Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1894, Part I, Page 6, Image 6

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    n Till5 ; OMAHA UAILY JJKE : t&BNDAY , SEI'TEMHER 10 , 185)1. )
OPVICI3 - - NO. 12 I'KARI *
Delivered \iy \ carrkr 16 any purl of the city.
H. W. TILTON , I.fc cc.
otlVe. Ni.
editor , No. 23.
Heal IMrvte ARoncy. MO
Since these rains Jitilson nan Rood blue
Brass pBsturaR1 , niter refuMnfr. 300 head dur
ing the drouth , tini'ilre at 92 ! Sixth avenue.
In the case of Maxwell agnliut Holland , on
trial In the superior court , a. verdict was
returned by the Jury yesterday In favor
of the plaintiff.
The furniture for the Orantl hotel IK arrlv-
Ing Jti larRe quantities. The carpets arc
being | > ut down and the work of furnishing
U being pushed rapidly.
The Junior Order of frilled American
Mechanics will give n social at Grand Army
hall on Wednesday evening , October 3.
There will he dancing nnd refreshments.
The ladl s of Unity fiultd nro preparing
to exhibit "Living I'lclurcB. " now so pop
ular In the east , at Chambers' hall , Tues
day , September 26 , to ba followed by dancing.
The Sioux City run which the Ganymedes
Intended to take today was knocked galley
west by Iho rain storm Friday. II has been
postponed by the captain until some future
Dr. F. H. Thomas received notice last
evening of hln appointment to the position
of surfi on for Iho Chicago , Hock Island &
Pacific , , to tale the place left vacant by
the death of Dr. C. H.-I'lnney.
The proposition to divide the Old Settl-rs'
association of I'ottawattamle. Mills and Fre
mont counties Into throe parts Was voted down
at the reunion that Just closed at Mnlvern ,
and th ? next reunion of all three counties
will be h = ld In this city next fall.
Hon. E. II. Gillette of DCS .Monies will
speak at Liberty hall next Thursday even
ing In the Intercuts ol General James n.
Weaver. In case the weather Is good the
speaking will be at the corner of Broadway
and Fourth streets.
The Ep worth league of the Broadway Meth
odist Episcopal church ulll entertain Its
friends at the parsonage. 250 Fletcher ave
nue , Tuisday evening , September IS , In honor
of the nturn of Rev. and Mrs. Dudley. All
members of the congregation and friends arc
cordially Invited.
Kva , wjfo of A. Ohen , died of consump
tion yesterday morning at 3 o'clock , aged 27
years , after un Illness of three weeks. She
wan the daughter of Mr. and Mrs , T. A.
Wright. The funeral will take placs this
afternoon at 1 o'clock from the residence In
Lewi3 township , south of Lake Mnnawa.
The arguments of the attorneys In ( he case
of M. M. Robinson against Captain 0 , M ,
Drown .will ; be. heard by Judge Macy some
tlnift this 'week , all the evidence having
"Seen Introduced yesterday. The hearing
< f the Nonpareil receivership case was In
definitely postponed -account of pressure
f other business.
Mrs. S. Williams , a colored woman , was.
the cause of the- patrol wagon and several
physicians being called to the motor barns
Friday night. It was supposed thai she
was nick , but further Investigation showed
that she was attacked with a severe case
of spirits frumentl on the brain. She was
discharged by Judge JIcGee this morning.
Matt , the little son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Charles
Seanlan , was tendered a surprise , party at
his homo on Vine stfeet In honor of his
coining departure to- West Virginia to live.
Those present were : Blanche and Florence
tlmUo , Naomi Simmons , Dolllo Shoemaker ,
Marie Iltitlcr , Hazel Cook , Mlgnoa and Tip
Maynard , Ocnevleve Ward , Lloyd Simmons'
Harry Cook , Krna Smith anil Phil Daven
An Informal foot ball game was played
yctterday afternoon at thu grouivls on thu
corner of Twcnly-ftrst street nnd Fifth
avenue by two clubs compos 0 of the mem
bers of the High scliool boys. The club
under the leadership of Hum Sawyer came
out victorious by a score of 14 to 4. Next
Saturday U Is expected that the High school
eleven will play thrt team of the Omaha
High school In tills city.
William Dutiuette and his ivlfo had a
flarcup several weeks ngo , and alter tearing
up all the lady's clothes ho skipped to Kan
sas City , where ho has remained ever since.
Ills wlfa filed an Information charging him
wltlv malicious mischief , but the first chance
the officers had to serve the warrant on him
was when he returned hom& yesterday. He
gnvo bonds for his appearance tomorrow ,
when Justice Ylsn will sit on his case.
Tha Knights ol the Maccabo'u are. . arrang
ing to gl\o a free entertainment In the opera
house on Tuesday eveningOctober 2. Be
sides good music there will be brlsf addresses
by Major N. S. Boynton , the founder of the
order , and the present supreme record
keeper , and also by Miss Blno M , West , whc
occupies a like official position as the. ha < :
of the Ladles of the Maccabees. Both liavi
the reputation of being very Interesting
Sheriff Hazcn's photograph appears In :
recent number of the Syracuse Courier li
connection with fl "wrlteup" of the Charlei
Wilson murder trial. The wood cut artls
turned out an engraving which represent !
Pattawattamle's handfome sheriff as a typl
cal Texas ranger , v.Hh a big slouch hat
a drooping mustache thai breathes of gore
and a waist that looki barren without a. bel
and a brace of revolvers. The Herald , 01
the other hand , shows him up In his trui
light , with a very good picture.
Money to loan on Improved farms at lov
rates. Dargalns In real estate. Houses foi
rent. Fire and tornado Insurance written
Money loaned tor local Investors. Lougee
Towle , 235 Pearl street.
1'Eltlt O .V. 11 31K , N riO .V ,
Miss Helen Sprlnk has returned from he
tasttrn business trip.
Judge W. I. Smith Is spoi.JIng Sunday a
home with his family.
T. C. Daw-son left yesterday afternoon fen
n business trip to Carroll.
K. II. Barrett of Dunl.ip la the guest o
Ills sister , Mrs. J. H. I'urccll.
Ed Sayles has gone to Iowa City to enrol
as a student In the State university.
Smith Mcl'herson of Red Oak was In th
city yesterday , attending district court.
Mrs , M. C. Stewart and son , Marlon , ar
Visiting relatives and frltnds at Logan.
Miss Elsie Ilonn leaves Monday for Ithncr
N. V. , where she will enter Cornell unlver
Miss Marie Cass of Fort Madison Is th
guest of Mrs. Anna I. Albright on Soul
Seventh street.
Miss A , Dempsey has arrived from th
east to tala charge of the trimming rooi
at Miss Sprlnk's.
Mrs. Robert Van Dfiisen of Jollet , III. . 1
visiting her parents , .Mr. and Mrs , Moiehoue <
on Frank street.
Mrs. II. Franklin has returned from It
dlana , where she has been spending aboi
two months with friends ,
Miss Clara Htraub of Freeport , 111. , who hi
been visiting friends In this city during tt
summer , returned homo yesterday.
MIsa Jeanette Oulttar uf Columbia , Me
haa arrived In the city for a visit of sever
vre ks with her nunt , Mrs. Everett.
Miss Ellle Bailey of Hubucme has returns
from a month's visit to Colorado and wl
Vlalt Mrs. K , E. Hart , on Willow avenue.
John P. Fenlon , a brother of James M. Fei
Ion of this city , who has been Btrlously 1
for some time. Is reported somewhat bcttc
II. II. McMaster of California Is In tl
city , the guest of hU old friend , C. J. MI
Nttt. Mr. Mi-Master IB about to locate I
Charles City , la.
Q. Campbell Janney of Muncle , Ind. ,
well known traveling man In the Implemei
line , Is In the city , the guest of his broihc
Dr. II. L. Janney.
C. S. Clark , who was a. reporter In Count
Iluffs ) for several years and one of tl
brightest ol the bright , paid the old sceni
a. flying visit yesterday. Ho la now with tl
Evening- Wisconsin , In Milwaukee , and
doing well In every way. He Is a promlnc :
Keeleylte , secretary for Wliconiln , and h
book descriptive of his experiences at Dv lg
has already riftched a tale of 12,000. II
many friends here will be glad also tu he
that ho Is happily married , has. two swt
little ones , o boy and a girl , aaid owm t :
roof that guelKi * them.
Dr. Ktirlbtnt of Hew York WH Occupy the
Methodist Pulpit Today ,
! TliriitiRlimil tlin l.nnil si One of tliu
lllom nt tlio llcrriin I , ' P I > II I.rnf
mid Sundiy School Teclicrt'
ilonriml ,
The general public Is cordially Invlteil to
attend the morn In K service at I ) road way
Methodist church this morning to lisar llev.
Jesse I < . Hurlbut of New York City , who
will prcjch. Dr. Hurlbut Is known by repu
tation to thousand * through his connection
as one of the edltora of the Hercan Lesson
Leaves Mid the Sabbath School Tiachers'
Journal , and Mo by his prominence In Chau-
touriun worJt. It will b ? a pleasure to his
many friends who liavi ; known lilm only
through these lines of work to hear him and
make his personal acn.uilntunce the
ltci > ulilU-iui9 4 liu < i i I
The republicans of Council Bluffs met In
the various wards lat > t evening and selected
delegates to the county convention , to bo hld
In Avoca npxt Wednesday for the purpose of
placing In nomination candidates for the
county offices. There was a large attendance
In cv-ry ward , and a great deal of Interest
was manifested , most of the fighting being
done on the question of county clerk. The
two candidates most promlnent.y talked of
are W. P. Sapp and K. A. Heed. As n result
of the caucuses It ! claimed that Sapp has
all but two of tlie First ward delegates ,
the- whole of the Second , nnd about half of
the Fifth , while Hed's ' friends claim for him
the Third , nearly all of the Fourth , half of
the Fifth , and all of the Sixth. Th. follow
ing Is the list of delegates for each ward :
First Ward B. C. Ualdy , S , 13. Snyder. J.
1 * . Grcenshlelds , Jacob Sims. W. C. Hcn-
drlcks , Carl A. Morgan , A. N. Lund and \V.
O. Morris.
Second Ward T. J. Evans. J. II. I'uce , J.
I' . Williams , Theodore Gulttar , Flnley
BurVp , C. B&sen , H. O. H.ilrd , L. G. Knotta ,
C. A. Tlbbctts and C. S. Hubbard.
Third Ward Dr. O. W. Gordon , Dr. F. W.
Houghton , W. E. Ilalnbrldge , W. E. Haver-
stock , N. C , Phillips , C. E , Cook , Dr.V. L.
Trjynor. J. M. Scnnlan and William Arnd.
Fourth AVard Martin Schmidt , Slack Pet
erson , AS. . Hazelton. I. M. Trcynor , J. F.
Evans , George T. I'hclps , E. E. Hart , J. M.
narstow. .
' . Fifth Ward C. S. Ailon , William Harcourt ,
Peter Smith. J. A..Gorham , W. II. Thomas ,
E. S. Hart. W. E. Wells , Elmer Pratt , T. A.
Brcwlck , William Maynard.
Sixth.Ward L. M , Shubcrt , .G. J. Kemp ,
W. H. .Dudley , Charles Clatterbuck. N. A.
Crawford , F. M. West , James MortJnson.
Last evening the republicans of Avoca held
their county convention. A telegram re
ceived from there late last night stated thut
the delegation chosen stood solidly for T. R.
Bardley for county attorney and was about
equally divided between Sapp and need for
NpttUtlio < ( urstlin Vou-srlf.
Whether It Is more profitable to pay the
kame ohl exorbitant prices or to purchase
your shoes at a cash store , whose motto Is
"tho best goods for ths least money , " where
there are no bad debts for good customers to
pay , anil no poor goods at high prices. Dun-
can'n prices arc n. great surprise to all shrewd
Hard times school shoes , 75 cents.
Top notch school shoe ; , $1.00 and 51.25.
Wear well school shoea , $1.25 and JI.OO ,
Men's nice dress shoes , JI.OO.
Ladles' Vlcl kid button , Jl.EO.
Our prices range from 25 cents to $2,00
less than the old prices ,
Our Curtis & Wheeler ladles , ' line shoes ,
bcpt made. { 3.50.
Our Eddy & Webster ladles' fine slices ,
last made , fj.50.
Johnson < i Murphy and Stacy Adams' men's
fine shoes , (4.00.
jr..00 and fC.OO men's tan shoes to close
out , ? 2.CO.
Next to Bcno's.
Collided wrltli a WHCOH ,
Eva. Gallagher , a 12-year-old girl living
on Fifth avenue , near the- corner of Tenth
street , had a narrow escape from death or
serious Injury , at least , yesterday after
noon. She was riding a bicycle down Fifth
avenue just east of Fourth street. The
nvenua Is very steep nt that point and she
was coming down at a swift gait , when a
big wagon belonging to Duquette ; & Co. shot
Into view ns. she neared Fourth street.
Neither she nor the driver could turn out
In the short time that was allowed , and the
bicycle ran Into the wagon witli terrific
force , striking the front and rear wheels.
The girl was hurled to the ground and
picked up almost senseless , with the blaod
streaming from a cut on her chin. Otto
Pelffer and B , A. Wyman , who happened
to be passing , took her homo In a buggy ,
and last evening- she was abls to be around ,
but was suffering considerably from brutees.
She has not seen the bicycle since.
Do you know that 4o a day will heat a room
nil winter with Cole's Air Tight stove. The
cheapest .and most powerful heater ever sold.
Burns wood. Just the thing for spring and
fall heating. Cole's , 41 Main street.
Kiunn Laundry C'miipiuiy.
520 Tear ! street. Telephone , _ 90.
Selected hardwood f.rheating stoves. H ,
A. Cox , 37 Main street. Telephone 48.
lloit : Clnh Pntty.
.The season for boat club parties at Man-
awa Is rapidly coming to a close. The nlghti
have become so cool that lake breezes di
not command such a premium now as the )
did a few short weeks ego , The party las
Friday evening was probably the last tha
will be held at the club house until nex
spring , Those- who took part In Iho varlou :
pleasures the laltu affords were Mr. and Mrs
K. W. Hart. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shepard
Misses Josephine Vincent. Nellie Zurmuch
len , Georgia Bennett , Mary Key , Mabe
Thompson , Eleanor Stewart , Ncll'o Moora
Charity Babcock and Elsie Butts , am
.Messrs. Harry Haas , A. O. Twlgg of Evans
vlllc , Ind. , Kirk I'atlcrson , G. S. Wright
T. C , Dawson , Edward Everett , Dick Stew
art , G. II. Maync and Harvey Smith.
The cause of the present boom In tea
estate Is due somewhat to 'he ' successful
sale of fruit and garden lands by Messrs
Day & Hess In tha Klein tract , They tmv
200 acres In amounts to cult , tut'-able to
fruit and gardens. Also bearing fruit farm
3 lor sale.
1 Dr. Harry L. Janney. physician and sur
geon , successor to Dr. C. H. Plnney. Office
214 Pearl street , Council Bluffs. Telephon
Given lliick to Th lr lleliitlira.
The muddle In which the two Insane pa
tlents , Mrs. Henry Sides nnd Miss Kat
Boss , * were Involved , an account of whlcl
apparcd exclusively In The Bee , has a
length been cleared up. Mrs. Sides , wh
has been known to the management of th
Clarlnda hospital as Miss Uoss , has ben full
Identified by her brother and sister , J. L
I Jones and Mra , I. . U , Joseph , as well as b ;
1 members of the I'ottawattamle county insan
hoard , so that Ihe much-vexed problem o
what had become of the two women Is final !
settled , once for all.
Si-lion ) Show * .
If you want echcol shoes for tlie chlldrr
It will pay you to go to Fargent'a. I luv
made a great effort to iet ; school shoes wit
style and wear , nnd have succeeded , an
at a moderate price. Good spring he ;
Shoes , sizes 11 , 12. 13 , 1 and 2. 76c ,
SAHG15NT , 413" Broadway.
U Wall paper , ipeclal- sale , at half price , .
e D. Crockwe I , 411 Broadway.
Sheet music , A large and cho'ce selectlo
of sheet muslo at 6c a sheet at Dellaven's.
Washerwomen use Domeittc neap.
He-union ut lllulr.
Arrangements hnve been partially cent
, ' t plcled for the * annual reunion of the Oan ;
mcdea , Omaha Wheel club and the Tourls
t 13lairneit Sunday. ( nvlUUon * win I
ftent tc nil tr.c club * In Hi' MUsourl teller ,
hut those who conic will be nlv n n reallt-
Inr : sens * that n contribution of 50 cents rwr
hentl v\lll bo expected In order tu pay the
-rrn s ol the outing. The program ol en-
ertalnment has not yet been decld-d upon ,
but VIII bp unnounced later.
llpiinlonn llrnO Mmid y' pecliil DJTcr.
Take advantage of three grpit bargain ? In
silks and drcu goods. 5 pieces GO-lnch black
glorl.i silk , good value at $1.25. Monday
o9c a yard. COc quality all wool XS-lnc-li
black he uric t la , Monday 39c n yard. 75c
quality black Henrietta 40 Inches wld ? . Mon
day 50c a > ard. 73o on Monday buys our fin
est quality black silk llnlih henrleltn , always
bold nt (1.00 , Get samples and compare ultli
Our Jl.OU quality Imported 46-Inch black
Eerge , Monday 75c n yard ,
WP carry tha largest stock cf black dress
good ; In this city , and at prices that defy
40-Inch Covert cloths , the newest thing In
dres * goods , all colorj , Monday tiOc n yard.
See our novelty dress patterns.No two
nllk'at $ i.S8 to (20.00 per suit.
U n't buy anything in dress goods until
you ste ours.
5.000 rolls of lOc cotton baits , Monday fie
roll ,
Monday we ti H our snow white cotton
balls at S' c roll.
Standard dress prints at 3'.4c yard.
Good quality white Shaker flannel , Cc yard.
All cur Sc and lOc outing flannels at Sc a
200 dozen ladles' -Jersey ribbed vests and
pants Cue c-ach.
Special corset nale. Monday we offer 500
W , C. C. fast black long waist regular $1.00 $
corset * at < 9c a pair.
Don't lorget our carpst and curtain de-
par Line nt.
Open Monday evening.
Council Bluffs.
Dcniocr.ulc I'rliimrlcj.
The democrats met In each of the twelve
pu-clncls of ( lie city last evening and chose
the following delegates to the county con
vention to be held nt the couit house next
Thursday :
First Wui-d P. D , Moomaw , Charles
Br.nther , .ft. S. Hn\\lings , Charles Huber ,
William HogcrB , Phil Wnreham , Norman
Green , Al Huber , Julius Actor , Jim Snod-
Second Ward John Walls , W. A. Stone.
U. N. Whlttlescy , Harry Grahl , Julius
Cochran. John Hlnkle , W. H. Knupher , J.
H Million. Charles Blerwlrth , J. C. Martin.
Third Ward L. C , I.ars n , Lars Jcnsc'n ,
Sam Johnson , John Dohany , jr. . Emmet
Tlnley , Andy Kastner , Dan Graham ,
AVIlllam Connors.
Fourth Ward George C. "Wise , D. Mac
rae , jr. , Frank Trimble , I. F. Hendrlcks ,
V H. White , S. Baytcn , J. Tracy , A. W.
Fifth Ward N. O'Drlon. S. Lobhart. A.
Boekhoff , W. C. Morris , John Stcffen. Oscar
Hfi.sel , ' James ' Klrley , Anton Stanlon ,
William. Groggin.
Sixth Ward W. C. Boyer. Frank ' Faublf ,
H. W. Payne. J. D. Barnctt , J. T. Anclcr-
on , W. E. Morris ,
Head Nfw Kovlurd 1.1st ,
Entire stock fall garments , cloaks and
inpes. sold from ? 5.00 to $10.00 , new price
ow J3.30.
Big lot rain umbrellas. 2S and 30-Inch ,
iold for 51.00 , $1.19 , J1.33 , new price now
' 5c.
Gents' fall weight shirts , with tie to
: nalch , regular $1.00 stuck , new price now
Odd lot gents' gray mackintoshes , sold for
; 5.00 each , new price now $2.98.
Lot prints , blue prints , red figured prints ,
c.A nice , clean bat , worth lOc , for 7c.
lllbbon , Nos. 5 , 7. 9 , 12 , all silk , all colors ,
Kirk's Laundry Bar soup , only lOc.
See our yard-wide , alt wool ladles' cloth at
25c a yard. Full range of colors.
Blankets , underwear , cloaks , yarns , wool
lioslery and dress goods now open for corn-
parlson. BOSTON STOKE.
Council Bluffs , la ,
Itecotercd Two AVlircU. .
About four months ago E. V. Flowlcy
bought two bicycles of S. M. Williamson &
Co. , to bo paid for on small Installments.
to paid a. little Jiow and then , but suddenly
be payments stopped , and , when "Williamson
nvestlgated , ho found tlmt Rowley had left
own , taking the wheels w'tli him. By
means ol Rowley's relatives he was traced
o St. Joseph , nnd the Impression con
veyed to the fugitive that he w uld b3 landed
n the penitentiary In short order It cither
: he wheels or the money were not forthcom
ing at once. This had the effect of bringing
him to terms , and he mailed back a pawn
ticket belonging to an Omaha house , -where
: ie had left one of the inachlns. The other
V.-QS wltti him in St. Joseph. Williamson
finally recovered them .both.
Hil.dO Slioi-K ( or ( irnllomi-n.
I still carry the same line of inen'u $3,00
shoes , ill styles , Including razor tes , etc.
Have sold this line of shoes eight years and
knew how every pair will wear ,
SAUQENT. 41S Broadway.
Mixed house paints at cost at De Haven's.
Domestic soap breaks hard water.
xed Ed Duquette.
Eil Duquette was tendered a surprise b >
a number of friends last Thursday evening
at his 'home on Fourth street. He tvai
brought over from the store In his shlri
sleeves to find the guests waiting for him
The evening was spent In cards , dancing
and other amusements. Many handsomi
presents were given him In honor of hli
21st birthday The following were present
Misses Williams , Benner , Viola and Lull
Otto , Shepard , Bouquet. Evans , HUBS am
Mussflwhlte ; Messrs. Evans , Gnlnes , Cool
edge , Holland , Kastnei , Sleuart , Louis
Hart , Smith , and Tyson of Omaha ; Mrs
Mctzger and Mrs. Louie.
LOST Bay mare , 7 years old , with roachei
forctop , scratches on left hind loot , Interfered
fored with both legs. Finder will be rewarded
warded by returning to J. H. Klutz , 10
South Ssventh street , Council Bluffs.
Eagle laundry , 724 Broadway , for gooi
work. Tl. 157
: _
Ni > Wont About .Ulcii.
Hev. E. W. Allen , whose brother , Itcv
Burnett Allen , disappeared at Plattsmoutl
seven weeks ago yesterday , Is still unable t
hear any news of him. He has had a detec
tlvc loklng up the case for two weeks past
but the only information that the dotectlv
can gel is that the missing man was see :
on the afternoon of his disappearance walk
Ing along the road south of Plattsmouth abou
a mil ? from town , with head cast iKwn am
coat on his arm. In n southerly direction
Mr. Alien clings to the belief that hi
brother Is still alive and will turn up leone
or later. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
No delay In closing loans on Improve
farm lands at low rales. Abstracts of till
prepared and real estate far sale. Pueey (
Thomas , 201 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
Best Ccntervllle lump coal. J3.60 per tor
H. A. Cox , 07 Main street. Telephone 48.
Stiinn-Du l.iiihmiltt.
John Clarence Stone and Miss Jessie D
Lashmiitt were married last Wednesday i
the home of the bride's parents , at I'.iclfl
City , In the presence of the members of th
tv\o families. Both the- young people ar
well known here , the groom being the on )
son of Vttorney General John Y. Stone , an
the brUlo a daughter of ex-Sheriff Da Last
mutt of Mills , county. After a bridal trip t
St. Louis and Chicago they will return I
their new home In Glenwood. where M :
Stone Is engaged In the lire Insurance' bui
Instruction on the piano given to
limited number uf pupils by .Mrs. J. A. Ref
1022 Fifth avenut.
Duncan's , shoes arc alwnyi the be it an
cheapest , _ _ _ _
The laundries "ue Domestic toap.
\\tit In a U'rrrk ,
David Uttcrback , an old resident of Counc
Bluffs , was In a railway wreck a tew da ;
ago on the line between Colorado nnd Ne
Mexico. Six miles couth of Katon static
hit trnln ran Into an open switch , whl
going down , grade , and the whole train wi
ditched , TJtUrback saw TV tat was up ar
Jumped oul of Uifcdow which happened
to be open. Everjbody waa considerably
shaken up , hut no-nny was killed.
flinty UijMoMhlp.
Church of Jcsiui Phrlst oj Latter Day
Saints Set-Met * M 'ihtntlnRton ' hall , 101
Broadway nl 2SOp.m.i : Sundny school at
4 p. in , ; n-RUlnr seirU < > ut 7:30 : p. in. Itc/bert
J. lluiitliifMen , t-rcflduit U bratch.
Itrurganicd Church of Jctus Christ ot
Latter Day Sulntf I'ltrce street , west cl
Glen tveniu. Preaching at .10:30 : and 7:15. :
First iiptlit : Vorntr Sixth street and
'lrt Bvenito. Prthe'hlhR ' morning nnd oven-
iy by the pasUKV livening service , 7:30 ,
peclul mi-elliiRs every n ght. Everyonelu
lled. James II. Davis , patlor , 304 Harrl-
on street.
Broadway .Methodist Hcv. J. L. Hurlbut ,
) . D. , the well known Chautauqua worker ,
will preach U 10:30 : n. in. II. " P. Dudley ,
St. John's KiiKllsh Lutheran 17 Pearl
treet , lUv. G. W , Snyder , pastor. Preach *
IB at 11 n , in. At t'Mi p. m , the services
\lll be rcmlucled by the Woman's Home
ml Foreign Missionary society. Sunday
ohool , 9:45 : u , jn. young people's meeting.
p. m
Hcv. George Mu Her will conduct the usual
> eoplo's religious E-eiVlces nt Liberty hall
unday evenli.g ,
First Prcsbylcrlaii Corner of Willow ave-
no * tul Seventh street. Hov. Stephen
'helps. paMcr , Preaching lijRev. . A. A.
ttindal ! at 10-30 a. tu. and by the pastor at
' :30 : p. in.
Christian Science Mis. DeLong will
r > sak ut 4 o'clock at the Royal Arcanum
Congregational , llev. John Askln , D.D. ,
fttlor Mornliifc bubject , "The Coming of
he King Humanity's ' Hope ; " evening sub-
led. "Paul's Eloquent Defense. "
African Methodist Episcopal Preaching
at 11 o'clock a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. in. , by the
> as > tor , Hev. Mr. Jackson.
Men's meeting under the auspices cf
Vonng Jlcn'a Christian association at the
Baptist church at 4 p. in , , led by J. M.
GuPler. S-ibJcct , "The Prodigal Son. "
Fifth Avenue Methodist Episcopal
5ev. J. Conrcy , the new pacior , will preach
uornlng and evening.
Overtoil mission Corner Seventeenth
treut and Fourth avenue : Love feast , 10
. m. ; preaching , 10:30. :
There will be a meeting of the Sunday
ichool workers ol the Christian church at
he tabernacle this morning at30. ! . The
ennon this morning ivlll be upon church
orlc. In the evening , at 7:45 : , the services
111 be held.
New Odd I'ellniv * ' I.odip.
All those who > have placed their names on
ho list of the new Iiulepndent Order of
Odd Fellows lodge and those who desire to
iave Ihelr names put on will meet at Wood-
nan hall. Upper Broadway , Tuesday , Sep-
ember 18 , at 8 p. in. A full attendance U
desired , as business of 'Importance will come
"jefore the meeting.
E. S , HAUT , President.
C. A. MORGAN , Secretary.
Strong & Carroll's ' and Stacy Adams shoes
'or gentlemen at SARGENT'S.
They need no recommendation.
New fall iiittllmry at Miss Sprlnk's , 19
lain street. *
Knrcrloslni ; li .Mi > rtRBo.
Another scrap of litigation made Its ap-
learance yesterday In. connection nlth the
estate of the late 'Dr. ' P. W. Paulson. N. P.
Dodge filed a petition1 in the district court
"or the foreclosure of a $500 mortgage , exe
cuted by the doctor and his wife laet Janu-
iry , a short time b'cfore Ms death. The prop-
irty Involved Is eighty' acres , near Crescent.
Gas cooking stoves tor rent and for saleit
Gas Co.'s office.
For cobs go to ' Cox , 13 Main street. Tele--
hone 48.
The following marriage licenses were Is-
ued by the o un'ty ' clerk yesterday :
Mamo and Address. . . Age.
" } . W. 1'annle , Cptincll Bluffs 48
Corn. A , Utachmore. Council Lilufjs 18
G. W. Myent , I'btlawattnmle county SI
Sarali Jane Webber , I'ottawattamle Co. . S3
Best paints In the world. Davis , druee'st- ' .
Dolnestl ? i-oap outlasts cheap eoap.
.r. itiiAcn OM.III.I'S SIAUKKT ,
M ny AVjiinilnj ; lEnngo C'attln In Vine Cnn-
illtlon for trio Itutclicr.
CHEVEN'NC , Sept. 15. ( Special. ) Wyo
ming range cattle are In fine condition and
there Is a big demand for them In the
Omaha market. Thus far shlppsrs have
rcr.lli-.ccl top prices. Ora Haley of Laranile
sold seventeen cars recently , which netted
him $3.90 and $4 per hundred. This was
an overage of $45 a head for range st-ers.
\\yinnlni ; Maaoiilc Grand Lodge Ad
NEWCASTLE , Wyo. , Sept. 15 , ( Special )
The twentieth annual session of the grand
lodge of Wyoming , Ancient Free and Ac
cepted Masons , closed hero yesterday. There
was a good attendance of Masons from all
sections of the state. The following grand
lodga olllcers were elected for the ensuing
year : Grand master , J. T. Holllday of
Laramle ; deputy grand master , DeForcst
RIchtrds , Douglas ; senior warden. F. Chat-
terlon , Rawllns ; Junior warden , E. V. Holir-
bnugh , Cheyenne ; grand treasurer , T. L
McKee , Laramle , grand secretary , M. L.
Kuykendall , Saratoga ; grand chaplain , Rev.
A. Lut ton , Buffalo , grand marshal , J. F.
Hoop , Sheridan ; grand orator , F , W. Man-
dell , Newcastle ; grand lecturer , H. L.
Stephens. Laramie ; senior grand deacon , C.
H. Burrltt , Buffalo ; junior grand deacon.
George Barton , Sundance ; senior grand
steward. George East , Cheyenne ; Junior
grand steward , L. L. Daus , Rock Springs ;
grand tyler , J. S. Davis , Rock Springs.
Itouinlni ; Mierldiin.
SHERIDAN , Wyo. , Sepl. 1C. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The city of Sheridan has bold $75OOC
worth of water bonds and work will com
mence at once. Wurk Is being pushed on tlu
(30,000 ( stone 'building being built by OmaliE
capitalists and many fine residences urn'
store buildings are being- erected in all part :
of the city. _
> nt Uhtilcr.l , I'tvcr.
TACOMA , Wash. , Sepl. 15. The death ol
Captain AVIlllam B. Brldgeman of the United
States steamer Baltimore , which occurred
here thla morning , was the result of Asiatic
fever , not cholera , contracted In Corea , lit
arrived from Japan here several days age
on leave of absence * and was then very 111.
Captain Brldgeman commanded the Unltci
States cruiser Baltimore up to July 16 , last
when he left thetBaltlmore In Asiatic wutcn
after about Iwo yqjrs service on her and re
turned to this country for two years' shon
duty. He arrived in1 Tacoma about Augusi
16 last to visit Ills brother , Arthur Bridge
man , cashier of i. liei Commercial bank , f
f -w weeks ago , he was taken down wtl |
Asiatic fever , und , despite all that medlca
attendance could flo , lie steadily grew worse
Captain Brldgeman n fever despaired , He hori
his a fillet Ion brnvfly and was determlnec
not to cllf. Y Bte < flayi morning It became np
parent that the end was nsar. Captali
Brldgeman wus U > rn In I own about fifty year
ago. lie WAS upiicJntld to the United State ;
Naval academy at.t Annapolis November 29
1859 , and was graul&ated three years late
at the bead of bin 'tilass ' , Funeral arrange
mcntH lire not completed ,
OMAHA , Sept. IE. To the Editor of Th
Bee : To decide an argument , would you li
your Sunday Bee btale whether we hav
any national holiday * or not and glve > th
names of them 11 we have tiny.
Labor day is tlio only real national hell
diiy , though Sunday , July 4 , nnd Deccmbe
25 are- legal holiday * In all the states. Olho
.holidays are legal In many of the utntes , bu
nemo of them In all/ / the > utates.
Hunk l > IIIHuU Charged wltli 1'ruiul.
DO DEN , U. T. , Sepl. 1C , Articles hav
been filed In the United States Fourth dlstrlc
court chnrglng grots fraud and mismanage
merit un the part ot the otflc.-re of the Cttl
zens' bank , wlilcli assigned December 25 lasl
Cashier M. Drough and President Theodor
Robinson ure charged with loaning moric ;
to themselves and lo corporatloni In wlilc
ctockholil ra of the bank are Interested t
the extent uf $68,000. Mr. Urough U mayo
ol Ogdc-Ur
Jouej is Nat Ru'hiop In'o ' the Public
O.ffjrs Jtift Now.
VII Ilin * to Hie dinner'In tlic l.nvt I.OM
on ( lie Tint Half of tlin Yrur
Will Itn t > i < tditecn
Million' . .
WASHINGTON , Sept. 1C. The revenues of
Lhe government have fallen almost 413,000,000
In round figures for the first fourteen days of
this month compared with the last half of
August , The receipts from customs for the
first fourteen days of this month timounted
to { 9,227,000 ( In round Humbert. ) against. JG.-
730,000 for the lust half of August , while
the receipts from Internal revenue were but
$2,202,000 , compared with 1(20,0X4,000 ( for the
latter half of August. The loss U < lue to the
enormous sums paM on whisky , which was
withdrawn for consumption just before the
now tariff went In effect. Increasing the tax
from DO cents to JI-10 per gallon. The re
ceipts from Internal revenue for the first
fourteen days of the month dwindled to
? 2,902,000 , about $150,000 below the normal ,
and were not counterbalanced by the In
crease In the receipts from customs due to
heavy Importations under the reduced rates
Immediately following the enactment of the
new law. Custom rates Increased oboul
$3,000,000. The rccslpts from Internal rev
enue nre now confined almost entirely to the
tax paid on beer , cigars , clgaicttes and to
bacco , and average nbout $250,000 per day
For the tv.o months July and August , while
so much whlrky was being withdrawn , the
receipts averaged over $1,000,000 dally. The
normal withdrawn ! of alcoholic spirits ( both
for the arts nnd potable spirit ? ) amounts
to about S,600,000 gallon ? per month , and the
Treasury department estimates that about
four months supply In addition to thut for
current use was withdrawn during July and
August. U Is not expected the receipts from
the tax on alcoholic spirits ulll reach the
normal again before January I , 1895. This
will have the effect , It Is believe * ! , of keep
ing the receipts of the trrasury down to about
two-thirds of normal , or In other worcla , to
about $22,000,000 per month until January 1 ,
the normal receipts averaging about 32.000-
000 or 33,000.000. This estimate , It should be
staled , leaves , oul of account any large In
crease In Importations arising from the opra-
lions of the new tariff law. The ex
penditures have averaged about $34,000,000 ,
but without the sugar bounty , which Is now
a thing of the past , they will be reduced to
about $31,000,000. Kor the next four months
It Is estimated that the receipts will b about
$85,000,000 and the expenditures about $124-
000,000. January 1 , however , the collection
of the Incoine tax for the last nix months
of the current year will take place and this
will swell the receipts to about $100,000,000 ,
so that at the beginning of the next current
year the treasury ( when the receipts will re
sume their normal figures ) would be on the
wrong side of the ledger about $24,000,000 on
the first half of the present fiscal year ,
There Is to be deducted from this , however ,
$7.000,000 which the treasury gained during
July and August , leaving a' net loss tu the
treasury for the first half of the fiscal year
of about JK.000.000.
Secretary CarJluloVrlto to Senator Slim-
drrHtin on tlio Suiijpct.
WASHINGTON. Sept. 15. Secretary Car
lisle has written to Senator Munderfon , de
clining to pay any sugar bounties ulnce the
date of the new tarlft act. The secretary states
he- has arrived at llie conclusion that such
payments cunnot be made without further
legislation by congress. After quoting from
the act of 1830 , the secretary says : "The pro
visions confer the only authority heretofore
possessed by the Treasury department to pay
a bounty for the .production of tugar and
contains ( he only appropriation made by con
gress for that purpose. The sugar for which
bounty Is now claimed wus all produced
while this statute romalnid In force and tome
oC the claims were actually adjusted and
allowed by the proper accounting officers of
the Treasury department before the 3lst of
August , 1S94 , when the Wilson act took
effect. The question presented for considera
tion is not whether the producers of sugar
have or have not u valid claim aeainst tbc
government for the bounty which had
accrued before the repeal , but whether
the secretary of the treasury now ban au
thority to pay It. No money can be drawn
from the treasury except In pursuance of an
appropriation by law. It follows that If con
gress has repealed the appropriation made
by the act of October 1 , 1S90 , the authority
of the tccretary of the treasury "to pay
any bounty for the production of sugar of
any kind under said act , " Is terminated. The
sugar for which bounty Is claimed was pro
duced under that act and the claims nre made
under that act.
"I do not Ihlnk the word 'hereafter , ' as
used In paragraph 182 , can be held to relate
only to the "production' of sugar so ns to pro
hibit the payment uf bounty only on sugars
hereafter produced , The entire provision
for the 'allowance and payment * of bounty
Is repealed , and In addition , congress has
seen proper to declare In express terms that
It shall be unlawful to pay any bounty after
the act took effect. For the reasons thus
briefly indicated I arn constrained to decline
clineto make such payment upon any of the
pending claims.'J '
M'UHK roil
Advertising for lllds for the Itvuurroy ol
( rant unil Ilnnkt'r Counties.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 13. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The secretary of the Interior has
directed the commissioner of the general
land office * to advertise for bids for making n
resurvey of Grant and Hooker counties , Ne
braska. The last sundry civil appropriation
bill contained an Item appropriating $16,000
for this work , which Is. to be done to coriect
errors which are believed to exist In the
official plats of these two counties. It IB
probable- that the commissioner will have
advertisements Inserted In some of the near
by newspapers In a short time Inviting pro
posals for this work. When received they
will be submitted to the secretary and the
contract , of the work will be awarded by
It Is expected that the disbursing officer
of the Indian bureau will shortly begin
sending checks to the 944 settlers on the
Crow creel : lands In South Dakota to re
imburse them for financial loss sus
tained by them , by reason of their ejectmenl
from these lands by order of President Cleve
land In 1SS5. The claims of those settlers
have been audited and approved for some
months , but It was only at the last session
of congress that an appropriation was made
to pay them. The amount of the claims ap
proved IB a little over (110,000. ( The set
tlers are now kcattered over South Dakota
Nebraska , Iowa and adjacent states ,
The > Indian bureau ofllclals are undccldei
as. to whom to detail to disburse the in one }
due the Yank ton Sioux Indians of Soutl
Dakota. It has been suggested that an
oilicer of the army be assigned to perform
the duty , BB he would not be required tc
give a bond , and again the suggestion hat
been made that the present agent for those
Indians be required to disburse the money
owing to hit familiarity with the people ol
the tribe and-the suitability of his position
lie would bf > required to give an additions
bond of perhaps $40,000 , but he could make
the payments In two or three Installment !
and with less trouble to the department thar
any one else. This office of disbursing
agent was the one for which n , H , O'Drier
of Yunkton was elated , but was knocked ou
by the failure of congress to make an appro
prlatlon for the purpose.
IndltlKil Contuniii'liiimMtncMei. .
WASHINGTON , Sept. 16 , The eases o
Messrs. Haviineyer and Hearles of the Bugai
trust , and Seymour of the brokerage firm o
Seymour Bros , & Young of New York , whc
refuted to give teullniuny before the Sugai
trust Invettlgatlon committee , have- been un
der Investigation by the grand jury of th <
district all week. It Is understood true bltli
have been found agalnit the three wltnenei
and they will be presented to the crlmlna
court before the clos of the next week ,
Greatly Incrensinrj Nxnubur of Applicants to the Copolmitl Medico. ! Institute-
Triflingrxpensp Attendinc a Speedy nnd Permnuunt Cure
Holinblo People Continue to Testify.
The practicing nhysldani of the west
ceom now nfircul on one matter uf common
public-Interest , nnd Hint Is tlmt Iho month
of September has not In with n regular
epidemic of catnrih. The dlscuse Ic always
prevalent In our oil mute , but this time It
Fccms to be on us like n AMIVC of l.i gilppe ,
tlmt taken [ n ( ill melt , or like u M\M > ep nf
the optzol , tlmt tukt-ti In nil horses.
Drs. Copeland & Shepnid , who hnvo a
i-ast experience In th" diagnosis nnd Imiul-
liiK' of the dUeasn im < l ItH subtle compli
cation ! ' , confirm tlio Impression of Iti pres
ent epidemic form In their statement , re
cently rnmle nubile , touching Ihe Inevitable
results of abnormal cllimitlc conditions re
cently prevalent The conwiuenue Is that
Sirs GeoisoV Stiver. Uriel Unmswli-k ,
wlrnlij'b.iml I" n | r ! ufuplii > i In the U.
I' . 1n > ir. el | i'iiii.i' ! < n'llc" , says : "Dr
SheuatO cuicil in of -rvutn ishnuMlon
runl of MM. . = Man "tin. nfiei other
iriiyt-lciuni hud I wialmosl : help-
'p. * ? , \vltlinut er.eisy , u.vlilTi > rlnx greatly
Horn In'omn'i v.h ii IIP my cu e nnd
ruled me I oxnnrl s-pcak Uo EliOngly In
Ills tn\oi "
those applying to these phyKlclnnt
for expert treatment nnd for the benefits
of their popular "light fee 8 > Hteni , " the
proportion of catarrh patlentH IK 25 prr cent
greater than at any former fall SUHKOH < lur-
Stoom and Hot Watir Honlln ? for
Residences and Buildings.
J. C. B1XBY ,
202 Main. 203 Pearl Streets , Council
Bluffe , Iowa ,
Litigation Kccesjary to Secure Func's for
the National Guards ,
Supreme Court AVIH l o OUcn nn Oppor
tunity to I'nBi on the Subject nt
tlio it.rllr : t I'oaalblo
DE8 MOINRS , Sept. 15. ( Special Telo-
gram. ) The state cxccutlvo council twlay
after a lengthy discussion ol Die bills of the
state militia for cervices at Council Bluffs ,
Muchaklnock and Sioux City , amounting In
all to about $12,000 , decided to make up an
agreed case ( or decision by the supreme
couit. Stnto Treasurer Bccson voted to allow
the bill under protest for the purpose of a
test case. Adjutant General Prime will now
present the proper voucher for a warrant to
the auditor of Ktate. The tatter official will
refuse to draw the warrant , and I'rlmo will
endeavor to secure n writ of mandamus from.
the district court of I'olk county.Whichever
way It la decided an appeal will be taken ,
Hon. A. I ) . Cummins will represent the
state auditor , and Attorney General Stone
the rest ot tlie council. It U hoped to have
the matter settled at the October term of
the supreme court.
There Is n difference of opinion whether the
payment should bo made out of the general
fund or out of the National cuard fund , the
Kovernor ami secretary of state holding to
the former view and the auditor and treas
urer the latter. Attorney General Stone
concurs with the govcrncr. Should the final
decision be In favor of the governor's view
It will enable the council to pay bills out of
the general fund to an unlimited extent ,
where no appropriation has been made for
certain unforseen
Hayton'i l'roio | iul VVaKtrVi rlc ,
FOKT DODGE , IB. , Sept. 15. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Tlie town of Dayton has prepared
plans for a system of water works , Including
a ninety-foot well , with wind mill , one mile
of mains covering the business portion of the
town , and a 2,000 barrel reservoir , with
seventy-foot tower. Uds ! will lie received
and work finished this fall.
SnUalniHl Ilia Mulc-t l.n\r.
DBS MO1NES , Sept. 15. ( Special Tele
gram. ) The first Important decision rendered
In Iowa In relation to the new liquor law
was filed this afternoon by Judge Fiurrler |
of the district court , Judge Spurrier hold !
that the law la constitutional , a bar to pros
ecutions and all , The i-ase will ba appealed ,
llniiluii Mill Iliminl.
UUXLAP , la. , Stpt , 16. ( Special. ) Plre
destroyed the Duntap Flcurlni ; mill and
most of its contents early this morning ,
The scene of tlio conllagrat'on was about twc
mile * from town. The flro starttd frcw
an engine which had Jjst liecn put in tht
mill. Loss about 43,000 , no Insurance. * * ( JoiriK 1" " > Him I.uU.
DI3NVKU , Sept , 15 , Ilepresentatlvoa of the
Mennonltc& from Hays City , Kan , , arrived
rTere today on their return trip from nn
examination of the San huts valley. As a
result oC their visit the society will purchase
ten nectloni of land , to which 300 fumlllei
from I la ) a City will remove to engage In
IIIK their entire profp lonnl history In our
city ,
It Isn't alwns's a more nnsnl catarrh. It
Isn't nhvnys nti Inllaino.l tin < l ninnliiR nos < !
or n attiltVd-up lieml ntitl Moppetl-up nostrils.
In nn umisunlly IHIKC number of Insl.-uire *
It la BomutlilnK ili'fi'i- | . IIHIIO militlo , inoro
seciot nnd mortstrloiiH. . Thousiinds upon
thuitsatul ! ) Unit ihiMiivHUvn miffcrltiK from
come my.HterloiH d > .xpi > | ) llitiouble , coining
In reality frotii cnliirrluil Inlhtmmiitlon of
the nuicoii" linings of the Ktoinnch ; otlicri
arc Hinlilenly const-loiiii of pon\a mysttrloin
klilnoy OlHoiilpr , llmlpi | dlnaider , ll\or dis
order , bowel illsoitler , uterine illsordcr , com *
Injf In n-nltty from pome long-linkl'itf lm
con clom ciiliuili of clthrr of those vita ]
nrgiuis ; still oilier ! " llml tlu-insvlveK nick and
mlBernlile from n traiisc. ilcldlltutliiR bodily
heat , wljlch l. In K'nllty a slow cntin-rliiil
fevtirornlns frmn llic ii'ilual notion of
catiiiibiil poltrill * upon tlio entile nyatpm.
It Is this , In i-cillt : > - , Hint nvikrx oiitnrrh
Mioh u. ilnniier. The pHtlnt cnii have It for
monthi nrul nut know It. Jluwevcr , It now
costs but n trill. ' to M-'OUIP the best trout-
mpnt thnt inoiloin sltlll nnd srlenco can
afford , and tln M- \\lni think themselves af
fected should lose no time In consulting
Drs , Cujiclntul and Hhopanl.
< ; n n of < . In. VK , < > r the U. S.
( I v rr ,
Mr. O. U 1'avK of the T. S. railway mail
service , ifs-ldliis 1 > " 22V. \ . Locust st. , Oca
Molncs , In. , Rays :
"Mote tli.ui . flu month * have i > a seil plnco
t received > our Iriiitmrnr lot i-lironlc ntuml
cnlHirh.vlil b bad alto Involved tlie mlilOlii
onr nnil I wl. ! , to iiv now Mini I moat
livnnllv uc'-mnnn-l the tiplitment. Tlio
couil Hint It done- for in Is hurt ! to esti
mate. foi I nm In perfect le.iltli today anil
hnve bud no li. ul. ' < vvh.ueset &tnco laklng
the t. catmint. "
Ofllce Hours 0 tu H a. m. ; 2 to 5 p. m.
EvenltiKS Wudnc-"lny.s and Saturdays
only , 0:30 : to 8.-M. Sundny , ID to 12 in.
Tlie . .
and Dp Co.
Offer the following bargains
in New and Second-Hand
Pianos , wh'ch must be sold
to make room for new stock :
2 due now $750.00 Iliii'drann
$510.00. $
1 flno now SiiOO.OO Ilarclmnn
Pianos .
$405 $ 00 ,
1 fine new $150.00 Hat-tlraan
Piuno .
$325,00 $ ,
1 line new $ l _ i.OO Uanlman
Piano .
$310,00 $ ,
1 Everett , worth -150.00. . . . .
$300 $ 00 ,
1 Muollcr Messir , worth
$275.00 .
$200,00 $ ,
1 Chase , worth fl50.00 ! .
$185,00. $
1 Gcovoh'tion & Fuller ,
worth W25.00 .
$ ldO,00 ,
1 Lynn & llealy , worth
f 200.1.0 .
$14000 $ ,
Also 6 good Square Pianos ,
from $25.00 upward.
Fine bargviins also in Or
( O3 Main Street ,
Council Bluffs , la.
Special Nofciccss
I < -tUi avenue ami Tear ! iti c ( . Apply at Uc
uf a firm-chit * hotel. J rooms ; Dili liutcl hut
a ftrnt'clura icuuiailun , d > i-illi > K fioni Co tu Bu at
a meal ; localt > < ) Midillu riruailuay ut thu Junction
of nil tliu zli'M-i c.ilines. . K it the Uvtt ulana
In Ihu ( .11 > ' uf found ! Illulfn. AOJrus J , lie
mice. Council niurm.
and ncr ui'if lor le In Council lilurfi. No
fancy price * connUkiul. i' , J , llinlc , ( 1'earl
street , _ _ _ _ _
locuUO ; prltale lainlly , A < lilifin 11 15 , line ,
Council Iliutu.
it ; lluiku , ut \ \ ' . H , ll in r' , K
Iwu block * Jtxini Ornalin. motor line : Jrult anil
furvit tr ii Dim view ; uli > other cliolc
rralilt-nce l5t , fruit land * and farrnn. rurvoii
& llalrd , "bora , UvcrtU tluc-k , Council IJIuCf * ,