Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1894, Part I, Page 5, Image 5

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Made on Honor PLOTHING may be dear at any
' price , if poorly made. While
Sold on Honor new you can't tell the difference ,
but a few weeks' wear soon opens
your eyes. Now. we , with the
largest clothing store in the west ,
with an absolutely new stock , are go
ing to build up an immense business bv
"Selling ; on Honor , " clothing that has been
Made on Honor. " You will soon learn that our
prices are right always lower than at any other store.
There are those who think
The best English melton suits , with lap seams , raw edge , a
J s \ r * / } < Stii ? fr > > m"ce absolutely new style ,
clothing cheaper than another that if he produces a suit identically " N
any / / I3 ? lBifel Auburn make , double
ly the same , apparently , for less money than another , there must be JL Ls5Palii jif } reastcc $ 11 , a"d single
' double breasted six different \
Man's all wool suit single or .
' ' * f breasted at $10.50 ,
with it it's cloth it's made well
ent shades round or - ISSS ? ft ( } something wrong not as good or not as
0SruS&Sr K . U U '
square cut a great big * or that it's a bait. But
bargain at $5 , Man's fall overcoat. light and medium weight , a handsome
affair , and'though the price
There are those who know is small the overcoat is 'way
up in G. You may buy
that there shrewd of who do rush into the them at $4.50.
A man's suit made of all wool material , thoroughly well are buyers clothing
made and finished , in all clothing markets when the clothing makers have just produced their
the newest patterns and 6- Men's fall-overcoats in cheviot ; made up as well , wear as
colors ; none can beat us new things and ask fancy prices for the first choice , but wait a month / " ft ft S3s > well < look as wel1 as any
on this suit at § 6.25. or so until the "bloods" are supplied , when they drop in to find the A ) i1Pfiafc yTft * i * coat y ° u ever saw-
C-/ GQWll ? M We sell them for $6. oo.
manufacturer willing to make great inducements to take his stock off
Men' black cheviot suits , guaranteed to wear and hold col his hands. Then it is
or to the last thread , al- hj C
ways looks well and is M &faigiz. / . .Us ft That those who buy last Three shades children's suits , ages 4 to 14 , usually sold
nicely trimmed and sold for 52.00 ; big special sale
for . .
same linings the very same buttons colors just the same cloth just
the same not a particle of differend except
Men's single breasted Sawyer cassimeres , as solid as a rock
to wear , in single breasted O '
round cornered sacks.Farfe f $ lh SS / V The price and that's so low Two shades children's suits , ages 4 to 14 , dark effects ,
mer satin lined , for $8. RuHR T O * f\ & ! p ! v _ usually sold for $2.25 , big
to sell his suits for what his "blooded neighbor" paid for his and he /r U (3Hi ( ! sPecial salc Price' SI'5 ° -
makes nearly as much profit , too. This applies to
. Men's single breasted cassimere sack suits , made up in the
most workmanship ' man .50 Our Five Dollar Sack Four shades boys' al ! wool suits , extra pair pants to match ,
ner. It's a regular hum 8 * C Gfa S N usualjy solcl for 52.50 , big
mer for $8.50. talk lately. The "blood" has to sell his for fifteen dollars because he /7 J QffilM sPecial sale Price > * l-7S >
got the first pick but we waited a little , and we are paralyzing the
natives with it at five dollars six different shades single or double
Men's sack suits in sifk mixed cassimeres , such
as you
never pay less than $15 = xrz : a / /O / ) / ) breasted a most elegant suit so say the five or six hundred who are 200 boys' suits , aqes from 14 to 18 years , long paints ,
for , with the best of / r3 / / 1-00 wearing them now. It's no bait , but we have them as long as you come heavy woolen goods , dark
effects , sold for ,
trimming and finishing , usually $4
will go out at $10. and will sell you one or a hundred at five dollars. big special sale price $2,50.
Our Eight Dollar Clay Worsted - cutaway
Men's best Hanison cassimere suits in either sacks or away ,
assorted doub1e and breasted worsted suits ,
frocks , in a variety of col- - cut bought after the "first choicers' " had been supplied , and 150 single
1 ( \ ft ft regent was f k r" 'SESjSrSj . . , . dark effects , in plaids ,
. Jf g iSSSr I J' U I/ iH.-
ors , made up. in the . very the maker was desirous of turning his stock into money. Selling it at J O U SlBiitll\fi ! ) stripes > and solid colors ,
latest styles , at $12. % .
so'd ' for
s 3slliifl/I
/ $ big
usuauy $5.00 ;
eight dollars as we do , we don't lose anything on it but at the- same 2 / special sale price , $2.50 ,
time we give it to you for ten dollars less than you pay the "blooded
Men's Prince Albert c'ay worsted suits , double breistcd , regent - dealer" who pays more for the same identical suit than you do. 350 boys' suits , ages from to 18 years , long pants , solid
gent cut , a very nobby suit ' substantial goods , usually
and will give elegant service - Our Big Boy's Two Dollar Suit sold for $450 , big special
vice , for $13. sale price- * 275. .
men's suits. You will find , upon investigation , these same solid sub
stantial long pants suits are being sold for four dollars. We'll give one
A better Prince Albert clay worsted su't , double breasted ; Junior suits in blue and black tricot cloth , nobby , dressy ,
suit tor two dollarsor , two suits for four dollars , and not lose a cent on
recent cut , made and fin- * = = - - * / r"1 fCi \ 0 C * = SSP > V _ a cs 3 to 7 years , usually
ished in the latest style , iS S i ? * / S U U the deal either. sold for $6'5 ° ; big sPecial
at . salc pricc' * . .
go $15. ' 3.25.
Our Chill's Dollar Twenty-Five Suit
Men's fall overcoats , silk sleeve linings , positively equal to will save you the price of a give you the same darkeffects : to An elegant silk velvet junior suit , ages 3 to 7 years , usually
overcoats you pay $15 for , / / ) / ) r\ choose Jrom the same cloth anbY"just exactly the same suit only it / ) ° C U ft " " " i " ! s * or $7 > 0 ° ' big special
SSf.C .CU 4 feWtoNJfl sale Pricc3,50. .
/ /
Ihoroughly well made , go /0 / /.C/ "
after the "first and sell
, was bought chorcefs" were supplied we it for
now at $10
less than . " ' *
they paid. ; ;
' } li VI
Flow to Order. a 31 li , IT ! Mail Orders.
Sand postal order for whole amount or when a sufficient
amount to pay express charges Is sent , wo will send goods C. The M. H. Cook Co The prices quoted in the numerous catalogues from the Omaim
O. D. If you send too much money we will return the surplus. . . Clothing Clothing-House may sootn low to you , na compared with thosa of your
local dealer , tut there was never any thing yet but could he improved
Always give your full name and address , and measure yourself
Columbia Co. , and this is the do it. Having all those catalogues oil
or have soius friend do it tor you , giving us all the particulars successors to Clothing . , upon way we
. file , wo will fill all orders from them -with the sama identical or bettor
you can , so that we can fit you perfectly. If your neighbor has
Omaha 13th and Farnam Sts. , Omaha. g-ooda and giver you a discount or D per cent , on $10 or loss and 10
an clothing catalogue , compare our prices with it
cent , all orders exceeding $10. Whoa ordering state number
You'll find our prices much lower and we'll guarantee the per on
cloth and fit to "bo better in every instance. If goods are not entirely of lot and what catalogue.
tirely as represented , you can uend them back at our expense.