THE OMAHA BAILY BEE ; SATURDAY , SEl3TEM ELt 2R , 1894 lt > qulellr aliolvo some ot thi a plrant . llolh I'lckotR were for Thurston. Thnrewas ( i rigorous flcht nil through the afternoon , anA 811 roles , were cant. At nildnlRht the coital wan nol finished , but the victory ot Iho regulars was established , and their ticket was slocted by a majority of from fifty lo neventyWlvo vote * . The delegates elected nre I. ft. Andrew , B. I * niorbower , Jomph Crow , J. K. Coulter , E. P. Ravin. A. 0. Edwards , C 8. Ilunllngton , J. A. Lovcren and M. D , Maul. This ticket l pledped lor the ward candidates , of whom there are Bcvoral , Charley Johnson and C. A. Ilatrs arc looking for senatorial honors , -while Jo- Heph Crow and K , G , McOllton would like to HCIVD tlio commonwealth In the lower house. They ate understood to l > for Phil "Winters for county attorney , but will go to Kaley If their votes can make his nomlna- , South Omaha. The delegate * elected to the republican convention at the primaries yesterday nrc O , H. Bruce , J. W. Cress , J. V. Chlzek , J. M. dlasBow , I1. J. John- sin , W. S Ktnwortliy. 1' . S. McAuley , llruce McCultough. K. O. Mayfleld , U. C. Murphy , J. O. Owens , Alex Schlcgel. W. A Schrle pnd W. J. Slate. Mr. Ilruco received 182 votes nml the others were- not far behind. After the Judges announced the result ol the prlmatlcs the delegates held a caucus and decided to stay In the fight to the bitter end to secure the nomlna- t on of J. If. Van Dutcn f&r county nt- torney. The South Omaha delegation Is fourteen strong and all arc rustlers. They ay that Van lu cn must be n-mlnatrd. The caucus candidate from this city for member of the houic of reprcscntatlvc-i is A. L. Suttou. In case South Omaha is given two candidates for ths legislature thn second man supported will bo Hert Wll- cox. Z. P. Hedges was endorsed for BS- setsor and J. D. Bennett for constable. The delegation will go unlnstructed RS in United States senator. E. O , Mayfleld was te- lectcd as cha'rmnu ot the delegation , Chicago I'reclncl Delegates elected arc : II. lj. Livingston , II , A. NolleV. . A. Hopper , Henry Denkon and Charles Wlttc. Pour are lor Thurston. Waterloo Precinct Delegates ! B. S. Stout , Jr. . A , II , Norton , J. Seefus , S. Howard , J. Taylor. Valley Primaries were the hottest that liavo ever been held In Vatlsy precinct. Over 100 votes were polled. Eight candidates ivero In tlio field for delegates , und the suc cessful ones wore ; A. P. Akerlund , M. John son , H. M. Puffer , W. Q , Whltmore and J. J. Miller. Head overseers nominated are : Fred Curtis , district No. 1 ; A. P. Akerlund , No. 2. and A. J. McU6uaId , No. 3. It was a hot flgbt between Al Hubbard and M. Johnson for assessor , llubbard winning by only four votca. Judges of election are : D. 13. Puffer , M. Johnson and Charles Campbell. Clerks ot election are : B , P. Nbyes and Swan King. The republicans of this precinct arc enthusi astic for the republican ticket wltll the exception of Tom Majors , who will not carry one-third of the vote In Valley precinct. MoArdlo Precinct Delegation elected Is for Thurston for United Stales senator , Noyes 1 for the state Hcnate , O. F. McArdle for the lower house of the legislature , Frank Blelck for assessor and Stenberg for 'county com missioner. The delegates are : Henry ScJiomer. William Qlandt , C. L. Hoblson , Herman Nowhous and Albert Dlclck. Wll.l , NOT UOUK. Tuhlai Castor' * Corllllcites Cnn llarn No htiimlliii ; III thn Courtfl. Ths lawyers of the city are Just now dis cussing the result of the trick of the Castor- olllte democrats In getting the ticket ot the bolters' convention filed with the secretary of state ahead of ths ticket nominated by the regular democratic 'convention. There seems to be a unanimity of opinion , and that opinion la that the bolters' ticket has no standing , either with the secretary of state or In the courts. It will be remembered that tlia call for the state convention designated Omaha as the place of meeting of the con vention , but that no hall was specified. This appears" to have been the first trick of the machine managers. They'aow claim that , oiilsld9''of all question ass tit bolting , they have a legal right tohav < j , their candidates on the ticket , for the reasb'n that they met pursuant .to HID call , and in- the place se lectedby thq ( chairman of the state ; central committee , ' ' [ it other words , the conven tion which tnct nt Exposition hall met there wlth'otlt thV onsent of the committee. No mention " made , however , of the fact thai Clmlrnian".Vturlln called to order the con vention whichassembled In Exposition hall. Judge Doarte says that there la no prece dent for paying any attention to the claims of the bolters' candidates for places on the ticket with the designation of democrats. If the names , get on the ticket It Will have to be by petition and with the designation ot "citizen , " or something similar. According lo a decision of the supreme court , the nominees uf the democratic convention , who ore also the nominees of the populist con vention , will appsar twice upon the ticket , once as democrat * and once as populists. Judge Donne says that the secretary of state will hardly dare to place the bolters upon the ticket cu * democrats and retime to do the same for the nominees of the regular convention , but It ho does , proceedings In mandamus will soon bring him to time. The judge Bays the bolters will have no standing In court. Judge Wakcley was cuked far his opinion but ho said he had none. He was watching the matter with some interest , but he is out ot politics for good , he says. Iliiilomoil C. < t. diicoliHon. 1 At a meeting oi tlio Swedish American "Garlleld club last evening , Mr. C. A , Jacob- < ton was endorsed as a candidate for the state senate , ff ' Small savings make great fortunes. He ecopomy so licjplul as that attalnU by using TJr. Price's Itaklng Powder , Scott lti-\cr r Himself. . After thts storm of Thursday morning ir Judge Scott's court came n culm yester day , caused by his absence. Tim Judge hat business at Lincoln and adjourned court toi one day. so said his bailiff. His action Ir rousting the altorneys In the ca c of An nette Carter against M. F. Martin seems tc I have bean a tempest In a teapot for tin purpose ot vyntlng his anger on Attorney : Thomas and Tunnlcllfl for daring to taki the ciiso betoru another Judge. The proceed * Ings show that Mr. Durbank was not cen sured with the other attorneys , but wa ; simply mentioned as one of the attorney .JmndlliiK the case , and the whole blame wa placed upon Tunnlclifl and Thomas. IIu alter all his grand stand plays In the matter tor Scott U said to hava arranged to set tie the casa just as Judge Ambrose did and. tliq property will again revert to tli defendant as agreed by the attorneys li their previous stipulations. Tlio order fo the settlement has not yet been , made , bu Attorney Hurbank says that ha arrange' ' wth | Scott for an amlcnblo settlement , o : tliA Bintio basis as was ordered by Judg Ambrose , nml the couit will now rcllnqtilsl its protection over the "burnt district" dom 1 olios. SERIES NO. 33-34 , THE AMERICAN ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY. 4 200 Pages. 250,000 Wordt 4 Itine of and a JTJrtJ of Uirfitl nets. There ere more thtnes instructive , usaftrt inU euttrtnmUig In thai itrual book , "Tha American EiicycloiHslla Dictionary , " thanlu any similar publication over Issued. This emit worta , now for Iho lire * tltn placed within His ranch of OTOn-uno , la a imlquo publication , lor It Is at tUo simu tlma a iwrk-ct dictionary anU u complovo ouoycto- Only Ihal number ol the boott e&rrcspond. Inr vtltU llift Rorlea nuinbor ot the coupon presented II t iiolUtiri l. , OUR SumUiyk nd Three \Veok-diy coutwni. xv Uli 13 cents tn coin , will bur 0110 inri OlTIio American Encyclopedia Diction ary. Soiirt ardors lo Tlia Itoa 00199. DIOTIONAEY DEPABTilEHT LOOSED THE PENT UP WINDS Fitziimmons * Let'.or to Provokta a PuglHstio Epistolary Cyclone. CHAMPION HAS ISSUED HIS ULTIMATUM Ilo JlocMi'l 1'rnponn to I'lghl n MnnVla \ lit Merely ti fllltlille velnlit UranilL'hortii nt C'untplliiinnM null Crlll- C'IIIIIUIR t' ] ) . POHTLAND , Me. . Srpt. 28. James J. Cert - t > ctt , pugilist , was seen by an Associated prosB reporter tonight In bis dressing room and in answer to a query on the subject Corbett handed the newspaper man a copy of a letter niall'd to Bab Kltzstmtnons thts evening : POUTI.AKI ) . Me. , Sept. 28 , 1831-Hobert FltzslmmonH ; Dear Sir I have- read In the morning pnpeis your veiy K clullenge to me. Von wiy the Olympic club offers a. purse. Well , maybe they do , but 1 have never henrd from them as yet. You put HD.OOi ) In thR Olympic cluu'H hands why don't you put It In pornc newspaper olllco or some pin UP where a man can see It , or Is the "Olympic club" backing you ? How ever , that B neither hero nor there. I sup pose you are afraid 1C you put the money up In any other place Iicaldes the Olympic cluli some CHIP cine might cover It. It Is not nccessnry for me to give u rejMy to your challenge , bemuse you arc well nware that I will not accept It unless you prove your self n. chuniplon "heavyweight" and not a "middleweight. " I must acknowledge that as a "middleweight" you have no equal , but all you exw illil hi the "heavywcUht" class waste to defeat Peter Maher uml Joe Choylnskl , two secoml-rlnKM heavyvvelghtB , Blnco bother or these men have been defeated by Joe Goddnnl of Australia , another second-class heavyweight. No one Unov.-H this better than you. I RuppoBc you think the public will nay : xon're u very brave man to challenge me and light tne. " Why shouldn't you do so ? It l. just like Iniylng a lottery ticket towin $ . "i.OUO for } I. All you have to lose hi $1 , and It la the same case In fighting me. If I de feat you , of course you would say : "He ought to bent me. I am only a mlddle- welKht , " Just its TVlK'U I beat Sullivan it wan snld : "He Is an old man , " and Mitchell , "He WAH a IlKht fellow ; he way too small. " Now , Mr , Kltzslimnons , If you really in your heart want to light for the champion ship of the world , you certainly , | f you nrc on th level , want to prove yourself a champion heavyweight , and not a middle weight. All you have to do In the world to tight me for the championship Is to prove to rno and thi- world that you nre capable ot dprentliiR- any heavyweight outside of me. You say r promised to lvc you n match If you drfeuted" Choylnskl and Creedon. When yon say that , you know you He. I never even noticed you , and don't Intend to iitiletw you prove yourself a "champion heavyweight. " You want to Jump over the head * of all these other people and take the dying- > hnnr > with me , but I will fool you. Steve O'Uonnpll , my present sparring part ner , mi undefeated man , has ten thousand ( Jlo.OOO ) dollar * that he can defeat you. He xvilt box you trom one round to a. llnish for fun or for money. Now , how can you ex pect me to recognize you when this man stands ready with money behind him to prove tn the world that ho ia your supe rior ? If ynti will only meet him and defeat him 1 will accept an offer ot twenty-live thousand dollars ( fcS.OO'l ) from the "Olympic club , " nnd 1 will Rive you nil the light you want. If you want to light mo this Is the onlj- way you caa ever Ket me to make a match with you , for there is no power on earth that will make me notice you until you have di-ft-atcd Steve O'Donnell. and any further talk from you I will consider simply a bluff. I i > ut myself on record iti black nnd white , that ir you [ It-feat O'Donnell 1 will light you for the championship of the world nnd nil the money you like. This Is positively my ultimatum. You truly , JAMKS J. COIIBKTT. Champion of the World. COIU1HTT WAS INDIGNANT. Corbelt was Indignant twlay when shown the dispatch sent out by John L. Sullivan last night , accusing him of beating about the bush. Corbett said substance . : "These peppje do. not cnt any lee .with , m i vSulllvan had always jnore mouth than courage. He is a quitter from tUo word go , and I do not want to have anything lo do with , him , . He la out ot U , but there Isone , thing If "I ever , moct Fitzslmmons ' In. tlio ring I will make a'batter light than Sullivan did with me. Of course , Jake Kllraln , Sullivan and Jackscn arc sore , and I know it , but that doe * not make any dif ference with me. The Olympic club does not want a fight : they want to make money out ot tne. Now , I am not Inclined to let them until I have proof Fltzslmmona Is somewhere In my class , and that he can demonstrate by knocking out O'Donnell. I am making good money now , and am not taking any rltlis to please any number of sorehead * . " Ccrbett became excited as he talked , and plainly showed that he Is deeply touched by the various Merles which have been circu lated within the past few hours. BOSTON' , Sept. 28. Hob FltEslmmons' let ter to Corbett was shown to W. A. Brady , Corbett's manager , at the Bawdoin Square theater today. "All I have to say In reply to that , " ob served Brady , "Is that $1,001) is placed tor a So.OOO or a $10,000 bet. In the hands of David AV. , that Fitzslmmons cannot beat O'Donnell. O'Donnell made him quit in Australia and he can do it again. If Fltz- slnimons wants to fight Corbett let him beat O'Donnell and then Corbelt will meet him , but not before. That Is Corbett's ultimatum. " In regard to the dispatch from New Or leans , reporting that the Olympic club will declare FiUslmmons champion unless Cor bett fights , .Mr. BrRdy said : "That Is all rot , I will not discuss the matter , for It IE absurd on the face ot It. " SULLIVAN'S OPINION OF THE FIGHT , NEW YORK , Sept. 28. The following dls patch was received from John L. Sulllvai relative to Fltzslmmons1 challenge to Cor- lett ; WASHINGTON" , Sept. 28. If Fltzsdmmon ! and Corbett wore brought together yov would HIM' oqc of the hottest lights In years Hut 1 don't believe that Cotbett wants tc fight. Ho l making money tnat and ht lees not wnnt to toke any chnnces. Wher I was llcbtlnir no one had to hunt mi around to be accommodated , I don't sei flow Corbett can refuse to meet Kltzslm mans. If he does not accept the challcntri tie does not want to light. ATLANTA , 'da. ' . Sept. 2S. "If Mr. Corbet will eay he does not want to meet Fltzslm mons , I won't bother him any more , but ' . will claim the heavyweight championship o the world and walk off with It. See ? " Thl : was the response of Robert Fltzslmmons champion middle weight , to James J. Cor belt's statement sent out by the press las night. "He wants me to meet Steve O'Don nel , eh ? Let O'Donnel whip Slaher. or Haler or Boincbody I have defeated. Then I wll flRht him. I shall nut my (1st ( In Corbetfi face yet. " CIIEEIJON COMPLAINS. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 28. Dan Cr'ccdon , th vanquished middleweight , returned fron Now Orleans tonight. "Fltz Is not a fair fighter , " said he "Five minutes before I went Into the ring , got n note from Johnny Carroll telling m lo watch out that Fltz did not strike m with his wrist over the head , and that h dapended upon that trick to win his lights Carroll brought Fltzslmmons out here , am knows nil about Ills methods. It IB an eli trick , ono frequently used In Australia , am I have been cautioned myself about usln it. You can daze or stun a man with blow -with the wrist on- the side ot th head , where , If you punched with you fills , you would not hurt him , Fltzslm rnons worked this blow In on me In the lae part ot the first round. It was as 1C I ha been lilt with a club. "Juet now all I want to do U to get o a fight with a middleweight and redeem m reputation , If any ot them think I'm mark , I'll give them an opportunity to shcr Even amoti the Mexicans ; modern cookln , methods nre > making rapid progress ) . D Price's Baking Powder la sold across the 111 Grande. _ Itciulti nt HaUliporo. Sept. H.-Tho Ihlrd day racing at the Gentleman's Driving park : S:33 : trot < poapWd dft&r flrdt heat j-e terday ) ; Iron nap fron , Donga ln i KC&n Marion Wllkea third. Best Uhi : 24\4. : { 2:19 : pace : llobert C won , gtierlft secon rmlle 8trathmC > re thlfd. Ueat Umo : 2:11. : * 2rt : trotting ( unnnishea ) : Nelllo p fire Hula second , B It C third. Best time ! 2:23 : ! tn.-- l.pworcil tlia lAoqpla Ceuturj Mark. BOP PALO , Sept. ztf. . f. Stacfe , a lee unattached wheelman , bail accomplish ! the tea.1 ot lowering th double Cintw mark over the course from HufCalo to krle , P i. . and returnIn fourteen hours twenty- four minutes nnd forty-flvo seconds , 1CKHVLT.1 O.V TJtK fll/A'.VI.Vfl TICACKJf. Uiiuvrn Mnlfht * nt .leromi ! I'urk Dettroy thn HiHtmlatlvn Intercut. NEW TOIIK , Sept , ffi.-Three favorllts out of elx won nt Jerome 1'nrk today , but two ot them were not hacked at nil , the betting being confined to plate. Rubicon won easily from Ilalaton nnd Itlack Hawk. In the race for the Ittverdnle stakes , Btone- tiell galloped home a winner ut otldfl of 1 to 100. In the second race Little Mntt . .was hcaUly backet ! to win. while Now or Never had n heavy following for iilace , Uoth were beaten by Lonir Bridge. Hesiilts ; First race , MX furlongs : Rubicon (1 ( to 12) won , llalston (15 to 1) ) second , Ulack Unwk < 13 to 1) ) third. Tlm : l:10Vi. . , Second race , mile and n Hlxteenlh : Long UrldKC' (4 ( to 1 > won , Little Malt W Jo 2) ) second end , Now or Never (3 ( to 1) ) third , Time : Third race , niverdale Flakes , five fin longs : Stonenell (1 ( to 100) Avon , Punch C80 to 1) ) ecooml , Tlma : 1:03. : Pout tli race , one mile , selling ; Mclntyre < r > to 1 } won. Setaukct (2 ( to 11 second , Aiji- tate ( lo 11 third , Time : 1:1TH. Fifth nice , Titan 'course , selling : .Wilt Elliott (2 ( 4 to 1) ) won. Bcansey < fi to 1) second end , Hrntrnlnt (8 ( to 1) ) third , Time : 1:2 : H. Sixth race , half a mile : Olcn Lily t ! to S ) won. I . .n I'm (30 to 1) ) pecond , Campania (8 to 1) third. Time ! Ol.M'.i- S | > U > ii < lld Mport ul. Ijitmiln. CINCINNATI , Sept , 2 * . Fine weather , a fast track , Ilfty-Ilve starters out of Hlxty entries , one favorite winner , but no lonw shots ; S.fpOO witnessed the nport this makes up the story of today at the Latonla track. First 'race , six furlongs : Prince I.eo (3 ( to 1) ) won , Iluth V (8 to 1) ) Hccond , Royal Lady (30 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:1 SV4. . Second race , mile and t\n eighth : Calhoun - houn (8 ( to 1) ) won. Carmen ( * ) to 1) ) second , Hnm < l to 1) ) third. Times 1:5 : H. Tldra race , five furlongs : Phtlomona (9 ( to C ) won , Valky'rle ( I to 1) second , Katie C (3 to 1) ) third. Time : l02' ! ' , & . Fourth race .selling , one mile : Qlorlana (4 ( to 1) wet > . Ten SprliiK (3 to 1) ) second , Bore (5 ( to 1) third. Time ! 1:41. Fifth race , live nnd a half furlongs : Leon ard (10 to 1) ) won , llesa (3 ( to G ) second , I'rlme .Minister (3 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1 : 9V6. Sixth race , selling ; one mile : nightmare ( I to 1) ) won , G. 13. Cox (10 ( to I ) second , Ale thin Allen (5 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:41 "Winners at Harlem. HAULKM , III. , Sept. 28 , Flrst race , .five furlongs : Thorn won , Ous Strauss second , Scamp third. Time : 1:02 % . Second rrtce. mile and a sixteenth : vlrge d'Or won. My Luck second , Snowball third. Time : 1:48. Third race , Htx furlongs : B. P. Fly , jr. , won , Housatonlc second , Hymn third. Time : t 'IB 'Fourth race , one mile : Woodflelfl won , Madallne second , Mldae third. Time : 1:43. Fifth race , seven furlongs : Slordotte won , Somersault second , Rico third. Time : l:2Si. SlxH > race , six furlongs : Monrovia won , Tln-fclurphy second , Gold Iugt third. Time : ' * ' Outcoiiui nt in t St. I.oillfl , ST. LOUIS , Sept. 28. Ea t St. Tx > uls re sults : Klrst ince , Bleven-slxleenths of u mile : St. Leo won , Uoran Aaron , Jr. , sec ond. Nat Goodwin third. Time : H14'5. Second race , flve-elshths of a mile : Lep rous Lion won , Teakwood second , Valdlmlr third. Time : 1:07. : Thliil race , nine-sixteenths ot a mile : lied Light won , Haby second , Miss I'ortland third. Time : 0E3'i. : ' Fourth race , nlne-slxteenthn ot a rnlle : Censor won , Kuy second , Tom Grlllln third. Time ! 0)7 : . . Fifth race"threequarters of a mile : Hart Wallace won , Adalr second , Tuik third. Time : 1:10 : % . _ U.1CKS AT JIV-sl'lU PAKIC WKKK GOOD. Thrco 1'roccMlon * anil Two Split lira 1 8 flliirlt tlio La t IJaj's rrrtcrnin. MYSTIC PAItK. lass , , Sept. 28. The best races oC the week closed the meet ot the New England Breeders' association today. Marston C , Nancy Rice and Mickey landed In thnt order three times In the 2IOM : , 3-year- old class , with a good margin for the leader , and Pon'emnh took three straights amontr the foals of ' 91. The 2:24 : trot and the 2:20 : trot brought the split Uentsj the } former requiring- times around the Jrack to decide the winner , nnd the latter five times wound. Margaret L took the former and Pure Wllkesr the latter. AMld Oats , was an .easy winner , ln the 210 ; trot. Re- " 2:40- : class , 3-year-olds , purse $1WJO , : MarsJ ; ton C won In three straight heuts , Nancy- Rice. JtcKey , Ulackstone IJrlno , Nnna , Quota and Allen Mao also started , 'lime : ; 2G\i , 2:2lVl. : 2l : 5i. Foals of 1891 , stake' J975 : Ponetnah won three straight heats. Thersltea , arwnj Royce , nnd Gussle Boer also started , lime } " * * " * * * * * 2 * tlV * "i E " 3 ' 2:2Vciasa."trottlnfr : , value 51.SOO : . Margaret L . , . J J 5 T 4 1 Little Kthel . : . 2 1 i 2 J . A : 2iyxt * ' 2lti' : class , trottlnB. purse $000 : Wild Oat3 won In. three strateht heatH. Fred W likes , Johtmy Gold Dust , Nosegay , Black Diamond and t Protean also started. Time : 2:17 : 1 , " * 2a ? class' 'trotting , P4 > e $ 00 : Pura W I'-es won the second , fourth and lllth heats. Don C won the third heat. Mischief won the llrst heat. Bunnctte. Navarre and Mar- Kuerltc also started. Time : 2:18i : , 2:19 : > i , IliVV'S RAC1NC AT I ! F , A lit , Dust Slorm ICreps Down the Attendance anil 'Marn tlio SpurtKoliie. BLAIR , Neb. , Sept. 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) The last day of the county fair was a sad disappointment to everybody on account of the strongvvlnd blowing from ; he south. All who did BO had the satis- 'action ot seeliiR some g-ood races. The last heat In the half mile running race proved to bo a dead- heat and will have to be run out tomorrow nt 2 p. in. , between Buckshot and Little Dick. The races ivere : 2:25 : trotting , purse } 250 : Frank 1 2111 Dinah , . . , 1244 Holstcln t 4 2 Cricket ' 3332 Dnremant E 5 5 Ui Time : 2:30 : % , 2:30' : ' . 2:30V4. : 230 % . I'acing , frcc-for-all , purse 1200 : Capt. Payne , . . , 2111 Kdith D 1225 Max Monroe < 3 K 3 : Little Doll , 4 4 4 < Time : 2:25. : 2:21 : % , 2Wi. : 2:30. : Ilunnlng. half mile and repent , purse $75 Buckshot , . , 1 4dl Little Dick 2 Idli Minnie 3 3 Rabun 4 2 Time : 0:51. 0:52 : , 0:51. : Three bicycle races , flve mile handicap purses * 15. J13. * ! ' ) : J. Jl. Kenney (140 ( yards ) Ray Clpplncott (400 yards ) , Gus WarrlcV (200 ( yards ) , Fred Compton (200 yards ) , J. W Seldcn ( scratch ) , Peprau ( scratch ) : Selder won , Pesau second , Compton third , Time 17:22. : In the paclnc race Captain Payne gets au .additional $50 frpm the association foi lowerlftR the track record. } 8UXDOIW 1'On COLONKf. CLARK. ! I.ouUvllle Than TclU Why He Clmngei ( ram Harlem to < > Hkl y. I.OUISVILLI5 , Ky. , Sept. 28 , The Time : to day publishes a statement-to the cffec that after Saturday Colonel Lewis Clark wll sever his connection with the Harlem ruci trnclw as presiding judge , he having ten dercd hla resignation to lake ? effect at tha time. The cause of Colonel Clark's retire ment la said to be friction with the man nBemcnt. The trouble arose'over n race tha occurred about ten dayp ago , In which thi winner was several times fouled by tin placeholders. Colonel Clark wanted to dls qualify the placeholders , but was overrulei by the associated Judges , UeKlnnlng tin second week In October ; Colonel Clark wll preside at th6 new Oakley track In Cln clnnntl. Mr. Charles F. Price , secretary o tha Louisville Jockey club , will bo associat In the stand. HavliiR tried all the baking powders li the market the lain chef of Uolmonlco's , Kev 1a 1r York , endorses Dr. Price's linking Pdwde a ns superior to all. v „ , _ , . ( .rj,0i ij-(10 ( . itun < iaie. , The Omaha High school foot ball team an the Council Bluffs High school learn wll line up against each other this nftemoo at 3 o'clock for Ihe llrst battle on the grid Iron Held for the season ot 1S3L The earn will he Plated on the ItlurtH grounds nt-a tha unlorv Paclrtft transfer , and no tt.dmlf sion will bo charged. The Omaha team wl be : Cross , center : Jensen , right guard ; Cov , Kill , right tackle ; Humphrey or Jaoksor right find ; mirdlck. left guard ; C'ollett , lei t iKlej McKell. left end ; \Vhlpple. ouartt fiagk ; Pufvja , riffht half ; Lettmer , left hall Clarke , full b cjf ana cuplalu , Hal Flultli to the Cedir ItapUU Ilaco. CEDAK nAflDS , la , , Sept. S3-(6peci ( | Telegram , ) Thg qity Ltftgrue season close to < Jay with a hotly tfontestefl gama betwec the FuttftarS Inaurancs Company team an th PfUvtsra , tta fonh r winnlns the gam and Ihe pennant. Hutchison , KlttrUsre an Oahlen , of the OilciiK' ' ' ' oltil ) played with the- Farmers and llllllo Hofer of Buffalo -with tltp Printers. It wn * a siiiffglnH- match , each tonm making t\vjlifl hits Errors by tlio Printers lost ti ! * { K me , the score bolng- to n , Two liomifSJuus were made ofC Hutch * l * ° n. RJfj _ _ _ _ _ _ _ CIl.ICKVIIKiliit3 ! : AT I'lTTSIlUltU. lllRli Wind I'roflcmii Kecoril Itronlilinf nnd IIHd OoWjMltucliia Tlni % PlTTSBL'lia. E&pjijj 28.-Tho natlannl meet " tinder tlie auspices "ot the Keystone Bicycle club , held today , wns attended by about GX ( people. The Irnck was heavy and a strong -\vlnd ngnlnat the riders on the back stretch proventiUJjfnst time belnff made. All of the crnck4v'w present. Olthens and l.umsdeu nttempTi4 ] l break the hulf mile tandem record , bit ! failed , J. P , llllss rod ? an exhibition mllfr to establish u record , paced. The- best he Could do wan 2:1.1 : 1-5. Archie Williams , the D-year-old champion , did. Ills half tulle In 1:18 : 1-6. He holds the world's record of 1:14 : , Results : Mile , novice : J , 1C. Newburn , Bellevue , won. Time ! 2:31. : Half mile. 1:2(1 : ( , class A' Frank Trappi , Cleveland , won. Time : lilt 1-6. Quarter inlle , open , class Mi E. C. John son , Cleveland , won. Hrowne second , Cooper third. Time : 0.32 1-5 , Mile handicap , class A ! J. K. Newburn (40 ( yards ) won. Time : 2:11 : 2-5. Mile , open , clas ? It ; llrown won , Cabannc second. SaiiKer third , Tlmet 2:14 : 1-5. Quarter mile , open , class A : Frank Trnppo won. Time : 0:33. : Half mile hiitidlcttp. class B : R. C. John- Ron (30 ( yards ) won. Cooper (2. ( > yards ) second end , L. Johnson (35 yards ) third , Time : 1:07 : 3-5. Mile , 2:30 : class , class A : Trappewon. . Time : 2:31. : Half mile. open. Class 11 : llrown won. Mc Donald second , Cuban no third. Time : lU. : Mile Challenge oup. clas * A : Hunker won. Time : 2:22 : 3-5. ( Groans and hisses. ) Mile handicap , class H : Goehler (60 ( yards ) first , Cabannc ( scratch ) second , L. C. John- Ron (70 ( yards ) third. Time : 2:23. : Hnlf mile handicap , class ) A : Trappe (45 ( yards ) won. Time : l:0f ! 2-G. Two mile lap race , class U : Sanger (13 ( points ) wun. Glthens. Bald and Qochlcr tied Tor second place with 1 points each. Time : K:30. : _ KNai.18II.ni5NHATTlNa VIMIV HTIIONO. r.orrt Iltiwko'g ICIovcii Opem tlio Second i Ciunn with Sll for Urn Iniilnc . PHILADELPHIA , Sept. 23-In , , the sec- .ond International cricket contest between the Gentlemen of Philadelphia and Lord Hawke's English eleven today the British ers went first to bat. They accumulated 211 runs , beating their first Innlns's record In last weeli's match by twenty-four. Two thousand people saw the game. Patterson of Philadelphia , In mulling an easy ball from Bntlitirst'B bat , Injured one of his lingers and had to retire. The visitors were then requested , as u matter ot courtesy , to furnish it substitute , and Hoblnsnn wan se lected. The full score of the Englishmen Is as follows : C. B. DeTrafford c Mulr b Bailey 4 C. W. Wright c Bailey b King 8 H. S. I.ucas c U. D. llrown b Clark 46 G. D. Alordaunt c nnd b Patterson 19 A. J. L. Hill c.Scott ( I Patterson 3 Lord Hawke c Rulston li Clark 21 L. C. V. ] in t hurst c Ilobinsoh b Clark. . . . 24 J. S. Robinson c Scolt b Patterson 17 G. W. Hlllyard c Koblnson b Bailey 25 G. H. Bardswelt , not out 11 W. \V1iltcwoll b Kins D Byes , 15 ; leg- byes , 2 ; wlcles , 1 21 Total 2U Bowling analysis--- : Names. " " B. n. M.W. King 131 58 43 Bailey Ill 45 8 1 H , 1. Brown. . . \.I. \ { 10.19 9 0 Patterson .W.i GT 31 4 3 Mulr * CO 17 4 0 Clarlf CO 20 2 3 Uuns dt the ; ttllMB each wicket : 8 , 20 , 51 , GS , 109 , 110 , 141 , ,3 ? : . 211. UVIll > XVOIMt ON KUAKNKV'S TKACK lilcyclo Kucort find Slrusrcllnc with tlio < ! nln a Severe Test. KEARNEY , Neb. , Sept. 23.-Speclat ( Tele gram. ) The se'iotfJ'Oay of the bicycle four- tmment was considerably Interfered with 'by the Wind. 'l . vjhs Impossible to' make ' good time , in , fy.Ct. the long ' djs'tqnce , races were , more a-.t it ot. " ph'yslca.1 endurance thanl9f sneed.r , . , _ , / , _ . „ , One mile , 2:40 : class , class Af Won by nochm of Grand. JUland .In 2:5314 : , with Pierce second and-YuJe.third. , , One \Mle. 6pen.lclassvBVoii : by Bar- nctt In 2:43 : , Genvlng second , Hlmstreet Uilrd. . > Two mile handicap , claps A : Boehm (100 yards ) won , Otto Tierce (1,5 yards ) second , Collins (50 yards ) third. Time : o:3ty : . Half mile , open , clas j U : Won by. Bur nett In 1:23 , with Mll | second , Hlmstreet third. Hayman won the one mile , open , class A , In 3OIV4. : with Nlchol of Stromsburg second and Schnell third , The live mile handicap for a purse of JuOO was the hardest race of the day and was a severe test ot endurance , Mills ot Kearney , with a handicap of 350 yards , scoring tlrst , with Itarnett second nnd Ger- wlng third , both ot whom started on the scratch. TJme : 15:5714. : Two mile , lap , class A : Ilayman won , Schnell socond. and Collins third. The managers of the Kearney Cycling club were highly complimented on the suc cess of the tournament , and the olllcers pave good satisfaction , especially Referee Ebersole. The prizes were unusually liberal in both quantity and quality. : FAI.I , MKITIKG : AT cor.xmuuj OVRH. 1'lna Content * to Clone a Very Successful FlvB I > ny ' Smriloil. COLUMBUS , Sept. 28. The fall meeting of the Columbus Driving association closed today with large attendance , The- meeting has been a very isiiccessful one financially and otherwise. Results : 2:20 : pace , postponed yesterday , purse $1,000 : Sable Gilt won thlnl , fifth and sixth heats and race , Time : 2.12H , 2l3Vi : , 2mi. : Pattl D won Ihe second heat. Time : 2:1211. Belle J won the llrst heat. Time : 2:1314. : Hylle T won the fourth heat. Time : 2:13 : i. Ellen C , Pat Murphy. Sanford li , Belle J , Kingo ; Salem , ROCK Wllkes , Grapeshot and Brook- Held also started. 2:14 class , trot , , purse JCOO : Election -or first and third heats and race. Time : 2:2'i'J : ' , 2:29 : ! } , 2:28Vi. : Expartorex won the seconO heat. 2:13 : class , trotting , purse JI.OOO : Gertrude won the third , ftfth nnd sixth heats "and race. Time : 2:14V : $ . 2l3U. : 2:13 : % . iielle Cos- Belt won the llrst and second heats. Time 2:18V : { , 2:1D. : Answer won the fourth heat. 2:2) : class , trot , iiurae$1,000 : Black Raver won In three straight heats. Jack Dawson Prince Edsall. Periwinkle , Colonel P , Ethe IMnck. Cantalla and Fannie S also started Time : 2:191i. : 2:19W , 2 1Vi. Sldmont won tile 3-year-old pace , 2:3 : class , purse $000'from Sallle Bronston am Jewetta In 2:17 : % and 2:16 : > 1. A large supply of Df. Price's Baking Pow. del- was recently shipped to Cape Colon ) and Transvaal , , South ' Africa , Its fame I ; world wide. AITJO.V.1A f.fyWVK U.lJlflS , Cincinnati - OvNmr | ( York n Nurron Squeeze ) Sattlto ; Victory. OINCINNAT-IC 3elir. 23.-NeW York wet today's game lyrli'1 very narrow marg'ln Tlie Rods rallltJl'liOhe1 last Inning nnd onlj needed one ruff tg''lfc ' ' when the side wai " * retired. Score.U" „ - Clnonnatl . . . . . ,0 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 2- ; New Ydrk' . . . -J . 0 0 1 0 3 0 2 0 : Base hits : Cincinnati , 17 ; New York. 13 Errors : Clnciumd. * B ; New York , 4 Earned runs : dtiMnnatl , 5 ; New York , S Two-base hits : Holllday , Smith , Parrolt Tlernan , Murphy-U liree-base hits ; Parrott Home runs : PurrqU , Struck out : By Witt rock. 1. Timer Trwb hours. Umpire : Me Quatd. Uatterft-Bi-1 Wlttrock and Merrill Wilson and Ocrjn/Q. Junalm Jloiniil the Kit ) . PITTSBURGl .Sept. 28.-r-Nlchols was ni easy mark for Ittaburg today. It was on of the heaviest .hitting' games ever seei her . Scorev" : Plttsburg . . . . " . . < & 1 E 0 S 0 1 1 - ! Boston ? . . . ; . . . , ? ! . .V'U ' QB800011- Iloso hits : nttHtiurg. 16 ; Boston. 14. Hr rors : Plttsbur r , 3t Bofston , 4. Earned nms Plttsburg , S ; Hostdn , T. Two-basg hits : Sten zcl , Donovan (2) ) , Heckle/ ( ) , Smith. Three base hits : Cros v'Double plays : Cross l llcckley. Struck iouU Cross , Low * Umpire : Betts. Tlrne : One hour and thlrt ; minutes. Butteries : Gumbert and Weaver Nichols and Ganzel. Kpliler * r.ot Another , CLEVELAND , Scpl. 28 , Wallace did we In the box with the exception of the lire Inning , when Thompson's long home ru aver tlio fence cave the Phlladelphlas long lend. Cleveland batted Camy hard 1 th dfth. Score : Cleveland . . , 0 Philadelphia 5 01000000- liaso hits ; Cleveland , S ; Philadelphia , : CrrOrs : Cleveland , 7 ; Vhlladelplilu , 1. Earne runs : Cleveland , 3 ; Philadelphia. 3. Horn rilns : ThompHon , tt'hrea-la ) u hits : Thomi eon. Two-boss lilts : McKean , Tebeau. M < Qarr. UcAleer. Double plays : McAIeer t Tebeuu ; JkiKean to Tebeau. Umpire : Btayri Tltno : On hour and thlrty-ilv minute : i Wallace nnd Klmmer ; Carseyand Huckloy. Htanitliii ; of th Trillin. Played. Won. Lost. I'r.Ct. Baltimore 1W SS 3S Ul.S New Vork 131 M 43 C7.Z Boston 131 82 49 fi2.6 Phllidrlphla 12Ti 71 Gl 55.5 Brooklyn 12 * GS B ) M.I Cleveland . , 128 < i7 61 62.3 Plttsburg , 123 64 Cf > . Chicago 1311 M 74 41,1 Cincinnati . . . . . . . . . . 12 * C.1 75 41.4 St. txtlM 12.S 1,1 76 4U.A WnshlnRton 127 -II 83 31.G Louisville 12G 33 PI 27.8 \vn.r. MIITTIII ! COKN MUSK nits TODAY HonrhrN nnd XVr trrn l.nitrno Cliiiii'lon : [ In Kngagn In n tlninn. This afternoon at half pn t 3 the champion Sioux Cltys will go up against the hardest proposition they have tackled this season the Rourke family. Both teams nre In flue condition and anxious for the fray. Man ager Wntklns says ho Intends lo demon strate In the games this afternoon and to morrow that the Western League is head and shoulders above tlio Western Associa tion In ploying strength. And Papa Bill what does he R.ayV Well , he says the Omu- hogs will take the rings out of their noses nnd root Watty nnd his doughty Corn Husker.i oft the earth. He sny that will show them where they are mistaken that the playing- the- Western Association all summer has been far superior to that of the Western League. In. any event the game * will both be stubbornly fought , nnd when the end of the ninth Inning IB reached botli sides will realize that they have been In u ball game. A large crowd should , and evi dently will , he on hand to sec the sport. The teams will be : Oinuhii. Position. Sioux City. McVey. . . . First MeCnulcy Hulchlnson Second Stewart Ulrick Third Holohnn Holllngsworth Short O'ltourke Seery Left Hoprlcver McCann Middle Genius Rojirke Right Man- Moran Catch . . .Kraus or Boyle Whllchlll Pitch . .Hart or Cun'ham Season passes will not be recognized at the gates at thesegatnea. . On Monday next Ihe state championship light between Omaha/ and Lincoln will open up at Lincoln. Three games will be played there , Tuesday. Wednesday nnd Thursday , and on Friday , Saturday and Sunday the conflict will be resumed hero at the Charles Street park. These will be great > games , Both teams are very much Iti earnest nnd will struggle hard and valiantly for the mastery. Buckerlno says he would rather win the state championship from Omaha than be elected governor , and declares he will strain every nerve und sinew to mike a clean sweep. In the event of a tie , three games each , a coin will be flipped for choice of a battleground for the seventh and final collision. The two teams stand even on the regular championship games , nine each , and the forthcoming series of games promise to bu of the liveliest and most interesting description. HolllnRsworth , the little short stop , who created such a furore by his won derful work for St. Joseph , will be seen In Bobby I > anpsford's place , and he promises thnt the Lily shull not be missed. These games will doubtless draw the largest crowds of the Benson ; that Is , Rhould they be favored with auspicious weather. The cranks of both cities are verv much Inter ested anil will root all they know how for their respective teams. The Chinese and Japanese armies are not so well supplied ns our own. In the Amrrl- ran army nnd navy Dr. Price's Baking Pow der is constantly In use. xitiux car n'jA's THK swoxn. Hurry Sage'x (3 hum pious Walked On by Wntltlim' Winner * . ROCK ISLAND , III. . Sept. 2S.-Speclal ( Telegram. ) The superiority of the Sioux City team was apparent from Ihe very out set , Rock Island having an np-lilll fight all -the way through. Only In two innings were the locals able to find Hart to any extent. Score : Rock Island . 0 0 0 I ) 0 3 2 0 0S Sioux City . : : 1200031 * 10 -'Base hits : Itock Island. 10 ; Sioux City , 12. Errors : Rock Island , 2 ; Sioux C'ltv. 3 Earned runs : Rock Isl.ind , 3 ; Sioux City , 4. Two-base hits : Hofrrlever (2) ( ) , Stewart , McCauley. Three-base hits : Boyle. Krelg. Home run * : McCauley , Hart. Itncei nt Sj-rncimn Derlurml I ) IT. 'SYRACUSE , Keb./Sept. 28. ( Special Tele gram. ) Today closed the Otoe county fair. The wind has blown a perfect gale nil day , making the attendance IlKht , The races werq declared off by mutual consent. The ball game today was between Dtinbar and Syracuse. Score : Dunbar . 2 1251222 7-21 Syracuse . 51542635 31 Batteries : Maxwell and Houscr ; Green- ptate and Hollenbcrgcr. Umpire : \Vlldtnlre. Time. Six hours. 7.f\g\ft \ \ Oulriile * a 1'arer. SAX JOSE , Cal. , Sept. -There were C.OCO people at Agilculturul park thin afternoon when Otto Zelgler , ] r. , and Wood , the pac ing horse , appeared on the track and made a start In their mile race. Wood went the first half unpaced , when he was Joined by n running horse , Zelgler shot ahead at the start and gained rapidly , Wood breaking several times. Xelgler's time : 2:14V4. : Wood , 2:23W. : Abdell , a yearling stallion , broke the world's trotting record , going a mile in 2:23 : flat- _ Drxperntn 1'lpjllt Nrur Springfield. SPRINGFIELD , III. , Sept. 28. A desperate prize fight occurred twenty miles from Sprlnglleld early this morning , between Jack alias "Kid" Bain of Lancaster , Pn. , and John , alias "Dummy , " Rowan of St. Louis , Mo. , for (500 a side , Rowan won In the twenty-third round , Bath men were badly punished. _ lnnt ( ininn Ht V. M. V. A. Park. The last game ot base ball this season at Y. M. C. A. park will bo played today by the Soldiers against Y. M. C. A. Game called promptly at 4 o'clockr Admission , 23 cents , Including grand stand. Members and ladles free. Foot ball one week from today , Bltonraltcr Win * the Second. NEW YORK , Sept. 28. The second game of the chess match between J. W. Show- niter and Adolph Albln was played at the Manhattan Chess club today. The former selected the Powzlanl opening and won the game In sixty-three moves. The score : Albln , V Showalter , 1. < 2ct ItlUs' Itecoril , AVALTHAM , Mass. , Sept. : & John S. Johnson knocked two seconds of the world's mile record , Hying start , paced , held by Bliss , covering the mile this after noon In 1:50 : 3-5. The trial was held under special sanction of the League of American Wheelmen and the time is olllclul. llnttcrv Could > iit I'luy It All. . BCHUYLER. Neb. . Sept. 28.-SpseiaI ( Tele gram. ) Tile Schuyler team defeated the Bo hemian Turners of Schuyler here this after noon. Score , 23 to 7. Jellen nnd Perclval of Omaha were the battery for the Turners , but tUclr. .support was fur top weak to , be .crtectlxe , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Sells OutfoutHVulliuo. . AYOCA , la. , Sept. 23.-Speclal.-Roy ) Sells of Ayoca , la , , brat Rosa Wallace In a hundred-yard sprint here today , covering the distance In remarkably good time , Mra. n (0iv ( 11. Smith jinsCal. : Like Other Women Huve suffered for 23 years vilth a complication of troubles , with eontlnuoui , almost unbeata ble pain In my back , Tbe Grip also proitra- Hood's Sarsa- A jL4 parilla R _ b4XV l > ted me , Bui liood's H Sarsaparllla has cured C ures 0 me of nil my Uoublei , and I cannot iptak lee Mc . K. It 8 M mi , Hoi CO Ktn , Cal , Hood's Pill a cure headache and lndli Uon. Tvro Men tlurnml tn Dentli anil < ltbi > r In jured In n rirn nt Nuimlnii. , II. I ! . NANAIMO , U. C. , Sept. 23. Two men were burned to death and iwo other men nnd a llttlo girl wcro badly Injured nnd M00,000 worth of property destroyed by a lire that broke out here at li a. m. today. The tire started nt the corner of Wharf nnd Commercial streets In the Royal hole ) , which was destroyed. Pat Mayce , bootblack , and a bartender known as "fritz , " employes In the hotel , were burned to death. Three guests were badly Injured. The flames spread In a northerly direction , along Wharf street , destroying the- fire hall , the Namilmo hotel , C. E. Slephenson's dry goods store and five small frame buildings. That the newer part of the town was not completely wiped out was due to the absence ot wind nnd to the heroic work ot the volunteer lire brigade. * llulljr for thfl Ui-Mri. . Hlnlno. NKWPOUT , R. I. , Sept. 28 , Mrs. W. T. Bull , formerly the wife of James a , Hlalite , J. . , has given blrUi to a son. TKl.I'M It.ll'ttW IHt IK M. Mrs. W. \faiiderhllt nnd children ar rived In New York yesterday on the Lucanla. The Austrian ambassadors to the United States and to Brazil have exchanged posi tions. The schooner Moonlight has put Into Sun Krnnclaco for repairs , having sprung a leak In a gnle. John W. Paris was yesterday convicted nt Krunkfort , 111. , ot wrecking the Green- lown bank , Mrs. Schuyler Hamilton , one of Newport1 * society leaders , has been granted an abso lute divorce. The torpedo boat Erlcfon broke an ex- centric strap yesterday , which will delay her ofllclal trial. The steamer Kotek arrived In San Krnn- clHco yesterday from the Arctic , bringing In 27,000 seal skins. Sir Jullun Pnuncefotc , Brltlsm ambassador at Washlnglon , Is expected buck ut his post about November 15. Ex-Treasurer Tim Nolan of Hoboken. N. J. , who Is charged with being shorl. has asked for un Investigation. Rev , Clark of Chicago , who led Ihe cru sade against the gamblers , has received sovepul threatening letters. The garment workers arc being succi'Ksful In their strike at Boston , rive more llrma signed the ncalo yesterday. The Princeton students , nt n mass meet ing yesterday evening , voted unanimously to abolish hazing In all ot Us forms. The Managers of the National School ot Electricity have establlHhed headquarters In tin- Decker building In New York. The I.uranhi of the Cunard line arrived In New York yesterday , beating her weft- ward passage record forty-nine minutes. All bids for the erection ot the postoHU-e nt Meridian , Miss. , have been rejected to allow for modifying the plaui of the build- Ing. Ninety-five per cent of the stockholders of the New Vork & New England rood have paid their assessments under the reorgan ization plan. The strike In the woolen inlllK of A. T Priestley .t Co. , Cnmilcti. N. J. , will prob ably be nettled by the operatives accepting lower wages. Jacob ahnd , a well known Chicago build ing contractor , committed suicide In San FtanciMjo yesterday. He was despondent over financial losr.ey. A meeting of the whisky men has been held at Cincinnati to form , a woslrin dis tributing company similar to the Eastein Distributingcompany. . Mrs. ola Smith Xola Smith .Inc-kson , daughter of Kev. Sam Small , lias lucu granted a divorce from tier husband on the grounds of dissipation. The Indiana supreme court has decided that the land claimed by the Talk'rton club , a swell Chicago pporlsmcn's organization. Is the property of the government. News bus been received that the bark Mary Homes , from New Bedford for llelu- goa bay , had been abandoned In a Htnklr.K condition. The crew were caved. Communication with south Florida has been restored. No lives are reported lost by the storm , but many buildings wen- wrecked and crops greatly damaged. The smoke has boon , so dense that It ban been Impossible to explore the burned dis trict near Bralnerd , Minn. , and it la not known whether there aws any loss of life. Judge Lacombe.-of Now Yoik hu decided that receivers' ccrtlllcates of the United States Rolling Stock company ore not en titled to any preference over other creditor * . The Stlllwater Manufacturing plant was totally destroyed by tire lust night. Adjoin ing buildings were set un lire nnd aid was asked from St. Paul , which sent one engine. The Wenkly fur thn Campaign. The Weekly Bee will be sent up to No vember 15 , covering the entire campalt > . for 10 cents. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and improvement nnii lands to personal enjoyment when rightly used. The many. < , vho live bet ter than others and enjoy life more , with less expenditure , by mores promptly ndApt'Sf ; ths v/orld'u be&t products to the needs of physical being , will attcbt the value to health of the jniro liquid laxative principled embraced in the remedy , Byrupof Fips. Itu excellence is duo to its presenting in the form moat acceptable nnd pleas- nnt to the taste , the refreabing r.nd truly IxMieficial properties ot n perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the ny tem , dispelling colds , headache * and fevera and permanently curing constipation. It has given .satisfaction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession , because it acts * on the Kid ney ; , Iver and Bowels without weak enlng them and it id perfectly fice from every objectionable substance. Svrup of Figs is for nalo by all drug gists in We and $1 boUtt-s , but it is man ufactured by tlio California Fig Syrup Co. only , whose name is printed on every r-aokage , also the name , Syrup of Fijp , end being wnll informed , you will no * "ml nnY 8uhetStut if oilWd. livrrvliouitfl that IftVluHtorril o Jnlli Uiiflro Imp , ( mil fonorqiiL-utlj- . dctttlt trup. Thn interior wood work mulor Iho drylnu efl'cctH ol' artificial lirnt lecoitic aNlnlliiiiiubln KH Under , Jiccdlnu only u | inrk to ( liii.Ii lli lira from cellar to roof \vlth riultlur [ louu oMIfr. Expanded Metal Htd l I.atli irlif u covered with 1U coil in H of mortar ( the bust knowu lira proof maturluUltuurciihulfty and costs but llUloln e.v < - H.i(5f wood. It prevents crack- Inn and fulling of piaster. Adopted for all 0 , H. OovornmenHlulUHnBS anil 114 u o.olillRltorr In ( ill llotoU , Tin-liters , AsTluins , JliMjjiUls and fchnnl llousc * In I'lilcdurt ' and fitlior Ibi-go cltlei. Wrllo fur cataloKtio of lAtlilhfr , fencing , etc. NORTHWESTERN EXPANDED METAL CO. . 400 E. 26th Struct. CHICAGO. Hints that No Female Should Ever Neglect. A LADY'S GOOD ADVICE A direful Ktplntmtloii of tlio Ciin o ot Sloit of Their Trouble nml What They Should Do , "Women are great sufterors. " "Pole , sunken-eyed maidens , who with regrel on the'r hollow chests , slender arms , and projecting collar bones ; blood less , haggard looking mothers , miserable suf ferers from stomach troubles nnd distress ing ailments peculiar to their fox , such Is the modern woman , " says a recent writer In the Home Doctor. "And Is It not a lamentable fact , " she asks , "that there are really very few women today who are hnlo and healthy to the core , and that this Bad state ot affairs Is lo be attributed to our fast , nervous way of living ? " "Hut , " some one objects , "If this Is so , why are men blest with grcoten power of endurance and better health ? " Otto main reason Is that men pay moro attention to their health. They know that sickness means not only misery but loss ot time nnd money. Women too often allow themselves to become the slaves of weak- nc-ses that coujd bo easily overcome by the use of a timely remedy. And yet there ar& thousands of bright , happy women who liavo discovered the truth of this. They are never sick or de spondent , dragged out or Irritable. They are always well because they have discov ered that a reliable remedy taken nt thn right time enables them to keep healthy and strong. This Is why so many women think so highly of Warner's Safe Cure , and recommend It ut all times ns being the best remedy that a woman can take. If It were not so'arncr's Safe Cure coul.l never have stood the test of years and received so many strong en dorsements from eminent physicians. It has m.ulo friends through merit alone , It Is popular everywhere because It Is known to bo iafe and reliable. Nothing demonstrates so clearly the value of this great medical discovery as the un solicited testimonials of those who owe health and strength to Its use. Here , for Instance , Is one selected from letters writ ten by ladles which tell of the benefit they have received through taking this splendid remedy : OHISKAN'Y FALLS. N. Y. , Feb. 27. 1894. Messrs. II H. Warner & Co. Gentlemen I cannot find words strong enough to praise Warner's Safe Cure , but as It might do nome of my afflicted sisters good , 1 "will briefly , stuto what six bottles ot Safe Cure done for me. Two years ago my right was com- " plctoly paralyzed , owing to what doctors , term congestion of the liver. 1 corld not dress myself ; my right side and arm wore entirely useless ; my skin yel low as parchment , my extremities always cold , and so completely used up was I that my doctors gave mo up to die. One day a pamphlet was put In my house , nnd as I saw that others whoso cases ucre somewhat similar had been cured I determined to glvo Wai tier's Sato Cure u trial. Before I had finished tuo bottles I could use my hands and dresa myself ; and after taking nl < c bottles tles , using at tlio same time Warner's Safe Pills , I was entirely restored to health. I \\as able to walk and vsork , and am In bet ter health now than I Imvu been for several years , There a-o many kinds of medicine in th market , but I know that \vhon everything else failed. Warner's Safe Cure and Sato Pills saved my llfu and mndomo well , MARBAHET FOSTER. Prepared from the original formula , pr nerved In the Arehlven otlto Holy Land , uav Ingun authentic lilutory dating buck COO years , &POSBTIVECURE for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel troubles , especially tfHKONIC CONSTIPATION , Vxioo CO cents. Sold by nil i the Franciscan Remedy Co. , 134 VAH BURSN ST. , OHIOADO , ILL. * for Circular uml Illustrated Calendar. u-itch 31st , 1S3I. Aloe * Tenfold Co : I nm very much pleased to command . j , So > moii- | > ability a an opti cian. liuUiiK Ivcii Ballafacunlly lit I fit with gtugi. -s for nsulpnmtigm ami < lrm I great benefit therefrom In my professional work. 1 would ice i-ommenil all or I Fie nrtUtla nrofmaloa to do like , wise. Very truly. J. lAlJlill5 WALUACIJ. Oumliu Academy of l-'lno Arm. niUDAciii ; cAusmi IIY IYC STRAIN. DON'T TIIII--I.I : WITH Yinm KYKS. Muny pi'iMini rUiosB hf.ids uru constantly nth- Ins liato no Idea wli.-u rulk'f hvlemlllcally lltleil Elussea will el\o them. Till * theory la nu\f unl * veicnlly c t-ill ! lied. "Improperly 111 led fjlu i will Im.irlulily Inejevee Ihu trouble nnil may lead to TOTAL 11I.1NINI.SP. " Our ability la ndju t el" * ' itafely nnd correctly In li yond question , Consult ui. nyr teiled frco of clmre < . THE ALOE & PENFOUD CO. , Opposite Paj'.cn Hotel. LOO 1C FOH THi : OOt.D L.ION. BAILEY , THE DENTIST hlHIulilo Ii ) > | ittil U'orlt nt l.-i\vint I'rli-l-n. TKKTII WITHOUT 1'LATKS. Ilrldffil work full HOI icc-lli un i libber $1.1)0. ) ( It Kuarank-eU. Mil- \orlUlliit'H fl.OD. piiru g-old . ' .0l ) . Office , 3rd flojr Paxton BIooV , IGth and Fat- mra Stroati. Tult-plioiie JOH.1. I.ady AttciidHiil. Dcrinuii Spokuu. USU Hit. IIAlIiV'B : TOOTH AMUSBMKNTS , ' Cl TODAY OTONI&HT SATURDAY , SEPT. 29. Only appearance here this season of th ROBERT DOWNING Supported by a most competent drnmutlo company In the following repertoire ; MAT1NRK AT 2:30 : , EVENING AT 8. THEGlilATOR PRICES ; PRICES : rirst door , 0)o and 75c First tloor , Tie and 41,04 ; ba'cony ' , JC and Me , | balcony , We and 7t > o. 15th STREET THEATJBR rOI'ULAn PHICKH , Ka , S5o and Mo Teli'ptiomi 1MI. 4 fitfjIitt Coiiiini'nrliiuMniltrj / Jfatliict SKl'TKHIlKtt HO , TUB QHKAT IIAC'INO OltAJtA , THE DERUY WIN * B.l. CO people , 3 car lojJi of p cUl mcrv , aqd 11 tharouvnUreO harm wllli recorOJT IncluJIn/ , "Old Kre UnJ. " the KrunJciit rune hone in U tint IwuL UATiNJiU