Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 12, 1894, Image 1

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Japanese and Coreans Enter Into a Treaty
of Allianoj ,
Japan Will rurnlnh the Solillcra und L'orni
1M11 1'urnUli Ilio Subulttriioo In tbo
in"irl : to Drlto tlio *
from the Country.
WASHINGTON , Sept. II. A telegram was
received at the Japanese legation this morn-
ng to the effect that an Important treaty
bas been negotiated between Corea and Japan
ivhlch authoritatively defines the relations ol
the two countries toward each other and
ioward China. The object of the treaty Is
itated In the preamble to be the mutual desire
> n the part of the emperor of Japan and
Ihe king of Corea to definitely fix and deter
mine the attitude of e-ach country toward
the other with a. view to clbarly elucidating
the existing relations between Japan and
Corel , which has been created by the re
quest -which the Corean government has
made to the Japanese government to compil
China , to evacuate Corea. To secure conSorted -
Sorted action for the more effective accom
plishment of this object , the treaty ot
alliance between the two countries \\tta
ilgncd at Seoul on the 2Gth ot August , by
Mr. Oterol , the envoy of Japan , and the
Corcan minister of foreign affairs.
The treaty consists of three articles.
Article 1 deflnts the object of the alliance
lo be the strengthening and perpetuation of
the Independence ot Corea as on autonomous
state ami the promotion of the mutual In
terest ot Japan and Corea by compelling
the Chinese forces to withdraw fioni Corea
mil by obllglne China to abandon her claim
ot the right to dominate the affairs of thut
Article 2 binds the Japanese government
lo carry on warlike operations against China ,
both offensive and defensive ; the Corean
government is bound by the article to afford-
the Japanese forces every possible facility
In their movements , mid to furnish them
with supplies of provisions at a , fair re
muneration , so far as such supplies may
be needed.
13y article 3 It Is provided tlint the treaty
shall terminate so soon as the treaty of
peace shall have been concluded by Japan
nltli China.
Mr. Kurlno , the Japanese minister , talked
to in Associated pras.j ropoilor 'oduy re
garding the new treaty between Japan nnd
"We have nothing but the announce
ment of the treaty , " said he. "but my In
ference from Its terms Is that U will prove
highly advantageous to Core. ! , Th-re has
existed there , under Chinese auspices , the
most corrupt system of Rovcrnnicnt known.
The constant Intrigues ot China there have
been a threat to the peace of
the east. The Japanese govern
ment has desired the settlement of
this question only for the peace of the cast.
It l > as been entirely without cxp- elation of
territorial aggrandizement or exercise of
suzerainty of Corea ,
"With the assurance ot autonomy to Corea.
which Is the design of tbls treaty , thre will
lie opportunity for great Inipiovemcnta In
her system of government , Internal adminis
tration nrtd other affairs. Already she has
advanced from the condition of the rule
of an Individual Inlluenced by China , and
has a cabinet of felt members and a. prime
minister to whom the ruler lnr ks for advlca
and guidance. Th'a change was made under
the ad\lco ot the Japanese representative
nt Seoul. "
Mr. Kurlno said he Old not think the
treaty could be called a step toward a peace
ful settlement with China , ns China was
tenacious on sentimental grounds ot her
claim of su/eralnty. China might , he
said , to have put an end ta dlfllculttes before
now by consentlntj t soma Improvements
111 Corcan affairs. The Improv-emcnt in
government Institutions In Coreait , would
bo admitted , require foreign advisors and
counselors , and these might be Japanese
or might bo other foreigners. He dM not
admit the termination of the present treaty
by making peace with China could open 'ho
nay for n revival of Japan's ohl claim of
suzerainty , which be said Japan had ex
pressly relinquished and would put herself
In as bad a position as , China by renew
ing It.
"Corea , und r the Inadequate government
that China gives her , " ho says , "Iseak
and other governments , such as Russia , are
constantly threatening lo cotno in ami seize
a portion ot her territory ami thus cause war
In the east. A guarantee of her autonomy
nlll guard against this. All the great pauers
will be Interested together In protecting
her from oiitsldo * attack.
CO1CKAN 1'OKTS m.OCKAtii : > .
la Maintaining n Ktntn of Met" " ' '
Ilia s < > ! ttOtiril.
LONDON , Sept. 11. A dlspaich to the
Times from Wel-IIal-Wcl lodny says that a
commission composed ot foreigners after ex
amining the Incidents of the naval fight ol
July 26 declares that the Japanese were the
aggressors , The Chinese , the commission
adds , were careful to avoid the appearance
ot provocation , but the Japs waylaid the
Chinese , selecting a good position. The Chi
nese senior ship escaped , making a running
fight , greatly to the danuigo of her pursuer.
the second Chinese ship fought until lice
ammunition was exhausted and two othei
guns were destroyed. The same morning
It appears , the Japanese arrived from Seoul
and attack the Chinese at Yashan. Thete
operations were evidently ell concerted ,
The Chinese lleet , according to the Times
dispatch , la now collected at Wel-IIat-Wel
and is In perfect fighting trim The Chin ,
Yuen has been repaired and Is recrultinf
eeampii freely. An excellent esprit de corps
exists among the Chinese sailors nnd the )
are awaiting- orders to enable them to assert
the supremacy of China In Corcan waters ,
Continuing , tha Times correspondent cables
that both the Chinese ami Japanese urmlei
. In Corea are seemingly liuctUe. The Japan
t8E have ordered the Coreans to cut thcli
hair as a token of subjection. The Ccream
tefu ed to do so , preferring to fight for thrli
tlbtrty. _ _ .
ni'.ii.n.iat UOUT TIII : N ITIVKS.
Two Tliomaml Atliu'k.tlio ( ! ornor' IIouic
nt Kllnii mill Are Itfiiil | oil.
ZANZIBAR , . Sept. 11. Mr. Klrmtngcr an <
Mr , MenBlcy , who reached Dar-Hs-Salaam Ir
German East Africa In a dhow from Kllni
Island oft that coast , on September 9 , havi
orrhfd hero and report thut the governor' :
house ut Kllua was attacked by 3,000 natives
armed with flintlock rifles , on tha morn
Ing of September 7. The fight lasted twi
hours , and the nattick were repulsed wltl
a lobs of 100 killed. The. Germans lost oni
Soudanese toldler killed und one dermal
EoWler Bounded. AVIien Messrs. Ileasley uni
Klrmlnger left the Island , a renenal of thi
attack was expected.
of Tolmcio . Ulmtllril to the Pott
LONDON , Sept. II. A. S. Arnold Morley
the postmaster general , has abolished tin
post fftcc bill prohibit UK the Impc-tatlan o
uninaif'/actiircd tob.icco by sample post
Samples of manufactured t.bicco of not eve
four ounces In M eight will be delivered. ;
the postman direct on the payment of hi
custom charge if 93. _
Kli Only WuntrU lo Trunifur .Hull ,
VICTORIA. D. C. , Sept. 11. While he
majesty's steamship , Hyaclnthe , wax On th
nay to Hawaii am ] the mall steamer Marl
p < ; sa was on her way lice tin vessels me
and mill wai trantferrt from th * Elya
clntb * ( or San Francisco. It appear * that 1
order lo attract the Marlposa the llyaclntho
sent up a rocket. Falling In her object she
IIred tuo blank cartridges. This has been
magnified to the extent that It Is said the
Hyaclnthe fired across the Marlposa's bow.
Tlio commander ol the llyaclntho supposed
the Marlposa to be an English vessel , The
Honolulu Advertiser nyn If the original
story was true U might 1)0 ) serious , but It Is
not , and gives Captain May's reason as
above , to silence the ttory of an outrage on
an American steamer.
War In tlio IR | ml ol I.nint.ok la Ono of
Nrrlrim I'rotinrtlmn.
SAN FRANCISCO , Sept. 11. D. N. Tlnon ,
a. graduate of Cambridge , ] , who has
been traveling for the past nine months , ar
rived here from Uavarla , Java , In company
with several friends. He says there Is n
violent Insurrection of the natives on the
hland of Lombok against the Dutch , The
native Island king has. Joined forces with
the nathes , and unitedly they arc doing all
they can to throw oft ths Dutch yoke.
War Is In actual progress. How many
have been killed on both Rides Is not known ,
but nt the last engagement the Dutch forces
were repelled. In Ilatavia th're uas great
rxcltcmcnt. "Everybody expected , " said Mr.
Tlnon , "that the revolution would spread , and
it was thought the war might bo long and
bloody. A month ago , when I was th re ,
communication was entirely cut off The
reason for this was that the Dutch govern
ment has seized all the steamers and sailing
vcssuls and pressed them into s rlce. There
ivus a single Kiench steamer running , and
in this I managed to gel away. The Dutch
vcre then collecting all their forces and for-
vardlng th'in to the islands ns fast as pos-
ilble. Up to Ihe tlmo I left Datala they
lind sent 1,000 from there The Island Is
argo and contains large tin mines. It also
iroduces much coffee , indigo , fruits and other
rops. U is very thickly populated. " '
ClttbPI AM ) LliO Alt I , I'll I UNI ! IA' .
Icrniivlll.itloii Itrtwccii tilt loin u.tnl Out- > i uiIng Complcllmi.
LONDON , Sept. 11. Under the caption of
Tons Pontincls" the Pall Mall Gnzetie prints
an article with the object of showing that
'renitcr Crlspl Is rapidly approaching a re
conciliation between the Ring and the pope ,
ast Thursday , the article says , Slgnor
CrlspPs private secretary had n long Inter-
low with Cardinal Rampolla , the former be-
ng the first Italian oflLclatwho has visited
he Vatican since 18TO , The vhlt , the Ga
zette says , bagan n scries of negotiations ,
he results of which are shown In the pope's
prompt establishment- nn apostolic pre-
'ecturo In Massowah , Immediately following
.vlilch King Humbert gave his assent to the
office of patriarch of Venice , concerning
which appointment there has bten a pro-
' .onged disagreement between Uic Vatican
and the qulrlnal.
The most significant Incident ot all , how
ever. Is the net ol Slgnor Crisp ! golnt ; out
of his way In his speech ut Naples yester
day to compliment Cardinal Sanfellce , the
archbishop of Naples , and to summon the
church nnd the state to Join their forces
against the common enemy. The presence
of Cardinal Sanfellce on the platform , saya
the Gazette , betokened , the willingness of the
\Viir ( 'orrr piiinle t ( .hxoly AVutcliod.
YOKOHAMA , Sept. 11. The mikado and
several cf the ministers will , on Thursday
next , go to Illroschlna , the embarking place
ot the Japanese trops sent to Corea. The
headquarters of the mikado will be trans
ferred to Illroschlna after that date.
Authentic news of the war cannot be ob
tained. The native press Is subject to vig
orous censorship , and the representatives of
fore'ffn newspapers are not allowed to approach
preach the seat of war. It Is also Impossible
to transmit private advices In regard to the
ivarllko operations , as the telegraph lines
and mail routes are controlled by the gov
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
-Moiirnltir lor the L'onito ilo I'url' .
LONDON , Sept. II. A special issue ot
the Gazette has been published ordering the
csurt to go Into mourning today and to re
main In motirnlnruntil Scptembr 21 as a
token cf reaper , , to the memory of the
comte do Par ! , bo was a cousin of the
C'uluinbl.i Ullt llain Something to Hay.
COLON , Sept. It. A correspondent In
Bogota sends word that Colombia v.111 pro
test against Nicaragua's annexation of the
Mosquito territory.
Prominent Urrman Banker Dead.
BERLIN , Sept. 11. A dispatch from Genoa
announces the dath of Daron Grlanger , the
well known German banker.
. .1iASJ.s.srri'ovrict.iLS Aitit.iniXKit.
ItitleiiKctl an Tltclr Own Itrcognlz nice lo
Ipioir for Trial.
JACKSON , Miss. , Sept. II. Governor
Ston ? and Stale Treasurer J. J. Evans ap
peared before United States Commissioner
Moscly this morning to answer to the charge
of conntei felting , preferred against them by
Special Agent W. J. Burns of the secret serv
ice , for printing $200,000 In state warrants
In imlatatlon of United States currency.
Govsrnor Stone .ind Treasurer pvans waived
examination and were released on their own
recognizance to appear In the district court.
District Attorney Lee , in compliance with
instructions from Attorn'y General Olney ,
called on Governor Stonq and requested him
to turn over to him the plate from which the
warrant's were prlnttd , for use as evidence
ngalnbt the Western Hank Note company ,
who made the plates. The request uas com
plied with and.a receipt was taken for the
plates , with the understanding that they are
to be returned to the treasurer of Mississippi
at the close of the trial.
bhot by n DlviirrrilK. .
PHILADELPHIA. Sept. 11. The Evening
Bulletin today sn > s : Clarence. W. Clark ,
one of the four worthy foremen ot the
Urotherhootl of Locomotive I'nslneers , ami
next In rank to Chief Arthur , la lyingAt
the point of death from n pistol wound In
dicted by his dlvorc tl wife. Clark was
about to start from New York for San Fnui-
clsco to look nfter the troubles on Ihe
Southern Pacific. His wife met him nt Ihe
Urn ml Central station nnd made threats.
To elude her he went lo Jersey City to lake
n train , but the woman had followed him
and gat on the fiam& train. AH the train
was stopping- Newark the- woman en
tered the- car , shot Clailc und then Jumped
off nnd disappeared. Clark was carried on
to Philadelphia , and , the bullet extracted
from his left lung , but lie Is In a very crit
ical condition.
ftrnnil Jury Inirnllciillnir tbo CorliMt Fight.
NEWARK. Sept. ll.-Judga Dupue , In
opening.the Essex county court today ,
charged the grand Jury in regard to the
Corbett-Courtney fight In the IMlKon labora
tory nt Orange , The Judge snld the grunt !
jury should carefully look Into the case nnO
If they fonml the published it-ports In tlic
newspapers to , bo true , the two men were
liable to Indictment on the charge of prize
lighting- .
Krcilorlte * l > oliijU hy AVutur.
COLORADO SPRINGS. Sept. ll.-Ther <
were only nbout 300 delegates present -wher
the national convention of Keeley league :
wns called tu order , nnd nn adjournment
\vis Immrdlately taken until II ! in.-Sev
eral hundred , delegates enra\ite from tlu
cast haw been detained by railroad -wash-
rtitx In Knnxtis. The convention ndjournec
until S p. in. without transacting any bus
iness. _
SIHSO ) ( nlil > rrv In Arlxvii ,
PHOKNIX , Ariz , Sept. H.-Word hai
toadied here Hint a stage was held ui
seven miles toulh of Congress late labi
night by two masked hlghnaymen. Sb
| ias.senfi- were In the coach. They -wen
relieved of nil their valuables. Tl % brtndlti
secured KM In coin. Ollicers are in pur.iul
of the robbers.
I'oi.l Hull 1'I.K-r Married.
ALI1ION , N. V. , Sept ll.-MIss Kstcll <
Robertson and 1'rof , Alonzo Stagir , the Ynl <
athlete now ol the University uf Chicago
were married here last night.
Parade of til Tetjrana At Pitts'burg Oattlid
Its rretlcctasors.
Crutches anil On lies Tonli tlio 1'hu-o ol
nnil IJnyonot , lint StlrrliiR Wur Tnnoj
JIailo Patrliitlum Shlno frnni 'I lielr
Chc l ( ai of Yore.
riTTSIJURG , Sept. 11. Forty thousand
men win fought to save the union marched
through the cities ol Plttsburg and Alle
gheny today. The old familiar war tunes
to which they nnil their comrades rushed
to victory or lo death filled the air nnd
echoed bick from the surrounding hills.
Tlio music made their hearts beat as In the
ft rrlng times cf thirty years ago , nnd
brought the flush of patriotism and courage
to their checks.
Dut wlillfl they stepped out boldly and
bravely they could not straighten their bent
forms nor conceal their gray hairs and fur
rowed checks. They carried no > heavy
rllle with glittering bayonet , but aided their
nged limbs \ > lth walking canes , while here
nnd there In the line of blue was some ccin-
rade on crutches. They marched no more
beneath the yawning nuzzles ot frowning
cannon , but past battery after battery of
bright cyca , while the fair enemy waved
white handkerchiefs and applauded with
shrill , BMcetolce3. . On every street cor
ner and vacant lot rose tier after tier of
human faces , and as the veterans passed
cheer after cheer greeted them. Every
window clong the route , with flre escapes
and rcof tops , was crovded , while the street
walks were packed sclldly from the building
line to the v.1re ropes stretched along the
curb to prevent Interference with the free
movement of the parade of the Grand Army
of the Republic.
At 10:30 : o'clock the parade started from
the historic Monongahela house on the banks
of the river from It takes Its name.
First came company A , second battalion
naval reserves. National guards , guard of
honor to Commandcr-ln-Chlof Adams. Then
followed the departments of the Grand Army
ot th Republic In the following order :
Illinois , Wisconsin , Ohio , Now York , Con
necticut , Massachusetts , New Jersey , Maine ,
California , Rhode Island , New Hampshire ,
Vermont , Potomac , Virginia and North Car-
olln.i , Maryland. Nebraska , M'chigan. Iowa ,
Colorado nnd Wyoming , Kansas , Djla are ,
Minnesota , Missouri , Oregon , Kentucky , West
Virginia , South Dakota , Washington and
Alaska , Arkansas , New Mexico , Utah , Ten-
lessee , Louisiana and Mississippi , J'lorldn ,
Montana , Texas , Idaho , Arizona , Georg'a ,
Alabama , North Dakota , Oklahuna , Indian.
Territory , Indiana , Pennsylvania.
It ttas 1-30 before the Pennsylvania de
partment swung into line and closed up the
rear of one of the grandest Grand Army of
the Republic parades ever held In the coun
try. At 3 o'clock the end of the column
reached the Associated press office , the pa
rade having been four hours and fifteen min
utes passing down Fourth avenue. Then
the- divisions broke Into posts and marched
Into their quarters In different parts oC the
tuo cities.
The weather was perfect. The sky put on
Its d'epcst blue tint , relieved here nnd there
by white , fleecy clouds without the sugges
tion of a storm ; the sun shone brilliantly ,
but Its rays were tempered by 11 cool ami
bracing breeze. It was an Ideal day for a
parade , both for the nun In line nnd the
The decorations of the two cities were most
lavish. It was stated by men who attended
many previous encampments that vkhlle in
dividual displays may have been excelled
In other cities , they had never seen decora-
Cons on such a gorgeous and general scale.
Hardly a dwelling , no matter how poor or
how far from the route of parade , but at
least had a nag , and usually a display of
bunting as well , while , the business houses
In every part ofthe cities made , a gorgeous
showing ,
This wag not the only manner in which
the gratitude , pride and patriotism of the
citizens was displayed. They gave friore
certain evidence by th ; manner In which
they turned out to greet the old soldiers.
It Is Impossible to form any accurate esti
mate of the spectators , Kvery available
Inch along thi route was packed , every side
street was Jammed full of people for a hun
dred yards back , and the bouse tops for
blocks away were hidden by masses , of en
thusiastic applauders.
A rough estimate Is that betwojn GOO.OOO
and COO.OOO people saw the parade. Of this
numbsr 300,000 to 350,000 came over the rail
roads , 100,000 arriving this morning- . The al
most Innumerable lines of electric roads run
ning to thickly settled suburbs within a
radius of fltteen miles , brought as many
Tlic old Eoldlers appreciated the honor dane
them , and turned out In force , but few being
se'ii nut of line while the parade was mov
ing. Hut this was not their only reason for
determining to make the parade one lo belong
long remembered , This was probaly the last
time the veterans -will turn out in such force- ,
as It IE seriously contemplated by the Grand
Army ot the Republic cfllclals. In A lew of
the advancing ago and Infirmities cf the
members , to abandon this most attractive
feature of the nattoiul encampment , There
fore they proposed to make the last parade
a success , and tramped over the tuo miles
of route with the same determination that
characterlred them when they marched
agilnst the southern armies.
Governor Paulson of Pennsylvania , \\lth his
stuff and a nuiriber of notable men nml
women from nil parts of the country , oc
cupied the reviewing stand In. Allegheny
park , and saluted each division as it
swung around and passed In review.
The arrangements for the ccmfort of the
marchers we-ra excellent , At short dis
tances apait were stationed emergency lios-
p'tals with the red cress fluttering before
Ihe door , ft bile all along the route were
men with cool water and lemonade for the
The National Association of Naval Veter
ans met again this morning and elected tl
following officers : Commodore , Will B ,
Atkins , Cincinnati ; captain and shipmate ,
George C. Ireland , Brooklyn ; commander , < 3.
"W. Shaw , Zanesvllle , O. ; lieutenant com
mander , J. J. Glllman. Boston ,
Henry Paul , a inembrr of a West Virginia
post , was struck by u Birmingham car ami
seriously hurt.
Governor McKlnlcy and staff are at the
Monongahela hotel.
The National Association ot Army and
Navy Chaplains met In the Young Men's
Christian association rooms and elected Rev ,
T. S. Haggcrty , chaplain of the Ninety-third
Illinois , president and Chaplain C. C. Mc-
Cabs ol the Ono Hundred nml Twenty-third
Ohio , secretary. A resolution was adopted
exprc-sglnc the Interest which the chaplains
still feel in the soldiers to whom they admin
istered In the war.
The Kentucky delegation , In recognition
of his courtesies to them , lias made a hand
somely de&lgned gold-mounted gavel , which
will be presented to General Adams In behalf
of the delegation. The gavel Is In one piece
and was cut from n large tree on Ihe Lin
coln homestead In Larue county , Ky. Engraved -
graved upon a plate of gold affixed upon the
face of the gavel Is a portrait of Lincoln.
Upon the other tide Is a fac B ! in lie of the
badge of the Grand Army ot the Republic.
The hacdlc Is also covered with a beautiful
design In gold. Several notable camp flrci
were hld ( this evening , at which addresses
were made by Governor PattUon , Henry
Watterson , Senator Manderson , General Uut-
IcrMcld , Governor McKlnlcy and ex-Governor
Rich , Congressman Stone , General Alger ,
Church ilowe of Nebraska , William A.
Ketchum ot Indiana , Judga Illcki c ( Mlnne-
sots. J. D Woodworth of Ohio. Admiral O -
boino. Joseph It. Cheadle of Indiana , General
Trowbrldge of Michigan and others ,
'e-'ipt to Wrcfic u Hmrt l.luo Train.
HO is U , Idaho , Sept. 11An attempt was
made tonight ' wrerU OIK westbound
irnln on the Oregon Short lnc ( ! nl Owyo
bridge , twenty mllcfl * nst nf Nampn. A
mil wns loosened on the hrldRtv whlch ta
forty- e feet high It was discovered by
the pectloti foreman Just Iwforfl the train
irrlvcd nnd he flagged the train. An nrmcil
man , mounted , observed on the hill
near by inaklnRsignals. . This- man after
wards appeared nnd flreil twla at the fore
man. A deputy United Stiites marshal ami
are In pursuit.
usiti' .t 7M. > mr
Suit Otcr the ! Mi > Irrigation Schema
n Qnurrpl llctwr n f oaxlm.
DENVER. Sept. II. The Associated press
dispatches from New York concerning the
ctioigca of fraud made against Jclin C.
Uoatty ind others In a Sonars , Mex. , land
deal has created some excitement In this
city , where some of the defendants reside.
James It , llrown , one of the'defendants , said
in reference to the company that a long
while ago he saw the Impracticability of
the scheme advanced by Bcatty and sent In
hla resgnatlon ns one of the directors , as
ho did not care to have Ilia name used In
connection with It.
" 1 attended but one meeting ot the board
of dlrectcrs , and that was Immediately after
the company was formed , " said Mr. Drown ,
" 1 have learned recently that Bcatly and
Miller went east and I heard that they dis
posed cf some of the stock to eastern parties ,
although I never heard whether or not they
ever did any thing towards making- the
scheme a success. "
T. J. O'Donncl ' said : "I have been at
torney for the Colcrado R.vcr . Irrigation
company since Its organization. From what
I know ot the affairs ol the compiny I should
say that the suit commenced by James H.
Bcatty against John C. Dealt- and the com
pany in New York Is u family quarrel. The
two men arc cousins.
"Tho Colorado men mentioned have had
practically nothing to do with its manage
ment since the first year ot Its existence.
They had sold mast of their stock to James
H. Hcatty , but in the controversy between
James. H Bcatty and JJm C. Benlty they filed
with the latter and cast the deciding vote
In his favor. This irritated James H.
Dtatty , and he has undoubtedly named them
us parties defendant In the suit largely ant
cf sp te. Mr. Samuel N. Wood , w ho Is
named as a defendant , IISH not been a di
rector of the company or had anything to
lo with It for some two years or move , and ,
so far as 1 knew , does not and has not for
that length of time owned * a share In It ,
The company owns valuable franchises In
California , secured by location and acts of
congress , and has the absolute title to be
tween SOO.OOO and 900,1)00 ) acres ot land in
Sonora , Mex. , much of It Immediately on the
American border. The land Is said by pirtles
wha have seen It to be valuable , The com
pany has been In cmbsrrnssed circumstances
since the financial panic ol 1893 , and this
suit Is undoubtedly the culmination of an
attempt to freeze J. C. Deii\y and the other
stockholders out and obtain" the franchises
and property ot the cornpany themselves. "
I'KtMlltKliS < ) ! ' TIIK 'XZKTtl
Cmiiisrl for Nun Salvml r Hocan Ills Open-
ItiK Arcumint Srstrnl iy.
SAN PRANCISCO , Sept. 11. The fate of
Antonio Ezeta and three other San Salva
dorean refugees -who are detained hero will
not bo decided , In all probability , until some
time nsxt week. Their cases were recalled
In the United States court today after Judge
Morrow had sustained a formal demurrer to
the defendant's plea of lack -ol Jurisdiction.
Argument was begun by the counsel for'ths
government of San Salvador. The opening
nrgunie'nt will not be-concluded beforj to
morrow noon nnd It is. not probable that the
case will be submitted tujthe court before
next week. General Hz ta jireres-to hava a
fascinating Influence- over sentimental wo
men ot certain classe * . For several days
past he has bein deh'ged Svtth tender mis
sives and flowers which have been sent to
his hotel by these admirers' . Several women
who make no attempt to concjal their ad
miration ot the flerce looking Spanish-Ameri
can have been constant attendants on the
proceedings In the court , One handsome
Spanish girl , who has besn more persistent
than others ot her rivals , has regularly
waited at the entrance of the hotel In which
Ezeta and his comrades are held as prisoners.
In order to catch a glimpse of her hero and
follow after him to the court room. Kzcta's
conduct has been manly. To all appearances
these flattering attentions have been un
noticed , Tlu great legal battle , which means
to him life or death , claims his whole at
tention , General Ezefa has received a re
mittance of $5,000 $ from his brother , Carlos ,
the deposed president , and Is. now nble to
provide for all his wants , He confidently ex
pects to be released , nnd Jils friends openly
assert that within six moAths he will be at
thi head of another revolution against the
existing government In San Salvador. Colonel
Colocho , the refugee Trfhom Judge Morrow
liberated , has reached Mexico.
T.ttST XKXIC.iy QtiVlfltSOll IE.ll > .
California's Lutt lluter Dmlcr Mexican
Authority l'n M' Avny ,
LOS ANGELES , Ca ] , , Sept. 11. Don PIe
Pico , the last Mexican vemor of California
fornia , died this morningHe was 91 years
old. Until within a few weeks ho was in
good health , though feeble. PIe Pico was
born at San Gabriel In 1S01 , and on the
death of his father in 1S19 moved to San
Diego , where he opened ja store , He pros
pered there , became prominent In a politi
cal way and secured the'tltlo to ono of the
largo Mexican grants * which he subsequently
sold to the Americans. His polltlca
prominence frequently placed him on the
wrong sldD nnd he several limes Buffered
Imprisonment. But on the whole , this
tendency was upwards. Ho was president
ot the Junta In 1815 , at ( ha time of Michael
Toreria's downfall , and became temporary
Sovernor February 22. } JIs office was con
tinued In Mexico and on A pi 11 18 , 181G , ho
took the oath ast cemtttutiunni governor ,
holding the position until Mexico lost pos
session of the country. On the approacl
of the American forces ho fled to Mexico
but returned to California in 1818 , settling
in Santa Margarita. In. 1EC6 he moved to
Los Angeles , where he remained until the
time ot hla death. He was an extensive
land owner , among ! his possessions being
the ranch Santa Margarita , embracing thou
sands of acres.
jilt. j-vjjjc/n
Another Btnrr MU'flrt jfrnilH lo MIOIV Ilo
flliiy Nntllta l > ra < l.
KANSAS CITY , Sfpt.i 11. The statement
'inadvertently made In cdurt by J , N , Court
ney of Salt Lake al > 6u { TDr. Praker , upon
whose life the Insurance companies were car
rying largo policies jfufl refuse to believe was
drowned , as circumstantial evidence wouli
Indicate , was corroborated today by John
Foley of Excelsior SprfcnB * . who gave this
Intc rvlew to a Star reporter :
"One day Fraker wa * more than usually
tEiider toward me. rutting his arm around
my neck lie told me that'll ? a woman
He eald he had a plan 'by wl.-h we boll
could be made vtry hiril" , that he woiilc
shave off his heard , Un-fes like a woman
disappear and afterv.'jrfl Join me In Europe
where \\e would go Jnto holiness. Ho toll
me not to bother abo\it the money he woulc
have plenty of It , In Europe lie proposec
we should live asjniijjmd1 wife.
"I thought the' man - > saS ranking game o
me and laughed at what I thought was hi
little Joke. But he Tra serious and said he
meant all he said. . I still did not bf.llcvo
him , and for two wefka nothing further wa
said. At the end cff that lime Fruker con
vinced me that he could put on a femal
dress and to all appearances ha a woman. "
Until today , Foley , v. ho uas known as a
personal friend uf Ir Prakcr , persistently
declined to make a statement.
Atulltor aixl-Aitoriior Ornrml lit Wiir.
HPRINGFIBLD. III. , Stpt. 11 < The stat
auditor 1ms decided to bring a mandurnu
suit against the attorney general , compellIng
Ing- him to bring inlt against the Insolvcn
Illinois Buildingon < l lx > an as orlatlon o
llloomliifjton , which Ihc attorney genera
refuses to prosecute. It will be u warm llsh
between the auditor and attorney general.
Populist Cntd'dite for Governor Enthusias
tically Becoiv.d in Omtilia Last Night.
State Must Ilo Itt'ilrcmril from Corrupt Itliig
Ilritdnl ) > ) Tiim .Mtijnr * Prutcitluu
l'raiiilcil for .111 Intrn-sto
Utlicr Caiulldiilca bpc.ik.
Fully 2,500 citizens of Omaha gathered
at Exposition hall lost evening to listen
0 JudgeHolconib , tlu people's ' party candl-
Into for governor. The meeting was the
opening one of the state campaign for the
ndcpeiidents , nnd It the size and enthusiasm
of the aiidUnce Is. any criterion , the opening
vas auspicious to a high degree , The big
mil was pnckcil to the doors on the ground
leer , while there was a large overflow Into
the galleries. Judge Holcomb creat tl n
favorable Impression from the start.
The meeting was opened without any for
mality. Dr. Bell of South Omaha presided
and Introduced first D. B. Carey of Fremont ,
the Independent candidate for attorney gen
eral. Mr. Carey spoke upon Issues of the
day and discussed the silver nueitlon nnd
tin- government ownership of railroads.
He was followed by Judge Wilson of Keith
county , candidate for auditor. Judge Wilson
spoke but a few moments , giving way to
fudge Holcamb , who addressed his audience
for about an hour. The substance ot his
address Is as follows :
"I desire to thank this splendid audience
'or the reception It has accorded me. It
seems to argue well for the success of our
ticket in November. The chairman of the
evening presented mo to you ns the next
governor of Nebraska. ] l Is better , pcr-
! iaps , that such a declaration should come
from him ami from the citizens of Douglas
county , rather than from me. 1 do not
krow that I am particularly noted for
modesty , but at the same tlmo I deslro to
say that I nm not egotist enough lo stand
up before an intelligent audience nnd declare
that I am going to be elected by 25,000
majority. ( Applause. ) I am too modest for
that. I shall be satisfied with 10,000 ( ap
plause ) , but with nothing less , and.with the
Mi.dly expressions of feeling which you havi
made tonight I hope we can swell the
majority to 20,000.
"Politics Is one of tha uncertainties of
life. I nm no prophet. But I can gauge to
some extent the sentiment of the people
1 come In contact with in my trips over the
state. I nm somewhat acquainted with th1
people ot Nebraska , nnd It is my firm con
viction that It the- election should be' held
In a short time , as Indeed It will be , the
election would register a majority of at
leas.t 20,000 In favor of a change ,
"I do not know but that In one respect
at least I am liketny illustrious opponent.
We are both occasionally candidates far office.
But I draw the line right there , I dis
claim receiving a nomination in n manner In
which the nomination was tendered my op
ponent in tbls city but a. few weeks ago.
When I went to Grand Island to attend the
Independent stite convention I did so with
no expectation of becoming candidate fci
goternor , Hut there I met conservative
people-from nil o er the state , from Omaha
and Lincoln , , from many of the smaller
towns and from the rural districts. These
men were ccnscrvatlvVTpatrloHc. They cilrie
there to serve the people and to demand
good government , honesty In the administra
tion of the state's affairs. They came with
out selfishness , of motive , and they asked
ma to bo a candlflate for governor. Such a
demarid I csuld not refuse. So I came to
you ns n candidate , not as a man with a
dealra to thrust myself Into nn office. I was
already occupying a position satisfactory to
myself , a position In which I was giving
reasonable satisfaction to my constituents ,
and a position which to my mind was
equally as honorable as the one to whlcli I
am now an aspirant. I come before the
people at this lime believing that thsro Is
a demand by a large majority of the citizens
ot Nebraska , for a reform In state govern
"The state ot Nebraska. Is now twenty-
seven years old. It is a young state In the
galaxy of states , n state that we are all
proud of , a slate that has grown in wealth
and population almost beyond expectation I
have seen the state of which we are all BO
proud grow for sixteen years. I have taken
a deep Interest in Its growth , but not more ,
perhaps , than thousands of others -who have
worked for Its material and Intellectual ad
vancement. 1 have seen Omaha grow from
n mere spot on the map to one of the leading
cities of this great west. When I first came
to Nebraska Omaha was but a small city.
Now its name is known nnd its place Is rec
ognized among the leading cities all o\cr
the civilized world. I have seen South
Omaha grow Into an Important city in a few
years , and It seems to me that her growth
Is marked by Interests almost If not fully
Important as thote of Omaha Itself. And ,
having seen thtse things , I want to say that
there Is not an Interest In Nebraska , In
Omaha. or South Omaha that cannot be
safely entrusted to the hands of an Inde
pendent administration as safely as in the
hands that have controlled the stale for the
sixteen years that I have lived In the state.
I can see no reason why the business In
terests of Omaha , South Omaha , Lincoln.
Beatrice , Fremont , Hastings or Grand Island
can be particularly benefited by the election
of any one particular candidate or net of
candidates. I take It that the affairs ol
government Jf rightly administered are broad
enough to care for the Interests of every Indi
vidual and every city and every part of the
state. I do not believe that the business In
terests of Omaha are opposed to the Interests
Of the state , consequently I fail to under
stand why it should bo said , as I understand
It has already been said , that I bhould or
could not Interpret the laws or administer
the affnlra of the state without endangering
the business Interests of Omaha or of any
part ot the state. Wo all agiee that the
sacredncss of property and of property rights
must be protected , that contracts must not bo
broken , but must be lived up to. Kalr dealIng -
Ing bctwc-en man and man Is held just as
high In my esteem as those who are claim
ing , that the business Interests of the state
are to be affected by the election of any one
particular candidate.
"I do not care to discuss this evening- the
difference. ! that exist between natlona
parties. We have already had a little too
much of fruitless tariff discussion. I am
not going to talk ot tne silver question ,
am more Interested in taking care of the
silver we have already accumulated. I am
more Interested In seeing It honestly spent
I am inoro Interested In seeing that when the
money we already have Is taken from the
pockets of the taxpayer It Is expended lion
cstly and judiciously.
"In my humble Judgment , the business In
terests ot the state of Nebraska demand tha
the class of men which has for the pas
twenty-five * ycara controlled the state affair
to the disadvantage nf the people and of th
taxpayer shall step down and out. I knot
political parties are like human nature gen
ernlly. The masse * of the people are lion
est. Dut there are. unfortunately , men who
ure honest personally , but who , for the pur
posa of holding tha affairs of state In the-1
grasp , arc. politically at dishonest as any
jnau the state- has ever produced. The ;
look upon public office as legitimate prey
nnd they use office for the purpose of feath
erlng their own nests , I am not alone In
this belief. The last legislature , by a vol
of a majority of republicans , as well as In
dependent ; , drew ip an indictment ugalns
the officers nlio had managed the elate'
affairs tn the Interests nf the rings. The In
vestlgatlon before Ihe supreme court , na yoi
all know , dltclosed a mass of corrup'lon ' , o
mUmanageme-nt and of malfeasance 8linos
surpassing belief While the Indicted offl
dais escaped on a tchnlcatity , there V > * tl !
a widespread foallne that they were rccrc
nt lo the trust Imposed upon them by the
coplo ot the state. The Investigation set
100pie to thinking. And they nrc now ntk-
np , What have our public servants done for
sT Have they done their duty ?
"Under the lust reign of mlsrul ; , fraudu-
nt contracts hue been awarded ; there has
iceti flagrant disregard of the Interests ol the
leoplo ; taxes have been growing heavier ; the
oatlng Imlebt'dnes of the state has been In-
reaslng. Nearly $300.000 of the state's
loncy has been lost in the failure ot the
Capital National bank , The sum of $ . (0,000 (
las been expended nl th state penitentiary
or n cell house that Is absolutely worthless
or the purposes for which it was built. The
pproprlatlons for numerous Institutions have
) een squander-J.
"Why do I remark upon these things ? Be-
ause I believe that the fame element that
ias controlled the state Is still endeavoring
o retain tlut control ; because 1 believe that
he same element Is now attempting to die-
ate the men who are expected to cover up
olteimcss that may still be undiscovered.
Every taxpayer should look Into this matter
nnil say for himself whether the past Blate
ot affairs shall continue. I do not ray that
my candidate on Ihe republican ticket Is
personally dishonest , but I do Bay that every
anJIilato on that ticket was nominated nnd
s controlled by the same class of men that
or years- past has dominated our slate gov
ernment. It srcrns to me that the time has
cume when the people of Nebraska should
naUe a careful Invcbtlgatlon and then say
vh'lher the Interests of the state , Its Inlcfi-
rlty , Its credit shall longer bo controlled by
men uhoio actions have been so Iniquitous
is lo 'be almost a stench In tlio nostrils of
he people.
"In conclusion I do nut care to say that I
vIH bo the best governor Nebraska has ever
lad. 1 du tny , however , that when I nm
elected I propose to discharge my duty to
ho best of my ability. I will do everything
that can be Oono to bring about a safe ,
economical and conservative administration
of affairs In our state government , and see
o It that the faith and credit of the state Is
< cpt as high or higher than It has been up
to the present tlms. "
Judge Holconib was heartily applauded at
evvry one of his telling points.
W. L , Green of Kearney awakened enthusi
asm by making a brief speech In his own
enthusiastic manner. He said that the noml-
latlon of Tom Majors had acted as a pavver-
ul emetic upon the republican stomach ; that
IB would be spewed out In November. He
said that although a great deal had been
said in the past about Edward Iloeewnter ,
.hero wer ; 10,000 Edward Rosewatcr republi
cans in Nebraska -\\lia would spew out the
republican candidate for governor , He com-
iared the republican attitude to Rosewatcr
o the colond man who had captured a rabbit.
As the colored man carried the rabbit home
he chuckled over his good fortune. "Yer
Rood tcr stew. Yer good fcr fry. Yer good
"er baks. Yer good for everything that dls
larkey wants. " At this point In the apostrophe
trophe the rnhblt made Its escape and the
llsappolnted darkey shouted after It : "Go
it. ycr raw boned , slab sided , dr > meat , good
[ or nothing I ain't gut any us * fer ycr any-
liow. " Aa long as Edward Rosewater was
with the ticket , he was all right , but as soon
as he refused to support the republican
candidate for governor he was of no use any-
> iviitvniiM : : .
In Malmi TliryV.inti < \Vlili-li 'lluiy
tlhl .Nut ( ii't.
AUGUSTA. Me. , Sept. 11. The republicans
regard the result of yesterday's election * as
the biggest victory they have ever achieved
in this state.
The vote for governor , which two years
ago was 130,000 , iq reduced 13,000 to20,00(1 ( ,
but even with this , It Is alleged that Cleaves
has received 70,000 votes. In every one of
thc-slxteen count- ! thc..staljktji _ d4mp.-
cracy has been defeated.
Every city in Che state has probably gone
republican , which Is something phenomena ] ,
The returns show nothing but republican
gains. The returns BO far indicate that
Johnson , democrat , did not get over S5.000
votes , to 55.000 cast for him two jcars ago ,
and this may be reduced by.later returns.
All four of the republican'congressmen are
elected by largely Increased majorities. The
republicans have carried both branches of
the legislature , electing a solid senate , which
two years ago stood thirty republicans and
one democrat. In the house of representa
tives , which consists of 151 members , and
which two years ago stood 107 republicans
and forty-four democrats , the republicans , It
Is believed , have elected 110 members , while
the remainder have been elected by the demo
crats and populists.
The late returns Indicate that the demo
crats will have but fourteen In the house of
representatives , against 137 republicans ,
O-wi-im und ItruLUInrlilKO Mm Cnnio to
llloMH III a l.rxliixton Kmliiiirant.
LKX1NGTON , Ky , Sept. 11. County At
torney John R Allen , a leading IJrecKln-
rklge campaign orator , and Prof. Charles M.
Aluertl , an Owens speaker , who have been
exchanging uncompl'menlary remarks upon
the raging stump In the Ashland district for
the past week , came together In a restaurant
today and but for timely Interference there
would have been bloodshed. jvlbertl made
a fierce spe ch at a meeting last night which
Allen read In the paper. Allen ttdrled out
to find AlbtTtl and was told he w.iu In the
i 'i'aurant. Allen entered and walking up
'o Albert ! struck him In the face with his
open hand. One story Is that Allen diow a
| i 'itol nnd Albert ! called out that he was
unarmed and dared the former to shoal him
' 'own In cold blood. Another s > tory Is that
Lu'h men drew pistols and * pi ( pared for
tj'lon , when Proprietor Davis separated
'I ' ? ni. Davis , Allen and Albert I refuse lo
rr 1 > Rny statement. The report of ihls >
i.'j'j'lnu ' l.aa created Intense excitement.
l'r linn ) Ivmilii Drainer. ! ! * 1 111 Tuo Vu
IIAHKISBURG , Pa. , Sept. 11 , The demo
cratic state convention met here today to
consider the vacancies on the state ticket
caused by the death ot K. Sloanc
and the withdrawal of ex-Judge Ituchcr of
Union , the nominees for congressnmn-at-
lane. ; There was , a small representation of
delegates and the work of the convention
V.-JH gone through without any unnecessary
Thomas Collins of Bellefont and Hcnrj
Myeis of Allegheny veie unanimously chosen
to fill the vacancies.
Resolutions endorsing President Clevelam
and ( Jovetnor 1'attlFon and reaffirming the
platform and principles of the democratic
party were adopted and the convention ml
jaurned. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Mills Comity fur I'lKlini.
MALVERN. la. , Sept. 11. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) The democrats ot Mills
county c'nsuminated the bargain made will
the populists at their county convention a
Glenwood today when they endorsed two o
the pops rerguson for clerk nnd Q , W
Irry for attorney. The denu-crals nominate !
Andy Russell for auditor and Burnett for
recorder for the pcpullsls to endorse. The
convention Is bald to have been one of the
largest In attendance In the history cf the
county. As usual , Lew Geming was on ham
with a speech. The candidate for tupervi
ser of ( lie Third district U Clay DcUshmet
Wumt I'npiilliit l.nvr r > ant.
WEBSTER CITY. la. , Sept. 11. ( Spccla
Telegram to The Bee. ) The harvest Irme
picnic held at Lalcln's urcve near this city
today was attended by 1,800 people , Afte
the mom ng races and ainuiementi thipic -
nlo developed Into a pcpullst meeting. I
went the way nearly all the farmers' picnic
In this section rt the state are going. L
A. Vlgness , president pf the Jewell Lutheran
college , delivered the address of the day. H
touched the financial queitlon and all th
leading issues ot the hour.
I.'rpuliUriini ItefiiKB to I'me ,
DALLAS , Tex. , Sept. 11. The * state ciccu
live committee ot the reform republican party
of Texas , commonly knwn as the -"Lily
whites , " was In secret session here. Th
proposition to fuse with the populists wa
rejected almost unanimously.
Lincoln the Econo of n Largo Gathering for
tha Ccca'iou.
iilr Violtor Swell tlio Attcml.incn City
JCcnullfully llroomlnl 1111 Alt shirt
Hoverut 1 hotiiiu il People In
tlio I'liritilc.
LINCOLN . Sept. 11. ( Special to The Bee. )
Lincoln Is nil ablaze In glory tonight , All
tic business blocks had been decorated In
lie national coUrs , enterprising merchants
uul arranged the displays In this windows
o catclt the public eye , nnil throngs ot
isltors to the state fnlr crowd the streets
o such an extent that walking unimpeded
s an Impcsslbltlty. The announcement that
ho greatest parade ot the ccason would bo
icld tonight did trt fall to bring out all
he visitors and citizens of the city on the
streets , and UK ; attraction win sufficient
o draw even the hardest shell democrat to
he scene of glorification.
The great parade formed us per program
at the corner of Ninth and Q streets K. It.
ilzcr was chief marshal , whiles C. M. 1'arkei charge of the firs. ! division , This con
sisted of the veteran clut-s , speakers , guests ,
state officials and c ty olllccrs. The BcconJ
llvlslon was looked after by S. M. Mollck.
rills psrtlon was composed of the state
central committee.and the clubs of Pawnee ,
Hebron , Uav.d City , Dow lit , Crete. No-
> raslu City , Beatrice , Polls City , Ashland ,
Ifrstlngs , T ! cumcli nml York. The third
llvlslon followed In charge of Frank Qra-
lam. this conUlueil the county committee
and the clubs of Plrth , Yankee Hill ,
iVavcrly , Davy , Dennett , University Tlacc ,
lawlhorne , College View , C rand view ,
.tetlMtiy and Hav clock Dick Townley was.
chef of the fourth dlvMai. which consisted
of the various clubs of the city.
The parade came oft at S o'clock In tin
evening with a blaze of torches , red lights
and romnn candles. Long before- the street !
were so thronged with people as to bo al-
nest Impassible. Ited lights \\cro burned en
nany of the Illuminated buildings along the
Ino of march , and flreuorks were shot oft
n every direction , it Is est mated thai
.hero were over 3,000 people In line. Includ-
ng the mounted divisions , and there wcra
jands galore from all portions of the state.
Lincoln probably never hail a bigger crowd
n the streets. One of the features of the )
prado was the frequency with which the
name Rosewater appealed on the trans
parencies. About 1,500 people gathered al
the M street ball park , where the f Mowing
program \ carr ed out1
Grand Oveiture Nebraska State Band
* > pnir. . . Thuraton Ciec ; Clutt
Reveille k William O'Shed
Introductory . . . . . : '
. , ; General J. M. Tlmvor , C'hnlnnnn
Address ijoii. W. S. Summers
bong ] 'iof. W. 11. Hownid
AddiehS lion J I , . Webster
Music Third Ward Glee Club
Address c. II. Uranson
Music Alton Glee Club. York , Neb.
Address lion , A. 13. Cady
Cornet Solo Dr. S. n. Dnlby
Music David City Oloe Club
Address lion , a. St. Lambertson
When C. M. Branson was Introduced , ho
beg.m with a eulogy of Tom Majors. At the
close of his speech there vvere not more than
300 peopleon the grounds , The Arlon quar
tet ot York rendered -some choice cam pa ) en
songs In n mann.r that wan Immensely
pleasing to those who remalnoUi Tom Ma
jors was called for at the close ot the pro
gram , and , among other things , ho Balds
"Let me tell you that the next governor ol
the state of Nebraska Is talking to you now ,
and , comrades , I order you oil to picket
duty. You can have all you want to cat.
but you muat not Mcep until the night o |
the Cth of November. "
Frank .1. CHIIIKMI of ( iK Ntttniiui ml fur
l ) < < U'tiitii In CungrrNi.
PROVO , Utah , Sept. 11. The republican
territorial convention was called to older In
the opera house at 2 o'clcch , The opera
house was profusely decorated with flowers ,
bunting , Hags and mottoes : "Utah tha
Pivotal State of the Unkn ; " "Liberty ,
Equality and Patriotism ; " "We Demand
Protection on Lead ami Wool ; " "Protection
for Utah' Sugar ; " "Silver 1C to 1. "
John E. llooth ot Provo was made tem
porary chairman und J K. Wilson ot Logan
temporary secretary , li'oth , In II'B speech ,
reviewed the history of the republican party
In the campaign of 1S92. The usual com
mittees were then nppontcd.
In the platform which was unanimously
adopted , the republicans ot Utah renew their
fealty to the party of freedom. Justice and
the protection of American Industries estab
lished by the founders of tin government.
It rccognl7es the silver question aa one ol
paramount Importance and demands Us re-
monetlzatlon at n ratio ot 16 tel ; advocates
the cstabllshmint of a national board of arbi
tration ; the establishment ot a postal tele
graph system by the general government ;
favors exclusion ot paupers and criminals
from foreign countries ; It denounces tin
democratic party for its attitude on all ques
tions affecting the material Interests of tha
people and especially for Its advocacy ot fretf
wool and lead ; the democratic party Is ar
raigned for Its attitude on the Hawaiian
questions ; Its failure to enforce the Chlnesa
exclusion act and for Its refusal to enforce
the purchasing clause of the Sherman law.
Prank J. Cannon of Ogden was nominated
for delegate to congress.
( Jllroy "SIUK Thnrr'H > o Corruption ,
NEW YORK. Sept. 11. May r Ollroy has
returned from his European trip. To n
reporter he mid , regarding the meeting- held
In Madison Square garden last weelt
"They may say what they plcaso
about re , onus and dirty government ,
l' t I tell jcu there IK noth-
i. X to rcfmn , I am In a position to
1-rctv more abut tlio insldj workings than
anlj other Ind'vldiul , und I know that cor.
rupllon < Je s not exiht In tha municipal gov
eminent of New York Ctj , "
M'eudoulc llmu Nut \ \ ant Itriiouiluittoti.
DAY CITY , Mich , S'pt. 11. Congressman
Weadick addressed an cpen letter to Joseph
Turner , chairman of the democratic con-
grct'tloual committee , declining to become
a .nr d-tc for rrnomlnatlon , Ills r'asonsj
aid ir.t > . . prefers tn devote hm ! elf to hla
law pi not lee and that lie doPH not wish any ,
other cimpalgn which lie t.iys It Is to ba
fought on religkus lines. Iturnr * ICrmmilimtuil ,
GREEN HAY , WIs. . Sept. 11 , Congress. .
man Lyman 1C. Barnes Mas today renomU
natrd as the democratic candidate In tlio
Eighth Wisconsin district.
rn | > nll l Ciiniltil'tlo liirOuilcn ArroiteU.
TRINIDAD , Colo. , Sept. II. Judge S 8.
Wallace , popullM nomlneu Tor district Jud e ,
wn nrrcHtcd today by Deputy UnlteJ
States Marshal lro\Mi ! , under u npeclal In
dictment groulnt : out ot tu ! recent Amer
ican Railway union strike The iudJclmcnt
was based on some ( iilvlce JuilRVallnco
Is enld to Imve given the rallmad men at
the beginning of the Hrlko lie gave bond
for his nppearnnce at the November U-na
of the United Stale * court.
rromliu'iit MoiHium Slim Hhnrt.
BAI/r LAKH , Sept. ll.-A special frorrt
Butler , Mont. , to the Tribune nays ; Wallaca
D. Pinkston , general inunager of the West
ern Iron works or thli city , and ono of the
best known men In Montana , U a defaulter
to the extent of 112,000 lie wan arrested
today an hev s IrnvInK for the Pacific *
const. He turned over to the compana
50COO In stock , -which he laid would covel
his shortage. '