Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 22, 1894, Page 5, Image 5

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This Condition Indicated by Annual Ee-
porls lojho' tit Board.
il of tln > ( Inliiri 1'nolllr Not lin
eal tr < I C'oinldcniMe ' iH-riilnl
ItiliiK Iniliilijeil In in to
Wlmt It Ulll MIIMV.
Sq > t. 21. CSt > cnl ! ) Acconllng
to the report * ie > < .el\e < l by the State Hoard of
Transportation which nre duo September \ > ,
but liavo b on coming la very sltmly , tlio
only roail In the tote t.o far reporting vlilch
lias done an Imrease o ( business over that
done In et > i ir IH ttio Omaha The- great de
crease ( lioun H In the hauling of Imlldlng
material ami ( In- Increase shown by the
Omaha Is clue to the large quantities of pack-
Ini ; IIOUBO piq'Iucts ami grain wlilcli It has
Iteuii linulln ; : The report of ttio Union Pa
cific hni not yet been recelv il nml some
speculation In being Indulged In as to the
nliovritiK vhlch Kill bo inatle.
Tdo unl\er lty members of the Young
Hen's riirlstlan .isnoclatlon and Young Wo
men * * Christian association tend red a re
ception last nlnlit to the ncu students and
member * of thr faculty. Tlio unUerslty
cliapcl was parked to listen to tlio program
which preccrled tlio social tlm = at tlio ar-
Jiiory Addresses of welcome v , re made by
J'rot llctscy I'rof Kossler. Dr. Cliirk , the
new director of the corironalory ; TMlss
( liven , state secretary of the youiiR'o -
men's Clirlotlan association ; Mtsa Lougli-
rldfie president of the YOUIIK Women's
Christian association , nnd Chanc llor Can-
Held Mr VVi'ldon. president of the Young
Men's Christum association , presided over the
KatherlnK. The armory WOK decorated with
tlia university colors , while In the center
was an old fashioned well from which lemon-
adu instil bo ilr.iwn.
Steve Reebo. tlie Colfnx county forger , was
dlschurnod from the penitentiary jesterday.
llu I.lnr-oln members of the NebiaiUa
Muniifacturcrs and Coimtmurs association
mot at tli < - Lincoln hotel jesttnlny and
floctijd tlio follow Inc directors S J. Alex
ander. J C. llarpham , M. A. Warren , Oeorgc
31 Clark. C. II. LefftV. . I ! Uouard. II. S.
I.lpplntott and Charles Ilawl y
Tire broke out In a small frame building
at the coiner of Twity-IIrst nnd X streets
last night A largo portion of the furniture
was destrojeil. but the lire was extinguished
Ijaforo the dcpirtment arrived.
The Lancaster county delegation to the
Tccuniscli convention liavo returned and ex
press themselves as highly elated ovr the
.action of the convention In nominating Weir
The republican county central committee
lietd a meeting at tlio Lincoln hotel at 2
o'clock this nfl rnoon and completed plans
for the prosecution of the campilgn In this
county. _
r.X ( t < r HruvllltM.
KXCTmi. Neb. . Sept. 21. ( Speclal.- )
"VVIlbor 1)111 ) and \VIlber llakor returned yes
terday from a trip to Missouri by wagon , In
search of a better location , but could not
Hnd ono
Mr. Tiittle and family of this place left
by wagon this morning for Wyoming.
A funeral cortege bearing the remains , of
Edward Nunen of Ohlowa arrived hero yes
terday. The services were conducted frcm
the Catholic church.
Mr. M L Rogers and wife , Miss Mlna
Jlelroy and Ilev. C. II. Walker attended the
Jt.iptlst District association at Surprise yes
Dennet Ervln and family , after an absence
of nearly two > cars , have returned to Uxetcr
to live.
Chicken thieves are getting numerous In
these parts. Jpe Holmtitz lost about eighty
ono night this week , and several other parties -
, ties smaller numbers.
Two Dull AirlilrntH lit ( luldo Illicit.
GUIDE HOCK , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special
Telegram ) While- Newton Smith was cut
ting corn six miles nortlraest of this place
"with a. sled cutter he stepped off with an
anrful of fodder In front of the knife The
horse at that moment started up , cutting
lits leg and almost severing It from hi ?
body , rendering him a cripple for life.
Four miles cast of this place while Trank
Coleman and a companion were out hunting
on horseback , the horses crowded together ,
causing the dlschargo of one of the guns ,
which blew the whole calf of young Cole-
man's leg off. Ho vas taken to the resi
dence of IVrry Uolston and a physician
summoned from this place , who thinks ho
can save the leg.
irotln IllulT I air a
GKRINO. Neb. , Sept. 21 ( Special. )
Scotts niuff county's third annual fair began
this morning , and It Is now an assured finan
cial success , as well as In every other way.
About forty good horses are entered In the
various races , from WyomingColor.ido and
western Nebraska , among them Flora E ,
who was a state' fair winner at Lincoln last
! week. The exhibit Is very good ,
showing the products of a very Buccessful
Reason of Irrigation. An extra day will be
oddeJ to theCulr. .
Weeping \lnter Hank Pmluro.
WEBPINO WATHU , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Spe
cial Telegram. } The Commercial bank of
thin city closed Its doors this morning and is
now In the hands of the state banking
bourd , The failure was duo to the steady
dropping off of deposits and failure to realize
fast enough nn paper. The bank report this
week shown about $26,000 deposits , and over
439,000 loans and discounts. J2fiOO undivided
profits and n good bank building
I > IT ! T , nt tlnllty r Artiin ,
WILIJKIE , Neb , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) In the case of H. T. Decker , charged
with causing the Dorchester opera house to
bo fired In 1S92 to defraud an Insurance com
pany , the Uefundant testified this morning In
his own behalf. After being out about three
hours the Jury returned a verdict of ac
DeinlHo of Iliinilltun Cixi | > er.
AUIIUUN , Nob. , Sept. 21. ( Special )
Hamilton Cooper an old resident and prom
inent citizen of this city , died this morning
at 7 o'clock after an Illness of only a few
tlajs. Dropsy was the Immediate cause
lie leaves n wife and two children
IHsruviTcil lEuxHhlll TIlKtlr.
FAIRMONT. Sept. 21 ( Special. ) nd
Tleach , living ilvo miles northeast of this
place , n day or two ago found a large Rus-
Man thistle growing In the road It meas
ured throe feet across the top and was
lurdly ripe.
iiiniill rir at Nnrtli 1'ln.tlr.
NORTH TL.VTTE , Neb , Sept. 21. ( Spe
cial Telegram ) The Union Pacific hotel and
depot narrowly escaped destruction liy fire
at rtoon today The damage amounted to
several hundred dollars
Tly tests at the Chicago World's exposi
tion anil California Midwinter fair all other
Taking powders were shown to bo Inferior
to Dr. Price's. Received highest award and
S ld mrdal ,
llruimwlrk lrfvltli
nUUNSWICK. Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special. )
The Urunswlck Dramatic company , consisting
of twenty-four amateur actors and acti esses ,
will prpBcnt a comedy-drama entitled "Past
Redemption. " ut Crelgbton Saturday
and at Plalnvlcw a wok later. This
company has presented the same play at
home and at Nellgh with success.
II. Olson , ono of Antelope county' * best
farmers , Ililng one mile north of hero. Is
erecting ono of the largest and flnost barns
In the county , notwithstanding the hard
The Unmswlck hotel has changed hands
And name. It 1& now the Commercial hotel.
with Knott & txihmann proprietors. It lias
been refitted and refurnished ,
Yolk lUj > ll t AMuclnllun.
Sl'HPUISE , Neb , Sept. 21 ( SpeeUl. )
The York DaptUt association at thli place
opened Wednesday and closed this evening
The attendance was very Urge , there be4ng
or mor delegates , be&ldei many visit-
Ing mer.ibers ThD > following nrc among
Uiu 9 who gnvo shurt nJdr s t-s anJ s rnnrs
en c. U.ircli ami religious vvrk
Ue > a t K lUnil'y , Llniuai E. A. Rus
sell , drd , J- tin Soeten * . Uclhany , J II.
IJ > . r Cleile K N Wlliams , Lincoln , Da
vid Ull-r. McCook ; U. I' . Frllman , Ynrk ;
n L CiulR. Dorohenler , 0. K tJalI : r , Ex
eter ; 0V. . Lewis. Surprise : J C Kennedy ,
[ wvld nt > ; W. II. Stearns. Cirand Island
[ Inptiit rolligc. HIK ] George Sutherland , pres-
lOtnt uf lirand Island Dgptlst rolteie ; Charles
JMIllon. York , R. II. TrowbrUlg" , Surprise ;
Jll ? littiel Crtiwfotd of Oklahoma , Mrs.
AV. V. ' . Campbell , late of India , Mr . C. K.
ilunlli-y , LlnL-oln ; Mrs L. U Miller , Yorlt ;
Mrs. Jennie llaptr , Uxeter ; Mrs. 0. W.
Levsli. Surprise ,
Hetheitda .Mlshlon band , led by Mrs. C. II
W llt-r , I'hurch chorUter , furnlsh"d the
muilr. _
Ir Price's Is report d by Culled States
government cliPinlMn. nft'-r odlrlal tests , to be
the highest of all baking powdt. In leav
ening power , purity nnd cxrellence
I'ti tctnTi : ,12 ntr.rKruK.
Ann } Ttiini trimt th li > | iiirtnu'iit of tlio
1'lltttOllllMH It I IlllI'dtUl. .
Iini.LnVUt : , K b. , Sept. 21. ( Special
Telegram. ) This aftptHoon's skirmish firing
brought to a close one of the most satisfac
tory taigct competitions over held on the
rnngE. In point of favorable wcatlur It has
never been surpanbed , and the scores mule
am 'nearly ns high as the rerord. Quite a
number of new men wilt be Introduced to the
army team ns the r ault. The rule practice
was excellent , Sergeant Wilson of the Sevan-
teinth Infantry leading the army team with
a score of ti21 out of a possible SW How
high this Is will be understood when U Is
noted that Seigeant II. N Davidson of the
Sixteenth Infantry , known In army circles
as "Guniling Davidson won the armj cham
pionship medal for dlstlngulshnd riflemen
at Tort Sheridan last jear with 621. His
score on this range last year was ( ill. Lleu-
toiant J C Gregg of the Sixteenth won the
army championship gold medal ulth n score
of COS. Lieutenant Clregg led the team from
this department with a score of 017 For
the last Ihrce juars the scores of the army
rllle team from the Department of the Platte
have been.
Year Aggrepnti * . Per Man
1SU . r..710 571 0
IS'Jl . nS'JI &S04
IS'll . 5 hi. ! K52
This Is highly satisfactory to the depart
ment ulllcer * . nnd guarantees a Rood account
In the army competition nt Tort Sheridan ,
although it Is hardly expected that the D -
partmiMit of the Platte will win both chain-
pliir.tihliH again. The Sixteenth will have no
leprcFenlativp on the team this > ear Final
score of the rltlenun :
Alien tlie c.ivalrjmcn of the Department
of tlic Knst. tlio I'lalto and CilKornla finished
their competition , the army team liad piled
up .in aggrPKnle score of 5 4t > 7 points , or an
aviiaiie of fi9.7 ! out , of a possible 800 ycr
man. I.lculcnnut Lindsay of the Ninth leads
ultli a total score of COS. In comparison of
the work of the Infantry ami tlie cavalry it
* \lll bo ! ecii that the carbine was more cf-
rocliunt the sMrmlsli tiring than the rifle.
At known dlstnnco thei rlflo dlil the bettEr ,
the 3"0 out of a possible 400 made by Ser
geant Wilson of the Seventeenth being a
most excellent shonlng. Tlnal score
Tomorrow the cavalry will practice nt re
volver firing , dismounted In the morning and
mounted In the afternoon.
At the conclusion the medals will be pre
sented the winners.
PurcMKll Drilt at I ort Hyor.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 21CSpaclal Tele
gram ) in anticipation of the departure of
the troops from Fort Myer , in exhibition
drill was ghen today This drill is the last to
be given by them here. Quite a number of
Washington people rode over the aqueduct
brldgo to Arlington Heights and tool : their
places near the Held. The troops and their
officers vied in making memorable , the last
charge of this- squadron over tlie familiar
plain Major Whltesldo of the Seventh cav-
alr > was the ranking olllcer The dr < H Meld
Is n most picturesque spot being situated on
ths brow of tlie hill overlooking .Vashlng-
ton. On one side extend the walls of the
famous Arlington cemetery , with the wllte
tombs and green foliage as a background ,
and m , the troopers came galloping down
on a charge , waving their revolvers and
flashing the r sabres , It seemed to the spectators -
tators as though the soldiers before vverq
making more victims to he hid away In silence -
lenco bj the side of the boys In blue who
died defending their countr > Evolutions of
every description were made and the exhi
bition was excellent In eveiy-respect. At
the close of the drill the troopers were ap
plauded and cheered until the tall and stal
wart oaks on Iho hills opposite fairly rang
with the echo The departing troops , the
commanflers and their destinations are-
Troop A , Flrfct Captain nonius , Ariz. ; Troop
r. Seventh , Captaip Bell Fort Stanton , N.
M ; Troop H , Eighth , Captain Fountain ,
Fort Meide S 1) ; Troop K , Ninth. Captain
Hughes , Fort Robinson , Neb
Tim horses will remain here and will be
rld3en bj the men of the Sixth cavalry. The
deputing men Ull take the horses of the
Sixth at Chicago.
Order * from WiiHlilngton.
W \SHINGTON , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Captain Nathan Jarvls , assistant
surgeon , Is temporarily assigned to Fort
Schu > ler. N. Y. to take the place of Captain
William Gray.
Second Lieutenant John S Sewell , Corps
ot Engineers , Is abslgned to vacant second
lleutenanc ) In that corps
Captain Charles n. WooJiuff , assistant
surgeon Medical department , will relieve
Captain Francis J. Iven , Fort SlierlUan , 111 ,
who will relieve Captain Harry O. Perley
PlaltsburK. N Y. Captain Prrlcy will re
lievo Captain Louis W. Crampton as attend
ing surgeon and examiner of recruits at Bal
timore Captain Crampton will report at
Fort Mcade , S D
Second Lieutenant Vernon A. Caldwell
Twenty-fifth infantry. Is granted leave for
threa months.
SlioiitliiR Kt i'nrt
CHICAGO. Sept 21. Th * annual army
slioot at Fort Sheridan began today. Ser
geant Thomas O'Hourke , comjmnj o. Fif
teenth Infantry , made the best record. His
score was 170 out of n possible 200 point * .
First Sergeant M. J. Murphy , company D.
Fifteenth Infantry , was a close second with
a &coro of 1C9 The best score among the
cavalry competitors for the army team was
by Private J. L Martin , troop I , Kevantli
cavalry. The best average shooting was
done by the Infantry. Seventy-five com
petitors tool : part In the shooting , fort-three
Infantry and thirty-two cavalrymen. The
llgurea am at known distances , 200 , 300 ,
500 and MX ) yards.
Ur. Heck Convicted iif
AKUON. Colo. . Sept. 21. A verdict of
manslaughter was returned at midnight by
the Jury before which Dr. D. 1C. Beck was
tried for the murder of his wife. It was
nhiiwu thut the doctor , la ord < r to get
possesulon of property belonging to lilt wife
and to get her out of the way. u that he
could marry again , killed her by slow polion
Mr * . Beck made A will ttvint Ina douor
Made on Honor /CLOTHING may be
Sold on Honor lan - clear at any price , if
I . poorly made. 'While new
you can't tell the difffcrence ,
. but ifew weeks' wear
soon opens your eyes ,
Now we , with the largest
t O
clothing store in the west ,
with an absolutely new
stock , are going to build up an immense busi
ness by "Selling on Honor , " clothing that has been "Mndc
on Honor. ' You will soon learn that our prices are right always lower
than at any other store.
Man's all wool suit single or cloubfc breast -d six differ Man's fall ovcrcont. light and medium weight , a handsome
ent shades round or _ - ) H H affair , and 'though the price
square cut-a great big * ) ' U U is small the overcoat is 'way
bargain at * S.
them at $4.50.
Men' black c hcviot suits , guaianteed to wear and hold col Men's fall overcoats in cheviot ; made up as well , wear as
or to the last thread , al 7 / nn62 * - well , look as well as r
ways looks well and is $12 coat you ever saw.
nicely trimmed 'and sold We sell them for $6.00.
for $7.50.
Men's sack suits in silk mixed cassimeres , such as you Three shades children's suits , ages 4 to 14 , usually sold
never pay less than $15 - = s 1 / " ) f ] f } y o r' fiS siJ S v , - or $2- ° ° ! ' 8 special sale
for , with the best of33X § ? I i I'UU \ price $1.25.
trimming and finishing , CO
will go out at $10.
Men's Prince Albert clay worsted suits , double breasted , re 200 boys' suits , ages from 14 to 18 years , long pants ,
gent cut , a very nobby suit heavy woole S ° ods' ' dnrk
and will give elegant ser effects , usually sold for $4 ,
vice , for § 13. 1S ' special sale price $2,50.
The best English melton suits , with lap seams , raw edge , a Junior suits in blue and b'ack ' tricot cioth , nobby , dressy ,
nice absolutely new style , - = r -a Y"I C f \ C ) G * & * , - affes 3 to 7 > rears- usually
Auburn make , doubleU&fig 3 * I I i .O U i W sod ! for $ < 5 < 5 ° ; big spcda
breasted and lf ) sale , . .
$11 , single S price $3.25.
breasted at $10.50 ,
. .
A. Jot. a
Successors to COLUMBIA CLOTHING CO , , 13th and Farnam Sts.
all her property. Just before she died , how
ever , unknown to the doctor , she changed
the will giving all Tier property to a son ,
four > oars of age. The doctor now has an
other wife , who has been completely pros
trated since the arrest of the doctor in
Ohio , where they were living
SE/J/i/A .lilt AT HOME.
Uruntli-Strlcken DlHtrlcts of the bin to
Ajiprnl for Fnnili.
NORTH PLATTH. Neb. . Sept. 21. ( Special
Telegram. ) A convention was held here today
to devise ways and means for assisting the
hundreds of families left destitute by the
diouth. during the coming winter. Six
counties were represented by delegates , nnd
several others askeil by letter to be Included
In the action of the convention. Logan
county reported 1,000 people needing aid ,
Frontier county 1,200 , Perkins county 1,800 ,
McPherson county over 200 , Hayes county
1,000 and Lincoln county 4,000. Other
counties had not been canvassed as to the
number of destitute
A committee was nppolnted to consult tilth
Union Pacific and Unrllngton officials rela
tive to securing free transportation for pro
visions and fuel. It was the sense of the
contention that soliciting committees should
be appointed to secure donations from citi
zens throughout the state. Committees
wire appointed accordingly for several
counties , and other counties will take early
action In the matter On motion It was de
clared that all supplies secured should bo
distributed by the county commissioners of.
various counties. Tlie following resolutions
were adopted
Whereas , The dally papers of our state
nml other stnti-st have suppressed from
eastern people the UUP situation In west
ern NebioMca in resunl to crop falluic on
account of extieme drouth ; and
Whereas , The leport has gone abroad
tlnuugh the rliannolH of 0111 dnlllcH that
there was no Immediate necessity nnd that
there Is fiulllclent within oui borders to
supply nil wants , nnd
Whereas , The true situation of western
Nebraska llcmunils immediate and do-
clslvo action for the relief of her destitute
people ( through no fault of their own ) ,
nnd Immediate provision foi feed and fuel ,
therefore be It
Uesolvcd , That the request be made of
nil papers to publish the minutes of this
meeting and use every effort possible on
their part to secure Immediate assistance
for this section of our usually fair state ,
und be It further
Kesolved , Tlmt we believe It to be no
stnln upon the fair name of Nebraska to
acknowledge the truth , as she has In the
past ranked among the first states of our
nation In her agricultural products , nnd as
lier people me industrious and aggtesslve ,
bhe will rank so In the future.
1'oaco In the Kltrh ° n means Joy all over
the liouse. There Is ponce In every kitchen
where Dr. Price's cream baking powder is
II JiSJ / : / { . % J'j : * Af M.V.V.
Velonins of the T.iito War Komiiml > i > rort l > j
Ilin Ct' < io\rriiiiif > iit.
WASHINGTON . Sept 21.-Speclal.-- ( )
I'ensious uranti'il , issue of September 10 ,
Nebraska Ileis ue Charles 'M Chris
tian , Strlcklanil , 1 In yes.
lov.a Orlginul Almon Thomas , Chnrlo" *
Pity rioyd Aildttloiml I-'niRust hamb ,
Woodbiun. Clarke. Increase Maicelus A.
Nutting , Red Oak , .Montgomery. Frank
ItrecXnolilt , Duhuqup , I3uluiUe. | IlelS'Uie
Henry Kckliait , Muscatlnt , JIuBcatlne.
Orlnlnalidoxvs. . etc Anna 12 Wright.
Des niolnes , 1'olk.
South Dakota Tlel'suc ICiIwarJ V.
Miles.Vf""UiKtau SprliiRs , Jerauld.
North Pakotn Additional Cben C
Wlnslow , AVheatlnnd , , Ca s.
Dentil of it Well Hnoirn Gorman
The funeral of Mrs. II J. Meyer 1916
Douglas street , will be held Saturday after
noon at S p. m from the residence , Inter
ment t Prosrect Hill Mr * . Meyer's death
occurred Thursday morning after an Illness
of about a month , her mother having died
but two months before The deceased
was known JDC ! loved by a largfl circle of
German friends , ami leaves a husband and
three children to mourti Jier untimely delta.
A fepiirtlni ; llmlgnr.
The sporting page of The Sunday Bee will
be fully up to Its high standard , while Ul
sporting events throughout the country \\tt\ \
havct a place In the telegraphic columiis.
Moiiili > K rythtnin Ailjuum.
GHKKN rtivnn. Wyo. . Sept. ! ! . ( Special. )
The grand lodgu of Wyoming. Knights ct
Pythias , closed It * session hcra AVetlueiJjgr.
The following offlcers yero elected for the
ensuing year : Grand chancellor , C. II. Dur-
rltt ; grand vjce chancellor , George Stirling ;
grand prelate , J. L. Ford ; grand keeper ot I
records and seal , Percy J. Goshen ; grand
master of the exchequer , T. B. Sutton ;
grand master at arms , C. II. Sullivan , grand j
inner guard , Thomas Jackson ; grand outer ]
guard , E. P. Phllbrick ; supreme representa- i
tlve to (111 ( unoxplred term of F. N. Clark ,
D G. Thomas. The next meeting of the '
grand lodge will bo held at Rock Springs.
V.ll'TAlK I'DVIi CO.M.t/7-T.S itUWIJ > E.
| Well Known > outli Unliufi ImuruncoMan
l.niU Ills Mfp.
DEADWOOD , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Captain R. II Pope , a well known
Insurance man , was found dead ( n his room
this afternoon. He had evidently been dead
several days when found , as decomposition
had already set in. It Is thought that he
committed suicide , as a few days ago he had
openly threatened to take his own life Pope
was well known throughout the state and atone
ono time possessed considerable property , j
He was born In England , of a prominent and
well known family. He leaves a wife.
As the standard for purity and perfection
the world over. Dr. Price's baking powder Is
be > end comparison. Its purity and goodness
are unquestioned.
.Jury C'nllril It IiiHiinlty.
V1NCCNNES , Ind , Sept. 21. Sheriff
Lemuel Willis of Sullivan county has been
acquitted of the murder of ex-Prosecuting
Attorney Hultz In June , 18S3. Willis found
Hultz at his home with his wife and shot
1 IID , but dUI not kill him. Hultz was after
ward killed by Willis on tlio street , Willis
was acquitted on the ground of Insanity.
Konkcfcllpr in a Iiiry'H llniulft ,
DULUTH , Sept. 21. The case against John
D. Rockefeller , brought by Leon D. Merrill ,
has gone to the jury. The action was
brought to recover $15,000 for alleged
services performed for the Mesaba. road by
Mcrrltt before Mr. Rockefeller secured con
( iniicr * Caught tlie Murderer.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 21 This morning of
ficers caught Will Myers , who Is wanted at
Atlanta for the. murder of Forest Crowley
last Tuesday and who was mentioned In
Associated press dispatches from Atlanta
last night. He Is In prison here.
1'KltklHiAI , I'Alt.lUKAI'IIS. D
C. M. Thomas , Deadwoocl , S. D. , Is Jn the
W Moncrelffe , Sheridan , Wyo. , Is a Paxton
gu st.
G. S. Uogart , Glen-nuod , la , Is a Mlllard
J. J McNulty , Muscatine , la. , is at the
Ilarker. '
L.Butler , Chadron , f ' 0 ! > - , Is registered at
the Barker.
J. A. Llndsey , ITnlted States army. Is at
the Paxton. ' ' ' ,
PAU ! E Kennedy , R6ck Springs , Wyo. , Is a
Paxton guest. ' .
Tobias Castor venture' ) into Omaha last
night and quietly took quarters at the Pax-
ton. '
D J. Burgess , forme'rly manager of the
Colonade , has become ul Iit clerk at the Ar
cade , to succeed Charles Urate , who has gone
back to the Mercer aet day clerk.
J. C McManlnia , 'fdrrrerly ) a newspaper
man of Pierre , S. W. 'but ' now a bloated
bond and real estatq , qwner of Springfield ,
Mo. , Is In the city torn few day § ,
at the Paxton.
G. II Stokes , traveling passengjr ogent ol
the Lchlgh Volley , and C II. Duxbury. trav
eling passenger agent of the Baltimore &
Ohio , and C. W. Green , traveling passenger
agent of the Big Four , are at th ; Mlllard.
Lieutenant Harry U Wllklns. Sixth United
States Infantry , formerly of the Second In
fantry , Fort Omaha , Is In the city. Lieu
tenant Wllklna la enroute to Ites Molnes
wliere ho will report to the governor for
stuff duty.
> < -liru knii in ilia IliituU ,
At the Dellone-l' S. Cdffnr. I > J. Sin
clair , Nebraska City ; M. C .Beck , Dakota
At the Merchants-C. 13. Gunnell , Paxton -
ton , A. V. NelEon. Oseeola , John Helnem ,
firaml Island ; Isaac Ueunilorf. Mason
City , .Mrs. C. P. Montgomery. Curtis.
At the Arcade V It , Andrews. K Mitch
ell. J. C. Sullivan. Cedar Haplds , I' . Ml-
chadron. Tllden ; Henry Hogir. Iterwyn , J
J. Wilson. .Broken Uo * ; b. N. Worly. Al-
BlyMcrlom Making or the Kitrlh In Sovernl
Counties nf the blntn.
WICHITA , Kan. . Sopt. 21. Land Is caving
In toward the center ol the earth In the
vicinity of tha junction of Harvey. Butler
and Marlon counties In this state Great ex
citement 'prevails ' among the people and
many of them are getting away. The dis
asters are of the most unaccountable origin t
and the state geologist has been summoned I
to investigate the disturbances of the earth j
formations. There was no shock felt when j
the ground caved In bearing any resemblance 1
to an earthquake. Near Whitewater , on the
farm of Thomas BsMngton , an area of forty
by ninety feet sunk to the depth of twenty-
eight feet , and when a man was let down
Into the hole his weight alone sunk It nearly j
three feet more. This occurred yesterday |
and about the same moment an area of sevi i
cnty-flvo feet square sunk at Plum Grove a
depth ol thirty-five feet. This was on the
| farm of Sid Jones , the slldlng-ln carrying
J a threshing machine and separator with It.
Water poured Into the latter hole from under
ground sheets of water till It Is flllled
nearly to the top , but the hole at White
water Is still dry , although It is supposed
that the caved-in earth Is resting upon a vast ]
body of water. Both places are some- seven 1
or eight miles apart. At Annely , home ten '
miles from Whitewater , there rvas several
small cave-ftis. ranging In depth from six '
to forty feet. The theories are various , but I
none of them so far are sclcntlflc Not
long .since a man was digging a well In the
vicinity of Plum Grove , and when ho had
reached a depth of twenty-six feet the drill
shot Into an apparent vacuum and could not
be recovered The supposition Is that there
Is a dried up underground river underneath
the land , which has caved In. All the cave-
Ins , great and small , extend In a crooked ,
streamllke-course a dlstanco of about twenty-
four miles.
When health Is considered , no baking pow
der can be used with safety but Ur Price's ,
Analysis shows all other powders to contain
lime , ammonia or alum ,
Commissioner * About Agrcrd t Submit the
I'lntte Canal Proposition.
The county commissioners held another
meeting yesterday to consider the Platte
river canal project and the advisability of
submitting the bond proposition to the voters
at the November election. While no otllclal
action has been taken by the members of the
board , they have decided that they ulll allow
the voters of Douglas county to cast their
ballots for or against voting aid to the
With the exception of one , ull of the pro
posed changes have been made In the terms
of the agreement between the company
and the county. Under the terms
of tlio old proposition there was a pro
vision that In the event the count ) should
want to purchase the canal after a term of
years the judges of the district court were
to act as the arbitrators on the siile By the
terms of the new proposition , when the
time for purchase arrives , the company
wants to nnmo one appraiser , the county
one and the two so named to elect another.
The commissioners contend that three men
should be named , one to be selected by the
company , ono by the county and the two
select the third
to Itrnlsl tlm Itnllrouil Tux ,
PRINCETON , Ky. , Sept 21 A fresh ship
ment ot firearms has been sent to Union
county to arm the taxpayers ut Llmlley
and Casey vllle precincts , who are resisting
the collection of the railroad tax About
700 are nov. armed with Winchesters nnd
dynamite and they are patiently awaiting
the arrival of Collector Illackuell and Ills
100 armed deputies Captain Blackwell Is
expected today , but he will hardly begin his
work before Monday. He says that he will
collect tha tax If It takes military power
to do It. The people say that they will
resist to tlio death.
Nrw I'rri III tint for ttio Ada inn lx | > roa.
NKW YOHK. Sept. 21. The board of
directors of the Adams Express company has
accepted the resignation of President SantonI
and elected L C. Weir of Cincinnati In his
stead. Mr Weir has been with the com
pany thirty years. The elect Ion was In ac
cordance with Mr Sanford's request. Mr.
Sanlord remains a director of the company ,
. . . OUR SPECIAL , . .
For Friday and Saturday Only.
Brussels Carpet
See them on firsi floor.
Drap enes.
The new Fall things are here , novelties in
Door and Window Drapings and Mantel
Scarfs , and the Fall importations of Lace
Curtains. Never so many new ones.
WE Xcrvous
Catarrh , all Diseases of Iho Noao.
Throat , CheatStomach , Llvor , Blood
-Skin end Kldnoy Dlsonaoa , LOB
Gall en or address
Dr. Searlcs & Scarlcs ,
- '
P110 C PJ 'in yi 8 oondary and Ttr-
UUnu tiary Cases of BloDil Poison ,
If jfiu don't believe we ran , euro your ci o
ptnnan nlly coma to niir office ami neu wlut
uo ran < lt > fur > oun \ ten < ! ) ' tlm * It will
com } au nothing , Coniultutlon free l'orrFiii > nn < i >
drn-o solicited JMNKMOiti : HHMiiV : CO
2iM UoucUi lllk , Om liB ! . / < Maionli Temple ,
livery IIOIINC lliutlni > liiMorr < l < in wooil
Iiith IHII fire lrni > , aiul coi > NCfii iillf a
dentil trap , Tlio lutri lorioiyl i\orlc
itjnler tlio drIn ; ; Hi-tt of urlllU-lal
lirnt IxH'oincx UN Inlliiiiialilii IIH Under ,
linuiltiiKoiil } n Ni > : irlc to fliiMli lliu lira
from trllur to rouf ivllli froqueut
ri-HiiUIng IONM ol'lllo ,
TIxpaiKloil Mi-liil Mcul Lntli tvlicn covered
with I UK of inortnrdho tx'-it known llro
proof mulorlul ) Insures bafcty , in < l onntn but
llttla In uxcTssof wiHxl It pruvc'iits cruck-
IIIK nnd fitlllnx of iiliiHtor.
Ailoptrcl for all I' K. ( o\irnnu > nt IlullcllnKf
mid llsiist. , obllj/llory In nil Hotel ? , 'L'liuutcra
Asyluirm , llospltiils nixl Hcbool lloiihoa U
I'lilfiiKO mill oilier Inrso cities. Write ( or
uutuloguu of lathliiK' , frnclriK. ft-c.
400 E. 20th Street. CHICAGO
Kelluble Drntal Work
at l.uivoit 1'rloei.
Kill I nut tcoth un rul > Ur .1 00 , tit ruanmtced. Sil
ver llllliii < - > $1.0(1 ( , puru fold & ! 00 ,
Office , 3rd floor Paxton Bloolc , 10th and Taj.
mm Strestj.
TtlLjihona 1083 ,
Lady Atlemlim uoruinn Hpok *