THE OMAHA DAILY BEEMONDAY , SEPTEMBER 17 , 1891. EVERY TIME YOU IXSEIIT A WANT AD IK TUB KK IT IS PUB LISHED ItOTIt SinilNIJfa AND BVKN1NB. FOU ONE 1'ltica 17 WORDS 23c Will find through The Boo "Want Ads , " tenants dur ing the winter who will Jr AI PITMT . SPBGIRU NOTICES , Advertisements lor these columns will DC taken until I2M : p. m , lor the tvcn'ne and unlll 9:00 : p. m. for tlw morning and -Sunday editions. Advertiser * , by requesting n numbered check , ran have nn wers addressed to n numbered letter In cnre ot The Bee. Answers BO addressed will be delivered upon presentation of Ilia check. . nates , IVSe a word first Insertion , Ic a word th reafter. Nothing taken for lc s than Ka tot Brut Insertion. Tli o advertisement * must run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. NO , i COI.OHED COOK. FcsiAM : . Dnsinns position. The Linden house , 11)22 Cumlng Ft. A 107 17 * riAchs rou BTUOKNTS TO BAHN HOAIID. I > allpy & IjOwry'H BuslnDsa collcfie , Iloyd H theater. A-Mtt 2J' _ _ _ ( WANTED. I1Y A OOOn MILLINER. TO TAKR clmige of work room ; can l/uy ami Bell , woukl llko such a po Itlnn l > y Oct. 1. Addieii Mrs. X. SlmmomK 623 Main street , Hotel Kenmore , Worcester. Maa . AMi II 18 * _ BinVINO IN TAMILina BY AN nXI'CKI. onced dressmaker. Inferences Rlxen. Address - dress X 6 , Hce. A MI13 17 * _ iADV BTENoaitAi'imn WANTS POSITION , JI7.00 per month ; icfercnccs. Addrcsi X S , Ue , A-S1HJ 17 _ WANTED. 1JY STENOGRAPHER , ITXPKni- meed In Rcnernl nnicc "work , at present em ployed. Address X 4. Hce. A MUG 17' WANTED MALE HELP. Bl'ECIALTY SAI.USMEN FOR IIKED'S LUMP Jaw remedy ( endoised by D , B. Di-pt. Agricul ture. Hureau ot Animal Industry , as d specific ) as i side line. Liberal terms ta right partlea. Address Brothers & Heed , Ualvern. la. S1 _ WANTED , TRAVELING SALESMEN , HULEN & Thompson , tailors , 1(12 l-'urnam street. U 601 02 _ WANTED. OOOD I3XPCRIENCCD ORGAN- licr for lodfjo work. Address I , . J. Siilckcl- mler , Pen. Manager , McCook. Neb. 1-3M IT WANTED , FIRST-CLASS EXPERIENCED fruit nnd produce traveling Mlwmnii. Ad dress I1. O. Uox 1378. Denver , Cole , 1I-M332 20 _ SALESMEN WANTED. FOR THE CWEATKST musical tnvcnllbn bt the age. Cnn make from 13.00 to $3.00 per day. Send 23 1-cent stumps for garnplo o'nil fuir , particulars , J..N. Collier. alrbiiry. NeD. _ b-M43IJ8 INTELLIGENT MEN AND WOMEN KVERY- wherc lo take orders for Shepps's Nciv York City , Illustrated ; Juit out ; marvelous produc tion of the Ami-rlcnn metropolis ; profusely Illustrated from original photographs taken by nur < jwn nrtlata In places and slums ; liberal Iprmi and descriptive circular fre on nupll- riitlnn ; no capital required ; profits JliOO to $17.00 dally ; 1C you want to mnke money , vvrlla HKl.iy. Addrcna Globe llible I'lilillshlnpr ( . , 3uS Dearljorn street , Chlcaco , III. , and 72J Chestnut street , Philadelphia. Pa.HMW4 H-MW4 17 * WANTED FEMAIiE HELP. \VAOTINO FIRST-CLASS CURLS iipuly Scandinavian Y , L. Home. OIIIcc. 20 > N. 16th. C--1ICSS 23 WANTED , WE HAVE THE NICEST PLACE In tnun for an extra good ctiolc ; two In family ; Ji.W. Canadian OIIIcc , I'M FarnamC C MHO 17 * FOB. BENT HOUSES. TENTS FOR RENT. U FARNAM BT. U-TO B17 WANTED , GOOD MEDIUM PRICED IIOU8E3. List your houses far rent with Ames * D 733 HOUSES. P. 1C DARLING , BARKER ULOCK. * M 734 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP THE CITY. THE O. P. Dnvls company , 1505 Farnain. D 735 KKLKENNY & CO. , R. 1. CONTINENTAL BL 7 D 7S6 CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND EXAMINE P1IO- tograim of very line 7-room modern cottage on paved street , cnc-linlf block from car line ; only 5K.M per month. Fidelity Trust Company. 170J 1'arnam st. . v D 1S9 B-ROOM HOUSE NEAR HIGH SCllQOL : ttO.OO. Inquire. 8 < ? 18 Capitol aye. D361 19 roil RKNT. DESIIIAIILK 7-ROOM COTTAGE. SHI Woplnrarlh n\e , J25.00 , Ulnswalt Bros. , Barker tilock. D US I-OU RENT , CHEAPEST SIX-ROOSI COTTAGE with bath In cjlr : only J15.00. 5033 California street. D SI3CS TOR RENT. E ROOMS , CM 3. mil STIIKKT7" D-610 K26 S-ROOit HOUSE , INQUIRE nil DOUGLAS street. U BIC7J tjllOOMIIOUSES , MODERN AND CHEAP , C09 N. lith slreet. D M7I1 . . . . HKNT-TnN.liooM jiousr : , Nv. . con. Karnnm and SOtliC ! . ; modem Improvements ; 1'y cias. : Turner , 3316 Karnam st. D 849 HOUSUS & STOlir-S. F.D.WEAD.IS i DOUGLAS , D S1S-30 FOU , IKNT. , TWO S-IIOOM , KLKOANT I1IIICK Halfj all modem conveniences ; 1 block from llth street motor ) $ UM. Comptroller's ofllce. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ U 11130 TOUR sipotioosr TLATS. BATH , STHAM heat , sultaWn for renting Ciirnlsli < sl rooms : nna block from Wclwter street depot. 70J Nuith Uth street. 1J 370-10 * Kbit HKNTV Till ! 14-T1003I DWELI.INO lunise corner IPlh and Leavcmvortn streets. Milton Holers. i > SiiT-19 ton nnrTT , RLioANT IO-IIOOM TibirsS reasonable. 2003 Hurt street. I > JH 'X' TINE T-ROOM CORNER PLAT AT 70t S. 1CTI1 street , ranRe and nil other conveniences , W. t1 Hnller , room BH , Paxton block. D 300 ISOOM HOUSE , 2 PER MO. ZK BKi : D M393 il _ _ _ _ _ FOR RKNT. MODERN 9-HOOM 11OVSE. COR lift mil and CHHS sts.V. . N. Nason , 611 N _ _ 17th t. Telephone 1377. _ l-4 IS 17 VOR RKHT , KLKGANT RKSIDENC'K WITH all modern cciiM-nlences , cheap. The ownei vroultl wish to retain couple rooms. Address > D WO Zl iS. , HM COTTAGE NEAR 1IEMIS PARK J , W. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1701 Fttiium.D . D MJJJ toOOMNEW HOUSE. OAK FINISH. MOO rrii. KW Webster street. M3.00 ; call ut 1M ! Jllurney street. _ D-MVJ5 18 VOn RKNT. NEW TWELVE-ROOM HOUSE , ull modern cumvnlrnces ; cistern , city uater , well , Larn. Al'l'ly Wl a. JJrU street. street.O50MS O-50MS * TOR RENT FURNISHED ROOHB. FURNISHED hoOMfl TOR HOUSEKEEPING for man and wire. Rent taken In Irani. JU N lith street , E MMl roic RKNT. NICRLY'EURNISHUU ROOMS ; call at 2107 Douglas. K 7t-U KABT FRONT KOOMS. UAVKNPOHT. KI--E iwutatt norm PHONT ROOM , uain anil heat Curnl.ihcd. SJJt ] lamer slrt-et S n RNISIIED OR l-NFl'RN18HED ROOMS moJsrn , cliean for tlio winter. SX Caw. E-MIM 1S _ _ " Ft ItNlSUED nOOMs7"25Jl DODGIi. ' il-JHSJ FOB BENT 1TJBNISHED Continued. FURNIHIIED ROOMSr Sl'EAM HEAT , S21 4 N. ISlh street , Hat D. E M477 17 * NICELY FrilNISHIID nOOMsl MODEItN , M05 St. Mary's n > omie. E J33 U * ROOMS I-OR LIGHT IIOUSliliElIlMNG ! 113 North 13th street. K MUfl IS * FURNISHED ROOMS , WITH OR WITHOUT Iwaid. 1720 DoOge. E M501 18" roil RENT-ELEGANTLY FURNISHED. steam heated rooms , COi So , IJtli. E 400-21 FURNISHED ROOMS TOR LIGHT IIOUKI3- kecplne. GW N. 20. E 386 li E"UBNISHED BOOMS AND BOAB.D. ROOMS AND BOARD. 2I1J CAPITOL AVE- nue. F MI6I 27' NICE ROOMS ; GOOD BOARD ; RATES REA- sonaulecon\entences. ; The Rose,2020.2Q22 Hamey. F M62S S2a' FRONT ROOM FOR TWO , WITH STRICTLY first claaa board. 2103 IiouBlaa St. F 290 UNFURNISHED FRONT AND BACK PAH- lor ; alsn turn , looms , with board. 210 ami 21 ! B. r.tli Bt. NICK IIOO.U WITH BOARD , CIII3AP. 210 < i CASS. F MlO-ll" IIANDSOMD FHONT ROOMS WITH IIOAnD ; references. 20i No. ISth. F 307-17 * FOR HUNT. FURNisiinD noon , WITH board ! prUntc family ; no other roomers. Apply 3153 rnrnam. F M412 KLEOANTLY FURNISHEDPOUTIIFRONT room or suite ; private board ; best conven iences. 8110 Douglas Btrcet. T M493 IS' F UIINISHHD ROOMS WITH BOAHD. soil UoiiBlns. F 1IWO O15 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT S UNKUIINISIIUD noOSIS , CITY WATHn. 423 North lull Btrcet. a 361 $8 00. 3 NIJYVLY PAI'UtinD , | INFUnNlsiii r rooms for housekeeping. 2611 St. Mary'i avenue. a M1C2 17 * 3 UNFU11NISHCD BOOMS. SUPAKATU , MODern - ern , steam heat. 2230 1'arnuin street. -M4S1 18' TIIRGU NICE UNI'UMNIMIIKD BOOMS It. new brick building for llglit housekeeplniti terms ver > ' moderate. Apply 3d lloor. Hat O , 2025 Fanuiiii.- 13 M4C5 17 TWO LAitnn noons , LAST AND SOUTH front ; modern ; will rent unfurnished to part ) furnishing good references. 10U3 Georgia ave , Q 3C3-13 POB BENT STOBES AND OFFICES CORNER STORE , JIO , 021 DOUGLAS. INQUIR1 . 1-740 FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY BRICK BUILDING 916 Farnam street. The bulldlne has a ( Ire , proof cement basement , complete steam heat , Ins llxii res. natcr on all floors , gas , etc. Ap piat the office of The Dee. 1-910 FOR RENT. ROOM. 63 II Y32. 2ND FLOOR Ol my store , suitable for cloaks and suits ; KOOC and elevator service. Mrs. J. Benson. I M 89 TO UKNT AT A BARGAIN. ONE LAUGH brick Lulldlnir , three stories nnd basement Koocl water cantor , 7x16 ; U. P. trnclt In tin rear ; platform both front and rear 10xC6 ; build In ? CGxl32 feet , with four Rood olllces In front It can be used for any kind of wholesale o storage business ; now used as a transfer house with Kood paying lines In the house , \vhlcl will be turned over to the party leasing tin property. Parties Imvlns nothing but wind ni cnplUI need not apply , but will rent cheap t < jjoocl parties. This offer will not remain opei long- . Address W 61 , 13ec. I M382 20 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , GOOD SOLICITORS. MEN ANI women , to work for the Progressive Endow merit Guild of America , for Missouri. Knnsa : Nebraska , ( Building and Loan and ten year Endowment Insurance combined. ) Re liable people only need apply. Addresi roon C. Rotk Island bldjr. , cor. 6th and Edmom street , Bt. Joseph , Mo. J M903 01 * WANTED TO BENT. WANTED. HOUSES TO RENT. HAVE MORr calls than I can supply. J. II. Partotte. 16tl and Dodge. K iKi s BTOBAGE , STORAGE , WILLIAMS ACROSS , 1214 HARNEY , M-741 STORAGE TOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAJ. . anil cheap rate , R. Wells , 1111 Farnam.M713 M-713 OU.VAN&STORAGE CO.,1502 FARNAM. Tel.151 ! M-743 BEST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , TJ B. EOV. bonded warehouse. Household good ; tored. Loweit rates. 1013-1015 Leavenworth. M-7H WANTED TO BUY. HAVANA FRECKLES , BEST ON EA11TH , 6C N-MGSI an BECOND-IMND BOOKS BOUGHT FOR CAS1 at Antiquarian book store. 1519 Fainam vtreet N M3C1-O10 * WANTED. THE BEST RESIDENCE LOT THA1 : 91.000 or tl.MO cash will buy. D. K. Hutch Ison , 103 y. 15th K M337 17 WANTED , FOR CASH. SECOND-HAND horse wagon , suitable for hauling coil. Ad drenu X 16. care Omaha Uee. N M437 17 FOB SALE FTJBNITUBE ; PAYMENTS EASY , YOU WON'T MISS YOUI money. Low prices on furniture and househol < Goods. KnterprUe Credit Co. , 613-615 N. IGth s 0-743 FOB SALE HORBE3 , WAQONSET ( WANTED A TEAM OF HORSES WEIGHINC no less than 1.1M IDS. , well broken ta ell ; driving. Send particulars to U 17 , Bee. P-H4-3-B * 2 BARGAINS ; PHYS. PHAETONS ; 1 NEV lurry below cost. Drummond Cp. Co. P 743 GOOD LEA. TOP FAMILY CARRIAGE. ISI.OC Simpson buckboanl , PJ.OO. Ururamond Ce. Ct WELL BRED. STYLISH. HANDSOME AN ! fast mare , very cheap. George W. llolbrool 1623 rarnani street. l'-MJ31 A. H. CLARKE , HORSE COMMISSION DEAI er , union stock yards. South Omaha ; all classc of horses constantly on hand ; eastern & aoutt ern buyers are here for fall supply : nuc. Sat. P M323 OH FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HANK AND PLATTE VALLKf SAND FO ] tale. C. W. Hull company , toth ar.d liard t. Vj * ( W HAY FOR SALE : AND RANGE FOR LEASE 704 tons seed hay at JJ.OO per ton In stack , I Cherry county , Nebraska ; rane 5x6 miles tf lease , containing two good rorralls of 6iX > hfa capacity : l rn for eltfht hones : living w l | RUHl well. tie. Addrtsa i : . li. Cole , W7 G Itre * Httttlnm. Nfb. Q-MI ) U VERY FIN15 POWERFUL TRENCH FIEL glass , coat 130.00 , for SI9.CO. Allow examlaatloi Addreus Huntlngton , 433 Main , Cincinnati. Q-M4M II * FOR SALK. Ft'LL RLOOD HOUiTEIN BUL calf , revlitered. $ M \ \ ebater street. q-io * Uf FOB BA1VE Continued. CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL fenc made. C. n. Lee , Ml Douplns. Q 741 FOR BALE THOROUGHURKD ST. nERNAWD liltch. For particular * address W. C. Cheyn * . Carson , la. Q-MH8 W * MISCELLANEOUS. _ _ WANTED , HORSES TO WINTER , ALSO TO ell lnm hny , brlsht ami clean. PI'itte Val ley Live Stock Co. . Frcrnunti Neb. R 3M-H WiLTj HORNG ] : WIJ ARK PREPARED TO Iwre wells any depth , from 1 to 3 fs t In diameter. Thoa. Welch & Co. . 46W l ird rt. , Omaha. R--S37tC * _ STOCK PASTURED ; GOOD FEED , T. MUR- ra y. _ K M H7 820 * CKSH 1'OOLS AND VAULTS CLKANKD , JOHN Nelson , olllce 41S S. 14th si. Tel. 1173. R-183 O7 * _ MRP. DR. H. WARREN. CLAIRVOYANT. UD- lloble business medium ; > th year at 119 H I * B * R WCAS8AOE. BATHS , ETC. MASSAGE , MADAMF. BERNARD , 1119 DODGE. T'-2SI 21 * MUD. LA RUE. 41S SOUTH 15TH. T-M390 010 * _ _ MADAME SMITH. M ! S. 13T1I. To FLOOR. rr om 3t mflssaKe , vnpor , alcohol , ptenn , sul- phurlne and sea baths T M441 2J * PEBSONAL. UMBRELLAS MADH , RECOVERED AND REpaired - paired , 103 South Sixteenth street. U 733 VIVVI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book and consultation ficc. Address or call VlaU Co. , ! 1G Bee bide. Lady attcidnnt. U 751 A pleasant nnd convenient place. 15D Fainam street. Paxtun block ; 'phone 711. U-757-S11 MME. LA ROOK , MASSAGE. HM LEAVEN- worth street , third naor , front rooms ; two first clurs opeiators. U-M300 17 * DR.W.STEPI1ENSON , SPECIALIST , SOB S. 1V1H U 414 SIS' .00 CIGAR FOR 6L\ HAVANA TRECKLna U MC51 S27 AT1IS , MASSAGE. MME. POST. 319K S. UTIt. ILECTHO-THEIIMAL UATHS , FACIAL MAS- i-uge&complexlon treatment. Mme. Post. S9Vi S , li. U S73 M WHOLE WHEAT BREAD FROM UNBOLTED flour at Imogen L. Ramsey's , 217 N. 16th Ft. U M31T-O-19 BELLE EIM'ERLY IR FITTED AND MEASured - ured to the figure : always remains shaprly nnJ Is better prepared to retain the liner outline1) of a beautiful llgure than any other. Nine measurements aie lu-ccusary and all lltthiK Is done by experts It's the only corset that makes one Blmiiely and Is appreciated by every lady who calls at pallors , 1903 Fainnm street. U H37S O13 1 KNOW OF TWO GOOD WOMEN WHO WILL take lltllc children to board ; prices reasona ble. Rev. Charles W SivlOt'C. U 111 17 * IF YOU HAVE IW.OO TO 11,000.04 WE CAN shuw you perfectly mte liuestment 11m will return n monthly cash dividend of B to ] ppr cent. Nebrasl.a Stock Brokers Co.D13 UiinKQ block. U M47I MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chesne- , Kansas City. MO. W 739 ANTHONY LOAN S. TRUST CO. , SIS N.Y LIFE loani nt low rates for cholco etcurtly In Ne braska and loua fatms or ( Jm > iha city property. W-71,0 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM ; IN DOUGLAS Improved and unlmpro\cil Omaha , real estate. F'dellty Trust Co. , 17P2 Farnara Bt. M' 761 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Uiennan , Love & Co. . Paxton lilk. W-702 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES , THE O , F. Dolls Co. . 1505 Fninam st. W 764 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital J2.000OC . Kurplun $ t # > OJ1. Sub mit choice lands to F , S. Pusey. a ent. FlMI National bank building. W--T MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved OtnMia real estate. 1 to B years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Fnrnam.- W 761 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property : J3,000 & upwards , C to 7 per cent ; no delays W. I'arnani Smith & Co. , 131" ) Fnrnam. < W 768 LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES PURCHASED , Loans on same negotiated , Welllvcr & Co. , Drexel bide. , Phlla , Pa. W MD74'OJ * CHAS. W. RAINEV , OM. NAT. UK. BLDG. W 1$5 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. B. Melkle. 1st Nat , bank hldff. W-763 _ WE CAN PLACE A TBW LOANS OF FROM JIO.WO.00 ( to { 0.000.00 each on Rood business property. Low rote of Interest. Brrnnan , Love & Co. . Paxton block. \V-M326 IS HONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rotts In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly confidential : you can pay the loan eft at any lima or In any .mount. . OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN < 7O , , SOS & IGth st.-eet. X , t > t MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erly. Harvln Loan Co. . 701 N , Y. Life build ing. X " 08 J. B. HADDOCK , ROOM 427 RAMOK BLOC1C. X -WI MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- tuie , pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security , at lowest possible rates , which you can pay back at any time and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , room i. WIthncll block. ; : 767 BUSINESS CHANCES. A HOWLING SUCCESS , HAVANA FRECKLES. Y M631 S27 THE NATIONAL INFORMATION AND Ex change Co. . 203 First National bank , Omaha , has customers with cash , farm Jiruta end city property for merchandise ; jlrj stocks of gooda for sale nnd trade. V Mica 30 J1DO.OO INVESTED YIELDS $63.00 AVERAGE npi-Kly Incoma with absolute security ; pros pectus , Itemized statistics free. Ilel--Kin A Dvv > er , S34 Broadway , New York. Y MI15 O5 A COAL BUSINESS , ALSO FEED. WELL T2.3- tabllshcd In county seat ; ask no bonus ; 11,000 nlll clear same In six months. Apply to W S4 , Bee olllce. y 309-a ) FOR BALE. A NEAT , CLEAN STOCK OF drugs. Invoice , tl.2UO. In southwestern Iowa , No other store within six miles. Good trade established. A snap for soma one. Will give time on part. W , B. Miller , Aurora. ill. Y-MSJJ 19 * HOTEL. 20 ROOMS. WELL FURNISHED , Principal hotel at this place. Good crops ami good trade. Twelve hundred will buy every , thing complete. Reason for wiling , poor health , Address Lock Box 91. Hiawatha , Kan. Y M377 IB * WANTED. PARTNER WITH $200 TO TAKE half interest In business that will clear tXX this fall and will be permanent. Reference ) exchanged. Address , for particulars , W 06 , Bee. Y M39I 17" FOR SALE , THE NEATEST OYSTER PARLOI1 and confectionery uml fruit stoic In one ol the best cities In the state of 11,000 Inhabitants Address W. 65. Bee. Y 3t4 IS * FOB EXCHANGE. . _ MEHICA'3 PRIDE. HAVANA FRECKLES. tC , 2-MGSl S2f I HAVE CASH , IOWA AND OTHER LANDS to exchange for tuerchandlse. H. A. Wagner , Omaha. Neb. Z M86I CLEAR CITY PROPERTY FOR LAND. WIL liams & Mlltan , McCague building- , room 313. Z MOT Ol IMPROVED 120 ACRE3 IN WYANDOTTE CO. Ohio , and tine residence with ten acred ad joining good town In Hancock Co , , Ohio , ti trade for eastern Neb. land or merchandise Box (85. Scnuyler , Neb. Z Mill OS OMAHA IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVEI residence property and eastern Nebraska tarn land to trade for dry goods. Want to dea with owner. Box TU , Bchuyler , Neb , Z-M1M OS TO EXCHANGE-FINE THIRTY-ROOM URICl tlcnm heated hotel for farm or cheap for cash Address Hot 93 Dunlap , la. Z 510-13 I WILL EXCHANGE A GOOD FARM FOR j lock of goods , a. W , Mlddaufh , Utlca. Neb. Z-MiM II' FOR EXCHANGE , CLEAR. WELL LOCATEI real estate for a stock of druir * . Addresj Box 1M. Aurora. III. Z-MK7 . A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EX change /or young work honea or tnulti Lamoreaiu Brua. 103 a 16th. Z-10 | . roll EXCHANGE Clear 1W Neb. land ( or food bulMlne lot. Clear South Omahn lot and caih for goo. building lot Clear Iowa property , well rented , for Net land. land.Will Will exchange any ot above and pay casli dll ferenca for do'rnbla t or 7-rooin dwelling 1 : Onuha , A. V .CONNETT. IWJ K. Y Life , FOB BAM3B'AL ESTATE. rort SALE , KSW invou ! COTTAQB : cr.L- Ur. cistern , city irfcUrV cJf. Uih and Bahlcr ) U 550. Mi lonx time. Enquire , 1318 rnrnam. Samuel Burns. _ - _ It n 77i ONE OP THE I1E3T HOMES IN KOUNTZH 1'lB.ce < 2)1 > lllnney ) lint sold At once , will go for less than , ro t of house. Terms .tout half ca h , bllanc * W y. R , N. Wllhnell < -vnil ) , 207 N. T. Life. H B-3U-3-1T LANDS. R 1IILE9 TROS1 POSTOF- nce , easy terms. Cell * fJIO N. Y. Life.RE RE Til TO COLONISTS AND FARMERS * La.ia In Florida and southern ALibntna. * V C1- tablca. rrulta. nuts , gra htl tc , : no drouth ! ; froort land : healtliy , etc. ; one to l.WW ncre ( Irf/ prlcoj dellRhtlul climate. "a.'M. Drill. Agl. . But- tiilo. M. Y. p n RE-K2 17 * _ BARGAINS , HOVSES , MljOTS AND FARMS , sati or trade. F. K. Datllng , LarKer lilocV. R E T74 _ _ FARM LANDS. C. P. T.lAllisoxTMX'f LIFE. 159-06 * RE - STOLEN TYPEWRITERS nrFnilED FOR calo ihouM make you suspicious ; funn * they are mostly Smith' * . Try one nnd you will understand whyl full line of supplies. Smith- Premier Co. . Itlh and Fornam ; telephone , 1.2S4. _ _ _ _ .M-703 TYPEWRITERS OMAHA PEOPLE DON'T steal typewriters , they buy ot us. WhyT Ha- cause the Dentmore Calleraph and Yost nre the best macf.nM made : they will outwear any typewrltev made , nnd do a better quality of work. Our supply department Tvlll IM sure to please > ou , Bend your machine * tn Us If you want them repaired. United Typewriter nnd Suppl ! s Co. . 161S Farnam street. Tele- Phong. 13S3. 17J IlETTL'R THAN MOST J2 M HOTF.LS IN Omaha. Our rates , 11 to U.M. Hotel Riche lieu. GCo. Mitchell , prop. , 103-110 N. 11. 134 OT AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR ? ISth and Dodge. Room by day or week. MZ32OO' HOTEL BARKER. J2.00 I'ER DAY , HO ROOMS ! . In tha heart of tre business homes Special latca and accommodation to commercltl trav elers. Ronm nnd boaid by the -week or month. Frank Hlldltcli , Mcr. 31 ] BICYCLES. niCYCLES REPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tlren nnd fumlrles. Safra openeil , repaired. " R , llellln. lockemlth , 'Jll N. 16th st. llo UICYCLES. NEW AND OLD , $23 TO JHi. eisy paymcnls ; we rent and repair. Omalxt _ j cicle Co. 35t N. 16th at. 778 UICYCLCS-ALI. "BTTLC& ALL PRICES. Etml for our 1st of ecconj hand nml sllop- worn blcjcles , Repairs nnfl cycle sundries o ( all Idmls. M. J .Daxon , 403 N. 16th St. 779 LOST. IXJST. GOLD RING WITH PncirLL\n RTONC ; Jlbetal reward. 411 Uee , bulldiiis. 404 17 LOST. BUCKSKIN HORSE. WEIGHT ABOUT I.S03. rore on right lilp , plirnn-top < l on front foot ; reward for return nr for Infoimatlon. M , C. McDonald. Uth nnd Grace , Omaha.M4CT M4CT IS * LOST-LADIES' COLD WATCH. LEAVE AT Use olllce and lecelve re\vinl. : 4)7-1 ) ; * LOST. A PURSE CONTAINING""ATUM or money nnd two keys. Finder will he suitably rewarded bv retain in , ; It to John G , Lee. 23th and r.-irnam. MM1 13 * ELECl'iliUAli ' bUi' I.IKS. ARMATURES w\ND CO VfJUTERS REWOUND Morage batteries rechareeiCI ; . electrical ami son- fSLl machinists , supmor-J work jrujrarueid. Omaha Electrical WotKb , > C17 and CIS S IClli st [ 783 ELECTRICAL ENGINriElis1 AND CONTRACtors - tors ( or electric I'ght ' nnd motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Westein Elec- trc Supply Co. . 4 anJ ,4ty , S. ISth sit 781 3TJII.DIN& & LOAfo * a3COIA1'IOH. YOU CAN MAKT3 MORT3 INTERI'.ST ON YOUR mnney by raylns uiUtjof mole per month than In any ratings bgink , . Iinostlgate. Mu tual Loan ana Bullil'rjfC.nssoclatlon. O. M. Naltlnser. teq'y , 17041 Fnmam et. 723 ltOV TO GET A HOS1.E OR SECURE GOOD lntecst ( on savlniji. 'Al'fir ' to Omaha L It B. assn. . J704. Bc bldjr. ; q , M. Nattlnger. Sec. * Mi as STOVE " - - . - - , ± * -t _ _ . . . T----r STOVB REPAIRS11XIB MEOW DIFI'F.RKNT makes ot sto\es. Water attnclimenta nril irnnnectlotii- specialty. iIZ07 Douglas stiect , 8to > c lU'palr WorKa. S11I3 STOVE itEpAiiis OP 'ALL ' KINDS ; ALSO hotel range & general assortment of ranges , nooks & heaters : water attachments put la .t at J. Hushes. COI S. 13 st & Jickson. 30 * BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORYOLD pipes made new , 61J S. , I6th , 780 DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , T19 N. IS. 781 THE NEATEST BARBER SHOP IN CITY ; court of Bee building. ITied Buelow , 311 UNDEHTAKEKS AND EftLB ALM.EK3 H. 1C. DURKET , VUNERAL DIRECTOR AND cmbalmer. 1018 Chicago &t. , telephone 90. 7So BWANSON ft VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AND embalmers , 1701 Cumlnp Et. , tekliliono 10CO. 783 61. O. MAUL UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 Farnam st..telephone 2U. 7j7 HAY ANJJ GKAIN. BUY TOUR HAY BY CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy hay. A. U. nder. 1515 Burl St. , tel HOT. HI NEBRASKA HAT CO , , WHOLESALE HW. g.aln and mill stuff. We are always on the tnaiUct to buy or sell. 1102-1-6 Nicholas Bt. 794 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. . LEADING OPTICIANS. J. P. Ponder , manager. Eyes tented free. 223 South 16th. In Klnsler's drug store , 416 U * THE ALOE A TENFOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC opticians. 1403 Farnam' st. . opposite Paxton liotel. Eyes xamlnetl free. JJ1 JOB PK1NT1NG. REED JOB PRINTING CO. , FINE PRINTING of all kinds. 17th Bt. . Bee Building. 7J9 SCISSORS. LAWN MOWERS. RAZORS. ETC ground , tlrlcholr BIOS. , 1119 Putnam stieet. . 1I,2 _ RAZORS. SHEARS. CUPPERS. LAWN MOWers - ers , etc. A , L. Undeland , 106 N. llth. 79.1 COAL. SHEHIDAN CfJAL. EXCELLENT SUB3TITUTI ; fc hHrd coal and J3.60 ton cheaper. 16th&Farnarn 8M O4 _ _ _ _ _ D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- nco to 209 8. 18th St. . Brown block. 155 CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WcilHxS. GALVANIZED .Iron cornices. 1723 B. Mta y > a a\e. SOI EAGLQ CORNICE WOiUfS , JOHN EPE- netcr , piop. , 108 , 110 , l&oft. , llth. EataU , 1361. , ' , 861 TENTS AND Kv VNINQS. WOLP BROS , fi : co. , HA'NUFACTURERS OF awnings , tents , flags , WAfeWi. hay stack covers , tarpaullni , balloons arrd T-aracliutes. 703-703 B. 16tn st. , telephone C04. Teats for rent ' ' ' SOT 81J HOME FOR LADIES BEFORE AND DURING confinement , with bestioft core ) communication confidential. Mrs. KD Yolkman , eraduatet midwife. 401 South ElghUij&treet , Lincoln , Neb. j--/ M60 O ! DENTISTS. DR. GEOHGE NASOJl nENTIST. SUITED 1'axton block. Uth ani'rdjnani its , , tel. 71 * ' * ' ' * n ? DR. PAUL. DENTIST.fc JVllUriT ST. IC DYE SCIIOEDSACK. TWIN CITY DYD WOHKB Kti Famam street. Dyeing ot every descrip tion nnd dry cleaning , 797 3TILRNACES. UEST FUIINACH MADE. SOFT COAL BMOKE coniumlnK and hard coal furnaces. Cade Cor nlco Works. 108-113 N. lllb tt. 119 I1OAB.DINO STABLES. FINE LIVERY lUGS ch p. Ud BAumley , nth anO Bt , Mary's ave WHOLESALE JOHNSON BROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS II * 11 kind * ot coal. Correspondence solicited 1001 Farnam U & ) * TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND KUH8. BEND FOH CAOAl Qeorco K. Brown , jr. , 1 Do. , 143 & . UIH MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. FOK ItAIUJAINS IN PIANO9 AND OUOANB : p&ytnentsi ln tmments tenlcili renl < apply on purchae. A. Hoape. jr. _ S rrj R ORLLKNIinCIC , BA.KJOI8T AND 'K\eher. lilO Cnlltornlit utrett. U nVDOLPH KNC1EL , FOnMP.ULV OP T1IK Union orchestra. Is now to receive pupils for Molln. viola , cornet , vlano. Itpnson- nWo terms. 1S13 Cnc * lre t SHIS 23 * PLUMBERS. UlEB PLUMDINO OF KVnnY KIND. OAS steam tt hot water heating1 ; sewerage , 111 S 16 , JOHN IIOWU ft CO. . PLUMBING , 8TRAM AND hot water heal Ins. gas fixtures , globes-IU B. IS. . 780 J , J. HANIOAN , I'Ll'MHINO , 8THAM AND tiot water lirallns. 2705 Leavcnwurtli st. TSO DRESSMAKING. UUI3SSMAKINO-IN rAMILlHS ; CIT AND lit Ruaruntec < l , with latest Call stjle" . Address - dress 17H , Chlcajro si. &I33I ID' DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES. 2120 F , MI01 QI5 * CARPET CLEANING. O IX MHRRYMAN , CARPKT AND RUO denning works. 720 S. llth ; tcl. Sfil ! oince IMi Farnam : tcl. IUO. M 323 OH CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. U. MOltlllLL. CAnt'ENTElt , OI'l'lCl ! AND flora Hxturcs a specialty. ratchlng nml rla lerliiff. 1513 Capitol ate. , trl. 408. 7J8 J. BUTCLIFFU. OUNUItAt. STKNOO- raplier. 232 Bca bulMliig. Telephone u3 ? . UUllTUAND AJMD TYPE WRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OP SHOUT HAND. N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask ( or circular. 79 ! PAWNBROKERS. II MAUOWITZ LOANS MONEY , IIS N. IClh S'ra - ra HORSESHOEING" jllia. THOMAS MALONGY , 812 N. 1CT1I J. . 1- UPHOLSTERING. UrHOLSrURlNQ VBtlY CIIHAI' THIS MONTH \1. . - . Ualkln. 2111 Cumins. T . G' SOJ HUREAU. SUES &CO. , Solioitoi's. Boc Oulldiiig- , OMAHA , Neb. Advluo FRKIi , RAILWAY iMS GHRD l.e csTTS QiraliVjU. P. Depot , Kith & jtqson Sts.j Oiiiqlia . t:03am . Eastern Express . r.UO.lm 4:00pm . Vcsllbuled Limited . 04Cam ! 6:5Jiim : . Mo. Volley Loral . 10:30 ; > in Onuha Chicago Special . 2.1Spm ( CHICAGO. lrRLINGTON" ) & Q.TAr7ive7 Omahal Depot 10th aiul _ Mason Sts. I Omaha 4:45pm . Chicago Vestibule . & : t:45am . Chicago Expiess . < : : 'pm 7:02im ] . Chicago ami Iowa Ixical . . Pmililo Junction Ixicul. . .5snra : lea\c IUURLINGTON & MO R I VER. | Arrives' Or.lalial Depot 10th and Maso.-i Sts. I Oninhi UilCam . Denver lOxpiess . :33am : 10:15nm . Do.idn.ooJ Express . 4:1"pm : 4iOpm . Denier Express . 4:10pm : tiOim.Ncbi-a : | ka Local ( except Sunday ) . 6.5"pm Sl5.m. ! .Lincoln Local ( except Sunday ) . , lll'5ain : l.ea\es I K. C./ST. J. & C. B. | Airlves Omaha ] _ Depot 10th and Mason Sts. _ j Omaha ! > :4Cjm : . Kansas City Dn > - Expicsa , . . . . 5:3pm : : ljpm.K. C. Night Ex. via. U. P , Trans. 6liOam ; Lea\es I CHICAGO. H. " I. R PACIFIC. lAirlveV OmalialU. P. Depot. 10th & Mason Sta I Omaha 2 _ EAST. _ ; alSatn. : . . Atlantic Express tex. Sunday ) . , , 6Mpm : 6'jpm : . Nlnht Expicst . 6:10am : lilOpra. . . . Chicago Vestlbuled Limited. . . . l:23pm : U'3oam.Oklahoma Exp. ( lo C. n. ex. Sun ) 5:3Jam : ' _ WEST : ' B.S.'ani.Oklahomn Sc Texas Eip. ( ex. Sunlt:35pm ) : l35pm ! . Colorado Limited . 4IQpm : Leaves I UNION"PACI1 1C. lAnlvcs OmqlialUnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sts. I Omaha JO. ( Warn . .Kearney Express . 3:50pm 2iptn..i ; . . .Ovciland Flyr.r . 5MOpm JUfiym-lleatrice & Mtroinsb'B Ex ( ex Sun ) . 3:50pm [ ) , . . . . . . , . . ' . IXpitss. . . . . .10r,5am 6-Opni . . . . . . .Fast Mali . , . 4gOpm : Leaves I CHICAGO7 MIir & STrPA ULlArFlVT ? OinahalUnlon Depot , IQtli & Mason Sta.l Omaha C:5Jpm : . . . . . Chicago Limited . 9:30am ll:10am. : . . .Chicago Eiprcra ( ex. Bun. ) . 6OOpRi Leaves" ! * K. . " U. " " & MO. " VALLEY | Arrives OmahaDepot | _ 13th and Webster Sis. _ | _ Omah 3:05am : . Deadvvood Expieas . E:10pm : 0103am , . ( Ex. Sat. ) Wyo. Ex. ( Ex. Won , ) . . 5iOpm 5OOpm..Noirolk : Express ( Ex. SunJay.10:43am ) : 5:30pm . St. PaulExpress _ . 9:40am leaves f SIISROUTlT PACIFIC"JAnIvs O mall a I Depot ISth and Wehaler Sts. f Omaha 9.0Qarn. . . . . . St. Louis Express . 6:00am 5:30pm : . St. Louis Express . CHpm 5lCpm..Ually ( ex. Sun. Nebraska Loral. , 9lCam : Leaves I C. , ST. P. , M. & O. ( Arrives Omaha ] Depot 15tli nnd Webster fits. I Omaha KlftJam. .Kloux City Accom. ( Ex , San , ) . . . 8:05pm : I0:00am. : . Sioux City Accom. ( Sun. OnK ) . 8C3pm : I2:15pm. . . Sioux City Express ( Ex. Sun..llB5am ; 5SOpm . St. Paui Limited . . . . 3 : < 0im TrfaTeTT SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arrlvcj OniahalUnlon Depot , lotli & Mason Sts , I Omnln 6:55am : . Sioux City Passenger . 10.20pm 3:55pm . St. Paul Express . 10COjm leaves fTSIOUX'CITY ft"PACIFIC. . "TArHvis Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Sts. I Omaha 5JDpm : . St. Paul Limited . 9:40im : CSOpm. . . . . . . . . . .Chicago Limited. . . 84Hm ! ( Leaves I WABASH RAILWAY l Omaha [ Union Depot , IQlli & M a son Sts I k'.Supm. . . SI. Louis Cannon Ball 1'J. . ' . . . COLONEL AND BEER. A Ii.cntucklun's Cnfiiclly lor the Amber I'lulil Accurately Mcasurrd. While GeorRo H. Yenowlne had control ol tha advertising ilepnrtmont of the I'abst Brewing company he had a number of In teresting experience ! ! , and there was one In particular which ho delights to recall , Upon one occasion , writes Eugene Field in the Chicago Record , tha gifted Heury Walter- son visited Milwaukee , and It being then the custom to regale distinguished visitors with drives about town dri e > invariably ending at the I'abst urowery tno eminent Kcntucklan vrna whirled hither In a car riage , the beauties or the residence dis trict Inspected and the business quarters done most thoroughly , the Layton art gal lery exhibited and "our packing houses" pointed to with commendable pride ; finally the. brewery was reached , and evidently to Mr. Wattcrson's exceeding satisfaction for , once seated in the cool seclusion ot one ot the Bubtcrranean passages of that Im mense Institution , Mr. Watterson did nol rlso again until he had put Into the seclu sion of his comprehensive girdle the con tents of twelve quart sterna of nice , cold , ( oamy beer. Mr. "SVatterson's enjoyment ol the beverage was evidently so keen thai next day Mr. Yenowlne told Captain Pabsl about It. The famous brewer was surprised "I supposed that Mr. Watterson was wlno drinker , " said he. "I had no ides he would condMccnd lo beer. " "Indeed ho Ooes , " answered Yenowlne "What la mere , ha declares that your beei Is the finest he ever put to his lips. " Captain Pabst was delighted with till : compliment. He determined to get ever with the distinguished KentuckJan , It was perhaps a week later that he said t ( Yenowlne : "Oh , by the way , I sent i hogshead of beer to your friend \Yattertoi yesterday. " 'You ' did ? " "Yes ; I had eighteen dozen quar bottles ot our choicest brew packed carefull : and shipped to Louisville , Your friend wll now have enough beer to last him for thi "next six months. " Mr. Yenowlne was greatly gratified to knov that Captain Pabst had remembered Mr Watterson BU handsomely ; he was sure tha Mr. watterion would appreciate the com pltment. Still , as a native Kcntuckiai himself , he had hla doubts about the bee lasting Mr. Watterson six months ; threi months , perhaps , but not six no , net ol : months la Kentucky , for nights are longe ; In Kentucky than they are In Milwaukee Kentucky being nearer the equator , and 1 Is a curious fact recognized by science tha quarts are shorter where nights are longer Well , In three or four days there came i letter from Watteteon , written In Wattw son's neatest hand and couche'd in Walter son's choicest language. It wai an inter estlng letter , particularly so as Indlcatlni how cruelly even Yenowlne himself had mis judged KentuckUn enthusiasm. "Give m : compliment * to Captain I'abst. " wrote Mr Watterson , "and thank , him for the beei It arrived yesterday morning. Last even Ing I Invl'ed ' two or three congenial f ( | lows to drop In , , nnd we drank It up. " Oregon Kidney Tea cures all trouble * . Trial elzt. 25 cents , All A LESSOSJ8JIIE ART , llr Anthony Hope. ( CopyrlKliI , 101. by ths Aulhor. ) "Oh. but you Mould have to learn , " said ilrg. Maurice Duncan , making room ( or mo eslde Jier ; "you couldn't employ your vaca- Ion better. " "Will you teach me , Mrs , Duncan ? " I skcd. "I believe you ( ire learning , " Mid she , vlth a ulnnco. "Von said thai Just In the Ight way with the right look. to . " "I'm very JOUIIR , " said I , pathetically. "H'tn , " observed Mrs. Maurice Duncan , "But If I watch people who know how to o It " "I'm sure you can't ' mean me , " she said , bvlously nssumliiK that I cllJ. "Seriously , ou ought to do It very well , " and she ! ghed gently. She was a uoman ot pleasing ppcaranee. "Why ought I to da It very well ? " I had he curiosity to ask. "Oh , well , Mr. Vanslttart but you don't vimt to ba flattered , do you ? " "I am flatterd. " "Arc you ? Uo\v ? " "Hy your sitting here with me , " " 1 Can't bcllcvo you want any lessons at 11 , " declared Mrs. Duncan. My eyes encountered MM. Duncan's eyes. She nodded and smiled ; I am not to this day unite sure that she did not blush. I averted ny eyes and glanced across the room , "Ah , " said I , "If I watch tlmt girl talk- ng to the tall limn ] might learn. " Mrs. Dm.can looked In th- direction Indi cated. She smiled nnd shrugged her shoul- lers. lers."l.dcn't "l.dcn't think you'll learn much there , " she salil. "Oh , I don't know. " said I. "Look , she's nade room for him bcsldo her. " "Well. 1 did that. " "Bo jou did. Then it means nothing , ot cow se 2" "Nothing at all , Mr. Vanslttart , " she smiled. "And they're talking to ouo another tjulto o\v. ' "We're net speaking very loud. " "Well , we won't count that , then. Oh , nit look ! Ho's buttoning her glove. " "That's nothing. You'd do that for me , ' " * vouldn't you ? "HaUier It tits button came undone , you cnoMrs. . Duncan slutted again , "Dut uliat's ho taken her fan tor ? " I asked , puz/.lcd. "I don't sec much point In that. " "There Isn't any ; It's stupid , " said she , etting her oven fan haug loosely in her fingers. "Is It ? " said I ; and I tried It. Tha man opposite opened and shut the 'an ; followed Ms example. Mrs. Duncan seemed to pay little attention to me ; I threw Mrs , Duncan's fan down carelessly. "Take care ; you'll break It , " she said , al most shaiply. - "Lcok ! " I cried. "lie's turned right lound , and he's staring nt her like anything ! " ami I gazed across In a most Interested man ner. ner."Well , It's sometimes thought polite to look at people when you talk to them. " " 1 think that's more than politeness , " said I , turning to Mrs. Duncan. "Do you ? Then It's different from your look. Isn't It ? You're looking away nguln. " "Well , I want to see them. " Mrs , Duncan took up her fan and beat It softly against the- palm of her hand. "He's looking this way now , " I cried , as the tall man suddenly turned towards us and milled. "Please dor.'l mind them , " said Mrs. Dun- ran , laying the tips of two fingers on my arm. I felt pleased. The tall man turned round to the girl again. To speak It plainly , their heads almost met. Mrs , Duncan leaned forward to me. "Are you very bored , talking to a poor old widow like me ? " s'uo said , but In. Eiich a low tone that I had to bend my head qulto close to hers to hear. "I don't call you old , " said I , suddenly realizing that her complexion was very pretty. "You can't be any older than I am. " "Oil , you're very foolish , Mr. Vanslttart , " and she laughed softly. I glanced again across the room ; nothing was to be seen but a black head and a fair one In class proximity. It was not interest ing. I turned again to Mrs. Duncan , who started the least bit In the world. "How do you manage those little curls on your forehead ? " I asked ( I like to understand things ) . "Oh , it's qulto easy , Do you think they're ' not real , Mr , Vanslttart ? " "I don't know , " said I , prudently. "They're all my own. What an Unbeliev ing boy you are , ! How can I satisfy you ? " I looked around the room. Supper was goIng - Ing on , and save for the preoccupied couple opposite we were alone. "One could tell If one pulled one , " I ob served. "Oh , could one ? " laughed Mra , Duncan. "A. hnrd pull , " said I , and I half advanced my hand. Mrs. Duncan looked round. I didn't I don't know why not. "What would any one think It they saw ? " she asked. "I don't care , " said I. "It's all very well for you " "But there's no one here except those two and they're not thinking of us , " and I smiled most knowingly. "Aren't they ? " she asked , with a little laugh. "Well , perhaps not , Mr. Vanslttart. " "They won't notice , " I urged. Somehow I wanted to doIt. . "Well , " she said , "no Wll chance It but bo quick. No , not Just now , wait till I say 'Now. ' " I held my hand In readiness. M > s. Dun can's eyes traveled round the room ; .they rested , alert , for a moment on the couple opposite ; swiftly they were back on mine , and she cried "Now ! " I pulled. "Oh , " said. Mrs. Duncan , In a little ihrlek that was half n laugh. The curl stood the oidcal. I looked round. Confusion ! The tall man was glaring straight at us. "How beastly unlucky1" I exclaimed to Mrs. Duncan's fan for her face was en tirely hidden. I got no answer , unless the gentlest mirth ful gurgle were to count as one. "Did It hurt ? " I asked. "Not much , " said Mrs , Duncan , displaying one eye round the side of the fan. Suddenly there was a movement opposite Our friends rose ; the man gave his arm they walked to the door. "That's 'the way to the conservatory , " : observed , " 1 say , he's looking awfully riled She must have sat on him. " "Do you think so ? " asked Mrs. Duncan looking up at me and seeming much amused "Suppose we go after them and look on again ? " "I'd Just as soon stay here , " ald I. "Would you ? Oh , but everybody will bt here directly , Mr , Vanslttart. " I nodded with understanding. "That's true , " said I. offering my arm , "I think you'll do , you know some day , ' said Mrs. Duncan , as we went , 1 thought myself It was not bad for o beginning. I daresay my look told ray thought ; for alio laughed again. "I'm ' much obliged for my lesson , " sale I , with a very significant glance. "It was no trouble , " she answered , with o demureness that hardly pretended to hld < mischief. "There they are ! " I whispered , as w < reached the conservatory. "Yes , there they are. " The tall man and the girl were standing In the middle of the conservatory talking They did not appear now so cngroescd Irene one another ; Indeed , their con versa ! lor seemed Intermittent. Mra. Duncan and I sa down. "They're not amused any longer , " I ob served. "No , " said Mrs. Duncan absently. Then B strange thing happened. The tal man stepped swiftly across and Bald to Mrs Duncan "Have you been to supper , Mrs. Duncan ? ' "Well , no , " said she , with a smile o mockery. "Then perhaps you'll permit me 7" "It's so late now ? " "Mot too late- ? " said the tall man , with i touch ot entreaty In hla tone. "Well not quite , perhaps. " Slio rose. "Good night Mr. Vanslttart. hope we shall m et again , " She gave me her hand. I said nothing They were gone. The girl stood blank an alone. I stood opposlto her. Then I bean from the door. In Mr * . Duncan' * voice "U was your own fault. Why did yo talk to that child Instead of me ? " There was a pause. . Music began la tb > * U room. Th "child" looked desolate. laybo I felt desolate. W had not been In- reduced , but "May I have the pleasure ot thla ivllb ou ? " I asked. She started , "Oh , yes , If you lllco. " she MlJ. "Who was that fellow ? " t diked. 'Mr. Templomnn. Mrs , Duncan and he ara are great friends , you know. " * "Great friends ? " ' 'Yes ; ho'a supposed to be going tu marry her. " "And she ? " "Oh , she's ' ready enough , " Bild Hi * girl , cornfully. Then she looked nt me , nnd she lulled. She said nothing ; she smiled. I slshed myself a thousand miles away ; and till she smiled. "Why are- you smiling ? " I asked , In dcs- eratlon. "I saw It all the time , " said she , "II ou'ro going to dunce , come along. " I dlil not ask her what she had seen , I uppose she meant the lesson. It U Important to Uecj > ths ! l\vr and ddneys In good condition. Hood's Sarss- tarllla Is the remedy for Invigorating thoa rgans. WHAT A WOMAN CAN DO. Vtiy Mni. Ullu H. Itunfair nt ll'iiii ' Mil do u Trip To Nrbriukii , In these days of stranded miners , ruined aimers , unemployed laborers nnd broken mslness men coming east from the west with stories of poverty nnd distress It Is refreshing , says the Washington L'ost , to earn of M > mo one who ha& gotio west and done well , Mrs. Kiln S Hunker , pro prietor of the Dunbarton hotel , 023 I'enn- lylvnnla avenue nortlmest , has Just ro- urned from Valentine , Neb. , where she lomcstcaded ICO acres ol land , The farm she has acquired adjoins a tract of land wo miles square owned l > y her brother , loiucr Dunbar , and considered to bo as ; cod soil as there Is In northern Nebraska. A I'ost reporter called on Mrs. Hunker at ho hotel and obtained from her ho story of her brother's success , upon vlilcli hinges her own land venture. Mrs. Hunker Is a bright woman , h blonde , vlth regular features and n very pleasant , ace. Her disposition Is sunny and she Is lossossed of the ripply laugh olten read ot n novels nnd never acquired by practice. Her story will bo best understood If her irother's Is told first. Seven years or bo ago he was a clerk at the postolllce , Ha was married , his salary was small and ex penses large. He determined tu go west ind settled In Nebraska. His sister , Mrs. Junker , loaned him the money with which o make the trip , so It may be scon Unit ha started with less than nothing. After being hero a whllo he managed lo secure a poal- .lon as clerk at the Rosebud Indian agency. Phis position paid him fSO a month nnd louse rent. While there ha concluded to take some government land , Under the laws then existing he obtained a. homestead of 160 acres , n trco claim of 169 ncros and a pre emption of 1GO acres The ground was covered with grass and he put a few head of cattle on It. That gave him his start , He sold hay and cattle , and soon had money enough to buy a school section of GOO acres xdjolnlng his property. These school sro- : fens could not be pre-empted under the old lioirestead laws nnd could only be sold when they had reached a value of $8 an acre , the money to go Into the school luud , Dunbar then had one quarter section less than two square miles. All this time ho had retained his position as Indian agency clerk. lie was at Kosebiid during the shost dance outbreak nnd narrowly escaped Ijclng massacred with tils family. Vor flvo years ho lived on this land , part of the time us required by law , grazing cattle and cut ting hay. Not much work was required nnd one laborer did most of It for him , ex cept , of course , In haying time. He has continued to prosper and lately he has built at Valentine , Neb. , a fine house. Not long ago a man homestcaded the ICO acres which Dunbar needed to make out his two full sections. After the man had been on th claim a few months some friends ot his homesteaded some land further over the valley. The squatter wanted to be with them , so ho offeicd to relinquish his first claim. Dunbar could not obtain the land , as It could not be purchased outright. So ho wrote to Mrs. Hunker. This was six weeks ago. Mrs. Hunker want west at once , paid the retiring squatter $250 for the rellnqulshment. and homesteaded - steaded the land in her own name. She must visit her property , according to law , twice a year , but after she has held tha papers fourteen months she can pay $1,25 an acre and receive a full title to the farm. She proposes to do this , and the money to pay tor it Is to come off the farm this year and much more besides. Mrs. Bunker's land has on It 100 tons of hay. Tim officers at Fort Nlobrara , not far from her place , want 1,300 tons of hay , and have agreed to take her 100 tons at $9 a ton. That will be pOO. To pre-empt will cost $200. The balance will pay for gathering tlie hay , and $509 be sides. On her brother's land are 100 head of cat tle. Tie will have hay enough to winter his cattle , and for 200 head for other stock- lalscrs who have no hay. Ho will get $5 a head for the wintering , so he will make soma money this year also. The land of Mr. Dunbar and hla sister Is In what Is known as the hey flats , and la good principally for hay and grazing , although they can raise corn and potatoes on it. On their land Is a fine clear lake ol forty acres , and It Is this that Is making the money for them , The lake Is the gold mine. Other farmers not ten miles away liavo been unable to ralso hay or any other crops of consequence this year because of the drouth , The Fort Nlobrara reservation of 55,000 acres Is as dry as the throat ot a gambler on Sunday , but the lake waters the two-mile tract homesteaded by Dunbar and his sister , and will do so for all time to come. Hut In spite of the drouth there Is yet soma business In northern Nebraska. One day , whllo Mrs. Hunker was In Valentine , she saw n cattleman receive 190,000 for his herd. The land tal < cn by Mrs. Hunker Is not far from the Klk'orn & Missouri Valley rail road , nnd Is between Fremont and Chadron , do th of which are towns of Importance. Val entine , the nearest town. Is also a good point. Very little government land la left around there , Mrs. Hunker Bays. Her land Is In Cherry county , which Is ninety miles lonij and sixty miles -wide , a considerable tract for * candidate for sheriff to get over. A married woman cannot homestead land , nor can a girl under IS years of age , Mrs. Bunker la a widow , her husband having died six years ago. He conducted the Dunbarton house for eleven years , and she has since carried on the place with good KUCCC&S. "You are certainly a business woman1 ' the Post reporter said to her , as he was leav ing. ing."Well "Well , I ought to bo , " she replied with a smile , "I belong to the business woman's club , " It would hardly tie fair to tell Mrs. Hun ker's ago. Her brother , however , la 38 , and she Is considerably younger , If the reporter mistakes not. > Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous head aches. Trial size , 26 cents. All druggists. Tim Ilurulur Proiif A man In Washington IB agent for a curi ous kind of coffln. Ha describes : It as fol lows : "Primarily the coflln la flre and bur glar proof. The case 1s made out of boiler Iron hardened with old tone , spruce bark and leather , which forms an , enamel that cannot be penetrated by chisel or drill. It Is put together with angle Iron and flush rivets. The locks are all on the Inside , oa constructed -with hooks and staples , with spring behind them , that when a pin Is drawn from the outside tha bolts spring down and lock automatically , end the cpRln Is then locked so that It cannot be opened from the outside. The only person who can unlock and open the strange coffln IB the person Inside , The- theory of the coffin la In caco a person Is burled alive he can throw back the bolts , explode the torpedos , warn the sexton and thus escape , It might alsu be useful In case a person found himself In an unsatisfactory place after death , " TVbeu Bab/ was slclr , wo jare her CastorU. When bbo no * a Child , BIO cried for Outorla. When she became Wtis , fclia clung to Castorta. When iho Lad Children , the carathcm CattorUi