THE OMAHA DAILY BEKt WKHNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 2(5 ( , 189-1. CHARGES EASILY REFUTED Major's Opposition to Grooltd Work Doing Moro Clearly Brought Oat ! DEFtNSE IN THE IMPEACHMENT CASE Record * Show tlmt Mayor Jleiiiin' Action Mat \\f\l \ Tiikrn In IIU Opiioiltlon to tlie Council Combine Klcctrlc Light Douli liipcuod The ICvldonco. Neither Manager Wheeler nor llascall ap peared In court yesterday In tlio Uemls Im peachment trial. The proceeding1 * began promptly at 9 o'clock and Clly Ctcrk Evans Tins recalled as witness ( or tlio defense. Ho produced a number of vetoes of the mayor ng.ilnt bills and appropriations for clly lighting by tlio Tliomson-Houston"coiniany. In these vetoes tlio mayor took Oceanian to call tlio attention of tlio council to tlio fact that tlio city was not receiving halt the hcrvlco from the electric company that It was being naked to pay for. Ho also sub mitted reports and teats of the amount of light furnished , made by the city electrician , allowing thai the company was not carrying out Us contract with the city. With these reports In their possession the mayor , In his .vetoes , protested against certain members In- nlstlng on robbing the city by voting double the turns earned by the company , and desig nated such action as an effort to make a gilt to the Thomson-Houston company. Introducing the council journal In evidence , it was Hhown that In almost every Instance , i\liero ( lie Interests of tlio city came In con flict with the Interests of the lighting com pany llascall and Wheeler , the Impeachment managers , stood solidly with tlio corpora tions. Thcbo records showed that tlio council had from time to time allowed the bills of the New Oinnha Thomson-Houston Electric Light company and ordered tlio amounts Inserted In Dm appropriation Rhcets. As a usual thing , the mayor had vetoed the bills , giving as Ills rensoni that tlio company was furnishing only l.L'OQ-caiidle power lights , when the con tract provided that each lamp should supplj 2.000-candlo power. The original ordinance- , providing for the creation of the office of city electrician , In troduced by Sol I'rlnce and passed April " 0. 1R92 , wus Identified and Introduced In evi dence. LUOIShTIO.V OVER LIGHTING This vvns the ordinance under the terms Df which M. G. Cowglll labored as the city electrician after his appointment , continuing Until Hascall and Wheeler chopped off his licad by taking away his power. Following ut the name line of evidence , Mr. Council. 911 hehulf of thv mayor , showed by the rec ords thai on February 7 , 1S9 ! , llascall , chair- fnnit of the judiciary committee , prepared nil Introduced an ordinance repealing the frdlnance providing for the creation of the office of city electrician. The o'cllnance vvns in the handwriting of Manager Hascall , and the records are clear upon tlio point th.u after he had Introduced the ordinance he inoved that It be referred to his own com- lull tee. As chairman o ( that committee , on Jtlnrch ( ! , llascall reported the ordlnincc back to the council , with the recommendation that It pass. On February 7 , 1S9I , there was u liew ordinance Introduced for the creation of ilia otllce of city electrician. The recoids phovved that this ordinance waa Intiodiiced by Hascall In his own handwriting , and upon lilfj motion | t wns referred to tlio committee < > f which he was the chairman. In flue. time Manager Haseall reported iho ordinance back to the cuMicll. urging Its passage , us It was abso lutely necsssary that thcro should be an olll- clal ( o Inspect electric lights. Then , with great rapidity , the ordinance wns pushed and went to tlie major. At the next a sslon of the council Mayor Bcinls returned tlie or- illiianco vvltli his veto attached. He gave as Ills rear on for rejecting ( he ordinance that there WPS n conspiracy for th ? purpose of throwing the Inspection of electric lights aid the hands of WIley'H lighting companv. % Vhen the roll was called on the veto , Loth managers , lUucall and AVhcelcr , voted to cifiilde the mayor. HascaU'i. ilectrlclan oidlnance was read Cor the Information of the couit. and therein there was not a word to fallow that It was re quired that Iho should ba a. proper peison for the position , or that ho should Jiavo any knowledge upon the subject of elec tricity , wlilU tli9 old oulinanre. Introduced by Mr. 1'rlnce , niul repe.nleil nt the Irittnnc' of llabcall and Wheeler , provided that the part ) appointed to the position should bo a lliofougii und competent electrician WHO OPPOSED THE MAYOH. "Who took the prominent part In the dls- cuFsion nf the K ncral electric ordlnam-o when It was before tin * city council ? " nsUod Mr. Council With n score of objections In that many seconds the attorneys for the managers v.cio upon their feet to protest. Mr. Council hinted to the court that ha van ted to chow that Wliecler wns the wet nurse nt the birth of the ordinance. The court held that the witness could an swer , and In doing so ho .said tlmt Mr. Whee ler was the lund pusher , with Haswill balk ing him up. Then came the celebrated resolution , ap pointing I' . M. Ilhecm city electrician , simp ! } becuiiMi the mayor would not name n man who wns Mitlsfactory to thu lighting coin- pony. The resolution , It wus proven , was written by Councilman Wheeler , now man- nger of the Impeachment. This resolution was concurrent und was vetoed by the mayor , the icoson being that the council wus usurping tl'O appointive power , u power which , by the provisions of the city charter , icstid only with the mayor. When City Clcik Kv mis read the record on the vote on the veto It showed that both llnscull and "Wheeler voted ngaliibt sustaining the veto. } -ollawlnc up the same line of testimony , tl.c \ldencc Hhowcd tlmt cadi munth Hasc.ill and Wheeler wotked a bill of $10(5 ( Into the jippropiiitllon sheet , the same pui porting to lie the amomit of the salary of L. M. Ithocm I5 ch tlmo the bill was vetoed , the mayor taking the position tlmt there was no city tlectilrlmi and that voting the money to HhCEiu was simply giving him a pic-sent nf that Hindi each and every month. These vetoes , ( he records showed , wcr * always ic- Jected , with the two managers voting against tlio position taken by the major. While these bills weio belli i ; presented to the coun cil and being vetoed by the major the rec ords showed tlmt an Juno G , 1S94 , Major Itrmlu named Kdwuul F. Schurlg as cily elect ) Iclan. The same night the appointment vas lefcrral to the judiciary committee , of which Hisc.ill vvns thr rhulrmnn. The ap pointment wai pocketed by llatcaU and kept until July 31. when ho reported back , recom mending the confirmation. This point innde to fchovv that nt the time when Hascall mid Whet lor preferred thuli chuigcs nsalnsl the mayor Hascall hud ono o [ his appoint ments In his poel.'et and refuted - futed to report It luck until ) io could tlio Ills impeachment petition In the court. The testimony of City Clerk Kvans phoned that the June talary of llheom was ullowed by the city council , both Huscall and Wheeler voting for the appropriation of the money , and It also ehowed tlmt It was allowe < l one month nt Hilintcall had pocketed the appoint ment nt Scluirlg. It also showed that nt the tlmo when Hascall and Wheeler filed their Impeachment charges In Ins district court , llabcall as chairman of the judiciary cuinmlttco vvns In possession of the com munication appointing Schurlgwhich was not reported back until Rliecm had been able to ict In another month's time. BIOS VOM CL.RCTIUO . LIGHT. t Dropping the electrician mailer for n time , Mr , Council took up the subject , nf bid * for electric lighting of city streets Ho showed that early In The year the connell - ell Invited bids for electric street lighting for thtt term ot threejears , and that .when tlio bids were opaned , tha bid of E. T , Pardce C Co. was the lowest , being $112 , knocking Iho Wiley c5jnpdnF out. Upon the npunliif ot the bids , all of the papers were referred to the committee ot which Hnscall vu the chairman lor some weeks lie [ counted with the blcli , and then reported * K4lti < t Iho nccepUnco of the lowest bid Maying that ho had discovered that the record * In the county clerk't ortko failed tc how that Pardeo & Co had a legal exist ence ta i firm llatcall'a report ua : doiited , notwithstanding the fact that Par- ceIitd Died bli bond , nil In all cases thi record showed that Wheeler was hand and glovn with Hascall In the matter. Again , the records showed that bids were Invited for street lighting , to bo accompanied by a certified check for $500. These bids were upon the basis of 2,000 candle-power , with Iho Haker company putting up a bond of $25,00(1 ( to carry out all the conditions of the contract and the city ordinances , at $95 per annum per lamp. The Citizen's Electric Light company at that time bid $87.50 per lamp per annum , putting up the required check and bond. At that time the Thomson-Houston company bid $10C per annum. When the subject was before the board , It was apparent that the Citizens' company was the lowest bidder , but as n matter of form , all of the propositions went to the committee of which ! was the chair man. On Juno 10 , 1891 , he submitted a re port In his own handwriting urging the re jection of all the bids. In this report he and Wheeler said that the bid of the Citi zens' company was the lowest , but that It w.u worthless. This report was adopted , and In the meantime the Wiley company went on furnishing light lo the city at this rate , one hundred lamps at $175 , and ninety-five lamps at $140 per annum , ton- llniilng up to this date. A message was sent to the office of the clly rleik to secure some papers bearing upon the subject of street lighting , and while he was absent , Mr Connell probed the "gambling" ordinance of which t > o much has been said. "What's that ? " asked Air. McCiilloch , as Mr Connell presented the ordinance lethe the clly clerk for Identification. "The or dinance which jou have been parading In vour purity campaign , " responded Mr. Con- nell. nell.Mr McCiilloch appealed to the court , and the threu Judges shut off tlie Interesting little discussion , while electric matters were again taken up. Mr. Connell showing that a tlilid time bids for electric street lighting vvero Invited , but Hie other com panies tiling of tlio ledgercleniftln , none of them except the Thomson-Houston company entered the lists. This time Wiley of the Thomson-Houston company pushed his b d up from $10t ! lo } 138 per lamp per annum Upon this occasion the bid was referied to Husrall and Wheeler's committee , with a subsequent report coming In recommending the making of a contract. This , however , was moio than the majority of the council could jvvallow and the whole matter went by default , thus leaving Hie Wiley company ulontj In the field , furnishing light under the tc'ina and conditions of Its old contract. In opposing the conflrrnallon of M J. Cow- Sill fur city eleclrclan Ihe witness testified that the grounds urged against him l > > Hus- call and Wheeler were that he was not carabk Just Iwfore the hour of the noon recess , M. J. Cowglll. the ex-city electrician , was. called an a witness. Mr. Cowglll was ap pointed during February , 1B9. ! , and was the Itrst electrician appointed In the city. De tail ng his experience as an electrician , he testllled thul liu had been In the business for yeuiH and was what was known as an ile-ctrlcat engineer. WII.IJY THROWS OUT HOOKS. Soon nfter witness had been appointed Solon L Wiley of the Thomson-Houston Klcc Hie Light company wrote him requesting him to call nt the offices of the company Upon thu leceipt of the third letter , which wes In the nature of a. command , Wilej said , that he wanted all of the arc lights reported UK being up to the standard , regardless ot wh-il tests might show. At that meeting Vlley ulso told the witness that hn would lave his salary Increased from $125 to ? 150 sr month , providing witness would name ' J. PlerMiii as his assistant or deputv. Vltness did not agree to the proposition , vhen Wiley told him that he might as well peak light out and Ray whal he wanted , legardlng the aic lights. Mr. Cowglll lestl- 1 that ot 200 tests made the average can dle power was S68 , while sixty other tests hou.eil the candle power to be 917 par amp. Reports ot witness' readings of the amps were presented to the council , when hey were always approved by Wheeler , vho as A usual thing was aided by ( luscall. lesiimtiiK the direct examination ct Mr. Cowglll nl the afternoon session of the court he witness paid that he lememhsrod the date on which Wheeler refused h in a hearing jo/oie the city council , with reference lo Midi lie knew about Ihe service given by the rhoimon-Houston company. That was dur nj , the early part of July , 189 ! . At that line witness asked for Instruments Tith w.ilclt to test arc lights , but met with oppo. < i- ' 011 from Wheeler , who claimed that the iistrmnentH could not be a success When witness made the tests of Ihe arc ights , he was assisted by Alva J. Grove , the ibaMunt oily engineer. The electric wiring ordinance , the witness said , wns Known as he "vVhecler" ordinance , and took the plice ot one which the witness liad piepared , and ili-li had lison approved by the best clec- tilcluiiH of the country. Attorneys for ithe managers contended that the line of testimony was Immaterial , to vvhkli Mr. Conne.ll replied thai lila only nil pose was to Miow Ihe raid that was made all along the line by the Thomson-Houston coinpiny and Us suprortrrs , both In and out of the council. I'hotoniQler tests , witness Bald , were rec ognised as standard by all electricians. The chines were for tlie purpose ot measuring electricity , cost $150 each and were Mmple to undcistnnd. All facts regarding the tests ol lights vvero reported to Slajor LJcmls. , he iolng Infoimed that the lamps were below I.Oftu-ctiinIle power. Wheeler , the witness .ild , wanted n man from Uuffalo , N. Y. mimed Pnif Randall , to come to Omaha Hi maUe the test. Attain ys for the managers strongly ob- li'Cteil and the objection was sustained. Mi Connell , In reply , said tlmt he pioposul to show tlmt ( ho Huffalo man was working In the Interest ot Thompson-Houston com pany and that Hascall was aware ot Ihe fact. fact.The The -e\amlnallon of Sir. Cowglll de velop il no new fads. REFUSED WILEY'S IIAIT. Ilefiire the lalk with Wiley the witness hail nut suggested the picking out of two at three joung men as his assistants , and tlieio was no reason why Wiley should have thought that Plersoii was to be named to assist In the testing of lights. At that time the only pi online that Wiley mnde wus tha' he would look after the Increase In s.'ilaij" . Ikfore the photometer came , the measurc- iiipnls were made by the volt meter test , showing * nliit- and one-half timphcrcu to iho limilt Witness could not renumber what the ) candle power was. On iediect ) examination , Mr. Cowglll tc&lUlcd that In the fall ot 1S93 A. II. Hunt of tin ! water works company offered him n pats to Chicago , that he might at- tind the World'.s fair. Upon Inquiry , the witness learned that the pass was coming fiom Wiley , and h < 5 refused to accept the transportation. "Four hundred and fifty volts , " witness said , ' would not equal 2,000 candle power. " l.miis Hoilui , judge of the police court ot the city , called ns n witness. He testi fied that 1 > was familiar with the mis demeanor ordinance of Omaha. "Aro you on the electilo light mailer now' " asked Mr Clarkron. "Walt and sec , " retorted Mr. Connell. rmitinuing. Mr. Herka testllled that he was the Judge who Imposed the fines of $ IV ) per month upon the gamblers. "Did you have any understanding with Mayor ll ( mU as to what the lines should bo'1" asked Mr. Council. "Nat a word. " replied Mr. Ilerka. "I made up my mind after hearing the cases and determining the offense from reading the Invv ami the evidence adductd. " "lUd ) nu tve-.r construe tha Imposing of this flue as allowing gambling houses to run ? " asked Mr , Council. All ot the attorneys were upon their feet lu an liifclniit to protest , claiming that the court and not the witness should construe the law. Whe-u cross-examined Judge Ilerka said ho thought that tliero were about fiveor six Rjinbl ng houses that were "pulled" monthly und their proprietors fined. Since the order ot the chief of police , closing the gambling house * , was Issued , no complaint , the vvlt- ucja testified , had ! been filed. "That's all , " responded the attorneys for the inanagera , "Have people quit gambling ? " asked Mr. Council. An objection was offered and sustained , "Old you act honestly In Imposing the lines ? " Objected to and objection sustained. Bliico Ihe time of fining the gamblers , the JuJg.'old. . that parlies had been arrested , charge 1 with operating gambling houses , but Hie evidence was not sufficient to convict JUJRU Ilerka could remember ot bul one cats vvlere there bad been a conviction on th charge ol cacibltnc. The trouble bud nlwnys been tliit witnesses could not b ? se cured. Itna Impotslble , or nearly so , for officers to get Into the rooms when gambling vas going on. and again , men who were In ho rooms -would not testify that they had gambled , or seen gambling. The Judge ( new that gambling was still going on In tlie clly , as parties had filed the r complaints , In which they had alleged that they had gam- iled nml lest their mor , y. ' ciiini < - sBAvnv's TESTIMONY. W. S. Senvcy , the chief of police , wns next railed lo the witness box , lie testified that ic had h Id the position for seven years and lad done his best to Riippress gambling , bul here never was n time when ho could stamp out the crime. The best way to control tumbling , ( he chief testllled. was from a po- Ice standpoint , by Imposing a monthly fln , iuch a plan lessened the evil , gave the police ree access to the houses , and resulted In ewer complaints being filed by parll.s who md lost money. Under the present system , oincers could not enter the house * unless hey were armed with s arch warrants. Thu Illng of complaints at regular Intervals and Inlng the operatives of gambling houses re sulted In less crimes , less complilnts from nen , mothers , wives and other relatlvs , Un- ler tlmt plan all gambling houses closed at nldtilghl , remaining closed until the next lay Minors wore not allow ed and liquor vas not said. At the preicnt time , while jimbllng was conduct d behind closed doors , t was Impossible to secure evidence looking o a conviction for the reason that officers cuuld net enter the rooms and sue the games The result of tlio anti-vice cniead ; kept from 11,000 to $2.000 per month out of the school und. Gambling , the chief said , could not m entirely suppressed in a city the size ot Jmaha , ami the old plan of regulating It was he most effective. At this point the mayor's Instructions : o the chief of police were Introduced In evidence. The communication bare date of March 14 , 1S93 , and Instructed the chief to suppress ail houses of 111 fame outside of the burnt district , 'to close all wine rooms where women were allowed to con gregate , to close saloons on Smutty , to close ill gambling houses where minors might congregate , and where parties under the nfluenco of liquor might gather. This order , tlie chief said , he carried out to the etter and got good results. Chief Senvey testified that there was never a tlmo when Mayor Hernia had suggested iny violation ot nny of the city o-dliuinces or the state law. MEANING OF TUB ORDER On cross-examination , the chlof testified that he construed the order to mean an enforcement ot the ordinances of the city , with the result to be reported lo the mayor from time to time. Gambling houses com- nenccd running with" open doors at some time In the month of July , 189J , continuing up to tlio time of the anti-Vice crusade. Raiding gambling houses liad never been successful , as tips usually got out before the u nicer a could fcach the places. This Information got out by reason of having lo first Mvcar out an Information and then have a warrant Issued. After this was all done , the men would go to the place 16 be raided and 11 rid nothing there. The chief was of the opinion that at the present time gambling was being carried on In many places In the city. Testifying upon redirect examination. Chief Seavey said , that If ho had money at his ommand ho would closa the doors of the gambling houses now running in the city , jut. It would be Just as Impossible lo prevent gambling as prostitution. Tharc never WHS any understanding , testllled Chief Senvey , that gambling houses that did not violate .lie instructions conveyed In the major's ettur were to be let alone. There wtic no exceptions , and all gambling houses \.cro treated alike , the proprietors being an cited and lined each month. Patrolmen were ordered not to go Into gambling houses , for the simple reason that : helr services wore required upon tne streets During the twenty months while open gam : illng houses were allowed 'to run the cap- talna , sergeants and detectives were the of- iioera delegated to have charge of disorderly lio-.ises. < ( lire * Dial 1'nltli Won't I IToct Are brought about by the use of Hosteller's Stomach Hitters , foremost among American Tam'.ly remedies. Rheumatism , neuralgia , i1 > Epcpsla , liver complaint , malaria und n r- vous complalnls succumb to this i pliable remedy It does It benign woik thoroughly and those who use It reap a fruitful harvest of health. I'lijslclans of the first stand Ing commend It. Om.tli.i unit Chic.iu limited I'lflcL-ll-IIour Train. Leave- Omaha at 6:35 : p. m. and arrlvo at Chicago 9.40 a. in. via C. M. & St. 1 > . Uy. for Chicago and all polnls easl. Trains made up and started from Omaha , assuring passengers clean and well aired cars. The only linn i mining a solid vtstlbuled cleclilc- llghtc-l train from Omaha direct. No wall ing for through trains , Elegant chair cars , i.alaco Bleeping and dinIng - Ing cars , Ticket office , IG01 Farnain street. C. S. CARRIER , _ Ticket Agent. A Now 'I rulii to Chicago. Commencing August 12 , lha "Omalia and Chicago special , " via the Chicago & North western railway , leaves Omaha daily at 6:45 : p m. . and arrives nt Chicago 8:45 : next morning. Vestlbuled dining car. Wagner tde < pcrs and chair cars form the equipment ot this train , and are all up to "North western" standard. UG1 Farnam street , cltv ticket office. IIO.MI i : LICEIEV HXCUKSlOTiS Mil Chicago , Itook Jftlnncl Jk T'acUIr Kullivuy. Sept. 25th and Oct. Oth , ono fare for the round trip , with $2 added , good twenty day ? from date of tal ; . For full particulars call at Rock Island llcket olTice , 1602 Tarnam strcel , _ Joyce , millinery. 1C24 Douglas street. * HAYDEN'SSILK MAN. Called as nn i\pcr ; ; Wlinrst In u Cuso In volving Million * . ny Iho first of October Philadelphia will bo visited by probably the most brilliant array of counsel ever retained 111 a law suit , but this Is not surprising , tor the case to be tried Is the famous trimming case , In which moro limn $25,000,000 Is Involved. Although Hie United Stales circuit courl In Philadel phia will be Iho scene of the trial , that city's interest la the verdict Is not nearly so large as that ot New York , Boston , Chicago and other large cities , t'-d while the trial lasts there will be many anxious eyes centered on Philadelphia. The case was originally tried In IS'.U , when John R. Read , who conducted the case for the government , obtained a ver dict. This tlmo United States District At torney 'ingham will have full cliargo of Ihe rase , and he will be assisted by ex-Sollcltor General Aldrlch and other well known law yers , as well as by Mr. Ralston and Mr , Nenltt. The amount at stake is much greater than has at any other time been claimed from the government , and both sides will call In a number of expert witnesses , Mr. W. A. Morris , the buyer ot silks and velvets at Hayden Uros. , has been selected by the government as one of IU expert wit nesses. This Is a compliment to Mr. Mor ris and also to the Messrs. Hayden. The goods which the Importers are contesting Urn duties on are chiefly silk crepes , crepe llsses , cotton-back satins , colored plushes and vel vets. U Is contended by the government that such goods are chiefly used for dresses and dress trimmings , and this question Is being contested by the Importers , that they may get a pull on the United States treasury from March 3 , 1SS3 , ot a rebate of 30 per cent of the 60 per cent duty paid on these manufactures ot allk. Mr. Morris will .leave Omaha the latter part ot the week tor Phil adelphia , where he will probably bo occupied several weeks on the case. Millinery opening Thursday and Friday. All nre Invited. No cards. Mme. Hlckman will be pleased lo soe. her friends and pat rons at 1522 Douglas. [ < \ M. Schadell & Co. JUKI ) . Notice of rive lines or less under this litaO. fids' centi ; ach additional line , ten cenla. WAGNEn Frank , September 25 , 1894. nel. 45 years 6 months , of lyphold fever , Funeral Thursday. September 27 , froir residence. Twenty-ninth and Plnkney , al 2 p. m. Interment In Forest Luvvn. Ue leaves a wife and live children. Was a brother of Otto AVagner. JIUKX , To Mr. and Mr H. C. Cralr. 370 } N Utb timt. 4 daughter , pn 6 UmlW. ) Uit , I JI , DEFINITELY BEETLED AT LAST. Co n n I r rommlm nn i Vn o In Submit rinttla t'anntitl-iail Proportion The county coinmlsrtlcnera held a meeting yesterday afternoonnt ) ; which they formally decided to place the question of voting Jl.OOC.U.V ) tor the Pli'tte river canal before the pcopic at the next general election on November C. The emitter came up In the form of n resolution from the committee of the whole , as published yesterday , pre sented by Chairman Pmldock , and was car- Jed by a vote ot three to two. Messrs. Williams and Llvescy voted against the adoption of the report , and Messrs. Jenkins , Paddock and Stenburc voted for It. Changes In the original proposition have teen made of Import ay follows : It the legislature passes a law granting the authority , the county of Douglas or Iho city of Omaha may buy the cnnal nt any time prior to August 1 , ISflr. , but In the event that the ptrcliitoc Is not iilatle by Au gust II , 1S9C , the right of purchase shall be lefe'red and shall terminate at the end of he twenty-year period , when the bonds ma ture. llomk'd Indebtedness of the company shall at no time exceed $2,000.000. County must be furnished power free for ilnety-nlne years , Prices for power In Omaha and South Dnmha range from $35 for f-om one to five lors ? power to $23 for over BOO-horse power. These prices are per horre power. Canal must be completed by October 1 , 189S , with laments to be made as follows : The Bum of S15.000 Is to be paid with the completion of each of the forty miles ; $76 additional when the Klkhorn river Is reached ; $75,000 additional when the Plattc river division , the basins and weirs have jeen completed ; $75,000 when the machinery mil equipments have been put In place ; $75- )00 ) when the water 1ms been brought to .he eastern terminal point ; $100,000 when the canal Is completed and all of the machin ery ready for operation , and the balance when Ihe plant Is ready for Ihe distribution of power , and when It has been accepted by the board of directors and the commissioners. llnjil'ii ltr . HLANKETS AND I'LANNKLS. HaydMi's are headquarters on blankets. We carry the largest stock , have the bebt assortment and make the lowest prices or nonev refunded. Illankrts at 49c , EOc , 75c , $1.00 pair. Sue our gray blankctH at $1.25 and ? l.C."i. PiiiPr grads at $2.25 aud f2.CO Full stock of bed comforts Closing out flannels. All wool red twilled flannel , 14c yard. Remnants of llannel al prices thai you can't afford to pass It you are an economical buyer. IJOVS' SUITS At a saving of 50 per cent , from the Isldor Kaufman & . Co.'s New York stock , bought tiy us at 45c on the dollar. IIadthesc , suits l > een bought In a regular way th y could not liosslbty have been sold for less than double the money. All wool boys' suits , ages 4 to 15 % eare , made in the very best manner , the choicest patterns and the newest cuts. Regularly these suits would sell for 5500 , at this sale , $2 50. Boys' suits , ages 4 to IB , of the finest fabrics , In worsl.ds , cheviots , casulmeres and In fact any cloth you may ask for. Made up In the very finest style , bswed with silk. Every garment warranted not to rip hi trains. They sell regularly for JfiOO to $7 50. Your choice while they last foi $3 50. CLOAK DEPAKTMHNT. Delays nr' dangerous. If there ever was a time when prompt action was necessary to secure Ihe best baigains In ladles' misses' and children's cloaks , that time Is now. Thr e special sellers : A No. 1 quality ladles' ' heavy cloth Jacket , full sleeves and full 36 Indies long , at $4.39. An excellent beaver Jacket , tailor made , double breasted , and full 3C inches long , at $50S. $ A nice school cloak made of a good quality satin t , with cape , at $2.25. HAYDEN IJROS. Jl.tTKf 10 ItK KK3IK31URltRl > . SeptembsfSft Dcmocralle state convention. September 28 Republican primaries to choose delegates to the county convention -September 28 Republican county conven tion to nominate county officers. October 3 Democratic county convention to nominate county officers. AhsocliUnl Cliurltles of Omnlri. The annual meeting of this association vvlll be held In the Young Men's Christian asso ciation rooms on Monday evening , October 1 , at 7-30. John Laughland , secretary. Political Nntltca. Hereafter the Doc will make a uniform charge of 2 cents per word per Insertion , In advance , tor political notices. No notice to be less than 50 cenls. Candidates can publish cards al Ihe stmo ralo. Ju t u I.ltMo Faster. The "Northwestern" Number Six , leaving Omcha 4 p. m. dally , now arrives al Chicago 7:59 : a. in. , Instead of 8:15 : , ao formerly. "Just a little faster. " Don't confuse this with the On aha Chlcngo special ; which still leaves at 5:45 : p. in. dally and arrives at Chicago 8:45 : a. m. No need to change this train. Clly olllce , 1401 Farnam street. MAY HESULT IN MUKDEIl. Nonunion Conpcr Itriilnlljr lloitrn by n UniiK of Toughs , Charles and Jacob Ncft have been arrcsttil on the charge of ntiaultlng and severely In juring John Peterson , u cooper working at Swift's pricking hoiue In South Omaha. All of the in'ii are packing house employes and tlie cause of tlie assault Is alleged to have been from the fact tlmt Peterson Is a "scab" i cooper who lias taken the place of one of the South Omalm strikers Peterson lives In Omaha and Monday morning ho went to the Seventeenth street ' crossing to await the Union Pacific workIng - Ing men's train. While lie was standing ; there he was approached by a gang of alleged i union in n , who assaulted him , his brother ' and a couple of other men who were with him. The assaulting parties nre alleged lo have be n armed with pieces of gas pipe and they chased the "scabs" down the rail road track. Peterson did not make hl es cape and the gang bent him Into Insensi bility. He soon recovered and went buck home. IU began growing worse and In n short time was n very sick man. Physicians were sent for and It was found tlmt Peter son's skull had been fractured , rendering an operation of trepanning necessary. Officers were sent after the gang who as saulted lit m and that night they arrested the two Neffs , who were Identified as the leaders of the gang. Th y were locked up on a charge of assault , bul will be held to awall the outcome of Peterson's injuries. Yesterday City Prosecutor Shoemaker Hied a new complaint aga'nst Charles and Jake .Son1 , alleging that they assaulted with Intent to muider one John Peterson As soon as Judge Hetka saw Jake Neff ho remarked that Jake had been before him not a great while ago on u charge of as sault und battery. Tlio records were looked up and sliow that on August 1 , 1S93 , Jake Neft was charged vlth assault and Intent to do bodily Injury. Pending thu trial of the case ball was llxed at J&OO , A. L. Button going Kofi's security , As soon as released Neff skipped out and put his bondsman to considerable trouble and expense. After some months Neff was arrested In Chicago and brought back. He pleaded guilty to nf-s.nilt and battery and was fined $100 and costs. Doing unable to pay the fine Neff was sent to the county Jail , where he laid for fifty-one dajs. During Neds confinement considerable pressure was brought to bear upon the judge ta Induce him to remit part of the- sentence , but the court eatd thut the testimony showed thai NcIT had assaulted a defense ] HS man , and believed In punishing him. No modification of the sentence was ordeied , and Neff served out his lime. Peterson Is very low , and Is expected to die The doctors salil yesterday that he could not live a great while. \ IIIIY LOW K.VTII , On September 25lh and October Oth the M.ssourt Pacific will sell tickets al one fare for the round trip ( plus $2 00) ) to all points south and southwest , limited to 20 days fiom I date of sale , with privilege of stopping off ' going and returning. For particulars call j on or address depot agent , 15th and Web- 1 slcr , or city offices , northeast corner 13th un.l Fainam. THOS. F. QODFUKY , P & T A. J 0. PH1LLIPPI , A. G F & P. A. 5:4:51 : * . SI. nt Omilii , S ! VS V. M. nt Chic ijo The new vsstlbul d train now running on the "Northwestern" east dally. A Jtpniiirl.alilo Achievement In Itiillninit AtTnlrs Was the uinnlng ot the Exposition Flyer , the famous twentj-liour train between Chicago cage and New York via the Lake Shore route , In seivlcc during the World's fair A handsome lltho-watcr color of this train may be. secured by sending 10 cents In sil ver to C K.Vllber , Western Passenger Agent , Chicago. CHICAGO , ItOCK l-5l.\Nn& PAIH'IC KY 1 California Tourist Kx < Mir loin , "Phillips Rock Inland" peisonally con ducted excursions , First through car Iea\ej Omaha Friday , Oct. 12th , at 1 35 p. m. . and weekly thereafter during the winter seanon. For full pnitlculnis , berth reservations , ttc. , call at Rock Island ticket olllce , 1C02 Itanium street. I'lvv MiitliellcHH ( Jhllilicn. Unflei taker Maul dlscoveicd a sad ca e In ths alley between Sl.\tli and Seventh streets and Pierce and Pacific streets yes terday. He was called to prepare for burial Mrs. Anna Goth , age 27. who died Monday night ot dlphtheila. She left live children , the oldest being 7 years and the youngest 1 day old. 'Iho hubband , George tJotli IB emplojed In a South Omaha cooper shop. On Trial for llurglary. George Hainer ami Charles Conning were arraigned In the crimlna' court yesterday on the charge of burglarizing Richard S. Hall's residence , near Twenty-fourth and Farnain streets , on the night of August 17. The attorneys for the accused demanded separate trials and Harner's case was taken up A Jury has been einpaniielei ) and tvl- denco Is being taken. America Leads the world "IP The Crowning Glory of the Age. Man's enterprise culminated at the World's Columbian Exposition. The memory of it will be a marvel for all time. The fame there acquired will live for years. The manufact urers of Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder appreciate the award to them of highest honors at the Exposition. The significance of the compliment , the splendid character of the indorsement , cannot be underrated. It stamps Dr. Price's ' as without a peer among-the baking pow ders. The jury of awards , an exceptionally intelligent body , was headed by the Chief Chemist of the United States Depart ment of Agriculture. They found Dr. Price's Cream Baking : Powder strongest in leavening power , perfect in purity , and of uniform excellence , "Foremost Baking Powder io all the World" mmmmmmimnmmmmmwmmmifl I BRAINS ( SOUND. ) Sound brains furnish practical ideas. A hat , being a close neighbor to bratns , is entitled to har vest the crop. We lend our brains to our hat de partment. Three months of each year \ve study how to obtain a practical , shape-retaining hat , for little money. The result , compare any hat , at any I ! price , whether . | , 5 or 6 dollars side by side quality to quality trimming to trimming to our three dollar hat , and find ours overbalance the scale certainly. The ' 'Nebraska ' Special" our one fifty leading hat , is exceptionally fine this season sold so far over 400 dozen. Three dollars buys as good a hat but in a few places. Derby , Fedora or soft. Two and two fifty are our other prices , the identical hat you pay $3.50 and $400 for. Fash ionably blocked and every shade appropriate for the season shapes , stiff Fedora , Tourist , soft and other. Crushers we sell at 350 , SQC , 750 , $1.00 , $1.25 , considerab1y cheaper as a matter of course than any one selling a line anywhere shades are every thing that color hats. ovo'coats. Shan't omit to ad ' - vise youTTiT'1the mattcr of selecting a fall overcoat. They're cheaper this year than ever before. If you can't do as well elsewhere try us. We shall please you with a good dressy coat for jpiirdo lars. a bet ter one for six fifty , increase in granTTeur and" dollar by dollar in price until we reach a tailor made , ele gantly draped beauty that'll cost you but fifteen del lars. A sample of the queer and awkward overcoat called "Paddock , " which is by the way the new est e.Ntreme for swell wear , on exhibition in our Douglas street window. Catalogue * ( Full and Winter 1S01-5) ) to bo had on application. ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooooo ooooonooooo cHimimitnuituiiKimimniumnitim imitiuiiiniinuiui iinHiiiuuiniuinn nniutuitititun - , eg We frankly Solid Silver Shoe Buttoner 5 COIlfebS lllilt " Nail File op vvo ciin't aflurkl ( < Cuticle Knife. ยง 2 these tluin longer " * " Corn knife this week. " Ink Eraser. . . JLEach RAYMOND , 15th and Doug-las , JEWELER. nuuiuiitniutuitu luuiRiiiiniiniuiunnrtrjtnnniiRRR ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo ooooooonooo ooooooooooo ooooooooooo Chas , A complete new stock , recently purchased at reduced market prices , 1206-1208 Douglas Street. DIRECT FROM THE TANK. JloiUr. A'o Steam. No Engineer. HEHT POWKIl for Corn nnil F < > ? < 1 Mlllu , Haling ; Hay , Huuului ; Hep.iratorg , CrcumcrlOB , Ac. OTTO GASOLINE ENGINES Stationary or Portable. 1 to .0011.1' . 8 to 20 II. I * . 'wilt for Ctalocu . Trices , etc. , rtMcrlMns ork to b done. cjic , o.245ukest.x U5rtHEOTTOGAS ENGINE WORKS Omaha , Shteley Elect , lstF& HowardSU. 33d & 1VnluutSl . , IMIlLAl > Xl < .lMllAl > A. MAfMHOOD RESTORED.VSKS ! yunrunh'fd locuru utl norruus ilif > eanoi.HUCIi tit W < JIL MrnjDrj1. lx ) iiif tlralti 1'nwcr. Headache , WakeluliiDni.l.uBlMniiliiKKl.Mltrblli iiiil : > rloii , NCT OU - D sn.nlMralnAanct IORH of poworlnfjoiienitUoOrviiii ! , of fltlivr r iccaiiictl li > iiTcreKTIIon.viMilhful rrrois , cxceiilra IHU of tiibnccn.oulDm ortllct iilantn. whlcn Irnatu InDrinltf. r < iniuinitlon ( or IlifunllT. fan be cnrrlril la , TBH JHX kot. Wl par buz. a fur MS , i > T nmll ini'jinlilMlliaK5 ' order na jElvc a written Bunrnnlcc la cm r or rcluntl Hie nxini-y. Hold l > j i > 'l JilruKci'tn All for II Ukencinthpr Wrtlo fiTfico Mecllrnl llciols rent ealt < t In plain wrappar. AddrciaNKlCVKNKKOC'O. , MnsunlcTcnipic Bold In Omalia by 81i rinan Si McConncll. ICuhn & Co. and & Merchant , drugclita. ilirch 3Ut. 1891. Ale A p nrold Coi-I m r ry much pleased Io commend W. U Seymours ability a" nn clan , having been ( atlsfcciorll ) ' lined wllli tm tor MlTgmatlim nd d med nnt benefit ihtrtfrSm In ray proftsilonal woik. I would rec- commend all of th artlillo prof - Ion to do Ilk * . wise. Vertruly. . J. LAUHIU WALLACE. Omaha Academy of Fln Arti. HEADACHE CAUSED I V KYE STHAIN. DON'T TUIFL13 WITH YOUIt UYKO. Uanjr porton * wliote lioada are coittlanlly ach > Ins ha no Idea what relief iclemmcully tltlid ( linn will give them. Tlili theory li nuw unl. verially eitablliheil. "Imptoj | ily fitted slant * will InvulaUr IncrtaM the trouble unit may lead to TOTAL lll.IND.Xn8S. " Our nblllly la tdjutt iUs t < lately and correctly l > b > end queitlon. Conaull ui. Uy * teiud free o | churn. THE ALOE & PENFOL.D CO. , OpposlU Paxicn Hotel. LOOK. J-OIl TUIi QOLD LION. Prepared from thfl original formula , pro- eervcdln the Archives ot tbe Holy Lnriil , h v lujf an authentic lililory dating back 600years. A POSITIVE CURE foi all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel 'troubles , especially CHRONIC CONSTIPATION. Price 80 cents. Bold by all drugglstr. The Franciscan Remedy Co. , 131VAH DUHEN ST. , OtUCXOO , ILL. i tor Circular and Hluatmteu C lefc4lfc