Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1894, Part I, Page 16, Image 16

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Big Furniture Sale.
Child's rocker , worth $1.00 , now on sale
for 49c.
Revolving office chairs , worth { 6.60 , now
on sale for $2.90.
Heed high chairs , worth $2.50 , now on
sale lor OOc.
Japanese screens , worth $5.00 , now on
sale for $1.90.
Servants' Iron beds , worth $7.50 , now on
talc for $2,90.
Child's folding beds , worth $7.50 , now on
sale for (3.45. (
Ladles' des > ka , worth $9.GO , now on sale
for $4.90 ,
Ladles' desks , worth $15.00 , now on fn\e \
for $7.45.
Ladles' ' desks , worth $20.00 , now on sale
for $9.90 $ ,
Antique rockers , worth $2.50 , now on sale
for 92c.
Olllce desks , worth $9.50 , now on sale
for $1.89.
Umbrella holders , worth $7.60 , now on sale
for J2.25.
Uevolvlng book stands , worth $20.00 , now
on sale fcr $9.50.
Bookcase and desk combined , worth $12.CO ,
now 011 sale for $6.43.
Bamboo parlor cabinets , worth $10.00 $ , now
on sale for $3.90.
Ulush arm chairs , worth $13.50 , now en
JUfUij sale for $ ( .75.
Brass easels , worth $10.00 , now on sale
Jor $3.25.
Corner wall cabinets , worth $2.50 $ , now on
sale for $1.25.
Triplicate mlrrows. worth $7.50 , now on
sale fcr $2.40.
Photograph frames , worth $1.50 , now on
sale ( or 39c.
Oak foot rests , worth $2.50 , now on sale
for $1.00.
Silver'frame French plate mlrrows , worth
$1.50 , now on sale fcr 49c.
Book shelves , worth $2.CO , now on sale
for 11.33.
Plush foot stools , worth $5.00 , now on sale
for $2.50.
Folding chairs , worth $1.25 , now on sale
for 67 c.
Parlor suits , worth $50.00 , now on sale for
Oak easels , worth $1.50 , now on sale for
Infants' cribs , -worth $7.50 , now on sale
( or $2.90.
Screens , worth $1.50 , now on sale for , C5c.
Hall chairs , worth $7.50 , now on sale for
Whatnot , worth $8.50 , now on sale for
High chairs , worth $1.50 $ , now on sale for
ESc ,
Arm chairs , worth $0.00 , now on sale for
Child's rockers , worth $1.00 , now on sale
for 45c ,
Music cabinets , north $4.50 , now on sale
for $1.110.
Brass parlor tables , worth $7.50 , now on
tub for $2.50 ,
Oak center tables , worth $2.50 , n\v on
sale for OOc.
Illlilo stands , worth $1.50 , now on sale for
Card tables , worth $5.00 , now on sale for
$2.50 ,
Parlor cabinets , worth $30.00 , now on sale
for $18,60.
Onyx tables , worth $30.00 , new on sale
for $14.25.
Work stands , worth $7.00 , now on sale
for $2.C5.
Work boxes , worth $1.50 , now on sale for
Secretary book cases , worth $14.50 , new on
sale for 50.J5.
noil-top desks , worth $27.00 , now on sale
for $14.75.
Folding beds , worth $40.00 , now on sale" for
Bamboo tables , worth $2.00 , now on sale
for 75c.
Reed rockers , worth $2,50 , now on sale
Cor 95c.
Book cases , worth $10.00 , now en sale for
. ChcfJonlers , worth $14.00 , now en sale for
Buffets , worth $12.50 , now on sale for
* Folding teds , worth $13,50 , now on sale
for $7.25.
Sham holders , worth. 75c , now on sale fcr
fl p/ 24c.
Sideboards , worth $20.00 , now on sale for
> $10.C5.
; extension tables , worth $13.00 , now on
sale for $6.75.
Kitchen safes , worth $6.00 , now on sale
for $3,25.
Kitchen tablet , worth $1,76 , now on sale
Tor 94c.
Mattresses , worth $3.50 , now on sals ( or
Springs , worth $2.50 , now on sale lor ESc ,
Bedsteads , -worth $3.50 , new on sale ( or
$1.60. . ,
Wardrobes , worth $12.50 , now on sale ( or
Kitchen chairs , worth 50c , now on sale
( or 28c.
Chamber suits , woith $20.00 , now-on eale
( or $12.50. . , , , , , .
Chamber cults , worth $25.00 , now en sale
( or $11.75.
Big Carpet Sale.
Vrlve' caipeta. w rth $1,25 , now on sale
for 69c.
Body Brussels , worth $1.25 , now on sale
for G4c.
Tapestry Brussels , wcrth $1.00 , now on sale
for 39c.
Inuraln carpets , wcrth 75c , now .on sale
for 39c.
Ingrain carpets , worth COc , now on sale
for 31c.
Stair carpets , worth 40c , now on sale for
Yard remnants Brussels , worth 75c , now on
sale fcr Igc.
Yard remnants Ingrain , worth 75c , now
on sale t r 19c.
Yard remnants linoleum , worth $1,00 , now
on sale for 19c.
Itcmnants Moquette , worth $1.00 , now on
sale for 50c.
Hemp carpet , worth 36c , now on sale for
Fur rugr , wcrth $3.00 , now on sale fcr
Hassacks , worth $1.00 , now on sale for
Ottomans , worth $1.60 , now on sale for
Misfit Ingrains , worth $10.00 , now on sale
for $4.50.
Misfit Brussels , worth $20.00. now en sale
for $9,50.
Art squares , worth $12.50 , now on sale
for $6.25.
Ingrains , worth 35c , now on sale for 14c.
Uag carpet remnants , 'worth 50c , now on
Gale for 19c.
Price S3.
Solid Oak , Piano Polish Finish ,
heavy Sole Leather , Embossed Cob
bler seat , worth $7.50. Mail Orders -
ders received no later thanTuesday
will ce filled.
Big Rug Sale.
lfix2S-lnch mottled rug , worth , $1.00 , now
en sale for 34c.
26x54-lnch mottled rugs , worth $3.00 , now
on sale for 98c.
21x45-lnch best Smyrna rugs , ( ringed
worth $2.75 , now on sale for $1.88.
2Cx54-lnch best Smyrna rugs , ( ringed
worth $3.75 , now on sale for $2.79.
30x60-lnch best Smyrna rugs , fringed
worth $5.00 , now on sale ( or $2,24.
4x7 ( eet best Smyrna rugs , worth $10,50
new on sale for $5.95.
27x54 finest Moquctte rugs , worth $5.00
now on sale for $2.49.
36x72 finest Moquette rugs , worth $8.50
now on sale for $3.97.
Velvet rugs , worth $4.50 , now on eale (01 (
26x54 finest Wilton rugs , worth $7.50 , now
en sale ( or $3.78.
Misfit hall rugs , worth $15.00 , now on sale
( or $0.25.
Misfit chamber rugs , worth $14.00 , now
on sale for $5.75.
36x54 Ingrain rugs , worth $2.50 , now or
sale for TSc ,
2Vi5 feet Japanese rugs , worth $5.00
now o > t sale ( or $2.25.
3x6 ( eet Japanese rugs , worth $7.50 , ntw
on sale for $2.90.
6x9 feet Japanese rugs , worth $15.00 , now
on sale for $9.10.
CxlO feet 6 Inches Japanese rugs , worth
$22.50 , now on sale for $12.76.
9x9 feet Japanese rugs , worth $27.50 , now
on sale for $13.50.
Big Drapery Sale.
Chenille curtains , wcrth $6,50 , now OE
sale for $2.90.
Chenille curtains , worth $8.50 $ , now or
sale for $3.87.
Irish point lace curtains , worth $7.50 , now
on sale for fl.93.
Irish point lace curtains , worth $10.00 ,
now on sale for $3.25.
Nottingham lace curtains , worth $2.00 ,
now en sale for 75c.
Nottingham lace curtains , worth $3.50 ,
ndw on sale for $1.35.
netted Swiss , worth ' 50c , now on Bale foi
Sash draperies , worth 40c , now on sale
( or 17c.
Silk plush , worth $1.50 , now on sale fcr
Window shades , worth 75o , now on Bale
for 25c.
Shade rollers , worth 25c , now on sale for
Curtain poles , worth 25c , now on Eale for
Sham holders , worth 75c , now on sale for
Bed ssts , worth $3.00 , now on sale for
Cx4 tapestry covers , worth $2.50 , now on
sale for S9c.
Chenille loops , worth 60c , now on sale for
Drapery pins , worth 60c dozen , now on Eale
for Ic.
Pole sockets , worth lOc , now on sale for
Stair buttons , worth 5c , now on sale for
Stair rods , worth 25c , now en sale for
6x1 embroidered felt table covcrr , wo'rth
$5.00 , now on sale for $1.J8. (
Table ell cloth , worth 25c , now on sale for
Chenille table covers , worth $1.DO , novr
.n sale for CSc.
Big Stove Sale ,
4-hole ranges , worth $12.50 , now on sale
for $4.98. I
C-holf ranges , worth $20.00 , now on sale' '
for $8.95.
LawUry stoves , worth $8.50 , now on sals
for $3.25 ,
Heating stoves , worth $7.DO , now en sale >
for $3.25.
Dase burners , worth $20.00 , now on sale
for $12.75.
Hase burners , worth $27.50 , now on sale
for $11.03.
Gasoline stoves , worth $0,00 , now on salon
fir $3.2G. , ,
Gasoline ovens , worth $2.50 , now on sale *
for $1.48 ,
Coal hods , worth 50c , now on sale ( or 18c.
Stove boards worth $1.50 , now on sale rn
Shovels , worth IGc , new on sale for 4c.
Parlor lamps , worth $18.00 , now on sal <
for $9.65.
Steel ranges , worth $40.00 , now on sale
for $24,80.
Oil heaters , worth $7.50 , now on sale foi
1-burner oil stoves , worth $1.50 , now or
sale for 59c.
5-galIon oil cans , worth CSc , now on sale
for 3)c. )
Stovepipes , worth 20c , now on sale for 9c ,
Elbows , worth 25c , now on sals for lOc ,
Dumpers , worth 23c , now on sale for lOc.
Big Parlor Furniture Sale
Parlor suites , 5 pieces , oak , tapestry , wcrth
$15.00 , now on sale lor $17.50.
1'lusli chairs , worth | 5,00 , now on sale ( or
Plush divans , worth $12,00 , now on sale ( or
Leather couches , worth $25.00 , now on
sale Tor $11.75.
Plush easy chairs , wcrth $12.00 , now on
sale for $6.20.
Fringe silk tapestry couches , worth $17.50 ,
now on Fa ) : lor 7.85.
Chenille couches , worth $17.50 , now on
sale for $8.75.
Hug couches , worth $15.00 , now on sale
for $7.45.
Heed couches , worth $15.00 , niw on sale
for $7.50.
Muslin couches ( for drapery ) , worth $15.00 ,
now on sale for $7.40.
Cretonne couches , worth $15.00 , now on
sale for { C.S5.
5-plecs overshlpped tapestry parl'r suit ,
worth $60.00 , now on sale for $27.50.
Wolton couches , worth $13.50 , now on sale
for $ G.40.
Parlor suits , worth $100.00 , now on sale
for $52.00.
Ollt chairs worth $10.00 , now on sale for
Single lounges worth $8.50 , now on sale for
Bed lounges worth $12.00 , now on sale for
? 0.75.
Price $3.95
Solid UaU , Hand 1-olish Finish ,
upholstered in best quality Silk
Tapestry or Plush , Mulshed elegant
and worth $8.50. MnH Orders re- |
ccived no later thanTuusdiiy will be
Big Cickery Sale.
Toilet sets , regular price $5.00 , now en
sale for $2.38.
Toilet s'ets , regular price $3.60 , now on
sale for $1.67.
"Toilet sets , regular pries $10.00 , now on
sale for $4.90.
Toilet sets , regular price $15.00 , now on
sale for $7.15.
Tea sets , regular price $7.50 , now on sale
for $3.15.
Dinner sets , regular price $14.00 , new on
sale for $0.97.
Dinner sets , regular price $18.00 , now on
sale for $ S.88.
Dinner sats , regular price $25.00 , now on
sale for $11.45.
APT ? QOT P And carr I0 ° different styles of Peninsular
jnJLVJ-4 OVJJLjJ-j Stoves , which are the greatest stoves in this
country. Every one guaranteed. They are coal savers and money savers. They will give
as much service with two tons of coal as any other stove made will with three tons. Call and
see them. It will cost you nothing to look them over. .
On $ 10.00 wortll of goods ; $1.00 a week , or 8 4.00 a m nth.
sell you just as cheerfully
" On $ 25.00 worth of goods. $1.50 a weelf , or $ 6,00 a month.
on our easy paymeut plaiv as for
On $ 50.00 worth of goods , $2.00 $ a vrecK , or $ 8.00 a month1
cash. If you select a bill of * goods and
Oj $ 75,03 worth of goods , $2.50 $ a wecfc , or $10.00 $ a month.
want to pay cash , we say good ; if you
On $109.00 worth of goods , $3.00 $ a wcsK , or $12.00 $ a month
want time , we soy good again.5 your trade
On $200.00 worth of goods , $5.00 a week , or $20.00 a month
being equally appreciated whether you pay
Special and most extraordinary arrangements ]
us cash or avail .yourself "of our Easy on larger purchases.
Terms. DAILY DELIVERIES to South Omnhn niul Counci
Hall la-np ? , regular price $3.00 , now on sale < § Vo1" * ft -
for $2.2S.
Hanging lamps , regular price $3.50 , now #
s ? ?
on sale far $1,67.
I'lnno lamps , regular price $10.00 , now on
sale for -t.SS.
Danquet Inmps , regular price $7,60 , now en
sale for $3.40.
Parlor vasa lamps , regular price $6,60 $ , now
on sale for $2.97.
IlMlland dinner sets , regular price $76.00 $ ,
now on sale ( or $31.50.
Cnrlslmil dinner sets , regular price $35.00 ,
now on sale for $19.60.
Decorated parlor lamps , worth $3.00 , now
en sale for 98c.
Big Basement Bargains.
Chair seats , worth 20c , now on sals for
lOc ,
Nickel-plated tea kettles , worth $2.50 , now
on sale for S8c.
Nickel towel racks , worth 25c , now on sale
for 13c.
Steak broilers , worth $1.25. now on sale
for $2,15.
Steam broilers , worth $1.25 , now on eale
for 65c.
China cuspldorcs , worth 7Gc , now on sale
for 38c.
Opal fruit bowles , worth $1.00 , now on
sale for 34c.
Opal water sets , worth $3.00 , now on sale
for $1.28.
Glass water sets , worth $3.00 , now on sale
for $1.28.
Chinese plashers , worth 25o , now on sale
for 8e.
Lunch baskets , worth 60c , now en sale for
4-pleca glass setts , worth $1.00 , now on sale-
for 29c.
Cake stands , worth $1.00 , now on sale for
Berry bowls , worth 25c , now on sale for
Finger bowls , worth 15c , n&w on sale for
Glass celerys , worth 25c. now on sale for
Water bottles , worth $1,00 , now on sale
for 31o.
Salts , worth lOc , now on sale for 4c.
Peppers , worth lOc , now en sale for 4c.
Tumblers , worth 5c , now on sale for 2c.
Uon bon Jars , worth $3.50. now on sale
for 9Sc. '
Napkin rings , worth 75c , now on sale for
Syrup eans , worth 25c , now on sale for 12c.
More Furniture Bargains
Toilet commodes , worth $7.50 , now on sale
for $3.C5.
Book shelves , worth $2.00 , now on sale fcr
Kitchen cabinets , worth $10.00 , now on
sale for $5.75.
China closets , worth $25.00 , now on sale
for $12.50 ,
Cane chairs , worth $1.50 , now on sale fcr
Tea chairs , worth $2.50 , now on sale for
Steel engravings , worth $10.00 $ , now on
sale for $3.50.
Pictures , worth $3.00 , now on sale for
Wall cabinets , worth $3.00 , now en sale for
Medicine cab'.ncts ' , worth $4.00 , now on
sale for $ U5.
Wall Dockets , worth $1.00 , now on tale
for 40c.
Hat racks , worth 25c , now on sale for 7c.
Chcval mlrrows , worth $25.00 , nw on sale
for $14.60.
Pedestals , worth $12.60 , now on sale for
Plush chairs , worth $7.50 , now on sale
for $2.75.
Hall trees , worth $7i50 , now on sale for
Folding beds , worth 115.00 , new on sale
for $7.65. $
Japanese tcrcens , worth $5.00 , now on sale
for $1.90. V.J
OlHcc stools , worth $1,50 , now on sale for
Plush divans , worth $10.00 , now on sale
for $4.90.
Child's fcldlng beds , worth $10.00 , now on
sale for $3,50.
nutter trays , worth $ C.OO , now on sale ( or
Chamber suites , worth $30.00 $ , now on sale
for $16.50.
Chamber suites , worth $50.00 , now on Eale
for $27.50.
Mattresses , worth $3.00 , now on sale for
Wire springe , worth $2.50 , now on sala
for 88c.
nedsteads , worth $3.50 , now on sale for
Wasli stands , worth $2,00 , now on sale for
Shaving stands , worth $7.50 , now on sale
for J2.90.
Antique rockers , worth $3,50 , now on sale
fcr $1,35.
Uaby carriages , worth $5.00 , now on sale
for $2.40.
Daby carriages , worth $15.00 , now on sale
for $7,65.
Extension tables , worth $7.50 , now on sale
for $3.50.
Extension tables , worth $10.00 , now on sale
< jy *
QCT A Qoop or/e