatlslled that they
would never get back have one by one
dropped out ot sight and gene to some other
city to work.
The striking coopers have made no head
way on their strike. None of them have
gone back and the management at Swift's
have never eeen fit to concede . their
demands to flrtt certain coopers because they
were not members of the union.
Whlln Dancing In ttia Hum.
The KnlghtH ot Pythias lodge nt Hellevuo
gave a dancing parly at Harry Clark's place ,
five miles south of here Thursday night. The
dancing was In the hay mow of the big
barn , which wan swept as clean as a parlor
floor. The guests were from Bellevue , Papll-
llon , Omaha and South Omaha. All enjoyed
Ladles' vests and pants , actual value 35c.
now 25c.
Ladles' Egyptian underwear , worth DOc ,
for ,19c.
Natural colored ribbed undcrwoar cheap
at C5c , on sale nt f > 0c.
Wool underwear In gray , cheap ut $1.00 ,
on sale at 7Gc.
Union suits , special at SJc , | 1.00 , $1,50 and
The sale still continues.
7Bc gray blankets on sale at 5Sc.
$1.00 brown mercer blanket on sale at
$1.50 heavy gray blanket on sale at SSc.
$1.75 11-4 gray mixed blanket on sale at
the affair nnd the lo.lgo Increased Its treasury
fund a few dollars by the venture. Mr. and
Mrs. Harry Clark and Mr. and Mrs. Chap
man made every one feel at home by their
welcome and courteous treatment. The danc
ing continued until 2 o'clock In the morning ,
Fmirili Wiml ICi-pnlilioitK.
The republicans of the fourth
ward have organized club. The
temporary officers are Tony Smith ,
chairman , nnd 0. 12. Hruce , secretary.
William O'Brien , Charles Ctimmlngs and
Fred Wllhclm were appointed ns a committee
to draft a constitution nnd the permanent
organization will be completed next Thurs
day nlcht. The meeting was held at Twenty-
third and L streets.
After the club was organized speeches were
made by J , II. Vandusen and 13. C. Lane.
Doth the gentlemen made strong arguments
In f.xvor of the republican ticket.
Under I'liNn I'rti'pim > .
Charles Wagner was arrested last night on
the charge of obtaining goods under false pre
tenses. Wagner went into Jones' feed store
and stated that he was abcut to open up an
Immense coal yard In ( his city. He said he
had several teams and ordered a quantity of
feed and hay , which he got away with. An
hour later Jones learned that Wagner had de- j
celvcd him In regard to having teams , money
or anything else , and caused his arrest. Ho
had disposed of the goods , however , hating
sold them for cash , and was about to leave
town when taken Into custody.
.UiiKlii I llv < io si
Attorney Patrick of this city has started a
weekly newspaper In Hellevuo.
Ilev R. L. Wheeler will occupy his pulpit
at the Presbyterian church Sunday morning
and evening , after a month's vacation , which
he spent in company with his family In Cole
Ilev. James Haynes of Omaha will preach
at the Albright Mcthcdlst church Sunday
morning at 11 o'clock. The sacrament of the
Lord's supper will be administered ut the
clos.e of the service.
In the cuisines at nil the fashionable
summer resorts Dr. Price's Baking Powder
is prefencd lo any other
ir nuit < ; r..itn. '
Iiilin lli'iiry nf Ciraflon , O , mill IIv.iu Kn-
MIM nf Uliu-ra AlHU , T'n , , Kllli-il.
ELVRIA , O. , Sept. 28. At 2 o'clock this
morning a young man named John Henry , at
Rrafton , O. , was awakened by burglars In his
room. Henry gave chase and was shot and
killed by one of the thieves. The burglars
have been tracked to this place.
WILKESDAURE , Pa. , Sept. 28 , Evan
Kavan. the proprietor of a boarding house
near Miners Mills , a small village Iti the
northern part of this county , was murdered
late last night by UHrglars who broke Into the
house. Kavan was known to have a large
sum of money In the house , and It Is be
lieved the murder was committed by parties
who were familiar with the premises.
My boy was tal.en with a disease resem
bling bloody flux The first thing I thought
of was Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Di
arrhoea Remedy. Two doties of It settled
the matter and cured him ecund and well. I
heartily ncommend this remedy to all per
sons suffering from a like complaint. I will
answer any Inquiries regarding It when
clamp Is enclosed. I refer to any county of
ficial as to my reliability. Win , Roach , J. P. ,
Prlmroy , Campbell Co , , T nn. For sale by
druggists. _
" 1'oim-TKACK simis"
Tlio Unrxiiinplril Offer of Ilia New York
Criilntl ,
Art lovers will find one of the bet bar
gains placed before th& public lor many a
month In the offer of the passenger depart
ment of the Now York Central lo sell at a
merely nominal figure u collection of etch
ings which have become famous all over the
country as the "Four-Track Seiles , "
The titlea of the etchings arc : "The Wash
ington llrldge. " "Hock of Ages , " "Niagara
Tails , " "Old Spring nt W si Point , "
"Rounding the Nose , Mohawk Valley , " "No ,
S)9'J ) nnd the DeWltt Clinton. " "Tho Empire
State Express , " "Horse Shoe Fail , Niagara , "
and "Gorge of Ihe Niagara River. "
These etchings are all printed on fine plate
j paper , 24x32 Inch's , and the absence of any
I objectionable advertising features renders
them suitable for framing and hanging In
one's ofllce , library or home ,
Copies may bo secured at the office of W.
D. Jerome , general western pawenger agent ,
! > 7 Clark btrect , Chicago , for GO cents each ,
cr will be mailed In stiff tubes , xecure from
Injury , to any address , for 75 cents each , or
any two of them tu one address for $1-30 , or
any three or more ordered ut one tlnW'lo
one address , CO centa each , In cunoacy ,
stamps , express or postal money order. * +
$ ? . ? 5 dark gray blanket on sale atjl.33 ,
$ J.I)0 ) white bl.ihl.ct mi FIInt ; | SMS.
$2.7G 11-1 white blanket on sale at $1.S9.
$5.00 line nil wool blanket In era } ' , na
tural and white \rcot , 11-1 sice , for $3,76.
$10.00 12-1 California blankets now $6,03
Hlim and red prints 3c a yjrd.
Ilest quality light prints Ic a yard.
All our best prints f > c.
Fine Saxony yarn at fie a skein.
Yard wide muslin 3'sc to 7c.
lllg drive on domestic llanncl at lOc.
Pure white bat 7c. sec them.
Silk plush , all colors , C5c a yard.
Handkerchiefs , special , 3 for lOc , 0 for
25c and 4 for 25.C.
While blank Bill wall paper 4V6o per roll.
Choice of ladles' npilng and fall jacked
and capes. $2.S5 , worth $10.00.
Ipr .
* -ws.-srtj 3"
Stenm nrvl Hoi VVonr Hoatlnt for
Roalcloicui ami Dnlllin33. :
202 Main. 2 > 3 Pearl Streets , Council
lot most of the successful things , nnd A
Yt-8iciiitly ] : : o [ thu world-fumed
Liebig Company's
Extract of BeeC
irr hold nt rss tlian one.17
Hl\tll Of 111 tlrBtL-031 < Jt / /
llMifi"llulnowltli ( thNHln'j Af-f jA
naliirulii bluei > rt '
President. Cashier.
Capital , . . $100,009
Profits , - - 12,000
One of tti olJcnl tanks In tht itate oC Iowa.
Wo nollclt your biulnen and collection ! . W *
pay 6 per cent on llmo ilepoiltj. We will b
pleased to ie anil icrvc you.
Clmo ? DnlnhrMll Atliirni > yutli w Praa
CIS Q bGlllOil'J'Jj ' ' ! > I" ! tnta unit
frill-rill court. . Ilii mi * UOO-7-H-U.
MUCK' Council I Hurt' * , l.i
--Special TVfofclcesa
Cohrjcil 13 Huffs
Klflh u\en and 1'ratl Hrecl , Apply B.I Uo
rniNisiinn IIOOM ron HUNT : CRNTRAU..Y
iocali-dj ijritatu Utility. AUJr s II 15 , Lee ,
Count.1l lilutfn.
Kcl llurke , at W. a. llomerX ( U Hruuilvvuy.
luo blocks Hum Onutha motor line : fruit na
furit trees : line vle.v ; ulsj other cliolci
resilience 1H . Mult luml and farmi. I'ars-m
i llnlrd. Uoom 9 , i\cu-tt block. Council lllunTn.
uliU-ldi , .Moholn'Jll Ac Cu , , COO Itruudway ,
thu rlty , with nu iBtuMUlic-il tiiuJe , can b
bought n-Hnor > i > l'iy , ur will exclinnga for guo < l
tru ) i-itute. J , Li. Johnson , U5 llrouOuay ,
r-nt , r J Tint avtnuv.
I'D 1 1 HAI.U , BQUAlti : I'lANO ; ONH HOl'T Oil
* lianl tool lieater and drum ; ftlM window.
uliaJei. US B. JIU trttt.