Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 26, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    r v r > T7 < n. \t I.XL\X'TJCT\ v o T ? rvr i ? , \ m r.i n
Viaibla ftapnlj Ir create Fotcecl Wheat DJWU
with a Damp.
PMI-II IVa * ( Juoleil in Opening- Kllfilitly
Lower 1'rlcm arid llrrlln lit n Unit
.Mtirk Ailninin Stoiks
niul Iliinils.
Clllf.UJO , Ffiit. 25. Under a heavy In-
creasD In the \lslblc supply wheat went
down with a hump today , making a new
Jott price record for December al C4c.
That delivery closed Me Icmer than yester
day May corn closed lie lower. May oats
? 4o am ) provisions furnished declines all
Thp receipts ol 760 cars ol wheat at lu-
lutli was the moil notable feature ct the
nevv heforo the traders at the open ng ol
Iho market ? . Wheat opened wtak utt from
Mko to t > % ( or December , against 5lic
al Ihu close jester day. It had a further
slight decline to from fil o to G4',4c , and
Ihrn rr-courtd until It was In demand at
r.t io about an hour from the opening. Some
of the better reeling w.ia < lue to the strength
which "us developed by the corn market
JcsWei | the I'M i-ars of wheat at Duliith.
Minneapolis rtportcd : Ui , making altogether
l.Qiiti , tonnared v.ltti 5fll cais at both pKiccs
n year IKO. Liverpool Mas quote.1 firm , but
vlth a very limited demand ! Pars was
| U led a * opening at slightly lower prices
nnd Urrlln at % mark advance. The
liislnea ) In the pits wits \cr.v small , und but-
llttlo foi uccouiit ol outside customers. Is'ot-
the abundant pasturage tele-
nnd letters from the country were
taken up larMly with accounts ot the
continuance of Hit feeding ot on u
ier > Ibernl icale , The receipts nt primary
iii.trhetH today , including thotc at Kansas
City , amounted to MZ.UOu bu. When Uiail-
atreel's Uslblo supply etalemcnt was .in
iioimccd shoving 2.2RS.OOO hii Increase In
the stocks In this rounlry the market had
another vuak spell and the price declined
CUPS more to Its previously lowest point
filnc for IJi-i-cinbir and f.9c for .May. Iiusl-
iic.h liini a t\\o-m1ir.ite simrt of nctlv ty at
tlio lime refcned to , ami then became as
dull us before. New York wired that there
USB nn item and for export , notwithstanding
Ihe decline hud reached l ic , after estab
lishing a new low price record at 5IV4c.
The 1'isKction of corn exceeded yesterday's
rflllinato by 02 cms , nnil that produced some
weakliest ) at the opening of thnt market
Thp first tiansa tlons In Miiy TUre nt from
MJu to ! " % , a Kal ml filc at the end of
ytsterd.o's tt-sslon. The fed ngwas heavy
for a tlinu and the tendency of prices mod-
crajrly downward- , but after selling at from
CIMic t Etc , the marKet commenced to
do bPlier under reports of n better demand
from the east ami p os.'ectlve smaller
receipts here. The estimates of only 150
cars for tomorrow , giving some confirmation
lo the latter report , caused the shorts to
make some purchase as , well as encouraging
some bio Ing on lonpr account. Attention was
called lo the fact that since August 20 Hie
liri > iiurtloii of thevisible supply held In Chl-
cigw has very lately decreased , . On HIP
dale mentioned the visible supply vvps U.OIG-
010 bu. , of which Chicago had 1.17S 000 bu
Knu the total Is 1,29'0,009 bu. , ' . ' ,007,000 bu
ufwhirl ) Is held here. The buyers on yes
Icrd.iy's break hail n good deal of corn lo
tell near the close and prices went down
under the pressure. The- closing quotation
for JIdy nas 61 % .
Oals were extramrly dull , and the mailict
\\.it bail ; again In Its old rut. closely fol
low IIIK coin , The- disposition to dispose ot
ur take In stuff was about equal , and but
a fiiu.ill scaltcicd business vvas transacted.
An easier feeling existed earlier. May started
at yKc lower at 31' c. Shortly after 3-lVAJi1
3lajtC' vvas bid , and then It sold off to 3lc.
At noon it had rallied lo 31c , closing at
The provision marKet was weak without
< | itallllcatlon , It started In a limp condition
and continued so until the end. The last
quotations were the lowest of theUny'8
range. Hog receipts were again light , The
weakiiPM near the close give tlic sellers
Bome advantage. The declines since > ester
Hay In tin * Jan miry Oellverles amounts to .tOc
In pork , I7 > c in lard and l.'c In rlb <
freights at IVJc for wheat , I'Ac for corn and
I' c for nits to Uuffalo , and 3c asked for
Svheat to Kings I on
The leading futures ranged as follows :
en , ) " 7lItth. | Low | Close
\M atKt > . - . '
tVpt r.a 5P
Mav " ! ' OIlMJ'l '
. . tlH
Ck-t . -
in " fl !
! ) < ' . sti"1
or I a No
I 01 * y. per bul aiH
JNII. . . . 1 30 18 00 in co
. .
tk.1 8 SO s so B M7' ' { S . < 7J *
II J.ui . 7 J'JW 7 70 7 07 ! 7 57 t
on lltbH-
7 4V > ! < 7 < 2' < 7 ' . ' > 7 iVi
I hO U bu li Uft U US
wer < * follows :
AVHI3AT- . 2 fprldff SPjUJIiJc , No. 3 i , No. 2 rcO , BlSfj.ic.
COItN No. t. Sir : .Nil 3 > rllow. SO'- .
OATS No. S. 2SV4 2S io ; No. J white ,
31c. Nil. 3 \\lii ! . . JU'iOJl'ie.
HAlfrTllV-S'o. 1. 'B3' e , No. J , DOCTJi o ; Xo. t
4nttyf. .
ri < Ax srii : : > NO. j.
TIMdlliy Sini-l'rlmo : , K K.
" "
Mesa poik. per bbl. , Jll.tjifjIS 23 .
Jjiul , pi-r 1UO Ilia. , $ SM , srn | ]
1(7.11) , lry na 11 oil „ . . . .
nhort leur ' , uliles ( l n'ill , IT 7jf/S / ro !
'Dlstllli-iu' llnlfilml giKnU , i > tr Kil
Tin fiilloHlnx were the receipts niul sblpnu'iil
Ic-iiiy :
ArllciesT Shlpininits.
Flunr bbln 17.1)011 )
> VI eut Im. II7.IMIII . .
Torn tm. . 214 11,111 ) ; )
. . HOI,111)11 111 tHU )
bu , 7loo ) 1 DDL )
Ilarli-y. bu.
1,0 W
Ontlie I'roiliico oKChniiL-o
toJiy llu
ointor mir-
ki.t - nn ( Inns ( .reameiy. lujJSo ; d.ili >
KI/KH , Him at l.'uilGHe.
's Oiiiiliitliini on i'.our , liriilu uuil
I'rovljiloin , MrlulK , itr.
NI'VV V011IC , hpt. M.-rLOL'
' 00 l ) i | j exportu , 27,600 bblf ; p.ilca , 1123
* , ; nuuKct ilull onlns to the firm hul i ne of
jwtnt > i li ) inllU , low ffrmlos lmv about the
onlj < u1l Kuuthrin II ur. qulit. Jl > lluur. ilull
ami wcaki fate * . 230 Uttn j aupe lln5i.7. . j8) ) ,
f.uu < > t : < iM.Oj. HuckuliCBt Hour , numtijl.
iXtltN Mt\Ir-ia : : lcr ; > tltmv western. J..SOH
311) . lliuiul : wine , \3.V > ; nnk-3 , lu > anu
2,0 * > lurku
HM : N mlnnllr slcad > ; car lots , SSifSJc ; bout
) nut . Mr.
V Ku s ; Mo. ! Mllwnukcc.
liu . tale * . I.IM.ftW bu. luturn , H ! . M bu. | > t
Bpot nmikvl weaker ; Ni > . 1 ! nil. In more .mil el - . , MTc. ( , iitloat , W\o , No. ' } nortbein. tf
UHhrnil , NoI I haul. fclSo ilellvi-ivtl Opt to
Di > n < tl Hti-uily n foreign Uujjnu. but MOH LV-
illtii l mi Binall liuil nir. In hinrii'iniKin tbeiu
vr n n.mrp rally , but It win Jlnullj | r t , uml
| inoi-n ilnippiil lu tlw
pritv mulr -
> fttr
ilnif. il ltiK limvy ut , o ilnllne ; Ni > , nil ,
P K'P * ? J 'WSS'lc ,,1 CJHo , hrploinU-r clomil
B'ic OctnlM-r , utWH i rlosfil We , No\iiiber
ckaml ST.i j Ui-itmU-r , M 1. | | } M ti-16 , . , iIosi-1
fa . . . . . l , .l > X ) bu. fuiurfs , M'UUO bu ii.ol. Im
. .uirHct iii * nnl ( Inn. cloreil fuaNo 2 ' & ? u
In i-levalor. 87tsHWc admit. No. J 'iiH ,
.OlillunM < | > riiiil wrnkrr. rnlllrO with \\luMt.
I.IIUK. buc nave wuy on
n Mfiiiuff. . while mj
i > > Mr& 'fcF. Clomtl BS'.C. Keiileiiii.
.n < sr tlo l iji.o ; October. S ! 37 3liiel. . . .1
. 'ji , Ninfinber. MV. clo etl J7c :
W C > % f l e < l Situ.
OATH ItrtPlpln. Ul 700 bu , rsuoils. bu j
wi en , JDWJ bu ( utuim , ! < 0U I Lu. MIOI. iSuol
ni' ' < . Ni. - , MJlM' c. No. : < lellu-rU , J4e N .
. SJki ( , No. 3 wlillo. K\c \ : No. 3 wMU. Si4iCI
Sb'M , UMI-U , uhlte ulnltuiul wvulrin. i > f(4\ ,
Ojitl < mn uH-nr < l nlPtiily un > l ai\ano l with - < ) | H.
bin jiubniiiifiilly L-usnt off. tlonni ; at ' , c nrl
4lnUii May. M' , < f3S II ! < . clux l. 3 < < , c. Aei
temb rlw l o , < ) . tvL.-r , JJ-ili
\Viiulc. Htnte common to rhulc ,
ui l ISU ' i' *
I KATIlKlt ritlii , henilwk KOP , Huenoi A > iea
Unlit lo beuvy netcnti , j : l > o
" raJ ) , lilii | > ln , tut , > od lo chulce
HIDES- Quiet , wet ulled New Orleans.
Ji-cleJ , IS ti > Cl Ibj. , IlillSc , lluinci JV > r * . I'JJ' '
tn 21 Ibt. He ; T xns. rtrr ti tt 30 Ib * . . C
[ > ! < _
itnui'wile fl' c * , lifJSli' , pulled ,
HOVIfllOXS > * ( . quirt , linin > , UK. fill
meiiN , flkj plcklwl iKl'len. SiiaS : ) plcklwl
Khciuldom , e 'ilC'ir plcliltd Imm % loUQIIr l > nrd ,
on or , wcclfin l nni < locil lit 100 ; e.-il s. KO
Iprcm nt I 7M1 8' ' ) . city , 5 S'lc ; wit * . Ol
lprci < n , ojitlnn ( Air * l'iO HIIICPH , H < ? | iltinl > rr , 1C Mj
) c -inli r , J'.IO , nominal , Jninuo , 18 OJ , nnin-
nil , rennnla y , cintlntnl , 19 M , S. A. . P7S !
iiiniKiiind. dUflGV. t > ork dull
TAM.OWtulet lint nlead ) , cltj < U per
Clo , tininiry ukRC , frrc ) ,
iclCHSlioiiKcrj : ftnla and t > cnn lj-vanln
p , Ice IKIUHV. IVifilic. wntern freiili , liH
tes. > 2 OXM W ; rcrpit | [ , 7.CSO jikirx.
lH'TTifHtroiiK : , n . tflrn dohy , nfflJe , wext
trmmiry , isezj'lc , npulern factorI2'i ' < |
ICc , KlKln . ii'ic ; Mate ilnliy , HfiKo : iluln
cn-nnipry , lSl'21'tc. '
rilKKHR Wmh ! flat * . InrBe , JSJlOijoi fttiall ,
* ' , Stnooi part nklniii , < a Uci full skims , If ;
/IM * TJtOlP.t'M-Qul ' tj I'nltid rlnrc.1 at 9c :
WaMilngtun 1n bull , ! 1C ; refined , Now York , ; I'llllndrlpliln and tlalllinnro , 15 19 ; 1'lllla
Itlphln nnd Baltimore , In bulk , i3 GO.
IlOSlX Htcndy : Btrulhrd , coinmon 10 good ,
- Hpdnt SSSe.
Jnpnn , 4 > , f }
rady : N w Orkalu , open kct-
tip , o.i-l to chnlce , 2$1J3' ' .e.
1'Kt UtON Dull ! Scotch , irJ.MffiBO ! Amcrl-
cnn. tit
roi'i'in rinn. lake , IIMI * : < > .
1iAl > Hli-uilf. ( lomesllo
. , . .
on 'clmnin * . ' tons Peiilpmbcr tin nt tlti.l'li ' f1)
nn Nnvcmln-i till at ll''i ; 2 > tiiini December
In at jr. T3
COTTON Kitn ; : Ullr-nixytMiHinfr rimlf , . " T
Jlr , numlnnl ; "ff crude , : F < r23c. iicmlnil : > i-lli w
butlfi Kindts. : ! 74/1Se , tliouo Vi'llow. SWiM'tc. '
prime solluw 1'.WSc ! : > elloiv , ntt Ki-ido * . S-HiJtc ,
u line white , Wittuc
( 'oiiillllnii of Tr < to nn I ( ) notitii \ 01
' liiplp nnd r : ni- > l > ioilipn. |
The mnikel < > n chlcltctm WHS ln n jo lonluy.
IlfTTini-fnckln ? link. He ; fnlr tn noo.1
counti . Htd Ji cli'iii-p to , ' . : .
) , ' - fnno , lt/iH. , cnth-
crrU ci'imii'O , I'Offilc , cp.natur cit.inici ) , llff
1JOSS- > or it-z . I5c ,
MVi ; rot 1ntyOld hen' , Cc : ip < > l r : < " ,
< | irlni ; ililil.MiB , GiiG'c ; iliuKn. tJl/Tt. vpllns IUI-
ikp > , IVTUe , guiililcm , Sfific ,
, .
\Mi-l'lilllc ; iliUkcns. inlllls | ip | ila2 J ! SO
73 pratllo clikkeiiM i Ut , per ] oz , ) j RIUUO.
uif,1. | ) r linSJ 3'J | J.7J. ( .icuni' , old , pel dox ,
. MmnliiB to-il , let . S1.W , sieeii Mini ; purIn ? SI.-1) , iliul.x. mixed prr < l z , , > 1 ,
iim-rti1 > HcKu , Jr.Off4CO ! , nmlhids , JSiOI/300 /
VI'AIjI'lioloc fill unit ! "inall ve.ila IIIH quolcJ
ul Vie , lirniuinl coniHP , 31Mp
KSI * U'lucjnsln lull crrnin , now iniMp
.SM.ifl . ki1 uhil I , in n , full iiHiiii. ] !
NVI r.iKk.i nn I Inui , pall g < lin , 7J5 , 1 IHI'IIII-KPT ,
Nn. 1 HiblKli , N . I l.'c. SWIKH , Ni > ) liilx
HAY Full d.niind Rnol Hiipply. t'planil lin
! > . iiilillniid St'A. luwlind , tS. r\e ntimv 16
Coltir IliakrA tlif pllcr mi buy l.lRhl Kilrn sill
I In- lip t Onl > lop Kind. * : bring t ii
bird ! " , per dm . ; Sc.
I'OTA'I OiS-fallfornl.i : ,
Xldck , "tilltill III )
rANTKIorPih-lnme ! ttrnw n. pir crnlc 11 2 ; .
OLD HAAS'S Hand plOtid Jiuvy , JX2J ; inn-
illiiin , IJIfli * . ' 11 , coinmin while IHMII * . 117GK
- < ii ) .
OXlONS-On ordMH. Ti.jiS'c | ? r bu.
( \MtllACU-On ord.-i * . Sr ,
rii.imivr : ; iioz 3osnoc.
- - - -
I'OTATOIIrt-IVr Hi. 3. ; or
per blil. . Jus. ' ) . I./ ) | ni tllil
AJ''U.SfSMnl ! ' flcxk , in-r bbl , JlMg-J 7'i
I'lIAClirr.inToinla fieeginne , tl tS5l ) lo ,
illrfR * , WiSfll no
n K
rrriieli nml Italian , 11.00
yi n.
. n ii.u ijunJ is.
ri.iliu > ni , tl ; wlntu NclllH. Jt.7iil. .
Al'ltlfUISliiliriiiiiin , niiiie.
. non- ,
( HEATHS Concords ifl-lb. Imfkcl' , S3r ; ronnil
'I ' * Jl'liJIc , < fitlfntiila TuUay. $1.U > ( ? 1 t > 5 ; imisrtu.
CJtANlliiiniiS : Cniie < * nl. fnney. JP ) tin
Mil. l.lie | CV > il. choice. J9.M
TllOl'H'AL rr.UIT < .
lIAN < lih : .Mi'Xlc-vn. ISO , 100 , p < i bn\ ft M
Mn.slmi < tM.i * ) , pel IOTX , M iiWi.V )
IIA.NANA1 * riiolt Klmk. II " -Mji..r. i r bunch
. LEMONS Fancy Ilo.ll. J3.W ,
r. rn.
OVSnilS-Medium : , pci inn , Kc , .bnrsc hluxs.
lie , ixlia Bland mis lSi > . I'Mra prints. JVi.
company M'lecl * l'5o New YtiiU
; ti > untH. 31e.
KI iM r.ino pet Hi. . UL- .
1IONKY Ciilifonila lie ; Oark lu n y. IDTJl-c.
MAI'l.i ' : HVIH7I' Oallnn cins , per iloz. . 112.
NII'IS * Almonit * l < W17c ; IIiMlls i vi-il-iuts , 103
litIlllu i H. ) 'c , Itni7.ll niiln. Mi. ,
ciDIIlt Tiiro Juice , per bbl. . JC ; Imlt bbl . . I * , s : .
IIIOKS No 1 fricen lilili-s 3'Jc , No. 2 ciorn
blili" . .J'ir ' : No. 1 Kicen HiilKil blilpj , Ic : No. i
sreen. snltpi ! hlil'M 3c , No. 1 Krei-n sallid blilif
K to 4) His. , le , No 2 Biem piltril lilile" . 1 > I
40 It's. , 3c : No. 1 vcnl eiilf. 3 to 13 Ibs , 7c. Mi ,
2 veal calf , S lo r > Hii Cc ; No. 1 diy Hint lihle ?
Co ; ISo „ > dry Hint hub s , 4 < - ; No. 1 iliy suited
blili > ' , Go , pail cuied bides % c pel Hi. lets than
fully ruied
given Hilleil PhpmlinKa fpjiortvnnlrd etii'l > sktn ) '
each , inrciO.- dry Hhearllncs tslmit wnolcd earlj
ikinn ) Nil 1 , picli , SfjllcOry sheaillncs ( Hliort
wixilid . " .my Fl.lns ) , No 2 , eacb , Co ; dry Hint
KUIISIV and NHink-i Inilclierool plt . IM-I
Ib. ' . suuil wiHjht 6f8c diy Hint Knnras anil
.N'flna-in : nnilinlii wool pells. | , cr Ib. , nituat
webhl , Ifii'jc. dr > Hint Culoiuiln l.uti hei wuut
PH - . P.II Ib.iciuiil Melclil HffC'lc : dry Hint
( aim ado tninrnln WIKI ! in-llH , p r Hi. , in tuil
uilKlil.'ti < Ilinve feel
nit off , us It IH us l aIn - "
In p.i > fipllil ( tin I hi m )
lallii-v. Js'o . ' . tr. Rieuse , while A < c : Ki'"i"- .
while II. jijc. KIHHSH. jelloft , 3'Jc , Kieai-e. iluik.
: \c , old butli-r SfiS'ie. bcesnux , pilme , UtfJUr.
" - *
miiKh jillinv , -
Ki'uilliiK Ili'iirsiiMizatliiii tiiiino-n the IVuturu
uT ' pi'iuliillDa iii'tiTilut ,
NBW YOniC , Sept. 25 The specitlatlvo
judgment on the Heading reorganization
Idan. m evidenced by the course of the
slock uiul bonds in toddy's market. Is de
cidedly mifavoiablo. The situation ha *
been a fruitful subject cf discussion on the
street today , nnd while opinions dlffei as
to Its merits , there Is a pretty general
opinion that | t will become operative , In
view of the fact that It Is favored by the
iccelvers , and It Is claimed by the Olcott-
Karle Interests that It will not be opposed
by the Drexel-Morgan party. This latter
cl.Um In not Keneially accepted as being
based on positive grounds , At the opening
of business on Ihe Stock exchange this
morning , the stock of Heading vvas offered
for sala In round amounts , houses with
Philadelphia connections being the heaviest
sellers , and the result vvas a break of 1 %
per cent to 18 % In the llrst ( iua lei-
of an hour. The decline attracted buyers purchases caused a roily to 1VJ ! ) in
the next fifteen minutes , after which very
little trading was done In the shares , and
the price was held unchanged up to mid
day. IJarly In the afternoon a further
rally to I9 } per cent was made , followed
by rent-wed tiling nnd a return to the low
point uf the morning Only one pale of the
sloi.K was eRccted during Uu- last hour ,
which was at n recovery of * S per cent ,
leaving the net loss on the day 1 > per
cent. An attack was made on Iturllngton
at the opening b > a biar clique , which , U Is
said , had.determined to open the stock
below 73. Of the oilier grangers SI Paul
was sold moderately by London , but- buyIng -
Ing by the shorts more than counterbal
anced the Bales , the shares fluctuating
within the narrow range of % per cent , and
making a gain of U per cent on ycster-
daj-'H closing figures. Hock Ulanil rob a %
per cant on the closing of short contracts ,
lost the Improvement under a bear raid but
In later dealings regained the loss , the last
silo being at the best.
A dilve was made on Distilling onvague
western rumors that some new unfavorable
disclosures were Impending , which sent the
stock down 1J4 per cent , Confirmation of
the reports being lacking , the shares rallied
ai per tent In the afternoon , with a final
reaction of H per tent , Despite tho- fact
that ( hi ; rumor had nothing against Chicago
Gas , the traders sold tt down on the- plea
that Insiders had heavy selling orders giv
ing out In the stock , and after opening at an
advance of % per cent , the price was low
ered la per cent to CO'i per cent , During
the afternoon the buying and selling were
pretty evenly balanced , the last bale being
% ptr cent above the lowest und % per
cent below the closing of yesterday Sugar
opened H per cent lower , but quickly came
Into good demand for no known reason nnd
rose l = hi per cent , but giadually lost all but
* i per cent. The preferred declined 1 per
cent. L , ttle , If any , effect waa made on
Uo : atcck by the amount of the proposed
shutting down for a term of Trust refineries.
In the active nharcs Alton and Terre Hume
advunced 3 per cent , and Home , U'litertown
& OcdensburK 4 per cent , whlla Tobacco
pieferred declined I'/4 per cent , and Oregon
Navigation , Lake Erie & Western jirefe red
and Cotton Oil 1 per cent
National Starch first preferred and Toledo ,
Ann Arbor are up 1 per cent. The rest of
the slniren traded In changed but fraction
ally uml were dealt In but lightly. The
tone ol speculation at the close was rather
hcuvy. The bond market was comparatively
HUlet , the sales ggregatlng only $315,600 ,
but the trading vvas btrong , except for
Heading issues , which -were unfavorably af
fected by the publication of the proposed
f plan | of reorganization. The declines on
the . day In thete securities arc General
Ca. 9 per cent , dene rat ! , flrit preference ,
per cent : General 4e , seconds , 1'i per
cent. Losses were recorded In Illchmontl
& Danville equipment Gs ofG , per cent ,
Pennsylvania 4\i 1 > i per cent , Vnlon I'acl-
fliSi gold $ s , Northern Terminal firsts and
Si Paul consols 1 per cent. Most of the
( ictlv-p Issues traded In recorded advances.
Including : Toledo & Ann Arbor firsts. 114
per cent ; Toledo & Ann Arbor Grand Tinnk
first * , I per cent ! Denver & tlio Grande
equipments , E , 3',4 per cent ; Mllvvnnkec &
Northern firsts of 1013 , main line I'aclflc
ol Missouri seconds and St. Paul Terminal
firsts , 2 per cent ; Montana Central , 53 , l
per cent.
TheEvening 1'osi says : Today's market
naturally enough stirred only when tome
Individual adventurer provided motive
power. "When he was done , the market
stopped again , Some of these forajs re
united In advancing priced , for there Is out
standing now , especially In the granger
Blocks , a very considerable short Interest.
The Evening Post's special financial cable
gram from London Is its follows : The
stock markets , after flatness , closed better.
Tomorrow's settlement will disclose avery
small speculative account. Americans were
lower , but closed above the lovve't point , ex
cept Heading , which was flat nt the closo. ns
vvas New York. Central , on the talk of a
reduction ot the dividend. There Is a
steady continental demand for gold
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
ATciiisot7 7TnT | TT""P t ) . . < < * ! :5 : i
AdunnlXprr'H. . ll"i NortIiwr > sUrn ) . . IWi
Alton. T II . . 31 I ilo pfd. . . - 1J-JU
do ptil 1UH N. Y Central Km
Am. r.nprosi . I 111 N. Y. VNHn-r
ll.illliiiorp&.ahlu. TlUi'Ontario ' A.
I'.iiiiul il'.iclllc Imp
Conlnit l > aclllo Pact lie Mill.
Clips St Ohio V. V. A. M . , .
Chicago Alton PlltslillW. 11)1 ) !
I'ullinnn I.V.I
Clilc.urocnfl ( ill ? * He.ulliii :
Consulld ilpj O m I''J ItlcliinomlTi'rm ,
C C. C. A St. I , . . UU do pWr. .
Cole Coil .V Irj ] 1) n o. w
Cotton Oil Corl. . . 3. U. O W. ptl . . . . 41 !
Korlc Islnnil . . . trHS
Dul Ms * . > > . VV > . . 1C 81 IMul 1.5 U
I ) , .til ( i | ) ! 4 . . M I'.uil ufd
II.if. P. Uo . . . lll > < St ! .V Oimlil. .
Kii-M Toin II do pfd 112
Krlo ISM : Southern l .ie . .
Port VViiyiia . . Ti-nn Coil A Ii\ > i
G. ? ioitlioni nfil. , 1111 IMclllc. . .
-c A.K i i > n . nn'j ' T. , VO Ponl lift .
tlocUniR V.tlloy. in Union P-iclHr . . . IS
Ill ( Vntial IH U. S KMIIVHH . . . 4S
cl P . 'vDilliitll. . J.I W. St. Ij.i t >
K .V , T. lif 1 . . V'JVj dci nfl. . .
L.ike Krlu . .tV - . 117
. . Western Unto u .
UikoSlioro W. ALB. . .
l .id Truit < lo U'd MM
.MA SI L. .
M. A U A.U. G
MnuliuUin ' Con. . ti. K
McinoblH.V ; U . . 10 N It , . . 111
MleliliranCdiit II SI , C' . * ' . i I / . J8
Mo I'.ioUiii . ilonfd
Mobile A , Ohio . . II. A. T , C
NiiHhvllluOhit . . T A. A A.N .M. .
NiitloiiilConliia T St. LK U . . .
do P'd 'i > I.M
M J . . s n n
! > > VV Jim . . . iln 11M . .
rlliAm I'M. . ' . . JV5 Am. Tub Co . . . . llll
Northern Pacltlo ilu lifd .
No DM . .
The lull I Files of Mocks ( wl.iy weie 115 OJ3
InilnilliiK Aninlcnn t-UKiir. 2i > 1K ) , liur
II. SK ) , New Voile cVnlinl. 1 S'll ; Nuilliwi-clnn
I 800 , lltii.lliic. 7.i < 00 , KiK-k lulnnil. G.IOl St
1'jllll , II , .VHI , A A. * . N M , - I.Vtluistftn
t nliiii 4.CW. . _
.Sr-u Yuilc iioni't , Miirl t.
NiWOI1K. : . ht-iil -JtONKY ON r.U.I-
Kasj ut I | ior cent , l.tM lo in. J pt i c nt rlusttt
nt 1 i or cont.
1'lUSti : MMtrANTII.C I'AI'KIt 30 p r ri-nt
MTUI.INO ixriiAN < ii-iniii but iinn. ith
astuil buslno s In hnnk.MB' bllln nt JJ MMI 1 n.'i
for lU-mind nnd nt Jl.h.Jl Ki ) , fur V ) ili > s , | i Uu
nilr.i. 1 1 Kiii I\j nnd J4 87ft I ST'S ; coniini irlnl
bills , Jl M'4Cll SI1 , .
HONns ririn. blntp lnn'l '
Mi. uly Itiiilinad b ndn firm
quotations ctn ( Hinds weic ns fitluws :
U S : , . Illt'f I ) .til. 0 Is
U , s riHcuun .
U.s 4 < r t . . in ( ! . H .V J. A.Us. . .
li. * -l8ci > m > , do 7s
IT. S'H rjj . lift H. , VT tins. . . IDS
llll do ( la . . KM
A . . . . ] IJ ) M. K VT. 1st 11 "IH *
Ala. Cl. uj II . . . 1114 doM ti IJ
Ala Cl Its C. . . . 1114V2 Muluil ITnlan li llt >
C < iritnclG * . . . U X.J.CunliOen li 117
I i. NiiwCon - . . I'.io lat * . 11. " 4
AllbKOLIrl Ol ) . . , . lilll N c 1'ac. i > iu SSJf
N.C 119 . lilllw IN. W On moN . NU
do In . w do S t" l ) b 3s 111
i. C nu ifau.l . . . II ( i VV.'Un tHI'-i
Tenu UK - an 0 : = ! 1 * I'o moN t
'iVnn new HUI ) . . . 1(1IIII ( SI P.CLA.KIV ItS
'linn old Hi. IIII ' HP ,
Vii UeniurlcM . . . so S I , ASl jn' ! I 05
do ilofurrol. . T.-x I'.ic Isll 7 t
\lchliin li . . . . I'/ TVx l > ieJs JV4
/VIchlHOn / L'rt A . . il ! U. 1 1st ) of Ml . -
T inada So Jndu lira West
Cen. I'.tc lht % U5 in-'W S II. U. SSJi
D. i. K O ! ri .
imt > n - > t > a < it i
HOSTOV. Sot | ) 'JA CiU loim. UuiX i 1)OBH
limn IO.UIM , .III IKT iMiit. i.-ioiii.- uruii tur
Ktll-KHl I li III 111 Jl I- I I I'M
A. 'I , < w S. f iTS IV 15nd nfd . . S' '
AIM H'lVI.Wl . HllllkTII RlUL-II-IJ : ! J'5 '
Am SIIVuV Klec nM . . . u'J
Lt.u blntudiis UU WlH rMilru . 4's '
Hull feK plioiu. . ' . ' ( II a , Atulilso l Hilt . . . . isii
I cihlon & Aluiny VII7 lAtulilsoi ! . . . . -7-Jl >
lluMoii.v.Miilne 111 i.N'i w K isl.inl OH 111' )
U. . H A. O. . . . 7.1' < U'ln Cum istt Jhli
Kill liliunr. . . . -.14) ) US iiii-z.\llnliu-Co 1
( .1 n . 4(1 ( ItoHio-i , v .vio iti 11 ' 'f'i
HltllOlB St ( > Ll . . Jtntui V llOHtnn. . . ID , *
Mi xle ill ( -initial Caliimot X Hojli . an-j
N. Y It N E. . . . lO'l '
Old Colon ; . . . Krnikiti . . 1Q' (
On con Mio 8' ' !
Union Piclflc 11W ( 'iitncv 01
Weal Kim I'luMl i'niu iraoiir li' ' ' . '
S in Frtiiolio i Ui n'i ; > il l ! iln 11.
SAN FRANCISCO Scul. J.I The orflsrlil cl ill u
quotulcma fjiinui i , ' itojcjtjli- , vi.j u ( Jl-
Ait i in Haln H No
lllll' ' IhlO , " > Mexican . Kill
Ili-lclicr Ill I Mono. . . . It )
licst.V tielchor. . . . . 1II I Mo tut Dlab'o. . 111
Uoillo Con 1:111 : jcjphtr .11
biilwtr 1:1 : t'olont. . . . . 7d till S.IVIBC . . in
( on. U il. A V % . . . . -t'Kl Slurr.t Nnvtul i. I'J
< luwu 1'ulnt. . . . 84 IliilniiCou I'JK
rr > r. . HI I Yellow JucUi-l. . S
? fT Vn'c iiiiii : j i
NBW YOR'-C , Swt. 'JX-Tlio iiii aci I'u
iuiiujt IIIOIIH : '
Cholur. . . . . . Plvmoiilti. . . 10
Crown Point . till Sierra Nur.i 11 11.1
Con. C il t Va . 41)0 ir-1 III )
Di-idwool ' Union Co-i. . . 71)
( juiild Ac'urry , 7ti ) Yellow Jic'iot 7,1 7-J Iron Silver II )
.14(10 ( Qu cKnllvur K > >
Out irlo . 60) do p.-jfotr J Ko
Olilur. . : iou Unluur iu
London Sum < ( t i ititloui.
y , Sept. B3 1 p m. cloilnt.
C.-vn-ullaii Pioltlj. fffS St. Paul co u 07 > t
Brio . 115 -V. V Co-Uril
. 71 *
IilH. . lil ) ) vllna- . . . in
Uuxlcan orJlnirv. IH'i x. Oa new i , tu' ; ' {
I lltlillt.1 it % < ltf1H.
HOSTON fVpt -CleirliiKS. . J1372.8M
aiiccs. u.'ias.m
11A1TIMOIIK Sept. -Clearings , $3,013,7M ,
balances , 5)0 C5.
NI'.W YOIIK. Sept. M. Clc.irlnffS. IS3 , J,472 ,
bnlnnrcs , f TO COO
rillI.AIii.I'IIIA. : Sept. 2L Clcarlnsc. $12 HO.-
271 ; liulnnc' . " . , II IWI.OM.
CINCINNATI , Sept. K.-Mincj- < TC | i i c nl
N'ew York exchange , pal , CIiiim H , II H3,3.i ! >
jfuw ORUANH. : Scjn , s3. - ci.uinR . n.'os.-
ft)3 ) Ken York rxchantv par to 11.23 | r H.'iOO
MUMI'IUK. Sept. B5 New Vorl , ciclintw
scllinu at Jl W ii'cuiluin Clear HKJ. tti U ) ;
bnliiiKOK , 5TS.UT7.
1'AIIIS , hopt , 23. Tireo jnr cent icntc * . 102f
83c for tinaccount. . lUcliangi ? en Ixinslon. 20 C
SAN KltAXCISfO Bept W. Draft" . ! Kht.
I2' > c , teleirinphlc , * IV. Hlur burs. bJ buJV- ,
Mexican dollarK , 63@UVar.
WAHlllNdTON. Heut. Si The l lanro
In the trrttKury today win ji:3,7S.o ) . of nliUli
JM.J30 532 una nolil rewiAi- .
AMSTnillJAJI. Hfpt. 23 The weekly rmirii
of Die llanll of The Noihcrlnixl alinns lluilmk
of gold hi.i d > cnu8fj I OIS.IMJ eulller .
HT. IXflS. H < pt Si. Cle r.nt loda > . Bill.
714 ; balnnrpv HM 010. Mom > . dull. SHI [ r
( eut l xchnn o on New ork , 75c tin uni bll.
LONDON. s pt. : i.-GoM In iiuiitnl at Huenoj
Ayrfs at llts ; Mailr d. UOJ , l.ltbon , SXJ. , Ht.
IViertlmiK M ; Aihen , " 7 ; Hume , luj. Vicuna ,
CHICAGO. Sept. SS ClenrliiKK. lUSSitfM.
Mont-y , IfMS IMT cent un < nll , S < jb per cent < m
time. New Voik uxchnnpe. 4V : dln-'ouiil. I'orelKTI
vxchunge dull. cuninn'ie ul. ! l sl4 SI.
Hi : It I.I N Wi-iil 23 The weekly KuUnient uf
tie Imperial llank < iC (3erman ( > thovft the fi > | .
luwlni ; changes , un onrnpurrd wllh th * prcxeilrif
repoitCa h on hntxl. Z.uJDiHV ) niaika , Ireaiury
notes , ilerrense , iOo > J niaikt. other Bvcurllleii ,
Inrrrute , ] 3 , < HO.i ) murks ; nili-j In ilrciilutkn ,
Inrreaer , 11.0' ) , 000 niaike
liinuiiii Cltj Murhet.l
KANHAB CITY. Hept. -WHKAT-l'Irm ami
unchanged ; Nu. 2 hunt. HJl7c , Nn. 2 ml , tJlp
ICc. No. 3 led. 4 < c. rvjecteil. 4l3c
1-oitN-I'lrin , mixnl , nllKhtly holier ; Xu. 2
mlied 47c. No 2 while , 3l mic.
OATS Actlv r. * llBhii > - higher ; No. 2 mlxej ,
WW cNo. . z white Si if
lil'TTBIlt'ommon , w ok ; creamery , WCJI ;
dairy. HBISc
EUOS More active and flrro , ftrlctty freili. Me. !
Tha elevator * neither lock. In nor loaded any
crala today.
Considerable Incieaae Noted in the Number
of Arrlvafa at 'tho Yards.
One l.on < l of ( * nrnf il Hrlug * tlir bl Uol >
lur fanners iiny uiid Slntken < ) tilt
| ! OK Iti'cnln Ten Ccntu of
tlio Itcccnt L.UBI.
TUESDAY , Sept. 25.
Tlio receipts toitnyere -1,091 cattle , 3S99
hogs anil 1,910 sheep , as npalnst 4,528 cnttb ,
1.1S8 hogn and 1,480 sheep , yesterday , nml
r > , .rilC cattle , D.E87 hcgs and 451 slicep un
Tuesday ol last week.
CATTISH The receipts toOay , which con- ,
Blsti-d of 113 loads , were mad * up lery largely
at trash. A large proportion of all the cattle
here were stockers and feedprs. Thete . - ! < ,
) ioMc\er , a sprinkling of fair to good h'CM's
nnd al least one load of prime corn fed
natives , nhlcli fold at $ G , the highest price
paid for BO me time. There nere also a ( inv
good uesfnis There \\nff a good demand
for desirable bee\cs on tbt part of local
packers and the market uat about steidy
on any thing that suited them The com
mon grades note dull nnd a little lou T
Cows and mixed butchers' stock were In
fair supply , but there uua 1,0 , great run. The
ni.irhi't on the better grades did not shou
any matirlnl cliang1 and prices were about
steady. Coinmon cows arid canncrs wtre
alou nnd easier.
The yards were full of stockcrs nnd feed
ers , vlillc buyers ucic not Ht all pi nty
The natural result was a loner and dull mar
ket. The countiy demand for stockers and
fei'ders Jias for some reason fallen off v ty
largely during the past six flnys. Ilepresenta-
the rales
] ) ltiMsii : > mir
No l > r X . , \ \ I 'r A1'r
10. . ICT.O | 3 30 4. .1117 SJ nn n 51
riM ) a s ; .iiD , ! 1lrl ( .1 IHI
'ns a 3" , I. .I ID 3 : , i .1:1.1 i. no
ll'JS 3 50 5. JlfiJ 3 75
co\v. .
1. 'ilO I 2" . e . i ; iin 2 in
S'.D 1 i ) n. . i M H. 113 J U't
M2 1 0 . S'O i w . ; si 2 r.
. b70 I S n . . MJI ) 1 8. . M ; ;
i.M . 1130 J 8'i . " )7 )
i mo i fn M . 7M | 1 n .inr
' 13. . an i w
. W I f < > 11 . . 717 1 M ) I . . Sir
MO i : < ) I . M.J 1 0 S . . . JUI
.mil ) i ro . KU 1 ! 'Q 31 . tl )
. ! < i > -i v > 701 1JO 1 s . s.i
. no' , i i : fW 1 M i , .
1010 t M i
. SOS J < 03 1 W ii . SS4
1 M
1 1 CO HOT ir. c.i. tw
3 1 ( .0 . 1)40 ) 11-1 2. . . . k8T
13. no 1 T ,
! invs J V > sis 1 ! > >
5 ! 1113S9 1 K s. 2 Of i ! i'liw )
14. S9 I Co 13. . . Jl ( 2 DO 3. . .101)1
3 1UJO I r.- , j-.t'S. J ( rt " 3' . '
K40 l I * ' , iw-o j 10 a" ; iosj 10
t.67 I 711 ,3. pi ] 2 O ) 7. .11V ) 41
i ro . < M 2 r 3. . U1T 41'
811 i TO ' ' 0
.11 JL ) ir. . ; . WK 2 IM I. ! 1117 r.i
1.10IJ i ; j J. . tf 10 i 0" IS , 1D2r , r.iM
l . . K. " I 75 8. . IM 1 11 S . .1111) 61
I. . . 3D I 75 1 , < .IOC , S 10 4 . .113. ! 61M
t . . CW i ; : 7. . ! . Ml. 1 10 " . .113 to
1 . 'Ul ' i ; . - 16 . . KSI i 10 1 . 1ICO 50
I . .11 Id I W 1 . . 12M 2 10
12 . SOI 1 M
iftirfitR : :
2 , . ( jv i ; n 2 r.
1 W 8 . . 47lf > 1 70 i. . . an 2 r.
. .ve 1 53 C .1. l > II. 1 ' , 2 : >
Mil 1 CO 2. . , -,5H 1 W 1 . 4V ) 2 : i
13 MI ; i tr , ] 2 . . . I" ] fa 4 , . .1.5 : 3-
r.2i i en 3..i ? 2J i M
4 * * HI 1 do , 2" . ' :
i . TJI 1 ml ri sin
i. . MI 1 21 . J.V ) I. . i .1 ID
6.v ; / ) 0 VIM . , : : ij ri | )
i. . .111 sfl j in
I. I'K ' ) . IW i r. n 7-1
i . : un 2 'HI II ) 13) ) 3 73
, K'l 4 UO
' 2-n Jll ) , ? n 4 < M
i ! . 170 223 IS I 4 IlO
B. . 31) ) 2 41 i ' , \ 170 ! Ol
3 ! . , SO 273
1. 1IM . K 1) 1 1".1l 2 00
1. . 1110 1 O 1JJ ) I i.1 K 4 I 2 f 0
I. 1 O ) tl ) 1 ( ' > .1CW 2 ( i3
1 C.V ) 1 - . , . \ : . > } i vi
1..12IO t 0. . I'V ) 1 c IITi 2 10
1. . .1510 1 6 > . 3) i s ; 1.17" ) 2 10
' 1 13 K ) 1 W 1 1 2 r.
i' . ! iio Jll ) 1 JO Ill I Z J'l
1 . . TS'l 1 .VI 1 10
I. . .13V ) .122) I 1)
1 . 1MO .la's ' i 'S nil
1 CO
3 . 731n 11 CI5 2 25 SIS
17 n 2 on 3 2 2. . bkj
11 . 303 2 o-i 3I 5 . . 3S )
11 . 17C . ' oo I 1WXJ J .5 II . . 87.
10 . , 10) 2 M 11 2 2 } . 070
ili r > . iOO 427. S 23 . SSC
i IW ) 1 00 2'J RIO
8 77T 2 ( X ) 13 V W.1 .101(1 (
3 Z 00 7 fi' S ST. .1077
1 ( 50 z no 21I ill. ! J SO .10.1 ,
19 2 1)3 I ) S50
113 J3b I.S7 SO . Hid
( .25 15 b 701 2 JO . + 31
770 ill 11 C16 2 : w
10H. " - 15 313 10 k7a 230
H. 76 } 2 ro
11. ti'15 233 23 .
1. IIM 220 17 113 240 3
2 20 10. 1:0 2 40 17. . .
3. . WO 210 132U. Sid 240 10. iw.
' J23 2U. . ' .124 2 10 10.H. . .
l ! . ISJ IS. 00 2 n 6. . .
M . 1013 . 874 2 43 CO. . . ion oo
17. . . . C57 2 23 1. . . HO 2 43 13. . UOJ 3 00
rt. . . 714 2.'S
c : . v. Co rue. ,
No. Av. I'r. No A1'r. .
4 COlXfl . 537 II 73 t Ptiijni . . . 923 J2 II
1 LOW , . 1100 2J5 71 rrms . . . Oil J S5
i Kti , UK. . MM 2 2S 1 tr , tip. . .1200 2 2i-
I Hticr . 30 S-U 1 steei , . . , .1.00 3 . ' 5
I pteer . 1140 325 1 steM . „ .1120 3 >
D SttIB . .1103 3 iS
W. eVHMr
I roiv. . , . 'iO 1 75 " 7SS 2 It
21 f eo < l < ii B 710to 2 * tr , UK.
.1S70 3 25
Ilecknltli F. . L fl. Co.
1 &t < * < -ii ) . , . . .un t 15
Ilcckwlib.-Qnlnn . " 0.
1 Hire 1'JJO 4 30 175 steers. . 4 30
.1 Kerrall.
.11)16 ) 1 7J I hull 128) 1 00
l < l.t > 2 (0 1 utter. . . .1100 3 1 >
11CC 313 S Htcfix IdvJ 313
I.-34 3 CO
1000 2 10 I con 1110 2 SO
. . I'U' ' ) 2 W 13 cmm. J)1i 2 W
18 onns . . US 1 t\ \ > 1 con . MJi J SO
2 a I ten. Ilil 3 00
\S' A ,
1 cm\ ISO 2 4J ' ' 100 Sul 2 40
HODS There wnssKfalr run of liogs here
today , there belnK ipnjo flfty-scrcn Icntli In
the yards. While there was nntlilne In the
\\ay of prime henl ogs there were some
pietty good loadsj iyf the general avera , :
vial , better than ilnHng.the past two or three
dnys , Tlie mirlt.fivns fairly active at an
aihanco of front 5 ( Hits to 10 cents and an
early clearance NvU 1 f'Kectcil. ' Some pr tty
groil loudseni Jl. J5 G5 , nlth MIC bulk at
-tDOB-GO. . The Unlkion last Tuesday nent
at ? j.GOJ/570. Hepnetitathe tnles :
No. Av. Sh J'r. No. Av. fill. I'r
& . . ns . . ' > 0 < ) 11 2 2S1) S 40
W . . 229 it ) ( i 10
' . .173 IS ) 5 M 7t . : .M 1. ) fi 41
i ; . M r ltd > 2.U 12) r , IS
74 . . IW 10 137 217 . 5 4S
. 1S3 1(0 G II 1 . .241 IO ) f , II
. .116 . . 5 IS'a-J ll ! % . . .214
. . .174 120 i > IS > 1 11 71. 4\
. .li.t IM I 80 .1X1 f' . . . .210 t
Cl. . .174 * ) S W .
. . .151 , . . 5 ! S8 .L'M 12) 5 < . ' .
. .170 . . B 831 J ! V 38. . .2US 4) & 41
4. joj AW'1 7. . . .W4 120 R 47'j '
1C . . .181 . . S 2i ' K. .
. .137 . . 5 ii I Cl. . * 80 6 &i )
. .1SS SIK > 0 Si " 7'J. . .199 SXI 5 50 ,
17.V . 211 IJl ) 5 31) r
V . .SIS . . . 5 32M 78. . .2 ! ! 80 & (9
85. . . - . " B S3 "J. . .221 KSI
01. . .in : 180 S 33 . 51 . .213 r. M
01.M. . . . .JOS . . 5 K .503 . . 5 SI
I. . . HI . S S5 71 . .rsc iw s ss
. . . .Jill . . 5 S3 41. .
1. . .J10 1.1. . . ! 43 fcO S 15
' ; u4 . . 1 CO
illO S * ) 5 40 70 , .
W . 2iii ku r. 40 ia. . . ISO
" ZM . . . 640
t" .til 2UU & 40 HI ) . . Kl S 61 l
27 . . ! U . . & -0 7S. . 22 ( S CO
tj . . .I'-J U ) & 4i ) J.7 S U )
U . , : u ici fi4i K 63
22 . . 2 < * 0 K C 4i > O ) . . 40 S S
71 . . 4) C 40 CO li U
1'ias AND nouau.
! 7S M. , Ill . . . 4 00
27S 101. IU 200 4 21
3 00 ' 83 , . 4 ZS
3 M 11' 131 . . 4 SO
111a H7 80 * 4 U )
34 , . . , . . 13 3 IXI a ) . . . , . .160
. . . . . . , . IS 37 !
SHEEP Tliere vere tome lair Colgrailo
on the mntkct nlilch . > ent at 11.35.
Itrprcfciilntlvo snles'
N Av. 1'r. No. AT Tr
79 Col Inniliii (9 13 35 323 Col Utnti. 3 13 K
IU Col Inmbs. , 63 3 35
OllttAUU I.IVi : H IOC 1C.
Tliern Mnn n Strml > Time lo I lie Cnltlo
IiirKot Vmtrrilny.
ritlCAOO. Hppt. 23 There was n ulrajlcr
lone lo thecnltlc inaiKrt toilny nml , 1 1ml nnn
nil Mler * fall I MR la leemrr nnj pnrt of J-I-K-
H-nliy's rnlher > c\crc ilccllno. Pol a Twiliy
tlir > run wns unuminlly larRi < , mil the jirhiiln
for sriUnlnsnml tmlay mil. " n tntnl 14 W
urrnlcr tlmn for the mine iln > liixl < < ! < , lint fir
the icninnilnr of thin uoik luinltinU rocoll'lf
jirvpc ( twl , ami thi > i-tfixl o MrndtlnH , Tli
olTirlticn illil not linluOinnyllilni ; nciirl ) in
PH 1 nn I hinittle vohl > rsiiiili > ut IS 45 , In-
< lf l \tiy fi'tt'lutoiCie s l cnntlBli In nil
fur nx much im (6 , the pit-tailing pile * b lliK
riiini 11.75 to $ . * > 7B ( or iuitluml Ironi j : 'a
lo 13 7G fur wi-nlKiin. The Intlei uonsllliili-il
ntwut ono-luilf of ilia upply OC Tmii ijitll.-
only u frn lonclnptr rccolkfl , not rivin li If.
iniKo u mnrkil. The ili'innml fm KocluTK niul
femli-n * kefpn nhniO of Iho nupil | > ami thm *
ilPKcrlptli'iin rnntlinK- < iunm.inil ioinl ; piles
( tins IIIIIKC from 51. U n > Si. 10 rm luillx.i' .
from II. M In 14.72 for uislcinanil from (1 .VI
lo ? 3 li foi Tcxuns
The hofc inafkct put itfil the n iuil IUII P
np'iilni ; rliniiK , wllh i llnlil iiiuui-l | inhlnny
nn.l ilophii ; tin ! unit InreU * at thi.1 puvloiis i\n \
ItilccK All'u > ( ; llu lo < rlit | \ VIM .1 nicuh.inil -
ful luoo llir iiuniln-r loft mn
Monday h > irel > 5 ( ) < ) ) , 1tu > ueio lee iniiu fur Iho
il < in mil SnleITI - nl fmm > J.i" l M > 20 fm
( lumrmn li ritru , llli tlic Inilk HI Inun "iI I to
i * " Hlnp Hatunliv the anltnlM ha onlv
IWMI 29 , < kl' > llWI.l. WllUll IS ! > .f l- Illllll fll
I InHani.1 tlmo limt nook , hut ptln'it li.m mule
\ > -r ) little Mnlli rackcrs nro ti.nlliiK tin iniiiKi-l
uml t-hpprrn me not al nil ImllMi S.nn > > IUUR
won- loft unxold , niul ih < - hilc nun Kit uus .pine
H i p pilrc wink. 1 hov wtrr tilmiil
Do Iimci ktliin > ci1olila > . nihl fmm i in . ! 'c
luvsor tlmn ut the iln . > nf ln i M.-oh l..iinbs
hhow n cnnpMp lultnp derllno. the In si hriiu
qiltil ( off tn 14 Snip * ( if KHCIMI ) | * liruilv ul
nxini Jl 7. . lo 1276 ami fiom it lo ? VJ" lx.ui.iit
mill of the IntiitM. Tliu pu < Millhiy Inn iuii'
pllniulnti il the ilcMn mil foi fitilit * * . hut th ilo-
niBinl frxmi that pniiKu .Hit nut ut inn h f n
( iKine In iliiplnir pilcis ,
Ke'lplH. . ( . 'uttlo , 8.VV ) lii-ail , rulxrn g biciil ,
ho TH )20- ) irnil , yli < fi. ; n.ifK ) IK-III !
Tbo Kii'lilni : HI > K-
IIUOS Krcpipti , 13 OiiO hinl , nllli ' josi.i.liv
17 1"3 llMlll. | | | | ' | < 1 .VI. . ll.llll Ifl II > M
nbnilt 4.r.L > ) Ifuil ; ipi.illty lallni | KT ni.rl.'i '
lulhi' common lulu uiiv , nil ulhi i i i lot nun
nnil iilnuit . * > c lilghor
C'ATrt.i : IU 1pt . Sintl n I.IK.Iniiiiilni
lift < i\cr firm > eM t < 1i : mniUcI ilull ml .aU
ailiiiiltecclp's : , 1,2X ) h. ml , iii.uli I ilull li il
! { < lilpts un I lllliii | llliiil of Miir't
OlUclal letelpts nml < llfpi ) llr | > n .if i. U
kliouri l ) > the Ixioks o [ t le I non ! Si > U l i ttt
pnliiiiin | for Ihe Inrnifnur li ml ' iiinnu at
3 o'clnik p m , Si ptriulici i > 1V'H
I 3 il'l
8 l'i J
Tlujeis . Callli.ll" < : hh o | >
Omaha Pui-Miir rmiiun $ . . . . -I 12
O. II. llnmniunil rmniun ) . . . . Mi7 1 ! '
Snlfl mil compuii } , . . , . 1.0JS 1 1X7 llf ,
CiHliiln . I'atKlin ? imnpjn ) . . . . C"j yyi .V
NtNiii Mnriin . ; . . . 21
A. Hn.ut . , . 72
It. Itiifcpi l * Di-Kfn. . . _ . " ( .
1 * Ui-clioi . _ 117
J. I--.bin ill . S
uml finloiH . 1.47S Ib7'i
Totals . 5,973 I1UI ; :
I. I.ouN l.iniKii'k Murker.
T. J.OI'Ifl. Si pi 2' C \ TTI.tIti. . liln | - > 2m
lif'iiil. tliipimn's ' , / > . ! ; miil.i'l Mi .it ; In
ill-nun fm irathcf rtl li l fur ' nuln.
flleom , l.W tn 1 &W HIH fiJUJjl M llKliIn Mil *
I2r.3f24'1 , in ' 11111111. 144)011' ) ) , c-n\ . s : I'm. .1
HOS-ltiL IJ'.H. ( .01) ) liiiul , hhlpm ni ' * <
h"rxil , mniK"t ijiilil. II'H ! ln.i % ) 'i , f.ili In xmul
hriMy , f. " > Vlfl' , 9' ' ) . UIK | HR | | | ( * > 7'i ' | . ' > M < ( innmnll
nn < l roiiKh. J4 'Wft 1 W
sini-i'-ii- i-ipiK : : .jn h..i < i xiiii . n- mme
nmikit atte sltmls n.iilMml \ il t. ' > hji * i
phoep nml ! imil . ! 2'J/iJS' ) , . I null , . : 'rij o
N < - York l.iko Niuch Vniki-i
Nr\v : vouic. 81 pi. 2. IUIM-I : : I ! " ip
5 1 hell , u ti' on f.ili UmijK-mi tnlilPH iiunii-
. \mniliiin itiom nt ! > Cf10i , d > . IHII ! utiMh < - < rr
fllKolnlnr lit Pf , .f"hiiwp ( , fjiirllH | I i ! i\ y- " *
lite\vn ami 214) nu.i ti s of hd'f
C'AI.ViS Ilirol ) is rn li.'iiil ml sliin- flini. Bili'.t iniij-i'il .it Jl. , r < il 1. 1
hlllii > AND l.AMIIS-Ilii..l | | . I 'MM In ml
ten < MIF > un sulr imiiKi't Ilimiimi eln p nn
Kile : imllntiy to ihn'.o I imlin $1 $ J'lffl. ' Ml
1KICS HiH-PlptH. 1 Uf > I" nl Itl.lIkU IllR I I at
1C lOfiC.SJ fur Infi-rlur to ch ii i
Knnna ; Clt > I. titi.r'i D.n'crt
KANSAS C'lTV , Sqit. . ' - , fArri.l ! It iiti |
ll,7ilO h < ml. maikct oi 'ii l c I in in ; iluniil si ivt
Imt utiMilj , Tc\a H'HIK { _ > .lO'ii ! oo II-X.IM ( n < .
nr > OSi2 ? ) ln-pf ( "tppjx * 1.n"i | ii 1" . nnilM1 IMW- .
| I.HOi3 "I , slocko.s ami fe krn $1 'i3 rJ.7'i Im I-
uml nilxoil M &W1 .VI
HOtiP Ilenlpti k Vin In a < l shipmiiiis ni n .
maiKel cpcneil HIP.M ! . tlo-iil i tk anil l .
Imllc of balm Io2jft. < (0 ( , p n ll' , ! , ' ' . HiJC ,
W kr < } - , * ) -.4H. p K MMfHI.
hlinKI' Iti-pelpts 2 un ) In ml. ! .liliniPius | nunr
imukei Ktc.iily ami unitiaii i * ! .
stix-k In lilll.
ItProi 1 of rtcolpts rit the fnnr prlnilpjl inuk is
for Tue. , Ln B plemlMT i'5. UU4.
C.illlo. II. u < Mii > p
Siiulli Oniabt . -I rtll vi 1 4
ChlOJlKO . S 000 liOlW 1 Ul
ICnna.iK clt > . lu 7 > U X1DI 2 IKI )
St. l-ouls . 7 , .IK ) ' ) ) ( > 2 "Olt
U'dOl , MAltMM" .
Liiuiliiii Anitlon > ) tln < u Irilurc In Iln
lu > ' - > > | i < iiintliin.
UOSTON. hept. BS Tlieuul iniitUi t lol.i
show K husln ss In foiel n unnH , pi mi Ipalli Krndsii ] > rk h wvit' line haiiK'-'l. ' "ill' '
l > eihnp8 un ocoaslonal romeKsm ! > } lilt liuj -i ion
on Rile of to'iltonsl flnnH 1'ilon UK
Ohlii Het-rcs. XX nnil . .ibmiSli Ohio \ mil
atwM' . Hii l'i1 ' c , Olili uml l'i nn.-vhnn Nn 1
llcece. 2HT2llie. Ohio ilol.ilno lloitc Jlti24i |
\Vj < iinlnp I tali. Npvarta f.ilnrailn < ii lln-
nnj ninllum. ? lliNo ; i IIOU . i.ilfurila
nnols pprlriK noithni 132711 inllili | loun
tri sp-lns. IJiilUf. O rtpm wimK eifiiin lull
Mi lie ; ( > t tt > rn ciolro IHll.lo , Viivtriulnn miiib
Inir , i > ujieflnt. . 43 41 . a\tiaKO Aiivti.illati i nili
Inir 3 < iiT4l.
LONDON. Kipt. 13The nttrmlam un 1 111,1-
toilas at lh < - - wool auction mlra Tin1 iiffiMliu1"
Ven13 'MO luiIeK , nf Illllll IlialU 2 OJOM' | , '
VAitliilin\Nn Tlio llmi forts Ahininl u tfiuldii }
to aril himlcnliiR' ami Ihe fault ) uei. lathfr
no.iktT * American pun basils ti nk ] ( ! ) ljnlis
'n iletall : Milm2 3D ) liiiln" M uitiml ,
. ( } uf < iisaml | ) i7J lul.s.
< li < l 1'i'l. ifrcisj. M.fdlil. Vnliirl.t.
I.4IS ll.liC-S CllIf.1. . Cil plH 3 < tll , KIMIHV
Ailelalilc , 48S iMlod ; Krrii"I'l ' iS' tl. New
/vnJnnd , 5 S3 lialep , wouieil i.Hiln 3d , Kietmv.
4"-fniil. I'niio ot Omul 11-ip , ' ami Niitnl 2 " 21
bales , tcourij , isilWH 3il ; irfa > . J'it(7"i ( il.
ST. IXJl'IH , .Sipt , 2j nodh-dulil , un
M. I outs Gcner.ll MurrfC't.
ST I.OfIS , Sl-pt. ! 5.-n.Ot'l ! Dull , II > -
" \VlliAT HV"IT on i iMes .mil iluiii-'ili
news , No2 icil cnnh 4V , heplrmln.4Si4 < - ,
, , .
COHN 1-ont )4c on mlllna uml licit * j nulpm
No. 2 m'xnl , cuph , S2iBiplcmber 5J'i ' ( , Oc
( ember ami Januar * 47' . r. May , IVimS'.r.
OATS I'nslfi , 'SO'it ' off , ulth h ul uml Kirn ,
No. 2 cash , ffJT4c ; Ki-puni rfi , JSt , ( Jcinln-i. 'l'r.
ifnv. 3l e.
KVK Unsler : ofTeinl at nittail Kloe. fin-
No. 2
IIAlll.iV Nn traillni ;
KHAN C0b'd ' , C2c iiKke'l fit-it linrk. sailiul
rl.AX snUD HUh r fl41. tils hlile
TIMOlllV 8ini > Hleaillei , 31 ; ?
1IAV 'Julcli unrhaliRid.
IlUTTKri. UnchnngoJ.
i : < lB Unihaiigul. *
MAD 13.40
hlin.Tiii : Ixinn. 2JI- . .
COIIN MBA12.436. ! . > M.
COTTON T112S Vnclimu. il.
IIAGOINn I'nrlian eil
WIOVIHIQNS Hull unfhnnK'il. tkccpt l.uil.
lower prims Bteani. f < SO ; ihnke , J8II
lUCil'Trf : ! : rinur. 3,0.0 Ibis , wh nt , 44 , ( i 2
bu , corn 34 00 Im , nuts , l < i IK bu.
Sill I'M KNTO l-'lour 7 i l bbl ; Mhrnl , n > nc. }
corn , 80i ba , oat , ll.ftfl bu Murket.
NIJ\V YOIIK , Sept. ornn-opiioni : )
openeil baiely Kttnilruleil geni'iill > < \ call uml. i
beallith cablea uml sxpetliil lurie Mantu * iriclp'.b
iluilriK October , rlosej muUy ut lift uni ImiRVil
to 20 | ilnl cleollno na1es 14 OOD I IB InrhiilliiE
Heptembor. JI3WtlOD. Oclobei , JIJ 3 ? . ' Nn\rm-
her , tUSiill-'GO. Deiimbei , lir.T.ili : Iiinunr ) <
1105' , ; Match. ! ll. ? ill1 80. May. Jll 7 > . fpjl Ilo
quiet ; No T , Slit. , . Slllil. ipllil , I'onlova I
118 twns.OO. Kill IK , 4lK)0 ) > bai'H MatacalUi p I
\Varehoue UiHl\erlPK from NB\V Vork > c ler > li >
4137 bags , Ncu Vork Block l . | .i ) 13S OUO l.iiK" ,
I'lilU'd bliitea u I lick I'U.m baKH , nfloat fui the <
'nil I'd States , 233 , 000 tons ; tuml licllile for Iho
t'nllMl Stalls , 4S. ,1'JT I IB , UMiUiM 27'J.7I ) line *
lust > eur.
SANTOS. S < pt ! ! . Jlurkft quiet : Bond nternep :
Hanlos Jll CS , niilpln , tno ili > , Jl.tM ) bags
stork. 443 , WK ) bum
HAMIll'IICl , Sept 2 ; Market sleailj ; pilcei
lV pfi ; loueri nalcn 11 000
1IAVHI ! , Sept S3. Mcilkd open l julel. iln-
change * ] . At noon uni liunseil at 3 p. in . barely
Hli'afly ' ilf ileillne ; rloseil kmiely steely net
ilellne > 4 Jlf : mini "ales , Sl.iW boR ,
IIIO 111 ; JANKIKO , Mpl 23 Miiikrl Hrm no
iUolallnn | ; exchiinue. IZUdi reielptK t\to ili > .
11,0(0 baiA ; i-learul for Ihe 1'nlleil Hlali-n 10 OX )
OCMK , cleaieO for Kun > pe , C.OM buns , tloik
I.Urrpoiil .MnrUetl.
UVniHWM , . H pt. M.-HAMS Ujnj ; lUinaiul '
or ; short tutr , te . JUcon , ( tend ) , drinand
N , W. HARRIS & 00 , .v !
163-165 Dearborn-st. , Chicago.
t j W l | . l. . New Vork. 70 SUtc-it. , Uoitoa
( JTUER faon GUAD2
Bought ud Bold. C rrnpond noi flclJijUta.
Greatest Stove on Eartli ,
Saves in liisl Dills.
Patent Screw Oral ! llcg-
istcr ,
Patent Anti-Clinicr Grate
Controls tbc 1'irc Per
fectly ,
Clean , Durablcanil Kami-
110 00 orlh o ( BOoJs ,
II 0"ii r eck or JI.CO per month
J..W worlli or Rucnls ,
II M per ft i-cle or 1C 00 per month
uorlli of 1'ouds ,
12.00 per nccK or IS.OO per month
"i 00 wotth of I.MIOUJI.
J2.SO i > ertfi \ or I10.M ( per month
tioo oo uuitii ur KOMit.
53.00 per MctU or 112 00 per month
1.00 00 north uf gixnlii ,
JUW pelvcik or 115 M per month
FGrmarly People's fsfammo h Insiallnniil Hous3i
end IO cents for postage on Hig 'ill-Citiloti. .
Write for Haby Carriage Catalogue -Malic J I"rcu.
Goods .sulii on payments In Council U lulls & bo nth Oninh i
Close 1-Tv.Miiiifjs at ( : V ) , ixcpt Mondays nnd Saturdays.
.v vmtitiUst iiKSSKsymE
- -
tton ol Sanioiiil'n ncn pliystclan. w/.l qukkly i uic on of nil
oii3 or ( ll'iosia of till ? K "triulye orittin , sbcliiw IxxIM&obmxI.
Insomnia , l-nlnsln llieltuclc.Keinliial j-mlslmiNervous Jlcbllur ,
J'lraplM , ynllituss t/ Many , lOtlmv-btlns DrxliiR. Vorlcorrle ana
CUrilM.NiCelo.-mtrn thoUrer.lho Xldncya nnd Iho urinary
BEFORE AND AFTER oreanflolall ImpurlUes.
CUPIDHNl ! Htrrnnllicns nnd rT'torm nrnall wrak orsans.
wholiavflbwn Immbpffccdbrthe , IretricnrlH. j" Bj l"or83SJ ! > | J
, WHt ro. > full h tor ; cfjoor r c. ind lorB8STinN LISTS it d IM r.e B. . * . Xr J" " * ! .1"
" niTikilllntnt. lb t c itdlli uiuiii. I Cll LI Itr. 1(11' . Tw nl | MPI ejp.rl.nw. iril
' . . . , . , . , l. . . C. n..b lr * " .lly r b , nl. , lr..r.a .
. . . . . . .
Bfitl.i -iilf"rf hrp .biiln.TcrC.O .on. orfr i fni | >
inndrlflto , I'umbl rlnllJ < 1 * Pluill ill * II * . 1"W
ilpai. 44 Ibfl. . 4I 61 , Innp imd nhurl ili-.n U
UIH. . On , MiouldiIP , hli-ad ) , Ms
Clllll.'hi-ri-ni. diin.ind nnub-ialo. lin , ' "hill.
iind loUilfd , 5lH Bd
TAI.LOW Niniilniil dninind in nlfiatc , prime
< IU. Si !
i ( ITION Kini > nii.-riiin , 2ii .r > ii
TI ni'iNllNi-KH-ad : > , ilfiiiiind fair , Kplills ,
: is
liftsX ] Hull , dmiHid fiiii : inimnim. Is M.
} | < ) I'S-AI London ll'iu-llli ui'i--l ) Pl.'iulj , dc-
m.ind nindii-atf , 2i | . > Itli ,
Jlliiiiuiipnll U Ill-ill Marlioc.
MINNKAIOLIK .Vpt 2i.M h < Mt [ < m il nul >
thin miinlnii In Fiiiniiliy | ull i ntliii iniikiMn ,
but Inlet Itirni'il up < n ymulli r leu'lplx. .nnl III"
fi < "h nirlMiln Hull ] i\lio\H jeHIPiihi ) H HKUKI , Imt
n .li'flint V..IH Minn riniml In fiiiiiim , anil tin *
niiilltel ilroii | | il li.uU foi ti.uK whil lo ! !
iluMlnt , ' pikes uf ji-jtHiilj\ , ilk fnlim-H fell
U > fiuin ' , o to "it I pr llu i Miiulo ilwliiK
pllot-s ThihniflrnliiK t < - U IK-V "f ' > h whnil
[ < iiiipiii-i | nlth fiilun-s "lui Iu j Ink nf
HiKllclont fiPnh arnmlK In n.u * r > ( lie di'iiuuiil
locally , rarmnrs IIM it pinii-il 1,1 h inuiKtliiK
ilii IB ns frvvly an i'\-r In th > ini ilni , ami l > y
m.ili } It In pn-illi Icil 1'iat ill-1 icii-UilM will lir >
I.IIKCfur Ihu iif-xl inimtli 01 si > In f\\l" \ \ ( I IIK > *
f.-tMlllK Iu llvo Hindi Unit liIli'lllK . .lHliIlliillKll
out llni luunlry 'I Inni.nUii il HI ) Soptunilii.-r
HSi , lreinl , K > ' < c , XTTTi" W'.i \ \ Iiml on Hflsptl ll.inl Me. N > . 1 nmt In in Viti.
No ! niirlhrin Me. Old nhiil nn Ini.K uml in
line Ic alii % < - Ih < > i < t > iiuiilulliini. KM i | | IK m-i < >
> "i.0' ' l ) . shlpmcnlii , S < OHO hii I'luiii i < m ilniil
iliilot Hllh 'III tnllnno a Hluulc Imi'i , iiilc-ils ,
JlVa3(0 luiliiiH IIU > ) fiJ2' ' l'i ilin linn UII-H
ciflliimtril al 3D/ ) lilil * Im ihu cn > nt > foui
tiiltiin > lnri. 'l.
VT I.OflP. SMI | ri-l'OTIO.N 16i Iimcr
Ion Mlillllnx C 1lCix.ilix , limn . iMilpln , 4'nl '
luli-i. phlpminlK 'K ' ) liili-H. HUM I. GM luli" .
NI'.U OHI.RAN'K Ki pi. Jf' ( MI-ION hti-ncl ) .
inUMIIiiK . ' , I-I6 ( . . Ion nil.lillilu "i II ISo , Rnud
ii ill nary , 3 7-Hi not nutMi"- . ' " ' - - ! MH , uini'tf ,
1I.S33 l.nli'S , exports Iu ( liral 111. lain : .M li.ikn.
) III" cniitlilinl , 4755 t > th" , dll i.iti biiltH ,
Mocl ( 414Hi h.iloa
Ni\V : DHI.IIANS. hfit | 20 COITON' SloaO )
xali-M , hkit | 1 7iO hnhH. to iinltn i ri > Inl.n , ic
rUii | , II SIX ) li.ileK , c'xpuilii ( litMl Ililliln. 7OV
K-ilen. ( uiitliii-nt , ti,7Si Inlcx , lnkU lo'i t > nlor
fuiiil " . moiirty , f.ilf * . M.Sw ) luln Krit | < mlivi ,
J'i SI Ilil , Ottobrr | 5H4\b. Non-inUr , | i CXB (
( ll , Dotpmher. tt , .Hi. , 57. Junui ) ' . 3'JiA CJ
l-Vhruary. J003fi605 , Jlaith. K1 Of I fc II. ApHI ,
folC66l7. Slay. | C2J | 0.2J , Juni' . IG : ) ( , : > 9 , July
NIJW TOIIK Kept. -hlll. lt It.i ilull
anil nominal. lt rini- t. ipHH , .N" > > , 1T WI I-IC <
Itrci'lptK. Ifi MX ) b.llen , " in ( licit Ilillalu ,
11 If ) l > ali , roaxtnlKc , S.ii'.i ) liil-x. stinli , II , Si7
lwli > .
I'll I urea , iteady , pales JSiO Imlrx S.ilfinb | , > r
1.1 67 bdl. Ottnber. 15 7 1. 1 1. N j\nil"r. f > 9 M
111)7 ) , lfcinticr , | d.s : iC il , jHinuiy. IdOji/COt ;
l-Vliniary. tl.iuli. J'i ' UiiS U. Apill.
IC > ! l < 24 , Miiy. 02Sti : o , Jinif. Ji)3lfnJO ) , July ,
ic ' ( Ofie 41
Ul.N'IKIN. 8 pt. -HfdAI'-CuilB , ipilet ,
nothlri : dolHK , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
I'eorlu tlr-m , M rhi < r.
rr.ouiA. Kept , a coiiN-i'iiin. huin-r , NO.
. Me No 3 , l.'l.e
OATB-Hrm. lr ily. Nu. : while ,
Xo. 3 whllu , StUV-J i.
llVli Nominal
\MIIHKV-rirm , ulne Ui U , It. S3. 1 SOD Im urn. 21,450 liU.J
uU , V.K4 l/u , , Ot , linne , lurle ) 8.JOV Uu
'I'rliro \ > liedt ( Jiii.tulfo-ii.
BAN FIIANCIBCO. S pt 2S. i'lrart-il , I4l 7
crntuli ofwhtati tvlie-l market wrak , Uti-tm-
c , May , 82' c.
Dr. E. C , Weil's Uervo and Drain Treahitnt
! > nild itnilcr piiwltlve wrlt'en KUarniiteo , by Author
ized Bc < nt oulr , to < uro U't l < lleroor.T ; Ix > i ol
Brain ami I'ervo TtTcr ; tot Jttnhoodj puli-kn § :
Nltrhl Lo na ; 1M1 HIITIIHU ; iJictc ot Coufldeuce ;
> , 'i'rvuu icts ; ; nil Drnln § ; Lofsot Tower
of HID Oimcrallio ( ircMis la eltlnr tat , cnaicd b
OTiir-oiurtlrm ; Voulhtul rrcri , or Kicctslre Dso ot
Tobacco , Opium or Liquor , nlilcn > oou lend to
MlM < Conmiiipllnu , JuinnllyAiiJ Posth. 13 ? mall ,
flabdi , i , Tor to ; wild mitten guarantee to cure or
Iftnmlllioncr. U'J.SU'SCOIKIlIBVItUl' . Acortulo
< - fnr Co-ili . OiiMi >
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