Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 16, 1894, Part I, Page 15, Image 15

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Business in a Jobbing Way Showa a Gain In
Certain Lines ,
Scnnotmhlo ( InoiU Moving In L'lilr Volume
Jobber * ilpriiln ? U | > JiVw T rrlt ry lethe
the \V vit Mluntlim 111 l.lve
The jobbing trade of Omaha has experi
enced a substantial Improvement , In certain
linen at least , during Ihe past week , A
good many country merchants have been In
the city , nnd , while they have not placed
orders with tlio old-time liberality , they have
bought enough to cause a substantial In
crease In the volume of sales , As a matter
of fact , their purchases have been limited
very largely to such goods as arc regarded
as absolute necessities In the country.
Thus , the dry goods people have been kept
very busy , nnd the jobbers of boots and
shoes , groceries , etc. , have enjoyed a very
good buslncaj.
The dry poods people , especially , have
bceon rushed -with orders , and they are ship
ping fully as many goods as they ever
shipped nt this season , oven In the most
prosperous years. This Is due In part to
the fact that they have bean very successful
In opening up now territory In the states
west of Nebraska , where there appcara to
bo at the present time a very Inviting field.
Another reason for the largo volume of bus
iness doing In this particular line Is to bo
found in the tact that a great many of the
heaviest retail houses In Iho country that
have been accustomed to buy in the east
cancelled their orders when It became known
that there was going lo bo a failure ot crops ,
and aru now buying their goods in Omaha ,
It being too late to get them in Ihe east
In time to supply the demands of their trade.
The saino IntluencEU arc no doubt contrib
uting toward making business more active
In other lines as well.
It has nlwa'ys been the case , especially
wilh Ihe dry goods houses of Ibis clly. lhal
a failure ot tlio corn crop places them In
a better position. It brings them new cus
tomers that could hardly be weaned away
from the eastern Jobbers In any oilier way
Afler the failure" ot Ihe crop In 18 0 a greal
many merchants In this slata who had al
ways purchased In the cast , and whom ni
arguments or Inducements In the way especial
special bargains In goods could move , sud
denly found It convenient to transfer their
accounts to Omaha jobbers. The movement
in this direction was no doubt stimulated
in some .dcgrco by the undue haste ot eastern -
ern jobbers In pouncing down upon their
creditors anil closing them up at the least
shadow of an excuse. Many patrons of east
ern Jobbing bouses were closed up In this
way and forced out ot business , while their
compelllors who happened to be buying In
Omaha were carried over the hard times and
arc still In business.
The now customers gained by the Omaha
Jobbers In 18DO and 1891 have In most cases
remained with the houses , having found that
It was not only more convenient to buy
nearer home , but that they could do fully
as well In Iho matter of prices ns in the
east. New customers ore now coming In
faster than ever before , and Ihere Is every
reason for expecting that they , too. will
become regular customers of Omaha.
In liioso sections of the state where the
crops were almost a total failure business
IB very dull , but the Jobbers are trying to
inako up for the loss of business In this
direction by acquiring new trade in Oregon
Washington and other western states.
Ther has been n little more life mani
fested In some lines In which Ihere was nol
much reason for expccllng any material
Improvement. whlc.h would seem to I ml teat
that , the public lias como to Ihe conclusion
, that the whole country Is not going to smasl
Just yet and that the people are going to live
and cat and wear clothing Just as they liavt
done In the past. There are , however ,
good many lines In which business inusl
necessarily remain quiet for some time , as
there are many articles which enter more 01
less directly Into Ihe caring for and hand
ling of farm crops.
The Jobbers have been very sanguine tha'
there would nol be any such great dcpres
slon In business aa followed Ihe parllal fall
lire ot corn In this stale In 1S90 , becausi
stocks ot all itlnds of goods are now verj
lowIn all parts of the country , and If then
Is any sale for goods at all the merchant
will bo forced to come to Ihe Jobbers fo
Ihem. At that time all Ihe merchanls hai
largo stocks on Ihclr shelves , and Ihe
stopped buying almost entirely until nn
other crop was grown. nri
Al South Omaha there has been a con
slderable falling off In the arrivals ot cattl
and hogs as compared with the prcvlou
week , but n heavy gain In the receipts o
sheep. The market has been In pretty goo
shape all the week. Dcef steers , owing t
the light offerings , have remained full
steady In the faceof a heavy decline nether
other markcls. Callle men are looking fo
a heavier run of cattle next week , as the
claim thai range caltle. which have bee
held back on account of there being plent
of feed on the ranges , must commence
arrive more freely In the future. Butcher
stock , such as cows , heifers , etc. , have bee
in good demand all the week , and th& mm
kcl has advanced about 25 cenls over th
prices prevailing a week ago. Stock call
have bsn gradually advancing , and Hi
belter grades are fully 2G cents higher lha
Ihey were last week , whllo Ihe commo
grades have experienced a 15 cent ndvano
The demand for all kinds of catlle has bee
In excess of Ihe offerings on most days
the week , and the market upon the who
has been In a condition lliat could not hcl
but bo satisfactory to the selling interest
While Ihe market on hogs closed the wee
with a decline , llio market was even hlglu
than at the close of the previous week ,
that n gain has been made during- the pa
I six days In the matter of prices. Tl '
drouth Is making itself felt In a gradual
decreased supply of hogs. Tims far th
month Ihcro has been a falling oft In U
rec.-lpts. amounting to 05,000 as compart
with last month.
The packers who have English cuts
placs on the market ara doing a good bu
Iness. The demand for American produc
abroad Is Increasing rapidly , and has a
tmined proportions , that will bo a surprl
to many who have not kept close watch
the growth of the business.
Fortunately South Omaha packers are In
position lo take care of a portion of Ih
Irade nt least , nnd no small amount of fo
elgn money finds Us way back lo Ncbrasl
In exchange for hog producls. This count
sells for foreign consumption nearly | 5 <
000000 worth of bains nnd bacon per yen
Some Idea of Iho way the demand U Increa
Ing may be gained from the following lat
showing llio exporl figures tor Ihe two yet
past :
Y < ur en llns June 50. .JI0 ? ' ! ! ; Value
38.3M , :
HOI . 416.K3.4n
IKIli " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SD1.7M.1W S3.78I ,
1051 . BCS 4. U J9.S4I , :
The exprrls are dietrlbulcd among Ihe d
ie-rcnt countries as follows :
l-"l cal yrnr cmU
June 30. mi.
I'lirrlin.ifd ! llacon. lljma
Vim" ? Klnjl
, m .
Onmilll } ' . , IIS ,
France . . II.
oilier Kuminvm | ]
nullah Nurth America . * KSIS 103 ,
tVn. .Mner. & 11. Honduras. . . , 10.011 IS ,
( M.
J-ui-ilo Illco 19 , ( W < .
H nu > Domingo. . 15 ,
da ami ( K-ear.lca X.
Total all countries. , $53.33,357
linllsVhuui Murknt.
MINXi.U'OUi1. : Sept , U-Tlio sraln marl
opi-nej weak nnd a atui.lo lower than yeal.'nli
but riveted und showed up In ) i < str > liiy' closl
iirli-i-s. nnally i-loalm : alwul lie 1n 1 > r than J-
lerUay. The cnuso of Ihe weakness npjwiirea
A > e MI nccount of tlie tars * noitli i-st r -I ;
itnd n laruo oxpec.tHl Incrt-nse lit Ihe vtslhl. * tt\ \
j-v | Mnnd.iy. with uninll ex | < oits far the wi
and lowur c > ilKA C'wd movement It <
j , ml In thfl n.'rlhwcil the cnnilnii week , do
w. ntrmlMir , H'v. ' Decembtr , ftj' e ; May. I
C' h lK t im trackN" . 1-Hinrd , t \c-t No
nutlicin , K > iv NI 2 ii'irlhrni ' , 6IUC Ol'l wh
Id nt Iftl'i nU'Ve tlio new for present
livery. Ilircipth ia 4MO'.i ) bu , ; sli.inent ! . :
4' ) bu. T'i I.H-HI nulU croum ) It WHS cilinuti i
li ( .000 lu , of wlieat durlnn week , which with the amall shipments , ran
ri-ll up lownril rqualllnK HIP volume oC recelpls.
The Hour market was rleady. hut weak In
uiitntlon. I'alents. tS.IO'ffS.K ) ; takers" . J2,0092.20.
'rolucllun was estimated nt 18.900 bbls. for ths
wentflour hours , shipments were 41,511 bbls.
s.xnv , cnimcju A CIVH VIKWS.
mprnvement I * Slow but U'lint Hal Coinn
Hroini to Hit I'l-rniatiriit
Aluort Anilrlana , locnl superintendent for
Snow , Church & Co.'s Mercantile Agency ,
writes ;
"For Ihe last few weeks the business sit
uation 1ms been umlorsolnK a decided
ch.ingi ! for the lieitur , nnd It rmiy now bo
fairly nsHumed that the- revival la riorum-
nent In HO for as It concerns trade In Rep-
ernl , reKnrdless of locnl Innucnces , which
have retnrlcd or fmprovcd affairs-In differ
ent i > artM of the country. 3ank ! clearlnRfl
In the main centers show , n ilerlileil Increase ,
manufactories arc resuming work , Jobbers
at Chicago , St. I ouls nnil nt eastern points
report a large anil Increasing trade , und
there Is every indication that the commer
cial and llnnnclal affairs of the country
are once more on a nrinly cstabllnhe ; ! basis
of prosperity. That the Improved tone of
trade In the country nt lnr ; e Is having n
beneficial effect on the business of Omaha
nnd other western tradltm iralnts more or
less affected by unfavorable local conditions ,
hardly admits of a doubt. As n matter of
fact , business nt Omuhsi 1st at present on
n much better basis than n year apo. Trade
Is iirlnclpally confined to staple lines as a
result of n scarcity uf funds und a disincli
nation to spend money for luxuries , still
noticeable with all classes. Hut the feellliff
of uncertainty nnd doubt , which was such
a dlscouriiKlntf feature of the situation last
year nt this time , lias nlmost entirely dls-
appean-d. I tot nil trade Is Improving sllffht-
ly. In wholesale lines business for the
month nt the present ratio will show n
Imnd.oume Increase over September of last
year , As I stated lust -week , the Improve
ment Is most decided In dry noods. groceries
nnd In staple lines generally. Kven hard
ware men are receiving1 a Bllichlly Increased
number of orders , nnd furniture dealers
report pome considerable Improvement.
Hoot ami shoe merchants are agreeably sur
prised at the showing of this month's busi
ness up to the present dale. There Is still
very little demnml for luxuries , but this Is
to be expected until the general revival has
completely reassured the people and has
been fortlll d by the Incrcns dcarn'ng capac
ity of nil classes , which Is one uf the main
hidlrntions of good times and the worst
condition of n. depressed slate of affairs.
The crop failure In this part of the country
Is a condition of the past , the results of
which confront us now , and will affect the
business of this state for the next twelve
"This' being an established fact. It Is the
duty of every citizen o the state to over-
conn- this unfavorable factor as far as
possible. AM I stated In last week's re
port , several counties In the state have al
ready \oted Irrigation lo : d ? , ihus turn shins
employment for the winter and Insuring
the expenditure of sufficient sums of money
to bridge over nnd to a large extent over
come the results of the crop failure.
"Oinnliu Itself has much work of this
nature before It. The Finite canal project
should be pushed to a successful consum
mation. Confidence In the east Is sulll-
clently well restored to create a dcHlro to
Invest Idle capital In paying enterprises.
Omaha and Nebraska prcsenls one of Ihe
most promising fields of this description.
Values hnvc been depressed to such an ex
tent that valuable property , bolh of Ihe
clly and In agricultural lands , can now be
bought ol figures * for which they have not
sold for a number of years , and at prices
that will probably never obtain ng-aln , This
Is owing solely to the general decrease In
values Incident to the panic , and prices
are already becoming firmer , with every In
dication of an upward tendency.
"The consummation of a project such as
the Pintle canal would give such nn Im
pression of confidence and enterprise as to
invite the attention of foreign investors ,
resulting In an Inflow of capital such as
would materially benefit the trade of this
city In every line and of every class. The
canal proposition should , however , not be
brought before the voters as n. mere boom
scheme , but as a legitimate enterprise care
fully Investigated , the ultimate success of
which Is as nearly assurd ns a thorough
study of the subject will permit. II Is not
necessarily this proposition , which I merely
cite as n case In point , but the general ne
cessity for some active effort which I de
sire to bring forth. The main Important
features In the case are these : Employ
, ment for the laboring classes nnd the prollt
to mercantile lines Incident to the same.
Some expedient to reinforce the resources
of the state , which have suffered more or
less extensively , and the Importance of nn
active effort to direct some of the eastern
E money , which with the , restoration of con
fidence will naturally seek 'some Held for
: Investment , Into Nebraska , channels.
"The failure of the crop this year leaves
this community with a , dearth of market
able prod not. It Is the conversion of the
great cereal of this region Into money that
moves the wheels of commerce here , resultIng -
Ing In prollt to Individual enterprises and
prosperity to personal Interests. It Is the
failure or partial failure of this source of
Income Unit must be reinforced In some
' \vny
"I. ' < M-al activity , aided by liberal Invest-
1,1-nlH of outside cnpllnl , will create em-
ploynroiit for labor , cnualng 11 circulation of
currency resultlnB In a normal conilltlon of
affairs. It la merely a different means of
reaching the same end , the success of
which depends entirely upon those who will
reap Ihe profits. "
n- Suffers from tlio llnlofiil Inlliionco
nf Volltu-H.
rile Mr.V. . II. Robcrson. manager In Omahn
le for H. O. Dun & Co. , speaking of local
trade , says :
"Thu week has been enltrely without Incident
to cident In Jobbing circles. Trade among re-
ly tall dealers was vaslly Improved bj- the few
al cold days , but there la no boastingamont
or them. The state fair took away u gooi
ey many traders for a clay , und the Interest li
en the political canvass now In progress Is
doing business no iood ,
ty "Thus far the effects of the enactment ol
lo t it new tariff law and the long hoped for ad
rs' ! Jotirnment of congress have not been felt
en There IH no activity anywhere , such as was
ir- hoped for , nnd we start Into -winter with tin
irhe depression heavy upon the whole country
The November elections are now lookei
119 ] forward lo ns the turning point In tin
he c ' affairs , anil business prophets saj
an that when the relurns are tn Ihocommer
on clal Interests of the country can safely lixki
30. thulr bearings , but meanwhile there- will bi
30.en no material change.
enof "Among- our own houses the feellnK livery
i traders contlnui
very ncod. Many country
Die to discount , and collections are really belle
than would ordinarily be xpected Insucl
ts. times aw these. One of our leading hat rnei
save more people have been In to Irade thl
week than ever before at this sffBon , whll'
order trade has not fallen oft any , nm
so i traveling men are doing well. This Is th
ist ; genera ! report. Some lines are very busy
'lie especially shoe and rubber dealers. Th
dry goods houses are just beginning to catcl
his up with their orders. Hardware trade I
.he better than n. year asp. jlauor sales nr
woree , and clothing Is nil that could be ex
ed peeled of u between sen son trade.
nuslness at South Omnh Is only slight !
to tiffectvd by the coopers' strike. A sllgh
us- sense of uneasiness prevails , hut beyon
CtS thlH everything Is moving forward to th
satisfaction of the packers and coommls
sloti .
of Mrs. Kllon'MaVson , , wife of Elder Ma\sor
pastor of the U. B. cliruch at Gallon , 111 , , I
speaking ot Chamberlain's Fain Balm , says
his "I can cheerfully recommend It. " Applle
or- to a cut , bruise or burn. It produces a sooth
ikit Ing , pleasant effect , relieving the pain al
try most Instantly and healing the part& aulckl - and without leaving a car. A flannel clot
ar. dampened with thia liniment and bound o
as- over the affected part will cure a tpraln 1
blc less time than nny other treatment , Sold b
. , n INSTRUMENTS placed on record Scptembe
15 , 1891 :
Midway .
llnic son. w 41'4 feet of e J > 6 i feet lots 11 ami
11. block 1. I'otter & f's 2nd add 4
s.I.7ST Henry I'undl lo A A JunRe , lots 1 lo 4 ,
I.7ST block 7 : b > t 1 , and 3 , block 9 ; lot * 1 to
1,351 4 , block 10 , 1'undt 1'liice , . . . , 2,2
O O Hermann to H I1 Hermann , r It acres
074 8-15-1. 9
of He sw - -
i.osa Martha Ulppell and husband to same. 12
l'SM litres sw no same 1
Frederick Urexel and wife to J H Harle ,
S.6S5 undlvd lol 2. block 10. Omaha 10,0
Jfels llasmussen lo Krnnk Cuber , lot 73.
ri73 ' . ( '
NelfcWl'H ndd % " , " z- ,
C I. Van Camp and wife lo Hugo I'mcht ,
lol I , block S , Kountie Place. . . . 6C ,
Ixiwo Avenue ItulldlnK association to It W
White , lot 15. block 11. I'oppleton pork ;
lol 17 , block 37. West tilde ndd 1.C ,
rfcel H > ime lo % VV Hlabaueh , lol 1C , block II.
lay , I'opplt-lon park. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I.E
| : IK MMway investment company to C Q No-
ye.i. diin. . s ' 4 lol 7 , block 2. Teller & Cs
lo udd to Kiuth Omaha. . . , , I
IpU J \\Vl.shoii3 nd wife to Hugo 1'rachl.
tupM f.-fl < i ( w IJ lot 1. block 1 , Imiwrial
* K- i ; II Illcki and huilwnd to I , C HardliiR , a
ese ; Tl feet , lots 21 and 24 , block C ; w K feet
fc3c. lots 1 anil i. and t SO fret lot 1 block
. 1 | , llantt-im 1'lnce- . , 19,1
heat O N lllfK * anJ wlf t N H lllck * . a
io- ir.wt < 'mini nrlnif at rail 211 fc t v ot
2 . - i > a c r lol 13. Uarllolt'i ndd. . 1,1
< il. I -
lha I Total amount of Irenvfera , . . , ,143 , !
Corn Was Heavy on Large Receipts anil
Wheat Mo jkly Follcwea.
I'rlnmry lurket llocrlptn , Ilicliiillng 1 lie o
nt Knnii : t'lly , AniDiuilril lo Ni-nrly
Olio . Million lltuhrl * of
StOL'ln anil ll nd .
CHICAGO , Sept. i ; . Corn was heavy
today on large receipts and wheat meekly
followed. They both ran down another
% c. Provisions were smashed by the virile
blows of the heavy packers , pork closing at
a decline of 27 ! c , lard 20c and ribs IGc.
Tlio o.its market followed Its own bent and
closed Vta higher than yesterday.
Wheat opened very weak. Dscember ,
which closed yesterday at 5Gc , and which
was the bottom of a $ ic decline , sold a mo-
meat after the start this morning at GGc.
The corn market was suffering from what
the speculators chose to regard as very
heavy receipts of that article , and the north
west reported a considerable Increase In the
number of carloads of wheat at Minneapolis
and Duluth. Those were the Influences
which Inaugurated UIL- weakness In wheal
here. The cables relumed reflections' ot
the weakness which prevailed here yesterday.
Business was of moderate activity. A good
deal ot scalping long knives came out al the
opening , and the chief support after that
appeared to come from buying against
"puts" and covering by shorts. The fluc-
tuallons kepi virtually within the range of
56c and BCVSc. Exports ot wheat and flour
from the Atlantic seaboard for twenty-four
hours amounted to the equivalent of 40,000
bu. Primary market receipts. Including
those at Kansas City , amounted to 900,000
bu. The estimate that today's liberal ro
celpts of corn would lie repeated on Monday
and rumors that the receipts of wheat at
Minneapolis were likely to be 1,200 cars on
the same day , prevented nny change In the
heavy feeling which lias prevailed all day.
The price was kept bumping on 56c for De
cember not far from the close , and finally
rested at BGc to 50Vie.
Corn was. weak earl } ' , heavy all day , and
limp at the close. It did not , however ,
sell lower at any time than It did Immed
iately at the opening. Receipts of GOO
car * this morning exceeded the estimates
by fifty cars , and the prediction that on
Monday another GOO cars would be found on
the Inspection sheet added to the selling in
clinations evinced by the local speculators.
A good deal ot long corn came on the mar
ket and shorts gathered It In. May opened at
from 62&c to 53c. recovered to from G3Vlo lo
G3c , broke oft to G3c"rose to from 53'/4c
to , C3c , tumbled back again to G3c , and
closed at 53c bid.
Oats were quiet throughout the entire ses
sion. A firmer feeling was noticeable , In
fluenced by a better disposition to buy. Sep
tember ranged from 30',4o bid to 30c , clos
ing nt 30c bid. May started at from
35c to 354c. sold up to 3Gc , and closed at
from 35ic to 35T c.
The receipts ot hogs at the yards were only
9,000 , but the quality was reported to be
poor and the price from lOc to IGc lower
than on the day before. The weakness
In corn and wheat gave additional encour
agement , anil the packers did the rest.
The leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. | Open. | ] | igh Lo - . | Close.
WheatNo. 2
Sept r .i
May om 01W 01
Com No. i ! . .
Sept f,4h'
Oct rl MH K B4
Mny. O''Ji 63
OniaNo. U. . .
Sepl. . . . . . . . now !
Oct. SUM
May 35H I '
Pork per bbl
Pent. . . . 13 75
Jan 14 00 II till la 75 13 SO
Lard. lOOlbi
Sept. . . . . R 72(4 ( 8 72i ! fi - ' -
Oel 8 70 H 71' } . H 07k H 07s !
J.-in. . . . 8 ID B 10 7 O-'h 7 025i
iliort Klba
7 ( U 7 OB 7 05 7 0 ! >
Oct 7 U-J ) 7 II7M 7 37K 7 00
Jan 7 10 7 10 1 01)
- Cash quotations were n fallows S
- l Winter palenlH , j.30f.SO ! : winter
stralBlits , I2.SOO'2.EO : Bi > rlnK pntentB. S3.10413.50 ;
sprini ; Btralnhts. tiZWi'X. ; l ilcera' . J1.75j(2.(10.
\VHKAT-No. 2 sprlnK. & 3 < tfiic : No > S uprine ,
nominal ; No. 2 red. S3'ifi ' Mc.
CX311N No. 2. SH'tc.
OATS No. 2. Wfcc ; ? > o. 2 whllo. S31ia53V5c ;
No. 3 ivhlte. S2VfiS3e.
UYK No. 2. 47'iO.
IIAHhBV No. 2. Blc ; No. 3. KfrJl'.Jc ' : No. 4.
I-'I.AX 8RKlNo. . 1. JI.39V4.
TIMOTHY flii31 > I'rline , > .W ) .
I'HOVIHIONS ileus pork , per bbl , . $13.75 ®
13.87V4. Uml. i > er 100 Ibf. . JS.7J. Short ribs , sides ,
loose , J7.WO7.7U. Dry nulled alioiiMern , linxed ,
$6.70ftG.SO. Short i-U'iir BlJcs , Iwxc l. f8.1058.a.
WHISKY Distillers' llnlslied sooils , per Bill-
SI. 22.
Tlic following were HIP receipts nnil shlpincnta
- today :
On llio Produce cxelinnco today the bultor mar
kel wan firm ; creamery. l-4 < 924c ; dairy
KFCB , linn nt
Yesterday's Quotations on Flour , ( irnln unil
I'ruvtaloiiH , M tulK , Kir ,
NBW VOIIK , Sept. 15. 1 > * LOUU Il.-colpts. 27-
7 ) bbls. ; exports , 4SGO , ) bbls , ; sales , 5,100 pkgs.
Market dull nnd wrnl ; ; no Inquiry , except foi
low winter , to arrive ; city mill pntenls , $4.006
4,19 ; winter patents , J'iSiO .n ; city mill clears
J3.45wlnteil ; \ strn'gliU , fi.15ff2.75 ; illnnc olt
palpnti , M.WIS3.0) ) : wlnler exlrn , tl.9ia2.l9
bakers , ? ; .40fi3.M ; winter low grades
' . , tprlnR low Krndra , tl.703H.B3 ; Piln | ;
exlrna , H.S'JITS.SH. ' Southern flour , dull ; mica
nnne ; common to futr i-xtni , > 2.l ] f2.St ; ROW ! t
choice i-itra. H..Ofii3.K. Hs'i- floor , dull ; Kil
none ; nuporllne , } : .7i.Si ) ; f.incy. J2.Mtli.10.
CORN JICAIUull : snlci , none ; yellow west
ern. 3UOfr3.IV ; Urimdywlne. J3.30.
UYK CJulft ; car lola , 53c.
HAIIMiY Quirt : wilerii , Wi ? ( c.
IIAIU.KY MAI.T Held llrm ; western , No , 2
; WIIKAT nccelpt * . 159.40 < ) bu. : exports ,
liil. ; Kales , GGO.UO ) bu. futures. IM.IKtO bu. spot
Hpot , eli'ndy ; No. 3 led. In nlore and elevntr > r
57Hc ; , 57TK' : I. o , b. , C8Kc , alloat ; No
1 northern. 6 ! > ic , delivered ; No. I hard. UJc
delivered , Optlona i > pened weak and benv :
under sympathy with oorn , larpe norlhweateri
recrlpti , forelsn flllna and Final ) weekly c-x
ports from bolh coautn. Uirer there was n par
In tlal rccoverj * with corn and th clone wns a
: 14o net. decline : No. 2 red , Mny. CJi.Rfii 3-lBc
ed closed at 63V4c , SclitPinlx-r. closeil at 57o : Oc
h- tolM-r. 68BS3V4C , closed at 6Sc ; December , IW 1-1
- OM'4c. closed at CDVif.
illy COIlN Ilecelpts , 95.W ) bu , ; exports , 22.1W bu.
ly sales. 203,000 bu. futures , S.oOO bu. st > ot. Spot
then nominal ; No. ! . 63 0 In more ; 63'e dellvere l
Options wenk early In the day under Inrce re
on ct-rptB and Ine llriuldnllon , but afterward
In rallied on coverlnB. olosInK lie up on leceml e
by nnd Uc off on Scplrmlier : Apill. closed nt
" " "
May , C65ifl57'Sc , closed"at" 57jOl ! Seplember
61T > yC2o , closed nl 62c ; Oclober , closed at Clc
NovcmlH-r , GO > 4GGOe. closed nt GOttc ; Uecem
ber. & 7tf5&Hc cloted nt u&lfcc.
OATH-ltecelpl , 204.000 bu. ; exports , 2.83 bu.
sales , 4 . < K bu. fulures. M.OW bu. spot. Spnl
ijulet : No. I , 37'tc : No. 2 , delivered. MSc : He
3 , 33Mc ; No. 2 white , 37V4c ; No. 3 while. 36'/j < :
on track , white , state nnd western , S5'/4W40'c
Options opened dull nnil easier , but rallied wit
000 C4 n und closed > / > c lilKlicr ; January , closed n
33Vlc ; May. closed ut 404c : September , closed n
31 > , c : October , closed at Side ; November , close-
at SGVic ; Ileceniber , Sa % JJ7'.fce , closed at Xllic
HAY Quiet ; shlpidng , WJf o ; good ti > choice
450 601tSOc.
llOl't Wenk : slnle , common lo choice , 433c
I'acldc coait. 7&PV.
100 HIDKH Quiet ; wet salted , New Orleans , si
lecied , 4 ; to IbK. , 4HIVje ; lluenos Ayres , drj
900 W to : i Ibs. . W'ic ; Texas , dry , SI lo 30 1bs
720 LEATlIRn Slcady : hemlock sole , Bucnc
A > Ta. IlKhl to heuvy , 14fl8c.
1 > 11O VISIONS lleef , uteady ; tamlly. 1061 ! <
eilra mesn , 60 ; beef hams. (2' ' ) ; city , eitr
(00 India mrps. 116.00019.00. Cut mcata. qulrl
pickled bellies , 9 < | 1iUc ; plckle < l shouldrrs , Ti (
,000 pickled ham , ll&llbe. Lard , nominal ; wei
ern steam closed ul (9,20 ; sales. IM llerres t
J9.1S , cost and frelKht : city , S c : sales , K
,000 tierces ; tJcptember , cl ed at IS , 17 , nomlno
,000.MO January , 18.52. nominal ; retlned. quletj conl
.MO nent , I .6S ; H. A. , 18.S : compound. CHc , 1'orl
dull but steady ; new mess , J15.WiJ16.00 ; rxti :
prime. J13.00Q13.W ; family , | 1C.W | short clea
SlC.WfI17.00 ,
IIUTTEIl llrm : weslern dalrj' . IJOttej wes
ern crcamen' . UBS-l'ic ; western factory , l2Vi
ICa ; Kldlii' . 2l > , jru ; state dairy , llf 22o ; atai
crramtry , lIRilc.
CllKKHK Steady ; large. * 6 > iOUc ; small. 8H
o ; part skims , l&S c , full vklms , 3Jj3Hc.
,000 ioaa Firm ; stain nnd rennslyvanlo. 184
19o ; Ice house. UliOlCo , western fresh , 16Vjilb <
cases , 11.0003.00 ; receipt * . 6.C7S pkgs.
TAI.IXJW-Sleady ; city 113 p pke. ) , 4H <
country < pkis. frr ) , Oc.
JJO I'ETHOLRUU aicadr : nnlt d closed at C
bid ; Washington , bbl . , J5L IVnslilnulon , In bulfc ,
tl.Mi icflned New Yntl.I * ' 1 : , ; I'lilln.UlphH. nnd
llaltimnrr , liM , l'hlla.lel | > hla and llaltlmore , In
bulk , 12.65. iniltti
HOSIN atrndv ; slrnino.1 , common to gael ,
It.lSUI M. " ' i I
Tflll'BNTIJJK-Quloiy MSHJDc.
IlH'K-PIrm ; domesllc , fair to rxtra , IHftS'lr ;
Jnpmi , 4\WIi > e'
MOlj\RHK8 8l iIy ( ; Klfw Orleans , open ket
tle , cool til ciolcp. JKWMc.
ri IKON Hull ; Hcolch , J1J.J1022D > : Amrri-
can. $ lo.M ( M3.fli > . - >
COI'PUU Klrtn ; Ink rnttc.
l.l'All-Clulet : itoturMlP. " I3.H6.
TIN Nomlral : platc't lUlet. |
HI'Bt.TEH N mlnnl : srifM nn 'cllan e , none.
crude , nominal ; nrfx'ntte ' , nmnlnil ; j-ellow
buller Erndei" . 27fl3V ! "dilutee summer yellow ,
fiici prime yellow. SSdl Si-How , oft Ri-adesi. 3Jc ;
prime -ille | , '
I'lilldlllon < i f Tr . .ilnmid. . Ou ; > tltln.H nil
Staple nnil Ci iK-f I'roduc. ' .
Wlillff Hie pnsl w Ts linn wllne.i ed some
cliiuwH In tinmarkel far country pnHluce. It
Ims not been \rry prollllc In new features. He-
ii-lpta liavo nveraBed ti little heavier III come
llnec , while In oilier * Ihere ha been n fulllns
off In lh - arrivals. The folliralnff- will show the
uiTluJH for tlu ueekn cml'flfr on dnlm nl liend
ot fulumnn , lh HRU.VH reprejontlntf cn s of PTKS ,
r < j > of chlrkciis , pacl < iiKen ut bulter and cars
of into tnes :
Sept. 31. Sept. 7. A s , 31.
URJ : . 1.112 ' -c
Itutter . 1.0i)2 SU 157
I'oiiltrr . CS CM MJ
rotatoeK . 9 9 16
While Ihe receipts ot OKS" have Increased
slightly during Hie pnst nix days , Ihe mirkel
lias not only held Its own , bul has mivlff a
tmbMnntlnl iidvnnce. tlie nrtlvati are only iihoul
uiunl to Ihe local demund.
The jioullrj' markel recponds very aulckly to
nny chansu ta lh < ' rcn-lpl * and Ihe drcri-.ise
In Ihe ri-celpts during the pint week has mused
a c'iriesiu > ndln ? ailiiiiKc In the nmrliet.
lliiller has lici-ii 111 ro > d dc-nmnd nil Ihe wek
nnil prlcvH have been firm In spllu cf the In-
civcise In Ihe letelpls , Tlie butter market lias
Ijoi-n i-ocupylns n. very nrm t > oaltlm for sonn-
wonkH. OU-IIIK tn | inri to the < ! ioilth luu'lni ; dried
up the iiiiKlunuie In Ihe dairy slitcs. llili ft-
rtuclnft Ihe How of mlllf. ArcoalliiB to th ? New-
Yolk llulletlti. on fall npproachea mn in"illvi
ineinbcTH of Ihp butter lrnd lieKiii t. > lK3 r- > -
piehen lvo lest the prlco of creamerj * IIG at * "
vnnced to auch a point that nlewtmntarlnc
Ocnlers may sell In UTlder It. and al puch fl.i
ndvantn e lhat the- market be seriously hurt
fun the mle of real buUer. oe.miarK.irlni | manu-
fiiclun-ra nro innklm ; spt-clal erturli tbla jvnr to
push Iho Nili of ilielr pooda , und U In obviously
n Kreat advanlum * them 1 3 have Ihe retail
prices o ( butter so high lhal Ihe. mass of con-
nuniei * are unublo to pay Ihem. but will take
rlo nl 4 to .1 cents per pound chrapjr. This
danger Is realized by butter drnlerH l > th In the
cast nnil In tlie west , fliul HIP nentl-
nient seems to be Hint we must keep tiur prices
Uown or oleo will cjme In and su-amp us , l > e-
uplto the fact that fhlcam Bomn linnnuri made
Ihinnnoimccment Hint Kh hail cul loose from
HlKln Influence ? , Ihe lltlla town tin the Kox river
still exerts considerable wa > " over the ChleaKo
butler innrket nnil also over Ihu markets of the
i-UHt. t\a Plntrd K mt > ilmc aio In there oolumnn
KlKln. being- small market , ta easily Inllueneed
by cllTues , nhi > KOI U > Ki-ther and make prices
ahoul ns Ihey want. At least. w > fl.iy members
of the lirule hoi-e. llut mn ll ns It In Ihe Bluln1
market : a wonderful ' factor In making the
leadlne murliets ut the country , nnd tinch.irse
by Ilia butter trad ? lit that durlntr the fall
montln 1hcpreat oloomarRarlne manufnclurera
trel Into the llffln mai-ketn iind by skillful Idds
and larKB purchnsea wjlc the prlre of creamery
buller up lo nn abnormally hltfi p.iint. These
hlKh flgurea nr < - trle laphtd over tin ? counlry
with tin- result of lilirh rj-tall prleca on creamery
nnd dairy butter ami largx- sales of oleo In Its
Tinsenllment In Clilitigu was never uti-onKer
llian nt prrHenl Ihal the only way to l. cp le i
nut Is f keep tin- prices of real Imtler down , and
careful liupjlry nmonK llio commission merchants
of the wext side Fhoivs' that the name feellns
prevails In New York City. Quotations.
III'TTKH I'acklns" stiS-lc. lie : fair to KO > !
counlrs' . HC13c ; HipUjtji'lnfancy. . 17filSc ; ; ctith-
ereil creamery , 17g20c L .aepjralor creamery , 22c.
KC5O8 IVr doz. . 16ftK'F--t
MVB rOl'LTHY-Old hem. Wnte , ronstera.
3c ; Fprlnff clilckenn , o3ucka , A Cc ; hen tur
keys , IifiSe ; Kobbltrs , CffCciioM Reese , ( ! ? ; .
CAMl1'ralrlp rhlckcns. > OUIIK. per do ? . . J2.73
© S.1" ) ; prnlrlp rlilckenns-tiM. per doz. , J2 ; Krouso.
youiis , t > er iljz. , C.Tr.flS.OO ; Rrousc. oht. per doz. .
32 ; ducks , blue wlnR lull. , per dnz. . $1. . " > 'l ; ducks.
Krei-n wtur lenl. per Kite. " ! J1.2. , ; ilucks , mixed ,
per doz. , tl : cnnvn liarkrii0'l.50 ,
VEAI C'h lc - fnt am.lrniall veals arn quoted
at WiiVjc ; conrse nnd rnrii * . 3B4e.
ClUJUBK-rXVIsconslnn'rUtt cream , new make.
12812Vtcj Nebraska anrj , Jnjn. . full cream , lie ;
Nebraska nnd Iowa , prtfl sKlins. 7iSc : LlmburBer.
ND. 1 , lie ; ' lirlcK. No. IJTlJot'Sivlss. Nn. I , 118150.
HAY l-'alr demand. fco < ul' Upply. Upland hay.
19 ; midland , JS.M ; loKl iut. JS ; rye straw , 1 .
Color makes the prlee ort' liay. I.lslit bnles sell
l p best. Only top grades Ijrln * top prices.
PIGEONS-Old birds per iloz. . We.
MKI.ONK Good stock , cruted. $20.
OUl'ICS HntnETfrav-n , goz. . , H,00
per. ,
" * * ' f- * * * . . . - , " . A ,
"OLD . . .
- ,
dlum. J.ichj52.ij ; common whito'3t > Jinii , Jt-7
01.00. . " * " . ' ? ,
ONIONSiOnoraeis , TWrSc- per bu.
CAIlltAQK Ort orders2c.
CKIJRKY Per doz. . 3 > O4le. )
SWKBT 'l-OTATOKS I'cr Ib. . So ; Tcrsey , JS.SO
per bbl.
The past week has witnessed a heavy decrease
In HIP arrivals of California fruit and II looks
now as if the very heavy run was over far this
season. Wit It' the decrease In arrlvnH has come
a natural advance In prices ot all the fruit
markets In the counlry. At th present lime
prices must bo very pratlfjlnc lo California
fruit shippers and no douht they will ru ti 'for
ward nil the available fruit'to IM had , Whether
shipments will bo stimulated sulllclently to
break Ihe market remains ti > be seen , AH n. rule
dealers here do not look fur any very greal
rulvanc-o upon presenl quotations , as it Is thousht
thai Hi" ! p > lnt has been reached beyond which
nny further advance would curtail connumpllon.
California. Uartlett pears nrn becoming scarce.
Grapes are more plenly. Quotallons :
Al'I'-IiKM ' rtnod stock , "per bbl. , J2.tOQ2.73.
11KI > IlAHl'HEflltlKH None.
rKACHIM California. JI.23 ; clings , 11.
I'MIMS Callfoinla.
. ITIL'NKS Jl.U ; Hungarian prunes. tl.KUl.lO.
I-KAIIB Dartletts , JI.7585.UO ; other varieties ,
fl.lORLfi )
Al'IH' ' " "i California , none.
CHEHI1IES CnllfoinlH , none.
onAl'GK Concords. llb. . bankets , S3c : Cal
ifornia Tokay. ll.COQl. 3f olher varlelles , (1.
J nANAN'AS Cholce stock , 11.7302.23 perbunch. _
I.KMONS-Fancy Ilodl , I5.M ; fancy Messina ,
ORA NO H8 None.
I'lNEAI'l'LUS None.
F3OS Fancy , pel" Hi. . 13c.
HONEY California. 15 < j : dark honey. 10S12C-
MAI'LK SVItUI' Oallon cnna. per doi. , J12.
NUTS Almonds. ISfflle ; Knills.i walnuts , 109
12c : Illberts. 12c : llrazll nulii , lOc.
CIDEII Pure Juice , per bbt. . JS ; half bbl. . V.23.
HIDKS-No. 1 fireeu Miles , JUc : No. 2 sreen
hides , 2 c ; No. 1 Krei-n salted IrKles , 4o ; > o. 2
sreen Halted hides , So , No. 1 ftreen united hides ,
- 25 to 40 Ibn. , 4o ; No. S Rreen Kilted hides. 2j to
. 40 Ibs. , Sc ; No. I veal calf , X to 33 Iba. , "c ; No ,
r I 2 vt l calf , 8 lo 13 Ibs , Sc : No. 1 dry Mint hides.
Go : No. 2 do1 Hint hides , 4c : No. 1 lry salted
hides , DC ; parl : cured hides ! 4c per Ib. less than
, i red.
KHl-i-i'"i1ELTS ; : Green sall'd. eacli. 25SCOo
Kteen salted . nhenrllnKS ( sliorl wooled early skins )
, - ileil ea.rly
. _ „ , - - . - , - - - BS ( iliort
woolfd early Rklnn ) , No ! 2 , each , 5c , dry ( lint
( Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per
Ib , . oclual wcisht. SffSc ; dry Mini Kansas nnd
Nebraska murrain wool pells , per Ib. , actual
wrlghtfil ( c ; dry ftlnl Cnlornilo butcher wool
pelt . per Ib. , nclual welsht , H3G\5o \ , dry Hint
Colorado murrain wcol pelts , per Ib. . actual
velKlit , lf e ; ( navs feet cut off , as It Is useless
lo pay freight on Ihcm ) ,
TA1.LOW AND GIlUAtfn Tallow , No. I. 4'lci
tallow. No. 2 , ! < ; crease , white A , Ic ; grease
while H. JHn ; Brcuse , yejlow , 3Jc ; Krwiae. dark
2c ; old butler. 2ff2V4c ; beeswax , prime , lii'2M (
rouBh yellow , l'ii 2c.
IIONKS Car lols only , prk-es based on delivery
at ChlcnKo ; dry buflaloj | r ton , JI2.00 H.OO
dry counlry. bleached , p r ion , 510.00 < ffl2.00 ; dry
cuunlry , damp and mealy , per _ ton. } t-
St. T.'o'uis finil'i-nit Miirknt.
ST. LOUIS , Sepl. 15. FLOUR Quiet and un-
clmriBed. "K7 i
W11KAT Losl ilc omdlHJppolntlnc rabies nnil
erporlatlons ; No. 2 reiir'"as'h and Peplember
EOo : Iiei-einlw-r , BiHc ; May , 58UC.
CORN Ixiat Uo -wrnkriess nt ChicoKO am
depressing forclKn quolatlHns ; No. 2 mixed , rash
We ; Keplember. 5415c : IX'i'riiber , We ; > l y. We.
OATH Stronger ; No. flplcflsh , 31c ; September
JOHe : October , 3Uic ; h 6
11YI3 Depressed , tSoiw Tor No. 2 cash
r. ular. J "B-
HARr.l3Y No Iradlnir.
IinAN Dull , easy ; B3S Jor sacked , east track
l-'LAX "
CU3VE11 8l-ii3-St.'n : Kia4 I7.EOQ8.U.
! TIMOTHY iJBRD I'liin.i7
' r Uull ; prime lonjtlUilce timothy ,
ciffi ilL'TTEnSteadserii.'M&r } ; creamery , WJ2c
ffint Koo.1 to choice dairy , "L'lSTZK.
nt KaOS-FIrm nt lie. v :
ntnt LEAD Unsettled ; 8i l.ifJiOJ.
ed Sl'KL.TKR-Flrm nlr ar-
C'OHN MUAiiJ.cogi.c :
WHIHKY I-'Irm at"
I'llOVISIONH Uasy. 'flrra nulel. pork , stand
nrd mess , jobblnK. 114,62'i. l > nni , prime steam
I8.6JV4 ; choice , JS.67VHry salt inrats. lees
Hhoulders. 16.CO ; longs nn'd HIM. 7.7S ; shorU. }
llncon. packed shoulder * } J7.I3 ; longs ,
ribs. JS.5 ; shoj-ts , p.
HEfBllTa-Flour. 1,00 * bids. : wheat , 40.00
bu. : com. S.OOO bu. ; out . 21,000 bu.
ira. SHII'UIJNTS-Flour , 5.000 bbU. ; wheat , ! ,00
! bu. ; corn , 1,000 bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu.
Liverpool Mnrkets.
LIVEHPOOL. Sept. 15. TALLOW Nominal
supply poor ; prime , s.
COTTON BEiiJ OHFIrm , 21s Sd.
TUIU'UNTINB Dull ; holders offer moderately
, splrlK. 21s W.
ra. UOSlN Dull ; holders offer moderately ; com
raon , 3s d.
st. ChlcitRo Fruit yuotiitloiii.
0 CIUCAUO. Sept. 15.-Tlic Katt Frull compan :
lie old California , frull at auction today , rfaltiln
the following prices : llartlett pears. ll.'SOMfl
Heckel , hall boxes. > lc ; Kelsey Japan plunu
SI,10 ; Tokay uropes , hilt cralcs. It. 1/1.10
40 Muscat , 9 :011.W ; Cornivhon , 11.95 ; I'ancy Black
; ILH.
fiovr York lr > 4iontli JInrlict.
NEW TOItK , Sept. 1C , la dry cooda thei
On were uuml > r M telegram crdtrs Cor muJtrat
qtianlllln of xpoclaltlet , lull ( tirrnentt drman , )
was o iflnv | In requirement * of nn urgent
character. Al usual , large sale * wrere reached
IhnniRh dellrerlrs on previous iiurrhasei. The
tone ot Ihe market Is steady In strmic nnd of lha
more rx-elnl | irowls therearc - nn stock. I'rlnttnu
clolhs , firm at Jc. Hales fur Iho week. Ml,0 )
pieces ; slock , 3M.IW plece , nt which only ! IICOO
Pieces arc sixty-four squares.
Oomldrrnliln llimlneot Triuifiu-toil
Din llrlt'f Si > s lon nn 't.'linnqe.
NEW YOHK , Sept. 15. During Iho two
hours of bmlness on the Stock exchange
tcduy- Rome 80,000 share * changed haiuls.
At the opening the trading was almost i-n-
tltely In Clilc.iRu Cas ! , the nrat sale ( it
which was 69 4. a rtccllno of IJi per cent
from yesterday's closing price. The pr.s-
Bure to sell was hear ) ' , ami further reaction
tn O'J'.fi ' was effectcJ In the early tlcnlins * .
The deprcselon In the stock was nscrlbed to
the reports current yesterday of a prospec
tive war of rates ami Brewing strctiKth of
the opposition company , bul there Is a
slioni ; suspicion lliat the decline waa manip
ulated In the Interest of Insiders who desired
to acquire stock at fissures below the pre
vailing quotations on the recent advance.
This view of the situation wns strengthened
by the Rood buy I n , ' at the decline , on which
the early losses were recoveml and a Ralti
of Vi per cent effected on the clay. The
stc-clc closed stroiiR within W per cent of the
highest point touched. Sugar lluctimteil
within a range of % per cent. Tha bears
Becnii'd rather afraid to RO short of Sugar
over Sunday , pesslhly fearliu ; n CIIUDCEC , of
which there was Eoma talk on the board.
I'hll.idelnlilu H-UliiR ilcpresji-d ItcaillnR ,
which broke 1 ? per cent on a report Hut
the receivers would demand the unadjusted
olRlms of theLehlgh Valley road for over
$1.000,000 must be dlspos'd of before the
reorganization plan shall be agreed upon.
The shares closed weal < nl the bottom
( litres of the day. Distilling was advanced
9i per cent on thu covering of n small Ilu
of shorts , reacting % per cent when Ihe
buying had been effected , with a final re
covery of % per cent , leaving an advance
of = 54 per cent.
The granger shares moved Irregularly. St.
Paul wn's sol 1 by London at the opening , nnd
subsequently by room trailers , causing a de
cline of % per cent without a rec'ivery.
Hock Island declined U per cent , [ turlington
reacted % per cent .rose % per cent , re
acted ' 4 per cent , and stands unchanged on
the day. Advances were recoverd of 1 %
per cent In Tobacco preferred. Vi per cent
In Manhattan , and % per cent In Lead pr--
fcrred. In Cordage preferred the last ante
was at 27 , a loss of V6 per cent , but 20 was
bid nt the close. Tlie nen.nil market be
came heavier In the final dealings and
clis.E < l wcalt. The movement In tlio shares
for the v-ofe wan Irregular , but the majority
of the active list shows declines , compared
with the figures of last Saturday , Sugar
being about the only notable exception , mail
ing a gain of % per cent. The stocks which
show an Improvement are mostly those In
which the transactions are unusually limited.
The bond marliet today was Irregular , but
not very weak for tlio active Issues.
The E'ost says : There was some llghtenlnp
of their loads today by speculative "pools , "
which resulted on the stock market In a
Inajorlty of the fractional net declines. Hut
there were few changes worthy of special
mention , and the day's total transactions
on Iho stocl ; market were less than 79,000
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
Tlie total ilc ot Btoclts tmliiy wcru
Hliuri-s , Incluillns : Alchlson , l.CiWj Susar. 8.9W ;
Ilurllnffton. 1,600 ; Chicago Oas. 2J.IM , OlMllllnB
& < 'iiltlcfo 'illniT. C , OJ ; l , < JUlsvllli > & Nnslirllle ,
2,200 ; Minneapfilla & HI. ! , ouln. 2.2IH ; Nntlonnl
I. < * ail. 2lllfl ; Northern 1'aclllo ] ) rer < * rred. S.SOO ,
Ileaillnir. 5.6W ; It. & W. I * , certlllcntcs , 2.4Wi
St. I'aul ' , 4.0110.
Cluslnir quotations on bonds were : ia ( nllawa ;
NB\V Oni.BANS. Sept. 15. Clearlnes , J9ll,139
MHMrillH , Sept. 1 ! . Clearlnss , tl . .S.bal ;
imeex , 17".WJ. New Vork eicluiiffo belling a
Jl.W premium.
11OSTON. Hepl. 15. Clearlnps , I12.SS2.053 ; bat
unees , n.WO,303 ; for lha week , J7T,73Ji , ; 6t ; bat
ancea , $9,232,400.
PA It IS , Sept. 15. Three per cenl rentes. HI
tVa for the account. Exchange on l ondoii
23f l ! 4e for checks.
SAN FRANCISCO. Sept. 15. Drafts , sleht
121ic : Ic-leBraplilc , 15c. Bllvcr bars. tiy.iQOIijc
Mexican dollars , MViiiSlc.
TJALTIMOlin , Sept. 15. rieailnss. J2.319.M1
balances , 123,419 ; fur the week , clt-uilntfj , J12 ,
269,713 ; balances , 51W,311.
CINCINNATI , Sept. 15. ClenrlngM. ll.OJT.UJ ) ; fc
, week , f9.831,25l . Honey , 3V4SU per cent. Nei
Vork exclmnKe. 2Ic discount ,
IMUIMUBLI'HIA. Sepl , l-ClearInK * . til.
53J.OS3 : balances , J2.JJ,460 ; for the vretk , cleat >
Ings , $63,017,250 ; baluncea , $10,317 , IW.
LONDON. Scpl. 15. Gold Is nuolej today n
IliienoH Ayrea nl 240 ; at Madrid. IS.M ; Lisbon '
29Vt : SI. IVlemburR , K ) ; Athens , 77 ; Item :
109.0 ; Vienna , 103.
CHICAGO. Sept. IS. Clearings. IIS.CJJ.OX
Money. 4am P r cent on call ; Cfttt per cen
on time. New VorK exchange , &W dlscounl
Kon-lun exchanse , firmer. Sterling , commercial
NKW YORK. Sept. 15. The exports ) of sped : |
during the past w lc were : Oold , none ; sllvei :
J343.T01. The linjwrta during tliuweek were
Oold , J 189.0711 BlUer , J13.W2 ; general nitrchan
dlse , > 6KO , J I : dry KOOdn , 12,231,682. ,
Clearing ? , ) gi > , fa9.H77 ; ualanci- * , JC.5a.4M ; fa
the week , Iltt.120.gl3 ; balances , (30,701.371.
ST. LOt'IB. Sept. 15. Clearings , J.i ; .831 !
tlila week. $ M.7II > , ! i < ; lasl week. (21,115.1177 ; coi
rrrnondtnK week , 1893 , 118.804,25 : ; increate eve
18M , } l.505. . or 2t per cent ; balances tadaj
JIWS ; this week , tt.M2 , > < . last w k. IJ.US ,
MI ; corrcipondlnB week. 18J3. j.465.1is. Monei y
dull , SC/7 per cent. Kichinee on New Yori k
ite 20o dlicount , uktd.
Week Closes with a Still Further Dcolino in
Receipts of All Kinds.
1'air llrimvi Offornd Srll Mrndy Ooirn mill
Allxoil Oriulniilly CIluibliiR SitockrM
Hulil Strong IIugt Tiika u
enl Tumble ,
SATURDAY. Sept , 15.
The receipts of calllo have fnllen off dur
ing the past week over -1,000 liend. a com
pared , with the previous week , whllo the re
ceipts of hogs have decreased almost C.COO
head , lloth cattle anil liuja hnvu ' ! ! > n below -
low the arrivals of corresponding week ot
last year. Not only have receipts been light ,
but tliere has liccn a scarcity ol choice stock
o all kinds. There Is no tloubt hut what
the scarcity of corn tins kept farmers In tlio
country from IceillnK cattle , nml a good
many steers have been rushed to markrt
ami sold for feeders that under other cir
cumstances would liave hern placed on feed
some tlmo ago , and would now bo coming
forwnrd as corn-foil cattle. The following
will show the receipts for the past week , to-
gBlhcr with comparisons :
Cattle. Hags. Sheep.
Ilecelpts this week 16,181 2Dii ! ) ) f.,5a
Heri'llUs Inst week 2iW : W,43G 1,098
Same Week hist yenr. . . IS,792 , .18,791 4,07fi ,
Same week ISM 13,333 , 21til8 8,011
CATTLE Wlille other markets have been
declining , the market here on bcuf steers
luis remained steady , on account of the very
light offerings , which have been 'way below
the demand. In fact , on many days there
have hardly bean cnounh on the market to
establish prlcJs , Today there was nothing
good , though a bail ot fair .westerns brought
SI.25 , anil some lighter cattle $4.10 that were
also westerns. The packers are looking for
a large run of western beeves the coming
The maruet on cows and mixed stock was
about steady today , but It has been gradu
ally climbing up during the week under the
Influence of nn active demand In the face of
moderate offerings. ToJay as high as
$ J.25 was touched for cows , bill fair to good
cows sold largely at $1.90 to $2.10.
There was about the usual nulet Saturday a
business done In the alocker and feeder mar
ket. The demand , however , was fully up to
tlio supply , and prices Ktroiig. There has
been a good deal of activity In this branch
ot the cattle trade during the past week , and
the market has made a rapid advancj ,
amounting to about 25e on tlio bailer gradts
ot feeders and about Ific on light stock cat
tle. Representative n.ilf > s :
uiiEssnn iiKUiHTIIIIS. : .
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr. No. Av , Pr.
I..1729 323 17..13121 ID IS..1S62 11 M
20. . . .113.1 3 M
3 fro I 23 8. . . . Ml I 5 * 27. . . . S2I 1 00
2. . . . SOS 123 14. . . . 812 1 M . . . . ! ' 1 M
3. . . 8sr. 123 2..nor , i no 2. . . . wo 20)
1. . , . BSD 123 IS. . . , MR I CD 1..1140 200
7. . . . 737 135 fl. . . . 7 l Ite S..10I2 200
1. . . . 670 140 8. . . . 77.1 K IS. . . . 700 205
I.7SO 140 18. . . . SB 1 fii 23. . . . 7S7 210
l.,10:0 160 I. . . . 810 1 I' , 7. . . . Ml 210
2 . . . 7C3 1 GO 4. . . . Si. , I 7. > l.'J10 215
3. . . . 878 ICO 4. . . . B0 175 . . . . 1G 215
I..1100 1 GO 14..flJl 180 4..912 220
1. . , . DID 1 DO 4. . . . )0 1 BO 13..1009 225
1..10M 150 1. . . . 810 I Bi 3..1033 225
3. . . . 9 < W I 60 G. . . , ST. ! 1 ni > 1..11SO 3 i5 !
1. . , . BIO 1 CO 1..I1TO I 00
niiKiita. :
1 . 2M I 10 C. . . . 5V 1 Bi 2. . . . S4J 2 00
I . .330 ISO 1D..6S3 170 1. . . . X4IV 200-
B. . . . 430 ISO 34. . . . .MS 170 4. . . . 75 "On
3. . . 473 160 1. . . . 530 175 " . . . . 23i 210
4. . . , 312 ISO 1. . . . 6V I 7i 2. . . . S31 230
2. . . , 740 150 1. . . . 780 ISJ 12. . . . 843 230
4. . . . 510 155 17. . . . Ml 20i ) I. . . . 910 271
13.197 1 GO 2. . . . 240 2 W 2 , . . . 13" . 275
3. . . . RSI 1 6i
1. . . 270 200 4. . . . SO 269 4 , . . . 207 300
4 . . 240 225 3. . . . 293 25(1 ( 1. . . . 130 SCO
4 . . . 210 2 3S ] . . . . 310 2M 1. . . . ISO 373
9. . . . 313 240 i 3. . . . 2Sl 3 W 1. . . . S2I100 )
1. . . . 440 125 1. , . . S80 165 1..11CO 173
S..I.M3 150 1. . . . 7JI ) 165 I..1110 180
1..1MO 150 1..1030 16. ; 1..119l > 183
1..1U30 1 5r 1..123' ' ) 1 6 > 1..10M 200
I. . .719 160 1..10.0 173 J..116G 210
1 SW 1 CO I. . . , WO 1 7J
2..13CO 1 73
1. . . . CCO 175 14. . . . ! iT > 0 2411 4. . . . 78250 ;
4..770 173 7. . . . 771 241 3..1051 260
1 CIO 183 2. . . . 631 24i ) 0. . . . WO 260
1. . . . 540 200 5. . . . 6fiS 241 1..930 2 CO
4 . . 310 200 IS. . . . 610 241 I..J30 260
4. . . . 46T , 215 Zl. . . . 62) ) 2 I" 23..SW 270
1. . . . MO 23) 4. . . . 545 213 II..831 270
4. . . . 4W 2 2) ) S. . . . WO 2W J.V..82S 270
I. . . . 800 223 21. . . . Wi 2 SO 17. . . . 844 270
t. . . . MO 283 II. . . . G ? ) 250 10..03G 273
8. . , . 603 2 S5 7. . . . KM 250 20..803 273
ft. . . . 811 233 11. . . . 7-3 250 3.100) 2 SO
63. . . . C37 2 35
St.irl ; & .Tfsison.
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. Pr.
I sirs. tie..1135 Z25 I c.ilf IBO f I 00
18 cows 1314 ICO 2 cows RliO 1 iiO
t COW 1020 I 75 1 COW 13.10 I 75
BT cows 52 823 I sing 131J 2 CO *
15 feeders 951 2 CO
Cairns & I , .
IslaK ISM 175 II cows ml 240
T ulcers 1153 SCO G atecru 1271 373
HOGS There were sixty-one loads ot hogs
In the yards , which was a little larger than
the run yesterday , There was , however , a
very considerable improvement In the
quality ot the hogs , there being fewer rough
anil mean loads and more good to cholco
loeils. The market opened lower and be
came still worse as Ili5 later reports cnmo
In from ) Chicago. The market was lOc
lower on everything- , unless it might bo the
best heavy hogs. Ono load brought ? 0.20.
which was the top for the day. A good
many of the hogs Hold at $5.655.7G today ,
wl-lle $5.70@B.8f ) bought the hogs yesterday.
There was , however , considerable difference
in quality , as noted above. On Saturday ot
last week the hogs sold largely at $5.000
li.70with , the tap at JO.10. Representative
sales :
! SHEEP There were flvo loads ot sheej
received today , or about 200 head more tlui
yesterday. Some light native ewes wen
at $2. The market was Blow ami about 10i
lower on account of the decline In eastcri
i. maikets. Fair to choice natives are quot
fable at from $2,25 to } 3 ; fair to good west
erns , from $2 to 12,50 ; common and stocl
sheep , from 41.75 to $2.23 ; good to cholco 4i
to 100-lb. lambs , from 12.50 to 14. Hepre
' Ecptatlvo sales ;
No , Av , Pr.
n " ° °
nt 9tf Icwei " ' " "
St. LouU l.tvn Stock Market.
BT. LOUIS , Btpt. lS.-CATTI.B-neceliti. | ;
heaU ; uhlpmtntB. 1.900 head : markel nomlna
r , because of the lack of iuppll .
: lloas-Ilecelpti. 2.104 head ; hlpmtnls , MO
n. head : market Irregular ami UaiSc lower ; IlKli
Uutclwr , choice ermlcs , JO. 15 : fair rnlifil , l ,00i
or .1D : rnedlum to fair , J5.65O5.M ; common , $1.7
M. BIHini' Ilece-lrts. tOO lipaJ ; ihlpnitnli. nonr
: ' markel dull ; KCKX ! mixed iherp and lumbi , IJ.Ut
gj. J.10 , Uft lamln , .eoa3,75 ,
. ' Kaiisni City Live ttock Mitrknt.
, 3,000 head ; ililnmenli. 1,000 held ; market fn
b l Jteady , others ilow , Ttxai tten , | I SOI
Tons eow , ll.COflZS ] Ix-ct iitciTK.
iSIK1 fcitittlS : ' nna
llUClS-llcrrlpU , 4.1IW hpml : dhlpments. J.ICO
hfnd ; tnnrkrl uti-ndy In lee low -r ; bulk ol * alr * .
K.D ( > M .fti ; hmvlra. * S.M4f6.M ; packrm. > 3.SH ( e.r5.
mlxnl. J. flfl.VMi llRlits. $ i.OT,70 ; Yi > rkem , * i.
VS.70 : plRs , ja.5-WS.8C.
SIIKKI' Hn-rlplii. ! K hcnd ; uhlpmrnls. t )
hn\d ; niniKi-l dliiw nnd ntniily ; inxlo \ rlmlrn
nnlKon. . 0MM ( ; KUO. ! l < rholop wrsti-mn. fi K
1S.Wj ronnnon nnd Flickers , SJ.lVlfS.W : good to
choice limbs , | l.aMI.K.
OIIICAOU l.lVi : tvlOOK.
TnuloViit Alinont nt u Stnnilsllll In Cnltla
YrKloriln- .
CHICAnO , Kopl , IS. Only WO liMid of natlvu
cnitlo nrrlvi-,1 nnd trmle I .
wns a most nt n Btaii.l-
Mill , The Imlk of tineupjilj - c i lMnl of S.UW
Tpxnna neatly nil of which went direct lo
nlMiKhtcTt-ni. The dpmnnd was very Indifferent
for th few Tcx.inn on Mlc nnd IJuyer * beln
ft point lower nil nmund. Ihp few niiiull unlcit
werti innda lit from } 2.W nnd > S.SS for stporn
nnil cnlvra around M.75. Them wn nn trade of
ImpiM-tanco In nntlvo steers , n few lots nt chrnp
! > ecf steers went to local butchers nnnliul M. * >
nnd eows and mUnl lots were elenrod chiefly
nl fn m 1.5 i to 12.60. I.llienil n-celpls were
K'pncnilly pmllrtisl fur Momlay ,
Then- was u < lmp of fi-um ISo to 2.V In lhi >
prices f , r nil Knviles uf IIORS tixlay , The 19.HOO
fresh nrrlvnlH nnd slnto holdhiBH of nbout S.OiKl
liend pi-uveil U much for llio market , Huyera
weiv not enffot- for tin * truilo nt the ileellno
Hiid business dniRKcd from start lo llnlsh , Ihn
nuwt uiiRntltfnctory markel In > \ < > ral weeks.
I'nncy iCC-Ib. hi > in mid Ui | tn K-.M , hill Ihe'o
wi-iy very rew mles nhave J9.O , llest llirht nortu
c mid ln > l > iiKht nt J6. nml Inferior gnxilcs
( if llRhl soils CAinlil lie UniRht nnnind Ji. Host
< if lhi > UKi-ftil p.iekl tr hixta wire binitlil at from
. . ; la > 3. ! " > . nnd pl.iln hits aniuml | .V H. Alixit
.l.ioi IK-.K ! w it over iinsolil , the mnrket clwlnit
ivenk nnd nt the | IK ! ( U-cllne.
l.ej than l.CO ) hend uf slieep nrilveil for lo
Any' * maiket. There were ninny lots uf stnlo
stock Brnltenil nrutiml the pens , hut these met
with no demand nnd were m-nily nil left unsold.
The only sale nf llnRirliince | WIIH Hint of CM
choice mlxetl Montmin feedem , uvn-nRlnR III ll . .
which were taken nut by nn Ohli fe lor at
S2.7D. A few small pnli-s ot I It'll slufT weninniln
nt from Jl.2 > tn K. I.niisale * or muttnns Imvn
hoeii rhlvlly nl Iridn 12.0' ' ) ti > $ S.9i ) . with a few
'Xlin nunllly nl $3.19. Il ' l lamlw lire tiuntnbln
it fnim * 3.73 lo 14. nnd fair to K3o l imidcs m
'mm f3.SD to W.43.
ll onil'TS Cattle. 2.500 head ! rnlves , W3 liend ;
i > ea , I1.IXO hem ) : cheep , ! . & > ) hend.
The Hvenlntt Jnunml reports :
11OOH Hecal | > lM. ll.Oiii ) hend ; onicliil Jester-
dny , IS.W7 lienil : shipments , fi. 22 hend : left over.
n.lK > ul 0.00 < ) lu-nil. Ditnllly API > - poor ; nn cholcn
s on sale ; innrket Blow mid weak : prices IDo
> wcr.
C'ATTI.K llecelpls , 2,50i ) henJ. Mnrket dull m
account of llmlteil nupply. Inil prices uneh.inKed ,
HHKni'-ISecelpts. ljm , ) head , Blnrket dull n.t
noinln.illy unchnnjred prices.
t'olTi-ti Mnrket.
NIJW VOIIK. Sent. 15. COI < 'FKIJ-Optlms :
oiH.'iied stendy at uncmuiKcil prlt-es o 10 polnln
advance , i-uled Renernlly linn on Kunipenn huy-
n nnd advnnceil nl Hnvre. JlniUet elo ed firm.
Heplombcr nt net ndvnnce of 1.1 point * nnd
other monlliH unclmnKed to I5c lower , s.ilej ,
23,000 lin s. Ineludlnpr KcptemK-i- 513.l5HU.Ci > !
) i-lolirr. $12.jnil2.IK > ; November , JliSJ ; December.
J12.01JJ 12.t ; March. $1S.633T18.V3 ; Miiy , I18.SOW
IS.M. Hi. | > t coffee , Illo , dull nnd nominal : NX
r , Jl..M ; mild , dull nnd nominal : O nlova , } 19.0)U
[ 9.2.1 : snlen , none.Vnirhniis. . ' ileirve'los fi-um New
York yesterday. 15.2S7 IMKM ; New Yink stock In-
day. UO.C07 IHIKM ; 1'nlted State * Btoek. 3)1,13 }
Imira ; nllont for Iho United Htnti2I5.O30 IUIKS ;
lotnl visible for Hie Tnlted Stales , IK.GM bncs ,
npxlnst 22J.8I7 linua Inst yenr.
K.VNTOH , Kept. 15.--Htendy lo 200 rels decline ;
RH | uverjiRi- Santos , Jll.ia : receipts. U.KM bans :
HtKk. 32I > JO bORH.
ICAMIll'lta , Sept. 1-Stcndyj IK-ICCS un
chiuici-il to ! J pfff. lilKher.
IIAVJIK , Kept. -Options I nulel nl 'io nd-
vanee : closed ilull at ; if ndvanee ; lotRl snlei.
.IH IwiKi.
IUO D1J JAMKIKO. Sept. IS. No. 7 nio , J1J.74 :
excbn-nue. JOlid ; receipts , 9.CKW hairs : cleared fur
I IIP t'nltc-d Stiiles. MM bnK8 ; rlmml for Ktirope ,
liana ; slock. 2 < 8i ) 1 HKS.
t ellen .Murki-l.
W OIll/lJA.N'H. Sppt. 15.-C"OTTOK-1Jiisr >
sale" . BM > t. 0) Inles : li > airlva C5 > ua'e ; leoopU ,
3.211 iKilcsj exi > oi < ! i to Orent llrllnln , 3.770 Imlet
conMwlRo , 4 US bales ; stock , 3 > ) ,3I2 bales. Pulurcs ,
Hteady ; Halen. 2S.3i ) bnlra ; Kriilcmlxr. J6.II
blili Octuber , t9.226C.2l ; November. JO.IDtf
8.31 ; Ilecember. $ r .375G.M ; January ,
Jfi.420K.43 ; Kebruary , KSfiijr&B ; Jtarch. J6.53O
0.53 ; April. t6Kiie.ra ( ; Mny , J6.Mi8C.CI ; Juna ,
IC.rAiSiC.70 ; July. t .7.1 bid.
ST. l.OIIIH. . .
Bept. 15.-COTTON-Qulet ; mid-
illlnt' . ClAc , sales , rccelpls and thlpments , ncuie ;
Block. 23.0HO hull's.
NBW OHIiANfl. Sept. 13.-COTTON-K.-isy ;
mlddlliiK. 5 7-lCc ; low iMliUllliiR. C I-lSo ; KCKX ! or-
dlnarj' . G LVlCc ; nel iceelpts , S.JJ7 bales ; grata
3,214 bales ; rxporls to Oreat llrltnln , 3,779 ; roast *
wise , 4.23S Imlea ; rales , 850 dales ; tttuck. ;
bales ,
NBW YOUIt , Sept. 15. SUaAH-nnn ; fair
rrflnlnK. 3Vic. ccntrlfURal , 96 ; Mile * , none !
rellne.l , nulct ; No , C , 4Hf41Gu ; No. 7. 4Vf
I MRo ; No. 8. IHffl S-lGc : Nu. 9. 4 l-lCplVic ;
Nn. Il > , 4JSl3-lCc ( , No. 11. 3 l5-IC ! 4Uc ; No. 12 ,
3Ti l 1-lfic ; No , 13 , 6J4e ; off A. 3 7-l d3'ic ! ; inoukl
A , DS5 3-16ci Htnmlanl A , 4 lMfi 4f4o ; mnfpc-
tlanpre' A. 4 H-lCif IT c : cut lonf , 41JBI 9-lCo ;
cruKhnl. 6HOr > 9-10c ; powik re l. B l-Gft'SUc ; gran.
ulatcd. 4 lt-16B5j cubea , C 1-16Q5UC.
Trlm-o Wlirut .Murkol.
BAN FltANCIRCO. Sent. 15. Clfarp.1 84.360
ccntnl * wheal ; stcaJy ; December , S c ; M r ,
Wool Murknt.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. IS. WOOh-QulPl ami unSays -
Says M. W. Sclby , Muncle , 111. :
summer a coal minor came to my drug stora
one nlgbt. bait dead with cramps. There
was no doctor to bu had. lie asked mo 1 (
I had anything that would help him , I
opened a bottle ot Cliamberlalii'B Colic , Chol
era and Diarrhoea Hcincdy arid gave him a
largo dose. In twenty minutes Ills pain was
all gone. This man had been subject la
cramps , but has not been troubled slnco. "
Kvcry family should keep this remedy at
hand for use In such cases. It can always be
depended upon. For sale by druggists.
Tor suit ) by F. F. HOECK ,
l t. Sau Frunflxro lilrtrl. t'J ,
Citu of Moxloo , Moxloo
U. S. Cy.
The Mexican Cuslomhouso tnrlft , in Eng *
lUli. vrltn chanKea to date. Ito. one vol.
p.p. 437 2.CC
Mining Code of Mtxlco , In KnKlUh and Hpnn-
Ish. with circulars un'l rullnga otx name ,
Bvo , P.p. ll > 2 LOC
Law of the l-'edcml Klamp Tax , In UnBlUh
und tJranlih , with clmngeB ID dale , ono vol
tvo. p. p. 200 S 1.09
ColTr-e-Krowlne In lieilco , tha belt work on
the nuliject. In Knxllgh , 4to. p.p. SO | 1.00
The History. UBS , etc. ot the Mexican CaUn
ilar Ktotie , In KnKlluli , l > y J. J. VaUnttnl ,
wlthplite. Svo. p.p. CO O.M
The Hacrcd Clly of the Toilers , by Leopoldo
lialrrs. with numerous colored plnlca , lla
P.p. IS O.M
CalnlOKUe ot the National Muu-um of Meilco
tyV. . W. lUlil'.c. M. A. , In Knglfsh , co-
lilouslr IIIUflrnKHl. ( In. p.p. SI 0.71
Diri-ctory of tlio Clly of Mexico br 15. Huh-
land I 3.09
Dlrtctury of the Interior ot Mexico , pains
nuthnr , , | 2.C3
The 1'ubllo Lands Law ot Mexico , in Knc-
Hill O.S9
The rnlent Ijiwa ot Mcxlcu .In BnRllih
and Kpanlih ,
Jtemlt K. Y. Uxclmneo with or'ic-r .
Is.-in inv.-ilunhlfl n0 ! to InvoHlorn. 8inr. > Jninmry
iHtKOiHjrcunU of our prcdlctloii-t liai'o \ > t > on fi. | .
' "
OurCo-opcratlvo Slock Cimiblnalloiis nrti pror-
lueiil hl/pronintilo , nii-l nru vnliiubH to Uiu
nol liiupuHlilonof maVlurn biuliiniui of follow
luclhuniarhuu Bliicn J.iiiniry lot. IM'.il , inou twr
cent. nnH tMtt-ii dlvliloJ : inio ie Bubtwri aars , J' ru-
phlclK ( rin upon mquuHt.
FISHhR CO. .Stock Brokers ,
18 anil 30 llroiulnajXer Vurlc City.
Commission Merchant
Grain und Provisions.
Private wire * to ChlcaKO anil < iw Vortc
All Lualncm order * iiluccU on Ctilcau <
lioard of Trade ,
C'orrei < pciilUeiico sollcltea.
Office , roam I. New Vorit Ure Building
Ttk-j.hona 13W.