Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Grain Mwkils Agitated bj the Government
Crop Report.
Ilrailnlreefi KMlnmtn ( if the lltllilo .Supply
HmuluMl llio Markrt Out uf tin- Dun
'Jenur ol 1U k\ny In n Dtmu-
Hitrd Direction.
CHICAGO. Sept. 11. The grain markets
were agitated by the government crop report
Issued yesterday. They \\cre feverish and
Irregular , but ended by being strong. Wheat
and corn urc each about V4c higher than they
closed vo terday. Provisions , after early
weakness , also closed strong and slightly
higher. Oats finished % c higher for Septem
ber. The government crop report on wheat
was considered rather bearish at the start ,
although the report on corn was extremely
bullish , nnd , consequently , lifted the price of
that article und nf wheat also to a slight
extent at the elart. The market soon nettled
down for a considerable time Into a elate of
sluggishness ut within ' , ic of the price It
closed nt yesterday. The primary market
receipts showed a material falling oft from
the recent average- , bill , on the other hand , to
did the export clearances from the Atlantic
ports. llradstreet's estimate of the visible
supply knocked the market out of the even
tenor ot Its way In a downward direction.
Uccembtr , which had opened at from 67Vic
to 67 % , and boon fell back to around to 67c
and 67i whvic It had remained for a long
time , tumbled to t > hc , when Uradstrcct re
ported nn Increase of nearly 4,000,000 bu.
cast of the Haeklrs , By 1 o'cljck December
wheat had risen lo & 71 c. The s'rength In
coin helped the market , and the close was al
the top , at GT'i"1 ' for December.
The corn market opened strong , lint the
first bulge was made by a flood of selling
orders which gave a downward direction to
the tnniKct lint lasted until 45 minutes from
the clo e. Then , however , It rose to about
the highest price made nt the opening , und
It closed ut an advance compared with yes
terday's closing quotation of about c per
bu. The government crop report was the
chief titws which Influenced the market ,
but although It was not capable of any but
a very bullish Impression , there were lots
of corn for bale as soon ns the opening bids
were made. May opened nt 5GUc. tumbled
to 54' c , on what some of the traders called
& "bucket shop" raid , and rose again near
the close to from EC'/sC to OCUc , winding up
nt from 5Gc to BGJic. as against & 5"&c " yester
day ,
Oats were easier In feeling and met \\Itli
only n fair trade. The government report
was looked upon as quite favorable to the
bulls , but the great Influence corn has over
oats' fluctuation caused the marktt to de
cline after opening firm. May started at
3fc ! , sold off to from 35V4C to sric , up to
357ic. und at noon was selling at from 35e
to 35c. With the latter rally In corn , oats
ail van ted , May closing at from 3Cc to 3GHc.
1'rovlslons opened firm nnd then decline I
on heavy selling by the p-iuicers. The late
strength In corn caused a reaction and the
market closed nrm. January purk ilnlshed
Co higher , January lard 2V4c lower , ami
January ribs 5c higher.
The leading futures rang d as follows :
Articles. I Oi > un , | Huh. I Low. | Close.
ClientNo. L'
l > ec
Mny . . . , UJJ *
Coin No - '
" " '
Oct. . . . fi7t BO'J r > 7 < 4
' " ' '
May. . . . MIJ4 UHM
DiilH No. - ' . .
. ' opt 1DM sow
Oct HI ail *
I < iik ptr bill
Scut. . . . 11 40 14 4(1 ( 110 : tone
J lll * t 14 45 14 43 ISO 14
I.iml. KM ) HIM 14n
* Cll | II 00 o on DO n no
Out I ) ID o 10 8" u uo
J.m H 45 B lu u 10
Short Itlbrt-
teiit. . . . 7 80 7 (10 ( FO
Oct. . . . . * 7 s : : ! < 7 00 5M ! o
Jan. . . 7 4(1 ( 7 41) 1 40
Ciixh ( | uatiitlli > n > were il
1'I.Ot'llBtwily. .
\VUIAT No. 2 pprlmr , No. 3
Bprlne. nomlnnl ; No. 2 red. 34V < 154Vtc.
COItN Nn. t , 6\c ; No. J jcllun , crJo.
OTH No. 2. WSc : No. 2 whit * . 33UflWJo ;
Nil. 3 whltiifl3J14c. .
HYI > No. 2 , 4 > 5c.
IIAIU.IJY No. t. M'.ic ; NX 3 , t,2fc53'4c ' : No. 4 ,
FLAX Hiin NO. i.
I'llOVlSIONS Me J poll. , per l > bl. , J14 11SI11 40 ,
IILI < I. IMT l'K ' > 11 . . IK ! short rlba. sides ( li > sc ) ,
I7. ' ) © S. ( i ; iliy united shoulders ( Iwxed ) . $6 87'iW
J7.W ) , nhcirt clmr lilo ( boxoil ) , $ S 21W8.33
WHIMCY" Bllllera llnlahed Koods , per gal ,
On the Produce oxcliano toil ty thu butter mir-
krtIH llrm ; urrtmury , ItQUIk'c ; tlulry ,
ISj''Oc. Kl-L-s , Hun at
M\V YOHK < SINII ( . .
Vc-gtcidiiy'n Quotallunj on Flour , Gntlu nnd
I'rotUloiiH. Mrtiilr. Ktc.
NH\V YOltIC , Hept 11. IT.OUH Ileoelpts , 42-
7M bLl . ; oxi.oi ts , 16,000 bbls. ; unUs , 12.0W pkgs. ;
market uulet , hoiaem llrm ; iprlne patents lOc
aUive bid ; \Unltfr patcntB , quiet. Koutliirn Hour ,
quiet. ll > lUmr , f\im \ ; pnks. SO ) libln.
C'OKN MiAr/-null but Itrm ; jtllow Wfstern.
f-'KHH.lO ; nraiidyulnc. I3.SO.
HYK-DU1 , otute. 83 34c ; Jersey , 40ff31c.
11AUU1Y Steady ; \\estern , COliClc.
HAllI-UY MAI.T rirmiHtcrn : , EOc ; state , 80
WIIKAT llecelptu , SH.f.'K ) 1m ; port , 1C3 300
tin , , MUri > . 2,4.15.000 bu. futnrrn nnd l > ,000 bu , spot.
Hpot Bltady , Nn. 2 rul , In ntore end tleuilor ,
IVti . iitloiit. Wke : f. o b , W-ic nllocit ; Nn. 1
nnrtliein , 03lvc' , delivered ; Nu. 1 haul , CCSc. < lc-
llxi-reil. Optlnns upennV i > tcudy with corn but
Irtrxular all dny within n small iamp ; trade
\\n xmnll up to 2 uiluck , vhrn prices tifnun to
ndvaiuo on rmall ntterlnss ; Ihe close was firm
t 'so net adtnnce : No. i red. May , 63'nflibi4c.
< lin. I Ht CliUr ; Septrmbrr , SS'KfOTnC , < Uued nt
We ( ; Oclob-r , W > K8"1tc , ilox-a at MHe : No-
\pniber il i e4 ut ( .O'Sc ; December , 601 ® 715ic ,
cloiMl ut Cl > > c.
COKN-ltecrlplfl , 2.000 l > u. ; oxiwrts , 9.SOO 1m. ;
ales , 103,000 bu. futuro.i nnd J5.0IAI bu. spot.
KKit | Aery tlrm ; Nn 2 , Ol'.jif 'jO In eloator ; GCc
utloiit Options opened Btrunser n the KOMrn-
inent reixirt , rcncteit at noon under liquidation.
rallied In Die tail hour nnd closed at > < UHc net
iLdwino * , Muy , 68HR1394f , < .lo ed at MiC ; Sep
tember. MJiiJl'iC , cloned lit C4c ; Octolier , C2VJ
C3\k < \ clotud at 63c ; Noxember , 62 % < j63l4C. clofed
lit U3Vic , Det-ember , MMHO'ic , clotted at CU c.
OAT.S-llecelpts , 20'J.OOO bu. , eniwrts , 200 bu. ;
Kales , llf.OCO Lu. futures nnd 103,000 bu , ypot.
Spot steady : No. 2 , 3IVtG3ltci Nu. 2 delhercd.
Sl c , Nu. f. SJ'Sc , Nn. 2 nhlte. 37c ; N . 3
while , 3jUc ( ; irncK , mixed wentern. 30 4c ; track ,
vihlte ntnlo and w.-Htern , 301f"ic. ( Options Ken-
emll > fctroni ; nil day , with KUOI ! buying ; the
lese was at 1tQ net aiUancc , May iloned at
SS'jc , Heptembvr , 3l'4c : Oi-lober , S3If33Hc. closed
> it , No\embr clostsl at S6'ic , December.
37t < n7H < - . rloswl at 37'jo.
HOI'SQuet. . stale , common lo choice. &Q9C ;
I'acinc otMiat. "filOo ,
HAY Wink. > lilpilng ] , SOCWcj R d to choice ,
II1UUSSteady ; wet nalteil. New Orleans se-
In-led , 43 ( 63 link , 4li4 c , lluenos A > r.dry. .
to 24 ! b . , lOVic , Texan dry , 24 lo 30 Uu. ,
I.UATIIIin Quiet ; lieinlocl : sole , llucncs Ar s ,
llRht to heavy wrlic.ltK , Uiflto.
WX)1 , Quiet ; dunuttlo tleere , 19j24c ; pull < l.
PltoVlHIONSIleef , steady. Pickled bellies.
t > 3c , lilckleil Khnuldetf. 7'tii7'lc ; pickled Imms.
IHIll'ic. ' I ril. steady ; \\entem steam. (93) ;
rale * , 1VJ tierces , clly , J3.73CI90) ) ; B-ptcmber.
> lu ed J > 4i nuked , Jnnuury , IS. 73 nuked ; lellnul ,
linn , ronllnent. ! . , & ; S. A , , 110 , compound ,
CUr Pork , Him.
lU'TTKH-FIrm ; western dairy , 13ii017cj
wexteni orenmery. IMrJll-ic , western factory.
n'tttlGc , iiKln : , 24Uc ; state dairy , 14U22c ; state
ireiimriy , Ibli-'lc
ClICKriKUull. . itale. large. SCflOUc ; small ,
I'K'inTic : part skims.jShe ( , full skims. 3(13 ( 0
ICtllltV HU-iidy , state unJ Penns > ltanla. 1S' U
IVc. Ice houie. U'jIilCc ; uesltrn fresh , lC&lt > e ,
cune.i , JITJXOO , reitlpts , 7.172 pkes.
TAI.I.O\\ -Stead } ( Uty U2 per pkz ) , 4Tic ,
country Ipkr" . fnej So , as to quality.
l'VrrUOIKl'll Duil , t'nlu-.l closed at Sl'iobt.l ,
Vashlncton , In bbls. . H , athlncton. In bulk ,
[ 8.M , rellne > l. New totH SS.1S , Philadelphia nml
llalllmorr. W 10 ; Ptilljidelphlu , and llaltlmore. In
bulk JS.6IX
IlOSIN-Hlejid ) , ( trained , common to good , 11 1 !
Tl'UPKNTINK < Ju1 t nt 2S CfMic.
HICK linns ilaiiienllc. fair lo extra , 41sO 'ic ;
Jupan S'.fMHc.
WOI AfaHKS Blraily , New Orleans , open kettle ,
toad to choice , rtyjic
Pia IRON -Qultt , BcoUh , IMMGS.M ; Ameri
can. I10.W8I-1J.W.
COl'l'liU-Qulet ; lake. SV.C.
TIN IrrecuUr ; uralti , 116.10 : plaits. Qulel.
Bpelttr , itudri doracitlc , JilV. Eile * oa 'chine *
t > loin tin fr. B e Mmwachunetts , ll , 73 tnnt
October. ttt.iTI6 ( J. CO lam Hrptrtnber tin , J10 ,
S cars B. O. lend. W 10.
HIT.I.Tiu-nun : di > mentlc , J34303 I7 < 4 ; s.ilB
nn 'ihnitcp X loni ( In nt IIS93
COTTON HiiD : Ollrirmly held. nlM In
rludnl reieral Lhlt uf pi line mimmer ) ollmv nt
ttftttc ; MlilliSSc tinme cnn ! , > c , oft trtide
SMiMt. > elciw | Inillrr frntJcii , 3453.V , rholrr
rummer Jt'llim. Kk ; prime vtlluw , 31(73140 ( ,
jcllow , oil grndPH. SitHe ; prime nhltc , 3SC ,
Comlltlim of Triilr iiml ( Jiintiitatt nil
Stiiptn mill I'niicr I'rodncii.
Theic n.inrry little rhnnKC In the maikit
jentenl.iy for country produce
Cjinltaiy lo eiprctntlons , myn Chleniro I'lo-
dtnO , pnidurllon of duller fli'iws further falling
off. Tin- only nay In which to ncoount for the
Firmly und tonllnuol decrrnre vf production In
that mtiny | iilions of rrciimerles urn dropping
off on account of t ic greatly reduced How of
milk und HIP falluio of prices to advance to a
IlKiire liluli enough to mnke It an object for
them lu look after their COMB In mnny places
It ! < ctrliln txprythlntt eltc It fuMirablc for
an Inirnuc In the mtik ? , but a decr < aite IK
nlicUMi UiH week , nnd K ! > ernl of our corre-
FtKinrlents write UK their pair ns ILIC trj-
Imr to Kit lid f their lienK
Iho markets of tbp lountiy lia\e Wnery
llrm ilmlUK the noek , nnd combined receipts
nt ChlcaRo , llontwn and New York nBBri'Ratwl
& 7.SS1 tlll'S , ioinpiredwith'J tubs Ini t eek
and * 1 S"3 lulu Ihe uctlt ptemllriK. In detail
orrhnH lit these points for thnc eeks paet
uen * as folluMai
ni'ms'i . 141 * ) 13.179 13.43S
New % ork . , . 29771 SI 412 : oH2
11 tton . 1I.MJ l\SU 17.4)1.
TuInU . D7.f > 81 C0.2I9 03,303
Ilppmls from furtj-llirre crciktneilci ) Mio
tmiku His nl ; of 1.471 tubs , compnrod with
1'iW hint neik Some lm\e IncieaxcdUillo
others ha > p decreaseil.
llt'TTKIl Pncklnt : stock , lie , filr to Rood
ouuntiy. HtriBc. ibolce lo fancy , 17fflSci jath-
creil rrrnmerj , 17f ' 0o , s'paratoi cleamcry , 22c.
1IOOSIVr dm , IBc.
I.1V1I 1'Ot'I.THV Old lien" , Kflo'ic ' , roiwtcrs
SKHScj vprlnR iblckcnn , 7'jc ; duik . Sy c ; hen
turkrx , if/Sc / , gobblers , r > SCc ; old gei'M1. 4c
ClMt : raiilo clikKt'iis , young , per doz , J275
fflO1) , pinlil.5 . c ilekens , old. per doz , t : 005J
2.2. ' , crnurp. ) OUnc. pT dot . J2.7313.'W ; irrnusp ,
old , PT tliiir . $ J I l1f ! ffi : diielcs blui > wlnB teal ,
per unz } l'Vf(17r ) , ducks. KIVCII Ine tell , per
iloz. . $1 SJfjl "w ; duck' , mixed , i > or doz , (100
fl I 2i.
VIIAIChulco mi and smnllculs Hie quoted
nt " 5i"jl4 < , roarse nnd lniK < \ liilc.
CIIit > ! i-UI coiiiln , full iMiim , ntw make
I27il2' c , Nibinskn nml lonu , lull cieam lie ,
Nebimka nnd luna , pirt fUlms , Be ; I.lmbuteer ,
Nil 1 , Hot biloli. Nn. 1 llcj S lis , No 1. llfdoc.
HAY Tulr d'inaml. RMXI supply. I'pland b.iy ,
! ' ) , midland , IS..V ) ; lov.lnnd , h : r > ' ntin\\ , ! * j ,
Color maltes the price on 1'ny. l.lKbt bales foil
tlie be t. Only ton prudes brl.if ; top prices.
PIGUONb Old birds , per doz . 8)c.
viaiTAnws. : :
The sti-unic prt ltlon of the maiket for dried
Callfoinla Is becoming tii'iio prinounced ,
snya th" Neu York Htilletin. Uelnc hkeptlcal
aliiul ri-pirls of riant Bupiily , In view of the
miny e\ierlent.cs Tvltli GoloVn state Information
liuxis nom Inclined to pruce'd vvlt'i cnut.on
Iiul de ] ltp fiat fact prlcts aio gradually \\oiU-
Iiif7 upward It la no serret more than thn
n\erase iiunntlty of foreign beuns and pea beans
Is In tianslt , but these compete with llman onl\
In an Indrect way , nml theffote liave llltto
effect liHin | the mirket. 1 1lls Is Illuptiatel In
tin- fact Hint pilees for Ilinjs h.i\e steadll >
hniil.ned In tlm face uf iiullc libeuil Impoila
llou nf xarlous descnpt'ons of forc'Rn be ins
POTATOI3H Hound lots of home urown or
Mintlistji ttock 70it72c per Ini. ; tin-ill lots un
jidc s. "fpi' , California , 8Jc.
MKI.ONblooil stoelt. crated , J23.
CANTKLOI'I'EB Home Rioun per doz , II SOLD \
OLD KHANS Hand-picked , tuny , Si .G : me-
illum , J2.1082 15 ; common ivhlto beans , 1175
01ONIONSOn oulers , C35i ! c per bu.
CAllllAOK-On orilern c.
rni.rilY 1-er do ? . SOfEIOc.
K\VIIT TOTATOKS rer ib. , 3'ic ; 'Jeisey ,
r.-V ) per bbl. '
Two full * of California fmlt ueic sold nt nuc-
llon MMcnla ) Ihe inukel on ponchtB In lirni
Soindtalors are to think tliat the
Binson of lurgi1 receipts nnd glutted markets la
Home Kmwn Concord Riapes nre iiliout fi-
liaiisU'.l nnd the market Is very Him at quota
AI'l'M2OtMd clock , per lilil , .Mg2 ( 75.
Hl.Al'IC ItASI'IlKItUllJS Nun.-
IlKD riASl'linttltinS Non < ' .
I'nACMtllS < 'nllf ma , JI.10H1. SO ; cling ! , Soflc
I'lt'M8 California , Jl.25.
ri(3S None.
IMJAHS-llartlett'B , J1.73O1.8 ; ; otli * tnrlctlcs ,
Al'llicoi'S California , none.
CIinUlUiS-Cnllfoinln. : none.
( HlAl'nS Coiicnrils 10-lb. InMirts , I3c :
Ifornla. ToKay , I1.M ; other vnrlit'es , < 3cff$1 W.
\NAH-CliDlce Rtirk , } lT5fi2Io i r bunch.
1.UMONS fancy Rmll , 0.i ) ; fnncy Messina ,
'liney. per Ib. . 13c.
NUr California. 13c ; dark honey. 10J12c ,
MAI'I.K HYRUP Unllon cans , per doz , HI
NUTS Almonds. 13fil7c : llnsllsi walnuts , 100
I2e : niherts , 12c : llrazll nuts. 10o.
riDIJIl Pure Juice , per bbl. , 10 ; hair bbl. , 1.23.
IIIDHS Nn. 1 Kieen hides. 2'jc , Nu. 2 Br n
lilde . Iii82c ; No. 1 Breen palled hides. 3Vic No
2 Krefn si 1 ted bides. 22ViC : No. 1 Kreen salted
hides , 2"i to 4 His , 3' c ; No. 2 Bieen tnltid h de1 ?
2' . to 40 ! ba . 2fl2'ic ; No I cnl calf , 8 to 13
I Int. , 'V-flCc , No. 8eal calf. 8 ti 13 ILs , 4Q4Se ,
No. 1 diy Hint hides. Cc , No. 2 dry Hint hides ,
3iNo. . 1 dry salted h"de , 4c. 1 art cuio.1 biles ,
" c per Ib. less thai fully cured
HIUM1P PKI.TH CSreen silted , each. 230500 ,
Kreen sailed sbearllnffn ( short , woojeil rarl >
fkllis ) . lach , . ' Bloc ; dry shearlings ( sliurt wooled
eaily kMnx ) , No. 1 each , GfilOu : dry sicarllncs
Ohortoiiled tally rl.lna ) . No. 2 , each , tc ; dry
Hint Kim n nnd Nebraska butcher w lol pjlta ,
pet Ib , weight. tSTSc. muiraln WIK > ! pelts
per Ib , iiitual "L'tKlit 4iiCc , dr > Hint Color.idi
Imtclicr wool peltn , ppr Ib. , actual weight. 4 ®
i > 'i < ' ; muiialnool pelts , per Ib , actual uelKhl.
4'i/Oc. lime feet cut oft , as It is u-eles lo pa >
frt'lKbt on them.
"I ALLOW AND anHA n Tnllow. No 1 , 40
4'iic : tallow , No. 2 , 3'-4 < f 3 c ; cieasc. white A ,
4W4'tc ; srease. wh'to ' H 3'-403Kc : Kreasc. yel
low , 3c , irrense , dark. 2'4o ; old bulter , 2if2'5c ,
beetwax , prime , 1B01S ; , rough tallow , 1HO2C.
.St. Louis Opiicrnl .tlurkpt.
ST. LOl'IS , Sept. 11 KLOfll-Qulel , stenrty.
WH13AT I'nsetllPd early , but bullish later on
liu > lnK. causliiK a net caln tor the < 1ny of 'iifp
VJ ; No. 2 ii-d. cJsli. 505ic , Septembtr , GO c ;
Dwember , tic : May. & 9Hc.
I'OIIN U'HB unsi-ttlvd until the ( auemm-nt
ciop itpnil vn * explained , lien n net pnln for
the da > of U i\c uns made ; No. 2 mixed , cash
iiml September. Mo ; December , DIVic , May , SJ ff
OATS * I'litner ; % c up ; rnnh , Jlc ; September.
31'40 , ( Xtober. 31'ic ; liny , Sti'sC ,
ItYi : W a bid for No. 2 legulir.
llAHI.m No trnillriB
IIKAN-6IC east Hide. FacKed.
TLAX SinD : IllKher nt II 27 bid.
OI.OVKR BIID cjuict at > 5coes.i6.
TIMOTHY biiD : HlBliei ; ( .tiolio fancy. $5 S5.
HAY Quiet , prime to cholie timotliy , 41000 ®
Kias Sttiid > .
LUAD- Lower ; October offered at J2.90.
Hi > ii/nit-n.22. : :
COItN MlJAlSiCo&I.ej. .
\M1LSKY-H 33.
COTTON Tir.S-UncnanEcd.
IIAOn INC ! Unchanged.
PROVISIONS llisy early , closing nrm Pork.
stand-mi mess , jobbing , J8.SO ; choice. $3. Drj
salt meals , louse Hhouldern , $ S,63 ; lunfru and ribs ,
I797H. eliorts , J8 22V4 , llacon , packed shoulders ,
J77" : loius. | 8.S7i.i ; ribs. | 8.l7iW9 ! ! 00 ; shorts.
Hr.CiniTrf-Klour , 2.000 Iitls. ; whcnt , '
ruin. U 000 I'll ' ; cntH , 4J.OH bu.
Sllll'MKN'lb Tlour. S003 I/MB. ; wheat , none ;
corn , i < XH ) bu. : oata. 4,00 ! ) bu
Ilu'ulliVhiiit .Marknt.
DL'I.t'Tll , Sept. 11. AVIIKAT Closed -ttdy. .
Xo. 1 liard. ciiMi , K'ic ; Heptembcr , Mc , No 1
northern. ca li , K\e ; September , Sl'ic ; Deccmlier ,
56 0 , May , H. To arrhe. old , 6C'lc ; new , 51'ic.
Attlv Demand ml 'Cliiiiico ut I lie Opening
of Itmtlnei * .
NCW YORK. Sept. 11. At the opening of
business on the Stock exchange there was
an active demand , which was most marked
In the granger shares. The moving influence
was the government report , Issued late > es-
terdty alterncon , which was less unfavorable
than litd been anticipated. During the past
week the traders had been figuring upon a
bad crcp report , especially as to corn , and
when they found that their calculations were
not carried out they were In haste to repair
the error. Hence , those who had short con
tracts en their hands were desirous to cover
and their purchises brought about a sharp
advance , led by Burlington & Qulncy , with
a gain of 1 % per cent , which brought the
price to 77 % per cent. Hock Island rose 1
per cent to 66 and St. Paul % per cent
to G74 ! per cent. Sugar also joined In the
upward movement , touching 105V4. an ad
vance ol 1'4 per cent. The general market
al 9 recorded a frjct onal Improvement ,
which was , however , bjt temporary , the
leading shares cf the market , too , making a
reaction. Burlington losing 54 per cent , Sugar
% per cent , and the others a small fraction.
Chicago das gained only H per cent. In
the cpenlng dealings It was raided on a re
port fr m Chicago to the effect that a war
of rates was In progress In that city , A
break of 1 per cent resulted , and the rest ol
the market movtd down In sympathy , but
only fract'onally , except In the case of New
York , Chicago & St I uls , which fell 1 per
cent , llefore 11 o'clck Sugar sprang Intc
demand In expedition of the declaration ol
the regular dividend ot 3 per cent , and an
Improvement ot 1H to 106'4 was effected ,
the general market being held steadily ui
to midday , except Vnlted States Cordage ,
which waa cold freely on reports that the
r mpany's business was not proiperous , and
declined IH per cent to 106. Speculator
dur ng the afternoon iru rather dull , except
n Sugar , which moved erratically , reacting
Hi per cent to 105 , advancing to IOC , break-
tig to 104i < j. with a final recovery of S per
cent , tnaklng a gain on Ihe day of ' 4j per
cent , the preferred advancing 4 per cent
The decline alter Iho declaration ol the
UVIdend It salil la ba lineto n belief that
the business of the company Will have to be
lone en a different plan during the coming
fiscal year. The active list fell off a smalt
fraction In symtuthyullli the weakness In
Sugar , while Cordage preferred broke I'A
per cent , nnd Manhattan 1 per cent. In the
lait hour ths market was strong , some
shares recording material ndvanrcs , and tl-
nrst tha entire market closing firm. Some
declines ucro established , Includ ng : United
States Cordage preferred. 3V4 per cent ;
United States Cordage ccmmon. 1V4 Per cent ,
and New York. Chicago & St. Louis and l > 3-
cledo Oaa preferred , 1 per cent.
The railway and miscellaneous bond mar
ket was generally nrm through the day on
a good volume of business the sales * ggrc-
gating $1,643,260.
The Evening Post' * London cable Bays !
Today's settlement Increased In firmness of
tone the South American Blocks. A block
of 250,000'Argentlne feturltles was taken by
n financial syndlcats from the Hiring es
tate , with call for more In October. Con-
Inngoes on American 2 per cents were steady
to firm , without much business. Ollt edged
securities continue rising , and the public
gain confidence very slowly.
The evening Post Kays ! Prices In the
major.ty of the securities held on a level
somculiit above yesterday's close. Granger
stocks shared In the firi7iiiC" . To this reEdit -
Edit , no doubt , the very favorable showing
! or wheat In the government report duly
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York 'ex
change today :
The total Miles nt Btnrk toilnjcre 177.092
shan-1 , Incluitnjr : Alclilton , 5400 ; Susar. 73 SOO ;
UuillnRt n l5C 0. CliliMgo Oni. 7.4JO : nistlllltiR.
4,000 ; H A W. . nrst preferred. D.100 , It < ick , 3.4 , PI 1'aul , IS.C'W ' , Cordage , 4,3X1 ;
Western V'nlnn , 3O ) .
Jfpn Ynrk .Monuy Al
N'n\v YOIIK , Sept. n I-MONKY ON CAI.I
ICas. ' nt 1 per ipnt ; last Iran und closed at 1
nor cent ,
\\lth nctunl littslnc s In tnnkern' hlllt * ul
041.6 . for ilinnna nml nt Jl ! nfll.f3' , far slxl >
d.ijs ; po tp < l rsile-i , J4 83' 5j4 SO mul 14 87 ; com-
meulnl lillls. { I S-l.
OOVUUNMiVT 1IONDS Kltm. St.Ue iKmilt ,
llrm llnllrcmd liomls llrm.
su.vnu rtiTiric'ATis C414c Mil.
Closing quotatluns un bonn ? were as lolloua :
FlimiH'lul Note .
ANS , Stpt. 11 Clearings. ! , ! , -
LONDON' . Sept. 11. Bar BlUer closed nt ! id
per 02.
I'AHIS. Pf.t. | II. Cxclianee on London , :3f
19o for cheeks
IIOSTON Sept. 11. ClenrlnB' . 113,601,3 * ) ; Iial-
nnret { 1,4:4,711 ,
llAI/ri.MOIli : , Sept. 11. Cleat Ins ? . f2:43,5CC ,
bala-ccs J322IJI
NUW YOISIC , fept. II. CUarlnBs , I82COO.IS4 ;
balances , r > ,105 571 ,
1'AIIIS. Sept. 11. Three per cent rentes , 104f
43o for the account.
I'HILADKLI'IUA. Pi'l't. ll.-CleorlnKs , 111 , .
SS5.14S ; balances , | lcc,7r. .
MiMI'lllB Hept. II. Clearing. I2JI.1S7 ; bal-
nntCH , | si 839 New Vork cxchnnsv , (1 ,
CINCINNATI. Kept. II Money , Sue's ' per
cent. New York exchange , lie dlcount and par.
Clnirlnni. JS.lM.y. ) .
SAN I'nANCISCO. Sept. 11. Drafts , slRht ,
ISV.c ; teleerniililc , lie. Hll\er bars , 64MfM'lic.
Mexican dollars , C3'.iCrlc.
LONDON. S pt. 11 acid Is quoteil today nt
Ituenns Ayres ut 11 , Madrid. S > .5'J ' ; Lisbon. W ,
Ht. IVtereburff , M , Home. 110 10.
ST. LOUIS. Hept. 11. Clear mm , } 9 Ul.Oni Uil-
ancis. JTK.KiS Money , dull at f. J < per cult.
Kxclmn e on New 'iorU , 40o dUcount.
ClIICAaO. Sept. II. ClearlnRS. < 14,7H.Mi ) .
Money , IC4U per cent on call ; 6M ! per cent OB
time. New Yoik exehanse. f > ) o discount Tor.
e gn exchange , nejlc. stcrllntr , commercial.
(4 63' 4 ilVi.
WASHINOTO.V , Hept. ll.-The statement of
the Kold coin und iKilllim In the treasury and
the nol.l certlflcatea outstandlm ; ISBUeil b ; the
1'nllcd Btutaj treasury today SO B that on
September 10 Ihe. total rnld In the treasury was
Ilil SM.iC. as against llW,8SO.i59 ! on August 31.
Ot ths , IHS.tM reiirescnUd gold ceitlllcates In
tlio treasury , J65,4l'2.078 ' ; cold certificates In
circulation and JM.104.Oi3 net gnld In the tr a -
ury void rreerve. Al the close of buslnen tiKlay
the net cash In ( he treasury was ll.' ol
which IW.104.MJ represented tha cold reserve.
The statement of the monthly receipts from
customt for the port of New lork for the Ian
ten days , practically tlm first ten days of thi
new Urttr act. shu * a toVtl of H.MI.iH.
ocalnst 19,7(3.031 for Ihe precedlnw ten dtyt.
Not onedollir la cold coin or cold cerllfiralej
ucn rctlvt l dunnc the ten days at New York.
Beoiipts cf Oaltld'Grtfn. n Little , but Hoju
Still Kuii Behind.
llnrily NullAo Onmwrs llrliig Hood Flijuren
Improved lniulr/ | the IVnlura In stock-
cm II ORR Hearer , In ( lotnl Ucmn ul
und Murli Higher.
TUDS1IAY , Sept. U.
The receipts today numbered 4,300 cattle ,
4,300 hogs and 100 sheep , against 3,170 cat
tle , 1,489 hogs nnd 1,037 sheep yesterday
and 4,633 cattle. 8,6GO hogs nnd 557 sheep
on Tuesday of last week. The receipts for
the two days of the present wuek foot up
7,418 cattle , G.77C hogs and 1,137 sheep , as
against 7,430 cattle , 10,013 hogs and 61G
sheep for the corresponding two days last
week. From this It will be noted that tlie
cattle- receipts are almost Identically tlio
same as last week , but In tlio case of hogs
there Is a decrease of almost one half.
CATTLE The receipts ol cattle today
were About the same as je9terda > 's run In
point of numbers. There were more and
better grass range cattle on the morUit ll.iiii
there have been of late. One bunch nt range
cattle brought $1.15 , while there were sates
ot others at J3.S5 , $4.00 and $1 05. There
Is a demand for good cattle here and the
buyers claim that they would like a num
ber ot loads ol such cattle every day. If they
could get them. There were a few loads
of halt-fat corn-fed natives In the yards ,
but there was nothing In the way of corn-
fed natives that was very good , The p m-
fcd natives here were not an good as the
grass westerns. The condition of 'he mar
ket could be FUtnmed up In a lew words
by saying that It was a good-steady ma rift.
Cows and mixed stocj ; were In liberal sup
ply. There were some pretty good cattle
of this description among the offerings , As
high as S3.15 was paid lor some heifers ,
The market was steady.
There were plenty ot light stcck cattle In
the yards and some feeders. Yestcrdaj's
advance on beef cattle and the fair il'mand
from the country caused a little better feelIng -
Ing among sellers and they were nil asking
n little stronger prices for their holdings
The tone of the market on desirable feeders
was stronger. Representative sales ,
No Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr
2 . . % o Ji oo 1..15SO $3W 34 111 ! Jl 53
7 . .IMS 3 00 1. . 1 0 S 10 33 IMS I 65
33. .478 2 CJ
1. . . 7TO 1 CO . IHO 1 i * > ID. SW 2 00
1. . 760 1 10 . 717 1 73 21. HXI 00oa
1. 1071) 1 10 . 9.3 t 73 IZ. 78S oaoo
1. 730 1 2u I 71 10. oo
3. . ill I 25 : : S ! I 73 10.e. . . . wi 00
S. . , 78S I 1XJ i m 1. . .1CGO (11
21. . 75 < > I CO 10. . m 1 83 13. . . . 970 03
' i 50 ess I K. 2. . . ' 140 10
s ! . KM i co 8iS I S. 4. . . . WO
2. . . . 720 1 M ' rat 13
. sat i 60 i- i23 1 f'O 20
. 7M 1 CO ! PM 1 SO . .1111 20
. sso i no 23 I ! , 7C3 1 50 . .11.10 20
. 930 1 I,1) 11 . . , EfU 1 SO .1011 30
. 741 1 bj 8 i , 877 1 03 33
3 . . . 420 1 23 30. . . . 7M 1 45 3 . . . 543 V )
2 . . fiVi 1 15 4. . , 400 1 EO I. . . . 520 00
7. . . 433 140
so i w 1.7. . 2S > 2 S3 1. .
i. . 300 i r * 1. .
3. lf > > 2 00 4 . 3-0 2 40 ' : cs 3 oo
3. . . 320 2 10 l-/'Ct > 2 2 iO 3i' ICO 3 DO
1. . 170 2 U
1. . . . C24 1 l..HCO 1 W . . 11SO 1 M
1. . H . ) 1 l.-,133 } 1 M i r , ' .
I. . . . 170 1 1..1330 1 13 ' ' 1 r3
" " ' . . 1720 2 W
4" . 1173 1 ii'lJOC 1 &
' oxra.
4. . 1593 1
, i.STAGS.
I. . 700 1 09
nns AND rnini : IIS. :
SID 3..i ! iO ) 2 20 14 . . 6C1 2M
i 410 HI 12. . . 11" 2 20 „ . 903 2W
40 7 ! 34 . . . JU 2 10 21. . SCI
< - > i 00 20 . . . 781 2 SO t > 101 ]
73 ? 00 4 . . 82S i JO fi
C49 00 9 . . . 903 2 30 1 > , 911 21.0
CIS K 3 . . 6SO 2 30 15 . 'ISS ' 2 C' ' ,
MO 10 SB . . G6 < j 2 Si 1 .1270 1 fii
MOo 10 17 . 841 2 33 U . 9f > 2 75
mo 10 1 . 9i ) 2 " a . 3.1 2 SO
G30 10 126 . Sfl 2 3" 1 . .1010 2 RO
815 10 IS . 83S 2 33 10 .1073 t SO
. S14 10 17 . . "n 2 if ) ii .ior 1 SO
332 15 13 59 2 40 5 .1010 2 (0
313 13 1 . 390 2 40 S .ins 2 85
4 . . 353 i IS 5 . . 371 2 SO
Av I'r. Xo. Av. 1'r.
Stnnlaid Cattle On.
2 steers. . m Sb feeders. . J3 Ol
l * > s | > d lifrs. .ins 3 13 li'i'J I 15
C. \V isti-r
1 bull. . i ; o 1 50 21 . .1172 3 bO
4 cows iu t 2 10 5 COUK . , . I'M 1 10
10 cows. , 17 2 10
B. lj. Halld.
11 steers . . .1238 1 row. . . . , .1218
4 cuw s IKS 2 30 4 Kti'iiy . .11:7 a 25
Cross & lj.
2 bull * . . 1243 1 DO Zi I . 802
1 steer. . . .11 0 3 50 1 Mc-r. . . .113) 3 (0 (
5 ulcers. . . . .1148 3COr 2i KtJi-a . , .1131 3 30
' VVhliiomtj
13 cown D48 2 S ) 3 DO
.1229 375 3 ttleera . .1110 S73
22 steers. . . .11-0 1 steer. . .134) ) 373
1 etner .1(8) ( ) 1 M ° er. . . .1170 373
1 steer .1341 3 T5 1 > sioers. .12JJ 375
1 steer. . . .13V ) 4 0) ) 1 steer . 1A ) 4 MO
1 Btccr. . . .13 1 Oi ) 4 ecr8. .1342 4 00
0 steers. . . .1550 4 no ' Mtern. .1233 4 00
C. V. Miller.
4 Ktrn , lit112 2 23J.
J. Jones.
13 cows S37 24) 21 xt'-cru . ,1130 I 05
llmTaon , H. & 1C.
27 steers . . 1115 2 70 U alibis' 3 2"
1 cow WO 1 75 I i-jv.- . 910 I 73
1C6 rows . . . . SS5 2S >
T. Nelson Tni t ,
crnvB. . . S10 200 91 rows. S73 2 00
103 cows . . . 871 20 ' I uttci. . . . 1120 2 73
\V. Button
0 cows. . . . ,1073 23) 21 uttrrs . . . .1192 240
T N. MrUln'V" .
3 cuwi 2 OT 4 stwia . . . .1073 310
1 Btter . . .1210 3 50
Sunn Land nnil r.illlc Cn.
. Xi 2 10 4 rims . . . .11M
2 conn .1030 I 73 5 0iu . . . . 090 2 21
1 run 2 2) 6 cons . . . . o-e a 20
6 con a OW 2 20 : > aleeis . . . .1038 310
3 < t eis. . . . .nca 1 Imll . . . .1230 1 K
n. Torbeo.
1 cow. . 1010 2 r. 10 con ? . . . . f3 2 13
3 cii\rs. . 1010 2 33 : a co s . ISO 2 33
123J 3 40 10 steers . . . .1171. . 3 4)
47 steers . 1172 540
T. 1 AI.M5R
1 steer 1140 StO H ) feeders. . . 1WH 2 SO
\V. StrcnB-
2. ) cows 1113 22JM.
M. Qimjle.
29 steers. . .1236 I 03 _
110(33 ( Today's repclpts of hogs , soms 56
loads , were only natlfas _ large as last Tues
day's run. The reports from all market
points were favorableand that , coupled with
the fact that there , yrcre llb'ral orders , both
local and shipping , , the market a big
benefit. The bnyt-rftiall wanted hogs , und
they went after them. The markst was ac
tive and higher , traxvniuch higher than } es-
terday It is difficult to say , as there uere
hardly enough hogs here yesterday to make
a mark t. As cKrilp.ired with Saturday , the
market could safely be quoted 20 cents
higher. A large proportion ot the sales vie re
nt f5.SOSJC.00 , while 'on Saturday thf same
kind of hogs wentI4.ti55.C005 80. The aver
age quality of LbfjJioga waa pretty ftwr
There were fewer" ll ht plga coming than
was the case a YjCfk ; ago , nnd the averaga
\vclghts \ are bettur.i rt. choice load touched
$ C.27 % , tha highest price paid EO far ,
sentatlvj sales ; c , , .
Nu. Av. Bh. _ No. Av. Hh Pr.
' ' .235 . . . 5 f K 2U Ml' . SO
97 . , .142 I ) 6 ! , : ui so 6 so
38 , . , , S 320 . . . SM )
1 . . 2i > 0 55 < l ' 78 214 1W S SO
II. . . 172 5 W 24 223 . . . 10
77 , . 171 ICO & U 7 ! 211 SO S SO
17 . , 199 10 & M t > J. . . . . . .204 1 fi 80
" it : 12) B en f > 23f 10) S 8)
T" JOO . . . 665 79 1K > ICO & 80
' 4 2S2 . . . S fl'i
13 , ! 179 . . . bb ! 11 7 . . . 081
. IbS 110 i 65 M no 1:0 s ss
83 . 178 ISO f. 67 } , 7i UJ 10 C 65
l l , , . lit 200 G70 211 . . . & 83
51. , i . IK . . . K 70 9 . . tin 6' ) 5 83
l . UG M S70 '
93. , . . , . .177 40 S70 Bl 210 & 85
63 . 2IS M 970 71 .181 . . . 1H
78. , . Z21) 2 < W 670 71 .191) . . . &K3
62 . 185 240 S70 5 .851 . . . S&3
K . 187 S ) 375 K > 211 129 &KJ
BS . 193 121 573 _ 74 S2L IM & BJVi
1 . 167 . . . 875 Cl . 2 200 6 W
2S . ISS . . . ( 55 70 . . .2ij iWO 590
U . 218 ICO 75 71 . . 221 129 L 90
&S . 165 SO I 75 10 . . .215 . . . 580
70 . 237 160 5 12 . 2 2 40 2 80
U . . .204 W B7S ' II . IMS . , C DO
4 . 270 . . B 7i 71 8 SOO B SO
1 . 113 . . B 7J U . . . 'A3 IMi S 85
1 . 118 . . B 7S 19 273 U > t CO
B . 4 40 B 7i U M < tO C 00
1 . 323 . . . B7S Cl 247 4 ( M
1 . 171 .1. t U Ui . . . t 15
i.i i.I i. i
l' There was only one load of sheep
rccelvjtl today. The market remain * In
ibaut the samp condition ns hag ctmractcrUcil
the t'nde for some time past 1'nlr to rliolce
natives arc quotable al | 2 SBfi .TM ( air to
; oed westerns , 11 00@2.CO : common nnil
itock sheep , { I.7&CI2.2& : good to choice I to
100-ib lambs , } 2 2f.C3. 3. 'Hepreutilatlves
sales :
io. AVi. Pr.
01 natl\p UPtluM-B . ' . * 3 nil
l"i wiMi-in wrthft'H. . . . . , . . , . , . . " 1 I SS
15 uratrin Wither * . , . ' . ' 3 2 Si
Ilioro VIISH < ; < io < l Drill-mil for tlin tlond
ClIICAOO M | i | . 11Not nwrp thnn W native
'attic ' of nil de crliitlon3 wctc uffvtid l" < li >
ind tlipipfote tlie m.nlict w.n nominal. Itxporl-
r * , rnnl rn bu > < 't tinil HIP diPi" * ! 1icf men
MIC till looking for Mi > cl ( ° , nml the fin-ling vns
Inn.VeMcrni comprltnl about llio milt * sup-
ilv , nlioul S.OOD held coniliiK from thut quarter
Tlu' > m > ! il n ron if. Ihe goid emr ffii'iln ly ro
They were fiuotnl ut fnnn Jl d ) to | i. iiroiirdliiK
< > < imillly , Of Trxnt tntlle there ivue nboul CJD
10 ul , nml prices IM-IP iiiiit < > d t ( mm (1 M to
] " > ' ) . > 'ntlM. cnltlc Hold lit lilsll us 1C 0) jrstfi-
Li > , nut mi iloubt pnually giiod piireu could
m\e nci n realized ttxlny
ThiTe Una n riulet lioff tnnrkft ti > du > , Lut It
Mis dun tt ) a lack iif i > od IIORS lalhet them to
i lack nf tlnnnml. TinKtilptH w u > only
2.UOO head , nml nfl only it piniill pmnitime or
lint nmiiln'i fmulnl nlnne i-omnmn tluiM who
MI-P loUliiR Tor Ihe hotter KimloH pu > 1111 ible
till lliclt tiiilvrii. Tin mm lid unv
BtroiiR : Ftniils- for e inn m to fiilr
Blroan fur prime iiu.illty. I'hnliv IlKhl wno
luolcd at fniin | C S'i to $0 4H ntul iholeiiuuvy
it from f < i.W to | .7j. l"i in ( lime pihei tlitie
uis tmiJ PR all iilmm dov. n lo fiom 14 lo J4 M
ur cholera l.ilnltil i > K <
The inn or pluop vuiq niuili laigi'i linn the
'ci-nt axernK' ' . nut fnr fn > iu IS.wKj niilvltiK.
A < < n rnnFeqvioiui- I he tune nf th > < iniiiKvl unn
t llrm , but thtre wait no ilfpicihitfcii. Tnlt
liH uue < iiuile < 1 ul rioni ( I 1n ! Jrn. nml S'MH !
tholco nl from > 2.M lo M ' " . l.ninlnMie
uH at from JI.75 to > ( .3."i In-CiliHim t qual-
Uecrlpts : rattle. < ! . < * hsait : cnHci , 1 0 > 0 lieail ,
loss , 1JI , > 1 bead , itlieep Il.inj hcnJ
Tic l/e\enltiii lout ml upoils ! HOOH He-
i > lpt , 12.003 herul , ottlilnl jrtlinhiy. J .hlJ heuil.
hlpmenls , 0,114 head : left o\er. about S.mW lieiul ;
nunllly pooi ; mitkel fnil > nethe : ? | | IH r.mpeit
ut ft I05IG.4Q for IlKht , Jjriii1T7J for loiiRh p.Kl-
ng ; J3Wi8OT for mixed. Ji ! > 1HC 70 for heavy
ai'klnif nml Klilpplnt ; loti.
( ATTl.i : llecelpts. 0 ( KJO henil , maihel fnlily
clUp ami film w II limit qiliitnlile tiling" '
Hlinni'-lleci-lptii , I'.iXW head , muiKil Hi in
vlllioiit alurutlon In uiluex.
KIUISIIS City I.Uc Mode Unrkrl ,
KANriAH PITY. H pt -rATI LU Ilccelpt * .
i.dOi ) head. Kli'pmeiilu ' , I.7W hind ; niuiLet for
IK-SI. tcnly to IJo hlKlK'i : ot.icm Bteiuh ; TI'VaH
twrK , JJ 15 IS.2J : t eef BWIH , H 0)6 ft. 11 : nntl\ '
o R } l.nitj33. ) rtnckcia anil feeders , Jl ( Xifr3.Gi > .
HOOH Hecelpts. K < W luuil phlpmcnts , Sm
lead ; mjil < et nntneil HTOIK to IDc hlKhei. cliixwl
weak ; bulk of salrK t" 7liii.O ( ) , h ivl 16 OCHJ
C2'i , pniheiH , | 5. 0fi0.r. : mixed , 5MfcU.W ; IlKliti" ,
> > 3 V : I-IKS. W.7rffl'- * .
S1II2I3P Hccelpts , n.Hifl hend ; shlpmenlf. 2 > 5
lend ; mnrkel MHUKT mil atl ej BJOI ! t elmlce
intlifs. Il."rti3 2. > : ijo < i < l to choice uiiteinf , S2.25
ffl" " > : comtnun iiml dtockeis , $2IS2.5 ) > ; SO d lo
choice laml > ,
St. I.imU l.ltu Mock tlnrkct.
ST. i.ot'if , sept , ii. CATTM : itu-HptK , 4,70 *
leiul , flilpmenlB 100 lifiul : mmket nctl\e unit
trotiK , with Letttr Kriulu lilRhei ; nntl\e fteere ,
1,100 to I , UK ) Ib" . illOjl90. cows iiml lielfei'-
: | .10Tf2W , IVxfB Kei8 , 9)0 ) lo 1,2W Urn. K " ' ff
1 2't ; co\kn. } : .OOTi2 50.
11OOS KMelpM. D.iOfl MilpmetilK 1.300
ituil , imrkct Him nn.l hlRli"r ; chnli-e hea\ ,
' 0 400C.IJ , K < Kil ) mixed and light , JG.10ftl > fl , com-
non nnfl iijuch , t" Z < 8tt. 0"
SlIIU : ! ' IlecelpK 2,400 he id ; Fliliinentt. | non- > :
nurlcet llrm nml acthe , n tl\eH J-'Wff3.l ) , Hlioep
ind Innitn , * S.7-.i/3 0 < > , Mmbfc IWil I W.
> < nr'Viirl < I/.MI Mix k Al.nkit
NIVOUK. . sept n. niivis : : Kiveiiit * . sw
nd , no market
HHiii' ANM ) I.AMUS-necelpt ? . 1,9 hwid :
market mure nctl\e : i-heip , | > oi Ui PIMU { iOi
5n.37'i. lnmb , conimim to ffood Ii 5051 1 V ; no
irlme or choice orfeied
I1OO8 UerelptB , fi.110 lunJ : I rmei ,
to choke. * fl IQjffl I ) .
differ Miitkut *
NIW YOHK. Pt-pt n rorrii-Optiom :
opened en v lit lltu h.niM-d to r. points net decline ,
nml wui general I wmli nil d1 on ne Irom
I'.iiiope and lliuzll Tnule wn Bin ill. tloxed
jnicly Fti.-id > at 5 polnth < lf < llne , Ktlm , 11.7IO
IRKS , Ineludlnu : S-eptembel , $11 M-/tl.l M , Oclo-
iei' , J12008UW , Dccembii , Ill.Snffl. 4J : ilaioli ,
112 10 : Miiy. Ilittti niwl lortee. Hlo. dull ; No
7 , $ l'.7."i , mild , qulel ; < 'onlo\n , $19.Wtl .2j , BnUs ,
100 pl ( R. Mnruallm. WtnchniiHO delHorleu fiom
New "Voik jekleiil.iV , 10 SM I K ; New York
slock ludin. 213.4M lutes ; fnltul Sliiten stool ,
JI5 128 lim1" ; ull'int fill the X'nltoil Sliitm H'.OfO '
h.iin. ; totnl vlsllile pnppl > foi the United Stltes ,
? 'M 1M IIIK * . .iKulnxt t i.K& II.IKH hiht > n.
H N'1OS , Hi pi 11 M.uktl wiMk at 100 re !
ilecllne , fruod d\cr.ite Santos jn 40 , receipts ,
J7.1.00 IMRS. ktocK 2a7.0'W ' h K *
IIAMIIUIIO , fept II. dull , pilces un-
1IAVHI3 Sept. 11 Slnrkct opened clemly nt
pailliil decline of > 2f : nl 12 m pileea unchuiHcO ;
't 3 p m pilees iltcllned 'MPif , mmlict Ineg-
iilur. Biiles. .0.000 IUKS.
ItIO 1 > 1J JANBIKU. Sept -Mulwt quiet :
No. 7 Rio , JIIT.O exchanse. HU ncelpla 3J.O 0
imRi , . ilcnl.d for tl T'nlted HluteB 1 010 haRH ;
Ic-uitJ for iuiope , 10 OW b < flock , 271 0) , ! > aB * .
( lile.ipo i'riilt Unotat.onv
fHK'AOO Sept. II. The llarl I'liilt tvmpuny
iM fruit til nurtlun todn > IIB follow H Itirt-
lettM , J20DC21j , Kilx-y plunm , vlfiG'i : Malnm
inpea , hnlf nates. } 1.M 1.1D , 4'ornlcliun SOe ;
Uluxciit. We , ToUiiy , H/Mfil 20 , icil n ctal nrr.
The Unit I-'nilt c-jmpm > . New Virk. rold :
HaillcllH. over r pe , SI soft ; 'M ; C5ni < x piunis.
I1.S001 40 ; nerrmn Jl.lBtlI.41'
1'orter ltio . compmiy ChlcaRO , fold tndiy
elKht oars of Callfnrnlu finlt ut nuel 111 llurl-
lett peurn ILSiaJSI ; half boxes ! . : W12. |
OnamiHKO peirs. H.30Q1.CO , Cl.ilrKiau < < . fl 4".4fl M ,
Iuehef" < . M2JOf9) ) ; II IIiirdSB. lefilcerati.r
Block , ( I I't ; o e lipe uto.k. ) < iiS ) ; Ornmra
( link pencheB , We , KiiTjuehniina , 'Iv ' ? I leiiuetn ,
lute. II : lapnn pluma , 80Jtoc ; BIOKH piuneB
ifiJlOO ; Germun prunes .S' iO'c ; KallealieiRB
VUIl 00 ; hnlf emu Taki.y Krnpes , Wcjjjl 2)
MiiKeatu. MtiSOr : ilnhiru WS75c.
j'lirler llros. < ompiny New Ymk , llnee cnra
lUrtlett peais J2r.a2.Vill HurJjc U < V1tl SO
) ll.e fl , ll n ; New Hull inache * SV , Fallen
heir ilftn * . 73f ( ! > "c ; CSermiii" . Mfi V. . Uiow
pinned , 1 15 , Kfliey Japnn" . fic
MVKIII'OOU Sept 11. WIinAT MndemtB de
mand , X" . 2 red. v Inter , t * 4 < 1 ; No. 1 led. PiulnK.
4i 7'id.
roilN Dull ; demand m.ideriite ; m-\v mlxod.
Hliot , 08 Uid : fuluren , dull , dcmiind | > ir ; S "i > -
tfinln-r , 6s 'Jd ; Oc.tolj 'i , 5s 'Id ; Nmeml > er ,
4n lUid ,
1'LOIJH Steady , demand poor ; PI. Louis fancy ,
Intel. SKiil.
I'llOVIfilONS l.iiil. Ilinur ; denund poor ,
Kpots , 4la8d ; fuluita , no ilemind I'ork tlrm ,
di-miind poor ; iirlmo mess Mcnti-rn , 7J I primp
mvK , tied un , MH. Ilo f , dull , dcinnid nuderate ;
prime mesa. tM. . llnms , dull ; ilemurnl IKKIT ;
Hhort cut , C4 Itiuim , tlrm ; demand modcnite ;
1'iimlnTlnml cut. 4ui ; short ribs , 43 W ; Ions
ilenr , 4' . Ilm. , 4" , IniiR and Bliurt clear K Iby ,
4JM , HhmiMoi-H. llrm nt 3S .
C'lIlJIISK Firm ; demand iiiodeiate ; llne t
ulilte and colored SOf.
TAI.I.O\V Komlnal , deninnd | KIDI ; prime city ,
23n HOI'S London ( V.iUlie ) , sltnd > ; demand
imnleruu. at i'-'tti" 10 .
< ; imni : < "i lii Storln of Grain.
NOW YO11K Pi lit -Speelnl lelCRrnrhlc nd-
\kefi to HradstipeL'a. covering prlncipnl polnlf *
of lUL'ilimilatlon In the t'nltfil KtatcH. fnnniln
nml IJuropo Indicate the following chamtra In
Blocks of Kniln Uitt 8alurdu > coinpartilvltli llio
precedlns Hnlurdat : Available supplies , United
Htates and Canud.i. runt oC Itorky mountalni * ,
wheat , Increase. 3 915.1100 tm ; United ijlntea nnd
Ciinartu , runt ot tli Kocky mounlulnn. coin In-
irwme , JWW bu. , United Ktatvs ami Canada , nt the Hock ] mountains , oata. Increiisp ,
C7.1.&M liu ; United Klatra ueiit of tlie Itnclty
mountain * , vhuit. derreafi11,100 l.n. ; afloat
for nnd In Kuropc , whent. U,000 bu The Innrer
Incrcadc.H nl dometlc stnol..i mat of tlu' Ilocklea
riported by ltmi.lstioi-1'n Incliulo HI..CJO l.u In
nortrmeHlirn Interior rle iitors. 117 000 In f'hlr.iso
prlMite eletalorx. 251.000 Im. In Minneapolis pri
vate tleuitur * . SIWJ Im. In Mlluuuktu prhnle
ele\ntor , CO.DM Ini ut New Oilinna , 21,0 * ) tu.
at ( ialu-ftlou und 40M bu. ut NtvtHiit. |
MlNNiAlf > IIS , Sept. 11 Wheat na unnet-
lltd and declined In the mornlne , but later , on
lm > ln luck , the fntuieH thut lail bt < n vi/1 1 ear
lier theie MUS nut very much foi Biilc , and
prceK iltcllned about ' c and cluxinl ,
KeplemlMT at 5.1'icj n < eeinlier , M'tc. ' and
May , 6 < > % c. On truck : No. 1 Imid ,
ti'ic ; No. 1 northern , M\tc \ ; No. 2 northern
DHiO , Old wheat waB IVic aliove the new , Itie
dlfferenee In prl < i bct\\iun old and new Is
Kradunlly deereusInK UK nome of the m l
vulllclenlly rurcd for mllllnir , HhlpmentH nere
1J.3O ) hu. The Hour maikct waK Dleudy and
llrm. putriitH , n.IJfl3.41 , tiakem , KMHJ.3J , Via-
duel ion estimated ut V bbli , ; uhlpliltllU , 33-
Noiv Yurk Drv liocxU .Market ,
NKW YOHK , Sept 11. Ai l u ml on TueB-
da > and ulth no mnllx frum the Inuiorluiit mar
kets of the country , the demand of comm > r > n
merclmnln v > at let * nctlie anil ivm ievtrlcte < l
li < th < riHimwIg from liu > er present mid u. liuxl
number of lehKramH from cpeciul ulilpmenln of
moo > idte quantities. Throueh the foiuatdliiKHim
N , W. HARRIS & GO ,
163-165 Dearborn-st. , Chicago.
IS Wall-Jt. , New York. 70 Slale-st , Uoiton.
C1TT. COffBTT , | | J \ IX 1 f W r >
C rrcip < mdi Bee SollcU 0.
orders , ner > 1nrs amount n (
BK comltiflfxl Th * jobblnit domnnd wn < n
Intiei ! on & larwi1 KNtle. 1'rlnt nn cloths . rp
firm nt So fur Cl square' , wltli wiles at ll.i/l
< ntttiii Blnrkrl.
les > | xil WO bnles. to nrilve. I.S50 , cirdhiaty.
T-16c Knot ! nrdlnnr > 6 15-lf.c , Imv mUMlInx ,
C 3 1(0 Rood inldJIInK. GSc rnlr mlildllnir. 7Mr ;
'air , C 7-Uv ; lecelptK. 4.J13 baler evpollf l iwn-
Inent 1.J93 bales , nn inliip 3 OJ9 bales , slo < k ,
32.MJ bnim , future * , l irely flrndy. Mile * M\ \ )
mles , ScptemlK-r , .ffi.27 bl < lj Ott.ilwr | K1TR Nj
Noveml > or. U. llflesi DocrmU-r ! M ! 6 4J. Jnn-
URrj t5 l f6.47 , relntino , J0.51 M : .Martli ,
: 57iO W ; April ICBStKidl , MaJ. KB'iflft.W : June ,
* 555r8.7r. ; Jnlj , $3 I > II1 SI
HT LOl IS , Sfpt. 1l.-COTTOS-Plend > . mid-
ll.nK. Ue alm 2M bnlps , rtccliilB. nomshlji -
menis. MO bnlen slock , II. M balls.
ICiin : I It.v
KANSAS CITY. Sfpt II niliAT-\ : > dull !
S'o. 1 ! Imrd , 47VI74e : No 3 lini.l. . l'UI7i ' ; ; Nn
! rp-1 4C4CV4C. | No , 3 | 1 , I394& , 13
COllN'-Vriclianrei1 Nn. J inKwI. r.3Ut " Vf
No. t finite , M M4f
> ATrt-tJnclinnKrd | No. 3 mixed , Jlfftnic : N'o.
: . wilte 3Zc.
UrTTinil-Hti-ndy ; rrrnmeij9Sjo ! : ; dill ) ,
lilH-nil'TH VVhrnt , 5S.OOO bu. ; coin WO liu ;
SI11 I'M I3NTSVhrnt. . 13,40) bu ; coin , noi. :
out * , none
'initn'r tlnrket.
Ni\V : VOUK. P | it II. SfOAR-ltiw. nimj
full refln'ng , SUWJ'ii ; contilfURil , ! > n te t. 3S"
3'lr : rnlei. r.nniH oil nod , iiulcl but Him No C ,
% # DIfic ; N'o. 7 4',4SN ' 7-16c ; N' > 8 4' JT4 6-IC.p ;
N'H 9. 4 1-lflc , N II. 1 lVI ffl'l. ' N" " 12.
1T { f4 l-1fc No , 13 , S'-ki' . "IT A 3 ! H.fiJ'ic ; m mid
A , 1H6 3-K.c ; ntnntlaril A , I ll-lfitll'.c , i-unfoc-
tlomrs' A , 4 n-lMi4T ci cut , f.Mf31Cc ,
trn ied. C.V'iJ16 < - , iiovtiliiti ! 3 7-IGyr.'ic , Kinn *
ul.iteil , I li-l6Q5o , otibe , G l-lCf73liO.
RT LOtMP. Srpt. II. AVOOL-Qiil.-l nlwiiit
ctcntlj , Missouri and Illinois
IVti : Mlfpoml mid Illlnnli clothlnir ,
ccai > c und br.ilOtd MHfllV * .
Trlnro Mlii-ul < Jmitiitloin.
PAN rilANCIHCO. R.'pt -\VIIiAT : QilktJ
! > eicmbi.r , tOVl ilny. ' ' ' > < :
Minn lic ti r
MANClinSTIIH. Sept. -Cluing nnd snin ,
quiet but steady ,
Corn Cut lor Fodder Nut Included In l > -
tlnr.ilp uf Crop < ' < mdlt l < in.
WABH1NOTON , Sept. -The lollovvlni ?
stntoment an lFt ticd today from tlie Asrl-
rnlttirnl depnrtment : "Tlio statistician of
the Department of Agriculture tcpoils thu
iccelpt ot sundry tcli-graini asking for ox-
plnnatlons or additional tlKuros tn the crop
report for Monday. JMr. Jtoblnson dec hit s
thut he < loH not f < ol .it llbcity to riunlHli
uililltlotml lltuioH or t'XplaniitloilH to Indi
vidual Inaitlrers If needed nt nil to vupple-
ment and mnlie clear the tepoits filvcn to
the [ itibllc by the piess ns orlntlons , stich
supplementary c plallatlons should lie made
thiotiBli Ihe same fnr rcachliiK iiRency tot
the liencnt oC all peisons InteieHteil For
IhH re a HO n no jnsuers arc sent to indl-
\ltlualH , and the KtntlsUlclun regtctu the np-
liearnnce of dlBCOtirtcsy.
"The only Inquiry towhlrli any replj
seems desirable refers to the seeoml pnia-
gruph of the corn report. In which tufur-
ence l made to un nB reate ( of in.GOt.,000 .
acres lu eight state ? , which are stated to
lui\e been cut up or abandoned The In
quiry vn < * ns to ulietlier the comlltlon of
corn Klvon In Iho tlrst parnKinplina esti
mated on the entlte ucrettpe plnntcil , In-
( . Indlnc- the ncrentje so cut up or abandoned
or exclusive of the hitter. The statistician
Btatca n ciucful intending of the rc-
poit shows the meaning quite cleaily , butte
to enlighten those who may tiling otherwise
he will state that the otlmnlo of conditions
Is upon the aciengc standing , not Including
that cut up 01 abandoned. "
Atitjxn.iST n try /.v KI..s.i.s ,
I'.iRturcs I'rt slioned nnil Stork \Vutcr lle-
i in ul it i ; 'I lorn I'lentlfiil ,
TOI'EKA. Sept. II. Following Is the
uerKly weather crop bulletin of thu Knneas
weather service for the ueek ending Sep
tember 10. Abundant rains have fallen over
the larger portions of the state , being the
least In the eastern nnd northeastern coim-
tlcs , and trcatcst in the Eotttlic.iKtcru.
During the week pastures have freshened ,
the old grass "greened up" and the new grnss
has started. Wheat that was sown right
after hardest Is coming up. and at the close
of the -week Is two Inches high ; flax and
oats that uerc shelled In har\eKtlng uic
growing , gardens have re\l\eJ , apples have
ceased to fall ; buffalo grnss is green meadows
have entirely changed their appearance and
stock water Is becoming more plentiful.
Southern Goicrimrti Will Toll KiiKllxli .Aim-
alls Is All TIiojVunt lo Kniin ,
RICHMOND , Vs. , Sept. 11 Governor
O'Ferrall has sent a .scorching message In
reply to a query as to nhnl he thought cf
th& advent ol a Urlt'sh ' committee to In
vestigate southern lynchlngs. . Tiic governor
considers "that things have come to a pretty
pass In this country when \ > o areto have a
lot of English moralists sticking their IHSCS
Into our Internal affaiia. It is the quintes
sence ol brass and Impudence. They had
better sweep in front of their own dojrs be
fore seeking to regulate us "
'What Information do they seek ? "D1
they ivant to Know that the white people In
ihe south have lynched negroes whose mis
erable lusts led them to the commission of
the black cnme of rape upon white women ?
U so they need not Investigate , for Mich Is
tha fact. 1) > they desire to knon that this
has been done by Infuriated communities
for the protection of their white women and
to save the victims ot thcte flends the mortl-
flcalltn of testifying In court ? If EO , th s
is the fact. Do they want to know whether
there was any doubt o ( the guilt cf the men
lynched ? If so , for the satisfaction of the
yearning souls they could have learned with
out encountering Ihe perils of n sea trip
that their guilt uas clear In every Instance.
If they had desired to learn whether these
lyiichtngs were perm ttcd or countenanced
by the civil nuthcrltloM they could ha\e
learned through the regular channels of
correspondence thet In every case the civil
authorities were either without knowledge
or were overpowered , In Virginia the au
thorities In every case have asserted their to suppress the lynching spirit , and
uitliln the last few months I have protected
from violence with military ut heavy expense -
penso to the slate three negroes who are
charged ultli outraging white women. These
sympathetic Hngllshmen might find mission
ary work among the negroes of the south In
warning them igulnut the consequences of
the foic ble gratification of their devilish
lust. "
COLUMBIA. S. G. , Sept 11 Governor
Till man sent the following : "In reply to
your telegram of this date , would say the
Englishmen arc welroma to bcour and learn
the truth They can't Invcntlgatc us from
Nev , York. 1 will afford them every facil
ity to get facts. "
J-'JHE/J .11 1IIK iUdllT
Ilartender Rhoots u. Itriienule Son of
Thomas t'niittvell Imil us u Itttrclnr.
CHICAGO , 'Sept. 31. Thomas Cantwell ,
tha wpyward eon cf the well known politi
cian Thomas Canlwel ) , president of the
Cagle Brewing company , \vas rhot and In
stantly killed last night by cx-Piiglllst
Thomas Morgan , bartender at a saloon at
000 State street. Cantwell end two ether
men , whoso names are not known and who
escaped , had entered the saloon as the bar
tender was counting the cash ami demanded
the money ,
Morgan says : "Notwithstanding an order
to do o , I hnd at no tlm3 thrown up my
hands , but as Cantnell stood outside the bar ,
directly In front of me , and had me cov
ered all the time , he supposed he had me
I just watched him sharply , and when the
other robb'r got around to the cash drawer
and began to help himself , I unconsciously
half turned my head , though the big re
volver was Mill leveled at me. When I did
so the man with the gun tcok his eyes rff
me to see how the man at the cash register
was getting along , and when he did so I
reached In front of me , nnd quicker than I
can tell It I had fired two nhoU at him
He dropped lo th ? floor , stone dead.
"To my training as a pugilist I owe my
life , for If 1 had onto attempted to draw
my revolver while lie had Ills eyes upon me ,
I would have been shot , and not h * . I went
at him with ths gun pretty much Iho name
as a fighter would strike out with his right
hand. The couple of seconds he took In
watching the man rob the drawer colt him
his life.
Killed lu u Seirer.
KNOXVILLR , Tenn , B pt. 11 Nelson
Woods was killed and Cuby HedJIn fatally
Injured today by a premature dynimlte ex
plosion In the "Went Knoivlllo lener , lo
they , nero working.
Several Points Beport Much Damage from
This Pourco.
I'l.ix nnil Unnlrn Tinok In lunn nml No *
liniokn AlKU .fcuni-r Severely from the
liuly VUllntlini of \ MuterI'roi -
lor Crop * .
XnWCASTLK , Neb. , Seit. | 11. { Special
Telegram to The Itec. ) Quito a lieavy frost
visited llih place last night doing consldcr-
slile dam.ige to gnnlon truck nnd corn fed
UOCK RAPIDS. la , Sept. 11. ( Special
TcleRrnm to The Dec. ) Tha tlrst frost of the
season hilled nil Into corn , fla-s nnil garden
truck this morning. The mercury fell to
25 degrees above rcro.
MAHSHA1.1TO\VN , In. . Sept. 11. The first
frosl of the season occurred In this Bcctlcn
last night , but was not severe.
NKMGII , Neb. . Pcpt. 11. ( Special Tclc-
firam to The lice ) A litnvy fro In th
eastern portion of this nnd vest part ot
1'lercc county last night.
NUQRASKA CITV , Sept. 11. < Spiflal
Telegram to The Dee. ) A light frost visited
( his section last night KlowcrltiK plants
Averc somewhat damaged , but vegetables es
caped Injury
mUlON ! , Neb , , Sept. 11 ( Special to Tha
neeA ) heavy Irost covered this section
last nlglit. It did some damage lo cabbngo
and other garden ylantu.
S1OAX , Neb. . Sept. 11. ( Special Tclegrnm
to The lice. ) I-'rost laat night killed the lata
corn. Millet la damaged and potatoes and
tomato vines arc damaged. Water froze
out doors neaily as tlilcU as a window glass.
I'.llt.Muiiiliiy MKln > Punt \Vlll Ilav
llio AIITIII ; l.oni-r In llio .North ,
DRS J1O1.VI3S , Spt. 11. Tlie droutli has
been cRccttially brnkpii In all parts of ( ho
state e\cept In some of tlie northwestern
counties. Pastures nnd meadows have been
greatly Improved nnd n fair crop ot late po
tatoes Is assured with exemption from killing
frost I ho balance of this month. The aver
age condition of corn Is 30 per cent. This
Indicates an average jleld of It.SS bushels
per acre. The present acreage Is 6,783,000
acres and if this est'mate- borne out by
final returns the aggregate for the state will
be nboul 50,000,000 bushels. In the southern
and central districts a large portion of Inn
crop has bsen cut and the balance Is. mostly
beyond danger from frost. In the northern
districts cutting ) s rapidly progressing , but
a portion of the crop Is still Immature and
would be materially damaged by n killing ;
frost. The amount of corn that will this
jear be put Into farmers' cribs will be very
light probably less than JO.000,000 bushels.
Hut under the stress ) of necessity the larger
part of the fodder value will be utilised , ami
this , added to grain , will give In feeding
value n total corn yield of about 60 per cent
of an average if It Is cut and cured In good
Other crops are rated ns follows : Flax ,
05 ; potatoes , 35 , pastures , 33 , apples , GO ;
grapes , 55 per cent.
Illinois Corn Itron lit Out llcvcuiil All Ki-
pectiitliin ,
SI'niNOKlCLU , Sept. 11. The lllntfj
weekly crop bulletin says : The weather
conditions hrvo been very favorable for all
frops. Corn Is maturing fast , and It IB
thought It will be beyond danger from frost
In about ten to fourteen dajs. In many
localities the late rains have brought the
corn out beyond all expectations. Many
fields wera badly damaged by wind , heavy
rain and hall which prevailed. Some corn
Is being cut. Corn on the bottoms still
promises well. The broom corn harvest Is
nearlng coinplctlcn. Y\lth \ n fairly good yield
ot good quality. Pastures have been greatly
revived and are growing frncly. The ground ]
Is now In flue condition for planing nnd seedIng -
Ing , and the work Is progressing under favor
able conditions. This work , however , is
being retarded In many sections by tlio
wet ground. Considerable seeding has
already been dne In the central and
southern counties. Potatoes nro being dug.
but the jlold generally will be light. Clover
hulling Is still In progress , nnd in some sec
tions Is yielding from two to four bushels
to the acre.
ISetcnt ICalin nTTi ! Tlrlpn.l Corn nnd
Orrutly llrnrlltml Pasture * .
COLUMHIA , Mo. , Sept. 11. The wet-kly
crop bulletin of the Missouri Board of Agri
culture reports the long continued drought
broken In neaily ull the counties of tha
state. In the noithv
> estorn section corn was
too far gone to be benefited by the rnln , ex
cept In a very few localities , but in ether
sections late corn In many counties Is much
Improved , and in sonic will make an average
crop Cutting If , progressing In all sections ,
nnd In many localities nearly Ihe entire crop
la now In shock. Grasses have been given
a new lease of llf , and pastures nro giee.n
again , though feeding la still neiMssary in
nome counties. The rains tiavo put iho soil
In good condition for fall work , ind farm
ers are busy plowing and preparing for fall
seeding. Seeding Is now In progrecs In
some counties , and will becotna general dur
ing the present week. Orchards liavo been
Greatly Improved by tlm rains. Tall apples
arc being gathered ,
1'or sale by F. p. KOICICi
Int. .Sim h'nliirliiru l > tir < t. ] 'J.
CltiJ of M xioo. M ox lee
" "
The Jlcxican CustomlioiiHa uitlf , In LIIB-
Huh , nltli ( .haiiKex to date. Ho. one % ol.
PP. 457 2SJ
StlnlnK Cede of Mixleo , In ingll8K : and b'imii-
lull , with circulars end rullmia on R.I i no ,
8vo. pp. 102 , 1,00
Ijiw of the reilcinl Htamp Tin , In Kngllsh
and Ppanlfdi , with CI.IIIRLS to date , one \ol
8\o. pp. 200 v J109
Coffee-KroKlng In Jlexlco , the beat work on
the subject , In inillf ; > li , Ilo. PD. 61 J 3.00
The HlsUiry uie etc. ot the Jlenlcan CnUn
ilar Btone , In Knellsh. by J J. Valentin ! ,
nltbplate , Svu. p | i W . 0 CO
Tim Kacred Clt > t'l tlie Tolticn , by LeoiKildo
Italirs v.Mi numerous colontl plates , 4to
p.i | 3 $ OH
dialogue i ( tin- Notional Museum of Mexico
byV \ W. llltile. Jl A. , In Unellih , co-
( ilauily Illnsti-aleil , 4to. pp. 91 O.JJ
Directory of the Clly of Mexico by i : . Huh.
land t 900
Diiectory of tlio Interior of Mexico , tame
author . . . . | 2.60
Thfl I'ubllc. I mds Ijiw of Mi'ilco , In I.'tiK-
Ilih D.CO
Tb Patent I.-iwa ul Mexico , ln Kntllali
and Spinlsh . . , 0.23
llemlt K , Y , Kxrli.ime with orders.
Is an Inviiluabln aid to Inii'ittirH Since January
1 HI Hd pur cent ol our pri-dlctlona have boaii ful-
Our to-njiiT.itUo block CombliialloiiM nroprnr *
Inu highly proni.itlu , and uro laluaul * ] to tlioso
nut lull IWBltloii < Jf imklnfa tniMlnnHa ot Jcllow
liic iiniiiiarki l Nine > J urn try iHt 1SHI , IflOk i r
u nt. II.IH Ixin dl > I'le.l a none HubncrltMra , I'.nu-
phluta fn-a upon ntim-at.
USHtR vJc.StJck Drokors ,
JKiiuilill HroiidM'HV. ' Knvv VnrkOlty.
Commission Merchant
finilii an J Provisions.
I'rlvriU wires to Clilcago and New York.
All business ordiTB placet ! on Clilcaet
Hoard of Trade.
Correspondence solicited.
artlce. room -I , New York Ufa Uulldlnc.
Telephone 1308.
Cat i r i > oinlfiit JutKrintetl , JHofkln * < K Co ,
Grain and Commission Broker
I'rlmto wlroloClilcnitu and .Sew York.
Tuli'phunu No. CI& ,