Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 17, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Orralm Wins nnd Loics in I'cr Oj-eaing
Crimes at the Gem Ci jr.
31o Hid Very tVrll , t.ut u Lutky Iliincli ulth
Iwo Krrnm l.imt tliu l.iist ( lime
1.1 IK o I n Hi Kulnn .Si o-
OIK ! I'luce.
Omnhn , 11-1 ; Qulnry , 4-5.
1inc.In , v , j'lurin , 7 ,
lloek Inland , 12 ; Ht Joseph , 1.
Ualtlmore , I1-J , Cincinnati , i-l.
'VV'n.Hhlngton , 7 , J.cniUvllIc , 0.
Chlcngo , U , llrooklyn , C ,
Toledo. 10 , Uettoll , S.
Oruiul Unplds , 18 ; Kansas Clly , 'i.
QL'INCY , 111. . Sept. 1C. ( Special Telc-
Eram. ) Quinoy and Omaha played two gainci
today and divided honors. Omaha won the
flrst gHinc easily. H was all faettlcd In the
flrtt Inning , wht > n four hits and a base on
linllfl gave them llw runs. The fielding ol
Loth teams war lather ragged. Froro , first
game :
A.H. H. in. P.O. A. t :
Kurned inns : Qulncy , 1 ; Oniulni , 4. Tvvo-
Mie hits : Bkldihaupt , llutchlcoti. Thrpe-
tmse hit : Hutrhlnon. Klrst bapc on bulls :
Hy Mi-Uoiigfil , C ; by Clnusen , R Btiuck
out : Hy ririusen , 2. Time : Two houin.
Vmplrc : llaslcell.
The second game the bsst of the two.
Doth teams batted hard , but Omaha's hits
were Bcattered and Ineffective. In the thlul
liming Qutncy bunched two a In fibs mid n
double , which , two errors , netted three
runs. Second game :
. u. n. in. PO. A.
I3anieO runs : Qulnoy , 3. Two-base lilts :
Merles. UIIBPH on bills : Hy Donnelly , 1 ; by
Clausen , 1. Stiudt out : IJy Donnelly , .1 ;
by Clausen , 3 Time of game : One hour
anil llfty minutes. Umpire : HasKcll.
si. i < liit , Ono Kim.
ROCK ISLAND , III , Sept. 10.-Speclul
Tclegiiim. ) St. Ju eph bnrely escaped a
Hhut-out. a wild pitch by llurrell letting In
a BCOIC In the ninth Inning. Mauck pitched
se\en Innlnirs beautifully , permitting- but
two hits , when lie- became sick and linn oil
wis put in. Score :
Ilock Island . 50120JOO 0-12
81. Joseph . OOOOOOOU1-1
Hits : Kock Islmul. 12 ; St. Joseph , r. Hi-
rois : Kuch Itdiind , 4 ; St. Joseph , 0. K irnwl
runs : nock Island , B H.itterlos : Mauck ,
Hurrell nnd Sngu ; Gclen and Snyder. L'm-
jilie : Nreilhum.
I.lniolnrtcrSoeond I' lure
I'COIIIA. 111. . Sept. 1C.- ( Special Tele-
Krain. ) Lincoln mndi > a strong light tndny
nnd n gained ecolld place In the moo by
batting Flggemlcr hnid. Score
I'corln . 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 D 0 7
Lincoln . 2 0 0 1 1 2 I 0 ! i
lilts : I'eorlu , 9 ; Lincoln , 12. Krrois ;
J'eorla , fi ; Llntoln , t , . llntterles l-'igge-
mlfr uiul Armstionx ; Johnson and
Stuiiillni ; of til" Teilllii.
1'lnyod. Won Lost. Tr.Ct.
: o\.nis. :
Rivninp Angl" Out Away nllli 11
I'rvlly Tough < iiui : < - .
TOLEDO , Sept. Ifi. Today's c.\lilbltloi
looked more like u game of give axvuy Ihiu
base ball. Krros piled up thick and fiH
on both blden , > et despite the fact that tin
rrcams made more lilts nnd fewer erroi ?
they were un.ibU ; to win out. Score :
Toledo . 0 2-11
Detroit . . . . 2 10000023 1
Hits : Tokclo , 8 ; Detroit , 12 , I-Jiros , . To
ledo. 8 ; Detroit , b. Kninod runs : Toledo , 2
Detroit , 1. Two-baBt lilts : Lubj , Hatflohl
Ollks , 2 : Poremuii , Campau. Double plays
Finnic lo Luby ; IJarl to l verelt. Stniol-
out : Hy llURhey , 8 ; by Oaylc , 4. Tlrne
Two liours mid lirtecn minutes. Umpire
ManassEiu Hatterles : Huuhey and Me
Farlaml ; Gnjle and Jantzen.
lluiiipiia U'lin Agiitn.
GRAND IIAI'IDS , Sept. 1C. The liotm
playerfl found Hustings easy nnd lilt tUtl
luck , while- Jones puzzled the Cowboys am
Kept their hltn well bcattered after tin
Eccond Inning. Score :
arnnd Huplils . 304370010-1
Kancus City . 240010000-
lllts : Grand Hapids. 23 ; Kansas C t > , 6
Errors : Grand Hnpli'n , 1 ; Kansas Cltv , Z
Ijarnedr uns : Graiul Itaiildit , 12 ; Kniisni
City. 6. Two-baso hits : Carroll , Callopy
Jones , Nlles , KrotiBmun. Home runs : Cat
lopy. Spies , Carroll , Heard , 2 ; Donahue
Doublep lays : West to Daniel ta Heard ti
KluHinnn. Time : Two liours. Umpire
Kerlns. Hattcrles : Jonca and Siiles
Hastings and Donahue.
of llio
I'laved. Won. Lost. I'r.Ct
Clnclmmtl 1'lnnUjr ClircLn the Orlnlco , Con
CINCINNATI , Sept. lG.-Tlie Ueds brok
Ueltlmore's winning record today , stoppln
the Orioles after they had won eluhtee
straight giimcs. There were two came
this afternoon. Darkness ended the secon
Riimo nt the close of the seventh Innliu
Score , lire ! iriimc :
Cincinnati 100000100
Il'iltlinore S 1 3 2 0 0 0 3 i
lilts ; Cincinnati. 7 ; Baltimore. 18. Krr n
Cincinnati , 4 ; Baltimore , 'i. Kjrned rum
Ctnclnnutl , 2 , Ilnltlmore. E. Twii-Luse hill
Kci-lor. ulonson Homo runs ; Kellj
lirodlr. Douhle playm Smith to Jlol'hc
tu I'nrrott , 2 ; Smith to Pnrrott , lleltr t
JennliiRs to llroutliers. 2 ; .McOraw to Itell
to liroiitlurH Tlm : Onu hour and fort )
live minute * . I'mplro : Knialle. Ilatlerlri
Dtvyer nnil Merrill i Uleanon and Itoblnnoi
Seconil Kimie-
I" ' Cincinnati 2110000-
lialtlmore , . , .0300000-
llli * Cincinnati. C : lialltmore , 5 , Krron
Cincinnati , a , llnlllniuro. 4. ( Carried , runt
Diiltlnioro , S , Tvvo-hat-u hits : ItolilnHoi
IColly , 2 , tlroutliern. Uoublo pla > a : HavvV
to ItrLUthem Blna'k out. ll > rurrutt ,
liy Hnwke. 1 Time. One hour and thirl
inlnulea I'mplre , llmslle Ilattfrle
1'urrott and Muri > hy , Hawku and llolilusoi
Ctilci K < > \ \ < ni June In Tim * .
CHICAQO. 8ept 16. The Colla took II
Jaat tatue fiom the ilrooklyna today , -wit
the Kreateft ease. maklnK'i '
per I en a tie. Score :
Chlouco . .IT. ? 3 2 I 0 3 I 1 V II
Urooklyn . . . . "t..O 00102200-0
llitu : Chlfnco. 13 : Ilracklyn , 10. Crrora-
Chlcnuo , 4 ; Urooklyn , 2. Knrned runti :
Hrooklyn , 2 , ChlfiiRu , 10 TWO-IMW hit *
Decker Threebasehits. . Lachancc ,
Decker. Home runs : Uahkn , Irwln ,
Decker , 2. Double plajfl Cnrcornn to Hall
In I.nclmncp ; I'arrott. Struck nit : 115
( Irllllth 3byStcln. ; 4 Tlmn Oni > hour na I
f < irty-lve ! minutes Cmpie : Jcvno IJjt-
terlea Schrlver and UrinUh. Dally end
, tnil "li * ( filmiil tin * u 1)41111' ) ,
LOl'ISVILLi : . 8 pt 16 The tall mlcis
pl.ijcil a very Increstlii ? Knmc todjy.
l/iku'H errors In the third nnd fotlith In-
nlnB lost the game for the home ti-im.
LonlRVlllu . 0.0 2 0 0 1 1 1 1-0
Watthlnxton . . . .102200002-7
HltH ! LoulH\llle , Hi WaBhlrfiton , 12. Kr-
rora : Lotilsvllicr , CV bliiKton. 3 UiuneJ
runs' Washlnuton , 1 , Louitvllle , 3. Tvvu-
base hits : Drown , LtilcnbcrK , Cole , Jojoo
Double plies : Glim tn lilchJnlon to
Lutcnberu ; Schclbeck to Ward to Cart-
wrlKht. Stiuck out : Hy Inl.s , 1 ; by Merc r ,
3 Time : Two hours nnd ten mlmiti-s Um
pire : Keefe. Il.ittvrlps : Inks and Grim ;
Mereti-i and McOulrc.
Mundtii ) ; < il tlio TIMIIIH ,
l'l > cd. Won. Lost. I'l.Ct.
lluUlntore . U7 80 17 bS 4
New Vorlc . 121 7'i 42 ( fil
HuHttin . 11 > Tl 42 01.7
PhlliKlclphla . IIS l > 8 M fi70
niooii > n . nit ns r > i r.i.r .
Ckvelund . 117 CO 57 fi .3
I'lttsimrj , ' . us M M fioo
< 'hlc.KO - . 121 C1 CS 438
Olnclnnntl . 120 SI ( , 42.5
St LoillH . 120 48 70 40.7
Wn hlncton . 121 12 7" . S4 7
LouHMIIe . . . . . . . . . . 119 _ 33 SB 27.7
KniH'k lint Xntr V'ltkilinr .
VICKSHl'ItG , Mhs , Sept. 1A llnlsh
IlKht with llvt-ouncf K'oves ' between Hilly
I'.itks of Monlreni and Klmer Miller , llKht-
welKhtH , look plate today a few rnlloH fiom
the fit } . I'aiksaa knocked out III the
twentieth lounil , after dl = i > lnylnK decided
talent as u taullclnn Miller's sup rloi en-
( Hii.inoivvuii the ll ht. The light was wit
nessed by about [ XW persons.
In Opportune Hi in irk of llm Itlr.l Ktol < c < l
thu Tu-dnc Hid.
"OolnK ! going ! for the third ami lust time ,
g ntlemeii ! Arc jou all douo ? ScliJ ! Sold
o the colonel lor $450. It WB.K a good price ,
gentlemen , nnd we'll all have a bowl"
These were the closing words of the auc
tioneer at the sale uf o parrot In the apart
ments wheie the bird had been u conspicuous
figure for years , says the Chicago Tribune.
He belonwd to .1 man about toun whose
best known name Is "Captain. " It seems an
enoi mous Mini to bu paid for a parrot , but
tills Is no ordinary bird , nnd the purchaser
thinks h hus a bargain The captain has
n reputation for being one of the best enter
tainers In the city , and his upaitments have
been the scene of many a merry gathering
of the "good fellows" of h's long list of ac
quaintances. They have also been the ren
dezvous of a select coterie who have gath"
ered tlitic m.iny times to play draw poker
The parrot occupied a prominent place In
the card room and when a name was In
progress and u player pabsed or d'oppcd out
he usually ga > e some moments to con\ersa-
tlon ulth him. and It Is reasonable ( o believe
true his statement lhat "he has a vocabulary
that Is a wonder. "
Homo time ago ' Cap" announced he was
going to dtsert the ranks of the "un-
domestlcated" and Join the ranks of Ilene-
dlcth. He alio announced that he would de-
eert his old quarters and that If any of tlio
crowd whose faces were familiar In them
particularly deslird any object contained In
the room In the way of a memoir or foi a
more practical reason he might obtain thu
same by milking known his wants. At this
announcement there was a general request
for the pa i rot. Everybody runted him.
The itqtiests became so numerous and dccldgj
that the Laplain began to get worried. IIu
consulted one of the crovv.d.
"You bee. I can't give him to everybody ,
and one Is ua welcome to him as another , "
said the captain.
"Why not auction him off then ? " the
friend suggealtd.
"The very thing ! " cried the captain.
"We'll do thai. "
lie proceeded to notify the Interested ones
to the effect that the following Fri
day the blrO vould be auctioned
off , the proceeds of the sale to go to liquidate
some outstanding Indebtedness for wet goods
used In n recent memorable supper.
The pairot , whose name la Falstaff , sal
pompously on an elaborate perch us the
cloud assembled. It was the gold end ol
what hud been a gold-headed cane. Itt
ends rested on Iwo champagne bottles thai
eat on a iluimpagnc cooler , battered am !
looking much the worse for wear. Poll was
ungaged In dissecting an old champagne
corK when the ciptaln came In at a sldE
door , followed by his colored boy , who tool-
Poll over to the end of the room near t
statuette of Venus. The captain then turnei !
fiom a sideboard , suspiciously wiping hi :
lips , walked over to where Kalstaff stood
climbed upon a little box and faced tht
Then the bidding began. Poll chipped li
hln nay every now and then , causing out
bursts uf merriment and a more splrltec
contest for ownership. Finally , just befou
thu last bid , when there was a lag tn offers
he shouted :
"It's your ante , colonel ! " nodding sagerj
at n fat man whose bank account rescmblei
hlnibolf. The colonel laughed outright. The :
he said :
"I bid $450 ! "
And he tooK the bird away.
'lh Inuioua Old Vr BCI mill Her Ihrlllliu
The Constitution , or "Old Ironsides , " ai
she Is more familiarly known. Is the inos
famotn cf all the wooden ships that wi
have preserved. Time and time again dli
she vanquish the English ships in the wa
of 1K12 , and proud were the people of he
captures. Prob.bly the most thrilling In
cldent of her career was her escape fron
Miven Uugl sh men-of-war , after an cxcltlni
chase of nearly three days and nights. Th' '
chase began on July 17 , 1812. The Constltu
tlon was out for n. long cruise , and wa
weighted down with stores. The sea wa
calm and na wind was stirring. Captali
Hull put out his men In boats to tow th
ship. They pulled valiantly , and as nigh
cdims on a "Uedge" anchor was run out hal
a mile ahead. The crew On the nh'p kep
pullhiK on this , and the Britishers didn't dls
cover for A long time the secret. Finally th
IIiH'Ush saw it and adopted the same tactic :
and by doimlinc UD their cievvs began to pul
tholr famous ship shannon near t ; the Con
A light breeze sprang up act ! saved th
American ship for the time. There was
calm the next day , and tlie agonizing strus
glo went on. The next night another llgh
breeze cuiiio up. and the tired sailors ol
tallied a little sleep. Tlie next day ther
cime a elmrp breeze after many hours c
btrugglc The Constitution trimmed he
calls to catch It ; the boats dropped bac
and the men were caught up as the shl
gathered headway , The Oucrnere of th
nngllsh fleet came abeam as the win
freshened , and fired a broadside ; but th
shots fell short , and the Constitution's ine
Ignored them , nnd calmly went abet
straightening up their vessel , as If the
had Jiittt left port and such a thing -is a
enemy was unheard of ,
i\i long at * the Constitution can be kti
together ah ? will probably be seen at Port ;
mouth , N. II. , where she is now doing dut
as A receiving ship.
Our old ships ha\o always been proud , nn
It lias amuted lome of the thoughtless off
cluls of other nations ; but there was braver
In tlulr pride and absolute courage that lu
ulw.ns been the embodiment ot that famau
eaylug "Don't give up the- ship ! "
Wu frequently hear laments that the ol
culdlcrs arc dropping away fast. I alwa )
tlmre that feeling , EO > S \.rlUr In Harper
Young- People , but I alto Include In It thoi
wooden xhlps of the navy scarred veterar
most ot them ore , worthy of the abiding ri
i.'i mbrance of a grat'ful people.
HlR Hell *
The Urgent bell In America Is In ll
cathedral of Montreal end It weighs 2S.O (
pound * . The L ll In the public building-
Philadelphia m t weigh between 20,000 an
25.000 pounds. There Is a bell at ISrfur
tUrmany ( cast In 1479) ) . and one In Noli
Dam , Paris , cast In 1CSO , each welghln
80,000 pounds. The great Chinese bell i
P ldn weigh * 120,000 fioundt , la fourtce
r et high and twelve foct In diameter Hy
thew y , the Chinese used to make their
! > 3l's ' nearly square In shape. Tlio largctt
hell ID of course , that In tlio Kremlin at
Mcfcon. It Is over nineteen felt In height
ihrt mtasuroa nciriy twntr-tlirco feettoro's
i'ie ' mouth ; Itn thickness nt Ihc point whore
the clapper would Ktrlk ? U ttventy-ihrto
nchet ; the cost of msnufactur.ns this noble
vor ! . of htmnn art vvac about $30J,000.
/mot'/ '
A short time ngo ic.nnrKably Jlnrt It was ,
toe eight rrcmfncnt ycunfc men of th
Iticer city o ( Derby , In tlio nutmeg state ,
rotohed to forswear fcmal" soololy forever ,
so tli y organized thc'nselves Into nn "Antl-
Mntrjlng club " They hired n hnll nnd up-
ptlnted ona of the number president , who
was cfuclaSly brown as "tau Mo gul. " Ac-
ccjdlnt ; to the constitution and bjlnwa of
th < j club the members were forblfUen to
walk on the street with a young woman or
scort n single Irdy to any place of enter
tainment ; and It ran along beautifully for
just thlrty-sl < c hours. Then , all of a sudden ,
It onne to pass that Its mnstltutlon nnd by
laws disagreed vlolcntlvlth tlio constltu-
t'on and bjlawa ot tha members.
There was a band concert at Ansonla the
other night and not Icrc than three pro.-i- !
n nt members of tlio Antl-Marrjlrg club
si.eoked off to ItVorse > ct , on the trip
home to Dsrby they engaged In n parfectly
detpcrate flirtation with < i whole car load
of pretty Dsiby glrU. Their reckl SB act
of treason waj icvcaled publicly almost as
soon as the guilty men reached Darby , and
the club was dissolved almost as sposdlly
as a ijunrt of "mountain dew" among Nat-
meg National guardsmen at Camp Bradl y
Nlantlc The club abandoned Its rooms 1m-
mullalcly nnd the Darby folks are having
more fun than a goat at the expense of the
members ,
Why do to many travelers discuss their
own and their neighbors' affairs so that
every one In the vicinity may hear , and
niiict mes must hear ?
In an elevated train one evening a young
woman sat besldn a qu'et ' traveler. A young
man liiin ; ; by a strap before her , and tlio
quiet travelfr heard the following
Y. M But you are her friend. You un
derstand my position and you have told ins
how she feels. Why can't you explain to
her- *
Y W. Isn't It rather late ? If jou were
Irce I might help you , but you have made
a. declaitlon to this other girl.
V M. Yes , because I thought Alice did
n-t care , but y u ba }
YV. . I spoke , believing you were free.
Why were jou so hasty ?
Y. M. I believed thai Alice was Ind ITcr-
ent to me , and so , perhaps , because misery
luves company , I offered myself to Miss X.
Slia had been fupportlng her father , a
broken down old insn. Ho had just died
nnd she seemed nearly heart-broksn
Y. W. And now > ou pr.p so to com
plete the heart-breaking by recalling your
offer ?
Y. M. Isn't that rather hard ? Don't you
"rifly-nliith street , " shouted the con
ductor , and the rest of the story was lost.
What was the sequel ?
Ono of the most peculiar wills ever drawn
up In Suffolk county has recently been filed.
The property Involved Is on Longv oed
.vvenue , Longwood. Hy the terms of the
document the widow Is to receive the use
and Income cf the real estate during her
life. At bet death the property Is to go
to the time ch Idren under the most care
fully drawn provisions. The whole prop
erty Is to hi divided Into three equal pills
by imaginary lines drawn from the front
to the back boundary One daughter is
to iccelve the vvegterl ) third of the cellar
and the attic and the three r coins on that
end ol the house The second daughter Is
to l.avo the center third of the garret and
cellar and the middle and easterly thirds of
the first floor. The son will draw the east
erly third of the basement and loft and the
m'ddlc nnd easterly thirds of the second
lb .r. He Is to be allowed the use of the
steps Inside the h.use until reasonable time
has elapsed for him to build stairs on the
cutside of Ihe houee. The expense ol
keeping tlio hoiu ? and jard In repair must
bo equally divided between the three.
The gentle Princess Allx of Hesse , whose
charming portrait graces the Qrafton gallerj
collection of "Fair Women" In London this
season , and who Is soon to be the bride of the
czarewltch ot Russia , is a sister of the reign-
Ins duke ot Hes e and daughter of thai
Princess Alice who died at Darmstadt , ani
whom Queen Victoria so tenderly mourned.
The future empress of Russia Is of yielding
and amiable disposition and Is going patlentlj
through all the ceremonies necessary t'o 11
her for her exalted post one of which Is tin
learning of all the formulas of the Greel
orthodox church.
Not all German princesses have been s <
accommodating as to fit themselves to thi
official religion when marrying Into the Hus
elan nobility. The dukes of Mccklenbur )
would not allow their daughters who madi
Russian marriages to abjure the faith of theli
The Princess Allx Is greatly be cd b ]
Queen Victoria , who has also token an Im
in en so liking to the Czarewltch , because he 1 :
to be Alix's husband.
Mr. Mortimer Mcnpes , whllb traveling li
the cast in search of subjects , came upon i
curious form of courtship. Sketching one da ;
In Burmah he noticed a man a little tllatanc
off clarlng fiercely straight ahead of him a
some object he could not see from his peal
tlon. The man sat with the same fixed glar
the whole of the afternoon , and was ther
again next morningMr. . Menpes had th
curiosity to ask an English visitor what i
meant. The reply was :
"Oh. be Is In love. "
It was explained that this was their metho *
of courtship. The object ot this man's atten
live glare was a girl tn a neighboring bazaai
When a man falls In love he has to seat him
self at a ceitaln distance from his adored
and wait for her to do the rest. It she look
in his direction once or twice on the firs
or second day he is wildly encouraged , am
If on the third day she nods at him an
smiles It Is time to L ° to the parents will
reference to the marriage settlements.
The Dowager Lady Tennyson is making a :
excellent recovery from the severe fall sh
recently suffered at. Aldworth , At the bet
of times spending her life upon a sofa , th
laureate's widow Is an untiring reader c
books both gra > e and gay. In a modest wa
herself an author , too , she will doubtless b
represented In future anthologies of poetr
by women , though she supposes a denial c
that luxury due to her husband's name whll
she lives. Lady Tennyson , though n utron
patriot , has never shared In the national fit
oT dislike toward other people. Not even th
periodical tides ot anti-French feeling nav
carried her along with them ; and when Lor
Tennyson wrote his "Riflemen , Form ! " sh
made her protest at the first reading aloud I
the family circle. "My wife thinks II to
InHamliiff to the English , and too Insullln
to the French , " wrote the laureate In th
margin ot the first rough draught of th
t .crecs before sending them to a friend.
c Uted tu It.
1 The amateur photographer Is as comma
i on the oc an steamers as In the streets c
3 Boston. A Hoston girl who took he
1 camera to Europe with her this suinmc
one day saw the first mate standing on th
bridge , making a very Imposing figure , an
remarked ta her companion , "Oh , I mui
have a picture of htm , Ivvondcr If ha'
let me. " Catching up the camera ilia ra
acresa the deck and called up to bin
"Please stand etlli a moment ; I want t
knap you. " Instantly the officer struck
nmgnlflcent attitude , with one arm cxtendc
as If giving an order. She snapped. Ti
IruVera on shouted with laughter , and son ;
one remarked , "Oh , you've been there b ,
fore ? "
"Kvery trip , " came down the answer.
TrrnilicrnuiVuvi > .
There re othsr things besides camp metl
Inga at Ocean Grove , the New York Sun say
and one of tli m Is surf bathing. A man wl
was staying at the Grand Avenuetutel too
a dip In the ocean last Saturday with h
fiancee. As they wer good swimmers the
vvero watched from the beach. The man sui
Ktited , as the reiult showed , thit a kls
under the water would be a novelty wort
try Inn. The girl wat willing , as- the resu
also thonrd. When a bg wave came alon
they ducked and were loet to night. AVhe
the wave rectded the watchers on the beac
saw the lovers clasped lu each other's arrr
with their lips pressed together. They lie
not counted < n tbo wave breiklng away i
toon. Naturally they were embarrassed.
Crn Was Heavyvon" Inrga B. ojiuts a.i
Wheat He ' y Foil w.d ,
I'rliiutrjr Murlicl ItrrclplK , Inoliulln tlnxj
ut KUIIH.H C'ltf. AnuiuiiU'.l tu > cnrl\
Onu .Ullllon . inhrl ilIitat
stDvkilnid . .oiiil * .
ClIlCAaO , Sept. lli. CV > rn was heavy
today on largo receipts and wheat meekly
followed. They both ran down another
&c , Provisions wore smarted by the virile
blows ot the heavy packers , pork closing at
a decline ot 2T.ic , lard 20c end ribs IGc.
The oats market followed Its own bent nnd
closed Uc higher than yesterday.
\Vlieat opened \ory weak December ,
which closed yesterday nt G'J c , nnd which
was the bottom of a 9jc decline , sold a mo
ment after the start this morning at COc.
The corn market wras sitfta Ing from what
the speculators chose to regard as very
heavy rcclpts of that article , and the north
west reported a considerable Increase In the
number of cirloads of wheat at Minneapolis
nnd Diiliith Those were the Influences
which inaugurated the weakness In wheat
here. The cibles returned reflections of
the weakness which pi f vailed here yesterday
Business was of moderate activity. A good
deal of scalping long Knlvoa cimc out ut the
opening , and the chief support after that
appeared to come from mi ) Ing ogalnst
puts" and covering , by shorts Tlie Hue-
tut ons kept virtually within th ? range of
i6c and fiGUc. ExpD-ts of wheat ntnl Hour
> om the Atlantic be-aboard for twenty-four
lours amounted to the equivalent of 140,000
in Primary market receipts , Including
: hose nt Kansas City , amounted to 009,000
) u The estimate that today's liberal re
ceipts of corn would be repeated on Monday
and rumors that the rccalpts of wheat at
Minneapolis were likely to be 1,200 cars on
.lie same day. prevented any change in the
: ieavy feeling which has prevailed all day.
The pi Ice was kept bumping on f > 6c for De
cember not far from the close , and finally
rested at uGc to fiGVtC.
Corn vvns weak early , heavy nil day , and
limp at the close. It did not , however.
sell lower at any time than It did immed-
ately at the opening Receipts of 600
oars this morning exceeded the estimates
jy fifty cars , and the prediction that on
Monday another COO cars would ba found on
the Inspection sheet added to the selling in
clinations evinced by the local speculators
A good deal of long corn came on the mar
ket and shorts gathered It in. May opened at
from CZTfcc to 5Sc , recovered to from 53&c to
broke off to 53c , rose to from C3Uc
to 5Jc , tumbled back again to 53c , and
closed at G3c bid.
Oats were quiet throughout the entire ses
sion. A firmer feeling was noticeable. In
fluenced by a better disposition to buy. Sep
tember ranged from 30'fce bid to 30ic , clos
ing nt 30 He bid. May started at from
to 35V&C , sold up to 3Cc , and closed at
from 33c to 35c.
The receipts of hogs at the yards were only
9,000 , but the quality was reported to be
poor and the pr ce from lOc to lEc lower
than on the day btffore. The weakness
In corn and wheat gave additional encour
agement , and the packers did the rest ,
The leading futures ranged as follows :
( null quotations were aa followa :
VlJOUll Winter patents. 12 GOft ! SO : winter
BtralKlits. J230SJ2GO rprlnir patents. 1310U3.CO ,
pprlnc tstrnlKhts J2.:090 ! bakers' , S1.75fJ 00
WHKAT .Vii 2 cprlnR. MHBW'ic. No. 3 rprlnff ,
nominal , No. 2 red. & 31 { ? & 3c.
rOHN No. 2. M' c.
OATS No 2. 8Mc , No. 2 Willie , 33't@33'ic ,
Xo 3 white , 32' ' , 33c.
inn No. 2 , 47'-ie
IIAIU..UI No 2. 64c , No 3. SIQ iJc , No. <
ri.Ax snnn NO. i.'s '
TIMOTII1 KHEU I'rlmc , to EO
1'ItOVISlONh Moss | > ork. per bbl , J13 .7
13 S7i5. I-nnl. per 100 llm , J8.7 ! Short ribs il < - .
luoiw 17 601J7 .0 Dry united shoulders lioxed.
$ G.70JiC 80. hliort cliar slilci. boxeil. IS 10ff8 : " .
\\HISKy mutlllers' llnlshed soots , ix-r Kill. ,
The following wcro the receipts and shipments
today :
Oiitliu 1'rortiico o elianBo today tlio butter mar-
liet wan linn : creamery , 1-1-Jc , Uilrj ,
UHffl l'c. ' Kft'H , nnn nt iJaclOc.
M.Woitu OINIII.\L : MA nicer.
yesterday's y notations on I"'our , liruln and
I'lovlsloiiH. Met.ilH , Ktr.
NI\V ionic , sept. 13 rtoun-n-cciptB 27-
71X1 bbU. , xx > rt8 , 4S.VM bblo. ; sales , 2.1iJ Jikps.
dull nnd weiilc , no Inquiry , except fur
loir winter , to arrive ; Lit ) mill patcntH. (4 000
4.1J ; winter patent * ! . J2.S5Q313 , city mill clears
13 43 , IwlnteH Btra E'lts , 12130.ii ; JUnm-mita
patents. W 30(13 0) ; winter e-ctr.i , tl SOffJ 49 ,
Minnesota bakers. } 240J36winter ; law grades ,
Jl 7002 15 , ( ] > InK low Kr.-i.R-i. Jl 70C1.S3 , eiulng
extras , 11 80ft 2 30 Southern flour , dull , rales ,
nonp ; common to fnlr extra , I200B2.W , peed to
choice extra , 12 505J3.15 Hjc flour , dull : Bales ,
none ; nuptrllne , )2.7S&260 ; fancj , J2.WS3.10.
COItN MHAL Uull ; sales , none , jellowweBt -
ern. JiM-6'3 10 , llniniljwlne. 1330.
HYi : Quiet , car loin , tec ,
HAlUi\-Qulet. western. COCCIc.
liAUMJY MAI.T Held nrm. western. No. 2 ,
70f f.
WHBAT Rcce'ptn. 1D ) bu. ; exports. 141.100
bu. ; sales , CG .ODU bu. futur * . , HJ.D'M bu sjuit.
Spot , nleady ; No 2 red , In More nnd elevator ,
S7Hc : atloat , 57Tic ; f. o. U M'ic. afloat ; No
1 1101 them , C2'ic , ilellvereil ; No 1 haul , 64' c ,
delhcntl. OptU > n > opened weak and heavy
under nympathy wllh 6orn , large northwesli-rn
3 recelpla , foreign Bt'IUOB and Rinjll weekly tx-
ports from both cojftn , I ater there WHS n par
tial recovery with torn nnd the . .lone Mna at
Mo net decline , No 2 red , May , SJtuflBS 3-ltc ,
closed at 3Ho ; SPpWXlbcr , , cloea nt 5794o. Oc
tober , Mti&aVtc. cliA * < J el Me ; December , 60 1-16
GCO < ; r , closed at C'l'ic.
COIIN HecelptB , X'.C1 bu. ; exports , 22,11)0 ) bu ,
naleii. 2 S,000 bu. futgrvn. S.iKW bu ppol. 8wt | ,
nominal , No. 2. liJ-Uo tin Btore , tliic dellvrnd
Options weak enilyn the day under laise re-
repts and free liquidation , but afterwnrdt
rallied on coverlnB cJu lnic Uc up on
' ber [ .TVi MH . cloMiii qi JjC.
r OATS llecelpts. JI , )0 ) bu. , exports. 2.8 ° 0 bj ,
aleg. to OH bu fulmy * , MijX ) bu. si'ot , Hpot ,
quiet : No 2 , 37'ic : No. 2 rt.-ll > ere < l , li r : No
9 3 , SJ Jc ; No. 2 whtttT'STHc : No. 3 hlie , SC o ,
] on track , white. ft'nni3 western , 3a'/4 < (40'4c ,
t Options ripened dull n < | rubier , but rallleil will
1I 1
, _ j
HAY3ul t ; h | > nS. | WOSoc , rood to choice ,
. * .
HOI'S Weak ; state , .common to choice , < 09c
1'acltlo cca > t , 7 l"c-
IIIDKS Quiet : wet salted New Orleans , se
lected , 45 to C5 lh . . 4O4i4ot Hucnos Ayr s. dry ,
20 to 2 < ILs. , 2 > < > c ; 'lexan , dry , 24 to 30 Ibs. ,
M3ATHKH Steady : hemlock tola. Hui-no :
Ajres. light to hea r , MHUo
PROVISIONS imt. Bttedy ; family , ia ic
extra mttt , ic , beet hams. 130 ; city , eiln
India meps. 10 C HI9 ( W. Cut mean , quirt
pickled , bcllleB , SffS c : plekliil ihuuhl-rs. 7Uc
pickled , hams. llVll'jc. Ijuil , nominal , KPJI
t-rn Btiam cloieil at 19.20 ; sales. U ) tleic * a
t .15 , co t and freight ! oily , SMc : aalej ,
tlt-riea. Hcplnnbi.r. Llused at (9-17 , nomliul
January. < 8 52 , nominal , refined , quiet ; com !
nent , J9 , S. A. ( 3 5 , compound 6Hc. IVrk
dull liut * leady ; new mfs. fl500 lGOO ; extit
prime. tlSuOUUM , family. I1C3J , short cleui
SU .
IIVTTEH Firm , western flalrj , UMlJc ; i eit
rn creamery , IXlSI'Sc : wrvlvni < acti > ry. it
l o. Kleins. 24'ic. Blate dairy , ll&22o , stal ,
crenmery. 18014C . . . . . .
t'HUKHlI Hteady. larn * . SfllOijc : imnll. ll ,
c , part tklm < ( r.'jc , full eklms , 3 UHc.
hOOS rirm , slnti * nJ 1 ennilyvunln , IS '
l o. Ice hou > * . KHtilC-C. nest in firtti ,
catrt. J2.00CSM. r elpls. fl. : | kE .
TAL.IX > W Sternly , city : per plig4io )
country IpkES. free ) , 6c.
Stiadj ; united , closed at IJi
b d , Wn'hlnrlni , t tl . (4 ( A1 nsh nilon , n lu k ,
fitfl ; unneil New \ , < h. IVU , I'hllad lphin sn < l
tlaltliniirv J5.1 * . IMi Imlelpli n and lUltlmore , In
bulk f2.r ;
linStX iltrnd ) , ( .trnlnnl , romincn lo K oJ ,
M tJu et ;
ItlClV-l'nm. ( Inmcttlo , fnlr lo cilrn ,
Jnpnti. 4 ifl4'4c.
MOliASaiB Stonilj , ; NI-W Orlenni , open krl-
llo fijovl In rvilce 2JI < TMc ,
ro i no v inn , Fcouii , ti9MU22u < , Am nan -
< an $1(1 ( o ) U.oo.
. ori'nn-Klrnn lake. 0 > Sc.
1.11 M ) < Jolct. tiomp tlc , J30S.
TIN Nnml'nl , plnti-s , tililct.
fl'IJt.'ll HN nilnnl. mli-t on Vlmnue nmn *
iK'in'nnl ; iff orudi , namiul vrl.ow
hlllter rrnilrf , 27 < J2'e , ch ilce nuiiinio * yolliiiT ,
: i > c ; pilmc j < > ll < i\v , 3Sc , > ellu , oft Riud t , 33t.
li.ltnc nhitc , 2V4"c.
Ciinsldrniblo lln . iclnl Iliirln
llm I rli-f DtHloii on ' ( biin i * .
NUW YORK , Sept. 15. During tlic two
liours of business on the Slock exchange
tcdny some 80,000 filial es changed hands
At the opening tlio trailing was almost on-
Ill cly In Chlcngo Gas , tlie first sale ot
which ; \as 6914 , a decline of 1H PC * " ccnl
from jestcrflny's closing price. The i > r s-
surc to sell vvns heavy , and further reaction
to C'JVs ' 'was effectcl In tlu early dctillnRS.
Tlio depression In the stock vas atcrlbe.l to
tip reportu current > cslerday ot a prospec
tive war of rates and growing strength of
the opposition company , but there Is n
strong suspicion Unit the decline nas manip
ulated In the Interest cf Insiders ho desired
to acquire etock nt flmircs bclon the pr -
vailing quotations on the recent advance.
This view ot tlio bltuntlon vvns strengthen" !
by the good bio Ing at the decline , on which
tb' early losses were recovered nnd a gain
ot U per cent effected on the day. The
slcclt closed strong within V& l > or cent of the
highest point touched. Sugar fluctuated
within a range of 91 per cent Th > bears
seemed rather afraid to go short of Sugar
o\er Sunday , possibly fearing n BC'tieoze , of
which there vvns EOIIIB tallt on the boird
Philadelphia s lllng depres'ed HenJIiig ,
which broke 1 % per cent on a repot t that
the receivers would demand the unadjusted
claims of the Lehlgli Valley road tor over
? 1,000,000 must be disposal of before the
reorganization plan sn..ll be agreed upon
The shaies closed t\enk nt the bottom
figures of the day. Distilling advanced
34 per cent on the covering of n small Hn-
of shorts reacting * per cent wben the
buying bad b en effected , with n final re
covery of V6 per cent , leaving an advance
of % per cent
Tlie granger shnres moved Irregularly. Pt.
Paul was cell by London nt the opening , on 1
Bubeec-uently by rcom tradeis. causing a de
cline of 5 per cent without a recovery
Hock Island declined U per cent , Durllngton
reactcJ % per cent , rose % per cent re
act d Vt per cent , and stands unchanged on
the day. Advances were recovered of 1K&
per cent In Tobacco preferred , U per cent
In Manhattan , and % per cent In I.cad pr
ferred In Cordage preferred the last sale
was at 27 , a loss ofi per cent , but 29 wa&
bid at the close. The general market be
came heavier In tbo ftral dealings : ind
ch'i-cd ' weak. The movement In the shares
for the week was Irregular , but the majority
of the active list shows declines , comptred
with the figures of last Saturday Sugar
being about the only notable exception , mak
ing a gain of % per cent. The stocks which
show an Improvem nt are mostly those In
which the transactions ore unusually llm ted
The bond market today was Irregular , but
not very weak for the active Issues
The Post sajs There was some llghtenlnn
of their loads today by speculative "pools , "
which icsultcd on the stock market in a
majority of the fractional net declines But
there were few changes worthy of special
mention , and the day's total transactions
on the stock market were less than 79,000
Condition of Tr.ilo un t ( jnutvttill oil
Hlnplo niul fancy l'r > iUiii
ItUTTHR racMne stock lie ; fnlr to peed
countiy , 14gc ] , choice to fancy , KOlSc , with
ered ircamery , 1720c ; stpaiator creamcrj. 22 ?
KGOS Per iloz. 15 J16c.
LIVE 1'OUL.TRV-Ohl hens , S'itfGc ' : roosteis.
3c ; Bprlnn chlcKcns. 8cj ducks , CfjCo ; hen tur-
kuju. "Sibcj Bohblprs , fiQCc , old fcCCM. 493c.
OAMi : Pralrln rhlclieni. jounif per doi. . (2 7S
ffJOO , pralrlp clilckeni. oid , per < loz . 12. Krojif1.
vountr , per il-w. , * 2 71SJ1 ! 00 , crouse , uld per dot ,
(2 , ducks blue wing ttnl , per iloz , } 1.M , diiciiF ,
Kreen vylntr Unl , per doz ( I 23. ducks , mixed.
per doz , Jl. c.mvnsbacU , Jl OCifi 4 CO.
VIJAIChoIco fnt nnd mill veils nrc atiotecl
at DRS'ic ' ; coin He nnd larKc3ff4c
rjltJKSU Wisconsin , full cionm new maVe ,
12Jtl2Vlc ; Nebraska nml Iiran , full crtnm , lie ,
Nebraska nnd Iowa pnrt skims , 74fSc , LlmlirRT ,
NT 1. lie , bride No I. 1:0 Hwlsi. No 1 , llffilS <
HAY I'alr drmniil. tupplj. Upland liny.
19. inldlnml , J8W , lowland. 8 , rje stiaw J6
Color mikm the prlo on ha > Llsht liale.i sell
the best Onlj top gralea brlnif top prices.
I'lOUONS-Old birds per doz. , EOc
rOTATOr.S-Cnllfornla , SOOSic.
MUUNS Clodl tfx.K , crated , J .
CVNTiLOl'l'i : : Home grown , per dot , Jl.OO
tfl 23
OI-.IJ linANS-llnnd-plikea , navj. J2 23 ; me
dium. J210 j2.1. , ( .ominon white beans , 4173
fll 90
ONIONS On orders 757i5o ! per bu
C'VUHAfJK On oidcrs 2c
i in.l'HY 1'er < l > z. 31&430.
B\MKT : I'OrATOLS Per lb , 3c. Jersey , 1350
per bbl.
At'I'l.ns aornl stoe'f. per obi , J2 &OG2 75
iiLAcic RAsrnimnirh None.
nin UAhi'iiintisins None
I'lIACIins Cnlirorn n. Jl W ; cling" , Jl
I'M'VIK Cnllfu nln * 1 25
rntJNiS Jl 23 , Hungarian prunes Sl.SiTil 40.
I'lJAtlS riartletts. } 1.75BS')0 , other \niletles ,
Jl.Vlfil 5)
Al'H" ' " > 1' _ Ciilifoinln , none
runnRIIOT Callfo nlj , ncnc
aitAI'Kh Concords. 10-lb Lnskots , 23c ; Cal-
Ifornln Tokay , Jt.Wffil 76 , other varieties , II.
HA NAN AS Choice ctrck , H 73fl2 25 per hunch
LEMONS Fancy Rodl , 4C.5U , fanc > Mirsslnn ,
riNiAlri < iS : None.
K1OS Fancy , per II > , 15c.
HONEY CnllfoinlH 13c ; ilirk honey , lOJJIIc.
HAPL13 SYRUP Onllon cnns. pel < lei , 112
NUTh Almonds. 13iil7c ; Knells' ! walnuts. U0
Uc : filberts. IZc : Ilrazll nuts. IDC.
riDBIl Pure Juice p r hhl , J6 ; half lbl I' 25.
HIOES No 1 RTfcn hides , S c N 2 Kreen
hides , 2Vie ; No. I gu-en nailed Wdes 4c. No. 2
KTvrn Kilted hides 3o ; No 1 Kiecn nailed hides ,
25 to 40 Ibfl. c , No. B green ealteil hide * 5 to
40 Ibs , 3r : No. 1xenl cnlf 8 to 15 llu. 7c ; No.
2 cnlf. S to 15 Ibs 5c ; No. 1 dry flint hides.
Co. No 2 di > Hint hides , 4o , No. 1 dry snltcil
hides , 5c ; pait cured hides HO per lb. leea than
fully cured.
hllEKI' 1'ELTS Qreen polled , ench , fifleoc ,
Krecn snltefl rhearllncs ( short wooled onrly sklnc ) .
each. lOWIOc dry phenrllngs [ short wooled inrly
skins ) No. 1. ench , ttfjlSc dry plic.irllntrs ( short
wnolcd eaily skins ) . No 2 , < ach , Co , dry Hint
Kansas nnd Nelirnskn Imtcher wool pells , per
lb. octunlnriBlit , 508c , diy flint Knnsus nnd
Nebraska muiniin wool pelts , per lb . actual
weight , 40r Hc. diy Hint Colorado butcher wool
pelts , per lh actual welKht , 4iCViC , do * Hint
Colorado rmirrnln wixil pelts per lh , actual
weight , 4@Rc ; ( nuv * fret cut off , as It Is uielcss
to pay frrlRht on them )
TALLOW ANU aHEASE-Tnllow. No 1. 4Uo ;
fallow , No 2 , 4r. Krcasi * . white A , 4c ; errnse ,
while D , 3'jC. Krmi.e , > ellow. 2'ic , crram- . clink ,
: % c , old butter 2&2 > ic ; beeiwax , prime , ] bouc ;
rouuliellow IHSfSc ,
DONKH Car lots only , prices based on delhery
nt ChlcBRo ; drv hullaio. per Ion llZOOiniiiO ,
dry country bleached , per ton , 110 00tfl2 00 , dry
country , damp nnd meaty , per ton IS. ) Mnrlcnt.
MINNEAl'OLIS. Sept. 13. The Kriln mnrkct
opened weak find a shade lower than > est 1rdny ,
but reacted nnd showed up to > e tenla > 's rlos'nir
prices , finally iloslntr atxml * 4C lower thin > * &
ttrday The muse o ( the weskncss oppenrt-d to
be on account of the lain- northwest rccc-lpts
and a large expected Increase In the visible sii | > -
ply Monday , with email exports for the week
and lov er cables A ( food moven'int Is ex
pected In the northwest Ihe conil'-ir week Close ,
Septuinlx r , MVic ; December , t&Uc ; May , We.
Cnsh vvhpnl on tmrk : Nn 1 liunl. r f. Nn. I
northern. flf.Vt * . N f nnithnn. lUlo. ) | wliml
| M'1 < 1 at IQl'Jc a line Ihe new Tar | .ren nt ile-
llvrr > Itrrolliln nr < * 112 OH ) l.u . shlpim-tit * . 1-
411 tu The liirnl mills riounil II WAX ixtlintrril
a | < pmx < milih I.COOOWl l > u or win tit ilnrlnu Hie
.i t wrek , which wllli Hie rnmll shipment * Inn
wet ! Up tnwntil equalling Ihe volume nt iewlpt
7he ( lour nn * pteady , but \ifwU In
< i in-lit'on ' t'ntenlK. UJOftS.40 : ImUern1 | tfinM (
rmlurtinn w i-Mlmnled nt S3 00 hM * > fur the
twemj-ftur liiiurn , rlilpmrntx were 41.317 btila
< niton Murkflt.
nle , ipo' , : oi tn'cs ; tn n rlv II lux e ; icoM" ,
8.214 Mint , expiiti ti Umi. Hutu n J.JTii Ixil-s.
ronKlwhc , 4 Kf ! > : < 1c ; nliKU 3",32 bnlrx I'llin ( ,
ntrailv , mlro , 2k 3OT lnlri H ptcm'x I , U > ! 4
b'll , O < loN-r IB2S a24 : November. IR.S'Uji
631s Ueorrnbrr t.37RC 31 * ' lunnuri.
JC.4S ( ! 4 ] , IVhtunri , Jfi-SUffB I' , Mmrh. fo Wt
Ci3 ! , April , lie : , Mn > , ] 0 raoo.ri , jut , , . .
JC.t > .70. Inly , td.73 hid
KT I.Ot IH Fept. ! " - POTTOS- Quiet : in d-
illliif , . O'-c , union. tiieiptH iit-tl > hlpmenli ! , njne ,
Mr K , sa WO lalin
NiW lllt.iANH. Hcpl 15.-COTTON-Knuyj
iTilililllnk. 6 7-16vi low inld.lllnc. 1 llle. mnxl nr-
illnitry , 5 13-lCc , not rm > | plx. : 4S7 Inilc * ! , fMtrf ,
3714 I'nles. pxportn tn Clri'iil It ll.iln 3 7M , i ii * -
wine , 4,23 $ bnlrn , nilcK , Si ) bikti. ntink , M.3I2
Mienr Mi rlt t
NI3W YOUK , Sept 11rtl (1AUfilm fair
rrilnlnfr , 2'ic. ii-tuilfujul. id tint , * iK . mme ,
leflnnl niilet ! No C , PtfH * IGc , No. 7. 4' f
4 7-lCo ; No . 4HWt t-l o : No 9. I 11,0 ,
.V 10 , 4WI3-1CC , Nil 11 3 IS-lKtlUo , Nil 12 ,
3T4 J1 1-lCc , No 13 , fiTii1. off A. J 7-lCtt11o ! inciulil
A , Ui.1 3-lGc. . AI ll-ICflTii j ( Miifi-c
tldneiii' A. Ill IBtMT r : tut loaf.
cnifllied. 'tfif * l'lfe | uiwiliroO R 7-C
ulated , 4 13-l fr > : iulie B l-lG l'SC.
I.UrtiMol | Uiir..ct
LIVERPOOL , . Pept 15 - TALIONonilnnl ,
MIMilv | iK > r prime , 23s
lOTTON SEED OlU-l'Irm. 21s 3d.
iriU'ENTINE 1UII. hcildirn ITei inodiiiU'ly ,
splHtK 21s IK !
IIOHIN Dull , hoMui offii m iclorately ; coin-
inoii. ! M. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
( liliMiKii 1 mil ( 'iiotntliiiiFi.
t'lltCAOO. Suit 15 The Carl Tnilt COIIIMIIV |
sold rnlM'orn'ii dull nt iinrttrn todnv ivillrhi ) ;
tlie lollo.vliic prices Ha'll.Mt prniv. Jl 7if(2 ( 10.
h-Mlu'l. halt lHi\es ! " . . KoN. ) .lapin | iluinn
1110 , Tnknv ciiilx-H hilf iiattH. Jl.Sjfl-l Id
Muscat , S3cff > l W , Coin i lion , $1 S3. Pane ) llluli
tl r.0. . _
M rls n U In ut Miirki'l.
HAN KIIANl'ISl'O cpl. li 4'iiariil f'l : W
icnlals , Ftt'.ul > , liittinbci. Si 31 , Miv
ii3'ii' . _ _
M nol .vim Xot ,
.ST. LOIUS. Sept -\\OOL-Qulit nml iin-
UMAII1.1 vi : MIX ic > I\IU ITS.
UVck CliKoj villli n still I rrllii-r Ilitilnu In
Itficlpts of Ml Kliuls.
The receipts of ciittl" have fallen oft dnr-
IIIK the past week over 1,000 lit-inl .IK com
pared with the previous wt-eK , while Ilio re
ceipts of hogs have decreased almost ( , rl ( ) (
henil. Both cattle and hogs hu\e fallen be
low the arrivals of the correspondlnc week of
last year. Not onlj hate recclp's ueen I ght ,
but there has been a scaicl y of choice stock
of all l.Inds There Is no doubt but what
the scarcity of corn lias kept furmerH In the
country from feeding cattle , and a good
man } sipers have been itished to markrt
and sold for feeders that under other cir
cumstances would have IM-HI placed on feed
some time ago , iind would now bo rom Ing
forward as corn-fed cattle. The following
will show the recolpla for the past week , la-
gel her \\llK compjr sons *
Cuttle Hois Sheep
Iteceliits this week . . 1-J.lSl 21.07B : > .r > iS
lleceliits last \\eil ! . . . 20'U'i M.43G 1,1198
Same wick last jeiir. IS.T'U 58,731 4.0Jli
Same vveelt IK- . ' U.ilJ 21,010 Mil
CATTLC While other maikets have been
declining tlie market here on beef htecrR
has rtnu tied steady , on account of the very
light offerings , which have been 'way bIovv
the demand. In fact , on many days there
haie hardly been enough on the market to
establish prlc s. Today thp o uas nothing
gooc ! , though a load of fair westerns brought
$4 25 , and some lighter cattle ? 1 10 that were
also westerns The packer's aic looking for
a large run of wes ern b"e\es the coming
w i > eh.
The market on cows and mixed stock wit ?
about steady today , but it has been gradu
ally climbing up during the week under th'
Influence of an aclhe demand lu the face of
molerate offulngs. Today att high as
? 3.25 was touched for cows , hut fair to good
cows sold largely at $ l.iO ! to $2.10
There was about the usual < iul t Saturday's
business done In the stoclcer and feeder mar
ket. The demand , howe\er , was fully up to
the supply , and prices stiotiR. There
been a good deal of nc Ivlty In this branch
of the cittle trade tlurlnK the put week , and
the market has made a rapid ndvanc" .
amounting to about 'J5o on the be tcr griulEs
of feeders nnd about JGc on light stock cattle
HOGS There ivero sixty-one loads of hogs
In the yards , which was a little largci than
the run jesterday. There was , howeer , a
very considerable Impiovement In the
quality of the hogs , thers being fewer rough
and mean loads and more good to choice
locds. The market opened lower and be
came still woroe as th- later reports came
In from , Chicago The market was lOc
lower on everything unless It might be the
best heavy hogs One load brought $6M ,
which was tlio top for the day A good
many of the hogs EOlJ at jj.GjQ' today ,
vvl He $5.705 8t ( bought the hogs yesterday
TI.ero was , however considerable difference
In quality , as noted above On Saturday of
last week the hogs nolil largely nt ? 5.60p
5 70 , with the tcp nt $0.10.
SHEEP There wore Ihe loads of sheep
received today , or about 200 head more than
yesterday. Some light native ewes went
nt { 2 The mark" ! was slow and about lOc
lower on account of the decline In eastern
maikets. Fair to choice natives lire quot
able at from $2 25 lo ? 3 ; fair to good west
erns , from $2 to { 2.50 ; common nml stock
sheep , from tl 75 to $2.23 ; good to choice 40
to 100-lb lambs , from (2.50 ( to $4.
J.ocolpts nnil OlKinltlnn | of Monk.
Odlclnl receipts anl illtpvsltlon or ptocK at
tbown by Hie hooks of Hie I'nluii block Yaicln
company for the tvientj-fotir hours en Una nt t
o'clock p in , Scpteirlier n , ISJI :
Can > Henil
Cattle 37 1 12-1
Hojn Cl I 8.11
Hheep 5 Wl
Horses and mule * 1 2J
Iluvois Cuttle Ili'K * Ph p
Omahu 1'ncklni ; lotnpnny . . G-M .
The a II. llaimnoml t mil pain 113 l.noi
Swift nnd company 423 1.413 . .
The < "udnli > 1'iickliiK compiny 3 < )3 l.nci . .
O II Wll * n . 11)3 ) . .
H llecker & IVKen 18. ! lldlhtchllil 3
J. Ixilmi in 31
L llecker IS
U H H fiom K ' H4
Slippers anil ficdus G03 IVt 41
Totals . . . . . . . . . . . . . .T77 MJl 0
_ _ _
bluclc 111 nlht. |
Ilecord of receipts at tha four principal market -
ket Mr Haturday , beplember 1G. Uil :
Cattle. IIojs Sheep
South Omaha 1 JJO
' " ' ' ' "
KnnsaH City . . . . . . 3.C01
fit. Jxmls 300
Total 6.J2Q 2iOM 3.CJ1
Uiuisn City llv M < Ic Fitr'Hit.
KANHAS C1TV , Sept 13 CATTM ! lUcHpt * .
3GUO heinl , slilpinenlK , J ( X > J hi'ul inaikpl for
b st Mentis utlieiH sluu , Tcx.i.i alecrti , J2 SITiP
300 , Tex in rnv\8 , ll.WS/2 23 , beef stevm , J3 73CP
CIO , native cnnt JlHi'iJM , Mockers and feeders ,
(1 ( srjj I 65 , hulls. II KftiM
1IOQS IlicelptB , 4,10 ] head ; vlilpmentti , 2.4CO
"Well , "
said the bright woman who had asked
for Pearline , to the grocer who wanted
to sell her some imitation of it ,
"whether you do seil more of these
other things or not , there must be
something-in Pearline which makes the
flies avoid it. 1 notice that all the
Pearline packages are clean and fresh.
All the others are fly-specked ! "
This is a true story. Everything is
true that we print about Pearline.
The thing in Pearline that keeps flics
off is its popularity. It doesn't stay on the shelves long
enough to become soiled. When women want washing- made
easy , without any risk of harm , they must have Pearline.
" will tell " this Is at"
Peddler * nnd some unscrupulous Rrocert you at good
or " the same as I'earlinc. " IT'S FALSE 1'earline Is never peddled ,
and if your crocer endj you wunething in nUce of Pearline. bo
& JAilES I'VLE , Neir Vork.
honest-// tati.
mntket lr dy I" 1C < J lower : Imlk of rnl * .
ftOQ. ll null-it , t SMllMj inrkrm , t-jSOIfOiT ;
mltfil. imfi.1 * * llxhiK. r..ji < r TO. lorkeni P ti
Irttt. vlif , lltWM * .
H1IUK1 * - llfccljtn > < limit Ahlpnirntii , MO
limil innthrt l iw uiul xtiNul ) . KIKN ! to ctuMrq
nnilM * . JlWIflSt. pro , ! ID I'mlnwrotcrn * I'M
IT > 00. common nnl vlnrkui 12 Wlfl CO. Rood to
tuiUr l.tmb . J3 > ! t IIV
Cllll All * ) I , IN I ! .SIO./K ,
triiilo Uim Aliiioiit lit u MniKMIU In < nttl
Yitrr liiy.
( -IIK'.VCO. Kr.t | li-C'nlv , " > 1nml of lmtl\ 1
cattle ntrlvnl urul Iritdo wn itli * t nt n ularl-
ullll 'I IIP ImlU ol tinMii'ily i-nnriliilnl at J.009
Trxmm mnily nil of wliU'li Wfiit illmt tn
M viiKhli loin The iluu-ml wn v ! } Irullrtirrnt
fur llio fivTimlin on ap | irul I. UMTS Irlna
u point lower all minimi , ( lie fmv ntimll nlr * nt fiom ft M un > l ? 2 S6 for utters
ami iMiluw in on ml JJ.73 Tluu- win tiii tunic ot
Impiiitnnco In imllvo Ktccis , a few lulu of cticnr.
lwf Mttin w nt In I mil ImUlioiH iiuunil 13 M
niul nm mill mlxe-l 1. 1(5 ( lurt cl < rr > l ililedy
nl tivin JIM t 12 00 lll > < ml I ii-li. In era
in m filly iirmllrled fin Mnmliiv
Tluu' wns u iliciji at l' i to TV l i tin
Mkifi fji nil Kiiuit4 l IIOKK io lu > . The lO.'X ' *
firyli nrrlMila unit muttlioWlnp * "f ulimil S.raX
linul IIIOVCH ! t w miixi fi i Ilio mnrkrt lluyrlt
W IP nut < iiKi'ifor tlip limit * nt ( In ilcillni
and liiimnr-ns ilniKKiM Iroin dint In llnlsli , lln
m wl iMii.itl ructt > r ) maillot In s vuul weokn.
Kinipy 2Gi.-lli. hopn KtiM up i ta tn , lull then
nun Mi ) li-\\ HIM ul ) AC $ Q.r . ! ) < llxhl vuili
I'juld In * Itmiglit ut JC. nnit liiti-rlor KriuUi
of Unlit unrl * coutil lu > li UKlU t. > . MoM
or the ux-ful | iiiMnic li tit wiie l > iiklil ill fmt
* ' 7 > to f > uiul )1nln lil iiiimnt * % wi. Al ul
> < H ) In n J nml IIM-I im iilil , llunmrKrl ilunlni
nink nnd nt I hiIIK \ ili > cllm- .
liCKK limn I.CV ) lioml ur hri | illllu , ! for In-
ilaj'H iniikrl Himi f niiiii ) lots of Btnl
utmk sT-nltenil iinnini ) tlu > pelin , lull llic < > iiii >
nlth nn lUniiinU nml \ \ iunonlj nil lift urnnlil.
The onlj mlc < f IniiHiiiiitRc ns f ( VH
en lc < mliol M ntiinn fi-Hli-ii. nvriiKliiK S3 lln. .
Mlilrli prt tiiLi-T mi li\ nil Ohli fcpilcr nl
} 2 T" ) A r-w unull m ! < if tli n i-luT ( IMMP mails
nt I'-.MH | l 21 tu f. I. it > > m\fi \ tit iiiuHuiiK hnva
L.on ililelU nl from ! 2& ) in K < m , with n r < -
i-itni ninlllv nl 111) lloM lnml nir rim1nl | > l
lit from K i. " In II , mil fair tn Knil gtnilcH al
fitnn > 3 ! 0 1n ? 1 < i'i
UlU'iniTrt-i'iuil , 2-.V ) lit i.l. nHof ! * ) liPitti
IIOKH. ll.niM hcnl nlu-i. | 1 VM In nl
Tin * i\rnliiK : Joiiimil nimtit :
IIOiS lli > nilii , ll ( Hi lira I. iillltlil Mstcr-
ila.v , Ifi.Vi ; trail nliliiupnli | , i ) UJJ h-iul Ion < IM r ,
nlKiut 9.000 lirn'l QtinltU MI > | ionr , nn iholct
lotH on ? ul < * ; niuiktt flow nml ' k ptliot 10
fATlIi-Upriltn. : | -VH IIMHI Minkit Oiill on
ncriiuiil of lltnltul * < ii | pic , lull pi l < nt iinclninKiil ,
UKni'-lteifllilt. ] VM h.-ail Maikvt dull al
iioinliuill > iindianire < l pi lit * *
M. I oiili lUd-loil Minlcrt.
ST l.OL'IS. Ki > pl l'i 3CH
In ml Hiilnniinti I ' , HJ , > luail nmrkcl nominal
liccuusi uf tha lack nf
I1OOS Upci'lptH , 210. ) lii-nil , shlii | ptit , 2.1DI
In-ill , niukit liiiKiiliu niKl TiUp limr. IlKhl
liutdiPi choice Kiiultx liili fill iiil\iil $ B Ool
li 1U , iiioltuin to full T > i > fi"i | ) iiiiniiinn tlii
Qo UO.
sn 1:1:1 * Hit ilil ! | > i " 10 lii.ul slilpmi'iilB nonp ;
nuiKi-l dull K.XH ! niKul uliccii ami laniLm. U 8341
.1 10 lx t lainlin , } 3.5 > ' ( jJ73
nflin ilfpenOs on bi.iutj Tin * loss of one niPnnt ,
HIP loss of Hitothn ( .liny hair In n lilnii IIPAU *
llfiil Itulnnl lull , Kluala-il niul patch ) fiom
I'lunhlns ruvcr Is .
peifcctlj wtorii a ilili luitroiia eli > r , mnkri
llio hall hinltli ) niul IB i IPHII. SloamltmKill. .
oi Turkish bntliK iln not affect It It IK na nnt-
unil OH nHturr Detrition Impu-tHbh * . Douk nlxiut
It [ lie.
iMrnniAi. cunMti'Ai. MPO co. ,
1DJ I'll Hi Arinic , N V.
KolJ In Mlunnixn & iUCuniull , 1513 Hedge St.
Omnhii , >
I'm siluliy F. F. HOHCK.
/ fin a I'niiirhro Atirrt. I'J ,
CM LI ot Mu\ioo. Ma\ioo
U. 9 Cjr.
The Mexican C uatomhouto tirlff , In Hnir-
Huh , nlth ctmncpt * la ihitp. 4lo one vol.
p p. 7 . 2.C4
Mining Coila of M lco 1n llnull-h nnil Span
ish , with rlrculiib nml inllnifa on ikime ,
SM > . pp. It. ! . l.Dt
I.BW ot HIP IVilfinl SI. imp Tax. In HiiKllsh
and HpnnUi. nltti ( Inncta to datp , one \ol
8M > p p 50v . . I 1 DC
Coffee-gloving u Aluxlcn , I'Dbos I nuik on
llio subject , in - 'nslifli. 4ln pp BO . . . .I 1 M
llio Hlbtuo , use. etc of th ( * AtPxIcan < valnn
dnr Stcnp. In UnRllnh by J .1. ValuHlnl ,
\\lthplatr. t\o. p | i M . . . . . . . . . . CM
Flip Hicrrd Clls of the Tollies hy l.eopoldo
BitrcB.vlth riuniPiOUM toloirtl plntfd , 4to
PP. r.s . OH
CatnloKUi- llio Museum or Mexico
liy WV. . r.lal e. II. A , In nnsllBh. co-
pl.uialy lllunti.iled. 4tu. pp. 31 . OTt
Directory of the Clly of Mp ko Dy 12. Jluh-
land . . J 301
Dliectory of the Interim of Mexico , mime
author . . 251
The Public Liinds I.KW nf Me lira. In ing- :
llfll . . . . . OSI
The * 1'atrnt l ana of Mexlcu , ln UntclUh
nnd hi > ; inlth . . 03
Remit N. V. i : clinneo ulth onltra
Prepared from the original formula preserved -
served In the A roll hen of I hi ! Holy Land.huv
Ing an authentic liUlory dating backCOOycars.
for all Stomach , Kidney and Bowel
troubles , especially
Prlca DO cents , boldb } nil drugglato.
? he Franciscan Remedy Co. ,
for Ciiculnr a > l Illustrated Calendar.
lo Operation. Ko Detention from Business.
TMF < r ' ER CO. ,
80C-303 New York l.lto lll'tlg. , Omaha. Neb.
We Have Corn ,
Write or wire us for prices ,
r. O. H. ctrs : , U nili : , or
delivered at your station.
Telephone 213.
Omaha Elevator Co.
Commission Merchant
Craln uiul rrovirtlons.
Private wires to Clilcueo and New York.
All bualnemi orders jpTactd un ClilcuK *
Uoard ot Trade ,
CorreniionJuice solicited.
Office , room 4 , Now York Lit a liulldlnc.
* 13UI.
_ _ _
I'ui iniiuiiilrilt fuf Krmtclt , lla int .t 6'ttv
CliltiiiJJ ,
Grain a nil Commission Broker
I'rlvuto HlroloClilcizo und Now York.
Toli'plioiio No. & 15 ,