Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 25, 1894, Image 1

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These Eoing Gathered Bj China in Man
churia Poorly Armed.
I l.iirrtn | llilulc the , ) nntieo Are
MOID l.lkcly to ! N < -
In the ICi ! ir of til * Lliluoo
1'dl CUM.
LONDON , Sept. 24. A dispatch from
Shanghai , dated today , says : Captain Tang ,
commander of the Uhliuse warship Chlen
Yuen , which was sunk In the engagement
off the Yalu river , Is among the saved.
The Ililtlih Hteamir Irene , from Hamburg ,
loaded with large quantities of munitions of
war Is safely arrived at Taku and has landed
her cargo.
It Is understood the governor of Manchuria
Is concentrating all the troops raUeJ In that
piovlnco upon Mukden and that on the route
toVIJil e\tenslve earthquakes are being
lalsed. The levies are composed of hardy
7iorlh Chinamen and are excellent material ,
but they were badly armed , only about 4,000
of them having gocd military rifles fur
ther supplies , however , are being hurried up
fiotn the southern arsenals The GhlnesB
force on the Yalu river Is estimated at 2,800.
Many ot thesu are raw levies and also ara
badly armed. The loss ot Held guns , rifles
nnd ammunition at Plug-Yang has greatly
embarrassed the Ohlntso war department
It Is recognized a battle must bo fought
mi the Yalu and the Chinese ara strainIng -
Ing oviry ntrve to retrlsvcs the disaster
nt Ping-Yang. Etiruppan ollkers here doubt
whether Mukden Is really the Immediate ob-
Jpctlve point of the Japanese. It is consld-
cicd tunic probable that If they attack WIJu
the Japanese will mnke a descent from the
fcci upon Neil Chwung with an expedition
If llila muvo should ba siicivjssftilly made , the
Japanese would till the Chinese main line
of communication and could attack the Yalu
army In the rear. Ncu Chwans ? In the pos-
KCHHlon of Ihe Japaneiu would form a bislt
fop a movement upon .Mukden , or upon Pekln
itself , and the fotcca landed there could co-
operatu with the army advancing from Coren.
This 1st the plan credited by experts to Klehl Yamagata.
The island of Yaltantan , In Corcan biy ,
IIILK beun made a coaling store and station
fiom which Ihe Japanese can keep constant
watch upon the mouth of the gulf of Pe-Chl-
I.l nlno Japancsa gunboits being stationed
tlmri' . .
Tlie emperor of China holds n war council
tvoiy afternoon at 1 o'clock Ho Is coni'
plettly under the Influence- his formti
tutor and aged adviser.
Tlif AssoUuled prehs correapondent had ar
Interview today with M Ml tbar.i. a Japanese
nnvul constructor , vvlm Is here cupervlsliif
the building of two fli t-rlass mcn-of-woi
for Japan. Each of the vessels is to be u :
] . ! ,300 toiiH and Is to be completed In foui
montliR With regard to the cimpilgn , hi
thought everything pointed In the dlrectlor
ot a Japanese march toward T'ikin Beyom
that he was not Inclined to say much. Per
nunally he believed the war would terminal )
before long "You may depend upon It , "
lie said , "that Japan will forca matters ti
u flnlHh before November , when the gulf
of Pe-Chl-LI nnd Uau-Tonir. . are frozen over
Toil Mill probably BOOH hear of another grea
battle' on th& Ynlu. The Japineoo are grea
iimrrhrrs , and therefore within ten days o
the date of the Ping-Yang fight wo mnj
expect something Important. "
j\illicr < MiU of Alultiy Vlff ( > routili
LONDON , Sept. 24. Advices received her
from Tangier say that Kaffirs In Morocc
me growing -won > e. . The Jews , while o :
their way to the markets , are contlnuall
plundered and stripped ot their clothing , an
on the principal roads an Imperial tux o
15 In demanded for free passage.
The Ercliumna tribe is demanding the lin
mediate release of Muley Mohammed , th
oldest son of the late Sultan Muley liar
ban , Muley Mohammed was proclalme
Miltan early In September In bpite of th
( act that his brother Abdul Assli had prc
vlously been proclaimed sultan and recof
nl/ed as uch at Pei. the seat of the prcs
nil government of Morocco. Mule
IMohainmcd , however , had previously bee
linpi Isoned at Narakosh by order of hi
brother , the sultan , and wns compelled t
sign an act of adhesion to Abdul Asslz. Th
position of the latter had been secured by hi
being recognized as sultan by the powerfi
Mierlf of Wazah. In addition to demandln
Iho rele.iKo of Muley Mohammed , the Brcl
anina tribe Is demanding the Immedlat
release ot all the other political pribonei
now In confinement nt Morocco City. 1
their demands arc not granted , the trlbci
men mentioned threaten to attack and plui
dcr Morocco City.
'inn : 10 QUIIMI I\MII.IMI.
Dr. f iiiiuctt TrIU Hit ? Irish I'urtj U lint I
I * Lining In Dlirord.
DUBLIN , Sept. 24. Ur. Thomas A. Emme
of New York , In a letter published In tti
1'recman's Journal , regarding the dls imslor
in the Irish parly , calls the attention of Ju :
tin McCarthy , chairman of the Irish parll.
inentary party , to lh disastrous cons-qusnci
to the national movement In America , wit
reference to the tic.nulal and the public dl
tusslon ot the differences etljtlng In the Iris
party. Dr. nmtnett sajs that the Nation
Federation ot Amerlci was prcpaiiug to M
meetings In order to rnUu money for tl
nationalist cause , but Mr Hcalv'H let lor aboi
Mr. ( Hailstone nnd his a ib.tcrlpthn to tl
paillnmonlary fund lias Imperiled the who
movement In America
Cont'nulng , Ir Kiniuett recalls the fa
thai during the past three years the Irl :
I'tulorullon of America has sent Ireland JS3
1)00 ) , and that had It not been for recurrci
vvrangllURs Ireland could have relied upon :
anniinl remittance ot ; 100,000.
t'uir llai Hail an AiiiU-illc | | Kit anil II
llelr U VVnrrylim Over Ills Mari-lagr.
VIKNNA , Sept. 24. Telegrams recelvi
liere from Cracow state the ciar had a
of apoplexy during his stay ut Hjalowes
which left him weak. Ills real condition
kept secret.
The czar Is mentally depressed because
family troubles , The czarevitch , it
added. Is unhappy about his approach ) !
marriage to Princess AIK of Hesse ai
talks of renouncing his rights to the thron
It la reported the Grand Duke George , t
lecond son ot the czar , has been summon
to SI. Petersburg.
IUUMSTADT , Itease. Stpt. 21. As t !
grand duchess of Hesse U In delicate healt
U la said that the marriage ot Princess AI
of Ilrsso , sister of thei grand duke , to t :
i-zarewltch may bo postponed again , thla th
until February. In thlt connect Inn It Is aga
iiunaunceil that the conversion ol Prince
Allx to the Greek faith Is completed.
MlllUry Moipnicnt * III ICant A'rhsi.
VAUIS , Sept. 24. It Is reported th
I'olonel Colvlllr- , the administrator
rgundu , Instructed by the minister ot vvi
In KJtherlng thei remains ot ICitiiu Pasha's Sc
Uinese troops for a march on Par-el-1'liaial ,
the Nile. In order to prevent the paisage
the Montell miss Ion. The departure
Colonel Colvllle will Im Ihe signal for a Jol
Anglo-Italian expedition from Suaklm a
Kunsaht to Khartoum ,
I'nutbiillrclilcnU In lUi Um ! ,
LONDON. Sept. 24 - Though the foolt
Kcason lias only been open for a short tin
numeruu * nccldenta Live lrc dy occurn
Tor Instance , n man named Hudson , playing
at Shipley on Saturday , broke tils neck , nnd
it n game at Tottenham two players each
had a leg broken.
i'\ri VIN MOMV : uiri.ns. :
Urltlili Plgtim lioollnc Itefereo
< oiiiplaliitK "f Amcrlrnnn.
LONDON' . Sept. 24. The referee and handl-
capitrr of the Hnrllnghnm Gun club has
written a letter to the Sporting Times re
garding the complaints of unfair treatment
by come of the Americans who took part In
( ho International pigeon shooting contest.
Ho siiys that early In the summer Captain
Money asked the committee to allow certain
American sportsmen to compete In the In
ternational c.ntcst. When they arrived the
dllllculty of handicapping them was ex
plained , and Captain Money suggested that
the Americans should shoot at their dis
tance , which would satisfy them. ThU
was agrped lo , the referee adds , and there
fore the \merlcans , he claims , hand capped
themselves He also remarks' "Any one
who has flecn thiillngham knows that It Is
lmpo * < dble for Americans to be given outside
and the EtiKlUh Irslde traps. One mistake
W.IH made In me isurement , and that was
Immed-laHly corrected The statement that
the Kngl sh knew of U Is an abominable
fulsehrod Kvery courtesy was shown the
visitors and paiscs given them for all their
lady friends ' _
A I'M ltA > JACK lilt. lUl'I'Klt.
Tvvii ttomrn 'nt o I'locm Nrnr Amr.ia mill
.tiKilliir Oni ! 3ll9 lne' .
VIKNNA , S pt 24. A terrible double
tingedof the "Jack Ihe Hipper" order
N luporti-d from Amras , not far from Inn-
spiuck , th capital of the Austrian Tyrol
On I'rlday last a voung and pretty waitress
ofinras went away from her emplojer's
residence In older to witness a religious pro-
cc-'slon neur that place. On her return home
the slil was murdered , nnd the only clew
found up to the present' time of h-r assassin
IB a ru/or-edged knife , which was picked
up near Hie body The > murder caused a
great sensation In the neighborhood.
Near the spot where the waitress was
killed tlio bodv of another woman , naked
and idjxlied with a knife , was found todav
In dilution another woman belonging to the
sani" nclRhhoihood is missing Naturally
thn whole of the AIUIBES d strict , as "well
is all the neighboring towns , areIn a fctate
of great excitement. A stiong detachment
of gendinnes und two compinlcs of Im
perial ilflpmcn ore scouring the country
mound Amras , hut all efforts to arrest the
imirdir r huie proved unsuccessful.
> nll.iijr iiitlumlists : : of .Xortli Ainerkn
Mori ut Mont mil.
MOVTItEAL , Quebec , Sept. 24 The
tweiitj-sctond annual meeting of the Ameil-
can Publlr Iloalth association convenes todaj.
\nioiu its members are Surgeon General
George Steinberg who Is president ; J. N
McCormiu-k , M L ) of Dow ting Green , now
Is kle-e president ; Medical Director Albert
lillion Dr llobert Gasol , Dr. M. Carmonay
Vale of Mevieo. It is perhaps the mofct
lotable tanltarr organization In the world as
L einbrnces eviry society of Its kind In
\mei4ca Us last meeting was held In
Hgo Two yeira ago It met In the City
of Mexico , together with the Panamcrlcan
association .
The I'nlted States government has ap-
) i > lntod Dr Smart to represent It In addl-
: lon lo Genetals Steinberg and Glhon.
The pilnclpil events will be the reception
and binqnet All the local ariangemenU
are In cliaige of Dr. Edgir Pelletler.
I'liivrd In Aliilltnrs
LONDON Sept 24 The Haymark't com-
pan ; tonight gave a brilliant performance ol
the 'Ballad Monger and Re 1 Lamp" In the
ball roum of. Ililrnoral castle , before the
n the io > l fnmlly nnd a party of repre-
centales uf the prominent families In the
nclgliboihood At the conclusion of the per-
tnriuaii't < Mr and Mis. Heerbohm Tree anc
their pilndral supporters were presenter
to the cnieen The- entire company was after
wards diturtalned ut supper , the members 01
the fumlly and their guests be ng ires-
ent Mi Tree only received thc > rojal com
mund to apponr at llalmoral on Friday even
liih He had "pcclal scenery painted for th <
pel form nice in twenty-tour hours Thi
companj Mill start on. a special train foi
Dublin tQiiiorrou morning
M.cli timi with Aluimiled Anns.
ST PKTEHSUttRG , Sept 24 A number o
skeletons with manacles attached to th
arm and leg bones , have- been found burlei
close to the surface of the court yard o
the ciftom house here. " A slmllai dlfccovcr ;
was made a few years ago at almost Hi
saiim pi ice but upon the former occusloi
liibtiunicnts of torture were also dlscoverei
with tht ) hUletcins. It Is stated that a secre
chancelliiry of the tyrannical regent nicren
the fuvurlte of Empress Ann , was situate' '
whvru the remains were found. Ann rule
from 17.U ) to I73t > . It U stated that 20,00
victims pulshed during these six years.
Nut-Hcglait i : : ctliin ItctiiriiH.
CIIK1STIANA , Sept. 24. Up to Saturda
the icsiills of the elections foi members o
the Stci tiling In fiftv-two of the 114 district
were known. Ot these fifty-two district
th'rtj-fuiu ' leturn ludlcals. In only fourtee :
of the ilUtrli Is thus far hoard from wcr
members of the right elected. The rlgh
lost tlnce seats In the city of TroudJIm bu
gained a like number In the mral district !
All Indications point to the maintenance b
I In- left of a majority that will Insure th
overthrow of the Strand ministry.
Italy Snrri-rliiK from llrnutli.
HOME , Sept 24 Serious complaints ar
being made In regard to the drouth. In th
1 T\rol and the Southern Alps only has ther
j ! been sufllclpnt ralu The corn crop Is prc
nuuuced tu be poor and the wine crop , ul
though of good iiuallty , 1s In poor quantity
Thc > olive crop Is good. In Sicily the crop
are general ! ) light.
I'rrmlrr 1'utlenion -iliii. .
MKI.UOUKNn. Sept. 24. Tim premiei
Hon. J. U Patterson , has resigned , nwln
to the result of the elections , a featiue c
which Is the annihilation of the free : trad
party. Mr. Patterson was re-elected , but hi
party did not receive the support he expectei
The leader of the- opposition , however , \\s
Ilulili ( iottlnc the Upper llanil.
THE HAGUE , Sept. 24. Dispatches n
celved from llatavla , Java , say Mnlarlm , tli
eufiltul of the IKUIU ! | of Lombok , has been a
niOHl destioyed b ) the bombardment of tti
Dutch licet. The beselged Ilallnesc are bi
ginning lo suffer from famine and are e :
peeled to capitulate shortly.
Kniii Priuz I'ri-darlc-k
N \PLK3. Sept. 24. While leaving th
port vi'htfrdav for New York Ihe North Oei
man Lloil ) freight steamer Ken Prtnz Frei
crick Wilhelm ran aground. Later she vvi
floated and put back here leaking She wl
x he surveyed before proceeding.
6 lx-l'rnnlxr Mnilrr D ) III
MONTREAL , Sept. 21. Ex-Premier Me
cler U sinking rapidly , and It Is believe
cannot outlive this week , lie- made his wl
on Satmday , and Cardinal Rampolla wi
cabled to for papal benediction for the dylr
' ' man.
I lUpl U'lll ( to to Nnple * .
r > ROMK , Sept. 21 Premier Crlspl U golr
to Naples in order to complete a course i
balhi. He will return on October 1 and pr
sldu at the opening of the cabinet debati
upon the projected reforms.
Monl tvilci nt hyducjr.
SYDNEY , N. S.V , . Sept. 24. The week
erlea of wool sales here will begin on Oct
b r 8 , und continue until the mldlc of Fecr
ary It l expected that 500,000 bales of t
descriptions will be offered.
Was More Destructive of Life Than Fiut
Reporti Indicated.
lii n < i Onlr n Pctr Mllrs DIMnnt from
Kndi IHlirr United nt IMfTrrcnt
Hour * Ono Storm Split
Near l.crnj.
ST. PAUL , Sept. 21 The most accurate
list of dead In Friday night's cv clone jet ob-
talnublo Is as follows , all apparent dupllca-
t oils being eliminated
At Spring Valley :
C. O KINO. .
MHS LOUISB HOSn , fatally hurt.
At Lcroy :
Vicinity of Algona , la :
MHS. ofcoitau BEAVER.
MYRTLE HEAVER , aged 4 year * .
Ne r Emmetsbuig , la. :
North of Cerro flordo , In. :
Near IJrltt , la
Near Osagc , In. :
HENRY riNLEY , aged 13.
.lOSEf'H NELSON , aged 35.
At Osage. I.i
SETII HERBERT. aged 0 months.
ANNIE PERRY. aged 12.
WILLIAM PERRY , aged 27.
Nt-ar Wesley. la :
MRS M. CASTER , fatally Injured.
Fatally Injured In Cerro Gordo county :
Near Osage , lu
Low ther la.
Ntai Mason Cltv. la :
KOHERT CITY , la. . Sept. 24 Fida ! >
night's cyclone pnbsed over tills section
devastating ovcrj thing In Its path. It came
from the southwest and dlvUed south ol
L'uffalo Centei , this county , -with a largei
and the inoie destructive portion going soutli
and east , the other portion northeast Ir
Eden this county many buildings were de-
strojcd and Mor eight persons are so fai
repoitpd Itillul and llfty wounded In tin
track of the other portion , which swepl
with dire destination through Hancock ant
Cerro Gordo counties , more than n dozen an
reported killed and probably 100 wounded
As an Illustration of the power of the ey
( lone , Dick Gamble's Iron pump was btrlppec
out ot his 100 foot well In the twinkling o
an fve and carried a distance of ten rods
Great excitement prevails all along the tracl
of the cj clone , as many children and growi
people are missing.
EYO'IA , Minn. Sept 24. The cyclon
which visited this village Friday night strncl
Laird station , thtee miles couth on th
Southwestern , setting the depot across th
track , overturning several cars loaded will
coal and twisting the wheels from the cars
It also moved C W Plank's store from th
foundation , w recking the outbuildings am
shade trees. It struck E S Humlng's farn
and destrojed everything. It unroofed Amo
Plank's barn and outbuildings , and wreckei
K 0 Tattlngham's house and barn. It dam
aged II. McConnel's house and granarj
moving them from their foundations , am
overthrowing Ills windmill and outbuilding !
John Tlreen's large barn l also a total wrerli
Other buildings were damaged more or less
SPRING VALLEY. Minn. , Sept 21 Tha
there were at least two , and probably thre
twisters responsible for the work of deal
and destruction tin Friday seems concluslv
on examination White Koveial points wcr
struck at about 10 o'clock , Burr Oak , a vll
lage near Osage and to the southwest of Le
roy. was visited at 11 o'clock , and It does no
seem likely one cyclone would make such
complete clicle and last from 9 45 o'clock t
11 o'clock In a radius of eight miles Fur
thermore , Leroj was struck at 9 45 o'clock
and Cresco la , on the southeast at almoa
If not precisely the same moment , to It I
cmlte clear these were separate cyclones
i > i..uiituoi > junior. ins if , CKintvi'Tr.i )
Afler Serin IIIK V3O from u Iloldence The )
Arc Frightened Amiy.
DEADWOOD , Sept. 24 ( Special Tele
gram ) For a few days past the police u
Deadwood have been mystified by a iiiimbe
of daring burglaries and can secure no trac
of the perpetrators. Last night , or earl
thin morning the thieves made another raU
thin time In the Thlid ward , entering thro
Ileuses close together and securing consider
able booty They were Interrupted while a
\\urk In the last house entered , that c
Grorge Drake , and were frightened aw a )
but not before tecurlng $50.
I oiot to Itcport the Truln.
NORTH ADAMS. MBR , Sept 24.A , W
Hodgkllis. the West I'ortnl telegraiih or
erntor. who Is alleged to be responsible fc
tile leient lullrond tunnel collision , wu
given u heiulnir toduy before the dlslrl (
court Hndgklns pleaded not Kiillty to th
chnrgc of manslaughter. Openitor Crosle
who wan called UH a witness and cross-ej
umlneil by Hodgklnti' counsel , put In cei
tain Uritlnumy which limy lessen th
clmiurs of Hodgklnu' being held to th
Brand Jinj Cnmler admitted that on 111
night or the accident he had been reading
newspaper and foigot to lepoit No I'J t
Wrwt Poitnl The evidence ciented conslt
lltsiiU o ( an Old I'rutl.
NEWPORT. Alk. , Kept. 2t < > r. R. I
Wilson , one of Ihe most piamluent men I
Aikansag , wus shot and almost Instant !
1.1' le < 1 by Robeit Hlmmons , chief of i > ell (
o\ ! this plate , thla afternoon. The traged
Is HID culmination of nu old feud betvvte
the two men When they met this uflo
noon a ciuurrel enmed uiul pistols vvci
drawn by both men
Oil ntt Itunrcnnlz.itlun f'luri Ailuplrd ,
NEW YOIIK , Sept. -The plan of j o
gunlzatlnn of the Pennsylvania & Hc.ulir
company adopted by the OUott conim.ln
wilt be presented by the lecelvers to ( I
court nt Phllnilelphln lomnrrovv , together
with a petition for authority to execute
cettulii contracts culled far by thnt plan
AB noon ns such permission , Is granted and
the contracts executed the committee will
advertise the plan nnd propose to purchase
the general moilguge coupuraf In accord
ance therewith.
ttlltlKKItf rOJit'lVTIW OV
.lililRO Kiinuli-it Sloldl V\\n Out ut Tivrlllj-
Two Arrjileil.
DUTTK , Mont. , Sept. 24. Judge Knowles
of tlio United States circuit court has rcn-
dcicd his decision In Ihe case of the twenty-
two men urresUd nt Limn on the Union
Pacific for contempt of court In Interfering
with the running cf trains on the road dur
ing the recent strike. The reid being In
the hands ot receivers , the court adjudged
the fallowing named guilty J. H. Calder-
h'ud , president of the local American Hall
way union ; Fred Faulkner , chief train des-
patcher ; Lin. CJarvln. the operator at Silver
Bow ; W. B. Dye nnd H. tlartcn , railroad em-
ploves at Lima , nnd George * lioomer , an en
gineer of this city. They received u nentence
of thirty days In J.ill and u line of VOO.
Mi rt VlukpritViintii ( iuiirHiilro.
NEW YORK , Sept , 24. Tne > ranks of the
shlit makers who have gone1 on a strike for
higher wages and fewer hours were Increased
this morning by 1100 men , making- the total
2,100. Arrangements were * made today to
meet several of the largest contractors Indi
vidually this afternoon to discuss the terms
of settlement. Jt ws said that , CH In the
case of the garment nnkem , the shirt makers
will demand that the contractors deposit se
curity to Insure the maintenance of the arti
cles of agreement. The strikers have de
termined not to recognize the contractors'
association uiul to reject all proposals for
conferences with Its committees. It was de-
dded today to appoint women an members
of the committees vvhlcli 'Ire ' to visit the dif
ferent shops of the city still In operation to
nsk co-operation from the etnployes who have
not yet Joined the strike.
Ciiri ntcrs Mill Mcrt In tletrluntl.
INDIANAPOLIS , -24-r-Clevejand gets
the next national convent Ion" * of the Carpen
ters nnd Jolliers. This nai decided this af
ternoon The election of officers \vlll be held
tomorrow President Tierior will not be a
candidate for re-election , and fully twenty
delegates are after his shies. As the west
again raptured the convention , It Is probable
the will get the president. The con
vention today idopted thei platform of ten
planks which is to form the nucleus of the
platform of the coming national leader party
The platform favors governmental ownership
of all public corporations , woman suffrage ,
the Ilabllltv clause , the referendum and the
Initiative , compulsory education and oppoj * "
child labor It will be aubniltted to the local
unions for ratification , as welt us u blngle
tax clause *
Irnliinicii'x ItiuthcrliiiiHl Mooting-
BALTIMORE Mil. Sept. 24. The Mother
hood of Trainmen commenced Its session Oil *
morning The de-legates li'id ' n parade ant
a bccict besison was held ( n the afternoon
A dyMem of federation milting the oiganb.i
tions of the trainmen , engineer * , conductors
firemen and tulegl.ipjt opera tais wag dls
ciipsed by S. E Wllklnsop , giand niaftoi o
the trainmen , Deles Everett , third gram
matter and Alfred E Ilrown , who Is gram
master of the engineers , The bcntlmpnt o
the tuilnmcn Is for the prpposed federation
but no action was taken. '
Hi in > Heiiimio * fin-
LOS ANGELES , Cnl , Sept. 24 Judgi
Ross In ( he federal court , till ! ) morning sen
tcncinl Gallagher nnd Hucjiaruin , A. R. JJ
strikers to eight inohthB'ifuiprl'.onment It
the countji Jail and a THu of $5,000. Thi
outcome at the trial has caused a ken'satloi
HereThe men aie among those who at
tempted to Intimidate nonunion men on tin
Southern Pacific railway dmng ) the strike-
There are many uther cas"3 pending ot sim
liar _
/ \ w % ro.v t w/vi DUCK. ;
lEtvetH In tfer Ki-cl P uiul to Ilu Corroilfi
unit IliiMHi.ul-HiKll . ) ( U N BI r
VALLEJO Cal. , Sfpt. 24. The Unlte <
States RiinboJt UennliiKton has been docket
at the Mare Island navy yaul Her hull ha :
been scraped of all mibmailne growth , am
her condition pifcsed upon by a board o
suivvy Her hull has been found to b
sadly In need of repilr , e-speclally her keel
the rivets therein having been found cor
roded and unsound There are many o
these bad rivets and their presence has bee :
a sou iceof uneasiness * to the officers of th
liennlngton for many months past. As th
rivets rusted and corroded , moisture ap
petured In the double hot torn a , which th
officers could not account foV , Whan the gun
boat was docked It was found that mol tur
was piesent on the Interior along the kef
and aiound the rivets. When the. rivet
were tried they were found In a state o
decay and crumbled and fell out at a bloi
from a hammer. 5
As to the cause of these ; def < tts : , the till
fitter said "Fheie Is used by all con
tractors an Inferior grade "of rivet metal 1
all government work. When a ship Is I
strong sea water the metal , with the utee
In the hull of ( he ship. Induces a galvanl
action which eats away the rivets , leavln
the water to penetrate Into the double bol
toms. " ' ji
The Uennlngton will re'maln In diy doc
this week inul In the meantime the painter
will go over her hull.
A I. UCt.K t > l.KKl'l.\H . < iCX7.VN V.
Kudu III * LOUR Uldfl unit'lalls Into DI-H )
Slumber Until Spollfil lilt 'lime.
NEW YORK , Sept. 24 "Scorcher" R. I
Searlo. the blcjclc ilder fv , | io attempted I
lower the road record between Chicago an
New Yoik. arrived yesterday afternoon o
the Hotel Pomeroy , having been eight dav
and three hours on the , road. lie failed t
accomplish his task , that ot covering th
I 000 miles In five daja and five hours , or (
breaking the existing record of teven duj
and twenty-two hours.
Men were sent out-on nearlv all the road
entering New York , t ? meet the delaye
wheelman , but all iiilfieJ7tiin and at
o'clock he came la by tlis , King's Hrhlf
road and boulevard. , arle was to wea
that he had to be lifted ftom his machlii
and Immediately fell 1iaeep ) , having had bi
a do/en hours rest Bbjice be left Chlcaji
over a week ago. He vwijs taken to a rooi
In the hotel and put toleti. \ . All attempl
to rouse him and' got ta description of h
trip uere nnavalllni r o luilly did the ma
need sleep that a sound robbing down li
trainers did not even disturb , his elmnbois.
In a little conve-rsatUn iiail with him o
the boulevard , Sc&rle ( atlhe , would casll
have accomplished his task , liaj It not bee
for the recent rain i arm which overloc
him at Fremont , O , and a < companled bli
all ( lie way to Syracuse
AVoman'H Conitivx at
DALLAS , Tflx. . Sept 2lT"lpal nirangi
ments for the meetlnffof tbe ; woman's col
Kre s to be held hf re. Oiirlng > tlie state fa
have lifen pe-ifected , The date sul la Octi
litr 31 to Nnvembri 2 Inclusive. The pr <
giam Is In the hun < U of a competent con
mltlee , with Or , Ullen I.qw on Dabbs i
chalmmn , who will arrange for Blunt piai
tlcal papers on PUbJectM of especial value I
women The u > nniten vvan organized nt tr
Ktnte fair lust vejr. and vv i mode-led afu
that of the World'it fall. It In
tm lun , ur.'l uommltttMl to i
doitrlne or belief. The mcrelary ,
Ooie .Mlnc'i of Dalian , Invltva rorreipondenc
from women' * Bcvletks lUslrlnc 10 be rej
ii-sented In th cpngr a liy diliMte , letti
or ulhorwl'e. ui from individuals Interest
In the vvor | .
Mli\cinrltl i > f heuijolliee * vtt , > ept , 4
At 8jn rrancNoo AirlvcU'-Clty of n
do Janeiro , fluni Ilontr Kong and Yule
hama , rnltcd Htutcn lfiiin l\1p Yorktow :
from I'nnliis'Uu
At Ne v YoikAiUvPd State of < * a !
Cumin , from Olungtu , Fuila | , from Oeno
' 'cvlc. from Liverpool. Si ale , fio'n
bui K ,
Bouglas Dolcgatfs to Deu-ooratio Sla'.o
Convention Reaoli DU Un dors landing.
C , J. Snijtliu for Lhiilrinitn of htnto Crntru
Coinnilttcelll > ot Auk Dnivcr tu
\ \ Illidrair Outrlglit Niinilii i-
tlou of lloUomli Denliiil ,
Heretofore the flritiK In the democratic
btato campaign has been from Hie picket line.
Last night the Douglas county delegillon to
the democratic state convention met and
sounded the charge , which will begin lo-
moirovv. The delegation met at the Hoard
of Trade rooms for the purpose ot conferring
and discussing a few things The meeting
was railed to order by C. J. Sin j the , and
Immediately theieafter J. W West was
chosen clnlrman. Dan llonln was c elected
to act as scrgcant-at-arms and see that none
but delegates remained In the room. In or
der to determine who were delegates the roll
was called , aid those whose names were
not called were Invited to cool their feet
upon the outside. Then , after selecting Dave
Shanahan to keep the records of the meet
ing , the work of Iho evening was begun
It was decided that Douglas county should
nsk for the honor of providing the temporary
chairmnn of the convention , and lid P. Smltli
will be the irnn supported Douglas count )
will also present the name of Absolam Wag
goner as member of the committee on cre
dentials The question of who should be
members of the state central committee wai
also discussed , and Lee Ilnrclinnn and J. J ,
O Connor were "elected for the two plaeei
allotted lo Douglas county
Then the meeting decided that It wanted
Douglas county ( o fuinlsh the chaliman ol
the stale central committee , and C. J
Sm > the will be pushed for that position
All means possible will be u J to secure
this position for Mr Smvthe , us he Is one
ot Ihe trusted Drvan leaders and the Uryai
men are not going to leave any stones un
turned to got their chief into iho Unltci
States senate
A delegate secured tip floor and began tc
remark that something should be done U
secure the wlthdiavval of I ) Clem Dcaver
populist , from the congressional race , bill
tliii delegation was not ut that time deallnp
In nutters pertaining to the cotigicbslonul
fight , and the delegate was called to order
Liter however the same question under i
disguise was presented to Ihe meeting. /
motion was made that a committee be ap
pointed to confer with the populist state am
congressional committees and u heated discus
sion at once arose The discussion showei
clearly that the Sentiment of the Dougla' '
coiintv delegation Is for the endorsement 01
oi.tilght nomlnitlon of Tudge Holcomb. bu
theie was n fear that the appointment o
such n committee would result In harm tc
both Holcomb and Br > an It was supgestei
that If such a commute' was appointed am
It leported hack something that was us
agreeable It would catirc trouble During tin
discussion a delegate arose and announcei
boldly that if such a committee was ap
pointed it did not matter a whjt lo his wan
delegation what It reported back. His -vvari
WB.B for Holcomb fifgt , last ami all the time
This statement was received "with a burst o
applause Jlmt , shook the Board * of Trad
building. A delegate BiiKKi'steil Ouit semi
action be taken looking toward the snppor
of ex-Governor Ilovd. but that part of th
campaign was not under discussion and n <
action was taken In the premises The dele
Rate Insisted that Hojd expected some nctloi
of thU kind but It was clearly demonstiate <
that It v.ould be unwise lo discuss this mat
ter at tills lime In the midst of the dcbdl
a motion was made to table the motlo
looking toward the appointment of a confer
nce committee and It was Immediately car
The delegates then adjoui ned During Hi
conversation when tcok place after the meet
Ing adjourned the Holcomb sentiment wa
e\en moio manifest than during the meet
Ing If there were tiny delegites who wer
not In favor ot making HoUomb the nomine
of the democratic party they did not malt
their presence manifest.
"We are not popul sts " remarked a dele
gate , 'but we are foi Ilolcomb just the saint
If by nominating him we can break the hoi
the railroads have en this state we woul
be shirking our duty as democrats If we dl
not do BO" And the delegate's sentiment
were approved b > all who heard him.
The latest figures BVB ! Hryan an overwhelming
whelming majority In the convention Ther
are st II twenty-six counties ( o hear frcrr
and these counties have 45 votes Allow In
the anti-Bryan wing all of those , Ilrya
still has the comfortable majority of 2'
His followers feel sife with thla number c
voles behind him , confident that the nil
road wing of the democracj cannot buy thpi
all up with promises of federal positions an
railroad passes , So far as repoited 3S1 dele
gates have been Instructed to support llrja
and his 1C to 1 policy , ind 13. > delegate
have been elected by the machine Of thl
135 there are seventy-five who are liifctructe
for Hryan , but this Is regarded as only
subterfuge , as the-y want lo build a platfori
that will Ut him fall to the ground Tal
Ing all the figures Into consldeiatlon tli
Hian men are feeling quite well , but the
are still afraid that the rllroad wing will a
tempt to "turn a trlrk" on them.
"They are a tricky lot , ' say the llrjan mei
"nnd we'll have to watch them fiom tli
time the delegates begin to come In nut
the reinvention la over They have the nit
chine and the rallioads to back them. '
The failure tu fooner announce the rate
for thcxe attending the convention Is looke
upon by Ihe silver mon as a trick but Chali
man Martin disavow K any such Intention li
Bays the state central committee arrange !
for reduced rates some time ago , and tin
the failure to announce them was an ovc ;
sight both of the committee and the ral
roads When this Is told to the Bryan me
they wink and look wise
As chairman of the state central comml
tee , Kuclld Martin will call the coirvcntlc
to order , and then there- may appear the fin
signs of war. AH a general rule , when
state * convention meets the central comml
tec selects the temporary chairman Hi
the democratic state * central ( onimltlce wl
not select the temporary chairman this > ea
The Dryau men are too sharp to allow ar
such thing ax that to be foisted upon then
The-y propose to have H friend In the dial
not a tool of the railroads and admlnlstn
Tonight theie will be a caucus of all tl
lliyan . .delegates who reach town In tlm
The caucus Is called for the purpose of K
letting a man to act as permanent chai
man of the convention und to bee to It thi
the proper men a-o named for the comml
tee on resolutions There seems to be a fee
Ing that Jii.lgo Hoblnson of MadlFon won !
be the proper man far permanent chalrma
There U also a feeling that It would be
graceful act lo choose tome one of tl
earnest and true friend's of Mr. Hryun vvt
have stool by him In the two campaigns I
fought and won In the First congreBnIon
distilct.The Bryan men are happy In II
feeling that they have ) plenty of good tlmbi
to select a penninent chairman from , ar
they will not be long in making a choice.
Ton cm itt Ninth Iltiul.
NOHTH I1RND , Neb , Sept. 24. ( Sped
Telegiam ) Hon J II Powers , Candida
for slate treasurer on the populist tlcke
opened tht ! campaign here tonight In tl
opera house to about 200 people. Very lltt
Intercut wan taken In hl speech Hedtve
at length on Ihe money question ,
Iloi < > ' * I'oHtlnl AiplrxtlniH.
Karly this morn ng Don > cy I ) . Houck
the Sixth ward girded up his loins nn1 e
tered the Una as r.indidftte for the- low
of legislature , declaring that I
nialiei a great hustle for the plui
lie that If he ls not named by the-
convention It will be no fault ot hi * . Mr.
Houck bases his claims upon the fact that
he Is an old resident of the * county , a prop
erty owner , and that he Is well acquainted
with Iho wants ot the people. Houck Is a
republican and n veteran ot the Mexican
or fli'KiM.iv. :
Ohio's UovrrnnrVlll Spruit ill tlio C'nllninim
October I.
A meeting ol the Douglas county republi
can central committee , together with repre
sentatives from the "nrlou < ward clubs , was
called to meet at Washington hall yesterday
alternoon to make the nere sary arrange
ments for the reception and entertainment
of Governor McKtnley and lo arrange the
ilctalH for the mass meeting at which ho
will speak October I H developed , however ,
that the matter under consideration had been
pretty well attended lo beforehand , and ,
aftei passing an hour In a somewhat ani
mated discussion the meeting Hiljuurned after
passing a tesolutlon placing the whole mat
ter In the hands of the state centiut commit
The Idea of the McKlnlej meeting Is said
to have been Incubated at tin- quarters of
the Sixth AVflrd Republican club nnd this
was stated by Chairman I'nltt in opening Iho
meeting yesterday. The Sixth vvardcis were
caltcj on to explain what they had done In
the mallei which was done b > John Lucas ,
who stated that hs club had made- combi
nation with thestati ) committee bv which
the Coliseum was to be rented for thirty
das during the campaign , and ll had been
decided to have Major McKlnle ) sptult In
that place. They were to have the building
for at least five nights during the month
und were t pay | 20 per light while an ad
ditional $250 would be required to provide
The opinion was expressed tluil since the
slate committee hail doi'e prctt > w II far ,
It would be well lo allow It to complete' ' the
arrangements , and J. L Kennedy made a
motion to that effect Ihlx WHS paused , to
gether with an amendment that a committee
ot three be appointed to wait on Ihe state
comm ttee , apprise It ot the .kcllnn of the
county organization and uxHiire It that the
county commltle-e was ready to perform iinv
duty that might be assigned In tin * uny ul
contributing lo the success of the meeting
Thecommittee was made up f Dr S. K
Spaldlng , John LUCUH and D. M Living
IlciiKura'.s ( if Hut Illj ; SKih l > r < liit ! < t <
hairlllcp u I'm i int.
imOKHN HOW Neb Sept L'4 ( Sp'c'nl '
Telegram ) The demonallc rongiesMona
convention met at this plac thin evening
The convention was called to order bj C. V
Mnnatt of St Paul. W D fo < ke of Kenrnev
was selected chaliman and I. U ol
Dawes secretary. The temporary orqanl/u-
tlon was made permanent The c-ominlttci
on resolutions cndonrd Dijan and the fret
coinage ot "liver on a rat In ol 16 In I with
out waiting for the not ions of anv olht r mi-
tlon of the earth. Thu lesjlutlons wen
adopted " 5 to I. A motion to iiomliiHti
Crltes for congressional candidate was op
nosed by Maher of Dawe-s and finran o
Grceley The nomination wa- ! voted down bj
25 to It. A niollon to make no nomination :
was carried und a committee appointed tc
place u candidate on the tlt-Uot. If , In iti
judgment , it deemed U neieasaiy Thi
committee named was Goi.ui , Hule Cox uni
Mahal- who wore to ae-t In conjunction wit )
the chairman of the convention and tin
chairman and secrotnij of the central com
mltteo. A motion by Ollini l-j In substltuti
the populist congressional committee wa
ruled out of order. '
At the close of the coin entlnn tlic ( lelefiato
were given > reception t thr * t.'u tcr clnl
rooms _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
ruMn.v r-iioitiio IN suuru IMKOI-A
111 nlo County l'oiuIiitH | mid I > I-IMOC < ! !
Tnjrrtlivr lor Hit * < ninpilffri.
GHAMBnRLAIX. S. D. Sept 24. ( Specla
Telegram ) fusion has been eJTerlEd be
tween the democrats and lupnllsts In In1
county , and a. ticket has b'cn pi iced In th
field. The populists get Ihe Itglclallve an
part of the county tlcl et Fusion cat rled I
the two conventions pract'callv ' unanlmoublv
Uverv effort will be made to i-lert the entlr
ticket and thereby Insure Ihe cleetlo'i of a
anti-Senator Pcttlgrcvv delegation fiom thl
county In the next legl ! atuie
Many 1'i riiirr Au\liui4 to < .nrt llo'i mull
HMnilSON , Neb , Sept L'4 { Special ) -
Emerson was thronged with visitors Satin
dy the occasion being R grand populia
rally It had been announced Unit Senalo
Allen , Judge Holcomb und .1 M Devln
woud bo present and deliver ad.iiebra. bu
they failed to put In an appjimnce great !
dl&appolntlng the iaige audience , nuny c
whom had driven from adjoin ng conn lie
with the expectation of hearing popuIlM dot
trine from the mouths of the c-tnliient pjit
leaders However. Reprepcnlatlvp Portei c
Merrlck county , Mr. Garner of Dmlgp count
und D. n. Corey , populist candidate for ul
torney general , were piesent and dellveie
speeches of the usual populKt character.
Aliiuil ! ropnllut * I truttul.
ASHLAND , Neb. , Sept -Special ( Tele
gram ) Slmlngton's opera house was we
Illled this evening to hear Senaloi Allen dlf
cuss the political Issues from u populU
Mill dpaint. Ho Is a foiclblc tppakei und ha
the closest attention of Ids audience I ) I
Cairey. candidate for attorncv general , un
J. W Wllfon. candidate for audlleir. wei
present and addressed the inccilni ; . Th
populists here are much pU-ised at the re
ccptlon given their distinguished quests.
Vluro M-u fniin Iliirlan
ALMA , Neb , S ° pt. 24 - ( Special Teh
gram ) The democrats of Haihn county he !
their convention here today and s ° lecU
Pat Ribbons and B M. Slnims us ddegati
to the state convention and live delegates i
the congressional convention , who were li
structed to support Hon W. \ McKeighai
It is understood the Mate delegate * are favo
able to BIJ. m's Interests.
Kommiit Miiuilnr hprnk.
NOIITII I'LATTG. Neb , Sept - > -Sped ( ;
Telegram ) The populists ( if Lincoln count
gathered here this evening tu listen i
speedier by Congrezpnian Kim and C. I
Shrader , ths latter the nominee for tenalr
from this district.
I ryni Iliniidi r.U foi lli l.i'Klnluturr.
PUNDKlt , Neb. , Sept. 24-Kpeeli1 ( Tel
gram ) Nick Frit/ was twin ) nominated I
the democrats for reprpfieiititlvc- tl
' He U dc-mocrn
S'Moenth illfctrlct. a Iliyan
I'ulltUnl Niilfx.
Sam Maclpod and other Sevinth ward pol
tlclana were early moining vlsltoi at tl
Majors headquarters yesterday Sam In 01
of the leading Majors men and hi
"aspirations" to go to the blute Ic lslatu
this winter
Mr J. n. Kitchen di-Flies lei stuto that I
la not a candldite foi the Kiult < senate , ni
has ho been He U a Urvan ik'inotuU and d
much good uork at the recent primaries , bi
claims that the result wus sutlsC.ictk
enough without becoming a candidate- ui
Uurin.ui C'alliolle Cotieross.
LOt'ISVILl.n. Sept. 24All iirriinirpincn
for Iho opening of the ( Jrtnmn Culhol
conEress tomoriovv ar - I'liinph IP. Th per
Ices will open with a solemn lilfili inans
the cathedral nt 9 u'cloi k , lilsliop .McCIo
key olflclatlng
In nil of the Oil-man Catholic hurcli servlceH will be lie-Ill In hunnr of tl
vlultoiH tomorrow , nnd the duv follow li
uddroasea of well-cine will lie dcliveied I
IIlFlioji McCloskey and Mayor T.ijlor. Tl
pioccedlneR will bu conducted In ( ierma
The congress Is held foi the piomotlon
C'.eiinan Catholic Intcic-Ht In thin louritry.
Jurltl liu l.
PADUOAII , Ky , , Sept. 24. JudK J.
Gilbert , a prominent lawyer jnd Jurist , dl
tuddenly today at Longvlew , TcHe TI
attacked with rhcumatltm of the heart la
Senator Allison Makes a Comparison with
Manufacturing State.
Ucro < ll\en for Invculiuenl ruiulu , X
Debts , and Over Hiilf of Them \\rru
Ouncil l > ) L'ltlriMm uf lonn I'rro
ATLANTIC. la. Sept 21 ( Special Tele
gram. ) Senator Allison was given a grand
reception here this afternoon The spacious
ojrra house was crowded to overflowing ;
principally by business men nnd farmers.
Ilio senator was In good voice and made a
masterly and convincing argument It wua
not a set sp cch , but ho de-alt with thw inu -
tlcns that are most prominent before the
IKxiplo of this district , vvhcru Oencrnl
U'eaver Is trj Ing to rldo the poptill t-demo-
ciutlc horse Into congress with such appar
ently slim prospects. The delivery was In
tliiit simple , concise and businesslike man
lier that apperls to the good sense of tha
Hvciagu well-informed cltbon. The senaUr
coi fined himself mostly to the financial
question The Omalii phtfonn of the popu-
Iltts was taken up und handled as it Ints
nevir been handled In this se-ctlon before.
Ii. opening , ho outlined the progress ot
our country from the -limit the republican
paity came Into power In 1SGO until 1R9I.
Thb census of 1SCO disclosed _ an aggregnlo
wraith , Including slaves , of { 16000000,000 ;
that of 1870 , with the war's devolution of
four yv rs and excluding slaves an property ,
disclosed nn nggicgate wealth ot J.ttooo,030.- )
Oi 0 , that of 1880 nearly { 44,000,000.000 , anil
that of 1S30 , $ G5 000,000.000. The develop
ment from 1860 to IbOO wan marvelous , the
Itciease In ten vears being one-tlilrA moro
than nil the wealth of the Unltwl States
thlity years before The wealth pir capita
more than doubled In thirty sears and the
Increase from 1880 to 1SSO was $1B9 per
r/iplta , or about 19 per cent , whilst the popu
lation In the same p.rlod InTea'-i-d 2f per
Let us compare Iowa vvllh three typical
manufacturing states. Massachusetts. Con
necticut and Itlio.lp Island as to Indebted
ness The debt per ciplta of MiisMichUBptts
was In 3SOO $144 , nnd of llhoilo Island ; 10C ,
an against lov.a of $104.
Now as to the debt eoinpaieil vvllh the
valu" of proiwrty. The debt of MuMaclm-
sctts Is 28 SI per cent of Connecticut 24.67
per cent , and of Uho.lo Island IK 87 per cent ,
whilst that of Iowa Is Jl 'JO pei cent. Tills
Includes all debts The three Blairs llrst
mentioned ar > three of the oilgliiul thirteen
colonies , Massachusetts running1 lurk to Ply
mouth Hock , and all these ttates having tlio
accumulations of generations of time as re
spects ihclr weslth and production , and hav
ing the advantage of I > | IIK upon Ihe Atlantic
seaboard -with th' commerceof ( he world at
their doors , whilst sixty > ea.rn ago Indian
tribes roamed over moro than onehalt of
Iowa , and the state Is leas tifty year *
old. Our wealth Increated in lhe o ten years
$ ' ' 66,000,000 , or SJ SO , whilst Ihi wealth ot
Massachusetts Increased $180,000,000 , , or 7
per cent
On the- question of the heavy mortgage In
debtedness in Iowa Senator Alljson summed
up by tnklnff census figures tor authority ,
allowing that 91 per cent of Iowa mortgagea
were given for thajiurpoiso ot securing profit * ,
of acquiring wealth and frn purchase money ,
while the average life or un Iowa morf Du
Is but four and one-naif } frrf , and of the
mortgages given ! > 5 per cent were glve-n to
citizens of Iowa , showlim sales from one-
farmer to another.
On the money qujstlon Senator Allison
saidVe have now mo e money In the
country per ciplta than at any prior time in
our history Some tiny refute this stnte-
1 incut , saying that dur ng the war large quan
tities of paper monev wore Issued , but this
vvau Interest bearing , and vvaa returned as
soon ns any Interest was accumulated. It
Is claimed free coinage Is needed In the
United States Th s Is believed by some re
publicans , many democrats anil all populists ,
but the populists believe this as an Incident ,
not as a reality I wouldlie glad to have
free coinageof allvsr were It not for the
fact that I think I know that fire-it cal-
1 anfltles and great distress would follow.
Why should we open our mltiU ? We would
Increase our money biipply would wtV
I have now $ (500.000,009 ( In gold coin and the
1 same in silver nln Tlie first effect of free
coinage would be to carry gold lo a premium
and ( o take the $000000090 of gold out of
the United StTtr-3 The value ot the $600-
000,000 of sliver now In circulation vvouM
be diminished 35 to 40 pjr cent , equivalent
to about $240000000 Would we Increase the
amount of clrculitlng in til hi in b > free coin
age ? We might probably In ten or fifteen
years. Mexico has frse Coinage of silver and
gold and has a production of $15,000,000 to
? 10 000,000 of Mlvor a year , but altogether
has a sliver circulation ot about $50,000,000. $
The bulk of Mexico'H silver IB marketed as
bullion at the markets of the world. "
ANYTIIIMJ 1. llii'ilT : IU
WimliliiRtmi ( onnlv I i-iiiocnilii Declare for
BLAIR , Sspt HI ( Spe-c'al ' Telegram. ) The
democrats held their county convention
heie today Dr Bruner was elected chair
man and J L llreealej secretary. The con
vention was haiinonlous. and everything
passed off without j hitch They nominated
Watson Tjson foeojnty representative and
Clark O'llanlon fo rountj attorney. Hole-
gates to the 8t.Uo convention are- Tom Pln-
imll , J. 11 Waldo , J. L Greenlee , W. H.
Palmer , John Skinner G S. Flnney , P. C.
Vandonsen , Carl I'loldhoufcr , Dr. F. K.
Stack , Tenth s-nalorlul float with Oodgi--
Dan Hogan , Lou Waclilcr B PoulHet , J. d.
Hamlng. John Kloli V Wulff. W. 'lynon ,
H C Maynard , William Kelley , Thirteenth
representative , float with Hurt Clark O'lian-
lon , B. Marsh L A Helnzerllng. O. W.
Green , George Tyson II. Dickmnyer , HanH
Lamp , Kred KeU-Mnark Delegates to the
senatorial convention were Instructed to vote
an a unit for Iho nomination uf Dr.S. G ,
The convention aduptcd resolutions en
dorsing Cleveland's administration anil thn
camlldacj of vV J Hryan. Instructing the
delegate * to voteas a unit upon nil propo
sitions , and no proxies to be > given. The del
egates to the slut" convention arc- all In favnr
of fusion on candidates for governor any
thing to bent Majors. The democrats think
they have a cinch on all of the county offices
thin fall , as they have put up their strongest
men. The populist candidate for represent
ative has withdrawn from Ilia race. It now
stands between W D Hallcr , republican , and
Watson Tyson , democrat. Both men are
l strong Hallcr h > a druggist and Tjson \
i i well-to-do fimipr.
Mnr > r Ilimv l.xpliiliilni ; till llriurd.
rilEMONT. Sept. 24. ( Special Telegram. )
There was a republican rally here tonight ,
at which Tom Majors , John L. Webster and
George D. MilMejohn appeared anspecial
attractions. Theie wus a torchlight parade ,
with music , and the opera licusu was well
filled. Mr. Majors wan the flriit vpcakcr. Ha
devoted moat ot lit * attention to national
Issues , the money question ami the tariff ;
laws and called upon the old soldiers to
stand by him Ha referred lo the chargm
made against him .by Mr. Rotevvater and
dented that he t-plrllcd Taylor out of the
state during the taut session f the legls-
luturo. He did i.ot explain his rcniiiK-
voupher record and touched very lightly uport
othcir charges made against him by Mr , Il se-
water ,
Mr. Webster made a very eloquent pcecrt
upon national Issues Mr. Jtelklejohn a I no
made a masterly uilrtrcBB , which w r -
celved with