Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 18, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    1 ; * . - f
6 THE OMAHA . DATI.Y 13EE : mitiSDAY < . . , SEPTEMBER - - - - - - 18 , ISO * . 1
CpccnlnlV6 Branch of the Grain Market
Was tfcak Early ,
Wheat I'luc imtttl Whlply mill Corn
Aflcctp < l to n Dpuren In f > jnipnlli ) -
bliicksnml lion H I'lc'iroiiu
UIR Uctllnp.
CHICAGO , Stpt. t7. The speculative
branch ot the grain market was weak nt
the start today , nnil firm nt a Blight advance
on Saturday's price at the close. The vl -
Iblo supply of wheat , \vlilcli , according to
oil preccOentB , sliould luno In creased nl
least 1,250,000 bu. , sained only -Ifi.OOO Lu.
and that turned everything upnanl. Wlical
recovered ] , So loss and closed -ulth a gain
of He. Corn Is ' 0 higher after an carl )
decline of % c , and oats closed unclianRcd
rrovlslonswere firm In tone throughout.
A decrease of 1,326,000 bu. In the amount
oflient and Hour on ocean passage started
the wheat marl < et a little higher than It
closc < V Sattirdoy fternottn , Tlvc bears ,
however , poured old , short wheat Into U
nnd It soon became heavy nnd dull. Tilt
northviestern receipts , while smaller than
dome of Saturday' ; ) rumors had led to the
expectation , nere vudlcknlly lipiuy to be u
bearish factor. Liverpool uas quoted ijulte
ncthc , lint slcatly at the opcnlnR , and I'aih
10 centlnipa louer for wheat and ( lour , bill
a Ilcrlln prlvjlu cable rcportcil an nihnncr
there of I marks for October. Prlmurj
market receipts In the west were very
lienty. amounting- nearly 1,200,000 bu ;
that \vns considered the worst feature for
I ho bill IB of the day's development. ' De
cember opened ullli sellers at CG'ic , und n
feiv transactions nt that , but worked off
gradually under free offering * until it wits
down to BO' c , at which It held rtendy for
a long tlniu In the middle of tin session ,
At this triage of the procee llnna al ! the re
turns of the visible supply had been 10-
cclved except the quantity alloat on tit
InUes , nnd nn Increase of nhout I,25U,000 bu.
"wutt the Hlttmtton up to thnt time , and n
Bmall decrease on the lakes , perhaps 100,000
liu. , and 200,000 bu. was expected to com-
pl te the reports. The dccrraso on the proved to b' 1,203,000 bu. , anil that left
an Increase of only 10,000 bu. In the visible
supply for the week , as against 1,000,000 bu.
increase at leant as , confidently looked for
a moment previous to the receipt of the lloit
figures Th' prlco look an Immediate Jump
to DO'&r , with one 8ale as high as GG'/Sc.
Unough came out ut the advance to cause"
reaction to EOc. New York began to send
liuylng orders near the close , and December
finished at GflUr.
Corn op nctl strong at Uc advance , but
was very noon thereafter seeking customer-
at % c under the highest price It touched at
the Btnrt. Th receipts were B74 cars under
the estimated rail receipts , but , In addition , ,
there -was 2,600 bu. by canal. A light frost
liad been experienced In South Dakota on
S u inlay night , but It not supposed to
have Injured Die remnlmltr of the corn still
left standing there. Borne little strength was
Imparted by a prediction of frost tonight In
Iowa , Nebraska and Wisconsin , but the mar
ket did not advance materially until wheal
took IIi leap of surprise at the visible sup
ply figures. The visible supply of corn In
creased 455,000 bu , , making the total 4,101-
000 bu , compared with an Increase of 05-
000 bu. on tliD corresponding week of the
year before , which luft the total visible
of that year nt 6,421,000 , bu. The
opening price for May was 53Vic , with a few
Kales as high as 51c , nnd one or two trans
actions nt the same time at 53' c. There
were se-n plenty of sellers at the lowest of
thosQ quotations , and before long the price
got down lo r > 2c. It rallied again In sym
pathy with the htrength In wheat , finally
becoming ; strong on Its ov\n account , and
closed at 5.1 > ; c.
In oats business was light and prices , after
opening flrm with corn , later fell from the
zamo cause. The disposition to trad ? ell her
way Has llinlud. Carrlngtcn-Hannnh WCTP
offering October freely , but -cnly u compara
tively small portion was taken. October
stmod at S0c , sold down to SOTJc and
clcsed nt SO e ,
It was found difficult to buy any pro
visions , nnd Immediately after the opaiiing
there uppeare'd to bo a good Inquiry from
local shorlu. The Anglo-American Packing
company helped the early sellers to get a
good price for their offerings. Hutcl >
Droa. were Ireo sellers later In the dii >
nnd John Cudahy a buyer. The market had
a weak uptll In the middle of the session ,
vhen wheat and corn \vere- showing their
midday heaviness , but for the most part
provisions ruled firm and were Btrong ct
the close. Latest trading price : were at an
advance f'r the day of 17V4c In pork , IJ'.tc
In lard and lOc In ribs.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Cnfth nuolnllona were a * follows :
KI.OIJU JUllOo lower.
"VUIKAT No. 3 uprliiB , Mvfj4vje : No.
rprliiR. nominal ; No. 2 red. WVJSSljc1.
UOKK No : . 5 tc ; No. 3 jellow. B4Uc .
OATS No. 8 , SOJlc ; No , 2 wlllle , 33Q33UC : Nu
8 nhlte. 32 i33o.
-IlYi : No. 2. 4To.
llAKLIIV-.Nii. Z. 54c ; No , 3 , K < 3Wc ; No. 4 ,
1-LAX Hnii-No. 1. 11,4314.
TIMOTHY .SKii-I'rlme : , P.BS.
PIlOVIHIONrt Pork , num. per bbl. ,
I inl , per 100 Ibi , J3.8SITS.10 Snort , . „ „ , „ , , , . . „
( looa < > ) , 1770iff7.SOj dry mltcil BtumlderE ( boxe < l >
t6.Of(6W ( ) : hort clear Hides , ( boxnl ) , JX 101/S :3.
\VlllRICY-Dlallllrra1 ttnlahed jM > ds , per al. ,
The follontiiK nere the rtcelpta and HhlpnientH
today :
On the Produce eicohin a totlay tlia bnttor
ket utis tlnni cif.tmary , l < Sj44c ; dairy ,
J3J.8i.Oc EFB , flrm ut 13j IOo.
YeBterdujr'H giiotnllona on Dour , Uniln und
Provisions , -Mflclv itc ; ,
NU\V YUIIIC. Kept , IT.-rLOUll-necelptii.
: * W bbls. , enpoita , 10,400 bbl ; ale . 14Si
ll.ira. ; market dull , except for low imdea ,
Banted , rprlne imlrnts prened for sale ; winter
liutenla , | Uj3l ; Minnesota putmla , 3.Wfl |
3i3 , Mlnnrcotu bukeri , < J30 < fJSO. Boulhern
npur. dull ; common to fair , } iW 2.W ; K0od in
chcvli-e , ltW3.1 | . ll > o Hour , quiet ; niUi. JSJ
MKAlSteaily ; jellow western , | 1$0
lr2'A9. ! . " ' " " 'lywlne. J3.SU ; Mlus J.OOU ,
HY1J Dullj utate , UUS4c ; Jrraey , 4UHllc
AUUJY HALT- Finn , 'weatern. 8Jc ; state.
. 4 1 bu. , export * , l ,9)0
liu , salei. iW 0 < M bu tuturen , siO.tMO bu i > mit.
Bpot nctlVB und Heady , No. a red. In Mor nnil
jl ator , 57 .P. ullo-u , 47 4iUe. No. i northern.
W o : No. l ImrJ. 3Tic. jel verwl. Option
HMm l w < n lower cabin , large nnrth.
wedein reeclpls and local liquidation , bill
rallleil nharply un email visible. eit | > ply Incream
and was Eiiierally nrm all the altenioon , ch .
Ins Ho mlsuru'e. near months , and He diclliu
on Ma ) , Ua > , Ctn > 5Uc , closed at & 5c ; Orlol > er
iluHett it ti'iic , I > ecember , &J l-15a ( ' , ot ilonct
at 60 it %
COHN-lUcelptii 49,801) bu i exports , l.Kx ) bu
ralrs , 110 OW bu. fulur.-n , IJ.OOO Im | > u | r-im1
quiet. Nu. : , 63'ic. In stare ; C34c artoiu. Outloni
npene l weak under fortlRn telling and locu
llguilutlon , but later rallied quite vharvly < n
r < > M-rliR ] nnd sympathy with wheat , iloslnt : uu
rhanenl t He detllne ; April , cloacil n & 7Sc
May. M , ( jSTc , clojo , ! at STUci Hev > teiuber
61'iti . ' clovrtl at Mo. October , W 60IOMH
nt W ic ; Nmrrobfr , rlo e < l at Ou'.jO ; December
HMIMVi. cloned ut MHc.
OATS Itecelpta , 3&SW ) bu ; exports. l.COft bu.
ales , JiJO , ' bu futurei , M.OW bu. vpol. Hp < >
dull , No. t , } t sc. No. J , delUrred. lillc ; No. 3
JHic ; No. t white , 1740 ; No. 1 white , S Hc
track , white slate and western. MOIle. Option
ntakened early under Urje rrctlpts ami sym
with corn , but Ut r putlsJly nllicil
rlonlnr lit He net decline Jununrjon | i d nl
* l Mnjr 40'fHi'lr Hoiwd at 40'ic 8 ntemhe.r ,
< loi-ed ill 3Kn October. 34V5ic , eloMd nt K
Not inl r Wf. December cloied nl 3c
HOIItjulet flute , common to rliolrp , 4 19e
PiiulHi itwt. ; ? 1 < X . Isimlnn mnrkel Meady
HAY Wuk , rhlpplnff , WQXc , good to choice ,
HIDCfl Hlesi1 , vrel mllel New Ollenns
Ire ted. U lo Ibs. , WK : lluanofl Ayred , dry ,
3) lo 91 Ibs. 1 V , Toiiris drj , 21 lo 30 Ibl. .
W.U. ' .
I.iATIIiil-Ouli't , hemlotk sols , Hiienos
Aiff. llKht tii luaiy welnhls. IfUltc
\ \ tXlUulM ; di.iiii-MlP ilc e , lifiilc ; pulled.
i 2 > .
I'HOVISIONrt Ili-ef. tiraily. lul ni-nl . ilull.
p ikied I.elllM. , 8R9 < | c ; rlrld.d fihoulders. V c :
plikled hams. Ilffli4r. Lnrd , nrmer , wesletn
KliHiln < | H > CM | nt t * ) askfil : city. S'ltlOc , Kef |
lemlirr rtni > "a ut IT2i. noinlniil. .iHimnry I.M ,
n mined nrm , continent , flS ; H A. .
110. minimuml , tCM5it" .
CIIRKSi : Hiiss , sliile , Inrs * . S'tffllO'ic ; slnle ,
Miinll. 3itfll * < c : part skims , IfiS'bc ' , lull rMmi ,
. " ( l.lSr.
TAI.l.O\V-tull. cll > ( 2 per pke4V ) ; coun-
1iy < pliK" fire ) , So.
lll'TTnil nrm. -slcrn dairy U'i 17i. ; west-
m cp-niiiers. IMTZUtr , ne tern Inclor > , 15'JM
li'ic , lIlKlns. SI'Sc , Unto dairy , M022C , slate
n'amery , ISWIc.
1 : < HIS HtPHdi . Hnle nnd Prnnlanln. .
l i' Ice luiiife , lliJOlCc ; wsslirn frenh , I
HIF > ' JIT'.WS'W , ipreipts 7,172 pkRS
I'KTItOI.IHJM Dull , I'nllral clns'd nl
Mil. Wdslilnictnn , In bbln. . SOi Wnshhmlnn , In
bulk , relln-d New Yo'k JSlij Phllnilelphl.i
Mini lliltlmnr , $ " > 10 , Phllnlelp ila. anJ ItaitU
limn' . In bulk. (2 & )
IIOHIV HleaU ) ; stralneO. cointnon to Rood.
i.r. n : i
OJI'I'I ! ! ! Quol : lake , 9Uc
1'Hl IIIDN Qnlet , Pootch. } 1DMJ22M ( ! ; Ani"il-
j .
TIN-OiH-neil slionz < la ed nhnde ff , slnnts ,
> 1 4KneV ) . plnles. mirket cmlot
H I'l/rnil Shmle easier ; diineMlo , J1.4I :
alt-s in 'thiuiKe , M ton Hcnleir.lwr tin ill J16.3J ;
" , luun O-l ilier nt 5P ! 15R11 20.
COTION riii : > OH * InaclKc : prime mull.
WfilU nomlnil ; off crude 2S1i c , :
\vllnw liiilU-i Kt-nilM. STiFllSe'lOlop jrlloff , Cfic ;
prime rtllnw 3. . . ) Hlow , uft B" " ! * ' " . 33333'ic ;
prime while , E
IIMAIIA tll.M.HAL .11 lit Hi : TS.
t'ondltlnn or Tr de mil < ) iuititl : [ > m 01
Mmiln and 1'itmy I'rmlu "
UrTTKK PacMiiB stork. ] 1c ; fair lo
counti > , IKil.K , iholce. lu fancy. 1'iilSu ;
t'l-nl cifinui ) , 17TiO > ' ; separator creamei > , 2J .
ICH1H : Pti < I07 ISfilCc.
LUT l'OnTItS-Clil lieni , 1'SSiSo ; nn lcr- < .
V1 ! > pilii ilild.eiiH. 8c , ilttrks. 57l > c. hen t r-
ki-JK , ; < TlS ( , Kobbl'ls , if/d ; old Ketic , 4fi * > C.
OA.Mi : PiiilikihltKens , \ouni ? . pir d.ia , 1275
fll "rt ; | iinlil < - ihlcKeiM , old , pi.r < ! " / . 12 : Brouxe.
3"uii ( , , ] i-p ilii , 2.7.'fl3.V ) ! KIIHIIP , i M , | nr doz ,
t2 , ducks blue Mlnf , ' teal , per iloz. , (1 M' ducks ,
KIM n w.iKleal ! , per duz . ti ! i , "lurl.s. mixed ,
per d < > z. , tl : inma lintK , Jl OOWI "D
VIL\I < I'hoke fill nnd small veals lire < ] UOtml
il Vfi , 'ji . < i > iHe nnd laijro , Sfflc.
< 'llii.Si : : Wlrcnnsln , full cieam. new make ,
121 U'ai N < liru ka ami Inun , full cmini , 1U ,
SMuiinKii nnil lii n , pnrt Mm , 7E ( < 'j Llmlm Ber ,
\'i 1 111- , li-lilc No. I , 12c : K l i , No. 1 , lllrlSc
] 1A1 I'.ili di'in.ind. coed iiipph Upland hav ,
W ; inlilliiiul. S3 V ) , lo ! nnd < S ; r\v xtiaw , tl ,
( > ) lnr iniiki'Fi Hip prli. on Imy. LlKht bale * s'll h < * st Only tup Ein'les brills 'op prices
PlliON.HOld lilluH | ier doz. . I0c
POTA' ! OiS-Cnllfoiiila.
MIMONH fJood Kind , , crated. J2-1.
CANTii. < irPiS Homo grown , 1'er doi. . II W
< rl.2-i.
OI.I ) lliANS-II nd-i1cKed | , imy. I. . ! ' ! ! m"-
dium , I'MU'icommon ; ; nhltn beans. J1.73
ffl W.
ONIONri-On urdei , : BtI 5c | er bu.
'AHHAHIJ On nideis 2c.
'ii.iilYPer : : dux. , 3) ) ( JOc.
s\viirr : POTATOKS i\r u > . , 3c ; jery , .
pel bbl.
API'Lt-S rtiKid tuik. per bbl. , J2.5 < )02.73 )
Pr\Clli : fnlirnuiln fiMMone , $1 r.01.2' :
illliKK , SI. : / ! . 1"
PI.IIMMnillfmnlo. . . $ I.M.
Pill Nis : ? I.J.vfl.JO ( , llnnK.irlan piuiiei , Jl/0
PiAllS-ll.iitMls. : $2 , clhcittlltl'H ( , Jl IOR
I.WAPHii < r > n- < _ i-al fnrnla , none
ftinilltlriS Callfrttnla , none.
nn.VI'i : * ! OiiH-mdi. 10 11 > tinNkeU S..c ; ral-
iroinla Tokny. JI.71 ; inu'tnt , fl.T'Wl' , OI1 > s'1" ' "
n.rx ) .
HANANAK ( . 'holce Mock , 1.72JJ per biinrh.
LKMONS Kanc > Itodl , 1C 5) ) ; fancy Musslra ,
fi T > .
PINiPPLINotie. .
wisonLLNnous. .
noa-Knne > . per Hi , 15c.
HCNRY ( Ailirornlo. 15c ; dnrk Ii3ney , 10012c.
MAPLi : f-YniTP Onllon cjmt , p-r IM. , 112.
NITS Almond * . ISTU'c : niialln l walnuts , 103
12 ? : I'.lbetli. 12c : llrazll nuts. IQc.
< 'll > rllVuie Jitlre. p-r bbl. , K ; half bbl . JS3. !
limnsN.I I sreen bides. 3 > , ' a. No. 2 Kreen
bidet. 2Vjr , NIL 1 jrreen sailed hides. 4o ; No :
Bri'i n HII | | M | bltlei. 3o ; No 1 grwn failed hld i ,
. " > In 40 Ibs. . 4r ; No , 2 Kio < n sallitl hides. - ' < to
10 ll > s. , Cc. Nn. 1 MMil calf , S to 13 Ibs , 7c ; No ,
aeil fiiU , X to IS ll > s Cc ; No 1 diy Mint hides
C < . : No. 2 dry Mini hlrtoa , 4c ; No. 1 dry sidteil
hide * . Mimrt \ < ured hides. V4c per Ib. less than
fullv lined
Hlliit' : : Pni.TK Clreen siltetl , each. 25fiCOo ;
xnvn HiltKl ) > heaillnis ( short nuoled eatly nklnn ,
"aili , PH/joo : Oiy shearlings ( short wooletl early
sk.nsl. No , I. each , M/Uo drj shearlings ( short
uonlij .uly pklns ) . No. 2 , each , Su ; dry Hint
ICaiisan und Xfbi.ipka butehi-r uool pells , per
II * . . udRlit , SfiKc ; dry Hint Kun&as and
Ts'ebnisKa nuirndn uool pelts , per Ib ,
weight , 4SJBH.C , dry nint Colorado butcher wool
pelt * . l i Ib. . nctual Height , liiClic : dry flint
folonidii murrain -woril pelts , per Ib . nctual
\ > olKht. 4fi e : ( nn < s feet cut off , as It Is useless
l" pay fiInlit on' them ) .
TALLOW ANIJ ailHASE Tallow , No. 1 , l4c :
titloN , Nfi l1 , 4r ; greaw. white A , 4c ; piease ,
white II. ' | iac ; siease , jellow. 3' ' c ; WU > P. dark.
. ' ' 41 ; old huiler. 2ii)212c ; bee \vax , prime , afp23o ;
rnueli M'llnw , 1'iSiJc ,
IIONI'S Car lots only , prices based nn delivery
at rhlciiKii ; iln" biiffiilo , p"r ton. H2MB1IOO ;
ilr3riiimli > , Hmc1i l , per ton , J10 < Mlil200 , drj-
onintiy , damp und meaty , per ton. 18.
C'nnilllliin of till ) Itlcu < rop.
Tbc fnlbinlnir H an < pltome f I > an Tillmigc'r
S.HH built tin No. 5 , rice crop 1891 , dated New
Voik. ! Vit eml > r 13 ; Crup nlone the Atlantic
ci list ( states nf North and South. Carolina uml
( iiorxliO \ < 11 luUanced nnd full nf pmin .
IIumstliiK falily sluiud nnd cmln nt tbreahsi
HbnwH KfHul uulturn In quantity and quillty.
Tut al nimiiiiii ! estimated at 1,300,000 busheli
As MK.irds I Mils'ana ' , which U the largest und
nii Ht Impottnnt rlct * gntwlni ? state. lhe > si ) :
\\hlb * there art' lepoMa of untowa-d | experi
ence by Indhldual planters , taken KB a nile ,
early pi inlliiKs are In ncjod futm nnd while to
the haiveet. Pldds arc eencrall > clean uml
fie r fium led rtre than e\er befoip. Lnte
plantlnirs are innMni ; rapid strtlei" . but the out
come Is proU.' , UB U has not headed
mid \\ill not m.iture until October , thetefore
ineiuiced b > iwi-s.ble noith winds , which mas
rhcclt nr hill. Lnbor and luuehlnery abundant
and the urnln cnn easlljbe cared for as fnM as
rwnly. IUa\y inlns i-irly til's eel < rnmielled
siu-peinlMti nf harvesting , damaged early cr p
In Horn" Ftxtloin , stnlks broken or whipped
neiily clean of Biiln. Injury , liOTM.r , as
compnroil with whole crop , uas tllKht , und full
toniiii 111 illon derlied In bcnultn to late rb.e.
IXImaleK u-KHrdlng the outcome cannot !
safely enlarKed from tlume g len last month.
i\'iy : ciiiidllloii ut the iiiomenl Is faMirnlilc
nnd the m react * planted under favorable .ius-
lili.-ti i-lxiiiM bo K < l for a > l > 'ld of l.iO'l.W )
H.ul.K , bill of this amount only l.OW " * ' sacKs.
siy l.'rtl.wW bu lnls , Is re.illj Rssurecl. The
tulil < uitccm nf crop will not under any oil-
liiltiHtiilui'.i fully met t tlio < nnsiimpthe cle-
niiind of th United Klatps , so that high av-
eiasf prk'Crt lire likely to pre\all If planters < "c-
itilsr * dlHcrttliin aid Oellberatluil In the dlH *
IxiHltlon of name.
Hi , I.onla GeniTUl Mnrkrt.
.ST. IXH'IS. Sept. 17 , rLOUIt heavy , but not
iUuliibly < luinE J.
VII CAT Opened ' 40 lilRher , but sold off > ( < :
on flTiMun IK-US Tie \NIble rr | > rl taused an
ui hinit to n ik.H.j i4c above Bitunl.iy , No. 2
ri'd. null und Keiitembei , We ; December. tCra
M' e ; May. M'SC.
I'OHN l'nlluv\fd wheat. RalnlnR Sc net ; No.
J mixed , i-OKli , 54'ie ; SHiiternbcr1 , S4'c ' ; Decem
ber. 4' c : May. Wi e.
OATH Htcml ) .
H\IJ Ixiwcr , uiifcfttliil ; inles of No. ! , cash ,
on truck &T c.
H.\KLIY-XU tmding ,
HltAX-Uufvt , steady ; mot trach , ac.ked , 3c.
KI.V.V Hinu : Higher : 11.4) ) bid , mat side.
I'LOVnil .SUni > Slendv , uncliansed.
TIMOTHY HKKD Illchi'i ; fanc'v , | J 6 .
HAY Steady , unchanged.
Ht'TTr3ll t'nchnnBeil.
I.i\I : > -ririiier. spot , 1310 ; Octob-r. | . ' 07'5.
t-OH.V SIKAI13COfl : . .
f ( n'ON THIS t'nrhansed.
H \H1NO ( ! Unihumted ,
PlUlVIHIONS-nosed BtronRer. Porlc , Rlnndnrd
ineii , jiilililni ; , M4.M. I.anl. iirlrne neam , J3.81 ;
"lau'u. VnVhul B iimlikn , ' IT.Yl , langi. JS.W'J ,
IllX'Kil'TK I'lniir. " .0i > 0 I.Wn. ! xvheat. 6 : , >
liu : rein 1" . ( * ) liu. ; < ( , G4,0 < X ) l' ' .
. UII'-MlINTi-i Kloui. ' - > > l > l > ln.i nheat , 1,004
bu i coin , I3.UOO Uu.i ualn. I.UOQ bu ,
Uulnili ( iniln 1
W'lAJTII. i > t. IT.-WIIIJAT-Clow. flrm.
No 1 hunt , taxh und September , S7c ; No , 1
northern , tilth , 55'Jp ; tu iirrKc , eld ur new ,
K\K ; | > temlier. Mlic : I > cce.mlr. WV e ; Hny ,
luHc. ; No. : , Die : Ko. 3 , We , rejeittd , 47o.
u\i-iio. :
1 limnilul > utr * .
ItOSTOK. rVit | 17. flearlntrn , tl7SI50 $ ; lial-
uiu-vii. ll,7i'.OII.
IIA1.TIMU1IIX Kepi. 17 , OlenrlliKX , jIM,0S ,
bulameii , $327,707 ,
NiW : YOltK. Bept. 17. CleurlnK , J74.CS7.6ili
luilumea , Jiso,4a.
I'lllI.ADIII.l'IHA , Bept. IT.-Cli-arlngi , 111) ) , .
ni.34tij tiuUnin. ji.03j.iw.
Ni\V YOIIK. Hept. 17. liar 'Utr In I < ondon ,
S lul low HI ut Si 7-1C.1 prr ut ,
M\V : OH1.KAKS , Sept. ll.-nearlnea , $ ; .V,5I1
Xewi > rk exLhunge. par , connrclal , Wk ; din.
MKMPIHX , .Sept. IT New York exchange sell
Inir at Jl.lo invmlum C'learlnRi , : Lai
unce . ja.137 ,
HAN KUANC1SCO. Fept. 17-Hrafta , alelit ,
IS'Ht ' t * > leKrn | > hlc. ISr. H1lM-r ban , 'i& 4c ,
lleilrun dullara. t3jStc. \ .
I'UlOAao. 8 pt. ll.-Clearlng * , J15.1J1.WO ,
Honey. 4tfW per cent on ci.ll , 4 P < r rent Ot
tlm . Nw York cichtni ; * , * 0o dlicount. for
tlKn pKclisime , firm r , ultillnc exflmiiR com-
mm < Is I. II K4BI 3
NP.\\ \n\\K \ Kept 17 N"W Yorh price tor
( . .itinv n Inl Mis. tic loner lit SJ'iW IUc. ROV-
rrnmrnl nom ) Lars. (4U < ( ' % i- .
1 AIIH HtM. 17. 4 p m.-Thlw per cent
rcnl > , l 3f. VTe fi > r the aununt. IXihnnge on
Ixm Inn ISf XV' for thrurcount
fT Mil IH , K pl IT.-nenilnas II.MT.DII ; l l-
nrfs JS3I (31 Jlun.'j' . dull lit uf(7 per cent.
xtlisnKi1 < n New Yolk. Me discount
I.ONUON Kept IIfin 111 Is nuoted nl llueniw
A > res lnds > nt t.\ ' , at M idrld , 17.50 , MsUin ,
: i : : . KI. PetersUuig , CO. Athens. 77 ; Home ,
\lciiiin , 103.
Un SlcnljNrlllnB the Mijt > rltr ol III
HecMirltlrs DccH id. .
NEW YOHK , Sept. 17. Sugar opened at
103 , ex-dividend ot 3 per cent , a decline ot
U Per cent , taking oft the dividend from
Saturday's ' closing. On steady selling with
only an occasional rail ) * , duo to the covering
ot short contracts to take profits , the shares
continued to decline during the day. In
thf final trailing the selling uas heaviest
and the losses greatest , the low point of
the day , 87 % , being touched Just be
fore the close. A rally ot 14 per cent was
made In the final soles , leaving a net decline
on the day of 5 per cent. The preferred
Block lust I'per cent. It Is said Hint
Inside Interests started the felling , which
\\as taken up by the bear traders. Humor
has It thnt the company will Issue a state
ment of Its finances very soon. Distilling
makes the next heaviest break , uecllnlriR
3' per cent from Saturday's final sale and
closing nlthln ' , { . per cent oC the lowest
figure made. The stock was fnlily well
held during the morning , but receded during
the uftetnoon , the general bulk of the sales
being trtdltcd to Insiders. The- recent
rumors as to a tecelvershlp weic revived , and
a report uas circulated to the effect that the
bondholders proposed to lake the property
to secure their bonds , There la great uncer
tainty as to the future of the company , and
In the final trading In Its stock Itvas very
fe\crlah. Declines were- established at the
close of 1 % per rent In Cotton Oil pre
ferred und Lead common and preferred ;
% per cent In IMlson Electric of New York
and " , i per cent In General Ulcctrlc and
Consolidated Gas.
The railway list shared to some extent
In the prealllng depression , but except In
Reading there v > as nt no time any great
pressure to sell. Publication ot the re-
organl/atlon plan caused sales of Heading by
disappointed holders and a decline ot 1 %
par cent v < as effected. Philadelphia xias. the
principal seller , and In the later trading a
recovery of t per cent \vas made , the buy
ing ordeis being mainly for the same ac
count , and It Is believed th& greatest part of
the trading was clone by Philadelphia. Dur
ing the last hour nearly every share dealt
In brought loner values , and tlio market
closed heavy nt the declines , ranging f'cm
< /i per cent to 2U per cent.
The bond market opened weak and was
heavy during the greater part of the do > ,
but Improved In the later dealings nnd
closed firmer.
The livening Post's special financial cable
from London says : The stock market was
Irregular , closing dull. Americans were de
pressed by persistent bearish articles In the
flnanclil press. As previously cabled , the
best houses here were not Interested In the
recent rise , hence a further but not severe
reaction Is probable. ' SlUer securities were
\\eak on the flatness ot silver , which is
mainly caused by the cessation of special
mintage orders.
The Test fcays : Halt n do/en stocks were
selected for tMolent handling by today's
professional element , and as the balance of
the Hat was pretty much neglected the
market moved In a rather unusually vat led
The following were tha closing quotations
on the leading blocks of the New York ex
change today :
The total rules nf utocks today were 2la,9.Ki
Hlures , Includlns : Ainerlcnn Sucnr , 12,000 : llur-
l.iiKton. 7.300 : Chlcaeo Uni" S'JTOO : U. & . J. K. ,
34401) ) ; ( lenernl r.lettrlc. 5,800 ; loulHllle & Nash
ville , 1,000 ; Mlsnoiirl Pacific , 3,00 , ) ; Lend , 7,3)0) ) )
Noitlraeat. 3 1JO ; IlendlnK. S4.81K ) : 11 Ac AV. P.
tcrllllrnleK , 3.30J. Koch Jnlancl. 3,000 ; SI. Paul ,
9,11/0 , Western union , 3ltH
N > iv Yiirlr Ilimey
NtI\V VOHK , .Sept. 17. MONKV ON OAI.T
Kiisy at 1 i > er eentj loat loan , 1 per cent ; closet !
nt 1 per tent.
PHIMK MnilCANTII.i ; PAPii-3fl'uiI ' per
" "
HTimt.INa KXCKANOi : Dull but Orm , wltli
iictunl liusliiess In bunkoriT M1U ut JI.8GU ®
> -4 fnr ili-mniul , nml Jl 83'JS4.Sj'i ' ( or Blxly
.ln > . Po t l rntui , 14 SOffl iC und M 67S. }
Commtn-liil blllfl $1 Sl < t4 SlU.
siuvnit c-cit'riKK'Arii:8- : Md.
aoVBHNMKNT ItONDS Steady ; atitc bonds ,
Inucthp ; lullrriul lionda. ( Irm.
Clos nc quolut.ons on bonds weio ut follows :
Week Opens witty'fc ' nlr Fun of Cattle nnd
but'FcIloga. .
Trlcru on itniiBrrtr-lloliI Strong nnil Kill
( Irussrrs llrliicr ( Jood Money -Under
Unities In ( ! < ) ( ) ( ) 'Jtrqncnt llog <
- MONDAY , Sept. 17 ,
The receipts today -wore 1,523 cattle and
[ 'Si ' ! hogs , as against 1,120 cattle , 4,8M hogs
nnd 925 sheep on Saturday , and 3,170 cat
tle , 1,489 hogs and 1,037 theep on Monday ot
last week. While the week opens with a
fair run of cattle , the receipts of hops are
the llchtest In a long time.
CATTMJ While there ere 172 cars of
fresh cattle on bale today , there were no
native corn fed steers in the yards. There
were , however , some good westerns here.
One hunch of Colorado wsterns brought
| 3.S5 , and some \V > omlng westerns $3.75.
As high as $4,25 was offered lor some.
The market was active nnd strong. Beet
steers have been bringing very high prices
IHTO as compared with other markets. On
last Thursday a string ol the Haley cattle
brought $3..ri5. while fome of the same cattle
that were diverted o Kansas City brought
only $3.35 In thai market.
The > ards were full of cows this morning ,
hut there nas a good , active d m.ind. and
anything desirable commanded stronger prlc's.
As high as $3,30 uas paid for a bunch of
native cows.
Quite a good many buyers wore In the
yards looking for feeders , and the market
WHS even stronger than on Saturday. In
spite of the advance of the past week the de
mand keeps up and the buyers take the feed
ers U.M fast as the country can s nd them In.
Missouri and Illinois arc buying a good many
of the feeders that are coming here. Repre
sentative sales :
iiuswnn mnr.
No. Ai. Pr. No \ \ . Pr. JCn. Av , Pr.
I..1070 13 00 1 . . ! ! ) S3 CO C..US3 (3 50
10. . . , fat 131 30. . . . fi-.s i to 2. . . . DS3 2 23
, wo i EO C. . . . III. . 1 8 * 8 . . . D77 230
15 , 778 1 60 II. . . ; st i r. 14 . . .1CWO 2 M
8. , . ! 'S7 1 C't 12. . . . 917 1 X' 6 . . .1216 2 31
12. , , S31 1 60 II . SSI 1 90 23. . . tl'17 2 35
1. . , 6M > 1 GO I . . . D42 1 90 6..1.10 2 3.
1. . 1170 i r.3 10 . . . S.S 1 90 1..11V ) 2 31
9.t . , 917 1 1.5 2C . . 781 1 13 1. . . 1020 2 31
t , , 671 1 1,5 12. . 911 200 S. . . IdSl 2 35
9 , . S . . . 9:9 2 oo 8. S0 2 .10
l. . . . roe i o 1 . , .10B ) 2 TO 20. . fOt 2 40
1 . . SCO 1 70 1. . . MO 2 00 59. SVS 2 49
3..ilia 170 903 2 IS SIB S 43
1. . . . SIO 1 75 913 2 13 1 ir-0 280
1 .1070 i ; s 27. 971 2 W 1. 10M 2 SO
1i. . . . 975 I 7.1 27.SO. . 78S 2 20 7. . 'in 2 io
6. . 9. s > 6G 2 ss
, 289 I CO ' ' ' 11. . 805 1 90
370 1 25 a ! . . ice i GO II. 2 15
, 775 1 40 1..10SO 1 C3 3 . . . 833 2 IS
SIO 1 40 2. . . . ISO 1 S3 . . .1000 2 35
, W2 1 BO
270 1 00 7. . . . zs ZK 220 3 DO
100 1 M 2. . . . 4M 235 200 3 M
100 200 i . . . 100 250 , 100 3 M
10 , . . . 2GS 200 1. . . . 320 2 M .120 . 3 75
2 10 U. . : D 2 75 2. . . . ZOO 4 CO
. . RM > ) 40 .nen 1 75
. . SOO 1 .10 I 6" roe 1 73
. .1170 i GO I 05 .11:5 1 S3
" i r > o 2.-.1155 i G ; 1. . . .1370 1 SO
"iKO i GO t. , .1305 i K 1. . .1430 1 90 1 W
2..IC 0 2 33 , „ - . 250 I 0
1. . . . 5o 1 CO 13. . . . 75G 2 DO 19. . . 270
1. . . . 410 1 CO 2. . . . 451 2 50 19. . . . 872 2 T3
8. . . CCO 2 10 ll.s.7S3 2 50 1. . . .111)0 2 n
2C. . , . 7GC 2 K 23. , . . 928 255 2) ) . . , . SCO 2 75
15. . . . 00 220 41..1021 2 GO 90. . . S9D 2 SO
27. . . . 57S ZM 2bJ 61 , . . 050 2 85
13. . . . G06 223 19. , ; < 980 265 14 , . .1051 2 85
9. . . 715 215 23 . . . 6S2 2 63 17 , . , . 878 2 90
sir 235 6. . . . 816 2 65 12 , . , .1023 3 04
10. . GGl 2 40 19..W4 2 63 1. . 10SO 3 0)
10. . 4S7 245 3. . . . M 2 6'i 3 . . 5GO 3 30
2. . 915 SM 11.1. . 37 ! 2 70 S , . . .1245 B 30
No Av. Pr. No. r Av. Pr.
2 steers , , . 1415 $3 73 ,
1 steer 1310 325 4 $ cons SS ) 2 10
50 fleets I2il 3 65
K. Bender.
2 bulls I2S1 I i"rO 12 COWS ,1031 , I
10 feedoia.1178 3 30
J , H , Itnnna ,
2 cow 1000 2 GO 28 steers. . . . 1034 S 40
P. A. H'clirmlson.
Icon , . . .1240 200 5 stris. tiff. . ,1150 223
3 cows. 1070 275 17 feeders. . . 1111 290
45 etecrs 1219 3 40
11. It Cntlle Co.
Pl sirs , Tex..1082 3 2 > 3 cons 1103 220
1 cow 9(0 ( 2 C5
J. K. UUcrback.
ciros 1170 2 85 V- ! 5 ateel.i. . . . 1453 3 71
72 coil s C31 1 00
M , T.
1 Bteer. 1130 300 24 steers 3 3
II , Cnrnnlmn.
1 feeder. . . . 790 2 00 II cows $64 2 04
12 feeders , . . 703 260 1 calf. 160 3 54
Mosler & Tlallard.
2 coua .1190 2 m 23 CDWd. . . . . . . 961 2 35
2 cowa 900 2 25 24 cows $12 : 2 ;
20 feeder 988 1 75
Gould & Mjcra.
13 rows 928 1 G5. 33 co\vs
1 feeder 780 223 35 feedeis. . . UJI 2 75
1 Inil 740 1 r.O l bull 1 50
1 bull 1GO > 150 1 ox 1110 2 03
1 ox 1CSO 215 1 calf . . ' 10 4 00
I , N. Hustcll & . Son ,
3 Iielfers 1000 ! 75 1 feeder 1331 3 25
27 feeders..1213 3 OS 23 feeders. . . 1221 3 C5
J. ' .A , Saults.
27 f ders. . . . 877 2 50.
J. W. Btetter.
1 row . 1074 245 Scons 13G 243
40 cuns. . 933 245 8 steers liXHi 3K
3 steers . 1078 3 C5 B steel ll'S t 55
7 stcvrs , . , , ,1142 3 65 3 a leers 950 3 K
12 ateeis . SS3 355 3 Btcers 1216 3(5 (
10 steers . 1140 365 IS steers 11 CD 355
t " \Vcljb ,
2 o\cn..1690 235 41 cxiwi 1M4 233
3 feeders. . , . 900 2C5 1 meet 1520 300
I feedei . If SO 3 00
JiimcaVnro. .
I row 1030 2 00 3D cons . . . . S42 215
99 feeders. . . .1078 3 05
A. NewBcrry.
Scans . 928 1 80 16 cows 956 230
S steers . 1012 3 15
M. Dunn.
2 cons 10S8 2 GO 2 oxen 1J35 275
7 Bleorn 1218 3 75
Milwaukee ft AVyomltiK In\entment company.
feeders.1IM 2 S3 65 cow . . 918 2 35
B. W. Vhltcomb.
1 COW 940 : w 11 cans . . 950 235
1 Btr Tex..1fcO ( Z75 1 sir Tex. . . .1ICO 2 75
11 cows 10.S9 2 SO 11 steers. . , , , .1300 325
31 Hirers 1250 3 1 bull , . 810 2 09
IS cows. , 831 2 35 Scons , . . . , . V03 2 50
5 stitrs tin 't " 0. . _ _ 4 cows. . . , . .1092 3 00
33 steers 11G SB ! . , l bull . .1480 1 DO
7cow8 SIS 2 ! .1 > 7cow . . . . , . 957 2 23
18 cans 1017 240 - 32 Bteers. . . . .1152 3 60
1 steer 13JO 3 TO.t 2eteer8. . . . . .1130 3 70
1 steer 11CO 310 r S steels. . . . .1181 3 70
12 3 K f i 10 cows. . . . . .1026 2 C5
22 ens & hfs.,1040 2i I > \ j 22 steers. . . . .1168 3 CO
Meows 1053 SOT T10 io SCO 210
1 Btr UK li:0 t.Vpl > 211 1216 5 * 5
31 Hteera 11 SO 3 CS > O It cows 991 2 $0
3caHf3 90 2 .X Scahcs 256 75
8 tiihea 162 4 W'Jr
1 atae , .HOO 2 icons..1094. 2 20
1 steer 10JO 3 oil
P , IQiilt.
19 cow 931 2 5 > | g '
IIOQS There wcre rmly twelve freah loads
of hogs on the mat'Hct nml some six or seven
stale loads carried oyir from Saturday. There
was a load or two of falrlsti nogs , but noth
ing at all good among the offerings. The
market opened slo v with holders generally
asking more money nnd the buyers holding
off , A. few loads changed hands at about
Saturday's prices. There were In fact not
enough hogs here to make a market and the
packers after looking over the scanty offer
ings concluded there were not enough to do
anything with and left the yard a without
buying them. Representative sales :
No. Av. Bh. Pr. No. AV. 8h. Pr.
S4 170 IN J5 4i $ 2W
C 2 0 40 54 * 79 60 i tr
10 . ,193 . . . B M 21 * 120 & 61
SI 206 2(0 ( 660 2 375 . . . (70
"S. . . . , . 204 240 6 C2 7 . , 2Z7 O 570
(1 197 W Sti 7S 211 ( 170
21)4 ) . . . B 65 2.J7 CD 60
piaa AND
tl M < . . . < H > 2 ISO . . . 6U
SHEEP There ivaa nothing here to make
a market today. Packer * can use good fat
sheep and limta. The market wu nom
inally stetfly. Fair to cholca nitlvca are
quotable nt from f2.2fi to | 3 , fair ( o good
westerns , from $2 to < 2/Ot common mid
a ock sheep , from $175 to $2.23 , good to
choice lambs , from 12.60 to $4.
ftrrpljiri nn I lUiputlttiri ( if Stnett.
Onielnl receipts nml dl i > oHlon nf flmk a *
Khown by Iho bonl < of Tie I'nton S ( > clt Yflrdi
coin.nny fur the forly-ocht liours enillns at
S o'elwk iv , m. Heplember If , 1S8I'
Cars Head
Onttlei 173 l. ?
13 MO
Onialm I'ncklni rotnimn > . . . . " .1 .
O II , Hanmionil tnmpaiiy. . . * 374 . . . Stt
Hwltt ntnl cSmpany V 7 J97 117
CuilnhjI'Mtk'ng fninrnliy 1.2JI 34 : -5t
.1. 1-il.inan 2 T4
Til-City I . Ci M
I. . Iteckrr 2- )
A. llnat 41
It Decker A DCKOI : ig
CutUliy frnm K. ' 4JI i
0. II 11. cram K. C. 1CI
Omnti.i I' . CV > from 1C , C. . . . 25
Bllinpots nnil fetderii W'l '
Left otci , ? ! > . .
Totals . 4lt.l 9iC D2I
CHICAGO I.IM : .srojK ,
Cattln Mnrhrl III Metier finulitJiiii lliin :
CMIICACIO Sept 17 TlT > rntlle i ailPt wn
In 1'illcr comlltlon Hum t"ii ecteil. lleorflls |
wenri.fXM herul , 10,000 hind le i limn wininan
nt Ihl * FCiifon of fie 5nr. . Tlieipfr > > 3.W )
wpslein rniiKer * and l.i W rsincern. Th < - ilxiloe
cnltlo weic > ery ccuice nnJ i > oM curly nl 21c
inhancc on the closliiR pi I LOP of last u < ] < ,
tHin clioltp fat rill tk mill nt from > S tu ( A 13.
nu'dlutti to erood cornfeil bf'cxra soM nt fiom
JI.M to Jf > .75 : go < l cuitiTed KleciB lit from 1340
to 14 75. NiitUp rows sold rcndlly nid r > e lorn
luiiRirn nolil otronBer. Good fecillni : rattle were
Ineiy K < indcinnml. \ .
The cencrnl ho ninrkct riicne ! ! 1ow nnd
wrnl : nt Saturday' * cl s ng , but Ocdlneil frcm
c to Iflc , inaklnR u ilrtllne of Ciom 30o lei Kc
since ] nt Thursday. Hccoliita wen- fully up to
expcctntluii * uiul tlic nunllty better than for
several On > a | ui t sllll the il < mand for even th <
best liitit Una Mou niul tlirv nliarLil In Hie KVM >
enil ilcpietslon. In fuel , choice * In ivj hugt
H-omlngly wete the \ > > aUest nn lie 1IM at the
llnlali , Th" ahlpplnn demiind inlhT In-
d ffprent and pielcorn nt-tol hoarlfh from Nttut
to finish wxptnl of them br tig nlmust cntlnU
out ol thp nniKct 1'aniv hrtm Hie li-M nt
from $0.74 to } 0.5 , with 1C CD til * I pit b 1 caili' ,
nnd lati'r tmv rn olfrred } B 50 for the vet ; , belt ,
B > tint xcvirnl bunches of prime clink re-
mnliipil In Ibe t > inK. Fully f.OH imltKliu'l
hogs \xeip rnirloil ti\ei nnd tlub innket foi Hum
wnlint. . Ihnvv picking t.iM IIUKI-IJ at fiom
f 70 to K > 80 : lifnvy ptiliijilnc | itlnpl | > ill > nt
from M.1D to JO 33. nnil most of the IlKht
uelKliti at fimii 75 SO tu | t > .
llecclpln nf sheep coislited of nliout 1200J
bead , iut a lar c pop itloii wan xtc teni , A
Hharj > demand prevailed fed sinble Fherp nu l
lamha nnd ftiile men were utile to 01.1110 letter
prlcpH. loocl tn chnke rh tp hold at nit ud-
v.mco of from 1'ic ' to I5o. llu lni'i-s wns ncllM !
nnd HIP supply won clenrcil Wet cm thocp ,
SS tn 112 lt . , Rll nt from 1 r , M 1214 The
bulk of t.uInmbs rold at from $3 TO lo S3 , " ' .
ireiilpts. Cattle , 12.IW4 hend ! culves , 1 ,
liead : liorc. 25U04 head ; Bhefp 12.X hfud
HO11S UvceljitB , 2J.OO ) hend , olllc'ul hnlunln\
. ' .t" < head ; shipments , ICSI.hcul ; left over , boot
head Quility o. lltllc * hettet , niaiket itlo nml
neak at HnMntli > 's clnstni ; llcrun * .
CATTI.llteeelli | > , 12 n < io hend. Market acllxc
antl llrni ; best li t , lOfJJOo litRlier ,
SJICni' HPC'pl" ' . ' 20'50 liti d Mntkct .lull
and upnk , nltli products ofn \ \ \ > .i ] iilces.
Kutifiv City I. Uo Slock Market.
KANSAS riTV. Kept. 17. CATT1.IJ ItPCtHpl ! " ,
2,000 liendi ( .lilinilcntu , 2.100 head. Market st < Md >
to Rlroni ; ; Texas steers , ! 2:0j < 300 ; lieef i-topis.
S3 50 ! ? ( 75 ; nUh - cons , tl.f J(305 ; : * loeltci8 nnd
feeders. Jl 8002.10.
HOOK Hecelpts , 2,100 head ; Kolpmcnts. 1.700
Iiead Market weak to Be lonpr ; bulk of Kale' ,
f5SOS565 : lienxles , I3.751j0.wl : paikeir. 3.70f ?
r W ; mixed , K 25515 M ; llRhts. fl ( Wfflj.CO ; Yotkirs ,
SKKKV ItecelpU , 4.40) bond ; Blilpmenln 1,104
bead. Market rtcad > to slow : Rood to eliolcp
na.lliei , (2.5093.25 ; Rod to choice western , J2 2"i
iT3.00 ; common and slockern , 12.00ftJM , good
to clioko lamb , Ji. 000 4 23.
St. I.nnU I. bo M pk Alnrket.
ST. IvOUIS , K. pi. 17. CATTI.C Ilecelpls , 3,700
bead ; mljimenln. l.Ti hend. llmket nti-ons fur
nall\e > < . but U1 > | > 1 > ton IlKht tn make quotn-
tonTe \ ; na tlcprfl , 14c blelier , WO to 1,000 Ibx. .
nvprasc SZMfcllS ; om , fl S"i12.54.
HOtS Hecplits. 2,700 heail ; shlpmeiitH , l.COl
liend. Market fn r ; pxtra hr.ivy , W 20 : tool
llfrhl , fni"liTi ; l.l ; common lleht and ordinary
mixed. Scruffs 85
HHK15P rtecplpts , 2W Iiendi shipments , 300
head. Market nominally unihnngivl ,
spir YiirU l.ltn Slock Murkot.
NHW YOUK. Sept. 17. IWJnVKS Market more
actl > c but stc.Til > : native utocra fair to good ,
J.7iH505. ordlnnry to medium , $4 1594.70 ; com
mon to Inferior , J3 3031 10 ; stOLkers , } 2 io T3 20 ;
folnrndnq. (3.10Q3 S5 , singe and oxen , $2.7JIf
350 ; bulls , I1.C50225 ; dry COHP. $130r2EO
SIIKUl1 AND L.AUUS Hhpcp ne.ik : lamb" ,
VJfi'io lo-ner ; cheep , poor tn prime , J20CB3M ) ;
Iambi common to choice , ; 2.7574.50.
HOOS Wurket easier ; Inferior to choice , $004
JjO.40. _
Stuik In jlght.
Record of receipts nt tlie four mar
kets for ilonday , September 17. 1 ! > 04 :
Cattle. Hoffi. Slrcep.
South Omaha . 4.i ! DSC
Chlcnco . > . 12.IKW Si 0 ) 12 WW
Kansas City . 2.OM 2 2)0 4 , I'M
St. Louis . , . 3,704 2,700 200
Totals . . . . . . ,2i223 SDS66 1C.GOO
Coffpo llnrkrt.
NEW YOIIK , Kept. 17. COrKKK Opt ions
opened firm at fi10 itolnts ndxnncc on Kuropenn
LuylnE : and some local co\erln ? . Seplcmber
broke 25ff30c later , closed weak for September
and MenJy for othtr months Rales , 13,500 bnfrs ,
Includlns September. $13ru@l.1 80 , Ottober. J1J.85
< Z1 ! 90 , No\cml > cr. J12 2'T12.2S : Dccemtier , fI2.10
212 15 ; March , * I1 SOffll.M ; May , Jll.SO Ixlt
cofCec. lUo. miikot dull und nominal ; No. 7 ,
15'jC ' , mild market , dull ; Cordova , J1S tOftl9 00 ,
sale * , (00 bags , Santo1" . Xoii. C nnd 7. nt { 15 K',4 ,
and late .Sal unlay 1.009 bans Maracnlbo , prl-
\alc tprms. Wurcliouye tlelU erles fiom Ne\r
York jetprday. 8.203 bJKs ; New York Mock
today , 1W.CS4 bnK : Vnlleil Stales stock. IW.iSI
bags , nllont for the United Stnles , 251,009 bans.
total visible supply for the United Stales , 131 , SS )
baca , aKnlnM 215,031 last jenr.
SANTOS , Sfpt. 17. Mmket steady ; Rood mer-
npe Sinlod. ? S 00 ; receipts , 19,040 baga , Mock ,
343 000 lmr.
Weeklv Itejiort Market steady ; Rood a\eragp
per 10 kilos. $13 80 ; recelpta during tile \ieck.
135 004 tags ; shipments to the United Slalcfl ,
none ; sto < ! c , 211,000 tmus.
1IAMIIUIIQ , Sept. 17. Maiket steady ; prices
M PffT higher to Vita \ lower.
IIAVRH , Kept. 17. Market opened Fteidy nt
? U higher to ' 4f loner ; ut noon unchan pd ;
at 3 p m. , bnrely steady , unclmnKed to 'it
loner , closed net % f higher lo } jf lo ei ; tutil
Knlc 2(000 link's ; Klo. stendi.
HIO. Sept. 17. Market steady ; No 7 , J13.50r
cuchanpf , 14 H-1W ; receipts , 11,000 hagai cliaiPil
for the United States , none ; for llurope , none ,
stock , 2XAOOO bags ; tleaied fram September 11 ,
8,000 bags.
Weeklv Ueport Market steady ; exchange , atnnd-
nnl , 413.G4 ; excli.ince. 10 11-ind ; receipts during
tbp neck , 70,004 bags : shipments to the United
States. 18,003 liana ; block. ISJ.OCO Lass.
ells \Ylient Market.
MI.VNKAPOI.IS. Sept. 17. The local nheat
mniKet ripened easy , fell nbout ' ,4o belo\ > the
closing of Saturday , but rallied and clos&l about
Uc better than the elate of Saturday , Thorp
una a Rood demand far cash vthcat and fu
tures sold well to tliu extent of the offerings.
The amount for sale nns nt no time larne , nnd
trading aa mainly between locnl dealers nnd
for the December future. Cnth nheat , on
track , closed at the same Dgurps as the pic-
vlous day , but September tvns nonilnnlly ' o
higher nt 55 * c for September , 55HOf5j1fc for
December ; C9'Hi'Mic f0r May ; on track , fGc for
haul ; UKc for No 1 nortliern ; B4c for No. 2.
Ileonpta were 554,250 bu ; shipments , 36,269 1)U. )
Tlierp v\as lesa falling off In the receipts In the
Interior during the latter part of last vviek Ihm
had been pxpectnl. Country dealers are still
ahlpplni ; In tlielrwheat as fast ns por.lbp. | In
order to take advantage of the relatively high
prlc a for c.isli wheat. J'lour "as riulel ; pat-
entR | J 204T3 2S ; bakers , J2.WQ2 & 4 ; Ion grades ,
Liverpool niurkotH
Livnnpoou Sept. 17. WIIKAT-CIOW ,
uleady , demand poor : No. 2 red , winter , 4s Slid ;
No 2 spring , 4s 6Vid.
COHN Uull : demand poor ; new mixed , upot ,
4s lid , futures , eney ; demand poor , Seplvmbt.r ,
4i lOHd : October , 4s 6X0 : .
FI.UUH Steady ; demand poor ; SI. Louis fancy
winter la M.
I-HOVISION8 I > ard , dull ; demand poor : pot ,
41s 3d ; futures , no demand. 1'ork , linn ; demand
poor ; prime western meps. 7Js < ! d ; prime medium ,
KB. Heef , flrm ; demand poor ; prlma mesa ,
C2a 6d. llama , dull , demand poor , abort cut ,
Me. Oacon , dull ; demand poor ; Cumberland
cut , 4ts ; short rlba , 42a ul ; lung clear , 15 Ibs. ,
42s lid ; Cumberland long and xhorl dear , K
ll , 42a Cd. Klioulde 8. atendy at 3Ss Cd.
CKisi | : Firm ; demand fair ; Uncut white nnd
colored , CIs.
HOI'S At Ix > ndon , ( Pacinc const ) , stead ) ; de
mand nxxlerato at iVdl 109.
SuKnr Alurkut.
NK\V YOIIK. Sept. 17. : rales.
11,475 liaKH centilfugal , 9C teal , at 33c , and 9,704
bags BluBcoiHdo , K > teat , at 3-/to. Itellned , mar
ket quiet and lower ; No. ( . ! 'i < ? 4 7-lGc : No 7.
4UQ4 5-1 Cc , No. t , 4H 3-l c ; No. . 3 15-Uc ;
No. 10. JTiai l-16c. No. II , 3 ll-ie < ffle : No. 12.
8V4UJ UO6c. No. 13. 3 11-lGc : oft A. I C-lGQI c ;
mould A , 4 @t 6-lCc ; standard A. 4 9-lCtfOlc ;
conlectlonera' A , 4 B-l W45ic ; cut lonf. S'JW
t > 7-16c ; cruthed , 5UG5 7-lCc ; powderct ] , 4 15-ICM
tVtc ; granulated , I ll-ICQIIic ; cubes , 4 15-lCit
t c , _
Knntn * City .Murket * .
KANSAS flTY , Sept. 17. WIIKAT-Dull , ( So
loner : No. a hard , 46Vi647c ; No. 2 red , 4t > < " .
CORN Fair demand ; No. 1 mixed , He ; No. 2
nliltp. GlHc.
OATH Slow ; No. 2 wlllle , 31 c.
lUITTUll-Sle.idv ; 19&2IC.
KC1O8 P.rm : 12' e.
nECKIPTS Wheat. 6,400 IHJ. ; corn , 540 bu. ;
oats. 2.100 bu
HUII'MBNTHVbent , 15,700 bu. ; corn , none ,
oati. C.300 t > u. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Lotton Market ,
NKW YOllrC , Sept. 17. COTTDN-Kany ; ! . .
apot , ISO balea ; lo arrive , 1,950 bale ; ordlnarr ,
( S-lc , rood ordinary. B 19-lCc ; low mlddllnr ,
I 7'lCc ; middling , ; eood middling , 8 ll-16e ;
middling- , fair , 7 3-lCc ; fair , ( he , nominal ;
receipts , ( .HOI bales , exports , Great Hrltoln.
( .100 baits ; continent , l(00 lial ; stock , 3,4(5
UUw ; futurtt , tartly steady ; t&lei , tsw , ) bal ;
Coiainte Discovered America ,
We Keep It Clean
f ]
t fl
* 1
l ]
L ,
Solid Oak , his brass feet , fmibhcd antique , H/.O ! of top 21x24 in. ,
. ( note tliosi/ot , has extra shelf Ijolow , Inact is just like cut tioovo. This
19 only ono of the many bargains wo ate olYorini ; throu liout our entire
establishment. TKRMS-CASII Oil KASY LJAYMENi'S.
Formerly People's Kammolh Insfallmint Houss.
Send 10 cents for postngc on IJJf94 Cutulnguo.
Write for Baby Cnrrhigu Catnloauc Mulled Free.
Goods sold on payments in Council Bluffs & South Oinnhn
CJ < tc \inlrf.'h il Cl'.0 : , except Salxirditys.
September. JC 1W6.H : OttolKr , ir.lOJJCll : No
vember , J6 I7S6.1S : Dm mbei , JC'W IS : I ebru-
aiy , fCVi < ; 6SO : Mnrch , I6.Wifi4l ; April , $ C 4C(8 ( >
J647 ; May , . & 1 6 U ; June , ? ii : ii6. ; Jul > ,
llntter .Iliirknt.
r.LOIN , Sept. l--nrTTlMl-Stcady ; nalea ,
29,30iJ lb . lit 24ej 1I > , COO IhH nt 24'tC ' ,
FrUi U In-lit Mnrkrt.
PAN rHANCIKfO , P pt. IT. WIIBAT-Stcaily :
December , S7ytc ; Muy. 'Jt c.
Wiuil IM rk > l.
ST. LOL'IS , Sept. II. WOOLQukl , un-
chanced ,
Pair und Wiirmer wltli Variable UlniH for
Npliniikii Today.
WASHINGTON , Sopl , 17. The forecast
for Tuesday Is ;
Tor Nebraska nnd lovwi rnlrwarmer ; ;
variable winds , becoming Kuutli.
For South Dukota Knlr : wanner In the
eastern portion ; south winds.
For Missouri Gener.illy fair ; warmer , ex
cept stationary tunperalure In the extiemo
Bouthern portion ; north wlmN , becoming
For ivansas Fair ; probably wanner ;
northeast wlmlB , becoinliiK east.
I.mitl Krtoiil ,
OMAHA , Bent. 17-Omuhu record of tern-
perature ami rainfall , compared with the
coirespondtiiB day of l'38' " "
, . issi.
Maximum temperature. . . . S K | si M
Minimum temperature . 4 a OS & 3 70
Averase temperature . & 8 73 07 fcO
1'rcclpltatlon . W T 00 00
Condition of temperature and precipita
tion at Omaha for the day nnd Blticu March
l. 1S9I :
Normal temperature . . . C4
Deficiency for the day . ; ; . ; . , .i
Accumulated except Hlnce .March 1 . 047
Normal precipitation . . . 11 Inch
Uellclency for the day . . . . . .11 Inch
Total precipitation Hlncu March 1. II. KS Inch
Accumulated dellclency > " < =
. . , ,
„ „
.March 1 . ' 3-61 Inch
IC.-portB from Othi-r Htiitldin lit H V. M.
"T" Indicate * trace of rain.
CEOUCJK K HUNT , Local Forecast Official.
Dur your bard coal before the advance.
A. L. Patrick ke p the beat. Tel. 557.
Tor sulo by F. p. HOEGK.
Int. .Sdr t-'rnurliro klrrtt , lf ! ,
Cllij of Mexico , Maxtoo
U. S. Or.
Tha Mexican Cu > lombou > .o tariff , In IlnK-
litb , ullli ilidiikrs to date , ( to , ono vol.
pp. 437 2.54
Mining Code or M xlco , In llnnllsli and Bpan-
l h , ullli ( hruluiu unil nillnta on tame ,
Bvo. pp. 10. * 1,08
Law at Ilia rcdeial t.iinii Tax. In HiiKlleh
nnd Spnnlxli , wllb cliuriKCs to date ; ono vol
tvo. p.p. sx > | 1,00
Coffce-Kruw Ing In Mexico , Ihe beat woik on
the BUbJiil. In KiiKHnb , 4to. pp. 80 J 1.00
Tlio lllflor > , IIK < > , etc. of the Mexican Cnlnn
dar Ktnne , lit Knqllsli. ly J. j , Valentin ) ,
wlthplale. § M > pp. SO 000
The Hacred till ) of the Toltcs , by Lenpolda
II it res. llll nunie.uua inloivd platea , Ito
pp 38 059
Catalogue ol lu > N'flllonal llilftnm nf Mexico
by U. W. lllal.e , M. A. , Ill Ungllah , co
piously HlUKlrated , Ito. p.p. 94 0.7S
Ditectnry oC the City of Milco by K. Iluh-
lunct 13.00
Director ) uf lh Interior of Mexico , same
author t2W
The Piibllo I nds Law of Mexico , In Ung-
Ilili O.M
The Patent I.IIYMI uf Mexico , ln Ut > ell li
and Hpaulah 0 S
K mlt N. Y. Uiclianife with ordna.
Dueber = Hampden
17 = Jewel
arc known by rail
road men and other
experts to be un
equalled for wear
and accuracy.
The Ducbcr Watch Works , Canton , 0.
Cures the effects ot
eelf , ime , txcusseH.
cinf ions , Impoteiicy ,
vo. ' .cocci e and conatl-
tuition. Una dollar a
box , six for J5. For
tale by THH GOOD
MAN Ditua co
Omaha , Neb.
Commission Merchant
Grahi and Provisions.
Private wires to Chlcaeo and New York.
All business ordcn pluccd ou
Uoaril of Trade.
Correspondence lollclted.
Omce , room 1 , New York Lit *
lelephon *