Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 20, 1894, Image 1

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Meager Dotfiils of a Great Naval Battle Off
the Goroan Coast ,
from Ilifl Cnnlllctlnsr ltcnort Itrcelvctl It
Appear * t.lltely llio Clilnoo llncl the
Wornt ol lli Flglit-l'rol > : ibllltjr
Hint Until Slilc Suffered.
SHANGHAI , Sept. ID. Dispatches received
here from Corca announce that the first naval
battle between modern ships of war has taken
place on the Yalu river , north ot the gulf of
Corea , and that both sides claim victory.
The Chinese squadron was covering the landIng -
Ing of n large force ot troops , destined to re
inforce the Chinese army operating against
the Japanese In Corea. Beyond this accounts
nre at variance. Numberless versions of the
loss's on each side have been received , and
It Is almost Impossible to obtain anything like
an accurate Idea of the outcome of the en
gagement. It cannot even be asserted with
any degree of confidence whether or not
the Japanese succeeded In their main ob
ject of preventing the landing of the Chinese
Eoldlcro In Corea , but the preponderance of
evidence appears to bo In favor of the Japs ,
one rumor even going so far as to say that
the Chinese transport vessels were blown up
and that all on board were drowned ,
It may be taken as correct that there was
very heavy loss on both sides , and probably
from one to four vessels belonging to each
country were cither sunk or in some other
way rendered useless for further fighting ,
Regarding the main point at Issue , one ac
count has it that the Chinese succeeded In
landing the troops , but that In nn engagement
which followed , the Japanese fleet , the Chin
Yu or the Chen Yu of the Chinese licet was
sunk and the Chao Yung nnd the Yang Wei
are reported to have been run ashore. One
of the Chinese war ships and three Japanese
ihlps are also said to have been lost , Ad
miral Ting , commander of the Chinese north
ern fleet , and Colonel Von Hannekln , form-
trly aide-de-camp to Viceroy LI Hung Chang ,
are reported to have been killed during the
ingagcmtnt. Colonel Von Hounekln will be
remembered as the German omcer who was
on board the transport Kcw Shuns when she
was sunk by a Japanese cruiser with the loss
of about 1,000 men.
Another report says that the Japanese suc
ceeded In preventing the landing of the
Chinese troops , and therefore the Japanese
claim a victory. It Is- added , however , that
the Japanese lost four war ships and that the
Japanese fleet was compelled to retreat after
having suffered heavy losses In killed and
wounded. The Chinese fleet returned to
Wcl-Hal-Wel. The second report says that
Admiral Ting and Colonel Von Hannekln
were not killed , but were severely wounded.
No further details of Importance ar ? given.
LONDON. Sept. ID. Dispatches received
nere from Shanghai confirm the report of a
severe battle fought on the Yalu river be
tween the fleets of China and Japan. These
dispatches also agreed In saying that the
dilutee ships were escorting troops bound tot
Corea. The battle was fought on teh bay al
the mouth of the Yulu river. The Chinese
troops were In the Second army corps , com
posed entirely oflluanes. According to the
Chlutee version there was no thought of sur
render on either side. The ships of botli
nations. It Is admitted , were terribly dam-
nged. The Japanese had the advantage ol
the weather berth and so maneuvered thai
both the Chinese boats and transports had tc
fight It out. The Chen Yuen , after flghtlnf
her guns to the last , was sunk by torpedoes
nnd a smaller Chinese VIBEC ] , which was
unarmed , was blown up. The steel cruliei
Cliao Tung was to damaged that she had U
be beached to escape capture. The crulsei
Yang Hcl was also driven ashore nnd has be
come a hopeless wreck. The Chinese claim
however , that three Japanese war ships wen
sunk , but their names are not given In tin
dispatches. The news of the naval battli
has created Intense excitement.
Another dispatch from Shanghai says tha
the Chinese war xhlp sunk was the Chi Yuen
although It 1s believed that a mistake has beei
made and that the Important Chinese wa
chip sunk by torpedoes Is the battleshli
Chen Yuen , the flagship of the Chines
northern squadron , commanded by Adtnlra
Further dispatches from Shanghai datei
today announce that the entire northen
fleet ot China was engaged In the nava
fight , reinforced by some tJilps of the Fo' '
Chow squadron. The Chlndso nre said t
have been hampered by want of room t
maneuver. The number of Japanese' wa
ships engaged la not stated and as man ;
of their vessels were stationed off the Plni
Yang Inlet , at the mouth ot the Ta Toni
river , their number In the Gulf of Core ;
was probably small. The sinking of th
big Chinese war ship Is confirmed and I
Is added that the Chinese war ships Chao
Yung and Yang Vcl were on fire when the :
were beached , These latest Shanghai ad
vices say that It Is significant that the tw
or three Chinese transports which wer
conveyed by the war ships of China have nc
returned and there are rumors that the
are all blown up , with the loss ot all hand
on board. From the Chtnesa garrisons
It Is gathered , that the loss on both side
In engagement will reach several thou
The dispatch received here trom Shane
hal Is dated 7-l5 ; p. in. today , and says thn
twelve Chinese warships arrived ycsterda
nt Port Arthur for repairs , Tha dUpatc
adds that on Monday taut the Chinese flee
consisting of fourteen warships , arrived-
the mouth ot Yalu river , convoying trans
ports having on board 0,000 troops. It wa
the Intention of Admiral Ling to dlfiembar
these troops Inside the mouth ot the" Yal
river , in order to form a force with whlc
to Intercept the Japanese advance upo
Monkdc-n , Manchuria , from which there is
railroad running tu Tien Tsln.
Whllo engaged In landing these troop :
net-online to this dispatch , a fleet of torpetl
boats was sighted approaching the rive
As soon as they were within range tn
Japanese attacked the Chinese. Then to
lowed a terrible conflict , lasting six hour
luring which the great guns , rapld.flrln
iuns and machine guns ot air eortswei
jsed with fearful effect on both sides. Hot
Beets nlio used torpedos repeatedly , an
Bred at each other continuously from tl
rapld-flrlng guna mounU-1 In the tops i
the different warships.
The latest advices from Shanghai seem .1
Elobllsh the fact that It was the Chlh-Yue
that was sunk by the Japanese , and not tl ;
Glum-Yuen , as some ot the earlier reporl
A dispatch filed at Shanghai at mldnlgl
yesterday Bays the Chinese claim they ( li
tealed the Japanese fleet. U Is added , hov
jver , that this claim Is niA entirely endorst
ay the correspondent at Port Arthur , whlc
lies acrots the gulf of Corea from the seer
sf thf engagement- says ho has see
tomn of the Chinese officers who took part I
the battle , and that they evidently belle *
their fliet had been victorious. Some halt
Jozen Chinese- warships put Into Port Arthu
Ml were badly damaged and full of woundi
men. It will require considerable time '
make the vessels serviceable.
Tim Chinese northern equadrcn , under tl
command of Admiral Ting , left Port Arthi
last Friday night , having uml r convi
seven transports. All the trojpj on boai
the transports were Ilunani-te , moit ot the
Infantry There were also a number of a
tUIerymen with their batteries on boar
Several Europeans orcompanled the flee
Tha object of the expedition was to lat
the troops iwar Vv'lju , whenre they were
be tent lo the front. Nothing was ses
of the rneiny until the m'ulh ot the Ya1
river was reached. Then a fleet of warahli
wns reported to bo In sight and bearli
down tor the Chinese squadron , Sljra
were hoisted on the flagship ordering the
ransports to make with all possible
speed for a place ot safety.
Signals wrro nlso tent for the Chinese
fleet to clear for action. This order was
promptly obeyed. In the meantime the
Japanese squadron was coming up rapidly ,
making direct for the Chinese vessels. The
transports had run toward shore , nnd hur
ried preparations were made to send the
.roops ashore. Many of them were landed
jcforo the battle commenced. The Chen
Yuen , one of the most powerful vessels In
the Chinese navy , tired a shot at the Japan
ese as soon ns the latter came In range of
hi-r guns , The fire was promptly returned ,
and soon the Chen Yuen was hotly engaged
with two large Japanese cruisers , one of
which Is said to have been the Chlyoila ,
The other Japanese- vessels got Into the po
sitions they desired , and the fight then bc-
came general.
For six hours the- battle was waged
furiously. , the deep boom of the great guns
commingling with the sharp reports of the
rifles. Nearly all Hie vessels on both sides
were engaged for the whole six hours. The
splendid cruiser , Chili Vuen , took n prominent
part In tin engagement. Her Krupp and
Armstrong guns were well served , nnd she
poured In n hot and well sustained fire from
her auxiliary battery. One of the Japanese
vessels discharged a torpedo at her. The
missile sped wtll trom Its tube and struck
the Chlh Vuen fairly. When It exploded. It
was apparent that It had done great damage ,
for the Chlh Yuen began almost iiu-
m-.dlately to settle. Her crew , however ,
stuck to their guns , and delivered some ef
fective shots before their vessel sank.
The belted cruiser King Yuen met n similar
fate , being struck with a torpedo , and sink
ing shortly afterward. Many of the crews
of both vessels went down while still stand
ing at their quarters. Only a few ot those
on board were saved , and It is reported COO
officers and men were , drowned by the foun
dering of those t\\o vessels.
After the Chlh Yuen ( not Chin Yuen )
and the King Yuen had gone down , the
cruisers Yang \Vol anJ Chao Yung ran
aground while maneuvering for position ,
They were helpless , and n , destructive fire
was poured Into them from the big guns of
the Japanese. Some of the Japanese war
ships devoted themselves for a time to the
transports , which had not timeto get out
of range. It la believed several ot the
transports were sunk , Including one from
which the troops had not been landed. It
Is estimated the total Chinese loss In killed
and wounded was 1,500. It Is reported the
Japanese- loss was 1,000 killed and wounded.
Up to the time of sending the dispatch It
was not possible to learn the names ot the
Japanese vessels the Chinese allege were
destroyed In the engagement.
The P.ill Mall Gazette this afternoon , com
menting on the battle , says : "Pending the
arrival ot the Japanese olllclal dispatches re
garding the fight , it Is difficult to form any
opinion as to which side suffered the more
damage. On the face of It , however , the Chi-
ncHc admit losing four of their very best
ships , whll ; the names ot the four Japanese
vessels alleged to have been sunk have not
yet been received. From the Chinese ac
count of the battle It appears that the fight
v.ns contlnurd until the vessels of both Bides
were In such condition that It was Impos
sible lo continue fighting. "
The St. James's Gazette remarks : "We
have cnly the Chinese accounts of the great
naval battle In the Ilay of Corea , but even
from lhse accounts It does not seem that the
Chinese got the best of It , They knew that
they lobt four of their best ships and they
( inly think or hope that the Japanese loss is
equally severe. Wo fancy that further news
will show that th ; Japanese have been al
most as successful with their fleet as with
their army. In that case China Is In a baO
way Indeed. "
WASHINGTON , Sept. 19. Sccretarj
Grcsliam today received three cablegrams
from the sent of war In the Orient. One from
Minister Denby , datd today , read as follows :
"Naval engagement off Noith Corea the 17th
five Chinese a'nd three Japanese vescels re
ported destroyed ; flc't at Port Arthur. "
Another also from Minister Denby bran
date ol yesterday and reads us follows : VTcl
egraphlo communication between Peking am
Chinese army In Corea cut off by Japan se. "
The other dispatch was from Minister Dunr
at Toklo , and was as follows :
TOKIO , Sopt. in. The following re
eelvecl from United Stutes minister at Seoul
"I'lcnso telegraph department Chinese arm ;
totally annihilated nt Pllaneyong. "
The department supposes the place namei
Is Ping Yang , though Its dispatch reads a'
NEW YOHK. Sept. 19. The Pel" Yang o
northern squadron , commanded by Admlra
Ting , according to "advices received her
recently from China , Is composed as follows
The ironclads Ting Yuen ( flagship ) and Chei
Yuen , until recently the most powerfu
vessels In the east , the Nrltl&h flagship a
the present time alone surpassing them
"built at Settln In 188 : . ' , of 7,400 tons displace
ment and C,000 horse power , equal to
t ccd of fourteen 'knots. With centra
armored belt of fourteen Inches , their arma
ment 30.G centimeter (12.1 ( Inch ) , Krupp gun
In twin mounting en barbette , with twelv
Inches of armorprotection. . The steel pro
Jectllcs for these guns weigh 725 pound
and thu charge of powder 202 pounds ; thel
perforating power at muzzle Is througl
twenty and one-half Inches of armor , Tw
flttesn-centlmetcr (5.8 ( Inch ) Krupp guns ar
carried , one In the bows and the other at th
stern , with eleven-Inch perforation powei
There are ttvee torpedo- tubes and mimerou
machine guns on deck and on the top :
Captain Low it the Ting Yuen , and Car.
tain Lin of the ° .hen Yuen , are both en
pertcnced and trained officers , having serve
under Admiral Tracey In training ship
In the British navy nnd more lately undo
Captain Llnd. Some SCO may be the numbt
of each ship's complement.
The SI Yuen , miscalled a torpedo crulsei
with a speed of barely fllftcen knots , wa
likewise built at Stettin In 18S3. It Is
poor ship , but carrying , however , two powei
ful Krupp guns forward with a nuizzl
perforation ot 1C.1 Inches ; one fifteen-cent
meter Krupp gun and four torpedo tubei
Captain Fang , her commander , has receive
naval training abroad. He Is a resolute an
ablet man , nnd would do justice to a bate
ship than he now commands.
The Chi Yuen and Clilng Yuen are EUwlc
built boats , tonnage , 3,000 tons , with a
entire protective steel deck , and a speed c
eighteen knots. These line vessels -carr
three twenty-one-centlmetcr guns , two foi
ward an a platform and one alt , and two sb
Inch Armstrong guns. They have furthe
four torpedo tubes each. Their commandei
are , respectively , Captain Tang and Captal
Yell , both competent men , especially th
The King Yuen and Lai Yuen are belle
(9-lnch ( ) cruisers , built In Stettin the sam
year aa the Elswlck boats (1SSC ( ) , 2.800 tor
displacement and with n speed of slxtee
knots. They arc armed with two clever
centimeter Krupp guns en barbette forwarc
two fifteen-centimeter Krupp guns , one o
either broadside and four torpedo Ulscharg
tubes. Their commanders , Captain Lin an
Captain Kew. both have had some tralnln
In the British naw.
NO JAl'ANKSU Mill's I.Oif.
Yokohunm Advlcos Cuulriiillrt Ulilncco Ite
X > ort of < lii | > anc o l.ome .
NR\V YORK. Sepl. 19 , A special dlspatc
( rein Shanghai says : Field 'Marshal Coui
Yagamatl. commanding the forces In Core ;
U marching with 45,000 Japanese troops c
Meukden from tht > southeast. The treasm
captured ot Ping Yang amounted I
SHANGHAI. Sept. 19. A dispatch receive
here frum Yokohama says : No Jupanei
vrstpls were lost In the engagement In Yu
river. The Japanese Warships Maaushlir
and Yoitis and the transport Salkkmau wei
engaged , but tn what e-xtent the dlspatc
does not state * . There was great loss <
life on both Bides ,
Moicmrnt * of Nraiculnv Veueli , St , 10.
At Liverpool Arrived Auranlo , from Ne
Al Phlladclphla-Arrlved-MlnncBOta , fro
Berntor'a Eatranco to t'aa Hall Greotol by
Hisses and Cheers.
No Direct Jionolutton of Cunnurc , but I lie
Convention Adinlnlntrrt n Ilebtikniy \
Toting- I'uvnr of I'opnlur Klcc-
tlon of United Slates Senators.
COUJMnUS , 0. , Sept. 13. The state demo
cratic convention met nt 10 o'clock today
with Frank E. Hurd of Toledo as temporary
chairman. In sounding the keynote of Ohio
democracy , Air. Hurd said :
"My fellow , democrats : 1 congratulate you
upon assembling In state convention In the
first flushes of the dawn of a new day ot
prosperity to the United States. Through
red seas the business men of this country
have passed , until hope began to fall and
despair had seized the managers of nturly
every enterprise- the land , For more than
twenty years tariff reformers have predicted
that such a condition must Inevltobly re
sult from protection. Hestrlctlon of the mar
ket resulted In over-production ot domestic
goods. Nor for this condition was the demo
cratic party In any respect responsible.
iVhatevcr dlstut banco conies through reforms
must be charged against the wrongs which
nakcs reforms necessary , and not against the
cforms themselves.
"The promise of business revival has come
artly because the clement of uncertainty Is
o what the tariff rates would bo has been
emoved. The new law Is not likely to ba
modified for some time by n general re-
flslon. Uut chiefly this result baa been , prc-
luced because the new law Is cheapening
he expenses of living. It proclaims the
doom of protection In the- United States.
"Local Interests represented by congrtss-
nen who desire popularity with their con-
tltticnts often Interpose- prevent necss-
ary changes nnd to prolong a system whlcfi
bestows local favors. These considerations
all appeal to the practical legislator , nnd
: nako necessary at the beginning of great
reforms a slowness ot movement exasper
ating to the enthusiastic reformers. For
hose reasons the new law nny not have
; ouo as far as many have wished , but It
ices a long way In the redemption of demo
cratic pledges and reforming our tariff sys
tems. It reduces on an average the rates
of the McKlnley law 30 per cent. "
Uut the chief merit , Mr. Hurd said , waste
to be found In the free list. The people
would be saved nearly } 45,000,000 per year.
The addition of wool to the free list made
he law one of the most important statutes
since the war. Ho predicted higher prices
for domestic wool to the farmer and cheaper
; oods to the consumer. In this way free
wool was destined to b but a precursor ,
very soon the people would demand that
other articles of foreign trade , so fur as
was practicable , should be brought In free.
Coming to the division of. the party on the
a rift question , Mr. Hurd said : "First and
oremcst , I give credit to Grovcr Cleveland
and John G. Carlisle. Free wool Is worth
more to- tariff reform than all the other pro
visions of the bill together. To their credit ,
be tt said , the Ohio democratic members In
the house stood flrm , every man voting for
freewool. . When by on word he could have
defeated fre wool , more credit Is due Senator
llrlce than to any other Influence , orto all
other Influences combined. "
Sir. Hurd counseled harmony and further
effort to agree. The different schedules
would require further adjustment In the. In
terest to free trade. The Chicago platform ,
ho said , declared that protection was un
constitutional and robbery. If that declara
tion were true , their mission could not b :
ended while a protective statute remained.
Mr. Hurd closed by saying he was op
posed to the American Protective associa
tion because- was a secret political society ,
and such societies , organized on religious lines ,
ere unconstitutional to the organizations and
the fundamental law both of the United
States and Ohio. The A , P. A. gave Governor
McKlnley his majority of 82,000 and tl.o
large republican majority In Maine. We
must make It plain that no man can be
a democrat and an A. P. A.
The committee on rules and order of bus
iness reported In favor of five-minute
speeches and the reference of all resolutions
to the committee without reading or debate.
Judge T. n. Bell of Drown county and
others characterized this as gag rule , but
no attempt was made to change or modify
it , and the report was adopted. After the
report of the committee on percnanont or
ganization had been adopted , making the
temporary organization permanent , General
G. U. Flnlcy of Itucyrus , chairman of the
con mlltee on resolutions , read the report
ot that committee , which Is as follows :
The plaiform praises "the efficient , econ
omical honest administration of Presi
dent Cleveland ; " declares "protection a
fraud and while recognizing the benefit of
the reduction ot duties on Imports Just made
made by congress , favors tuch further re-
ductlcn as can be made , to- the end that
purely protective duties bo abolished ; " de
clares that the McKinley' law caused the
business depression , reduced the revenue ami
led to the necessity for Issuing more
government bonds. Business failures , strikes ,
low \\ngfs and low prices for farm products
are enumerated as the result ot the Mc
Klnley law. Under the new tariff business
Is declared to be reviving.
The platform denounces the last general
assembly ot Ohio , Governor McKlnley's ad
ministration , and the American Protective as
sociation. It favors liberal pensions. a"cor-
rupt" practice law limiting the amount ol
money to be expended by candidates and a
law prohibiting free passes on railroads.
A minority of the committee on platform
reported In favor of adding to that document
a proposal to elect United States senators by
the people. Pending discussion , F. M. Gor
man , Tom Johnson , V. II. Kiln : . A. J. Pear
son , J. Eyler. Frank Hurd and John H.Clark
of the committee on platform offered a mi
nority report to the effect that the democrats
of Ohio favored honest money , the coinage ol
gold nnd silver. Interconvertible without loss ,
and opposed the proposed coinage of these
metals at 1C to 1.
The antl free silver proposition was de
feated by a vote of 4C.S to 319 ,
An exciting scene occurred during the dis
cussion to elect senators by ballot. Johr
H. Clark of Mahonlng declared In bltte :
terms that the senate was a millionaires
club , the convention greeting the senttmeni
with great nppUuse. Mr , Hrlce sat upor
the platform , looking pale anil Impassive
aa marble. ' AVhen Clark sat down Toir
Johnson arose and said he did not believe
Mr. Urlce bought his way Into the senate
This made the- matter somewhat persona
and the convention , went Into , great confu
sion. The chair ruled that the proposed
amendment was not In order , but the con
vention , by a vole of 467 to 328 , declarei
In favor of the election ot United Statei
senators by the people. This la regarded a ;
being tatamount to an Indirect censure o
Senator Hrlce. The movement was en
gineered by Congressman Tom Johnsn ni
other members equally prominent from north
ern , northeastern and torthwestern Ohio
They csme here for that purpose. In theli
wake came Major Deb Illeo of Cleveland
John Farley anil others of the city govern
ment , who are favorable to Hrlce. to pre
vent. If possible , the consummitlon of Mr
Johnson's design , They did prevent ar
open resolution ol censure , but the Indlrec
plan was succesiful.
The feeling as ID what was coming wai
pretty well developed early In the meeting
When Senator Brlce the bulldlnt
he sat down irar the stage near the Cayug :
delegation , and among -the northern Ohlc
men generally hUnes were heard to mlngli
with the very generous applause which
came from other parts of tha house. Con
giessman Outhwaltc , coming In a inomen
later , received great applause , * wlthou
hisses , making the core "otiMr. Drlcc pain
fully conspicuous to his trlemla ,
The stinger In the stnitorlnl resolution
was to have the central 'committee name ,
or have a candidate for"the r.enato named ,
to bo voted tar at the licxfclectton. This
was eliminated , nntiitho elimination Is re
garded as a victory Ibr the Brlco men.
The convention simply endorses the plan
of electing senators ; . The convention hns
been exciting the Indirect attempt
to get at Mr. Urlce. \
The convention has adjourned. Jtllton
Turner ot Qurnscy , a cine-armed soldier , waa
ririnliiat-d for ztcrplary of state.
The other nominations were : Judge of
the supreme court , James D , Ermlston of
Hamilton ; member of the Uoard of Public
Works , Harry B. Keefer ol Tuscarawusj
state commissioner of public schools , Dr , J ,
A. Leech of Franklin ,
jllrot In Stiite Convention anil Knun-
clalo Tlirlp I'latfdrill and L'rlnclplrx.
HARTFOJU ) , Conn. ( Sept.19. . The repub
lican stale convention reconvened this morn
ing at 10 o'clock ' with W. B. Slmonds pre
siding as permanent 'chairman. The com
mittee on resolutions reported the platform ,
which was adopted.
The platform reaffirms republican pledges
and scores the democratic 'national admin
istration for "laclt of ability to successfully
administer government , " and Invites the
business men , mechanics and farmers of
Connecticut to pass Judgment by ( heir bal
lots upon a democratic tariff bill conceived In
sectionalism and brought forth In scandal
and Justly denounced1 a monument of
"party perfidy nnd dlshflior. "
The tariff and money question are referred
to as follows : " \Ve call attention to the
declaration ot the democratic leaders that
thtlr ruinous fight for fr.ce trade la to be
renewed the first opportunity , as a fair
warning to the country "that its unprece-
lentsd commercial distress of the past two
years will be Indefinitely- prolonged , unless
the control of the'nffalrs § f this government
Is put back Into the haml ; of the republican
party , which alone has proved Itself equal to
the great trust.
"The republican party now , as always , the
party of hcnest money , holds that American
silver as well as American geld should be
used as standard money under such Interna
tional agreements cs will Insure the main
tenance of a parity of values. "
The platform , after endorsing the course
of the party In the state , closes with an ap
peal to voters as followsVe : Heartily
commend to the suffrage f c'ir fcilow cltl-
zents candidates frr state offices this day
nominated , and we loo' : forward confidently
to the election as an' expression of the de
sire felt by the people pf Connecticut for
a restoration of rcpubllcaji 'policy ' In control
cf our national effalrs. " |
Hon. Henry C. Itoblnran , ol Hartford placed
Colonel Cheney In nomination for governor
In n brilliant speech , calling forth frequent
applause , For New Haven county. Fred B.
Fornsworth nominated General Merwln of
New Haven. Ex-Senator 0. A' . Coffin of
Mlddletown , wns named by George- . Klmer
of Mlddletown. Charles T. "Scarles of Put
nam , nominated John Addlson Porter as
Wlndham county's candidate.
The first formal ballot resulted : Mcrwln ,
HO ; Cheney. 132 ; Coffin , 128 ; Porter. C3& ;
Scattering , 23. ' '
The New Haven and Merrlden men broke
( or Coffin , who was tihosen on the fourth
ballot , which resulted : Coffin. 2SO ; Cheney.
10S ; Merwln. 89. The nomination or Hon.
0. Vincent Coffin of ( Jllddlctown for gov
ernor was then mader-unenlmous. -
. .KxTLieutenant governor I * Cook was nom
inated for liqutenant govqrnor by ncclama-
tjon , and the other places wbre filled by ' bal
lots as follows : Secretary , Colonel 'W. A.
Mowray of Norwich' ' treasurer , Senator
George W. .Hodge of Windsorcomptroller ; ,
Uenjamln P , . Mead of Now Canaan. During
the evening a mass ratification meeting was
held In the armory and developed great en
thusiasm. ,
StrnlKlil' > ut Democrat * Ilavo No Show In
tlio South Carolina Convention ,
COLUMBIA , S. G. , Sept. 10. The state
democratic convention was called to order at
noon today by Senator Irby , chairman of the
executive csmmlttcc.Over 300 delegates
were present , every county being represented.
A majority are Tllmant&l ! , only one delega
tion from Charleston being conservative ,
The new constitution of the party was
adopted , which provides for a direct primary
for every candidate for any office from coroner
ner up ,
The platform endorses .the Ocala platform ,
as well as the Chlca'go' platform ; demands
the frco cslnage cf sliver at' a ratio ot 16
to 1 , and endorses 'dispensary law as the
best solution of the dispensary question ,
One section of the pi a I Conn as at first drawn ,
which denounced President Cleveland for fall
ing to carry out the pledges of the party
and lor proltltuting congress by patronage
to cany out his pcllcy , was finally killed
and no mention of the president or the na
tional administration 'was made. The
Charlsiton delegation tried hard to get the
convention to come out squarely on the
democratic platfcnn anil ; denounce pcpultsm ,
but their efforts were defeated by an over
whelming vote.
The ticket nominated was : Governor , John
Gary Evans ; lieutenant governor. W. H.
Tlmmerman ; treasurer , . A. T , C. Bates ; at
torney general , 0. W. Buchanan ; secretary
of state , D. H. Thomphlns , at present Till-
man's private secretary ; comptroller , James
Norton , now chief clerk In Ttllman's office ;
adjutant and Inspector general , John Gary
Watts ; superintendent of educutlon , W. D.
Mayflcld , Incumbent ; railroad commissioners ,
W. D. Evans , H. H. Thomas and J. C. Wll-
The nominees are all Tltlmnnltes and had
no opposition. The1 Charleston delegates
annjunced in the convention that they would
not support the nominees because they were
not en a true democratic platform. They were
hissed and Jeered and started to leave the
hall , but tor some reason did not.
The antl-Tlllman committee called their
convention to reassemble In this city on the
25th lust. , fcr the tiurf.ose cf placing a
ticket in opposition to' the one nominated
strode Tullpi Tariff ,
AUBURN" , Neb.Sept" . 19. ( Special Tele
gram , ) Jesse B. Strwlg , wid W. A. Howard ,
the campaign singer , . ' opened the republican
campaign In this dbuhty tonight. Mr.
Strode , in opening , ctvo his reasons why Ill-
was a republican andjad | that the one living
Issue befcre the American ! people tcday waa
the tariff question , " 'arid ' In a two hours'
speech discussed thcUubJect In an able man
ner and recited , history to show that slncf
! Slf > the nation wa' * > prosperous , when we
had a high protectlv rtariff , and that business
was stagnant and dtpre-rfted when we had
not. Mr. Howapl's' s rip , "Where Is Mj
Wandering William Tchlght , " captured th <
IlitAtliign I'rlma'rlo" Vnior Itryan.
HASTINGS , Sepl.19. . ( Speclal-vrhi )
democrats of the First ( and Third ward !
held their primaries Isatnight , Uverythlnt
went off smooth In the 'First ' and a Bryar
delegation was chosen uid Instructed foi
fusion. In tlip Thtraniatd there was < | ult <
a squabble between , those in favor of c
straight democratic 'tjcket ' am ) those In favoi
of fusion. W. II , Lantilng pointed out thi
benefits of fusion , while A. B. Wahl'iulsl
talked hard for. -straight ticket. Aflei
gome .lively debating a Bryan dcUgatloi
was cfl > scn and Inbtructed against fusion ,
Cnnerrniiiiiiiu 'tiiirjlinnr Kriioinlnnloit ,
TRENTON. N.1 J.V Sept. 19 , The Second
congressional district republican conventlot ,
today renomlnatcd Congressman John M
liului-r iU _ > .VVIII > er Today.
WILHKH , Neb ! , "Sept. 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Congressman Halner Is billed ti
cpeak ot the fair grounds tomorrow , and i
large croxvd U expected.
lloiiiixTuls Denounce !
COU'MUIA. 8. C. , Sept. 19. Thc drmc
cNllc state convent n met today nnd
g iciclutl D comlcmnlus Cleveland.
Administration Dim o-ats Will Pipit in
Primnrico Today Against. Holoomb.
Hnw They lluro Alrcmly Applied tlic
Thumbscrews to Men In 'JCIirlr L'nnvr
Opposition Culls Kvcrjf Ainu
to tiiu L'nlls.
It Is certain that the democratic primaries
to bo held In Oinnlm and Douglas county
from noon today until 1 o'clock In the even
ing will be watched with more Interest and
present a more earnest contest than any
that have been held for years , It will not
only bo tt fight bilween the administration
and free silver wings ot thD party , but In
a highly Important decree a contest between
the Majors and Holcoinb forces. In this
latter respect It will be something quite un
precedented. No other fact so clearly
shows the desperateBtrslts which the sup-
portcrs of the tattooed candidate for governor
are In , for It reveals beyond question that
the supporters of Tom Majors hope to gain
advantage from the result that must be de
termined on n democratic battlefield. The
candidacy of Mr. Bryan for the senate , while
an Important Issue In the- contest , nnd which
before the nomination of Tom Majors
seemed likely to be the only Issue , Is now
recognized as being a minor Issue , absolutely
subordinate to the engrossing question
whether Majors or Holcomb will' be the
gainer. This fact , however , will not modify
the general nature of the light , for the In
terests of both the Bryan men nnd the Hol
comb men are Identical.
Under those peculiar conditions the alliance
between the administration democrats and
the ring nnd railroad republicans Mins for
weeks been so notorious as to become
familiar an alllanco which seeks to ac
complish the nomination of a straight demo
cratic state ticket , with the purpcse of di
viding the aggregate vote In favor of Majors ,
an object s ? plain In Itself and made still
plainer by the private declarations of the
democrats who are foremost In advocating It
that no sensible voter In the state can longer
bo blinded to It by the talk that a straight
democratic ticket must be nmlnated for the
sake -preserving tlio "principles of the
democratic party. "
No democrat has yet been bold enough to
say that democratic success In the state cam
paign can b > expected. No democrat has yet
been found not candid enough to admit that
n democratic ticket could not possibly be-
elected , and no democrat has denied that a
democratic ticket If nominated would bo put
forward to hold In line democratic voters
who olhcrwls ? would vote for Holcomb.
The whole weight , without reserve , of the
local representatives of the administration In
federal ofilce Is being brought to bear to
down the antl-ailmlnlatratlon men , ChLfs
and subordinates In the customs , Internal
revenue. United States attorney's and United
States marshal's offices have been at work
for days with men that they can command ,
canvassing the several wards of the city In
the Interests of Tom Majors , fcelng more
clfisc-ly united with his heelers and the cor
poration and railroad powers behind him than
.they over wor"e Untsd with any of the - workers
ers In their" own party. They have com-
peljed certain men whom they .have to
benefit or injure to' withdraw from"antl -
admlnlBtrntlon caucus tlck-tJJ on which they
were placed nnd towhich even yet their
covert" support will be given. They have en
listed and In this their Importunity has been
met by like Importunity the letter car
riers' force , still under republican
supervision , among the cohorts that
are to do ward and precinct work , and rail
road employes , subordinate government of
ficials and attaches have been compelled to
allow their names to go on the "administra
tion" tickets , In order that they may add
the prestige of their personal Influence to
the slim hope the desperate managers have
of heading oft the popular move toward
Holcomb. In at least one Instance a bank
has compelled a debtor to go on the admin
istration ticket , In order to get the support
of his vote for the ticket on which his name
appears. Several of these , men. feeling their
helplessness and Inability to oppose success
fully the power by which they were forced
Into this compromising situation were quietly
working last night , urging their frlenils to
vote against them today. It Is the part of
every democrat who wants to see- honesty
uppermost In the state administration to
vote against the "administration" Majors-
Castor-antl-Jlryan combination.
Deceitful In pretending to concede the
Sixth and Seventh wards , these schemers
have really been making a most determined
effort under cover to capture the delegations
from these wards , Admitting that In the
other wards , and particularly the Second ,
Fourth , Eighth and Ninth , 'there Is to bo an
open flght , they will In these wards use all
the Influences not masked In the two flrst
To meet this opposition. In which federal
patronage , railroad money and corporate
ring methods will all be combined
against the plain masses of democratic
voters , the antl-admlnlstratlon men are noun-
selling every man In the party who Is shrewd
enough and sensible enough to wish for
honest government and the enforcement ol
the opinion of the common people In the
administration ot civic affairs to rally at the
There Is going to be lots ot fun In the
democratic primaries today. As a matter
of fact , there has been a great deal of fur
during all the fight that ln-.a breii wagee
during the past month , There came near
being a monkey and parrot fight In HIP
First ward Tuesday night , and It was only
averted by the superior tacttcs of tha Bryan
supporters. Midnight Tuesday night ended
the time for filling petition tickets , aiifl to
this fact Is due. In a greut measure , the
result that there was not a vial anurint ol
democratic blood shed , flgun.t-vt'Iy ' speaking
The Bryan and antl-Iiryan forces hai
agreed that there would be no flght In the
ward , and as a result a compromise tlckei
was selected. Six delegates , representing
the antl-Ilryan forces , and fiverep'esentlni ,
the Dryan forces , were put upon the tlckc :
and all seemed ! serene. But about 10:3C :
o'clock that night the Dryan men got wine
of a scheme that was designed to knocli
them out. A petition ticket waa hurriedly
gotten together by the anti-Bryan men , the
object being to tandn'lch the Ilryun dele
gales In between a lot of antl-Iiryan dele
Then there was n hustling among UK
Dryan men , It was ton late to makeup i
petition , so three or four ot them got t
city directory and drew up a petition , will
about 100 names attached. This bogus pe
tltlon was given to Dan llonln , he of tin
strong voice , and the crowd went to hrad
quarters at Louis Plattl's office. Charlej
Conoyer hint the aiul-llryan petition In hit
pocket. When the matter was mentioned t (
Chairman Hush he expressed great sur
"We have , " eald Mr. Hush , In his bland
esl tones , "played fair with you In till :
matter. "
"Well. Mr. Uiuh. " remarked C. J. SmytJie
"wo have evidence which goes to show tha
the opposite of what you say IE correct. "
A little- discussion followed , and tudilenl :
llonln. drew the bogus petition from hi
pocket , and shook It In Coniyer's face.
"File your petition it you dare , Mr. Con
oyer , " shouted llonln , "We are ready I
glvo you a fight. " And then llonln laughe <
a llonln laugh.
And llonln stood there with that bogu
petition and bluffed the administration gani
clear out ot the game. Uvery man In th
croud had lili watch out , and when th
midnight hour arrived there waa a nigh o
" lief from the Jlrvin men. If Conoyer bai
lied his llttlo petition the Bryan men would
inve been In the consomme. As It Is , all
vlll bo harmony In the First ward , tsnve
hat there will bo a bitter fight all along
he line.
Further expression of opinion from local
cmocrats relative to the situation
ms been solicited and Is given herewith :
James It , Mclntosh When It comes to
! iscuslng p titles I beg to be excused , My
pinion Is Incompetent. Irrelevant and Im-
natcrlal. Hut 1 believe that democratic
tate conventions should bo democratic. In
( her words I do not believe that democrats
houlil help elect the other fellows.
"Warren Swltzler I am of the oplnl.n that
ho wisest plan fcr the democratic state con-
ontlon to pursue would bo to place a straight
Icket In the Held. When I look deeper Into
he situation I nuy , however , change my
nltnl. Hut us a rule I do not believe-
vise for democratic conventions to fuse with
ther parties.Ve should preserve our
dentilI believe- that Hclcomb will bo
elected. I have formed this opinion from
bjervatlon. Whatever the democratic state
convention may do will not , In my Judgment ,
affect the result , Ni one supposes for a
tioment that the dc me era tic ticket would
stand a ghost of a show.
Euclid Maitln Democrats should have a
( ( Might ticket In the Hold. Democracy
ncans something , end t believe In fighting
or the principles of democracy. The cry
of opposition to Hryan Is a means taken by
lint t3 befog the Issue , Ills friends say
hat there la cpposltlon to him , when there
s not. There Is , however , opposition to Ills
10 to 1 silver policy. What the democratic
state convention should do Is to nd"pt a
)1 it form that will coincide with the Ch'cago
ilatfirm. There Is renlly no opposition to
; Ivlng Hryan the emlcrscmont of the state
convention , but there will bo opposition to
allowing him to make the platform , I
never t > aw a tlmo when things were In such
i chaat c condition. What the result will
) a Is purely a matter of conjecture , Hut
rou can quote me as being emphatically In
'aver of a straight state ticket. We are
Jeff W. Ilcdford This Is my busy season
and I hnvo very llttlo time to devote to the
study of the political situation. Judging by
what I Incidentally hear , there Is not much
situation. I believe that the nomination of
n straight ticket mums the election of
Majors. Personally 1 favor the state con
vention leaving governorship blank , and
n my opinion such n course will Insure the
election of Holcomb. Mr. Hryan is nit
right nnd will receive- the endorsement ot
Douglas county and ol the state convention ,
which I * Just nnd proper.
David ti. Cartan I favor either an out
right nomination of Holcomb or an endorse
ment to the- extent of leaving the governor
ship blank. Bryan will be endorsed by the
Duuglas county convention and by the state
Frank J. Hurkley There is no chance of
electing a democrat as governor of Ne
braska , therefore I favor a democratic cn-
durKoment of a man who comes near repre
senting democratic principles. As democrats
ws have nothing In common with Majors ,
and by putting a straight ticket In the
field we Increase bis chances , 1 am In
favor of endorsing Holcomb. Wo should
also endorse Dryan , but not his policy ot
the free coinage of silver at the intio of
1C to 1. Looking at the proposition from a
democratic standpoint , I bellvo such action
would create dlsconl , Wo must be united.
Patrick C. Hcafey Of course I am a
democrat , but I do not know what to say
about the stata convention. I prefer Hol
comb to Majors. If a straight ticket will
Increase Majors' chances , then I am for
endorsing Holcoinb. Of course I am for
rtryan. Ho represents the Interests of the
W. S. Shoemaker I am In favor of the
xUto convention nominating Holcomb out
right. It will do no particular-Rood to. en
dorse him. We do not want MaJrTn. and by
putting a straight ticket in the field we In
crease the danger pf having him In the
governor's chair. Hryan will be endorsed
without much opposition , and BO will his dec-
laratlcn of principles.
T. J. Mnhoncy I am nil at eea the demo
cratic ptrty is all at sea. If we put up a
straight ticket wo will hold BIHO democratic
volts that would otherwise g > to Majors.
Then there Is u certain class of corpiratlon
democrats heie who will vote for Majors
rather than Holcorrb. How this feeling Is
divided I csnnot tell. There is no opp : I-
tlon to Mr. Ilryan. Ills friends are trying
to inalco it appear that an attempt Is being
made to drag the ycung man down. There
Is not a bit of truth In nny such story.
There will be practically no opposition to
Ilryan In the state convent.'on. . Uut when it
comes to endowing his peculiar financial
views there will be a dUcutslon. There
will he a warm discussion on the question cf
nominating a ticket or endorsing the populist
ticket. I never saw a time when the politi
cal outlook was to thoroughly mixed.
Sheriff Urexel I am In favor of nominat
ing a straight democratic ticket. Demo
crats should stond up for democratic princi
ples , no matter whether there la a hope ot
success 0:1 not. Wo must stnnj together ss
denrcrats In order to preserve the party
organization ,
Deputy Sheriff Mahorioy I am emphati
cally In favor ot the state convention" nom
inating Holeomb outright. Why should we
put a straight ticket In the field when we
have no hope of success , and when we know
It will result In the certain election ot Tom
Majors ? It we nominate Iloleomb he will
be elected. If wo nominate a straight tlrket
Majors will be elected. Of this thoie can
be no doubl. This being the case , It se-
to me that the duty ot the democratic sti'
convention Is clear. I nm In favor of en
dorsing Bryan , and the free coinage of silver
at the ratio of 1C to 1.
II , Uoscnswelg The democratic state- con
vention will make political law for me. If
It endorses Holcomb , I am for Holcomb.
If It nominates a straight ticket , I am for u
straight ticket , I am u democrat , and want
what Is best for the intercuts of the demo
cratic party.
Eil P. Smith A short time ngo my volco
was for fusion. Now I am tor the nomina
tion of a straight ticket , and don't you for
get It. Why ? Because of the refusal ot
the populist county convention of Douglas
county to listen to nny proposition looking
toward fusion on the legislative ticket. II
they had fused with us we would have
elected twelve anti-republicans to the legis
lature , who would have bcn for Hryan ,
As It Is , they scern. toba against Dryan , for
their action materially Increases the chances
of the twelve Thurslon men to the legisla
ture. The refusal of the populists of the
Third congressional district to nominate
Judge Itoblnson unless he squarely announced
himself as a populist was another reapon
why I changed my mind , and came to the
conclusion that the democrats should put up
a straight ticket. If the populists refuse to
fuse , why should we lie down to them ?
There Is very little difference between us
anil the populists , and their refusal to treat
with us relieves us of all tilamo. The pop
ulists have no hope of electing their legisla
tive ticket in this county , and tliolr refusal
to listen to a proposition to combine forces
looks to meas If they did not want help.
That belns the cute , I nm not In favor ol
helping them. I am for Ilryan , and he will
be a winner.
T.i-xlnglun Unptilillran ICiitly.
LEXINGTON , Neb. , Sept , 10 , ( Speclal.- )
A republican ratification meeting was held
here last night and was well attended. Local
speakers entertained the audience. A mes
sage from J. H. MacColl was read. Mar-
Call's nainu called forth liberal applaucc
where all others failed.
UatU I lee lie it at I'alli City.
FALLS CITY. Neb , , Sept. J.9. ( Speclal.- )
"Cyclone" Davis , the populist campaign
talker , U booked to speak at the- court house
at this place Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
The popullits an democrats are trying tc
get together and futu , . .
Ill tliu rifli-mlli Krnnt'tirhil Ill.trict
BROKEN HOW , Sept. 19. ( Sptclal.Al )
the republican senatorial convention , licit
at Sargent yesterday , II , M , Sullivan wat
nominated for senator ot the Flftnnth dis
trict on the flrst ballot.
Judge Holcornb Explains the Method ) of th *
Liconln Ring.
In an AihlreM ll fnr mi ICnlluuliintlo Au
di nice itt Superior tlin I'MimlUt Lender
Imllrutc * Him thn ( III Itotini
Turn * 1'olltlnit Trluki.
SUPEHIOH , Neb. , Sept. 19 , ( Special Tele
gram. ) The crowd that met this aftcrno-n
In Ibis city to listen to lion , Silas Hol
comb was largo and enthusiastic , the opera
heuse being tilled to Its utmost capacity.
Many came from a distance of thirty miles.
Judge Holcomb held the attention ct his au
dience for two and a half hours , while he
very ably discussed the topics of the most
Interest to the voters and taxpayers ot Ne
braska , Ho most forcibly placed beftre his
listeners the tricks and treachery practiced
upon the people cf Nebraska by the state
liouso ring nt Lincoln , and how the will ot
the people Is defeated by these Individuals.
Taking the maximum rate bill as nn example
ho shewed very plainly how the majority
was squelched In that instance by the rail
roads and their cappers , lie made many
friends who will stand by him In ( he coming
election , and the twenty-three votes
which prominent republicans of this
city have expressed themselves as going
to put In against Majcrr , will bo greatly in
ICrpuhllriim All O\rr Unit .Section Will
Srrntrh tlin II < > | | nt tlia Tlclccr.
PENDKIl , Neb. , Sept. 19.-SpccUl.-H ( )
now begins to loth here as II the republicans
have made a mistake by placing Majors In
nomination for governor. Inquiry among
a number of republican farmers In this
neighborhood Indicates that a great many ct
them are going to bolt the head of the
ticket and vets for Judge Iloleomb. They
seem to ba under the Impression that Majors
had something to do with Mosher's rascality
and are cf the- opinion that he Is not tha
proper man to put at the head of their
ticket. Then there are others who Bcem to
think that his nomination uas too strongly
endorsed by the railroad and banking In
terests cf the state to m'ake him a favorable *
man for the general Interests of the c.mmon
pcoplo. it Is true that In this town ths
republicans will stand by Majors pretty near
to a man , notwithstanding the fact that at
the tlmo cf the convention to select delegates
to the state convention there were two fac
tions one for MacCUl nnd the- other for
Majors and the contest was n decidedly hot
ime , but when you come to get Into the
rural districts It Is very different , nnd there
Is llttlo rcom for doubting that Holcomb
will carry Thurston cunty. They say ,
however , that had MacColl received the nom
ination he could have carried every republi
can farmer nlmost In the county. Consequently
quently , If the republican candidate la de
feated , ths party machine of Nebraska can
not dcdge the responsibility.
Politics is beginning to grow warmer as
the time for kettllng the representative ques
tion grows near. A new candidate now .bobs
up on the democratic side- for float rtpre'rtn-
tatlvo for this , the Sixteenth representative
! | trot | wiiidi district lit comprised of Da
kota , Thurston and Cumlng counties. Tha
new ueiii-ciutic canuiuuiu u Juiuca 1 > .
Twohlg , ex-county clerk of Dakota county ,
and at ptesent in the banking business at
South Sioux City.
At the democratic county convention held
last evening U. G. Strong was nominated
for county alUiney. the office of commis
sioner being left vacant , which looks as If
the democrats Intend to support Hobb , the
populist candidate for that position. The
democrats also elected delegates to attend the
representative convention at this place next
Mcnday. and also delegates to attend the
democratic senatorial convention to bo held
at Wakcfleld Saturday. The delegates to
the representative convention next Monday
were Instructed for Fritz.
On the republican side of the hcusc II. a.
Swenson , editor of the Republic of this city ,
Is a candidate for float representative , and ,
while he has many Influential friends among
the republicans of Thurston and Dakota
counties , his nomination la hardly considered
probable , ns It Is quite generally conceded
that Curnlng county will furnish the- republi
can candidate for the place. In the event
of Twohlg's nomination by the democrats
next Monday , the republicans feel sanguine
of success nt the polls , from the fact that
the Americans of Dakota county. Irrespective
of political affiliations , will light him bit
terly in consequence of his Catholicism ,
there bnlng a bitter war In that county be
tween the Catholics and American Protective
I.I n roll ) Dnmncnttx l'avniVeir. .
' "
LINCOLN , Sept. 19. ( Special Telegram , )
A delegation of forty-seven of the faithful"
left this afternoon for Tecumseh to attend
the democratlo convention of the First dis
trict. The entire body expresses itself as In
favor of Mayor Weir , whose popullstlo ten
dencies are well known , Attorney Ed
Lamb , who gees with the delegation , la
known to have some ambitions for the nomi
nation himself , nnd It Is .not known what
attitude his followers may take , h < i having
nothing to say on the matter.
A number cf the democrats of the city ,
led by "Doc" Edwards , got together last
night and perfected the organization of a
permanent democratic club. After some
discussion the name cf the "Jeffersonlan
Democratic club" was adopted , nnd the club
adjourned to meet again en Friday evening.
1'runttor Comity for Itryiiu.
CURTIS , Neb. , Sept. 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The Frontier county democrats held.
their convention today nt Stockvllle. The
Dryan faction elected delegates to the state
convention today by n vote of It to 10 , aa
follows : J. L. White and J. W. Melvln.
The delegates to the congressional conven
tion are : B , A. Hnrlan. U. I ) . Logan , F. M.
Harv.lck and P. A. Harris , and favor the
endorsement of McKelghan , The following
ticket was nominated : J. L. White , county
attorney ; Chrln Crabenstcln , county commis
sioner ; Ur. Willis Wilson , coroner.
A nit llr.vunVm Nut Mentlimml ,
RED CLOUD , Neb. , Sept. 19. ( Special. )
The democratic county convention met here
yesterday and nominated Amos Dillon of
Guide Hock for represent at Iv'.and F. C. Bus-
chow of Blue Hill , for county attorney ,
Fusion was defeated all along the line , full
delegations being sent to the scnatprlal and
float representative conv ntlona. Free silver
was not once mentioned and Bryan's nama
was a name that was not spoken.
Keloi-tnd u You i ? Attorney.
HBD CLOUD , Neb. , Sept. 19. ( Special. )
The republican convention of the Forty-sixth ,
representative district , compoxoil of Adama
and Webster counties , mot yesterday at Illuo
Hill and nominated Randolph McNItt of thla
place on th ! twelfth ballot.
Mr. McNItt Is n brilliant young 'attorney ,
and a fluent speaker.
lluwo mill Hli-oilo tn
FALLS CITY , Neb. , Sept. 19. ( Speclal. )
There will be a republican rally In Geyllng'8
opera house Saturday evening. This In the
first rally ot the campaign. Hon. Jesse D.
Strode and Church Howe will do the talking
and n big crowd IB expected to ba present , t
Holt C'nuiily Opn tl'.r > nn. I
O'NICH.L , Neb. , lept. 19. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The democratic county convention
wns trld In this city today , anil , contrary to ;
expectations , It was a very tame and one- ,
aided gutherlng. The administration demo *
crat * had everything their own war. The ;