THE OMAHA DAILY SIU'TEMPKK S . 1894. Pays you $4 to $8 weekly that means pin money adds ju little to your present expenses THE BEE GETS 'EM- 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. , \/V xs 8PEG1RL Advertliements for these columns will bo taken until 12.39 p. m. for the cvtnn ? and until 9.04 p. in. for the morning and liunday editions Advertisers , by requesting- numbered check. can have answer * addressid to nunilnrcd letter In rare uf 'I ho Uec. Answers so addressed will be dcllverid upon presentation of thu cheik. Rates l'4o n word first Insertion , Ic a word tlicrenfler. Noth'ns taken for less than 2Jo for first Insertion. These advertisements must run con ecutlvely. SITUATIONS WANTED. i.ADY DESIRES POSITION AH OOVF.HNESK or tnivellnit companion , knowledge of EnKllsli Frt-nrh nnd music , best of refuincei. terms uusonable. Addirss O , 602 N 17th A M1JI ! ) ' PFPIL'S" WANTED : oi'iTAn"PIANO AND mean Ussons. at very moderate letms Ail- diesn COJ N. 17th. A-Mlllf * I.ADY I1OOKKEEPER TWIIIA F. \ EH ' EX- jicrliiKc. slnKlo mid double into Umk and In- vixtnunt companj , best ol nferences. Ad- drera W 31. Hec A-l"8 ! YOI'NC LADY. GOOD EDFCATION DESIRES pmplovimnt of an > thaiatter In an olllcc 01 stoie. Address W 11. lire. A-rs 9 WANTED MAI.E HELP. SALESMEN ( ENEREOTir-WANT ) MF.N OF KIHX ! nddresn on salaiy for retail trade. Apply 1510 Douglas. II MHO h9 BPECIALTY SALE'iMF.N FOR REED'S LUMP Jnvv remeily ( endorsed by lf R Dcpt AKiloul- line , Iliireau of Animal Industry ns n spocltlc ) ns n side line. Llbeuil t < rms to rich ! parties Address llrothers & Reed. Mulvern la S17 WANTED , TRAVELING SALESMEN. HELEN & Thompson tailors. 1612 I'arnam Mtiv't. ii-eoi PX WANi'ED. 1IY MANPPACTrilP.RS. TRAVEL- Inir salesmen to sell to laeiclnnti onlv. imi"t l > live.vhUnvvnkp men. W C. llibco.U s p iliil BKint , room 25 , Mlllaid hotel Sepl 10 nnd 117 J 11-MliVi ID' _ _ WANTED , WOOD TPRNER THE E M Hulse Co , 1307 Nicholas slice ! . H M10J P ) * MANAOERS WANTED TO APPOINT SALES- nun to Silt the Rapid Dish WnnlierVnshes nnd dries the dishes In two minutes without wettlnK the miners , $73 n vvnk und all ex- pcnsiH. Easv position , " no ripltnl no hud woik : inn nuke IOO a w < el < . Addiipi \ \ P Hiirrlwm & Co , Clerli No. II , Columlius , Ohio WANTED. MP.N IN EVERY COUNTY TO ACT ns private detectlvts under InMiiullutis Ex perience unnecessary , bind stump National Ditectlve Ilurenu , Indianapolis , Ind II MAN TO DlsVllTlIPTE CIRCULARS. II 00 PER 1 WO paid ; send lo stamp Nnt'l Dlst Asn , Chicago. ' ' SALESMEN TO SKLL IIAKINC1 POWDER WP. put oui ( jorxlt In Musn rolling pins M u ) month nnd i penOH , or comml sl < m ChlcnRo RuhlnK Powder Cu. , 757 Van llilicn street , Chi cago. l' WANTED ] RETAIL GROCERY SALESMAN TO stll and push oui itoods , now nn Hie miiKil nnd a winner. Lite nil iommlsj < lon. Poi pai- lIcularH ndile | H W 37. Her R-1S3 ! l TWO OOOD STOCK BADDLE HANDS , stendy woik jriiaiimlenl. Addict's the KonnnU Saddlery Co. , HI. Paul , Minn 11 MJJ7 11" ( I W PER 1.000 CASH POR ufsTIUHiniNCl CIH- tul.irs ; enclose t eints U S. DlBlrlMitlne liuriau. Chicago. It 210 8' WANTED. AOENTS EVERYWHERE POH electric door ( nnniel plates. slROn , < tc , ri.ul.inli' In tlio dink , wimple with nnv name flex. Ne\\ Kra Plato Co. , 107 Deiirboin stieet , Chk.iKo , ] | | . R-211 9 WANTED , CI'TTER , ONE nilO WILL WORK IIH tailor ; $0) ) * ) per month , stead ] woik Lock l i * (5 ( , Iila Cliuvc , Iu\va. II rm ! l * PERMANENT WORK POR ACTIVE MEN wiiluiin communion , noperlence neeiss.ii > , monopoly : enl lillls of ev r > tKi , | > le- Sends 40 per cent. Addins K ti Co , 132 Colomide llldir. , Ilostnn , Muss. H JX ) 3 * AANTKD. TRAVELINO SALESMAN TO CVLL un retail trndu villh u special holiday feature , also n brand new advertising PIP- luluin ; most llheral Inilurpinrnti W II Conkuy Co , 3-I1-351 Di-iiibuin stnet , CnlcaKn , HI. ll-- ) ! i WANTED , MAN OP SOME RIWINE S EX- pcilenie to upen blanch liuslnmi ! In the slate of Nebraska for Hllnlilu mmiufnctuilns com- pan > : HoniB iead > cash capital reciulrwl In the iirninfrement ; applicant plt.iso state tlnanilnl VM t : nnd previous expn etuo ! Kood salary mid part of the profits to the il ht man , itfei- inces. Address Munufattuics , W 31 , Omaha lice. lt-M2.'l 11 SALESMAN WANTED ; A MANl'PACTPRIM ! house vuintB a K liable , inergellc , man to sell ulaplipiiHlucts In this vicinity. Duel Chun- leal vvurks , 1K.2 Ui-oadvvay , New- York STRIKING 1-OR LIPEi LAROR VS CAPITAL , l > y John Hwlnton : KrmUst book | iuhllshe > l ; en. dorscvl liy all union * , agents wantul evei > - whtio ; siture lirrltory nt once Anieraan Hook ooncein , Clevi'land , O. 11 M il 15 * DALESMEN WANTED TO HEI.I. MINNESOTA Kn > vv nurserj stock ; hood w iKes , steady wink ; pay weekly : vvrltit for terms , lluJewell Nur- si-ry Company , 270 Nursir ) tivinue , l ike city , Minn. ll-23t ! > SALESMEN , EVERY COPNTY : SALARY OR commission ; n ; > experience ; new liirlff hill Klve unllnilted prollts Active men applvquickly. . stntinK salar > and territory want ml Mumi- fuetureiH , RCJX 5308 Itaston. H-2.13 i ) SALESMEN INVESTK1ATE THIS ! WE HAVE u combination of new. mm I and useful fast selling article on which a liberal commlrslon will tie paid , unequalitl ns u. side line , can I" ' sold to ever ) merchant , with stiad ) demind nt all wasons ut the Ji-ur : rxcluilve U'llUni ) given , no Intcifirenie with > our pirspn ( busi ness , thn most iittnicttve and Rieitest prollt liwluclnt : side line evir Iwfuie offend , nctlvu sulesmen are muklnir more money In timimls- lions than lher | resular snlnrlts. Adcliess Pa- vnrlto Mr . Co. , SIJ Walmsh avenue , ChlniRo , HI. 1I-2.M ! ) WANTED , A aOOD , RESPONS11ILE MAN IN every clt ) nnd town us iiRint fin our eleilili tilejili.Mie. write foi pmtkulnm. The Anthoii ) Kkclrlu Cu , t > 3 Ptiln llldg , Cliicliinatl , O. 11 21)3 ) Si" WANTED. CAPAIILi : RUSINESH MAN TC mimaK brunrh nillcu ; wilury. II.OOIO ) and rum- missions ; 1111111 furnish KIXU ! iffeixncen an ! 11.200 in ) lo assist In our > lnc stock Addiesi \ MiiIial. . , Department , Uox 339 , Bt. Liul . Mr R-211 S > * MEN TO SELL RAKING I-OVNDER TO TUB Ktix < ry trude ; stendy ennilojlili'iit : expeilenct uniieivssary ; 175 l"J monthly sulaiy and ex penses or mnimlsslun : If offer satisfactory , ml. liters ut once with paitlcularM conceintnfl } uiirseir. U. S. Clii mlcal v\oiks. Chlcano H-a.9 WANTED , TWO ADVERTISING OOl.ICITOHri KIMH | ja > ; clve experleme und uddiess. W 41 Her. H-21.3 8' 1 NION TAILORS WANTED T1IREK PIRST class UMitmakirs. C. 11. Illihttr , St. Jostph MIK H Xi WANTED. A 1 OKKICIJ MAN , HAINO PRAO tlrul experience In inrrcanllle iiml corHiratlir work , olio who has hud ilmrne of ilerlcul omn prrfciml , uppllciint muft stal < < iiKr , cxpeilenci und where lint < mploye < l , rxcillent openlnt for competent limn Addresi W SO , ! ! < 11-S79 S WANTED FEMALE HELP. CASHIER WANTED. EXPERIENCED Hm riishUr for Inrxe dry coeds more ; must liavi U'll pf ivfrrences und ripcilrmv Slate ex rerlince ttnd , IvfrrnKO AdJres \ \ II , llet- C Ktt _ UADIEH WANTED TO WIIITI : AT HOME US 00 weekly , no convumlnn , reply with -lump Frlluior. Hcuth Utnil , Ind WANTED IT- MALE HELP. Continued. VANTED , YOUNO WOMEN TQ ENTER tinlntiiK school-for nuisps Adduss \ \ . C A. hospUol , Council Illurfa C 131 13 VANTED-OIRL FOR GENERAL HOI'SE- v.oik Inquire nt 2209 Dodge ' C-IS2 9 WANTED. UIRL AHOUT 17 YEARS OLV ) TO take < nr of children ami dri ptiln sewing Cirin i n preferred. ln < | Ulte In Bioier > store C06 So. 13th + C ISi 9 WANTEDT YOt'NO WOMAN AS IIOrSE- ki'ipHi family of two , uood home. Adduss W 3) Ilee olHce C 223 9 * LADIES WHO WILL DO WR1T1NO FOR Ml ) nt I heir homes will make Kood vvnces Ilcpl ] vilth self ruldici-sed. stamped envilope MIsH Mlldn-d Miller , buulh llcnd Ind C SID LADIES WANT I NO FIRST-CLASH OIRLS apply Hdiiidlnuvlan Y. L Home. OHIce. 20a N Hth. C-MM.S ! AN ? LADY CAN EASILY MAKES 111 0. ) weekl > for me quietly at home , position per- nidiitnl , und If ) ou can only spare two hours peril ! } , d'li't fall to InvestlKiite Reply , with Hlaloped envelope. Miss Luclle Ix > Kan , Joll.t 111 U-213 8 \ \ \N1EI > , A OOOD OIRL FOR GENERAL housevvoik Call ? M Dotlge street. C 213 8 * FOB BENT HOUSES. TENTS FOR RENT , 1311 FARNAM ST. D-737 S17 WANTED GOOD MEDIUM PRICED HOUSES. List vour houses for rent with Ames D-733 HOUSES , F. K. DARLING , DARKER RLOCK. D 7.14 HOt > ES IN ALL PARTS OF HIE CITY. THE O F Dav Is company , 1505 Furnam. D 735 KELKENNY & Co7ll ITcONTINENTAL 11LK. D 736 FINE 7-ROOM CORNER FLAT AT 701 3 16TH stieet ; raiiBe and all other conveniences Qeoice Clouser , room 2 , 1621 rarnam Etnet D 300 t , 6. 8 AND 10-ROOM HOUSES. ALL MOD. ern , lnwn and shade Apply ut 211 N. Y. Life or ni Miami street. D-M1S3 FOR RENT. CHEAPEST SIX-ROOM COTTAGE with bath In city , only 115 ( K ) . 3033 Callfoinla street. D M3f2 FOR RENT. S ROOMS , C34 S. I7TII STREET. D-640-S26 * > ROOM HOUSE. INQUIRE 2711 DOUGLAS street D M673 3 C ROOM HOUSES , MODERN AND CHEAP. Cp9N 13th at reel. D M710 S29 _ _ OlTRENTTENROOM HOUSE. N. W COR Fa mam and 30lh sts ; modern Improvements , by Chas Turner. 3316 Farnam st. D 8)9 -OR RENT. 6-ROOM COTTAGE. 1416 DORCAh stieet , city water , bath. Inquire Robert Hun ter , 1KB olllce. U M933 ROOM. ALL MODERN HOUSE , S36 SOUTH 17th ; also other good houses. O. L. Green , roon 28. Itaiker block. D M9J6 ROOMS. LARGE HALL. RATH ROOM IN quire ut Si8 South Utli street. D M12S 12 FOR RKNT , ELEGANT 10-ROOM HOUSE jjeasonable 2003 Uurt street. D 133-13 * ROOM iioT-sK NEAR"iTiail SCHOOL : $20.00 Innulie 2vlg Capitol ave. D 113-12' FOR RENT. 5-HOOM COTTAGE ; JIG 00. 1819 S mil st o 537.j CALL AT OUR OFFICE AND EXAMINE PHO toRniph nf very line 7-room modern cottage 01 piv.d stieet , one-half block from car line , onlj J.5,00 per month. Fidelity Trust Companv. 170 1 arnam st. rj 139 FOR llt'NT ELEOANT MODERN HOUSE It will jiuv > ou to Investigate this Thomai lln-nnim , 130 Paxton block. D ISC 14 FOR RENT. DKSIRAI1LE 7-ROOM COTTAGE 2S11 Woolivciith ave , } 23 00 Rlngvvalt Uro- Raikei bloiU D 112 OR RENT S ROOM NKW MODERN HOPSE nice pcirihes. Inige lot , oal ( nnlsh , 32JO W b ster Htnet , SIS 09. Inquire ut Fox , 1218 Harm" street. U Ikl 10' FOR RENT , 8-ROOM MODERN HOUSE near Hutiocom pnik. Hkks , N Y. Llfp Rids D 215 V TO RENT , HOUSE FURNISHED OR UNFL'R nlshnl , t party who will board * ilf am child , refeiences exchanged Address Mrs. K A Hols like , 1C28 S. 32d nvcnuc , D 204 9 * FOR RENT. FINE TEN-ROOM MODERJ bilck house , detached , J30 00 , 3 nice 7-rooi InUk Mats , ctntral , JJO.OO. Templilon , Paxto block. D M257 11 ElGllT-HOOM MODERN HOUSE. 2712 CALI1 ll slreet. to Kood tenant at a bargain I 11.ead , ICtli and slreetx. D 270 9 IOR KENT FURNISHED ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMS , 62 SOUTH 19TH ST. E-M933 Sll PLEASANT FURNISHED ROOM. 2215 DODGE E-M375 FURNISHED ROOMS AT 316 SOUPH 15TH SI E-M131 SH" S FURNISHED ROOMS FOR IIOUSEKEEPINI for man nnd wife. Rent taken In hoard 31 N 17th street. E MC 1 FOR RENT. NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS cull at 2107 Douglas. E 720-19 FURNISHED ROOMS. 2638 DODOE. DODOE.EM150 E-M150 13" FURNISHED ROOM , PRIVATE FAMILY l i _ St. Mar's Jivenue. EM174-H' _ _ S NICE II'RNISHED ROOMS FOR LIC1H lu.usikeeping 111. S. llth Bt E lbO-14 * ROOM FOR UGHT"lioUsiKEEPNO , 119 > 15th. E 178-10 * TJI REE FURNISHED ROOMS WITHOU InJiinl , tu i-i-virul ladliH or man and \ > lfi , ic erenies 1723 North liih. 12 203 9' WANTED , A LADY ROOMMATE. ALbO gentlimnn roommitc. or without l > o.m moderate 416 houlh 24th avenue , E Sll EAsFTltONT ROOMS. 2 < )24 DAVENl'OltT" Ol * ROMAN'S EXCHANGE WILL OCCl PY 16 Douglas stit-et after Sipt 1U , a few cliol < itKin to lent. E 254 9 Fl'RNIriHED ItOOMS FOR LIGHT HOUSI kin-ping ; Ml S. I7th stieel. E 2tj i ) * ACCOMMODATIONS FOR SIX GENTLE.ME.-i slnglr Ixnls vvllli slttliiK room for their us > - n iuslvelv | KO N , IVth street. E-M.T6 12 * 2128 HARNEY STREET ; FURNISHED ROOM ! with or without board , modern. E M7B 14 * FTJRNISHED KOOMS AND BOABI PLEASANT ROOMS WITH BOARD. Z1SO 1IA1 lity , F-M345 bit * A CI.PH OF 8 OR 10 YOUNO MEN CAN HAV li pleasant home with room and Loanl In private family ; house with all modern coi venumr * : location central and dcntrubli ; ever tlilrtf first clcia. Address W 21 , Uee. . F Ml.T I VERY DEBIIUULB UNFURNISHED FRO.N and luck parlors , also furnished rooms , ever tlilnr flist-clais , 210 and ! U South :5th strtc F M13I 10' NICELY FURNISHED ROOMS WITH At conveniences. First-dais board. Ill No , II itrctt. F-MI78-813' IIOOMS AND ItOARD , JI13 CAPITOL AVI nue. FM1C4 iT HOARD AND ROOM IN PRIVATE FAMII , for two ladle * : > crr rtuuonabl * ratts9711 : Uth iUt U f-tU S' BOOMS AND BOASUX 1 ' Continued. ii.i..itfiiNrsitED " iiobst roil"n\o ; ii.-i..i , ; Kenttenipn gr man and wife nl UM Culifiniiln i street. K-li > If NICE ROOMtT GOOD ROARDi RTf : . < REA- tonalile.ixinv tnlcnccs. The Rj'e.ZOiO.SdR H-uney. HANDfOME TTlONT ROOMH ITH HOARD ; rrfriemes iOJ Nu 18th. P-H7-IQ' DNl'UHigibHKJJ KOOMS FOR KENT T\vO UNFURN1HHED ROOMS , SECOND floor ) modern convenlenc < s. 220 N lOlh sticel. a -MM I 12 * FOR KENT , DEyiRAHLE nxiinn , corner Hurt and 18t. ll < e O 271 n * _ " TWO "UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOFSI- : keepltiK lo man nnd wife , no chlldrtn. nf- irtme. Flnl A , PjlS CliUiiRb street. . EOR RENT S'i'OHiiJi ANU OFFICES CORNER STORE. M.W. 621 DOUGLAS. IN- qu re 622. I 740 _ FOR RE.NT , loOM , M RY 32. 2ND FLOOR OF my store , suitable lor cloaks nml suits ; good light and elevator service. Mrs J. Ilenson I M989 FOR RENT. THE 4-STOIiy BRICK HUILDINO 919 Fnrnnln stiett , The biilillng has n file- proof cement bnscmcnt , complete steam he-it- IrR flxtursolcr nn nil nonin gas , etc. Ap ply at the office of The lite 1-910 MY GENERAL MERn\XDI lNG STORE Imlldlnir nnd residence nl Memphis. N < b. . for rent. For further pnillculnrs Inquire of , T. C Owens. Memphis. Neb. I-M23JJ3 * I'OU RENT , A FINE N1NF.TY-FOOT STOIIE room nn Faimim Mrret at JS' i > J pel month W 31 , Ike. I M230 12 * AGEN'JM WANTED. WANTED , OOOD SOUHTORS. MEN AND women , lo vvoik fo- the Progressive En low- ment Guild of America for Mlssouil , Kansas and Xtbrnska. ( lluildlnc nnd l.nan nnd ten- ) enr Endow ment Insurance combined. ) Reliable - liable people only need WPH. Addn-ss room * Hoik Island bldg cor. Cth and Kdmond slrett. Bl. Joseph , Mo J M003 01 * WANTF.D , GlfvnilAL AOENTS FOR CITIES I > cal aKUith foi towns New novelty. Sim plex kettle llftii and drainer. Stamp foi particulars. "Wallace ft Co. , Rock Island , III J MUSS- AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE TO SELL the Intent aluminum novelties ; enormous profits , sells at slRht , delivered flu1 , secure terrltoi ) . Sample In vilvct llluil case with full Infoimatlon , lOr , Catalogue free Alumi num Novelty Co. , 333 llrondvtay. New York. AOENTSMALK AND FEMALEWANTED evirjvvherc ; HichtnlnK spUr | , absolutely new no talKInc , iiolltH linmense- The Abbott MfK Co. bo < c 1C , SprinslUld , O. J 230 9 * AGENTS OF.T 1IOTTOM PRlCEsT'ROM MAN- ufaclurern ; two new < h < ap "sillers , want Kood RencrnI acents Sliver Mfg Co. . 42 Dear born street , Chicago J I3S 9 * WANTED. GENERAL AGENTS SELLING p-itented household lucessllles to dinleiH ; ex elusive terrltorv ; no ompetlilon , no capital required , blc pioilts , paitlcuHrs free. Javel Novelty Co. , 69 Deaiborn Btieet , Chlc.igo 111 J39 9 * AGENTS , HAVE YOU BEEN THE LATEST pocki-t novolt ) ? Hetn'ls ' 2 > tenls ; ImndKimo sample. 6 ctnts. Hi raid Mfe Co. , Hoboken N J J-242 U' AOENTS WANTED , LADIES' TAILOR HAY- dens , 2nd lloor Call Mtnday. J 226 S * WANTED AN ENERGETICAGENTIN every city and town In vvrslirn Nebraska foi a household necessity , new goods , tenllorj fresh , terms llbeinl. Address 27u7 ( ] stieet. South Omaha J M2i9 10 * WANTED TO KENT. WANTED , HOUSES TO RENT. HAVE MORE calls than 1 can supply. J II P.inuttc. ICtli nnd Dodge. K 551 b24 " A GENTLE'MAN WISHES TO RENT A NICE 10 or 12-room house In the vicinity of Hanscom park. Address W 25. Pee. 1C 141-0 * TWO UNFURNISHED ROOMS OR PART Ol moduli home , south Hldn preferrid , references exchanged. Address W 31. Dee K MISS I1Y FAMILY OF THREE , THREE PLEASANT fuinlshid i-oanis nnd boarO. house must bo modern , terms reasonable. W 33. Ilee K M104 10 * 2 SCHOOL TEACHERS WANT ROOM AND board In pilvnte family on or neir avenue or 21th strett tur line. AddrcsH W 42. Ike. K ill J * C-ROOM COTTAOE. ALL MODERN , NORfll side , O < tober 1 , Addixss W 45 , lieu K M2C5 } 2 STORAGE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS ACROSS , 1214 HARNEY. M-741 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEAN and cheap rate. R. Wells. 1111 Farnam.M M 7li OM.VAN&STORAGE CO ,1M2 FARNAM. Tel.lSID M-74t UEST STORAGE nUIf-DINO IN OMAHA , U S. cov. bonded wart house Household Roods stored Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Leavenworth M 711 WANTED TO HAVANA rnECKLES. UEST ON EARTH , tC. N-M651 S27 WANTED. 2 OUTSIDE SHOW CASES IjT- qulro 1318 rarnnm. N M161 9 WANTED , A GOOD VIEWING OUTFIT. OIV1 ! price and full description Addnns W 33 IVi N M190 10 * .STOCKS OF MERCHANDISE WANTIJD PAH , ties with etocks of merchandise they wish ti sell or exchange , send me full description , know parties that wish lo buy for cash ; nisi some have part land or properly anil cash , etc Henry U. Smith , Folia Clt ) Nib. N218 9 FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY , YOU \\ON'T MISS YOUR money. Low prices on furniture and household Goods. Enterprise Credit Co C13-C15 N. ICtn si O 745 FOR BALE HORSES , WAGONSETC FOR SALE OH TRADE , 2 HORSES WEIGHIng - Ing 1,000 pounds each C and 7 stars old Free Teriy. 430 Hamge block. I' 747 WANTED-A TEAM OF HORSES WEIGHING no less than 1,100 IDS. , well broken to clt ) driving. Bend particulars to U 17 , Uce. V-514-S-23 * TWO 'WELL RRED DRIVING MARES 4 ANI : S vcars old. Drive single or double 2109 Doula- P-1S7 13 * FOR SALH OR TRADE IIAY HORSE , Ic hands , seven jears , penile , trot better 2:40 : will trade ( or joxing hoiee with speed 1V hands. II , II. Irey , county tuasurcr. * P-157 13 HORSE FOR SALE , CAN HR SEEN AT STA ble 1114 Dodge Orchard .1 Wllhelm Caipel Co P 278 3 2 "lARGAINS ; I'HYS PHAETONS , 1 NEV surry below cost. Drummond Cg Co. P--74S _ GOOD LEA. TOP FAMILY CARRIAGE , SS M Simpson buckboard , < WO . Druinmond CR Co P 7IS FOB SALE MISCELLANEOUS. RANK AND PLATTE VALLEY SAND Pol sale. C. W. Hull company , 20th ard Ixard sti _ Q-7SO CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORJ'AMHNTAl fence made. C. R. Lee , 901 Dougli a. Q 719 FOR SALE , THE FORMULAS I'OR WEL1 known propiletniy medicines , favorably knovvi In the northnesi , with sole rlghta to manufac ture and sell In North and South Dakota Nc braska , None but responsible parties neei unsner. Address I ! F. Smith. Q M319 HIS YOUNG PARROTS FOR "sALcT Mi SOUT1 IQlll tticet. Q-M12J 11 ! _ FOR SALE OR TRADE NEW I ONY CAMI1 Lcll c > Under pnss , \\lll lake part cash an UilaiRe In printing , AddresH W 28 , Ilee. TO OATTLIJ FEEDERS-WE SHALL GO INTc rampalKn on ibis st-ason's beet ciop nbout th middle uf this month Anjone d < slrous of cor tract Inir for best pulp Is Invited to send In In application at once , The price will be I crnU per ton lUllierrd at the factory. Rec pulp , when propirly feed , furnlshea the mm desirable food for futtinlng cuttle , anwell a for dairy purpoAffl. IIH It Increases the rlchnis and How of milk. Norfolk Hejt Sugar Com pony. Q FOR SALE. GORDON SETTER : HROKB FOI ll < M ami water. IhirouUihrrd pointer bite half broke. Jli'j North 16th Q 191 tl * FREE-SKND FOR OUR ROOK ON "HOW T Speculate Successfully on the Giutn nml Sloe Markets. " TradlniT on limited miiKlns full xplalne > l. C\Us & . Co , Itlalto llldg. Ch cagu. Ill Q-a'fl * PERSONS TROUHI.ED WITH E.XCESHIV perspliatlon nf th fret nnd nnnplls sliuil write for free sample of O-lor-Cuie , hnunltn The MaiDcnald Cj , South Iknd , Ind HISOtLLAIVEOUS. STOCK PASTURED : GOOD FEED. T. Mlln ray. R-M427 BtU * CKSS POOUS AND VAI'LTS CLEANED JOlT Nelsun. olllce IH S llt < i t. Til. 1171. 11-183 O7 CLAIKVOYANTS. MRS. DR. H. WAJUIEN , CLAIRVOYANT. HI liable business mi-Jlumi itli tear nl 119 N 1 & 7(3 Cot Mtiu < l. _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A TRANCE C'hMflVtfYANTTSRND 250. WITH ORP , BCX OIlJ MnWl .Hill WlVS llOIOICOJIC 01 future llfMl ? . Hi MoonUml ( triincfl inn Hum < 'V out h .Inv tiller. l rn wtlli R VP" ami TumOcrful clu ol iwotiJ IKW. I'll' past. protnl iind f tu it re < full n meof whom > oti nlll m.irryi ml the on Uiflnrm. love. mar- llaBi spiculiilloii. , cliaiiRO ! . lows. divorce. mli-sInc frit n In , eiwi-Mlon. riilWJs will" . pension * vie rj ilunrv * 111' woild It Is mil knmvn thoimhmit iTn world Unit inrillumi HIT Hie only HliuU ? * e < si nnd tln'lr rlmrmi II1IIIU lcU' , HlHtMJtlllU lK"t n" HUCIMS HI huslncM Your ftttii' iilttl * n A dend Irnncc I'nUts the swuatttV tmil onuses niiedinnl lnjp | > iimulHUf vltll.llir one jou Jolt. causes KO I luilc In ill llilno l > y puprr mlvlie. He euro n rhiiim auivrul tlutmml * Reveals PV IT ) thing. l'ii ilivelj no Impojlllon. Mrs. Dr. Moore , Uui "fv" Nrvvpurt , Ivy. Luik charm frve Cut llui uiit < iml stive It. S MA SBAGE7 MADAME 8.M1TII , J03 H. I3TII. 813 PLOOR room 3 , mas app. vnpor , alcnhnl , nu-am , sul- phiirlnp mid ria butlif. T--.Ml'.n l' MAS-SAOE , MADAME UKRNMID. 1U9 DOPriE T-618 3 PERSONAL. . . . . . E. UPCOVEREO AND RE- pnlrrd 104 South SUIicnlll atlect. U 753 VI1VI HOME TREATMENT rOR LADIES. Health IjoMi nnd rnniullatliin fiee. Addresser cull Vlavl Co , 3(4 Ilee blJg. Lady attendant. U-761 DALni'Pr- A pleasant nnd convenient place , ISM Puiimn itrcet , Paiton block , 'phone 711. CREAM roil WHIPPPINO" HOTTER milk. Waterloo creainei ) , 1613 Hnvvatd , tel,1 33 U 2U BIO WHOLE \\HEAT ItREAD FROM UNtlOLTED Hour at Imogen L Ramsey's 217 N 16th st. U-MIV8 S MMC. LA ROOK. UAHUGC 1SW LEAVEN- worth stieet , thlra llwor. front rooms ; two ttrsl clasa opfr.lloin. U MOI5 10 * WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J J. Mullir's new- Ice cream pallors , IS02 Leaven- north street : everything Is new. Including the building Tel. 1030. lie cream delivered. U--75S .314 DIl.W STnt'llGNSOM , srCCIALtST , SCO 8 1VIH U-UISU * _ _ ioc CIQAU Fen BO , HAVANA rniricini U-.M651 887 MASSAGE. MMC POST , J19H S 1STH. BATHS. KACIAli MAS- tage&camplexlon treaunent. Mine. 1'ost. 319H S IS. U-S7S SO IEMOVAL OPKNINCJ. THE OMAHA NA Itonal Knitting factory has remtivid from 15th nnd Howard U > 322 S 16th , In the new Hchlltx ImlldliiK. and will have nn opening of their fall nnd winter gn < xl Saturday , Siplember 8. elc- itant picture cards Riven to nil callers , this l the only house In the ill ) that muket a ipe clalty of woolen Roods. > nrns nnd crochet colton - ton : Indlex dolnp hnnclvvoik will find It to their advantage lo < nll nnd ixamlne our stock Joseph P. lllli , pioprlctor. U-MIC3 M AOI3NTS WANTIJD I1.0W WlI.Ij UK awarded In eighty-four ciuli Rifts for cornet r * pllet to fiur word mlx-up. henil uddrecHtl Htaniped envelope for the lnlx-ui | to the I'lor- ence Medicine Co , Kl 1'atil , MinnU U MHO TO NERVOUS SPPPERER1 ? . ARC 'YOU StT- feiliiK vvtth nervous prostration d3 pepstn. In digestion , constipation , pilpllatlin ol the hf.itI Iiritntlon of the stomach , poor circulation emissions , nervousness , tic T Arc > ou belnp butcheied by quacK rtoctois ? If so. stop Thc > v will ruin > ou. I ivns a suflffcier for over tun jtars , wns bedfast for 17 month" , my e. m wan before 37 doctors before I found rellel Now I am cnJoyliiK the blewlnKs of health Rook cop > rlKhtid , Kh Ing complete hlMorj nf m ) case and how I cot well und how > ou can be restored to health ? Sent lo any addrepi foi Jl 00 Address Jl. McDonnell , llittlu Creik Mich. U- AND TuvnnH HIMO\II : > U'sfully without the aid of tlu knife No cure , no pn > Rend for clicul ir Dj C. I * HwlKen , Kavonburs. Kan U 'nrtsoNAL A vofiNo WIDOW DI : IIUS TO imet n KCnlleinfcn wlio nil ) loan hi I t. > n 04 on secuiltj. AddrexHV So , 13en nlllre. U-li'J TIIIN1TV CATIIKUKA1 , KtNDKHO.MlTDN will op n Sejitcfriber 10. A training < l.isc f i younir ladles In cnnnecllon with the KlnilHicm ten will be tnii.d October 1. I' 21G ; i I.ADIUS AMU qKNTI.KMDN C'AIJ , AT Till : Doston Sloro di"HK delnitmenl for Mine. TrUf * secret of beauty nnd True hair tonli1. f ! 07 9' END POH LITTLE IO6K. "HOWi'TO hPPC- ulalo SmeeSsfdlly'ln Hie Oniln .imr'Slixk Mm- ketV' tnnllid fri1 Comstock , Hughes < \ Co , Rlalto Illdp , Chlcheo. I1 1S 9 * WANTED , PUPILS roil KVKNINa fhAFS IN Ktcnocraphy , thoroiiKh eounx- and thancea fi > i Keel positions litii competent. Address \ \ " 4D Lee. U M2C8 9 * MONEY TO LOAN REAX. ESTATE. , IPE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or boueht. V C. Chesncy , Kunaus City , Mo. W 759 ANTHONY LOAN & TIUJST CO , SIS N Y MFK loans at low rates for choice Keeurtly In Ne braska and Io\va farms or Omaha cll > property. W 7W MONEY TO LOAN ON TAUM IN DOUQI.AU Improved and unimproved Omaha Ital estate. Fiilellty Trust Co , 1702 Farnum st W 761 MONRT TO LOAN ON IMI'IIOVCD OMAHA real estate. Itrennun , Love & Co Paxton blk. W 712 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. 16TH AND Douglas Ettects loin money on City and farm property nt lowest ratea of Interest W 7t3 MONEY TO I.O\N AT LOWKST IIATUS THU O. F. Davis Co. , 1S01 Tarnam Bt. W 7C UN1TKD STATnS MORTOAGH CX ) Ol' NEW York. Capital 12000,000 Surplus $000,000. Kuli- mlt choice lands to T. S I'usey. agent. I'list National bank building. \V 7 i MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWfiST RATUH ON Improved and unlrnptovtd Omlhn real estate 1 to 5 yearn. Fidelity Trust Co , 170. Fnmam W-761 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMI'HOVBD CITY properj : fS.ooi ) A. upwards ) , t to 7 per cent , nc delajxV. . rarnam Bmlth & Co. , 1J.O rnrnim W TC2 MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 6 per cent. W. II. Meiklc , 1st Nat. bank \V 763 LIFE INSURANCE TOI.ICIES 1'UHCIIASCD. I nnii on eamc negotiated. AVelllvcr & Co. , Drexel bldg. . Plilla. I'q. W M97 O3 * CHAS. W , KAINEY , OM. NAT. UK. 11LDO. MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS horses , wagons , etc , at lowest latta In city no removal of Roods , strictly confidential : yoi can pay the loan off at any time or la an ] amount. amount.OMAHA MORTQAaK LOAN OO. , 301 S. IGlh it.c > . X irt J. 13 HADDOCK , ROOM IZ7 ItAiiaii 11IX5CK X -7'J ' MONEY TO LOAN ON I'ERSONAL I'HOP erty. Harvln l ai Co , 701 N. i Life build Inst X 7C MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUIINI ture. planoa. hornei , wagons , or an ) kind o chattel security , at lowest possible rates , whlcl you can pay baric nt any time and In an ; amount FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. room . Wlthnrtl W < xk. X 7 7 BUSINESS CHANCES. A HOWLINO SUCCESS , HAVANA FRECKLES Y MCJl fa27 THE NATIONAT/ INfORMATION AND EX change Co. , 03 * First Natlrnal bank , Omaha has customers vrlth cash , farm lands nnd clt property for merchandise ; also stocks of good for sale and trnil . Y M8C M RETIRING FUOJf Itt'SINESR , GOOD OPEN Ins for party vrl lilnif to buy sink of al piper (8.000 ( r.i > rlthj IUtures for less than ' rout , to b gold by Octolier I Tor particular nddress II. T. Vina1721 Leavrnuorth. I I Y-M1CO S SUCCESSFUL SI'i'.CUJ-ATION OPEN TO A LL try our njnilloMij , Btun of Hprculiitlmi , In crease jour Ineomec Informutlon IIPP ; i > en for circular. TJiomp i > n fc Di-rr On . M Wai etnel , New pr H Incorporated under th lavvs uf mute uf New ' Voik ; cap.tal tHOOrtO Y M171 9' _ , FOR HALEl FIRHT-iCLASH AND WELL LO rated drux store , half caih , balance rcc enlale , also good location for doctor. W T Hee. Y-M1C7 WANTED , U. W ON"OOOD tiOPTH OMAIL property for S or 14 vrms at t > per cent. AU dresB 701 24lh si , , South Omaha , Nib. Y-MICT GENTLEMEN WITH SMALL CAPITAL WISIJ Ing to cnKiiKH I" th * IK-SI pa > lne bunlnei In the state can find such an ipenlnK b > cull Inir on tlii ) under * gned at the Opdnn hous < R. Prlsl.e > . \-M17ii 10 _ _ PAIITNER "WANTED : LAllirt' TAILOI1 llujdens , 2nd lloor. fjll Monday. Y ! 27 B " FOR BALK. TRAPB Oil JIBNT. (1OOD 1IAH cry. rjnf < ry and rrstauninti KIVH ! rooir cll rstnbllshrd trade Ixst reasons for ulllni Address E M. WapICH. SS5 , Fulrbury , Neb \ IISM 11' A REFINED. UESPIMTJUII.IJ WOMN WII < give une-balf of tiir lime In rxchange for boat nnd n m In a respectable family , Addrtss 1 li. lire Y-i H * ' WANTED. PARTIES HO DKHIRE TO III' for cash cr trade Cor stocks of merchandise ( other property , to write to me. Henry C. Kmltl Tallii City , Ntt ) . V- : DTJSIKES3 CHANCES , Conllmirit , ONLY IIACKRT BTOItE IN COI'NTV "HAT ItihrtbllfllllK , tlfilii ptiK-k. nl .ill ISinViO Valk-j Hull U tnti > To. SI Piil N'oli rou SUM : , nnsr OI.ASH rt > : nintso good bllslni-M. In ridindM liriului sM un- imin f r selllliK. AMtrV 71 Hi , VM. . ' tO A noon iuc\\TK N run IMKIU\ : : ntiro xljip. AdjK- n II . , I7'J2 N sr.ih Rli l " * Jr"4 ! * * 11X00 INVE'dKDIIUIH K'i"i5irAMJnAlH ( vvrekly Incotns wllli absnlute mitirltv ; pro < lidtUfl , lletiiltMl HlnlNtliK ( ! , ' < Itcniuin ft l vjir Ml Itioiulw.iy , N Yuilt. Y MIU Oi TOR EXCHANGE. ' ' .MEHICA S PRIDE. HAVANA FllKC'K IMS , Ki. VS-Mbal Stl _ rTTvvi : CASH , IOWA AND oriiniV LANDS to oxchiuiKi- for mtrcliiindlse. II. A.ViiKiir , ( Innlia. Neb. Xlf roil TnAiiJ.oNK OR ALL ors HTORB bulldliiBs on N street. South Omahn , Inlngln1 nlcr- Income , for Eood ilour firm lund near In Omiilm , South Omaha or Count ll lllurrn Vnlue of prui'fity about JJ3l iuo AddriM IT t1. Itee , Z M 1S 11 _ CLEAR OITV PROPIIRTV TOR LAND vTiTT- Hams Se Mlttan , MiCaKUc liullOlnir. nwm .113 /--Mtj ; 01 _ " A WOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO E\ change for tounuvvoik limns ui mile * Ijiniorenux Hive , 306 S inth. 1'103 IMPROVED lAnUS NVYA N | jOTTE . Oliln , and line lenldcixe vUtli tin 'iLiii ad- Jolnhiit Kood tnun In Hnnciuk < . ' , Oliln. ID niul < > for cnsti-rn Neli land or mioli.itidNe Hon. tS'i. SchUler. N < b 7 MlJl OJ OMAHA IMPROVED AND * 1'NlMPHOVif ) icsldence pniporl } nnd enstrrii N < ! inmtu ) fgirm land to Itiidu for dr ) Roods. Wont to deal vllli owner Usx 716 , Schujler , Xel- . /-Ml ? ) OS _ " TO TUADi : ENGLISH LEVER OOI.D "w VTCH and solid Kold chnln cost H0 > > > , fet lioise. IniinrKs nnd iprlng vviiKon or will im > for c.i her or hlip same W 41 , Ihv V. lKn lu i : FARM ; I'lNE CORN AND HV\ lund tlmlier fiioiiKh for full nud pofls. In lost I'att of limn , to oxclinnKe at fair valifn roi st clc of ( nM Immune In Iowa or NcbiiMka Arldicss MIlliLin Maislinll. Indrpendcnre , In 55-M2M r " _ TO E.VC'llANOi : , SOl'TH OMAltA TF TOR heivy toini hnrpeii. VMigon and huinm * E Johnson , SI2 N ! 3 < 1 clttet. 7.219 O * 'OR TRADE , A "PATENT niOIIT V lrlI lilentj of mom * in It , ulll ejihaiini fi i cltv | iit > | nMt ) ill fnimlnK lands. AddrecH \ \ 7. llec Y. MT ! AND EXVIIANOES-PARTIES WHO Ml-h to purcliufp land in have Intidn In soil nt n lurkaln or v hlcli the > wish to < vchani" Mi BtcHl.1) uf niPKhandlsn , write me Iiat > ou luve to offtr 01 wimt. Henry C Smltli VMt , Vlly , Ntb X217 ) FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. i'OR SALE , NEW 4-ROOM COTTAOE , CEL- lai , < lslern , city wnter , cor , 13lh ami Sadler SI 2W 0Ions time * Entiulre 3313 Farnim Hainuel Hums. R C 773 ONfc. OF THE REST HOMES IN KOUNTZL Plate ( MIS Hlnnvy ) If PI.Id at once fill go for less than cost of house. Tcim < Kkout half cash balance easy. R N. Wltlmel \ -Mltl ) . S)7 N. Y. Life. M K 3MiI ? HOt'SES , LOTS AND FARMS 0.or trade. F. K. Darling , IJalker block. R E-774 GARDEN LANDS. C miles fiom pnitoflloc , long time , easy terms Call at SID N Y. Life KK-731 OR SALE. MY RESIDENCE , S W 5IST AND Caws. Leavltt Hurnliani. R E 10V1I * ARM LANDS. C. F. HARISON N Y LIFE RE 1W Oi ) CHOICE 10-ACRE TRACTS IN SUHURltS OF North Ilntlp for 50 00 , Jl 00 down and Jl 00 n month : will loan money to Improve. Cltj anil buliurhnn Investment company , room 513 He' curlty ItlilR , St. Louts. WILL 4K1.U MODERN TWELVE-ROOM IIRH'Ii house , best location in Omaha , no tiatb * . bai u.iln for cush bujei. Aililteha W 33 1ee JlE-Ml'17 II * ( . 'HOlC'i : PROPERTY ( ItAHCMN ) NORTH went comet ElKhtit-nth. near Uiizrl : for fill- ther partlculiiH call or addieHi J \v. Sh.iw Oniahii ilub. Ri : 217 a A SPLPNDID INVESTMENT M AIRES AD JolnliiK Omaha. Nth onh * 27" m I i lien wille for partlculais ( Irks , rial < " < tat < nRency , Omaha , Ntb. RE J < 6 a * lOW'S THIS' A FINE 8-HQOM HOI'HE ON West Fnmam , pavInK lax pild , ii-repilon liHll nnntle fiirnactvvnch slanil. etc. , co t IU Il.nOOIKl , v > lll mil nnu * 2 "c KI 01 luHl.iM ci h , non-i sldent uwnei. l Idillty Tinst fo. ncint 1702 I'arnam. RE 144 9 FOR SALE TWO CHOICE PIECES OP OM MIA propertv , piylng 10 pir tint n < I rintal at pre ? nit time. Addrixa 11 ! > . . but ; , ; H ill ) 11E-5M FOR A RAILROAD MAN : A well built 8-1 mini IIUUHC , corner pived sired with Initte > ar < l aliumliino * uf sluubboi > , sh ido fruit etc. , near lliovvnell Hill fan be hid at one-half vnluu onIH > turns For D P. shop 01 smeltt Wi > i a n sill u full lot on M-nlr. 1 mlli f i MI union di- | l , wortli J700 00. fui ! 1 > H i , JlulC" cush , balance per cent , long tlmi. For n moloiman. Omof the cnslest R-room coun > , e In Om.ilia tast fiont on No 17th smu , tl..SO ( Xi , Jl'W I" nh Inlets It. For .111 Attoimj A V-iMt ] 1)1 on liioiRln .iv < mn > nl linlf wlim almost an ) one would value II Spot < u > li enl > . For n. phjslrlan : Tx > calv In Avondale pink ; cllKiji | jl ; Uiuti ful liomew , no vpeilnl Uis N'nw Is the time foi xicurlnK n luigiln fiom Th Fidelity Trust Coinpin } . 17'IJ ' Tiunim St Iti : 112 9 Nl < E rOTTAOK AND LOT NEAR tuTH AVE nue nnd ParlHc : miiHt be sold nt nnce Ail dress AV 40 , Itee. RK-'JIO 'J' A FEW rilOICE HIO1I L\N1) LOTS. O. paved htreets , near molor line line vlovvs water Kan , hevvemue , i ] to 203 feit fmnt , ] Cite to 200 feet deep. For prict > and lot itltms cal or write Carson Ac Halrd , ixiom 9 Event block. Council Illutfs. HL 2J7 9 SUPPLIES. AUMATl'RES AND CONVERTERS REWOUNI storage batteries recharged , eleitilcul and gen iral machinists , supirlor work guaianteeil Omaha Electrical \Voiks , 017 end ( .15 & 16th st 78J ELECTRICAL ENGINEERS AND CONTRAC tors for electric light nnd motor plants and a ) kinds of electrical construction. Westein Elec U C Fuppls Co . HIS and 120 S. 15th si 78 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION , YOU CAN MAKK MORE INTEREST ON YOU ! money by paying us $1 or moie per montl than In any pavings bink. Investigate. Mu lual and llulldlng association a M Nattlnger , kcc'y , 1704 FHrnam st 723 HOW TO OET A HOME OR 8ECTUE QOOI Intelest on snvlnss Apply to Onmba L. A I ) nssrij 1701 , Ilee bldR. O M. Nattlmsir hec M1C8 UNDERTAKERS AND EMU ALMERS II. K. I1URKET. I'l'NERAL DIRECTOR ANI einlmlmrr , 1C1S ClikaKO st , telephone 90 78i SWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS ANI emljulrntrs , 1701 Cumins si , telephone 10CO78C 78C M. 0. MAUL UNDERTAKER AND EM balmer , KIT Painam st . telephone ! K T > 7 HOTELb. AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COR Uth and Dodge. Room by day or vuK. IIKTTER THAN MOST J. 00 HOTELS II Umahn. Our rates , tl to ( ISO Hotel Hlche Il.-u. O < o. Mitchell , prop. , IOS-110 N 13 184 O7 OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO . LEADING O1TICIANE J. K. Vender , manager. Ejea tested fice 2J Houth litli. In Klnsler's drug store 410 IJ" TlfB ALOE ft. 1'ENFOLU CO. SCIENflfl opticians , 1IOS rarnam st , opposite I'u to liDUl. E > es "iamlni-d free. 791 CORNICE. WESTERN CORNICE \VORKH , OALVANI7.EI Iron cornices. 1722 H. Mai > ' ave. 803 " EAGLB CORNICE T\ORKfl , JOHN ETT n Her , pioi > . , 108. 110 , 112 N. llth. Eslab 18. : GRINDING. SCISSORS. LAWN MOWERH. RAZORS. ETC , ground. Jlelcholr Ilros. 1113 rurnurn Blieel. RAZORS. BHEAR8. CLIPPERS. LAWN MO ris , etc. A. L. Undehmd , IK N Uth. 782 TENTS AND AWNINGS. WJLP 1IHOS. & CO. . MANt'l-ACTUHERS O awnlnes , tents , flags , v > iiK < > n. hay stack cover : tarpaulins , lallouns nnd Jiaracliuten 703-70J f ICtli it. , telephone (01. Tenla for rent 807 SIT MATHEMATICAL INSTRUMENTS ALVA J. QROVEIl , MATHEMATICAL AN surveying Initruments. envlneers' and arch lecls' suppllei ; tracUig cloth. tlu procvi ptpcis. 318 S , IHb ; mall ordera , 7)1 tDiniii , tsoun. u - u.d rtn.Micd T > tHvillet snl T. | i rit ii ruilMl M II PT On.ahn riponrllirflnviue. . sue- irilrn : < lri.iitincnt | of th i \ , III H. Utli , 1C ) I3 < S1 on : ins't w f > 7i"rortnfiY TVHvRiTin : Hi ) Oinnli.1li > . \Mlt r exilumico , lei W-l , N- . " Ill S. U'.h l _ " " " " " "vui TvTu\viiTfrir' < oiv"rRii ) von rule shnul.l limkc ) oit siifitlrli > aui futni ) tli'J nru muill > ViiiilhX TIJ- uii.nnl > mtvlll imiViilmi , vvhv full line of s-niiill'S. Sintth- I1 criU-r Co , lilh und raitiiimt trlcph lit. M * ? L2M J _ _ _ _ _ _ Yl'EWIIITIIIIHOM.MIA rCOI'US DON'T Klfi.1 tvpnulttit ilic > tin ; ' < tt < Wh\ Itr Mii a the DinstiintK OnllKuiicli ill I > ji-st nr * the benl in i hlnfl- mnd.1lij V\III Milufar nio lv | , ( < tilter nn.l.- . mid < V < n Uttii qiinllty uf work. Ovir t U'lj | ,1 inrtim-nt ll I < sure tn | , Uusi > llU Send } UU innoliln , s In us H vou want Hum rspiiliwl bnluvl rviiit ilt r iitul rmdliOo. . , Ht rmujiii sllx I. T > li-- dmiu. 1'SS 95 Milintiis rt Ruom 2. > il , k Til phone iyi Tc-m I'-.iwii iMc. Ml > i It' MUSIC , ART AND O , P. OEU.ENBCCK. \NJO1ST ttutlior. 1MO ( , alir iiiln 511 'OR UAlHAL\q IN I'lANOI AVfT OIlitAN ? . rni-y pusincnu , InMiMmuus untrl inis iiiM'lv un 1'iirc.lKirc. A llo-pc. , Ji 70 ! trsu" TEAC-iinii WILL aivi : INRTIUVTION on pliino ( n utinii lo dn-ciiniilc'r In exi'iinr" for dn' \ \ : ri life t > 3 * * MR P II ATELM\VV IS NOW PREP USED to ncelvo pupil * hi lln < violin. tilliiH fl MO trr Ic-sson Unit hum ) clilliliill ci " > " < in ir.lni'crl mtiH Call 01 addKss 1S07 Lciixi'ivvuth stn < t M J : . : 11" BICYCLES. HCYCLEH. NK\V ANI > OLD. JM TO ll ! risy piMiicnls. we ini niul repair. Oinnl'H lllp ) . | j i-'j 3S3 N. ; rih st 7" < iicvci.ns ALL "STYLUS. ALL I'RICIIP Bond for our list nf srcond hnml nnd rhup worn IdiirteR Ripilis und mv\lc" sundries of all kinds. M O I > .i\un , 1)2 ) N. Kth st 779 tlCYOLE-S RKPAIHEt ) ANP REMOOELEO Tlix-s nnd pumlrK'j Sufen np'iioil rtpilied ' H. Ilcllln , lorksmith. Ill N ItUh st. 1 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAt M I'lI'E I'ACTORY , OLL > plpos made n'vw. C03 H IGlh "SO IIAMAOED Jintiioiis insii7Yiiuiir : > u N u 781 STO\E REPAIRS OP ALL IC1NUS , ALSO Intel r nj'p te Rfnornl assortment of innK s. rooks & lic.ilovvntir [ ntinchinonts tint In A t'c'ncctfd ut J Hu lics 107 S 15 * t S. Jackson 303 PLUMBEH.S , i REE PLX'SIPINQ Ol" EVERY KIND. C5AH btciini fc. hot .ittr licullnir. srvvciage , 313 S It. .1. J. HAN1OV.N , PI.11MI1INO , STEAM ANI hot vtatri litatlne. 2705 Lcavenuurth ft 7S3 JOHN RO\M&CO pLVMiiiNa. STIAM AND liol water livitlni ; . B.W HXIUICK elubcs IZ1 S lj 7M rilE OM\llv OPTIIVLMK COM.EOE SCHOOL rm iiptlcluni , phj > ! ! limn , ji'vviliiH and inhi-iK ti tcnrn the MIIKof | Htllni ; i l.isxes silrntlll c ill > .mil lireurnI > 1 > Sipt < inl > < M iluss now funningU plmn.iH In nil < nir Kradii itrs Priw peclus f r * P fill on m nddrtss J H Pondci 1''al 222 boll Hi 10th Mlit'C , Oinuhu. N < li 27J a- LOST. BTRAYK1) , RAY PAftNO HORSE , riPII'EN him IH lilKh. v\hllo rlKlH hlml tiuit Rttnin l > 1U So 13th or southvMHt oonu-i JJd an 1 Mm iltMxun rt-vvatd. Ljst 1 % ! ) LO.ST. poncifr HOOK IN PP.U 17i iirii street cithnlial : tlndi I I'll ' use rrliun ti M : N. 33d sticit iind reiidvo lovvunl MJb * HI * HAY AND GRAIN. NUI1RASKA HAY CO. WHOLES \LI2 IIAY Kiiiln nnd mill vtuft. We are nlvvnjH on the maiktt to buv or sell. 1102-1 tt Nlchol is ! . 731 III Y lOl'R HAY 11Y t'AR OR TON LOTS UP. buy hiy. A H Hnjdir Hli Uuit st. tpl 1107 JOB PK1NTING- . REED JOR PRINTINO CO , PINE PRINTING of all kinds litli St. , lice lluildlng. 705 MAIL ORUHR COMMERCIAL I'llINTINQ A specialty. Douglas Printing Cu. , 419 B 15th si , Shccly bid ? 1e ] 14 for pixmipt service too GOAL. SIICIIIDAN COAL EXCELLENT Sl'RSTITUTE ul uml (3 CO tun chcapti , Ktli.Fninnni 996 Ot D T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OP lire to'JJ ' K IClll St. Illuvvn bluck. Ijl DENTISTS. DR OKORQE S. NASON. DBNTIST. HUITE 200 Paxton block. li > lh and I'ji-nam sts , tel 712. DR PAUL. DENTIST , 2020 BI RT ST. 808 MEDICAL. HOME POIl \DIES HEPORK AND DI'RINH ionllneini'nt vvlti libt of onto coiiiiiiunUntlon i onlldi-ntlul Mr * . K Vulkmin i r.idutted iiildnlfi101 South ElKhth btuvt LliKoln NVli M.1,0 OJ- STOVE BEPAIKS. STOVE REPAIRH VOU 40 OM DIPPEREN'I inaliin nf stiives. Wnli r ntliicliin.'iila und tnnni-ctlnns u siwlnlt | > 1207 DuuKlus stiecl Omuhi btove Repjli Works Ml'J IvBESSMAKINQ. EXrERIENC'DD DRESSMAKER REST HEP f > rrnce , uonlil like CIIKHRI in < nts , si-nlUK lij thu div. AildiesH \ \ 47 , llif M . ' 73 H TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY ANI ) PI'RH. BEND POR CATA- loguc George E. Drown , Jr , & Co. , 70J S. 16th CARPENTERS AND BUILDERS. C E MORRILL. CARPENTER. OPl-'ICE AND ictore fixtures n sinclnltv. Patching : and lilasttrlnB. 1313 Onpltol ave. , tel. 198 7M DYE WORKS SCHOHDSACK , TWIN CITY DYE WORKS 1521 Pninam street Dytlng ol every descrip tion and dry cleaning 797 FU JIN ACES. I1BST PPRNACE MADE. SOFT COAL SMOKE connimlne iind hard coal furnacen. E.iKlo Cor nice * Woilts 106.112 N. llth st. MO LIVERY STABLE. HOARDING STARLE.H , PINE LIVERY RIOS cheap. Ld llauinley , 17th and hi. Murj's uvc M &OJ COAL. JOHNSON RROS. . WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all klnda of coal Correspondent. ! } nollcllcd liXiS Purnam ft 81J STENOGRAPHER . P J SP1C1.IPPE. OENEHAL STKNOO rapher Kt line building. Teli phone 537MS6t MS6t DANCING SCHOOL , MORAND'S IJANCINCI SCHOOL WILL RE open for adultB Tuisda > hiitimbii | ISih S | > m ClrculuiH. So. ! K 1C UPHOLSTERING. ITHOLSTERINO VERY CUI3AI' TIIIH MONTH M t > VVtilkln : ill Cuinli s Tu 1/12 sii ) PAWNBKOKJiRS. M.iROWITZ IXANrt MONEY. 413 N. 16h ' SHORTHAND ANDTYPJ3WRITINO. VAN SANT'H SCHOOL OP SHORT HAND , N. V Life , Omu.ia. Ask tor clruilnr. i MRS. THOMAS MALONEV. I N. ICTH BT. Ciliilliiui. Washington Star "There' * a man out side who wants to know If the editor Is In , ' said the Hooter's new ufflce boy. "Show him up " "No , sir. " was the firm reply. "I'll re sign first He say a that's what the ulltor' been doing , an' h 's looking for gore. " Vlltuburc , I'll. , anil Ili-lurii a 4,5H. On September 7 , 8 and 9 the Chicago , Milwaukee waukeo & St I'aul Hy will veil round-trl ] tickets to riltuburg for } 22.50 , good return Ing until September 28. The best nppor tunlty of the Reason to go east. Tlcke offlce , 1001 Karnam street. ! ' . A. NASH , Gen. Agl. IHMtKAC. St KS.VC'O. , S uMAHV , Neb. unoi.tvnus , SVSUM The rulli\vliiK liiivl.illiicO I iK itirM I tin HI imtiiii . mu Ucti nl II U 1N.motion .HUM un Pallium Rttvil , Oiiinha NtuiuMko. imiK'iuliiK nl 7..W t * \\Y.ticlio ! , Oo- loln > i Sril. HIM iui.l ounlltuiliiK at the mma liuui1 "noli 4iicriH'iihiK ill ) ' until PoM /.Int. TtilliK ! " U 1) Hi-we n. .1 H Hls-tlne , Kitty Unlit i tnV. . U. V'nlki-r. JV , ConKcr , Henij Ward , Mr * . iilcii Jiu.kyon , 11. . CHiivim'nnlstiol TitinkM IJ. V formic , i : J. Uilicoll , Uhni Miller. Iluvxet Trunks-Will a Ilumfrt'vlllc , Thomas Ki-Ilpv , I'limti" Win. O. Vll on , Chan Miller Hlisipt VnllfCK A. I } . Smith , Miillen , .1 I ) . Soolt , Win. UnnettV D Wllllamti , Jim. llnl or. Win. Mir i'll , LoulM Knelier CanviiH ro\t'reil Vallsci 1'oler I * " IM Smith Illiuk \ nllne Tlioinnn 1' OlnrU. llnn.llcy . ,1 A. , lUclinul HllUi Rcvnnldn.Yiu. . DavlK , Win. . . , U t.inii'll.i , .loe ] tu hljv , Jno. Stophuns. llo\-U. Illlison , About 101 nlet " of tiilKccllttncoitx .irtlcleP , iiuiHlslint ; iif HUIK , biinillcs , lilntikilaaj , llsi-i. tiunU" , biixi'H khi < lft , oil . not iniiikvil A. TIIAYNOH , < ! HIIKKJIKIAixent. . ' ' ' RHl'LWflY'lI'MB'GHRD l.eavis , I'lIlCAliO it NORTHWEST N ( Arrive ? tOmnlmll P. Depot Kill \ \ Majwli SUJ _ Oimiia ll'U'iim . . . . Eiirurn IXprefs T. . . fc.JOjm < ( V'lMn . . . VesUl.iileil Limited . > .lrntn b CVim Mi % ullf ) Locul . .10:30. : > rn _ M'pni . . Oiuihu ChluiBj fipeilul , t ISpnJ iTuvi-s ICIHCAOO. HI RLINtlTON A. Q lArrhTcT Omnhnl Ucput IClli mil Ma on St _ _ [ Omnlti t lipm . . . .7. . ciikui/o Vtniilnilo . 9:5 : im ! ' I5um Chicago i\piOH- : . . . . t.J'.pni i 02pm . . . Chlingo nnd lown Lo < ill . . t:00nn : ) ilj.'iim . . .Piiclljo .luiujMnn Lotul. . . ( SSprn Leivcs illt'RI.lNmoN . .t"Mi RI VER'lArrl s1 Ol iihal Depol If Hi 11 na Mio.l Sts | Omnln 10 I'min Deniu l > piess. " . " . " 10 1'uim . . . Diailvvool Kvprogy . . ihinnm 4Vpin ) . . . . Dfnvcr I'Apiees . . 4iOpm CSOpm NcDnfl-i Lo < nl lev.ept Suiidny ) . e:5lpm : Sljiin ; l.lnioln Local ( exupt SuiiJul.llJiara ; leavisl 1C C. T J , t C. II | ArrlvT7" Oinahil _ Deiot | 10th nnd Mason Sis I Oman * 9 4"-im . Ivansis City Da > Kxpipsi.tT & .S3pm .l3pm K C. Night Evia. . U. 1' . Trnui ) e Wirn Leaves I CIIICA15O. It. I A VAC1PIO JArrlvci" OinjiliajU P. Dipol. 10th * . > la8on bta I Omaha EAST. JJ" _ 10 ISim. Atlantic Kvpreta ( ox. Runda . . 8 CSpra C 23pm . h'l .ht it | > r > M . . B.-IOnm 4 lupin ChlcBRu Y tluulttl Limited lji : > in 11 3',11111 ciklahuma Exp ( to O. 11 ex Sum 5:2j-im : " WEST _ _ B Vnm Oklnhomi .t Tcins Exp. ( ex SunH ) 15pm 1 . .fnloiuiln Limited. . . . I'lOpni Leaves I I'NION PACE 1C lArrlvVa" Oniahnirnlon Depot , lillh M.ison Bin.I Omaha in 0 > um . .Kearney i\piess : 2 I'pm Ovoilina Flje r RMOprn 3 43pm llrnthio & . Sttinnli'K Ex ( ix Bun.l ) > Sopn > CHOpm ] "aclllc E\picss C 50pm . . . . l-"n tMiili _ _ Leaves I CHlCAdO. MIL. f. ST. PAUL | ArrlTcs" OiiialmlUnlon Input. lOlli Mason tilu. I Oniali * . C 31pm . . . . riilciKo Limited ; . DrJOaih II .10am . ChlctiKU Express ( e Sun ) . . . R-QOnm Lenvisl I1. , E S MO VALLEY. lArilves" OmihilD _ p'it ith nnd Wcbptcr Sts. I Oinnli\ OO'im . . . . Deadwoc d Express fcilnnm 1 0".am ( Ex Snt ) Wjo Ex. ( Ex Mon ) . 5:10pn : 5 Wlpm Norfolk Express ( Ex. Sundij ) lOMJani 610pm _ . . SI Pauljpxpress . . . 5:10.ini : LriuTqT JIlS Ot'ltT T iCcilTc. TArrlTes = ' Oniiln ) Dcput IMli nndVeUster Sts _ | Om ilia " 1 OJun . . . SI. Irfinls Expie ° 9 . . 7 OOim 110pm . si Louis ExpriHs e 5"nn 5 I0pm Dally ( eSun Nebraska lAHal y.U'ani Leaves I ' . hT P. M. X. O 'Arrive ' * Omihnl Depot 15th nnd Webster Sts I OmnliA 8 OOim fl ut ( ll > Anom ( Ex Sjn 5 S Oopin 10 Mini Moiu City Accnm ( Sun Onl > v 8 01pm 12 Fipm Sioux Oily Expiesa ( Ex Sun ) .ll:55am : C 30pm JP ? > ul Llmltetl . . . 9 : < 0i m l.eivesl SIOI'X CITY & PACIFIC * . I Arrives' OniahalUnlon Depot. lOtli & Mnson Sli I Omaha ' .bloux < "lly PaBsciiRcr 10-Mpm St. Paul Express. . 10 00am , Lcavts I SlOl'X CITY K. PACIFIC lAulves Om ilia | Deimt Utli and Webster Hts I Omaha f. 30pm . " &t. Paul Limited . . . DMFim t'Mpin . . . Clikaso Limited . . . . 9 Idiim Lnnvos ] WA1IAS1I ItMLWAY lAtrlvts 'Vmihaltliil in Depot 10th A Mason 8ts I OmuV'l 5 pm . bt Louis Cannon Hall * n ONE MILE OF FISH LINE. I ho Mix llllinlriMl Hunks Of tin Flllcil with n\K \ I Ish , The beacli nt t Riina. Cal. , Is a flne one for \\nlkliiR cud battlingHie rocltH are cut anil worn Into nrlica , cn\cs and huge plat- foi ins , vvltli great bpout holes , Into which the water pours , bursting upward In naturu ] fountains , nuking the adjacent rocku quiver ami shake. Cr.ivvIltiK o\er rocks that litil couiitlcsg nntmones uiulcr richly colored scuvveeds. I cntne lo a lltlle cave whore the fishermen make their headquarters , says the San Francisco Chronicle correspond ent. A great bluff formed the shelter , ami , as deep vvnter came ashore , m harbor HUB m.ide for the latiillni ; of the dories. A llttlo shuiity on the high sand , a dozen boats , u pile ol crawfish Rtraps , the tails of several sharks loM the story , and as a centerpiece the grizzly old fellow , the generalissimo He was ualtliiR for the bailers , tor tlio line ho used needetl not one man bill ft dozin or more , to bait It. As wo stood there they to como In f i inn lh * hills anil over Ihu beach fro in out the nooks and corners. The tackle used was n fish-line a mile In length , On eaqll end wain un anchor and a buoy in the shapd of a soldered up oil can , and at every three Feet or t > o of this line was n book. COO or more being needed ( or a single line. Tlio line was laid out in cells , und the men , sit ting around , baited the hooks , replaced ; tliun when necessary , und celled the Una ati they balled "Yes/ said the sociable old fisherman , 'this Is a prel y sure nay of fishing. You see , \ve cover a mile of ground al a time , and OMTJ fish that's swimming down ( hat territory Is pretty sure to stilko one uf tlio 600 hooks. The ) hookMhemselvcs , you sco ; they Muillovv I he bill , then run oft with It , or try to , and the weigh' ' of thu line brlngD them upvlth a round turn Now , wo moftlj lake rock cod. but fish change as llio Hcason doexVo set the trim I ut 3 o'clock In Iho morning The line Is celled In I ho stern of thu bout nnd when vvo get In tlio right spot clear of the kelp , the anchor la lowered taking the end of the line down with It Whi-n we strike bottom we toss over the buoy and tow nvvay , paying out slowly till the end comrn , when ( he other anchor In tossed over and a buoy , then wo have the line stretched over .1 mile of bot- tMii , vvlth a halt every two or three feett Mighty few fish paus it This we lei utnv1 , several lioura , and then we haul In from bold C'lidH. Luck varies I've often taken In that line when wo almost filled the boat every hook would have something Then , again , luck changes. "One nlKhl we'pulled out to the line , but not n can was In sight There wasn't ' any , mistake , as we had our bearings exact. t < f the only thing to do was to conclude that something hid happened Wo pulled up and ] down the coast , then out to wea. and just an we were about giving up when we saw ono of thu cans bob up and then disappear. Wa managed to hook It up nnd when we began to take In I thought vvo had a whale ; but the first ( Ish that hove In sight HUH u shark about nix feet long , then came a stretcli of twenty hooks gone , then a shark , then slmrkH by the dozen In fact there must have been twenty or thirty sharks on thu line , not to speak of those that had been on We cut them loose the best wo coulcl , and figured up our losses In fishhooks , line and bait at about ( CO. You see , a school of linlf starved , shovel-nosed sharks hadv dropped In Juet In time , and had taken the fish that had been booked , and BO got hooked In turn Another time wo lout the line for n day , nnd finally found it foul of a kdp bed , and when wo got It up It was next to Impossible to take It In. I thought we had a vvhule that time , but It was a Jew fish ; there were seven or e'ght hooked , und their combined weight wasn't less than a ton , Some we took and the rest wo cut lees . There Isn't much call for boneless cod Just now " said the old man , with a wink. "Once or twice , " he continued , "I liavo lost the wliolo outfit Once a. big baskhifj shark wound It up to that we could novor. cltar It , and another time B whale walked off with the whole thing. Sharkn are tha worst , when a flili gets hooked they como along and bite It off , leaving the head ; then another Hliark comes alone and lak-s tlio head and the hook. We get curious thing * . Koinetluu-B vels get hooked , then Btlng rayid Unco a Llg oclomii got on , and when It climbed Into the boat we got ready to no ov rboard , but a knock on the head nettle * him. "