Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 07, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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    TFIR OAF All A DAILV BKEtftirnAY. SEPTEMBER 7. 18(11 ( ,
Wheat Bteadictl From the Tired FejHug
N < ar the Olc e ,
Corn Took ll Cu from Wheat nnd To
ward the Cloud It Uccjmn Kicltcdlr
Strong Out * Met -with a
l-'alr bnle.
CHICAGO , Stpt. 6. Wheat Meadled from
It * leellng near the close today and
with good buylnK on Ihe spurt finished % c
higher for December , The other markets
nytnpathlzed antl corn closed % higher for
May , September oata gained % c and pro-
vlslons ckscd silently higher all around.
It w e a dull day at the Hart In wlJeat ,
HI It WDB also In nil the ether speculative
crowds. Nothing especially new or strik
ing occurred during the forenoon , and con
sequently the fpeculatoru had ample time to
thresh over the old straw. The possibili
ties In the direction of substituting wheat
for cent for stck was about the only thing
that kept the price from dropping off In
view of the almost total cessation of trading
during what Is generally the busiest time cf
the day. There was a ipurt of activity on
It becoming known that a "ell known crop
expert , who has given his particular attcti- to the ccnOltton of the northwestern
spring wheat crop , estimated the total yield
for the three states of North Dikotn , South
Dakota and Minnesota at not to exceed
60,000,000 bu , , basing hla estimate on the
actual threshing returns. Then a tone ol
confidence quickly supplatred the early feel
ing of uncertainty and the price of December ,
which hnd been confined all the at tern con tea
a range of from GCc to Ki\c. ( rose with con
siderable vim In the trading to G8c , and
closed at CSc.
Today It was corn that took Its cue from
wheat. Some of the big local slrrts who
have for a week made such a poor attempt
at manufacturing a bear market out of a
sorely mangled crop report In the west
changed their tactics. The market was ex
tremely dull until 12 o'clock , when It be
come quite active. December was at no
time other than very firm and toward the
close It became excitedly strcng. September
rose from & 7c , sold off to CGTtc. but after
ward rose to and closed at GS',4c. May
kept very close to D5c until within an hour
of the close , when It rose In quick jumps
until It reached S6V&C & , and closed at GCc.
Cash oats met with n fair sale and were
steady to a shade firmer. The strcng feelIng -
Ing extended Into the speculative crowd ,
with a good disposition to sell , and buying
orders were quiet. Prices were chiefly In
fluenced by the movement of the corn mar
ket. September at the start was lie
higher than It closed yesterday , at 30c ;
later It fell In 9c , and at noon It was again
selling at 30c , closing at 30c ,
Provisions closed fa rly firm , but the
packers had more than enough for sale to
supply the demand. The nftcrncon strength
In grain caused those who sold earlier to bid
for BO in G of their short stuff , and the clos
ing prices were substantially the highest of
the day. The January deliveries were
higher than on the day before to the ex
tent of lOc In pork and 2Vjc on lard and
The leading futures rangd as follows :
AiticleH. | open llijrli. I law. | Close. .
May 01 ? &
Corn No.- , .
Kept B7
Dec fiilU 54
May C4H S11
CntB No. ' 2. . .
Pcpt SO 20K 30 1 {
Oct. . , SUM : u
May U3 ! < 3D
1'orlt per bill
Scut. 13 P.I 14 B5 ia ns 14 25
Jan , . , 11 00 14 (13 ( 1U B7H 14 ( J' . '
Sept flf.2K a fis 8 . " ! li 8 05
Oct. tl ti.- , 70 b UU b 7l >
Short Illbs-
BcpU. . 7 C2H 7 7'JV 7 7"Hi
Oct 7 05 7 70 7 00 7 70'
Jnn 7 IV. . 7 15 7 07K 7 15
Cnih < uiotalloiu were ns follows :
Fl.OUlt ytcaily and uiicliangcil ,
W11KAT No. 2 vprlni ; , DI'.iBOj'.ic ' ' ; No. 3 srrl
nominal ; No , 2 ml , CIHr.
COHN No. 2. CWiC ! No. 3 yellow , S7.p. .
OATH-No. 2. Su'ic ; No. 2 white , 324tf3J ! ic ;
No. \vliltr , :2iiiCi'ic.
HYH-Nn. 2. 47c.
HAIII.EV No. 2 , MffJO'Sc ' ; No. 3. OSfiCCo ; No.
4 , nominal ,
KI.AX. SRUD-Nn. 1. J1.25.
TIMOTHY Snun-Trlmc. W.23.
I'llOVIHIONS 1'orh. mf * * . per Lbl. , Jlt.10 i
14.2.iJinl. . per I'M ' lti . . JS.M. Shall rlbi l lis.
( loose ) , J7.7DiJ7.S1 ; dry milinl HliouMcrn. ( | HII MD ,
$6.8' , 8.00 ; shoit clear oldos. ( lioxcil ) , tS.15fiS.CO.
WHISKY Dlntllli-rs1 llnlshcil gooils , per gal. ,
The following were the receipts nml shipments
today :
On Ilia Produce oxcli.inru toilav Uui batter mar
ket wan linn : creamery. lia''yic ; dairy , la
lOc. Urea , nrm at ISaiuo.
NUW YUKR ( iiNiil.V.l.MAltKICf. : : .
V'cstpnlay'K ( Jnotatlom nn Flour , drain nnd
I'rmUloiH , Alctiil' . Kir.
Ni\V YORK , Sept. C. FI.OUU Tlccflptn.
27.IWI ) lililH. ; exports , 8S01 Mils. ; n.lU-H , : j,7u :
pkRS. Mm kct UIIH more active bolli lodilly In on pmt wny , vvllli pi Ices Bcni > rtilly
Ktcndy. Soulhcin Hour , ilull , Ityc ( lour , linn
and fnlily nctlve ; KIK-H , M ) Mils' .
COHN MI3AII'lrin ; nalcs. 2,000 Backs.
llAItl.ny ( Jnlet : No. 2 western , C2c.
11VH QiiU'l ; atale , saVsfJIJo ; Jerfoy. MfTSlo.
1IA1U.IV HAlVr Quiet ; wcfti-rn. CStfTOc ; two-
rowed , Btalt\ Tic , nix-rowed , UWjSic.
WIIKAT UrcelliU , S-.S.IW ) bu.J cxpottH , 161.10D
bu. : miles. l.OCi.W ) bu. futuica , 52,0'W bu. tpot ,
Hpot inarliet Iluner : Nu. 2 roil , lu m rc and
elevator. K"tc , t. o. b. j Wie nnrat ; No. 1 north
ern. 64Kc ; No. I hard. Clftc Ocllvcri'd. Oitlon |
iipcnnl llrm with corn , unil Uirn enwd ort on
a dull trade : No. 2 rert , MaDCtJCI'jc. . closed
nt CC'ic ; SciitPinlicr. K lJ-HOJkic. ? clon-il nt
CSKo : Ufcrmlier , O ) IS-ltSCllic , clusnl nt CIV.c.
CO11N Iti'C < < | iU. O.W ) l'U.1 cxl-oits. C.OCO IjU. :
rale * . &A" , O'O tu. futures , 12U > M bu. > i > ot. Spot
inaikct BtioiiRcr ; No. 2 , t3'te In clcrntor , CS'.ic
uncut. O | > tlnns BtronR nil day , cxvriit lor n
brief reaction at noon nn xmnll tinilc : prlcca
rlnrrd SVitt'-Hc up tur Hie tl.iy : May. 6S iiJWc.
chiM'il nt l c ; S ( number , CCt | ! i' , I'losol nl
ItUc : October , C2 iJOlUP. closed nt Ciyc ; No-
vemlxT , CJUtlCltiC , cloa nt C3ic ; Ueccmlier ,
t9 3-lCf/Cli ; . iliiwil at Clc ,
OATH llcceliiln , 2COX , > bu.i rxi > orl , 100 bu. |
mJr , 4.iWO lill , rutnroii. 112,000 bu. xpot. pot
nmrh t nrmer ; No , 2. 3-t'it : : No. 2 , delivered ,
St'.iCi ciuial , Ko. ! , S3c ; N . ! Willie , : s > i 3Tc ;
No. 3 white , SGc ; trnclt , mlxcil wi-jtern , 3llif
Stet ttnck , title ttato nnd ncsti-m. SCIiUe.
Optlonn nympatlilied with corn and ruled
Btronm Way. 4 > l'i 4Wc , cloteil nt 4'r c : K.-p-
teinlMT , Sl'nHrsHn' , closed at Sl\c ; Nuvcml er ,
clo l al K\r ; Dwmbor , 3"ia37Sc , closcil
at STHe.
HAY A\VaU ; rhlpplng , MOMc ; good to choice ,
IKil'S \Wakl ntate , common to choice , S39c ;
1'lu-UUi emu , 7flOc.
lltlHCrt Dull ; wet unlteil New Orleans , se
lected , 45 to B II ) * . . Wtc ; Iliicnos Ayien. ilry ,
20 to : i tin. , ID'.ic : Trxaa dry. 21 to 3. ) Ibs. . EtS.ic
LIIATllKH Kuiwly ; hemlock mMe , lluenoa
A > r # > , IlKht to lifavyvclKliu. . 1481Sc.
\VOO1 * yultt ; ilonifMlc llcecc , IVC lc ; pulled
MiiSIe ,
1'HOVIHIONS Ilecf. iteidy ! beef hams , Jll.OOfi
Si.H ( ) . Cut meiktv. o.ulet ( pli-klwl slionl.loru , | 7. < > 01j
I. Si , pickled liiimn , JI1..5. l uil. nun ; uosti'lr
team cluseil nt ' > : rlty. JS.WliS. " ; tales , l'i
.Ictcei ; S p ember ! < ej nt t . ; January
18. W. nominal ; lellnnl. "lim'l ; lontliu-nt , (9.3 <
B. A. , JJ. W ; conuHiiind. ( ii.50U6.73. I'oik. llrm.
1IUTTKIIQuiet , wcntern dulry. 13'i < H7c ; weit
en > ci rnmery , lillic ; weitern factory. IJfi'lCc
l-iiln : , iiVjc ; Imllatlon creamery. IJfriSe ; tate
dairy , IHiUSUc : Btnte crfiuncry , 18 < CJic. !
CllKiKi-Uulli dale larec , M/lOUc ; nmall ,
KUUS-Slendyt rectlpU , 4.ot pkK .
TAI.wnv - Dull ; cliv. 3 c ; counlry
rree ) . 4T OSc. as lu iiunllty.
I'lrrauMH'Jl Dull ; Untied cln etl at K'.i
Tt'lll'UNTI.NK-Dull at : s 40 Uc.
HK'13 I'lrin ; dommtlc. lair tu extra , 4'i (
( Uc. Jnpun. HHOI'.c.
Uus IN Simdy ; drained , common to
MDl AHSKH-Bleady ; New Oikar.u. opsn kelllo
gofMt tu cliolot * . ( fjtic.
I'ld IltOX- l idy ; Scotcli , IN.Mlja.50 ; Amefl
can. llo.wG'
iXJl'I'Ell-tJulet : InVe. J'ic.
1.KADVrak ; ilnncsllcI3.1J. .
TIN Knur ; mrnlRlitn. Jl .t ; plale . qnlrt.
Hria.Tiat-Steaily ; duniritlc , J3.JJ | . | .l ; bales
nn 'clmnii > . S tnn ( pot tin at 116.03 ; IVd IOHH
OeloU-r tin at Jli.05.
C rrON Sni'P OILr-TI.e market has a very flr.n
umli'itono and li tldera niv iiiakinK more money
1'rlmx crude. Sue ; jts crude , 9 > < ; $ te ; yellow. l > ul
ter Biniln , 3lb75c ; choice > > -llu\v. ( uminer , ! ( <
prlino > ellittv , 34 nxkrd ; ) t'llu\r , uf ( uradcii , U <
SJc , prlmj while. 87o.
MtimriipolliVlietvt Jliirlcvc.
M1NNVIAI OLIS , Bept. C. Ileceliita of tvhea
nere 41 RO l > u. UoUy , tlilpmrrilii , 17,760 Lu
l'r.ce advdiicej ! jo to Tie at Hie cloie above
' } 'tt rilay'ii clotfliMr prices. Tnt
purely * .vmr tli tlo nml m , vc l Uf wlih rurn.
Irfufll ci'iiditlc'im nhouml no lmpnrt il c mim * * .
Ttif mnilfet ilrxfd : fifplrnibpr. MUc ; D.-otmtirr.
ClUc : Mff. Wvic ; oU fV | > tcinl > r foJJ nt M\c ;
ft'il hnr.l , im trnek , SS ir ; No. 1 nortlitrn , I.e.
Now wlirnt , on tiuck , w nlwut EC under tli ( >
p. lee of eld. Thi > trinlenry from this t m *
furwsul , it In nippOKed. "Ill Iv toxvanl n nm-
rmrlng of lh pi-einliim nf nlil nlicul , nd iixine
nf Hie < v rlle < it new client i netting In cnn-
rtltlon I.i u > e. l-'lnur unn nrm. In < yim > alliy.
wllh wlipnt. nnd mlllorn nxKed > 3.3) In 13.4 , fnr
ixilentr : tl t.i IJ. ! ' , linker * . Thn proilurllun
i potlnmleil nt 39.oo > ) l > bl . for the twenty-
foUr lioun. 8hlpment were 3 , 3S bbl .
OMAHA < HMKAI : : , M.\KKits.
Cnnilltliiii nt Tr do unit < Juit.ttloiil on
Maplr HIM ! I'niicy I'riiilurn.
The mnrUet on counlry produce remains about
Ut'TTnKTacking utork. lie ; fair to good
coitntiy , HfilJc ; choice tu fancy , 17lc ; ftnlh *
erwl creamery , I'QMoj parator crruijiery , Kc.
iciOl' : d"z. . lir.
MVB rot'I.TItV Old hrnii , UiOJe ; roonlers ,
2Vi < ? Sc ; rpilnR clik'kenii , ' < ; diickx. Co ; hen turkeys -
keys , JftSci miliblerB , S < tCc ; nM Reese , 4c.
HAMI ! ! I mlrlc clilckenx , youiiK , per du . . 11.75
{ J3. > ! prairie chlckcnn , nld , per ilor. . . tl.wff
2.25 ; i ure , youriff , per iloz. . $2."rf73.IH ) ; giotiB .
oM. per ( Inr. . . > 2.tPUft2.2.5j iliifk. ' . liluu wlnK teal.
| r ( lo . > 1 r.0fll.7f > ; ilu KB , ( ! ' ' " ' " wln teat , ) > er
iloz , . Jl.r. l.W ; iluckr , mixed , pur doz. , ( l.DO
VI'.AI , Clnilcc fat nnd nmall vcul are iiuotcd
nt Cfi'i'te ; ciiarse ami laige , 3fllr.
i'lIISKSIS AVIcron ln , full civiim , new make ,
lifrlZVic ; NelJinska and lown , full cieum , HP ;
Nebrnnka ami Inwn , part pklm * , Ko ; Llmljuricor ,
No. 1. Mr ; brick. No. 1. lie ! Hwlnt. No. 1 , I4fflc.
1IAV fpl.ind liay , O.OO ) tnlillin : < l (9 ; lowland ,
JS.OT , Color innkM lliep.lcc on hay. Llfilit bale *
sell tile Ijext. Only top Kiadea brine lop prlcee.
I'ini : < ) .NH-Olil bliiln , per < loz. , 6 < ) c.
rOTATOKS Hound lots of homo Rrown or
foulliern ntock , 7r > c per bu , i small lots on orders ,
We ; fnlr | tnlH , SOc.
MKI.llNS-H.nid ftoek , crated , J2' ' ) .
CANTKIX > l'l'KHHttinr Blown , per < lo . , tl.
OLD IIMANS-IIand-illekrd , navy , Si. 23 ; mo-
illum , j : . lOI/'J.lj ; common nlilte bcunv , 11.71
ffl 90.
ONIONS On onler , 7Sc per bu.
I'AHIIAdK-Southelll , Sc.
CI3LKIIV IVr doz. . SOiHOc.
aWHKT I'OTATOKS-I'er Ib. , 4c.
The flrvl nuct'on ' ralen nt Ihlc point continue
o nltiact n laige cto\vd mul tliu movement of
fiult IM heavy ,
AI'I'I.I-S ; Oraul twk. per bbl. , t2.Wff2.73.
HAOllKS-Callfomla. $ tt 31.IO ; clings , SO
I'LI'MS rnllfnriiln. Jl.1301.23.
IMlfNI-S- : , J1.23.
riAlt.S llartlett'i , $1.75 ; oilier varlcllcs , J1.23
AI'ItirOT.I-rnlirornln , n < m .
( lIHUIlinS-Cnllfoinlii , mine.
( illAl'KS-Concorils , 10-lb. bankclF , 23c ; Cal-
fornla , tl.IO.
TllOl'ICAI , KIll'lTB.
ItAN.NASulce | slock , Jl.ys.2.per ; b-.mcli.
LKMON'S lemons , 3X size , S.ii ) ; fancy
emoi.s , Ml Klze , ( H.M.
riNiAi-ri.i-s : None.
. .
KIOS K-iney. per Ib. . 15c.
IIONHV-Callfornla. IJc ; dark Jioney , lOffllc.
MAl'I.i : HYIII'P Hnllon cnn . pel dnz. . J12.
Nl'TH Almnnils. 15B17c ; Mncllsi walnutp , 100
2e ; ( llbertH , ll'p ; lliiizll nul . inc.
riUKIt Pure Julcv. per bbl , , tii ; balf bbl. . $1.23.
HIUKS N < i. 1 Rreen lililen , S'jc ' ; Nu. 2 Kieen
ilileK , l4W2c ! ; N i. 1 ftfrn catted hides , 3',4cj No.
' milted lil < lei. 2'it2'i' : No. 1 Ri-een Baited
c : .NO. i tiry naiieu n ue * , ie. ran c
io per It ) , less tban fully cured.
SIIKIOP rm.Ty < ! reen milled , each , 2' . . . . ,
rieen stilted ahem linjs ( short. "Wooled early
Kins ) , encli. rQir.c : dry shmilliiKS ddmrt " "
ally Kkliif ) . No. I , each , G 10e ; '
vr in. , .ilium weiKiu , itit L , iiiuii.ini > i , i peu ,
er Ib. , actual weight , 4iifc , illy Hint 1'olorailn
ulclier wool pells , per Ib. , netual welRht , 40
lie , nnirialn WIK > | peltH , per Ib. , lu'lunl elKln ,
ink- . Have ; feet cut off , ua It Is Us > ele3 lo pay
lelKht nn tliHin.
ht. l.o ills Ceiifml 'Murltet.
ST. I.OUIB , Sept. t. FI.Ol'll Bti-onKcr and
elil llrmly.
WitKAT Gained Tte. forced up liy coin : No.
red , cash , ti,5c ) ; September , 5i ) > ic ; December ,
4'if : Mar , ftc. )
COHN tialned lic on crop pronpecls ;
Vu. 2 mixed , cash , KiVtc : September. M'.Jc ; Oc-
otier. ,1Gc ; Ueccmlier , MHc ; May , 'S5tfi'52- ,
OATH Uuuimil % c with coin ; Nu. 2 cash ,
3Ic ; September , 31'fc ; May. SG'.ic1 , lo anlve , eiisl Unck. No. 2 , Kc.
UAULKV No inullnsr.
11KAN HlBtier ; Crc Backed , cast trnck.
1'I.AX SKIOD-J1.2L 1,1,1.
CI.OVKIt Kary at J7.23f/S.13. /
TIMOTHY I'rlme. | 5.2j ,
HAY Quiet , easy ami unclianRed.
M : AD September.
. l'r.LTiil-$3.22'S. '
l-OUN .MKAIJ-J2.0iS2.C3. )
1'IIOVISIONS Firm. Turk , xtandnnl mcps.
bblnK , 111 , .10. l.ard , ptlnif rteam. tS.W ; choice.
IS.tO. Dry salt meats , loose shoublcis , S'UKtii ;
IOIIRS and libs , J7.M ; shorts. IS. 10. Hncmi ,
p.ieked KhouMcis. $7.73ungs ; \ , t .C2Vi ; ill' ' ? , S,7.V
3.000 bbls. ; whrnl , C.OO ) bu. ;
ern. . none ; onts. 27oi 1m.
8HII'MKNT Klour , 3iWO libln , ; wheat. 1.000
bu. j coin. 3.IWO bu. ; OIUH. 1,000 bu.
Cotleii Market.
KKYOIIK , Sept. , tXtFIHIS-Optlons
opened Kteady anil unchnnsed lo & polnln Oe-
illiir- . ruled wenk on unftivoroble cable news ,
'ciuldullon : mcl llnltlmoie nelllnir , elnyliiK steady
it " > tu ID polntH decline. Hull's , n..V bnic ,
ncludluir Siptember. { 13.70fjl3. D ; OLUober , 113.10
SU.2NoViMiilxT. ( ) ; . $11.7. ; Doeemlier , $12.61 ;
March , > 13.2 on > 3.33 ; Jlay , J12.10 il2.15. Hi.cit
ciifTii * . Uio ilull ; No. 7. Jt..T5. Mild , aulel ;
$19.iJ4n0.23 ! ; nates , none.'nrelioiie
. . from New York yesterdny , Kl.i)0 bnK :
Xi w Yolk ttock todiiy , 173,119 t.aK . : I'nllcd
HtiKk. a > 3.iXX ) IIIIKS ; nlloat for the I'nlud
: wG < ) < > IMK ; total vlslbki for ( lie United
ntut-H , r.03,0v < ) ban * , against 3S0.3W basu last
PANTOS , Hept. G. Mntket sleadv nul un-
' ' '
ro'i'iilH. 21,011)iaKf \ stock. Bia',000 bairs.
11 .Mlll'ltU , Svf6. \ . Mattel sleady and tin
innuMl ,
IIAVU1-3. S"pt. C. Market oiieneil qu'et ' and
nilmnRiil ; lit 12 noon , September , $ M.2.i ; Oc-
tob , " ' . $ : i..i ! l : Xoveinber. J91.UOJ December , JSS.M ;
.1 nimry , $87.00 ; maikct closed barely steady ;
mil rnleH , 4S.OOO bass.
UIO DM .lANKIHO. Sept. 6. Maiket qulel ;
To. 7. Jlfi.M ; oieliniiKe. 9 13-lftl ; receipts , 13 , < H
KiB ; rleuml for Ihe ITnltcd Slates , I'.OW IWRS ;
i'lpju-e > l for iurop10,100 bags ; stock , : 8UOO
New York Dry Gondfl Mnrkct.
Xinv YOIIK , Sepl , . In all dtpnrlmenU of
Irnde binlnera has been lareo and Jobbeis
meeiy iiellve. Ascntu report a very larse
business rioliiK tbat would bnv been Krenlly
Increased but for the exbaustlon of stocks < if
many trooils. Auenta lin\e advanced Uio prices
of Nevr Yolk mills wide sheellnKS le pelyuitl , : lawn Hint call on Charter Oak. 3 per cent
and AmoskcaK staple and fancy RlnKhtiins to
&Vic. I'l-lntliiK cloths In eood deinaml and saloa
of 00,000 pieces at Ic.
Liver pool .Markets.
i.rvnnroou septi . TAI.LOW NomSiai ;
demand i ior ; prime city. 2 >
COTTON Siii OILr-Hleady at 21s.
TI'IJI'KNTINK Dull ; Jerruind moderale ;
spirit * . 2U Cl.
UOS1N Uull ; demand moderate ; common , 3s
NKW TOUK. Sept. 6. Sl'OATt-ltnw. dull :
fair relmliiK , 3',40-Ur ; centrlfufrul , 9C test , Z\ ®
S'.ic ; vales , none ; rellned , quiet ,
I'rlnnillieat ( JuolHllniK.
oulet ; December , & 2Uc ; Mvy , Jl.Ol'.i ; cleured ,
23,933 cental * . _ _ _ _ _ _
AVoul flliirket.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. C. \ VOOIQulet and Meady.
Active TradliiKViin in I'rocrcit I'roni
OpniliiR to Clime.
NE\V YOHIC , Sept. C. The stock market
was unsettled again today. An active trad-
Ins was In progress from the opening to the
clew , but It was mainly en the bear side , and
the greater number of the stocks traded In
show A decline on the da > 's transactions
raising from U to 2 % per cent , the
heaviest loss being made In Distilling. Hu
mor was a Urge ( actor of the speculation
and wan used by the bears to depreciate the
shares nt the two lendliiK Industrial proper
ties. Sugar was attacked under cover of a
report anil at the next week' * directors'
meeting the dividend on the common stock
would bo reduced. Tlil stcry found some
believers nd precipitated upon the market
n large amount of stock. The room traders
ulso bold the shares , and within the first
quarter of an hour Sugar lud broken 2 per
cent to 102 4. The lower ranges of prices
brought In some buyers and the rumored divi
dend reduction was ft und to have no founda
tion , * ml being denied by Ihe trust broken * ,
a steady recovery took place , which was fol
lowed by fractional reactions , nnd rallied
until after delivery hour , when 11 brisk buy
ing movement was crganlreil on what was
believed to hea "straight tip , " that the
regular illv.dcnd would be declared next
Tuesday. A quick rise ensued to 103 , bilng
a gain of SK per cent from the low point
of the morning. Realization then set In ,
causing a reaction of 94 per cent , the clos
ing price * showing an advance compared
with the final ssks yesterday. Distilling
wan neglected early In the morning and
moved within a range of H per cent , but
attir midday a. raid , was made on tbo stock ,
which sent U down 2V per cent frun the
best prlc > > ol the morning.
When the .arlff bill went Into effect , le&v-
Ing the Krettcr part oC the trust's Roods In
bond , a claim was sot up that the Increased
lax could not be collected on the stuff
tindrtl before the law went Into force.
Serious attention was raid to thin prrlcnslon ,
but on the strength ol a dispatch from the
west pointing out Ihe absurdity of the
claim the drive against the stock at Uic
compiny was made. Large blocks were
sold short , and on tome covering a rally cf
% per cent was effected , cf which ? 4 per
cent was lost at the close , Die final quota
tion being 2 % per cent below yesterday's
closing. The general market opened tlcndy ,
but soon became unsettled , gradually steadyIng -
Ing , und at 11 o'clock becoming strong ,
prices balng fairly well held until nbout the
m.ddlo of the nftcrnoon. Then was de
veloped a feeling cl depression , clue largely
to the fnct that there were few , If nnjr , sup
porting orders In the market , nml a sharp
reaction took place , In which Wheeling &
Lake Krle preferred , the grangers , Oregon
Improvement , Western UnLn , Louisville &
Nahvllle and Chicago Ons were most prom
inent. After delivery hour a slight rally
took place , which was mostly lost In the
final trading , and Ihe market closed weak
The bond market was generally weak
throughout the day on a decreased volume
of business , the total transactions being only
? 1.00,200. : !
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change totlny :
Total sales at xtocLs loilny wi-r * 230 , ? 0 shares ,
InclnilliiK : American SIIKIII , 53.400 ; llurlliiRton ,
11700 ; ChlcjRO OaK , 1.3W ; ChfK.-iimike < t Ohln ,
2,300 ; UlMlllliiK. 26i00 , ; ; Ixiilsvlllo A Nnshvlllp.
4.700 ; National Lead. 3.400 ; Unck Ii-land , 2,900 ;
Ht. 1'nul , 17,400 ; Western Union , 5,900.
lliuik of Kuiflund .Stiitetneilt.
LONDON , Sept , 6. The weekly statement of
the Hunk of KnKlnml Issued t lny uliovvs the
following ebnnKea : Total reset v < * , docre.ise. 412-
VOO ; elicuUtlon , Incre.ite , f34U,000 ; bullion , In-
crenhe. 72,221 ; oilier necurllles. Increase , fl'OT.OX )
oilier ileiiuHltH , Increaxr , C473,000i j HI bile deposits , ( I.IOT.UOO ; note * resetvilccrease. . 372-
000 ; government weeurltlen. decieasi * , IIUO.OM.
The proportion of the llunh of l iiglunil'i > re-
nerve to llnblllty li "O.U per cent.
The rats of illteount U still at ! per cent.
Hunk of I'rntiCB Sliitenieiit ,
PAIIIS , Sept. fi. Tlic weekly statement of Ihe
Hank of France Issued tiHlny xhown Ihe ful-
Icwlnu vlmiiKeu us compared with the pre-
vlons acccunt : Notes In cliculntlon , decreime ,
1.0i3C Of ; tte ury ncrounte current , ilrcrrant > ,
IIG. JO.IX'O ; Kold In liand , Increase , S,400,000f : bills
illneounted. decrease , 101DOOOOf , ; silver In hand ,
decrease , 2,675,0"0f ,
Flimurliil Nolvo.
NUW OHUKAN'H , Sept. 6. CMeorlnK . II73.SM.
1SOSTON. Sept. 0. ClearliiK , J1S.7M.303 ; bal
ances. 11,711.412.
ll.U.TIMOia : . Rept. 6. Clearlnss , j-t20.t'H ;
balanreu , JI71.1W.
NKW YOltK. Sept. 6.-Clenrlng8 , J83.10I(18 ;
balaneeg , i.33K'l.
I'llII.ADICI.rillA. flept. C.-ClenrliifiB , I .4IO.-
KO ] Uibmeen. Jl.ttJ.CSS.
CINCINNATI. Hept. 8Mone4ft per cent.
New Vcrk oxcrmnce , par , Cleurlnx" ,
\VAS1IINOTON. Sept. . Th * eai h Imlanre
ICHH | > - was 117.0ilW ! ( , of wlilcli Ji'SS7)7 vi a
MCMl'lUK. Sept. C.-C'lenrlnKX , 1 71. WX ) ;
nnee > , ISj.ira. Mew Vork encli.iiiKi , n-'lllns lit
) I.M ) preniliini ,
1'AltlS , Sept. C. Three per cent lentM , lOlf
I'K ! for I lie ueiuunt , Kxelianei ! on Lomlon , Kt
1S1 for clieclin.
FAN HHANVIWO. Hepl. C. Drnfla , slBht ,
U'.ic ; teleiiniphlc , Ik. Oliver burt , ( l iOU c.
Mexican dullain , Wlv ,
HT. IXll'IS. Sept. 6. I'leailnK * . .61J,7i8 ; bal-
uneeis < 51i,4IT. Mbney , iiulet a ( 51t7 jier cvnt ,
KxehnnKe n New Voik. > 'x : dFcount | bid ,
LONDON , Hept. C.-ClaM iUolrd | flt lluenoa
Ayien Ht 2SO ; Madrid , 1UW ; Mulun , ; Hi.
IVlrrnburK. M ; Albeni , K7) ) Itume , I10.U ;
Vienna. IU3.
I'lIICAOO. Hri > t. e.-Clearlnc > . IUM.COJ.
Money , 4iVi p r rent on call ; 4U5 p r rent
on lime. New York txchance , fXc ) illscount.
Kurelvn exchance , weak , tilcrllpg commercial ,
Oattlo Eeccl-ti for thi'WeoV ' : Show an In-
cr.-csj and Hogr'a Falling Off.
Arrivals Include Very FC.W Oenlrjliln .Steer *
Market on l'en < ler Stiuivit Homo lm
liruirnu'iit L'dWk nml Low Unulrn
1'nlly Mcmly llugK I'lrin.
THURSDAY , Sept. , 6.
The receipts today amounted to 2.4M
cattle. 5,037 IICRS nml 325 sheep , nRalnst
6,882 cJttle , 8,288 hogs nnd 130 sheep ycs-
t.-rday , and 4,830 cattle , 6,460 hogs anil C76
sheen on Thursday of last week. For the
week thus far the receipts foot up 16,701
cuttle , 23,908 liogs end ! 71 sheep , as against
14,657 , cattle , 25,385 hogs and 3,290 sheep
for the corresponding period last week.
This shows for the week n slight gain In
cattle nnd a railing oft in hogs.
CATTLE Of the eighty-three loads ol
cattle received today the great bulk was
cow stuff. There Were no very desirable
beef steers , cither natives or westerns ,
among the fresh arrivals. There was con
siderable Inquiry on the part of the local
packers and the market could safely be
quoted stronger on anything at all desirable.
Ccws and mixed stock were In large supply
ns has been the case on most days of late.
The market on this class of cattle was
fully steady with yesU'Hi's prices. Oood
feeders , us has been no' > d before , arc not
arriving at the yards Ir any great numbers ,
while.there arc quite a good many orders
coining In from sections where , there Is
plenty of feed. The market was strong on
good fleshy feeders , as a result of the light
supply and fair demand , There were plenty
of common , light , stock cattle In the yards
and the market was only about steady on
such. Heprc&entntlve sales :
No. , \ \ : 1'r. No. Av. 1'r. No , Av. I'r.
I. . . . ! > 20 $2 M 7..1027 3 UO 1..1(159 $3 23
5..10SS 3 75
i. . . . SM i 2. 3. . . . sr.c . i K l. . . . rsii i 75
3. . . . ! L > 12. ; 2..1DZ165 ) 1. . . CM * I J !
1..11130 1 25 1. . . . ! ) . 1 KT 1. . . . MJ 1 75
1 ! . . . . 800 1 25 1. . . . Ki ) 1 hS 2(1. ( . . . J43 1 75
2. . . . 91)0 135 4. . . . 84.- . 1C' 1. . . . 010 ISO
1. , . . KKI 140 1. . . . Kill 1 f,5 , 2. . . . 613 ISO
0. . . . J9I 1 4J 10. . . . SS9 11,3 1. . . . 570 ISO
1. . . . DTJ 1 + 1 1..1D3. ) 1 lu 3 , . . . USD 1 80
1. . . . WW 1 M 1. . . . Dirt 1C3 22. . . . 7'J2 181
1. . . . Sftl 150 1. . . . 870 1 05 1. . . . S.V ) 1 Si
1. . . . Ill ) 1 M ( I.1004 170 1. . . . 7V ) SOO
S. . . . 9W 150 7. . . . 75 1 Til 2. . . . 803 200
HI. . . . 7(1 ( ! ) 130 II. . . . H4 179 1. . . . SOO 200
! . . . . : ) 10. . ) 2. , . . H5 170 2. . . . 7C5 200
11. . . . S12 141) 8. . . . -OC 173 in , . . . HI 2 OH
2. . . . Si > 1 M 2. . . . 7M ) 173 20. . . . SA : 2 fK )
2. . . . UC1 W 3. . . . 70.1 1 73 1. . . . 4'JO 2 10
4. . . . KI5 I 5O 1..11110 1 75 ] , . . ' .PKO 2 10
3. . . . ! il.1 1 ! ] . . . . 7sfl I 75 21. . . . Ml 2 10
2. . . . WO I M . . . . IK C. . . . fl20 2 li
! > . . . . 7M > 1 OS ) HlK ) 173 H. . . . IDS 215
13. . . . S2.1 1(15 ( II. . . . 7S1 ISO 1. . . . lM 215
1. . . . 0 1 ( M 35. . . . Sf.l 1 M 1.,12ft ) 215
4. . . . 8S 1 C5 3. . . . 923 I Si ) I. . . . 970 2 15
I' ' ) . . . , SOO 1 M 2. . . . US' ) I S3 1..1340 223
5..1028 160 13 j V ) 193 J..M' ) 235
7..Hi ) ? ICO G. . . . 631 170 2..1140 283
C. . . . 1113 1 CO
4. . . . 4S8 123 1..A&OJ 150 ] . . . . 740 160
2. . . . 430 1 : ,0 I. . , . IKS 150 5. . . . Ml 165
1. . . . 33) ) 1 35 I.fill ) | , V ) t 70) I 63
C. . . . Sit 141 1. . . . f,40 IM S. , . . 7IJ ISO
1. . . . 4SI ) 140 3. . , . M6 ISO 8. . . . 722 190
r . . , . , V,2 1 40 t. . , . .112 1 M 3. . . . 326 200
2. . . . 4 3 1 W 1. . . . KM 1 U
2. . . . 213 ICO I. . „ IOH. 200 1. . . . 100 275
1. . . . 260 123 y. . 2fS' . 2 13 6. . . . 4TO 275
I. . . . 440 1 40 'l. . , : M * 2 23 4. . . . 3 7 300
I. . . . 2M 1 M S. . ; , 22i S K 2. . . . 125 3 CO
1. . . . 0 ISO 1. . , . 2MI1 250 1. . . . 210 323
1. . . . 240 2 0 I. . , . 45IT 210 1. . . . 110 325
I. . . . 310 2UO 2. . , , 22i ; SCO 4. . . . 232 300
2. . . . SCO 2 OJ
1. . . . 810 1 15 . . . . ) 1 50 2..1310 1 5 * >
1..UVU 1 S3 1. . . .1301-1 M ) 1..1260 1 GO
I. . . . 770 1 23 1..J.1360 1 60. 1..1130 1 CO
1. . . . 883 133 3.-.10SI : ' 1 . ' ,0 1..1370 175
1..1220 I 10 2..1205- 50 1..1220 I 90
1..111,0 110 l..S:0 115 ] . . . . 520 ISO
1..13SO 1 10 '
i. . . . 4r.o I'M i siivr.7i/.ru 3ii. . . 837 225
1. . . . 110 173 4.714-2 13 3..CO 2'JJ
7. . . . 823 173 12.t-M3-2 IS ! ; , . . 600 230
3. . . . 37C 175 II. . . . Ml 215 11. . . . M : ! 230
1. . . . CM 175 8. . . . 5fi3 215 22. . , . 7S3 233
! ! . . . . 423 175 S. . . . 673 213 111. . . . 853 240
X. . . . 757 1 i'O 18. . . . 515 213 23. . . . f > 72 240
1. . . . ISO SOO 15. . . . 795 220 3. . . . 770 210
2. . . . C03 200 6. . . . 62S 220 4'J. ' . . . f.13 210
19. . . . CIO 200 V. . . . 729 220 24 1112 240
10. . . . 4SS 200 ! > . . . . 670 220 13..Ml 240
B. . . . ISO 200 2 613 220 21..73S 245
2. . . . KO 200 3. . . . C C 2 I'O 4. . . . $07 2 CO
4. . . . CM ) 200 2. . . . CSO * 2 25 6..J04 2 EO
1. . . . CIO 2 U ) 1 710 223 ] . . . . 7SJ S 10
4. . . . 630 200 1. . . , 8:0 223 II..S13 260
2. . . . 525 200 S. , . . SIK ) 225 X. . . . 342 2 EG
4. . . . S03 210 C. . . . CIO 223 2 1011 2 CO
2. . . . C40 210 10. . . . U02 223 33. . . . ! > 3S 265
11. . . . 512 10 J. . , . KO 225 7..943 273
6. . . . 543 2 10 4. . . . 5T3 2 23
No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. Pr.
5 ttlB , UK..1028 12 50
1 ft err USD 3(13 ( I strer 1160 303
1 slwr 1123 .3 1)5 ) 3 fleer * 1143 305
2 Kiwis 1140 305 1 vo\\- 1000 211
1 cow 1100 200 24 cows 1023 233
16 COWH 743 1 m 1 cow 1290 210
21 cons M 210 1 cow 1)50 ) 20) )
1 oow HID 2W 4 rnlvis 24J 273
1 calf 311) 273 1 ojilf 300 275
1 Clllf 170 3 M 1 cnlf 160 323
4 ! ) ulcers 1211 3 15 23 OOWB 92.1 1 73
2H cow * 870 201 ! )2 ) cow * Si ! ) 2 25
1 feeder. . . . . 34' ) 210 K ulcers 1178 2 SO
30 ( erilcrs..1201 280 1 nicer 159' ' ) 300
1 Rtecr WX ) SOU 6 HteerK 1330 300
2 tiulls ioo ID 7 cowa 873 173
23 caws 187 Z 30
HOGS There were only 60 loads of hogs
In the yards this morning , or over 3,000 head
short of yesterday's run , The quality of
the hogs was hardly up to yesterday's aver
age , but there were some prime loads. The
market was not much different from yester
day's closing market , but lower than yester
day's opining. One prime load of hogs
brought $0.05. Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. 1'r. No , Av. Sh. Pr ,
108 157 320 $ I SO S3 206 ICO $5 JO
24 160 . . . 450 0 239 60 550
87 130 12U GW 52 227 ICO 5 W
JG . .1S8 120 r. ( K ) 74 21 * 2SO f. SO
7 164 . . . BOO C7 210 2SO 4 M
69 176 200 0 10 S3 21,1 160 550
W 163 120 BIO 7S 18 .40 560
13 224 . . . B 20 36 211 ! SO f. 50
64 16340 B JO 87 197 SO 550
28 162 120 B 20 76 215 170 5 50
63 167 120 B ft ) 74 201 200 5 50
7 215 . . . fi 23 71 Nl 120 5 53
IE ll'S ' SO B 25 S3 202 160 B 53
7 203 500 B 23 78 210 120 B 55
1 310 . . . B 25 U 207 120 B 55
S7 178 120 B 23 t2 200 SO 5 B
K7 168 240 B 31) 72 213 . . . B C5
31 208 40 B 30 24 248 10 B 65
"I , 150 , . , & SO 84 1O ! 10 ti SS
i > 240 . . . f. 30 k'l 226 . . . S 53
S 13 ! 44 5 S5 C3 208 120 BM
74 175 40 533 61 242 240 SCO
48 ilK ) SO 5 S3 6S 239 320 i CO
5 220 . , . 640 71 224 160 6 0
73 225 160 540 V. 233 . . . SCO
45 1S9 . . . 540 > 17 . . . S 60
t SOO . . . 540 4 * 241 SO K CO
3 180 200 640 , , 71 247 SO 5 62
21 152 . . . 540 75 230 40 565
3 331 SO B 4 r72 219 120 5 63
7 100 . . . 54 yj KI 231 SO 565
8 271 . . . 541' „ 2 241 160 565
67 171 40 Bi4 < . | -j 11 251 SO 5 6 >
S8 m ? 00 B 4ii i . . . 68 217 SO 565
M WO M ) 545 , . , C2 242 200 565
95 198 0 B 45 73 245 ICO 565
102 IU3 to 5 , , rrr f-1 255 160 & 70
7S I9C 60 B 45" " 47 278 . . . 570
58 203 SO r , 43 ( ,1 234 80 B 11 > < ,
86 1S4 1W 6 4.V < 65 270 40 B 73
71 194 40 5 V ' < I 63 243 40 5 ! K3
76 21S SO f. 471,4 l < 66 276 SO GOO
73 2M SO 550 K 288 . . . 600
64 SOI 200 S Wl l'S 13 323 . . . 603
SO 233 2 < M ) S K )
1 300 . . . 3 00 ' " 4 112 . . . 350
1 100 . . . 300US 45 . . . 373
1 110 . , . 3 OOtW : 20 J6 . . . 41714
1 250 . . . 310 41 120 120 435-
1 ! 52 . . . 3 25 , ; . ; , 10 131 . . . 473
2 315 . . . 3&ILA 115 101 . . . 481
1 2. . . . 32 $ , .7 32 105 . . . IlK )
70 68 . . . sw ( ; /y 10 ; i iw 4 M
SHEEP There was wo change In the mar-
kct , prices rcmalntrfrstady. Kalr lo cholcj
natives are quottftild at } -.2502.75 ; fair to
Ked ; westerns , )2.00ff2.CO ; cmmon and
stock sheep , U.7&6' ' & ; good to-choce ! Iambi ,
M , I.mill Live Slock .Market.
ST , I.OIMH , Kept. B. fUTTI.K-Ilt-relptn. S.OOO
luvul ; HhlpmonlD , i.OoV hriul ; rrmiKH llrm , aclivo
Kcnerally ; nuthu tit-fin , l,2n ) ID 1.400 Ilia. .
ILV'i3.4t ' ) ; ron mid heifers , I1SOC2.40 ; common
taWr * . (2.63fj. | 0 ; Tcxiiu n lee IK. Wl lo 1,100 lln. .
l2.7uf(5.W' , lljchl uclghlH , | 2.Cj.C3 ; rotvs nnd
1.1-HVm , 52.00112.31.
] IO < Jli-Heiclit | , 3,500 In ail ; uhlpincnU , 1.700
hrud ; maikot lo lowir , InigUy Oue lo iiii.illtv
in wdr ; rholi'it liKliI * . pi.WUti.OJ ; | ioor gnidra , all
fcmlH. S3.0 > & 3.75.
, 1.100 head : lilpnienl , o
licud ; in.iik-l hlKlu-r , mcuily ; natlvex. l2.354t2.CO
lainls , ti.5oe4.uai thclu-anU luinb , t..75U3.10.
Vork Hvo Klock illurlcpt ;
NKW YOIIK. Sitit. . lliKViH-Il Telpt , 40J
IK ml ; n tie n' . lluioi an cal > lr5 nu.jlo
AniTtcan nlffii nt llril" < r. itrvuml WflKlil
rffilKPiKtoi \ > ? rt nt 8400 * i f > pnrti today , none
rAUVKrt ItM-clpt * . ti ) h d , viultry itraly
nther cabin ml ; , yculi. | > ocr to pclnif. 15. '
IC7-OI ; Imttirmllk viilves. 52. i.7i ; grant 'tf. I'.D
O2.35i llElit wcitrrn calves , J5.
8HKKI" AND LAMUS-Recelpti. S.801 headi on
> ale , So co i slicvp firm ; Iambi , lie lower
eliovp. poir In lulr , } 2Mff3SJ , liMnbs. orillnnrjr to
prlnu' , i4.KiS.r , .
IIOOSlliirlpm , i.C-V head ; S en id nn Mir ,
Mnrkrl Mcndy ; ordinary to good hogn , I5.SHT
cniiivuo i.ivi : HTOUK ,
Cnttle ltccoltn | Were u Tlilrtl Smaller Tlutn
\Vinliirsd.iy. . |
flllCAlin , sppt. . Cntllc receipt * wereft
third smaller than you-iday. . nmountliiK to
nlwiil Uwo ( liuiil , iooo of itlilfli weic Tcx.inn ,
There ns no pmtlrulnr change In prices.
Quod to IIM'I > ftfvis were not very ivumerouii ,
nnd nil u fnlr demand otlMrd holder * were
In u porltlou lo Kct nt Icnrl ittoudy prli-p * . A
r iw Imnclii'X of very inline liwvi' * ei ollcrcd
mul thi'fu writ' Mile ; * tit from 15.00 tu 16. Hut
wlillo ilu e prlct * wi > ru puld In u few In-
otnncc . ulniont the cillic Kupplv Mi'iit out ot
pollciV hatiils below J" . 10. lu-crn prlnclp.illy
ul Horn tl.75 to tl.25. ciiwn IniKcly nt tmin
J1.75 l 12.75 n nil i ti'iiin mostly at fiom M
tl' U. AIDlltlllK n < > t K"0tl "il'Ultll til til1 UK
$5.15 iriiinlncd enk nml ulnvv uf * nlr. The
H-ri'lpis mi r r thlo work have I wen alxiul B.MO
li"id tno-o i.mii for the niniL * tlinc Isnt wwk ,
nml for nil unidpfl i-xi-i-pl the ricitt nt from
Sdc lu 3".c lower thiin limt Thuiodny ,
1'hcrc WUM u Mining niaikcl for KIKM ! IIORH.
Nol it \ < 'iy rotiftdt'tntile pad of Ih orTciliigM
cio In d' ] ut > i > ptikrilay"a rUolaUt ) > nfl.
AVhlto 'Im I-IKIH klmlH wrru nrtlvc nnd xlionn ,
ttoniniun Kiiutf-M leiniilnod tmiUr ni-KU'C't. and
ille * 'ipy M 'rp not quolnbly lower Ihcy wore
nt PM-pfxl tiKly wruk. InoichniitiiliU * loin
folllllK ill from fj.59 lo $ G.25nnil rrom V-.SO u > .40 the hulk. l.lKht wrlKlitK xnid UK hlKli
IIH 16.23 nnd common lo cho' & < inidlumiRlilli
nt K-.4' ' ) . Ttle flow WIIB Hendy ,
Vrry Ilille chanKC took plnce III HIP nliefp
muiUd linlay , Theic wi-iv I > UL > IM ul l < < nily ,
full prices fur nil fair to choice mutton * , while
poor atiil common kind * wie ns dull nnl
wr-uk H i'r. . KIOIII II tr > $1,50 for l i ir * Ullf ,
pilcin luniccd upuntd to from II.25 to f3.W for
choice ui'lhorfi. The lam' ) nmikcl wan nctlve
nt from 92.30 In 14.50 , with Mlea principally nl
f inn U.25 lit 14.
K.'cclp'x : l-nllle , 14.OX ) licnd : calve * . BOO
Iifiidi lii'HS. ' 1P'W head ; fhccji , S.OiK ) liunil ,
The Kvi-ntnc Jouinnl reports : 1ICK1S lie-
" 'Iplx , 11.300 hfiitl ; ymU-ulny , 22l'J7 head , urilp-
nionm , 8IH lie.ul. jell ovi r. nUiut lioadt
qiuillly | H > or. .Maikct fnlily nctl\e an < l on
Kood hoa y loin pilcrs are nlioul 3 ? hlKher ,
while pfior grndrs me weaker nnd fully 5c lower !
nil IICM loin were Hold ; pulen ranged nl
C.5'1 fur llHht , fri.MfTi.m for niURh p.icklUK. J5.W
< ii.3il fur III'MI | , fri.C5J .M for hi my packlni ;
uml Khlpplim.
( MTI'LIUrcelpt ! . 11.000 head. Mniket moil-
cini.-ly active mm steady at unchiinKtvl price * .
SI1KB1' llMvliilw , 8.IKW licnit. Warhol fnlily
active ; | : OCK ] ( ; iiit > 5 steady ; coinuiun uruk.
City l-lvo Ktiivlc .Murirt. :
KANPAS C1TV. Sc-pl. G.-CATTI.K-ltecrlpls.
1.1.00 head ; rhlpmenlK , I.1W hend : tuatket Mrong
ti > lOc lilKhi'l ; Texai" uleer * . J2.lMi3.03 ; beet ttevrx.
J2. ' , ' . 5.5i ) ; native cows , tl.0 fl3. l ; etockcra and
. .
HO S-IUi-el | > l8. S.IcX ) head ; shlpmenln , 3.MV )
lii-nil ; mnikpt opened rtrone to lOc hlcher ; rinsed
ue.nk tiiul slow ; bulk ol Fiili'S , ! i.EO'if.'JU ; he.uicn ,
3.lO ! .10 ; packeiB. 5.70ftCll ) , mixed , $3.IWtf5.W ;
SJIE1JI' ItecolptK , 2W lieml ; rhlpmenls , 400
lend ; rnaikel nellvi * mid BtioiiR , Rood to choice
natives , JiV'JiJ.W ' ) . KOIH ! to chblcc" wi-slcrns. $2.IK )
< P2.M ; conimon mid slovkcie , | 2.C > Oij.W ; good to
choice lambs ,
Cotton Market.
NRW om.KANS. Sept. . OOTTON'-rirm ,
alen. spot. 650 bales : to arrive , 123 bnl T ; re
ceipts , 1.223 b.iles ; ( .lock , 32,771 lialcft ; futures
oultt arul Floady ; ralen. il.WO lule. * ; Hoptemher ,
! 6.3t bid ; October. J0.310G. "i ; November , IM2fj >
C.43 ; Decemher , ; January. JB.55iii.Mj
Fftiiuarv. SG.CIOf.62 ; Mnrcli , J6.G74fM8 : Apill ,
; 6,73T/li.74 : May , JC.7O.SO : June. Jfi.8157G.SS.
ST. I.OH1S. Sept. G. COTTON Steady ; mid
dling , t Je ; sales , none : rpculplc. none ; ship
ments , 400 bales ; stock , 11,800 bales.
iwi nviuxas.
Sonic of ( he Womlers that Surround tlio
South Dukotit Ilenlth Hciiurt.
VALENTIN 13. Neb. , Sept. 5. No adequate
iden of the Dakota hot springs , located In
the IJlack Hills , can be formed without
actually vlsltlHK tlicm. One takes a sleeper
on the Klkhorn at Long Pine In the even-
IHR anil the next morning at 7:30 : lie Is
called by the porter and finds himself Just
opposite the hotels nt Hot Springs. The
hotel accommodations are ample for all tour
ists nnd sick persons for years to come.
They are well conducted nnd the chaws
reasonable. The place Is destined to be a
Kreat summer resort. While the famous
Arkansas hot FprliiRS. on account of Jhu
mild climate , i.i a better place for Invalids
to KO In winter time , the Dnkotu sprlnKS
are far superior to the southern sprlnBR for
about six months of the year. Theie Is
everything to make life desirable. The
hotels procure their drlnklntr water from a
larKP , clear , cold mountnln spring of pure
water. Their plunge bath , 200 feet long and
fifty feel wide , with a natural temperature
of 92. toboggan HlldeH , spring boards , etc. ,
Is the finest In the world. We tpetit live or
six hours a day In this bath without feel
ing lassitude or chilliness. It Is not lying
In nn ordinary bath tub ; you slide down
the toboggan , ride a barrel , dive , and keep
your blood In brisk circulation , and all of
the organs of the body begin to work like
an old clock nfter It has been cleaned and
oiled up , and after a , ftw days you develop
an appetite which Is marvelous. The ele
vation Is about 3,500 feet , high enough to
get away from malaria and other bacteria ,
nnd not high enough to be oppressive. The
place Is surrounded by picturesque hills and
mountains , covered with beautiful evergreen
trees. A person getting up In the morning
and swimming for nn hour , with genial
friends climb some hill. Then , after finishing
Ills breakfast , that he has eaten like a bear ,
he feels as If he wanted to yell with de
light. The place has marry attractions and
places of Interest besides the springs.
Among the many , the wind cave , Hattle
mountain , Cascade springs and Bob's Hole
are the chief. Tourists go out at 8:30 : In the
morning and return at 5 p. m. The cave Is
In the mountain and IB supposed to cover
about live miles square ; It Is eight rooms
deep , and as far as discovered there are
ninety miles of passageway from room to
room within a circumference of twenty
miles. The cave appears to breathe air
like an animal. In the daytime , when the
air is light nnd dry , the nlr rushes out , and
In the evening , when the air Is more dense.
It rushes In. It Is so strong , whether going
In or out , that It will blow out a. candle ,
and tourists have all they can do to keep
right side up while entering the cave , until
they have gone In flftv feet ; then every
thing Is quiet nnd etlll , The theory Is
probably correct , ns the air Is fresh and
good 350 feet deep and four miles fiom the
cave's mouth. About three miles from the
opening there Is a large room called the
Harden of Eden. There Is no evidence that
Cain slew Abel on this particular spot , nor Is
there any trace of the serpent and the
fruit trees , but to say that this room Is
gorgeous Is putting It too mild. The room
Is decorated by nature with the grandest
display of sparkling crystals , box work and
other curious petrlflcatlons. Seeing It Is the
onlv wny It can bo appreciated. At n room
called the Fallen Flats , the lowest point In
the cave , HIP guide ordered all the lights
put out , so that the party could see total
darkness. It was n complete success. The
guide said that when the. lights were put
ant the day before n young fellow tried to
kiss his sweetheart , but as she had lopped
her hpad over In her mother's lap he kissed
the old lady Instead of the daughter. No
one would have known It had not the
mother said : "You have made a mistake , "
and the young mnn paid : "I know It. "
The party rang "Sweet Rye nnd Hye" end
other hymns , and with lights In their hands
one was reminded of knights nnd monks of
old. No tourist should miss seeing the
grandest nnd most curious cave on earth.
Hattle mountain Is about two nnd one-half
miles from and 1,000 feet higher than the
springs , making It about C.100 feet above
the sea level. The nlr up there Is nice nnd
fresh nnd there seems to be plenty of It.
but no one can get enouch nt one time to
do him any good , The view from the peak
Is cm ml. It Is Piild that the Sioux and
Cheyennes had a fight up there nml that
the Sioux drove the Cheyennes out of that
country. This Rounded to us like a ghrst
story , for an Intimate acquaintance with
the Cheyenne Indians for vears has con
vinced us that nobody ever drove them any
where. The Cheyennes can be killed , like
they were nt Fort Ilolilnson In 1S78 bv the
regular army , but that army or Irlbe of
Indians do not live Hint can force them to
leave a countrv. Cnfcndp springs l about
twelve miles from Hot Springs , and , like
Wind cave , Is reached any day by the tal-
Ivho coaehes , These pprlncs are remark
able for their clearness and great flow of
water. The- big gevser Is snld to throw out
l.COO gallons per minute. There arc several
others of less magnitude , but all are heav
ily charged with mineral of all kinds , This
water may be good for curing diseases , ns
n physician of twenty years' practice lives
there , and he re-commended It. No disease
that the human racn la heir to could with
stand the effects of that water. Our party
drank some of it and we can all testify
that It would get right after any disease ,
and run It out of the country In three
hours. Unfortunately they have no other
writer to drink , onlv thin villainous Bluff.
Kverythlng In I hut locality In petrified. We
saw large trees lylnc oround close to thn
springs , some four feet through , petrified
Into solid rock. Nothing will prevent the
few people who live there from being petrl-
llecl , unless they are lined with sheet cop
per. "And I'll never go there anr more,1'
Returning from the Cascade , midway be
tiveen there nnd the springs , one of the
ladles said : "In not that the Hob's Hole
that the gentleman was telling us about
this morning ? " We got out , and sure
enough It was no ghost story , us there wu.i
the hole , about twelve feet In diameter and
about Blxlv feet deep. It apoeara that old
Hob , an old und experienced Texas Btcer of
uncertain age. was grazing on buffalo gross
about fifteen feet from the coach road , when
the earth gave way nnd he wag jirenlpl-
taled to the bottom of the hole. There
could not have been more than two feet of
earth over the top. an he can be plainly
seen , without enough earth over him for
decent burial. Had the stage coach ever
turned out at this point and the leaders
walked on to this place , horses , coach and
JK 1 ( 31 Inches t t .s-Hcnch , worth * 1.00
W 1\\to \ Inches. . . . . each , worth 275
LVvtl Inuhr.i I.Slouch , north 3.80
: tO\H ) Inches 2,4. " ) each , worth B.oo
Inches 3.JS each , worth O.SO
4H lliiilies ! I.M each , worth 1U.OJ
2 27i-.Vt : Inches \ I v.W i-iii-li , worth * 4.51
gj : ilx72 ) Inches ; i.41 otiuli , wi ? tU 7.M
3 > n Ci'i't tt 3.03 ouch , worth t (1/0 (
[ EH ( M foot 7..Moucll , wottll 14.0.1
UMI fuut K' . . * > 1 oui'li , uorth S2.lV )
A o IJ foot n.Wcnoli. worth 27.5'J '
B llrtissi'li iiK 2rNfiO Inches ' . . . . .M each , worth Z.fO
liiRiiiln HUUH , aixlS IncliiM 4.\i > acli , worth 1.6
® MiuUettc | UIIK-I , 4"vl ! * Inches 1.21 uiu'li , worth a.O
n kln HUJ-I l.TSwicli , wnrtli 'Mh
Sl < ln | { , ij.Txi : ! ) lii'h is its u-arli , IMirlh fl.P. ,
A REMNANTS AM ! > for this wcuk aCircat Iteninant Haly.
j Cotton Ingrain Pnmplos Wa uncli. worth Me
f l Wool tnsKiln Hiniplui , ' Mviic i , worth 7J < 5
Mnlllnx Itjiniitum nw yard , worth 40 < :
oil t.'Ioili IlL-niiiiints IBO vurii , worth 40"-
l.liitilciiin Ituiiinnnts iVyiuit , worth Jl.O'
Kumnunls HIK CiirpulK H ynnl , worth 4UJ
Hu I'litints titlr Uurnuts laynrd , worth ftOo ,
Mlsllt tiiitriiln ( InrpatN t 11.3(1 ( uaeh. worth tl.VUJ
r- _ Mlstlt llrtis-uls ( Jirpots ; tt.4l ! at'li. worth 18.0J
H IXK ( ) HnisoclM : uouiiuli , wo.'lh 1,03
fia ? , OJOOt.Ioniins 4ho vnuli. uortli 1.2J
JIO.OO worth of goodi ,
tl.OU pur UPC It or4,00 per niunlh.
f'Jfl.OO worth of ROiuls per week orUOU per mouth.
{ 50.00 worth of Koods , ,
t'2.tti pur week or JH.OO per month.
IV5.0Q worth of KOOIIS.
ff'J.GO per week or $10.00 per mon
1100.00 worth uf KOOUS ,
ja.uo per wcok ur tlVLOO porgo'ith.
OiUOO.Oworth of jroodu ,
< 4,00 | ) ir ; Ht-ok ur tlcCOO pimont
Fofmerly PeD e's
nil 1(1 cents for postage on Dli ; "J1 C.ittiloguc.
Write for Baby Carriage Catnlciguc Iullcd Free.
Goods sold on payments in Council Bltills & South Oniah-.i
Clos-j evening at 0:30 except SaturJiiys.
all would haveRone tlown s = lxty feet. Would
not that hnvc purprlBCil the passengers ?
Just think or Ul No one has explored It
yet , but It IB supposed to be the opening of
another cave. Our party took n trip 10
Deathvooil ly waty of the Elkhorn. Arriv
ing nt IJcntlwood , we visited Chinatown nnd
wenl out to Bald "Hencled" mountnln. "Old
Hnldy" Is In the snine place nnd looks about
the same is he did ten yeorn aKO , except
that the miners hnvo due him full of holes ,
rnnsncHInf ! his bowels for refractory gold
ore. Lend City was visited nnd we were
shown Ihe ffreat stamp mills of the Home-
stake company. The mills , I'nole Sam'K
hoisting works , the mountain of ioltl
qunrtE , the wood chute nnd the crushing
mills are worth a trip across the continent
to see. We then passed the 151k creek
canyon over the narrow snuRe to Piedmont.
This Is the boss canyon of the world. There
on either side , and , together with the nnr-
dlcular walls of this one are l.WO feet hlKh
In some places , liut not ? o picturesque. The
lir nnd evergreen trees Krow In profusion
on either side , nnd , HltoKCthcr with the nar
rowness of Ihe canyon , Ihe many colored
rocks nnd the Htrnnsc formation of Its
peaks. It is n , Krand slKht. We have been
to nearly nil the hot Kprlngs nnd cold
springs and mineral springs and summer
resorts In this country , and we are free to
soiy that for health or pleasure the Dakota
hot springs are the chief.
Slunvers ami Cooler Wcallirr I'riiiulHod for
N'rlir Him Tmlitv.
WASHINGTON , Sept. 6. The Indications
for Friday are :
For Nebraska Showers ; cooler ; variable
For South Dakota Light showers ; proba
bly cooler ; variable winds.
For lown Light showers ; cooler In ex
treme western portion ; southeast winds.
For Missouri Fair , except showers In the
extreme northern portion ; cooler by Satur
day morning ; southeast winds.
For Kansas Fnlr ; cooler In the western
portion and by Saturday morning In the
eastern portion ; south winds , becoming
Lncul Itncortt.
OFFICK ov TUB WIUTHEH Himmu , Oimu ,
Sept. 6. Omaha record of totniioraturo and
ramfalleomp.irod witti corresponding day of
past four yours :
1804. Ififl3. 1812 IflOl.
Maximum toinper.ituro Hio ns = 70 = 7C. =
Minimum tomooraturo. 073 063 00-
Avnratro tcniDoriiture. . 74O 7U = tlH =
I'reclpltutioi . T. ,00 .01 .01)
Statomunt showing the uoudltiju of torn-
percturoivnl praoipltatlon at O.iulu for Ilia
dayandslnco March 1 , 18'Jt :
NorumliernDoraUire . CH3
Kxcess fur the duv. . . . . . . . . . ' {
AccMiiuulnlcil o.\c ; ss slnco Marcli 1 . . . .052 =
Normal pmclolutlim . JH"61 !
Dtillelcncy loriho iluv . . . . . . . . . lllnch
Accuinuluted dcliclency since > lanii
j . 14.53 Inches
ICuporlH from tth r Ktutlom nt 8 I * . M.
"T" Indlcutun Iraco of rnln ,
OKOIIOE li HUNT. Local Fori-cut
llnil 1'lrrn In flliinttolKt.
WINNIPEG , Man. , Sept. 0. llalny river
on both sides , for Its whol : length , except
ing ten miles at tha mouth. Is one huge
mass of flames. The .Minnesota woods ,
where there are but few Bottlers , are all
burning , and at Harwlck the fires w < n > so
fierce that they Jumped across the river , set
ting the Canadian woods afire. The Ontario
slclo IE well settled and the people are
losing luavlly. Mrs. Gamesby and four
children , living on Grassy river , were burned
to death anil other casualties are reported ,
All settlers back from Rainy river have
been buincd out , losing everything.
\Viint * Divorce from nn Ailor.
NI\Y YOHK , Sept. C. James Coleman
Drayton has Instituted proceedings to secure
a dlvorco from his wife , Charlotte August
Drayton , daughter of William Astor of the
family of which John Jacob Astor was the
founder. Mr. Drayton seeks a legal separa-
$ -3".SPpoLICE,3 SOLES
You cnn tivo money by wrnrlnir the
W. T , . oinrlan8i.OO ; Hhoc.
llcrnimc , we nro 'ho larpost manufacturers rf
this grade of sboc-.n lu tbo world , nnd gunrnutco their
\aluo by stamping the iiatuo and prlc * ou tb
boltoin , wblcli protect you ngalnut lilgli prices nuJ
Iho nilddlenmn'R profits. Our shoes equal custom
work In style , eney flttlnR nud wearing qualltlci.
Wohavfllhein snlil everywhere ntlower prices for
the valiioKlvrn Ihnnnnyo'lior make. Take no tub ,
ctltuto. If your dealer cacnot supply you , wo can.
So'd by
A. W. Dowmnn Co. , U7 H. I8n.
C. J. Carlson , 1213 N 24th.
Ellcs Svonson , 2O03 N 24ti. !
iRnntz Nowmnn , 424 S. I3tri.
W. W. Flsrtjr. 2925 Loavonworm
Kelly , Stls r & Co. , Farnam & , 15th
T. Crossy , 2500 H et. So. Omaha
U. li. Jlejioiltoi'ij , ii , fi'tl > ni lia ,
CAPITAL , $400,000
SURPLUS , $55,500
Officer * ami Directors-Henry W. Yatei , prej-
Idem ; John S. Colllnt , vice-president ; Ucwli
B. Heed , Caihler ; William II. 8. Uugliei , a : t-
ant cashier.
Commission Merchant
Griiin and Provisions.
Private wires to Clilcnao nnd New York.
All business orders placed on Chlcuga
Hoard of Trade.
Correspondence solicited.
Office , room < , New York Life Ilulldlnir ,
Telephone 1308.
Coi rmjiunttviit KrHHflt , //ijifcJii.f J t Co.
CIllllKJJ ,
Grain and Commission Broker
I'rlvuto wlrn toChlciigu mul Now York.
1'oU'plionu Nu , f'ltJ.
tlon upon statutory grounds , Ilallett Alsoph
llurrows Is named an the co-resuondent. U
will be remembered that In March , 1602. at
London , Mr. Drnyton challenged Mr. Uur-
rows to fight u duel. Action has been
brought In the court of chancery of the stale
of New Jcrsty. The papers In the suit huvo
been illcJ at Trenton ,
Tired on II " ? rr 'imil T .
HENDERSON , Ky. , Sept. C. A party ot
frolicsome young men living near Kirk-
man's , twenty miles east , started to
charavarl newly wedded NeUon Ollss , a
widower of CO , who had marr.ed Oertrudo
Hatefonl , a miss of 1C. The mock sere-
nailers created such a racket that the pa-
tlcnco of Giles became exhausted ami ho
discharged a sh.tKun Into the boisterous
crowd , wounding John Wagner and Add- !
son Mason. Wagner cannot recover , Olle *
has been arrested.
Cixik 1'urty lln iiurtrd.
NOHTII BVDNBV. N. S. . Sept. 6. The
Cook Arctic expedition was happily con
cluded by a banquet last night at Sydney ,
hotel , given , BH the menus announced , "In
honor of Captain William T. Farrell of the
Kt amshlti Miranda , and Captain George W.
Dlxon of Ihe American icbooner Illgfl , for
their gallant conduct In caving ( he passen
gers of Miranda. And bringing them
tu Bydnev , "