THE OMAHA DAILY BEE _ : t WEDNESDAY I * , SEl'AmtfBER 26 , 1804 holiovo that their first duty 1 to rid th < jB tate of corporation tyranny , their part ) jBui rlnclples Inslng best advanced through this i Arrangements have already been made fein n night ncselon of the convention. Tli ! real of the delegates are expected on Hi ! morning trains. The railroad wine ° ' hand wltli a lot of proxies , Mcurod br th ( usual means , but they are almost sure It find that when It comes to voting then they will experience a whole lot ol trouble LINCOLN Al'l'AlitS. Lnticantor Comity Populhu Iniluljjo In a Dig Hulljr. LINCOLN , Sept. 25. ( Special. ) The hal of the populists ot 1114 O street was illlcd at the meeting heM last night. It was the icgularweekly meeting ot tlio club , bul special attractions In the way of speakers had been secured , Ullas Uakor presldei ana Introduced as tlio first speaker Mr. FreC Sheppard , vslia It the candidate for the county attorneyshlp. Ho outlined the pollcj of the party on the tariff and silver ques tions. and was followed by Frank D. Uager , candidate for the legislature , who had come .prepared with n net of statistics on the comparative expenses of the legislature undei the republicans , and the populists , to the advantage - vantage of the latter. Two or three nf the other oratora of the party mads Uiort talks and the meeting adjourned for a. eek-wher the speakers will bo S. J. Herman and S. W , UearUslcy. An excursion train -will leave the city to morrow night for the town of Wavcrly , where tlr < j ( republicans are talking of holding the ftrat big rally of thecam pa gn. The speakers announced for the occasion aie JuJgo Strode , W. II. Woodurd , candidate foi county attorney , and W. S. Summers , cleputj attorney. A big delegation of Lincoln democrats lefl this city for Omaha to attend the state con vention. The Jcffcrsonlan Democratic club was or prUnlzed last night with the following offlcsr-s 1' . J. Cogro\c. president : lr. L.V. . Eel- -wards , flrat vlco president ; Ud M. Fr.end second vlco president , and L. S. Dun ton recording secretary. About 100 people wen present at the meeting and the club claims s membership of 250. Arrangements tiavo been made to have tin railroads run excursions to the city to heai McKlnlcy on the 4th of next month , those having the arrangements in claim that the city will have the crowd ever gathered here on any pol tlca' ' occasion. _ Ulnth Want And- , uncut Ditlogiitlini. In view ot the misleading statements pub lished In the World-Herald regarding tin Ninth ward controversy , the republicans -wish to state that there , s nc question whatever about their Tin machlnci has had control cf the ward for ; long period and ward' bosses have manipu lated the caucus. The petition delegates an opposed to the machine and the bosses. Tlu Bo-callod "regular , " or caucus ticket , wa : nominated by a select coterie at Waslrlnstor hall on Thurstlay night hut , and the name ! tliero selected were slated through the caucui without dltDculty. It is a conglomeration o AVebsler , Crounsc and T hurst on men tin pledged on the senatorial question. Th < petition ticket was eclected by out and ou' ' Thurston men , and every man on the dele cation Is pledged to use all honorable effort : to secure the nomination of Thurs on men foi the legislature. There Is no concealmen about It anywhere. II favors C. K. Hate. for state senator and K. a. McUtlton foi the house. Both tliese men ate outspoke : for ; Thurston , and both ar < J resident republl caps of the Nmth war.l. There U not a sin Klo ofllce seeker or professional politician 01 the petition delrpctlon. They are slmplj representative reinibllcans. regularly selectee at a public caucus by reprtseiitat vi republicans , from every section ot tiu uard , for a definite and at owed purpose. Thej lepresent every part of tlio ward and are al thorough-going and well known Imsine. ! men. The r names nro as follows : C. J Anderson , one of the proprietors of tin Omaha Carriage Top company ; K , M. Andrce sen , head of Lee-Clarke-Andreesen Hardwari company ; .J. It. Barrett , manager of tin Omaha. Consolidated Vinegar company ; A ] f. Hurnett , atttfney at law ; II. P. Cady proprietor of the II. F , Cady Lumber com pany ; P , R. Flodman , a representative Swedish-American , and one of tire firm of I' E. Flodman & Co. ; Elinor D. Frank , clerl of the United States clicult court ; Robert F llodgln , editor ot the Omaha Exhibit , am John T. Hopkins , adjuster ot the Pliosnl : Insurance company. .Theso gentlemen represent no rng : , ar < not politicians and are good citizens , gooi republicans and opposed1 to ring rule In th Ninth ward. That they are not backed b ; a email faction of the party Is shown by i perusal of the large number of slgnntures t the petition asking the county central com mlttea to place their names upon the t eke to be voted far at the primaries next Friday NORTH YAKIMA , Wash. , Sept. 25. Dele gallons of democrats arrived this mornln from Tacoma , Seattle , Spokane , Walla Wall nnd other points to attend the state conven ttori , which convenes tomorrow , anil ever train Is adding to the number. Th } Irulnrs o the party nrc nil here and have bren caticusln most ot the day. Congressional possibllltic have excited the main Intercut , bul no thin has been settled as yet. Colonel .mines II Hamilton of Seattle says lie is not a candl date , but It Is understood he will accept I 'thoro Is no opposition. George Hazard Is nls willing under like conditions. The Kin county delegation has offered to put In now 1 naflon. and support Hugh C. Wallace 'c Tacoma , but Wallace positively declines , an 'sentiment Is concentrated on D. F. Itueatoi .Congressional timber for the cast sldo of th 'mountains Is back waiting , but the Indication are that II. S. Bland ford of Wnlla Walla wi bo nominated , Allen Win Too HoiirKi ) . t , Too .populists of South Omaha held th largest meeting of the Benson last night. Th fact that Senator Allen was billed to b there drew out a large crowd. Bauer's ha was packed to the doors. Attorney Hell , wh Is -candidate for county attorney on th populist ticket , was chairman nf the meei ing. Senator Allen was present and occuple a. aeat on the platform , but was ton hears 'to ' speak. Ho wai called for , ami , taking th platformfc announced In a whisper that : would be Impossible for him to hpeak. Tli gentleman wns greeted with cheers. Th other speakers \\oro : D. II. Carey , J. I .JJowors , I'rof. Jones , H.V. . McKadden. J. f Caflln and a number of local populists. Klchtli Wiiril I'vtitliiii Tlrltut. Republicans of the Eighth ward yestcrda filed a petition ticket Jn opposition to tli caucus ticket of that ward. The now tlck ( Is said to be unpledged , but Is avowedly ant ! Uruner ; II. L. Uurkct. W. F. Cowger. Olc Homier , Chris Lund , J. W. Nichols , W. t Smith , J. Wv West , John Wallace , C , I Younger. Montana U nt rr. > tft fur Tron Sltvur' HELENA , Mont. , Sept. 25. The democrat ! state convention today nominated H. R. Co belt of Mlssoula for congress and Judge L. i Luco ot Bozeman for associate justice of tl supreme court. The platform declares f < SERIES NO. 33-34. THE AMEllICMi ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY. 4 2CO Pages. 260,000 , Word < tXMHVtZjril Atilt VSRFUT A Jfiwe vf Knoirlnlue unil u mint nf VtrfulutJU , Uicro am more tilings timtructlio , useful anil entcrtalulnc la ilml rroal book Tha American KucjcloiwiUu Dictionary , " than la ntiT slmlUr publk-nlloit over IHHUM. TliUi rnnlwork , now for llio llrat tlma piaectl' wltlitn llio roacli of averyune. la n unlauo publication , for It to at lUu nania tlma a perfect dictionary & < ! : > comulcta oucyoli- Only that Dumber of Ihu Uook corre i > oaJ. iic Vfllh Uio Berloa iiuiutx-r ol tlio oouuo i prc cnlslwill ( t "Iclt voroit. OHK Sunday i d Thrvn Week-day ooupoiiv With IS cciiU lu coin. wtllUny oiij lurt Of Tiie Aiuerlcou KnuyclopwlU UlotldJ * ary. fioixl unlcm to Tlie Uuj Uillox kiiordert should bo addr\mod U DIOTIONAEY DEPARTMENT free coinage at 16 to 1 without comt.tlon 01 quallHcntlon. and sAyn that the hope of fre > silver lies In the democratic party. Clove land's administration Is endorsed. There wa : some fusion sentiment , but It was smotheret by a large majority. L'onncctU'Ut DciiMicnitki Cnnvrntlon , NEW HAVB.V , Conn. , Sept 25. The demo crattc state convention met this mornlni In thft I < yoerlon theater. Hon. Ceorgi M , Qulnn of Mllford was made temporary and permanent chairman. The only can dtdates for governor are Morris II. lleards ley of Drldgcport , and Ernest Cady of Hart ford. The program Is to glva the nomlna tlon to the one having HID larger ntimbei of votes on the first ballot. It Ileixnlsle ; Is second he will be named for lletitennn governor. The platform reported endorse : Cleveland and condemns the A. 1' . A , Krnest Cndjof Hartford was nominate ! for governor ; Morris Deardsley of Bridgeport lieutenant governor ; Bdwnrd 0. Klldtitf , sec rctary nf state ; Nicholas Staub , comptroller The platform expresses confidence In am pledge * support to President Cleveland , con gratulatcs the pople on the recent rcvisloi of the tntlff , rapj the American I'rotecllvi association movement In strong Innguagi1 declaring It vicious , ( banger ous to civ 1 llbertj and In vlolatl n of the rights guaranteed b ] the constitution. The acceptance of fre < railway passes by public olllclnls Is con de-mned. Economy In state expenses li pledged , as also legislation favoring work Ingmen. Qnc tliiiiliif ; Woirvr'v CAUSON' . la. , Sept. 23. ( Special. ) Hon A. L. Hager , republican candidate for congress gross from this ( Ninth ) district opened thi campaign yesterday at Perry's Drove befori a large and appreciative audience. That vl clnlty Is the hot bed of populism In Pottn wattamle county. Weaver had spoken fron the same platform two weeks ago. Ilagei read from a stenographic report of Weaver' ! speech his statements as to the relative galr In wealth and savings between the eastert and western slates. Then he read from thi official reports of the census bureau , and fron which Weaver pretended to quote , showing conclusively tint Weaver had In many in stances misquoted facts and figures ax Rivet In the official documents of the government and defying WeaVer to provo the wild state ments he Is repenting from any of the publli records. _ ItnpnUtlc in llnlljr J t Sohuvlor. SCHUVLKH. Neb. . Sept. 2D. ( Special Tele gram. ) Republicans of Schuyler were hlghlj entertained and much enthused In J.inecek' : opera hotm1 by ipceches. by Messrs. Church hill , candidate for attorney general , ant Melklejohn. Messrs. Webster and Majors were expected but could not make the datts Mr. Mellilrjolm dealt with leading Issues o the day , and for two hours poured hot she Into the opposing ranks. When he touch c on free silver his populist opponent , J. M Devlne , who was In the audience , took hi : departure. After the spech Melklejohn hai a general handshaking with his host o friends here , with many of whom he Is per sonally acquainted. InUTi'Ulni : r.ipillIM Knllv. nilUNSWICK , Neb. , Sopt. 25. ( Speclal- ) The populht = t of thh rreclnct , assisted bj several organizations from Nellgh , Orcliarc and other towns , gave a grand picnic rail : In Johnson's grove , four miles from thi city. Hon. J. M. Devlne , candidate toi congress from this district , and Hon. E.V Jeffries , candidate for state senator , am several othp. " leading speakers ot the populls parts' , were present. The Orchard bras band furnished music for the occasion. Thi meeting was attended by large crowds fron all over the ccurty. f.TOni ICoiil ] > Ur ii4 intortilni-il. : LYONS , Neb. . Sept. 25. ( Special. ) Law yer W. G. Sears of Oakland delivered an in foresting speech last evening at the clt ; opera house before the republlcnn club. Mr Scars laid down the financial principles of th parts' , and showed that the nation's nions : question had always been bast handled b ; ; he republican partj' . Attorney H. H. 13e-rlcs.of ) this co'inly ha challenged > lr. Sears tp a scrlea otpolltlci debates. The challenge 'In all probablllt ; will - , be .accepted. ( v , i , LJ Ciin't ' Irnora SluJiprV Itrcqrd , PLATTSMOUTH , Neb.Sept. . 23. ( Specia Telegram. ) Judge Holcomb will spah In thi city next week , and from present prospect will receive an enthusiastic reception. Ther nre dozens of republicans In Plattsmouth wh will cast their ballots in November for Hoi comb. They nro as enthusiastic as ever li their republicanism , but Majors Is too badl ; tainted with corruption Influence to get thel votes' , Holcomb's vote In Plattsmouth wll bj surprisingly large. Holt I rnliibltloulBts Aittlvr , O'NEILL ' , Neb. , Sept. 25. ( Special Tile Brain. ) The prohibitionists arc circulating petition praying that the' name of Bartle Blalno bo placed upon the official ballots as i candidate for state senator from this , th Thirteenth senatorial district. Ali'Ki'lKhnn ut Superior. SUPEIUO.H , Neb. . Sopt. 25. ( Speclal.- ) Hon. W. A. McKelghan made a speech i the opera house last evening to a crowde house , many being unable to get In. His r < marks were well received by all parties. FOR SOUL AND BODY. Oinulm'rt Schools for I'r.Michcri nuil Ioi-tor FnrnmllyOpsnnil r.ait En-nhtsr. The directors of the Omaha Presbyterla Theological seminary held their annual meei Ing yesterday nt 12 o'clock In the Commercl ; club rooms. It-was the largest meeting cvt held , twenty-flve ministers nnd etders froi nearly all the western states answering tli roll call. The program WPS opened with lunch , after which speeches and reports wei made. The latter Indicated a prosperous cot dltlon of the seminary. This year's sesslo opens with twenty-five or more students , or of whom came from India. The opening e ) erclses of the seminary were held last nlgl at the First Presbyterian church. Dr. Ooi dan delivered the address. , Oiiriliu Ueillcal C'ollPKC , The annual opening exercises of the Omal Medical college were held last night , an this morning the regular work of the ye : will begin In earnest. Dr. Kmmett of It State University of Iowa delivered the opei Ing address , and was followed by members i the faculty , who made short addresses. Tl audience comprised some 150 persons. AfU the * exercises the building was thrown ope to the visitors. There were 103 matriculates to the co lego , and during the next two weeks It expected twenty-five or thirty more will I added. The old faculty has been retain * and there are several additions. Dr. We Is added to the department ot histology at Drs. Bdmlston and MeU to that ot analdm foliage. Last night the third annual session of tl John A. Cre-lghton Medical college of Crelgl ton university was formally opened , T ) program comprised selections by the Moza' quartet and the Crelghton University Oli club and an address by T. U. Jllnalian. large numbsr of visitors were In attendanc who inspecled the building alter the rend tlon of the program. There are sixty students In the college , i Increase of twenty over last year. The coun has been considerably changed , embracli tour years instead of three. To the o faculty have been added Mr. Crowley , Dr Towne , ' Summers , Martin , Carter bf Count Bluffs , Hamilton , Hobbs and Carpenter. Nebrankn DcfitullT CuiiRlil In Ok'iilimv. PERKY , Okl. , Sept , : s. A , J , Orendori n.llas J. A. Orverturf , who la charged wll being a defaulter to the amount of 11.1 wlille he wag postmaster nt SprlnK Itnnc Neb. , was nrrested near here today. I confessed hU guilt nnd was placed In ja riitiTfmnp C'oiiplo to Weil. CHEYENNE. Sept. 25 , ( Special. ) J. : O'Hearne , superintendent of the Union P olflc shops nl this place , and Miss Mollle M Quire will be wedded at Salt Lake Septet ber 28. Itobliod n Orocrj" Sturp. The grocery store ot Jepspn & Lund 2520 Cumlng street was broken into tli morning shortly after 2 o'clock. Some mom and Bonn ) sacks of Sour were stolen. SECOND MILL ALSO A DRAW Everharclt and Abbott Utabe ! to Come to a Oonolufha at New Orleans , BOTH ( /.EN WERE STRONG AT THE FINISH iVincrlcnii I-'orcoil the t'Jlil | fr nil tl iilng , but Wn * Uniililu to Cltvo the nmiin tlip I'ropcr I'uucli lu 1'nI Him Out , NEW OULEA.NS. Sept. 25. The entertain ment at the Olympic club tonight cotnmpiiccil with a friendly exhibition bout of four rounds between Young Orlffo , the Australianami Mile ; Dunn , Orlffo's work was much appre ciated by the audience , which numbered about 6,000. The event of the evening was then announced and Jack Bvcrhardt of New Orleans nnd Stanton Abbott ot Kngland en tered the ring to fight for a $1,500 purse. The referee warned tlio men In reference tc fouls. Kvcrhardt was seconded by R S , \Vlllls. J. J. Hates and the Sutherland broth ers ; Abbott by John Dunn , Hilly 1'llmmer , Alt Uobb and Hilly Chlttendcn. Humid 1 Everhardt commenced the ag gressor , Abbott assuming a beautiful de fensive po3ltlun. Everh.irdt landed a good left In the Htomach and brought the right over on the Englishman's Jaw a motmnt later. Just as the Bong sounded Eveihardt landed a good left on the stomach and brought the right on the Jaw for the third time. time.Hound Hound 2 Evcrhardt commenced the round landing BOHH very rough blows on the bead , IJotli men scored lefts , but Everhardt landed a wicked right on the neck. Hound 3 Everhardt landed n vicious lefl on the body , repeating It n moment later without return , IJoth nun scored hits on the body. Hound 1 Everhardt had the best Of It , The Englishman was fought to the ropes. Hound D Everhardt landed two vicious punches on his opponent's lipad and the lat ter clinched to avoid punishment. Ever- hardt landed the right on the Jaw and u vicious body blow. Doth men landed on the head. Evcrhardt was the aggressor. Ab bott landed n good right on the heart. FIRST HED FOR JOHNNY. Hound 6 Abbott landed n fair left on the Jaw nnd ducked away from a vlclotts awing , Evcrhardt landed n left stomach punch a moment later. Evcrhardt Untied left and right , the latter on the head. Abbott es caped several right swings , but usually ducked Into left upper cuts. Abbott was caught on the chin with n left. Referee Duffy announced first blood for Everhardt. Hound 7 Abbott ducked Into an upper cut and received two frightful blows on the Jaw , landing a body blow In return. Hound S There was some heavy flRhtliiF In the center of the ring and Abbott's right eye was bleeding. Hound 0 Everhardt landed left on face , iccelved a .tight In return. Abbott landed two right body punches. , Round 10 Abbott again ducked Into an uppercut and received u left punch In the face , landing a right In return. Abbaft was nearly knocked down with a straight left Ir the face , and staggered from a blow on trie head. Hound 11 Everlmr'dt landed a left cm the body and nearly fell to the ground. Abbot ) landed a right on the head and got a lefl In return. Hound 12 Abbott landed tome good ' punches , driving Evorlmrdt to the ropes where he uppercut the home man viciously with the left , but In the- thirteenth round Everhardt evened things up nnd lost nothing In the exchange. . Abbott received a rlghl on the Jaw , which knocked Ma head baclr. Hound 14 Abbott landed two wicked lefts one on the stomach , the bther on th& 'nuse being the two best he delivered durliig the fight , but In the fifteenth he ducked Intt heavy leftsnnd : liad ; the worsLot the ex change. , /\BHOTT STJM. , QX TJ-IE DEFENSIVE. In tound bcventcen Evcrhardt landed sev eral hard punches with right and had tin best of the hitting , The men did llgh'tvorl until the twenty-first and twenty-second rounds , % vh n the hitting was hearyj Ever- hardt having a shaelu the best of It. i The twenty-third and twenty-fourth were fasl nnd slightly in Everhardt's favor , thougl Abbott came up strong for the Jlnal round The twenty-fifth round commenced fas ! and ftirloux , Everhardt landing three rapid rights , nhlla Abbott held his-loft glove in a partial clinch. The men clinched repeated ! } In this round and were ordered to break Everhardt was still the aggressor , torcliu Abbott -around the ring. Both men secniEc very strong. Everhardt's lefts landed fre quently on Abbott's head and the Engllt.i man clinched frequently to uvold punishment Hefer.e Duffy then declared the fight t draw. The decision was very latlsfactory t ( the largo crowd , Fltzslmmoris and Crecdon are both In torn for , thclr fight tomorrow evening. Both me-i continued to work up to this afternoon- Fit : Is a heavy favorite In the pools. Creedoi Is full of confidence and relics mainly on lil disposition to take punishment in order ti get In on Fltzslmmons for close , suortorn fighting. Crcedon has found plenty of back Ing slnco ho made his appearance in tin city , and ho iswell pleased with the fac that there are long odds placed against him NATIONAL , LKACUli U/IMES. llnltiinorn Tnmes Three of Mr. Ollvo I'crrj Totionu'a VVIhl I'ltclicrs. CLEVELAND , Sept. 23.-The wlldnpss o the three iillclicrs wlio went Into the bo : for Cleveland , coupled with the errors o the home team , gave Baltimore an eae > ; victory. Score : Cleveland 410200011 Ualtlmore 31120213 1 1 Duse hits : Cleveland , It ; Haltlmorc- lirrorc : Cleveland , 7 ; Baltimore , 2. Enrnei runs : Cleveland , 2) ) Baltimore. L' . Bthicl out : Ity Sullivan , C ; by Ksper , 1. Horn runs ; Kec-ler. Two-base hits : Hurkett. Me Kenn , Wallace , Clark , Mc-Graw , Time Two hours nnd ten minutes. Umpire Lynch. Uattcrles : Young , Sullivan.Val lace and y.lmmer ; Esper nnd Robinson. ClnnlH Knjnylng Ihttlr Vlxlt. LOUISVILLE , Sept. 23. The Colonel could not bit Ru&le toilay. while \Vads worth was lilt hard and received mlserabl support. Came culled on account of dark ncsa at the end of the vcventb Innlne Score : Louisville 0 020010 New York 1305013-1 Ua6o hits : Louisville , 10 ; New York , , li Errors ; Louisville , 11 ; Ne\v York , 0. Knrne runs : Louisville , 2 : Nt\v York. 4. Twt base hits : Lake. Clark , Qrlm , Wadswortl Tlcrnan. Three-base hits ; llroivn , Tlemai Double plays : Grim to LUtenbergStruc out : By Wnilsworth , 2 ; by Itusle. 5 ; 1 > German , 1. Time : One hour and llfty-ilv minutes. Umpire : Keefe. Batteries : wad ; worth and Colej Rusle , Wilson , German an Farrel. Jlirr * ' N no Tny lu liinntuwo , CINCINNATI. Sept. 23. The Urdu wo both frames today , the llrst by bunchln their hits , wlillo Boston's we-ie scatteret and the second through hard bitting , wlill the Bostons were unublc to bat Wit trod Tenncy had bis band split and Mcl'he wrenched his ankle , botli being conipellc to retire from the games , Score , lirnt gamt Cincinnati 42011001 * Boston OU2030002 Base hits : Cincinnati. 12 ; lioston , 12. Ki rors : Cincinnati , I ; Boston , G. Earned runs Cincinnati. 2 ; Boston , -4. Two-baso hit * Dwyer. Double plays : Smith to Mcl'liee t Massey ; Nash to l owe ; Tucker to Duff ] Struck- out : Uy Parrott , 1 : by Nlcholu. : Time : One hour llfiy minims. Umpir , McQimld : Batteries : Merittt nmi I'arroti Nichols and Mnssey. Second game , called to nllow Hostons t catch train : Cincinnati 10121 Boston , . , , < J 0 1 u u Base hit * : Cincinnati , K ; Boston , 3. El rors : Cincinnati , 3 ; Boston , 2. Earned'rum Cincinnati , 2. Two-bade lilts ; Murphj 1'urrolt , Lowe. Home runa : 1-atlmii Double plays : Smith to Latham to Mn : eey ; Merrltt to Latham to Maemey : Stlvetl to Lowe. Time : One hour. Umpire ; Me Quald. Batteries : Wlttrork nnd Murphj Uanzcl , Tenncy and llodaun. Sir. Plcgemlrr In tu > Nittlomu. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 25The Drowns toda turned the tables on the I'liUIIes , wlnnln the Kituie easily. Numerous errors on tl ; part of the visitors and the slugging give Fltjsemler , the new pitcher , lost them th game. Score : St. Louis , , . , , 30030107 * : rtilUdelphla , 200100040 Base lilts : St. Louis , 12 , Philadelphia , 1 Errors : SI , Louis , 3 ; Philadelphia. Earned runa St. Loula , 1 ; niltr-.d. iphlu. i Struck out : Tly FlgRcmler. 2. Home runs ; Dowd. Two-Haso. hits : Hoylc. Three-bnM lilts : Hnmfltpri. , Connor. Double plnya Qulnn to CortrWi' ' Delepnnty- Htillmnn t ( Boyle ; Boyle to Mailman ; Iiowtl to Connor I'eltz to CJnlnn to Connor ; Uoyle ( unnwilKt- ed ) . Time : .JOdmhour find forty tnlntitet. Umpire : .Hurst . llatterlea : Hnwley ami Twlnehum ; VJIV Smler. nil Orady. Hcnnnil ) , SliitKe < l Hie ITniplro. PITTSIH'HO.iiHept. 25. Pitcher Kenned } got Into n oyrunsle with irmplre Bettp called him yJI < j pames nnd struck ; him Ir the fac'o twfce. He was lined $25 and pin out of the KifrnH.1 I'lttsbtirg tiled Jordan , nn nmateur pttfher , and lie wna eiulte suc cessful. Bconn : > PlttBburtr .4..KI , . 11 Brokolyn 0 4 0 0 0 0 2 U 1 ' Base blta//PlttburK ! , 15 ; Itrouklyn , 10. 1 > ror ! PlttsburK , 1 ; Brooklyn , 0. Eurnei runs : Pitlsbti-g. ) S ; Brooklyn , S. Two-baM lilts ; lieckley Vj ) , Bauer. Three-base lilts Shlndle , Trcnflwny. Home runs : Cross Double pluy : .Hums to Lnchnncc ; Bailer tc Cross to fleckley ; Cross to IJauer to Becsi ley. Struck , out : By Jordan , Grlllln , Time Two hours. Umpires : Belts and Gnffticy. . Batteries : Jordan tind AVctiver ; Treudivay Kennedy , Daub ntu ! Dalley. btitiulliiK'or the TcnuiH. , I'iayrd. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct Baltimore . . . . .125 87 3S G9.I New York 12S ST. IS C3 , Boston 123 St IS K2.S Philadelphia 123 71 C2 r.7/ Brooklyn 127 as G Ml Cleveland . , , . . , . . . . . 125 cr CO C2. < PlttRburs : , 126 C.1 6-1 49 , : Chicago 130 BG 71 43.1 Cincinnati , 120 fn 73 42,1 St. Louis 123 52 7G 401 Washington . „ . . . , . 127 41 8 ! 34 , ( Louisville 126 33 91 27i City Adilt the I-iiRt Duo to Itci GUAND HAPIUS. Sept. 25. Hurt was toe mntli for the Itustlers tixlay , nnd Sioiu City quit the season with the closing KIIIIK to her credit. Score' Urand Hnpld.s . . . . . . nOOOOOlOO 1 Sioux City . . . . . . . . - * -l lilts : Grand Rnjilds , 8 ; Slottx City , 14. Kr- rors Grain ! -Iluptdft , C ; Sioux City , 3 Karnetl runB : Sioux City , fi. Two-base lilts ItoKrlever , O'lSourhe. Three-base hits Marr , Hart. Struck out : Uy Jones , 3 ; b > Hart , 4. Doublu plays : Callopy to Curuth- ers ; o'ltourkc to Stewart ! Holoban tc Stewart to McCauley ; Holohnn to Me- Cnuley. Time : One hour and fifty minutes Umplie : Kerni. | Batt riert : Puiker Jones and Spies ; Hart nnd Krause. MllliiiM Wiiii. HID I.itst Oru- . DRTRO1T , Sept. 23. Mlnneapolls needed today's game tp hold her position , ami the Millers won , Scorer : Detroit . , . . . . . , . 1 00003500- ! Minneapolis . . . . . . . - ! HltH : Detroit ; , 17 ; Minneapolis , 1G. Krrors Detroit , 2 ; Minneapolis , 2. Earned runs : Dc- plnys : Peapj to Jantzen to Dcoley ; Ilurre to Werden. Struck out : By 1'carx , 3 ; bj I'arvln. 1 ; by Krazer , 3. Time : One lioui and forty-live nilnutes. Umpire. McDonald Batteries : Borpbera , Pcnra and Jnntzcn ; Parvln , Frazer tind Bnrrcl. .Miiniiln : . Mli | ( o Tlilril I'lru c. TOLEDO , Serll. 2J.-Tho White Stockings landed themselvqa In pecond place- today bj battlntr Danlqla , freely nnd glvlns Hiighe.v splendid support : . The pamo was close until the eighth innltfc , and the playlns wns sharp and brilliant , despite the cold weather. Jimmy Mannlg resumed his uhl position at second base and iniido tlio efforl of his life to yyiijj Scare : Toledo . if. . l 2100103 0-i Kansas City . - , . . . „ 0 0 2 0 1 0 0 2 0J J Hits : Toledo , 17 ; Kansas City , 11. Ccrors : Toledo , 1 ; Kansao- City , 4 , Karned runs ; Toledo. 4 ; Kn/wsasnKlty / , 4. Two-base lilts ; Hiiffhey. Nleliol.j , Three-base hits : Man nlng. Stolen -bifsW : Untneltl. Gluts' , Fore- mun , Manning. Dannliue. Daniel * . Struck ouU : Hy Huglrejv ? ; by.Daniels . , 2. Time ; TwoTiours. Ifinplre : Mnnnissati. Rat- terles : Hugliey anil McParland : Daniels and Donahue. " btiinitlinro' rlio Trnms. lilaycil. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct. sioux city- . . .s.j.i-.t. ir. 71 , . ni ra.s Toledo -r 121 < 3 53 65. E Kaiisas-'Clty . : . . . - . . ; 126 tS DS Bl. ( .JllnntNipolls . . .j.i. . . 12i n 63 SO.t .Grand .Hnplds .J1.,12J ( 62 61 < ! ) . ! IndlilnapQlls . . ' . , , . . 126 ( Tl 51 18. 'Detfllt ' . \.rLl.1.f. . W..MBl 5 " ! 41.S fitllVkUIuKru VlU.JjfW 121 - 5 rri' > " 71 : 43- KKBUlVtS OXTIIK ltUNNI > U TK.tUKS. Seco'ml ifii ) ' or llio 'joroirio1'ark SoinctlilnK of a' k rcist. NEW YOUK , Sept. 25. In Hie only stake event at Jerome TarU but seven horees were- down to start. , nnd. Hublcon had tc walk over , for all the others declined the Is sue. In the sixth event only four went tc the 'post , with Governor Sheehnn a strong favorite. He was poorly ridden by IPtnt ami finished secojid.The first race had flvt starters , with Beldemere aa the fnvorltt and Stonenellle second choice , and that wus the way they llnlshel. ( The others were It the rear. Results : First race , one 'mile ' : ' Heldemere (9 to 20' won .Stonenellle , (3 ( to 1) second , FlorlndE (100 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1 : > , & . Second race , ldfor l ttakesTitan course Walkover for Unblcon , Third race , live furloiiffs , selling : Utlcr (8 ( to 0) won , Mlrigeley (8 to 5) Becond , Cock ade (16 to 1) third. , Time : IVO A. Fourth race , mile and a jslxtocnth , selling Uglitfoot (9 ( to 10) ) on , .lack Hone ( . " > to 2 second , Oallopln 'Klns OU to 1) ) third. Time l:52 : 4. Fifth race , live- furlongs : Kteslan (12 It 1) won , True I-'enny (3 to Ti ) second , Belvln ; (1 to 1) third Timeli)2 1-5. Sixth racct , Titan , comse , selling : I > om Bridge , (1 lp,0 won , Oovernqf Sheetmn ( I it 5) second , Agitator ( CO to 1) ) third. Time 1:22. Seventh race , ' * Ix 'furlongs , selling : Pu lltzer (8 to 6) won , Darkm-ss (7 to f ) seu tmd. Prince John (10 to I ) third. Time lisis. OtUrmiiD ut Miiilhon , ST. ioUIS. Sept. 2n.-At Madison : Firs race , selling , live ftii longs : Ilosimond won Urinate second , AladtJIn third. Time : 1:06 : J. Second race , selllnff , five and a balf flit loncs : Gaberdine won , Plc.uldllly second Guvcrnoir lirownsthirdi Time : 1:11. Third race , seVl"t . four and a half fnr longs : Stortkfeeper won. Helle T second Sam V third. Tltnec 1W. : Fourth race. KelllUK. live and a linlf fur longs : Mlcklejobn von , KlorelUi second Tim Flynn third. Time : 1:13 : Fifth race , selling' , sl. c fnrlonss : Tm Hook won , Ivanhou , second , Tenor thlnl Time : l\SVi. : \ Only < lno I'nTurltu In Iont. . CINCIXNATl.'sepf. 23. At l.\tonia : toda : the weather was cool , th track very fa and the nltendanoo over 3,000. The \vlnne o the last race -was the only wlnnliiK fu voiite. Iron Master , In the second , \\us an of most books In the brttlrK , > ' t he esinn In a rather bad fotirtl. . Uesults ; First race , seven furlongs. Master Fred ( to 1) ) won , Bedford ( in in 1) second , Tus caroru ( S to-1) third. Time : ISMft. Second rabet' Bellini ; , one mile : Cievassi ( ! > to 1) ) won , Btnrthrot ( IS to 1) ) second illicit Geode (7 tu 11 third. Time : 1:42' : ' , < . . Tlilid race , mile and a sixteenth : Huckw ; (11 ( to C ) won. I .a ! ; e Shore ( S to2) ) second Pliitus ( ! ) to 5) thltd. Time : .1:47W- : Fourth raco.-.lCinJjU ) stables , 2-year-oli colts. Hlx furriTnSBt lllasco (3 to 1) wan SaUmnm (1IJ ( tcrlj ffeuotid , Canewootl (20 to I third. Time : lrt .jB | , , , . , , , Fifth race. wura and a .half furlongs Anhle (5 ( to 1 ) o.p , Seville ( .4 to 1) ) second Staffs (12 to 1) tliTril. Time : 0:5Gli. : Kebecci threw Donahxffultwe jockey , at the start and came In rWrt < rW Sixth nice , ibtw i furlongs : IJareveli ( ever ! ) won. Chnnnlon (8 ( to S ) second , Mis Lilly (8 ( to 1) ) tbiwVlTlme. 1:29 : .J. \VlnApr * . nt llHrlum. IIAULKM. 8evtr 23Flrst race , five fur longs : SundOHJi , won , llama second , \Veol third. Time : i:0. % Second race , Mllb'uml seventy yards : Rei Glen won _ , rocJejKecond , Mulberry thlid Third race" , tfWe { "lirloiiKs : Katie 15 wor Venus second , IBctlmp third. Time : ld\/ : \ . Fourth race , > , W\f \ ) and three-sixteenths Cicely won , Hawlbiirnn scexind , Uesslo HU land thlnl. TliWef ' ! i:01 % . Fifth nice. lIWiOitloiiKx : I o Lake wor Mlsa Alice teQodWorla | ) , third. Time : 1:01 : Sixth race , mlle uul twenty yards : Hue : McCann woa and was disqualified for foul Inc. Fakir placeo 'first , Sly l.lslion seeont Teeta May third. 'Time ; 1:12. : NcolH i\Vlns HS Umiul. NEOUA , IB. . Sept. 23. ( SpecluI.-Nei > ! l defeatenl the crack Atlantic team for th third time this season on the home ground lost Sunday. Ncola han only lost fen Riimes thin Henson , nrul has played all tli best teams In this section , Follow IHK U th score of Sunday's game : Ne-aln . , . . . . . GU020033 - ! Atlanlio . , . . 100303010- Itase hits : Neolq , 15 ; Atlantic , 9 , Struc out ; Hy SIcIlvalne , , 9 : by Franklin , 5. 13i rore ; NfttriuI ; Atlantic , 8. 'Irnnls In Nnrllirnia Nelirniku , WAYNn , Neb. , Sept. M.-Opeelal Tele sram. ) The llrst tennli tournament o northeastern Nebraska occurred hero todaj Teams fiom tha following towna played Wakeneld beat ilartlnzton. 6.3 , 7.5 , C-i ; Nor folk b-rul Coleridge C I , G-t , 4-8 , 7-S ; Itan ilotph dofnuttcHl to Wnync ; Norfolk benl \ Vnym0fi. . a-C , 6-1 , 6-3 , 6-3 , Wukefleld Iwil Norfolk , 6-7 , 0-S , C-2 , 6-1 , This Riven Wake- HeM the rnmnloniihtp of northeastern Ne- liarska cm doublp.i. The Northeast Nebraska Tennis nnfoclatlon IMS organized by the flection of J D. llnokell of Wnkelleld , pren- Idcnt ; J. O. Mines of Wayne , secretary ami treasurer , _ _ UK\Tllitl : I'lll-VKMS 8KN3AT1ONS. < > " tlin foliiuilun Triutk Unviilil of littrnnrdiniiry l'nilnrr . COMtAtWS , Sept. 25. A cold , raw wlml prevcntetl any pvnsdtloiml racing nt the Columbus driving pnrk today. WeaUiei clear , truck fast. Kesnlls : I'M rat rneo , frce-for-Hll puce , purse Jl.OOC ( postponed from ycsterdny ) ! Knbensteln won llfth , sixth and seventh heralH and rate , Time : 2:081,4 : , 2.0DU , 2:13. : VtiHwir took third anil fourth btvitH in 2:09\4 : , 2:07-i. : Hal 1)11- 1 la nl took llrst nnd second hcnts nnd u-nt illstanceil In the third. Time : 2OSVi , 2o-- % , Mny Marshall nntl Hellcctor starteMl , but were drawn. 3-year-ioia trot , 2:2 : class , purse Jl.OOO . : Otioqtiu won In straight hentK. Time : 2:17- : % , 2lflH : , 2:18. : Nonlllnfr. J.lmonco nnd Illlly Parks nlso Hlartuil. Parks was dlstniictHl. S-ycar-old pace , a:20 class , inirsc Jl.OOOi WlilrllRiK1 won in stinlght heats. Time ; 2il.1\i. 2:11 : < , 2'10fe. He Sure , Kthel A nmi Sldmont alsu utaited. Sldmont % vnn ills- taneed. 2:17 trot , purse $1,000 : KnUrhtmarc won In straight heutn. Time : 2:11 : , 2:13 : , 2:14. Wist ful , Georgia. Iee , Sentinel Wllkes , Grnttnn , Senator Hose , l.ottlo C , J M X , Ilnronette , Uncle Josh , I < aughmn. Heltlemont nnd Al- phlnc also starlet ) . The first heat In the 2:3(1 : ( class , pace , nn- Mulshed , wns won liy CanLabln In 2:15U. firw Kngliiiid Ilrroi. < > r4 Mic-Hng. MKDFOHD , Mum. , Sept. 25. The annual mcetlnjr of the Now Kngland Breeders' ns- noclatlon opened ut Mystic park today , Toinah won the 2S9 trot In straight liwitsi Hodney second. Alice Wllkeq third. Time : 2lCVi. : 211974. 2:13. : C'.reenboy , Jr. , nnd 1-Jdy Mac also started. Jack won the 2:27 puce , talcing the second nnd fourth bents ; Helen won first hcsit , Alctnta third money. Time2:16' : . 2:15 , 2lli. ! 2:18H. : Ctltl , Ullly Frazer and Kentutu nl"io started. Siiblennt "x\on the 2-yenr-old trot In straight bents : Pandora second. Arlstoppe ? , Dorothv and Tom Uoy distanced In the llrst heat. Time : 2EP } , 222V1. ; .loll IlciKlcil on at tlin M rt. HAT/TIMOnn , Sept. 25. ToiL-iy was the opening- day of the full trot nnd paging meetlnn at the OentJemen's Driving pnrk , George Kingston of Providence , owner nnd driver of the chestnut goldlng , Ullly K , was fined $2r > 0 on thft charge Hint tin- horse was fraudulently tlrlven lu the 2fiO : trot , and he nnd the horsp stand suspended. Frank Unrties , a local trainer , drove the horse to victory In ( he three last heats. No attempt had been micle to lose the race , but to lower the betting odds for a coup. Kingston has nlso been called upon to piove the identity of the horse before he gets the purse. In the 2:50 tra-t. Ullly K won fifth , sixth and seventh IntitK and race ; Shelu Queen won second and thlnl ; Maggie Catnpbsll fourth .nnil Bob Johnson first heat. Time : 2S1 : ! , 2.29VS. 2:2S : i , 2:27" . . 2:25'4 : , 2.2C31. 2:2fl : > J. Link Wood , Kate , Jack l.ncas ami Ellen GnKky iilso started. The 2-27 pace wan won by Veta In straight henlH Notion Becond , S.indovnl third. Tliiie. 2:21. : 2:17'i. : 2:20 : . McDonnell , C'ycler Hey , W n II nnd Helle nf Frnstlmrg' nKo started. Thp 2in : trot wis won by J H S In straight heattt ; Bravago second , C.itherlne I.eyburn third Time : 2-2t ) > ' , . 2'in1220'A ' Com- rneuMnl Gill. Vptllmla , Albert T and Mo- nofnr-y nlso ran. At' ' l'ISON'8 iilHOtSVlIti : : C'OSTIA' . riftiMiu f Thpiu . ) iiiiuf. < l lulu ( Inn Slinrt Camp ol HIII > I'lill. ANITA , In. , Sept. 23. ( Speclal.-Thc base ball lovers of Audiibon were Riven a genuine treat Monilay , when HIP Anita bull club won u. very Interesting eleven- Inning game from them. Holmes pitched a very good Kume , but his suppuil was very poor. Beyrner of Anita ulso pitched good ball , while their etroTa were few , but costly With two men out nmi the basts full In the rouith Inning , Huff hit a high lly , nmi O'l-caiy , after making a long lun , stumbled on ( he rough rrrouml and muffed It. All four Fcored before the plde was ro'tlrrd. SUndei-s , Anita's Hluirt Btop , was lilt in the jaw by n pitched ball , but wan able to continue In HIJB game. Attendance was poor for the CHK of ball witnessed. Score : ANITA. ' . , AU. It. III. PO. A , 13. Gardlncer , c . " . . . ( f 1 1C 3 0 Sanders , s > s f , 2 0 0 3 0 Hlnkle. 31 > C 1 1 1 0 1 Hlohnrdson- B 2 2 1 0 C Heymer , p. . , 5 1 1 2 4 I Morgan , ib r 2 1 7 1 ti O'henry , If 0 1 2 0 3 MoVey , rf C 0 n 0 o 0 Calklnf , 21 fi 0 1 4 1 i Totals 19 10 8 33 12 1 AHOUHON. AH. It. III. PO. A. K. Hunter , 2b r. . . 5 1 0 0 3 tl aiupp , 11 > fi 1 2 12 J 1 Holmes , | - Nclswnniiger , If 4 0 2 0 0 0 numb , ss , . . . n 0 0 1 1 ] Miller , 3I > n 0 o o 1 -i Jones , rf fi 1 2 2 0 1 Freemun , ef.- . , fi 1 -I 0 o ( J nobeits , c 3 1 1 12 2 -1 TnHls 42 7 12 SO 11 IS Anita 0 ( 3 10 Afidubon 001 101)10100-1 ) Karned inns : Anltn. 1 ; Auduhan , 1. Three- base lilts : Holmes. Double plays : San- dera to Calklna ; Calkins to Morgan. Bases on balls : Off ISeymor , 1 ; off Holmes , 3. Hit hv pitched ball : liy Heymer , 1 ; by Holmes , 2. Stuiek out : Hy llolmef. l ! , ; by Ueymer. li. Vmplre : Vooihees. Score- man : McKinley. 'lime : Two hours. KMMI : > IN A TII.U Umuliii Tries Again irltli Clinton but KHllnl tn Finish , CLINTON , la. , Sept. 25. ( Special Tele gram. ) The Omaha club snatched today's game from the jdWH of defeat In the nlntli Inning , but were prevented from winning by having to catch tl train , The game was cold and dreary one , the chilling weather making It Impossible to play perfect ball Clinton stalled In tn win , and kept up the pace till the ninth. A passed ball liy tH- rich nnd an error by Itourke In the llftli gave Clinton three scoies and saved hoi ftoni defeat. The game was uninteresting rip to the eighth Inning , \vhen successive smashes by linlchlntnn , McCann nnd Clan- sen ami u Imp ? on balls netted the Omahat three runs. The ninth was started in ut 11 winning- pace , MuVey following Larigsford't single with a double , but phenomena ! catches by Schooley , Howman and I'uehen retlrr'1 the wide with the scon1 u tie. Score : Omaha . 2-1 ! Clinton . 4 0 0 1) ) U 1 2 0 2 11 IlliniL-H Inn nt liallliunro. BAl/TIMOUi : . Sept. 23. The llrat day ol the fall bicycle tuuinnrnent , while perfecl for racing , drew n comparatively small crowd. Tims nttemptcd to break the rnlie roconl of Tyler , 2.0 : ! 1-5 , but the best lit could do over a uuartci-mllc truck was 2:10 : , He-suits : One mile , novice ; H. K. Perle first. Time 2:37 1-5 , I lair-mllir handicap , class H : McDanalC (10 ( yards ) first , Cabnnno ( scratch ) seconil U C. Johnson ( hcrfttch ) third. Time : ln : 2-5 Mlle open , class A : Sims tlrst. Time. 22.ri ; 2-J , Mlle open , class I ) : Sanger won. Cabanne second , Poulter thtnl. Time : 2:20. : Two-mile handicap , class A : Sims ( scratch ) -won. Time : 5:10 : 2-5. Two-mile handicap , clnst II ; Harnett (7 ! yarn j liw , Co per K > yards ) ECCOVI , Hux-.d (2vH ) yards ) thlnl. Time : 1:8 : ! ) 4-5. clmy'rr > V < iu : i CJIiiso litinie. SCHIJY1.HU , Neb. , Sept , 23-SpecIa Tclegrani. ) The last of the series of game : with Waterloo proved to be one of tl beat of the season. The Watcrloos pnllec themselves together for a mighty effort hut Schnyler stiffened to meet them , us u shown by the score : Schuyler . , . . . 0 3000050 I Waterloo . 0 00000150-1 Batteries : Klllrnell and Palmer for Schiry ler ; Heln and Mehalt for Waterloo , Dusting * ' .New Cjcllnc tilth. HASTINGS , Sept. 2S.-Speclal. ( new cycling club was organized In this city las fright and starts out with an enrollmen of twenty-live members , II. C. Morln wa ! elected president , Herb Wanzer vice presi dent , Htmy Jacobson secretary , Kd Mar mrls treasurer , Kit Marnuls captain am' ' Charles Jacobs lieutenant captain. The : have completed all arrangements far u two mile roud race , to tome oft Saturday even Ins. The new organization will be knout as the Queen City Cycling club. romiilt-cl Itjr I'AWNHE. Neb. . Sept. 2J.-(8peclal ( Tele gram. ) The Pawnee ball team defeated tin Tobias-Ohio wa club today. Score. 11 to 7 Batteries : Wilson and Fox ; Scott and Few ler. Struck out : Hy Wilson. 11 ; l > y Hcott 3. The tame clnba I > 'a > ann tomorrow. , hi | icr .li > hii on MlH Aliirlc. JNOTON , In. . Sfpt , 23-SlfClu ( Telegram. ) A hot game of ball was playo < here between Lincoln and Hock Islam Wesfrn association teams today , rc-su'llnr. 13 to 17 In Hock Island's favor. Sweeney , /Inll nnd 1'edroen knocked homo rims ; Hr- rors : Lincoln , 2 ; Hock Island , ft. hits : Mncoln , 13 , Hock iHlnnd , 22. Ilntter- Ics : Uurrell nnd Bagc ; Johnson and Specr , Coin i i > niitrrril | lit lloinr. COIN , la. , Sept. 25.-Speclnl.-TliC' ( ) liame team was defeated hero yesterday by tin College Sprlnfpr aggregation. T. W , llul- linger ot Omiihii nctod ni umpire. Score ; Coin . 012130000- "i College Springs . . . . I 2 2 5 1 4 .1 0 ' HI Butteries : For College Springs , Hodwell and McFcrren ! for Coin , Delk and McMu- lion. Time : Two hours and lftcen minute * r Atn 'Km Up , SVllACt'SlC , Neb , . Sppt 25.-Speolal Tele. ffrnm , ) A bac lull aggregation composed of Nebraska. City , Cook an < l Talmnge play ers came here today to study the notional game , anil It was auletly given out thai they proposed to shut out the Hyiuctiie nine They iilayeil Hvu Innings and null , ( he BCOH standing 19 to 3 tn favor of the hnnu * team , with Ihrco goose egis chur-gcd tip to tin visitors. _ AKFAIKS AT SOUTH OMAHA. More Inillnn SUuIln unil llt-mN lroun < l- Othrr Mugln City Nrivn. The workmen Oolnc tbo excavating : fnr the IBohcmlan Catholic church unearthed a lot more a'kulls and skeletons today. They nine found spoons , cups , saucers and other trinkets which had been burled with the bodies , The beads were so plentiful that the men scooped them up In a shovel , The cups were ol some sort at metal , but had rusted so badly that It was d iHcult to tell what they were. Morgan lleaffcy , the undertaker , has a half dczen of the skulls at his place on Twenty-fourth street. The curious loookltig things attracted the attention of hundreds of citizens , who flocked there to nee them. There la no question but the site selected ( or tlio church was at one time an Indian burying ground , but U must have bcn a half century ago. Tor Aflvuilllu Ilin 1'ntlirr. Albert Dungan was before Judgj Clirlst- innnn for assaulting his father. The youiiR man denied the charge nnd his statement was verified , by the testimony of his mother and sister. The father stntd that his son had been In the habit of coming home drunk and when ho criticised him for doing so the boy assaulted him. The Judge benlenced tlio lad to ten days In tli ? county Jail , but sus pended the sentence on the promise that the young man would behave himself In the future. _ Alnglc city liiiHtlu. James W. Tanner of Fultcrton was In the city yesterday. Mrs. Connell , wife of the police captain , Is home from n visit with frictUs In Colorado. \rhere ehe has spent several wecka. Louis Sworm , on ? of the striking coopers , was arrested by Omaha detectives and taken to Hint city last night on the charge of as saulting John Peterson. TKLlUlllAl'llHJ IUHKI'3. Hueso's private b-ink at Contrail. ! , Wash. , has suspended. The mothers convention began Its sessions In Chicago yesterday. Democrats of the Seventh Illinois district have nominated JOUM ! Miluce for congress. Constable Hlockvvell hns | > olponeil his attempts to forcibly collect tuxes at Vnlon- Uwn , Ky. The annual Colorado horticultural exhibit opened at Denver- yesterday with a line showing of fruit. The twelfth regular session of the HllnolH grand lodge , Knights of Honor , Is In tes- Hion nl Springfield. HerHver Wnllier of the Atrblson road left Now York jcyteriiay for Chlc.igo to enter actively upon his duties. John Bradley of Belleville , III. , commit ted suicide yesterday. lie wan to ha\e been married last evening. The Rianil jury at Milwaukee has derided to Indict ox-Hanker Day , but baa not come to any conclusion concerning Plariklngton. The case against Caroline K'lsworth , daughter of a Milwaukee millionaire , chatted with forgery , has been fcettled out of court and the criminal proc'ecdhigj nolle pruHequleil. J. D. Morrison , the missing hanker of Waco , Wjisli. . has been found in San Fran cisco. As his business affairs are all' straight it Is supposed to be a case of mental aberration. A colored woman has brought suit nt Chicago for a wife's Interest In the estate of the Kite Dentist Henry Lawrence , Sli- claims they were married in 1SC9. The estate tate- amounts to over $100,000. Gcnrge. Ames was found near the railroad Irnclcs at Niles. Mich. , this morning. Ilia body wns hoirlbly mangled. As Ma pockets wete illled. It was supposed he was mur- doted und lobbed and then placed on th- > tracks. OOD'S SnrsnparllU Is carefully prepared by cxpctlenccd pharmacists from Saraa- imrllla , Dandelion , Man drake , Dock.Plpssbcwa , Juniper Hcrrtcs , and other wrll known vegetable remedies The Combination , Proportion - portion nnd Process are Peculiar to Hood's Samparilln , givlnicll strength andcurattvo power Peculiar to Itself , not pos sessed by other medicines. Hood's ' arsaparilla Cures Scrofnln , Salt Illieum , Sores , Hulls , I'lmplcs and all otlitr affections caused by impure blood ; Dyspepsia , Mlllmusness , Sick Headache , ImllgeUlon , Debility , Cntarrb , Ubeumatlsin. Kidney nnd Liver Com plaint * . H ! i "Nut What we Say , but what Hood'a Sarsap.irlllri Docsl" that Tells tlin Story Hood's farjaparilla Hood's Pills are cenllo. mild aud etTcctlta OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO g Miss Maria Parloa § o o g Stronprly rccomuionila g o the use of o § LiebigCOMPANY'sf § Extract of Beef 8 o o 3 and she hus wrlltonn § o COOK HOOK a o o O Winch will bo soul I > PO oir O O iiwlic.itlnn to D.uielivVGo. . O < > liJ IMilt 1'l.icc , Now York. O o a OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ NEBRASKA V. S. Jei > oitort/f ! Uinalia , Xebra ka , CAPITAL , - - $400,000 SURPLUS , - - 555,500 Officers and Uirectoni HniT W. Totes , fret- Ufnt , John B. Collins , vl : e-prttldnt : lrf ll S. Heed. Caililer ; WllUiim II. S. liughis , C.-JS'- Mil crbhlcr. THE IRON BANK A M U S li M K N T S , MATINKB TODAY. ! . H. UH fi GRfftI PJRFOlHliCE NKWKST Iti . ' llio * OEVIL'S nier.v bt'imo word - HOVEL You may fool nil tlio people some of thi Hint' , And some of the people all the time ; Iut ! you cannot lool all the people nil the time. - pitmiisio Furim.LT3D - WHAT JMOltIO CAN YOU ASK ? Timely prices 25c , Me , 7Jc and fl.CO. 15TH ST , THEATER 15 , 25 , flo and 50 Cunts. TulKplmnu 1531 , THIS AtTEKNOON AND TONIGHT 1'PKOY WA"BD & VOICES H 'not-n A RUU ON THE BANK , Mntlnee I'rlcca Any scat In tie house 23 centn. CLOTHING HOUSE. as this ere at sale has been , it takes quite a while to dispose , of 1500 suits. Not one is worth less than 'V twice our price. We must sell them. Price cuts no figure. Blue and black cheviot sack suits , a $ i 2 suit for Latest style cassimere sack suits , worth $15 , for Every shade and size" of the regular $18 suits goot. . . AH the $22.50 suits in this great purchafe go at The finest suit in the world sacks and cutaways at. CLOTHING HOUSE. asull.'V come in for their share oi the great bargains at , this the most success ful forced sale we ever held. Don't put. off any longer you'll regret it , Boys'Junior f ) Boys' 2-Piece SUITS SUITS The very latest Htylos , Cassitnuro or cliuviot , $1.75 $2.00 $2.50 $2.50 $2.25 $3,00 Tailor . ' strike duluyed Goltifr lit half cost because . them. Yours to . save & 2 on of the strike. asull. CONTINENTAL