THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : § l/NDAY , SEPTEMBER 0 , 189k 15 CONDITION OPQMAHA'S ' TRADE Countrf Morcbauta Coming ia After Their Winter Goodn. " < * y OMAHA BANK CLEARINGS ARE STATIONARY Winter Urtoil * of Mont .tit Linen Mnvlris In J'nlr Volume , hut Collection * Ar Hlunr Manufacturers at Ilia Mutn I'nlr t.lvo Slticlu While It Is ImposslblB to nollce anx great Improvement In the general business condi tion as regards the Jobbing trailo of Omaha , it ID sale to tax that trade la holding Its own. If them lias been no great Imt > rovcni8nt , there certainly lias been no retrograde move- men f. The ( act IB business has been moving' along slnoolhly , wllli no important to attract attention. It lias been a featureless week In Jobbing circles. In a general way It may be said that busi ness Is oil that jobbers could very well an ticipate under the conditions- that are pre vailing In the country at the present time. In some lines , such as groceries und dry goods , whore there Is a largo proportion of so-called necessities , a good business la being transacted , wlillc In some other lines there Is B Blrong disposition among consumer * to economize and the volume of trade Is ac cordingly reduced. The loss of the crops In the country , In addition to making money scarce with the farmers , has another direct effect upon trade. TJiero arc a great many articles of common USB on the farm for which there Is a largo . demand when there arc crops to bo hnndled , but at the present time , there being small crops , llio farmers have no use for them and considerable trade Is cut oft In this -way. Those jobber ? who happen to bo handling cowls that come under this head feel the ( lull times worse than those In some other branches. A. good many country merchants have noticed In the city tlio pasf neck'and ' while they have not bought as heavily as on former seasons , they have all purchased more or lesj of winter gods , and the total would make quite a showing , While the great majority of these merchants complain of a light trade , they expect to da some busi ness and are preparing : to tuke care of It as It comes. One good feature < f ( ho situation In the country \ that thcro are no burden- BoniB slocks cf goods on the shelves to be carried over to another season. Thli leaves the merchants IrcO to buy only what there hi a demand f r. Collections , as might be expected , are slow and there Is a good deal of complaint on this score from the country. The enforced sale of stncic has. however , made money moro plenty in some sections ot the state than might have been expected. The bank clearings at Omaha during- the past week have been small , there being no gain over Ite corresponding week a year ago While this Is not n very satisfactory showing. It is no worse than that made by a good many other cities ; In fact , thcro are not a few cities that show a decrease as com pared with a year ago. At the South Omaha live stock market there has been a good deal of activity during the past six days. Tha receipts show a small gain c-vcr tbo previous week on nil kinds of stock , but at the same time the ar rivals of hogs have been less than during the corresponding weeks ot 1893 cr 1892 , as will bo noted from the following ; Cattle. HoffK. Sheep. Ilecrlpts this week. , . , . , . . . . 20.SOI re,00 1,031 ItPcvlplR tn t week 22.417 SJ.SS 1,510 Kruno weelc l.i. t year IJ.IW 3S.3J3 2,413 Rune week 18J2 . . . . , 13.511 3J.S73 3,519 As to the market , there has been a de cided decline on some kinds of cat lie. One exception \ In Uiu case of corn fed cat tle , which have held up In price , owing to the good demand and the scarcity. At the close ot tho-week a sale WB * . made at the v highest price paid in a good many months for c6rn cattle , "as will be noted from the market reports In another column Jlange cattle , which constitute the bulk of the dressed beef .cattle arriving at the present time , have declined 15 to 25 cents in I ho course of the week. The heaviest de cline has taken place on cows , \vhlcli are 25 to BO ccnta lower than they were last week. The arrivals of this clnss c > [ stuck have been largo , and thai has been one of the c'lltf ' CIWPS In depressing the market Tha demand , lu.wover , has been tieivy , iiml the market. In bplte of the large r cjl [ > tJ , lisa been KHpt well cleaned up. In the way of stock cattle tli'- . ! has Ken no icirckyor some lima uacK growers in the burnt district being anx OIH u unload At ilic- sumo t'mo ' there tins been dav-j' ' . an actlvtdomrrd of lata from xoct * ns of tha country wlioro there 'i ' u corn crip , so t'i ' I lie nurl-at , instead ot dtclliilii , hai alvan.-il. fleshy feel ' 3 , \ > 'i , h ire in llfl'i' ' * ' " supply and bet'tr dem\pil , are 10 to 15 cculs l.lRher than a ve-jk nfi T" " e ii'K n-arket has also follrA-ul ihii up- gr.'do ding the past six day * . A * the clrscof I he v. co'i the highest jhilnt In MMbht & year was reached. The market on most days ot tha week has been active , there being a good demand for everything re- cel\ed. In addition to the packers , shippers have been large bujers , ami each day's ar rivals have been disposed of very readily. AS II UN HKKS IT. IVrospirti for tha Winter Are Much Hotter Tlmii Might lluv lltn-u , Kiprrtnl , Mr.V. . H. Roberson. speaking- local trade as viewed from the Htamlpoitit of K. Q , Dun & Co.'a Mercantile agency , sayji : "September starts In with good promise In the jobbing trade , but retail dealers complain - plain of the warm weather. It aeems now to bo very geneiully believed In wholesale circles that the Increased number ot buyers will mnkn up In a great measure for the large decrease In the average Individual purchases. With Hruicvly nn exception our Jobbers , except such lines na are out of KC.ISOII , speak encouragingly of the outlook. Several art- even boasting of the results ol the flist eck of the nutuinn. The trade is spotted/ however , running well for a few Oayri ami likely to full oft just when hopes Iiuva been raised t something like elation , "Among retail dealers there Is a great dif ference of exiKrlencc. Dry goods men claim to be doing fairly well , clothiers complain of "lull trade , boot ami shoe ditilers say trade is active. Jewelers are nulto blue , At tin * department stores clerks are busv , Tin- grocers ull say August wns n short month , owing to the large number ot reg ular customers absent on vacations , bul Hoptcmber U better. II was to be expected - poctod , In view of close times , that many vhD have been In the hublt of leaving the city for the nummer would economize by ur at home. It Is a fact , however , that most people with whom vacation Is nr annual habit did not bretik oCT , thougl many of them woie s-Ulslled with nearby resorts nnd cut their vacation expenses bj reducing railroad fare nml spending1 theli tlmr * at points \\here- expenses were mcd- i-ratp niul style wan at n discount. "Tho Rummer has been latlier a hard on' ' on l hi > fommerclal club The usefulness o : tliH | most valuable business men's nrenntza tlon lias been somnwhat Impaired bv th < alisence of many of Us most active mem borx and the Indifference to their obligation ! of 1oo many others. It Is a. falsa ecouomj i vilitrh loads business men to abate theli i Intercut in this club. 12 very man \\lio ha ! < I his tiam on the meml > crihli ) | roll fo thu trilling annual pi nent of I.D whouli tee t it that his dues are ptomptly pah and he should belli In every uny i > osslbl < to Increase the eltlclency of the club am protwt It from the financial dry tot whlcl neglect Is certain to bilng UIH > II an assocla tlon of biiHlm-as men , however merltorlou Ihelr Joint motl\i > s and honever nctlv ( heir leaders mn > be. " > \'lth the return of cooler weather nn < the resumption of Im.slnesu upon the nulumi BchKlulett come ixlsn the atli-mplH to arous enthusiasm among our cttltPiis upon \nrlou public enttrnrlios It Is a sad fact , how ever , that the union depot If as fur awn1 us ever , the canal Is alive , but not vigorous and the half doteu factorv schemes nro ; goo < \ deal moro thun hnlf aslevp1 Mean while thecert.aln.ty of a winter of dtprea lon In local trade a Inck of wages am employment Is Hturlner xis. In the lu.'c. I will take gcod mnnngement to pull ou wug - Mnitirs through without much sufTer Inic. Thu time to iircpare for war Is whei tieuce prevails. Tlie time to provldn fo Inevitable t-mergencirs Is when the peopl lire not confronted with them This ful | irt > i > aralloiis should be made by public oil ) rials , business organizations ami eveiybod lo mUlsutc HU far an possible tlie evil which hnrtl tlnu'H are certain to force upo thu community Kvery enti-nulso wiilcl liromlaes tinrA ymirnt or u illstrlbutlon o money should be encouraged Men an women teol b Uer Mia da better when the nr pal I oven a nmnll return for their labor than -win ti public charity Is reaulred to enable them to exist "At South Omnha. It H grafts Ing io note that the illstmtroua effects of the Ute strike are rapidly panning out of Might and men tire working again with much of their old time Interest The packers nrc to be com- momled for tholr disposition to give prefer ence to old employes tvha have homes nnd families In South Omaha. "It Is n part of my business to discuss politics fiom ttm standpoint of a partisan , but every business man Is particularly In terested In good local government , nnd therefore It Is probably proper to call at tention lo the Importance of the coming intmUMpal election nnd to remind every property owner and every business man that tintcKs they Interest themselves ag gressively In selecting good men for the city council thcv can blame only them- solve * If the municipal legislature Is cor rupt and unsatisfactory. " SNOW , ciiimcii & CO.'H vii\rs : , Small DrdrM nml Lot * nt Them Make Dint- In Omalm Very ( lotxl. Albert Andrlana , local superintendent for Sriow , Church & Co.'s mercantile agency , writes : "Biifllnc'SS In general shows n decided re vival for tin1 week Just ended. In retail lines tr.idc always picks up somewhat in September , and notwithstanding the un favorable conditions that have thus far pievaltcU.this year proves no exception to the ireneral rule. The Improvement l.s , of course , not so markedn.s ItRQiild have been under moro fa\orablc conditions , nevertheless , there Is some Increase In the volume of business. The department stores report exceptionally good results for the week. This Is attributable , no doubt , to the fnct that people ore buying largely for cash and principally medium grade goods. "In wholesale lines business In general Is decidedly better , while In some lines there Is only very little Improvement , and In others the Increase him been unexpectedly Inrge. Hardware merchants complain of business and furniture- men , state that their sales have only Increased very ullghtly. This condition Is easily accounted for ; there has been very little building or refurnishing. Clothing merchants dealing In Ihe better l.-iiB of goods report only a slight Improve ment , but the manufacturers ot lower ; rudes report nn unustnlly largo volume of justness. . Ury goods men are doing well. As soon UH the failure In crops was a cer- tnlnty retailers throughout the state coun termanded tliolr large eastern orders ; these storekeepers are now buying largely In Omixhn , and the result Is ranking- Itself ap parent. Their Mils are small nnd they buy often , r.xpensivo fabrics nro not In de- mnml , staples are the rule , as a leading wholesaler recently remarked , 'This Is a staple year. ' The profits in this line of goods are naturally not large , but an In crease In the volume -of business In the present state ot affairs Is encouraging In the extreme. "Grocersarc doing a good business In numerous small orders Retailers In this line buy frequently anil in am.ill quantities. There Is no doubt that in both of the above mentioned lines the amount of business this Tali will show a very heavy Increase on the corresponding months ot last year. The facts In the case nre that retailers through out this territory have depleted their stocks to- such nti extent they are forced to nil In In every department. The f.ict , how ever , that they are purchasing principally staples Is an Indication of the straitened condition of consumers generally. The name gere-rul condition * above enumerated prevail with toot nnd shoe dealers. Dealers In limnles ami high grade goods still con tinue to complain , and thd probabilities are that In the e lines there Kill be only a slight Imptovement. It Is to be expected , however , that activity In other lines will In some degree affect these as well "The feeling of disappointment Incident tvt the rnllure ot crops is decidedly on the ivnne anil feirs of the future have ceded to the necessities of the present. The Inhabi tants cf the- western counties ot Nebraska have come to a full realization of their con dition , -which in many cnsea seemed almost hopeless. The long trains of prairie schooners on their eastern Journey has been a conspIcuouH feature In this section of th country and the exaggerated reports of de population have been the cause of much speculation , A carefut Inquiry as to the real conditions" , however , brings the In formation that these emigrants nre com- noscd largely of the lloatlntr population of the nftecteil districts , nnd that the hotter clans of farmers are remaining on their ' "Several counties have already voted Irri gation bonds and work on the ditches Is progressing verv satisfactorily This will dva employment to rrmnv of the farmers , and the exp uOltuJe oC the large sums of money necessary to the completion of. the work -will make matters In these counties comparatUely easy during the fall and winter months. "A careful nnd conservative summary of the present conditions presents the situa tion about as follows : Amirs In the east are gradually adjusting themselves and the general tcue of trade Is firmer and bettet than It has been since the beginning of the panic. IHislness generally is on the upward grade ami the country Is In better condi tion than It has been. The failure of crops In the west , the great forest flres ot Michi gan nnd the Hoods In the south nre cer tainly calamities , the extent of which can not he under-estimated , but they are local conditions , and while they materially affect some ot the best poi tlons of the country and have their bearing on general business , they do not pnitake of the nature of a general calamity. "The enoimous crops which nre being harvested In some parts of the United Htntert anil Ihe general Improvement of business affairs In the manufacturing nnd the laige trading centers will amply coun teract these local misfortunes , and the thinking business men will find encourage ment In the fuel that trade In general Is showing n very marked Improvement. "Locally U may be said : That with the work on Irrigation ditches in progress In the western counties and the large expend itures ot money Incident to the same , with the- depleted stocks of merhcandlse , follow ing a long term of depression and the abso lute necessity for replenishing , in order to meet the ordinary demands of consumers , ndded to the growing tendency to purchase nt the home market , the actual state of wholesale trade at Omaha far exceeds ex pectations und the-prospects nre much brighter than they have been at any time within the past few weeks. "There Is hardly a line ot trade today which does not report nt least n slight Im provement on the. corresponding months or last year , ami It only depends upon the activity anil enteiprise of Omaha whole salers to what extent this Improvement can Ite bettered. " _ _ aASTl.MiriIKAT \ HKHHlKainK. Kcpnrt * Miowlnif that Fifteen Tor Cent of the Crop Will < ! n thiit Way. TOLEDO , Sept. 8.--DurlnK the past four days C. S King & Co have received replies frorn S.05T reliable dealers and millers. They cover almost every Important wheat and clover seed county In Illinois. Michigan , Indi ana , Kansas und Missouri. Tlieso states raise most ot the clover seed crop and two- thirds ot the winter wheat crop , or nearly one-half of the entire wheat crop of the United States. Ot the reports 2,311 are from 298 of the large wheat producing counties. There will bo more wheat fed to animals this year than e\er before. Interior mills are dally grinding some , bul mostly to feed swine , In sections when ) there is a fair corn crop report , -xery littlei will be fed. Replies Indicate about 15 per cent ot the whole crop may be fed In the states named. Kansas will feed the largest percentages ; Michigan nearly as much , Missouri next , then Ohio and Kentucky , while Indiana nnd Illinois will feed a smaller percentage. llonil ImiiK Claimed tr > Mo Illegal , SAN FIIANC1SCO. Sept. 8. U Is staled that the sale of the big Issue of bonds re cently in.ido by the Murka Street Consoli date ; ! railway has been stopped by a c men tion on the part ot a syndicate lo purchase the bands that they had not been properly Issued , It Is claimed , that thaole by which It was decided lo Issue Ihe bonds was by means of proxies Instead ot by tbo stock holder * themselves. The company sajs that this fact does not affect the legality of the bonds , but a Milt will probably be brought ( o settle the point. The am : unt ol the Issue was (17,500,000 , Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous hca I Delias , Trial ilze. 2" cents. All druggists. TIM : KIAI/TY MAIIKKT. INSTKUMKNTS placed on record Septembei 8 , * WARKANTV DKRHtf. O V X.-H.U niul huilwml In M A Tlliba. lot 17 , Mock ti HanftiMni I'lnce . J O.Mt J \ \ NIIKUIII u.-J if tr tn Arthur Kant , lot C \i\1i ) \ . . . . . . . 40 G.-OIVU r > W II McMahltl , w \ , Ini 1. . K II Oirmlrx View . . . . . I.WX I , l > I..I1. . i IM i : A I Una n , M U , bl k" IUn .m Cl U' l < Vilw * and wlfu tn AV II Miller. \ fIt It to sw unit t ( if e V4 w nw 14-18-lt ) | , J * I iura Jollffoto Kllznbeth Cruvrn. Ii xl6 $ fuct In n at vr corner blixk 21Veai Omaha l , < x > QUIT CLAIM nKii : > s A K VanCVuit and ImiUiml to [ , J l.enla. lul S to 11 , I.ouUvllU- . A C Jullffu lo nilialvlli iruM-n , 10iliJ ' > fiH't njuinienrln- part 8 leel n of w coiner l > ! cl , : i Wt-nt. Uni.ilu. Ti > tal lunmnt of tr n ttr , , . lU.ia COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Board of Trade Markets Tcsteidny Wtra Dull but Firm CORN WAS INCLINED TO ADVANCE \\licat Wan Siintiilnril by ttir Tnlk ol tlitr ; LVrent for I'cnl--I"orcliii Sliir- Wrra ItnWicr Knulrr. CHICAGO , Sept. S. The Hoard ot Trade markets today were dull , but linn ; wheat was sustained by the talk that grain for feed and corn advanced on the expectation of a bullish government grain report. Decem ber wheat closed We higher ; September corn , % c higher , and September oats , Ytc higher. Provisions Unladed with moderate advances.4 The nhcat market opened firm. The foreign markets were rather caster and. re ceipts here and In the northwest showed a tendency toward diminishing. Chicago re ceipts , 291 cars. Minneapolis reported 382 cars and Duluth 176 cars , or G5S cars to gether , compared with 015 cars at bath places a year ago. Bradstreot's made the clearances of wheat and flour for the week 3,207,000 bu. , against 3.420,000 bu. the Meek before. The clearances from the Atlantic ports for twenty-four hours amounted to180 000 bu , Tha lotal ot the primary market receipts sere still In the aggregate , close to the ,000,000 bu , mark. Business was > cry light. Tlio sustaining Influences were the' Indlca- lens given by the light northwestern re- 50IriU ol n much lighter crop of spring \hcat lhan many had calculated upon and f the confirmation coming to hand of. the ncreastng use of winter wheat for feed. Tha opening price ot September was 67c. It dvanced from that to from G7c to 67 &c nd closed at 57Vic. Attention was drawn o the fact of the shipments of wheat at Chicago , Duluth and Toledo , exceeding the ecelpts today. The corn market was very ragged and rregular , but with an upward tendency or the- - most part and an Improvement es- abilshed at the close of about % c per usliel. The effect of the Russian barley mportatlon had apparently exhausted Itself nil It was altogether discredited In some luarters. There was n healthy demand tor he speculative offerings of corn here In view f the expectation of the government crop re- > ort , which will be Issued on Monday , show- ng further heavy deterioration In the condl- lon of corn. September , which Closed yestcr- Iny at B6c. opened at from ECJ c to ECc , advanced to 57c and closed with the gain , lay started at fil"ic and G5c , advanced to 55c , reacted to 60c and closed at 51c. Receipts here today were 307 cars and there were 347,000 bu Inspected out of store. Business In the oats market was fairly active ; there was a fair disposition to trade both ways , but sales wern mostly scattered nil locil Fluctuations were again -influenced by corn September ranged Irom 20c to 30y8c and ended at 30Uc bid , Provisions acted strong on a moderate amount of business. The revival of the bullish spirit of the grain markets helped > rlces somewhat and hog receipts present and prospective were light. Today's run was ; oed and for nil next week 100,000 head are .ha estimated arrivals. Compared with yes terday's closing prlrss for January delhery : ho following advances occurred : Tori ; , 5c ; ard , 7Ac , "and ribs , Gc. The leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. | Open. | lIigliTT Low. | Clone. Whc.-it.No. L' "opt fi4 54 cm " ' ri7M 7 f > 7' < May. ! . . ! O'JM u-'W Corn Mo. 2. . S-cpt OOh , r 7 Ocl fill Dee 63 Muy. . 'f. ' . . . ' 003-8 Otim No. ' _ ' . : . Sept 20H ROM son ou SIM May J5M 1-orkper btjl Srvt. . . . 14 If ! 14 20 14 15 14 20 Jan 14 DO 14 10 U 00 U OS Lurd.luolbs Sept. . . B 70 S 77M 8 70 877M Oot rt T J- H 80 872W 8 80 Jan. , . 8 15 8'Jh. . B 12W 8 20 Short Rlba Sept. . 7 < W 7 70 707W 7 07W Oot 7 70 7 IIS 7 70 Jan 7 13 ? 8b 7 13 7 20 Cash quotation * wenns follows : PLOUU Winter patents 1S50C2.80 : winter " s , J2.305T2GO ; uprlnfr Patents J3.WBJ.60 , sprlnir Htralfflhs , t2 2092 W ; Kik.-is Jl.WflZ IK ) . WlinAT Ncspring - , G4t033\Sc , Nu. 3 sprint ; , nominal , No. 2 red , MVMJSVic. ) ( COItN No 2 , .37c ; No 3 > . ' ! lo , OiiViC OATS No. 2. SOUc ; No 2 white , SSVSfiSJc , No. S white , 32V4O32'-4c. IlVli-No. 2. 47VtC IIAULLJY No. 2 , S6SOOV4C ; No. 3 , C2',8Kc ' ; Nu. 4. f 2c. ritAX SRED No. 1. S1.2S TIMOTHY 8iUt > IVme , $ { J.37 > , > . 1'ItOVISIONS Mi4 pork , per libl , J14 20ij } 14 2i. I-nrd. pi > r ld ) Ibs . SS 75BS.77'i Short rlba nicies ( leone ) . I7.40fp7.80 Ury Kiilu-J shout- item ( boxed ) , JS 80C 00. Short clear 1UW ( bixiKl ) . JS.108S23. WHISKY Distillers' finished uoods. per gal. , Tlie following were tbo receipts and Bhlpnienta today : N1'\V YOHK nnNKlCAL .UAUKKT. V'csti-rduy's Oaotutlona an 1'lour , < ! r.iln und rrovlsloni , JMi-ttUf , Ktc. NHW YORK , Sept. 8. rLOUll-ltccelpt ? , bills ; exports , 56 , COO Mils i sales , 8,000 ftliiiket steadier. Molerate Inquiry for low win- tern nnd spring Lakero ; uprlng patents tietil ilrm. Clti- mill patents. $1 OHJI.13 , city mill cleaia , IJ.C3 ; Mlnneaotit pitentx , 53.MQ3.CO : Mlnnf ilJi L.ikira , SJOOff300 ; itprlni ; low erndea , tl Kftl 8J ; sprlnfC vxtraB. Jl.Si(2.3) ) ; winter jiatriits. } 2 Ml ( 313 ; winter Btralshls , . IOflJ.73. winter extras , 11.909240 , winter low gmilea. Jl 70 2,15. South ern Hour , dull ; common t fair extra , I200 M ) K Mla choice , S2.httl.25. Il > e Hour , dull : P. lie/ ' , 175 nbl . : Bupertlne $270fj2.W ; fancy , ! ! > 0ff3.10 COltH MIlAIj Quiet ; sales , none ; ytllowat - ern , I2KO 3.10 ; nrandj wlm13.20. . UYK Dull : state , 03W54c , Jersev , 438G1C. ItAllLKY Nominal ; western , 50fjC2c. IIAItl.nV M A L/T Nominal , Mc.-lein , two-rowed , stntc , Me , Rlxroed , 8'J@S2. WHEAT Ileeel | > ti. 82,2 0 lu ; export * . . M.D01 bu : B.'ile ? . 493.W bu. futures , no ? | l. Hpot nominal ! No 2 rent , store and rlevatoi. 555ioj alluxit. Wlio. f . o 1 , . r > JTi , alloul ; Nu. 1 northern , CISi' . Nn. 1 hard , 075 , c , doll er < d. Ojillcjis linn all Ihe morning nn the xtfcnKtli IIT coin Turolfrn buylliK and denial of tlie repoil ( lint inert' rind been a sale of Hunstan Ijntley In New YorU nt a. prlca lower than the local iinnluct. The close wan nt8V4o net aduinoe May. Ci' * Wc , closeil ffi\c : rieptemljcr , 5Svj"\3ic. cloie < l OSSc ! lec < mUer. ClViWOl'iic- ' , closed time. COIlN Ttecelptn. I.OO ) Im , c-xiwlB , , tVii ) liu , salon. 150.OIJ bu futuiva tind K.W ) bu. Bp-n - InacUvnr No. ! , nominal ; jelluw , K > 'nK > sc. to uirlva. Options itraniter on llsht oTerlntB uml n K < K | demand from local liorl . wh- > eic afraid 'nt the eo\h-inment lepnrt The tluse uav nt 'jU c net niUnme. May , M OMI.c. cloned lVc ; Ktptcmuer , C303'c. | closml t3\v : Oclnber 62C3V ) e , elnsetl MViC , No\cml > ei , ( Jlifid c , ( lisod < Ur i.i IJeeemlier , IB\/fiO'4c , closed WV4c. OATS Hectflpm , 7 ; COO mi : i-xports. 1,200 liu , sale * , I0l > bn. futurm nml I ; . ' > ) < ) bu. sixil ip < i | Ilrm , NI > . 2 , 3IUc ; No. 2 dclhered. SOg'SoVic ; N . 3 , S3He ; No. 2 while. S7c , No , 3 white. So''ie | line ) . , mixed wetlprn , SJKM'iO track , white Htiitt nnd ueslern , Siifitlr. Option * \ery quiet nlil : c rn Inn nrmer , clorlim 'dSUo hlRlu-r. May ; closed 4)'tc ; ei'lember , clon < d 34'ic ; OctoK-r , Urrrmlxv. 3 iltfj3c. . HAY Weak ; shipping , MiiOJc ; cxid to choice , llorri Dull ; mate , common lo chnke , Piiolllo cvKHt. 7 1X- ( . IIIIMW Htcadyi wet nailed , New Orle.uu e- leeled , t"t la 63 Ib * . , tffl'jo : itiienoit A en. dry , : a lu II Ibn , lOVic , Texan iir > , 31 to M Ux. , is ] 1.1ATIlilt ! ! Quiet : hemlock sole. Huenoa Arvr , llulu tu he.ixyMIKIH , liutSa \ VOOIQulct , domestic llcicv. l 0io ; pulled , I'lUH'ISIONS liiff. Kteady , family KHflle ; evtm luesK , IS ; hiwf lianw , Kl OOflriM , rllj evtr.i India mini. $16 ( > fl' ) r'ut nwnln , firm p'chli-d Ix-lllfd , t. > , ti''k- ; plrklcd Hhnuldcni 71U- pickled liamx , Illlll'Ur. Ijinl. hlRher. uiiivrr Btvam clour , 1 at Did , Kile * . IM tierce i at f > .Ki city nt PM. Heplvmlwr cloyed at I'JIO. nominal Jnmmry , li W. nomlnnl , n-llm-l , lltm. continent , . It Mi , A. , compound , } 8.VHC.T1. ) Turk , ' Ilrm : nrn * mrM. l3rWfI3.7 , rxlrn t > rnnJ13 (113 Mitluirt clear , 511.1 > HU ( JO. UOTTUIl-riini : wei-lern dairy , IJViBItc. went. crramery. ll/Jle. western fuctorv. li' Ifllk- ! U , utatv d.ilrj , Hf2AMale cruiinur } ' Hi ; M.mU , tat.large. . BfrlOl.i- ; small , n\.r ; IMIl KMHU , IliMto , full hldiim. ilffi'tc ' lUJCI1Steady , tnli iiml I'ennxthiinla IK I ISHc Ice hoime It'yulCc nnt-in fr < ti , IMi J7'nmivs. . f 1 72H9 W TAIJ.OU Hu.iOr ; clt > It : per pKtf ) 4c country ( pkK free ) Oo , ax tn quallly , l'KTHOliiil- , UnlteJ tlttl at Wftshlnirton. In bbln. K. AVn hlnslon. In bulk , IS CO. rrflnnl ttevr YiuWtlVI : , rhllndelpbla nml llnllnmori * . IJ.10 , rhllaiKrWla nnd llalllmore , In bulU. 11DO. - HflflIN UleiKly , sthtlAt , ) common lo noo.1 , 11.13 . rirm , ilomwtly/fSlr to txtrn. " * Jiitmn imfWe . , MOI.AHHKH atenil ) Wb Orlein * . nWH l.ettlc , ( rood t rholrp. 2 3 c ' " ' I'lO llltNJulet , Keoftll , if ) SOflttM , Ameri can , SIOWfjH W. tv roi'l'KH-qulet. lakir'SU I.KAIWrak tiomi'sUr ; ; ,4J 01. TIN Ni > mlnnl | ilntp9..rhiiirkt , , itull ; niieltfr , nomlnnl , no unlen , , , COTTON Htni > Oltutihl' ' market was \vry quiet todnv. with a tntnx'tnnp still im-vnlllnK , prime oniile. 30c , oft .crrt'I ' < " 1rBe2So. > ell l itl"r Krmleg. 3iiW5c , cbolec stfrftni ) > r jellunk' , prime > ellnw , 3le ; jellow o Upnilm , K Mc , pilmp OH.UI.V YUKKT4. Ciiiiillllon ol trtiln ninil ( uii Mnpln nnd raiiu1'rodiicn. . IlUTTnit Picking utack. Jlc ; f.ite ta Rood country , llfilSc. choice Jo fancy , 1701Sc ; Rath- erod creamer } i ITiT-Jlc ; mjpnralur creamery , lie. nciGB-1'or doj. , 14815c. MV13 I'OtltVTHY Old 'hens. 4' ifric : roonltrs , ! tj63c , spring chickens. To. ituil.9. 5e. hen tur- pja , 7tf7Soj Roljlilera , G ? 1c , nld get-v * , 4c OAMC I'rnlrlc clilckt-ns , : unir , i > er dot , 1275 J.OO ; prairie chickens , old. per doz , tiOO@ i'.j Broiito , Jinlni ! , P4r tloz. , J.a-l0i ! ) : Krume. Id , IHT iloz , JZ.W02 S3. , ducki , bluu wliiK ti-nl. r do ? . . II SOWKT5 : fluikd , Kieen wlnn teal , per n , _ \ \ SJ4J1.&J. duclm , mlxetl. per do . , Jl.OO VI3Alj Oholcc fat nnd Kmallent \ are quoted t EWi' ct conr o nnd Inrpe , Jf4c. ntllKSlWlnconsln , full re.ani , new iniki * , ! 012Hc : Nebraska nnu , Jowa , full cream. He ; 'eljrnnlcu nrid I6na , pail sVlms , Re ; llmliurRer , 'o. 1 , lie , hrlrk , No 1. lie , Hwlra. Nn. I , UH15c. HAY 1'plind Iny , $ ( ; midland P : lowland , 11 Color mnkes the prtca on liny. I.lglit Itfiles II the In-st Onl > top grades brlnB lop prices , I'lQEO.NS-Old Urdu , p r doz , 8i > o. lols of home crown or anthem Mock , 70O72e per liu , iniall lots on le-jt. 7rK'nllfnriila : , Sue. MiiXNH ) anoj etoclv crnteJ , J2 < ) . t'ANTr.l.Ort'ES llonie Uriron | nr doz. H G > . OI.l ) IIIIANS Hnnd-plcked , m > ; y , W 23 ; me- Inm , 12 10HS.13 ; wrmnun nhlte beans , | 1.7' 01 < ) ONIONS On orders , CJiiS'.c ucr bu , rAUIAOj-On ! onlcr , 2o. , t'El.CIir t'er do , 30 40c. 8\vniT I'OTATOKS-l'er - Hi , 3JJCS Jersey. 3.50 per bbt. ITIU1TS. Ari'ris-aood stock , L1 > 1. , ; i,5027 ; . llhAt'IC IIASPllKRHIliS- . . . mi > nAsi'iitituiis : None. J'HACHns-Cnllfornlav. Jl : clInRS , 7568t ; . PIitlMH CiOlfurnln , J1.10(81 ( 25. ' P1G None rilAUS Hartley's , J1'r,3ffl , 75 ; other tarletics , 1.2" AI'HICOTS California , none. CHKIlIllis California , none. CJUAI'E.S-ConcorOji , 10-lh. Im kets. 23c ; Cal- fornki. Tokay , 11 W ? othej- varieties , Jl TUOI'lOAl' FItUITfl. DANANAS Cht > lcp stock. > 1.70J2J per hunch. LBMQNtJ Fancy Iti ll , 16 W , fancy Messina. 3 50. OltANOKS None. ' l'INEAI'1'I.US None , 1'IOB Kancv. per Ib , 15c. y lIONttTY" CaJIfomh. iSe , ifirk honey , 1012c. MAJ'M : SYHUI'-anllttn cms , per doz , J12 NUTS AlinnmU 15f17 < ? : llnislts.i walnuts , lOfl 2c. fllbert * . 12ctUrnzlt nuts lOc. OI1H3H Pure Jiilcu. per bill. , M : half bbl . It 23. IIIOI3H No 1 frrt-en hides , 2"-c : Nu. 2 ureen Hides IWStti ; No. 1 green ralti-d hides , 3 iq ; No 2 Kicn sultba hides , 2t2'4e No. 1 KiVen salted hides , 23 tc 40 Ibs. . 3'ic : No. 2 Rreen salted hides , "H to 40 Ibi , 2SS'JcNb 1 A cat cult , 8 to 15 bs , 5U36c ; No. 2eal calf. S to 10 JlM. , 4S4 ( c , No 1 dry Hint hld.-a 6oX No. 2 dry Hint hides , Ic : No 1 dry siUte.1 hMea 42 Part CUreJ hides , iio per 11) lesa 1hin fully cured. HIIE3KP PI3LTS Opfrif * . * ilted , each , SSQWe , Broen STlteJ uriearllnt ! ? ( short wooled ear1 > , > er Ib. , actual weight , Stfrti ! ; murrain wool , per Ib. , actual w ljht. liiCt ; dry Hint Colonuln mtcher vool peltH , p r jb , actual volant. 315o : nuirrnln wool pelfa , pr Ib. , welRht , I4ji5c , Ilavp feet cutoftu It Is uncivil to pay 'relKlit on tliein. j . . . TALLOW AND OllftAailr-Tallow. No. 1 , 40 l c : tallow. No. Z , 3Vifft > % r. cri-ase , white A , IWIk , ftreaw. white , | J , ? , vje3Hc , Brcuse , ycl- luw , 3c ; Rrease. dar ] < MI2H : old butter , 2 < ti4c ! , ji-eji\\ux , pilrnc , ICOlSo ; rough tallow , l'.2W2c. St. F.ouU < i nnrskl Miirkrt. ST. LOUIS , Sept. SlOLmQulet. . BtAdy. WHEAT4 Dull , nwalllns grovernment reiwrt ; S'o. 3 ml. cnsh. MJ4c ; Suittember , 5WJ Decem ber. ny c , ituy , W 4c. . % T COUN I.lfeles * fronl ciuW similar to tlujse nfTectlng wncat ; No , 3 mlx-il. ( c.ia'j , BTJc ; Sep- tomlwr. fM , o : DccehllM-r , llfec ; Mn > , r,2c , _ OATS-tluletj nrrnJs'p-2. j-iiili and bcnUmber , lln & . .C Did for Nr > , S/ryKliVir. / i 1IAHL.DY NothlnK dolnc ; C4c , east track ri VX HKRD-lt'ffher ' ; SL54. TIMOTHY SEI3D HliihVr , primp. | 5I3. CLOVBII SKDD Quiet ; S7 OJiffS , ! * . HAY Steadier , unohanifcd HUTTKH Unchanged. I3OQS Unclmneal. LUAIJ Plrm ; spot. S3D7',4 : October , J3 , Sep tember. 1303 bid . - . COllN MJ/JAL I2.MC2 Ci , AVHISICr J1.33. COTTON TIKS-Unchang-ed. 'IIAOGINQ Uncliang-ed. PltOVISIONS Quiet. Bttvtdy. fork , utandanl mess , S14.B2V4Pt4.73. Laii5 , prime sloani , } S CT , ; choice , J&.75Ury salt mcutw. loose Bhoulder . S&C2H ; louR" and ribs. S7 S7'j ; ehorls , S 12H- Ilacon. uiichaaRrnl nKC'KHTS Hour , 3,000 Mils : wheat , 47,000 bu. , oirn. 31.l ) 6u ' onto , 37X ( > ] bu. SIIIPMHNT8 Flour. 8,000 bbls. ; wheat , 3,000 bu , corn , 11 , < X bu : oats , 4,000 bu Cufftio Marlcut. N13W YOIIK. Heit. | 8 COtTCP Options opened Bteuily at unchanged prices , rnleil dull but Him all the fon-nuun on small local buying and closed tead > at B1J1H points ndvance Sales , 7.105 ImKS. . IncludlnB ! Ocjober , H3. < W13 05 , Be- cember , Jl ! 50 ; March , J1S2. ) Spot cirfee. Kin , dull ( iiid nomlnnl , NO--I. (10.70. Mild , quiet ; CurdoNa , S19.0JH19 25 ; sales , none. War , house de liveries from New York" } sterday , 12.781 bags ; Now York Block today. 180 443 biRs ; I'nlted Stairs sloe ] , , : os,7 , > bags , iiilont fin- the I'nlted States , 37.0iVI baKs ; total vlslbUfyr the Uullcsl States , 2t * > .TG * > batai , nKalnst SDtJ. C bngs last , ] ear SAN1OH , Seit. | K IIullda . HAMHDIta , Sept. 8 Steadj ; prlcefl unchansed to M rife , up , IIAVKI3 , Sept 8. Slarket opened flulet at un changed prices , at noon , market 'if lower , nt 3 p. m. , unchanged , closed Hif lower. Total sales , J3.00 > > buca. IlIO DV JANE1UO , Sept. 8. Itollday. l.liriKMil AlurketK. MVI3RFOOI * Sept. -jt\'HI3AT Clos'nu , dull ; holdeni offer freelv : No , 2 red winter. 4s ISd ; No. 2 sprlm ; . l < 7 'id roilN Dull : liuMem offer npirlngly , new nil \i-il n [ > t , is u , ] . futures , dull ; holders offer sparlnil > ; Beptrmber , OH m. rLQL'll Firm , holders offer moderately ; St. IjOiilH fancy winter , Ra 'M. 1'IIOVIHIONS I ird , Ilrm ; holders offer mral- eratelj ; mwt , 43s 9d , futures , holders not oiler- Irjr. 1'ork , llrnn supply fair , prlma mess , western - orn , 72s C l ; wcstein mp lum. Ms Jfeef , tlrm ; hoMers offer spurlm ; ! ) . ; < --ctni Indln metus. 77s CU ; prime mess , 2 M.Ilnnis. . dull ; supply In excess of ttie tlemmd. short cut , 04s &l , Hncon , firm , liolilkTS orter spailagty , Ciimlieilanil cut , 4JsCd ; short ribs. 43s , tung clear , 4"i ll > 3. , 42s Cd ; long nnd short clear , S3 Ibs. lt bd ; shoul ders , Ilrm : 37a ill. CHKIWE rinii , offer sparlnwly , finest vvliita and coloml , ( Os. Nn\v York Dry ( Inoilo Rl.irkot. NI3W VOilK. Sept. 8 The cl-aa of the wee' . shovB.nrry JarKi' buatneas- has been done. In nil ilepat tmcn.t Lof the * lry goods trade , and from I lituritency ot the demands for fuller de liveries on orders In piot-e s uf execution a tike lais'i trade Is In BlKht for the remainder of the month , Tlw tone of them.irket luery mueli betiec nml the moderate 4vnnce en many goods luix not checked sales. AKents Nnve mU.inced on ntuiiy K wd < wl tr has : not cheekel the sales. Thoprlu of Ul.imonil Trrlnts ta advanced 'Jn ami UuHulledKe nld4rl < ntHllin .Incli bleached cottons Jlc up. l'riinin - t-loiha uriftm at I'rn\ilenca | at Sc , ami 1li = Wo Met nnd 3c nskol at 1'nll KHer. Sales fiiettWwetU nt Pall Ul > i-r were 117.WM iileces ; uruilui lan. IS-Ofli ) pieces ; stock. liJ.OiM jiLeees ; ofeaxtrjtp. 2SJI.HOIJ pieces , CI NM\V OULK.\NS. ts51la.-COTTON Steady ; f.iles , mml , 10" ) Imies iviiiu-rlve. 4W lialen ; re ceipt * . I.SO ) biles ; puixirilaivoatlvlse , 707 biles ; stock , 2S.77J bales. KututM. QUleli nales , M ) baleat September. It 34lihlOcloher. . S .3lfi 31i Noiember. ta I2f6.43 | , A-e 6lier , l l3 i M. Jan uary , ! C M5JO : - . - . KebruaiMilfcC aai ! , Afarch , II ns 4GC < j. Muy , 50.7ISPO ! 8 ; SiidMnber. | 8.f3if'l ' & ! ; July , | l,9ijC.93. ) ) ll I HT. I.OIUS , Sept. 8.1-COTTON-Steacly ; mid- dlliih . Cc ; sales , nom- ; receipts , none ; ship. menu. 600 hales ; Block , l * W bales. Ni\V : OULKANS , HJiUXB. COTTON Steady ; Kiwi inldilllnir , G 13-16ctTiiUWllnir , CVio ; low mid- dlini ; , C'ic ; ordlnarj- , HniKtis < 'lly-TMlirhrts. KANSAS CITY , Sepff J.J\VllEAT-Dull , No. ! hard. I7WISO ; Nn. - ' . . . lur.l , 4t'4tf47c ; No. 2 red. 4 i/4-a47i4c , No. 1-iitan ,45ff46Ho rejected , 4JH4IP. , i' n- CUUN Slow ; No. 3- , mixed , WffW'lc ; No. 2 while. MWc. OATS-Slow ; No , tmiioil , > 'JG3U c ; No , 2 while. 33 < - . * > ' ' lll'TTKR-Strady ; creamery. l { ? 8tc ; dulry , Ittfi IRe , I3CK1H Pull ; 1IV5 < - . IMSt'P.llTS Whc l. ! .tX tu. ! coin , none ; oals , l,7i liu. 81 il I'M UNTS Vlieat. ? . < > ( a ; com , none ; pats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ JllnneapolU Wlirai Markri. MINNEAPOLIS , flept. S Wlieal rallied a IttlU frsm jegterday The demand was Kxxl for all cliw i. Panners are nat nelllnr n freely at earlier In the week. ( .September , Sl' > c ; , iVir ; May. 53UPIi.c : ujj , t9eit8ml | r. cosel ! WVc. Old wheat un ilracki No. i hard , UVc ; No. 1 norllurn , 07Vjc ; N < v ! northern. 03ic. New wheiit nn Irark closed 2 l > etow old Ilerelpls , u.93u bn. : shipments , SLOU bu. I'lour , stca'll ; I > ntinl . IX5IH/3 13 ; Uikeri. K " 003 M. F/nlt ; _ iiiliilloini C'llU'AOO , Sept. 8. The Karl Prult company tmlcl C'alllnrnla fruit nt auttlou today iiriiln | [ Ihn foHrmlni ; prlcti ! lleurr * I lilrceuuj pears , II O14 l U : Itutrrr Hardy. 111)9120) ) Albrlghl ptachct , Me. Orui _ clln j , 0c ; Htnay , dirty. SOc , Husquehannn , pivir order r.lfJt'A.nrnss prtmrR , smnll r * Tuknr ( crn | > f . half crates. Wclfll.Oi , nectarines 9V. STOCKS AMI DOM ) * . Security Mnrkrl U'MS lrronln.r _ nml Un- sMtlPil on Hnmll HuOnriK. NRW YOHK , Sept. S Tlio atook market today was Irregular and unsettled on a \cry smnll voltimn or buslncfs , but became fairly steady at the close The good sliow- JIIR mailo by 81 , Paul In Its minimi report Ifilucetl bujliiR by London ami the locttl trudrrs , which resulted tn nn advance eli > i per cent , ot which only % per cent was lost at the closn IlurllnKton advanced K per cent at the opening , reacted % per cent , recovered the losi and receded * < . IHT cent , closing unchangal on the day , Hock Ittand gained ' ,4 per cent , nnd tli en , on rumors ol a probable reduction In tlio dtvlJend rnte , declined M per cent , closing Vt per cent nbo\o the lowest point touch.d North west lost yt per cent. Sugar aa most ac- tlvo of the list , but sales thereof reached only 8,000 shares. It ranged In prices from 105A to 101 % , closing H | icr cent above , the bottom llgures , scoring n loss ot 51 per cent compared with tlio flnnl sale of yester day. The trad I UK In the rest of the Hat was so light as to bo almost dcnokl of Interest , The chances uer In fractions , and pretty evenly divided between declines nnd ad vances. General Klectrlc am ) Western Union are uncliaiiRed on the diy. The bond market has been firm through out the liny. The Ovenlng Post sajs : There was no news to excite attention to any stock to day. Perhaps the most InlerestlnK published testimony was the published week's clear ings of the country's business centers , n shewing that , despite thi < hullilny character of the Mock , was $17,657,000 greater than In the week preceding , un Increase or nearly C per cent. The following were the closing quotations on the leading stocks of the New York exchange - change today : > IMT Ynrk Hc kly Hunk Stntcniunt. Ni\V YOnK. Sept. S Tlie xvecll > - Imnlc latc- IniMit l > ont < tha fuUDWlnu clnnffes Kcsi'Uiiltr - , JlS.5lr V > , loins , Incicnsp , ll,821..rj ; spp. cle. dPCrcftHe , J458.SO ) , It-gnl ti'tidpra. decrease.'MOi , il.-poslis , decrease ? ? ,131S'W. ' circulation , . . . Tli tinnltH now hold $81,011 277 tn excess of the reiiulrcnientH ot tin * K per cent rule I'limncliil .Ni > tm. NP.V OUMJANS , Sept , S. CtearlnKK. II17,81J. LONDON , H ) t 8. Thn u mount of bullion R ne Inti , th Hank of JInglimd CJi lialince liBl.iy la H07.0UD. HOSTON. Bept. . ClearlnK * . * 13.,77.739 : bal- nnont , JIV.VOM , for the work , } G7.X)3.171 ) anil (9,083,318. MP.MI'UIS. Sept. 8. Clearing , KtsSOO ; bal- nncri , J8".B3H. New VorK ixchaliRCidling at 11.00 premium , SAN I'HANCIBCO. fiept. -Drnftn , BlBht. 15140 ; tlcKmphlo. 10o ; silver bins , BIH Wo ! Mexican dollarsMHCSIc. . Nt3\V YDIIK. Sept. 8 CIoarliiES. 171 WJ 877 : balance ! . ( 301.307 ; for the ueeh , flllCiil.f.ll : bal- antea , 120,1,14,393. PARIS , Hept 8 Three per cent , rentes , 103f ! } a for the account , i ; chance on l.onJon , Kt SVio for cliecka. I1AI/TIMOUK. Sept. S. Clenrlnnn , J2.422.021 , lialunrn , (412,841 ; for tliu week , tk-arliiKS , 512.- 131,1(8 , balances. ll,6CS.i > . WASHINOTON , Sept. S. Tim o.i h balance In the treasury today ua * I12t.,3ts.rj5 , < jf wlilcll JJi.S7.87l a Bold resi-rvc , 1'lllI.ADlU.l'MIA , S tit. 8. ClearliiKS. 8,83f.- 707 ; balancei , ll.W7.Ola ; for I hi- week bilancri , LONDON , Kent. 8 Ojld la quoliil loilay nt lluenos A > rt-Bnr ) : MudrM 20 W , J.lnhnn , . ' )23 ; Kt. Petrrcburg. SO ; Atliona. 17 , Home , 11 < ) , M ; VI- rnna , 103 CINCINNA.TI , Bept. B Money , 3'iflfi per cent. Now Voik I'xchnnKi- l c to p.u. Clrarlni ; * , II.UHV.roo ; for the. week. JU. 821,1 ) ; for tha name wi-ik lu t year , 3,19I,00 > > . rHH'AOO , 8t > l 8. rioarlnK.i. JU. llll i ; for llm wtU. . IM,44 < 0 ! crrent millni ; i-ek IABC sen7M , i 0. Jloni-j. IO-4'i per cent on call ; Of6 I T rnt on time , f w Ynrk , weuk. KUrllnK. ix-mmerclal. II CUftUI1 ! NI3W YOHK. Brpl. K Tliu MKiiU | from tha port uf hrw iork fur the week vne : Oulil. JGO.OOO , IUtr. JW3W ) . The Import * for the wr kwere ) Oolil. 117.W3 ; ullver. , ( fenfral merchanUlie , M 377 6 * ; dry BOW ! * , F1.31J "if. ST. l/U'IH , Kept. 8-Cltuilim 3.SI1.7-'J , tlila wrt-k , Jil.815.077. lant we k , (1C ( to.Sii ; corn-- > | K > ndlng wiekot IW3. JUSIS' IJ , lialuniej I ul.iy. > 7VJ , ( W. thin week. n.WJ/.JI , laal w-ok U.C'IS.Wl ; oirreHpoiulltiK week lint > ejr , t,4)I.CJJ , lncua e iMtr la > t Jir. . |,037. or UVs per rent. Ux- rlwnee' nn New York , Cue dlicount bid. Money , dull nt ! O > per cnt. OJIAHA LIVE STOCK MARKETS Wtolc Closes with n Light Bun t nd Fricos Well Sushiucd. GOOD STOCK IS STEAD1Y MOUNTING uFft on I'liilihril ( Smiles tit Itiilli Ciit niul Hog * AiUunin llnllf Common nml 1'oor ( Iriiilr * Hill Mroiig lu Sy SATUUUAV , Sept. S. Today's receipts were 1,100 cattle , 7,200 hogs , against 3,412 cattle , [ > ,1G3 hogs and 27 Kheep yesterday , and 3,327 cattle , CdS2 hogi and 250 sheep on Saturday of last week. OATTLH The receipts if catlle were light. oven for the last day of the week , Ihera being less than half ot the number received . week ago. There were , however , more and bettor cornfcd battle than have been received on most days tha p-ist eck. One hunch of 1,475-lb natives brought J5.G5. the highest price paid on this market for a long time. In addition to the corn-ftd natives offered on the market three loads were icceUcd from Kansas City consigned direct ta the packers There Is a good demand tor choice corn-fed breves nnd the market on such was strong Among the western steers there were very few of any account , the m st ot those In being rather common. There are quite a good many cows and mixed stock In the j arils. The market on this class of e-Utle w.xs slow and barely steady.Vhlle the fresh receipts of stockcrs and feeders were not largo tltD offerings , Includ ing those In the hands ot speculators , were liberal. There was the usual m derate Saturday's demand for this class of stock and the market Old not ; show much change from yesterday. Representative sales : No. Av. 1'r , No. AI'r. . No , Av. Pr. 1 . .IMi ) S3 < M 7 . . .1007 J3 M 31. . .Hi ) II ! * > f , . .1D41 3 D ) 17. . . .1223 47J IS . .1173 5 53 1. . . . ID70 JO ) smi'i'iNO AND IM OKT. 17. . . .1173 133 WISiTIJHNTTIU WYOMING. No. Av. I'r. K > . APr. . 2 feeder- * . . . ! " * 2 40 3 r.ilcr . . 1003 12 C. 14 feeiliri. . . 315 2 C3 I cow * . . U72 Jll I feeders . . 913 2 40 2 trvdern . . 923 2 IB 1 feeders. . . ! W > 2 03 12 cons . . . ! > 1 ! 1 00 4 riHHlcra .1162 2 90 COLOItADO. " 2 sl'i-a , Tcx.1120 2 00 S4 Kt'r . Tex 1073 2 M M Bt'rs , Tcx.lOW 2 CD Ct sl'ri. Tex 1087 2 CO 4) sfin , Tex 100J 2 C. ) 2 let-do a. . 1DM 2 09 Ci rce < lera . . 1108 2 73 73OIUJOON. OIUJOON. 23 steers . 11CI 320 21 Bti-ers. . 1141 323 5 steers . 11011 343 r.9 I-CIWB . H 2I 220 1 cow i ICKt ) 2 20 03 mw ! > 97 2 23 HOGS Tli3 market opened with 87 louils on sale , a { air run for tlie last day of the \ \ cek. Tlie buyers were early at work with liberal orders In liand. anil under tlio In fluence of a brisk ilemanW tlie market op'ned fully Be lilplier Thu trade \vas active and tlio desirable loids were soon picked up. There uero some very choice loads In the yards , ami better than anything yesteiday , so that the top , $6 10 today. Is lOc abova yesterday's top. Swift & Co bought an ex ceptionally fine load of hogs for Springfield , a load that would be considered prime In any market. Alter the most desirable hogs hat ] been sold th ? trade eased up and the advance was lost. It might bo said , how ever , that the advance ot the morning was only on the good hogs , and that the com mon stuff was no higher at nny time The commonlsh hogs have been working upward , If anything , more rapidly than tli : better grades , and the spread In Ihe market Is not so wide as It was a short tltno ago Itcpre- eentntivo sales SHiCl' There were no fresh rot-el pin of liecp today. The insrknt was nominally steady. Talr to rliolcp natlvcH nro cjuotablo at JJ.253.00 } ; fair lo ioo < l Hostcrna , $200 ® 27C ; common and Block slice p , J1.755J2 25 ; coocl to cholca 40 to 100 Ib. Iambs , 400. .St. l.ouU I.lve 8tocl < 8T 1,01'IH. Mept. S OATTl.Pf-lUceliitii. 1,200 head , .liilpmentt , 1.400 lica. ! ; r.miket iitiiul ) , no natl\en 01 rail * , IIXUKileim. . tM to 1U > J Ilia. told at JtMfjJWli ; cow | tl.-JOMV IlOOh Hrielpti. * > head ; hl | > menti , 2.COO heail , murl.ct Hlculj ; ! > > ! hity , | : G5 , K < xnl iiit d , .WijC.lS ; common nnd ruuuli , | icj 6S5. HIIKIil'lleoelptii , rune ; Hhl | > mentii , 20-1 head ; market nominal fni lack f lupply KHIIIIIIH City 1.1 vii Murk Murkil. KANSAS r-ITV , Scl | -CATTI.K-IU-celi.t. . . J : d ) IK ml ; > 1iliment/i. | 3 Sv ) lu-n.l , nurket iteady tu itninK , 'IVxm Htrorn , * 3 OOU3 M , Iwef tcr < . CiH/c O ) , nntUo lovm , tl Z,1f > W , tluikem and feodrr * . n 10 rl.7i. I10UH AccclpU , 4n > 3 head : hlpmrntii. 1 30 ( h > i I rrailcnl vluw lut itrndy on top Rradm 1'iU to IX Uwer ; built , ot vale * , ? JC tj SM , 10. M.TM * .1 ( > j nhti-J ' nP - llN-elpu. SO ) hrad ; Jhlpmenl * . 100 tend ; mfltkFt ulrn.ty. CHII'AtlO I.IMi .S1OUK. Iriulo In Cnlttn M'n Nlmr niul Trlrra NOIII- .linilly Strnily. flltCAOO , Ppt. 8. Cattlr- receipt * were llnmUsl at I.Oiv ) hei.l nuking 7S.SS1 hex ! for this - \ > < xk , nmlii't 67.9S9 hend lor last week G& lit hcnd n senrnnO ami 81,7M head tuo yearn atp Till * weik' recants nrf the lnrireM of the Mnr t > i far and an nmrl ) r\eryb dy had lh ir rirder illletl , the I 000 hend hert * lixlay wan ns m.inj in wa neoleil Trade slow ninl pikei * luunlnnlly Kmilj The mipply lonnlstctl of nlnnit Cw nithes nnd too Texas cattle. The dcmnml fur hem wn rennotinhly nctlM , nnd price * wan uliiuiK fur Rood to bent K II < , NiilKXlr reeinod In wnnl tin' | HHT t kind * and lioldcin nr snrli hnd li niiK * concni loni tn order tn unlond 1V - | irlme Kte < rn etihuludnl In the r.n . > rlnir , nnd hl1 tint port are mlablp nt fmni | i2.u to | iW. ; ihD major part nold tn-Unv Iliv hoep and larnh maiketn ven veak nt from > 1 13 l $121 , rrnpectlicly. 'Ilu receipt * wenHtxmt I.CiV ) hen.l , and fur till * ttnk NJ 300 liond , iiRiitnM r 2,331 liend ln l vnk nnd 61 il heid fur the correnpnndlnic Mrck 1 sl > eur lt elitt | Cuttle. 1.0W3 ln-ad , rnl\ea. 30J heal , IIOITK. 10,000 hiNiil. Miecp , I t < > 0 head. Tinl'enln > r Journnt n-purli : fills hpiid , shliunrnts. 7.9ls'hcnilj lilt inerl nlwiit fsOO * IHM.II qmllty poor ; mnrkct fulrly ncllvp and Rlhnmnn light , while heller uniJci < if liwuy nix' Sc hlKhrr. I\in.i : - * . 1.000 henilj market im- ilmnRpil , liiinllc enousti Hiwk to make n market. RltnKP llecclplii , 1,500 liend , innrLet firm and Suinr liirhi-t. N1W YOtlK Mept 1. RPOAn-nrw. nrm ! fall roflnliiK , 3mf3V c cenirlfURnl. KB IORI SMI Sic. Mle , noneItellneil , qnlei nrm , No B , 4HMI 9-l o , No 7. 4i ; l 7lfkN'o 8. 4 HM a I5ri No. B , 4 l-l fbo. No II , 3 IVtewlHrNo 15 , 3UI I Ilic , No. 11 , 3c : i > IT A , 11-lHH Ii * , inoulJ A , , ' (7r 3 lik. nt.indiinl A. 4 ItICilPhii.inf.v - tloneiV A , I 11 ISiritse , cut loiif , tXJTfr 9 ICe , oiu neil SMfi ! ) ISc , luwdc-UHl , r. 7-16ffa'4C. II- nlateil , ( U-lC8iic , rule * , t Toll ilo llriiln aiiirkct. TOI.niJO , Bepl S WIIHAT Dull Meiily ; No. 2 , cnBh nnd Septemliei Blc. Ootobcr , 5l c , I > c- ceml > or , S7c ; Mn61 i- . 4'OHN Hull. No J mixed , S7c. 4 > ATsj Slciily ; No 2 mixed , 30o ; No 2 white , r.2vc ll\n Dull ; cnth , I7ic ( bid. fl.ovnit cnmActte : , alnuly , pilme , cash and .Sc " Ull AliirkrtR. CiL. jv > pl. 1AIUO\V | NumLnall supply ixwr , prlnu > city. 2.1-1. CirrrCIN KKI1I ) OItHlcady. . 21R. t Tl'HI'KNTlNIDiill ; spirits , 21s d. 'f'rlflnilicat < Jimltitl < m . SAN rilANOISCO , Sept. 8. WHUATQuiet : December. 90 o , May , 9'ic. , A\Dili . tiirki ) ! . KT LOiris , Kept. \VOOIi-Steady. . nnlet , LIGHTNINCr SAVED THE TRAIN A TorrlIil J'olllnlon I'n-vc-ntvd liv 11 Flash nn u Kulny NlRht. linglnoer Kdnanl SchalTor , on train No. 9 , running between Duffalo anil Rochester on tha Tails road , ' via Lockport , which ar rives In this city at 0 o'clock In the evening , hail an experlenco last Saturday evening that made his heir stain ] on end. The train left Duffalo Saturday evening abxil 7 o'clock in charge ot Conductor Knickerbocker , with EnRlnccr Schaffer at the throttle , says the Rochester Chronicle. The truln hail a clear trcc1 < , as nas Bun- posed , between UufTalo ami Lockport , anj v\as rininliiB nt a high rate of speed Illack Hock was reached without any mishap. After leaving that station behind the engineer sent the train ahead at the rate of over thirty miles an hour The night was dark ns pitch and the rain beat against the cab windows unceasingly. Engineer Schalfer sat In his sent by the cab window. Tlio headlight uas of little use In the blinding rain , and the engineer could see cnly u few yards In ndvanco of the cnslno The train sped on la the dirlthess , and BOOH the up grade , about flvo miles south or. Totm- wamlans reached. The wielneer opened the throttle wider , the fireman sliovcled coat faster. The hill wan passed and the train rumbled on through the stcrm. Suddenly ft Hash of lightning , followed by a lerrinc peal c thunder , lit up the- track a half mile ahead. Schaffer was looking ahead Just at that moment , and a sight ma ( his Kazo that sent tha blood .from bis chpaks. Twenty yards ahead four freight cars were standing on the track Grasping the re- vcrso lever hu pulled It back to the last notch and shouted to the fireman to put on the airbrakes. The fireman's blood seemed to freeze In his veins , and , seizing the bn.lce lover , he sent the air through the train full force. At the same msment Schaffer sot the emergot-cy brakes. Tlie strong locomotive creaked and grozned. The engineer -and fin-man , with blanched checks , stood looking Into each other's faces , while the perspiration tr cklod from their foreheads In largo" drops. Hut only for n moment , fcr the engine tot tered and both of them were thrown to the floor ol the cab The shock was so sudden that the passen gers In the coaches were thrown frum their scats , the chandeliers swung from Iho cell ing and two of them fell to the Hear. One. man was thrown completely over the seal In trout ol him , landing with his held shoieJ under the second sent In front , nnd his feet propped up against the breast of an elderly gentleman behind In such a man ner as to hold him firmly In. his seat. One young lady was , by the force of the shock , lifted frm her seat , cst'rled Into tha alsla and deposited In the lap of a man who waa lying on hla back In the aisle. The baggage man was at Hie time en gaged In checking a trunk. He did not check it Just then , however , for when the shock caino the trunk eluded his grasp and started wltli the other baggage for the other end of the car. The baggageman wai found afaw mlnutca laler covered with satchels In one corner of tlie car. After the excitement had subsided the conductor and engineer got off the train to Irivestlfiito th situation. They found the jillot of the en- glno shoved a foot beneath the caboose of the freight , train ahead. As they w ro but a few miles from Lckporl the freight was pushed Into tlio yard limits and sidetracked , the train proceeding on Its w y lo Lock- port. port.Old engineers rn the Central Hudson prc- HI notiiico It the most wonderful stop they hail ever heard of. The Hash of lightning was oil that saved the lives of over 200 passen gers on hoard the train. In orJor to Introduce Clmmlicrlaln'a Cough Ilcmedy here we sold aevcrul dozen bottles on a strict guarantee and have found every bet tle did Kced eervlco. Wo have used it our- reives nnd think It superior to any oilier Vf. I. Mowrey. Jarvlsvllle , W. Va. For sale } ) / druggists. FINANCIAL. MONEY EASILY. MADE J | RAPIDLY. LEGITIMATELY , 1 IIVOIIK I IW 01' SYNDICATE SPECULATION in sr ( > < _ / . * , f/ufiffoi , Jiio. August DIvidenU IOO Per Cent Full particular * * fn-o on nppllcitltn to TRADERS' SYNDIOTE Wgr. , OhicaRO.IH. . HlM > RK PJ.TATIVK8 H'XhTHI. OUR WEEKLY N1ARKJ.T LETTER. Is .mlnuiluiiblii nlcl to Invi-HUira Slucu Jannarr iMlHd porci-nt. of our pri-UlvtloiiH. In vt boon ( LI llllt-fl. JVIAIL6D FREE UPON REQUEST. Our Co"iioralln | > SlooX Co nuIn.itloTm uro pro - inn liluhlproHt.itilu. . mid uro talunblu to iliono not In n iwHltlun of tnaklnxa btirliinn. , of follow- Inc tliomarhot. SInce Jnninry l t , 181)4. IfiOW par cunt. hiH ijioii dlvldixl anioiiv HiibHcrlbors , PA u- plilutH frootiiion - - FISHtH CO. . Stock Qrokora , 1H uml 2(1 llrunilwiii , Nev York City. uWM WM , LOIIDON. Commission Merchant Gniiu anil Provisions. I'rivato % vlrea to Ctilcuk-o and Now York. All buslucsi ordi-ru pluceil on Chi cam Hoard of Trade. CorrciiJonUencn solicited , OITICf , room 4 , Nuw Vork Lira Tcievhone U