THE OMAHA i DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JUNE in , 1871. OMAHA , FRIDAY MO11NING , -i ' - &JEPTEMBER 2J , 1891. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. JAPS TO ANOTHER VICTORY Second Navnl Engagement Results in the toss of Five Cubase Llrip ? , INFLICTED NO SERIOUS DAMAGE IN RETURN 1'urllicr IlfltulUuf rroilimi riRhls Number ol Klllcil lit I'liiK VmiBl-nrscly IMmln- IftliciI-IIiKl Tilt-lien of I.I Hum : Clmng's .Hun. TOKIO , Sept. 20. An ofndai dispatch re tclved hero Irom Hie headquarters of tin Japanese * fle-t says that the latter at I o'clocl ot the afternoon of tlio IGtli met eleven Chi ncso war ships and six torpedo boats thirty five mllca northeast of Hal Yang Too , will the result that lour o the Chinese ships wn sunk mid one was burned. The dispatch add that the Japanese fleet sustained no damage YOKOHAMA , Sept. 20. The particulars ro cotved lierj In regard to the liattlo of Plni Yang show that ths Chinese loss was 2,001 Itllled and 1-1.500 wounded and captured. , 1 fourth part ol the Chinese army escaped. Th < Japanese IOTS was only about eleven officer wound ill and 2CO soldiers killed. The Japanese army Is marching on WIJu which It Is. expected will be reach id by th end of September. , LONDON , Sept. 20. Dispatches receWc hero today from Shanghai say that the tie number of the Chinese Uet engaged In tli battle fought oft the mouth of the Yal river was twelve war ships and lour torped boats. The Japanese licet , It. Is added , wa composed of sevcntu.n ships , some of whlc worei small war vessels. The Chinese clalr to have sunk the Japanese war ships ) Abu &hlma and Yosslna and a Japanese transput which had been converted into a cruise and named the 8a1ko. A private report received hero from Shanp hal declares that these vessels were not sun as th Chinese claim , but that they escape in a disabled condition. It Is reported that the Chinese transpoi Toonun was sunk after she had landed he troops , but this Is thought to be probably lr correct. The report that Admiral Ting and Colom Von Hanneklii wcro severely woiwdid teen to bo Incorrect , for they have both rcturne to duty. The Westminster Gazette comments upo the battle as follows ! "We observe , spcakln generally , that both sides were engaged I verifying the theories of Captain Malmn , II Japanese consciously , as they are great sti dents of that Eminent authority , and the Ch naso unwittingly , and It may be fairly sii | Iioscd , reluctantly. The Chinese have tl biggest navy , but they have bo-n unable I concentrate It upon points ol paramount stn logical importance. So lar the war h : turned out us , according o the most ai proved principles , It ought to have turm out. " The Pall Mall Gazette remarks : "Admlr , Ting has made the fatal mistake of trying i convoy troops before ho had met and broki the enemy's fleet , nnd unless the trooi landed at the -Yalu river are relieved fro th sea they are Irretrievably lost. " The St. James's Gazette says : "If Oils Is victory lor the Chinese , they must pray lor defeat. The damage which the Japanese li dieted with their binallcr nnd lighter tqua ron goes lar to show that In tactics , disc pllno and the handling of mod rn wcapoi they are as much superior to the Chinese 'sea as they have already shown thcmsclv to ho on land. " The officials of the Japanese legation he liava received a private cable message fro Yokohama dated today , saying that on Se temlier 1C twelve Chin-50 war ships encou tered nine Japanesu ships with the rosi ; that after severe fighting the Chinese la four vessels and the Japanse none. JAPANESK LEGATION IN IGNOHANC WASHINGTON' . Sept. 21) . Neither t Chinese or Japanese legation has ncelv nny advices aa to the great naval engap inont off Yalu. Lieutenant Mlyokaw , t naval attache ol the Japanese legation , t turned today from an eastern trip. lie well acquainted with the scene of the ball and says It Is so lar removed Irom Japine telegraph stations that word would first hate to bo carried by dispatch boils to Tushli or Nagasaki beloro the Toklo autliprltl could be Informed of the battle. As the tig occurred last Saturday It Is expected th thn dispatch boats will have the ofllcial ve Blon transmitted very soon , and the lep tlon Is. looking1 for full Information toclt The Japanese officials here nro much elat ever the latest reports , as they nay t sinking of China's big battleship , the Ch Yuen , fatally cripples China's navy. Another significant fact commented on Iho Japanese legation Is that foreign offlc < npptar lo have been In command of t Chinese ships , which , In the Judgment the Japanese authorities here , shows tl the Chinese are yet deficient In native co inanderg and arc depending on forelgm to manipulate their ships , which Is marked contrast with the native comma of all Japanese' war ships. The Chinese minister declines to disc * the recent battles or any phase of the w ; In response to an inquiry today he s < word that no advices had been received a that lie was very busy. Ho Is building largo ball room In the rear of the legatl with the prospect of on extensive cntcrta mcnt In the future. There Is npparcn no intention to share In the anxiety o- the Chinese reverses. No official advices have been received hi clearing up the many doubts as to whl vessels were destroyed. JAPS DISCUEDIT THE RUMORS. Minister Kurlno , at the office ! ol the Ja ] neso legation here , regards the cable fr Toklo to thcw Associated press as giving i moat trustworthy report of the engagcnu yet received , and IH gratified to learn lr this course that thu Japanese fleet s tallied no great damage. They point i that Toklo la about GuU miles from lllr chtma , where the cmpcior and the he ; quarters of the army ami navy are local There Is telegraphic connection so tl TolUo would have the first information lr Japanese sources from the Imperial he quarters at Hlroschlma. Legation officials do not believe Shanghai report naming two vessels allei lo have been sunk. Lieutenant Mlyoa Iho Japanese naval attache he Bays there is no such ship In Japanese navy as thn Abutditma , which Shanghai account says was sunk. There many ships with the sufllK "shlma , " mean Island , but non have the prefix "Abu" anything like It. It Is believed at the If tlon. however , that the cruiser Sulko , clalr to huvo been sunk. Is the Slkyo. The lat was formerly n fast merchantman betw Shanghai and Yokohama , and was recoi transformed Into a fleet cruiser. Lleuton Mlyoaka says that by Uie Yotslna. stated the Shanghai report to have been sunk , undoubtedly meant the Yoshln , the pride th' Japanese navy. It would bo startl news , Indeed , he cays , 1C this ship had g dawn , but ho scouts the Idea , Shu Is the n cat and fastest cruiser In the Japanese no with the remarkable spe.-d of twcnty-ll ; Idiots per hour , L'HINI'.Si : AIM' NOT PATKIOTIC. Opinion > if nil KniUmry of Ilio Popn on ( IrlrntiilViir. . FAN FRANCISCO. Sert. 2)-JIgr. PJ.I11 Tvrmoz , prelate of the pope , is In the on mi apostolic mission. Ho WHS one of passenger * on the steamer Oceanic , wl arrived from the Orient a few days i Blnca the beginning of lait j'car ha lie-en delving Into the creeds and cust of all the Oriental natlona , and at thu s Line has baeti Investigating the * work * ol Catholic missions In the countries ivhlcl Imu traversed. From PekliiB Mir. Tmnoi went by wa Manchuria and C'orcu to Japan Ho the Janpancce fleet land Its troops Chemulpo and says he was ctruck with military manner In which Iho ceremony catrled out. Japan's army , he says , li ( ar superior lo that of China. "The Brent trouble with China , " he Bald , "Is the lack of patriotism among the people. In Japan every mother's eon Is steeped In Patriotism. In China n viceroy and a , num ber of soldiers are hired to defend ( he cciiiitry. They might be so many Hessians for all the patriotism they possess. " KTOKY orTIII : CIII.NKSU Admit tlin Destruction of 1'niir Vc r1i In Ilin YiUu Kivcr ll.illlo. LONDON. Sept. 20. A dispatch from Tien. Tsln says ; From Chinese ofilcers with dls- patches who have arrived here and latei messages from I'ort Arthura full narrative of the naval battle of Yalu Is obtainable Admiral Tint ; , commander of the Chlneti northern squadron , was Insinuated by tin council of war hers to convey six transport ! and to land the troops , guns nnd stores a Yochow , from which base China Intended It renew operations In Corca. The battleship : Ting-Yuen , Chen-Yuen.Klng-Yuen.Ping-Yuen Li-Yuen and Tsl-Yucn and cruisers Chl-Yiieu Chlng-Yuen , Chao-Yuen , Yang-AVo , Kwang Kal and Wang-Tin , together with four tor pedopedo boats , escorted the transports , The ; arrlv.d at the entrance to the Ynlu rive early Monday morning , nnd then tllsern barkatlon proceeded rapidly , the transport steaming Into the river , while the warship anchored outside. At tl o'clock smoke on the horizon Indl cated the approach of a large flotilla. Th situation was grasped Immediately nil Admiral Tnng gave orders for th weighing of anchors nml the plac Ing of the ships In baltlf nrrnj Ills position was a dilllcult one. If he re malncd near the shore his movements -wul bo cramped , and if he steamed out for sen room he ran the risk cf a Japanese cruise or torpeJo boat running In among his trans ports. Ho choose the lesser of the tw evils and formed a fighting line to guai thEi estuary In single column In the folluw n order from port to starboard : l"ung-We Chl-Yuen , Tsl-Yucn , King-Yuen , .Tlng-Yncr Lai-Yuen , Chin-Yuen , I'ign-Yuen , Chlnu Yuen and Chao-Yucn. As a second fight Ing line and to meet any Japanese shl which might succeed In forcing the Dght'n line , the Kwang-kal and Kwnng-tlng , wit four torpedo beats , were stationed at th mcuth of the river. The Japanese fleet approached at full spec until within range. Then they advance. ! i columns , forming Into two lines. Nina Iroi dads and cruisers formed the fighting llm while three gunboats and five torpedo boat formed the second line. Firing commence forthwith. The guns on both sides wet workdo unceasingly at long range , nnd tli hits were Infrequent. The Japanero crej close and the gunners made bettor practlci The Ting-Yuen was the first to suffer , a she bursting In her battery. From the outset tl Japanese directed a powerful fire upon tl : Chinese battleships Chin Yuen and Ting Yuei For ninety minutes terrific cannoiuUe cot tlnucd. The result was that one Japanes crulsei1 , reported to have been the Salk was placed out cf action. One Chinese o fleer declared that he saw her s nk. 1 the meantime the two big guns on the Chei Yuen were disabled and the other shl ] showed signs of damage , llcth Herts wei under easy steam , The Japanese maneuve Ing , while the Chinese held their origin positions. Suddenly two of the Japanei cruisers sought to break through the Chine ; line on the slurb.ard side. Three to pedo boats swiftly pursued them. Tl went at fu Chin-Yuen and ChanR-rYuen speed astern to avoid a catastrophe. Tl boats IIred their torpedoes , but the nets aboi the Japanese crulseis Mopped them. In tl mcihtlme other guns were brought to be ; upon the cruisers , which are bc.leved to ha' been Takltuslilma and the Yoshlmo. Thi were bcaUn back by the weight of metal an nlmoit helpless stato. Chinese otlict declare that both sank. The Chinese had fared little better , for tl Chlng-Yuen had been several times hull and pierced upon the water line , while tl Chan-Yuen had stranded while Irlylng evade the Japanese torpedo boats. All a tempts to float her had been frustrated by tl flre directed upon her. Finally she burst In flumes from chclls. The big guns of t ] Chen-Yuen wcro disabled , but she remain In the fighting line , working her smaller ai machine guns. The Tsl-Yu.n returned the second line nnd the King-Yuen was In terrible plight. A shell burst through h deck * nnd set fire to her , and with t flames bursting from her she slowly settl down. A score of times the Japanese soug to break through the Chinese lines , but un the last the Chinese guns \\ere > able to st them and the Japanese never reached t transports. The Chlnse vest-Is gave way 1 fore the attacks nnd while doing BO t Yang-Wei stranded stern first. H fate was similar to that th& Chao-Yeun. The Chl-Ye was nothing more than a wallowing wre wh'en struck by n torpedo , and she sank wl all on board. The scene WHS now apallli The guns on several of thes hips on toth Fill were daslbled and the great ship ! rolled hea lly. The streams of grren water pourl from most of them showed that the ste : and tcstlfi pumps were working Incessantly to the extent of the damage 1 ( llcted. Some of the ChlnEse ships h exhausted their ammunition during t last hour's fight. More than one ol t Japanese vessels seemed to bo on the pj of foundering. It wss not until dusk , ho ever , that the firing ceased , and the b tcred Japanese fleet slowly departed In dcul line formation. Towards morning the re nants of the Chinese fleet , with six trai i ports , started lor Port Arthur , which v safrly reached. The damage to all I Chinese ships Is so extensive that It c ecatcely be repaired belore winter. The fleers fay that both sides showed the m B courige. 1 S.IT WOII'.V /M.V.V.IJ/.I.V , rirrmcn's ISrothurlioml Dlsapprnvcs Action nurln thu Utto Strike. HAR1USBURG. Pa , , Sept. 20. 1 Urolherhood of Firemen elected ihe follc Ing olllcera yesterday : Grand secretary t treasurer , Frank W. Arnold , Terre Hau grand executive board , E , A. Ball , Str l.rd , Out. , chairman ; II. N , Lamb , Garri Ind , , secretary ; J. D. Byrne , Portland , Oi F. G , May , mislead. Pa. ; A , S. A. Dill Altza. Kan. Board of Trustees W. F. Hlnes , Denv chairman ; A , H , Ilawley , secretary ; A. Sutton , Decatur , 111. , editor and mana of the Loccmotlre Fireman's Magazine , t W.S. . Carter , Tiylor , Tex. This morning's eehslon of the firemen - \ devoted to a consideration of the rrport the committee on death and disability clali Claims aggregating $50,000 were allowed Tha convention , at Its aftcrncon BCSS ! adopted a series of resolutions denounc the action of those member * who stri through sympathy with Pullman stilke pledging the brotherhood to hereafter a I by all Its agreements and to await the act of the grand lodge clllcers before going on a r.trile ; protesting agilnst the ot labor organizations on a strike attempt to Induce the members of the brotherh to ja'.n them through sympathy ; declar against the position of A'lce Grand Mas Hannalmn In the Pullman sti In advising members not to w with the nonunion men and proving that of Grand Master Birgent other grand lodge oIllcTs , The convcn pave Hannahan another Blap by reducing salary from $3,500 yearly to $2,500 , and le Ing those of other grand lodge officers illiturbed. Twelve thousand dclara voted for the relief of firemen who went during the Lchlgh Valley strike who itlll idle. After lUtcnhig to u speech f Debs , the convention adjourned finally , : h inter two years hence at Galvcston , Tex. o. Grand Master Sargent and Grand Se isIS tary and Treasurer Arnold wcro directed the convention lo remove- the lieadquar IS tram Ttrrc Haute to n place ( o bo selei by them. 111 lic l-'quiilUatlnn In Illlnnl * . SI'RINGFHJLD. 111. , Sept. 20. The E et board of equalization today adjourned iw at next Tuciday morning. The commltUe ho I town and city lots reported i surplus ai ae of ; 50 , S , < W. SET HIS FOOT DOWN HARD Captain O'Rcil ' Tolls Nica-agtuns Americas C atnot Bo To cad to Hold Offioj , EXILES BROUGHT BACK TO BLU.FIELDS > C\T of Tliclr Arrhiil C tiftc Comtcrimtlon In Null to OHIHiil JnartcrMust lie Accorded n Spcciljniid Titlr Trtut. NEAV ORLEANS , Sept. 20. The Associ ated press correspondent In Blucflclds , Nic aragua , undtr date of Seplcmber 15 , says : Tills Is the Independence day of Nicaragua and It brings this land one day closer tc certain civil war , which will play havoc with prosperity for a while. Dlucflclds has cn < joyed n municipal election , and officers have been elected , but still martial law exists , foi the slmpla reason that the Ntcaraguans at tempted to elect Americana to olllco without oven taking the trouble ID consull those Americana. Madrlz has staled that any suc cessful candidate who refused to servo lr the office to which he had been elected would be fined } 50 n day throughout the entire term of ofllce , but the determined stand o : Captain O'Neill compelled Madrlz to Ignore his own decree. Eugene Landrlck and Dr Paul Austerhaus were those who rejectee the honor and called on Captain O'Neill U prolect them , which ho did. September 1 the English cruiser Mohuwl arrived and notified Captain O'Neill that hi hail on board the exiled residents and tw < Americana , Sam Lampion of New Orleani and Captain AV. R. Banks of Philadelphia The Mohawk carried several dispatches fron Minister Baker to Captnln Summer , In om of these letlers President Cleveland Is quolec us saying Iho two Americans thouli bo accorded a fair nnd honest op6n trla at once or they would have to bi released nnd restored to their former posl tlon. Captain O'Neill willingly lender. : ! Ihese men quarters on his ship. News tha tha other exiles were on the English crulte had spread rapidly In Bluefields nnd th' ' greatest excitement prevailed. Those a government headquarters were dumbfoundci and scarcely knew what to expect. Severa sailing vessels headed for the open sea a one : with the friends and families of th exiles on board. An Incident occurred which proves th policy adopted by Captain Sumner to be i wise one. AA'hen It was found Impossible t leave Bluefle'ds beforeth ; Ifltii , the me under General Heycs , and even the genera himself , expected nn alack from the marine from the Columbia and Marblehead. Tw three-inch Krupp guns were run on to suitable positions and 300 me were hidden away among the plant on shore as sharpshooters. The prU oners at this time were quartered In a sma building behind Ihe custom house. Durln the forenoon of August 17 several soldier were seen to lash two ten-pound cans e gunpowder together and fix out a fuse. Thi deadly Instrument was then taken to th building where the prisoners were quartere and placed in a corner of the room. A officer was stallonod by Iho powder with lr structions to set fire to the fuse whan th fight began. AVhcn they boarded the Yul on the evening of August 19 the powder wa carried along and placed near where th .prisoners were stationed. Again when the were taken to the old Spanish town of Sa Juan del Norto , the powder had a prom ncnt position In the hotel , and even on th river boat it was also kept In readiness. LA ISO K DlUM.Ur.MKNT INVESTIGATION ! Interesting Itrport to Ho Heady for 1'ul llratlnii N .v t Spring "AVASHINGTON , Sept. SO. The Dsparlmei of Labor has aboul completed Us lnv > sllgi lion ot strikes and lockouts that have 01 currod since 18S7 , upon which It has bee engaged for many months past. This repoi will not , however , bo published before ne : spring. It will form an "exhaustive showln ! of all the labor troublts In the Unite ! Stales since the date named , the number i ; emp.oyes Involved In each strike or lockou the causes of the trouble * , the los In wage etc. , the Investigation being covered by aboi thirty ciuftUlous. The next subject to be Investigated by tl department Is the Influence of machinery c labor. Congress has appropriated $10,000 f < this , besides authorizing the us : of the rcg 1 lar force of the bureau. The work of the I ; i qulry will begin In November. The field for I will be put upon It as fast as It completes I work on strikes and lockouts. The statlstl of strikes and lockouts will be kept from ye ; o year hereafter. The Inquiry on the infi mce of machinery on labcr Is a vast m : omplrx subject and one that Is Involving tl icst thought and greatest Interest of the d parlment. The growth of machinery and I use will be looked Into. An elaborate cor parlton of Ihe cost of commodities under tl old hand system and under the machine sy cm will be made. The relative productlv ness ot labor under Ihe Iwo systems will I shown , and comparisons of wages under t ! two systems will be made. B.yond this a resolution ot congress cal for an Investigation of the modern Industrl : ondllon of women and children , the wag .hat are paid them as compared with me liow far their labor displaces that of me the sanitary conditions under which th labor and the provisions for their comfo etc. Tlicrs is no special appropriation ma for this Inquiry , but It Is expected to be ma out ot Iho regular funds of the departmei It will not be entered upon until after t Inquiry Into the Influence of machinery labor Is completed , which Is expected to < cupy u year or more. AMJMIMUM IN Till : ARMY. \\ar Department KxperlmcntlnK-with It f Light Kquliiinriit. - AVASHINGTON , Sept. 20. AVar departme officials of the ordnance bureau are glvl attention to Iho properties ot alumlrilu This , metal promises lo be one ot the mi Important materials In the equipment modern armies. Already the German irml which are among the first to accept Imprcr ments. have adopted aluminium for a ' " rlety of uses. The AVar depurtmenl Is In measure following the lead ot Ihe navy giving attention to the new metal. It In the line ot small equipments that I army Is expected to utilize the met Samples are In the ordnance bureau aluminium cups , belt buckles , hooks u horseshoes. The lessening of the marching weight ono of the problems which always is beT the officers who superintend the matter equipment. It Is hoped that In the n future It will be found practicable to i the light metal , not only for drinking ci and dishes for the soldiers , but for bayo scabbards and other accoutrements In wh strength Is not the first requisite. To a private. Joseph H. Kahn , ot one tlie artillery companies stationed at F McIIenry , the AVar departmcnl Is Indeb for Ihe design of a new and Important pal which may prove- serviceable In campaign ! It Is a combination of shovel and pick i not more than a. foot In length , which n bo carried at the belt , and used In dlgg Intrenchmenls. Ily Its use thesoldi might , It hard ( pressed , hurriedly dig earthworks or Intrencbments for their o shelter. Krii nn'Vnrk Nrurlf I'liilcil. e- ij WASHINGTON , Sept. 20. The field par ( n of the coast and geodetic survey In Alas > d Colorado and Utah are earning home , tt season's work being completed. Parlies still out along the Mexican border > . . returvpys are being madp In Boston hart on Long Island and In the Hudson river. ) r ( Julel Itflgn * at Mi > milU > . it WASHINGTON , Sept. 20.--Asi.urrn have reached the State department to effect that tranqulllty prevails fn Blueflelds , and that the entire Mosquito reservation Is now under the constitutional law of Nicaragua. fitAvnvMixi l.t rgc Sirlmltlnif fichotn * ' Uiiottrthcd In Vcr non Count j"t tl < o.url. ST. LOUIS , Sept , 30. Wltlitn ( he past few days Iwo fraudulent bonds tor ' } 2GOO each , purporting to hnva been Issued for schorl purposes by school districts In Vernon county , Missouri , have turned 'up In tnls city and It Is now believed that n largo swindling scheme has been set on foot , with how great CUCCCBS Is not yet known. Tliesc two bonds were detecled by the absence ol a certificate of registration In the office of the secretary of state as required hy Missouri laws. Inquiry In Vcrnon county shows that the school districts alleged tc have Issued these bonds , vizi No. 17 ( Cleat Creek ) and AValker village , have not authorized any such Issue ! for some years , More-over , ths alleged presidents and clerks signing the bonds do not Hvo In the dis tricts , while the other signatures are ficti tious. The only districts In Vernon count ) which have Issued school bonds this yeai are Noa. 83 , 84 , 85 , Dl and 109. NEW YORK , Sept. 20' . Two frnudulenl bonds of $1,000 each , purporting lo have been Issued for school purposes by the school district commissioners In A'ernor county , Missouri , have appeared in this city The man who first brought the bonds ti St. Louis was Roberl S. Murray , who al legec ! that he came from .Nevada , Mo. , the county seat of Vcrnon county , and knowl edge of his whereabouts la now desired bj several people. Before Murray came hen he had arranged with Chllds & Atklnsor to place several of these bonds. When hi reached here ho had only one , of school dis trict No. 17 of Clear Creek township , but or this the firm advanced htm a couple o hundred dollars. It Is learned now that hi had other bonds , some of the village dlstrlc of Walker and some of another district name not known. These he used In othei transactions , which fell through , Murray ro coivlng the bonds back. County Treasure ! Began of Vernon county pronounces tin bands forgeries. Chlld.8 & Atkinson wll take steps to find Murray , Who , It Is said has gone to New York , ill' rtiKin ciitni' llrcrloy Ciiinplfmcnts Hlgiml R fur Tlidr Kxcrptlmml Work. "DENVER , Sept. -Caplaln W. A Glassford , chief signal officer , U. R. A. Department of Colorado , accompanied b ; Sergeants John McGlone , Jarries B. McLaugh Un and \Vllllam Bcssell , arrived in Ucnve : today direct fromi Ihe heights of the Un compahero mountains , Where , with the as slstnnco of Sergeants Batsch'and. Griffin , sta Honed on Mount Ellen , .fifty succeeded li breaking the world's record for long dlstanc heliograph signaling. Among- the congrat ulatory messages received by Captain Glass ford is the following , which was sent b ; heliograph to Mount Uncompahgre : AVASHINGTON , Sept. 18. 1891. Captall AV. A. Glassford , Signal Corps , Mount Un compahgrc , via Lake Clty > Colo. : Congralu luting you on the Indefatigable exertions nn skillful arrangements whereby you hav beaten the world's record for lons-dlstaijc heliograph signaling by flftyrelcht miles , th United States has reason to congratuial llself upon American Ingcnully and the asslil uous exertions whereby Its solJlirs have bee enabled to transmit with a. mlrr.or ot sixty four square inches' ' reflecting1 surface a met sage sixty-five miles further than the famou Laurel Mauritius line .between the Islan Mauritius and Rlvcrlon 'with IU magnlficeMi apparatus and n mirror of , 12,000 Inches- reflecting surface. This * refcordmuststau unsurpassed for many years , If not for n ! time. A. AV. GREELEY , Chief Signal Officer , u. S. A. The officers found the. ascsnt of Mount Ur compahgre difficult and suffered severely tror the cold while there. CKiHia you Tin : irMcr nivsT. Kuinor ? of Coming KcclvcrihU > tialnln Oriiniiil Aiming tuo Knowing. CHICAGO , Sept. 20. A special to the Pos from Peorla says : The belief Is growln among these who know something of the ir side workings of the AA'hlaky trust that crisis Is rapidly approachlng'and that some e Its olllccrs would not care much If it wei thrown Into Iho hands of a receiver. Th ! belief Is strengthened by the presence here e the officers of the American Distributing con pany of New York , who 'have come to maV an Investigation of the safety of the rcbal vouchers. They have ben In consultatlo with Sam AVoolncr , whose 'nciv distillery , tl : largest In the world , will btf ready for open tlon next month , and which nlono can suppl all the demand In the present condition of tl trade. It la possible thai a deal may I made with him and the trust left out. PEORIA , III. , Sept. 20. President Greei but of ths Distilling & Cattle Feeding con pany. thU evening Issued a call for a spec ! meeting ot the board of directors to be he In this city tomorrow morning at 9 o'cloc The business Is ot the most urgent kind , ar a full attendance Is requested. Preside ] Grecnhut refused to state'the object. JIUASTKU A KKO Of I'UiritElt. Tcil Jenkins' ImlllTcreiicp'to lletalln Ci us < Ht-rlous Trouble. LAnAMIE , AVyo. . Sent. 20. ( Special. ) Ted Jenkins , forem n for . .Richard Englan the -wool grower , narrowly escaped dea by n peculiar accident yesterday. He TV moving camp , and among his effects w a fifty-pound keg of powder , which he plac In the oven ot his camp stove Icr safet When he struck camp again he forgot abe the pcwder In the1 oven , and proceeded build a flro In the stove. He lay dev In his blankets and went to sleep. He long he remained there before the explosl occurred Is not known. AV'hen discover by a sheep herder he was lying on t : ground In an unconscious condlllni , with broken Jaw and a horrible' gash In his hea Not a vestige of the camp sieve remialne The victim was revived ! and a physlcl summoned from Carbon. ; IIe Is now gettl along nicely. It Is a , mystery that Jenkl was not Instantly > klllrd by the force of. t explosion , > _ > , Odd Fellows Smurcfsn 'Gnin-.l I.o-lee. CHATTANOOGA , .Term : ' . Sept. 20 , T third session of the iovoregn ) grand led ) Independent Oreler of Odd Frllows , was open at Lookout Inn this nforirifng at 9 o'cloe s The report of the eoromittee : appointed e locate and erect a building as headquarte In Ualtimoro was ? ' j > o tponed Inde nllely. The law' .requiring a ca ton tax was repealed. ' A past grand mastc and past grand patriarchs * association w authorized lor each. JifrlidfcUon. A spec committee was appointed to Investigate I alleged misappropriation1of'funds donated the Fargo sufferers. Legislation on the t mission of women to thri order through t 9 Itebekah lodge came next ; The new constl { tlon admits all Odd Feljroa and wives a i all whllo women over ' ! $ Tears of nge w "believe In ths Ruler oj the Universe. " Jllavummtft of S ; i-i < iliiif VeMOln. S pt. 30 At New YorkrrlvedAller. . fn Bremen ; America , train London. At Uremen Arrlvcd--'Lahn , from N At HamburB-ArrlvcHl-Scandla , from N r York. ' i At San Frnncl ce > 5".Ueparted llarlpo for Honolulu nnd Sydney. At New York Arrived NormnnlH , fr Iliiinbure ; Brennlc , from Liverpool. At Boulogne Arrived Vuandam , fr Jsi-w York , Southampton Arrived Columbia , fr "New York for Hamburg ; Hcandla , fr New York for Hamburg. . . . Union I'ML-Illu iH-ati the ICu > ( ir.inilv. CIIUYENNIJ , AVyo. , ' Sept. 20. The 1 cattle train reached Kantaa City scvc h-urs ahead ot the Rle ) Grande and West train , The average time made betwi Cheyenne and the ilritlnatton wnx twen eight and three-quarters mllex an The run Is conceded tebe the tautest e made with a similar train In the weU , POOR DAY FOR PIE BITERS Administration-Major } Ken 81 like a Snag ftttho Polls in Douglas Oounty. DECENCY IN POLITICS AMPLY VINDICM\D Efforts of Kings nnd Corporation * to Aid TutuoDil Tom Itcljukcil by Democrats llculrii In Their Strongholds AlluoU 'l-vvo to Our. Not long after the republican state con- venttcn , when It became obvious to the nu.'iagcrs of Tom Majors' campaign , who In cluded the chief moguls of the republican ring and the railroad bosses , of whcm Ciar Holdrrge of the Burlington is a type , that both the character of their candidate and the methods by which his noulnatl.n wan cecurcd combined to make his candidacy distasteful and hla election , In their own opinion , exceedingly doubtful , u condition accentuated by the fact that the populists had placed at the bead of their ticket a man of ability , \\lth a clean record and conservative views , a combination was made between them and the administration democrats in the desperate hope of still sav ing the fortunes ot their candidate , The cart these democrats was to play was to bring about the nomination _ of a straight democratic state ticket , with the avowed object of befuddling the party Into voting it , and thus take from Ilolcomb sup port that he would otherwise receive. It was said by The Bee at the lime , however , and has been often reiterated since , that no such deal and bargain as this could de ceive the honest men In any party , and this ( statement was abundantly proved by the re sult of the democratic primaries held yester day In Douglas county , while the nature ol the warlarc carried on by motley forces of Majors demonstrated that no mistake was made In estimating the- kind of methods they would resort to. With the chiefs for directors , the subor dinates and employes In all the federal of fices and depaitments were sent out and In some cases driven out to work fur the administration tickets ct the polls. Parties within the range if their Influence had been compelled both to go off and go on the cau cus tickets. Every man who expects ap pointment under the Incoming postmasters at Omaha and South Omaha was given to understand that his prospect of position was In n large If not to an absolute degree con tingent on the activity that he should show yesterday In seeking the election cf the administration tickets. Officers of banks that are the depositories of railroads had hacks running through the streets all day hauling back and forth men whose franchise they had It In their power to control. Contractors - with the mechanics tractors on fed-ral buildings ics and laborers under them , were Induced to ' share In ths activity spent In nn effort lo further the election of the tailored candidate. All of this Influence , together with a lavish expenditure of money , was combined to "manage" a general voting population that 'emed' disposed to repudiate the long series f acts of which .these methods were the cul mination , And the effort failed , BEGAN WITH A FOUGEHY ; Before the aim was fairly up ycsterdaj ueiiknnty.Ur.ybn. forces . bad. . .sprung , .pue f their llt.tle' tricks. Bryan had announces n his organ that all tickets bearing the names ot delegates who were acceptable ? U lira would be stamped with a fac-slmllo o : Is autograph. This was to Insure hli rlends voting for delegates who would make a platform upon which he could stiuid with' ut stultifying himself. The administrator crowd claimed to be for Bryan , and theii sample ballots wsre so marked. But while hey might bo pledged to Bryan , the Bryai nen declared that there was a eclicmo on foo' ' o capture the delegation , endorse Bryan and then adopt a platform which Bryan woulc lecllne to bland upon. Of course this \vouk ellcvc the alleged Bryan men from al > lanic. The scheme sprung by the admlnlstratloi forces yesterday was nothing more noi ess than a forgery of Mr. Bryan's auto graph. Tickets wcro distributed In all thi ivards and headed : "Delegates marked 'X are pledged to W. J. B'yan for United State1 senator. " The alleged facsimile of the au tngraph was a clumsy affair , set on an Incllm across the lop of the ticket , and about one lalf larger than the authorized facsimile The regular Bryan tlcltel was headed ; "Th ollowing candidates support me for Unltei States senator. W. J. Bryan. " When the Bryan supporters became awar of the plot they were momentarily discon certed , but they held a hurried consultatloi and decided that there was only one way t net , and that was to stand at the polls an denounce the eclicmo. This deceit made vote fast for the genuine Bryan ticket. At the primaries delegates were chosen I the county convention which m.cts Satur day to choose dele-sates to the state conven tlon , and also to the county convention whlc meets October 3 for the nomination of count officers. There were no contests , except wit respect to the former. At 2 o'clock this morning reports wore re celved from the whole county , except elgh country prtclncts. The figures show lll'.i fo Bryan and 2SV6 for the administration. * GI\ iiiK to the latter all of the forty delegate yet to hear from , Bryan will have IUV4 vote In the convention , against OS',4 ' for the at ! ministration. In the city of Omaha the Bryan nun plccf. solid delegations In the Third , Filth , Slxtl Seventh , Eighth and Ninth wards , and gei ting a part of the delegation in each of tli others. In not a single ward wtre the ai ministration men completely successful. Some of the Bryan men are not Holcom men , but the percentage Is very small , an < In view of the overwhtlmlng antl-admltili ( ration victory. Insignificantly small. Th detail of the fight was : ONLY PARTIALLY COMPROMISED. First Ward A compromise ticket ngro ! to bear the names of six administration an five Bryan men was the only one In slgl and was elected , sixty-eight votes hnvir been cast. At the close of the cont-st was given out that but three of the Brya men could be depended on , the olher tw bslng on the fence. Dilcgates to county del gatB convention are George Uertrnnd. J , ' Flannlnc , Charles Conoycr , C. Hocppner. 1 P. Mullen , John Murphy , II. J. JlcKInn John Povcrs , David Snanahan. Owen Slavi and Eugene Wharn. Delegates to counl nominating convention : Henry Blum , I ) . I Cartan , L , F. Crofoot , L. Hiintcn , Low He man , Thomas J. Lowry , John Mulvlhlll , Peti McCann , Sophas Nebler. William Neve. Jol Zeller , Second Ward The fight was h-.t. Wor : crs on both sides had been busy f days past. The Bryan men offered a cor promise some time ngo and were ' Ecoffi < t by the administration men. 'The reau was Hut Ml votes were cast and cnly tv administration men elected. The count w qult.t , although both tides watched the U Icrs closely. Delegates to county delegj convention : Fritz Illoemcr. H. Elsie , Pet K. EUasscr , Lee Ilerdmnn , Cnnrles 11 In Frank Jellen. Joseph Mlk , L. J. Plat James Sllghtam , Adam Sloup , A. P. Splth Delegates to uunty nominating conventlo U , I ) . Alexander , John Amlrlt , E. F. Augu tat , Charles Clausen , Chris G. EUain Y/llllam Hay. William Holmes , Patrl O'llearn , Antonio gc lzo , Sebastian Sal/ Mut Thaller. Third Ward There was nn fight cicci | for the asie-aior. The voting was excje i I Ingly < | Ulet until ufter t > o'clock , when air . ! incipient llghu occurrel which were quid ' ' tucleh | ? < l. The a s eior contett wan cic 3 I Jiroughout the day anl Harrington poll 5 i -he vcto that brought him the victory I I tinen B an.l 7 o'clock. ' He won with 1 T-.tes , OKalnut 113 f-jr Coagrovo. The sai ticket was run for th ? two convention ! a feu ! ) " ) pnn iion { at all , the Bryan delecatl getting the entire 327 votes cast. No antl- Brynn ticket was In the field. The delega tion elected was ! Gus Carey , ' Klchard Bur- dish , Domlnick Cosgrove , Thomas Murphy , Pat Horrlgan , John Hccvcs , Ed Hot h cry , James O'Donnell , John O'Connetl , Pnt Ford , Martin Shields. DEFEATED IN THE1U STRONGHOLD. Fourth Ward Probably the most bitterly contested fight In the city occurred in this ward , This was considered stronghold of the administration wing , but'tho confidence was not well founded. Ten Bryan men wcro elected , P. H. Carey being the only admin istration man who got In. There were S23 votes cast. Bedford received the highest number , 201 , Iho votes for the other Bryan nin ranging down lo 157 , Carey polled 101. The dclegalion Is as follows : Jeff W. Bed- lord , C. II , Brown , P. H. Cnrey , C. C. Crawl , P. C. Hcafcy , U. C. Jordan , It. V. Montague , J. C. Morrison , T. J. O'Brien , H. Hewenzwelg , W , S. Shoemaker. To the county nominating convention the following were elected : Philip Andres. Thomas Balfe , Jcft W. Bedford. P. II , Carey , Dennis Cunningham , George Hoff man , John Little , J. J. Mnhoney , S , J. Mont gomery , Jerry Mulvlhlll , W. S. Shoemaker. Fifth Ward In this- ward Iho "forg.-ry ticket" peddled by the anti-Bryan men proved a perfect boomerang. Every man on It was slaughtered without mercy and the "genuine" Bryan ticket was clictcd , receiving about 105 out ol the 237 votes cast. Delegates to county delegate convention are : W. P. Bar ton. J. II , Dallcy , James Daughton , L J. Dunn. John Leahy , H , M. Lawless , P. H. Median. A. P. McKcnna. T. F. O'Brien , P. E. O'Donnell and S. 11. Patten. Delegates to county nominating convention : Thomas S. Boyd , J. P. Dalley. James Flood. 0. E. Forbes , D. W. Merrow , John McDarnritt , James Noon , F. G. Patrick , C. E. Taylor , Charles Tuttle , W. T. Truckcy. Sixth AVard The fight was waged 1l after noon and early In the struggle the Bryan nun felt that they had an uphill fight. But they were greatly cheered about 8 o'clock , when their champion put In an appearance nt the polling place and made a tpcecti , which filled them with extraordinary ( rigor , at.d from that time on there was no doubt as to the result. The Bryan men won the fight by almost three to one. An amusing spec- laclo was witnessed In Chris Specht , an al leged republican , working at a dcm- ocrallc primary for Iho success ol the administration delegation. The number of votes cast was 288. Delegates tc county delegate conve-ntlon : George Tlerney , John Heed , W. H. Chadwlck , Joseph Sherry , W. A. Page , L. H. Parker , Jacob Hlner , Charles A. Tracy , J. E. Ileogan , Ed P , Smith , Dan B. Honln. Delegates to countj nominating convention : William Davis , Dar U. Honln , W. T. Johnson , J. H. Knowles D. W. McNnmara , C. Hiimohr , J. D. Hustln W. J. Schrader , G. Schrocder , M. C. Thax- Ion , George Tlerney. Seventh Ward There was no contest In this ward , the Bryan ticket being elected without opposition. The sixty-nine votes , casl were given to the following delegates : A Ackerman , John Dennis. Henry Fanner , M Hogan , J. B. Huse , A. Jackson. J. D. L Course , A. Murphy , J. Schnclderwlnd , P Smith , A. Waggoner. The delegates electee to the county nominating convention were n. Crooks , L. Fllas , W. L. Harold , W. K Jacobs , John Kowalskl , E. L. Magnus , F. A Megeath. J. D. Murphy , M. Murphy , H. H NewcombV , F. Webber , MEAT TAGOEHS KEPT BUSY. Eighth AVard A lively fight until aboul the middle of the afternoon. The forget sample ballots were freely distributed bj the administration crowd , and the hire' lings were trying to earn their money. Jo < Butler and Tom Leddj' , meat taggers a' ' South Omaha , holding Jobs by the grace o Secretary Morton , were on hand to show their fealty to the government , and the ) challenged a great many ol the voters. 'The Bryan men carrloJUho election by mon 'thati-a twp to one vote. Tom Bruner , i brother to the counclUnafir AvWnia.T cimdl date for the senate , on republican ticket came down and -votcxl with the admlnlstra tlon people , although he has nlwnys here tofore besn a republican. As the first votci were greatly against Bryan , he was sent for and. driving up In n buggy , he made i speech which captivated , the crowd , am from that time on until Ihe polls wer closed he izol Iwo out of every three vote ; cast. In his speech M- . Bryan roasted th < administration heelers and the rallrom crowd to a rich dark brown , and was greetei with cheers. Three hundred votes wer cast In this ward , but owing to the action o the challengers In resorting to delaying tac tics many voters turned away In dlsgus and did not vote. Four of the votes wen thrown out In the count , and out of the 23 Bryan delegates received over 200. Ther ticket , and tli was no contest on the county delegates are pledged to support Ed I1 Smith for county attorney. The- delegation to the county delegate convention are : Bar ney Doyle , Jams P. Conolly , J. A. Connors J. A Leancy. H. C. Miller , John McGorr > John McOreal , P. E. McKllllp. W. li O'ShaughncBBy , J. II. Schmidt , AV. F. AVap plch. Delegates lo county nominating con vcntlon : Dan P. Angel. Joseph Busier. J. l Connolly , James A. Connors. J. P. Dup dale. Thomas Leddy , John McGreal. A. 1 Uogcrs. Thomas Welsh , C. AV. AVhlte. AV. I ; AVapplch. AVapplch.Mil. . MAIITIN.S DAD MOVE. Ninth AVard There was a great deal o suppressed excitement in this ward , an a great deal that was not suppressed. Till is the home of Euclid Martin , chairman c the dclnocratlc slate central committee an leader of the anti-Bryan forces , Ho is als leader of the "slralghl" democrats. It I als > the homo of C. J. Smytlte , who Is on tl the leaders of the Bryan nnd free sllve forces. There wts a steady stream of volet from the llmo the polls opened until o'clock , nnd crowds stood around on the ersl whllo deserted corner nnd talked politic plenty. Everything1 was quiet until o'clock , save the usual dlscusslcn ns to wh were the regular Bryan men. The Marti forces claimed to be Just as favorable t Bryan as were the men endorsed by tht gentleman. Of course , this was denied litho the regular Bryan men , and the dispute wcro loud and long , and to alt appearance good natureJ. But about 5 o'clock a wi cloud , arose in the horizon and burst befoi anybody really knew that it was conilni > ! . . Mai tin tnd Mr. Sinylhe were thci marshalling their hosts and looking daggei at each other. There was a cessation I the stream ot the voters , and some cne ai cldentally closed the door of the bo th. Th alarmed Mr. Smythe , who thought he di tcctod traces of a Echeme. Stepping up ' M.\ Martin , he tald : "Why did you order that dear closed ? " "I did not order It clcscd , " replied M Martin. "Oh , yes , you did , " abserted Mr. Smyth "You are a liar , " retorted Mr. Martin. Quick as a llasli Mr. Smythe'K fist sh out and landed lightly upon Mr , Marti But before Mr. Smytho could follow It i the crowd interfered and separated the tv men. In all 210 votes were cast In tl Ninth ward , and the count prcgreesed wll exasperating slownens. Each side had i watchers there to fee that everything xvi filr , arid while one man called off the nam an-'lhcr kept tally on a sheei of legal c : paper. The booth was short on chairs ai one of the judges had to sit on a seal hastl obstructed from Iwo pieces of board. Tl watchers had to stand up. After countli about ten ballots tlie Judges tuid clerks pa look of a lunch , uhlch diversion occupied : hour , And It was after 8 o'clock before t county was fairly begun. None of the e called forged Bryan tickets were i-lrcuUt In the Ninth. There was f > omo critchln but only about as much as could be o counted for on tti ? grounds of personal frlcn ship for tome of the candidate R. The wa ucml Iwo to ono for Bryan , and ihe coun ticket Incked by the Bryan men went abe ilia same way. Joseph Garneau , who t : be n our. of the clly for over a month , i tuin d yeiterday. Ha had been plaeed up the anti-Bryan ticket without his knowM or < : o 11.10lit. When he IfJined of It he r , wroth nnd took off Ills coat for ilia Bry ticket. Delegates to county delegate conve tloir. George \V. Amu , 1 > . AV. Blrkhaus T. M. BurkeV. ] . J. Hart , John Hope , B. Kitchen , M. AV. Paine. C. L. Smith , C. Smytlie , I-'J AV lch , Jo.-l Went. Del g.-iUi county nominating convention : I. 3. lirac \V. C. Milliard , M. T. Burke , Gun C < .cp J. JGardneV , J. M. Olbbi , J. A. Lliiali ; ( Continued on Second Page , ) FUSE IN THE FIRST DISTRICT Democrats Erulorso Major Weir of Lincjln at FIR.T BALLOT ENDORSED THE POPULIST Platform Ailoptoil In I-'nvor of Silver l-'ro Col imsi' " d lti--iui > Ciuulldtu-y ( or Ilio tivimtu ( lltrn line m. TCCUMSKII , Neb. , Scpl. 20. ( Sp'dttl Tel- cRrainO-r-Tho democratic congicsslonal con vention of the First district was held In tlila city this evening. The following platform was adopted : AVe fnvor the Immediate restoration of free nml unllmllL-d roliingo of gold nnd sliver with n ratio of IS to I , without re gard to the notion of imy other nation on earth ; tariff for levcmie only. Income tux , the election of t'nltoil States senators by direct vote of Hie people , immediate fore closure of Hens ntralnst the Pacific mil- rani * , liberal pensions , iirbltmtlon nml economy In tliu handling1 of the publia funds. Resolutions wcro adcpted endorsing Bry an's public career and his candidacy for United States senator. ' Following this was the nomination of con gressmen. Candidates were J. H. Broady ol Lancaster , and A. II. Wolr , the populist nominee , of Lancasler. The risull was the endorsing of AVelr on the first ballot by n vote of ! )0 to 48. The Broady men had no hope of effecting their candidate's nomina tion , but wished to be recorded ns opposed to AVoir. The following resolution was adopted ; llpsolve-d , That A. H. AVelr be Immedi ately tendered a certiorate ot nomination , toRi-ther with n copy of tinplntform ndopt- cd by this convention , and Mint ln > bo re quesled lo communlrati' lit Ms e-.irll.vtt ccn vcnlencc with the clinlmmn the filigree. slonnl committee In rcgnul to accepting1 the same. After naming a central committee the con- venllon adjourned. AUendanco was mnnll. N DAY AT WAYNE. Solrrul Cnmllilute * Addrr * * thn Vtxltorn to Iho County I'tilr. AVAYNE , Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) This has been republican day at the AV'ayno county fair. The distinguished guests present were : Governor Crounse , Hon. John M. Tlinrston , Congressman Meiklc- John , Tom Majors , 11. K. Moore , Kugcno Moore nnd , A. J. Piper. The AVayno Re publican club , headed by the Wayne band , escorted the speakers to Iho fair grounds. Nearly 2,000 people were present. Gover nor Crounse was introduces ! nnd delivered an address , which was greeted wth | np. plause frequently. Hen. John M. Thurston was then Introduced , and for an hour de livered an Inlercfllng address. He mndo hosts of friends In AA'nyno and has accepted an Invitation to speak hero again October 2. Tern Majors' remarks were directed chiefly to urging republicans to stand up for Nebraska and vote for him. The fair Is a decided success. The erx- hlblls of farm prtducts Is" very good andl the show of thoroughbred stock Is excellent. The rncca were nn IntcrcstliiK feature of the fair , and the game of ball between AVayno and Leslie was wen by "Wayne , scor * 30 to 7. I'OFUMHT JMiiiTINei AT KICAHNISV. KrpubllcmiM tlmr. lonultty Suriitcfi Mnjar * . ' KEARNEY , Neb. , Sept , ' 2p. ( Special Tele gram. ) The biggest meeting to bo held by the populists In this county during this campaign was held here today. Senator Allen spokes for a couple of hours. He de clared the tariff question had nothing to do with the present financial depression , and that the American workman had become an American" tramp. He explained his vote on the sugar question by saying that ho pre ferred to put a tax on that commodity rather than to add to the national debt. Ho spokeaealn in the armory tonight. Kem , Powers and Greene also added their testi mony In behalf of the populist faith. The republicans feel quite encouraged over the prospects of their entire ticket except for governor , for It Is conceded that Holcomb will run away ahead ot his ticket , In the nriy-Mxtli District. LOUP CITY , Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Special. ) The adjourned session of the republican county convention was held here yesterday and Dr. H. R. Palmer of Litchfield nominated for representaltve of this , the Fifty-sixth district. Captain Black of Kearney , the re publican nomln o ot the Sixteenth senatorial district , addresbcd the meeting and created a very favorable Impression. W. II. Brown of Ashton was elected chairman of the county central committee , and AV. R. Mellor secretary. , The commltteemen are : Ashton , A. E. . Robertson ; Bristol , J. P. Cook ; Clay , J. W. j Throckmorton ; IClin , T. Chamhcrlln ; Harri son , F. AV. Tatej Hazard , 13. B. Minin ; Logan , AVllllam Strankmonn ; Loup City , G. H. Scott ; Oak Creek , O. Manchester ; Rockvllle , A. J. B. Falrbalrn ; Scott , David Ormsby ; AVebster. J. A. Converse ; AA'ashlngton , AVllllam Lan- don. Itnpill > ! Ic.ii ut Worlt. HASTINGS , Sept. 20. ( Special , ) The City [ lepubllcan club met In the- parlors ot thu [ lostwlck hotel last evening for the purpose of electing a secretary , which place was mad * vacant by the recent departure of Dr. 3T. Test from this city , and making preparations for the opening of th' campaign. George. xvas mude tecretary , nnd then various committees were appointed , which was fol lowed by the transaction of very Important business. They uro making great efforts to secure McKlnley here on or about Iho 15th of ncxl monlh , and everything seems to favor his coming , as President J , N. Clark of the republican c'.ub turned ; homo yes terday from Omaha , whore he has been on business connected with the organization , and reports having met with success. Iliiu ln iay t l.'riitrfonl. FORT ROBINSON. Neb. . Sept. 20. ( Special Telegram. ) Matt Daugherty opened the cam paign at Crawford today. Quito a number from the post attended. Ha devoted the most of his time to a subject near to the hearts of the people of this end of the big Sixth district Irrigation and Uio means he will use , if elected , to procure the passage of a national la\\ which will make farming on the semi-arid plains of Nebraska a pleasure. The democrats and populists iat ; a thorough shaking up at hla hands. The local papers bad Hon. 0. M. Kem billed to speak against him , but ho did not appear. Ilurluit Count ) Ki-piilillriin * . ORLEANS , Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) The republican county convention hero today was the most enthusiastic conven tion ever held In Marian county. C , A. Luco of Republican City was nominated for repre sentative ; L. J. Porter , Alma county , for at torney. Rousing speeches wcro made by M-Burs , Luce , Kcestcr nnd Hnrdln. Harlnn county republicans will elect the entire ticket thli year. Andrews' prospect : ! are growing brighter every day. Inilcn llolcomli Deii'iuiu-rH tlin stiit Itlnir. SEWARD. Neb. , Sept. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) Hon. Silas Holcomb address d an audience at the court home toilay , ( peaking nearly two hour * . He dlscufctcd the tariff quoitton , the management ol state financed end the maximum freight law , and charged , republican offlclala with corruption In tht management of the elate government , Tin C ) < 'Ioit : ! if I'ui'U M < ill. TECL'MSKH , Neb. . Sept. 20. ( Special Tele gram. ) "Cyclone" Davis of Texas expounded pjpullcttc doctrine to . fair slz-d audlonc * tor thr.e solid hours here this afternoon.