THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , SEPTEMBER 12 , 185H. ' Pays you $4 to 58 weekly that means pin mon&y adds little to your present expenses THE BILE GETS 'EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. 8PED1RL NOTICES. , Ailvertlnemcius for these columns wilt b tsilcfn until 12:50 p. m. for Ihe evenlns nml unlit 0:00 p. m. for tli inornlnE nnl Hundiiy i-.lltlons. Advertisers , by tpqueMInc n numbcreil clicch , can lune nnswrrs ncWressoil to n nutnlicrid k-tti-r In rare of The llec. Answers no nJatctaci ! will be delivered upon presentation of tha clicik. Itatcn , llio n word first Inncitlon lo a word thTeaftpr. Notli'iiB.lal < cn for leas than 23o for firm Insertion. . . , Tlieae aclvertliement * must run con ecatlM-ly. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTHD , IOSITION AS 1NKANT NJ'HMR , llrBt-clOM TtttTcncea nml reasonable cliarKes. Call nt K > 3 N tf.tli ntn-et. A M0i IS * WANTED MALE HELP. BIT.CIAI.TV SALESMEN TOtt nnillVS LUMP Jiw remedy ( end > ri > ecl liy U. it. Unit Aiirlpul- tnre , Iturc.m of Animal Indtiitry. an a fpeei B a slJo line Ltbernl terms tn r'Rlit t > artl Acldresa llrothers & ItecJ , MnUern. H WANTniTn \ : : BAI.KSMKN. UHLKN & Thompson. iQltors , 1612 1'jrnani * . STIUKINO ron i.trK : I.AIIOR vs OAIUTAL , by Jolm flnlnton ; rentc t liook imlillslifU : < n- florseU liy alt unions , nRcnlK wnntul e\cry- where ; secure territory at one American lloolc concern. Cleveland. O II 5irt ! la * _ CAnFfiNTrna. "vni cf WANT -\VINTKII wo 11 ic. enclose 10a Btnmp to Tranlc Atlierly. i-ianu- facturer common ntnsaweather lrlpJjtar Hluir , Neb. U-MMT 13' _ _ _ _ WANTRD , STUNOOlWI'Iinns OfT OF I3M- ploymcnt tnwrite us StcnoRmiihlc Co. St. ljnuMo. \ . H-M WANTKI > .OOOD lier for IO.IBBwort. . AOilrrsi I , . J. mler. din. aiarmKfr. McCo l < . < ) . WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , YOtWO WO1ICN TO KMTCR trnlnlns school for nurses Address V. < . . A. liospltal. C iinclt IHulTa. _ 0 131 18 LADIUS WANTING riUBT-CLAES aillt.3 apply Scandlna\larv V. L , Home. Onieij. | 0 > N \ VANTK1A aim. NOT ArHAII ) TOVOnK ' . O ? 15 * nt 1810 C.allfoin'.i _ _ A UlliailT AJIIHTIOOS LADY WANT13I ) TOU . Turrner ixpi-rUnco unnecessary a | > erm.mcnt iwsltlon , essary , but references required Apply after 9 , JO to Supt. . room 12 , CixlBhtoti HooK. I. 316-11 * wANTEO-ami. ron onNintAr , itousi- wurlc In fnmllv ot tlirce. SOS South : h Bt. FOB"'BENT HOUSES. TDNT3 Ton ItKNT. 1311 TAHNAM ST. t ) 737 817 WANTED , OOOD JIKDIUM I'lttCEO List your houses for rent with , Ames. IIOUSCS. T. 1C. DAIU.1NO , IlAUICIIll HLOCK. U 73 * JIOUHE9 IK AI.L I-AUTS OF TII11 CITV , TICK O. F. Da > la company , 1505 Farnam. D 735 FIND 7-HOOM COHNER KIvAT AT 701 3. 1 TII ptieet ! range and all other toiuenlcnci's , Qeoreo Clouscr , room 2 , 1CJ ilreet. D aw CALL AT OUK OKPICR AND EXAMINE 1'HO tOBropli oi very line 7-room mo < leni cwttago nn pa\eil street , one-tinlf block from car line ; only J2100 per month , ridellty Trust Company. 1702 I'urnam t. D IM IBnOOMB. LAHOn HAM. , , 11ATI1 ItOOV IN- qulra at I2S goutli ISth street. D-M1 II s-nooxr HOTJSK NKAH mail SCHOOL : jnoo. Inquire M10 Cnpllol a\e. 1) | | 3'12 * OR. HENT. KLEOANT MODERN HOUSE. It will pay you to Inventlsate IhlK Thrmas llrennan. 430 P-mton Mock. D-1S6 H ron. HKNT. DisinAni.n 7-rtooM corrAan. 2813 M'mlvrorth kve , ia < W. lllngwalt HITB. , llorKer block. I > IIJ roil itKNT 9-noost uoust : . MODHIIN. ism Hpenrer 81. Address T. II , O. . "The Merriam. " ron nnNT , HLKOANT lo-uoou reasonable , ax > 3 Hurt street. D-1B..U' I-HOOSI ALl MODnnN HOP8K $ J HOtJTII 17th : also other ciwtl lunuca. a , [ , . Oreen , room 8. Itarlter block. 11 M9W I. 6 , 8 ANI3 10-IIOOM IIOUSKS. ALL MOO > ern. lawn and elinde. Apply at 211 N. Y. I.Ue or ilil M'aml ' street D-.M1S9 II HOT. CHCAVKST KIX-UOOM COTTAOB with bath in city : only J15.U-I. : M3 rnlirornln Mreet. U M3C2 _ " POR. ENT , 5 nOOMS , K4 S. liTII i-nooit nouaa INCJUIHE ctrecl. I > M6T3 S HIOOMHOt'SHS , J1ODEIIN AND CHEAP , 013 N. 13tli street. -JEW KTJ * TOR KENT TEN-ROOM HOITHE. K W. COR. Painam nnd Silhe ) sts : tiiodorii Improvem-nts ; by C'.UIM , Turner , I3IC r.unuiu at D 819 UNSPHPASSKD. STEAM , MODEltN ; S. 4. C. , 7-iuom houses and Hate. TlznrO11 North 2llh. _ itousE3 i r . K.n.wnAD.s . POUOLAS. H -3 18-39 UHNT , TWO S-IIOOM. KLHdAKT IIIIU'K Mats , all inndein COIIM nlvnccs ; 1 block fnnu llth street motor ; JIJ.W. Comptrollei'tf olllee. D-&IMO FOR RENT r s rtmmsiiKD ROOMS ron far man urd wife , Kent taken tn board. 319 N 17th street. Il-ilOU vou nKNr. NICIJI.Y ruiiNisnuo HOOMS ; call at nOT Doiiulas. " : cs DODUI : . 13 * r "TOIVATB TA M i LY isi Ht. Mary's avenue K MKI NK'IJ FU1INISKUD HOOV3 KOll I.IOHT Ill : H. llth st. K ISO-K' " KAST FRONT ROOMS. IKI DAVENPORT. ACCOMMODATIONS FQH XIX On.XTLKMKN ; sltiEle IHVvlili ilttliut rwim for tbrlrito PX * clushely ia > N. 19th uln-et. K-S1S70 li II JS HAIlNi : ! STIIUKT ; fuitNlSHKD HOOMS , vi Uh or without board , modern. K 1IS75 ! TWO NICELY rrtNiaiini ) IIOOMK , Unit floor ( urnlnheil ci inpletn Cur | IOUH > keep- HIE. con Weep bourilu * K ilealutt. 2'TJ Cars street NICK I.AUUB UOOM TOll T\\O afKTIJMi.S. Zi7 llarney ttrevt. K-MiW U * FTJBNISKED itOOMS AND BOARD. PLEASANT KOOMdMT3I DOAItD. iUO HAHn - n r. g M1U 8U' _ UOOMS AND ItOAltD , 2IU CAI'lTOt. AVK- nue. K ilt < NICKI.Y FURNISHED KOOM3 WlTIt ALL ronvenltnct * . Flnt-claii boanL ill No. ISih F Mni-3 NICE UOOMa. GOOI ) HOARD ; RATK3 IIBA. lojabl , conv nlence > . The Koie.tKO.WfS Ilimey. K MSM BK * BOUT1I KUONT rililNISIinU ItOOklS. M.11'll or without board. 17M Itolg" . F-ai-lf FUONT IIOOW FOll TWO. WITH BTIMCTIA Hr clau bojrd , 310 } DoUEUa St F f FURMIBHED KOOM3 AND BOARD. Continued , HANDSOMi : mONT ItOOMS WITH ItO-AUD ; reference * 102 No 18th . I' 107-17 * UNfUBNlSHED ROOMS OR RENT TWO UNrUItNISIiy.D nOOMS ; HKCOND floor ; modern come4lencen. WO N. 19th street. Q-MS3I li FOR RENT STORES ANI OFFICES COItNIMl S1OHC. 15000. 921 DOUGLAS. ItT- qirre 922 I 710 FOll IinNT , TIIE 4-STOHY IirilCK JIUILDINQ 918 rarnam street. The bu'ldlric ' liaa n fire- pioof cement basement , complete steam licat- Ir.B flMires. ater on all Ilnora , gaa , ele. Apply - ply at the oKlce of The Uee 1-910 IdY OBNtntAL MnnCHANDIfltNa RTOlin bulldlnir .mil lesldence nt Jtemphls. JJeb. , for rciil Kot further particulars Inquire of J. C. Owen , Memphis , Neb. I J1235 13" rou KINT : A PINK NINHTY TOOT sronn loom on Karnam street at J2J.OO pep mnnth.V _ _ SS. 3'e I-3I2SO 12" rou itiiN'T UOOM , i ) YS2. 2xn rLoon o r my Blow1. BUltnhle for cloaks nml suit ? , good Unlit ami delator seulce Mrs. J. lien * m. I-J10S3 AGENTS WANTED. WANTED , C10OD SOLICITORS , IIHN AND women , to work for the Pncresslve Endow ment ( Jiilld of America , for Ml sourl , Knnsas nnd Nebraska. ( Huilillns find Lunn nnd ten- .ear Endowment Insurance combined ) Bc- Ilable iiooplo only need apply. Addrens room 5 Itock Island bldir. , cor Cth and Rdmond Btrtft , SI. Joseph , Mo. J JIS03 01 * WANT Kit , AN ENERGETIC AGENT IN everj city and town In ei tern Nebraska for n. hbiis-hold neressll ) ; now goods ; terrltoi- > fresli. terms llbeial. Address 27U7 O street. South Omaha. J JI223 12 * WANTED , AC3ENTS TO TAKE ORDERiTnY simple nt home or travel , expenses and peed ralaiy or lommlsslon to rlsht pirly. Samples sent on npplluiilon Address with stamp. Locklli ta. New York City. , WANTED TO RENT. WANTED , 1IOUSH3 TO UHNT. HAVE rain than I can supply. J. u. Parrotle. 16lh nnd Dodge. K 431 821 nvo L-XKUUNISKKD uoosis on PART or ind.U > rn IIOUKO , Routli side preferred ; rcfcrenot _ i-xcli.uiic.l1Addre83 | \V 34 , ce. 1C 11185 5-UOOJI COTTAGP , ALL MODKHN , JJOUTII Bide , October 1 Address IV 43 , Ike.K K ataa 12 * WANTKl ) , TU'O UOOMS AND I1OM8D T1Y KMitlemun nnd motber Supper nmt lodging for Kt-ntleman , JJO.OO per month ; private family preferieU. Address W 51 , Bee olllce , K-3I280 12 . . . . MODERN COTTAOE Oil HOUSE for winter ; prce must be reasonable ; icfeiences AddrcsH W 6i , Bee , K 1IJM 13 * IV FAMILY OP THREE. THREE PLEASANT unfuinhiliixl looms ami board , house must bo modem ; terms reasonable. W X , HCP. K M3S 13 STORAGE. BIOIIAOC. WILLIAMS &CUOSS. 1J14 IIAUNHY. M-741 BTOIIACJK FOU HOUSEHOLD GOODS. CLEAN and cheap rate , UVells , 11H rarnam rarnamM M 743 OS ! . VANMSTOnAGE CO ,1502 TAn.VAM. Tel.1509 U-74J DKST STORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA , U H. sov. bonded warehouse. Household goods stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leas en worth M-74 * WANTED TO BUY. UA.VANA rilECKLES , BEST ON EAHTlt , CC. K MG5I 827 FOR SALE FURNITURE. I'AYMKNTS EASY. YOU WON'T MISS YOUR moriry. Low prices on furniture and household floods. Knttrprlse Credit Co. . 613-615 : N , ICtn t O 745 FOR BALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO WANTEU-A. TUAM OF HOUSES WL'IGIIINO no leas than 1100 Ibs. , well broken lo city drlvlne. Send particulars to U 17. JTce. 1--SH-S-S3' TWO WELL IIUED DU1VINO MAKES. 4 AND years old. Drive single or double. 210H ] > oulas r-U7 is- FOU SALW Oil TUADE UAY I1OIISK. 18 hands. se\en } ears , gentle , ti-ot bitter S'40 ; will trndo for jouns horee with speed 15VI hands. II , 11. Irey , county treasurer. treasurer.P P 157 11 I llAICCiAINS , rilYS. PIIAETONa ; 1 HEW suiry below cost. Drummond CK. Co. P -74S QOOI > LEA. TOP FAMILY CARRIAGE. 18300 Simpson buckboatd , IM.OO. DrammonO Cg. Co. l > -743 A. 11. CLAHKK. HOIISK COMMISSION tlrilrr union st > clc ynrdn. South Onuha ; nl clrtwe * of homes constantly on lund ; easterr and Houthem bu > era are now here for fal supply ; auction Bale e ery S.itunlajP . P 3I32J OH WI'.LT , HUKD. BTYLTSH. HANDSOMfr AND fast imre. lery cheap. George W , IloJbrook li > jj Fuinam street. 1' MW1 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HANK AND PLATTE VALLEX BAND POH tale , C. W , Hull company , 20th ntd Itanl its. . o-rso C'IKAPEST CHICKEN AND OHWAMENTAL fence made. C. R. Lee , 901 Dougln , q 74) POU HAT.E. TUB FORMULAS YOR' WELL knnun proprietary mnllclnes. favorably knowr In tha northwest , wltb sole rights tn manufac ture and sell In North and Soutli Dakota. Ne. biaska. None but responsible parties neec nrmver. Address H. r. fcmltli. Q M3I > S15 YOHNOTA RUOTS FOU BALE7"6bT SOUTT ) loth ttrret Q Mia It' 1011 SAI.1J Oil TUADE. NEW I'ONY CAMP bell cylinder pn-aa. will Inks part cash and balanca In printingAddresti W 2i , Dee. y M173 u HAY V0l\ \ . HALE AND UANOE TOK I.EAHEv 700 Ions Kuod bay at { 2.00 per ton In itark. In Cherry county. NrbranKn , runse CxC miles ( or lease rolitalnlnir twn KOCH ! con nils of BOO he < l raiaelt | > ; bam for eight h rnw living water , Road > vell , etc. Address K 13. Cole , 607 H street , Neb. Q M204 21 io PALI : Diit'o STORE FIXTURES CHEAP , Add-e | W. 1J. AV. , 170J N. JOlIt utreet. utreet.Q30S1I" BALK-NO. i UEMINOTON TTiTJ- wrlter In llrst rlnss , rundltton , JU each , no trnd wanted 311 ! Puuler inf. . Omaha. Q-311-13' JERSEY COW. A. BKAL'TV. VERY KIND line , rich milker , must sell at once , cheap. Ad- dlW W U. live , QM324 IS * MISCELLANEOUS. BTOClC "PABTUHED ; GOOD FEED. T. MUIJ. rny. R MC7 89) ' _ CESS 1 > OOLS AND VAULTS CLEANED. JOHN Nelson , otMc * 4t S. 14th st Tel. H7X U-IM OT CLAHIVOYANTS. MRS. DR. It. WAUUEN. CLAIRVOYANT. TlG llttbl tu lnMi medium ; Ith jrear at 119 N 1 MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. ItADAME BltlTH. W ! S imt. ID I'LOOR. room I ; massage , npor. alcohol , Meam. * u1 * pliurlne nnd sra tmths , T M1D3 ! * MAB3AOI ? MADAMXntERNARD , 141 > DODOR. T-231 23' MME. LA RUE , lit BOt'TH ISTHTMMO T-MMO O10' rERSONAL. UMIIUELLAS MADE , UUCOVEHED AND un paired. 103 South Sixteenth slreel. U 7M I\.V1 HOME TREATMENT FOU LADIES. Health bojlt an.l consullallon fie ? . Addresser cull Vlail Co , SIC llee LUg. Lady attendant * U-711 BALDUrF- A pleasant nnd convenient place , 1S2-I Karnam street , 1'ailon block ! 'phcm ? 711. U 7i7-StJ , IJ1E. LA HOOK , MASSAGE. 1WO LEAVEN- worth street , thlid ttaor , front rooms ; two mat clars operators. U M300 17 * WHEN OUT WITH SOUR LADY VISIT J J. Sluller's new Ice cream parlors , 2303 Leaven- xsorth street ; cterthing Is new , Including tlio bulldlne. Tel. 103V. let cream delivered. U--7S * Jll DR.W.STEI'HENSON , SPECIALIST. CM 0. U 111 813 ; OG CIOAIl KOll 5C , HAVANA FRKCKLES U JI631 SJ7 l atI8 , MASSAGE. MME. POST , 31S4 } S JSTfl. IEMOVAL OPENING THE OMAHA NA- tlonal Knltllnc factory has removed from 15th nnd Howard tu 322 S. 16th , 4n the new SchllU bulldliiR , ana will liaiennopenliiK of their fill nnd winter KOO.IS Baturday , Septeml er 8 : elc- pant plcturr cnnls elien to all callers ; thla Is the only house In tlio city that mnkci a spe cialty of woolen RoMls yarns and crochet cot tons ; Indira iloInT liandvuirlcwill find It to their niHniilngo to call and examine our stock , Joseph F. Ulli , proprietor. U M1C3 U ELErrUO-THEHMAL IIATI1S , FACIAL MAS. miEi-Acomplexlori treatment. Mme. Post. S31 , , 9. tJ , U S7S M \ \ HOLE WHEAT 31READ FROM t'NUOLTED flour nt Imogen L. Jl.umey's. 217 N. Ifith st. U-M317 MONEY TO LOAN KJJAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought , r C. Chcsney , Kansas city , MD W 7C > ANTHONY LOAN R TRUST CO. . J18 N.Y. LIFE loans nt low rates for choice security In Ne braska and Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W 7W MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM IN DOUGLAS Impnned nnd unimproved Orralia real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1703 Farnam st. W 761 HONEY TO 1X > AN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Urtnnan , Love & Co. , Fanton blk. W-76Z OMAHA LOAN A TP.UST CO , 16TH AND Douglas streets , loan money on city end farm property nt lowest rates of Interest W 7U MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES THE O. F. Davis Cos. 35W Farnam St. W 764 UNITED STATES ilOKTOAGh ! CO. OP NEW York. Capltnl J2.000.0M. Surplus JWW.OTO. Sub mit choice Inndi to 1S. . 1'uscy. agent. First National bank bulld'ne ; W 765 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES ON Improved and unimproved Omilm real estate , I to 6 years. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170L' rnrnam W 701 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY properly : M.OOO A. upwards C tn 7 tier cent ; no delays. W. rarnam Smith & Co. 1320 Farmm W 7C ! LIKE 1N3UHANCE I > OI.ICliS PURCHASED , Loins on BanuncKollatcd. . Welllver & Co. , Drcxel bldg . Phlla. Pa. W MS74 O3 CHAS. W. RAINEY. OJI. NAT. BK. I1LDO. W 135 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at G per cent. W. U Stclkle , 1st Nat. bank bldff W 7C3 WE CAN PLACE A PEW LOANS OF FUOXI JIO 000 00 to J50 0 * ) 00 path on Rood business property. Low ntc ot Interest. Itrrnnan. Ix > ve S. Co. , Paittoii block. W M32C IS MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FUUNITUUE , PIANOS , horses , \vuconB , etc. at lowest inli-s In city , no removnl of goads ; striclly conlldenllal ; > ou can pay the loan off at any time or In any amount. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN iTO. . 203 S. ICth , trca . X tot J. B. HADEOCK. ROOM 421 RAMGE BLOCK x ; - : > . ; MONEY TO LOAN ON PEIISONAL I'ROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. 701 N. Y. Llfo build- in K. X 705 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUUNI. ture , pianos horses , wagons , or any kind of chattel security at lowest pua lblo rates , which jou can pay back nt any lime and In any amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. . room 4 , Wltlmell block. ; : 767 BUSINESS CHANCES. A HOWLING SUCCESS , HAVANA FRECKLES Y MKI 827 THE NATIONAL INFOIlifATION AND EXchange - change Co. , 201 First National banl. , Omaha , has customers with cash , farm lands and city property for merchandise , also stocks of KOO'.J for sale nnd trade. Y M8G6 30 FOR SALE. FIRST-CLASS AND WELL LO- cjted drug store , halt cash , balance real estate ; also good location for doctor. W 23 , Uee. Y M1C7 ! FOR SALE , nitST CLASS GROCERY , DOING Rood business. In i-Icndkl ) loujtlcm , good rea sons for Beijing Addresa W 24 , UeeY Y M301 12 * $150 00 INVESTED YIELDS IC5 00 AVERAGE weekly Income with abxolute security , pros pectus. Itemized ntatUtlca free. Benson k Dwyer , 834 Broadway , New York. Y M115 O5 * A COAL BUSINESS. ALSO FEED , WELL E3- tnbllHheil In rountv Bent : nak no bonus , J1.IKX ) will clear utiuu In six inonlha. Apply to W SI. lice olllce- , Y 303-M FOR EXCHANGE. i MERICA'S PHID3. HAVANA FRECKLES , SC. Z 11651 B2 ! I HAVE CASH. IOWA. AND OTHER LANDS to exchange fop merchandise. II. A. Wncnar , Omaha , Neb. Z MS65 CLEAR CITY PROPERTY FOR LAND. W1L- 1'ams ' & Mlttun. McCngua building , room 31 : . Z MS 7 Ol A. GOOD LOT IN KAST OMAHA TO EXchange - change for toung work horses or mules. Lamorenux Bros , 306 S. 16th. Z 103 IMPROVED 120 ACRES IN WYANDOTTE CO Ohio , ami line residence with ten acies ad joining good town In Hancock Co , Ohio to trade for eastern JJeb. land or merchandise. Box U& , Scluiyler. Neb. Z M121 O5 OMAHA IMFuOVET ) AND nNI&TpROVED residence property nnd e-istem Nebraska farm land to trade for dry poods. Want to deal with owner. Bax JIG , Bchujler , Keb. _ _ _ _ _ 211120 O5 120-ACRE FAIIM ; PINE CORN lund ; timber enough for fuel and poats. In best part of lowj ; to pxrliange at fair values for stock of 11101 chandlsa In Jo-wa or Nebraska. Addicsa * t\llllatn Jlaralmll , Independence , la. . _ _ _ _ _ Z M232 U I WILL KXCHANGB A GOOD FARM FOR A etotk of goods. U. "W. Mldd.iugh , Utlca. Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ Z M2M 17' TO EXCHANGE-FINE THIRTY-ROOM llUICK steam heatetl hotel for farm or cheap for cash. Address Box 93 Dunlap , la. Z 310-JO ACRES 4 MTTT-rW , $ J.COO , WILL ACCEPT I rt In cleur iiroperty , J3.000 rentnl property for firm. Bakery nnd clear lot Tor Rood rentnl cottace. F. D. Wead.J61h and Douglas. K 320-ll " " TO EXCHANGE" FOR LAND ! STOCK OF ! .ru5 ? . ' " ' ' -ll ou ' * rn Nebraski. Add ma 1 . O. box 3S3Malvcrn. . la , X M32S 15 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. FOR BALL . NEW I-IIOOM COTTAGE ; CF.L- ll5 ACi' clty.Wftler . : cor3'h and Sahlcr ; Jl.Z50.Otl ; lone time. Enquire 1J1J Farmm. bamuel Burns. K E 773 ONE OF THE BEST HOMES IN KOU.NTZD Place (2019 ( Blnney ) If sold at enc . will go for less than cost of house. Terms ( luut half cash , balance easy , R. tf. Wlthnell MHI ) . 207 N Y. Life. q. E-3U-g.7 ] UARGAINS. HOI-BBS. IOTS ; AND FARMST B-.W or trade. F. K. Darlme. Barker block. R E-774 FOR BALE , MY UESIDENCE , 8. W 21ST AND Cans. Lenvltt Ilurnliam. R E 103-U * FARM LANDS. C. F. ILUUSON , 912 N Y. LIFE. BE 15Oi' ( C ACRErt & Ml. N. W , , ll,375 > fi acres near South Omaha , $550 7 r. house nnd need bnrn i blocks from court house , M.two. 1-lne 8-room hnnio north Hanscom Pfc , too cheap to advertise. 7 r. house , coat 12,100 , on moat alghtly tot , 4 r. lionse and lot , city -nater. J6M. 40 acre * , erove iinl house , fine tract , west Dodge st . l7.0Crt. F. D. Wt-ad. 16lli and DnuElax. RE-iU-lJ GARDEN LANDS. B"SlMs"FJIOM POSTOF- lice , nsy terms. Call ut SO N Y Life. . RE-7JI TO COLONISTS ANI > FARMERS : Land In Florida and southern Alabama ; veee- tablet ) , frulu. nuts. Erasing , etc. : no drouth * ; Kood land ; healthy , etc. ; oneto 1.004 acres , low price ; delightful climate' . J , M. Drill. Agt . Iluf- Jlo. N. Y. RK-333 1I TAXIBERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND FUHS. SEND FOU CATA. aeorga E. Browp , Jr. , & Co. , 703 S. tru m BtCYOIiEa. TJICYCLK3 itEPAinEil JAND REMODELED. Tim nnd sundries , fl-ftt yapenml rrtmlrrd r * R Hi-Rln , tocksmlth. ill N IStH st. Ue a , NEW ANO- OLD , 2i ) TO tltJ. eisy fnymtnlsj we rent and repair. Oms'iii Illcrcla Co. . 833 N. Ijljijst. _ T71 ALL PRICES. Pfml for ear lift ol second hand nnd shop worn blcjclfs. Repairs -nnd * ycle sunOrle * ol Bll Ulndi. M O Ua-on. 402 N 16lh st 77 } COBN1CET IVKBTERhf CORNlcn WORKS , GALVANISED Iron cornices. 1722 8.'Mnrj's me , COX ACJLE CORNICE OlVlvS JOHN El'f ? .Her .prop. IDS , 110. 112 * \ . llth. Estut. : * - > ! . TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS nOUOHT , SOLD. EX- chnngEd rented .nd repaired Tuiewrller and onice supplies. Typ rllers rented nl Jl per month. The Omnlin. Tjpenrller exchange , * uc < cetsors to the tjpewrltlnit departmenl of tha Stationery Co. , 214 8. IJtli , let. I3R1 ! EB THE NEW DOtJGI'ERTY TYPEWRITER. The Omahn Typewriter cxchnnee. tel. 1361 , No. 214 R. litli st , " STOLEN TYI EWIHTERS OFFF.UED FOU s.ilo should make- you suspicious : funny they anmo tly Smith' * . Try on * nnd you will understand why : full line of supplies. Smith- Premier Co. . 17lh and Farnam ; telephone. TYPEWRITERS-OMAHA PEOPLE DON'T steal tjpcwrlters. they buy of in WlivT Be cause the Denimore Caljrnpi ! ! nnd Yost iiro the bent machines made : they will outwear any typewriter untie , and da a better quality oC work Our upply department will 1 sure to please > ou bend jour rmclilnes to us It you want Iliem rep-ilred. Unlleil Typewriter nml SuppllM Co. , 1019 Farnam stroel. Tele phone. 1583 I' ' ' TYPEWRITING AND STENOGRAPHIC1 HEAP- quaiters nt Room 22. Douglas block. Tel * rjhone 1589. Terms reasonable. M1SO 12" MUSIC , ART AND LAN CUT AGE. OR BARGAINS"N PIANO- * AND OHOANS ; ca > iy invniTitHi In-'trumonti rented , rents ap on | iurchii > A. Ho'pe , Jr. O. r. GELLENIinrK , BANJOIST AND teacher. 18W Callfornh stieut. 9tl ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. ARMATI'RKS AND CONVERTERS REWOUND storage batteries recharged ; electrical nntl K n- eral mnchmlslB. superior WDik Eiiirfinteed Om-lia Electrlcul Woiks. 017 nnd < 13 S. 16th st ILECTRtCAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric I'gbt and motur plant * tnd all kinds ot electrical construction. Western Elec- tr"c Supply Co. 418 and 420 S. 15th st 7SI BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPE FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. C03 S. 16th. " 8J DAMAGED MIRRORS RESILVERED , U9 N _ 36. * iSI THE NEATPST BARBER SHOP IN CITY ; court of Bee building Fred Buelow. 311 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. YOU CAN 1IAICR MOUE INTEREST ON YOUR money by pa > lnR u U or moie per month thnn In any savlnRB Innk. Inveslisate. Mu tual Loan und UulldlnK association. O M Kattlngei. sec y , 1704 rarnam st. i2j IIOW TO GET A HOME Oil SECt'R.K GOOD Interest on snvliiRS. Apply to Omaha L. & B. nsan. , 1704 Bee bldj. G. M. Natllnger. Sec. M16S UNDERTAKERS AND EWBALMER3 H. K. BURKET. FUNERAL DIIIECTOR AND enibalmer. IMS CliIcatp st , elcphono CO. SWANSON &L VALIEN. UNDERTAKERS AND cmbalmcrs , 1701 CumlnB"St. , telephona MOT M. O. MAUL UNDERTAKER AND EM- bnlmer. HIT Farnam _ . . telephone 223. 7a7 DRESSMAKING. EXPERIENCED DRESSMAKER BEST REF- erences. would like enciKementa ; "ewlnB I > X the day. Address W 47. Bee M-273 14 * PLUMBERS. fcHEE-PLUMUING OF EVERY KIND GAS otcum & hot water healing ; sewerage. 313 SIC. JOHN ROWD & CO. PLUMBING , STEAM AMD hut water lientlnpf , future * , globes IJ1 8 16. J. J HANIGAN , PLUMBING , STEAM AXD hot water henllnff 2703 LeMemvorth at. > SO LOST. LOST , AT COURTLAND BEACH. A DIAMOND iiln JWOi ) reward for Its return to Baumer's Jav\elry store and no questions aiked. LOST-A FINE BLACK CUTAWAY COAT ; S10 reward' for return to 1521 Howard Ost- LOST. AT COUUTLAND BEACH , SATURDAY nlsht. purse containing money and diamond collar button , liberal reward. Return to H North 17th street. M293 12 LOST. ON NORTH 17111 STREET OR SHER- mnn avenue , the llth. a small brawn grip contalnlnR notes , statements and papers ot nc Milue to any one except the owner Leave at this olllco and eel reward MJ 12 HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY IIY CAR OR TON LOTS WE buy hay. A. H. Snydcr , 1315 Burt s _ . tel 1107 NEHHASKA. HAY CO , WHOLESALE HA.Y. grnln and mill stuff. We are ! . > on the market to buy or sell. HOJ-t-8 Nicholas st. " 54 HOTEI-b. BETTER THAN MOST J2 00 HOTELS IN Omaha. Our rates , Jl to tl 60 Hotel niche- lieu. Geo. Mitchell , prop , 10S-1IO N. IS. 184 OT AETNA HOUSE ( EUUOPEAN ) N , W. COR. 13th and Dodse. Iloom by day or wteh. M2SJ OS' HOTEL DAKICEIl. K 00 PKIl DAY 110 HOOSIS , In the heart oC the business houses. Hpeelal rates nnd uceommoilatlon tn commercial trav elers. Hrtom anil Ixxird by the week or month , Frank Illldllcli , Mgr. 313 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. . LEADING OPTICIANS , J. F , Ponder , mmiasor. Ejes tested free. ITi Houth 16th , In Klnsler's drug store. { 16 ! ! THE ALOE & PENPOLD CO. . SCIENTIPIC optlclaiiH. 1403 rnrnam St. , oppoalta Paxton , hotel Eyes xainlned free. 7)1 GRINDING. SCISbOnS. LAWN & 10WEIIS. HAZOHS. ETC. , crouiiJ. Melcholr Dros. . 1119 l-'arnam street. M2S7 S , SHEARS , CLIPPERS. LAWN MOW- era. etc. A. L. Undeland , 106 N. Ulh 7M TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLF DROS. & CO , MANUPACTURERS OF tTMilriKH tents. fiaK * . wagon , hay stack covers , larpaullng , ballouna and parachutes. 70J-7Q3 a , lllti st , . telephone C04. Tents tor rerit reritMT MT an JOB REED JOD PRINTINCf'ttJ , PINE PRINTINO of M kinds. 17tli st , III * IlulldliiK. 7)3 MAIL ORDEH COMJIKtlCLVL PIUNTINQ A iptclalty. DaURlas lYIntlns Co. . 119 S. 35th it. , Sheely bide. T < OC for prompt service. OOAlji SHEHIDAN COAL. BXCCU.C.VT SUHSTITUTB tT nn'd coal and U 50 ( Sif cbeuper. IGth&Karoani . I" iM ) Ot D. T. MOUNT HAS RIWIQVED IHS COAL OF- lice to 30 B. Ulh st. , Urpvv i blocte. 1S3 DR. QEORQE 8. NASONrJttENTIST , SUITE 2M ration block , 16th ana Karnuin sis. , lei. 71 t ) Jo * e DR. PAUL. DENTIST , ZOW IJUKT ST SOB HOME FOR LAD1EH IIEI-'ORE AND JJURINO confinement , will best or care , communication confidential Mri * . 1C. Volkman , graduated uiUwlfe , 101 South Eighth street , Lincoln , Neb. .M2 OS STOVE REPAIUS. STOVE REPAIRS FOR 40,000 DIKFERENT makrs of stoten. Water nttaclimnls and coanectlons a specially. 1207 Dauglas street. Omaha Stove Hepalr Works , RI1T3 STOVE REPAIRH OF ALL KINDS ; ALSO bole ) range A general assortment of ranges , 1 cooks & heaters : water attachments put In fc trcectMl it J. Hughes , SOT a. U it & Jackion. 138 TTPHOLSTlsRINCT. UPHOLSTKfllNa VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH M S Uiilkm ] | H fumlnx TV ) . SOI S93 PAWNBROKERS. II. UAROWITZ LOAN3 MONET , lit N. llth Bt. TU OARPET CLEANING. i MEIUIYMAN. r\Rpirr ASH nun rlennlnff work * . Ttt B llth. Id K ( , ofllce IKK Parnam tel IMP M-ltl OH CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C. E. MOUIULU CAHPENTER , OKFICC AND ( tore fixture * n specialty P.itchlnfi und plasterlnir 1113 Cal > ltol nvo. . lei. OS 790 DYE WORKS BCHOED3ACK , TWIN CITY DYE WoitKa ! loll Parnam ( tree ! Dyeing : ct rery descrip tion and dry cUnnlng. 797 lir-ST I't'IlNACE StADE ROl'T COAL SMOKE consuming and Imrd coal tuniactj. Enslc Cor nice Worki 103-113 N Hill ! . 810 SEOOND-HAND BOOKS SECOND-HAND HOOKB IXJI'aHT 1O CASH at Anllcjuarlan l > ook itore. 1313 Pmn m Hrwt , MS01 O10 JsHORTIlAND AtfD TYPEWRITING. VAN SANT'S SCHOOL OF SHORT HAND. N , Y , Life , Omaha Aik lor clicular. 793 HORSESHOEING. lilts. THOMAS MALONEV. 012 N I6TII ST. 211 LIVERY STABLE. BOARDING BTARLES PINE 1 < IVERY RIOS cheap. Ed JJuumley. I7tli ana St. Mao's nve. 1I-809 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON imO9. , WHOLEflAl.E DEALERS IN all kinds ofconI. . Cum-npomlenia solicited. IOCS Fiiniiim ft. 8IJ STENOGRiPHERS. P J. SUTCLIITK. C.ENERAL STENOQ- rnphcr , i"2 Dee building , Telephone 097 DANCING SCHOOL JHORANIVfl DANCINO SCHOOL WILL RE- upen for adults. Tuusdny , September 15th , 8 p. m. Circulars. K1 s 1 $ TIII ; HEAi/ri : INSTUUMKNTS placed on record September 11 , 1S9I : WARRANTY DEED'1. Edwin Lambert nnd wife to 51 I > Xy- iliiHt , lots 13 nnd 13 , block I , Hammond mend Place % S'-A F 1C Datllni ; and wife tn A T Hoffm.iJ.r. n ' ,1 I'll r. . block 70 , Om > * in 1 Lou I * Hill nnd wife to E M Tzidmclc , L-t 11 , block 2 , ISakor Plncc 400 W II Waddell nnd wife to O F Davis compmj. lot 7 , block 17 , Orchard Illll Herman Kounlrtlo W A Itedlclc , lot t ) . Mock 32 , ICoiintrD Plnea 2,100 Same et al to 1 * O Coli tR fept of w 13 fe. > t lot 6. bliwk 3 , Koreit Hill . . . . 250 H .1 Halm to F II Wcail , lot 1 , block S. Ambler Plnco 200 Qt'IT CLAIM DEED * Mary R blnwn to J D HoWnion lot S , W ck 2) ) 1st ndil to South Omnlia , . 1 Cltjof Oin.vliu to Onintut. UrcwhiRAssocl - ntlun t > 15 feel ot 11 Fifteenth strict op- lioslle lots 9 to i : . blKl ; 4 1'iuUlnI'lnce ! 171 DEEDS SherllT to C. D Tzsc'iuck lot 23 block 4 , Mnjne Place . . . . 200 Same lo A T Hoftm.iyr. lot I , block IDS. Onuha. 51 Same to Coneon'ln. Loan ami Trust coin- piny , lot 2i > , blue ) : 12 , ICountze & R a ndd JSO Same to W O Donne. lot 15 , block -I. Walnut Hill 600 Total nmount of transfers. . . t ' .90S BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , OMAHA , Neb. Advice RfflLWflYTiMEGRRD. Lc-ves I < JH1CAGO & NORTHWEST'N lArrlvej OmnliajU. I' . Depot , IQth & _ Mabon Sts.f Omaha U.C' . .Eastrrn "I'zprexs . t.:3Qjm 4.00pm . Vesllbulcd Limited . S:4Cam G.Jiam . Mo. Valley Local . 10:30jm : S.4Jpm . . . . .Omahn , Chicago Spoclal . 2:15pm L'tn-ves ICIIlCATio'MUIlLkOTON & Q ( Arrives Omahal Hepot 10K and Mason Sis | Omaha :43piri : . Chicago Vestibule . . 9'50m fr : < " > im . Chlcaga Express . 4:2'pm : 7C2pm . . . . Chicago nnd lena Local . . . B.OOnm llt&jam . l acllic Junction Local , . 5 55pm Lea-Ces IBURLINGfON & MO lIVERTrATTlveT Or.iahal Depot Ulh and Mason Sis I Omaha IV.lJam . Denver Express . 9. 3 jam IdllS-im . Dcadwuod Kxpress . 4:11pm 44pm : . I > enver Express . 4:10pm : C.EOpm.NebraFka , Local ( except Sunday ) 6. 50 j ) in 8:15.1111. . Lincoln Local ( except Bunda .ll:2jam : Le&\es I K. C. , BT J. & C. B. ( Arrives" Omahal Depot 10th _ ml Mason Sts | Omaha " :4Sam : . . . .Kancas City D"ay Eipress. , . . E755pm > :45pm.K. : C. Night Ur. _ Ia.y. P Tr.ina 6:50am : Leaves I CHICAaO , " R. L S PAC'iriC. rArrlv"c7 Omahal U. P. Depot , 10th i Mason Sts f Omaha _ _ UAST.J ] ] _ 10:15am . Atlantis Express ( er. SunJaj ) . . 6:05pm C5pm . NlRht Express . CMOnm 4:40pm : . Chlcngo Veitlbuled Limited . . l:25pm lt35am Oklahoma. I'lp. ( to C' . U. ex. bun ) 633-m _ 1VEST. _ _ _ Si5am Oklabomn. & Texas Exp. ( ex. Sunll.33pro ) lI5pm . Colorado Limited . 4 10pm Leaves I UNION PACIHC | Arrlv-es OmahajUnlon Depot , 10th Jg Mason Sts f Oimha la.DOam . Karney Express . . . . 3S9pm 2:15pm : . Overland Hie r . . . 6IOprr. S:45pm : Beatrice S. Stromeb RP.X ( ex Sun ) tS:45pra 6tOi : > m . 1'acinc Kxpreas. . . . 10:55im : _ GjJOpm . PaatMali _ . . . . , . . , 4:20pm : Leav es I CI 1 1 CA G b7"-t7l _ & 8T7"P"A"UL7 | ATfTs \ OmahalUnlon Depot 10th & Maon Sta I Omaha G 35pm . Chicago Limited. . . ! l:30im II .10am. . .Chicago Express ( ex. Sun > S:00pm I -nes I F. , E. & MO. VALLEY JArrlrea " Omahal Depot 15th and Webster Sti [ _ Omaha "j.OJnm Deadwood Eipress f > :10pm : D.05am.EK. Bat. ) Wyo. Ei. ( K * . Hon. ) . S:10pm S.OOpm . .Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sunday.I0:45im ) 6tOiim St 1'aul Express . . . . 9:40am Leaves I MISSOURI PACIFIC. JArrlves Omaha' Depot 15tli and Webater Sti f Omaha O.OOim St. iMula Express cToOam 9.:0pm St. Louis Express . < > :55pm : 6lOpm : .Dally ( er. Sun. Nebraska Local. :10am : Leaves I C. , ST. P. . M. & O ( Arrives Oiiiihnl Depot 15th andWebster _ Sts. I Omaha " " "e.00im."isioux City Accom. ( Ex. Sun ) . . , 8 05pm 10.00am Sioux City Accom. ( Sun Onl > > . 12-Uripm . Sioux City Express ( Etc. Sun. ) . . ll:55am 5Mum : St Paul Limited 9:10am : Leaves I 8IOUX CITY & PAC.IFIC. ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot. lOUi & Mason Sta | Omah'i V.3am Slotix'city I'asscnser . . . 10:20pm : 3.i5pm . .Bt PaulExptesn. _ . , . _ . . . 10.00am Leaves I SIOUX "CITY A"PACIFIC. : ( Arrives Omahal Depot I5lh and Webster Sta I Omaha ' " 6 Jipm r. .81. Paul Limited 9:40am : BtOpm : Chicago Limited : iQ.ini Leaves I WABA8H RAILWAY ( Arrive * OmahalUnlon Depot. 10th Si Mitson Sta I Om ' . " . J.:5iprn : . . .St. Louis Cannon Hall 1Z.M Or IKo l. ! < iuor Hnlilt I'mltUply Cured l > j uilmlnlilvrliii : l > r. Ilutiick' Uuldi-u .Siipriflr. Ito-m be jlven mncupolcoiTca or Iraor In food , wuaout thoIcnuwlcO.oof thopatlcat. Itl abaolutn ) $ harmless , and nil ) effrat a permanent acd ipeedr cure , -whether tte patient la a moderate drinker or an aloohollorreek. . It har been ultan la tioui nd of oaiej , and la rverr loatADea n perfect ours Has Col- Tod. It NcrrrFtttl TnaBVBteoioDealinprenated .atbtba boesmei an utter Imp09 lbll4tr .T tn liquor appetltB lo exist. flOLIKSI'RIIlrKI l ) < > . Vtoo'n , t.lnflenutl , ' . .9-snci txiolc of partUi'taM fro' . To bo tiari ' , r tale by Kubn & Co. , Druggists Oorno ICtb and Uouglaa streets. Oraaha. IMPROVING LAKE STREET. l'rnerty ] OtTiiom Finally Acrco UI > DII tlio flnidn They VIII Stniul. The mqintiers ot tlio Omaha View Improve ment club , who have been -worklnc so as siduously for nearly two years past for the Improvement of Lake , Brsklne and other streets from Prospect Illll east , ire con gratulating themselves over the success that has finally cravnieil tlielr efforts. Kor a year and a half they have been working to teciiro the Improvement of Lake street from Twenty-fourth to Thirtieth. Iniler to do ithla tha city engineer decided that Eraklne street , as well as the cross streets , would hsvo to bo graded at the same time , The club has experienced considerable diffi culty In securing the signatures of the prop erly holders on Ursklne street , but yester day Mr. 1) . T. LegRctt , who has given almcst his entire time to the matter , an nounced that ho had finally succeeded. The Byron Ueed estate has also submitted to the club two propositions , one to sell the ten acres adjoining Prospect Illll on the north for pork purposes , and the other to lease the name ground lor the same pur pose for a term cfy ars. A biff meeting ot tha club will be lialS Thursday evening , at which a committee will bo appointed to push the p.rlc project. ILLINOIS CENTRAL'S PLANS Road May Yet Uaro a Terminal at this Point. OMAHA AND MINNEAPOLIS INTERESTED Try I MR to Crt Into Omiilm nnil lt Alin Be- cuco ttio 3IlntinimllH A M. I .mil * llajul llnrllii lon'H ' 1'lntn lor a Trnntcon * Srr lrt > . There Is back ot the report thai cornea from Mlnneflt oll& roRardlttK the probable purchase o ( HID Minneapolis St. him I a road , when It Is put up at public sale , by the Illinois Central , more truth than ap- 1-cars on I ho surface. It Is a Nell known ( act that the Illinois Central has desired a through UUP fiom Minneapolis la Chicago , ami the purchase ct the Minneapolis & St , Louts \\ould nivo them tlte , outlet , connect ing with the Minneapolis & St. Louis at Fort Dodge , la , With the purchase of the road by the Illinois Central passes a clurter for a road from Tort Dodge to Council Bluffs , and consequently nn Omaha connec tion , something uhlch has been desired by the Illinois Central people for tlirco yrart past Commissioner Utt of the Commercial club , however , ratlier pooh-poohed the Idea cf the Illinois Central \\antlni ; the Minneapolis & St. Louis , as It * .vould not Rive them nn > great advantage oer present ccndUlona. lie argued tint the Hock Island , having the largest Imllildtml Interest In the toad. ownIng - Ing 54,000.000 In bonds , nml having endorsed the b iuls of the Wntertowu extension , would undoubtedly succeed to the ouncishlp ot a property which It liad practically controlleil over slnco Mr. Trtiesdalo was appointed re- ro.vor Mr. Ult thought an Omaha-Mliino- npolls connection would not avail much In vloxv of the little freight hauled between the two points , anil aa for distance. It wsuld continue In laver of the Omaha road The commissioner further slid that the Illinois hid made nil arrangements to build from Onavva. to Council limits this year , but the failure In crops nnd the general depres sion had worked ngnlnst the consummation of tlio scheme. He was. however , of the opinion that the line would be built within a year or two. On the olhcr hand , a Hock Island official. who for personal reasons desires to remain in the background , was emplutlc In the statement that there was more In the rumor than appeared on the surface. Ho thought with a Tort Dodge connection to Council Bluffs the distance would l > e practically tha saina as between the Illinois Central and the Omaha lino. Iu fact , ho looked for Just such a nwcine-nt to bo made by the Illinois Central people , as. it would give them a new terminal , at tlio same time opening up n line section of country between Fort Badge and Council muffs. "In the event , " said he. "that the Rock Island buys the road , t look for the building of n connection between Furl Dodge and Omaha The Omaha line has had the exclusive control of Minneapolis- Omaha business for n long time and a com petitor would make business better all around " ON TO Till : COAST llurlington People Arranging fur Tlirlr Con- i ) ret I nn viltli Hi. ) Northern I'.itllU. General Passenger Agent Francis of the Burlington has returned from a Islt with Northern Pacific passenger officials at St. Paul , where ho went to talk over truffle agreements and arrange for an Interchange of business when the liurllngton reaches . Billings. There are many precedents for the throwing open ot gateways to competing lines and Mr Francis , In reply to a question , stated that the Pennsylviinia lines exchanged business nt Pittsmirg , the Union Pacific at Ogden , the Burlington at Missouri rhcr gate ways. Heretofore thu Northern Pacific rates from Kansas City to Puget Sound points have been higher than competing lines touching Missouri river gateways , but with the Bur lington. In the field rates will be equalized. When the connection is made with ihe North ern Pacific at Hillings the Burlington will be considerable of a transcontinental road and its Interest In the transcontinental meet ings now being held becomes very apparent. Iluslness between the roads will be ex changed upon a percentage basis , division of the revenue being made as to distance traversed. Mr. Francis itated that a fast train would be put on Just us soon as the road was In operation , about October 15 , and thought It would be the morning train leaving Omaha. The time would be considerably reduced and everything done to make the road popular In the eyes of the public. "Under these con ditions , " said the- general passenger agent , "If there It ny business at all to Montana points we ought to get our share oi It. " Asked If there was any truth In the rumor that the Union Pacific , Burlington , Ilock Island and Rio Grande had united In a de tersive agreement against northern lines , he denied the rumor point blank. "It Is a prin ciple , " said he , "tint southern lines should tight differentials , but sometimes conditions are such that you can't belter yourself and you take the very best you can get. " T EXCURSIONS OAU&ITJUJUIII.K. Kuslcru Line * Tlirnatcti to Itomnvc llo- Mrlctlnnn from Tame Ticket * . CHICAGO , Sept 11. Sensational reports were In circulation here today concerning the probability of a rate war In western terri tory In connection with harvest excursions. Some outside roads were credited with the Intention of removing the restriction on tickets for the reason that they nre killing the business. Whether they are or not It Is curtain the business Is going to be slight. The association roads say the outside roads cannot In good faith rtmcno the restrictions. They are parties to the agreement by which arrangements were made for these excur sions. It they disregard their obligations in the matter sonic of the association lines will retaliate by reducing one Mny rates probably by one-hulf , They will certainly reduce - duce them bywhatever extent is necessary to protect their great business from brokers , who are not to be allowed to reap any bene fit , whether the restrictions are removed or not. There Is no doubt the brokers wuuld like to see the restrictions renewed , and they are credited with circulating Industriously reports concerning the r probable removal. Tha situation Is regarded as being critical , and Bomo declslvo step Is likely to be taken without much loss of time. Jo < elver for Hie Atrlilunn llrlilge < 'onii > , ni ) . ATCIIISON , Kan. , Sept. 11. N. D. Todd of the Atchlson lias been appointed receiver of the Chicago & Atclilnon Bridge company , -which owns the bridge over the Missouri river at thla point. The appointment was made by Judge Foster of the United States court upon application of II. P. Payne of Cleveland. O. . trustee for the bondholders. The receivership was brought about by the danger which has threatened the bridge for some time pant by reason of the encroach ments ot the rl\ r In Hast Atchlson The receiver will proceed at once to protest the brtdje. which Is bonded for nearly a million dollars , Old 'W.ubnili Dlirrtiir * llo-iiact : < ul. ST. LOUIS , Sept. 11. At the annual meet- Ing' of the stockholders of the Wabauh rail way , held In th& offices of the road In tlila city , the old board of directors was re-elected aa follows : Francis 1'nvy , C. C. Macrae , Kdgar T. Will I * . Henry K. McIIalgh. Tliomaa II. Hubbard , Cyrus J , Lawrence , George J. Gould , Ilu&eell Sage , John T. Perry , P , tl. Wyckoff , S. C. Reynolds. Edwin Gould and 0. D. Ashley , the latter being also re-elected president. There was no meeting of Ihe new board of directors because of the lack ol a quorum , f'ttllwuy ISotps. Mr. Charles Lane ot the Union Pacific bai returned from Utah loaded -with columns about that wonderful state. William LvBk , formerly In the engineers' department ot the Union Pacific , and known to many ot the older employes of the road , died ot paresis In the I'oughkecpile ( N. Y.j hospital , September 4 , after a lingering Ill ness. Ills wife In also dangerously 111 in the Presbyterian hospital at New York , and could not "be told ot her husband's death , Previous to coming to Omaha , Mr , tusk wns connected , with tha engineering depart * merit of the New York Cr-ntril railroad , having Boned in the position at noting chief engineer and superintendent of construc tion He was < fi ) car of ngr nt the lima of his death , and WAS A son of lion. Stephen Lltsk. of Albany , N. Y The torture of dyspepsia nnd sick hc.vlflrlio , ( ho agonizing Itching and pain tl Knit rheum , are removed by II oil's Sarsaparllln. FROM SOUTH OMAHA. Strike Sltimtlim I'nrliniisi'il-tYmtrnrtorii lHiiitiit ) | tlio Sflunl H.nril. The situation of the strike wns unchanged ) -cste-rday. None ot the w rkmcii except the coopers have gone out. At the meeting Monday nlnht no conclusion was reached , at I east the men said they hail nothing to ilvo out to the newspapers. All ot them went ic- work yet > tcrdi > " > mid it does not look ns though the strike \vould extend bejund tha coopers at Swift's. The C-opers' union hai a rollet fund which will be tupped nt oncp. Single men get } 3 n week while on a Blrlkt ami married men $7. There are only twcnlj.-f.our men out , so the drain upon thr treasury will not hi a. heavy one. The union coopers nt work say they will divide their salaries with strikers It It Is neccssiry , so It looks as though tha men wcra well fixed for n long slaml out , I'limiuritcil Itin hvUnol Uonril The members ot the Board of Hducatton hold a short meeting Monday night. The con tract for supplying coal for the hoard fet the next year was awarded to F. A. nroadwcll & Bra. Whlto Breast soft coal will bo sup plied tor $2.93 n ton and hard coal at 18.20. The bids were all clusc , hut Jlr. HrojihTcll's wai the lowest. After the meeting adjourned n Innquet was Khun at the Heed hotel by n number ot con tractors who have been doing wotlc for the- board this summer. Tlio controc ors vvcro George Parks & Co. , McDonald . "i Black , Architect Decker ntid A. Selglor. The Kiusls were W. B. Chech. Jim Jones , A. N Ilaaan. J. II. Bulla , i : I ) . CSIdeon , Fred Pearl and Judge Montgomery. President Gideon of the school heard was teas'master ' and a short talk was gt\cn by each ot the KiiesN. The spread was a palatable one and the occiilon was much enjoyed by the par ticipants. Col lint ; Hciiity fur ( liiirltVnrk. . The directors of the Associated Charltlct held a meeting yesterday at tlio ofllco ot Attorney D. S. Adams. The object was to get the directors together and make arrange ments for the winter's work. Mr Adams was re-elected as president. Kd- wanl McBrldo secretary and overseer nt the charity store , and r. A. Broadwell first vice president. Another meeting will lie held on Trtday afternoon at the same place at 3 o'clock. It Is ( hatred that all the directors attend till * meeting. Tlio Vnlin of tlin Tropic1. Proclaims ono fact ns true , namely , that Hostcttcr's Stomach Bitters effects a euro whenever It is persistently used for the ail ments tovhlch It la adapted. Among thcso arc malararlil and dyspeptic ailments , ilieu- tnntlsm. nervous nnd kidney complaints , con stipation and bllllausncss. A tablcspoonful three * times a day la about the average. Trinpi < r.iii n Union U'nrlt , The regular monthly meeting of the Wo men's Christian Temperance union was held yesterday afternoon at the Commercial club rooms. Very little beyond routine business was transacted. It was decided to open a coltce house for the benefit ot railroad men at 1101 Ca s street It will In all probability be ready for opening about the latter part of next w eek. The union has received several appeals for assistance from Broken How and other parts of the drouth stricken district of west ern Nebraska. It was decided to render all the aid possible. The following com mittee : was appointed toau \ \ the matter In charge , to which all supplies may be sent : Mrs. Covell , 1201 South Thirty-second street ; Mrs Pugh , 2G13 Davenport , street ; Mlaa Kaufman , 812 North Eighteenth street ; Mrs. Wood , 1921 Wlrt street. Ttio district convention oC the union occuri today at Craig. The state convention will take placeat Lincoln , September 25 to 28 , Inclusive. The delegates to the latter con tention are Mrs. Wood and Rev. Dr. Augusta J. Chapln. An K llpo of the M an. The moon will Lie partially eclipsed rext Friday night , the phenomenon being vlslbla from all parts of the United States excapl where the view may he obscured by clouds. The northern edge of the moon will pass through the earth's shadow , a llttlo less than one-quarter of th3 diameter of the \lul- - llte being In shade at 10-31V& , which Is the Omaha time of greatest obscurnllon. The event not being affected by parallax the- different phases will occur at the same absolute In- stan wherever visible Ilenco they will be seen one hour later by clacks keeping New York tlma and one hour earlier by clock I keeping Denver time. At the time of the cclipso the moon w'l ! b near apogee. At the ensuing new' mton , September 29 , It will pass bctAccn us and lha Btin , giving a solar ccllpae , wlilcli , however , will not bo visible from tins pait of the world , as the phenomenon occttrs near cur midnight. Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. Trial sl/o , 25 cents. Alt druggists. I'rcubTtrrl in Aftsnrtttlloii Otllvrra. The Presbyterian aisclallon : cf Omahi held Its annual meeting at the Commercial club rooms last night and looked over the affairs of the association In general. Ths following officers were elected : President , J. C. Denlse ; secretary , J. D. Slatts ; treas urer , J. K. Flcmmlng ; directors. II. A , Doud , First church ; W. II. Anderson. Second end church ; J. L. Welshana , S ulhwest church. Warren Bwltiler , Westminster ; J. A Uradley , Castellar ; C. A. Starr , Knox ; 13 I. French , Ijivve Avenue ; A. J. Peck , Ambler Place ; F Kochcr , First German ; John Yurak , Bohemian ; U. 0. Truux , Clif ton Hill , C. r. Gardiner , Bedford Phce. I'ruf , I'IU | > ; itrlck' feucri-kiiir. Prof Marble , who waa iccsntly el'clfrt to the position of superintendent ot the Omaha public schools , lias left for his old homo at Worcester , Mass.vliero h" w'lt ' remain for a few days , closing up luc l-usl- ness. after which he will return , bring H family with him , arriving hereIn time to take charge of the schools en Oc'olvr 1. In the meantime the schools will be luukcd utter by Prof. Fltzpatrlck. ClmrltyVork Hrniimcil. The Omaha Mission society met at th Commercial club roams last night and com pleted arrangemcntH for a renewal ot tha charitable and religious work which had been dropped during the heated season. A. laundry has been opened on Twentieth street near Harney , and worthy women will I * * given employment. The mission on Tenth street near Capitol avenue has been reopened and the charitable work will bo begun at once. _ Doctor * llrur Tuperi. The Omaha Medical society held a monthly meeting at tha Commercial club rooms last night. The following papers "were read and discussed : "Cholera Infantum , " with report of case , Dr. Laird ; "Report of Surgical Case , " Dr. Bacon : "Case of lletlnltus , " Dr. Doan : "General Cases , " Dr. A , P. Jonas. Tlieso meetings will be held each month during the winter season. Oregon Kidney Tea cures ull kidney troubles. Trial size. 25 cents. AM durasUU. M'omlmen I'lcnlu. The picnic ot the Woodmen ct the World will bo held at CourtUnd beach thill ( Wednesday ) afternoon , Instcid oi Thursday afternoon as has been announced. When Bab/ was elclt , we. earn h r Ciurtwl * . When Gha woa a Child , the cried for CastorU. When , iha became MIsa , eho clung ; to CastorU. When the had Children , Bhe e T Uicni Cotori