Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1894, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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The Grandest Etck : ol flow Fall Drees
Goods Ever Impaled.
All til * Latent If iililon VVIihh Tlntl I' or
with the I'nuplo Mill lieJ * ountl at
llontou Stern .Much Oinipcr
limn liUculicrc.
Owing to our experienced corps of buyers
In New York anil abroad , wo arc enabled to
offer bargains In dress goods at prices which
would ba Impossible to others , Anil wo ure
nlwnys the first to get bold of the new
600 yards all wool black henrlettas , 44
inches wide , $1.00 quality , go at 69c.
COO yards black , brown anil navy all wool
rough storm serge , ! > , & yards wide , go at
190.All wool covert suitings , extra quality ,
CO Inches wide , the choicest colorings , regu
lar $1.50 quality , go at S9o a yard.
41-Inch Trench dress goods In Ombray and
changeable effects , beautiful combinations of
colors , puns silk and wool , should be $1.98 ,
go at $1.25 a yard.
42-Inch all wool mixtures In shaded ef
fects , all new blemllngs , excellent value for
7Cc. so at 49c a ynrd.
$7,00 DRESS 1'ATTnilNS $1.88.
On our front bargain squure 1,000 all wool
dress patterns In stripes and novelty suit
ings ; all wool black and navy blue hop-
sackings and storm serges : strictly all wool
two-toned Do nicges , worth up to $600 nnd
$7.00 a suit , your choice for nn entire dress
pattern of 7 yards nt $1.98.
Fancy storm serge , \eiy hca\y , 1 yard
wide , worth 35o n jard , goes at 19c.
Pin head rtps In brown , wine , gray and
all nolors , worth ECc n ynrd gs at 20c.
Extra wide and finest English henrlettas
In black and all col'.ra ' go at 25c a yaruV
I'A yards w do knickerbockers , worth 75c
a yard , go at 39c.
Extra wide striped plushes , worth $1.EO a
yard , go at 29c.
Best BlnitliiR prints , SV5c a yard.
Best lining cambrics , 2c a yard.
Blue denims , Cc a ynrd.
Drapery sateens , 3 * c a yard.
Best grade fancy figured dress sateens ,
B'.to a jsrd.
Double fold part wool cashmeres , lOc a
Canton flannels , 3c a yard.
Plain and fancy colored elder down flan
nels , worth EOo a yard , so at 25c
Shelf oil cloth , worth lOo n yard , g-cs at
German knitting jam , worth 28c a sKeln ,
Saxony yarn , worth ICc a skein , 5c.
Ice wool , worth 2Fic a box , 13c.
All zcihjrs , S' c a lapBOSTON
N. W. Corner 16th and Douglas.
Samuel Hurnc has Just received CO more of
those elegant Engl sh decorated 100-plec3
dinner sets , since the tarlfl reduction , and
can bo sold for $9.70 ; f rinerly $20.00.
Omnlin si nil Clnci u r.lmltod L'lftrcii-IIoui-
Tr.iln ,
Leave Omaha at C 35 p. m. and arrive
nt Chicago 9:40 : n. in , via C. M. & St. P.
Ry. for Chicago and all points east. Trains
nmdD up and started from Omaha , assuring
passengers clean nnd well aired cars. The
only line running a solid vestlbuled eKctrlc-
llghted train from Omaha direct. No malt
ing for through trains.
Elegant chair cars , palace sleeping and din
ing cars. Tickqt olllce , lt > 0-l Kariiam street.
Ticket Agent.
ANowlniln lolliloi o
Commencing August 12 , the "Omaha and
Chicago special , " via thn Chicago & North
western railway , leaves Omnha dally at 8:45 :
p m. , and arrives at Chicago 8-45 next
morning. Vestlbuled dining car , Wngnrr
sleepers and chair cars form the equipment
at this train , and are all up to "North
western" standard.
HOI Karnam street , city ticket ofllcJ.
Cl. A. It , Jlpiinlmt , Iti-mihiBtoii , Neb.
Custcr Post , Glister Heller corps , and other
O. A. It. posts of the city , will meet at Web
bler ) street depot , Wednesday , ( September
Train will leave at 9 o'clock sharp. Re
turning , leave Honnlngton 4.30 p. m.
Buy your tickets at the depot. Karo 65
cents ( or round trip.
Attention M. IV. of A.
The funeral of Jas. II , Hart of Beach
camp , M. W. of A. , will take place from
3322 Webster street nt 2 o'clock p. m. ,
Sunday , September 10th. All members of
the- fraternity are earnestly requested to
assemble nt Patterson's hall , 17th and Far
nam streets , at 1 o'clock , and will start for
the house promptly at 1 30 p. m.
Acting Ven. Consul.
Jimt n I.ltllo Fiiiti-r.
The "Northwestern" Number Six , leaving
Omaha 4 p. m. dally , now arrives at Chicago
7:69 : n. m. , Instead of 8:15 , as formerly. "Just
a little faster. " Don't confuse this with the
Ore nna Chicago special , which still leaves nt
64G ; p. m. dally and arrives at Chicago 8:45 :
a. m. No need to change this train.
City ofllce , 1101 Kama in street.
rAT.itorr.NiNu IHOI.
Or Thin MlllUu-ry.
Monday and Tuesday , September 17th and
IStli. No cards.
At N. B. Falconer's.
No I lir.
West End Sixth AVard Republican club
meets every Monday at S o'clock p. in. In
their hall , Forty lift li and Grant streets.
All members are requested to attend next
Monday evening. Interesting matters will
bo discussed. Kntrrtulnlng spe'ches every
incetlng ,
_ _
A Card.
I take pleasure In anncunclng that I air
now connected with the People's Furniture
and Carpet company , 1315-1317 Farnam
street , where I shall lie phased to meet all
my friends and the public In general. George
II. Moore ,
I lilt .Millinery Opmlng ,
Saturday , Monday and Tuesday. Sept. 15
17 and IS ,
With Mrs. J. Benson , 1C21 Douglas st.
The new Metropolitan club rooms and hall
23d anil I Unify streets , can ba rented foi
Jhe season of 1S94-9B for weddings , parties
entertainments and balls. Tor dates inqulri
by letter or In person of B. Neuman , roon
1 > Barker blocl. Telephone. 73S.
Beautiful building lot , SO feet on Georgli
avenue , worth $1,00000 , will sell for $2.800.00
$1,000.00 clear lot , $000.00 cash and balanci
3 years at 7 per cent. Think of this. Se <
Us quick , rideltty Trust company , 1702 Far
rwm street.
Out Ihiemilil'i Itrf ( Jomli ,
Thft Enewold stock ol dry goods at 222
CimliiB street has gone Into the hinds o
C R. Boatrlght , who will close It out a
ruinous prices , COo on the dcllar or less ,
Our fall and winter line of woolens , com
prising all the latest and best novelties , ar
now ready for your Inspection. J , II , Me
I > onaia. 317 Bo. 15th t.
1' . M. nt Oni ilm , Hta A. M. u
The new vestlbuled train now running ; o :
the "Northwestern" east dally.
For talc , my residence , S. W. 21st an
CBSS , Lcavltt Ilurnhnm
Buy your hard coul before the advanci
A. JL. PMrIek Ucepa the best. Tel. 657.
Johnson Broi. , hard coal. Tel. 10SZ ,
I'Unoi to rent , A. Hosp , 1813 Douelti ,
Qrandojt Lot Men's , Ladfai' and Children's
Underwent Ev.r Ehawa in Omaha ,
Tlimn Hoods Worn In a IlHllrimil Wreck
Tlicj-'rn In Almost Prrfecl Condition ,
nnil Ar llelnBttulil Onr-l'ourtli
Tliclr Itoiliiluo. .
These two carloads cf freight ara the two
( hat went Into the ditch In that railroad
wreck some time ngo. They are all new nnd
desirable goods nnd were bought for this
fall's trade. They are In excellent condition ,
only a t'w boxes being broken , and some
packages perhaps soiled in the edges a little.
COo ladles' Jersey rib and merino under
wear , IGc.
Ladles' heavy rib natural gray underwear ,
2oc.$1.2f IndtPs' combination su'ts , I9c.
Ladles' fine all wool underwear , 3Cc , I9c ,
Children : ' underwear , Cc , lOc , luc , 19c ,
7Gc men's underwear. 2Gc
$1.25 men's all wool underwear , COc.
J2.CO men's Imported underwear , 75c.
All kinds of soiled blankets from the wreck
go nt 33c , 49c , 7Cc and 98c n pair.
$ I.CO all wool blankets $1 98.
All the comforts from the wreck.slightly
sotted , go at 7Cc and 1'Sc. '
Pine fleeced wool , white blankets , $2.93.
Pull size ladles' bhawls , COc.
Men's seamless knit socks , 3c.
Once more at the old stand ,
N. W. Cor. ICth and Douglas.
Jewelry. Jos. P. Frenzer , opp. postofficc.
Counclliiiin Ilonry .Mlivi In Trimble Slnrlcil
by III * ( Mil I'rloiul , Van \Vlc.
Councilman Henry Mies was placed under
arrest yesterday on a warrant Issued
from Justice. Levy's court charging him
with selling liquor without a license on
Labor Hay at Syndicate park. Mr. Mies Is
agent for the South Omaha brewery. John
Van Wle swore out the complaint Van Wle
has been aftir the brewery for some time.
Ho and Biles fell out over the payment of
the license for a saloon that Van Wle was
running. Van Wle wis finally closed up and
since that time he has been making It hot
for the brewery management.
Mies says tint the whole proceeding is a
case of blackmail ; that he had nothing to do
with the saloon stand at the park and that
It was run by the labor organizations.
Several cases are now pending In the same
court against men who handle the South
Omaha beer.
> [ IMHM | tin ; ( oininlllers.
The directors of the Associated Charities
htld a meeting Friday to complete the
oigrntzatlon of woiklng committees.
Messrs. Pljnn and Westerfield were In
struct d to confer with the directors of the
Hccpltal association In regard to renting n
rocm Rev. Dawson , Rev. Wheeler and
Rev. II. J McDevItt were named as the
special committee to wait upon the Bankers ,
tlid commission men and the stock yards
pccplo to solicit assistance. Messrs. Flynn
nnd Broadwell will solicit N street , and
Messrs Johnston and Cress y on Twcnty-
fcurth street. Messrs. O'Rourke and
Walters were delegated to go among the
saloon men and see how much they could
raise After electing Mr Westerfield us
treasurer the melting adjourned , subject to
the call of the president.
The soliciting committees will meet on the
19th at S o'clock.
llaslu < Ity ( iiiv < i | > .
There will be services at St. Martin's Epis
copal church this morningnnd evening.
Joe Slpc was awarded the contract last
night to build the Bohemian Catholic church
in this city.
Mrs. M. Moore and children have returned
from n six weckh' visit with friends In
Olturawa , la.
The Ladles Aid society of the Methodist
church will meet on Tuesday , the 18th , at
2 o'clock In the church.
There will bo preaching at the Baptist
ohurch Sunday morning anil evening by
Ilev. J. 0. Staples of Omaha.
Mrs. Ella T. Christy was thrown from her
carriage at Twenty-sixth and O streets last
evening and painfully injured.
Rev. and Mrs. J H. ROBS have returned
from a two weeks' visit In Colorado. Mr.
Ross will preach at the United Presbyterian
church Sunday morning and evening as
The South Omaha U O. T B. will go to
Omaha Sunday to taUe part In the exercises
of the order there. One of the finest flags
ever owned by a treubund society will be
dedicated In Omaha tomorrow
At the Methodist church , corner of Twenty-
third and N streets , Sunday school at 9-15
a in. , AV. A. McCollister , superintendent.
Preaching at 11 a. m. . consisting of a.sermon
to the boys and girls. Class , meeting at 12
m. , led by W. A. McColllsler Epworth
league meeting at 7 p. m. . led by J. W.
Nicholson of Omaha. Preaching at S p. m.
by Hev. C. W. Miller of Omaha.
Reed Dunroy , the western correspondent for
the Washington ( D. C. ) Pathfinder and n
contributor to n number of prominent papers
and periodicals , will bring out a Email book
of poems soon , to be called "Blades from
Nebraska Grasses. " The jourtg man is get
ting the book out for the purpose ot defray
ing hla expenses nt bchool , his Intention being
to take a special course In literature at the
State university at Lincoln.
I' of , Mr * . I'.mlly W'tireliit'ii ,
The funeral of Mrs. Emily Wareham.
mother of Philip and George Wareham and
of Mrs. John A. Schenk , and mother-in-law
of John A. Crelghton of this city , was largely
attended by citizens of all classes at Dayton ,
O. , last Sunday. Mrs. Wareham had been
a pioneer In the Catholic colony In Dayton
and had contributed of her means and zeal
to every church and auxiliary In all that
. I.on d cil Tor Hear.
A pnrty composed of Fred MengedoH. F.
R. Heft , Fred Schroeder nnd Jacob Hauck
will leave for Sheridan , Wyo. , next Tuesday ,
for a hunting tour among the Rocky moun
tains for about three weeks. Judge Hopewell
ot Tekamah has also been asked to Join , ami
will probably do so. Bears nnd other big
game will be made to suffer when these
limit're reach the grounds.
VetoruiinVI | I'nriiiln Next Your.
CHICAGO , Sept. 15. Cmmander-ln-Chlel
Thomas G. Lawler of the Grand Army ol
the Republ c In an Interview hero toda >
said : "The customary parade will be heK
at Louisville. The talk of abandoning thf
parJdo was largely confined t ) newspapers. "
1'ulrfcHlliur nnit Vurlubln lulls fur Ne-
Imiskii Toitiiy ,
WASHINGTON , Sept. 15 The forecns
for Sunday Is :
For Nebraska nnd South Dakota Fair
variable winds.
For Iowa Fair ; .southwest winds.
For Missouri Fulr ; slightly warmer In thi
southwest portion ; vurlab'e wind * , becamlni
For Kaunas Genei ally fair ; sllghtl ;
It warmer ; south vvlndn.
l.mul Itecnril.
OMAHA , Sept. 16 Oman record of temper
nture nnd rainfall , with the correepondlni
day of past four jears :
ISO I , 1813. 1S02. 1891
Maximum temperature . . . . 78 ' 5 72 S
Minimum tempcrnturo . . . 48 C ] Dl C
Average temperature . , . Kl 1,9 a 7
Precipitation . , 00 00 M 0
Condition of temperature und preclpltatloi
ntOmaha for the < Ju > and since Murch 1
1891 : _ . .
Normal temperature u. . . * ' (
Deficiency for the day . , ,
Accumulated excess since March 1 K >
Normal precipitation II incl
Deficiency for the day n incl
Total precipitation since Murch 1. 11.75 Incl
Accumulated deficiency since
March 1 , 13 U Incl
Local Forecast
Monday Hi Fnlrnnrrt.
Wo are now showing the largest , best as
sorted and cheapest line ot fnll goods e er
teen In this or any other city Do not delay
purchasing , for goods are advancing and Iho
assortment will soon be broken. We mention
a few of our many ipcclals lor Monday , but
we are showing many others equally 11 good.
3Eo for a fiOc quality , nil wool black ser < re- ;
69c for n It.OO quality all wool blacV storm
serge , f > 0 Inches wide ; 43c for a COc- ill wool
black henrlettn , 46 Inches wide ; silk velvets
at 2f > c , worth COc ; silk velvets at 39c , worth
COc ; black nnd colored chlnn rllk nt 59c n
yard ; black groa grain silk at 69c n yard ;
black brocadid satin , 69c a yard.
We are showing our new lines of capes ,
cloaks , Jackets , nnd ladlts wrappers. We
have some great bargains In wrappers at 98c ,
11.25 , $1.GO and | 2.2G. Ask to see them.
Our new line ot blankets arc now arriving
and we are offering great values on com
forts. We know we are headquarters , as
we have them In all grade1 * , from the cheap
est to the very finest made. One of our
specials for tomorrow Is a $6 $ 00 eiderdown
comfort for | 3,76. We have only a fivv of
them , BjO come early and get the choice pat
terns We ore closing out a line of French
printed flannels that we sold alt the season
nt 75c ; our price now Is 29c a yard. In bed
Epreada we have three numbers ( hat are ex
ceptionally cheap a ? 2.00 bed spread for
Sl.noj a J3.DO bed spread for 2,25 ; a $1.CO
bed spread for $3.CO.
In Turkish towels we are showing a grand
variety at lOc , 12c , lEc , 19c , 25c , COc ,
7f > c , MOO and S1.35. See the bleached wash
rags we are selling at 29c a dozfn , they are
worth EOc. N. B FALCONEK.
The lease of the city circulation of the
Bee to Mr. Theo Williams expired September
IB. Beginning September 1C , The Bee Publish
ing company assumes charge of the circula
tion , with Mr. F. W. Masters as superin
tendent that branch of its business. All
orders , complaints and other communications
relating to the delivery of the paper In
Omaha and South Omaha should be ad
dressed to the City Circulation department
or telephoned to 238.
uiiitTy-ij < ! iir T/IOWA.J.VW STKIKK.
General AValkmit ot Textile ttcirhcrs at
lull Jilvcr.
FALL RIVER , Mai > s , Sept. 15 The spin
ners and weavers' associations both held
crowded meetings this afternoon , and as a
result 3S.OOO textile operatives ot this city
are practically on strike. The spinners held
a special general meeting In Cnrrollton hall
and voted to strll.c.
The executive committee recommended
that the strike allowance bo reduced from
35 to Jl per week , nnd after the second
week to $3 , until further action be taken.
The weavers' association nlso held a big
meeting this morning. The weavers voted
to continue the vacation until the old
wages ure restored , but as they refused to
go to work under the present rates they are
virtually on a strike. There was no debate
at the meeting. The recommendation of the
textile amalgamated committee that nil
operatives keep away should nn nttempt
be made to start Monday was adopted
unanimously. The operatives of the King
Phillip mill , who have been on a strike tor
ssvtral weeks , were granted half strike
pay for the last three weeks. U was de
cided to appropriate $1,000 a week from the
fui ds ot the union to be illsli Ibuted nmong
the needy members
The strike of the spinners will force over
half the mills to shut down , even should the
wc&vers decide to go to work. The opinion
among Ili3 operatives Is thnt the manufac
turers will start up In a short time at the
old rates.
Must IIo Tulcon to Noiv York fur 1'ronf na
\VLtiica c Live There.
CHICAGO , Sept. 15. The mnttcr ot the
estate of the late John Newell today found
Its way into the probate court. Ills son ,
Ashbell Newell. flUd a petition for a writ
of deltmus , to enable the heirs to takp the
will of the late president of the Lake Shore
& Michigan Southern railroad to New York
to b ; proved. This will be necessary , be
cause bath of the witnesses whose signatures
are affixed to the In&tiumcnt live there
The writ was refused today , because all the
heirs at law did not appear before the
court. But later they will do this , it Is
said , and secure the wilt.
Proofs of helrship have already been made
Mrs Newell's heirs at law. besides his
widow , arc two sons , Ashbell Newell of this
city and John E. Newell of Cleveland am
a daughter , Mrs. James Gar-field of Cleve
land , wife ot the son of the late president
As yet the will has not been filed , but lies
In the hands of the attorneys for the is
tale. The property consists of stocks an <
bonds , and it Is said , on good authority , wll
figure up less than 11,000,000.
Tedllntr Smoke Consumer * .
William II Bryan , smoke commlslsoner ot
St. Louis , was In the city yesterday making
further tests of the smoke consumers at the
water works. A similar test was made a
few weeks ago , but It was afterward dlscov
cred that there was an Impediment In the
boiler Hues and It was concluded to try I
over. The second test Is quite satisfactory
Mr. Bryan says that through public scntl
ment and- the citizens' committee , an eflectua
war has been waged against smoke , until now
nearly every boiler of any consequence IB
supplied with one. The. gentleman left fo
Kansas City last night , where he will inaKe
similar tests during the coming week.
TliroiTii Under I hi ? Win-els.
SEDALTA , Mo , , Sept. 15 Charles A. South-
wick of Louisville , Ky. , in attempting to
board a moving passenger train In the yards
here today , Intending to steal a ride to St.
Louis , was thrown under the wheels and lit
erally ground to pieces.
r > o.v.i / , I'A KA a HA run.
Ex-Governor Bo > d left yesterday for St.
Mr nnd Mrs. T. W. Tallaferro have gone
east. They will visit New York , Boston ,
Philadelphia-and Washington before return
ing home.
lion Dexter Richards , a prominent pollt ) .
clan , financier and 'manufacturer of New
port. N. II. , accompanied by Ills son , Is visit
ing bis nephew , F. W. Richards , of this city ,
Richard Engclman , secretary of the Doug ,
las County Agricultural society , who superIntended -
Intended this county's exhibit at th <
state fair In Lincoln , returned from then
D. W. TilloUon of the local letter carriers
association will attend as a delegate thi
meeting of the -National Association of Let
ter Carriers , which convenes at Cleveland
O. , next Tuesday. It Is expected that 70 (
will be present.
William Schwarlck , bookkeeper for Cllj
Treasurer Bolln , while on his way to Nev
York , where he expected to meet his famll ;
on their.return trip from Europe , receive !
the sad news of the death of his child , whlcl
occurred In New York early yesterday morn
Ing. "
E. S. Dreyer of E. S. Dreyer & Co.
bankers ; Frank HeslngPtetsch of the Illl
nols Staats-Zeltung ; George A. Wtlss , presl
dent of the American Brewing company
Joseph Theur r. president and Carl Buehl
vice president of the Peter Shocnliotcn Brew
Ing company ot Chicago , visited The Ot
building last evening under the escort o
Mr. C. H. Schmidt.
Nebruikun * at tin llotela.
At the Arcade A. C. Powell. Stuart ; J
W. Ball , Wnhoo ; D. J , Focnrty , Fremont
H. II. Whlpiierman , WakeilAd : J. L. Schlei
Mead ; William Fallen. O'Neill.
At the Mlllartl-J. T. Hamilton , Norfolk
J. II. Ager. Lincoln ; J. II. Hartley , Alkln
eon ; Eugene Moore , Norfolk : E. C. Dim
mtck. Creston ; Miss Clara Joyce , Nebrn.ik
At the Merchants II , J. Nichols and wlf
Hastings ; W , it. Cornelius , Columbus : \ \
T. Bcott. Kearney ; P. T. Rounds , Hastings
K. C. Smith , Columbus ; T. Munsley , Nort !
At' the Paxlon J. W Tovvle nnd wlf <
Tails City ; U. n. Wahlciulst. Hastings ; Mn
M. Elmore , Alliance ; O. F. Bates , Almo
Jean Mount , Gordon ; C. II. Ulmendorl
Kearney ; W. A. Bridges , Crete.
At the Dellone Cella M. Burpert. N <
biaska. City ; r. A. Cameron , Tekamal
W. U Ottu Fremont ; A. L. Brieltz , Irun
Island ; W. A. Bridges and wifeC'reti
Frank Landts , Nebraska City ; James
Lincoln ; II. U Cobtoe , Wllbvr.
WiBtminstcr Preftr/tajfon Will Mcdifj the
Scrvlco ( f iLerLord's ' Euppcr.
'Uooil ( JtlzcnKlili2 | > 4\UdrcMe to Ho Tlcll\-
crcil nt Soprul KIAtrrlii" Thin Week
lilsliop N > ivm llComing Homo In
the Locnl HH
Science will today cause an Innovation
In church service In Omaha. At the cele
bration of the Lord's supper at the West-
nlnster Presbyterian church this morning
ndlvldual communion cups will be used.
On account of the germ theory of dis
ease , nowBO generally accepted as a true
one , It Is considered very deleterious to the
lealth of communicants to follow the old
system ot passing the same cup to n large
number of persons. Learned physicians ,
after carefully considering the matter , have
recently announced their conclusion that
many diseases , such as consumption , catarrh ,
cancer and the Ilk" , can be , and probably
lave been , transmitted In this way For
these reasons many churches have adopted
the Individual cup plan In the distribution
of the wine. The first church to
do so was the "Crick church" In
Rochester. N. Y. , a few years
ago. It was followed by the First Baptist
of that city and later the custom was
adopted by n , large number ot congregations
in the east , particularly In New York and
Brooklyn , nnd though the plan is by no
means general , It nevertheless has been
adopted so extensively that Individual com
munion sets arc now a part of the stock of
all houses furnishing church supplies.
\V. C. T. It. Convention.
The Woman's Christian Temperance union
of the Third district met Wednesday and
Thursday , Sptember 12 and 13 , at Craig ,
and Dr. Lankton , president , nnd a number
of delegate ! , from the Omaha unions went
up there. The meetings were held In the
Methodist church , and the. Craig union with
Its prcsld.nt , Mrs. John Drlscoll , at thu
head , spared no pains to entertain the
visiting members In true Nebraska style.
Wednesday evening a large audience of
townspeople was present to listen to the
addresses of welcome and the address of the
pirsldent , who spokr In her characteristic
manner of some ot the fallacies current
among half-Informed p.oplc.
Mrs. Clark conducted a question box and
seme pertinent queries aroused vigorous
discussion among those present , Including
the pastors of the churches , Rev Mr. Gray
nnd Ilev. Mr. Sinltts.
Thursday morning the reports of the dif
ferent departments of work wire given and
the record of the district Increase , which ,
though not great , was gratifying. Crnlg ,
Teknmah , Arlington , Blair , Valley and other
towns reported , showing that even a panic
and a drouth deacon are not sufficient to
stifle the enthusiasm ot what Is said to be
the most enthusiastic organization In the
world. Thursday evening Mrs. F. A
Tucker of Omaha , presented , In a logical ,
well-phrased paper- some answers to common
questions about the Woman's Christian
Temperance unlon'worlt. ' Mrs ( Alice Walt > -
mejer talked on work and Deaconess
Miller spoke ot railroad work , another largo
coi gregatlon being assembled. A male
quartet furnished rzood music and the ECS-
slcnn were all Interesting The election of
officers resulted as follows : President , Dr.
F. M , Lankton ; corresponding secretary ,
Mrs. D. C. Bryant ; recording secretary , Mrs.
Kate , nardwell , Tckamah , treasurer. Mrs.
E L. Parmale * , Tekamah. Airs. William
son was chosen superintendent of evange
listic work ; Miss Miller of railroad work ;
Mrs. Jardlne , Jrtll work ; Mrs 'Rogers of
Springfield , Juvenile ; Mrs Puch , parlor
meetings ; Mrs * Howland , fairs ; Mrs. Clark
purity ; Mrs. Tucker , scientific temperance ,
Mrs. Urjnnt , Chlnesa ; Mrs. E. It. Parmal-e ,
Ttkamah , temperance temple ; Mrs. Park ,
franchise ; Mrs Tracy , press and literature ,
Mrs. Wood , mothers' meetings ; suppression
of Impure literature. Mrs. C. C. Crowcll ,
Blair ; Mrs. A. B Henderson , Sabbath ob
servance The department of flower mission
work was created and Miss MeNalr of
Orraha made Its superintendent. The next
convention will be held In Omaha , the
Watson B. Smith union of Walnut Hill
being the hoattts. The work for the com
ing year Is to be more thoroughly system
atized and the prospect for greater results
Is unusually encouraging. The slate con
vention will be held at Lincoln , September
25 to 23 , the national convention being
held this year In Cleveland , where it was
orgcnlzd twenty years ago. Mrs. Clark ,
who was a member of the first convention ,
was nominated as delegate.
1'lrnt Mettiodixt Notes.
The Chautauqua c liege , which was so pop
ular last year , having a large attendance and
securing many noted * speakers , will probably
commence again soon for the winter.
The First Methodist people will hold the'r '
ssml-annual picnic on Thursday next. This
Is a social spread and reunion to which all
of the members of the church and congre
gation are invited , and where there are
toasts , speeches , rep rts , Introductions and a
general good time.
Bishop The inns Bowman , who * Is to prfach
this morning at the First Methodist church ,
Is the oldest bishop In thu Methodist Episco
pal connection , bath In years and term of
cfflcD. He Is noted for a singularly sweet
disposition , KB well as remarkable vigor of
ntellect and Christian character.
During the summer the congregations at
: he First Methodist church never abated.
The pastor preaches on live topics , and IE
greeted regularly by crowded houses. Ills
theme this evening will be "The Hiding
Place. "
" ( loocl Citizenship" Meeting" .
There will be four meetings held till ;
week In as many different factions of the
city where the topic "Qood Citizenship" wll
be discussed. Monday evening- there will b (
a meeting at the Westminster church foi
the five churches In that part of the city
Dr. Gordon will preside and Mr Jay iiurni
and Rev T. J. Mackay will speak. Oi
Tuesday evening thcie will be a gatherlni
at the hall on Eleventh nnd Pierce streets
Her. T C. Webster will deliver the openlnt
address , followed by Rev. T. B. Cramblett
There will be two ' { meetings on Thursday
evening , one at the.iFJrst Congregattlonal fo
all of the down townichurchcs , addressed b ;
Dr. Duryca and othrrs. . and one at the Wes
ley Methodist Episcopal church. Walnut Hill
addressed by Mr. J..1M. Glllan and Rev. T E
Cramblett. All voters arc Invited to b
present. _
V. W. C. A.lKHurutlonnl Work.
Miss Llttlefleld , .cnairmnn of the educa
v tlonal work In the Voting Women's Chrlstlai
association , Is verrianxlous to have all whY
wish to enter the classes enroll Ihcmselve
as soon an possible , ' . ) In order to cample !
the arrangement ! : Classes- are alread
planned In penmanship , arithmetic , Germar
stenography , history literature , elocution
dress making chortih singing and curren
topics , and othersirtrlllJ be started If desire
by a sufficient numbtir The Instructors ar
oil skilled In thelrl respective lines , and th
advantages offerednarei superior. All mem
bers oC the assoclintotn.are admitted vvlthou
extra charge , and It" Is hoped that the ei :
rollment will be larg ? .
A. > w
Rev. E. A , Klemfnz will be ordained
priest tomorrow morning at ( he chapel of th
Sacr-d Heart ncademr. Park place. He cam
from Europe to this city last week , after hav
Ing studied for the church at O.mutz , Am
trla , and at Rome. He B peaks German , . Be
hemlan , Trench , Italian and Polish , and I
learning Rngllnhi Doubtless he will be firi
assigned to some parish. In the dloces * as ai
slttanl. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Wul'int Hill JIHIio.lloti.
Notwithstanding the fact that the Walni
Hill Methodist church has been left with t
a regul.r pastor In the middle of the yea
the church seems to be moving r.ght aloni
The yiung people ot that church have take
hold of tne- services In detp earnestness an
thn Sunday school la alto flourishing1. He
T r Webster of the South Tenth Strei
Methojlst church Alll preach tor the pe >
plo of the Wt.lnnt Hill church thli morning
at 11 o'clock , nnd Rev. C. N Dan son ot
the First Methodist church of South Omaha
will prfnch there In the evening. Solos will
bo sung by Mr. Fred Abel.
ttlnhap NnwniHM Sulllnc
A letter from Iltshop Newman to James
1U > nes of this city , dated At Loiid'n , Eng
land. states that he nnd his wife would sail
for home yesterday , as they expect to arrive
In New York Ssptcmber 22. Ho.tnys : "The
bishops' meeting Is to be held 1n the cast ,
and also all the anniversaries , which will de
tain me In the east longer than I desire. Wo
have had a pleasant but laborious tour. "
Hanaro m 1'nrk MvthmllAt.
Dr. W , II , Uees of Cincinnati , secretary nf
the rreedmon'n Aid sochty ot the Methodist
church , will preach nt tbo Hnnscam Park
Methodist ehurch this morning. In the evenIng -
Ing the pulpit will be occupied by Dr. J. L.
Ilurlbnrt of New York , editor of the Sunday
School Teacheia1 Journal ,
V , HI. O. A. UonV Mooting.
At the Young Men's Christian association
men's meeting at 4 o'clock this , afternoon an
address will bo delivered by llcv. T. J.
Mnckay on "III Health , Poverty and Famine. "
Mr. C , H , Wedge will sing.
ISrlrf I'nlplt rorwiflt * .
First Baptist Usual services ,
Trinity Methodist All pledges for church
benevolences to bo handed In at thu morning
Westminister Presbjtorlan Communion In
the morning. Sunday school concert In the
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day
Saints Elder J. B. Heldo will preach morn
ing nnd evening.
First Christian Preaching at 10 30 a. in
and 8pm. The pastor , T. D. Cramblett ,
will preach at both services.
All Saints Sermon topic for morning'
"The Need of the Chtirrh to ths Nation. "
Evening : "A True Conversion "
Unitarian Rev. Newton M. Mann , minis
ter. Morning service nt 10 10 Sermon , "In
spiration. " Sunday school at noon.
Trinity Cathedral Holy communion , 8 a.
m. ; bible class , 10 a. in. , morning prajsr , 11
a. in , Sunday school , 3 p. m. ; evening serv
ice , 7 30 p. m.
Church of the Good Shepherd Holy com
munion , S a. in. ; morning service , 11 a m ;
evening service , 7 30 p m Evening topic.
"Providence and Some Recent D'sastcrs "
Grace Evangelical Lutheran Ilev. Luthe-
M. Kuhns , pastor , will conduct divine ser
vices at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. , nnd preach
on "The Importance of Right llellglous
Opinion , " and on "The Mother of All Liv
ing. "
First Methodist Preaching In the morning
at 10:30 : by Bishop Thomas Bowman- Sun
day school at 12 o'clock noon. Class meet
ing at 9 45 , Epworth league , 7 p. in Preach
ing In the evening by the pastor at 3 o'clock
on "The Hiding Place. "
Unlvorsallst Rev. Dr Augusta J. Chapln ,
pastor , will preach nt 10 15 a m. , giving
somj account of his recent tour In the
English lake region and in Scotland , also out
lining the work and purpose of the Univer
sal 1st church in Omaha.
Memorial Church of St. Philip the Deacon
Holy communion , 7 a. m. , morning prayer
litany and sermon , 11 a. m. , choral even
song with sermon , S p. in ; Sunday school ,
10 a. m ; morning topic "Samuel ComfortIng -
Ing Penitent Israel. " Evening topic : ' On
God and Father of All. "
Major I Iiirkdon I > oicrll > < > _ , Scvcrnl r ttur.
nf tin. Grrnt l.iuuinpmrnt ,
Major Clarkson returned yesterday from
the grand encampment of the Grand Army
of the Republic at Plttsburg as full of enthu
siasm and praise for everybody and every
thing ha saw as It is possible for a man to
"Plttsburg , " said the major , "Is a most
delightful town and the citizens fairly turned
th'inselves loose , and such magnificent hos
pitality as was extended us on every hand
v.i& something not met with many times In
a lifetime.
'It was an occasion when a man was espe
cially proud of having- been a soldier. The
whole city was most gorgeously decorat'd ,
for as you know , It is one of the most loyal
towns In the country. Courtesies were show
ered upon us from the tmo | we landed until
the labt moment befoie dtparture.
"The reception uu > t Wednesday evening
was the grandest , most elaborate affair I
ever attended. The Westlnghouse electric
light buildings were where the princely affair
was held. These buildings are among the
largest In the world , being900 feet long by
COO wide. All the delegates to the encamp-
msnt and their ladles were there , making a
throng of something like 8,000 or 10,000 people
ple , and everything was as Iridescent as n
sun-klps-ed glacier , with sublime music , danc
ing and a banquet for the gods. Friday the
delegates and their ladles were given n trip
down the river on three gaily bedecked
steamers. We went to Homestead and went
over the famous Carnegie Iron works. It was
a most enjoyable and profitable trip But
the parade Tuesday that was Incomparable ,
Indescribable. The streets were one Jam of
eager , excited and joyous people a wonder
ful sight , but marching was extremely labor
ious Indeed ; the Jam was fairly concrete
There Is a monotony , of course , about these
pirades Of the old soIdUre , but there Is
somethingtouchlngly beautiful about them ,
too , something that plays on one's heart
strings In spite of everything. Probably It
Is the unquenchable fires of patriotism re-
nv-akenod In one's breast. Think of aclng
those grizzled old heroes , some on crutches ,
Eomo armless , others hobbling along In the
last stages of decrepitude , but bound to
march all the same bound to one : more get
in line. Yes , the encampment was a glorious
thing , and Plttsburg Is a glorious city. "
Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. Trial
size , 2G cents. All druggists.
Hlnnim tlio lleer.
Frank Williamson has Instituted a $10,000
damage suit against the Pabst Brewing com
pany and for a cause of action he alleges
that he was at the Farnam street saloon on
the night of August 22 last drinking wine ,
beer nnd other liquors While doing so lit
became Intoxicated and upon going onto the
I street he alleges that he had a row with o
member ot the pollco force. The row resulteil
In the. officer firing a shot , which took effecl
In Frank's heel. He now alleges that the
„ brewing sompany should pay him the amounl
for which he sues and in addition thereto he
alleges that the company was responsible foi
the row with the officer on account ot It !
agents having bold the liquor which produced
the intoxication.
Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous head ,
aches. Trial size , 25 cents All druggists.
A regular meeting of \\e ] \ Second Wari
Republican club will be held tomorrow evenIng
The remains of John B. Rowley arrived
from Denver yesterday afternoon. Tin
funeral will be lield at the First DaplU
church Tuesday afternoon.
While George How ell , 16 yearn old , 1711
Leavenworth street , was riding a horse a
noon yesterday on North Seventeenth street
the animal slipped and fell on him. Hli let
leg- was broken.
The Third ward branch of the Swedish
American Garfleld club has elected Fred % V
Hodman president , C. Lyons vice president
and P , Rosendahl secretary. The club meet :
Monday evening.
The Swedish-American Republican clu
will meet Monday evening at 1611 Capita
avenue. All members are requested to b
present , as some action will then be takei
In regard to the coming caucuses.
S. Donovltch , a grocer at Seventeenth am
SI , Mary'a a\enue , gave $9,90 and two pack
ogee of clgaretUs to a stranger last nigh
for a $1 bbl , Tht man simply changed bill
on the grocer , giving him 11 after ehowlni
him $10.
Willie making nn cxcavatlonfor , a sldewall
near Seventeenth and Clark streets , work
men found Ihe grave of a former old Bettei |
who was burled there about 18 8. This par
of thf city was oncea part ol the old Mill
farm , and was at one time occupied t ;
squatters. Dick Murnell , who wa then
resident of Omaha , says that one of thei
squatters died and was burled where th
body \va found yeilerday. The grave wa
covered by a slab of stone. The worlunc
concluded to build the pavement over th
slab and leave the remains undliturbtd.
Ho Cannot Now Ran for County Commis
sioner in the I irslDi Irlol.
itillonnn Inhcii In Orilor to Unite Ills-
trlcln Loiiforiu t tlio > n\v City
Miip-Otlu-r llimliKM-t ut W -
InrilnfV Meeting.
When the county commission rs complied
) isterday nflernoon , Thomas J. Lowry was
a resident of the First commissioner dis
trict , and at the same time he was a candi
date for the shoes which Cliiilrman Sten-
berg of the county board Is ntnv vs arlng.
When the board adjourned , Mr. Lowr > was
still a candidate , but he was a resident of
the Fourth commissioner district , a dis
trict from which no commissioner Is to bo
elected this fall. He was In the district with
Jlajor Pnddock , who will still hang for a
couple of years b.foro stepping down ntid
As soon as I ho board was called to order
Mr. Jenkins meted a suspension of the
rules In order to consider resolutions. This
went through without any visible opposi
tion , and then Mr. Jenkins passed n lesolu-
tlon up to the clerk's desk. The document
provided for the changing of the boundaries
of the five commissioner districts. As soon
as It was read , Mr Jenkins mot-d Its adop
tion , which was seconded by Mr. Williams
The roll -was called , Messrs. Llvcsey and
Paddock voting against adoption Under
the new order of things the districts are as
follows :
First District Second , Fourth and Se\onth
wards of the city of Omaha.
Second District Third. Klghth and Ninth
wards of the city of Omaha.
Third District Chicago , Hast Omaha ,
nikhorn , Florence , JefTen > oii , Union , Valley ,
Waterloo and West Omaha.
Fourth DtstriU Clonlarf , Douglas , Mil-
lard. McArdle. South Omaha and the First
ward of the city of Omaha
Fifth District riflli and Sixth -wards of
the city of Omaha.
Heretofore the districts have Included the
following terrltorj ,
First District First , Second and Seventh
wards of the city of Omaha.
Second District Third. Fourth and Ninth
watds of the city of Omaha.
Thlnl District Chicago , Hast Omaha ,
nikhorn , Florence , Jefferson , Union , Valley ,
Waterloo and West Omaha.
Fourth District Clontarf , Douglas , Mlllard ,
McArdle and South Omaha
Fifth District Fifth , Sixth and Eighth
wards of the city of Omaha
The rcdtstrlctlng is done In order to hate
the boundaries of the districts In the city
confirm with the ward boundaries and voting
precincts , as established by the city council.
Messrs , Paddock and Williams participated
In a vigorous tilt over the appointment of
some Inspectors for bridge work on a readout
out In the Fourth district. Mr Williams
was of the opinion that there should b- two
men employed , while Mr Paddock Insisted
that one Inspector could do oil the work.
Mr. Williams won In a canter , and IWD men
will be hired If It Is found that their sen-
Ices arc needed.
The clerk was Instructed to Invite- bids for
soft coal for the county hospital and hard
coal for the court house.
Surveyor House reported the completion
of the- stone pavement on the Military road ,
his report showing the laying of 12,550 lineal
feet of pavement , at a cost of $48,373
By the adoption of a resolution It was
agreed to meet the county commissioners
of Sarpy county at the court house In this
city nt Z o'clock p. m. September 20 , to con
sider the extension of the South Thirteenth
street road to a point In the vicinity of Tort
Reporting upon the water In the Elkho-n
and Plntto rivers. Surveyor Housa presented
figures to show that the flow , using Kuttcr
formula to obtain the measurements , uas as
follows : Klkhorn , 1G2.CG cubic feet per second
end , north channel of the I'latte , 254.90 cubic
feet per second ; south cl-annel of the Platte ,
l.OSG.EO cubic feet per second ; total flow ,
1501.00 cubic feet per second.
The report was placed on file.
A resolution providing for the grading of
15,000 cubic yards of earth on the Mlllard
road , beyond the end of the proposed pave
ment on Center street , was defeated.
W B. Musser. and old soldier and resi
dent of the city , was ordered to the Soldiers'
home at Grand Island
Mttllil of J.lritrllt > .
After waiting four years the administrator
of the estate of Thomas Lewis , de
ceased , has sued the New Omaha Thomson-
Houston Electric Light company for $5,000
On September 24 , 1890 , Lewis was a line
man In the employ of the lighting company
and during the afternoon of the day bereto-
fore mentioned ho was repairing a line at
Sixteenth and Douglas streets , He had
climbed the pole , which then stood at the
northeast corner of the Young Men's Chris
tian association building , and was -working
away at the wires. Large crowds of people
were passing at the time , when suddenly
they were horrified to bee the man loosen
his hold upon the polo and drop Into the net
work of wires a few feet below. There was
a struggle , a drawing up of the limbs and
almost Instantly young Lewis breathed his
last , while little wreaths of blue smoke
curled up from the burning flesh which was
In contact with the live wires. The man
remained In the tangle of wires for a. few
moments , after which he was lowered to the
earth and taken away.
Objects to III * A
William A Paxton has sued the county of
Douglas In an action to compel the com-
mlsBioners to reduce the assessment on his
block at the corner of Sixteenth and Far-
iiam streets He alleges that the assessor
of the Fourth ward listed the proprty at
05,000 for assessment purposes for the > ear
1891 , and that on Julv G. without due notice
and contrary to the provisions of the statutes ,
the valuation was Increased to JGS.OOO The
plaintiff asks that the county bo restrained
from collecting the tax until such time as
the difficulty can be adjusted by the courts
St.(1,1 ( riiANK WII.UO.Y CO. el.03.
AIItin Hi Sllppnr Snip.
The etrgant slippers which wo ha\e dis
played In our for the last four Onyt
go on * ale Monday , September 17. Your
choice for $1 $ 63.
These arc 300 , $ .00 and J5.00 slippers.
Kvcry lady will appreciate these rare bar-
gal us.
Ilcmembcr , at the extreme low price of
inir.-317 ! Douglas meet.
Off , r.l.AKA
SrXMi Ppoplo llnill ) Iliirnpil by the Ulazlng
( Ml ,
JIIl.WAUKKK , Sept. IB. A special to the
Wisconsin from Hudson. WIs. , says nn oil
tank on a westbound freight on the Chicago ,
St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha exploded
ncnr Uoberts t day , burning up two freight
cars and a caboose. While passengers were
being transferred around the wreck another
lank exploded and scatttercd the burning oil
broadcast , cn people were badly burned ,
as follows
Condiictoi Tom Trcdorlcks , hands and face
burned ; Oonway. Klljworth , Wls. ,
hands and face burned ; Mr. U'cKoy , Cleve
land , O. , hands iiinl lioml Inirnvd ; I , . ] { , llctid-
gcr. Men inlnee , Wls. hands and face burned ;
John Uelwlck , Minneapolis , bick , hands and
face burned dangerous ; Consul to Victoria
Lev ! W Myers , who was returning homo to
Wapsllo , la , hands and face and clothing all
burned ; Olaf Ackwell. Hudson , Wls , section
hand , hands , face and body burned ; John
Howland , Huds n , hands burned. The In
jured were taken to St. Paul on a special
train ,
Vctormn of HID Lulu Uar llrinumtiureil by
tlui < i < Mii'nil CoMTiiiiicnt.
WASHINGTON. Sipt. ir.-Spcclal.-Pcn- ( )
slona granted , IPMIO of September 4 , wore :
Nebraska : O.lKln i' , Lnl M , IlcbT , Auroin ,
Hamilton. Inerriuc Francis C. Ward ,
Hastings , Adams Itclsaue Thomas Slc-
Cormack , Gretnn , Snipy.
Iowa. OilKlnat tfiomni J. Nell , Giumly
Center , Giumlj. Henowal Jacob Wnsier.
Avocn , Pottuw.itliimlp IncieiiHO Andrew
J. Creek , Dudley , Wapello Itelssiie Jnmca
II. Plttnan. Leon , Decitur Original wid
ows. etc. Miners of John Wlueler , Keokulc ,
South Dnkotn O Igtnul James S Hufton ,
Rcilfleld , Splnk Ilelssuc Martin L. Parks ,
Uufhnoll , HiookliiRB
Colorado : OilfiUinl-rountnln Parkinson.
Steamboat Springs , Iloutt.
[ mrMiiit nt rniiijmiiN Trouble * 1'ndcil.
CHICAGO , Sept , 15. The legal entangle
ments over the affairs of the Tollcstcr Land
arid Investment company In the Cook county
courts were all dlppofcd cf today and the
matters In controversy will , In all probabil
ity , the Interested attorneys say , be adjusted ,
out-side the courts. Judge Baker , who ap
pointed a receiver for the company on a
creditor's bill , llled by J O Grant , set aside
his order and removed the receiver.
And sometimes n. jrat Ueil prettier. You m y
hive tlio color of Imlr you moat nil ml re. If your
own Is gray , or tpolled by bliuchinu anil In
jurious ilea , me
It Is Inlr tonic nml coloring of perfect cleanli
ness , which comes In neicinl shmU.s One a ] pli
cation will last for months. II la absolute ! ) lm >
possible to detect Us use. . Uallis win not edict
It tienil ( or free booklet.
, ams. ro.
292 Fifth Avenue , N. Y.
ij bti n I , Oiixiliit , .Vrftj fini
Muclian Capes.
TO OPLH the Fur
Season M of for
Monday 100 Ladies'
Astraclian Capes , full
30 inches long , good
Satin Rluulanic Lin
ing--just such as
you would expert lo
paj" $15.00 for ; this
week , $9.98.
Full Set Teeth $5
4th Floor , Drown block , lOlh and Don Ui ,
Talephona 1775 Omaha , lf b.
Way Down Prices on Child
ren's Fall Jackets ,
New and pretty patterns in Drapery Silks.
See our handsome line of Stationery.
Crown Perfume the best English per
fume made.
Try their Lavender Salts they have no
White celluloid hair pins 300 dozen. I7ine
quality waved hair pins IQC dozen. Stockinet
dress shields loc. A new and handsome line
of celluloid hajr ornaments.