H Mm HM H THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , SEPTEMBER 13. IfiOJ , * By putting them in com munication with its many thousands of readers , for 25 cents , 5 ? ' ! S 8PEG1RL NOTICES , Ai3vcrtl pmcnt8 for these columns \vlll eo taken until 1ZSO p. m. for the evon'ns ' nnd until 9.0J p. in. for Iho inornlns nnd Sunday editions. AtlvfitlseiB , by rouucstlnit a iiumbot * . ! check , can huM ! aniwcis adjippsnd to n nuniljvred letter 111 care ot The lice. Ainwe'o no luhlrexsnl will te delivered upon presentation of tincliecK. . Rates. Itfo n wind first Insertion. Ic a word thereafter. Notli'ns ' taken for Icsa than 2o for rTipBe8Cndv"rtl ! conK-cutlvelr. em'-nti mu't run SITUATIONS WANTED. IKWITION"wANrnn iiv IAV Y STKNOO- niplicr ; 2 yenia experience ; city references. Ailclrem. Vf 58 lice olllco. A-S38-ir WANTnn-i'osrnoN nr nNinuiimc MAII- rid ninn of 10. Rccustoined to olllco work , ljut will < lo tuiythlnK ! nvxlernte gjlar > : veiy Iwst city references. Address W ST , Hoe. A " " * / " " "I" WANTED MAI.E HELP. BI'HCIALTY BAI.KSMr.N VOH HHIMVS LUMP JiW remedy ( endorsed bv U. S. Dopt. ARrteut- ture , lluieau or Animal Industry , ni a specHlc ) tf a elde lino. Liberal terms to right i .iitles. Address Brother * & Itced. JIalvern. Ij. IIMSGI S17 WANTHD , TRAVELING BALKSMUN. 1II5LUN & Thornpaon. tailors , 161 ! Karnnm street. 11 CO ! S3 > STJCIKINQ TOR LIKE : LAT.OR VS CAPITAL. liy John Kwlnton ; gicatest book published , tn- dnreed by all unions ; agents untitid every- > II > IK ; Beciire icrrlloiy nt onciA metcan Itcmls tonccrn , Cleveland , O , J. _ iL _ CARPENTHRSr WIl'rTwANT WINTER WORK , ontlosa lOo ntnmp to Kmnk Atlinly. nrnmi- f.uturer common sense ivcatliei1 Ftrlpny ; ' Illulfa. Neb. b-MiiT 13 * WANTED. STENOORAFHERS OI'T ' OF KM- Ployment to rRe us. Stenographic It-wk. Co. , St. Louli. Mo. K-M327 11 * WANTIUI. GOOD EXPERIENCED ORfUN- Izers for lodRO woik. Address L. J. fcpl. ; . - ' - mler. Gen. Manager , McCook , Ncl ) . E 333 13 * SALESMEN , EVERY COUNTY. SALARY OR commission. Nu cxpprlenic , r.cw lar olll Riven unllmltt.il piDllt.i. Acth men apply " imlckly , btnllntf salary nnd tcnllory wanted. Mumifnctuiora. Uox t3 > )3 , Boston. WANTED , MEN TO UISTUI1HTTI2 CHICK- lara ; largo advertisers : nni lit tiliir * . 2 lo ( lamps , Keanis Co. . Qrceiisburi ! . I d' _ WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED. YOUNO WOMEN TO ENTER IralnliiR heel for nurses. Address W. C. A. hospital. Council Ulnffs. C-131 18 LADIES WANTING FIRST-CLAPH GIRLS nplily Kcnmlln.iv Ian Y. L. Home. Oltlre. 203 N. ICtli. C M688 23 * WANTED-A GIRL NOT AFRAID TO WORK nt 1819 California. U MS li * WANTKD- IMMEDIATELY AN EXPERIENC- c < l ulrl for ( Ttnerat houscHOrk In snnll family , Oi ; 1'urlr nnue. . ( - ' 34i > 12 * WANTED A GOOD. STRONG GIRL FOR chamber -nork ut ZH North ZStli street , Siutli jpmolia. C-J4J-12' GIRI. WANTED FOR GENERAL HOt'SE- wtTli. American or Qeunan preferrpd. 113 N. Wh St. C--.M3t 13' FOB BENT HOTJSE3. TENTS FOR RENT"iSH FARNAM ST. V 737 S17 WANTED , OOOD MEDIUM PRICED HOUSES. List your tiuu&ea for rent with A HIM. D 733 HOUSES. F , K. DARLING , DARKER 11LOCK. D 734 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OF THE CITY. THE O. r. Davis company , 1503 rarnani. D 535 KELKKNNY S. CO."lCl , CONTINENTAL Iir KT D 7S6 i'lNIJ MtOOM CORNER FLAT AT 701 3. ICTH sln-i-li ranga und nil other convrnlences. George Clouscr. loom 2 , 1C23 1'iirnim itreet. D 300 CALti AT OUR OFFICE AND EXAMINE PHO- ttigruph of very line 7-ioom mailcni ctittace on paved direct , one-half block from r-ir line ; only trn.W per month. Fidelity Truat Company. 170J r.linain Hi. U 133 8-ROOM HOUSE NEAR"niaiTsCIIOOlI : * S > ( ioI Inquire ! 01C Capitol avc. n61 15' FOIl I1ENT. ELEGANT MODERN HOUH13. It nlll pay you to liucstlgata this. Thuma * Hrennnn. 430 Paxton tlock. D ISO II FOR RENT , DESnTAllLTJ 7-ROOM FoTTAGE. 581.1 AVoolwoitli ave , JJS.OO. lllngwalt llros. , ILalUer block. U Hi roil RKNT-O-ROOM HOUSE. MODERN. 1810 Spencer St. Addicsa F , II. C. , "Tho Morrlam. " D 2S 16 FOR RENT , ELVO"ANT : IO-ROOM iTousn ; reunnnable. MO : linn itrcet. ] ) 1W..13' , . 8 AND 10-ROOM HOfSEH , ALL HOD- orn. lawn nnd rluide. Apply nt 211 N. Y. Life inii Miami ' - in- stn'-.t. D M1S RENT , TI I EAPE.ST SIX-ROOM COTTAGIJ bath In city ; only (13.00. JOJ3 California Mreot. 11 MSOS _ _ FOR RENT , 5 ROOMS. 3t a I7T1I STREET. D-C41-SM' S-UOOM HOUSE. INQUIRE 2T11 DOl'GLAS tivct. U-MU73 I C-ROOMUOtlHES. MODERN AND CHEAP , SOS N. Wli street. l-Mi'-S23' ItKNT TEN'.ROOM HOUSE. N. W , COR. Fninain and Suthe nt. i modem lr.ii > taven\i < nls ; by r.vis. Tutner , 33li ( Farnam Hi. D-SI9 O. 8TK.CJI , MODr.RN : S , 4. C , 6 , 7-KXim ulul IlitH. Tlzaiil , 'JJ1 Norlii 24IU , 1 > aiJ.13 ! _ .s. K.U.WEAD.IS & noi'OLAS. I ) 31S-3U _ rOU RENT , TWO 8-ROOM. KLECANT UlttCIC Hats , all modern runrtnlrncra : 1 block from llth street motor ; tl",00. Comptroller'a oniro , U MS30 _ TOR RENT 14-ROOM JtOUSE , HATH Fl'R- nuro luid range , nenly painted nnil nnpprv < l ilinniRh- . Iniulro | KIIKcnney , Room 1 , f'nn- llu.-nlnl blk. _ iv-33T 11 iiairr-ROOM : MOOERN IIOFSE , 1712 CALD- ncll St. , to fioml Ivnunt lit u buigalii. l\ . Wt'ad , Ittli ami IX.URlm. IJ 315-13 FOB 31ENT l ROOH3. t FURVISIIEH ROOJU ! FOR HOt'SEKEElMNO fet n n nuj vttv. Rent Uktu In Uinril. 313 _ N Hth tr ( t. K-MUl FOR IlENT. NICELY pC'ltNISIIEU'llOOMsl cull at 2107 IlQMKla * . i--7S-U : .ruiiNiBHEo ROO.M MS DODG : : . i : MIM i : FI'RNISIIED UOOM. IMUVATB I AMILY. ISJl St , Mary's avrmie. E M1TI-II * > NKT FURNlSIintl ROOMS FOR LIGHT 1111 t < . llth st. U-1SO-H- FRONT HOOM3 , DAVENPORT. 10 * * SIM IIARNEY STREET : FURNISHED ROOM : ; , with or without board ; modern. I } MJ7 } II * v\o NICELY FtiRNsin ROOMS ; ALSO I'.ut floor furnUhM complete f' ' > r l < .u > * lirep- Inct can koii bouiileis 1C det.ied 2007 Can tic't -XM--16 * ! S7t Ilurtio ilrcct. K iK03 13- FOR KENT FURNISHED Continued. NIL'KLY KritXIRHEI ) ROOM TOR A LAUY OR gcntkMii.in ut lili N , 20th HI. E JJS-11 * TWO FI RNISHKD"ROOMS st'iT/uiLic FOR ffpntlemcn nn Paik avenui1. Rt-rerenops ex- clumscd. Address W CS , lice. E Sll12 * FOR RENT , NEWLY FfRNISHED ROOM , slc.im lieiit. with board , nt 3tW S. 25th st. , second Uo'iifiom Farnam. E M3W 1C * FURNISHED KODM3 ANB BOARD. PLEASANT ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2133 1IAR- liey. F M3IS SK * ROOMS AND ROARD , 24 CAPITOL AVE- nuo. F M164 27 NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ALL conveniences. First-class boaid. 211 No. IStli street. F M27S-S15 * NICE ROOMS ; GOOD HOARD : RATES REA- ro.iable.convententes. The ltiwe.2o:0.0)22 Harney. F-MC2S S2i SOUTH FRONT FURNISHED ROOMS. WITHer or without bo.ml. 1720 Duilne. F 201 12 FRONT ROOM FOR TWO. WITH STRICTLY llrsl class hoard. 2109 DousMs St , F 235 NICE ROOM WITH IIOAItU. CHFUP. 2W CASS. F-33IO-11 * rOU RENT , WITH JiOARI ) , LAROI3 FRONT nlo vo num. Six I-IHM | | from po tolllce. Adilivij W C9 , c.iro ot Ile . F M353 15 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. HANDSOME FRONT ROOMS WITH BOARD ; icfcti-nrei" " . 203 No , 15th , F 307-17 * UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT THREE NICE UNFURNISHED ROOMS WITH u o ot kitchen in new brick house for lions- keeping ; . 'IVrnm very moderate. Apply 3rd Moor ll.it. C4 , 2 > > 2J Fainam. G 341 12' FORWENT STORES AND OFFICES CORNER STORE. 110.09. Kl DOUGLAS. IN- qiire 922. 1-745 FOR RENT. THE 4-STORY RRICK DUILDINO 016 Fninnm street. Tno building has n fire proof cement basement , complete steam heat ing flxures , water on all Moors , cas. etc. Ap- 111at the omce of The Uee. 1-910 MY GENERAL M E RCH ANDjlnNO STollT : bulldlni ; and residence nt Memphis , Neb. , for rent. Fur further particular Inquire of .1. C. Owens. Memphis , Neb. I M233 13 * FOR RENT , ROOM , 61 11 Y32. 2ND FLOOR OF i my stole , Kiiltnbln for clonks and nulls ; good light and elevator service , Mrs. J. llensun. 1 MSSJ FOR RENT , ONE-HALF OF STORE IN ONE of tinvciy b st loc.illt'ca In Omiha. 1'nr- Uoul.iilyKiltullo fui * Jeweler ru1 optician. Electric llRht , nte.im heat and J.inltor . ferv- Icc. Fnvoirvblc toima to right party. Apply or nddicxs WjckolT , Senm ins & llenedlct , 1712 Fainnm stieet. I M3J3 18 TO RENT AT A RARGA1N. ONE LARGE brick bullilliiE. three xtorlca nnd basement ; good wnter elt-vntor , 7illi ; U , P. truck In tha rear : plaldnm tnlh front and rear IGtGG ; bulld- InB CT.xn ; feet , with four Kood olllees In front ; It can lie used for nny kind of wholcsiile or stornsi' liURlne. 9 ; turn used as n transfer lionse. will ) K0i l pavlnn llnei In Iho house , which will be turned over to the party leasing the prupeity. I'aitlM linvlns- nothing but wind na cnplt.il need not apply , but lll nni cheap to ( rood piilk'H. This olTcr will not remnln open lone. Aildicss W Cl , Bee , I M362 13 * AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , GOOD FOI.ICITORS , MEN AND women , to work for the Progressive Endow ment Guild of America , for Missouri , Kansas and Nebraska , ( IJuildlnc nnd Loan and ten- year Endowment Insuiunco combined , ) Re liable peopla nnly need apply. Address room f. Rink Island bldK. . cor. 6th nnd Kdmond street. Ht. Joneph , Mo. J U903 01 * WANTED , AGENTS TO TAKE ORDERS 11Y sample nt homa or tia\el , expenses and Rood Hilary or commission to ilsht party. Samples sent on application. Aildicss with stamp. Lock Box IJO , New Yoik City. WANTED , RESPONSIBLE PERSON TO TAKE aiiency for their to .n for an nrl'cle that selM lejdlly to every family. Pays 1W per cent pmllt. Send for cliculnrs nnd samples. Robt. H. West , Cleveland , O , J M3M 13" WANTED TO RENT. WANTED , HOUSES TO RENT. HAVE MORE rails than I can supply , J. II. Parrotte , 16th nnd Dodge. K 1 S2I VWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR PART OF modern house ; south side preftirc-d ; reference exchanged , Address W 31 , Hoc , K MIM FURNISHED MODKRN COTTAGE OR HOUSE for winter ; pr.ce must bo u-asonable ; rifeicnces Address W 5i. Bee. K M233 13 * BY FAMILY f > F THREE. THREE PLEASANT unfurnished looms nnd board ; house must be modern ; terms reasonable. W 33 , Dee. K-M3S3 13 * STORAGE. STORAGE , WILLIAMS &CIIOSS. 1211 HARNEY. M-741 STORAGE TOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN uud cheap rule. U. Well * . 1111 Farnam. Farnam.M M 741 OM.VANS.SrOR.VOE CO..1I02 FARNAM7"TeUKJ M 743 t UEST S10RAGE DUILUIKQ IN OStAHA. U. S. gov. bonded wurehouiie. Household coeds stored. Lovrctt latto. 1013-lOti Leavenworth. M 741 WANTED TO BUY. HAVANA FRECKLES , IlEST ON EARTH. 5C. N-MC31 827 SECON'i HAND HOOKS BOUGHT FOR CASH at Autl'iuuilun book , ctore. 1519 rumam itreet. N M301-OH * FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUR money. I.OK prices on furniture and liouschold Goods. Enteiprlb Cn-dit Co. , C13-6IJ N. 16th st , , , O-7IS FOR SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO WANTEU-A TKAM OF HORSES WEIGHING na leas linn 1,1 > J | bs , , well Liukrn to city driving. Bend paitlculuii to U 17 , Bee. P-iU-3-H' T\VO \ \ EI.L IJRKD hhlVINCl MARES , t AND 5 > > arK old. Dilva tlnvla or double. ! 10 linulas 1'-1SI U * FOR SALU OR TRADE--HAY HORSE , 10 hnnds. r\eu > cari , ( ientlc. trot Letter 2:14 : ; will trndo for youne liorse vllh speed \V\ hunds. H , H. I icy. county treasurer. P-UT 13 t IJARoTlNS ! PltYS. PIIAETON8 ; 1 NEW SUIT } * below LOSI. Diummond Cf , Co. . P--7H GOOD LEA. TOP FAMILY CAHISIAOB. MJ.OO ; Hlmpton bucUiaard , JJO.oo. Urummond Cg. Co. P-T A. H. CLARKE. HOUSE COMMISSION dealer , union stock yards. Houtti Omaha t all rlattrs nf horses constantly on hand ; eastern nnd southern buyers arn now here for fall supply au.'llan sjl , : every Saturday P-M323 Oil WKJ.L IIRED , STYLISH HANDSOME AND fast nure , very cheap , CJeers W , Holbrook. 1C.3 1'jrnain itrteU ! MI31 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. I1ANIC AND PLATTE VALI.KY BAND FOR ale. C W. Hull company , 24lh artt Itanl sis. _ _ _ _ J _ q-7M _ riEAPE8T CHICK"RN ANII ORNAMENTAL fence in ml ! . C. R. Lee. 901 Dough s. C ] TO FOIl HALE , THrJ FORMULAS FOR "wiFu , kn wn proprUln y m dtrlnrs , favorably known In the northwest wth sole rlRhl to manufac ture nnd sell In Nnith nnd Koutti D.tkola , N ' brnskn. None but re pninlhlo parties nted nntwer. Addrcsi II. F. Smith. Q-M3U HIS HAY FOR SALE ANI > ISANGE'FOR LEASE" ; 700 tnn < Kooil liny at J2.00 t > er tnn In stuck , In Cherry county. NVbiasVui ; raime SxC milwi for lease , containing two coed cnrrnlls of MX ) head cnpnclty : Imin fnr elpht horses , llvlns R'Hir , Kcml well , fie. Addrcts E. E. Ole , W7 f i t , llnstlnqn. NeU. U M2.-I J4 _ FOR SALT : OR TRADE. NEW PONY OAMP. l ll cylinder pre * . Will take part ca h and bHlance In prlntlnit. Address W 53 , 1Ic. U-.MI7 : It _ _ FOR SALK-NO. 2 REMINGTON TYPE- wilter In llr t clnf condition , J35 ciihli ; no trnde wanted. 3418 Fo ltr ave. . Omalia. q-311-13 * HONtW FOR BALE T1IK KCIIOOL Ol-TU'ERS D [ Dlst. No. 47 have Irrued Ixinds for the purpose nf InilKllnit nclicxil liuuse In tlie nmnunt of Il.njiJ , Loarlns 7 per cent : time live vejrs. I II , In fnr same will be received nt the county supt. cilice. Omaha. By order of school board. Q-M3M II * _ MISCELLANEOUS. STOCK PASTURED : GOOD FEED. T. MtJR- ray. R-MI27 S20 * VAULTS CLEANED JOHN Nelson , olllco 41) S. llth st. Tcl. 1173. R-133 O7 * CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. DR. II. WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT. 1113- llnble business medium ; 7th Jc.ir at 11J H I 8 'r'i MASSAGE. BATHS. KTC. MADAME SMITH , M2 S. 13TII. 2D FLOOR. room 3 ; mnsHigp , vnpor , alculiol. steam sul- pliurlne nnd BCT baths. T M10J ! " > ilASSAdE. MADAMK BERNARD. 1110 DOUGE. T 2SI 23 * MME. LA HUE , 416 SOUTH IGTH.T T MSM O10 * PERSONAL. UMBRELLAS MADE. RECOVERED AND RE- pulred. IPS South Sixteenth street. U 753 VIWI HOME TREATMENT FOR LADIES. Health book nnd consultation fr p. Addresser cull Vlavl Co. , 316 Bea bldz. Lady attendant. U-751 BALDUFF- A pleasant nnfl convenient place , KM Fainam street , Pnxton block : 'phone 711. U-757-S17 MME. LA ROOK. MASSAGE. 1C03 LEAVKN- vvorth street , third floor , front rooms ; tno llrsl class operators. U MSOS 17 * WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. J. Stullcr'B new Ice cream parlors , 2S02 Leaven- worth street ; ever } thing Is new , Including the building. Tel. 1030. lea cream delivered. U-7W .111 DR.W.STEPHENSON. SPECIALIST. BOO n. 1TT1I U 411 SIS' ICC CIGAR FOR CO. HAVANA FRECKLES U MSt S27 t-vTHS. MASSAGE. MME. POST , 319W 8. liTH. Lr UKMOVAI , OP13N1NQ. THE OMAHA NA- llonal Knitting factory has removed from 15th nnd Howard tu 322 8. Ulh , In the new Schlltz liullUlns. nnd will have nn openlnc of their full nnd winter Roods Saturday. September S : clc- li.int picture cards ghcn to nil callers : this la the only house In the clly that makes a. spe cialty of woolen Roods , ynins nnd crochet cut- tons : ladles doing ImndHorh will find It to their advantage to call nnd examine our Btoclc. Joseph P. Ullz. proprietor. U M1GJ II RI.UCTKO-TIICRMAL , MATHS. FACIAL. 31AS- sagcScomplexlon treatment. Sltne. 1'Oit. C3V5 a. 15 , U S78 30 WHOLK WHEAT IlltHAD PltOM UXIJOLTED Hour at Imogen L. llamsey's , 21T N. 10th st. U M3K-O-19 MONEY TO LOAN KSAIi ESTATE. LIFB INSUIIANTE POLICIES LOANKD ON or bought , r. C. Chcsney. Kansas City , Mo. W 759 ANTHONY LOAN & TIIUST CO. . 31S N.Y. LITO loans at low roles for choice security In Ne braska and lo a farms or Omaha city property. W-TCO MONEY TO LOAN ON PAItM IN DOUGLAS Improved ami unlmpro > ed Oin.tlia real estate , yilellty Trust Co. , 1702 rarnain t. W 761 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPnOVED OMAHA real estate. IJreiinan , Lovn & Co. , Paiton blk. W 763 OMAHA LOAN & TUUST CO. . IGTH AND Douglas streets , loan money on cjt ) ' nnd farm property at lowest rates of Interest. W 7C3 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. r. Davis Co. , J503 Tarnnm St. \V-7IH UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OK NEW 1'orl : . Capital J2,0i)0,000 ) , Surplus i ) , OH. Sub mit choice lands to K. S. Tusey.nt'ent. . First National bank building. n" 70 MO f Y TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved nnd unimproved Omilia real estate , 1 to C yeirs. Fidelity Trust Co. . 170J rnrnam. W 701 LOANS ON IMI'ROVED & UNIMl'HOVED CITY property ; (3.000 & upivnids. C to J per cent , no delays. W. l-'arnam Smith & Co. , 13JO rnrnam. W 703 LIFl ! INSURANCE POLICIES PURCHASED. Ioans on same negotiated. Welllver & Co Drexcl bids. , Phlla , I'a. W M07J O3" CIIAS. AV. RATNEY , "oM. NAT. DK. lU.DoT \V-1SS MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE nt C per cent. W. U. Moil.Ie , 1st Nat. bank IM W-7f3 WIJ CAN PLACE A TEW LOANS OF I'ROM S19.0W.OO to JM.OOXCf ) each on good business property. Low rate of Interest , Urennan , Love & Co. . Paxton block. W M32 13 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE , 1'IANOS. horses , wagons , etc. , at loKest rates In city ; no removal of goods ; strictly ccnlldtmtlul ; you can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 303 a 10th sires. . X-iot J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM iJT RAMGB HI.O01C MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- i-rly. Han In Loan Co. , ' 01 N. Y. Life build- Ins. X 7C MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI ture. pianos , horses , ungons. or any kind of chattel security , at lowest posslblo rates , which you can pay back nt an/ time and la any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. room 4. Wltlinell block , 1C 701 BUSINESS CHANCES. A HOWLING SUCCESS. HAVANA FRECKLES. Y-M651 S2I THE NATIONAL INFORMATION AND EX change Co. . 203 Flist National bank. Omaha. lias customers with cash , farm Innds and city property for mcrchandlie ; also stocks of good for sale and trade. Y MStO 30 FOR BALE , FIRST-CLASS AXD WELL LO cated drug store ; half cash , balance rea estate ; also good location for doctor. W 29 , _ Jlee. Y M1C7 H 1150.00 INVESTED YIELDS S5.00 AVERAGE weekly Incoma with absolute security ; pros pectus. Itemized statistics free , lirnson & bwjer. SSI Hroadway. New York , Y M115 O5 A COAL BUSINESS , ALSO FEED , WELL ES tablUhed In county sent ; ntl ; no bonua , tl.txx : nil ) clear same In six months. Apply to W 5 lle olflct. Y 309- : FOH SALE. A NEAT , CLEAN STOCK OP drugs. Invoice , (1,200 , In piHitlnve.item lona. No other etoro within six miles. Good tmdi < stablshed , A snap fur some one. WU Rlva tlmo on pait.V , II. Miller , Aurora , 111. Y M335 19 > WANTED. COMTISTKNT BUSINESS MAM with (1,000 and give a bond for ( i.OOi ) tn man nc a nholesnle buslneu In Omalm. Ad dress W 60 , Ilea olllce. Y M31S 13 * St'CODPSPUI. SPECULATION OPEN TO ALL ; try our > ndlcate astem of tprculatlon ; In creasu your Income ; Information free ; nenc for circular. Thompson & D-MT Co. , 18 Wnl street. New York , Jneonmiateil undfr the lawn of Btato of New York. Capital. $100 0 0 , Y M330 1J FOR EXCHANGE. AMERICA'S PRIDE. HAVANA FRECKLES. SC. Z-MCS1 BJ7 I HAVE CASH. IOWA AND OTHER LAND ; . to rxchance for merchandise. If. A , Wagner , Omaha. Neb. Z M8C5 CLKAR CITY PROPERTY FOH LAND. WIL- llams & Mlttan. McCapue building , room 313. ? nMS5L ° ! A OOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO EX rhange for young work hoi c or mules. Lamoreaux lii3M B. ICth. 2-103 IMPROVED 120 ACRES IN WYANDOTTE CO. Ohio , and flna residence with ten ane.i ad Joining- good town In Hancock Co. , Ohio , t trade /or eastern Neh. Innd or merrhandlsi Box UK , Bchuyler. Neb. K-iim OI OMAHA IMPROVED AND UNIMPROVED refldenc * properly and eastern NrhrasVa forir land lo trade for dry coods. Want to dca ullh ownec. llox 718 , Schujler , Keb. ZMl ! ) OJ TO EXCIIANGK-KINB THIUTY-ROOM IIRICI steam heated hotel for firm or cheap for cash Uox n Uunlap , lit. Z J10-M rou ConlfmnJ , FARM , FINE CORN AND uvt Innd , timber enough Mr- fuel nnil posts. In l- t | mrt of IP O. lo exchange At fair \nhnH for stock of > nerchnndl > , lv Inwa or Nebraska , Address William MaislMll , Independence. In. A TV S5-M3J - 1 _ _ i WILL EXCHANGE A ciK > n FARM FOR A tuck of goods. O. Wr Mlddnugh , I'tlen. ttr'.t. z-M2K ! n * o ACRE.S 4 MI. N. w. . fetoo. " wiLiTACfKPT pirt In eleaproperly. , . H.Ooo rental propt > ri > rrot firm. Ral.ery nnJ clear lot. lor K < K | rental cotlnsc. 1' . U. W iit , 1'ith nfllTlJouglus ' JM-13 TO nxrii ANCJKFdlfVt LANDSTOCK ] or drtiKs In central soilltiem NebrnMtn. Ad.ircss I1. O. box 253. Mulvern. la. X-M328 11 * roil EXCHANGE. ci.BAH/wiTrvL LOCATED icnl i-atnte fi > r n rtock of drui ! . Addrem llox IM , Aurom , 111. 55-51357 TO KXC HANciE. FOH MnuriiANDim : . it > neres xvell Improved. In southeastern KnnMii , H 8Wj * ) acres Iti .nnilti MlvHoutl. Rood Im provements. t.1X ) ; IS ) UCTP * highly Improved , nil In tultlvntkn. V ) acres Iipurlnir Dichnrd , 3 miles frnm M < "ad\llle , I.Inn 0" . . Mo , price , II2.M ; will put In 1 lira.l . of entile villh this farm If wanted. Have many other in * * ! Mlrxnurl mil Knnax farm * la citcruinire for merchandise. C ! < i . \V. Goldman , 931. N. Y. Life hlilg. , Kansas City , 31 o. Z MSI ? 11 * J2.00 HTOL'KOK MILLINERYGOODSTO rxchnntre Cor cJMern Neb. lands. O. . ods all the Inleit stvles. Address Lock llox No. 1 , Hpatland , III. 7. MJI ! > U * FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. ron SAi.n. NEW MIOOM COTTAGE ; CEL- Inr , cistern , city water ; cor. 13th ami tiulilvr ; U.SiO.W ; long time. Eniulro 1J18 Knrnint. Sninucl Hums. n E 77J ONE Of Till : 1JKST 110MC3 IN Plnco (2019 ( Itlnnojl If sold at oner. fin go for lesi than ro t of house. Teirtu rUnt Imlf each , l > alan -e euy. It. N. Wlthnell Ul.t ) . 807 N. Y. Life. t E-ill-P-'i _ BAROA1N8 , HOUSES" LOTS A NO FARMS. Cor tinde. T. If. Datllng , llnrkor block. It 12-774 1'AHSI I.ASDS. C. K. HAHISON , 012 N'.Y. 5 ACIIIW 5 II f. N.U' . . J1.J75 fi acre near South Omalm , & 60 , 7 r. lioiiie and good barn I blocka from court house , $3OVO. 1'lno S-room home north Ilanscoin Pk. , too cheap to advertise. 7 i. liouie , cost 52,100. on tno.it lightly lot , J2.COO. I r. house and lot , city water. $650. 40 acres , Rronnd house , Hno tract , west Do < lRe nt.t 17,000 , T. U. AVvad. IGth nnd Douglas. UC-3IJ.13 OMtDBN I. A N Ds5 MI LnaFho M PO.STOF- flee , onsy torms. Call at 9)0 ) N. V. I < lf < " . TO COLONISTS \ND FAnxinna : IjO.id In Florida nnd southern Alabama : vese- tables , fruit * , nuts , KralnK , etc. ; no drnuths , Rood land ; health ) , etc. ; one to 1,009 ncres , low price ; delightful climate. J M. Drill. AR | . lluf- falo. N. Y. Hi-Mi H _ 10 ACU i : ] WITK OHOV13. IltJAL'TIKU UL.V located , just west of city limits , Tor sale , lialfalui . Address llox 157 , clly. ! ; MJ53 " _ TYPEWRITERS. TYpnwniTnns BOUGHT , BOI-B. ex- chnniJcil , rented nnd rennlrfd. Tjpewrlter and ofllcc supplies Tjpcnritcra rented nt H per month. The Oir.nhn Tjpowtlter exchange , suc cessors lo the l > p wrUliir department of the stationery Co. , : U 8. 13th , tel , 13G1. 776 sun Titn NC\V DorounitTY TYPiwniTnii. The Omnha Typewrltor exchange , tcl. 1 ! 1 , No 511 S. 13lh at. - - J 777 jtt TvrnwniTcns orrunED von ealo should make you suBplclous ; funny they arc mostly Smith's Try one nnd you will understand why : full- line of supplies. Smith- P.-emlcr Co. , 17th and Parnaiii : telcplione. 1.28 . St-703 TYPKWniTCHB-OMAJIA PnOPI.E DON'T elcnl t > pexvrlters. they buy of us. Why ? Be cause the Dcnsmoro CnllKrnph nnd Yost arc the best machines made : they will outwear any t > pewritcr made nnd do a better qunlltl' of work. Our Eupply department will be sure to please you. tieiul * > our machines to tia If you want them repaired. United Typewriter nnd Supplies Co. , 1813 Farnam street. Tele phone. lib.1 ! . 1 3 HOTELS , IinTTUR THAN MOST J2.O1 IIOTKI l IN Omaha. Our intci. n to tl.M. Hotel Riche lieu. Oeo. .Mitchell . , iirop. , 10S-110 N. 13. AKTNA iiousntEunopnAN ) N. v > \ con. 13th and Dodge. ltoomt > y day or meek.U . U O9 HOTEI , nAniiKii , jioo piit : DAY. no ROOMS , In the heart of the business houses. Special rates nnd accommodation to commercial trav elers , lionin and board by the week or month. Tronic Hlldltch. M r 313 RICYCLiS RCPA1RKD AND RHSIODKLED. Tires and sundries. Snfei opened , repalied. r It. Hellln. locksmith. 311 N. liith st. 150 nicYci.ns , NEW AND OLD , JM TO m. eisy payments : we rent and repair. Omaha lilcycle Co. , S23 N. 1C Hi st 77S DICYCLK3 ALL STYLES. ALT. PRICES. Send for our 1st of second hand and shop worn bicycles. Repairs nnd cycle sundries of all kltvln. M. ) .Daxon , 402 N. ICtli st. 779 STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINK MAIL BTnAMSHIPS-HAIL regularly c\cry Saturday from New Yoik for Londonderry and Glasgow. Furne sla , Septem ber 2J. 11 a. in. : Anchorla , September ? ' , 2 p. m. ; City of Rome. October 13 , 3:30 : p. m. , Ethi opia , October 2 * . 9:20 : a. m. Saloon , second class , Rnd stecrnee , single or raund trip tickets from New York or Chicago at reduced rates to the principal Scotch , English. Irish and all conti nental points. l"or money orders , drafts , out ward or prepaid tickets apply to any o ( our local agents or to Henderson Itros. , Chlcneo- ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATURES AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical and uen- oral machinists ; superior work guaranteed. Omaha Electrical Works , 617 and CD B. IGth st. 5S3 ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction. Western Elec- trio Supply Co , , m and 42i ) S. 15th > t. 78 < BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. 603 S. 16th. 7S DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , 7H N. 18. 781 THE NEATEST TARI1KR SHOP IN CITY : court of lice building , l-'rcd lluelow. 311 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. YOU CAN MAKE MORE INTEREST ON YOUR money by paying us Jl or more per month than In any savings bank. Investigate. Mu tual Loan and liulldlmr association. G. M. Nattlngcr , sec'y , 1701 Farnam st. 72 ! HOW TO GET A HOME OR SECURE GOOD Interest on savlnRS. Apply to Omaha L. & II. assn. , 1701 , Heo bide. O. M. Nattlnger. Sec. UNDERTAKERS ANDEMBALHER3 II. 1C. HURKRT , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embolmer , 1G1S Chicago st. , telephone 00. 7J3 8WANSON & VALTKN , UNDERTAKERS AND embalmen , 1701 Cumins tt. , telephone 10GO. l * 7St ! M. O. MAUL , UNDERTAKER AND KM- balmer. 141T Farnam st. . telephone 223. 7a7 DRESSMAKING. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER. REST REFerences - erences , vrould like eneaeements ; sewing by the day. Address \V 47 , illec. M 273 II * DRESSMAKING IN FAMILIES ; CUT AND nt guaranteed , with latest fall st > les. Ad dress 1713. Chicago si. r M3J4 IS * PLUMBERS. 1REE PLUMHINO OF EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot water hentltUf ; sewerage. 813 S 18. JOHN ROWE & CO. , PLUJlllINa. STEAM AND hot wntcr hentlns. gas liytyres , globes 4J1 B. 15. J. J. HANIGAN , PLUMIIlNa , STEAM AND hot water heating. 2703 Lfavenvvoith si. 7M LOrfT A PLAIN GOLD RING AHOUT NINR nr ten months ago ; In marked on Insldo "Jun.i Ulh , 1SG7 , " the llguro 7 Io4 > ks something' Illie n flsuro 4 ; finder will be suitably rewranlH by returning la Mrs. F. D. Cooper , 42id and Hainll. ton. Walnut Hill , by whom It Is highly prized , being a ivcdillnc ring. 330 32 HAY AND GRAIN. IJUY YOUR HAY RY CAR OR TON LOTS. WFI buy hay. A , H. Sn > der , 151S Hurt at. , tel. 1107. NF.MIIASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE . C.aln nnd mill stuff. We are always on th market to buy or sell. 1402-4-6 Nicholas st. FOR IIARC1AIN8 IN PIANOS AND ORGANS ! easy payments ! ln trum nts rented , rents apply on purchae A. Hospe , Jr. 7 3 a. F ! GELLENUKCK" BANJOIST ANO teacher. 1110 California itreet. til STOVE REPAIRS. BTOVB REPAIRS IXrt lO.Ort ) DIFFEIItSNT mnlm nf stoves. Water attftrhnients nnd eonnrcllons a sp clally. 1207 Douglas street. OrnMis Stove Repair Works. M17S arovEi'Aiua oFALi7 KINDS : IntM ranno & mnernl mtsortmrnt of ranges. f.poki A heaters ; wntcr Attachments put In & Ccn < ctMl at J. Hugnn. COT H. 11 it & Jackson. JOS OMAHA OITICAI. CO. , LEA111NO OPTICIAN9. J. F. Tender , rnnunircr. Eyes tested ( rep. tit South 18th. In KlnsUr drug More. 416 13 * H ! ALOE ft PENFOLtJ CO. . SCIENTIFIC optician * . 1403 Fntnntn t. , opK | > slto I'uxton hotel Eyes -xnlnln l fice. 731 JOB PiUNTiNG. JOR PRINTING CO. . FINE PRINTING of jll kinds. 17th St. , llec Uu'ldliij. ' 739 MAIL ORDER CO.MMERriAL PRINTuA ipeclalty. Uouglan PrlntliiR Ci , 419 S 15th it. , Sheely bldg. Tel. Gil for prompt service. too ' GRINDING. BCISSORS. LAWN MOWERH. UA'/.OIIS. ETC. , cruund. Mclcliolr Ilrus. , Ill ) Fainam street. M2S7 _ _ _ _ RA'/ORS. SHEARS ! ci.il'T'EusrLTwN MOW rra. etc. A. U Undcland , 106 N. Ittli. 791 COAL. BHEltlDAN COAt , EXCELLENT 8UII3TITUTE ICT hxrd coal and W.SO ton cheaper. IGtlitiFntium yj601 D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL Of- flco to Sf 8. ICIll st. . Ilrown bUicli. lij CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE WORIIH. OALVANI7.HD Iron cornices. 1723 B. Mary's avc. FOX EAfJLlJ CORNICE WORKf" , JOHN El'E- lieter , in op. , 1 i , 114 , 112 , N. llth. 1 Is tab. , 1S6I. SO I TENT8 AND AWNINGS. W , " UI103. & CO , , MANUFACTURERS OF i itRs , tents. Ones , \MIKOII , linjsliuk covers. tarpaulins , balloons nnd paiachuld. 703-703 B. IStli St. , telephone COI. Tents [ or tent S07 Sll DYJ-I WORKS SC1IOEDSACK , TWIN CITY DYE "WORKS. U21 Farnam Etreel. Dyeing ot every descrlp. tlon and dry cleaning. 797 PURNAOES. I3GST FURNACE MADE , SOFT COAL 8MOKE consuming and hard coal furnaces , Uaele Cornice - nice Works lOS-lli N. Ulh st. S10 &HORTHAND AJtfU jL'JfREWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND , N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for chciil.ir. 7(9 HORSESHOEING. Mite. THOMAS MALONKY , 91.8 N. 16TH BT. 234 LIVERY STABLE. BOARDINO STAI1LES. FIXE LIVERY RIGS cheap. Ed Haumicy. 17tli and St. Mary's nve. M-800 WHOLESALE ! COAL. JOHXSON I1R03. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IM all Mndi of coal. Coneepondenco uoll . | i"'J 1003 Farnam. ft. , DENTISTS. DR. QEORGi : S. NABON. DENTIST , SUITB 200 Paxton block. ICth and Farnam sts. , tcl. 712. DR. PAUL. DENTIST , 20M HURT ST. 806 MEDICAL. HOME FOR LADIES BEFORE AND BERING confinement , with best of caie ; communication confidential. Mm. 1C. Volkmiin , graduated midwife , 101 South Eighth street , Lincoln , Neb. M200 OS * STENOGRAPHERS. . J. SUTCLIFFE. GENERAL STFNOO- rnphcr. 232 lloo bulldlni ; . Telephone u > 7. UPHOLSTERING. UPHOLSTERING VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH M . - VViilHln. 2111 Cumlng. Ti. . Vl. ) 603 PAWNBROKERS. H. JI.VROWtTZ LOANS MONEY , m N. 16th St , TAXIDERMISTS. AJCIDERMY AND FURS. SEND FOR CATA- logue. George K. Ilrovvn. Jr. , & Co. , 703 S. 16th. CARPET CLEANING. Q. D. MERRYMAN. CARPET AND RUG cleaning works. 720 S. llth ; tcl. 861 ; office 1502 Fninnm : tcl. 1553. M 321 Oil CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. c E. MORRLL. CARPENTER , OFFICE AND Ftore fixtures a specially. Patching and plastering. 1S13 Capitol aye. , ( el. 408. T98 DANCING SCHOOL. MORAIID'S DANCING SCHOOL WILL RE open for adults Tuesday , September ISth , 3 p. m. Circulars. 352 a 16 TTe will scad yon th nrnwloni French Preparation CAUTHOQ freo. nnd a l ( l Ruar Dle tht.1 ( 'ALT 11 US will Krsloro your Uculth , StrcncUl nud Vlcor. Ute it and fay ifsctisflti. Adrtrasa VON rv.OHL CO. . 13URBAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Boo Bulldinrr , OMAHA. Neb. Advice RR1LWRY TIME GHRD Leaves I CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N ( Arrives OrrahaU. | P. Depot. iOth & Mason Sls.f Omalia lloam : Eastern Exprets :00pm : Vestlbuled Limited :4Cam : : Bium Mo. Valley Local 10:30jm : t:4Spm Omalia ChIcago Special 2:15pm : Leaves ICH ICAGO. BURLINGTON & Q. ( Arrives Omaha I Uepot10th _ and Mason Sts. I Omalu < :4Spm : Chicago Vestibule 90 t:4Sam : Chicago Express 4:25pm : 1:02pm Chlcaso and Iowa Local S:00.im 11:3Jam . .Paclilc Junction Ixacal SS5pm : Leaves IBURLINGTON ft. MO. RIVER.Arrlves | Oiaahal Depot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha 10:15am : Denver Express a:3'jira 10lCam : , * . . . * . . .Deailwood Express 4:10pm : < : Mpm Denver Express 4:10pm : lHipra.Nebraska Local ( except Sunday ) , 650pm ; t:15am..Lincoln : Local ( except SundayH:25am ) : Leaves I K. C. , ST. J. & C. B. ( Arrives _ Oinuhal Depot 10th and Mason Hti. | Omah > t43.im ; Kansas Clty Dny'llipiesa S:5Spm : ! Cpm.K. C. Night Ex. via , U. P. Trans. SiliOam " " " " " " ' Leaves"l"CHICAGOmr"I. & "PA"CIFIC."TArflvcs' OmahalU. 1 * . Depot , 10th & Mason Sts. I Omaha _ _ _ lOilSam. . . Atlantic Express ( ex. Sunday ) . . . 0C5pm : C:22pm : . Nlfllit Expiess . 6:40.iin : 4140pm. . . .ChlcoKO Vestlbulcd Llmtteil. . . . l:2Spra : 11 ; S5am. Oklahoma Exp. ( to C. U. ex. Sun ) C:35am : WEST. & Texas Exp. ( ex. Sunir.35pm ) l:35prn Colorado Limited 4:10pm : " Ix-aves I UNION PACIUC. J Arrives OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Sts.I Omaha 10:0n.-im Kearney Express 3U : > pm 2ipm : Overland Fbe.r 6:4Cpra : IHlpm.Ueatrice & Stiamsb'g Ex ( ex Sun.ltlSpia ; E:4dpm : Pacing Express I0:5jam 6:30pm I'att Mall. . . . 4:20ptn : Leaves I CHICA < 1O. MIL. & ST. PAULJArrlvei Oniahal Union Depot. IQIh & Mason Sts.f Omalu C:35pm : Clilcago Limited , 9:303m : HilOam..Chicago Express ( ex. Bun. ) 6QOpm : " " " Leaves ! F. . U. & MO. VALLEY. ( Arrives Omalial * Depot 15th andJtVcbstor Sts. _ [ _ Omalio 9G5am . . . .Deadwooil Express , . . . . . . . . pm 9P3am.Ex ( , Sat , ) Wyo. Ex. ( Ex. Mon. ) , . 510pm ; t:00pm. : . . Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sunday ) . , .10l5im ; C:0pm : . tit. Paul ExpreES Leaves T UlSSOUItl PACIFIC. lAiTIvn Oniahal Depot 15th end Webster Bta. I Ounha 9:00im : Bt. Louis Express C00an ; Bt. Louis Express ( :51pn : . , Dally ( ex. Sun. Nebraska Local. . 8:1 : Can Leaves I C. , HT. P. , M. & O. ( Arrives Omahal Depot 15th nnd Webster Bis , f Omaha " " " " 7OOam.RIoux : Clty"Accom.Ex."Sun. ) , , . lOSpm : 10OOain.BIour : Clly Accom. ( Sun. Only ) , . 1:05pm lIIJpm.Blouz : City Express ( E . Bun.ll:55am ) : CiiOpm Bt. Paul Limited t Leaves I HIOUX CITY tt PACIFIC. JArrlvej OmalmlUnlon Depot , 10th & Mason Bli.l Omah * " 6&Sam..8loux ; Cltr "Passeneer. 1020pn ; Bt. Paul Express 10.00am Leaves HIOUX CITY ti PACIFIC. Arrives Omaha Depot 15th and Webiter ais. Omah lnpm Bi. I'aul Limited tMpm Chicago Limited. . . i40im Leaves I WAI1ABH RAILWAY ( Arrive * Omalialllnlon Depot. 10th & Mason Sis I OmaV- k.CipmHI. . Louis Cannon Ilall , . . . . . . ! BRICE HAS LOST HIS CRIP Outtido Paitics Eectiro Control cf the Louis ville , Now Albany < fc Chicago. STOCK BOUGHT UP ON THE No Chunffru Caiitrniplntrd , It It giilil In Ilio JUniiitKOiiiFiit ( if till ) IJimil \ \ Inter Tourist It'iloi i'lml Ity the t > n- Irul Intlllc i CHICAGO. Sept. 15. A report was In clr- ulatlon licro today that seine stiirtlliis > le- clopinents arc to be cNpcctcd tit thu forth- amtng annual ineetlRK of the Louisville , Albany & Chicago road , which U ( o be In Indlatmpolls September 18 , U Is as- crteil that the llrlce-Tlioinas byiutlcato lias est Its crli > on the property ttmt will be ousted from the control of the road pxer- clscil tor the past lliroo ycnrs. 1'arlles. It Is whoso Identity lias nut yet been nndc public , have been tuilelly buyliiK up thr stock of tlie comp.itiy Cor some time , nnd mvc now secured rnouih of U to Rive them control. They ulll Jeclaro tliemselves and show their hand nt the forllicomliiK annual ; atherlii o ( the stockholders. It Is not heir present Intention to inatco nny chungos n theiniiniiKcineiit of the road. They l e > eeu looklni ? Into tliu rrcord of Vice Presi dent and General Mnmiyer McUocl since lie took the inunaimeul. and they urcj veil ) | pised with the result. Central Trnlltc association roads have nprrcd on winter tourist rates for tlio forth coin I UK season. Tlu-y nru to bo SO per cent of double one way rates to all the recog- iliod winter resorts. A meeting of the western trunk line com mittee was held hero today , but the busl- icss transacted was exclusively of u routine character. w .vniiN : UNION mviiiiM : > . Afiur lluyliiR Out n ilrnl It Hut fur the Itcijnlar DlvUlrntl. NR\V yOUIC. Sept , 12. Tlie directors of the Western Union Telcprapli company loday Icclnrod the regular quarterly dlvldoiul of 1U per cent , p.iyable October 1 , to stockhold ers of record September 20 , The statement of tlie quarter ending September 30 , partly estimated , shows net revenue of M.SOO.OOO. deducting Interest and sinking fund charges of $243,500 ; albo deducting 1050,000 far the Hirclinsc of the Amur lean Rapid Transit Telegraph company leaves a balance of 11,000,500 , less dividend of $1.192,000 , makes .lie deficit of the quarter $1 S..tlOl ) , which , jeiiiK deducted from last quarter's surplus of $7,007G33 , leaves the ncciucd surplus of the company ffi.SSLMU. The telegraph lines and property of the American Hnpld Telegraph company \vus pur chased \\ltli 5COO Eharcs of capital stock Issued out of tlie Increased stock authorized liy the stockholders on October 21. 1892. Had it not been for tta purchase the Western Union surplus above dividend requirements would have been $381,500 , compared with f3Sl,031 for the last quarter. The Improve ment In the business of the company la In dicated by the fact that revenues for the quarter arc $1,800,000 , the same as for the Septembjr quarter last year and about $330- 000 In excess of the revenues for the June quarter. The surplus for the June quarter was Increased $40,000 by tlie rfturn to the company by the sinking fund trusteed of that sum on account of dr.iwn bonds not being presented for redemption. iuciiviit : : urMcii.i.-.s KICK. Probably I'litn mi iml : tit the riopos Trtiiiivaiillneiilitl Amorl.itlcm. The proposed transcontinental association Is a dead duck , the Oregon Railway & Navi gation company having succeeded In raisins u row that only time will put down. The committee appointed to draft an agree ment Is expected , however , to m ke a report and the general passenger agents here expect to attend the meeting next Monday In Chicago cage , Mr Lomnx probably leaving the last of the week to be on tbo ground early , but none of them are hopelul of any leault after the report of the committee. The action of .Mr. Ilccelver McXulll. how ever , Is In line with his avowed Intention of making the Oregon Railway & Navigation company a paying property , even It he bad to make It a "scalp" road In conjunction with the Great Northern. It Is significant that the Great Northern should have endorsed the action of the Navigation company In re fusing' to yield to the demands of the South ern Pacific and shows exactly whore the roads antagonistic to the agreement arc to be found. As It looks at present the efforts of the committee to formulate an agreement will "dlo a-boriilu' . " Itnllrn.iil Sulil Under Kdroclonurc. SAVANNAH , Sept , 12. The MliMlo Georgia & Atlantic railroad was sold at auction be fore the court house today under foreclosure by order of the Savings and Trust company , trustee under the- mortgage Issued to secure an Indebtedness of about $192GOO , loaned by a syndicate composed mostly of stockholders of the property. Tlio road was bought for the pooling committee of the syndicate by Mr. Herman Myers , whose bid was $195,000. The total Issue of bonds la $792,000 and these with the stock of the road , nhlch was owned by the seaboard company , and all other as sets were sold under the mortgage. Kor the present the road will be operated us hereto- for. _ . Santa 1'e U'lll llullil to Cripple I'rrek. DENVCK. Sept. 32. II. T. Collbran , gen eral agent of the Atchlson , Topeka & Santa I'e railroad , who returned from the cast to day , announces that ho has made arrange ments for the extension of the Midland Ter minal railroad from Its present terminus at Gillette. Into Cripple Creek , 2snsli\lllo t'linttunno.i | KIcotR Olllccrs. NASHVILLE , Sept. 12. The directors of the Nashville , Chattanooga & St. Louis rail road met In animal uesslon today , anil reelected - elected J. W. Thomas , president and general manager , J. H. AmbroBS , treasurer ; J. D. Mancy , comptroller , and Hunter McDonald chief engineer. _ Kortlinrn J'nelllo lloeolptn. TACOMA , Wash. , Sept. 12. The monthly statement of the receipts of the Northern Pacific for August will show an Increase over the receipts of August , 1803. This will be the first tltno In eighteen months that the comparative statements hava shown an In crease. _ Ijist < if thu 'Iron pa Withdrawn , DBNVnn , Sept. 12. General McCook to day Issued an order withdrawing the troops from Baton , N , M. , where they have been guarding the tunnel on the Santa Fo road over since the A. n. U. strike began. No troops are now doing duty In this depart ment. > otr . \V. II. Long of the Great Northern was In town yesterday. Lytnan Slioles , division freight agent of the Omalu line , has gone to St. Paul. John Giillahor , agent of the Tl. & M. at Crawford , Is In Omaha on his wedding trip. 0. M , Hathburn , superintendent , and W. II. Butt , assistant engineer of thn Missouri Pacific , led yesterday on a tour of In spection ever the Nebraska division. Jack O'Hearne , having purchased his new suit cf clothes for tils wedding this month find having enjoyed I ho delights of Hie cir cus and the "Amazons. " left for Cheyenne yesterday , to the everlasting discontent of Chat ley Coons , Auditor Erattui Young of the Union Pa cific , lira , 11 r yam and Coulter and Mr. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castorla. Children Cryfo ? Pitcher's Castoria. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. llatM of 'Dates-Smith company , relurncd Tupeday from a three wteki' hunting nnd fishing trip In Idaho. Mr Young. In t Ik- Ing of the trip , K.ild that I ho country be tween Shoshone and llalloy had born hunted over , while the fishing was tl no in tha brandies' of the \VcoJ river. lln reported flno bag of chicken , crcuso and ducXs having been made , while trout were taken In 4bundnnce , Dr. Bryant linv.ng caught a flvc-poundcr , which tlio natives said v\ns the largest trout ever taken out of WooJ rher. J > KVf.IJ , O.V TIIK ST.lMt. Sninn uf tlio ix-iinpli : : > vr < of tlif Hock Jslnnil i\mmic Ilio Illtitrri. CHICAGO , Sept. 12 , In the Debs cas General Superintendent Dunlnp of thr Hocfe Island railroad gave an exhaustive history of the strike us It affected his road. He Bald that many null trains were Mopped , ths men beliiR Intimidated. He said that many of the members cf the mobs wore white ribbons bens , Ho recognized some of the rioter * as ex-employes of the Hock Inland. Mr. Dutilap Bald that ha had had much tx- iwlcnce In railroad strikes nnd never knew of n strike which did not result In tnmbla nnd violence , Attorneys for the defense continued to object to the evidence as Introduced by the BOX eminent , and Judge Wood sustained them much oftcncr than hu did durlntc the earlier la > s of the trial. TMrtccn witnesses ted- t-fled for the Government , much of the evi dence adduced dealing with the ocenv.t of \l'.lt > nce In nnd about the city during thn strike. The government then got down t > Iho actual work of connecting Mr. Debs and his associates with the lawlessness by Introduc ing the telegraph messenger boys who d - llvercd various telegrams , previously put In evidence , at the ofllce of the A. H. U , In all but three cases the messages were either signed for by the doorkeeper or Mr. llens- dlct. the typewriter. In three cases ono of the messenger l > js said he had deliv ered telegrams to Mr. Debs personally and he had receipted for them. J. N. Scales , general superintendent of tlio Mobile & Ohio railroad , another witness , Identified the telegraphic correspondence which lithad with Debs regarding the raising of the boycott on his road. lie had wired lebs In the first place , telllni ; him IJjo i Mobile & Ohio road ran no Pullman cars nntl . requested him lo do what lay In his power to prevent the strike. The next tele gram bore the name of Debs and asked 1C the Mobile & Ohio road belonged to the General Managers association. Upon Mr. Scales' assurance by wire that It did not a tclegtam was sent asking Mr , Scales to call on Dvvycr , the local representative of the A. It. U. , and make arrangements with him regarding the calling oft of the strike. This , Mr. Scales testified , ho did , and read the agreement which he had with Dwycr. Tlie telegrams were all placed In evidence. One of the attorneys for the government said If the telegrams co-jld ba positively traced to Debs In this case his directing li.md In the strike would bo positively es tablished. James Connors was the first messenger boy witness called today. Ho testified to having delivered messages to various A. n. IF. officials , nmong them President Debs. HP swore positively to having delivered at least three to Debs , personally , and Identified the president's signature on the delivery sheets. Gus Welders , also a messenger , gave similar testimony , and said he had given several telegrams Into Debs' hands. Pred Miller , who was stationed at the Ilo- vere house. Debs' headquarters , during the strike , declared that ha had delivered tele grams to each of the defendants. On cross examination he pointed out the defendants In the court room. Several other messenger boys wore ex amined , and then Direct Hogan of the A. II. XJ. took tlie stand. Hogan furnlslml n mild sensation by refusing to testify. Ho said he did not wish to bo examined and was excused on the plea that as ha was n defendant he ned not Incriminate him self. _ Strllin in line l.o ; Wnrkrrt. MINNEAPOLIS. Sept. 12. A Stlllwater special to the Journal eays that a strlko of considerable magnitude Is on foot am ng ( he. St. Crolx Boom company's employes , Two hundred and fifty men went out , refusing1 to boom the largs accumulation of 1 ga. Abstit 130 men are still at work , but they ore In great fear of molestation , some stones having already been thrown by the strikers. Ths boom company promises to give Its working employes protection , and the dilution Is rather strained. _ 1'ciHtiilHcn Kmitloyni I'.loct OtllcnrH. BOSTON , Sept. 12. The postofflco conven tion today decided to hold the next meeting In St. Paul next September. The ColLwIng ofllcers were elected : President , Benjamin Parkhurst , Washington ; treasurer. E. I * Benton , New York , scretary , W , K , Crtiin- backer , Chlcago. _ _ Tnllnra' .Mr Iho , Vhant Hnclnd. NB\V YORK , Sept. 12. The tailors' strike Is rapidly approaching nn end , and from present Indications It will bo over by the end of tlio week. Already 135 contractors have signed and 3,000 strikers will beat work tomorrow morning. Kouilinasteiii' t < iiivtnt1oii Adjourn * . NCW YORK , Sept. 12 , The buslncsB of the Railroaders' association convention fin ished this evening. The next annual conven tion will be held in St. Louis In the second Tuesday tf October , 1895. PLANS EOK IMPROVEMENT. Consolidation Committee I > l cun8os Project lit ICconoinlcitl Alimlclp'kl Admlnlfttnitlmi , Thcro was an attempt made last night to have a conference of the joint committee , composed of members of the Omaha city council , members nf the South Omaha city council , members of the Board of County Commissioners and citizens , appointed same tlmo ago for the purpose of bringing about a plan for the consolidation of Iho city government of the two cities and the creation of the county of Omaha. While but few of the members attended the meeting , tlioso who were on hand , gathered In the council chamber , where for an hour they discussed the propositions In an Informal way and then decided that the best thing to do waa to wait and sec what action was to be taken by the committee which the mayor appointed last Tuesday night for - similar purpose. President Howcll of the Om Jim city coun cil contended that by a consolidation of olllces a largo nmount of money could be saved to the taxpayers each year , nnd was of the opinion that it the county and muni cipal governments of Omaha and South Omaha were merged under one Itwould be a caving all mound. County Commissioner LIvcsey gate It as Ills opinion that sucli a plan would result In the abolishment of several expensive of- llces , but he had doubts about the politicians accepting the proposition. Ho believed that they would flelil It In the legislature. \V. S. Poppleton quoted seme law , or rather some of the provisions ot the consti tution of the state and knocked the whole Hclicme In the head. Ho showed lo the members of the committee that there was a constitution ! 1 provision which prohibited tha establishment of a county , the area of which would bo less than 400 square miles. By dividing the county ct Douglas , tha area of the new county wculd be less than was icquirod by the constitution of the state. In Ms opinion there was nothing to do In this direction but to wait and have the pro position submitted lo the vUors ol the state an an amendment to the constitution. Us thought that n good plan would bo to gel tba matter In shape and have It submitted at the general election In 1890. City Knglnecr lloscwater toolc the position that there were several city department * which could Iw abolished and consolidated , and In this particular he look occasion to ttato that a consolidation ot department * would save money to the taxpayers and at ( he Enmo time tlvo the public more lor th money. The Clly of Washington , > i thought , was the best governed city of which lie had any knowledge , nnd thora the entire government was under the direc tion of three men. Mr. Howell thought that iilno coiincllmea could do better work and more of U lliaa eighteen. The present council was too un- welldly and usually spent JiJO worth of tlma to perform ? 5 worth ofwork. . Nearly all that cama before tlie council original * } In vome other department , and In the omc * of tha city engineer , aa arule. . He thought that In order to prc\ent a conflict tlib belt thing WR.H to have tbo committee defer urir action until U was known whit the mayor' * commltteo piopased to do.