Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 21, 1894, Page 2, Image 2

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Attleil by Ollno and Jnobonvillo Peorli
Moves Next to the Leaden ,
Game I.ont In tlio I'lrnl Inning nnd Tlci
In tlio Sulli Lincoln Forrrd lute
Third ut foniiln Klrotliorf'
Pcorlo , IB ; Omaha , 12.
Jacksonville , U ; Lincoln , 12.
i'lttsburg , 10 ; New York , 3.
Boston , 1 ; Louisville , 3 ,
Chicago , 20 , Philadelphia , 4.
Cleveland , II ; Washington , 8.
Indianapolis , 1 < ! Sioux City , 0.
Toledo , S5 ; Minneapolis. 8 ,
Milwaukee , 3 ; Grand Rapids. 8.
Detroit. 3-5 ; Kansas City , I- . ' ' .
PEORIA , 111. , Sept. 20. ( Special iTele
gram. ) The last game of the season between
twoen Peorla and Omaha was played here to
day. The batting xvas terrific on both sides
and errors wer * numerous on the part of th
visitors. The scoring commenced with
vongetance In tlio first Inning , when th
Distillers tnade five runs and th
visitor ! made four. Two innings late
the Pcorlas made four more , and the gam
seemed a sure thing for them. In the slxtl
however. Iho visitors tied the score , but 1
the ninth the homo players hammered ou
five runs and the game. There was coasld
crable trouble over n rank decision ot Umplr
Clluo In the seventh inning , and It was wit
dlfllcully that the visl'-jrs
A.B. U. IB. P.O. A. E
Shaffer , If fl o s 1 0
Carroll , 3b 0 2 2 2 2
Armstrong , c. . .
Purvis , ib u I L ti C
Dclehnnty , 2b G 1 4 1 2
Flynn , cf C 2 0 C 0
Dillon , rf-p
Nulton , ss
FlKgemler , p .4 1 2 a I
Terrlcn , c 0 3 0-0 0
Beam , rf
Totals 45 13 18 27 7
A. a n. IB. P.O. A. I
Totals 11 12 19 27 S
Peorla 50 1201105-
Omaha .111051000 :
Karned runs ! Peorla , 8 ; Omaha , 7. Twi
Vise hits : Shaffer , Dillon (2) ) . Uourk
Whltelilll. Hutchison , Ulrlch. Thrce-bai
hits : Delehanty , FlKgcmler , Stolen base :
Carroll , Terrlen , McCnnti. Double play ;
Dillon to Put vis. First base on balls : U
FlBgcmler. 2 ; oft Dillon , 3 ; off Whltehlll ,
Hit by pitched ball : Uy Flggemler , 1 ; t
Dillon. 2. Struck out : By FIgg'Jtnlor.
by Dillon , 3 ; by Whltclitll. 1. Passed ball
Armstrong , 2 ; Morun , 2. Time : Two bour
Umpire ; Cllne.
Ituck Alniiwt Won Ono.
JACKSONVILLE , III. , Sept. -Specl ( ;
Telegram. ) The game today was a goc
one. and though the Jacksonville : ! had
their way , n. little carelessness on the pa
of the home team came near losing It. Tt
visitors got seven runs In the ninth. Ca
Isch pitched a good came , though at tt
last he broke down. Score ,
Jacksonville 010350220-
l.lncoln 400000107-
Enmcd runs : Jacksonville , 8. Base hit
Jacksonville , IS ; Lincoln , l.t. Errors : Jacl
Bonvllle , 5 ; Lincoln , 2. Two-base hits : Cro
ty (2) , SmUh Slrothers , McCarthy , Peciul ;
ney. Homo runs : Kit-other * (2) ( . Stnlt
Strauss , Lohbcck , BldKlbbon. Bases c
balls : Off Carlsch , 3 ; off Barues , C. Strut
out : By Carlsch , 5 ; by Ilaincs , 6. Ba
terlcs : Carisch and Lohbeck ; Barnes at
Speer. Unfplre ; Ward. 1-
pi tUo Teaiii" . < *
Lost. Pr.C
Itock Island 120 ' 71 49
KxpurlmiMit lit
CHICAQO , Sept. 20. The Quakers pi
Bentetl two new left-handed pitchers todi
and both proved easy matka for the Col
.Bchrlblc . was the llrst experiment , nnd (1
not last the first Inning out , but rail !
after ten runn had been scored against hi
Johnson , who relieved lilm , fared but llti
better , the locals hlttlnp : him hard a :
Htcallntr bases at will , probably making t
record of the season in thla city. Score :
ChlcoKo . 10 0 4 1 0 I 0 3 1-
rhlladelphla . 101000101-
llase hits : Chicago , IS ; Philadelphia ,
Errors : Chicago. 3 ; Philadelphia. 8. Uatt <
lea : Abbey and Schrlver : Johnson , Schrll
nnd Buckley. learned runs ; Chtcatri > ,
Philadelphia , 2. Two-base hits : Ryan , W
mot. Three-base hud ! Dnhlcn. Ten
IJeclccr. Stolen bases : Lange. I'arro
Decker , Dalilen (3) ( ) , Irwln ( . ' ) Wlimot (
Double plays : j'arrolt to U.thlen to Deck
at ruck out : By Johnson. 4. Time : TV
hours and ten minutes. Umpire : Lynch
Juniihx L'liior tliii ClIiinlH.
PlTTSnUUO. Sipt. a-l'lttfburK won
very lucky battlnt , ' . Hunle retired in t
seventh Inning. Bcoro :
Vlttsburg . 13001122-
Ncw York . 000010020-
Baae lilts : 1'lttslmnr , 17 : Naw YotU ,
Krrors : I'lttsbure , 2 : New Vjik , " . j.-i.ti
lea : Jlenefeo and Miicklo ; Itusle , Farr
nnd Clark. Karned runs : I'iltsbuti ; ,
New York , 1. Struck out : By Mvnefei ? ,
l > y IluBli- . Time : One hour and fifty m
utea. Umpires : Uelts and Gaffney ,
Nlin I'llclittrft * tlamr.
I.OXJ1SVILIR. Sppt11olh NichoN n
Jnka pitched Hne ball to lay. netthc jr'.vl
a base on balls or ImvliiK any kind of
wild pitch. HoBton won the Bame In t
third InnlnR on two hits und three cm
by the Colonels. Score :
Txmlsville . -
IJoston . 003001000-
Illts : r oulsvlllc C ; Boston. 7. Erro
Louisville. r Hoston , 3. Two-base hi
Lowe. Three-base hits : Nichols , Uoitl
plays : lUclmnlson to Luti-nbtirK ; Tticl
to Nash. Struck out : Uy Nichols. G. Tin
Onn hour nnd thirty-live minutes. Umpl
Keefe. naileries : Inka and Cole ; Nlch
and Ganzcl.
lln.vd' * Aim \Vni lluil.
CLEVKLAND , Sept. 20.The home tei
batted Boyd hard today and won w
case. Score :
Cleveland . 3052310-
Washlnfiton . 300010-1-
III ts : Cleveland , 14 ; AVuHhlngton. G. 1
j-ors : Cleveland , 3 : Washington. 9. D
tcrlea : Wallace ana /.linnier ; liayd a
e. Karned runs : Cleveland , C ; Wai
SERIES NO. 31-32.
4 ECO Pages. 250,000
A JUUie of Ktiuir/rdye ami a Hint at
Tlicre arc inoro thlurn InatnicUro , usofu
and rntrrtalulue la tlut boolc , "Thi
American Kiirycloivpdlo Dlclloiury , " thanli
y elmllar nubllcatlou over Isnmnl.
This rreat woik , now fr > r tlio tlrnt Him
pluceU within vho reach of everyoua , U i
unlniio publlcatloit , forttUat th name tlitv
a pcrftcl ulcUoiiary MiJ a coinpletu unoyclo
Only that cumber ot tlio boolc roir\MpoaJ
hie vrtth tlio sorlos number ol Iho ooapo.
Brencnlt-U will bo rtullvor. l
OiJK Similayi tut Tlirc Wo lc- < lAy coupon l
with 1ft conta In ruin. wIlLbuy ouii pin
Of 'Iho American i UIOUO4
nrjf. En.d onlora to The lit * } O.Tl-ji
UonlciktbouU bo odilraaaoJ UJ
Inctom 1 Struck out ! ny Wnllnce. 7
Three-bane hlti , Uurkctt , Joyce Two-bam
hits. SloAleer , 2Immer. ; . WriKht. noubl (
plays : Joyce to Iladford to Cartwrlght
Umpire : MeQtinltl. T-lme : Two hours.
CINCINNATI , Sept 2u.-Clncinnatl-Hrook
lyn Rinio , feheduled for today , postponed
rnln. "Will be played tomorrow.
nf the Trillin.
Played. Won. LoRt. Pr.Ct
Hnltlmore . 120 83 37 K > . :
New York . 128 Kl -II C5.I
IlOSton . . . 123 73 45 CI.
Philadelphia . 122 70 K 57.
Hrooklyn . 122 M GO Gl.
Cleveland . 121 Kl 03 C2.
PlttsimrK . 12J no C2 49.
Chicago . 12i ( 51 72 42.
Cincinnati . 123 52 71 42.
HI. I.OUIS . 123 51 72 41.
WaHhlnKlut . 121 4 ] 81 31.
Louisville . 121 31 87 28.
Uotrult l vrrliKlliiRly Inilt tlui Cowlxiyn
( liiinro * of Winning ; tli i I'miiaiil ,
tI3TUOIT , Bepl. 20. The Cowboys couli
not find Marchers with ceiirchllKlit In tin
first Batne , nnd the pitcher's own error
prevented a shutout. Score , first game :
Kansas City
lilts : Detroit , 15 ; Knimas City , 4. Krrors
Detroit , 4 ; Kansas City. 7. Hatterles
Itorcherx utid Jautzen ; Darby and Donahue
Kained runs : Detroit , C. Two-baso hits
OltMlvin , Jaiitzen , Ilorchers , NlchoJs
Three-base hits : Cumpau. Double ploys
Hnymoml to Dooley ; Ucaid to ICIuiman ti
Donahue. Time : Two hours. Umpire : Sic
The Creams spoiled the chances of th
Cowboyn tuklnB the pennant by wlnnini
the second jjame. 1'ears was beyond solu
lion , Biul Kverctt'o error In the ninth savei
the visitors from a shutout. Score :
Kansas City 000000002- *
HUH ! Detroit , 17 ; Kansas City , ( i. Errors
Detroit , 4 ; Knnnas City , 1. Uatterics : I'ear
nnd Jantzen ; Hastings and Donahue
Karned runs : Detroit , 2. Two-base hits
Jantzen , Nichols. Three-base hits : Campat
Double plays : Itaymond to Dooley : Hear *
to Wcntisel to KliHtnun. Struck out : II ;
Haallnus , 1. Time : One hour nnd thirty
"ve minutes. Umpire : McDonald.
.Mmlu Itu I'urco nt Tnlfilo.
TOLKDO. Sept. 20. In a Bame which wa
rat sitiprlsiiif ? then ludicrous and llnall
odious , the white stockings won ftom th
rlppleU Millers After the first half of th
hlrd Inning Captain HaUleld let ilushe ;
cst und went into the box hitnxotf in orde
o give the visitors a show. After the fourt
unlnjr the local players practically retire
emselves , having.scored sufllcient runs t
ast them the balance of the season. Score
Toledo 1 0 11 15 0 0 2 C-S
Ilnneapolls 0 -
Hlls : Toledo. 34 ; Minneapolis- . Errors
'oledo , 3 ! Minneapolis , 2. Karned rum
'oledo. 12 ; Minneapolis , 3. Two-base hlls
lllier , Luby , McKnrland , 2 ; Illncs. Werder
Uiriis. Three-base hits : Hutlleld , I3urm
lome runs : Kiank , Double plays : Ullk
o Luby : Crooks to Wcrden ; Illncs to Wll
on lo llurrcl ; liurns to Hlnes. Time : T\v
loura and ten minutes. Struck out : B
lURhcy , 3 ; by Frazer , 1 , Umpire : Mat :
ias mu. Hatteries : lIuKhcy , Hatrield an
ilcFurJand ; Frazer , Werdcn , Alurphj
lulcn und Crooks.
\Vhy JMIlH Didn't Want Klllrn.
INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. 20. Indlanapoll
, von out In the seventh today , hitting Kl
len for seven earned runs In that iuniiit
core :
ndlnnapolls 1 0 0 S 1 2 7 1 1
IOUK City 00022230
UUHC hits : Indianapolis , 22 ; Sioux Git ;
. Errors : Indianapolis , 5 ; Sioux City ,
Earned runs : Indianapolis , 16 ; Sioux Cll' '
. Two-base hits : Phillips. Mills , Shield'
lourlevor. Three-base hits : Phllllpi
Gray , Schaub , Jlenry , Gcnlns. Doubl
plays : Iloat to Henry. Tlmo : Two hour
Umpire : Sheridan. Batteries : Phlllli
and Westlake ; Klllcn and Kraua.
Did Ilia Uiirlc Too boon.
GRAND UAPIDS , Sept. 20. Rhtni
tiuck out eight men in the first four It
nlngs. Then the Brewers jumped onto lili
and won easily. Score :
Grand Haplds . . . . 030010112
Milwaukee 000020431
Base hits : Grand ItHplds , 16 ; Mllwai
ee , 12. Krrora : Grand Kaplan. 4 ; Illlwai
ee , 3. B.itlerles : Ilhlncs and Spies ; Hot
Ker nnd Holund. Karned runs : Grar
"Japlds , 7 ; Milwaukee , 2. Two-base hit
Yrlght , Carroll (2) ( ) , Callopyi Kgan , Care
Three-base hits : Cnllopy , Hhlncs , Twltcl
ell , C. Taylor. Homo runs : Twltchel
Struck out : By Hhlnes , 8 ; by IlettBcr ,
Double playa : Whccloclc to ligan to Ca
uthers. Time : Two hours and ten mli
utes. Umpire ; Kerlnst
or tlio Trams.
Played1 ! Won. Lost. Pr.C
Sioux City 121 72 49 LS
Kansas City 123 C3 M Cfl
Toledo 119 CI S5 53
Minneapolis 120 01 69 W
Grand llnplds . . . . 127 C2 Co 48
Indianapolis 126 TO CO 43
Detroit 122 52 70 42
Milwaukee 119 47 72 30
Cjcllst Srurlo ou lllo IMnnl Mrctcli of Foi
Iliiudrcil MIlPM.
BATAVIA. N. Y. , Sept.'ZO. Cyclist Sear
eft here nt 8 a , rn. today and expects
ride to Syracuse , 113 miles. In eight hou
and ride the whole 401 miles to New Yo ;
without further stop. It Is raining , but tl
wind favors him. He reached Batavla
9 o'clock last night , having ridden 133 mil
from Erie In twenty and one-half hout
He rode through mud the entire distune
Searle left Buffalo In u driving rain , tukli
the railroad track through water thr
inches' deep. He and his pacemaker n
into a bridge six miles west of here. Tl
pacemaker was badly bruised and Seal
sprained his wrist.
ItOCHKSTKIt. N. Y. , Sept. 20. Sear
the bicyclist , arrived here at 2 o'clock th
afternoon , lie was -met by an CDthuslusI
lot of wheelmen nnd left for Syracu
within half un hour.
Xallnmtl Cjclo Ituces ut "Wllllumiport.
WILLIAMSPOnT , Pa. . Sept. 2i-The N
tlonal Circuit meeting o bicyclists he
was Interrupted by rain , leaving four ever
unfinished. The track was heavy and
fast time was made. Itlls.s and S.ins
took part In only one iace. In which San
finished second , and Bliss , being pockett
dropped out. Cabunne nnd McDutUu ci
lldeU In the one-mile diamond race , L
were not badly hurt , llesults :
First rnce , class A , mile : Fulmer w (
Time : 3:00 : i.
Second race , class A , one-half mile , ci
championship : Speaker wan. Time : 1:15 :
Thlid race , one-half mile , open , class
McDonald won , Brown eecoml , Co.per thli
Time : 1:1611. :
Fourth race , two mile handicap , class
A. H. Uaeher won , L. C. Johnsun secoi
Con lluker third. Time : 5:20. :
Fifth race , nuarter mile dash , class
C. B. Jack , Heading , won. Time : 0 : 8Vi
Sixth race , mile , diamond , class U : 13.
McDonald won , Sanger second , Ganlr
third. Time : 2:4G'i.
Seventh race , two-mile handicap , class
Robert Weir , Wilmington , Del. , won. Tin
5:48. :
Now limn U ill I.fngiin.
PITTSBUP.a , Sept. 20.-The report of t
formation of a new base bull league w
confirmed here today , Kx-Mnnnyer Buckc
berger of the Plttsburc club and A.
Scandtet , ox-secretary of the same orgc
Izutlon , wheti seen stated that thein
league has already been organized , and tl
the premature publication of the plans c
In no way Interfere with ( he arrangemet
already made. From these gentlemen
waa learned that the circuit is to be ma
up ot Ptttsburg , Philadelphia , Boston , N <
York. Brooklyn , Detroit , Providence a
Chicago Or Buffalo , and that the new <
ganlzatlon Is to be known as the Nntloi
association. The admission to Its uan
will be 25 cents. It Is not the Intention
tight the National league , but to arran
thcr schedule of games so aa not to conn
with the latter.
Sport ut the Doilgo CountI'nlr. .
FREMONT. Sept. 20.-Speclal ( Telcgrai
At the Dodge county fair today the gi
lletnen'a roadster halt mile race was \v
"by Dr. Drown , Jack Lee second and W.
Mercer third. Time : 1:31 ,
The match race between Barney Gal
Klier's Cricket nnd Pickard'B Dinah v
won by Dinah , who took the last two he
In three. Timer : S , 231H. 2:33ii.
Two heats ot the running race were ma
but the second was declared 11 draw , ' 1
race will be finished tomorrow.
Tomorrow's events include a 2:50 : trott
race , novelty race , bicycle races and n I
frame between a local tucked nine c
Cedar Bluffs. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
full of the Mnr < iuettm.
C12NTUAL CITY , Sept. 20.-Speclal T <
gram. ) Central City defeated on agure ;
tlon christening themselves Marquette ,
though they had plnvcrs from Hampt
Bromfleli } and Aurora. Up to the third
nlug Central City failed to score. It v
a stubborn game , but Central City ,
usual , outbatted their opponents. 1
score : Central City , 23 ; Marquette , 14. Ti
base hits : Frank Kombrlnk , T. Jeffr
Larsen , Baldwin , Scott. Three-base h
Baldwin , Scott. Homo runs : Larsen. 1
Undrea. Struck out : Il > Konlbrlnk. 9 ;
Young , 3. Umpire unknov >
Lowers Cartonato's Woudorfnl Milo by Mori
than a Siamd.
SulUliurj'B Colt rincrftllin .Murk at 31(17 ( : !
mid Mnlnlirx IVoll Itatirrt t7. lind On
line l > u MCR i : lilliltlou Mile * lit
GALnSmma , III. . Sept. 20. ut on
record was broken today , and that was b
Monroe Salisbury's wonderful 2-ycar-ol
pacer , Directly , who sent the 2-ycnr-ol
record down from 2:0 : to 2.07 % , ami at Ih
same tlmo riduced his own record two an
one-quarter seconds. Twc/lty / ' thousand en
tlmsiastlc people witnessed the event. I
was-tlio secant ! special cvgnt of , the afttrnoor
following Robert J'n failure to reduce hi
record. The track wns fast and th
weather superb. Directly got away o
the first score , and McDowell drlvln
him. He had the pole , nnd Just behind hlr
wan a thoiutighbrud tunning mate. The pae
wns a remarkable one , showing'u stead
Improvement. The first quarter was gen
In. o:22 : , the half lit 1:0Hi : , the three-quarter
In 1:38U. : nnd the- mile In 2UJJ1. : When Wl
Hams made the announcement there wer
laud cries for McDowell , and the famou
driver was obliged to. go up Into the gran
stand and acknowledge , the ovallon. B
quarters the rating Is O.82 , 0:32 : % , 0:31 : % nn
0:3114. : It was 3:10 : o'clock when Robert
was sent off on u second Bearing. Ini
warming up heal he bad made the clrcu
in 2:11 : , ana many thought he would pace
great mile , even If he failed to bent bis ow
record. Ed Gfcers was the driver. On th
Judge's stand was John H. Ltnsh c
Goshen , Ind. , the owner of Online , the fas
4-year-old pacer. Chandler drove the rur
nlng mate. Uobert J the Ilrat quartt
In o:3D : , and excitement ran high. The hn
was made In l-.OOli. but In the third quartc
the -great stallion , slowed up , making tli
pole in 1:31)4. The mile was covered I
i.02 ! > i. The quartets were 030 ! , 0:30',4 : , 0:31' '
and 0:31. : Driver Goers assigned two reason
for the failure of the pacer , namely : The
the track was a trifle too hard for Uobei
J's feet , and thnt he was fearful of tli
crowd thnt filled the entire track except
few feet from the pole. Online i\as thy
senti to beat his' record of 2:0714. : He wer
a , strong , steady rnllc , equaling lil.i mil
without nppnrept effort , Chandler drove tt.
pacer and Geers the running mate. TJi
quartern were made In 0:3114 : , 0:32 : , 0:31' : '
and 0:3214. : or 2:0714 : for the mile. The othi
events of the afternoon were unusual !
good. Summaries :
2:12 : clns.M , pacing , Btake } 1,000 :
Seal 1 G 1
Two Strike . . , , - n. > 333
Vansar > , " / . 2 2 4
Webber Wllkes 455
Doc Sprey , 012
Doulash . . . .r . - i .5 4 Bt
Time : 2:10 : , 2:1014 : , 2:10 , 2:0354. :
3-ycar-old trotting , 2:35 class , purse. JI.09
Onoqua l l
Dentine 3 3
Delmont 4 2
Dclbert 4 5t
Andy Knslcn 2 5t
Time : 2:1914 : , 2:1714 : , 2:15. :
2:11 : class , trotting , stake $1,000 :
Kentucky Union , . . . , 1 1
Many i 4 2
Azotf . . , . , 2 4
Cecler 3 3
Time : 2:17. : 2:1714 : , 2ll4. : 4.
2:4J class , trot , was won by JIlss Kate
w'llllntns nnnonnced that Joe Pntchen ar
lohn S , Gentry would go In a , match rai
Saturday. Fantasy and Carbonate t
igalnst their records tomorrow , nnd Itowil
Joe goes to beat the wagon record of 2:03. :
Ooixt Iliirlng lu Xcmiiliu County.
AUBURN , . Neb. . Sept. 20-Special { Tel
gram. ) The attendance nt the Nemal
county fair today wns placed nt 3,500 1
conservative estimates , and the flnancl
success of the fair Is assured. There is
Ine race promised tomortow. The 2:40 : ra <
; oday was won by JIcKlvee , thus :
McElvce ( Jnrnes'TClv2 * 1 1
Chitthorm ( Church Howe ) 332
McKee ( ICd Dorland ) 1 2 di
Time : 2:2Si : , 2:21V4 , 2:30. : 2:34. :
ICaclnc lu Siilliu ! County.
\VILBBn , Ne'b.i SVpt. " 20.-Speclal ( Tel
gram. ) The races ut the fair were goo
Ilesults : . ,
3:00 : trot : rriddlewlnk. Ida EarlPrln
Ilcno , FJossle , Straight heats , tilvat tlm
2:50 % .
Five-eighths mile dash , running : Sign
won. Hermitage second , Whlpsaw thlr
- " "
Time :
At tlio liull.inu tute Fair. (
INDIANAPOLIS , Sept. E0.-Results :
First race , ree-for-nll trotting ; purse J8 <
Dandy Jim took ( hree heats In 2:10Vi. 2 :
2:10W. : Nightingale second and Balloi
Second rnce , 2jll pace , purse J300 ( unfl
Ished ) : Blade nick took first nnd socoi
heats In 2:11 : % , 211. ; Chimes took third he
In 2OS % . Lorraine took fourth heat
2loyi. : Jewell took fifthand sixth beats
2ll',4 : , Sllli. : White I.lno , American Lad
Great Heart , Forest Wllkes. Jack Jewe
Indianapolis Boy , Laurel and Nclf nl
2:17 : trot , pmse $500 : Dan Cupid won
2t3V4 , 2:13 : , 2:14'.4- : Break o1 Day. secor
Georgia Lee third , Alplnton fourth. 11
Wallace. Isfrench , Maudle Ilusselmoi
Snowden and Oscar William also started.
Hlr Knight Ituna Away from Sir Walter
u Hard FlnUh ( o n Hot Knee.
NEW YORK , Sept. 20. The Ilrat 'race
Gravesend today was at u mile and n si
teenth , with Sir Walter an" odds-on fav <
Ite , nnd Sir Knight a strong second choli
The two ran from the5 turn ilnto t
stretch , and Slmms rode harJ , winning
a head In the post , In a drivingflnh
Counter Tenor was backed down fo cv
money to win the Bec-oiul race , nnd did
easily , while Maid Marian beat Wall J
a slioit distance for the place , Results :
I-'Iret race , mile umH-a sixteenth : i
Knight (3 ( to 1) ) won , "Sir "Walter W to
second , Prince Curl ( Wto 1 } third. Tin
1:49. :
Second rnce , skx furlongs : Counl
Tenor ( even ) won , Maltl Itartnn (4 ( to
second , Wah Jim (3 ( % to 1) ) third. Tin
l:15V4. :
Third race , six furlongs : Handspun
to l ) won. Louise (2H to D second , Sai
(8 ( to 1) third. .Time : 1:16.
Fourth race , mile and three-slxteenll
Sir Kxcess (3 ( lo 5) ) won. Patrician secoi
Time : 2MCSi.
Klfth race , live and n lialt furlom
Second Attempt ( S to 1) ) won , Munches
(3 ( to 1) ) second , Tinge (0 to 10) ) third. Tin
'sixth race , mile and a sixteenth : Lit
Mat ( .13 to 10) won. Now or Never (2 ( %
) second , Hartford ( S to 1) third. Tin
I.utonlu'H KaurHQ In lluil 8li pc.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 20. About 2,500 sp
ulatora enjoyed the races at Latonla todi
The track could scarcely be worse , bel
very sticky with mud. Out of forty-thi
entries there were twenty-four atarte
In the second and thirdTnces there wi
four starters each , fourth and llfth , f
each , and In the llrst six. Favorites w
the third and fourth races. An even
vorito won the Ilrat and a second cho
the second. The llfth went to a 1 tc
nag. Results :
First race , seven furlongs : Balkllne
to 2) ) won , Prince Leo (2to ( , 1) ) .second , Ci
tain Tip (10 ( to 1) ) third. Time ; JS7 .
Second race , one mile : Clementine
to 10) won. Say On (13 to 10) second , Dll :
J (8 ( to 1) third. Time : 1:48(4. (
Third race , six furlongs : Llzettn (2 ( to
won. Mollle B (7 ( to 1) second , Charm
( U to 5) ) third. Time : 1:18 % .
Fourth rnce , mile and a sixteenth : 1
telltale (1 to 2) won , I'lorcannu (30 to
second , George Beck (2 ( to 1) third. Tli :
1:55. :
1:55.Fifth race , eleven-sixteenths of a ml
Lady Buchanan (10 to 1) ) won. liepeater
to 5) second , Lily of the West ( G to
third. Time : 1:13.
Outcome F Tint St. l.oiiU ,
ST. LOUIS. Sept. 20-RcsuHs at E
St. LouU today :
First race , nine-sixteenth ! ! of a m
Hllyar won , Muldoon second , Jim lie
third. Time : 1:00. :
Second race , thU'tcenTSlxteenths of
mile : Blue and White won. Hazel , 8
and , Tom Grlltin third. "Time : 1:2 $ ,
Third race , three-quarters oC am
Simpleton won. Unicorn second , "Rob
Latta third. Time : 1:22.
Fourth race , thlrteen-slxteenths at
mile : Kmblem won , Zed second. ' Monsi
third. Time : 1:27V4. : - -
Fifth race , three-quarters of a m
Chartreuse won , San Bins second , Jard
third. Time : l:19li.
HAWTHORNE , HI. , sept.Day n
tr-ick good ; attendance , 4,000. Henry
mons und his son Albert were ruled off
lurC and all their horse ; ] entered for
day's races were scratched. Jacob She
and the horse Dan Kuril were ruled
the horse being discovered to bet
"ringer , " although his Identity was
proven. Results :
wirai rape , one mile : Don Btader w
Paitlus second , nurrel'B nillet third. Time.
1:15. I \'li
Second wMI klx furlongs : De Drnccj
won , Pop Gray second , Kngle Bird third.
Time : l.liVt , .
Thlnt race , mile nnd a half : Hawthorne
won , Joe Murphy second , Lngascon third
Time : 2:12flJ ( c
Fourth rar-p , seven furlongs : DIggs won
nd , Mklns third. Time
Fourth race1 , six furlongs : Tim Murphj
won , Innovation second , L u third. Time
1:18. : l n . -
Blxlli race7 , 'vslx " furlongs : I' yan won
Flora May second , I.ucluda t > d. Time
1:13. : _ _
Tno JforilJtnc | | nt Duvlil ( It.T.
DAVID CJTV , Npb. , Sept. SO. - Specla
Telegram ) TliV Butler countj- fair Imsn
ball tournthiPenC U n drawing card. Tin
attendance Is great , "larger so fur tliau nnj
previous year. The wurnlnjr gome tcdaj
was between Suiprlnc and lite K'-foml nln <
here. Score , 1 to 13 In favor of Davli
City. UattertM : Surprise. Uo-jd , Tliomni
nnd Thomnaj David City , Doltui und Slnile
Base hits : Surprise. 5 ; David City , 12. Fr
> -ors : Surtvrlse , 5 ; David nity , fi. Strucl
out : Uy Xhomas , s : by Reed , 1 ; by Do
Ian. C.
Afternoon gftme , between Puljilj" nni
llrst nine hcio. It wns virtually given t < by taking out Relnnnrtlt itml Mnu
pin when the ecore stood S o \ ' In Jovoi
of David City. Scoiv. S to 9. 1'utlrrlcs '
Surprise , ( Joist ami Thomas , Re.ed am
White ; David L'lty , Kd llelnharlt nnd Vsu
pin. Dick Relnhnrdt , Lincoln nnd Dolun
Struck out : Uy 1CJ Relnhardt , 1U ; by L1n
coin. 2i by Gelst , 1 ; by Reed , 5 , Jtaae lilts
David City , II : Surprise , 10. Hrrora : Davii
City , 3 ; Surprise , a.
AllltrntiUro'ii Aiuuinl intry. :
MILWAXJICMIT , Sept. M.-Mnnager name ;
of the LoUlsvlllc base ball club wns in tin
city today and practically completed a , deafer
for the transfer ot the Louisville Natlona
league franchise to this city. Negotiation
to this end linVe secretly been progresslm
for n year. The terms of the transfe
agreed upon were not made public. Ni
change will \m made tills season. Nex
yoni , howeve.r , , Loulsvlllo drops out of tin
National lcugu , nnd Milwaukee takes he
place. _
Snturdn } ' * Crlckot J
Dr. O. Young and Mr. W , Evason wll
captain the two teams which play tomor
row ufternoon on the club grounds 1 ]
Kountzo Place. Those Intending lo .ioln 1i
the game me requested to be on the lleli
as early ns they possibly ca'i.
The return match with Kearney ho
fallen through by reason of tne la-t tha
the Kearney lies -were unable to J : ; EC i
team. _
l.nit Ilout llrtivi'vn tli TourUtfl.
The last of a , f erica of ball games betweei
the traveling men of Omaha and Couucl
Bluffs will be. playe < l on the Council BlufT
grounds Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clocl
sharp. AR quite n rivalry exists betweei
these clubs an Interesting game Is lookei
_ _
Knlfo Til < rn Off tlninc * Kcrimn'
Arm Other Mugln City Kens.
James Kernan , workman employed nt tli
Cudahy > packing house , met with a frlfilitfu
accident lust night. While handling a larg
cliopplnc Ichffe in Iho olio department hi
arm was caught la 'the machinery And take
off at the elbow. Tlio man came bleed
ng to death ticlore Jie could * e taken lo ill
icspllal. Hey'as attended "by Dr. Thoma
Cellcy and Dr. SchrndEl , Mr. Kernan Is un
married and lias made his borne in Poutl
Omaha for sevfijal years.
TufVlr'wltli Iliglmaymen.
Philip Krause. jiad a lively tussle with tw
ilglnvaynicn jyedqesday night. Mr. Kraus
conducts a ment > market In Albright. He wa
n the act of closing his place when tw
masked men approached him from bhiml an
detranded his nipneyv Mr. Krause had the ic
iclpts of the day.tin a small bag which h
leld In his h .ud. tOne of the men Rrabb ?
.he money bag , sNJ.r. Krnuso managed to gc
its revolver out.of his packet and baga
Irlng. In the scufUe the men all force
themselves iniq tijt building. Krause fire
several shots , jt > n ( ] Iho robbers also qmptlc
heir revolvers , ! " " finally JCfause knocked on
of the thugs nircmsH. the wlnflqw and as h
fell ho dropped , llijmoney , bag. Krause fire
a shot at him1 as Hevent through lhaj win
low. The robber "groaned cs though woundc
jut got up antl'icot away without being ilc
tectod : He left hliwhat behind.Tl.Jiat ( ha
a bullet hole In Ujwidliore % vasKonic bloo
ipon It. Mr. Krause was not badly Injurei
> ut he doesn't have any more fight
with burglars. Tlio police are endeavorln
o locate the thieves.
llrnncht Illm to Tuw.
Louis A "Wonltlei * has been arrested o
the charge of bastardy. He ugrsed l"o jratr
the clrl and Iho young couple , nccotnp.tnle
by the girl's parents , started for Omaha t
secure the marriage license and h.tvo tli
ceremony performed , When about half wa
to the city the young man escaped And wi
chased down by the police and Drought I
law. The ceremony was performed luul tli
couple returned to South Omaha last enlni
The bride is Miss Minnie Bellstcln.
.i r
The Hebrew hatters ot Newark have di
cided to strike.
The government Is preparing to submit II
final arguments in ( he Dcba case.
The Italians at Boston yesterday celebrate
the entry ot Italian troops Into Rome.
Officer Peter Dillon of 1'lttsburg was klllc
yesterday by picking up a live electric wlr
B. B. Lclsslnrlng , a millionaire coal o |
erator at MuUcli Chunk , Pa. , died y < ste
J. F. Chavcs has been nominated for del
gate In congrsss by the New Mexico rcpubl
Helen M. Gougar has filed a. motion for
now trial In her libel suit against Congres
man Morse.
The clothing trade at Boston was paralyz :
yesterday by a strike of all- the rcady-ma (
garment makers.
A saw mill boiler exploded near Sulphi
Springs , Ark. , yesterday , killing one nu
and wrecking the mllli "
A coal boat rlso In th ; river Is now dal
expected at Plttsbuig. There are 10,000,0' '
bushels awaiting shipment ,
As a result of the crusade against the Ch
cage gamblers it was announced ycsterd :
that not n house was running.
The republican convention for the William
port , Pu. , district , after taking 185 ballot
has failed to nominate any one for congros
Secretary Herbert has appointed a court
Injulry to Investigate the grounding- tl
United States steamer. Adams in the Bcrli
The War department has Issued the pcre
sary orders for the removal of Geronimo ni
his band ot Apaches from Alabama to 11
Indian territory ,
The deep water convention. In session
Toronto has adjourned. YesUrday afternoi
the American dejlfVjvi a were driven aroui
the city and shWiLJhe sights.
The mine hand irAt Fall River have r
turned to work fiettrting the fixing ot a ni
scale , but may fJout again in a week If tl
wages altered are hpl satisfactory.
The inlners , of' the Plttsburg dlstrl
threaten to go "into court If the operate
attempt to redudb ttfo scale below that pr
vidcd for in that'Cdlumbus ' compromise.
Ths state convention of democratic clu
met at Raleigh , 'K.O. ' . , yesterday , nnd pass
resolutions requesting the congressmen frc
that state to wtlrk for the construction
the Nicaragua cDiat. <
Father AdrIanuJ.Conqult ' of Portland ye
terday celebratecfHntf fiftieth anniversary
his entrance Into'Mbo priesthood. The pa
conferred upon tiliri'Uhe ' title , of monslgn
and raised him rq tlfo dignity of a domesl
* * ' ir
The death otfjl. ' " . White of New Yo
and the suspflmon'06t tha firm of J. :
White & Co. wa * Thnounced ( on the Ni
York exchange yesterday. The firm was. o
of the oldest In U > oJ cotton trade and w
supposed to bo very strong financially.
The Brazilian government will attempt
float a 13,000,000 loan.
The steamer City of Mobile , from Ni
York , ls aground in thu Thames.
The doctors have decided that no furtl
operation Is necessary on Mr. Gladstc > .u.
eyes.A decree has been Issued dissolving-
Belgium Chamber of Deputies and calling
general election. 1 , >
Tha engagement of Miss Muriel Wllvo
Tranby Croft fame and Lord Wllloughby
Ereaby has been broken off.
The American Association of Passtnf
Agent * , In session at 'Quebec , yesterday wt
on an excursion up the
( Continued Iwm first rage- )
- -
McOngor , Jnmes MacMalun , J.
liue. F. W. Simpson.
South Omaha Tha election was one
: ha most hotly contested that has take
, 'Uco In Scutli Oiiutlin. Cor some time. 1
ivory wnr l there w s more than one HcUc
The administration had a ticket In cac
ward and the llryan men also had a tlckt
In addition to thtcc. there pre sever
side tickets , all of which cltlmcj to l > c fi
llrynti. The administration men elect !
threa ot their regular nominees In the Kir
ward nnd Jim Fleming on the other tick
that was lieailod for llryan. In the Secoi
ward the Administration men elected thn
uf their men and tied John Klyi
of the Dryau ticket for th fourth ma
In I ho Third ward three llryan and 01
RiHl-lloIcomb men were elected. The Four
ward , delegates are- nil aiHI-HoIcomli me
but say tliEy arc for Ilrjan , Tlia nu
elected arc as follows !
First Ward State : Ben S. Adams. Cll
Morgan , J. 8. Oosney and J. It. KlPinln
County : E. II. Doud , 11. J. Montgomcr
Peter Cockcrell and J. H. Plemlng.
Second Wanl Btale : T. Carr , Jol
Frattck , Fred Sterling. Tdo vole was a I
between William Rowley and John Flyn
The lattef Is n llryan man , The county di
ogatlon Is all for Bryan.
Tlllrd Ward State : 1 > . O. Connors , Patrli
Ciirtln , C. M. Lyons and James Roach. Ti
thieo former are Hryan men nnd the Intt
Is an antl-fuslanlst. The county ticket bea
lh same names , with the exception of Hoac
whosa place Is supplied by Uarney McUc
Fourth Ward State : J. S. Walters , Wlllla
Mulally , J. P. Murphy and I'rank Dorse
County , Joe Dullle , Thomas Glllcsplc , J. 1
Kelley and Joseph Nndllnsky.
Valley The democratic caucus to choo
five delegates to attend the county conventl
brought out nearly every democrat In Vail
precinct. Much enthusiasm prevailed ai
everything was for Hryan. The delegat
chosen were ! ' 13. M. White , C. Krw.i
George StoltenhorBcr , Dr. J. W. Agee a :
Henry H. llurlce. A motion was made I
the delegation to go Instiuctcd ni
work for W. J. llryan for Unit
States senator. The motion was carrl
without nny opposition. William Uubi
was nominated for assessor ot Valley pt
clnct. Al Hurlto was nominated for ro ;
overseer of district No. 1 , E. D. Burke f
No. 2 and J. U. Burke for No. 3. Jinn
Allen , William Dubols and 13. Urway we
nominated for Judges ot election. Oeor
Stoltenbcrger and Judge Oliver Cowing we
named as the clerks of election. Sevci
speeches were made by the candidates , dti
Ing which Bryan received much praise.
motion was made and carried that the (1 (
delegates attend both conventions , T
democrats of Valley precinct are In favor
fusion , and quite a number have dcclar
themselves for Judge Holcomb.
Waterloo Delegates to county dtlega
convention ; A. StenElltie , J. Mohatt ,
Kcefe , Ji B. Nichols. Delegates to coun
nominating convention : W. 11 , JilcCurdy ,
tt. Watt , A. Stcngllnc , Jefferson Arnold ni
T , Keefe. Sentiment of the delegates u
Mlllnrd Administration delegation oUct
as follows : Henry Bqckhous , William I'o
ppnhngn , PoppcnhagEn , C. Kaelbcr ai
William Andrcsen.
West Om , ha Bryan delegation elected
3 to 1. Delegates : W. C. Hackman , Jose ;
JlcGuIre , C. A. Jensen , Peter Lesh , Jam
Clontarf Delegatlcn stands four for t
admin. Btratlon and one for Hrjan.
East Omaha Solid Bryan delegation
flvo members.
This evcnliiK 'tho republicans will lit
their caucuses In the different wards a
tiamo the delegates to be voted for at t
primaries next Frtday afternoon and CYC
Ing : The county convention vlll be held
the following Saturday , September 20. TI
convention will nominate candidates for t
state legislature , a county commissioner n
assE-ssora for each ward. The Eighth wa
republicans' held their regular weekly mei
ing last night.After the meeting adjourn
some of the faithful held a private cailc
and put up < ra"slite7'viilch ; : : they will sc
to get endorsed at the regular caucus i
night. .
D. Clem Deaver , nominee for congress
the people's party ticket , and Pr. Iloilc
nominee for stale senator , will address t
First Ward I'opullsl club Friday evenlr
National hall , Thirteenth and Wllllaj
streets. <
Cool llccuptinn.
M'CQOIC , Neb. ' , Sept. 20. ( Spsclal Te
gram. ) Hon. W. A. McKelghan , popul
member of congress trom this district , open
the campaign here today with dlscotirasl
results. Although the meeting had bsen t
tenslvely advertised , less than 200 people 1
tened to him , and of this number ninety Wf
democrats nnd nearly as many republicans
1 ItlirHtim ltii > iililiriin * Cnlloil.
All republican voters of the Nlnlh wj
who 'favor John 11 , Thurston for Unil
States senator , and who believe that t
ward caucus has outlived Its usefulness a
that the primary should take Ita placj , i
Invited to atlend a public meellng at con
of Fortieth and Farnam strecls Friday i
enlng , September 21 , at 8 o'clock
Allrn nnil < ! rrent > to Speak.
Senator Allen and W. L. Greene of Kearn
will address a political mass meeting
Bayir's hall. South Omaha , next Tuesd
evening ,
Couran of Stuily for Mint Yrnr'n Ncssl
Alnppeil Out.
NEW YORK , Sept. 20. The new board
studies ot the Catholic Summer School
America have decided upon the plans for i
conduct of the school at Its next sessl
They have determined that the next Bess
of the summer school shall continue
weeks , because of the large attendance
the last session , and with a view to g
greater thoroughness to the work. The cou
will embrace early ecclesiastical history ( n
flvo centuries ) , mental philosophy ( crltl
logic ) , physical science , electric )
light and heat , social science , polltl
economy , painting , music , early Kngl
literature and the philosophy of rhetoi
Several other courses have been consldei
anil have not been determined upon. Amc
thcso arc courses In German and Frcr
literature. The directing hoard ot readl
circles , also organized In harmony w
the acttrn of the board ot studies , h :
mapped out the work for the Catholic re ;
jng circles , which uill bo In a measi
preparatory for ( he next session cf the su
mer schocl. They have determined to
ganlze reading circles under the title
the "Reading Circle ot the Catholic Su
mer School of America. "
Kurn or Monk 1 r.kln * .
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Sept. 20. ( Special.
A 1,500-mllo race of stock trains on rl
roads from Nevada to Kansas City Is attra
Ing considerable attention from western sb
pers. The contest arose from the boa
made by Rio Grande ofllclals that they co
beat the Union 1'aclflc from
point In Nevada to Kansas C :
There Is , but fourteen miles i
ference in the routes , the odds being
favor ot the first named road. Each of
trains In the race consists ot fifteen cars
fat steers belonging to 12 , J , Bell ot Laran
and the tonnage Is about equal. The
Grande train will stop to feed at Gr.
Junction and Pueblo , while the Union
cine train makes but one slop , at l.arar
The Union Pacific train parsed throi
Cheyenne last night. The averaga t
made between Ogdert and this place
twenty-four mtlca an hour , Mr. Bell t
that the Union Pacific had fixed a tehee
ot fifty-five hours tor the lf > 00 mlle run.
KuiaiiclpnUuii Duy t'eloliruted.
DEB MOINES , Sept. 20. ( Special T
gram. ) Emancipation day was cclebra
by the colored people of thla city at
state far ( grounds today. There was
parade In the morning , followed by a I
beetle and speaking in the afternoon. Am
tha speakers wcro Governor Jackson , C
gressman Hull and Secretary of State
Firlancl. beatdea "Education of the Cole
Man , " by L. A.Vlle > ( colored ) of Muc
klnock , and "Statistics ot the Colored Ma
by T. L. Smith ( colored ) ot KeoUuU. Ju
Albion W. Tourgee of UulUlo. N < Y , , ap
this CTCnltig on "Progress ot the Colored
Man. "
HrnilyMndn Clothing Trnde or lltnlun
I'ArnlyrMl } > j- | ln Wnlkmit.
BOSTON. Sept. 20. The ready-made. clothIng -
Ing Industry of ( his city was completely para
lyzed today by n strikeof operatives , The
United Garment Workers union , , acting upon
Instructions from the Clothing Trades Dis
trict council No. 2 , commenced the -war by
calling out every operative , pressman and
baster employed In the 250 shops here. By
noon 2,000 people wcro ont and nt the close of
lie day fully C.GOO clothing workers , had joined
Lha otrtke. The Issue ot the titrlko
Is now clearly dcflnoA ns being an endeavor
lo secure the abolition ot the lumping sweat
ing system , and the adoption of thece1 ;
wage system and the nine-hour day. Al
though the contractors fnvnr the demands uf
the operatives , they claim that , as the whole
salers decline to grunt anything , their hands
tire tied. A number ol wholesale merchants
were fteen by an Associated press reporler
nnd the general opinion was that ttia oper
atives h&vo struck Just at the right tlmo
and the manufacturers will have to increase
their prices fully 40 per ont.
HilRtir WlliicMrn Iti Itc Indicted.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. The grand Jury
has signified to tha district attorney Uiat It
will have no further communication to make
until next Monday , when It Is expected that
a report will be made of the finding of In
dictments against Mea.'rs. Havcmcyer and
Searles of the Sugir trust for refusal to an
swer questions put by the senate Investlgal-
In } , ' committee.
j'Jiufifty.IL iiitnui.iMIX.
Hon. W J. Bryan arrived In the city yes
terday In tlmo to do a little work at the
Timothy Stdgivick , secretary of the repub
lican state central committee , spent yesterday
with his family In York.
Mrs. Robert I , , areon , 1333 North Seven
teenth street , been called to Peorla , 111. ,
by the serious Illness of an aunt.
John Kclkcnny has returned from the
Tekamah lakes , where he has been hunting
nnd fishing. Ha brought homo two dozen
ducks and half a hundred snipe.
Colonel T. II. Stanton , chief paymaster
Department of the 1'latte , returned yes
terday from Washington , where he was
on temporary detail as acting paymaster
general of the army. While In Washington
the colonel met many old friends whom ho
had not seen for years , and , although they
made the colonel's stay pleasant , ho says ho
Is glad to gat back home again.
"When Bab/ was sick , wo gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child , Eho cried for Castorlo ,
AVhen she brcatno Jliss , slio chins to Castoria.
When Eho had Children , she gave them Castoria
1 produced by Hie CUTICUP.A ItGiiL iEnlien
. all ulliuri full. Tlicj clrniinf tlio
. - _ - . "rlt.itlnp .I-
nml tiloti'hv humorit. tlinuliile
tlie h ilrfIliclsj , anil destroy ml-
croM'ili Irm cti * vvlilcii fcc'it on
tlicluirniiil licnrcniifcpnl wlirn
- . , . thclvn phytlcliiniiiind nil olhcr
rcmciliM full , hold llinmclinut Ilin wnrM
Fall term bcgtuc SVennesdny , Sopitcinber 10th.
For cataloRue a a iv\rlcular3 ! apply to the reo
tor. TUB nwv. t . Doucnrr , s , T , " D. .
Animal Extracts
I'reparcd accoillng to the foitnuU of
In hli laboratory nt Waahlngton. DC.
The mott wonderful ttieraptullc
discovery nco the days of Jcnner.
The plijsloloRlail efTccIs | > roiluccil by a fin-
Rlc dose or Ctrrbclne nro nctelrratlon of tha
nulrn with fcellim of fallncBB ind detention
lu tha head , cxhtlntatlon of uplrita , IncrcAec-l
uilnarjr excretion , &nemcntatlou of the ci-
rnlalvo force of the blmlilcc and perlilaltlc
action of tha Intcellncd , Incrrato In mimcnlai
tttcnRlh and cndiuiacc , inert-ami | ton r ol
vlfloii In olilrrl ; vroplv , and Increased nppctlll
nuil digestive power.
Dole , Fho Drops. Price (2 ( drachms ) , $2.50.
" \Vnslilnttoti , I ) . C.
Bcml for Hook. 101
Mullnce Pnturilny.
Vmm the Empire Thcftlro New Ywk , i > re nt'
tta gictt : nucrc.i.i ,
In tlie Bama manner n seen 250 nlchtB In I e\i
Tlio Comimny : Henry Miller , Wllllnm I'nvcrhn'T
M.u-y llninpton. MnrRnrct Criucn , llobrrt I.M.
w | > n. W. H. T1 omt".m , Annos MULT , W. It.
doinntuti. May Hobs.m , Frank Mill * . R r.
liirluis , < 5eiu'vlc\o lluynolils. John Sorrontz.
Altliur llnylnn. .1 I' Whitman.
3M\ces I'lrsl lloor , 11.W ; li.ilcotiy , 75o nnd JI.OO.
BOYD'S . . , ,
SEPI. 23,24,25,26.
. , , , .
OHAS. 1-1. VALxB'Q
Possessing more acUml novelty tlmii all other
pprctnclos romlitned.
Tons of Sncliil | Sci-nery. Oars ojn Costumn
nJltl Ann r ( Irunil Oic | > ni llallrt. Impsttwl Sp -
clnllles. Itrlllnnt I.lKht KrTi-ctn. iutoan
1 mii roH. Main unrt Kcinalo UanctTH.
TJII : SHAIT ori.miiT. .
Tim Tiioi.i.nv t'Aiis.
TIII : I'ot'it SIIIIIT UANCiins.
Snliof i'ats Mill open Salurdny nt ux-J.i1 pilcei.
POPULAR Pj-ICE5 ? 153 , 25C , 35C AND DOC.
Tik < piuno ) lJit.
Sam , T Jack's ' Creole Company
Direct ( roni 3. UN. T. J.iok'w ( Jpci-.i Itoiioe. Clilcneo
DO Ciuitiv.iilni , ' Cn-oloB , Flint tlmo lu Onmhii of
Kllaull l.lvlu ? I'i tuttM. .M.itliic-- itnnlay.
f5TH ST. THEATER | i ° l >
15 , 25 , ilSaiul 5(1 Cents.
Tolcplipmi 1531.
/t Nlf HT Couimciiclnu
* Wlunia . Jiatlnuo
Ily connt uf the minnKvment , VAl't. JONRH ,
the Itpston ncuspaper repoiter who Is rrmlJnK H
tour of the wotlcl without n cent on a wager , Wilt
lirlrlly ri > liili > liln imjiipjnnilii < f x-xperlonces
in New York , and the result is our
suits were shipped from 4 to 6 weeks
' late. We are forced to sell them or
be over stocked.
We begin a forced
sale of 1,500 suits.
Double and single breasted cheviot
$12 sacks , in blues and blacks , at $6.75 ,
) t which were designed to sell at $12.
If SUITS Suits at $7 50 which ordinarily
1C 1 , would sell at $14 , and at $9 , sioand
the best of the
n $12 , productions
nx at little than one-half
. . season a more -
tt $6.75.
'ev ' the regular price.
ittl Boys' 2-Pieee Suits
600 all wool cassimere and
cheviot suits at
,1K ,1h $2 , $3.50 , $2,75 , $3
K NOTION Thcfao bi.ys' ' uita o < > " Bale
' K Saturday morning.
Junior Suits
if ages 3 to 7 years , at
i- $1.75 , $2.25 , $2.50
about 200 suits the
newest things of the
ilt season at less than
ti the of -
i13 cost produc-
t- f. Hats
\n \
10 D , Saturday-
loul Men's Tourists and Derbys at gQg on the
ac. .
IS Id 95c 75c
le THIS $1.00
efd $1.50 Slffif $1.25
lie fd a $1.75 $1.50
ced nc - CONTINENTAL Clothing House ,
N. E. Cor. 15th and Douglas.