n THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 20 , 1891. nfiltE DROUTH DID ITS WORST JReport of tbo Pitiable Condition of the Poo- pie of Shornmn County. THEY ARE ON THE V-RGE OF STARVATION Jlepnrts Slndd l > y Kiipervinor * ftlimr Tlietoli but I.lttlo Tonit In tlio County tlio JCcnult of Twn Hucrr * ltn Crop Failures. LOUP C1TV , Neb. , Sept. 18. To tlifr Kdl- tor of The Uce : In your IHSUO of September 11 , speaking uf the "Storlca of Distress In Western Nebraska , " you ask -for the ( nets , upon the Invfcntlgntlon of a duly appointed ( nmmlttee. Upon a call of citizens of liltch * Hold , Shcrnmn county , a county mara meet ing was held at Loup City , and at atv ad- j'Hirncd ' mass meeting held at Ilio court liotiso In Loitp City , August 0 , 1894 , the mi- linrvleorn of the thirteen' towns of this county were requested to make a canvass at tlielr several towns to find out definitely the jiclual condition nf our people. Hlnnks for tills jairporeerc prepared and printed , and the several supcrvlsori ! were provided there- vUli In order that thlu work might be sys tematically done. From the tpciotitry of this muss meeting , tlio county attorney , I have before me the leports of nine cf the townships , also the estimate of another supervisor. Three town- jlhlps have not to date reported. It should be stated that tlio supervisors vrero selected no the best men for this work - a work that took much time and care and was performed gratuitously by them and the reports were moro or less complete as they could find time to attend to It. It was undertaken for the express purpose to find the- condition of the people from personal ex amination , family by family , In every part of the county , nud It IB , as I llelicve , a lair Mild truthful exhibit of the overage condition of our county at the time the statement ! ) vi ro made , and In no respect overdrawn. In the printed schedules futnlslied to the silporvlbOrs each man , above his own sig nature , was required to state : 1 , The num ber of persons In Ms family. 2. The amount of grain and potatoes raised by lilm In 1894. 3 The amount of gidln or potatoes on hand at date.I , The number of his cattle , first stock cattle , second , milk cattle , tlilttl. hoga and pigs. C. AVImt aid v.ould bo necessary. 6. How much. Leaving out the town that was estimated liy Its supervisor , the nine reports before me sum up as follows' 1. Number of statements , 23G ; number ol liersons In the 2ufi families , 1,425. 2 , Grain raised In 1891 : Corn , 110 bu hels ; wheat , 3,020 , buslieU ; oats nud rye , 607 Jiiishcls ; potntoes , 321 bushels. 3 , Gralnt etc. , on hand at date : Corn , 180 liiishels ; wheat , 1,12 ? bushels ; oats and rye , 332 bushels ; potatoes. SI bushels. 4. Cattle ; Stock , Mceri and calves , 978 co\vs , 737 ; hops and pigs , 1,271. lly the statement It appears that tliere was raised In 1S91 by the foregoing 23G families on the average less than one-half bushel ol c" > rn , not twelve bushels of wheat , a llttlt over two bushels of oats and rye and a llttls over one bushel of potatoes. There Is or Imnd over one-half bushel of corn * foiu Imshels of wheat , over one bushel of oat and rye and one-seventh bushel of potatoes .Moat of the families raised nothing , and t few only got some by exceptional clrcunv wlmiccs. The county as a county Is a howl' Ing waste. And this desolation follows on the heeli of the drouth of 189:1 : , by which most of th < settlers were reduced to the last extremity and under the conditions upon ulilch oui people came Into the year 1891. The utmos oxtrtlons were put forth by them to raUi a crop , Fall Wheat and rye killed by fros was resown with spring wheat and othe-i < ; reps , and when the small grain was de stroycd the prospect was good for ai enormous crop of corn. But drouth am liot winds swept all before It. Unless help comes starvation Is right be Tire hundreds of our people. They havi nothing , und no money or credit. Ni neighbors are near that can help. This Is i Mate of things that will Increase In In tensity and extend day by day as wlnte approaches. Our county board has trans ferred all available funds to meet the pres cut distress about $200 to a township. Wi made an appeal to the governor for an extri bORslon to enable counties to help them selves , and sent a delegate to push the nut tor. The appeal was In vain. No man , be .he chancellor or other , wh stops off nt a station and consults will Borne tonguey political deadbeats , who llv on the people by their wits , 'can form an : true. Idea of the condition of the poor th men of toll men who no longer come t town , because they can buy nothing whc they do come , having long ago oxhaustei every resource , Today I called Into my office reildent who lives eight miles on nnd questioned him , and hi statement was that he put Into crop M ncres ( over 300 bushels of seed ) , as follows Eighty-five acres of fall wheat nnd rye , fifty 1lv8 acres of spring wheat and oats , nlnet acres of corn , ten acres of millet ths ex cess of 200 acres being crop twice sown. H jot no wheat , no rye , no corn , no oats , n millet the whole a complete loss. I knoi that that mxn is a fair sample , take Ih county over , by my own observation and b iiiijulry of Intelligent men , except that few men got a small amount of crop of whoa' ' rye or oats In very exceptional circumstance : Under present laws the county board ca Mibmlt no proposition to the people to rals money for relief , nor can townships nc under any existing law , and to wait lor th regular session of the legislature to enabl the people lawfully to help themselves wl not take us over from now to spring. Tha question Is fuel and food from no' on. The money the county n61ds Is but drop In the bucket. It Is a shame to cover up these tump till citizens ami their families suffer an Btarvo over a largo part of our state. ononaij BENT , county judge , COUNTY'S UNtfOKTUN ATK. Itellef'CommUton Appeal * for Aid lo Hoi tlio Many I ( intitule. CALLAAVAY , Neb , , Sept. 21. ( To the Ei' Jtor of The Bp. ) In response to your Invltf tlon to say what Is being done for the drout sufferers , 1 will da so briefly. "Callaway 1 the business center of eight townships , coi orlng nearly 1,000 square miles , Iach towr Klilp 1ms a relict commltte * of about five pel nans to Investigate and report on their ow local cases of destitution to the central con inltte ; , which alone disburse. The central r < lief commltUo consists of six persons , Uin ladles and three gentlemen. The chnlrma U u hardware merchant , the secretary banker , the third gentleman Is a lawyer , or lady Is a bnnk r'slfo , the second Is clergyman's wife , and the third Is a doctor \vlto. I have not yet obtained population stall tics , but I should judge they were 7,000 , on third of whom have left , and half of the r nmlndcr cannot live through the winter will nut relief. Thus early In the season 01 local resources are taxed to the utmost. Tl Callaway Milling company Is our main sui port , and Is doing nobly. We are nil glvlr money and old clothes and denying1 ourselv all luxuries. It ( Ides over the present , bi drc-tul winter Is approaching. Last week v sent out soliciting ag nta , Hev. Ill , ' Mat ; and our postmaster , J. II. Decker , Indiana and Illinois.Ve have not succeed * in obtaining free transportation yet beyor the Missouri river , partly through the In poverlshrd condition of the roads , and part owing to alleged legal dltllcullles arising o of the Interstate commerce laws. Apathy and Ignorance are against us. N body believes us , and nobody will nine look. Petitioning the governor la no goo und any action by the legislature -will bo ti Ute except tor seed. You see , these plane- farmers had spent all their money , saved borrow od , In Improvement * . Last year v ; u partial failure. This year they put In b work In cultivating a largely Increased acr aga to make amends for last year's d tlclency. Not a bushel has been raised. Tlio who attempted the mot nra the worst o No harvest , no money , no credit , anil Id honte , which ara only burden b'coiuc they cannot ba sold , Desolation reigns supreme , nud fimlni and dentil are Imminent , Dut thr f .Ii fame ot Nebraska must not ba tarnl hcil > .y th < pub lication of these reports ! U will te before long If ynu do not let I ho truth be known In time. It i& only fnlr lo say tlmt wri are In the worst part of the drouth blt. ; Thirty miles wejt rf hero It begins , to Improve. I have written thli as secretary ot the Callaw'ny lel'et ' committee. * THOMAS NOUTUJIIY. W.tHIIIM.'lOX COUXTV'H I'M It. l'ntrlr-4 More .VtimTimn Tliiin ill Any Time lit Ilir AMorlatlon' * lliMitry. nijAm.Nob. . . Sept. 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Washington county fair con vened tod.iy , and will continue for Ihreo days. This was the last day for entries , and the secretary and atslstntits are very busy. Entries of everything this j-fiir are larger than nt any previous time. The agricultural display will be large. Every pen for hogs has been laKcn und many doubted up. All lie stalls fur horses and rattle are taken , nd good entries for the races have been nadc. The management says there will be 0 foolishness In the races. : i the flag will > e used , regardless of who It shuts out , 'arttes ' entering must expect to go In to win , Wednesday Is children's day. and all ctiools In the county will be closed. Sen ior Allen speaks on the fair grounds Thurs- ay , and Hon. Dave Mercer and Tom Majors re expected to bs present. < ixltv lll < | > itln < it Two l''imn r < . hATTSMOirril , Neb. , Sept. 25. ( Spo- ilal. ) The trial of an unusually Interesting ult was begun In district court yesterday , v.o vipalthy farmers living south of this Ity , U. C. Nlckles and K. M. Young , became nvolvcd In dispute over the ownership ol steer worth $15. Nlckles missed the nnl- 1,1 1 from his pasture , and n few months fterwardn. as he alleges , saw It roaming nsldc the feed lot of his neighbor. Young. tickles replevlned the steer , and In the trial n the lower court Young was accorded tin iwnershlp of the disputed steer. Nlckles took n appeal to this district court , nnd at the last term was given the right of possession , udgn Chapman afterwards set the verdict side , and ordered a new trial , being com. ne need yesterday. The court rests already mount lo $200. and the present trial will nake the intul exceed $300. An appeal to tut upremu cotnt la a strong probability , at oth men are wealthy and will Insist on hav- ng their full rights In the premises. , AI > us < > < ! IIU tlllnilVlfo. . DECATUIl , Keb. , Septi 2. . ( Speclal.- ) iVIlllam Ouyon has filed a petition In thf county court of Thurston county on behal of his mother , praying that she may bi divorced from her husband , Frederic ! 2ayon He la an habitual drunkard , aw he treatment which his wife iccelved , whlti on one of his spiees the latter part of las n-eek , caused the suit to bo commenced lo came home late In the evening In i lintlly Intoxicated condition and commencec o abu = e his wife shamefully , using profarn anguage. Not being satisfied with this. In picked up an a\ handle lying close by am commenced tn beat her. Thp poor womai was helpless and be.ing blind had to taki .he beating. She was clubbed Into Insensl blllty and was rescued by her son * Mrs ayon is In very critical condition , he : entire body being one mass of wounds am bruises , but the doctors think , with care , sin will recover. _ I1 1 i-ul : ' l Not ( Sultry. PLATTSMOl'Tir , Nob. , Sept. 25. ( Specla Telegram , ) 1'ufilllst James Llmtsay anc Sandy Orlswolcl. charged with the murdei of Fletcher Dobbins In tills city In tin month of August , during a prize fight , cami down from Omaha this morn ng to appeal n the district court. They were arralgnet this after noon and both entered pleas of no uullty. Attorney Ourley on behalf of th < accused apked for a continuance until tin February" term of court. County Attornc ; Travis icHlsteil the granting ot the request Judge Chapman took the matter under ad vlscment until tomorrow. These .two trial promise to be as Interesting an any held h the courts of this county for several year past. _ Dunn Murder Trial On. DLAIR. Neb. . Sept. 25. ( Special , Tele gram , ) The district court is still hearing th Dunn murder case. The defense la near ! through. H will probably be given to th Jury on Wednesday. The state has a stron case , although it Is not thought that Dun will liariR' . A S-year-ohl boy of John Mead , living a Highland , accidentally hung himself this at ternoon. He had tried to crawl Into" the oa bin , and the sliding door dropped dowr catching him1 by the neck. The child wa found In this condition nearly strangled t death , Tlio doctor says there Is not muc lidpe of savins him , as his spine Is affcctei lmiCiiroii r.npnrlnu'ilt of 1 < hlldret PL.ATTSMOUTH , Neb , , Sept. 25. ( Sped ! Telegram. ) Two small children of Mr. an Mrs. William Woplforth of this city had a extremely serious experience today. Th little ones while playing In the yard ate som Jim son weed seed. This afternoon and short time afterward the mother noticed ttu they were drowsy. A physician was sun moned , and since then the children hav had his undivided attention. The chlldre are still in u critical condition , with no ai surance that their lives will ba saved. liier.ilttmfo nt u YoungMcr. PKATTSMOtmi. Neb. , Sept. 23. ( Specli Telegram. ) X. II , Isbell , a gardener llvin west ot town. Is minus a valuable horse an buggy. About a month ago a 14-year-ol boy applied to Isbell for work , and lie r ( sponded by taking tbe strange yuungstc Into his home. Yesterday morning Isbe dispatched tlio hey with his horsa and bugg to town. The boy departed , but as yet hn fulled to comp back. Isbell reported th matter to the authorities today , but no trac of tlio ttile' or the horse and buggy has bee discovered. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I1 Inn ik'Jtoill Itnldcnco IJontroyuil. O'NEILL , , Neb. , Sept. 25. ( Special Tel gram , ) The beautiful residence of W. 1 Matliews in the western part of the cil was destroyed by lire this afternoon , Tl fire had gained such headway , aided I a strong wind which was blowing , that was impossible to do anything , and the d partment confined Its labors to saving othi buildings In the neighborhood that were I danger from Iho flying sparks. As was two houses were also burned. Tl origin of the fire ls unknown. I IriTat Atkliionii , ATKINSON. Neb. , Sept. 25. CSpeclal Tel gram. ) During a furious gale about C o'cloc this evening , flro was discovered In 11 livery stable of F. W. Brooks , By the tin the firemen reached there , only -a block fro the hose house , the building was a mass i flames , the mow being full of liay. For time It looked as though a large section > the town was doomed , but good water worl and tireless firemen prevailed. Loss , aboi $2,000 , with no Insurance. The horses we : all saved. _ Work ol Safe lilownrd. TECUMSEII. Neb. , Sept. 25. ( Special. ) A gang of safe blowers appears to be worl Ing the villages In this county. The gcner store of II. I ) . Ilardenberg at Vesta wi broken into last night , the safe blown opt and $10 In silver and a $25 check secure The stock was unmolested * One n I slit last week George nucrstctta store nt Elk Creek was entered , the Ba cracked , but nothing of value taken. Molmim Criminal * Sentenced. NlOlJUAnA , Neb. , Sept. 25. ( Sped Telegram , ) The district court adjourn * this evening. Judge Itobtn&on sentenced O. Clark to the i > enltentUry for eleven yea on a charge ot criminal assault. Four oth parties were sentenced to the county ja William Campbell , charged with procurl money under false pretenses , was dl charged , because of errors la the papers. I'll r mr r Olmreoit with PAWNKK , Neb. , Sept. 25. ( Special Tel gram. ) John Iturge , a. farmer living ne town , wai arrested today , charged wl breaking Into a house a tew days ago a : stealing about ISO. A $10 gold piece w marked and Hurgo was detected while spen Ing it. He was admitted to ba.ll and w u v a. hearing October 3. RELIEF FOR IDE DESTITUTE Governor Orounto Finally Decides to Ttiko Action in the Gutter. COMMISSION OF 1891 TO BE REVlViD Manager * ol tlio OrKiuil7.itton Autliorlreil to I'egln l'r llinliiiry Arrangement * for llic Work In Hie tlrmitn- Htrlckcii Itz-gloii. LINCOLN , Sept. 25.r-Speclal.--ln ( re. ponse to numerous appeals from tuifferers In 10 dto'ath'ilrUken ro bns , Governor Crou ss ias decided to take Immediate action in pro. Idlnt ; relief measures , Among other plans reposed Is the rctlval of the old relief com mission which did duty in JS9I , and Dr. Mar. ion ot Kearney , wlio was n member nt thai jody , IB In the city urglim Its revival. Ih lias imule several trips lo the city on ( lit aniB mission , and an u preliminary thi * guv- rnor lias called Hev. I. . P. Luddetr , secre ary ol tin ; old commission , In consultitlor n numerous occasions , ami he has nuu nil horlzcd Mr. Luddtni to take up the prelim I nary work In connection with a bureau ol ellef. All correspondence relating to tin iiirferlng from the drouth and calls for as ilHtanco will be turned over to Mr. Lmlden ami he will at onto communicate with tin luthorltlcs In the various counties to ns-cer aln to what extent Iho counties may b ! depended upon to help themselves. Mr. I.ud den's work will be to prepare nnd tiystc niaUzc the way for the practical handling o : relief \\otk. The governor Is undecided m > 'et ns. to which Is the most feasible w.i ) o obtain supplies of mouoy and food am ilothes for the sufferem from the failure o rops. It Is finite possible that the leglslntun ivlll ba appealed to for a substantial appro prlntlon , and In the meantime there 111:1 : ] be a request for Voluntary contributions n money nnd goods. Acting Mayor Woods presided over Hi egular meeting of the city council las light. A good deal of routine work wn. done , but the session was otherwise feature esa. A motion was passed authorizing th ettleinent of claims against the city as fol ovs : The Clinton claim for damages amounting to | 150 , the Crawford claim fo $300 , the Louisa P. Dayton claim for $ Kw An ordinance was passed on Its first read "ng cutting doun the number of voting place n some of the wards of the city , and reiolu : lens were Introduced authorizing the layln ; of about a hundred sldeualky which hi ; en condemnpd. W. 0. T. IT. OONVKNT10N. The city is gradually filling up with dele gates and visitors from all parts of the stale o the twentieth annual convention of th Nebraska Woman's Christian Tesrjieranc union , and the local committee Is gettln ; hem comfortably located. At the openln : neetlns tonight , which' was held In SI Paul's Methodist church , a musical prograr was rendered by the' members of the con servalory of music of the State university Greetings were extended to the convention b Mayor Weir on behalf of the city , Hev. C. C asby on behalf o ( the churches and Chan cellor Canlicld for the education Interests The responses were by Mrs. 13. L. Wood c Omaha and Mrs. A.V. . NIckell ot Beatrice LINCOLN IN lllllEF. The guests of the Uoyd hotel were drive nto the streets by a man giving the nam of Dr. G , K. Steltcs. who halls from Ih town ot Pleasant Hill. He iiad a biggit and a bigger Jag. and It onlv tonk li'm ' few mlnuten with the combination to ge complete possession of the house. The residence of F. J. Hush In Nort Lincoln was set on tire for the third tlm and burned to the ground. Several holdups have been reported , t the police- lately and pedcstrlanlsm at ! late hour is beginning to be consldtre dangerous. Iy > cal Christian Knil3avorers Vire rum pletins arrangements for the regular aiuiut state convention , which Is soon to occu in this city. The committee on arrang ! ments today decided not to have the cor vcntlcn at the state capttol , but to ; icce [ the offer made by the First Baptist churc people. Ace < l Urcatnr Couiilo Mnrrhtil. DHCATUR. Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Special. ) Tw ot the oldest settlers In this part of the coin try were married here last "Monday at tli Methodist parsonage by Uev , T ) . W. Stan baugli Itov. Charles Cross of Herman , age 72 years , and Mrs. Jane A. Clough , aged Gi The old couple seem a.s happy as young foil and will spend the honeymoon tn the noutl ern part ot the state. Decatur will be the future homo. Mr. Cross Is a retired Metliodh preacher and Is In good circumstances lln.u daily. Drmlrtu of IMr < It L' . Itnhr-r. HASTINGS , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Mrs. I F. Rohrer died yesterday morning at tl home of her son. U. S. Itohrer. She was hei on a visit , her home being In Sterling. 11 The funeral occurred this morning from tl residence of U. S. Hohrer , , ItruiiHivlnK l.iulr Injiiro : ! . BRUNSWICK , Neb. , Sept. 2r . ( Special. ) . Mrs. George Fletcher , while out horsebat riding Saturday , was thrown from her her and seriously injured. The animal stepp < on her face ami cut a gash that ulll probib ! leave a scar for life. To < lirck Il | > litlH-riX ! ut Tilinnmli. TBKAMAH. Neb. , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Tckamali schools have be n ordered close Several cases of diphtheria are Hie caus Only ono death Is reported as yet. Pram ; action has been taken to check It. MUNICIPAL LEAOtTE. I'roKrrm lii Ward Organisations Appri tnolorg of tlio City. A general meeting of the Municipal leagi was held at the Board ot Trade rooms la night. In calling the meeting to orJ President Boano took occasion to Bay that municipal politics It would be necessary break away from party lines and go In f good government with 'the ' object of downli boodtorlsm. The movement , he said , w ; epldem'c ' in most ot the cities In the lar and the people were up In arms to see th officials were elected who would look aft the taxpayers Instead of after the contra tors. If people did not take. a hand In cl politics the machine would run the thin as It had In the past. Reports of branches showed that In tl First warcl a committee on organization h ; been appointed ; in the Second ward tl league would meet next Thursday night f organization ; from Ilia Fourth ward thlrt flva new members were reported ; In tl Fifth ward the organization was almo csmrletft , only one precinct being witho organization ; the Sixth ward reported i organization , with on open meeting to held Saturday night ; In the Seventh ward housa to house canvas was being made , wl a public meeting for next Monday night ; t Eighth ward reported &n organization ulmc completed , with a meeting for next Saturd. night ; In the Ninth wai\t the organlzatl was reported nearly complete. The secretary at the league reported membership of betwen GOO and COO , with prospect that this wouM be doubled with the next two weeks , President Doaite urged organization such an xtent that the league could conti city politics. Independent of the aid rot t old parties. * Hev. Prank Crane made the chief addre : Ho said that municipal politics must be se arntcif. from national politics before mu could be done In tbo way of Improving t government of the great cities , Before adjournment an appeal waa Issu to the voters of the city Im'portunlng them see to It that only clean , honest men elected to tha cquncll at the coming d election. _ Jlurlcil by CuU-p PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 23.-Flve labon were buried under a matis of earth yesienl afternoon while making an excavation i the foundation of a retaining wall ji below Ihe dermantown avenue crowing tha Richmond branch of ihe Heading m road. One man dleil a tew minutes af til3 body was recovered. Four others w seriously Injurod. The nume or the de mun was Andrew Kuvats , a Hungarl : The Injtitcd : MltiideliilCirtz , badly huilrrd on Ihe back rlclit. . leg comuned , hurt In- tcrnnlly ; John TwkWrtontiuerl bark ; John FlU.KcrnM , conlusnft tpck ; Donlo Uendlne , left hip bruised. > ( l-Jll'.t'.t MfAVl'l-O ' KKI'HHT. StrlUo I uitiml' liif | B iiihlpn nt M iistilncluii tn ( niuplutp , Its t.iilKir * . WASHINOTON , SnH. 25.--Commissioner of Labor Wright , ttiFcTiaiimaii t > ( the United States comm's.loni > Bp'p' ( > lrited to Investigate tha Chicago Jtrikej jurrived In this city this moniliifc. The coijinisM'n ( ) , which adjourned Aiigujt ID , la to rffliic/nl ) > l' < at tlia o trice nt the deparUncnt of labor * tomorrow to decide whether any turner' ' testimony Is needed and lo hear or receive any further sugges tions nUli reference to the renudles thill may be volunteered. Commissioner Wright eayj that lie lias done no v/crk upon the sub ject since .the adjournment of the commis sion , although ho has given It timed thought during the recess , while the testimony was bsng ; prepared. Commissioner Kcrnan of New Turk has been charged wllli the duty of making a synopsis of the remedlei from suggestions that have been received. These have come from a multitude of sources and have covered n very extensive range. Judge Worthlngton of Illinois , the other member ot the conimlsplcii , has been charged with the duty of dlgciting and analyzing the test - t inony , which Is being prepared under his direction , at his homo at Peorla , III. It Is expected that the testimony will make about " .500 nclnted paRCB. Ocjinmlsslaiipr Wright , seen by an Associ ated press reporter soon after his arrival to- lay , had net yet looked ever Ills mull ami wus unable to say whether any further vol unteer testimony \vould be offered or not. "At our meftng tomc-rrow , " lie said. "In case there are no applications to be heard , we will decide from Jtid c Worthlngton's w.i ! , whether the testimony have taken Is to b ; supplemented by additional evidence on disputed points. We will then discuss our teport , which , despite all statements to the contrary , has as yet received no consider ation by the commission. It Is probable that we ulll then separate after an agree ment concerning Its terms Is reached ( pro vided we ore , of one mind ) , and the work of wilting the icport will be divided up. It should be In the hands of the1 president by the middle of November In order that he can Incorporate any suggestion lie desires to make in It In his annual message to con gress tn the flist Monday In December. " "Do you anticipate any practical benefit frcm the work of the commission ? " "The commission was in no sense one of arbitration. " replied Commissioner Wright , "as to many people erroneously suppose. The law only contemplated an official Invcstt- gat on of the strike the determination of its causes , and suggestions looking to a remedy to be used as a basts of action tliould any legislation looking tcr the correction ot any existing evil , be demed necessary. The commission Is In no sense a Judicial body and has no power to condemn any ot the parties. It will simply lay before the people an official investigation of the greatest strike In the history of the American republic. " AHUKXTINK AVOOf , 1'Olt A.MHKIUA. Frcn U'nnl CJuuio in tlio Turin Itlll llai < JiT lly MiiiiubilcMl Truilr. WASHINGTON , Sept.1 25. Minister 'Zeba- los of the Argentine republic , says a remark able stimulation of the 'wool ' Industry ot his country has resultldi from the enactment of the tariff law In this Country. Itaw wool has made active advances la the Argentine mar kets , similar to the .rise , In London and Paris and extorislvo preparations are being made for wool exports to this country. Mr. Zebalos Is just back from Now York , where he found that merchants were ( largely Increasing their viool orders , and that new steamship lines wire being projected to handle the new trade. The minister says tills country bought $2,000- 000 of the coarse gitade.-ilong combed Argen tine wool last year , , but the trade promises to reach } G,000,000 this year. This coarse grade Is ns'd In PlYila'delphin , Boston and elsewhere for carpets , i blankets an ) other heavy woolens. Tljp.jrade Jn fine Merino wools prpmlses to Jrlple'.ln th' same manner , These Argentfue .ools'arVtif U'pe'cu'llar ' kind not grownt In this country. " antl have been Imported in splta qf previous wool tariffs , but their use will now be much augmented. Minister 5sbaos ! ! says the Increased price of wool overcomes the fears felt by American wool growers that the for.-lsn competitors would pull down the price and kill the Ameri can wool production. Tha minister says that on the contrary , the Increased trade shows that the American woolen factorhs Intend to enlarge their work , while the increased price of raw w.ool ( shows that the American wool rufsert. hav ? 'not lost anything. Minister 7 lialoa has an interesting budget of Information from his country showing a revival of business. An English syndicate has made a proposition to the government to build 3,000 miles of railway , making a com plete system through the interior of Argen tine. EnglUh capital has lie-n timid during Iho financial depression in the republic , sc that the heavy Investments are. regarded as an augury ol prosperity. Minister Zetmlos Is also Inform il tlmt immigration has taker a great start after being at a standstill foi live years. The government expects 200,000 Immigrants this year. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS. Union li ] > it Vi tnr l'ost | > nnri | llaiciitlV . -iilmav Scliemo Tabled. The opponents In the council of the unloi depot ordinance succeeded last night In scor ing a point by postponing a vote on tin ordinance until Thursday night. Thomas am Parker were absent , and the prospect of i call of the house iml the consequent un certain stay .In the council chamber Induce ! the concc'ssion. A communication from George W. Doam and Dean Gardner asked that the Intersectloi of Eighteenth street and Capitol avenue b paved. It was referred. In his capacity as chairman ot the com mlttee on judiciary Hascall recommendei the passage of hla subway ordinance , whlcl provides for the submission ot a proposltiot to vote $100,000 bonds for the purpose of con Btructlng subways through the princlpa streets ot the city. How ell moved that th report and ordinaries , be tabled , and his ma tion was carried. Adjournment was taken until tomorrov night. HTJNT GOES SOUTH. Ileml of the Oirmlia Wentlicr Station TaUni Anil her I'oiltlaii. Captain George E Hunt of the loca weather bureau received' a telegram las night offering him tlio charge of the weathe bureau at Atlanta , 'da. , and of the stat weather departmentr iupportcd by the At lanta Constitution.U'lliV. ' at once wired hi acceptance and \ \ \ \ \ leave for hs ! new posl tlon about October ,1 , , Mr. Hunt has ma r terlally enlarged the ficllltles of the Omah department during tilg'servlca here and ha succeeded In obtalnn | jVetter , facilities thai the city previously , enjoyed. He has mad a host of friends l > bth"ln and out ot offlcla circles. Nothing tmsl been laid tn rcgar to a successor and U-JaJils opinion that thl point will herciltcr bo covered from Chlcagt llt lle t Ai XO UfiUKSlKH TX. Y n Robert Downing la adding to his hlstrlonl laurels thla season by Ills splendid produc tlons of "Ingomar1" aWd "The Gladiator , In which ho will tio"sen here , assisted b EugQnlo Hlalr and'al'IaVge ' ' competent com pany of players , on next Saturday , at tloyd's Mr , Downing U known to bs a generou manager , as regards the character ot hi support , hla scenery , costumes and stag accessories , The policy he has followed t striving to glvo people the full value of thel monty has reaped Its reward In a large an constant patronage. As Mr. Downing Is great favorite here It is certain he will t greeted by a large audience. "Ingomar" wl bo given at the matinee , and "The Gladiator at the evening performance. A special Wednesday matinee will t given at Doyd'a theater this aflei noon by Charles H , Yale's "Devil's Aui tlon" company , for the ladles , and childrei No attraction that visits the Uoyd Is bett < adapted to please the- little ones than tl "Devil's Auction , " with Its clowns , donkey dancing , transformations and legendai story. Oregon Kidney Tea curei nervous heti ftthes. Trial size , 25 cents. All Let us sell an you . . . . OVERCOAT for $4.50 We T or ere the for leaders. $10 all wool sack suit for. 10.00 Sell $15 man's black cheviot for. .50 or more $18 single breasted casslmere for clo.ltes esLEnglish melton suit for , any til an of any km of better them Boys * all wool suit 2-pieces , til an at Boys' heavy long pants suit tor twice iialt Boys' substantial long pants suit. their Boys' silk velvet junior suit ior. high prices , priced 'too , to G0umhia ] Clothing Co. 13th and Farnam Streets , Omaha. GETTING TO WORK EARLY Ezata and His Fe'low Fefugaas Eorouto for Mexico and Guatemala. WILL HATCH THIIR SCHEMES THERE cml la ltiilH n Army in ( itnitcmnln. mill ut the i'ifil Opportunity Alitrcli IlllU S.ltVKllU' Ml'licUllS1 > - IK.IV I'riumllf. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 25 , The Interest ot President Diaz of Mexico with E ela is said to bo due to a mutual desire for the re-formation of a general republic of Central American countries , believing that with It it would end the revolutions which Injure commerce and retard development. "Ezeta expects to get aid of the Mexican government to regain his prestige In San Salvador , " said Colonel Ctenfugos who talked about the matter today. "Most of his old soldiers will turn to his standard , for he Is confident that he can overthrow his enemies. A revolution In San Salvador Is always wel come and the people will flfiht for Ezeta when tliey get the chance. But the general will go well prepared , and when ho enters San Salvador he will be at the head of trobps enough to force his way as he de sires. "Yes , President Diaz of Mexico will sup port Ezeta as far as ho can , and there Is no doubt that all the circumstances are In his favor. The people In Mexico thoroughly understand San Salvador affairs and they bellevo In the canto of Ezeta. "If Iho general succeeds In this campaign , which he propobes to carry on vigorously Immediately after his arrival In Mexico , the result will probably be the. organization of one common ropubllc of tha Central Ameri can states. The plan has been under con struction for a long time , and all the gov ernments except Guatemala are In favor of It. Unfortunately Guatemala stands In the way geographically as well as politically and nothing can be done without her consent. Ezeta , however , 1s confident tlmt even Guate mala will accede to the proposition and that the result will ba a strong and prosperous republic In which the little wars and petty strifes of the several nations will be forever lost , " Attorney Charles Page , discussing Ezeta's sudden departure for Mexico , said : "We advised General Kzota to leave at once and chiefly because of the danger uf other charges being brought against him. At first he said he would not , sayUK ! ho liked "San l"r an Cisco and wanted to it ay longer. "Judge Morrow had felt that he must take cognizance of some of the evidence In the Cienfugos case. It having come from another country. At the same time if It had been In regard to a caec which occurred here , It would from the nature ot Its Imperfections have be n , thrown out. An agriculturist and a brlcklaye-r testified. It will be remembered. Well , they could get lots of Just such evi dence. It Is made up ami the olUclals then say 'sign , ' and they sign quick enough , for If they did not they would bo shot. "The danger was that they would , Betting the cue from Cienfugos' ' caie , go back before the revolution and trump up cases against Ezeta. He was the man they wanted to hold. They did not care for the others par ticularly. So , In view of this danger , we had to Insist that he get out and over Intc Mexico. Oh , yes , I anticipate he may pro ceed to overturn things , but whether Mexicc Intends to help him I can not nay. He is nri active man and can not lic-ep < iulet. " When the steamer St. Paul sailed for Maine ports today she carried as steerage passengers General ttulanos. and Captain lliittnincnto , the San Salvadorean refugees , When Ezeta left the two here last Sunday , II was with a promise to meet them again or the Salvadorean frontier. Doth men uc- ccpted the situation and prepared to follow their leader on the first opportunity. Uusta- rncnte received MO from his chief , with In. BtructloiiB to meet him In Mexico. To IloUnos was entrusted over $ $ ,000 , IIli destination U Guatemala. With that sum 11 Is said Dolanos Is to bogln to raise an arm ) nil be prepared to co-operate wltU hla chief , They took passage In the steerage In order to save ns much money as possible. Mexi can Consul Coney accompanied Holanos und Hu&tainente to the steamer and Introduced them to Captain Von Helms. Instead of be ing put Into the s eernge they w re given a : abln on the upper deck. Near to their ciunr- ers was the state room ot General Martinez if the Mexican army. Martinez Is a grat rlend of the president of Mexico und ho and he rcfugess at once fralornl/ed. Martinez s one of the leading generals of the Mexi can army and It was said on the Stt Paul hat lie was sent up hero to render whatever asslstanc ; ho could to the refugees. From present appearances 'Ezeta will mafcp Guatc- nala his base of operations. During the ast war San Salvador compiled Mexico to come to terms , and that country has been loiklng a chance to get even ever since. With nn army organized in Mexico , Ezeta night march into Guatemala and there Join 3olanos , who would have prepared the way 'or him. Then , upon a favorable opportunity , they would Invade San Salvador. The Salvadorean RO\eminent professes llt- : lo hope of having Juan Clenfuegos returned o it. Attorney Plerson , who has represented the government of San Salvador In the ex tradition proceedings here , said today that lie did not think Clenfuegos would be re turned. He has no appeal xcept tn the president , but strong influence is being brought to bear In that quarter for his re lease. Mr. Plerson said there is nothing In the ruinurs that Ezeta was In danger of re- arrest on other charges bad lie not left the country. The government had taken the only steps against him It Intended to take. LOS ANGELES , Sept. 25. General Antolno Ezeta and his two attorneys , Luhren nnd Dequesada , have arrived In this city. They are enroute to Mexico , where they will open negotiations with several Central American states of a general plan of federation. Shlloh's Cure Is sold on a guarantee. It cures Incipient consumption. It is the best cough cure. Only one cent a dose : 25c , COc ta.1 fl.OO. Sold by Goodman Drug Co. WR.1THEK FOJtUO.lST , Fnlr and Slightly AVuriurr In Ilin Kastcrn Portion iif Nflirimkn. WASHINGTON' , Sept. 25. The forecast for Wednesday Is : For Nebraska Fair ; slightly warmer In the extrem j eastern portion ; south winds , becoming northwest. For South Dakota Fair , and stationary temperature In the eastern portion ; show ers and cooler in the western portion ; vari able winds , becoming nortluvubt. For Iowa Fair ; .slightly warmer ; south winds. For Kansas Fair ; warmer ; south wlnas. For Missouri Fair ; warmer ; Boutheasv winds. I.ucal Itccord. OFFICE OF THE WKATHEH BUREAU. OMAHA , Sept. 25. Omaba. record of tem perature nnd rainfall , compared with the corresponding day of last four years : 1891. ISM. 1S-J2.1&91. Maximum temperature . . 72 M 76 73 Minimum temperature. . . . M 31 HI M Average temperature . . . . 61 4ti r,5 ii Precipitation W .00 .00 T Condition of temperature and precipita tion at Omaha for the Jay und since March 1. 1891 : Normal temperature , . , , Cl IJxcess or dctlciejicy for the day o Ac"cumiilated excess since March I. . . . . . Oil Normal precipitation 10 Incli IJetlelency for the day ID Inch Total precipitation since -\hirch 1 11.83 Inches Accumulated deficiency since March 1 1U8 Inches Iteportilrom Othur St itlciui at B I * . RL I STATION * . STATIC or 3s- UKATIIIIE. : 3s3 Omaba . , tm 11 .00 ear , North I'latle , . 78 HI .00 ear. 7K Hi . ( IU * J uar. I Clilcaxu SH 88 .1)0 Cluar. St. Uiuift U' 88M .on ulcur. st , I'aui 00 01 .on Clear. BC 02 .00 Clear. Knna.mcny 02 til .00 Clor ; , Dtmvur. . . . . . . . HI ) 8rt .ooioicar , Salt I ike t'ily 7B SI . U Oloar. Haj.ldClty. . , , Kl ! .00 Cloudy , Helena. . . , , . , , l0 ! .00 Olosr. 7 a K2 .00 Ctca r. St. Vincent 04 7K , ou UUindy. Cheyctmu , 72 HO .1)0 CU-ar Mtl8 City. , 74 00 .00 Cloudy , 74 70 .00 Cloudy. GKOKGE K. HUNT. Local Official. Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. Trial sire , 23 cents. All druggist * . YALE WINNKU or TIII : Woi'ld's Fair Medal nud 1 iploma. THE HAIR CONQUERED OIM1 ? , M. YALTA'S Excelsior Hair Tonic , ITS MIGHTY RULER. For tha first time In the history of the norM Gray Hulr Is turned back to Ita natural an.l nrlRlnal color without dye , lime. , Valn's I5rc t Bier Hair Tonlo hn the mark clous power ol Klvlne trio natural coloring matter circulation. consequent ! } ' , of restoring the Bray hair * to tlirlr own urlRlnat color. The complete rnustcry of thl * innrvclouB compound over the .human hair ha * created n grmilriD Kfrmatlon all over tha world , iin < l KB discoverlias been hailed with ciMlem Juy. There wit b no moro Bray Imlr to Tvorrjr over now , and no longer necessary to ufw In jurious urtlllclal lialr dyes. Mine. Valu'n skill a cliemlst IIDB never been equalled liy man or woman. She KtnndB ulone a queen and conqueror. Tlio whole world UOWH down to her an n pioneer und flcli-ntlat , Uftcelilor Hair Tonic wiil Bloji any cnse of rmlr from fulling In il IIOUTB , It l < i & uunrantvd cure for any ailment of the hair or dUcauu at the xcalp. U U absolutely pure anit free from anvllilng injurious. H ran bo taken < nlerntly ! with rwrteci safety , Jt ronlnlns nolh- 1n t jrreiuiy or Htlrky ; lia a dellKhtful , delical * odor , ami makes the most perfect hair drawing Known for cenoal use. ] tvll aid In keep ing tlio hair In curl. It creates n liuurlent. f\a \ - if Krowth und Mi-sonva HB naliirnl color until lie end of your ilayn. After tsray lialr hai ueen restored lo Us natural color with thla tonic II II not nctoigary to continue Its use except nt Inter vals an a Ionic , as the lialr * grow out from the ccalp Hi ojvii color the name u * before II turned gray. FOR lUIil ) HFADS It Is the only remedy on lUll UAUU ill.rtlAI unrtli known lo maUa the lialr urow on Ixild heads , lie cure that you Ket the genuine. fJewaie- counterfeit and lm > Itntlona. MaHe ture that every bottle hn ' , Mme. Yale'e plioto on und IdLled Hrne. M. Tatata Hx < rtlslor Hair Tonic. Guainnteed to restore cmr hair to IU original color -without dyu. Prica II. W per bottle , * U for J5.UO. Sold by all Drnggisti IV ! Orders Filled INVALID CHAIRS , Blutla fitockinuf. Deformity liractt , , Crutchei. Ltaltrrlcx. BjTlne : . Invalid ( .ail MtO Ital BuppUefl. Tin Lion Drue Uou e. TJIU ALOQ 1'KNl-OI.Tl KOI Parana sir * * ! , Oupotlt * 1'axten