Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1894, Page 8, Image 8

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Mayor Appoints n Committee on tha Amend
ment of City Charter ,
2lttcr Itcfcrtcil to n Special Committee
JleKlltrur * Appointed nnd Ordered to
Jlcport OrillmuKo fnr llonil * for City
Ulectrln Unlit I'Junt.
1 With tii exception ot Mr. Itechel , all
* r the members ol tliw city council attended
Iho regular meeting last night , where they
worked and talked until the clock tolled
out the midnight hour.
Ilcswell Miller , president of the Milwaukee
Railroad company , wrote Ihe mayor under
Onto of September 6 , nnd Iho Utter was rt-
fprrcd to the council , Ho wrote upon Ihe
HUbJect of a 'union depot. Baying Ihat If
ono wus lo be built It should bo open to
tlio use of all ot the roads entering Omaha ,
on fair nnd equal terms , the power to rcgu-
late these lei ma lo bo placed in the Imntla
of the city. As Miller understood it , ho
Bald that this whole matter was to bo left
to the Union Pacific company to prescribe
terms and admit other roads , Ho thought
that such u. plan would keep other roads
out of the city.
Air. Hancall talked loud and Ions , saying
Hint Iho Milwaukee road had no Interests
In Omaha which the council could protect.
It the Union Pacific nnd Darlington wanted
to go and build the depot , they should bo
nil owed to do so without Interference. The
viaduct on Tenth street was built with
Iho express understanding that the the d.pot
eliould be constructed on tlie Mason street
crossing and there waa no sense In trying
to change the location at this late dale.
Several other members wonted to talk ,
tut as Hascall hud worn out a large portion
of the night , the regular order ot business
was taken up and Iho proposed oratory waa
lost to the world.
In order to get the work of preparing pro
posed amendments to the city charter
Btartfd , Mayor Dcmls wrote the following
communication la the council :
It has been apparent dm Ins the past year
that , notwithstanding tlie labors ot the
charter revision committee two yearn ago.
there are many serious defects in our city
charier. The time la Tipproachlng when
our legislature will convene nnd slops must
bo taken ut once to make such corrections
nnd changed ns experience shows lire nec
essary. There are several very Important
mutters which should be Incorporated In
the charter. 1'robubly the must Impoitnnt
change Is a provision for n city assessor
\a \ fix the taxable value of nil propel ty nnil
do awtiy with the absurd valuations which
Mow obtain. These matters should lie given
careful nnd deliberate attention nnd care
fully prcimied befoie the legislature con
vener , so they can be proptily InUoducctl
nt thebeginning - of the session , and not
left until the last moment to be gaiblcil
l > y interested parties when It Is tou I.U
to correcl error * . I have therefore con
cluded that this mailer should be taken ii |
nt once , and I have the honor lo inform
you that 1 have appointed tlie following lif-
teen citizens us members of n committee on
charter revision , unit suggest thai Ihe coun
cil nppolnl live members lo co-operate wltli
them , the twenty no appointed to constitute
a comml tee > to tKtorm ne such change.-
ns nre thought necessary nnd endeavor tc
pccure their enactment by llio legislature !
J. H , Duinont , J. M. CoinUli. O.V. . Doune ,
A. I * . Tuhey , J. L. Kennedy , A. Koiiewuter ,
, W. 8. Popptettm , L' . II. UogRH. J. U. Howe ,
J. H , AVInppear , St. A. D. llalcombe , W. .1 ,
Connell , V. O. Strlckler , L , . D. Fowler , C. r ,
I hereby call upon these grntclmen tc
meet In my olllce at 2 p. m. , Thursday , Sop-
lember 27 , lo organize for business.
As soon an tha communicitlcri was reni
Mr. Hascall was upon his feet clamorlnf
that the members of "the last legislature
were the gsntlcmpn who knew what was
wanted. Somb of I ho men were good enough
but many of them had axes to grind. T (
Blimp in five men with llic fifteen wcult
bring In discord and could result in no goat' '
for the clly. There was no reason why llif
l mayor should limit the number of men whlcl
the council should appoint.
Mr. Specht wanted to see G. M. Hitch
cock on the committee.
Mr. Wheeler said ho know seme cf tin
men whom the mayor had named , andUnev
that they were drones in the hives. The ;
-nero on the committee two years ago , am
K Utter meeting two or three times , they re
IK fused to act. For one ho was opposed ti
fifteen citizens coming In and bulldozing ( lv <
tnen whom the council might name.
On motion ot Mr. Kdwnrds the presldcn
appointed Messrs. Burkley , Edwards em
Wheeler na a special committee to whlcl
tlio mayor's communication was referred.
Mayor Memls relumed , without his approval
P the resolution ordering cinders laid o\e
tlio old block pavement on Eighteenth slrce
PP bolween St. Mary's avenue and Ilarne ;
P etrcel. lie urged that the cinders would b
worthless and would be only a makeshift
I ftepavlng , he Bald , was " wliat was needed
The veto was rejected"by vote of 13 to I
and then followed Iho reading'ot ( lie follow
ing vela niBisaga with reference to Ihe re
planking ol the Sixteenth street vlaductr
I relurn herewith , without my approval.
resolution directing the Hoard of Publl
Works to luivu the Sixteenth street viiuliu
replanked. as mny be recommended by th
city engineer. The resolution does nut slat
the amount to b expended for this wort
nor Is any limit placed upon the expend :
ture , I deem it unwlso to appiovo n rest
lutlcm which is so broad In its lenns. Mori
over , I do not think the cllv should nssum
the expense of this work. . The presonl coi
dillon of the viaduct Is due largely to til
street railway company , the weight of II
cars doing1 more -weaken the stiuclur
than any other cause , nnd it would seei
na more than Jimt that that company shoul
bear the gienter part of the expense of n
pairs. .A single train ot two earn , whc
loaded , weighs about twelve Ions. Whc
* two trains meet on the vluurtct there Is
h weight of twenty-four tons on u ppace (
a few feet. The constant thumping oC thes
r trains ) m caused the viaduct to be In II
present condition. This company li icriulre
to pave between Hi rails on paved streel
nnd should bo required to do the same o
the vlndurls. Tlie roadway of Iho Sixteen !
Direct vlmluct Is twentw feet at Us vrldi'i
part and Is seventeen feet In width UIIOIIK
the trusses. Of this space tl
trucks of the street rnllway con
pttny occupy ten and ono-lhlt
t tcct , or more than half. At Ihe time tl
agreement was made with the- railroad nr
street car companies , It was not know
that replanklng would be necessary over tl
entire stwture. II develops , however , tin
the expense nf repairing Ihe trestle woi
will amount to about $3.100 , leaving IIs
of the $5,000 covered by Iho ngrermont i >
Hie repairs. The cxpcntc of laying a flo. .
of n single- layer of two-Inch oak plar
over the roadwny of the vluduet. under tl
contract with Mr , Mayo , will be Jl.MC , But
ojloor would make the vlmluct passable fi
teams , nnd the clly Is under no obllgalU
to make II passable for stret-l earn , Tl
old contract between the city and the plrc
.railway cqinpany , whereby the latter wi
to use the viaduct , required thepayni < >
of 15 per annum to tlie city , the only cffr
of which wna to make the city rrsponslli
for the safely of the slrurturc. I iccoi
in end Hint the Hoard of Public Works 1
Instructed to have the viaduct replanki
\vltli n Mn le Jay r of two-Inch oiik plat
nnd thrown open to travel , and If the tstre
railway company wants to use It. nrrang
nients can bu made on proper terms ivhli
vlll protect the olty , In Oils connccllon tl
Btroct railway company should be compel !
to use T rails acinss the viaduct , the sail
as. It uses on the streets. Flat lalls lia
Veen used heretofore , nnd they are not BI :
lloleiit to stand tha Rtnila | iut upon tlit-i
These rails nri > prohibited in ouMern cltl
nnd they should lie piohlUlted here.
Mr. liascall declared that itvas the du
of the council to override the veto , as t
property owners along South Sixteen
rtreel vrrre clamoring lo have tha vladi
ugaln opened to tranic.
Mr.VhseIer \ thought the viaduct shot
be rootietn-d. tint in his opinion It was
dangerous practice to pass resolutions for t
expenditure ot money unless the nmou
wai stated in Ihe icsolutlon.
Mr Ilatcrll was sure that there would
no steal In doing the work , as rverytht
conn ctel wait tlie repairing was under t
direction of HIP Hoard of Ilubllc Works a
Ihe city engineer.
City Attonify Counell Infaimed the coun
that none of the cxpenue ot rcplanklng coi
be chnr cil to the tlr et rallwny compai
Vpon thn roll being called , Ihe veto wan :
Jicteil ,
The mayor ivroe about the tubject of 1
member * of t'u Hoard ot Public Works gal
ciut to attend i. ccuvenlion. lie
that the council Trafi short-elshted In not
appropriating funds with which lo pay Ihelr
expenses , lie added that in his opinion It
would advisable to appropriate 1150 for
the purpose. The money was appropriated ,
William J. Knox WAS named as a mem
ber of the public library board for the term
of three year * , from July 1 , 1894 , to > succeed
Elijah Dunn. The appointment was con
Andrew Flood presented a claim for $10,000.
Flood clalniB that he owns pome lots near
Sixth nnd Pine streets , which have been
rendered worthless by a change of grade of
the Rtreits.
The registrars , 228 , who will serve during
the coming election , were appointed nnd
confirmed. They are requested la appear
before the city clerk on or before next Mon
day night , when they will slate whether or
not thty are willing to serve the city.
Mr , Il.isrnll offered n resolution taking
$2.10 out of Ihe curbing and guttering fund
nnd applying It on the $11 250 street repairing
bill of Iho Harbcr Asphalt company. The
resolution also provides that the balance
should bo paid when funds were available.
The resolution was adopted and the cash
Item went Into the appropriation ordinance ,
Hy resolution , all of the clly offices were
ordered closed tomorrow , In order to allow
Hie employes an opportunity to attend the
state fair.
Mr. Specht offered a resolution and moved
Its adoption , giving the Elkhorn Hallway
compiny two necks In Milch lo locate nn
arc light at the- point where Its tracks crosa
Twenty-fourth street. It was carried.
The pavement on fourteenth , between
Casa nnd Webslcr streets was ordered re
paired at n cost of $75 , the work to b3 per
formed under the direction of the IJoard of
1'ublla Works.
The sum of $200 was appropriated to be
used In the renalilng of the bridge over
Saddle creek , where the same crosses
I < eaven\vortli street.
An ordinance providing for the repairing
of Sherman avenue , from Nicholas to Lo
cust streets , was introduced.
Among the oidlnanccs introduced , read
twice nnd rofcircd wns one providing for
submltlng at tin- next election a proposition
to vole bonds In the sum of $200,000 for the
purpose of purchasing or constructing an
electric light plant , to be owned by Ihe clly.
Thu ordinance provides that the bonds shall
draw 5 per cent Interest , payable si-ml-
annually , and running Iwenty years.
Hascall'a KUbtv.iy and conduit ordinance
came up on Us third reading , but without
Its being read It was recommitted to the
judiciary committee , lo come up for con
sideration al the ne\t meeting.
The ordinance p'rmllllng the reopening
of the old Ilairia & risher packing house
at Sheeley station was passed by a vote
of 12 to 5.
The resolution ordering the repaying ol
the floor of the Tqnth slreet viaduct was
amended by striking out the figures Jl.OOC
and inserting the figures $500. City Engin
eer Uosewatcr was of the opinion that $500
would cover all of the expenses. As amended ,
the resolution was referred to the committee
on railways and viaducts , to be considered
at a subsequent meeting.
ItupUUy Moving Oood Tll How I.onthe
1'rlcoi Arc.
To every purchaser o ! a blnck dress pat
tern costing 7flc per yard or over we will
for this week present the lining FRIJE.
4C-lnch French serge , 75c , uorlh $1 $ 00
18-Inch Imported serge , extra flue quality ,
$1.00 per yard ; 42-Inch 1'rlestley's novelllcs ,
the $1.75 quality , at $1. 5.
In addition to the above quoled goods we
can show you the finest line ot blacks from
"Cc to OSc ever offered In Oiruha.
A special table containing notions wortl :
from 30o to COc will be found In our centei
aisle. Your choice for J9c. .
Sec our Ilodge slreel window.
Men's heavy weight new full suits In tw <
shades In this sale $3.73.
Men's $4.75 suits , sack suits , single am
double breasted , no shoddy , but a good bust
" '
" '
ness suit.
Men's suits. $12.60. The best Auburn mcl
ton suit made , in facl Ihc only reliable- mel
ton cloth In Ihe market made by the bes
factory in America. Every suit warranted
Xtado In round or straight out or doubli
breasled. They are woith $18.00 to $20.00. $
Uoya' suits for $2.00. Long pants' styles
ages H to 19. This department carries thi
largest line of children's suits In Omaha
Call and Inspect them.
100 pieces of novelty dress goods , darl
shades , double fold , in neat stripes am
checks , would be cheap at 19c , Hoydens' prlo
tomorrow lOc j'ard.
Windsor amures , cpangellna cloth , 32 Inche
wide , serges , goods made to sell for IBc
Haydeiu' price5c yard.
32-inch wide fast black satlno at Haydens
only Bo yard ,
Mill remnants of fine plain colored 25
saline on sale at Haydens' tomorrow , Be yard
30-Inch wide percales In remnants at Hay
dens' 6c yard
Mill remnants of oil prints , worth 7c , n
Haydens' ' only 3ic yard.
Cholca of all our 25c. 29c , Sic and 39
towels in one lot lomorrow at Haydem
only lOo each ; only C towels to one ciistomc
at this price.
India , silks , In black , brown , navy , car
dlnal , light blue and pink , full S2 Inche
wide , gcod quality , only 39c.
lUbutal wash nilks In 70 colors , full 2
Inches wide , only 69p per yard.
Hlnctc fadlft dress silk , satin rhadzlmei
gros grain , royal armure , regular $1.00 drea
silks , gD this week at 69c yard , -
Colored silk plushes at 39c per yard.
$1.00 quality silk plushes at C9c ,
Silk velvets , beautiful quality , In blac
and colors , regular $1.00 goods , this wee
at 49c yard.
Special Uutos ami Triitns % l.i tlio Iturllngto
llnutc ,
September G to 14 , round-trip tickets I
Lincoln will be on tsals al Iho one-way rat
plus no cents ( admission to the fair grounds
Wednesday and Thursday , September 1
and 13 , a special train for the state fa
will leavu Omalia at 815 ; a. m. Kcturnln ;
U will leave Lincoln at 7 p. m. . thus ei
nhlliffe visitors to spend n whole day at tl
fair and lo reach home ( be same evening ,
TlcKcU and full Information at 1321 Fa
nam street ,
Just a l.lttlo Kuitor.
The "Northweslcn" Number Six , leavlr
Omaha 4 p. m dally , now arrives at Chlcai
7:59 a. in. , Instead of 8:15 , as formerly. "Ju
a lltlli faster. " Don't this with 11
OmaV.o Chlc.ino special , which still leaves i
G:4& : p. m. dally and arrives at Chicago 8 :
a. m. No need to change this train.
Cily offlce , HOI Farnam street.
OiunUa anil ClMaijn Limited rifteen-llcn
Triiln ,
Leave Omaha at 0:35 p. m. and nrrl' '
lit Chicago 0:10 a. m. via C. M , & St. :
Ry , for Chicago and all points east. Trail
made up and starled from Omaha , assurli
passenger * clean and well aired cars. Tl
only line running a solid vcstlbulcd electrl
lighted train from Omaha direct. No wa !
Ing for through trains.
Elegant chair i-ars. palare sleoplps and ill
Ing cr : . Ticket offlce , 1504 Parnam strei
C. S. CARRlE'l ,
Tlclcet AR.U
5'-tS r. M , at Onriliu , HtIA A , Al. nt (
The new vesttbuled train now running i
iho "Northwestern" east dally.
Duy your hard coal betore the advanc
A , L. Pitrlck k epi the bctt , Tel. 57. ,
Tlie Sixth Ward Colored Republican cl
will hold a grand rally at Patterson h ;
IB this evening Bt S o'clock. Goad music a
18 a number ot tpMker-i.
id Hannah T , Hoycr has been appointed o
mlnlstr&lrlc of the estate ot George
Hoyi-r , Oeceascd. The properly aggregal
42,300 , which goes to the father , mother a
two slater * .
There will be a lawn loclabie at the ri
Idenceol Mrs. J. II. Thompson , No. 2C
he St. Mary's avenue. Thursday evening , S <
IK lembtr 13th , at 7.30 , given for Ihe benefit
ed the Nebratka Home for lite Aged.
Municipal League Pftpirinj to Do Work
for L'ettei GcYerumont.
Lust Nlglit'fl Mcellnz AtlilrcMFd by Dr.
J'liryca nu < l .Mr. Itotcwnter linixirtmico
of I'urtrjliiff City rolltln Machine
Must 11 n Itrokcn.
The Municipal league held an opsn meet
ing last night In the Hard : of Trade rooms.
Owing to Ihc fact that a political meeting
was also held last evening the attendance
was comparatively small , but as largo as
expected. The deficiency in numbers , how
ever , was fully made up by the character
of those present , almcst all being property
owners , and imioiifj them were Included
some ot the moat , prominent business and
professional men of Ihe clly.
The meeting was presided ever by Judge
Q. W. Doano , president ol the league , and
was addressed by Mr. Ilosewatcr and Dr.
JuJge Doano opened the meeting by giv
ing A skelcti of the objects and methods of
the league. Ho staled lliat- the first nnd
main object was to elect competent men to
city cilices , nnd secondly , to watch them
when they got In. Many of the men who
were now In cilicevero unfit for their po-
sltlona. The other objects were more gen
eral and Incidental and of a charitable na
"The manner of the rctorms , " continued
Judge Doane , "must bo copied after the
methods of politicians. 0dices are now
sought and obtained by complete and working
organizations. The league must do tbe
same. We must organize in every ward
nnd infuse spirit Into every element , Wo
have at present a central council , which Is
at the head. This la divided Into various
committees , to which different brandies of
the work are assigned. Auxiliary to the
central council are the ward councils. These
are Intended to direct the ward leagues , and
have delegates to the central council. The
members of the ward leagues pledge them
selves lo nllend the primaries of their party.
We are not trying to form a new party , In
fact are not in pollllcs. But we do propose
to use the same kind ot warfare to a certain
extent as Is used now. Therefore we da
, not ask members to divorce themselves from
their parties , but to attend.primaries to sec
that good men are put In omce.
"If good men are nominated by each party ,
members can vote as they please. Uut 11
one party nominates n clean man and the
others Indifferent men , then wo must vote
for the clean man. tf no parly select a man
for whom we can conscientiously vote , then
it Is our duty lo put forward an independent
candidate. Party men now do not try tc
select good men , but leave the choice lo the
ward machine. In eacli parly the men whc
control the machine are nominated , and noth
ing but I toll son's choice is Icit us , The
rule Is that the best men are never selected ,
"We do not try to control men's convic
tion , except In municipal affairs. Outside
of that a man can follow his party's candi
date. Ilul wo ought lo have Ihe good ol
Ihe city enough at heart loconlrol the clec-
lion ol such men as we oticht to have.
There arc great abuses In the city now.
They have been ventilated and denounced
but no good has resulted. When the oftl-
clnls have some selfish sclf-liiteresl , if It isle
lo their adxantage to supo-rt these interests ,
they will do so , and let the city go. To re-
lorm this It Is necessary that all the EooC
men should band together , and not only s
few in each ward. It Is a question ot goer
citizenship whether or not wo are wllllnt
to forget yarty for publlcngood. If we nn
we can conlrol the election In November
If we arc not we- must have the same guv-
ernmcnl which we now have , and hope foi
no reform. "
After tha conclusion of his remarks. Judge
Doano called upon Mr. K. Uosewater , whc
had been invlled to addrtss the meeting
Mr. Rosewater spoke in substance as fol
lows :
"I have been trying for years to get thf
people of the city to disregard party llei
In selecting city ofllcials. My success hai
been doubtful , lo &ay the least , The glar
Ing scandals In the city hall from the tlmi
It was begun are evidence of this. Yet wi
are Inclined to think that rotlennesa exist :
here and , looking outside , think we sei
reforms successful. I had heard much o
the system of government of Cleveland amen
on a recent visit there I went to the clt ;
hall lo investigate. I found Ihe same ok
machine , bul under n dlfterenl name. Then
were 'dlreclors' of every deparlmenl , bu
Ihcy wore appointed by a machine mayo
and confirmed or rejected by a machln
council. Every two years they went out , n <
matter how competent they were.
"You cannot make any great attemp
at reform this fall. Only ward councilman
five members of the Board of education am
assessors from each ward are to bo selected
These last are the most important , bccaus
It Is hard to undo the v.ork ot a fraudulen
assessor. The only redress Is to cdmplaii
and possibly equalize the burde'n , but on
would rather bubmlt than go against hi
neighbor. What wo need is a more unlforn
rate of assessment.
"In my opinion the plan ot the league- 1
good. The ( list thing Is to go lo the oiu
cuses. Machine politics control the cancm
the latter controls the primaries , and henc
Ihcso are a farce. Most voters accept 111
caucus ticket. They are too cowardly t
flghl It. although It had been dictated b
forty persons or less for 2,000. The sam
llilng Is enacted in the cily convention. Th
result Is that out of the three tickets U I
'Impossible lo pick out nine men lo whor
ono would care to entrust even $5. If on
votes as his conscience bids him ho ca
perhaps cast his ballot for four of live me
and leave the other , perhaps forty , canill
dates blank. The Australian ballol prove
that tills Is so. It is not that the peopl
can't read , but they cannot consclentlousl
vote for the candidate without shame. Tli
difficulty with reform clubs is lhat they .de :
with theory and not practice- They d
things in a way lhat does no-t bring n
suits. The bolter Is the eonselenllous clt
zen. He who always voles his parly's tlcki
Is either a numskull or a rogue.
"There is not n vast amount of work I
bo done this fall , but it ought to bo ilon
well. Politicians scheming to get nomlm
tlons are already ahead cf you.
"This fall you may be forced to the e )
trcme alternative ol pulling men in the flel
who have not been heard of at the caucusi
or primaries. You must arouse the people
lo vote for good , first-class business men i
the league Instead of dead beats who have pi
themselves on the ticket and who can on !
show a sand block as property. You ca
make a start. If you break up the part
machine In municipal politics'you will ha'
a different government. It will not be pe
feel , because It will he the work ol hunu
hands. Cut the people oughl to stop votlr
tor men who give thousands ot dollars
corporations or jobbers and alongside
whom a pickpocket Is a gentleman.
"You will have to hunt for candidate
There are plenty of people hunting for olTic
but not of the right kind. Gen
n good business man and ask htm lo run fi
olllce and he " 111 say lhat he hasn't time
does not care to rub up against such peep
an uro often In the council. This Is why i
have bad government. Uut you must try
arouse the properly owners to a state of de
Iteration , pound U Into Ihe people that Omul
must be relieved ot boodlerltm and boodl
Ism. "
Upon the conclusion ot his speech Jl
Rosewater was liberally applauded. I
was also frenuenUy inWrrupled In the cour
of hU remarks by applause.
Secretary Powell of the league suggest
that before- calling upon Ur. Duryea t
meeting : listen to reports from the war
In which leaguea have already been forme
The Fourth , Fifth , Sixth and Ninth war
were represented by officers ot the wa
councils , who stated In each case that t
preliminary work had been done. During t
cominir wiiek all these- wards -will
divided Into precincts and men appoint
over each precinct. It la hoped (0 ( ha
men appointed even for every block.
Jn ( peaking of the Ninth ward , W ,
L. Gibbon caul thai many partisans be
aled to join the IC RUI on account ot party
iteglane ? and It wag necessary lo explain
hat the league m&kott a democrat a better
nr.ocrat and a republican a belter republi
can. The city nfteriall IB nothing but a
gigantic corporation-he continued. DlK
! 0tpartitions do- not Inquire whether n mnn
s A democrat or axrepubllcan , but whether
or not ho Is honest and competent. No
jueitlon ot currency or tariff arlnes. Muni
cipal and national ; politics should be ab
solutely divorced ,
Secretary Powell , said that li expected
o too a league In- every ward within two
Dr. Duryea then spoke substantially as
allows :
"Tho object of the Ifimuc Is great and Im-
lorlaiit , and ought to claim great attention.
Government touches us In our < nvn person ,
n our property and In our higher Interests
of the mind and character. The founders of
ho government hoped for Its futurity In
: ho perpetuity ot local self-government. This
ocal self-government had lt Inrcption In
the town meeting , In which on came to
understand the principles which underlie
government and are immediately engaged In
Its processes. Men who analyze- our govern
ment will get to bed rock when they reach
the town meeting. The nearest and dearest
Interests of yourselves , your families and
your friends must depend on good govern
ment al home. On It must depend good state
Government. You can have no good , right
eous , economical state government unless
you have good , righteous , economical city
'If town politics cannot be purified those
ot the state cannot ; It these cniiot , the cor
ruption will extend to those ot the nation.
Then. If It Is true that local self-government
Is corrupt in all the cities of the United
States , Uio nation Is doomed.
"I am surprised to see with what non
chalance the m/chlne men do as they wish.
They have organization , and they think they
are Impregnable , because no counter force
can be rallied against them. If It were , they
would Dee.
The reform must ba accomplished by the
slow hut sure method. We must enlighten
and then enlist the people. AVe must or
ganize , and for all time. Custom has pro
duced certain effects. The effects are be
coming sore. We read an exposure In the
morning and forget about It by night. If
we remember It we smile and think It
rather smart. It ought to arouse such a
sentiment as would blast and burn thoeo
guilty. We are opening our towns to the
presence of adventurers who will come some
day and take iho spoils. A man will say
that he Is too busy to pay attention to city
politics. He must recuperate during bis
spare time to carry on his business , If
this Is so , we ought to find some other sys
tem ot government , for things will go from
bad to worse. We must not work by spurts ,
but keep It up year In and year out. We
must begin by thorough , complete organiza
tion and personal work. Then the victory
will be sure. "
Frequent applause was given during the
course of Dr. Duryea's speech.
Judge Doane announced that dnother meetIng -
Ing of the club would take place on Sep
tember 25 at the same place.
Tim Mnitflrii Itoullty
Thrives on good food nnd sunshine , with
plenty of exercise 1n the open air. Her
form glows with health and her face blooms
with Us beauty. If her system needs the
cleansing action of a laxative remedy she
uses the gentle and pleasant liquid laxative
Syrup of Figs.
Dan llurr to l.oavo Om.ihn.
Dan H. Burr , the county Client al th
charity store , lias his resignation written and
at the next meeting- the Doard of r'oui.ty
Commissioners It will be presented for con
sideration. Burr will leave Omalia. about
the first of next month , going ( o Ycjxas ,
where he will have , full conlrol of the lumber
department of the Interstate & Gulf railroad ,
While the proposed resignation has been
kept quiet , already more than a dozen ap
plications have been filed for tha position ol
county storekeeper.
Vlu Chicago , Hock Island 1'aciflo Kali ,
One fare for the round trip , Special tralr.
on the Roclc Island leaves union depot al
8:50 : a. m. on Tuesday , Wednesday nnil
Thursday. Also trains alo:35a. : m. and 1:3E :
p. m. Call at Rock Island ticket ofllce ,
1G02 Farnam street.
A New Train to Chicago.
Commencing August 12 , the "Omaha and
Chicago special , " via the Chicago & Northwestern -
western railway , leaves Omaha daily al 5:1 : !
p. in. , and arrives at Chicago 8:45 : nexl
morning. Vestibules dining car , Wagnei
ileepers and chair cars form the equlpmenl
of this train , and are all up to "North
western" standard.
HOI Farnam street , city ticket offlc .
rmirlli Wiird SwedMi Ilcputillonns.
At a meeting In Patlerson hall last even
Ing the Fourth ward branch" of the Swedish
American Qarfield club waa organized. Tin
officers are : President , Frank Planck ; vici
president , Hermann Sundeen ; secretary , J
Lawrence. Regular me-etings will be hcli
every Tuesday night In Patterson hall. Tin
membership of the branch Is about 100.
Shlloh's Cure Is sold on a guarantee. I
cures incipient consumption. It Is the bes
cough cure. Only one cent a dose ; 25c , CO
r. ; 0 fl.OO. So'd by Goodman Drug Co.
J. F. Hamilton of Norfolk Is at the Mil
E. 1i. Baker , Douglas. Wyo. , Is at tin
J. H. Rogers of Fremont Is registered a
the Harker.
F. W. Matthews of Spearfish , S. D. , is ;
'axton guest ,
G. W. Hull and wife. Defiance , O. , nr
Mlllard guests.
John Adams and wife , Monroe , la. , ar
at the Arcade.
Charles T. Darling and wifeof New Yor !
are at tha Paxton.
Congressman E. J. . Halner of Aurora wa
In Omaha yesterday.
C. F. Phlllpps , one of Denver's news
paper men. Is In the city.
Ben ton Sllloway , former proprietor of th
Murray hotel , Is In the city ,
S. M. Dabcock nnd Frank Newman ar
registered at the Harker from Chicago.
Mr. B. A. Brewster , publisher of th
Craig Times , waa In' the city yesterday.
Brad D. Slaughter ; ex-.chalrman of the n
publican state central committee , is in th
Rev. Charles W. : Savldgc of the People'
church Is lidding a'three days' meeting nea
Silver City , la.
Dr. E. P.Swift < of Florence , AVIs. . Is I
Omaha , n. guest at'tho residence of Mr. an
Mrs. A. M , Pinto.
J , M. Slusher of.Holdrege and S , B. Toj
lor of McCook are among the prominent ai
rivals at the llarkcr.
J , H , Edmlslod , chairman of the Indi
pendent state central committee , U In tl
city and stopping at the Paxton.
John A. Horbach. u-lio lias been dangei
ously ill for some time , Is gradually rccovei
tug , and will be Uhon south In a few days.
Patrol Conductor ( Daniel Tiedeman left ye :
terday for a two wwka' visit with relatlvi
In Custer county , Nebraska , and La Crol
Bishop Thomas Hcwman of the Method ! :
Episcopal church arrived In Omaha fro :
St. Louis last evening. The bishop wl
preside at a number of Nebraska confe
Adjutant General Gage la in the city mal
Ing arrangements for the practice work
the Omaha Guards and Thurslon Rides i
thBiBellevue rifle range on the 17th and 181
of the present month.
Xnlirilkiin at Hie llol 1n.
At the Paxton M. C. Keith. North Platt
E , T. Calkin , Kearney ) 12 , . McMclcha
Nebraska City.
Al the Deltone-D- . Clark. David Clt :
d H. C. Spauldlnir. Onli I.uuts Gerlack , He.
o rlson ; I'eter Hutstarr , Henderson ; K. 1
e Dodson , Kearney ; J. It , Bhle , Holdreee.
ie At the Merchants C F. Womldorf , Fr
d mont ; W. D. Webster. Lincoln : K. K. Cut
" Aurora : J. K , Miller , K. H. Kenney. Gran
8 O , Jlees. Norfolk : JV Barney , Stratto
D. G Ilasklns , If. C. Siryker , Hlslnc Clt
W. H. 1'runer , Kennard ; E. a. Wells , A
llncton ; F , IJabbe , Btantpn.
Judge Soott Treats an Attorney with Qro a
Indignity and Insult-
UroiyltiK Uut of the Closing of tlin
Judge' * Snloun AHornry lltmnmn 1'nfl
the L'ennlty fur Not Apr eel tig- With
the Court.
Judicially mixed cockta'.U are a thing of
the past at the "Court" saloon , Icc.Ued al
the alley ccrncr on Sixteenth between Far-
nam and Ilarney streets , the white aprons
have been slid Into the basket for soiled
linen and the light of John Drcxcl's glitter
ing diamond , nhlcli shone from behind the
bar for a couple of days while he was rep
resenting Cunningham U. Scott as receiver
ot the place , has become d mined , In fact ,
this judicial drinking fountain 1ms closed
up shop and Is new In the hands ot a. cus
todian , W. II. Sheep , a man of Scott's se
lection. Why the bar was closed to the
trade Is not known , as the head pusher In the
enterprise refuses to give cut the Informa-
tbn to the mercantile agencies or the press.
All of ttio facts concerning the manner
In which Scott hflpp ° ncd to get Into the
alon business were recited at length in
The Sunday Uce , as well as were the facts
concerning the reason why Horace 0. Han-
croft relinquished possession. That was the
first chapter , but not the last , as another
was added Monday afternoon , when
Judge Howmnn appeared before Scott
In the Interest of Bancroft. The session
of court , for It was such , was held In Scott's
omce in the New York Life building , where
for a couple of hours there was a scene
that was Intended to hustle timid men to
cover. Scott was on one of his tantrums
agjln , and he proceeded to make It ex
tremely Interesllng for all Ihose who dared
to lake exception to any of his statements
or rulings.
The hearing1 of the Bancroft saloon case ,
was on before Judge Scott and Judge Downian
was contending for a position that the si-
loon was cloecd In an Illegal manner. He
had talked something like five minutes ,
when , fidgeting about In his chair , Scott
broke out by saying , "Sit down there ; I want
to hear what the other side has to say
with reference to ( he matter. "
Taken by surprise , Judge Bowman dropped
back In his chair , and Attorney Tuttle , who
represented the other end of the fight , took
the pole , holding It for something more than
an hour , going into all cf the Issues. After
he bad concluded Scat sailed In and dis
cussed the case pro and con , arguing the
point of what property belonged to the es
tate , what belonged to Bancroft and what
belonged to the creditors c-f Bancroft , as
well as the Interest nf the mortgagees.
> \ lien he had concluded Bowman asked to
be heard , but with one of the waves of
Scott's hand ho was motioned to a chair
and told to keep still , after which Scott
held that any property put Into the business
by Bancroft for the purpose of replacing es
tate property that had been used was not
the property of the estate , but was the In-
d.vldual property of Bancroft.
When this statement was made Judge
Bowman intimated In a gentle manner that
the authorlllcs did not agree with the court
upon the legal proposition. This was like
showing the red rag to the enraged bull , nnd
forgetting Iho dignity of his high pos.titm ,
Scott bellowed and pawed the ground , so to
speak. He denied that there was any gucli
law and Intimated that the attorney was tryIng -
Ing to mislead the court. Judge Bowman
was armed for the occasion nnd produced
a law- book In which the rule was laid rtuwn ,
Scott tossed it aside , saying that hevould
not look at It , adding that If lawyers wanted
lo show him law they would have to pro
duce their authorities Jn court. Bowman
then wanted to read the law , but Scott
would not listen , and ns Bowman otnr'.ed to
read , Scott took the book from him and
threw it down upon the table. This ended
the legal portion of the fracas , after which
Bowman intimated thai the court't mind was
a trine distuibed and that lie waa feeling
and looking a Hitle'bour.
When this remark \vaa made Scott flushed
to the roots of his hair and then grew atiy -
pale , while his whole frame trembled vith
anger. For a moment It seemed as If
an explosion was to lol v , but cooling
down a little , Scott hissed through his cli-ced
teeth the words , "You look as sweat as a
nowmnn asked to be allowed to npologl/e ,
when Srott informed him that hewould not
listen to an apology , Bowman lold Scott
that he did not Intend to d ) anything to of
fend the court and that he had been crly
acting In the beat Interests of his client.
Again Scott told him that he would not
listen to any apology and gathering up his
booke , Bowman left the office. After ho fail
gone Scott cut loose and roasted him to the
queen's taste to the crowd which had bten
attracted to the door hv the loud conversa
tion. He said that Bowman was Ihc most
Impudent and Impertinent man that he had
ever seen and that he hoped that he would
never come before him again In the trial nf
a cause , adding , "If he does he had better
bring along plenty of money to pay a fine. "
The further hearing of this case will come
before Scott nevt Monday upon the opening ;
of the September term , nt which time Bow
man will ask for n change of venue.
Kiid of DIB Kussnll TrntililcN.
The Russell family troubles , which l-ad
such an airing In the courts of this county
a couple of years ago , have cum3 to an end.
It will be remembered that at that time
the fight was over a couple ot children ,
which were In the possession of the mother ,
Mnry C. Kussell , She came down to this
city on a visit from Mlnioipolls. and wlilio
hero the children were stolen by the father ,
after which the Issues wore fought up mid
down through the courts , the custody of the
little ones being finally given to the mother.
She returned to Minneapolis , nnd'slnco then
has commenced a suit'for divorce , the de
cree in which was granted a few days ago.
V.y a CluiiiRa of ( Inidi- .
Michael Rellgardt has brought suit against
the clly to recover alleged damages In the
sum of ? 2,000. For a cause of action ho
nvsrs that ho Is the owner ot some lots
on Poppleton avenue , between Third nnd
Fourth Btrects. In October , 1392 , without
first gelling his consent , he alleges the
city graded Poppleton avenue , "placing a nil
In front of his property , thus ihriwing hla
two houses twelve feet below the gratia rf
the street. On this accojnt. the ralnn uush
his premises full of offal , girb.ig and llllh ,
rendering Ills houses unlnhabllullc.
Iiitcri-8ti-t In Umatm'H Cmirts.
Mr. and Mrs. F , LInton of Brighton , Eng
land , arc In the city. They .will remain here
for some time looking after their property In
Omaha , which aggregates fully { 1,000,000In
cluding business and residence lots , many of
which are Improved. They have several
suits In the September term of
court , brought tor the purpose of clearing up
the title to some of their property.
Highest Honors World's Fair.
re Ciape Cream of Tartar Powder.
Ammonia , Alum or any other adulte
i mm F
Free to All Callers.
The Public Invited
TonightuntillO o'clock '
Fornnrly People's Mammoth InsfatonS House.
A complete new stock , recently purchased
at reduced market prices.
1206-1208 Douglas Street.
tlon ol a tarooiM French pliyslcltii. w.l qulcklycurc of all Bcr-
yous or dlsraws ol tlio ecntretlve oriraiia , well us LoslManhS !
Insomnia , I'M , MB In the fluclc , Scinliml fimlsalmii , Nervous DcblSr ?
JMmpl.Ofl , .tlnlUntss V , Marry. Kxlimistlng jWiin. VorlcocrJa anU
BEFORE ND AiTERU5S2SftJ ! a1anrfSi&U'eri'ia ! ' UWnoy * * the *
COl'IUIJNK Btronethona nnd renlorps small weak onrani
? fT
t ra iwr
Artdmm DA VO r. sriHC : ) I N 12 < ! < . . p. o. Ho ? 2070 w rBndH" ? . Vil. KoJ Jaio * f
GOODMAN DRUG CO. . 1110 FarnttUiStroot.Oinal : . ! .
A'o lloilrr. f'o Steam. No Ktigincer.
BEST POWEIl for Corn and Feed Mills , llallnir
k Hay , Itunnlng Hoparnlorg , Orcamcrlea , Ac.
Stationary OP Portable.
MO GO H. P. - s to MIL p.
_ _ * i < l forCatatogue , Prices , etc. , doscrlblDR work to ba dona.
Chicago , 245 lake St. _ . HE OTTO GAS ENGINE WORKS
Omaha , Sheeley Block , is I & Howard Sis. 33d cfc Walnut fill. , IMIILAUKL.IMIIA , PA.
Weak , Nervous
"whohaTObrrn bnmbnfffredbr tha "El + ctrle ReltV " Fallow 8uflc r4lDola8. *
I UU * CimjFon"Trocb f" " Vacuum. " " Kr Curo" Ou&ckf. and * ho liave foand
Toartcir pro wine older ( tad woraei YOU * 'ho lia o t'lrvn ut > Intlefptlr.
M I nm 4oomnl , there t * no bopa for me ; " { 9 you 1 . who uro * Inking ln < o o
< Tra , or rtnf tine upon * bnrclfnsir of klrkiievs and Mlfnrt na , U * . mid C3./
fcWriUrn t Ml hiitorrof joare j . nJfjrqttSTION LISTS md 1C3 P . , n ok. Kr K are i ir > booni1 <
I > u. tnriklll Itfttil , IhiTfeal.dlh.miwiJ , . ICiR CIJIK1CII : . T ul > | cui'i | n , ir , IrJtHIW ,
_ _ _ i wrila b r r l hlDr trfttorntvlititheri. ConialttlUtit t rk Diilly or by * l , Irt * n4lt rd.
BC JUUV i Kw ? 0 dt lB * Rlr rv krr ( bnt i r ( > . O . ! ) . ! vrdfrrrf.I A IrlcudlrUtlir nilTdirertrnutofrEktTTL
Di. N. . WOOD. Preildant.CHICAGO MEOICM. & SUKGICAL INSIITUIE. 30 Van Duien SI.Chicago,111.
VOU.VQ I..UJIi : < . OMAHA , Mill.
Fall term txgmi * V an > Onr , September llth
For cataloKU * a J pnrilculurj apply to the reo
.or , TUB mV. r. . DOHDHTY. fi. T , D. ,
yonif MIJ.ITAIII : AUAintsivi , < ' > [
Nisrr , WUiaUT , 11. H. A M. , CoruwullN. 5f
su uunasor WASHINGTONDc.
For YounB Women. Collegiate and Semin
ary Courses. Ueautlful grounds. I75.CCQ
buildings. A cultured hoint. 1300 lo 1100.
Bend ( or Illustrated catuioi'iio to NVushlnc-
ton , D. C.
"U la a liberal education to live In Wash
ington. "
lL--ll4 Jit.
t l liittrurllun In * ll depart
ment * of U u > teil Mud j t Hi *
Arti , Elocution.