THE OMAITA DAILY KEE : MONDAY , SEPTEMBER 17 , 1891. fi \ FREAK OF A LIGHTNING BOLT Louia Martin of Rivorlon Killed Whllo StanQiDg Beside Hla Drother. LATTER DID NOT FEEL THE SHOCK John Ilortull of tlutle Mlj , Neb. , Fntnlly InjttradVlillo Hunting on Hnnh Itlver I tlilny Uxplroil In n 1'ow IIimrB. RIVERTO.V , Net. , Sept. 10 ( Special Tole- Krara. ) Loul Martin , a reapcctftl cltl/en of Dili vicinity , v.33 killed by lightning this Blternoon. He was leaning on n wire lencs , elbow to elbow with his brother , and the lat ter did not ( eel the shock. Tlie deceased leaves a wile and four young children. SCIlUYUil. Neb. , Sept. 16 ( Special ) Prank Juno of Whitman , Ncl ) , a. telegraph operator , Is tiero among relatives land friends. Stephen and Kmll Divorak visited their father at Verdigris tills week. The Bohemian publication at Sclmyler , Svlt , has proved so unprofitable that tlio publishers , ! ' . 1C. KlnKsmuth and Joseph Prlborskjr , hu c decided to discontinue U nnd move to Cedar Ilaplds , la. This Is the third publication under charge ot Mr. IllnRsmutli tliut had had to subside since 1S89 , the first being tlio Nova Doba nnd the second the Kolov. Mr. Illngsimith h an ublo and energetic man , but lack ot patron- use has united htm down. Alter some weelts of dusty streets be cause ot trouble In letting contract for sprinkling , relief was begun last week liy J , H. Fulrncr , wlfo secured the Job at 110.90 per week , which is 63 10 less per month than Mas paid heretofore , A large number of dressed stone street crossings arc being- substituted tor the old plank ones , Some ot the electric lights at strest In tersections are being placed upon poles forty Instead of twenty feet in height. Miss May niden ol DCS Molnes. la. who lias been teaching music In Schuyler during the past two jears , has been offered a large class In lloone , la. , where she goes this week. Monday evening her puplla ga\e a recital at the home ot Sir. and Mrs , Thomas Uryant , which was very nightly spoken of 1 > y those present The Hoard ot education appointed Prof J S. Van Eaton , the newly elected princi pal , 13. Lamhofcr and J. A. Qrlmlsoti an ex amining board to examine the city teachers elected for this year. , Wednesday Mrs H , W. Nlcman and chil dren , Sara nnd Chaunccy , left for New "York. Barn will enter school In Philadelphia and Chauncey In Concord , N II. The Zaplivr Wheel club will have a five- mile race at tlie coming county fair lor the club championship. Lucy P. Dodge ot Peorla , III , \lsltlng Mr. and Mrs. U. H. Phelps , Christiana Jacobsett has opened a kinder garten Bchool at lier home In AVest Schuyler She has a class of fifteen. Miss Harriett Hood of Omaha Is In charge of a class In physical culture during her va cation. There are twenty In the class. Itellosuo IIELLEVUE , Neb. , Sept. 18. ( Special. ) Tlm public schools opened Monday with a gnod attendance. Miss Hetcn Longsdorf left Monday to take charge of the Palrvlew school. Prof. G , D. Crothers , formerly of the faculty of IJellevue college , was In , the vil lage during the early part of the week , lookIng - ' Ing up old acquaintances. Mrs. J. D. Kerr met -ft 1th a serious ac cident last Wednesday. While driving down College tilll a strap broke and the horse , be coming frightened , overturned the buggy , throwing lier and her son , Ralph , to the ground. Both of h r ankles were sprained and aha Is Etlll sufterlug from the nervous B hock. Mr. Koultt nnd family have removed to Omaha. Mrs. George Ilurtch and daughter , Olllc. are visiting relatives In Springfield. . Prof. William Crothers , who takes Prof. Mitchell's ' place at the cell ORB as Instructor ot Greek and Latin , arrived on Thursday. Prof. Mitchell has returned to Princeton to resume his studies. Mrs. William Hamilton and faintly re turned from ttecatur Friday. Mr. Henry Whetstone as struck by D , & il. train No. 3 and badly hurt. The old gentleman Is very deaC and did not hear the train , _ Viilloy Nut MI uf Ni'ivi. VALLEY. Neb. , Sept. 16. ( Special ) Miss Ella Lowell of St. Paul , Minn , , arrived last evening and will spend two weeks with her sister. Mrs. D. R. Brownson Mr. William Hart , a prominent liveryman ot this place , was married Wednesday evenIng - Ing at Fremont to Miss Alice Whitchorn , also of Valley. E. Cswuy has twelve acres of the finest onions In Nebraska. He his already shipped two carloads to Denver. The Valhy band anheil homo from the state fair this morning. Hon. John JM. Thurslon will address the citizens of western Douglas and adjoining counties upon political questions at the Val ley opera house Tuesday evening , The Val ley Cornet band has been engaged for the occasion. The Valley Herald , Olmstcad & Johnson editors and publishers , made Its nppearance In Valley this morning. Valley now has two weekly papers , Charles Ackerman , living north of town , lost his residence by fire. Mr. and Mrs Israel Ilesslg ot Phtlpa county are visiting the family of I'oto Miller. Lightning' * Wuck itl Went t'olnt. WEST POINT , Sept. 16 ( Special , ) During a heavy rain yesterday the houseof John Dtenslaka was struck by lightning. A hole was torn through the root and Mrs. Dlens- lake was knocked down by the shock , but not otberv Iso Injured. The Cumins county fair will begin tomor row. Prospects are good for a large ex hibit , as more Interest Is being manifested by farmers than for many previous yeara The large , barn ot Charles Mack was de stroyed by fire last evening , The fire- was evidently of Incendiary origin. Work will bo commenced Monday on the now creamery building. The plans are ac cepted for a largo brick. The latest Im proved machinery for butter making will be purchased , and the capacity ot the plant very much enlarged , A very larg ly attended double wedding occurred Wednesday. 'County Attorney Blood lo and Miss Kate Iteadlngcr and Prof. H. L. Walls and Miss Llzilu Readlnger were united In matrimony. The brides are the two accomplished daughters of Judge Read lnger. _ On ! IVrtniml Mention OUD. Neb , Sept. 1C. ( Special. ) Mrs. Vin cent Kokea left Saturday for Wahoo on a. visit to relatives there. Mr , II. C Spauldlng was on Omaha visitor I hla west : Key. O. C. Wilson and family , who have li en visiting In Pennsylvania , returned home Friday evening. Mrs. J. u. Williams Is visiting the stale fair at Lincoln this week , Miss Hatlle Wlnabw Is visiting with rela tives In Lincoln , Mrs , ndlth A. Milter of Onawa , la , a former resident of OrJ , Is visiting with Mrs J. W. Perry , _ lrntllr Shot Whllo Hunting. VALENTINE , N b. , Sept. 1C. ( Special. ) John Ilarrall , aged 19 , who resides with his parents near Ilutte City , Neb. was fatally shot while hunting on Snake' river Friday He attempted to plac * his gun In a wagon with the muzzle reversed. He dUd In a few hours , _ Mlclit fro it M JUlfont MILFOUD , Neb , Sept , 16. ( Special. ) There was n slight froat on th bottom lands last night. It will prompt the farmers to complete the cutting ot their corn. Many farmers In this vicinity urn preparing cnallago for their stock this winter. I.JIMU Itrililcnco llurnril. LYONS , Neb , Sept. 16 ( Special ) Mrs Neary'u house , one mile west ot town caught tire list night and WM burned to the ground , -with all the contents , except the organ and it few minor articles. The ichool nounIn W. H White's dlitrlct. eight miles northeast ot town , was burned n Tew nights ago Supposed to hart been set on fire The town board -will sell the water bonds September 28 and begin work on the water works as soon as arrangements can be made. Mrs W. White , one of the first settlera at this county , Mas burled here last Thurs day.Hanker Hanker IJvcrelt anil family have gone to California to spend the winter. HUI.INdS ON HCJIOOI. UUKSTION3. Ilcctaloii * Mnile lijrtlin Ntntc Superintendent f f I'nlitln Tiutrm'tliMi. LINCOLN , Sept. 1C ( Special. ) Following are mime decisions made by State Superin tendent Ooudy on points recently submitted : A school district cannot legally borrow money fir building purposes , except by the Issuance ot district bonds. A legal voter TV ho Is a taxpayer Is eligible to membership on the board ot education In cities. Saloon license moneys paid under the au thority of village board or city council should jo equally divided among all the school dis tricts lying wholly or in part within the corporate limits of said village or city. ( See 29 Nebra ka , 288 , and 28 Nebraska , 251. ) The endorsement of a teacher's county certificate merely transfers It to the county by whose superintendent It Is endorsed. Children residing In "unorganized terri tory" cannot be * legally enumerated In any school district. The pavers of the county board arc limited to the fltlng of the per diem of the county superintendent's pay ( or to the annual salary In case of a county iuth salary ) ; this bdard ( .nnnol determine the number of days nec essary tor the proper performance ol the duties of the county superintendent. The county superintendent may recover from the county his claim for services rendered , nt the per diem fixed by the county board , ferns ns many days as In his judgment the con ditions In his county demand A county superintendent has no legal right to Issue n teacher's- certificate upon a college illplumu us evidence of qualification. \iin Uji-k IUrn In 11 Church. Washington Special to the Chicago Trib une : Ex-Senator Van Wyck of Nebraska has given the society people here something to talk about by taking up bis residence In the picturesque little church en Massachusetts avenue. Just opposite the rcs'dcnco of Chief Justice Puller. It Is In the swellest portion of the city , and for the list few days Mr mid Mrs. Van Wyck and their daughtei have made their home In the edifice formerly de voted to divine service Mrs. Van Wjck ovuis the property. It having been bought by her hush mil and presented to her as an after- dinner favor the day they were leaving WatJi * lligton for Nebraska at the conclusion of the latter s senatorial career. It has been the scene of high church Episcopal and Sweden- borglan services , but lately has been Idle. When Mr. and Mrs Van Wyck came here to attend to repairs then In progress upon their other property the former suggested that'th'jr camp tut In their empty church. Mr Van WcL , since his long Illness , has a horror of mounting steps , and thought It would be a great scheme to Hvo on tha .ground lloor. So they moved to the church and divided oft the auditorium bj Imaginary lines Into parlbr , bedrooms , dining room , and picture gallery Pictures they had In plenty , and a shopping expedition quickly provided the nec essary furnlturo. The \cstry was turned Into a kitchen , and the shining pipes ot tlio organ nnd the decorations of the chancil helpc-1 out the art gallery. Hugs , lumps , small tables , easy chairs , and sofas dot the space all around , and papers and boolci give evidence of their enjoyment. A big rocker under thi trees which shade the porch made a resting place for the ex-senntor as he sat readIng - Ing or chatting. Nobody could have more fun over the fact that within eisy reach hung the bell rope , a pull on which would have caused a familiar sound In that locality. With plenty ot servants and every comfort possible the little household spent the last few duys very pleasantly In their novel quar ters , and liked It eowell that It Is quite probable the church will become their winter home. They Intend to put up partitions and make a goad many alterations to transform It into a proper duelling , and have had plans draivn for that purpose. I'rciillnr ( irant County Drill. HVANNIS , Neb , Sept. 1C. ( Special Tele gram. ) The democrats of Grant county met at tljannh Saturday. A few democrats , le < l by T. E Lynch , nominated ex-County Judge Crantlall tor county attorney , passed free silver resolutions , endorsed Bryan nnd elected T. H. Lynch , an administration democrat , as a delegate to the state con vention. PROVIDENCE IN THE WEST. Tlio Jiulgo ( lot Into a Ditch , but It Waan't Ills Last Ono. "Yes , wo have an adventure now nnd then out in our country , " said Judge Thompson ot Wyoming. "It you'll come out and see ua I'll refer you to five or six men whose hair breadth escapes would ( ill a book. As for me , I haven't had but one close call worth relating" "That'H the very one I'm after , " said the Detroit Free Press Interviewer. "Well. It didn't amount to much as an ad venture , I'm afraid , though I'm free to say I was never more frightened for ten min utes. 1 tot ween what Is called the Gran ite rldt5s and Had Water creek. In central Wyoming , Is a tine cattle range. I was out with a small party last summer prospecting for certain minerals nnd had to cross this valley at about the center. There were four of us on horseback , with our outfit packed on the three lead mule a and at about 2 o'clock in the afternoon we sighted homethlng to make the Imlr lift our hats right oft our heads. " "Indians or grizzly bears ? " queried the scribe. "Plsli ! The Indians were all right , ani grizzly bears don't wander down Into the valleys by das light. What wo sighted was n herd ot about 1.000 cattle coming our way , and they were coming as If every critter was carrying a hundred pounds ot steam Two or three herJa had got mUed , and In trying to separate them the boys had started n ccncrnl stampede. In the old days the buffaloes used to bo some on the mad rush but let mo tell you that the wild cattle a the west can run a third faster , and when , th-sy once get started they will charge a ( laming mountain. The front of the lierd wasn't over a mile away when we sighted it and II was no use to run before It , turn bad or ride ahead. Our horses were scrub stock and had no speed. " " .And there as no convenient grovu or rock to shelter you ? " "Not a tree nor a rock for five miles around , but Just wherewe pulled up was a natural ditch about fifty feet long , cut out by the rains. It wasn't o\er two feet wide by tweny | Inches deap , but It was our only hope. We slipped oft our horse ? , gave them a slap and piled lno : that ditch faces down , " "And the herd passed over you ? " . "Exactly. I hadn't drawn three long breaths when the front of the herd was at hand. Let me. just tell you that I was never BO- scared In all my born da > s. Every critter wus bellowing , horns clashing , hoofa digging up the soil , and as each ono jumped the ditch he caved the dirt In on ine. I felt fitly different hoofa scuff my back , and every in stant expected to be stepped on It took tha herd only about ten minutes to pass , but the time seemed hours to me. When the last one had coma nnd gnni ) I was regularly covered In and liad to ba dug out. Two of the p y were- stepped on and badly hurt. " "And your horses and mules ? " "Picked up on the horns of the cattle- and tossed about ami stepped on till they were reduced to a pulp , Just cleined us out as slick as a. whistle. If we'd been In our saddles nobody could have recognized ua as having once been human beings. "Seemed like the lund ot Providence , didn't It ? " "Of course. That's what we look for and depend upon out In our country. Come out tome time , and ace how the old thing works . when we are going to have an avalanche three- miles long by a tew thousand fe t wide- . " r > iivcl l-anip Similes. An English electrical firm la Introducing come striking novelties In electric lamp shades These shades are made of a spe cially selected description of natural fealh- cr , dyed in choice tints , and arranged In artistic ahipe * and combinations at color Among other beautiful designs of shades 'or floor and table lamps are the reprcsrn- a Mem a of various kinds of flowers , made sepa rately and grouped together on skeleton Iramc . The result Is na entire departure from the hackneyed style of silk and lice shades now in vogue. The general construc tion of the shades Is protected by a patent , and every Oeslpn-U registered. It Is a note worthy fact that the designer of nearly all the patterns Is a young woman , who de rives an excellent Income from her work. DESEBTING THE 3XSIP. Itoonirm tVlio Hiulu-it la Are N'iny bull } TriKipltig Out Ac : l . The results of the opening of the Cherokee Strip , September 1C , 1393 , arc already history. There were ten men for every claim , and more than n third of the land was entirely worthless for any form of agricultural pur poses. The year has been one of contests over claims , wrltei a correspondent of the S'ew York Tribune. Many of these have been settled by force. Sufferings have been endured bejond the power of pen to de scribe. Clalmholders dared not invest any thing In their claims , not knowing who would be awarded the land by the government. Women and children who had been used to the shelter ot a rcof and the comforts of home were forced to spend the winter In temporary shacks , old tents , or In a wagon box set on the ground covered by an old canvas sheet. Every mouthful of supplies f r man and beast had to come from the elates. The long delays In opening the land Ind exhausted the money and supplies of nine-tenths of the boomers , so that when they enfred the strip they had not as many dollars as children. The chaos caused by so many contests pre vented any general effort ot breaking ground nnd planting crops Hut those who could buy off the squatters and clear their claims of nil contests have not raised anything. The spring rains gat ? promise of abundant har vest , but the drouth and hot winds which have prevailed all aver the west have been dDubly severe in this tectlofi , and the entire strip Is almost as general In Its desolation today as when the boomers had driven out the cattlemen. The clplmholders , who bor rowed a little money from their friends back In the states , have spent It and have no har vest When harvest time arrived the yellow- tlnlpd wh < at was the evidence ot the presence ot death Instead of the golden grain. The fields of sod corn have never shot the silken shoots which give the prom ise of the cars of corn. The fields have fired until the crops cannot be secured tor forage , as the corn blades crumble and blow avvaj like chaff. A more dreary bcene ot desolation cannot be Imagined , and fuither westward the damage Is marc complete , If possible. The first effects of this deplorable condi tion of affairs was upon the numerous cities Thousands cf the disappointed land hunters ( lacked to the town sites in tha desperate hope of securing a. town lot which would at least partly recompense them for their time nnd expense These towns were largely promoted meted by n syndicate of sharks , uho did all In their power to attract a great number of boomers , knowing thnt the large surplus of claim hunters would give their town a sud den Importance ami assist them In unloading their best lots at big prices. Nor were they wrong In their prognostications. Towns were built In a night which would rival In population and push many of the. old count ) seats of the east which have more than a century's growth. Iut with the failure of all vegetation these lot speculators , who had been holding on , hoping that good crops would help thorn out. have quietly abandoned the towns. The city of Perry , which ten months ago had a population ot 15,000. has not today more than 300 souls. Other smaller towns have been almost deserted. Arkansas City has been filled for three weeks with the fleeing boomers , hurrying away from the land of promise to some locality which promises them at least an existence. Trains have been loaded with those who could secure the price of transportation , and many cinlm- lioldcrs have secured assistance from the wife's folks , and have sent the women and children an the railroads , while they proceeded overland with the dilapidated prairie schooner and jaded , halt-starved ani mals. Every day brings long lines of the discouraged , disheartened land hunters , who have spent a year or more In the vain effort to secure a few acres of land on which to build a home for themselves and families. Tn I'Us army Oklahoma proper has not contributed any material strength. A few who were unfortunate In their selec tion ot land , and who from other nnd vari ous unforseen conditions have failed , have left their claims , but the majority who have remained in Oklahoma since the opening five jears ago will be able to winter in comfort. They were more fortunate In their flrst few years gnd have now a very good start and are gurwlns some corn en their old breaking , where a sod crop would not survive the drouth. STUDENTS IN AN ICE CAVE. A Natural lurlonlty In tlio ninuntnlns. , The traveling class In geology , under the direction of Prof. Ilellprln , have made their latest observations In the northeastern part of Pennsylvania , and a member of the party writes to the Philadelphia Record from ConaBhaugli , Pike county , under the date ot July 22. saying : "Variety and novelty rewarded our efforts last week. On last Thursday wo drove from our hotel at Crags-moor to the little Inn at the foot of the mountain , opposite Ellen- vllle , from which we were to climb to the Ice cave In the top. We made tha ascent successfully , but took the wrong oath , walked past the Ice cave and wandered over the mountain tops all the afternoon , our search being fruitless. Late In the day we re turned to the town to stay over night , that we might start bright and early the next morning. "We attended to some very necessary pur chasing and repairing of shoes , procured pro- plsions for the trip next day , and on Friday morning we started , soon after 0 o'clock , to again ascend in search of the cave , this time taking a guide , Wo reached the cave aboul 9 o'clock , and , looking over the side of the chasm that leads to It , we felt the Ice-cold air rushing out. Prudence dictated that we wait and cool off a little before going down into to cola a place. After a rest , and cat- Ing Ice and snow , we climbed down Into this big rift , and down the slide cf Ice and rock to the tongue-shaped mass of snow , which accumulates during the winter and remains throughout the year. "The depth Is about seventy feet , and wo found the temperature In the coldest place 34 degrees , while out in the sunshine the thermometer ran up to 12G. This Ice cave Is one of the many In the Shawangunk mountains , and they are very Interesting as well as attractive features. The large fis sures In the rock caused by the slipping of the upper course conglomerate on the fine underlying shale , extend to a great depth In many cases , and the snow forms a mast large enough to last through the entire season. The melting and refreezlng of the snow cause quite beautiful scalactltlc for mations , resembling the cnlclte ones fount In cnves In limestone regions. "As wo hail abstained from food to a cer tain extent the previous day. we had preparei for this trip quite an elaborate lunch , the crowning feature of which was to be the vanilla Ice cream , made of condensed milk and frozen In the perpetual snow of the Ice cave. The concoction was made carefully In a tin pail , a whole bottle of vanilla being used In It. The pall , with a lid , was burlei snugly In the snow at the bottom of the cave There U remained to freeze for two or three hours , according to most approved Qreenlanc methods ; but , atatt when lunch time came and wo excavated the luxury. It was found In Ita original liquid state , and that 'vanilla soup became the substitute for Ice cream , "This was a grievous disappointment , for as scientific students , we had expected un usual pleasure from lee cream frozen In na < ture's own freezer. The afternoon waa spen' ' In visiting other rifts In the vicinity , In cm the Ice formations hung like a graceful man tie. while In a deeper chasm a beam of nun light , piercing the darkness from a chink In Us rocky walla , made a beautiful effect What la known as the 'great rift' Is a tre mendous spill In the rocks , extending abou a mile In length and In Us greatest width about 100 feet. Tills riven and torn moun tain , with Ua great blocks fallen In and downward , li a wonderful lesson In geology There must have been 6m& quaking In tha region when those rocka were broken ant leased In to wild a manner. " OUTLOOK FOjf-'TllE - ' OYSTER Cultivation of tbq 'riLpsoous [ B.vv'.vo tt Home indvAbroad UNITED STATES UfPLIZS THE WORLD tr a rct A < l i > tril tif'Kupply ' tlip ( Irnnlug l > rnmiul l xtliitillmTl'rolmbli ! ltilcH ] np il HI Clirckml di nt riictHu Hqtircs. < Coprlslit l. 1WI , > > > 8 S Mcl'lu re. Limited ) The threatened ixtlnctlon o ( the American oyster an Idle threat It would seem In the 'ace ot the fact that the production today Is greater than It has been before In the history of the fisheries has lead the United States fish commission to mike many experiments n the line of artificial propagation , and to examine carefully the system ot oyster cut- ; ure followed abroad with aview to Us adop tion at some remote day in the United States The Trench people believed fifty years ago that their supply of oysters was Inexhausti ble , but they have had to resort to the most remarkable artificial means to restore their fisheries. The abundance with which nature lias blessed the Chesapeake waters nny not endure through the next hnlf century , espe cially If no attempt Is made to protect the oj-ster beds by legislation. It Is likely that there will always be pub lic oyster grounds in the United States as there are In England. Oyster culture In the older country Is an Important Industry , but the attempt to Interfere with the right of fishermen on the o > stcr banks has always met with a strenuous and partly successful opposition. Limitations have been placed on the public fisheries to the extent of prohibit ing the marketing of deep-sea oysters be tween June 15 and August 4 , and there are regulations which have been In force since the seventeenth century prohibiting the taking of small ovstcrs altogether. Dut the British fisherman still dredges for ojsters on the public banks and l.c probably will continue to exercise tint privilege for all time The same spirit of independence will preserve to the American fishermen the right to the public fisheries , though certain concessions arc made even now to those who wish to en ter on the Industry of oyster cultivation Already all of the Atlantic coast states have enacted laws setting aside sea bottom for pre emption or lease by those who wish to enter on the cultivation of o > sters ; and most of the northern oysters come from private beds H Is estimated by Mr. Stevenson of the fish commission that the nvallible sea bottom on the coast of the United States will always be able to over-supply the local demand for oysters. In other countries the supply of avallibl. ground Is so small comparatively tint oyster farms are established under condi tions which would bo regarded by the Ameri can o > sterman -almost prohibitory certainly " tainly as commcrcrill } valueless. In Italy , for example , the available sea bottom Is let In parks only fifteen feet square ( the Slary- land oystermen complain that the limitation of five acres on pre-emption hinders culti vation ) and the llaHan oyster farms arc cultivated on the Snlss mountain plan ver tically. In France , mqddy bottoms , which are generally considered Impossible on the American coast , are 'adapted to the Industry and are made to produce large crops. Now Trance Is calmly considering the possibility of selling seed oysters to our oystormcn. There la no doubt1 that artificial cultivation like that of Franco could be adapted to American conditions.But the proposition tn introduce the French system In this countr > has always met with a commercial obstacle With the enormous natural supply to meet almost any demand , with the comparatively extravagant cost of Jabor In tjils country , would o > stW cultivation pay ? The answer has always been that the foreign sjstem ot culture would not pay In the United States : that only the limited Industry w'hlch has been established along the New England coast could be made profitable as > et. When the oyster beds ot the Chesapeake show- signs of exhaustion , there may be a profit In bringing up oysters by hand ; until that time It will never be a very Important American Industry. We produce today nearly six times as many oysters as all the rest of the world. We ship 100,000 barrels of ojsters annually to England. We have oysters to eparc. and at prices which no other coun try can even approximate. A THREE-FOLD INDUSTRY. There are three distinct branches of the oyster Industry ; the collection of the "tpat" or spawn : the protection of the young oyster through natural growth , and the fattening of the oysters ot marketable size In some countries all three of these branches of the Industry are carried on In the same place and by the some people , But there is a large trade In oyster seed' ( the developed spat ) , which Is monopolized by France and Hoi land ; nnd Belgium devotes her attention ex clusively to the fattening of oysters which are grown In other countries It has been estimated that twenty-five oysters , under perfect conditions , could pro duce enough joung to supply the whole Con necticut coast. A female ojster will produce 9,009,000 eggs at a time , and one- authority says that a particularly large American oyster may produce 60,000,000 , eggs , at one time. The European oyster Is leas fecund , and produces only 1,000.000 to 2,000.000 eggs. But from the conditions surrounding the eggs , the spat and the joung oyster. It Is possible that from these millions of eggs but two full grown oysters will result. Mud Is fatal to the young oyster , nnd may kill the oyster full grown. The crab , the star fish , the oyster bird , are all destructive In fluences which prevent the development of more than a minute percentage of the fer tilized eggs. And the possibilities of fertili zation are considerably lessened by the fact that the mole and female oysters empty their generative products directly Into the water , leaving largely to chance the fertilization ot the 'female's eggs by the male fluid. An authority has estimated that each oyster born has 1-1H5QOO of a chance of reaching adult age. TUB MAIN DIFFICULTY IN THE IN DUSTRY. The Influences affecting tha permanency of the oyster supply in the United States are not so much the enormous consumption ot full grown oysters as the destruction ot the young and the failure' to protect the spat or to provide for Us safe deposit. With a few restrictions. It Is every man for himself In the American fisheries , and It Is na man's business to protect the ) young oyster , where It should bo the business of every man. It Is nobody's business tp maintain the supply ot spawning oysters , sfj the amount of epat de creases annually In certain well fished lo calities. The sameri condition of affairs oc curred In France , and''lt ' ' became necessary there for the government to set aside spawnIng - Ing grounds. This necessity Is not likely to arise In the United States for an Indefinite period , but Mr. Stevanson , In one of his ad mirable reports , has suggested to the authori ties of Maryland life llecesslty of preparing the oyster banks for1 ft 3 "set" of "spat , " so that the greatest people amount may be collected. A large .prpuprtlon of the Chesa peake npat Is undoubtedly last in tha mud ol the sea bottom oneidf * he spat's ' worst ene mies. 3 COLLECTION.iOIfuTHK . OYSTER. Spawning havlng ticn protected , the nexl step in oyster cullUfVIs the ( election of the spat. In America but few preparations are made for this. Along the Connecticut coast it has been th , custom for some time to spread gravel at the rate of 100 cr 200 tons to thu aero on muddy ground , and on the same coaat , as well aa In Long Island ccund alonu the New York shore , It Is the custom for oyster farmers to scatter about 300 bushels of shells to the aero aver the ground under cultivation. The use of shM * to Improve the oyster beds has had a lim ited popularity of late years In Virginia Hut In the south , where so little private planting Is done , there are not the same Inducements to method that there are here In Connecticut : for example , where there are more than 70,000cres of private ground one-half under cultivating and only about 13,000 ot public ground. On the I'equancck river In Connectlcu there 1s still another method ot collecting the spat , which might at first be conslJero an adaption trim the I Lilian , but whlcl was really a local discovery made In 1868 In that ytar a farmer near Oroton , trim mine th trees In h s orchard , threw the 'branches Into tlie river. In the fall he ua < much surprised to find tin- brush cov ered wltli oysters. Others began to ex periment wall brush , pbntlng U In May nd June , with aucli tucccis thnt this method of raising oysters Is still followed to n limited extent In the nelghb rhood Its limitation by the lical authorities Is In the interest of health , f r the grrat Accumula tion of brush nt cue time made the water * s ; nun HIH. Ihc great tutural supply of spat In Amor- can waters In rcrtnln localities has mndo It unnecessary thus far to protect the spawning oyster. PrcpaniR the sea bottom by dredg- tig and rcntterlnfi , shell's or grakel In these callties Is enough to Insure a satisfactory accumulation cf spat , No attempt Is made o protect the young ojstor In America ex cept by removing the crop to deeper water when tt has attained n certain growth. This s In fomc measure a protection from the star fish , and In a great degree a safeguard agathst storms. Uhcn the oysters are 2 years eld they are seed ojsters , and much : t the business ot Connecticut oystermen s In the raising of seed to ell to Long Island planters. In four years the oyster * full grown and ready for market. THE OYSTER IN ENGLAND England Is next In Importance to the United States In the production of oysters ; jut this Is due largely to the conditions which seem tc render her natural supply Inothaustlblo The Ilomnn wrIUrs spoke of the abundance t testers on the English coast in their tlm nnd while the supply has 1 en lessened by too Indiscriminate fishing , tlieru Is still a larg > business tn oysters taken from the public reefs. The decrease In natural production , however , is well Illustrated by the fact that seed ojsters which vorj worth about } l GO n tub of twenty gallons In ISuO nnd J2 a tub In ISS3 are today quoted nt $10 a bushel. In view of this heavy price for native seed , the chief aim of the English ctilturlsts has al- v-avs been the development ot the ojster embrjo In reservoirs The possible profits of the successful e\ecutlon of this under taking are almost beyond computation. Hut up to the present time the English experi ments , though carried on at great expense nnd with every scientific care , have been unsuccessful. The only successful expert in cut In raising a crop In a closed pom ] from spawning ojstcrs Is that of Mine. Veuve de Salnt-Sauvcur at llrcneguy , tn Fiance , and the conditions there are peculiar The chief obstacles to success In England have been the collection of sediment In the ponds , the excess of salt In the water and the malacratlon of the water. The fish commission at Washington 1ms gone n sUp be > end the Englishmen In Its experiments with artificial cultivation U has proved that it Is possible to remove the eggs from the female oysters , fertilize tlirm and raise the spawn. But while this process Is in leresting trom a scientific view point it la as yet of no value commercially The chief business of th > oyster farmers of England Is very like that ot the ojstcr farmers ot Connecticut. Seed u > stcrs are purchased In the spring , chiefly In Franco A small amount of bccd cornea from America llio Trench ojster after two or three years growth In English vvatcis takes on the characteristics ot the native ojster and can he detected as a transplanted ojster only l > > an export. The planting Is done on private Grounds leased from the government. Some of the leases run sixty years The WMtstabio eon pany , a co-operative concern which pro dtices Jl.OOO.OCO worth of oysters in a single yeai , has bicn In existence for n century The privets grounds are prepared by dredg ing and by tcntterlng shells , and the seed is strewn thickly In about a fathom of water The product Is gathered with dredges. Both In England and In America dredges are used on the public , as w I ) as on private grounds In Connecticut there Is a law prohibiting the use of steam dredges on the public banks OYSTER CULTURE ON THE CONTINENT Tha continental methods of ojster culture differ usually from the methods adopted In England and America. Italy has the oldest oyster farms. The business Is carried on extensively only at Tarente. The system Is entirely different from the French system In fact It has no parallel In the world. The Italians have divided the water Into parks flft&en feet square which are rented by the small holders at 00 cents apiece. The govern ment rents out the entire bay bottom to a coin pan ) for $10,000 a year. The limits of each park arc marked by ropes stretched be tween corner posts Other ropes are ar ranged wcbllke : icros the space. The posts are made of three Micks of green pine bound together near the top. Loose bundles of hazel or gorse boughs are hung In the water They attract the spat. Spawning takes place all through the the year , but the chief set Is In June. When the oysters are firmly at tached these bundles of boughs ( called fas cines ) are removed from the water and broken up Into twigs The twigs are spliced Into long ropes which arc then hung tn the water. The oysters swinging from these ropes escape the sedlmant which too often spalls an oyster crop at the bottom ot the water and the crop matures very rapidly It takes two years and a half to produce an ojster of the first grade A rope fourteen feet long will hold 2,000 oysters. The rope method economizes space and It enables the oysten farmers to overhaul their crop nnd to clear away any parasites which might Injure the oysters. In addition to these ropes there are light baskets hung In the park In which loose oysters , taken from theLoHom , are kept. The annual yield at Tarentc Is about 20,000- 000. There ore smaller oyster ( farms at Fusaro and the Lucrlno lake. Naples has some few parks- like those at Tarente , but the water Is not of the purest. THE PRIZED GREEN OYSTER. The best French ojsters are those which have been fattened and "greened" The green oysters come from Marennes , where they are kept In clalres or basins In which a green moss , peculiar to the locality , grows. This green color Is highly prized by con noisseurs. After "greening" or fattening the oyster Is often placed In a basin filled with clear water , where he U allowed to remain until his system Is freed from the sand or mud which may have entered the regular food. These are the choicest oysters shipped. Some oysters are "educated" for long dls tance Journeys. They are taken from the water every day for a certain time until they become accustomed to keeping their shells closed and retaining their Juices. When they have been educated In this they are packed nnd shipped to market. Many of the oyster farmers ship direct to con sumers. An order given In Paris Friday night will bo filled In time for Sunday din ner. The green oysters of the best grades cost the consumer from 1 to 4 cents each and the Portuguese oysters about half aa much. There Is' a little dredging on the public grounds on the French side of the channel ; but It Is coontrollcd by the government and Is only allowed for very brief periods. The Dutch abolished public dredging In 1870 and the government took possession ol the oyster beds. Now they are let to the highest bidder on short leases and they bring to the- public treasury about $500,000 a year. In some favored localities It Is enough to shell the ground and wait for the spat to ac cumulate ; In others the French tile Is used During the process the tile Is handled twenty-one limes. Yet the cosl of each oyster delivered on board the railroad cars Is , only 3 cents. The Dutch oysters havea largo sale In Germany. The seed Is sold In many places. Holland produces about 70,000 bushels of ojsters each year a little more than Italy. The public oyster beds of Spain have been dredged out , and the price cf oysters lias advanced In twenty joara from 2 cents to (2 a hundred. The seed for the Spanish farmers Is Imported from France , and the French method of case culture Is followed. The Portuguese Industry Is very like thai tn America. The spat Accumulates on the shell bottom nanrnlly and It Is collected as seed and sold to fishermen. An English LOinpany f-r a Itng time controlled the ex port business and made a great deal o money sending Portuguese oysters to the Thames , where they were fattened for the English market. The business Is now In tha hinds of Portuguese companies and la not very flourishing. Germany has but one district for oyster culture a sheltered corner of the North sea. The banks were rented out at om tlniD for 117,000 a year. Between 18S1 ant 1891 they were closed by the German gov ernment because they were being depopu lated They are now held under a lease which does not permit more than a certain number of oysters to be taken and which pays the government a percentage of the catch. Tha Belgian cycler Industry U dcvotet entirely to fattening. The oyitera are re cclveil from England , France and Holland at Oitend , and are pliced In canes In con oreted compartment ! , In a , month they ro supposed to have acqulre-tl the peculiar flavor which tlm ( water gives them. ml they are put on the market Hrlillng through natural advintngcs the poult on which wo now oocup , " In theojstrr wld It Is net at all likely that wr * will bo bllKwl to adopt foreign methods ot ciilll- tiling oysters vxiihln the e < cpfrience of his or the next generation. Hut It It hcuhl be necessary It Ins been dtmon- trated these methods nn be applied or ) oasll ) along our coasts anil that we can > r tlt thus by the experiments ot tlie oyster nrmets of other countries. WILD HOGS OF AKIZONA. l > iMrmlnnt * of Innin Sirlnc , hut llntiRrriiuft tu Hunter * . The wildest of wild hogs ll\o both above and below Viimaon the Colorado rhor. Whllo the steamer was Ijlttg nt Oa&lle DC me landing a few days since , s.iys the San I'ranclsco Chronicle , a fine band ot them on the opposite shore , came down to the rhor to feed on the banks , vvhcro the grasr and - woodsoro \ green , 'and to get a drink of water They paid no attention to the boat , nor to the Indians at work After loafing around for awhile an old bnar came out of the brush , and , on spjlng us , gave a "swish , " Hiul nvvny they all went. Hardly a diy passes that the Indians nnd cattle men do not run upon them. These binds seem to bo more timid than ugly. When the late Thoims lilythc was tr > lng to settle a colony nt l.crdo. fory-Hve ( miles below Yuma , oti the Colorado lie sent down n large- number ot flue , full-bloodid Berk shire and Polnnd-C'hlna pigs , and turned them loose on the bank * of the river near I.inlo , where they lived on the roots , grass , weeds , tulcs and mesqulte beans ; bred , mul tiplied , kept fat nnd tilled the low tule lands with a large number of flno porkers. Never seeing a human being , p\ccpt now nnd then a lone Indhii , they soon became wild , and wilder still , and scattered until the low lands anil w noils were Cull of them Notwithstanding that the cojotes slaugh tered the little ones In great numbers , they have Increased null It is estimated Unit at the present time tlicro arc more than 10,000 of them roaming up and down the Colorado and Hardle rlvcrc , from their mouths up as high as the tide nuts , or from sixty-five- seventy miles this side of the Gulf They go wherever they please : nothing stops them In their course. When the Colorado rado Is at Its flood they will cross It from shore to shore , even near the Hardle , where It Is four nilUs wide when at Its highest gauge Their range gives them the finest ot feed wild sweet potatoes , tulcs , stray fish , clams , dead turtles and seaweed along the iicr bank at low tide They are unmo lested except now and then by a hunter who finds his way down the river. Most of the hunters give the wild swine a u Ido berth except now nnd then as they happen to sp > a nice little roaster on the bank and within easy rifle shot. A few years ago a man and his family were living n few miles below the colony , on the banks of the Colorado He had a pair of very line largo stag hounds , which the owner claimed could run down and kill any wild hog In that reelon One day he took dogs and rlllu and went for u nice lit tle one , just right for the oven. He had not gone far before ho found a large band of hoes , and turned his dogs loose on them No sooner had they started when nut of the tulcs near by jumped nn enormous boar , a monster , who , with mouth wide open , piylng no attention to the dogs , made for the hunter The latter drew up his rifle ami flrtd but on came the hoar , the dogs nipping at him at every Jump. The hunter fired a second shot , but on came the beast. The hunter turned and ran for a mesqulte tree a few yards distant , the hoc close at his heels. He dropped his gun and Jumped for his life , grasping a limb of the tree just as the hog grabbed his pants and tore one-half of them from him , but he was safe , just out of reach , The dogs all this while ran grabbing the hog by the hind legs , to which the beast paid no attention. The mad boar seized thu bark ot the tree in his great tusks and tore It Into shreds. Finally ho turned upon the dogs , Instantly killed ono and -wounded the other so that it died soon after. He then turned Ills atten tion to the tree where the hunter sat. He guarded him until It was dark. Twice did the man get down nnd try to get his rifle , but his too was on the guard and drov him back up the tree. During the night the boar left. Daylight came and so did help The men had hardly reached the river and got In their boat when down came the old hog after them In vain pursuit. Ml I'rrktiK mi .Jiiimnoio ingUli : ] , The Japanese want to learn English. The dream of every Japanese servant In Japan , where servants work for 5 cents a day and their rice , \a \ to come to America. One day In Toklo my wife advertised In a Japanese newspaper for tour servants. Thou sands answered the advertisement When my wife asked them -vhat wages they wanted they said , bowing to the ground "We como If you speak English. " "But your wages' " "O , you give us rice and speak English that's nil " When they came they were 1,0 an\lous to learn English that the Jlnrlklsha ( carriage drawer ) and A male ( maid ) repeated after us every English word they heard When wo came away from Yokohoma the last day , I remember how proud our JlnrlkltJia man was when he made us a present of a bundle of fans and said with his face all beaming with smiles : "Please accept from Fuji San No. 1 , " nor how triumphantly he looked down upon the other "rlksha" who did not under stand him. Fuji San was prouder of that speech than Cicero was ot his speech against Catallne. The Japanese have a mania for putting up English signs , and they flood your room nt the hotels with English cards. And such English ! The Japanese have no Imperative mood and they generally express an Idea negatively that we express positively. One day I said to the waiter- "Klshl , the rolls are cold. " "Yes , " he said , "a good deal ot not cool ing the cakes Is gacd. " A conspicuous notice at a Kioto hotel reads : On the dining time nobody Bhiill be enter to the dining and drawing room without the guests allow. Ono of the articles In the municipal laws of Kioto reads1 Any dealer shall be honestly by Ills trade. Of "ourae the sold one shall prepare to make up the finfo package. A Toklo dentist's circular readst Our tooth la avery Important organ for human life and countenance us you know : therefore when It is attack by disease or In jury artificial tooth in also very useful I um engaged In the. Dentistry and I will make for your purpose. The printed label on the clirct bottle at Nlkko read : Weak mnn who Is not so hard of his stomach takes notice of his liealth ever must use this wine usually To shaw how an educated Chinaman , who thinks himself far above pigeon English , handles our language , I add n note which 1 received from Eu Don , a Chinese , binker , whom I Invited to dine with Consul General Leonard at the Astor house , Shanghai : SIIANOIIAI , 1st August. Mr. Landon , Dear Sir I am regret to Inform jou that n.3 you BO kind call mo To Take dine To day , which was mjKmrnginent Have none time to meeting you tiucli pretty dinner , and much oblige. Yours fuithfullv , UU DON. Ainnrlcan I'ulillo I.llirnrlrK , In Librarian Fletcher's little book about public libraries In America , says the Iloston Globe , aiassacliusetts is credited with 211 fiee public libraries , with a total ol 2,760,000 volumes , or 1,233 volumes for each 1,000 of the population , whllu the nearest rival Is New Hampshire , with forty-two libraries containing 175,000 , or ICI books to each 1,000 of the population. Illinois , which ranks third , has forty-two libraries , but this gives only 130 per 1,000. In brief , Massachusetts has more libraries than the six states rankIng - Ing nexl to her put together , which are Niw Hampshire , Illinois , Michigan , IlhoOo Island , New York and Indiana. This Is gratifying to the pride of Massachusetts people , more especially as It represents the work of the people themselves for popular education , not the benefaction of gener ous-handed millionaires. Ind'ed , in thu Hat of Individual gifts of 11,000,000 and over for public library purposes , Matsacliuietti does not appear. This Is Mr. Fletcher's list : Chicago , John Crcrar. J3.000.000 ; W. N , Newbury , | 2,000,000j New York , tlie Asters , $2,000.000 ; Baltimore. George Peabody , Jl- 400,000 ; Enoch Pratt. U.225.000. Philadelphia , Dr. James Rush , JI.SOO.O'W ' ; IMHsburg , An drew Cirnegte , 11,100,000 , PERISHED IN THE DESERT I'ormar Hcsidont of Nebraska Meets n Terri ble Fate in OnUfornia. DID NOT TAKE WATER ENOUGH WITH HIM Dr. Ooni-Rc I' , Kliutmll or Hinting * found Demi on Ilia Hunting Mitul Mote * incuts uf Ni > tir akaiVlio Are on tlio I'lirllln Louvl , I OS ANGELES , Sept , 8. ( Special Corre spondence of The IK-eO llr , Ccurgo K. ICImball , who was until n jear ago a resident ot Hastings , Neb. , died u week ago near OgllbjIn the desert region of southern fall- fornla. Dr. Klmball came hero from hit homo in Nebraska and bought a ranch near Long Ilcach , where he tins alnua resided. Us became possessed of a. mine In the deserl and It was to Imped this that he made his trip thither. Not being familiar with the- character of the country he took too llttlo. water with him and went otherwise un- provided. The doctor was In robust health , though be was over 63. An expert accom panied him , but the knowledge of tlio latter appears to have been cnnllncd to mineral , since his conduct shows ha know little more about the character of the country In which they were going than did the d ctor. After visiting the mine , four miles from Ogllby , on the Southern Pacific railroad , they wandered Into a narrow gorge called ltoCanon. . Hers tbo heat was so Intense thai the doctor bo- : ani quickly overcome amiunk down ox- innstcO. His companl n give him the last drop of water they had , laid him down and Hastened back fur more , but In his ngony and pet'laps delirium , the doctor got on his feet anil struggled on until lie fell prostrate , nnd his friend , on returning , funnel him soms distance from wlu-re he hud left him , lying on his back , dead. There were susplcl ns ot foul play and tlie matter was thoroughly sifted , with results as aluve. The remains were , at the Instance ot his BOH. Charles E. Klmball of Chlrago , taken to Pasadena , whcrs they were Interred. The doctor leaves two sons and two dnughttrs to mourn hla loss. \V. E. Farrlngton of Santa Maria , Cat , tonnerly of Omaha , has left Cillfornln to re turn to Omaha , where he has taken a position with the Union stock jards Mrs. Karrlngton remains In Santa .Maria until they can dlsposo of their cottage there , when she also will go to Omaha A Lawls. a cjusln of ( tcncrnl Lew Wallace , and recently proprlotor of ono of the hotels of Omaha , has latetj li.eti In Chula Vista , Cal. , looking over the place with n view ( t pEUbl'shlng ' a tout 1st hotel Ho elates ho Is pleased with what he has seen there ami will likely mak' arrangements to remain In that locality E. M A'lets , ptop. Ic.orof the Krles EH n'oclt farm at Eagle Cnss county. Neb. , writes tea a friend In Albuquerque , N. M. . that ho will short ! } itart for that place with a carload of Holsteln , for the purpose of starling a creamery in or near that city. Prof. HettKel , formerly fencing master of the Omahi Athletic club , 1ms been summer ing in Santa Mnntca , Cal , giving lessons la fencing. Ir Kllpatrlck and wife from Onnho. are vWtlng Mrs. C. II Locke nt Monrovia , Cal. The doctor has come to California for hh health. J. J. Dickey of the Western Union Tele graph company at Omslia has been vlslt- ng Albuqicrq o , N. M. J. C Nelson , also ol Omiha , Is also In Albuquerque. Mrs. Helen A. Lewis and mother and Mrs. Helen M. Arlon of Omaha have ar rived In San Diego , and will make their homo In that city or vicinity. Mrs. J II. Blair of Omaha Is spending i > season at North Ontario. Cal. Mrs. L H. Knlselj and Mrs. Lcrun Clark of Nebraska are In San IJlegj , to remain a few months. Samuel UcamcB of Franklin , Neb , has lately been In l'ho nlx , Ariz. Elmer Smith and Chad Arnold started a few days ago for Columbus , Neb. , where they will remain permanently. They have bncn residents of National City , Cal. Mrs. May Abbott and Marlon Abbott , her son of Greenwood , Neb , are spending a scas-oii with their kinswoman , Mrs. Ilich , at Nordh.U. Oil. Mrs. W It IJarton of Tcciimseh , Neb , Is visiting her brother , T. N. Warner of Santa Mar a. Cal J N and II. C Peters of Yutan , Neb , have arrived at Ferris , Cal. , where their father lias lately purchased a farm. They will remain at Perrls nijd take charge of tha farm. loliasanllcciileiif polfcy with The United States Mutual Accident Association , has a clean , liberal contract with a solid , reliable corporation. No other accident com pany has such a reputation as a claim-payer. A $10,000 accident policy at $24 per year. The United States Mutual Accident Association , ! 0 , 122 & 124 OROADWAV , KEW VOBK. Camua n. PEST , WM nno. Bnm , I'reBldent BocreUjj- , H. A. WAGNER , State Agent , 203 First National Hunk llulldlng , OMAHA. NEII. Dr. E. C. Wc l' Hervo end Brain Treatment U sold oaderpncllivo-written eunrnnlso , b ? author ized ngentB oiiljr , lo euro VVrak Memory ; Loss ol nt the Onnoiatlio Orcnn-i in cither i > x , caunod b oTur-oiertloii ; Vnulhful Krrorsorl'iMssl , Ufoot Tobacco , Opium or ] tiiuor.whlcn eoon lead to illnir/ , CoD uniptloo. Inanity mid Death. Hynall , Hnboi ; Gor4J : with written Bunmnleo to euro or refund monor. WJ Ni'HCOUOllBYIlUr. A certain euro for Couidi * . CollsAflhnmUrcmcbltlCroup. Whooping OOUR.'I. Ho-fl 1 hroat. I'lcmant lo f Ak ! Htnnll lzo iil cjBInurd [ ; olil Mo. no , nnt 25o.l old tIflri.noivfl' M rri s I-AUBCI only b - Goodman Drug Co. , Oioohju ' Or Hip I.iiiuur llaltlt l'n lllrrlr Cured Itj uUniliilulrrliic Jr. IlultitV Uoltlrii hiivrlilc. It can t Kl a la a cup o f coffee o r tra , or In food , without the knovrlodim of U vbiolutolf' ' bin-min . and -nrill fftot a permanent and pciV cure , whether " e P ont im moderate drinker or an alaohollo wrcclr. it bar b9 n Elvan in Ibouianiti of o-i'OJ. and In ytrr n iano a perfect our bMiol. wcrt. JiNatrrr.llij. ' 1 lieay > t inoaoaImpregnated . /lib the UpKIRo , It li lt aom i an utter mvommmr -rtne liquor appetite tooilit. UOI.UKN "Pr-fini ! CO. ' ' , . I'rop'ra , < ll ' Ior.ulL . , 48.caee book r uartluUan ttln. 2o'b. . tiailV 'or tale by Kuhn & Co , Drugglns. Cortina 16th and Douglas itrcoti , Omaha LUXURIANT HAIR Ii produced Ly ilia CUTH un * TErxcnica ! icn all other * fall. 'I buy tlcanno tlio etalji of IrrltatliM aail ) , criuted , HIM | tilotcJiv liuraow. atlmulnta tha liilr f > lllrl , nml deitrnj ml. cro toiilolm ! thirli t frocl cu tnehtir , ami liriife urctril hen . . . the bwt pbyilcl in mul number remedlea fail , HoW thn.UKlicwl l in v , rl' EDUCATIONAL. BROWNELL HALL I10AUOJM ) AMD HAY SUlOOl , I'OIl YOUNG LU > lis : OMAHA , Mill , Kali term betm * Vretfneailar , Bcptembtr 15ttv Tor catalogue a. putlculari apply to tli rte tor , TIIH RXtV , M. DOUB11TV. 8. T. D. . OUA1IA.