Pays you $4 to $8 weekly that means pin money adds little to your present expenses THE BEE GETS''EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS , 8PBGIRL NOTICES. Advertisements d > r these columns will be taken until 12JO : p. m. for the even ng nnd until : OI p. m. for tlio morning nnd Sunday editions. Ailvertlscrs. liy lequentlns a numbered cliecK. can have nnwen ndilti-iwil li n numbered letlw In care of The tice. Annvrrrii BO nJ < lrc ! fd will lie ilell\crc < l upon presentation ot tlie check , , nntpn , IVJc nvnrd first Insertion , lo n word thereafter , Noth'ns lakpti tor less than 23o for flrnt ln ertlnn. These nilverllserriDnls must nm consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. YOUKO I AHV WANTS POSITION AS ClOV- crncBS or French teacher. W 17 , llci\ SITUATION AS COACHMAN WANTKD HV a > 'ounR man In private fnmlly : RooJ , com- pt-tcnt driver. Address W IS. life.A . " A MVM NVANTIM ) . SITITATION' HY MAN AND WlKn on Iho farm Will lalio Inrscs In part p.iy. Adilrc.ii J. 11. , Superior , Ncl ) . A-JI11S * ' V AWTED MAL33 HELP , BALRSURK ( CNnnKaTrn WANT MIN or iri Kl nildree.-t on salnry for retail trade. Apply 1518 HimslaB. II atll ) .S3 Y SAI.nSMr.W roll ItRKlVS lA'.MP Jaw rt-rnedy ( on.lomed by U. S. Pi'pt. ARrtcul- lure , Iliirenti of JnduMry , nt n sp > Tlllc ) nn n side line. UliernI ternii to r'g'it ' ' p-irtlea. llrotliera & Iti-eG , Malvein , In. U-M3SI S17 WANTI3D , THAVPLINO SALCSMCN. URLUN & ThuiniiHon. tailors. 1C12 1'ai 11:1111 : slro t. n c tsv tent \nnutilUI Ei-o"omirrcfiffrrfTort Vents L proven by the accuracy of Ills statement IcspectltiK tlie soverelRti. The Japanese nvoy at once Insisted iipon mcetliiR the " , necil iipply ; bring tool ? ; 400 Urondmv , C'oun- ell lllurra. 11-111-5 3'KUMANKNT WORK KOn ACTIVE MP.N. Hillary or comiiil.sKlon. Nn experience ncoi-H- Knry. CSooda inonmiuly. Coal l > llla nf cvi'ry- Ixuly reduccil 4) per ctnt. Addiesi K. B. Co. , 113 Cu ! on mule htilc. , lluslon , ilass. I1-M1130 * 11OV A11OUT 17 TO I < K.MtfC A buslnetfa.WnRea. . $15 per month. Ansu'er In , o u hnnihvrltlng. Address W 2' ' ) . Ikf. H-M1IO C _ , WANTED FEMALE KELP. L/ymi : s WANTING FIUST CLASS omi.g npply at the Scniidlnavlan V. L , Home. Oil Ice. gi K. Kill street , C MUSS 7 _ WANTED , A KlHST-Cr.ASS POOIv , NO OTtinil l\lnd need apply ; no laundry worU reiulied. 2109 Douglas street. C M'JTT 0' WANTIJB , oiur FOR oKNi , vork ; apply 2H17 Howard at. C IQJ-ii * AIU KtNDS OF KTOVUS CM3ANIJD AND 1\B- lnvlred. CO cents n l > urner. A. A. Carlln , N. 13. corner 2U ! ) nnd NleliotnD. C 103-5' VANTUD , Gllllj TOR QIlNKKAIj IlOUSn- wiirk ; must ei\o references. 21 9 California Mi-ret. C M12S 0 * WANTED , OIULS'TO HELP ON COATS. John Iluddeem , Hoom II , Continental block. C MIS C _ WANTED , YOI NO WOMEN TO ENTliifl training school for nurses. AddussV. . C. A , hospital , Council llluffs. C 151 U FOB. KENT HOUSES. TENTS roil KENT. 1311 FARNAM ST. D 737 S17 _ WANTED , < 1OOD MEDIUM PRICED IlOt'SCS. List your houses for rent with Ames. D-73t _ HOUSES , F. K..DAI1LINO , BAUKEU IILOCK. t > ; j | _ _ HOUSES IN ALL PAIlTfl OF THE CITY. THE O. F , Davis company , 1505 Farnam , D 735 KELKENNY&CO. , R. I , CONTINENTAL I1LK7 D 736 _ FINE T-IIOOM COHNElt PLAT AT 701 3. 1 TH tiee ( ; ran o and all cither coiucnlences. George Cloueer , roonv Z , 1G33 Farnam street , D 30i ) _ I. R. 8 AND 10-ROOM HOUSI . ALL MOD. , < m , lawn nnd shade. Apply at 211 N. Y. LI fa or giai Miami street. D M1S IlENT , CHEAPEST S1X.ROOM CO with bath In city : only US. 00. SJ , : California street. D-MJC3 _ FOU KENT. DESIRABLE DWELLINGS IN all parts of city. E. H , Slieafe 43J r.ixlon bile. D 837-Sli _ FOU HENT , S IIOOMB , 631 r. 17TH STREET. D-sio-ai6' : _ S-ROOM HOUSE. INQl inE 27H DOUGLAS street. I-M6r3 S 6 3100M HOUSES , MODERN AND CHEAP. COS N. 13lh street. D M7l'l ' S23" ot ENT. F.LEOANT IO-ROOM reasonable , : i > J3 Hurt street , D S'U-C * HOUSE. N.V. . COIt. FAlnam and 30th Bis , ; modern Improvements : by dug. Turner , MIC Fjrnam st. ISH FOIl HENT , C-UOOM COTTAOU. IIP ! DOI1CAS Ktrect : clly xuiler , bath. Inquire llotwrl llun- _ lcr , _ lleo oftlce , _ D M3JI t-nooM. ALL M'ODEUN HOI-SE , s36 souTn Iifhi also other KIHK ! houses. O. L. Cirteti. room ! S. Darker block. D S1DJO I IOVSE. 9 nOOMS , LAVNIJUV ! fuinare. nlcelc llnUhed , mlla from couit home. Iteferrnces , WeUhans. 3JI lloaiil ot Trade FOU KENT , DKSIUAHLE 7-ROOM COTTAOi : near llnnBcom park ; rent fJi.M. Itlngwnlt Ilros. , 37 liniker block. D 112 & IIOO.MH. luVIUllfllALL , BATH 1SOOM. IN- citilra at US Mouth ISlh stu-et. D MIS" 12 FOU KENT. HEVEIlAli MODERN niTILT houses near Ilanscom park , Hlclis. Ml N. Y Life Hide. . U Mill C * FOR BENT FURNISHE1J ROOMS. FURNISHED ROOMS , KS SOOTH 1ST1I ST , E M333 Bll _ _ _ _ I'LEASANT FUIINISHUD ROOM. K1S DODOE ; K-M3I3 _ _ t'UIlNlSllED ROOMS AT 31 SOUTH UT1I 8T , K Mltl Sll * LAIICIE AND SMALL I1OOMS AND ItOOSIS cu suite on two car lines. IIS Sjuth JHh street. K MC13 3 | _ _ _ _ _ I FUIINISHKD nOOMS FOU HOVSEKEEIMNO for mnti nnil wife. Rent taken In board. 3I > N 17th Rtrct-t. E M 51 IKOII nENT-T NICELY FURNISHED ItOoTtFt call at 8107 Douglas. _ E-7SM3 rilRNISHED UOOM , PRIVATE FAMILY. 1D21 B ( . Mary's nvvnue. i ; SS'-O * I NICK FUHNISHED HOOM8 FOU I.HHIT huuMheeptni ; . WJ a. lllh il. i-t76.7 _ IXH RENT , NICE FUUNIHHEll SOUTH front room. Private tainlly. ZIU Caia street. _ _ NICELY FURNISHED PARLORS FOIl MAN t 1111 _ _ TWO UNFUKNISHEt > HOOMS ; SECOND lloor ; modern conveniences. M N. 19ih street. B M8M ' UOOM HOUSEICEET'INO. 119 N lith. l > -l -7 3 FUUN1SIIED IIOOM8 WITHout - out board to marcral ladlet or to man inJ trU * . iUfwcncto. lla N , ISth. li-Ii-5' FURNISHED KOOMS AND BOASD. YOI'NCI WOMEN'S HOME t'NDEU CARE OF Women's Christian association. Ill S. 17th si. F 738 _ PLEASANT I1OOMS WITH BOARD , 2130 HAM- ney. F-M31I SIC' _ NICELY FURNISHED UOO-MS WITH ALL con\enlcnces. rirsl-cless board. 211 No. 13th tlrcct. F M278-S13' _ NICE nOOMS ; GOOD BOARD ; RATES ItEA- onableconenlcnces. ; . The Uose,20iO 2022 IJarney. F M62S S2 ' _ THE FRENZEU. I HAVE TAKEN THE above fnmlly hotel at 25th and Dodne nnd Itlios been placed In perfect repair , nm leady to lo- catD the rooms at once and shall servo meals after September ISth I'lmne Is 1543. ISe- spxetfully , , Mra. L. M. Tuttle. F 718-5 FURNISHED HOOMS . SINGLE OR EN SUITE , with board. 2105 Douglas. F MMO S * _ DEStltABLE ItOOM WITH BOAB.D IN rni- n o family. 700 N. 19th. _ F S73-T * SOUTH FRONT IIOOMS FOU FOUR OR FIVE Indies or gentlemen with llrst class board at 172 i F 871-5 * VERY DESIUAULR UNFUIINISHED Kit ONT and back p.irlors , nlso fmnlshod roomt ; pvery- thlni ; tlrstclass. . 210 and t'U South Klh street. F-M13I ] Q _ _ ELEGANTLY rurtNISIIKD SOUTH FRONT room nnd private board ; lest conveniences. 2110 DoiiRla * Ktrect. ] ' M97S C HANDSOME FUONT TtOOMd WITH BOAPD : references. 20i No ISth. F SS2-7' LA HOE SOUTH FRONT ROOM , WITH. bo.lld ; reference 2214 I'ainam stieet.F . F MMt S' rnoNT sriTE , WITH BOAIID ; PLEASANT : , tIT n.e ; pil\ate family ; inniiein cotivenlciucM ; inoioiH | inodeiatf.references. ; . C1D Koulli 2'ith , , oiiuc. F M3J3 K' 'll'Il OF 8 Oil 10 YOUNO MEN CAN HAVE Olail 'Ieavint ' honiD wllh loom nnd board In a pmatt ) family , house with all modern con veniences , location cenlial and desirable ; ow-ry thing Ihht class. Address \Y n , Hee.FM12I F-M12I 3 FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. TWO LAItni ; ItOOMS. EAST AND KOUTII front , modern ; will rent unfuinhhcd lo p lty furnlsiilnK good it-fcreneis. 1005 Clro avenue. q-107-T FOR RENT STORES ANlToFFICES CORNER STORE. J50.00. 921 DOUGLAS. INquire - quire OiJ. 1 74Q FOK IlENT , 11OOM , 65 BY 32 2ND FLOOR OF my Ktorc > , suitable for cloaks nnd pulls ; good light and elevator service. Mrs. J. Itcnson. I M9S HfiNT , THE 1-STOltY 1IRICIC IIUILDINO ! 11C FaiiMin street. The bu'ldlnt ' ; has a Hie- prouf cement basement , ccmiplrlo sleam heat- Inff llxurc-s , water on all Hews , cas , etc. Ap ply at the olllce of Tha JUe I-DP ) yOV. KENT EXPOSITION HALL. QKOUKD lloor. Open dateu can bn liad for partH of September , October and November. This la the only linll In Omaha , equipped for conven tions , iralltlcul meetings , halls nnd other larce Ratlii'rlUKt of people A. J. PoppU'on , room 311 l-'list National ] lanl ( liulldlng. I Sll 6 FOU IlENT. COOIJ HTOUK ROOM IN THE boht loi-nllon In northeast Kansas , will rent vciy reasonaldo to gond pnny. Address Theo , and O. F , Welaenboin , lUlleyvlllc. Kan I SI 1000 S' AGENTS -WANTED. WANTED. GOOD SOLICITOUS , MEN AND women , lo work fo- the Prowressivo Endow ment Guild of America , far Missouri. Kansas and Nebraska , ( IluilUlns and Loan and ten- year Eadmvment Insmnnce combined ) lio- ll.iblo people onls" need apply Address room S , llocl : Island Mile. , cor. Cth and Edmontl Btrcel. St. Joseph , Mo , J M503 01 * AOENTS TO TAKE ORDERS IIY SAMPLE AT homo or travel. We pay liberal salary nml ex penses or Rood commission and furnish samples to right applicant. Addiess Lock < ix 1J31 , Nuw York city. WANTKD , GHNEIIAL AOENTS FOR CITIES. Local URoiUs for towns. New iiavelty. Sim plex holtlc lifter and flrnlner. Stamp foi particulars. Wallace & Co. , Rock Islnml 111 , -MI15 'J * WANTED TO RENT. WANTED , HOUSES TO RENT. HAVE MORE calls tlmn I can suppl > . J. II , I'arrotte. ISlh nnd Dodge ? . K-51 S21 WANT TO KENT UPRIGHT PIANO. 1JEST caic guaranteed. Addiess W 13 , Bee offlce , K SSJ-C" LADY WANTS ROOM AND IlOAllD. AD- _ iliesa W 22 , Ik-e. K 31130 7 * 3 P11RNI3HED IIOOMS FOU LIGHT HOUSE- keeplnif , with heat nntl light ; slal'a lowest teims. Addiess W 11 , Hee. K M127 C * STORAGE STORAGF : , WILLIAMS &CKOSS , 1214 IIAUNEY , M-711 STORAGE FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CL11A.N and cheap rate. It. Well , 1111 Farnam. BI-712 OM.VAN&STOr.OK CO..1M2 FAUNA M. Tel.1133 M-743 11EST STORAGE nUILDlNQ IN OMAHA. U. S. gov. bonded waiehouse. Household ( roods stoied. Lowest rates. 1013-101 ] Leavemrorth. M-741 WANTED TO BUY. CAPII FOH LUMI1EU HPSINKSS IN LIVE town ; gi\o full particulars. T S , llee ofllcc , N M98H S' HAVANA FKECICLES , IIEST ON EARTH , SC. N-MC31S2 ; WANTED TO HUY AN KSTAI1L1SHED PAY- lug coal business for cash. Address \ \ ' 9 , lice. _ _ N 373-6" WANTED. HOUSE NOT OVEU 7 YEARS OLD any lady c.m drlvo en Mr.elRhlnn ubuut 1,100 pounds ; elvo ilescrlptloii , AddrensV 16 lluu olllce. N SIMI1 6 * FOR SALE FURNITURE. PAYMENTS EASY. YOU WON'T MIS3 YOITI money. Ixiw price * on furniture nnd household Goods. Enterprise Credit Co. 613-G15 N. Hlh st 0-713 FOR SALE HORSES , WAQONSETO i TOP lll'OOIKS. M & JC5. LEATHER TOP cairlase ICi. Drummond CairUte Co. P-TId FOR SALE Oil TIIADE. S HOUSES WEIGHIng - Ing 1.1X pounds each , 6 nnd T ycara old. Fred Terry. I3tf llamge block. I" 717 TIHTllEST LEATHER TOP Ilt'OOY IN OMAHA fur J15.W. Drummond , ISth end Harney 1' TM _ WANTED A TEAM OF HOUSES WEIOHLNfl nu less than 1,100 Ihs. , well broken la city drUIng , Send particulars to U 17 , lice , P-5H-S-J1 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. HANK AND PLATTB VALLKY SAND FOJ tale. C. W , Hull company , Nth ar.d ItanI its. . Q-7M CIlEAPirST CHICKEN ANU ORNAMENTAL fence mad . C ; R. Ldf MI Douglas. Q TO FOIl SALE. THE FORMULAS FOR WELL known proprietary medlclnei , fj\omb1y known In th northwest , with Hole rights to manufac ture and sell In North nml B > > uih Dakota , Ne- braika. Nun * but responsible parties neev answer. Address H. F. bfmlth. Q-M3I ! > 815 NEW"STANDAKD VrTilOHT PIANOS FOH a ! < nt manufacturer's prlcct ; only a few left. AJJrets W I . lies. QSO YOI'NoHkuTltOTS i'OU SALcTtOI "sOPTTl 10th sltetl. q-Ul2 1J < MISCELLANEOUS. BTOCK I'ASTUItED : GOOD FEKD. T. MUft ray. It-Mis : 8 WANTED TO WINTEH. Flt'TV HEAD of homes to winter t Platlo Valley rnnci. hot 8lall > ; icraln , liny nnd ri 5il r lust attention rlen. will Inko stock from Omitm and return In the uprlnrr. Address I latle Valley Llvo Slock Co. . Fremont. Neb. U 9ill ( _ CLAIRVOYANTS. MIIS. lin" H. WAHIinN , CLAIUVOYANT , HE- liable business inedlum ; 7th tear at 119 N. K , S 7RJ MASSAGE. B LTHS. ETC , MADAME SMITH. 502 8. ISTH , ZD FIX > OK , room 3 ; massaKe , vapor , alcohol , stoiim , ml- phurlne nn.l sea baths. T M92I fc MME. LA ItUE. tl6 JOUTU 15TIL T M931 HI MABSAQE. MADAME I1ERNA1ID , 1U9 DODOE. T 618-D' PERSONAL. UMIIUKLLAS MADE , IlECOVEHEO AND HE- paired. 103 South Sixteenth street , U 7i3 VlrVVI HOME TREATMENT , FOU LADIES. Health book and consultation free. Address or call Vlavl Co. , 346 lice Lldff , Lady attendant. U iol TAKE YOUR FRIEND ; TINTYPES , 4 FOR 23c. Proctor. CIO S. 16th streel. U 755 DALDUFF A pleasant an < 1 convenient place , 15W Farnam street. Panton block , 'phone 711. U 757-S17 CHKAM FOR WHIPI'I'IKG AND HUTTETl- mllk. Waterloo creamery , 1513 Howaid ; tel.lMi. U 264 SW WHOLE WHEAT DREAD FROM UNHOLTED Hour at Imogen L. namsey's , ' 21i N. If/th M. " SIJIG. IA HOOK. MASSAGE , 1MB LEAVEN- wortli street , third lloor. front rooms ; two llml class operators. U-MJI75 10' viu.n OUT WITH YOt'Il LADY VISIT J. J. Mullet's new Ice cream pallors. 2S02 Leaien- worth street ; ever * thing Is new. Including the building. Tel. 1030. Ice crouin delivered. OC CIOAIl FOR CO , HAVANA Fill u fi BATHS. FACIAb MAS- ; aee&cuinplexlon treatment. Mine. 1'ast , 319'.i S.lj. U 838-30 I3ATIIS , MASSAOi : . MMU. TOST. 31S4 ! S. 15TH. U 333 IK Kin MII.LKR. Tin : coi.onnn formerly with the Council Bluffs M.irotms , will call at Itee. business olllce lie Mill tret nn Ini- portanl letter. U-MMSC * TltlNlTY CATIIEDnAL KINDIMlflAItTIIM will open Kept. 10. A tinlnlnp clusrs for younn ladle In connection wltli tlie klnderRarte will be started Oct. 1. U Mill G" MONEY TO LOAN KEAL ESTATE. LIKE INSURANCE rOUCICS LOANED ON or bought. F. C. Chcsney , Kansas Ollv , Mo. W-750 ANTHONY LOAN & TIU3ST CO . 31 < N.Y , L1FP. loans nt low rales for cholco security In Ne braska and Iowa faima or Oin.Oia clt > prnperty. W-7CO MONP.Y TO LOAN ON FA KM IN' DOUGLAS Improved nnd unlinpr < eil Orimlia real eslnte. I-'Idelily Trust Co. , 1702 St. W 701 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMI'UOVER OMAHA real estate. Uicnnan , Love & Co. , I'jxlnn Jilk. 0 ! > rAKA LOAN & TUUST CO , 1CTII AND Douglas streets , loan money i > n city and farm properly n.t lowest rates of Interest. W 713 MONBY TO LOAN AT LOWEST UATE9. THE O. F. Davis Co. , 1103 l"arnnin St. W 701 UNITED STATES MOltTQACSE CO. OK NEW YorK. Capital J2,0)0,00 < > . Surplus JUW.OOO. Sub mit cliolce lamli to F , S. 1'usey , agent , first National bank bulldlnB. W 763 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST HATES ON Improved and unimproved Omihlx ical estate , I to 6 yeais. Fidelity Trust Co. , 1702 Farnam. \V-7G1 LOANS ON IMPROVED &TJNIMPHOVED CITY pmpprly f3.XW ( & upwaide , G tu 7 pet cent ; no lUlays. W. rarnam Smith & Co. , 130 Varnnm. WONiY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at 0 per c nt. W. IJ. Melklo , 1st Nat. bank. \V 7C3 LITE INSURANCE POLICIES 1'DIICHASED , I.o.m3 on < ame neKotlateJ. Wlllver & IJoj Drcxel bids. . Hilla , Pn. W MJ74 O3 * MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , waROns , etc. , ot lowest intcs In city : no removal of gooda ; strictly conlldentlnl : you can pay the loan oft at any time or In any amount. amount.QMAIJA MojvraAGE LOAN " 'O. , 303 S. ICth st.ceu X /b4 / J , H. HADDOCK , nOOSI 137 HAMGE BI.OC1C. SHOUT TIME LOANS. 132 PAXTOX HLOCIC. X 357 S MONEY TO LOAN ON PEI1SONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , "HI N. Y. Life build- Ins. X-7CO MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FUUXI- lurc. pianos , horses , vaK ns , 01 any kind of chattel security , at lowest possible rntes , which you can pay bacU at nny time and In nny aiiount. KIDELITY LOAN OUAIIANTEE CO. . room t , Wlthncll block. 31 767 BUSINESS OHAUCES. FOR RENT. A DEPAUTMENT ON SIX'OND floor , S"xS , In ono of the largest houses In Council IJluffs. 13 , care Bee , Council muffs , Y-7C8 FOR SALE , A BIO PAYINC3 IIUSINEPSi NO competition ; Jl.S'W ' cash tahes It. Address S. CO. Bee. Y 11105 BS * A HOWLING SUCCESS , HAVANA KIIECKLKS. f J105I S27 THE NATIONAL INPOUMATION AND EX- changn Co. , 203 First National ban ) ; , Omaha , has customers wllh cash , farm lands nnd cits- property for merchandise ; nleo stocks of goods for sale and trade. Y ilSCO 30 INVESTIGATE BO INVESTED TO LEARN light matiuMclurlns : business , will pay (1,500 a year. Address W 19. Hee. i'-HO-G' SALE. A LARGE AND VALrAlll.E stock of dry Roods , notions and millinery , ullli stora nxture * nml lease. Eslnbllshed trade. 1'ilco , JI.WW : r.ish , JJ.OiX ) : balance , time. Address T. D. Yatcs. Carroll , [ a. V M117 6 _ 45 PEU CENT NET PIIOKITS IVEEKLY WITII Sl.5'1 ' or more capital. Prospectus , ItPmlzed statistics free. Ilenson & Dwycr S3I Kny. New York. Y Mm Oj FOR EXCHANGE. AMERICA'S PniDE , HAVANA PJtECKLES , 5G Z-MC51 s ; ; I HAVE CASH. IOWA AND OTHER LANDS lj exchange for merchandise. II. A. U'.iK'ner , Omaha. Neb , Z MSbS roil TIIADE. ONE OH ALL OP B 8TOUI3 bulldlnga on N slioct South Omaha , brlnclng- nice Income , for irood clear faun land near to Omaha , South Omaha or Council lltuffs- Value of property about iio , 000.00. Address ll U , Bee. Z-MCiK ! H _ _ FOR EXCHANGE. IMPROVED LANDS. CLEAH of Incumbrance , ITIKH ! auallty , with name c sh. for general merchandlKe ; correpponilcnt-o con- fldentlal. Address lock box 20. Denver City , Neb. Z-.MS5J 7 CLEAR CITY PROPERTY TOU IAND.Vu7 llams & Ulttan , McCaeua butMlmr , room 313. Z-M837 01 CHOICI-J RESIDENCE IXT , SIX MINUTES from postofllce und court house , to exchanee for grocery stock. Pioneer agency , , \Vyo. 7. MJto 6 OOOD CLEAR REAL ESTATE FOR STOCK OF KQQda. AdilreaaV S. this olllce. Z M970 8 \VIIY NOT TIUDEYOUIt VACANT L6T ron a nice place In uhlcli t live or to rent Wanted , to trade iiotra for a good drUInc horse. D. F. Hutchison , 103 N.lSth , 900-u A 61-ACHE FIUJIT FARM IN THE TEACK belt In Michlcan for CL farm In rai'.ern No- bmska. Address JM 21th itreet. South Omaha , Neb. Z-M'JVJ ' C A GOOD LOT IN EAST OMAHA TO KX- chance for yaunir work liursea or mules , Lamorcaux Bros , 3)Q S. Itlh. 7.-10J I11PKOVED IN ACRES \VVANDOTTB CO. , Oliln. and line residence ivltli I en antes ad- lolnliiH good town In Ifononch Co. , Ohio , lo irade for.eaitein N1 > . land or inereh.indlse. lloic M5 , Schuyler , Ncli. Z Mill O5 OMAHA IMI'HOVlTl ) AND UNtMI'ItOVErj ivsldenco piopcrly nnd eastern Nebraska farm land to tra > lv for ilry KOO.IS , lo deal wltli owner. 11 JK 7IS , Schuylfr , Neb. JS-MI2) ) 05 FOlt SALE REAL ESTATE. PAIIU LAND3. C.rHAUIUriON. 91 ! N.Y. Lint HE 66-l6 FOIl SALE. NEW -I-ROOM COTTAUEt CEU. Ur. cistern , city water ; cor. 13th and Sahler ; I1.ZI9.00 ; long time. Enquire 1313 Parnam. Hamuet Burin. It E 173 OAltDEN LANDri. 6 miles from poitodlce , lontr lime , easy terms. Call at SU N. V. Life. HE-TJ1 ONK OF THE ItEST HOMES IN KOL'NTZE Place W\'i Illnner ) If sold at once. vlll go for lets than coil of house. Termi bout half rush , balance easy , n , N. Wlthnell lonntr ) , tn N. Y. Life. It E-SU-S-U FOB. BAI.E-IIEAI , ESTATE. Contuijfjl AT YOL'n OWN PIIICE NEAT COUNKIl COT- tiuce home , near KotmtzeJL'la' < Offers wanted. AVelshans Asency , Ml Hoard or Tiade. HE \ VANTK1I .0 0 Vnnteil-W.mX ) plflcc. Wanted lo loan-l W nft { ju-rn. Wnnteil 81 acre * In Snrpy counts' . Wanted IGO In Wnnhlnolun ciivinly. Vantol M > rcliandliw lor rlear land. \Vnnle < l > ( ) wtrs. J2" > tajxcrc. C F. Harrison , 912 N. V * t' te. _ UK MT-i * _ _ IIAT.'LVINH. HOUSES. LOTS AND FAHM9 , B l. or lrnd . P. K. IrAllnc. Uurker block. _ * ? M' _ _ JIJ3-77I N2AT LITTLE HOME ! * V aT PHONT NEAll notor , 1 mile from P , IJ ; II 3 , wisv terms. \Vclsliana' Asency. KiVHoVrd ot Trade. Kr.96S-5 * FOU SAUjTsiY UlTtHIllNCE. s7"vvl J1RT AND Cns . -nvllt llurnliam It E IQ.VIt' TYPEW R1TER3. TYPEWR1TEU3 HOUOHT BOLT ) , HX- chniigC" ! , rente. ! nnd repaired Tjpeivrlter and ollleu supplies. TyprwillciH ten led nl SI per month. Thi > Omaha Tj-pewrtter exchange , suc cessors lo the typewriting department of the liegcath Stationery Cu. , 211 S. 13th. tel. 13C1. 776 _ SEE THE NE\V DOltOHKllTY TYPEVVRtTEn. The Omalia Typewriter exchange , lei , 1S81. No. 211 3. 13th st. 777 _ STOLEN TYI'EWniTEUS OFFERED FOP. sale Bhciuld make you suspicious ; funny they are mostly Smith's. Try one nnd you iTlll understand why ; full line of supplies Smith- Premier Co. , 17th and Farmun ; telephone , l.Z8 < - M-708 _ TYI'KWniTKns OMAHA PEOPLE DON'T steal typewriters , Ihey buy ot us. Why ? lie- cause the Densmare CnllRrnph and Yost are llio best machines made ! they will outwear any typewiller mudo. ntid do a belter quality of work. Our supply department will be sure to plcnso > ou. bend > oiir machines tn nn If Sou want them repaired. United Typewriter and Supplies Co. , 1CI9 Farnam street. Tele phone , 13S3. 89J TYI'EWIUTINO AND STENOOIlAI'tlU' 1IEAD qunrleis nt Itnom SI. DouKlua bloc I ; . 1Ve- | lihone 1680. Terms rcuron able. Ml0 li * BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEEHSCHAUM PII'E FACTORY ; OLD pipes made new. 03 S 10th , 780 DAMAGED MIURORS HESILVEIIED , 119 N. 16. 781 STOVE rtEI'AIltS OF ALL KINDS ; ALSO hotel rnnire & general assortment of ranges , cooks & lie.iters , water attachments put In & Cfnected at J. Hushes. C07 B. 13 st & Jackson. 303 BICYCLES. BICYCLES REPAIRED AND nEMODELED. Tires nrd sundiles. Safes opened , repaired. C. II. Iteilln , locksmith. 311 N. ICth et. 900 S8 BICYCLES , NEW AND OLD , IZO TO { 12J. cisy payments ; we rent nnd rep-ilr. Omaha lilocla Co. 323 N. Kth st. 778 D1CYCLES-ALL STYLES. Bend for our list of second hand and shop worn bicycles. Ilepahs nnd fjcle sundries of all kinds. M. O .Da-con , 402 N ICth at , 770 BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. THE OMAHA LOAN AND Itt'lLOINO ASSO- clatlon larger Interest than any savings bank. lltcelies ln\estnu-in of $1 or moro per mo. O M. Natlingei , Sec'y , 1TOI Pnr- tiam st , liee building. 721 YOU CAN MAKE MORE. INTEREST ON YOUR money by pa > lnff us JJ or more per month than In any Ravings b < 4nl : . Invpsujjntp. Mu- lual Loan nnd ItulldlnK association O. M. NaltlnRer , see'y , 1704 Tnrnam st JH STEAMSHIP LINE. AN'CUOn LINE MAIL ; STEAMSHIPS SAIL icsulaily e\ery Katuitlriy from New York for Londonderry and OlniRmv Elhlopla , Septem ber 13 , J p. m. . FurneMla. Peptembei 22. 11 n. in. ; Anchorla. September ? J , S p m , Clrcassln , October 6 , 10 n. in'Saloon ) , second class , nnd steerage , single or round trip tlcl < fts fiom New York or ChlcaR'j ut .1 educed rales to the principal Scotch. Enellnh , lilfh and nil conti nental points. For money orders , drafts , out- wnrd or prepaid tliknts apply to any of our local neents or to Hrqilrrson Ilros. , f"- ' ELECTKIGAL SUPPLIES. AUMATt'ItHS AND COr.TERTF.n3 HEWOCND storace batteries ri'chJrrfed ; electrical and scn- i-ral inaclilmsts , supplier vork Kiiarnnteed. Omaha Eleclrknt WolKs ; 17 nnd WJ B. IClli st. 4 7SI ELECTRICAI , ENGINCKRS AND CONT11AC- tois for electric light -uliSl motor plxnta nnd all kinds 'of' ' electrical cbnslluctlon. X eatctn Elec tric Supply Co. , 118 anil , 4M S. 15th at 7SI UNDEKTAK BS ANlJ EMBALMEB.3 II. K HURKET. FUNEUAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer , 1618 Chicago St. , telephone 00. 785 SWANSON & VALIEN , UNDERTAKERS AND mbalmers , 1701 Cumlng St. , ttlepliono 10G . 7SS M. O. MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EMbalmer - balmer , 1417 1'arnam st. , telephone 223. 7 7 PLUMMEKS. 1-llEE-PLUMllINO OF EVERY KIND. OAS Elc-am & hot uatur heating , sewerage. 313 S IS. J. J. HANIGAN , PLUltniNO , STEAM AND hot -\vuter \ heatlne. 2705 Lca\enworlli * t 739 JOHN IIOWC & CO. . PLUM11INO , STEAM AND hot water lieatlne , eia ilxtures. slobei , 421 S. IS 731) DBESSMAKINCr. MISS MASON'S SCHOOL FOR DRESSMAK- In ? , eslablU'.ied 1S9J , Is ready for the fal work. A Ihorouuh tailor system Is taught taken from actual measuremcnts and Ioundid on a mathematical basis. Frum two to three dresses are made during the term of ten lessonn , Each pupil bclnu compelled to handle the garments durlnp the dlffeient Rtuges of piogrcsslon. Itoom 317 8. 2Gtli ttreet. HAY AND GRAIN. DIJY YOUR HAY I1Y CAR OR TON LOTS. WE buy ha > - . A. II. Sny.erl515 ! Hurl at. , M. 1107 NEItRASKA HAY CO. , WHOLESALE HAY , grain and mill BtufC , Wo are always on the market to buy or sell. 1102-4-0 Nicholas t. OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO. , LEADING OPTICIANS , J. F. Ponder , manager , Ejcs tested lice , V2J South 16th , In Klnsler's drug store. 413 18 * THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC opticians , 1103 F.irnam st. , opposltu Paxton hotel. Eyes c&nmlned free. 791 JOB PKINT1NG. REED JOH PIUNTINO CO. , FINE P1UNT1NO of 11 kinds. 17th t , lice llulldlnjf. 7SO MAIL ORDER COMMERCIAL PRINTING A specialty. Douglas Printing Cu. . 419 S 13th at. , Sheely bide. Tel. Oil for prpmpt service , 600 UPHOLSTERING. UPIIOL'RINO . AUINET MATTRESS WORKS. \V. H. Hell. It. A. McEachron , 2117 Leavenw'th. 801 UPHOLSTERING VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH M. . Wolkln. JtlL Cumlnc. Tfl. CuJ. 802 COBNiqE. WESTERN CORNICE WORKS , GALVANIZED Iron cornices. 1722 H. Mary's avc. 03 EAOLE CORNICE -VTOl JOHN EPE- niter .prop. , 193 , 110 , 112 N. llth. Ka'ab. | 8,1. GRINDING. SCISSORS. LAWN MOWEIIH. RAZORS , ETC. , ground. Melcholr liros. , 1119 Korrmni street. 1' ' M2S7 RA7.OKS , SimAIlsTcLirilKnS. LAWN TtO\v" era. etc. A. U Undc.ind,01D ] N lltli. 792 MUSIC , ART Q. T. GELLENHECK. j , ItANJOIST AND teacher. 1319 California ijreel. 911 FOR I1AR GAINS IN PI , \ " Ks ANn ORGANS ; easy paym * ; Inrlrunmiu rented , rents apply on purch ase. A , llonpe. Jr. 7 3 MATHEMATIOAL INSTR.UMENT3 ALVA J. GROVI-.R. MATHEMATICAL AND nurveylns Inntruinents , ensfiMi"11 nrclil- lects' supplier ; tracing clotli. blue process B , 318 S , 15th , mall older * . 783 _ TENTS AND AWNINGS. iinoa. & co. MANUFACTL'KERS or awnings , tents , MJRJ. viieon hay slack coveis. laniaullns , balloons and parachutes. 703 "M a. 15tli st. , teleplioiKi 001. Tents ior rent S > 7S17 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ TAXIDERMIST TAXIDERMY AlfO FURS. SEND FOR CATA- logue. Otoige E. IlroHn , Jr. , & Co. . 703 B. 16th. HORSESHOEING. Uita , THOMAS MALOISUV , 512 N. ICTH ST. COAX. BHEniDAN COAL. EXC-ElJ.KNT SPtlSTlTUTE lor hard coal and | J.W ton cheaper , ' WHOLESALE COAX. . OHNSON HROS. . WHOLKHALE IIEALKUH IN nil klnJ * of ixial. Corrc ponJcnc BollcltKl , loot fnrimm it BH J. StTTCLIFKB OENERAL STENOO- rnpher. 133 lte bulldUir. Telephone U7. OAHPENT.BHS AND BUILDERS. C. K , MORRILL , CAni'ENTER. OFFICE AND store fixture * a specialty. Palchlng ntid plastering. 1513 CnpUot : Ue tel. 403. 'Si DYE WORKS. SCIIOEDSACK , TWIN C1TY DYE 1521 Karnam sti 'el Dyclne of every descrlp- tljn nnJ dry clennlin ; . VJl DENTISTST ) R. OEORCJE 8 , NAFON. 1 > ENTIBT. Mt'lTE 2M Paxton black , 16th imd I'ainam stu. , let. T12. 803 > n. I'Al'L. DENTIST , ai IlfltT ST. SOU I'UKNAOES. IKST FfllNACE JIA1JE. BOfT COAl. SMOKE consuming nnd hard coal furnaces. Eagle Cornice nice- Works , 10S-1I2 N. Hill st. SID LIVERY STABLE. HOARDING STAHLKH. FINE LIVEHY R1QS cheap. HJ ISaumley , 17tli nnd SI , Mary's nve. M 80J _ HOTKLSl ' TrrrrmioiiGi : o. ninacoTT < Cainmlsrloner..OLA It. BlAltll iril ? , I'Tlj _ f.tLHtO demoJ J PAWNBROKERS. MAROWIT2 LOANS MONEY , 1S N. l lh t. ni HARNESS. GET MY riUClM IIF.FORE YOU 1HTY A HAR- iicjs. August llnhne , 711 S. 10th st. 2M BHORTHAND ZND TYPEWUITING. VAN BANTS" SCHOOL OF siiolir HAND. N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 793 DANCING. , .u. . ON MORANI > FOR LESSONS. BOCtE.- ' " or stage dances. 1510 Ilnrney. 352 316 TIIIKIAI.TV : : .ii.utiun. INSTHUMBNTS placsil on record September 5 , 1891 : WARRANTY DEEDS. H H Harder to Aug-iul.i lllootn. lot 9. Mock 2. O Ne-lira sub 8 1.3W I' } A HawKlns to A A llionn , lots 3 and 4. mid e ! j K.W 7-13-10 1.000 T J Townsend and wife to A M Townseml. undlv > A lot 1. block 2 Hyde palk 200 Same tu L .1 Tonnsend , ? amc ZOO ' QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. D II Sea\er and lfe lo American Nn- tlonnl bank , uiullv ' , i lots 17 and IS. block 41 $ Gmmhleiv 400 Maiy Itlx to Geoiee Topn < * feKlt , BC 2-13-11. . 1 DEEDS. Mary Ills , administratrix , to Oeorge ToenMeldt. fe15 11 4.SOO M.-i Ler In clmncery to l > an and Tills ! company , lot 3 , block ISUS , Omaha 2.993 Total nniount of tinners J14.7SO Rnlondld cnrnttro nsrc-nt for Ketroui orSltl. IleadachB , I > m1ii r < licustiun , faleojleei. t rfr * clal or Kenornl l euruletiu ulholo * * Hh u mntUm. flout , Kidney li : or.lprs. Acid U ? peintu , Anirraln. Antlilotn for AlcchoUo nnd olhor ci 't : . Prlco , 10.20undMcents. eTHEeARNOLD CHEMICAL CO. IGI S. WcsiArn . . Tor sale 1 > r all druggslsts. Omaha. "GUPJDEME" Cure * the effects ol sell .use , c'xce.isea , cmf ions , Impoteiicy , va'.cocele nnd consti pation. One dollar a sale by TI1I3 GOODMAN - MAN DIIUG CO. , Omaha , Neb. BUREAU. SUES k CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , OMAHA. Neb. Adviua FREL RR1LWRY TIME GflRD Loa-vca I CHICAGO & NORTHWEST'N | Arrlvcs OniahalU , P. Depot. 191 h & Mason dts I Omaha lUOj.itn . Eaitern i\press . 4-OOpm . V Btlbuled Limited . 9 : nm C5am . Mo , Valley Local . 1030mi ; B . Qmalia Chicago Special . . . . . 2:15pm : ICHICAOOrill'RLINGrON " & Q. | , i7 rive's Omaha ] Deixit 10th nnd Mason Sts. | Omaha 4M3prn . ClilcaRO Vestibule . Ji.STini dl5am . Clilcago Express . l:2r : pm 7:02pm : . Chicago nnd Iowa Local . BiCOam U.KHIII . 1'aclllc Junction Locril . 5.S5pm Leaves iHURLINOTON & MO7 1U VE R. | Arrives Or.iaha | Depot 10th and Mason Sta. I Omftha 10-15am . Denver Express . 3&am : ] i:13ini : ; . Deodwood Express . 1. 10pm 4 : 0prn . Denier Expicss . . . . . I 10pm G SOpm.Nebrarka Local ( except Sunaay ) . S.Cnpm S. 15am. . Lincoln Jxcal ( except Sunday ) . .lligiam Lea\esl K. C. ST J. & C. H. " I Arrives" _ Oinalia ] _ Dcpot 10th and Mason Sts. I Omaha 9tam. : . . . Kansas City Day Express . 5 : 55pm 9Kpm.K. C. Nlsht Ux. vl.i. U. P. Tran . 8:50ani : Leaves I CHICAGO. R. I. & PACIFIC. JAr7lvc5" OniahaU. [ P. Depot , 10th A : Maaon 8tB. | Omaha _ EAST. _ _ lO.' . . Atlantic Escpress ( ex. flund.iy ) . . 8:03pra : 6:25pm. : . . . NlKht Etpresn . 6:40ain I.IBpin . . .Clilcago Vcitllmleil Limited. . . . l:23pm HiKam.Oklahoina. Ex p. ( to C. U. ex. Sun ) S3iam _ _ WEST. _ G:3rain.Oklahcmfi : & Texaa Exp. ( ex. b'unlt:3opm ) : I:35pm . Colorado Limited. . . IjlOpm " Leaves I UNION I'ACIMC. I Arrives OmalialUnlon Depot , 10th & MnBon Sl3. | Omaha 10Miim Kearney Express SiOrm : 2:15pm : Oveiland l-'lye.r B : < 0pra 3i : : > pm.Ileatrice & Slromsb'i ; Ux ( ex Sun > .lE:45um : C:4C'iim Paclllo Expiesa 1055am ; C:30um : Fast Mall , 4gOpm Leaves I OIlfCAao7"MII * . STrpAiJlTArrlTc7 ) OmtiliajUjnlonDepot , 10th & Mason " Sla. | Omalia 6:3r : pm Chlcapo Limited. . . . . B:30am ll:10.iin . . .Clrieago Expiess ( ex. Hun. ) . . . . BrOOnm " " Leaves ! K."i : . & MO , VALLEY. ( Arrives Omalial Depot 15th nnd Webster Sts. ( _ Omaha 3:05nm : .Deadmwjd Express B:10pm 9 : < r.nm.(1-x. ( Sat. > Wyo. Ex. ( Ex. Mon. ) . . B:10pm 5:00pm : . Noifolk Express ( Ex. Sunday ) . .lD:4Sam : E:20pm : St Paul Express 3 : < Leaves [ MISSOtHtl PACIFIC. ( Arrives " Omalial Depot 15th nndW _ bstcr Sta. f Omaha 8:01.nn : St. Ixiuls Express 6iOatn ; D:30pm : St. Louis Expiess C'pm CIDpm .Dally ( ex. Bun. Nebraska Local. . 0:1 Cam Leaves I C. ST. I' . . M. & O. ( Arrives Depot 15th _ nml _ } Velwlor Sla. I Orn.iha 8:00am Hlou > c Clt ) " Aceom. fEx. Sun. ) . . RMpm : 10:00ain .Sioux City Accom ( Sun. Only ) B : 5pm lilr | im. . Slous l'lt > - KxureBs ( Ex. Sun ) . .llMnm 6:30pin . . .St Paul LlmlU-il OUDani Leaves ! SIOUX'CITY & I'AC I KIC. ( Arrives Omali.ijllnlon Dei-ot , ICtli & Ma m HtB I Omah-t 6S5nm Hloux Pity PansenRer. loTzOpm _ 3i5iim ! . . . . . . . _ . .St. Pjul Express 10Wjm : Leaves T SIOUK ClWTT PACIFICT [ Arrives Onialnl Depot 15th nnd Webster Sts. | Omaha fc:30pm St. Paul Limited 9lOAm : ltQpm Chicago Limited UIOain : Leaves I WADASH RAILWAY OmnhallTnlon Depot , lIHh & Maron Sis | Omn' SSpm SI Louli Cannon II.ill it . Fl.I'.ll WI1EX HKIt 11XOT1IKH VA3IE. Itul tlie ICunicrod .Mnu rnllnivril nnd Shot , Him Duuil nt Sl ht. HENRIETTA , Tex. , Sept. 5. J. W. Witt secretary or the Thirteenth district congres B Ion a I convention In session hero and superJn tendent ot public fchcols at Decitur. fiftr miles east of here , wag asajaaliiatcd at the latter place * last night hy s. Simmons , a young huslnejs man of Slierman. The tragedy oc currctl In a public street at Decalur unil ha produced a genuine sensation. Miss Molllo Slniiuona , UniiKhter ol Dr. Simmons , sister to the accused , has been an art teacher In Northwest Teas Baptist college Rt Decatur , but resides at Sherman. While nt tlie former place a s-canrlal was circulated which Involved Miss Simmons anil Witt. It la alleged that undue Intimacy existed between them and Wilt openly boatted of It. The brother , upon learning ot hla cUter'c betrayal , came hera after \Vltt , but the litter boarded the drat train for Decatnr. Simmons left soon afterwards and found Witt walking along the street , when he fired two bullets Into his heart , Us was accompanied by his brother , IM A. Simmons , a member ot ( ho Texas Icglslituro , Witt lias relatives In St. Louis and Chicago. He came hero three years ago from Decalur. Young Simmons In In Jail nt Decatur. Oregon Kidney Tea cures back.iche. Trial ilzo , 25 cents. All druggists. DEMANDS A DIFFERENTIAL Freight Rntca in Ilia Trnuamississippl Country a Pouros of Troablo. UNION PACIFIC WILL BE A STRONG FACTOR Triitmrontliieiitnl Afliilr * .Via l > y Any Mriius tin -Scar .Solution ns Wtfiiit l''lral'llioiitltt Woe * of Ilio lux Liimiutssloncr if tin * ITiiluu I'urtlloi ' The likelihood ot nil agreement being reached at tlio meeting ot tr.inscoiiUiiontal roads in Chicago grows nioro remote as the representatives of the various Hues roads today In Chicago grows more remote as the representatives of tlio various lines appreciate the Importance ot tlio demands ut various lines. Some time RBO , or during tlio early days ol the meeting last week , tlio Great Northern and Northern 1'aclllc created co"tisklcrablo consternation In transcontinen tal ranks by demanding higher differentials than heretofore accorded them , tills by reason of traffic agreements made with the Oregon Hallway & Navigation company. Now , a new feature arises through the Union Pacific's demand Cor a differential rla the Oregon Short Line In the event a llffercntlal Is granted tlio Navigation coin- lany's demand. Mr. Loinnx stated yesterday that the Union Pacific was opposed to differentials at any kind , but If there was a dlsposl- llon shown to grant a differential In fnvor of tlio Oregon Hallway company , there was no good reason why the same differential should not bo granted the Oregon Short Line , which is still a part of the Union 1'aclllc.Ve certainly would not allow the Oregon Navigation road to reap any more Benefit from their position than wo our selves possess. It Is the height of foolish ness to presume that wo would. We are still engaged lit Pacific coast traffic , and If business going via St. Paul Is favored by the association in the way ot differentials , then business via the Missouri river gate ways must be accorded the same privileges " Tills Is the Union 1'aclflc'a new and by right Impregnable position. Should It be conceded It would relieve the western roads From the embarrassment under which they have labored ever since the Canadian Pacific took Its differentials by main force , because It was In a posit I en to take them. Should the Union Pacific's position be endorsed western roads would be able to place the same class of business , talcing different gate ways , on exactly the same footing , and the reason for eeplng up the fight would lie dissipated. Mr. Loinnx of the Union 1'aclllc has gone over to the meeting at Chicago , Mr. Richard Gray of the Southern Pacific rep resenting Mr. Loirmx In the latter's absence. Hut Mr. Lomax was of the opinion that an agreement would not be reached , tint new conditions would make It impossible.1. WOKS ) OF T1IK TAX COMMISSIONEH , bnino of tliu M thn < ln U.iptt In ( ieitlllt ; tlio Hnllrniitls Ttixril fur .schools. Much has been said by the newspapers of Omaha regarding- the rather questionable methods pursued by school census takers , Janitors and others connected with the pub lic schools of this city to secure money from the treasury by means that , to say the least , have been of a shady character , but these transactions are purity personified alongside the methods adopted bv some ot the school districts in the counties of the state where the railroads pay the greater proportion ot the taxes. Tax Commissioner Scrlbnor ot the Union Pacific , talking of matters connected with his department , took pains to show The llee man signally successful financiering In Kolth county. School district No. 15 In Keith county shows an average dally attendance of two pupils , For the education of these two pupils the school board of that district , which is composed of John Hughes , nis wife and an other member , paid out the following , Paid teachers $329 00 Ilepalrs , furniture , fuel , etc 249 20 All other purposes , . , 1S3 09 Total $752 29 District 18 shows a dally average of three pupils , who cost the district as follows : Paid teacher * $3fio 00 Repairs , furniture , fuel , etc 250 00 All other purposes 249 87 Total $ S5D ST In the Item "all other purposes" It In cluded a voucher tor $78 for "fencing the well , " the fencing In this case consisting ot four posts and two barb wires. District 38 , which shows a dally average of two pupils , paid for the Instruction of the rising generation : Paid teachers $210 00 Paid Indebtedness 124 36 Hepair , furniture , fuel , etc 1241-1 All other purposes 10100 Total $019 GO Making a total ot $2,231.66 for the education of seven pupils during the last school year In the three districts mentioned , Ot this amount the Union Pacific railroad paid In taxes $1,593.12. or above 70 per cent of the total amount , which it added to the tax paid on lands owned by the Union Pacific railroad in these districts would make about DO per cent ot the total levy which the rail road must pay. These little stretches ot conscience , how ever , arc nothing to a Kansas county through which the Kansas Pacific passes. In that the Inhabitants organbed six school districts In ono township , all the districts bordering on the railroad which must bear Its proportion ot the taxesIn this case all t'ie taxes , for the residents are homesteaders and nro not compelled to pay taxes except on proving up after five years. So flagrant was the attempt to make the railroad build nil the school houses that the attorney general of Kansas began a milt in tha name of the state to have the Sixth district annulled on the ground that there are not enough children of school age to warrant the creation of a district. Allldavlts on file show that someof the children re puted to bo of school age are. babies in arms , whllo otlicrs were Imported from other districts for the purpose of padding the school census. They have built their school house , however with a fine cyclone cellar. Should the district be closed tha loss will not Call an the residents , but on the contractor. I'hUlippl < Jor * nil lEt'roi-cl. Speaking cf the proposed ordinance looking to a settlement of dUllcultlos with the Union Pacific and the completion ot the depot at Tenth and Mason streets , Mr. J. 0. Philllpp ! , assistant gcneial freight and passenpcr agent of the Missouri Pacific said : "I de sire going on record as being opposed to the building of the union dcpcl at Tenth and Mason streets. The only advantageous Blto In Omalm 1 % at the foot of K.irnam street. I hitc Just returned from witnessIng - Ing the ceremonies attending ' . ' > ipcn- Ins ; of the new $ t. Louis passenger Elatltn , occupied by twenty-two railroads , nnd the St. Loiis"slto ! Is nut DQ neur perfection as the Farnam street site. Omaha ought to build a depot for the future , not fur the present. It Is the business of I In ; people in see this Is tlnno outside the council 1C the counc.l will not co-cperate with the pee ple. You may say tha he Missouri Pacific Is In favor o the Farnam street ski- , and I believe President Clark of the- Union Pa- cine Is also in fnvor of the same location. In my opinion Itwould bo suicidal U com plete the depot begun on Mason street , " ir n > Hi" Uiultrerimnil * < rvlcn. Charles Suiter , prnsldent of the St. Louis Underground Service company , was In Omaha Monday , and while here received a message from the superintendent of the Postal Telegraph - graph company at St. Louis announcing the opening of the underground service ami con gratulating Mr. Sutler on its BUCCSS , This WUB the first message tent out over tlio un derground system , a ayntem which promises to come Into general utn In all the large cltl s In a very few years. Muy Content llui Miort IInn Hi ( pit cr lili. POHTLAND. Ore , , Sept. C , It Is stated that the order of the United Slates court appointing ( bo Union I'aclflc receivers as separata receivers of the OrcRon Short Un will bo contorted by tha bondholders ot tint road not Identified with the Union Pacific Interests , unless the receivers cease to operate tli road purely In tlio Interest ot the Union Pacific and throw open the gates. to the Denver lines cither it that city or at Dgdcn. I turmoil lr.lit | ; nn llurviMt Ktriirnlon * . CHICAGO. Sept. B. A Joint telegram wai sent wesUo-n roods by the Oreat Northern , Northern Pacific unit Southern I'aclflc line * today that they would withdraw their thirty- day limits on harvest excursion 1 1 elects nnd make the limit twenty days , so us to con- fotm \Vcstprn P/issenger / Association I RIS- latlon on this subject. It will remove a great deal of friction from the situation and make the limitations of these tickets uniform throughout the -western territory. llnllvtiiy Xiiton. Orneral Manager Dickinson of the Union Pacific has gone to Chlalgo. General SupErlntendt-nt C. A. Ooodnow ol the Milwaukee was In , Omaha yesterday. Assistant General Passenger Agent A H. Smith is representing the liurllngton at tha Iroiiscontlnentnl meeting at Chicago. J. II. Arthur , ono ot the liest knnwn freight men In this section , connected with tin Milwaukee , has returned from a trip to New York. GeorKK Clayton ot the Wabaah has gene to St. Louis In an endeavor to Ret the pas senger department of the \Vnbnsh to rescind Ha action In letting out Harry Moore-s , who has bum ot Invaluable ) service to the road since his connection with It , eight years ago. _ oa.l I1 , 31. nt Ontiiliii , HiH A. M , nt ClifriiRo. The now vestlbulcd train new running oa the "Northwestern" cast dilly. n.lH 1STU JSVX.l II. IV Hnglno nf nn Etpn-jR Train Thrown Over M llrUljrr rirrinuit Killed. COLUMIllTS , 0. , Sept , 5. A remarkable collision occurred on the llaltlmorc & Ohio Just west ot this city. A wildcat train of ten loaded coat cars which started two miles east of the scene of the collision ran Into the Baltimore & Ohio Cincinnati and Pitts- burg express on the bridge over the Olen- tangy river. The runaway cars were running. about four miles an hour , The englno of tha passenger train plowed under the coal cars and wont off the bridge Into the river , pull ing the baggage cur with It. The sleeper and two day coaches remained on the track. One span of the brldgo was carried down and the coal cars were piled upon the englno in the river. Fireman William Herbert was crushed to death. Engineer Joseph Small- wood was hurled out Into the river and escaped , with several bad cuts > . Thno : train men who were caged In the baggugu car miraculously escaped. Hurnle llurton , 11 years old , had her arm broken. No other passengers \\cre hurt beyond a few scratches each , and bruises. I'nruior'K IMucky Mi-limit til Suilni ; u Train from 11 It'rrlltlo DlmiHtur , ST. PAUL , Sept G. The morning train from Chicago on the Wisconsin Central was saved from a. bad wreck near Stevens Point liy a. plucky farmer. The train was approaching preaching that place at 2 o'clock when sig naled by a flame that quickly vent out , On stopping the train It was found wreckers had been at work , but were frightened away by a man living near , who tore oft his shirt and lighting It signaled the train. It appears MUoiit midnight a gatitf of men displaced the tracks by tearing off the fish plates and drawing the spikes. Right at this point la a high precipice and It was the evident In tention to ditch the train and hurl it down the incline. No clew Is had to the miscreants nor Is there any knowledge of their motives In wrecking the train. Plumbers Suppliers Orjrittilzc. CHICAGO , Sept 5. The delegates repre senting forty leading manufacturers and plumbers supply firms of the west last night completed their Organization , which will be known as the Central Supply association. The main purpose ot the association is to protect the trade against had dc > bls and to pursue a uniform credit system. The next meeting of the association will bo at Cleveland , O. , the first Tuesday ol December. The officers elected are : Presi dent , John E. Wolff of Chicago ; vice presi dents , John Walker , Oetrolt ; Theodore AT ems , Louisville , Ky. ; secretary , \Vllllam M. Webster , Chicago ; treasurer , F. F. Felix , Plttsburs. Mlinrly Itoll tu Jliitio n Tour , CHICAGO , Sept. 5. The now Liberty and Peace bell which rang so often at llio World's fair hr. beert resting In Chicago since Its return from New York last fall. Airangemenls are now being- made to carry the bell on a trip throughout the country , Invitations having been received from the governors of evury state In the- union to ring the bell in the principal cities. Invita tions have nlso been received from the authorities of the City ot Mexico and ether fotelgn points. On Saturday next the bell will be taken to PHtsburg , where It will play n prominent part In the Grand Army encampment. fort Omtilm Couple l.omm n llubf. HNNi : , Sept. 5. ( Special Telegram to The Bee. ) The 3-months-old Infant ot Jlrs. Klnnoq , wife ot a soldier at Fort Omaha , died of cholera Infun'tum on tha westbound passenger. No. 1 , Just before It reached this city. The remains were In terred In the military cemetery nt Fort Rils- sell. Itrlilco 1Y1I mill TuiOli'ii LEMAKS , la. , Sept , D. John and Thomas Waller , brothers , wealthy farmers , were In- RtaiHIy killed by tlio falling of a brldga which they wore crossing with a threshur engine. _ ir/U Tlll'.lt J1HtKV.lNT. I'nlr IVoiitlior unil I'rolmlily Wnriimr In Southern > rbru kiv. WASHINGTON , Sept. G. The Indication ! for Thursday nn- : For Nebraska Fnlr ; probably Bllghily warmer In the extreme touthem portion atid In the vicinity of North Pintle ; cast to southeast winds. For South Dakota Generally fnlr , prob- nltly slightly cooler In the vicinity of. Itajild City ; VEIItable winds. For Iowa Fair ; probably slightly cooler In the L'xtri-nu ! western portion ; south wlndn. Kor Missouri Fair ; east winds. > I'or ICansaH Fair ; slightly warmer In tlm < > xtitine northern portion and In the vicin ity of Concordla ; southeast winds. IAH iil Kt'cortt. OPFICROPTIIB Wn.vninu Huntcui. OIIAH * . Sept. 3 Omaha record of tomnornturo nnd. ratnfallcomp.iroil wltti coiTospomllng- of past lour .years . : ISOt. IflOS. 1HD2 IfiDl. Maximum tomnaratuia H.13 803 UH = TG = Minimum U'luuurulttro. ' fi7Q 01 = fjl = 073 AMirncii winoor.unri' . . 71)3 ) 7&B < I3 00 = I'JcclplUtlon UO .00 ,00 .01) St itomoiitsnovrirH ? llio ooiidiUjn of torn- pcraturoiiiU iirauiplutlonnt Omaha for tha dnyauiiftlni'uMiriih 1 , 1831 : NOIIIIH ! tiMiinor.ituro Ods Kuresn for tliu tiliv B = > AccjilinulnU'd o.M-'jss nlnco Murcli 1 . . . . 010 Nmmulurutilnltallnn 11 Incli hnllclency lortlie duv U Inch Acciiiiiuhtled dollcluncy alncu , Minu 1 1-1,43 Incliim 1C if ports from Other Station * lit H 1 * . 01. T" Indicates tr.ico ot rain , GtOUfJK K. HUNT r < , ca IToreCitt OOlotiU.