THE OMAHA ] JAILY J3E& : < SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 22 , 1801. WON IT OUT IN THE EIGHTH Eourkcs Orcrwhelm the Lenders with a Teirifio BattirgKush , PA STARTED IT WITH A HOT DCUBLE biigo * * lliintlH Hi-lit Minim tn Woven Illtn l > ? Clnnncii Lincoln 1'orceil Into 1'DU'lU riiico MH Moliii-H I'vutn < Juliicy. Jinaha , 7 ; Hock Island , t , Jacksonville , ! i ; Lincoln , . ' . | ) CM Molrit-s , 'J ; CJulllc'y , 8. I'ecu la , 9 ; .St. Joseph , f > . llnltlmoro , 8 ; St. i.oiils , I. lloHlon , U ; Louisville , 0. ChlcaKo , ll ; Philadelphia , C. PlUflUuc , i ; New York , 4 ; 12 Innings Washington , 4 ; Cli-velnnd , S. Sioux City , 12 ; Indianapolis , 7. Toledo , ll' > Minneapolis , ti. Detroit , ! > ; Kansas City. B. Mllwaukt-c . M ; Urand KapldH , I. HOCK ISIjAN'I ) , III. , Sept. 21. ( Special Terrain. ) ISock Island hod the Rama well In hand up to the eighth Inning , when , with two men out nnd two men on baB.s , Hourko lilt a hot Kfoundcr which three of the Hock Inlands fnllcil to connect with , clearing tha bases and landing the batter on second. Then a scries of timely hitting by McCann , Clausen , Scery and I.ang ford , and a base for lilttlni ; a baiter netted four more runs and turned the tide largely In Omaha's favor. Scale : HOCK 1SI-AND. AM. H. Ill , ( Sweeney , m 4 Cantllllon , Ub 5 < CclH , rf. . . , 3 Krc-fff. tb. 1 Hill , : ib. . . 4t fl.ige , c. . , . : t PS. 4 Ymlrews , If . 4 Uurrell , p . 1 Totals . STi 4 OMAHA. A.U n. IB. P.O. A , E. Ulllch , 31) . Beery , If . 3 Lnngsford , ss . 5 0 0 0 9 1 Monin , c . 4 1 1 -i o u McVey. II ) . fi 0 0 12 0 0 Hutehlnson. 2b . Rourke , rf . 0 1 2 3 0 0 McCann , tn . fi 1 2 2 0 I Clausen , p . 4 1 1 0 C 0 TolalH . S3 * 7 10 27 14 1 Rock Island . 100010110-4 Omaha' . 0 0100000- 7 Earned runs : Rock Island. 1 ; Omnhn. B. Two-baso bits ; Scery , Rourke , Ulrlch , Hutchlnpon , ICrelg. Three-base hit : Rourke. Home run : Cantllllon. First base on balls ; Off Clausen. 3 ; off Burrcll , D. Hit by pitched ball : By Burrell , 1. Time : One hour and forty-live minutes. Umpire : Needlmm. llnrlc l.cti Another Nlldr. JACKSONVILLE : , in. , sept. 2i.-Sneciai ( Telegram. ) Jacksonville won from Lincoln today In a good game. Johnson was put In for the visitors and had to be taken out in the first Inning. He gave four bases on balls and was exceedingly wild. Dover eaux did little better , The- home team batted well and played their positions fairly good. Tomorrow Is the last da ? of the season here. Score : Jacksonville . 9 .Lincoln . 0 00004010-5 Earned runs : Jacksonville , 4 ; Lincoln , 1. Left on bases : Jacksonville , 8 ; Lincoln , G. Base hits : Jacksonville , D ; Lincoln , 4. Er rors : Jacksonville , 3 ; Lincoln , 2. Two-base hits : Smith. Strauss. Three-base hits : .Newman. Home runs : Lotcher , Kbright. Double plays : Crotty to Strothera ; De- vcnney to Crotty to Strothers : Kbrlght to Sullivan. Bases on balls : Off Johnson ; off Devereaux , I ; oft' Slugel , C. Batteries : Slagel and Lohberk ; Johnson , Devereaux. and Speer. Umpire : Ward. DI-iUlletM Uhiuli .Second. 1'EORIA , I'l. , Sept. 21. Todny the Dis tillers clinched their hold on second place by taking advantage of the errors of the visitors. Beam was hit freely but not effectively and was given good support. Score : Pcorlu. . 0 30000014-8 81. Joseph . 2 00030000-5 Base hits : Peorln , 5 ; St. Joseph. 13 , Er rors : Peorlu , 1 ; St. Joseph , I. Batteries : Beam and Terrlcn ; Glllcn und Snyder , Oillm-y Kuro of I.ust I'luer. QUINCY. III. , Sept. 21. ( Special Tele gram. ) Des Molnes won today's game by effective hitting. Scote : Qulncy . 0 1 1 0 1 I I 0 0-8 Den Mollies . 1 9 Earned runs : Qulncy , 5j DCS Molnes , 4. Batteries : McDougal and Bolaml ; Mo- Vlcker , Xelsler and Tradley. Base hits : Qulncy , 14 ; DCS Molnes , 13. Errors : lulney , 8 ; Dea Molnes , 5. Standing nt the Train * . Played. Won. Lost. Pr.Ct. Rock Island m 71 50 6S.7 IVoria 123 C'J ' 51 5J.I Jacksonville 121 G7 51 55.4 Lincoln 1U2 7 55 5t.3 Omaha. 123 Ki 5Sr 52.S t.St. Joseph 121 5S < ; r > 43.U DeM Molnes 123 52 71 42.3 Qulncy 122 II 81 33.G An Increase In the U. S. army is ad- vocited by General Scliofleld. nations for the present force are cooked with Dr. Price's Cream Bak'nu Powder. AMT/U.YJI. I.K.HIVK fl.tMKS. J.oiilslvlllo I'liiyer.i Slinw tbo KITcct of Ini- | iPMilliiK Dissolution. LOUISVILLE .Sept. 21. The Bostons won as , they pleased today. The Colonels , as usual , played a listless game on the Held. Score : Louisville 0 2011000 2-fl Boston U 3000400 0 13 lilts : Louisville. 12 ; Boston , 1C. Errors : Louisville , C ; Boston , 2. Earned inns : Louis ville , 3 ; Boston , 7. Two-base hits : Nlcoll , Connaughton , 3 ; Loxvc , Duffy. Three-base hit : Lowe. Home run : Brown. Double plays : Ilrown to Lake ; Bannon to Ganzel. Struck out : By Knell , 3 ; by Staley , 4. Time ; One hour and llfty minutes. Umpire : Keefs. Batteries : Knell and Lake ; Staley and Ganzel. llnllliiMiro'x I.i'inl Criming. ST. LOUIS. Sept. 21.-Baltlmore won to- Oay'H game In the opening Innings. Brelt- enstdn gave three men bases on bulls nnd wus hit rather freely. Score : St. Louis 0 10000003 - - ! Baltimore 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8 Hlls : St. Louis. 4 ; Baltimore , 9. Errors : St. Louis , 3 ; Baltimore , 2. Earned runs : Si. Louis. .1 : Baltimore , 3. Two-base hit : Keeler. Three-base hits : Hemming , McGnuv. Double plays : Brodte to Reltz to Breathers , Struck nut : By Breltensteln , 3 ; by Hem- , miner , 2. Time : One hour and forty-live min utes. Umpire : Hurst. Batteries : Brclten- uteln and PIcU ; Hemming and Robinson. Twi-lvti Inning Tin Hume. PITTSBUHO. Sept. : i. Plttsburg and New York played the greatest game of the Beason today. Ward's errors allowed Pitts- burg to tic the score in the eighth Inning , und after that not u player reached thin ! base. The game was calleil at the- end ol the twelfth Inning on account of darkness Score : Plttsburg , . 0 New York. . 200200000000 Base lilts : Plttsbursr , 11 ; New York. 10 SERIES NO. 31-32. IHE AMERICAS ENCYCLOPAEDIC DICTIONARY. 4 SCO Pages. 250,000 , Wordi rii Affli VSKFUL. A 3tttie of Jfnoirlnltia ami a 3llitt of There- are nioro ( hints ln trucll o , uaerul ua eiiu-rtnlnluir In that rival book , "Tlu /merlciin Kuoj rluiH-ilIc Dictionary , " thnnlii any vlmllar luiUlleallun uver ixiuml. This errat work , now lor tin ) Hr t tima placttl wllldn thu rciiuh ol everyone. Is a unlciuo ) > iiliUcullun. for It la nt tlin HUIIIU tlina a ) > rltcl dtvllonnry ami a complete i-neyclo- . Only thai number of Iho book correspond * Inr with the series number ol thu OOLIID.I prcscnUil will bo < tellvor t. ONKSumlayi ml Three \Yco1c-day coupo.iv wild 19 ccnl In roln , will buy oii3 uirl of The American r.nryclupodU UlcUJJ- nry , Erml orders to The lloa Otrtoj. til ordci * bliould bo aUdrusv > 4 t ) DIOTIONABY BEPAETilENl1 Krrors : t'lttalnirfr , I ; New York , ! i. I'nrntd runs ; PlttsburK , 1 ; New York. 1 Two-ba o hltH. Heckley , Smith , Doyle. Fuller. Parrel. Double jilnys : Khret to llecl < Iey to Wea ver ; Puller to Uoylo. Struck out : Ily I2hrct , 2 ; by Mcckln , 4 , Time : Two lioiira and twenty-live minutes , Umpires : Holts find Gnffupy. Militaries : Kit ret , Mock nnil \Vcavcr ; JtlecUIn i nd Parrel. AntitVliiA from llin jlrnrli * CIUCAno. Sept. 21.-The Qunkprs were ncnln dt-frpted todny because of their In ability to hit Hutchison. HeVUM wild , but nt crltlcnl t > olnt.i vns very effective , Tay lor wes bnttwl whenever the OultB wanted a hit. Scire : Philadelphia I 1 0 0 2 1 It n G Uhlcniru 1 a 2 o * 1 o -li IJn. c liltw : Philadelphia , J ; Clilcnco , 15. Errorx : Philadelphia , 1 ; Chicago , 0 Karncd runs ; Phlhidelphla , li Chicago , S. Two- base hits : Wllmot , Thompson , Sohrlver , Houseman. Three-base hltB : Dalilen. Home runs ; Dalilcn. Double | ilnyH : IMhlcn lo Hchrlver lo UocUer : Uahten tn Houseman , HoiiHcinnn to Uahlpti to Decker , Stiuek out : Hy Kutihlson , I ; by Taylor , ' . ' . Time : Two haunt nttil 11v < - minutes , rmplro : Lynch. Haiti-Hew : Taylor anil Clements , Hutchison nml Schrlvcr. Cm ( M'limel * ' * l.iltrM n AVIiititir. CI.KVni.AND. Sept. II. Good luck won for the WuHliltigtonH today. Young pitched a wed Riiine , but u wild throw by O'Connor ' Kave them two runt and eventually the Knmf , Cleveland did not hit MalarUer , it Virginia league llnd , hard. Score : Cleveland 1 I t o rt 0 0 0-l : WnshlnKton 2 0 0 0 1 U 0 1 0-4 Hasp hits : Cleveland , n ; WnsliliiBton , 4. Krrors : Cl.nnd , 4Vn ; h'nit n , 2 Knrn'tl runs : Cleveland , 2 ; Washington. 1. Two- base hltx : Jovco , Curtwrlk'ht ( I ) . Double lays : Abbey to .loyee. Strtirlc out : My 'oiinx , li bv Mnlnrkcy , 2. Time : Two iour.4. ITmpIro : Mctjuald. Uatterles : rouiiff and O'Connor ; Malm-key and Du - lale. Slanilllll ; of tlifl TPHIIH. riavod. Won. Lost. Pr.Pt. Joltlmote 121 SI 37 C' Jew York 12i1 SH IS IS. . ) loston 121 7'J 43 G3. < Philadelphia IK ! 7(1 ( Kt r.ii.M trooklyn 1U.2 < M 5 51.1 Cleveland 12J CS 09 51,15 i'lttsburs 12- ) 62 4 ! ) . ! MilcuRo r.7 fir 72 43.3 Cincinnati 12.1 H2 71 42.3 .t. Louis 12 < 51- 7.1 41.1 VashlllKUm 12T 11 81 35.2 .outsvllle 122 31 S3 27.'J ' m.vnit : > LKAIIUI : O.YMKS. lnu.t City lirtH tlin l.uat frinn IndlinmpolU by llnril lllltlntr Well Hum-lied. INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 21. Sioux City losed her series here with a victory. The ocals were badly crippled in the absence of Motz nnrt Phillip * . The visitors bunched heir bits ntid won handily. Score : .ndlannpolls 0 2020012-7 Sioux City 0 5-12 Httst : Indianapolis , 12 ; Sioux City. 12. Crror : Indianapolis 15 ; Slonx City , 2. Oiirned nitis : Indianapolis , G ; Sioux CiCy. 7. J'wo-lmae hit : Mills. Three-unsc lilts : McCarthy - Carthy , lloat , Mnrr , Holohun , Camp. Home run : Mnrr. Duuble plays : Stewart to llolo- : inn to MrCauley. Struck out : Shields- , Henry , MoCauley , Hart , Camp. Time : One lour and forty-live minutes , t'mplio : Shur- Idan. Hatteiies : I'epl'er ' and \Vestlake ; Hart : md Kruua. MtliiuliiK I'lirr" Not , Now. DKTUOIT , Sept. 21. The Creams won by inttlng "Lucky Pete" Daniels steadily , but Ihe Cowboys only touched Oayle In the final end of the inline. Score : Detroit 0 0 1 2 2 0 0 2 2 9 rCansuH City 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 2 2 C Hits : Detroit , 14 ; Kansas City , 10. Krrors : Uetiolt , 1 ; Kansas C ! y. 1. Karned runs : Detroit , C ; Kansas City 4. Two-base hits : Karle. Vurke , Jatitzcn , Donahue , Klusman , Nlcholl. Three-base hits : Dooley , Kinsman , Nlles. Home runs : Heard , Knrlc , Kaymgntt. Struck out : Iy Gayle , 3 ; by Daiilpls. 3. Time : One hour and llfty minutes. TTmplie : McDonald , liatteries : Guyle and Jentzen ; Daniels and Donahue. Tulcdo Cxpturril All , TOLKDO , Sept. 21.-The Toledos made It three , stralslit for the Millers by bunching hits off 1'arvln In the lirst and llfth Innings , lilue was well supported and pitched a strong RSI mo up lo the seventh Inning. The ; mne was called on account of darkness. Score : Toledo 3 0 0 2 C 1 1 13 Minneapolis 0 0 0 0 2 0 4 lilts : Toledo , 13 ; Minneapolis , 11. Krrors : Toledo , 2 ; Minneapolis , 2 , Karned runs : Toledo , U ; Minneapolis. 4 , Two-base hits : Frank , 2 : Luby , lilue , Werclen. Burre.ll. Double plays : lierryhlll to Connor to Ilat- lleld. Struck out : Ily Hlue , 3 ; by 1'arvln. 9. Time : One hour and llfty minutes. Umpire : Man mi HMO u. Itattertes : Blue und Me Fur- land ; 1'arvln und Uurrell. llri-\vrr * Hotter Their StiiiidlnR. GRAND tlAlMDS , Sept. 21. The Hustlers today could not hit Stevens effectively , but they bunched errors effectively and allowed the DrewcrM to win n loosely played game anil make it three straight victories here. Score : Grand Ilaplds 0 03010000 4 Milwaukee * 10 Hits : Grand Itnplds , 13 ; Milwaukee , 12. Krrorsi Grand Haplds , G ; Milwaukee. 2. Karned runs : Grand Ilapld.s. 3 ; Milwaukee , fi. Two-base hits : George , 3 ; Spies , Carey , Stephens. Three-base lilt : Cllneman. Home runs : Twltchell. Italter. Struck out : ] ty Parker. 4 : by Stephens , 4. Double plays : l Rnn to Caruthers ; Flaherty to Tavlor to Carey. Time : Two hours. Umpire : Kerlns. Hatterles : Parker and Spies ; Stephens and Iloland. Stiindln of the TCHIIIH. Played. Won. I ost. Pr.Ct. Sioux CitV 122 73 4 53.8 Kansas City 121 Oil fili r,5.B Toledo 120 65 53 51.2 Minneapolis : 121 fd GO 50.4 Grand Uaplds 12S C2 CG 43.4 Indlanapulls 127 KO 67 47.2 Detroit ir. 53 70 43.1 Milwaukee 120 48 11 40.0 World's fair first. California Midwinter fair next. With the highest htnora at both Dr. Price's Cream Baking I'owder marches triumphant from the great lakes to the Pacific. I'KFFRK TO I'A.IV / ( > / ; | { OOKIVA. Nntlonnl l.isifii. . i\utn : \ Alrpitily Aliiklni ; Thnlr ArniiiKiMiu-iilN f ir > ext Veur , BHOOICLVN , Sept. 21. The Brooklyn Kafile publishes an Interview with President Hyrnes of th ( > llrooklyn ilase Hall club , In which he says he lias entered Into an agree ment with the Louisville club whereby Catcher Grim and Second , llaseman 1'effer will be released to llrooklyn at the end of the season. He has also signed "Buster" Kurrell and Outfielder Hlnes of Minneapolis , whom Chicago and Cincinnati were said to have drafted. HegardliiK this reported sale of the Louis ville franchise to Milwaukee , Mr. Byrnes said tin- transaction must be llrst ratllled by the league. As trustee of the Temple oup , Mr. Byrnes Is preparing a set of rules , which will be forwarded to President Younjr , KovernlnR the play of this series. The rules must be signed by the managers of both clubs contesting for the troplVy. LOl'ISVILLK , Sept. 21. President Stucker of the Louisville club was shown the dis patch from Brooklyn this morning- stating that Pjfi'er and Grim had been sold and asked If lie knew anything of the deal. He said : "Grim and Puffer hnva not been sold to the Brooklyn club. We have named our llgures. and I would Infer from this tele gram that they will be accepted. However. Grim and PeiTer are still members of the Lotilsvlllo t-lub , and will remain such ur.tll the deal Is cloned by the payment of the cash. " "What about the Bale of the franchise to Milwaukee ? " "I have not received any offer for the franchise by the Milwaukee people. As a matter of course , we will sell It , but we must get our figure. You understand , how ever , we will not sell unless such was the cahe. " Asked If Louisville would Join the new league In the event of her leaving the na tional league , Ihe president said that he knexv nothing of a league except what he hud seen In the papers. Y. M. C. A. ISii i KnV. Owing to the Originals complete team being unable to get together , the third game between them mid the Y. M. t ! , .v second team has been declared off , and at the request of Mr. Marsh , manager , the Clean Clippers will play In their place at 4 p. m. today , the teams playing as fol lows : Clean Clippers. Position. Y. M. C. A. Whiting Third J. Trail ! McCune- Short Crelgh Kleffncr Pitch. . Koblnson-Lawlcr Davis Middle Youns Dolan Second Ixiwrlc Bowman . . . . .Catch D. Trnlll Henn First Salisbury Connor Left Jloogland Iteed Ulght. . . I less or Arnold Members and all ladles free ; nonmembetti , admission , 23 cents , including grand stand , A. practice game of foot ball will bo played at C o'clock. In the evening- all the ahtletlc members nn > * stted to be present at the gym at ti:3 : ( to hnve their pictures token In gymnasium dress and team groups. Photographs ol each room In thu building will alao be maiH by UuhhllKht by Hlnehart. From these pic. tures plioto engravings will be made foi publication In the International Y. M. C. A , paper and lu Men. LORD IIAWRE SAVES HIS TEAM His Olcvir Hitting for Seventy-Eight Was Wry Timely , PILING UP RUNS AGIN3T \ PH LADELPHIA Tbrcu Wlrkptx Tell for I'oiirI < < ! > , hut th ? Captain Then Hriit Jn ntid Scored Fnit Intrrimllniml Cricket t'ndcr ' I'lmir.thla Condition * . PHtLAUELPinA. Spt. 21. Lord Ilawko's cilcketers made their appearance on the IjcauUful grounds of the Merlon Cricket club , Harcrfiml , a suburb ot this city , at 10 o'clock this morning. The day was beautiful , the warm sun being tempered with n cool broez : . The grounds , however , were In anything but first class condition for the match. All Philadelphia Is represented by Ameri can players , with tlie cxcrptlon of A. M. \Vcod , who Is of English birth. The team is the one. which met the All Canada , with the exception of K. II. 1) . Ilrown and J. A. Scott , who tnkc the places of Captain Hrocklo and Lynford Hlddle. Dr. Scut captained the team , which Is made up as follows : II. P. Ilalky , c. S. Patterson , I- ' . II. Hohlcn , E. II. a Hrown. r. W. Halston , K.V. . Clark , Jr. , W. w. Noble , J. A. Scott ( cTtaln | ) . A. At. Wood , J. W. Mulr and J. n. King , Lord HnwUf'a eleven Is composed of the following players : C. W. Wright , H. S. Lucas , Lord Ilawke. J. S. lloblnson , C. 15. de Trnfford , J. L. Hill. C. H. Wordaunt , 0. W. Hlllyard , L. V. llatlnirsl , C , W. Whlt- wcll nnd 0 , H. Hardsell. Play did not begin until 11:30. : o'clock. At that hour the grand stand was comfortably filled and there were several hundred persons seated around on the scats which skirted the grounds. Lord Ilawke won the toss and sent In hla two heavy batters , De Trafford and Hill. King and Bailey opened the howling for All Philadelphia and Halston was wicket keeper. The umpires ore d. Hrotnhead and Coinlns. De Trafford was bowled by King- one wicket for four runs. Wright succeeded DeTrafford , but he also fell a victim to King's excellent bowling a moment later- two for live. Lucas was then sent In by Lord Halie and after making n stand for eight runs was bowled by Bailey. Score , fourteen runs and three wickets down. Lord Hawke then went to the hat. Hill was caught by Wood , King bowling , 83-4-25. Mordaunt succeeded Hill. Mordaunt was caught by Patterson , Ilalley bowling110 - 5-1. When stumps were drawn on account ot darkness the score stood 1ST runs In favor of the visitors and seventy-fcur for three wickets and two men not out on the local side. Score : ENGLAND. C. H. Trafford , b King . J C. W. Wright. l > King . o K. L. Lucas , b Bailey . 8 A. J. L. Hill , c Wood , b King . 25 G. C. Mordaunt , c Patterson , b IJalley. . 0 L. C. V. Uathurst. not out . 31 Lord Hawke , c Mulr , b Ilalley . 78 J. L. Hoblnson , b ISalley . a G. W. Hllllard , b Ilalley . i O. H. Bardswell , b liailuy . o C. W. Whitsell , c Kins , b Halley . 4 Kxtras . jj Total . , . iS7 Howling analysis : Name. u. n. ji. W. 130 74 7 3 Chirk . 25 13 2 U I'attersort . a > 10 2 0 Mulr . 10 1 1 c UNITED STATES. n. D. Hrown. b Hllllard . E G. L. Patterson , b Hatnurst . C E. W. Clark , Jr. , b Uathurst . I V. II. Hohlcn , not out . 3' A. M. Wood , not out . 2r ISxtras . K Total . . - . . ; . ; . } " \ Not at bat : H. P. IlalleV.- > "W. Raiser , W. W. Noble , J. W. Bdott , J. AV. Mulr. J , DKing. . . - J& , , , , Bowling analysis : Name. ' U/li.'M. W. Hllllard . . . 35-25 1 ] Uathursl- . G' . 17 < i : Harclwcll . 20 21 0 I Whitsell . 14 1 i'O ' ( HUl , . C loalng 1' roil IB on Two Tr.ich * . EVANSVILLE , Ind. . Sept. 21-Ilaces closed today. Results : Three-minute trot : Juda Allen won , Ellgc second. Best time : 2:2GV : { . 2:28 : trot : Margaret C won , Sarah G second end , Julia , Coulter third. Ucst time : 2:22. : Free-for-all pace : Gypsy Girl won , Ca Thornton second , lUflo Hall third. Deal time : < ! : lj. niinnlng , live-eighths of a mile : Gil- Patrick won , Mattle Hill second , Long 1IIL third. Time : 1:10. TOPEKA , Sept. 21. The race meetlne closed today. Itetmlts : First race , 2:21 : trot , purse $100 : Northei took second , third and fourth heats anr race , Hegret second. Dolly it third and 1 ! < ; fourth. Best time : 2:20J. : Second race , free-for-all pacing , purse $100 Belle Mahone won , Fred 1C second , Pansy Blossom third , Laura T fourth. Beat time o- Gold or silver. , or both , what shall oui money be ? Blmetalllats and monoinetal- lists alike prefer Dr. Price's Cream llakjif Powder to any other. I'trx J.T TIIK cotrxrv jf. Sllieit I'r.igrunm of Sport Delight Hundred. of JnterrHtcd Spectntorii. WAVNE. Neb. , Sept. ( Tele gram , ) Today was the third day of the Wayne county fair , and about 2,500 peoph were In attendance. The races were good although thu ti'.ink was slow , owing to th < extreme drv weathi r. Results : 3:00 : trot : Nettie Lee won. Doc Mcdlun second. Doc Heath thiid. Time : 2:5. : ? . Free-for-all trot : Mistlt vttm. ITndlne sec ond. Midnight third. Time : 232. There were six horses In the free-for-al running- race , which was won by IJIllj Lake. Time : 0:53. About SOO people witnessed the Wuym and Randolph ball clubs contest for suprem acy , and it was the most hotly contestci game played here this season. Kamlolpl had engaged Ed Wood of Coleridge , Car Hoffman of Sioux City and Bert Partridgi of Vcrmllllon , the three best players o the Coleridge rlub , lo play with them , bu Wayne won the game by u score of 14 to 1U BuUeili-H : Randolph , Getcbel. Pnrtridg * Wood nnd Curtis ; Wayne , AVelbaum an < Skeer. Tomorrow the bicycle race nice promises to be the most Interesting fea ture of the fair. There are twentv-six en tries and nine races. The champion rider : of Nebraska and Iowa are entered , Ashle : and six others from Sioux City , one froii Council Bluffs , one from Omaha , ana iron Lincoln , two from Grand Island and matr others. The fair Is a success far lieyoni the expectations of the noc'et ' > AUBURN , Neb. . Sept. 21.-(8peclal ( Tele gram. ) The. . Neimiha county fair clos'eil to day , and. all In all. It IUIH been thn ir.os satisfactory fair held In ihe county. Th feature of the clay was ihe races. Results Special pace , mile heuts , best three li live , purse $ Mj : Wlrley ( J. N. Patterson ) . 3 1 1 Burlock ( Wush MoCollum ) . 222- Billy McCracken ( Frank Daley- . 133 Charley II tThomas Runell ) . 444 Time : 2:32 : , 2:2G-Vt : , 2:30 : . , 2:21H : < . . Special trot for horses entered In free for-all , mile heats , best three In live , purs KOO : Charles II ( Fred Carman ) . 121 Bonnie F ( T. J. FrazU-r ) . 212 G-us Fellows ( J. N. Patterson ) . 333 Time : 2M'i. : 2:2C : , 2:2fVi. : 2:20 : , Charles II , owned by Fred Carman o Tokio , Mo. , won an extra purse of tiO b lowering the record of the track to 2:2015. : SCHUYLER , Neb. , Sept. 21. ( Special T l cgram. ) The second day of the Colfa county fair was not a disappointment t the managers. Attendance was 2,500 and th featuie < J were a Barns of ball betwee Schuyler and Waterloo , three-mile blcycl race for the Rambler Wheel club champion ship and n trotting race. The ball gam was won by Sohuylcr , 21 to 7. Waterlo cameup confident and with JlOO to bet o themselves nnd lost. Weak battery an miserable fielding- beat them. Eddie iCerza won the bicycle race In twelve und one-hal minutes. Nelson second , Ganger third. FAIUIUUIY. Neb. . Sept. 2l.3neclnl Telr gram. ) The thl 'd day ot tin Jeff e. son count fair had a , large attendance. The wind wa blowing hard nnd the truck was slov CountCHS went thu third in .e In 2:20 : an broke the track record. Re&ullF : First race , 2i2J trot , purse J23) : Countes won In three straight heats. Lady Iris second end , Kestertton third. Alice Russell an Bob Swlgert divided fourth money. Time 2:23W. : 2:2 : % , 2:20 : , 2:2 : pace , purse $250 : Flora C won the flrt heat , Nlckleplute won the second , third an fourth heuts. Time : SiS' ' * , 2:23. : 2:27 : , 2:27 : < t , 2:23 cluss , purse J'iOoHubert won the ( In and second heats. Secure won the thin fourth and fifth heats. Zelcutler won thlr money , Armlnlsn fourth money. Time : 2.M. 2.37. 2:3IV : , , 3nHi : , , i.SC'-i , . WILBEi : . Nli. . . . Sept 21 - < 8peclal Tel - iirnm. ) The yallno county fair closed wUh another good. , crqwd nnd i-nough moiiM on hand to , uay nil prpinliinis tn fiUL. ilimc ball : Xsllbor , 8 ; Crete , G. llticlns. : ? pecial puree,1 pnring : Hoyai Wllkefl won , St. Joe second. Time : 2. fl. Pony race , 'hlitf ' mile tinil repeat : Tiipsj , von , Dandy Boy neoond. Ilcgt time 0:53Ti- : Three-imrtof | mile dash : Signal won , tonny K'lng , j a oiul , Bob Austin third. Time : 1:23. : FHRMONT , ' elt. | 21.Specal < ! Telegram 1 The Dodge pi > uiiy | fair closed today ami ms been a financial succeed , Irv spite of It iielng an off yt-ar. Th ? 2:59 trotting rare lintl four starters' and was n pretty event. i\lmont Mdiirop won first , Foster second , Erlno S third nnd ( loan Frank fourth. Time : 2:48 : , 2 : < VI. 2:4S. : The halt mile tunnlns race had four sUrtcrs. Top Snw'/er wotv Jharley O second , Minnie F third. Time : 1:51. : The half mile bicycle race was won iv Al Elllrk , Jim KlmmeP second , Frank Somers third. The mile open bicycle nicr was contested bv Henry Fredrlckson , Al l'"lllok anil Jim Klmmel. The race was fin ished tn the order named. Fredrlnksnn also wlnnl/ig Hit half mile time prize In lHV5. : UKSt'l/IS ' ON Till ? KUNM > ( > TItACKS. til-Hold Uorft u l.lttlo rout Killing at HruvrMMid nnd IK I lucil nn < l Smpgiided. NEW YORK. Sept. 21.-To make up for the jx > or quality of the card at Oravesenfi dirLltllelleld managed t make tliln j lively and the outcome cf his pcr/ormane-i on Saragussa In about lo make him wish. tlmt ho hud not taken the mount. The second end race was nt a mile and : a furlong- , with llaiHiuct , Surngussa and Jodan as the only starters. Banquet was the favorite ami was behind until the stretch w s reached , when Saragossa ssvung wide nnd Banq.nct cut In against the rail. When the eighth polo was reached Saragossa wao a head In. advance. Llttlellold drove him against Ban quet and Simins had to pull up lo nvold being thtuxvn nver the fence. A claim of foul \vns raised anil Sarngossa was dls- qualified nnd the race given to Barqtiet. I.lttlelleld was llm > d $200 and was suspended for the rest of the neason. Results : First race live furlongs : Owlet (3 to H won. Kennel (10 to 1) ) second , Connoisseur (1 ( to 2) ) third. Time : 1:02. : Second nice , mile nnd an eighth : Sara- gossa ( IS tn 5) won , Banquet (3 ( to 10) ) second. Jodan (20 ( to 1) tlflttl. Time : 1:55'4. : Sara gossa disqualified for a foul. Third race , one mile ; Flora Thornton ( Ifl to 1) ) won , Declare (7 ( to 1) second , Figaro (8 ( to 5) ) third. Time : 1:12 : % . Fourth race , mile and a furlong : Victori ous (6 ( to 5) ) won , Tom Skldmore (20 ( to 1) ) second , St. Mlcheal (0 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:55. : Fifth race , live and n half furlongs : Irish Heel (4 to 1) ) won , Urania (18 ( to 6) second. Bright Phoebus (4 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:08VS. : Sixth race , six furlongs : Leonowell (4V& ( to 1) won , Derfiirgllla ( oven ) second , Wernberg (5 to I ) third. Time : 1:14 % . KiiHt Track IIIK' l'"lmi > port. CINCINNATI , Sept. 21. The track nt La- tonla was fast todny. About 2,500 people were present. Out of fifty-nine entries lifty- tlirec ran for the money. Favorites wun one race , second and third choices took thf money In two races , while the winner In the fourth race , Hlster Anita , sold at 23 to SO to 1 over two hot favorites and as many short second choice naps. Results : First race , six furlongs : Geoige L (4 ( to 1) ) won , Yellow Rose (7 to 2) ) second , Harry Weldon (20 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 1:18. : Second race , one mile : Iron Master (13 to 20) won. Remorse C5 to 1) second , Clara Bauer ( I to I ) third. Time : 1:44 : % . Third race , flvo furlongs : Addle Buchanan ( i ! to 5) won , Conjecture (5 to 2) ) second , Bellstar (13 ( to 1) ) 'third. ' Time : liOSV Fourth race , seven furlongs : Sister Anita (25 ( to 1) ) won. IJ t * ( " to 1) ) second , SaOle llord (7 to 2) ) third. Time : 1:231 : , . Fifth race. ; Jlvinnd a half furlongs : Mercury ( I to 1) ) won. Uncle Henry ( i to 1) ) second. Basso / < ! leI I ) third. Time : 1:11 : % . Sixth race , seven' furlongs : Hennvon (7 ( to 2) won. Bore (2 ( to i ) second , Ellen Douglass (10 ( to 1) ) third.- Time : 1:32' : * . Winncm iit lluwtlinrnn. Sept. 21. First race , one mile : Vulture wonJa.dy Hose second , Ova tion third. Tluie : i'AV&- Second race"one mile : Mordnttewon. . Sir Klchard oeconH ; Orlilt third. Time : 1:4014. : Third rnce , six fuvlongs : Amelia May won , Oleeboy second , Eagle Hlrd third. Time : Fourth race ) sfeven furlongs : Oolddust won , Curoa seobiid , Gov. Palmer third Time : 1:21. : ' ' Fifth race , eleven-sixteenths of a mile : Wells Street won , Woodslleld second , JIlss Alice thlnl. Time ; 1:1114. : Sixth race , Seven furlongs ) Nephew won , Jtlss Knntl Hecoriil- Buck McCunn third. Time : 1:3U5 : , ' , " Olt < - < iinp nt JUndlMm. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 21. Itesults at Madison : First race. tlv furlongs : National WOP , Piccadilly second. Slralght Out third. Time : 1:07. : 1:07.Second Second race , four and half furlongs : Hey wnn. Starlight second , Northwestern third. Time : 0C9. Third rac , six furlongs : Calentba won , .Ilm Jlurphy second , JIlss Hosa third. Time : 1:21. : 1:21.Fourth Fourth race , five furlongs ; Dick Dcneath won , Pebble Koclc second , thlnl. Time : 1OGVS. : Fifth race , ? lx furlongs : Heads or Tails won , Lemon Illosotn second , Tenor third. Time : l:20s. : ! Victorious frcm the laltes to the coast. Dr. Prlc&'s Cream Baking Powder took highest honors at the Chicago ar.i Midwinter fa Ira. IM/.V bTUI'ti TIIK JlKIOltn Htti.lKIS < i. K Mint "Milken Com ! Tlmo on \VllllnniH' Truck : in linpoitlblllty. GALKSI3UHG. III. , Sept. 21. A heavy rain fell lust night , ranking the track heavy and fast time out of the question , The crowd was small. In the 2:21 : class trot the race from the start was between U U P and Nubbins , and the latter was defeated for the first lime In weeks. The horses nil behaved badly. The last heat was gone In the dark. Today's specials will be given tomorrow. Hesults : 2:21 : class , trotting" ( completed ) , stake Jl.OOO : UUP won llrst , third and fourth heats nml race. Time : 2:20. : 2:18 , 2:17. : Nubbins took second heat In 2:17' : * ' . King Patchen. Maud Wright , Jem Wllk'es. Star Hawk , nullabe , Metzsor , jr. , Kute ColTcy and Mary also started. 2:45 : class , trot , stake 1.000 ( unllnlshed ) : Expressive- took first heat in 2:22. : Anthe- Iln took second bent In 2:18. : Leone third heat In 2:10)4. Baker and iUlte also started. liiiocl Kin-illu lit IndlmmpolN. 1 INDIANAPOLIS. Sept. 21. He-suits of ' today's races : Seventh heat of Ihe unfinished 2:14 : pace was taken by Jewell In 2:10'J : , giving him the race. Black Dick got second money , IottleLorraine thlnl , .Merry Chimes fourth. Three-year-old jiace : Be Sure won first heat In 2:1 : Hi and Brootalde the next three In 2:1114 : , 2l36 : , 2:13 : . Sidmont took third money and vlstugle fourth. The Held was Harry IS and I'restorla Wllkes. 2:13 : trot , purse H00 > William Penn "won lirst heat In 2:12'i : nnd David B the next three In 2:101J. 8:1014 and 2:12. : Prince Hershel , Plletta , Jack Shennnl and Poem also started. 2:2o : pace , imrsw $00) ) ( unflnlshed ) : Dick Pennel took Jlrst hent In 2:131 : , New 12ni tlie second In 2:16 : % . Cantab took the third and fourth heats In 2:1716 : and 2:1814- : The field wa Hello West , Lady Anderson , Tommy lirownr. Murelln , Franlo Bottler /u * ami Nettle D.u Winner * ntjfi-nrc.i 1'nrk , TIFFIN. O. . Septj 21-nesuHa of today'n 1 I 2:10'trot , purse'$1,400 : Autrnln won first , , J second and thlmy'lkpius and race.r Time : ' ' ' ' i B'e.Wf'wilkeg. DfKoUus , Fannie S.'Orandpa ! 5 . Km met U , PatcutuBlcht and Flora L also > started , i- , a i ' 2:13 pace , purse fW : Sable Gift won In ! three straight llonta. Time : 2:1H1 : ! , 2:1514. : I 2:1515. : Alleen. I3 H.I , , Kllen C , Salerlan and „ ' Pat Harold also started. Frcc-for-all toot.1 tjiurse $ ,00 : AlaBiiolls , 1 ' won In three stnaijht heats. Time : U:10 : , 2 I S:13W : , 2KW1J. JtcJiv jElolse , Favora und lo also started , lil l ra . Dmlil Muitjloii tlio 1'ursp , y DAVID CITYt-i Nfcb. , Sept. 21.-Specla ( Telegram. ) Tlie OISfflng- games of the tour nament were llffWft Tito clubs were crlp- x pled , owing to ijic'Hlejits and hard work of 0 previous games. Burning game , between ® Northweslrrn _ nlne.liere _ and D.iyld City. Score : 9 to 7. In , favor of Northwestern p Afternoon came , l etivecn David City nm Surprise. Score : ltrtti-3. In favor of Davh eo City. Games wont David City , 3 ; North en western , 2 ; Hurjirlsi } , 1 , > d Itnberl ,1 nnd , Ion I'lilrlirii ) Iiit < 'heil , ' 1 SIOUX C1TV. Sept. 21.-Speclul ( Tele gram. ) A contract was signed In Chlcoso for a live-heat match over the new mile track here , October U , between Itnbert J and .loo Patchen , for a purse of $ , OUO. Tummy \Vhllti H Ulunrr. CHICAOO , Sept. 21 Tommy White , the local featherweight , whipped Juck Itoblruun nf Philadelphia In two red hot rounds at the d Triangle club here tonight before u crowd of it N IT I'ri-lulit rtci-nt 'of tin , Cirritt ST. PAl'L , KI-II' ' . 21. Roorgo 0. Summers was today appnln' ' > il general freight agent of tut Great Northern. EASTBOUND HATES SHAKY bines Running East fr.m Oliicngo Very Aiu'oas to Maintain Th ui. LAKE LINES GETTING THE BUSINESS fionthcrn I'lirlflu I ! per ted tn Itcnrw tlio Vknr on tlin Atclil na In Iti-taUiitlon tiir UH Itcfimil to Join Ihn Ir.un- con tin mi till Asmiclillin : , CHtCAOO. Sept. 21. The rouils rniiiilng tist from Ch'ctiRD are becoming very uneasy over the outlook for the maintenance of freight rates , and when the Joint ineullng of the Central Traltlc association mid the trunk lines Is held In Chicago next week It la more than probable that the mutter will ba brought before the meeting , to see II sotna arrangement cannot t > o made to maintain the Mtes. The lake lines arc getting tlie lion's share of the eaulbound grain trade end the tmts have all tliey an cnrry. So much grain is offered for shipment by water that the late to BulTalo today was advanced l'/t cents. With this conditions confronting , no matter whit the meeting of next week may do , there la Email chance of Its action having much eRect until the bull : of thu grain tins been nmvcd. There Is In some quarter * an Idon tlmt the signal failure of the Southern IVclflc lo carry through Its plan for the reorganization ot the old Transcontinental Passenger association may result In the revival of the old fight bj- tKetn thst line nnd the AU'lilson. The old trouble between the Southern Vnclflc and the Atchison over the routing of business 7i ? . Mojave. which led lo the boycott ct the Atchison by the Southern Pacific during the tirly portion of the ycnr , 1ms never been settleO , and some of the roads are looking for the Southern Pacific to take rp the old embers cf that light In order to ba even with the AtchlBon for the failure to revive the association , although the Atchison was no mere opposed to It than Ecveral other lines represented at the meeting. WILL THY T < l ADJUST Santa Fo ami Smitlirrn I'urlllr lloucls Try In tipl Togutlii-r. SAN FHANCISCO. Sept. 21. An effort is to bs made to adjust the differences of opinion that have so long Interfered with the amicable relations between the- Southern Pa cific company and tlie Atlantic & Pacific com pany. Both companies have appointed repre sentatives , who arc to meet for conference at 131 Paso next week. The gentlemen author ized lo speak for the Southern Pacific are : J. C. Stubbs , T. II. Goodman ami J. A. Flllmore. and they have left for the scene of their labors. One of the main ponlts of contention bs- twcen the two corporations has been In re gard to granting "side rides" to through passengers without extra charge. The Santa Fe route managers , who control the Atlantic & Pacific , have always con tended that they had u right to carry pas sengers from Chicago to San Francisco around through Twos Angeles , Instead of by the most direct route. A few months ago the Southern Pacific put In force a rule al lowing passengers from Los Angeles to Chicago cage to make a side ride from Tracy to San Francisco and then back by Sacramento without extra charges. The Santa Fe folks declared that this was equivalent to u cut of $1 In the through rate , and made a corresponding spending reduction. The Southern Pacific retaliated and a rate war ensued tUut lasted for some time , to the detriment of both com panies. At length a truce was struck , with the understanding ( hat the dispute should be referred to representatives of the opposing sides. In consequence of that agreement the meeting nt El I'aso will be held next week. ICocI ; Inland Ulvlilcncl Heclnrrtl , NEW YORK , Sept. 21. The Uock Island directors have declared a quarterly dividend of V < per cent. This is a reduction of % per cent. It has been the Ilock Island's policy not to declare unearned dividends , and several of the eastern directors have been most pro nounced In taking this position. The com pany lias plenty of money on hand and could have paid 1 per cent without difliculty , but It would have ben a dividend out ot the surplus , not from earnings. So far as future dividends are concerned , eastern directors say they will be determined by the current earnings and not by the condition of the treasury. Jlcxlcun mvul f r Ilio [ nrlllr Mall. SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 21. The Chronlcl > says : The Pacific Mall Is to have a com petitor from the Gulf of Tehiiautepec to San Francisco nnd one which will prove a formid able rival to the olJ line for the Mexican trade. The franchise has been granted by the Mexican government and In a few months at farthest the steamers of tlio Campania del Fcrro Quarrll Occidental dc Mexico will be run into San Francisco. Several steamers will run on the line , operat ing In conjunction with a railroad running fiom Culiacan to Altata , In th state of Slr.aloa. The new line will undoubtedly greatly Increate the commerce between Mexican ports and this city. TblnkH Tlu-y 'VMII Not Do It. A traflic manager of one of the South Omaha packing companies said to a Bee representative that the advance In packing house products ordered by tbo eastern lines , to take effect September 22. would hardly occur. "Through freight lines have made contracts with packing houses to deliver flfth-claso atufC In eastern markets until Oc tober 1 at the reduced rates , and naturally they would not dare so back on these con tracts for fear of losing the business of the company In the future.Vhlle the ad vance is scheduled for tomorrow , I do not look for a rigid application of the rates until October 1. " l.abur tlmt Wi-nt for Xaiight. CHICAGO , Sept. 21. The transcontinental lines have abandoned their attempt to form the Transcontinental Passenger association and have adloiirncd subject lo call. The Union Taclflc and other roads were not represented In the meeting yes terday , and the representatives of the sev eral lines Interested agreed to an adjourn ment without a dissenting voice. Judging from her latest photographs , Mrs. Qrover Cleveland Is more attractive than ever. Mke other good housekeepers , Mrs. Cleveland rejclccs In the results tchleved by Dr. Price's Cream Daklng Powder , itit.t rro.v i I'i'.s ir.i.MYi' Askn tlio fitnvkholdcira to Nuii'.iilii till ) Promt Dlrectonito ofllio Northern I'.n-lllr. NEW YORK , Sept. 21 , President Urayton Ives today Issued a circular to tlie stock holders of the Northern Pacific Hallway com pany asking for proxies for the- annual elec tion , reviewing briefly the work of the present directors and setting forth tlic present out look for the road. Speaking ot the master's report on the petition for the removal ill Receiver Oakea , lie takes Issno with the findings of fact , and says : "It Is confidently expected by your board that Milts for resti tution will ho ordered by the court , and that much larger sums than those found and re ported by the master us having been made In the transaction aamed will ultimately bo recovered from some of those who have hitherto betrayed your Interests. "The work to which all Interested in the securities art- looking Is that of reorganiza tion. "Hitherto there lias been Httlc encourage ment to make serious efforts In this direction , owing to th enormous and phenomenal de crease In earnlni ! . This was not due en tirely lo the prevailing business < lepri-nelon Serious washouts made- through travel Im possible ( or a great part of June and the strlkn practically closed Ilia road for the first half ot July. In Augiut , however , mat ters changed ami the earnlngn for the month showed un Increase of $178,460 over August. 1893. Thus far thta month the Im provement haa been In the taint ! ratio and Hi re Is reason lo hope that It may continue. Nevertheless the serious decrease of earnings during the year hns nffoctetl materially nml for the worse th position of stockholders , Although II is probttblc Ihat every class lit bonds may be- called on la nmle concession * , greater or less , according tu their priority , stockholders can asuuinc thai they will have to brnr proportionate burdens In order to preserve their holdings. Tilers' Is no doubt , however , that a plan ot rearpiniiatlon ran and will be proposed which will give tlmn an cqultablo consideration tor sacrifice * they may bo asked to make. Hut they must un derstand that none ot the committees thus far formed are working In their Inter : * ! , while- one of them that which Is knoxsn as the Adams commit t i' Is avowedly and aKgres- slvel > hostile to tliein. "There is one phase of the present slniK lj which Is BO grotesque in Its Injustice1 nnd in consistency Hint II should bo called especially to tlio nttrnlInn of the stockholders. The Adams commute * , under dote of July 2 , ISfll. made tlin following extraordinary miblle nn- nonncenipntVc : agree with the Herman bondholders who published March 30 , IS'.II , In Hcrlin and Frankfort , Ihu statement that the present situation at the North-rn Pacific railroad had been brought about by the mis management of the Rharoholders nnd tlio bondholders have to take the protection of their Interests In hand thmsolves. ' "It Is manifest that the- stock and no ! the bonds have cast the vote clrctlnR 'the various boards of this company s'nce Its or ganization , aa Is unuM In all companies , but it Is notorious , nnd tn none- better known than to the Herman landholders ot all classes , that Mr , Vlliard's main reliance for support nnd Influence wns upon foreign con nections , through which he wr able to place vast amounts of srcnrit es and manipulate enormous sums. Mr. Vlllard. as their rep resentative , occupied a commanding position In the company's councils , which onnblcil him to control the elections prior to 1SS4 , wlirn the company's collapse i ml Ills [ allure caused his retirement for reveral years. "In 1SS7 lie returned to New York aga'n aa the representative of Ihe Deutsche bank , gradually securc.l 1h control of your prop erty and began rvcciul career of ruinous management , for whfcli his tortm-r cuinec- tlons nnw repi-dlati him.Ve do not Impugn tha motives of. the foreign bondholders nnd their principles , hut the ) have twice already inndo serious blunders In their support of the old Norlhcrn Pacific inaiuiKoment , and , Instead of their hostility , vour hoard con siders Itself worthy ol their active support. The Indefensible accusation that II Is your fault anil that you muM therefore share the burden of their changed position toward Mr. Vlllard nnd trust to their selections In this country from the lanka of the < > ld manage ment to rehaull late your property seems net only rsjcclally unjust to the stock holders , but iita1-ist tlie best Interest ot mi early reorganization , which can he brought about only through harmony nnd united action , and which tlie directors have sought In vain thus tar to effect. That there may ha no Jiilsumleri-tiintllng as to the altitude of your 1lrer-lors for the future as well as In the past , It should be known that they arc. as they lime been at all times , ready and anxloui : to co-eperate with all. whether bond holders or stockholders , whose object has boon or may be to promote the welfare of the entire property. "HHAYTON IVKS , President. " The California Midwinter exposition was a dazztrhg success. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder tcok the highest prize for purity , strength and excellence. CII'IK II.I.S fj.Till' M.tKli. One of the I'liHii-iigrrn nil ( InJMlniiulii < 51vi-i the Dtx-lur it Hud TN'iimr. CLEVELAND , Sept. 21. Ex-Mayor Gard ner , who was a member of the Cook Gieen- land excursion party , returned today. He says the affnlr was misrepresented and mis managed In every particular by Dr. Cook. The Miranda had only arrived In New York harbor with n load of coffee from South America three days before she sailed for Greenland , and was entirely unfit to make the trip. The captain protested vigorously against taking the vessel north , hut all tone no purpose. Continuing , t.Ir. Gardner charged Dr. Cook with sending out alluring clrculais when getting up the party , which proved to be most deceiving , alid that the excursion was simply run lor pecuniary benefit to- the promoter. "Twice , " said Mr. Gardner , "we bought pro visions for ourselves , and , as every one knows , our trip was to include everything. Before the transfer of the pjssptigera from the Miranda to the Rlgel Dr. Cook told each man that absolutely nothing but what was necessary In the way of clothing would be allowed on the schooner , and he secretly conveyed to the Hlgel his own property , Including a stock of liquors and cigars , which he sold to the passengers on the trip at ridiculously high prices. "Cook's sole Idea from beginning to end. " continued Mr. Gardner."uiis profit. When we reached a port lie Insisted on being tlie first man off the boat , so he could buy everything of value of the natives. He bartered and haggled and made money , and that Is all he did d < > . "I don't bellevp , " said Mr. Gardner , "that Prof. Wright over said the crew of the Mi randa was drunk moat of the time. I never honored or respected a man more than I do Cupta'n ' Farrel , and tils men were most of thim perfect In their behavior. " The entire story as related by Mr. Gar.l- nor shows Dr. Conk in the lUtlit of being a merchant * for as large a profit as possible , and that In his creed for money ho risked lives , health nnd most valuable properly. O UiMimn ! The department of The Smidav Hep de voted exclusively to subjects ot Interest lo women will contain exclusive features of genuinemerit. . The latest fashion tips are given , together with a large fuml of enter- | talnlng matter on a variety of topics. TKI.K < ili.\l'Hl \ ( ! Itlill'.l-'i. Judges Morrow expects tn ilel.ier . his opin ion In the Kzcta case tcdny. Anilpjw G. lllgliton. arrested at Minneapolis for forgery , has a similar rccurd at Portland , Ore. j U Is reported the coming meeting of letter carriers at Philadelphia Is for tha purpose of organizing as Knights ct Labor , The republican congresslonil committee has decided thai Urayton Its ttit regular 10111- Inco In tlie Seventh South Carolina district. Acting Secretary Sims has clccHed to al low parlies to erect buildings for postoffices on government land st Outhrie and Perry , OKI. OKI.The The supreme court of Massachusetts has denied the pray r for an Injunction lo re strain the Sugar trust from doing business In that'state. The Interact department tos U-r.Uc-d to buy flour for the Crow Cicek fnjlans ratlu-r than pay $1 a bushel for wheat and let ihe In dians grind It. Kx-Speaker Heed Is at Illicit Lake club house. N'ew York , slightly III. He says the management of the Qgdeiisburgh fair had no authority to iidvt-rtlsj him as a speaker at thu fair. It , P , O. lMo iul He Can't ' Live Bnltl my frlcnd $ and neighbors. I had I > r - prpiin ti ! year ; pliyalulani And clnn o ol climate did not help me. Hut Jlood'n 8ai Sarsa- par ilia rllla did mo inoro good than all tlie doctoring. I can now cat , ilctp and nndwork , My daughter also had distress And rheumatism. Hood's ttar saparllln. made ) icr dtoutf \ \ and health1. II V , 0. ItOKK , Knlrvlow , Kansas. Hood's Pills "r" I'i'.rely ' vegetable , and do not purge , pain or gripe. Bold by KNOWLEDGE firinga comfort nml improvi'mcntnntj t iula to pi-wninl enjoyment when rlyhtty ttsod. The ninny , who Hvo hotter - tor tlmn otlicr * nml cnjuy life more , with loss oxpntHlMro , by more promptly > itc ! 'Uso world's bc-bt products lo tlio iicrus of pliyslen.1 bring , will n I tent ( lie valtio to licnltli of the pure liquid Ir.xittivo principlna embraced 3n the remedy , Uvrup of Figs. Ite uxccllonce is < luc to its prescntSnj in the form most acceptable and plena tmt to the taste , the rcfrreliing r.iul trtil' 1u > ncfliinl : prox ] > iti < .y of n jicrfcct Inx tiUvej Oiil'Ctnally cleansing the system dispelling colili. hcmluchM Mid. fcycn mul perniiUK'iitly ciiiing constipation It hasKivpn sfttinfiu-tion to millions ana met with the approfal of Iho medica profession , berau-o it ucU on the Kid ney : , r.ivor and UoweU without weak cnmg thorn and U is perfectly frco fron every objectionable substance. Pyittp of Fipi is for snlo by nil drug XisU in r 0c nml $1 bottles , but it is man lectured by thu C-tllfornia Fig Syruj L > . only , AvlnK'e nnnii' is printed on ever } > nt'kiuvc , al o the inline , Syrup of Fijs ; . .ml being well informed , you will no > "crjt.'tny Kubititute i ! ; ofli-n-d. This catia- Comtlpatlon. ordlnnry Ko- Ito.iuem , Juvcnator is falling Ben- the wonderful in out sations. Nerv of discovery of tlio eyes the . It Rse. and other his boon en dorsed by the I'll IS. IcndliigBflen- Strengthens , tllic min of iuvliforatcd Kuropo and anil tonco tlio Aincilrn. cu'lrohystcm. Hudan in lludyan cure * vrgo Deb lilt y , Kcrvotisnefs , Kudyan plops j-.mlnslons , PrematuiERsss ( .nddovoloi'ta nnd - reUori-s of the ills- wenk . orgnni. , In charge IM Tjlaa In the days. Cures back , LOST by day or MAHHOOD uiglitetoppcd quickly. Over 2.000 private lnacrr emenU. I'rcmature-nesB iniMr.a Imputciicy In the Hr t singe. | t la u symptom or seminal weakness a"ii ban-flincsa. H can ba cured In 29 days by the un > nf lliulynn. The new ilhscovery wns nintto Ijy Iho ppeclnliats ot tlio old tnmnus Hiulton Me.licnl Institute. It la ti ! Btronffi'M vltnlUrr It la very power- fill , liul tmtmlesH. Rnli ! for JI.OO a pnclinse. "T nix pa.claKt-B ( fir $5.CO ( plain tioulpil Itoxrsl , Wrllti-n Riiarnntee clven for n cure , If you tm ? Mt lioxca. nncl nro not enttrcly rmoc ] , six mcira will tie fl * nt to you frt1 * * of nil clinrj ; * " . Benil for circulars and trsttnion'nlB. ' Aflflrrss HUDSON MEDICM. INSTITUTE : Juiictton Stoclclon Mtti'lcot , nnd Kilts Streets , San Kranriisco.Cal. Hespnnsiblo nliyslclainliiivolntply s.tld that the purest und Hunt , la l-'ioo from fikt nnd Holutlrie. nf thin llovor. Its excel" never varies. A M U BI u M K N TODAY - - TONIGHT. CH&RXES FilOHMAN'S Matineu Today at 2:30. : I'iii'i-8 Fin t Floor * 1.110 ; Tlillrony 7ne I'X-oniiiK I'orronnniicu tit K. PH I'lrut l-'loor 31 . " > ( ) : ILileonv 7.Vami + 1 DO' ' SUI ! WON. IUES. VID BOYD'S , , . , . , SfPI. 23 , 21 25 , 2G MATINHK WKIJSKSIWY OH AS. II. Y -JJKWKbT I'DBiu-HaltiK inurf actiuil niwUy tltun all other ip. i tin IOH c-oniblniMl [ iji.l . Aim ir Opera Killd. lnu rle < l H [ > e. HultiP * lnllU.-int l.lnlit Kttrrtt. European I'ri-inli'ri-H. atnliiin < l KVnwli Diiruem. rin : SII.M-T nr i.tniiT. YOU TIII- : TitiLii-r : OAIIK. I.lill.A ; TJCIO. MUST I.l-JH KIll-JlllIH CAIION. Tin : i-'ot'it MMMiirr tiAxruits. SEE ON Tlin ItlALTC ) . Hate of a.-alH will ofn | i'nturtlFiy ' at lis'Jat p'lcri , IStli STREET THEATRE PCPU1AR PRICEI lfjO , 25C , 35DAHD GOG- T < -U-phr > n l.iil. : - - THIS AITIMINOON AND OXlCJjIT Sam , T Jack's ' Creole Company Uln-it fruin Ham T Jarh'i ' ) Opem Iliiunf. Chi. i.iK" 5-1 I'aiitlvutlriE Cr'ntns I'lwt limn la Diniilm or Klluull Living i'lclun-i. M-itlaro Price * Any Heat In t.if hou o 25 cfnli , 15 , 25. ri5aiul BO CunU. Tulujihono IfjSl. foinnii'iielni : * ? FPT : > LI ' I'Kiior WARD & VOICES ll/nor.i. A RUN ON THE BANK , Sfllff { \ \ 11'fllHflllU' IV ) CONSK.S'T OV THE MANAHKMKST , PAUL JONES , The Ifostoa Newspipr Bjportor Who lnmaktntru tour of ilia worUl vrlihotit u cent on a w.isiir , wilt lirli-lly rclulu Ida inoiu-y cnrnlnr uxmnuictHUUUV KVKHINU bulwrcn Ilioil * A RUN ON THE BANK.