THE OMATTA DAILY BEE : I RIDAY , AUGUST 31 , 1BDI. V A BOARDER ± \ s Pays you $4 to $8 weekly that means pin money adds little to your present expenses s ? * THE BEE GETS 'EM ' 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. S/NX SPBGIRL NOTICES , Advertisements for thow columns will be taken until 12 M p infer " 'e evenliiR nml until 9.00 p. m. for tlio inortiltitr nnd Sunday editions Ad ertl er liy rcnuesllnff n number check , can answers ndarDsspil to n immlieml letter in care of Tlio Hce. Annwcrs s n.Uii-fscil will T > doIlvertKl upon prcetnlntlon tf the check. HntcH , IVJo n. wonl llrnt Innertlon , lo n _ enl thereafter. KollilnE taken for less tlian ! * c for flrnt Insertion . , These advertisements must run consecutively. WANTED BTAI/E HELP. BALH MKN ( KNnnanTIO-WAKT MEN OF coed niMrmi on salary for retail lrao > . Apply 1S16 Douglas ll-MHO b9 ' IVUM- SPECIALTY DAtYCHMEN I'OIl nnilVB Jaw rr-medy ( cndornea by1 U. B. Dept ARricul- lure , lluienu of Animal Industry E A specific ) us n sldo Hne. Liberal terms to right parties AJatcsa llrotlici-s & Reid , ilnhern la IJ-MSGl Si ; ADVCIlTISINa CANVASSERS , men familiar with premium mercantile trade Money rrnker of elufitun ninety-Tour Btnnlc > - Uradley Pub Co No. 7 H 16th bt , N V. 11 CD-I * WANTED TIIAVEI.INO HAT.KSMKN. iiKI.nN & Thompson , tollura , 1612 riirnnni * irift Il-COl SH NTERS. IOWA. NEBRASKA : IP YOU want n Rood ntuidy Joli In ur iron inunty from now until spring , < ndoip I0r In utamps for full particular ! ! to 1 rank Atherl > m.inu- f.icturer of the common sense path r Ftr'p. Ctd-ir Bluffs Neb i-M7U 4 WANT THREE GOOD MEN AT O.STI2 TO take contracli Good pa > Onoil rak-tin n pre- ferreil. Goods mi > io | > ol | . Address with pur- llculara. U M. lice ulllcc 1I-75C M' WANTED COLONISTS TOR IIHHQATKD farms , easy In ins. he < ilth > illmate Wiltu or nee W. D. El rod , 131C Patnam ittrer't , Omilin , Nib B-MS19 2 T V > OKK TOR ACTIvn MiN. palary or catumUslon , no pxpcrKme ucce sno . Koxifl monoMil | > Co il hllli oftr)7 > udy re duced < 0 iier cent. Artdres K 8. O > . US col onnade lildiT J ) < i lon MUSH. -.MS13 31 WANTED FEMALE HELP. on on.vniAL , work ; mini ! fainll * 1130 B 31st at C Hi L.vnius"WANTING nnsT CI-ASS iiiru.s npnly ut tliu bcimllniulim Y. IJlmne ( Hike , gift N. Hth MU-Cl. C M183 7 * ioa atui.3 WAN i ii > TO M.VKJ : OYKUAI.I.S , hliHtB | ) nntH nnd co its. Apply nt Tnjtle H Overall factory , bt. Joseph , Mo. C MC73 4 WANTED , UEPINED AVOM.VTJ POJt CITY work. Address U 60 , IMS. C CJ7 31 WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED OIR1 , FOR general houscnoili 111 umall family JDoI Pa- clllc. ttn-cl. C J21-31' 25 GIKUS WANTED TO LEA1SN LADllTs1 T.vT- lor dres"j cuttliur Lep onn free to the e apply ingIhls wttlt Ladlea Tailor , lln don Unn. , 2J floor. < . ' MSI6 31 * WANTED , GIRL FOR GENERAL HOPSE- work at 10J5 South 30th avcnuCM3L5 1 * FOR RENT HOUSES. TENTS POU RENT. 1311 PARNAM br. br.D D aa WANTED GOOD -MEDIUM PRlCEtl ItOU&ES. List your houses for rent with Amen. D-CC3 HOUSCS , P. K DAKLINO , BARKER BLOCK. D-6C8 HOUSES IN ALL PARTS OP 1UIJ CITY. HID O P Darla company , 1503 Faiiiam D C67 KELKENNV & CxT. R. 1 , CONTINENTAL BLK FINK 7-nOOM CORN II FLAT AT 701 S J6TII ttrcet ; rnn a ami all other conveniences. Oeoris Cloaeer , loom 2. l i Karnam street D 300 KOK IIINT , LAiTur : TVVO-STOUV n JILDI a , formerly used by Ilia Maihoff Tiunk Pactory. 2430 ftewnnl t. D 790 si KOK IUNT MOST i > usiHAUt.u nouot : , uu Parnam n C. ratterson. Uamgu Mock. D-M901 _ t. 6. 8 AND 10-nOOM IIOUSKS ALL MOD- era lawn nnd elinde. Apply at ! 11 N Y Ufa or 214 Miami BtrcDt. D M1SJ _ rou HUNT , cituAi'Ksr six-noci\i COTTAOK Uh bath In city ; cnly Sli 00. SJMi Pallfoinlu I reel. D-M3t3 _ ron niNT. : T > isiiiAin.i : jnvni.LtNoa TN all pans of cltj i : II aiifafc 412 1'nMon ilk. MIODM jiour.n.N coTTAan. roiixnn. i'i ml lea from poMolllcc , coed location , vllh liain , SJ2 W. C-room house In cxccltenl rcinlr , MOO Pldellty Tiust compiny , 17th und P mam itieetiu D-IIHO 31 M 1101 HIM. r. 1)VVKAD , JOTII it DOULOAS. POH UKNT. MODHllN fl ItOOM fOTTAOIJ ; call between 1ami S 1J21 Hheimau uinn - . D MCtl _ FOII itnNT. TWO six-nooM ri.vis IN aonn condition at US und 419 Houth Jltli ttluit. A. J I'uppleton , loom 311 lit Xsutlcmit Liank building. -Sltt-2 FOII , 5 KOOMK CSt S ITl'II I ) 6W-S2C' Eiom-nooM iioi'sn NHAH uinu SCHOOL. KO per month lUQUlra CIC CniiHoI in on up. U-C68 ! _ rou IIP.NT. B HOOMS AND IIVTIL I'HIVATE vnlrance , riunl uml tear , 133J l % cn oith utieet. H-J1091 8l _ TTTooM uoi'sU iNQtruu : im rtreel. _ Kinirr-TtooM MODKU.V IIOL'SH , : t\\ \ MIAMI ; Inquire iil N : iAh U-69S * B HOOMs L AllOl HALL I1.VT1I HOUM ANIJ cluiet. rent ilirap. 12 $ boulli ISUi t D-C39 4 _ _ _ _ _ ' ' s c HOOM H rsKs , Mo iTf r ANrTcifi'vp' COS N Utli tret. . 1MIIH * ? > ran RENT FTJKNIBHEIJ ROOMS. I'UIINISIIUD KOOMtf. SOUTH TII ST. K-M9K1 Slt > spu-ni PKONT IIOOM KW KWJJMS7 JJ-MS7 ! I'LKABANT PV'IINIHHUO ItOOM. 15 U-MI73 ixu ) iuNT , rvuNiHUKi > noons. ! 3 nonoi : i-Mti74 l _ rrnNtsiino IIOOMS , MOUHUN ; SL'ITAIII.S for one or tno. 1919 AT 316 SOUTH liTHB S U I- : AND SMALL KOOMS AN1I KOQiU en eulto on Xno cnr linen. 113 K > ulli atli uiiect 1VIR for man and wife itenl taken in b < urd. " ili N. I'lh ttleel. E-M 1 Ft'UMSIIED ' AND UNI'l RNI8HKD. E-M64J 1 FURNISHED ROOMS FOR HOI SP.KKEI'ING , modern. Sta Fuuuim l. 1 ! 3U- ! IU > OM. K4 N , HT1I U Ctl-1 iNn nooMUATiii : iii HOMB N i : cvr IClh and llowHnl. IJ-WI 4 IlKNT NH'KLY HOOMS call it t07 ! l > miBla . IJ-7W-W . Yl HNIBHii > IIOOU. 1IATH J4 MO.VT1I ISl - . . . h-.r. . . II TM-M * FOB. KENT FURNISHED ROOMS Continued. HOOM POlt LIGHT HOtHKKEGl'INCJ 119 N 15th. | _ 7M | . FURNISHED HOOMS AND BOARD. SCHY. DEblllAULU ' UNI-'UriNISHKD FIIONT nnd Lack parlors , nleo furnished room : ; everj- Ihtt-LluEs , 210 and 212 South Co 111 rtrtel. g MHI woiiEN-a no ML : UNUCJI CAICU oy Women's Christian association. Ill B. 17lh si. p tt _ THi : MADISON ( FAMILY ITOTKL ) . 21ST AND Chlacjro streets , neuly refilled and refurnlslieJ tlmniElmuf. references r > quired F WU9 ) . PLEAfaANT IIOOSIS WITH UOAUD. 21M IIAI1- ney , P M34S bit" NICULY rtllNISIinD BOOMS "VVCTH AL.L comenlencea. Plrat-clais board 211 Na. ISth treet , " r-MS78-SU" PUHNISHKD AND UNrUllNISIIIiD I1OOM9 nlth Ixunl , strain heat , at UtupUi 171) 17 1 H.tM'nport. I' 449-31 * nooM'T WITH BOARD. m F- 1211 rarnnm. r M157 1 * unNtsiiHD noou IN KOHNTXR with 01 without bovd Hvervthlnj o. U 30. Ilee P MS52 1 rtOOMS. GOOD I1OAHDIIATHS HRA- sonableconveniences. The Hoseo.0.OJ2 llainey P-M626 HJj" FUIINISIIFD ItOOMS. WITH On tVITHOtJT hoard 172) Uo < lge P M824 2 KLHGANTLY PfUNlSHlID SOUTH PRO-NT room nnd [ irl\.ite board , best convenience" 2110 Oouglas street P MtJ3 31 Il > lHAIU.i : HOOMSV1TH ItOAKD rnci-B SOJ North ISth P MCM ! ItOOM AND BOARD IN PRIVATE- FAMILY Bl" , Howard. F 702 4' sinn : op NICELY PLRNISHED FRONT mom * , with iKnird , ull cnnienlencei private fumllS leichers piefeired 613 N. 23d nt P--TO6 31 STRICTLY P1EIVATE FAMILY WISH THREE bo.mlers Modern convenience * tprmi moder ate ; pli'imniit home. Refereueif. 51'J t 23th itienue r M715 31" .ROOMS AND BOARD. 2I1J CVi'ITOI , AVENtTE P M715 6' THE TllENKER I HAV15 TAKEN THE above fimllj hotel nt 251 nml Uodmnml Itlias leen placLiI In perfect lepulr , nm rendy to lo- riitc * the luoinB tit once aiml Kliall 8 rre mr.ilH nftei Biptember 13th. I'liouS IB IM'i Tte- upeclttilb , MIT L. M. Tult ) . ' . 1' 718-5 FOR KENT PIIONT KOOM NELY riiil : nlxhttl , ulth boa id. at Si. So. 2Gth xl 1' 117 31 * ixnLLi\T UOAUD. Nirn KOOMS. IN unmll prluite famllj sa1 * bnth , lu-nl ; ci-ntnil location Cll Bouth 2il J' MS18 2 * IIOOMS AND 11OA1SU. 2JJ7 IJODCli : . I' MS1T 2 UNFURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT TWO Lutoi : itooMS , IAST AND front modem will rent unfurnished to party furnlrhlns jfood leftrtmos 1XS ) Oi-orKln n\e- nue O 691 Jl a uNi-i uxisiino ROOMS WITH ALL ro\- enleiiixs J378 lune > stierl < J Msa ! BOARDING. HOOM VUTH IO\HD IN I'lll- family. 70d N ISth II-547-31 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES CORNER bTONi : , P > 00 921 DOUQLAS. IN iUUe | 9:2 J rnSCS FOR IUNT. : KOOM. cs in 3 : . 2ND FLOOU or m > store nuitahlo for cln.iks and cults , cooU llglit ami elevator serlce. Mrs. J. Itenson. I M9B ) ni.vr. : THI : 4SToitY UIUC-K IIXIILDINO S16 Parnnm slicel. The building Ins u lire- proof cement IwsciTKnt , romjiUle steam lieat- inrf llNturts utei nix all Hears , gtui , etc. Ap- ] > ly at the olllce of Tim Ike. 1-9U FOH UHNr .TIIRUn-SlOP.Y AND IIASKMIINT ( tare bullilhii ; nt toil Knrnnm xlreet. em-ill * tiiiiIn i\i.isHlr > n bulHlne. ami hall suitable for lodrca ur other puii.osea at 1001 I'm no m street all hi coed condition. A J. 1'opple- ton. 311 1st National bank building I-CI6-J rou IHNT. : Ttutic STonv imiK STI.U ( heat. 1-2 and l.'l H litli m'l. . ulll ivnt tv.o storrs and tii-etncnt w > irately , nnd t n upt't'i 1)00(8 ) separate ! ) cmi'Mlnn of a family Hit of ( win rocms nml tnclvt * nther laisc ruoms or will reni the Imlldlni ; tiiisoilicr Inquire at room S12 Mii'iiKiie HlJfr. I M5H > ! I'OIl Hl.'NT-KXrOSlTION HALL. OHOl Nil llotu Open ilates < un be hnil lor part * ol heplember. October Hiid KOM mlii-r This l ! tlis only linll In Omaha < . < iuln > il fwr vonven. lions , | iolltlcul llu-tlnpR lj.ill. % nnd other laicc ualhtrlusj of iiiwple. A. J I'npplrtcn. r , in 3t ( Plrst National Ilanl < InilMlne 1 8H 6 AGENTS WAIvTTED. AUKNTS. BOTH SUXE . TO TA1CIS CON- Iracta for reliable IIrm. i : > Ponton blk. Omaha. J-TU-Ait' AOKNT8 VVANTUD. A HL'STl.Ell IN UVUUV Nthrs l < a luun. Article nenly pilcnted , pne- nomiMial s.ller 100 per cent pnjllt. Addreai , nllh sHHH' . 1707 Q fctutt. Huulh Omaha J-MM ) BALISMIN , we SIND SAMPLES , ALLO\V llb i-al ealBiy and expenses or commission to proper applicants. Staple Heller. three stores our of lUe vllt older. Address nltli btnbip J/ocl ; l > ox I2d. New York cltr WANTED TO RENT , WANTED iioiiriiw TO HHNT. HAVK MOUI : calls limn I can Tupply. J II. Inrrnlte , 1511 nnrt DoJKf. 1C HI s 2 WANTED. POUll Ft KNlSlinU ROOMS , modem , for llEht liousi'l.i rpln . Tcrma 1111131 be Address U M , IVe K-MC33 31 STORAGE. WILLIAMS . CKUSS.UU HAltNBY M-S72 I-OH HOIJBCHOI.D coous. and cheap late. It. Wells , 1111 1'amam. M-673 OU.VANiSTOriAGU CO ,1M1 KAHNAM. T M3S ! M74 DEBT STORAGE BUILDINO IN OMAHA. U , 8. fiov. tionded warehouse. Household coed , ) tared. Lo-weit rates. Idll-KlS Leavenwortlv M-713 WANTED TO BUY. CABH FOR LUMBER BL'SINKSS IN L1VH town ; Eire full particulars. T 8. Oe < otllo . K-M98t 8T _ _ _ _ A P1VK-UOOM COTTAGU AND 11ATII IT Rood rondltlon. lth stable on Iho premises must ba cheap and In nlc neighborhood am convenient to street can AUJrrM location untl price to "U 48 , Omaha Ilee. N < II-I * HAVANA KItUCKLDS , I1UST ON KMITH , 1C N-MiU SIT _ _ \V XVTKI ) . I'M 1 > . CllKAl' DKUVKUY IP J13K tatr price In answer. 1'rnnrII , ISth one Amen av * . N 713J * ANTKD , TO 11UY Oil JIKNT. AW blrliivvuy jilano ; tUo desuilptloa nd hov lunif uanlddiv U IS , Ile olllcf.N N tern 31 * V ANTED TO III Y A M VUE OH GELDING bout 1CO < > Ib * . for rash muM l sound n. ii'iilie. and fur family druins. nt to tr ; 1 - b for wlu lnjr Addrc V US , Bee FOR SALE FURNITURE. I'AYMUNTS KA8Y , YOU WON'T MISS YOUIl money [ xjtr prices on furniture & household CMOS. Hntsrprlsi Credit Co , CU-IU N. Utli t. O 675 AtTTION HM.K ID-tlOOM I'L\T or Pl'IlNI- ture at 17M Cnpltol avenue , Batunlny , Septem * her 1 , nt 9 M a. in , this Is all flni ? furniture nntl c n IMs of be lrooin win. cnrp"ts. t diet nets , curtains , rim I B , Ix-J.llnic , etc \\lll nl o ncll At platform lolB Cupltnl a > cnuc. at 3 p m of name day. Alhrrton. auclhmper O-Mt21 1 * FOH SALE HORSES , WAGONS.ETO I till HAI.n KI1IXT CLASH HADULH TheoOoro Qradman. at Drowning , KIni : & t'o ' . ! * M J TO11 IIUOOIKrttM . IM.I.EAT1IKH TOP CAIt' IW. Dmmmond Carriage Co. I' oil 1'OR SALE Oil TUMIK-2 HORSES WEIGH , inc 1,000 Ibs each 6 and 7 > tar old 1 Terry , 480 Hams * block. ! ' ' Tiiu IIKST MATHHIIOI'ina ; < iY for 1SS.DO. Drummond. 18th Harney.P P 5M WANTKD-A THAM OP ItOiSiS WIJIQHINO no less than 1 1W Iba , well brukon tu city driving Kentl mrtlculars tu U 17 , Ilee. p H4g 231 FOR SALE MtSOELIANEOUS. vmi : uiticic , OAR LOTS iti M i : sTalk \\alk brlclc In matket , See sample vsalks Inlil cor. S th and Hurt and 13th and 1'leice. Wm J , AVclshana , room 331 , Board ot Trade. Q-Mt SIB IC1J FOII S5ALU , CAN BUIl' OVKR ANY HOAI > out ot Omaha and Council Ulutls Lamorenut I3ros. , 308 So. th , Oaiaha Q-M360 HI7 CHUAl'UST CHICICUN AND ORNAMENTAL Ieic msd . C 1U Lee , Ml Doujjlas. BALI : . TiinFORMULAS POR known | > roprletar > medicines , favorably kno-nn In the noitlmest. * llh 3le rlfthts lo manufac ture and sell In North nnd South Dakota , Ne- tnBskB None but re ponnlWs parttes need nniwor. Address II rSmlth g M319 Sli _ UANIC AND PI.ATTE VALLTY SAND POII tale. C. VV. Hull Company , Will & lurd sts. NI3VV D4 WAVHIU Y lllf YCI.P. I'OIl SAI.P. POII bc t offer. C | iaha Illcyclo company. S2t North Q-iil-31' 16lh Mrcet. MISOELliANEOUS. HAVE \OUR OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO rues. Bmyrna nigs repaired. 1 21 Leovenvrotth BTOCIC PASTUnUD. GOOD PEED. T. MUH- ray. " all 21 e. CLAntVOYANTS. _ S1KB DR. II. WARREN , CLAIUVOYAI.T. IS e. llible buslntas medium ; 7th year at 1U : . . .W MASSAGE. BATHS. ETC. MADAME BMITH. C03 S 13TII. 21) FLOOR room 3 , massigo. vapor , alcohol , steam sul- phurlne and eta bitlm T M5M 1 * MME LA HUE. 416 SOUTH ISTH. T-M831 87 MASSAGn , MADAME I3ERNAHD , 1415 13ODOE T 048 9 * PERSONA1. . UMIIIIELLAS MA DP UECOVERCD AND R im paired 13 South Sixteenth street. U u8 viAVi HOME TIUJAT'MENT ron Hfalth book and consultation free Ailtlrw or call Vlavl Co 310 lies bids Lid > attendint U C ! ) TAKE lOttlt FRIEND , TINTYPES. 4 IOU SJe Proctor. C16 b ICth street. _ U M84 MAbSAGE DAIIIS. MME POST , 319 V * u BALDUPP- A pleasant and convenient place. 1520 1'amam Btieet , Paxlon block ; 'phone 711. CIIEAM TOR WHIPPING AND IJUTTER- milk. Waterloo creamery. 1 13 Iloward lel 13K MISS UAIIY MARTIN OF DES RIOINES , IA. . Is moBl anxious to see or hear from her sister. Mis. Elizabeth Thompson , recently of Omaha. Neb. U MS5C 31 WHOLE \\IIHAT BREAD PHOM UNIIOLTED floui ut Imoeen L. Kainscy B. 217 N ICth at. U MMS "i DIUW. STEl'IIENSON , SPECIALIST , ECO a. 1JTII MME. LA HOOK. MAS3AGC. 100 LEAVEN- worth street , third , floor , i.jnl rosms WHEN OUT WITH IOUII LADY VISIT J. J Miiller'n now Ice cream parlora , 2SOi Leavon- uorth Plreet. everjthlnif la nevs , Includlnc the building. Tel. 1030 Ice cieam delivered TWO NICELY rUHMlSHKD PRONT ROOMS t two resiKinslblo gentlemen 1609 L vcn- vvortli , 3d lloor U MCC3 3 * IOC CIGAlt TOR EC , HAVANA PRECKI.Ea U MGJ1 S.H JOIN EVENING CLASS IN MIOKTIIAND AND tjpuwrltlnB In biiHlncss otllcc. Success n = urcil Address U 69 , lee U M716 I MRS bCIl'LE HAS IIETURNCD FHOJI NEW orl < and will be found at her old looms , : ot > Sheelcy bloeU , after beptemlier 10 U-M7M 31 MONET TO LO AN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED O.N or uoUElil. P. C. Cbesney , Kansas City. Mo W-684 ANTHONY LOAN i 1HUST CO 31 $ N Y. LIFE loans at low rates for choice security on Ne braska and Iowa. farro or Omaha city p'operty , VV-OS1 MONEY TO LOAN ON PARM IN DOUOLAS , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Pidcllty Trust Co. . 170J Farnam st. W 681 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA reel estate. Itrennan. Lore & Co , 1'aiton blk W C39 OANB WANTED. J. N. FRENZEH , OPP I'.O W-7C3-SI OMAHA LOAN fi TRUST CO. ICTH ANIJ Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm rroperty at lowest rites of Interest. W 65 } MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. THE O. g. Ds.vl Co. , 1505 Parnam l W-681 UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO OF NEW York Capital W.OW.OOO Sjrplus ICOO.OOa Sub. ratt choice loans to P 8. I'usey. agent. First National bank bulldlnp. W C8J MONEY TO LOAN AT LO\VFST HATCH ON Impioved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to S > eara. ridellty Trust Co. , 1703 Farnara W HI S MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVED OMAHA real estate. Drennan , Lore & Co. , Paxlon blk. w at LOANS OX IMPROVED 4 UNIMPROVED CITY property : J3.000 & upwards , 6 to 7 per cent , no > s. W. Fa mam Smith & Co. , 133) ) Farnam. W-E8T MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA REAL ESTATE at C per cent. W I ) . Melkle , . 1st Nat bank W-67 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONEY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , vaeons , etc. . at lowest intes In city , no remornl ot goods , strictly confidential , > ou > ou can pay the loan oft at any tlma or In an ) amount. amount.OMAHA OMAHA MORTOAGE LOAN CO , SOC 6. ICth street X-CTi I. It. HADDOCK. HOOM 427 RAMOS BLOC 1C X-CTi _ SUOHT TIME LOANa J PAXTON BLOCK. X J7 Si MONEY TO. LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- crty. Horvln Loin Co , 701 N. Y. Lifts build. Ing. X-691 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI ture , pianos , horses , wajons. or any kind o chattel security , at lowest possible rates , wind > ou cjtu pay back nt any time , nnd In am amount. PIDELIT LOAN GUAHANTEE CO room 4 , Wlthnell blocic X-C33 BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR HENT A DEPAnTUKNT ON BECONC floor , ZOxMX In one ot the largest houses li Council Bluffs. U. car * lie ; . Council Bluffs. Y-MCS _ FOR SALE. A HIG PAYING BUSINESS , NC competition ; 41 , WO null lakes It. Address i CO. Bee Y-MlOt S 8 _ A HOWLING SUCCESS. HAVANA FRECKLES Y WANTEU. PARTNER IN DRUG BUSINESS ll.OCOOO required. IniCBtlgate. Mori Steerc Missouri Vnllcy. la. Y MCS2 31 FOB , EXCHANGE. IMPROVED BTOCK AND GRAIN FARMS OF fered In es."hansa for sheep and cattle. Wh have jou to offer ? Maicus I" Ueeb ! Ipswich Edmundi county , S. D. 51 M46J 31 I WILL TRADE AN IMPROVED FARM WITI plenty of feed for catlle N. II. Dryrten Ollrlchs. 8 D. Z M70 . 4 * fl.OOOM BTOCK PARM IM1 > UMENTS J3.000.0 real estste. martcmEea and cash , JSOO 00 rea estate , building and lots , all In northeasttn Ntbrasks. Xor land , cattle or nheep. Addres U 4t , life. Z-M6U 4 /MEIUCA'S I'RIDE. HAVANA TOP-CKLEd. 1C Z-M6M fit ] Lilt ACIll CLKAR CLKHOnN VAI.I.K' land , will trails for small farm nnd tUe tun an difference , or will trade tor cattle Addtrs FOB EXCHANGE. * POII TRADE. ONR OH ALL OK B STORM bulMlnca tm N street , tfcmth Omili * . bringing nice lnn > m , for E 4leir firm land neur lo Omalia South Oniatm or learned lllurfu Vnlue nf properly -stout 121,004 UX Address u si. lite. rnrr Z-MOM n A CHKAP. UNINCTMAKMkU I-OT IN OMMIA ti > trade for iood buggy nnd team. Aillrm U 4 > . Bee. ZM"l FOK BALE lii AL , ESTATE. PAItM LANDS. C.F.IIARRI&ON , HI N Y LIFE. RE 656 FOn SALE , 4 IM ACIIES OP LAND CO MILES northnist of Omal a. ' ' "Altdiess Thomas Kerl , Oakland. Neb. j , TIIM77T Bl" LAND fcOLD ON I.O.S < JT1ME PA\MENTS Olt on wheat contracts. M P. Becbe Ipswich Edmunds county , B. U HU &II < M 'I roii syvLr N nwotoM COTTA aK lar. cistern , city water , cor. 13th nnd Sahler ; 11 } t0 DO ; lonft time. Enquire 13IS Parnnm. Samuel Durns. It B3 > _ _ IM ACRE1 CIOOD LAND POR JRM WIL- Hams nnd Mlttnn , room 313 McCami < > M Ic HE-7M-8 _ GARDEN LANDS. S inllei from pontolllce. Ions tlm , emv terms. Call at 910 N Y. Hfg. KE 731 _ BARGAINS"HOUSES. . , IXJTS AND FAitHis" kale or trade P. 1C Uarllnt ! > .vrlttr block. R E-C5J CHOICE OAKDEN LANDS , S MILES } PROM poitolllce , In tracts from 10 to Wi acres A pi cat bargain. Will take some trifle N. D , KejM. 7 Pnxton block. FtC M733 _ _ WHY NOT PrT THAT VA'ANT LOT YOU imn In ni pnrt po > munt on tint InnutlCul home In Avundnlc pill. Sec us quick and stop pa > liiff rent. Pldellty Trust Comi'inv ] HE 7SO 31 _ _ _ _ ONE OF THE BEST HOMES IN KOUNTZR Place (2019 ( illnne > ) If Bold before Sept. 1st will co for l < ss than cost of house. Terms about half rush , bnlnnce easy. II N Wllhnell ( onnerj. S07 N. Y. Life. _ RE 314 NOTICE TO INVESTORS U E HAVE PINE Inome bearliiK property nt silo at half H \nlue It Is on ileRnnt iiavcil street and motor line See tills before Jnu buy. Unlll I'i ' > you VVIlllims fc Mitlun room 31S McCucue Imlld- Ins. vpposila pi > tolllcc. 111 ! 72 ! ) 2 dale park for nale cheap and will t.ikf clrar lot ns pirt payment betus ipilrl. . ridellty Tnut Cotnpati } . 1702 HE 7:0-31 TYPEWRITERS. TM'tivVIUTEUS IIOUQIIT. SOLD. EX- clmnged , rented nnd repaired. Typewriter and ofllce suppllex. Typcwilters rentttl at H per month. Ti.e Omiha Typewriter Exchange , ue- cesrors to the typenrltlnir department ot the Megeath Stationary Co. , 214 S. J3tu. tel. 1SSI 890 SEE THE NEW DOUGHERTY TYPEWRITER The Onnhii Typewriter Exchange , tel 1301 No : il 8. 13th st . Ml THE MOST COMPLETi : STOCK OF STAND- ntd t > pevrrlters nnd supplies We control the Densmore Callcrnph and New Yost. Darsalns m fceconfl-hnnil machines dlspliced by ours. * 11 machines perfectly repaired , new parts sup plied ; prices moderate , new machine ) lomel whllo ie | > a.lrs Bre made United Typewriter . Eoppllca Co . 1013 Parnam 81 Telephone 1SJ3. 173 STOLEN TyTiru'itiTrns OPI-ERED rou ale should make > ou susplflous funny they me mostly Smith's Try one and > ou will nndeistand uhs full line of supplies Srnlth- Premler Co. lth and Parnam : telephone , 1 SSI M-70S BICYCLES. BICYCLES HEPAIRED AND REMODELED. Tires and sundrlen S fes opened repaired C. R Henin locksmith. 311 N. 16th st. 3M BICYCLES. NEW AND OLoT J20 TO 123 easy payments , we rent and repair. Oman * Hlqcle Co. . 323 N Utli Bt. 703 5CYCLBS-ALI. STYLES Send ffr our list of second hand and shop worn bicycles Ilepalra end cjcle sundries of all kinds. M O Dajion 40S N ICth rft. 531 IF YOU WANT TO SELL YOUII BICYCLE take It to Omaha nieycle Co 3M N JOth st 4SS-4 BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEEIISCIIATJM PIPE rACTORY , OLD pipes mada liew C13 S. ICth. i 9 D T MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- flco to 2W B lUh St. . nroNrn block M970 DAMAGED 1IIRROIIS IlESILVERED , 719 N U S3TOVK REPAIRS OF ALL KINDS : ALSO liolcl raiiso end general assortment of ranscs cooks nd heatcrn. water attachments put In nnd connected at Jas. Hughes , 607 B. 13th at. and Jackson. SOI BUILDING & LOAN ASSOCIATION. THE OMAHA LOAN AND BUILDING ASSO- clatlon pi > larser Interest than nny sivlngs linnk. Recedes InveMments of SI or more per mo. . C ! M. NaUlnger , Sec y , } 704 Par nam Bt. . Bee bulldins. 724 YOU CAN MAKE MORE INTEREST ON YOUR money by inylnc m Jl or moie wr month than In an > ravines bank. Investigate Mu tual Loan ind Building nssoclallon G. M NattlnKer , sec'y. 1701 Parnam st i5 ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. A.KMATURES AND CONVERTERS HEWOUND ttorace batteries recharged : electrical nnd ccn- e > al iimclilnlsts , supeilor work euainnteed. Oinaha Electrical Works. H7 nnd Sl S. 16th st. ELECrniCAI. ENGINEERS AND CONTRACtors - tors for electric light and motor plants and all kinds of electrical construction Western Elec trie Supply Co . 418 and 4M 8. 15th st. 713 UNDERTAKERS AND EMB ALMEBS IT K. BURKET , FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND embalmer. Kit Chlcaco Bt , telephone W 70 ? ewANsoN VALIEN. "UNDERTAKERS AND cinbaJliicrs. 1701 Cumins at. , telephone lOGO K , 0. MAUL , IJNDERTA ICER AND E I balmcr , 1417 Farnam st. . telephone 25 707 FREE-PLUMBING OF EVERY KIND. GAS steam & hot nater heating ; seweroc * 313 S 16. 715 J , 3. HAN1GAN , TLUMBING , STEAM A > l hot water heating. Z705 Lea.venworth st. 1 . HOWE & CO . PLUMBING , STEAM AND bet water hea.llng. fas fixtures , globes. 4S1 S. 15 , HOTEI.S. THE MIDLAND HOTEL. ICTH & CHICAGO sts , coolest hotel , fronting on Jefferson square. AH ear lines within a block ; cars to "Fall ol Pompeii" only a block away. American plan. Jl.W to J2.00 r r day ; European plan. Me to tl 00 per day. M. J. Prank , proprietor. 714-11 AETNA HOUSE ( EUROPEAN ) N. W. COIL 15th and Dodce , Itoora by day or w"kj43S > , LOST. DIAMOND RING SETTING ABOUT ' , caret , cm Broadway. Council Bluffs , Thursday , Hd. JSOOO reward. Address U 85 , Bee. OPTICIANS. OMAHA OPTICAL CO . HEADING OPTICIANS , J. F. Ponder , r.-unuger Kjes tested frs < 122 South Kth , la Klnslef' * drug store. 446-31 * THE ALOE & TENFOLD CO. . SCIENTIFIC opticians , 140 $ Farnamft. . , opposite Paxtot hotel E > es examined ires , 781 GBINDINGT 8CISSORS , LAvVif MOWERS , RAZORS , ETC. cround. Melchlor Bros , 111 * Farnam street. RAZORS. SHEARS. CI.IPIUJR8 , LAWN MOW ers. etc. A. L. Underlain ? ! lot N. llth 731 " MATHEMATICAL ( NSTBUMENTS ALVA J GROVER , MATHEMATICAL AN ! surveying Instruments engineers' and archl Iccts * supplies , u clag cloth , blue proces papers. 818 Bouth 15th ; toll order ) Ml _ HAY AND GRAIN. BUY YOUR HAY I1Y CAIT.OR TON LOTS W * buy bay. A. U. Bnjdtr , 1515 Burl st. lei 1107 . teoss _ _ NEBRASKA HAY CO. 'WHOLESALE ' HAY craln and mill stud. We are always on tin market to buy or sell. HO-4-C Nicholas st. US MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE. O. F. GF.LLENBECK. BANJOIST /.NI teachtr. Hl Cilllomla street. I4 FOR BAna.MNB IN PIANOS AND ORGANS tair payments ; Inttruments rented ; icnts appl ; en purchase A. lloipe. jr. 701 "CARPENTERS C. E. UORIULL. CARPENTER. OFFICE ANI tort fixtures a ipeclalty. I'ulchmg am Postering. 1511 C.pltol are. , tel 403 Ml 3)YE WORKS _ SCUOKDSACK , TWm CITY DYH WOH.OI 1 1 Farnam strtet , D ) lnc ot every dr . 't\ ' 'in ani drr cleaning. MtJ SHOBTHAN1JANI > TYPEWBITINa _ VAN S ANVs "hCHOOL OK SHORTHAND. . * Y iffr Omaha. Ask Tor circular. ' * JOB PR1NTINO. ECU JOB P1UNT1NG CO. FINB5 PRINTINO ot nit Kind ) . 17th U. Uea building. 71B MAIL ORDKIl COMMEItCIAL P1UNT1NU A tpeclMty , Dour ! Printing Co. , 419 a llth ttrett , Bhcclcy bldg. Tel. ll ( or prompt service. MT33 UPHOLSTERING. UPIIOL'IHNG CAUINITT MATTRCSS VVORKS. VV. II. Bell , II. A. McEachron. ! I17 Learenw'th. JS7 _ UPUOLS1EH1NO VERY CHEAP THIS MONTH. M. 6. Walklln. 2111 Cumlng. Tel COS. M1M CORNICE. WESTERN COItNICK WORKS , GALVANIZED Iron oumlces. 1712 Bt. Mary's nve. 391 UAGLE CORNICE WORKS , JOHN El'E- neter , prop. , 10S , 119. 113 N. llth. Eitab. ISIL DENTISTS , UR GEORGE B. NABON. DENTIST BUITH 200 I'axton block , IClli and Farnam iln. , tel. 711. r . PAUL. DENTIST , 2020 BUHT ST. TENTS AND AWNINGS. WOLP HUOq & CO. MANUFACTURERS OF auiilnsv , tents Hags , vagon , hay ( tack cavers , taipaullns. billonns and parachutes 703-7'M ' S , Kth st , telephone CO ) . Twin for rent 713 PAWNBROKERS , II. MAROWITZ LOANS MONEY , 418 N. IClli Bt. 7M LIVERY STABLE. BOARDING 8TAULE3. PINE LIVEUY ItlGS cheap Ud Baumley , ITIh and fat. Mary's nve M-4SJ FUKNACES. UEST FURNACE MADE.bOFT COAL SMOICE consuming and hard coal furnaces Eagle Cor nice walks , 103.112 N lllh nt. (51 TAXIDERMISTS. TAXIDERMY AND PURS SEND FOR CATA- tbgue. George E. Brown , Jr , & Co , 70 > 8. ISth. 721 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROS. , WHOLESALE DEALERS IN all klnd ot coal. Correspondence solicited. 1003 Farnam Bt. 923 DANCING. CALL ON MORAND FOR LESSONS , SOC'IKY * or Blags dances. 1510 Ilarney. < ,5I 'H HORSESHOEING. MH3. THOMAS MALONEY , 812 N. ICTH ET.MS MS HARNESS. GET MY PRICES BEFOHn YOU ntJV A IIAR ntes. August Holme 711 S ICth st. 203 THE KEAI.TY M.lllKKI. INSTRUMENTS placed on record August 30 , 1S94 WARRANTY DEEDS Gideon Marne and wife to L M Larkln , lot 14. block Z Mivna Place , nnd lot 16 , btork S. HrlKRs' I'lnce . . . . ? S.OOO McGnvotk & O Kccfe to Patrick CoRan nnd wife n % of a CO feet ofw 121 feet Int 1 block 4 S B Itngera * add I.4W Same to John NnnUe and wife , s V : of s CO feet same 2,400 Herman Kountze In II C Drcxel , lot 10 , block 14. Kountze Place 1,600 W r Johnoon and wlfo to Mars Gtws , middle ' .j lots S nnd S. block 4 KenUill s add 2.COO P II Dulwls to W J and A M McOormlck , lot 10 block 20 , and lots 6 to 10 block 21 Waterloo 473 A E Flagg .mil husband to P S Pattei son , lot 16. block 4 , Detr palk . . . ,1 r S Patterson nnd wife tu E S Pligg- , fnme . . 1 J E Smith lo J R Smith. lot * 47 and 43 , block 5 , Lake View 1 W T Robinson to J VV McMurtn lots 31 nnd 35 blocl , 8. Orchard Hill . 2,250 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS Kite Ball ( nilmlnlstratrlx ) tn C N Harri son lot 7 Housel A. S'a subdh. . . Total amount of transfers } 13 C28 SEARLESiSt SEARLES , SPEG1AUSTS , TREATMENT BY MAIL OOfUJLTATKH FrfEc Catarrh , all Olsoaeea of the Noao. Throat , CheatStomach , Llvor. Blood Skin and Ktdnoy Dlsonaos , Los Manhood and ALL PRIVATE DIS EASES OF MEN. Call en or address Dr. Scarlcs & Searles , "JIir ? , : , ? I3UREATJ. SUES & CO. , Solicltoi-s. Boo Building , OMAHA , Neb. Advice FREB , RHILWRYTiMEGHRD Leaves I CIIIt'AGO & NORTIIVVEST'N | Arrlveg Oin.ilialU. P. Depot , 10th & Mason bl ' | Omaha 11 OSam . . I astem ExpreeH . . . 6.30pm 4 00pm . .Vesllbulecl Limited . BIOani : G.5Jnm Mo Valley Local .10 30pm C 45pm .Omjha ChlcoKi Special t 15pm LeavesTCHlc7vGO7 BURLlNGTON . Q IA7rl\7s Oinahal Depot 10th anilManon _ Sts | Omaha 4 4 pm . . . Chicago Vestibule. . . 9 Slim 0:41am . . .ChlcaKO Express , . . 4.ipm 7.02pm , Chicago and lena Local . . R OOiin 11.3 > ara . .Pacltlc Junction Iocul . 5.55pm Leaves | DimLINC8TON - MO RIVER lArrlvea Oinahal Depot 10th and Mason bts I Omaha 10 15am . Denver Express . 9 3im 10 15am . I > o ( l oed Expn-Bi . 4 Mpm Denver Express . I 19pm C 40pm NebiarVa Local ( except gumla > ) . 6 54pm 8 15am Lincoln Local ( except hunila ) ) . .ll'mm : Leav es I K. C. , ST J & C. H ( Arrives Omaha ! Depot 10th and Mason bts jOmaha " "fl 4 Tm Kanias City Day Exprens BSVpm S 43pm K.C _ , Night L" - - - - - C:50am Leav eiTCH ICAGO , " n. I."ft PA CI PI C lArrlvea OmahalU P Depot , 10th & . Mason Sts Omahn 1C AST 10 15am Atlantic Express ( ex. Huniluj ) . C:05pm 'Kpm , . . NlKht l.itpresi . . . . BMOuni 4 49pm CnleaRO Vestlbuled Limited lS5pm 11 31am Oklahoma I'xp < tt > C. U ex SulO 6jiain ! " _ _ _ _ _ E J'iam OlUahomn. K , Texas , Kxp ( ex SunU:35pm ) 1 &pm _ Colorado Limited. . _ 410pm Leaven I UNION I'ACIEIC lArrhea OmahalUnlon Depot. IQlli & MBHOH Ku. | Omaha lO'ODim . Kearney Urprosn . . . 3 Mpm J liptn . , Overland Flye r . B 40pm 3 45pm Beatrice & Strom b'n Kx tex Sun ) IZMJpm 6.40pm 1'aclflc Express . 10 S'iain 1,30pm. . . . . . Pt Mall -:0pm ) : Leaves ! flllCAQO. MIL. S. ST. 1'Al'I. lArrhei OmahalUnlon Depot , 10th & Mapon Kt I Omalu 6735pm. . . . Cliloapo lltmltnl . SSMani ll:10am..Clrieago Express ( ex. Sun I S OJprn Leaves I P. . n A. MO. VALLEY lArrhes Omaha ) etwt 15th and Yelwtcr Ht _ | _ Omaha J-Wam. D nilwood Express . 5:10prn 9-team ( Kx Sat. ) AVjo Ex Kx Mon ) 5:10pm : C 00pm .Norfolk Kxoress ( Ei bunda ) ) 10.15am S ,30pm St I'aul Express 9-40um Leav ts l ! il IHSOl'UI PACIPIC. Omaha ) Depot 1Mb anil Welaler at $ OOuni. . St Louis Express 9 3iipm . St l uls Exprens ( ,10pm Dally ( ei. Sun Ntbitikka l/ : IOan : l.cav es I C. . ST 1 > . M. & O Arrives Orniha ] Depot 15th and\Vebste _ Sf _ _ jQmaha ( 00am. Sioux City Aecom ( F.x , Hun ) S 05pir l.oaam..rloux Cllj Accnm ( Sun Onl > ) 12.15pm. Hlout City Enpreiu IKx Sun ) i-SOpin Bl Paul Limited 9 Ix-atesl HIOUX Cfrr & . I'ACiric ; JTuFlves OmahalUnlon Depot. 1 01 h ft Mason Stii I Onmha Sioux City I'assenRtr. 10 lOprr Si. Paul Express .lO.Warc I > -avesl Siorx CITY t PACH'IC1. Omalml Depot 15th and Webster Hts. ( SOpm St. I'aul Limited S.40TS t SOjim tlilfatuUmllpd _ t 40an Lea.e 7 WAllAfill RAILWAY " ( Arrives OmahalUnlon l > eiK > U _ Idtb _ _ & Mason Sts.I _ Omiihi ' " J.W'm. .St. i uU Canaan llill U.Sipii AFTER TOONC CUBE'S ' SCALP Amcr'tnn ' OalcstWs Boliova that an Oppor- tunitj Long Waited for Has Ocms. LOCAL GEEHING HOLDS A MEETING Umnlm C'liliminrti $ vour jXllrclnnrP to Iho Orilor Hint llus lor tin Olijcot Ilio Ho- nioiiil of tlio Present imprriir : of Ihu l'lo ory Kingdom , White It Is not generally knovtn to the pub- lie. It Is a fact nevertheless that there ex ists today In tills city a society that Is as determined In Its plans and has for'Its ob ject as clenclly a purpose as. did the dreaded Mafia of New Orleans. During tlio ptst few ilnys. It has been no ticed that numerous strange Chinamen worn arriving In the city , comlnfi from Denver , Cheyenne , Sioux City. St. I'nul , Minneapolis , Kinsns City and other surrounding touns within .1 radius of 200 miles. \Vcdncsilny afternoon Ling Gee an Intelli gent fellow ulio Is employed In HOUR Kce's Ilarney street laundry , tipped ofC a Ueo re- iorter. tulllnc him that that night there , ould be acry Important meetitiE held In ho basament ot Olng loo's laundry on Tenth itreet , adding that it Mas to bo attended by .11 of trie visiting Chinamen and that a umber of Iho Omaha. Chinese would bo iltlated Into the mysteries of n new society hat was about to bo organized. He said hat the meeting would be so private that von the walls would not divulge any of the iecrets which would be told. A reporter of The Dec. one who speaks Chinese like a na- .Ivc , was dotalled to see Mr Gee and com- leto arrangements for securing a report of ho meeting. Mr Gee at first refused to en- er Into any deal for supplying the public .vlth . Information , but by being alloucd to ook upon a goodly quantity of coin ho weak- ncd and came to terms Ho said that there nas a way lo secrete a man In tlio room A hero the meeting was to be held , but Inti mated that If the Intruder was discovered ils chances for again seeing tils relatives would not be worth speaking of The re porter was- willing to take- all of the chances and just before the going- down of the sun he wended his way down on Tenth street and , obeying Instructions , knocked at tlio back door of a small -wooden building and uns at once admitted by Ling Gee and es- orted donn a stairway that was as dart : as i sinner's heart , Upon reaching the bottom of the sUIrs the reporter followed his guldo , hrough a long , crooked and dark passage ! or a distance , nnally earning Into a brilliantly lighted room fully fifty feet square Mr Qee conducted The Itee man to a wall : hat appeared to be as solid as the eternal lillls. Headline his band to the height of tils liead Mr Gee pressed upon one of the boards of which the side of the wall was constructed and Instantly a section slipped aside , revcal- ng a room eight feet high and home six feet square This room was elegantly furnished. After making a close Inspection of the room that was to be his prison for several hours , the reporter requested that the dooi be closed. CONSI'IUATOHS GKT TOGRTUKIt. After a watt of an hour the reporter heard the sound of voices , and a moment later a couple of celestials entered the room and made a tour of Inspection , examining chairs , tables , sofas and walls to see that they har bored neither Intruders nor spies Some minutes later several strange Chinamen were escorted Into the rooinl by Sing I'ong a laundryman from Webster street , and Intro duced to the two men who came first. The new comers were Chlng Chung , Ah FOUR and Tee You of Ueadwood , S D. From this time on there was a rapid gathering of the clans , the almond eyed gentlemen coming singly , In pairs and In quartets until there were fully 1GO present , representing about every city between the Pacific coast and Chicago , and from St. Paul on the north to St. Louts on the south After walling a few moments longer It became apparent that the auditors had all arrived , when , dressed In a robe of tlio richest material and ornamented with jewels , Wo Kung of this city stepped upon the platform and Introduced HI Ooo Pong of San Tranclsco , who , he said , would fully explain the object of the meeting to the satisfaction of those present. How Ing and scraping , Mr. Pong advanced to the platform , while the entire audience bowed to the floor. At a given signal every man arose to his feet and remained standing until To Lee , the sentry at the door , repeated In Chinese the words , "All Is well " Without any ceremonies. Mi Pong ex plained that the swords hanging over the chairs were the emblems of secrecy and death and a rapid death too , would pursue the man who so far forgot himself as to give to the outside world a word or what was to take place AVIth this remark , he asked "Are jou all content' " Every man answer ing in the affirmative , lie Invited Jop Fovv of Denver , and Wo Tong of Kansas City to the chairs to his right and left , after which he said that he had come to Omahn for the pur pose of establishing a branch of the Oeehlng , a society which had for Its object the dispo sition of T'oong Ghee , the present emperor of China. After organizing the branch , tie said that the society would elect delegitrs to the Geohlng , which la to l > ? held In Chicago cage on September 9 , at which time and place lie said some plan would be developed HOW CHINESE ARK SLAVHS Reciting the history of China , Mr. Pong said that sonic centuries ago the Chinese were a law-abiding , peaceful race of people , tlcllled in the arts , prosperous and hnppy and well supplied with the goods of this world. In 1G4J. lie said that the Tartars , bet ter Known as the Mauctions , then residing In the northeastern portion of Asia , and forming the extreme northeast part of the Chinese empire , Invaded the interior , killing the peaceful natives , not even sparing the women and children. After slaying thousands they marched upon Peking , the capital of the em pire , where they burned , sacked and mur dered , continuing the march of devastation until the sea was readied. Retracing their steps , the Manchooa again visited Peking and 1 1o placed T'oong Chee 1. upon the 1D Chinese throne , but not until the end of a war which continued until 1G11. Taking from his pocket , i copy of the Wah Tsz Vnt Po , published at Hong Kong , Mr POUR read extracts , showing that the Chinese were In sympathy with the movement to depose Emperor T'oong Chee , and that for that pur pose branches of the Geehing were being or- ganlz'd all over China Warming up to the theme of the subject , Mr Pong said that now was the time to strike , as at this partlculai time the Iron was hot T'oong Chee he said , was Involved In a war with Japan , and If UK loyal fcuhjecls of the land of their birth wouK throw themselves into the breach , they cnulc attack the armies of the emperor from tin icar and give them more than they couli ! hundle. The. meeting of the Gcrhlng In Chi caio next month , he assured his hearer a would adopt heroic measures After being loudly applauded , Mr Ponf closed his speech , urging upoii the Chlnamor the necessity of going iloun into their pock eta find contributing to the fund , which vvoult be appointed at the Geetilng to be held It Chicago Short speeches were made by Chung Choi of St. Louis , Kee Woo of St Paul and Hei Few of Sioux City , all of whom voiced tin sentiments expressed by Mr. Pong. OATH OK TUB OIlDKlt. At midnight Mr. Pong stated that If then wereno more gentlemen who deslicd ti speak upon the subject he would Inltlati candidates into the order of Geehing , lie hav ing a special dispensation fur the * entire terrl tory west of the M sslsslppl river rift ; of those present arose and expressed a de lro to become members , after which the ; were Invited to step to the platform. Tin couches and chairs were shoved back to th walls and the wearers ot the queue mirchei lo the ficnt , where they were bllndfoldei by men appointed for the purpose. As sooi as the hoodwinks were placed over thel eyes they repeated the oath , -which , whei trinslaled , runs something In thin form "Dy the bones of Confucius I swear that will never divulge the workings of the Gee liliig , and If I do may my body bo cut H quarters and be cait to the uttermost part of the earth , there to rot and to becom food lor the vulture * . I inear by th' ' blood oS Twang Gee Hong , the IIret rule of the empire ol China , that I will neve rest until every Manchoo 11 driven off th faca of Iho earth ; that I will kill Ills flrs and his last born , sparing neither wnniei nor children ; I ear by the blood of Hi I'lucWoo nn nf our m rivr d heroe * , that will not rest until the last hated Manchoo Is klllrnl ; that t will not return to my hem until T'OOIIK Chto U driven from the lind of China , and this nnd more do I now and forever swear. " After thla nnd ether oaths lintl been ad ministered the candidates were led about tli room thrc-o times , each nnd nil humming ono of the old-time war SOURS of China , when the hoodwinks were "removed from their ccs. Then the three swords ncra taken dawn fmu where they had boon sus pended nnd their edges examined. Ono was handed to Gee Kong of Milwaukee , ono to Heo Dee ot St. Joe nnd the other to Yea Leo of thla city , The three men were told to perform the last binding oath and the last act ot the Initiation. The candidates wcro told t bare the left arm to the elb vv. This they did , and proceeding rapidly along Hi * line the sword bearers gave each man a gain about nil Inch long and deep enough to draw blood , the cutting be ng dona on the front of the forearm , about midway between the wrist and the rlhon. K Honing the human butchers Mr Pong caught the blood In a sliver plate about the slzo of A soup bowl , nnd when lie had reached th last man ho had fully a pint nf the life- Kivlng tluld. Kollowlng Mr. Pong came Dr. Gee- Hong of Salt Lake , who applied a healing lotion to each of the mutilated arms. After this the bowl of blood was pisard to each of the candidates , who took n small lp. after which they were declared full- Hedged members of the Oeehlng. The ceremonies hiving been completed Nlng Too of llenur. lol Yo of Kansas City , Lee Lung of Omaha , Tco Gong ot St Paul. Wco P ii of Minneapolis , Ah See of Sioux City and Ah I Inn of Uubuqtio were elected delegates to the Chicago meetIng - Ing As qulctl ) as they had entered the men departed from the hall , and at 3 o'clock In the morning the newspaper man was re leased from confinement. Niilloctnr for Ilirco VIMH , "We nro using Hood's Sartapirtlla and have not had a doctor In the house for ovr three > ears Since I have been taking it my arms , limbs and joints are all the tlma getting stronger and my lingers are almost straight , and L can put my hands together which I have not done before for years. " Mrs Llzzlo Archibald , 1410 Ogdeti St. , South Omaha Neb. Hood's Pills cure sick headache. IN POLICE. COURT. Short Stories nf Mil Cullvil ficim the 8t\r- geatil'ft nrra ] > llonk * In the police court the dally grind vvaa postponed long enough jestcrday to allow the performing of a wedding ceremony , after which a bride and a groom went away happy , carrying with them the blessing ot the judge nnd n largo number of spectators. Wednes day The Heo told the troubles which had put sued Teresa Leonard as a result of her acquaintance with Alfred Jones , a hotel porter. During the day the woman swore out a warrant for the arrest of her lover , and in the evening he was arrested by a couple of the detectives , after which lie spent the night In Jail. Yesterday ho arrived at the conclusion and Informed Captain Mojstn that he was ready to marry the girl and support the child The Information was carried to the woman , who at once re ported that she was willing , and at one : she proceeded to the city Jail , where , after a short consultation with Jones , botli of the partita announced that the ceremony could be pro nounced at once. Accompanied by an olllcer , Jones went to the ofilce of the county judge , where he secured lila license , and returning , the wedding took place without a moment's delay M. C. Harmon , residing at Twenty-seventh , and Ohio streets , has secured a warrant for the arrest of one Whitney , an agent for the Singer Setting Machine company , alleging- that Whitney entered his residence and car ried away n scvUng machine , never having any authority so to do George U. Gibson Is charged by Inspector Kd Taylor with violating the ordinances ot the city by digging u vault in tne portion ot the city where a matter of this kind Is pro hibited. There Is a warrant for tut ? arrest of Gibson. Detective Savaga returned from Milwaukee ) yesterday , bringing with him Hd rosier the young man uh-j is charged with eirtbcz * " zllng a sum of money from the Adams In stallment company. Foster was arrulgn'd and pleaded not Kuilty George Harris charged Mrs. Welsharllnger with short changing htm , alleging that ha gave her u $5 bill to bo changed and that In return she gave htm but $1. On the trial Hurrli failed lo provo the charge and tlio defendant was discharged. Joe Morton , a lad of ! ) vcars , Is at the cen tral station seeking aid to assist him In re turning to California. The boy tells a sad tale and one which the police think Is untrue. Ho declares that nine months ago he , hli father and his mother left California , bound for the cast. At tome place In Utah his fattier sickened und died After that Joe cays that he and his mother came to Omaha and lived on North Twenty-sixth street , but just the location he cannot tell. Three weeks ago his mother died nnd he was left alone In the world. Joe falls to tell where the body ot tils mother wus burled , declaring that he docs not know Th" several stories which the boy tells leads thg officers to think that ho has run away from home and that ho tells tha California yarns In order to create sympathy. Sumner Plcrson was . arrested yrstcrday charged with having forged a check for JJ4T5 , which he passed at the Hoston stoio some dajs ago Captain Sweeney. U. S A. , San Diego , Cut. , says "Slilloh'n Catarrh Remedy is the first medicine I have over found that nould do mo any good. " Prlco & 0e. HOSPITAIj SANITATION. Mr. Diinrnn Itcfiiv * In Work ( JulosH Iln < ! ftH MlllO llclp. The Idea of an Investigation of the sanitary condition of the hospitals of the city has been temporarily abandoned by the Hoard ot Health This Is on account of the refusal to servo of Plumbing Inspector Duncan , who maintains that ho has no time to spend in such investigations. Soon after the resolution ordering the ex amination was passed by the board , Mr. Dun can addressed a communication to the rity council In which he asked that a clerk bo added to the force in his otllcc This re quest ab sat down on with great alacrity by the council , and Mr Duncan has now refused to engage In the Invebtiga- tlon. claiming that he has more than he can do. anyway. As the other members of the board are not familiar with plumbing prac tice. It was thought the Investigation would be a farce unless It was conducted by some one who had a practical knowledge of plumbIng - Ing * Oregon Kidney Tea cures backache. Trial Blzo , 25 cents. All druggists. KfjuullrliiKsporlttl THICK. The city council Is Bitting as a board oC equalization. AmoiiL' the matters to ba con sidered are the special taxes levied to cover the cost ot opening Twenty-sixth street from the north line of Nelson's addition to Catd- vvell street. Thirty-third street from Center street to Woolnorth avenue , Thirty-third street from Leavcnworlh street to I'opplton avenue , and Fifteenth street from Valley to II streets The tpclal grading taxes to he equalUed are those levied for grading Fifth etrcet from Pierce street to Woolworth avenue , alley In block 3. Iledlck'H addition. Forty-fifth street from Military avenue to Lake- street , Woolworth - worth avenue from .Second to Sixth streets , and Twcnty-bevcnth street from Caldwell to I'm u Id In Ktrfcls , also for repavlng Fifteenth street from Howard to Jackson streets , curb ing and paving Thirty-sixth street from Far- mini to Jackson directs , Twenty-eighth street from I'opplcton io Woolworth avenue , and Williams street from Sixth street to the I ) . & M. right-of-way. A number of small special levies for sewer construction , water connections and permanent sidewalks will also come before the board. Oregon Kidney Tea cures nervous hea4 aches. Trial lie. V > cents. All druggists. VClu-n B&by was ulcV , vre ( r&re her Castorhu When the wu a Child , she crlod for distort * When she bec&ma MHi , sha clung to CastorL , Vhea aha bid Children , she cave them Owtor