Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1894, Page 6, Image 6

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Markets Tuined Yesterday After n Weak
Opening and Gained All Aionnd.
TraUoV'Bi JUIIicr Light tor Fifteen MlnuU-s
uuil nt HID iml : nf that Time la-
tvrcitlni ; Development *
IVero .Muilc.
JHICAGO , Aug. 30. The markets turned
today after a weak opening and ended with
er-lne all round. Talk of wheat for feeding ,
fair buyng and liberal clearances tinned up
wheat , nnd crop damage was the factor In
corn. December wheat closed % c higher ;
{ September corn , % c higher , and September
oats , ! 4c higher. Provisions also closed
with moderate gains.
Wheat opened rather easier on the con
tinued free deliveries frcm the farmers In
the northwest. Cables reported foreign
markets easier , but did not report any
marked weakness. Trade was rather light
for fifteen minutes at from ' , tc to ijc lower
prlco than the current quotations at the
close ot the previous session. At the end
of that time a few buying orders from out
side revealed the fact of a c.n.slderablc local
shortage among local scalpers , for a while
they Jostled and crowded each other , al
though Partridge and Looming and some
others of that contingent had both hands up
selling wheat. The buyers kept up the rush ,
however , until they had added ' % c to the
lowest price current at the opening. De
cember opened nt Ci > % c , with a few transac
tions at from GCVic to fiC-c. It kept
altrriiatlnK for about niteen minutes be
tween CG'/ic buyers and CCc sellers , ami
then firmed up to 56u. It did not get be
low GG'/C during the day , sentiment seeming
to harden on the higher prices , December
closing at DTl&c. The near approach of de
livery day on September contracts had a
restraining Inlluence upon the trade which ,
however , did not prevent the market from
advancing , although It curtailed the volume
of business.
Corn started rather weak , but changed
from that to strong as the session progressed.
There wns no frost at any place where corn
grows , contrary tu the prcd ctlon of the
local weather bureau representatives , and
that had something to do with the easier
tcno of the market at the opening. The
c > rn country had recovered none from the
drouth condition and that gave the market
strength. September opened at 64' , c , sold
very sparingly at B1c. and nfter tha't be
came very strcng and hard to buy until
It had advanced to over Bfie. At 1 o'clock
It wns bringing D.I'Ac , closing at Cr.&c. May
sold nt the opening at 52lie and 52V c and j
touclied 52c before It turned up on the few
who were Inclined to sell It. Some of those
who have been heavy sellers for a few days
stood ar-jund the pit watching the price go
up , evidently putting some restraint upon
themselves to keep from turning on the buy
ing side , but It may be said , us a general
thing , tin ; big local shorts en : still short.
Jlny was wanted at C2lc at the close.
The session of the oats market was ac
tive almost all the time and cpilte a good
business was transacted. Like corn the
feeling wns easy at the start nnd prices a
8 hail o lower than they clcsed yesterday ,
but when orders , came piling In from almost
all sources , ebpeclally country , the easiness
was supplanted by strength , which lasted
through the greater part of the remainder
of the day.
Provisions were firm , notwithstanding a
good many sold to realize profits. The
packers sold moderately of January deliv
eries , but there were orders from outside
sufficient to absorb the offerings without
adversely affecting the pries. The Septem
ber and October deliveries were again the
strongest. The receipts of hogs were
19,000 , Instead' the 25,000 estimated yes
terday. September deliveries show the fol-
( "Asiles. advances. Pork , 15c ; larO , Ce , and
ribs , 7ic. The gains | n Jajiuary are 2 ! c
In pork , Cc In lard , and 2',4c in ribs.
The leading futures" fang"d as followsr
"Article * . I Open , | High. | Low , ( Close.
VVl.cnt.Ko. 2
flil'-C ' KH
May 01' oi'i ( ! ' .
Corn No. ' . ! . .
A\IR r.l !
Knit 054 ! 54M G ; > M
Oc't firiti ft4H
CntH.S'o. - ' . . .
Aue anu
1'ork per bbl
Sept 13 RO 14 UO 13 PO in on
Jan 13 77W 130 ( 13 7,3 13 77 > <
I.aitl.lfldlb ?
Sept. . . . s sn H ' . ' 5 8 „ ' . !
Oct H V5 H un K VB H V7W
Jan 7 HO 7 HO 7 77W
fcl.prt Ulbs-
' " ' ' 7 7S 7 03 7 70
Oel' , . 7 U.1 7 711 7 03 7 ( )7' ) ' . <
Jan 7 1)7(4 ) ( 7 1 7 03 7 ( IS
< * anh niiotntlons ere as follows :
I'lXll'Ilt'ndinnKed. .
WHKAT Nil. 2 cprlnK. Kl'4fj4o ; ; No. S piHn ,
nominal ; No. 2 ml , D3'.4i53 c.
COHN No. 2 , Bi'lc ; No. 3 yollnw , > c.
OAT.'i Nn. 2. 23 > ic ; No. 2 white. SU-JOU'lri '
No. S white. 3ti32c. |
HYi : Nn. 2. 4liV.c.
IIAItt.HY-N < > . 2 , or.HMe ; No. 3 , 4i'i/.Mc ; No. 4.
I-1.AX 8KiiNo. . 1. ll.23fil.24.
TIMOTHY SHBl ) Prime , JS.10W5.15.
I'HOVIBIONB MOM neil * , per lilil. , I
Ijird , per 100 ll. . , JS.258fS.27i,5. Short rlba. sides ,
loow , 7.7Wf7.73. Dry mltnl fhnuldirdmn \ \ ,
$6.C2\iifi .73i Hlinrt clear filled , bojnl , f7.DyffS.10. (
WHISKY llatlller ' tlnlrhcJ KOodn , per ,
'rh < < following wcic tlic receipts ana shipments
today :
Oiitlio Prodnco oxchnnzo toil.iv Ilia bnttor mar
ket wnsHteadj ; civami'i-y , Ui'il'J.Sc : dairy , 1:1 : %
i'Uc , Hpeb , linn at UwlSc.
Vffttcriluj ' tjiicilatliiiifl on Plonr. ( Iniln nnd
NK\V YOUK , Aim. 3ft.-l'V.OlM-Hpeot | ] ,
I2.S Lb'H. ; exi > rt9 , 14,400 bbl . , ea es. ! ,3D | > ' < K' . ;
market fnlrly active for lotol and export ao-
cuunt. Southern Hour , steady ; tales , Mf ) pits ? .
Ityo flour , fair demand ; iuU-8 , fW bl > ln.
COUN MrAIMtendy ; sale * , 2iW bhl . ; j-elljw
weslern , .M ) 3.10 ; llrandywlnc , $ ! .7.iJ3.i > .
11V1C Steady ; utate. 521JMc ; Jercey. 45iWo. (
U.Vltl.KV MAI.T Kltmly hclilelern. ; . 68 ®
Me ; Iwo-rowed Ktatr. 73c ; six-rowed , S0tfs2c ,
W1IKAT lteelil | , 134'JiM bu. ; exports. MC"
bu. : sales , 2 > ! MiiOO bu. fimirex njiil 3.i l l > u.
> pot. Hi n hnner ; No. 2 ml. In Mont nnd ele-
vntor , 571'i f , < i. It. , CS"kr. canal ; N . 1 nurlh-
rrn. 64\c , delivered ; N . 1 hard , W je , dellvereil.
Optlona ni > ene < l weak , with foreigners Billing
liKaln nml rnble * lower. Ix > cnl trudvrs Imve InrKe-
ly overiwld tills week , however , nnd , < ifferlnns
IxH-i.inlnic light , thi' bulls started In nnd foicc.l a
hur | ' ftdviince , rraultlni ; In a ualn nt aio for the
day. No. 2 red. May. CG flCK S-lfir , il.iteil dl'.c ' ;
August , rioted 57ic ; September , C7l < 0 > ! ! ic , cloKort
(7 > 4C ; Oct ljiT , closed Uc ; IJccembel , W.iijiil'.c ,
clonc.l eUic.
C-Oll.N-lleeclptii , 24,400 bu. ; exportB , 3J.SO. ) Im. ;
Fules , sr > .0no bu. futures and 2I.OM. . ) bu. xpji. (4pot
llrnier ; No. 2 , M tiM'jo ' afloat i yellow , C3c. > le-
Itvi'itMl , Options weakened early yn nbxenr * ' of
fruxt wt'Ki. but KUbHoquently on IlKht olTi-rlnEii ,
tlnnncBS of rash nnd general roxerliiE. advanei-d
shaiplj" , cluBlne at ( * ; net train. May , ui' , J
W'4c , cioseil Wic ; Aiifrunt , closed CJ'.Sc ; Septem
ber , CtfJCl'.ic. clwe.1 tltjc ; October , W ffMV ,
clwted 601,0 ; llccfmlwr , MKfiC. .c , cloreil r,7je. (
OATS Hcol | > l , Sl.Siti ) bu. ; ex | > rt , nont > ; fales.
190.KH ) bu. futures nnd S',000 Im. r | > t. Hi .t
llriner , No. 2. S3 < i3Sc ; No. i. delivered , 34Sj3ISc ;
No. 3 , JJ'JC ! No. 2 white. 31" ! NIL 3 vhlti36UP ;
track , uhltv Mtute unl weutern , 3d ] lie , Optlonn
niwnnt weaker under blB recelpln. lut In the
aflenio'n turned Blrunuwllli ciirn. rliwtni ; at
HO net aJvnncf. August , clewed 33 > c ; Septem-
ber. c ; Octi.lxT. Uhfi34'ke. ' clun-il 31 40 ; No
vember , clOB l 35'jc ; December. 38'ifl ' Mijc , clied
HAV-Weuk ; s K od lo choice ,
HOI'S Pull , stale , common to choice , C < 710c ;
1'aelflo count. HTllc ; Ixindon mniHet. it nily.
IIIDKS SIMily ; wet Mlle.1 New Orlrnn * . H- .
lectej , 43 to B3 lb . , 4'ii'j Texas , selected. 33 to
M llu. . 4ff&c , Iluenoyre > , dry. SO lo ! l Iba. ,
lOVjc ; Trims , dry. 20 to 3. ) llu. , jy&Sc.
LBATIH-n : rfleaily ; lifinlwk u ] t. llucnoi
Ayrei. light lo heavy welRhtn , IStUV.
ti domestlu Heece , IHiZV-j iiullttj ,
'lUlVWIONH lleef. qulel. Pill inrals. nulelj
pickled Ix-tlloi , i'jd'J'U ; liKkU-.l Kl.Liuldeii , To ;
pickled liaini , Illil1ir. Lard , hrm ; ivcatfrn
tenin rlostHl ut )8.U ; city. IS ; KtpU-mher cl. . * , > )
M IS. & ) nomlnnl. lli'ffiwl , llrm ; continent , IS. 9-1 ,
tf. A . I'M. ! , compound , li'ic. '
HlTTKH-Biiay ; wtwtrm ilalry , 13'ttfUo ; wmt-
prn t-reomery , ) r3KwMtrn faitorjiseid * - ;
IciKlnx. II' . elate dally , 140 > 3vi matu crvamrry ,
t Hl-tCSH : riiin tlute. lar e , Kll\o ; imnll ,
UltllO c , part klin . 4iS'jc full .Klnu. 3U3 r ,
ItK'K Domeillc. fair tu extra. 4\tHjc ) ; Japan ,
taaa-M' ik ; state antl I'tnnu Ivania ,
lc liuu r , UVifll' " ' ; wwitwii fre lt , ItfllTc. eases ,
I2. ( ) ! | .l.80 ; receipts. 7. ! ' 3 | .ltl ! .
T.MI.OWHull , lly t iier pks. ) , ? c ; coun
try llikEi. free ) , D'.lc. '
l'KTltoi.KI'M-Pt' ily : fnltMl at 81c
1 > ldVn ; lilnclon , Mils. , J8 : WnrhlnEton , In bulk.
13.30 ; riMlni ) New Vurk. ti.13 : Phllndelphln und
llnltlmmr. li.10 ; riillinltlphlix anA BnltlmoiT , in
bulk. IMxi.
ulralnMl , romninn to gnpd. $1.15
n- Hull ; ' , < .
: i > OlI Markel xhivs con ldcr-
ulile nnlinnllun. There have been wilei nf 95
blil * . of urlnii' uhllc nl 37c ; prime crude , iJ V ;
off crude. Wfl2Kc ; yellow butter grnden. 3IC3.V-J
cluilen niminor j-ellmv , JSp ; prime j-ellow , Sle.
MOUAhHKH Stradyj Neu CJrlenii , upn kettle.
poort to tholre , JS nic.
Pl ( lllON-IV.ill ; Scotch. .C flr3. < ; Am rl-
can. Iin,0 fll.t.a0.
COPPnu-qulet ; lake. 9'kc.
TIN-Stendy ; straits , JU. ; | .latf , market
Unwly ; .lonicptlc , . bid.
Hnlc * on 'channi > , 43 lonn tin nt 113.55 fc Hepteni- ; JITi.SS for ibwinber , J15.M fur tlria your !
else tlirre cms | .eller . , prompt uhlpmcnli from
west , nt J3.K , _
_ _ _ _ i
Cuiulltloii < if Tri < lo nnd ( Jucitiitloni on
Htuplo mill I'uncy I'roiluee.
Ihitler and -Kr were nliout steady yeslcnlay ,
but chicken * and i > M fowls were lower , us will
Iw tioli-d 1mm the quoliitlons given beloiv.
IUTTI-U--I1ncklns : stock. Do ; fnlr to Ri > .d
count i y , I4jl c ; clu.lcc in fancy , 17 ( lic ; Rttth-
tred ercameiy , 17420c ; separator creamery , 22c.
KiltlH Per rtot. . 13c.
MVi : 1'orr.TllY-Old hens , 4S4ic ; ruostern ,
2 < iif(3o ; rptliiK rlilchen * . 7f7'c ; duckv , Sc ; hen
tnrkejn , 71Sr ( ; Kol.bleis , SffCc , old gttre. full-
fc.itlierei ] , IfrSe.
VKAIu'holcc fat and small venls me quuleit
nt fiJj.VjC' : CLiniF" and lursc. 3U4c.
t'HIJIIHKVl -oti ! n , full cream , new mike.
12WI2'ic ' ; NelirimUa nnd IOWH , Tull crcnm. lie ;
Nebranka nil , I Iowa , ] mii i-Klma. bo ; l.lin-
buiKer , No. 1 , lie ; bilck , No. 1. lie ; Swiss , No.
1 , 11O15C.
HAY-l'iiland liny , Jfl.Bl ; nthllnml. 10 ;
JS.W. Color innkeK the price on hay. I.'jlil bales
cell the bent. Only top ijnuUs bring tup pikes.
1'IOKONS Old liltds. p r doz. , We.
POTATOI3S Hound lot * of home trrown or
Kaii i atiM'k , BU | .or bu. ; sni ill lota on or-
di'is. Mii/S.V / ; rallfornln , 85c.
SIKI.ONH Hood Flock , crated , J21.
rANTAl.Ofl'KS Home crown , per doz. , COcO
ll.i > J.
ul.l ) HtANP Hnn.I-picked nnvy. 12.21 ; me
dium , til'Ja.13 ; common .vlilta beam. 1.73
ONIONS-On oi-d.ri" . 7Cn per bu.
rAllll.UliSoulhein , 2c.
Cir.KKY-Per d < iz. , 3'i0c.
SWUHT I'OTATOHS I'er lb. , 4c.
I'.mr o.irn of fmlt were sold at ntictlun ycstrr-
day. ami Hume live or H | cats ult1 ieiortcd | to
arrlvu tnJay.
The mini ) tnlkcd of carso of California fruit
ship ptil lo l..iiilun. I'liiKlanil. lseiurt ] < il to hmc
aiilved uiid to ha\e been sold at auction. All
IIIIIIR of KiiKlnnd wererejirescntcd anloiiff the
riM iieiMMiM In attcnil.ini" . Mimt of rhp fiult
was fnuiiil to Ijf In such condition that It wnx
neregwiry tn dlH | > one of U wltlilu forty-eight
henna of I lie time of in arrival. Thn ! was din-
to im hioltiK l > i-cn picked too late nnd packed
too IlKhlly. Tlu.UKli thu Rrapen wetc nil rlRht
the m.iikot WIIH ikior. and the name ma ; be n-ild
of tlie I.IIIIUK iind peiirn. The tlrst lot of the U t
nainnd fmll i.lTeied xiild nt from 4s lo Cs n bet ,
which IK xtiemely low for such fruit. Subse-
iliieiilly tlio greener peals Melted tiom lls ti >
Ii" .
Aei-otdhiK to -Hirls | from the cranberry renter
\Vlpcnnriii foiept Ores have destruy.'d nearly
I'Vt-iy nc'relif niinberry marsh In that swtlon.
The dry nmiTlie * have burned lo n depth of
vvi'ial feel ami In many place ? me still masses
of co.ily.'hei heretofore tli < iii.midi of hushel.s
of eianlieiilt-fi have been shipped , ilils year there
In no crop. The same if port < > s the Wis
consin output , will be barely t. pvr cent of the
umial ei-op.
AI'PI.KS < ! o l stock , per bbl. , J
'niininS None ,
Ill , ACKItnilKinS None ,
PHAiMIKS-lVillfornlii. Jl.OOtH.10
I'M "MS I'liUfornln. Jl.uOSl.23.
Kit ) S None
I'KAIW llarllett'ii. $2,00 ; other varieties , Jl.JO.
APnirOTS California , none.
ri I Klin IKS California , none.
nnAPKrf ConcodN , 10-lb tsi-hets , KJfJflc ; Cal-
If oui In Jl.
HAN \ NASfliolce slock , J1.J3US 2 ; per bnno'i.
-I.KStONK Fancy lemons , ! 00 sire , ! $ . < ] ; funcy
lemons , ? ,5i ) nlze , fGr,0.
FIOH-rnnov , per lb. , Uc.
I1ON12V California. 15c ; dark honey. lOfllZe.
MAPLE SYHUP Onllon cans , per doz. . SI-
NITTS Altnnndn. linnc ; Engllsnwalnuts , 10
lie ; nibortn. 12o ; Drazll nuts. lOc.
CIUKn Pure lulce. per bbi. , J6 ; half bbl. . 13.25.
1IIHHS No. 1 gleen hides , Sije : No. 2 green
hlJe , , l'"B2o ; X . 1 green salted lildeB , J4c ! ; No.
2 green failed hides , 2B2VieNo , 1 gieen united
hides , Z3 to 40 Ibs. . Sljc ; No. ! Kreen salted hides.
25 to 40 lb * . . 2fj2.ic ! ; No. 1 venl calf , S to 15
Ibs. . t40Cc ! ; No. 2 veal calf , S to 13 Ids. , 40IV4o ;
No. 1 dry flint hides , Ce ; No. 2 < Jry flint hides ,
Slliii : : > I'nLTS-Giecn salted , encli ,
urcen salted aliearllnffs ( short wooted early skins ) ,
each , Kl , ' dry eliearllnga ( short \voal d eatly
sklnr ) . No. 1 , each. GtHOc : dry shearllnss ( short
woe ! cil rail ) ' eklns ) , No. ! , encli. Sc : drf Hint
ICansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts ; per
lb. , actual weight. CQSc ; murrain wool pelts , per
II ) . . actual weight , 4Hc ; dry film Colorado
butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 49
CHc ; murrain wool pelts , per lb.t actual weight ,
< ' < (0iIluve ( feel cut off , as It Is uselcea to pay
frelKhl on them.
TAI-T/JW AND OHEASB Tallon. No. 1 , 43
( Vic ; laMovv , No. 2. 3tje3 > ic ; crease , wlilto A ,
4ii4'Je : grease , white i ( . SVitTSUc1 ; grease , yel
low. Sc ; grease , dark. 2',4c ; old butter ,
beeriav. pilme , UClSc ; rouch tallow.
Sr. l.ouU Jl c-iral Jlnrl.-et.
SI. , M-'IS , AUK. SO.-ia.OUJl Dull nnd un-
WI1KAT Fell off ic rnily. but rallied Inter ,
advanced " ! 4c nnd closed ? c nbove yesterday.
Cash , SOc ; August , MV c ; September. M\ic ; De
cember , n3Tie ; Mtty. & 3Hc ,
i'OIJN Followed wheat and closed "Ifii'ie above
yesterday , fash and AIIKUSI , C2c ; September ,
Mc ; December , 4S'.4c ; May. Mo.
OATS I'll in und a fraction higher. Cash , rO'ic ;
September , 3)Uc ) ; May , 35'ic.
llVi : Klrm ; .r.Ji5V.
1IL\Y Firm : prulrle , J8.00810.00 ; timothy , 110.00
HitAPT Slow ; C5e , cnst track.
LKAD--Scaice ; mi sales ; spat , September und
October fifTeled jit $3.
SI'IOl.Tr.H-niill ; 3.12i. !
KI.AX SUKD-HlRher ; ll.SI.
WHISKY rirm : 11.33 ,
PIIOVISIONS Illehcr nnd strong. Poifc. 113 B7 > 4.
I.TI'd , JS for steam ; 18.10 for chole ? . l.o e dry
halt Hhi.iiMeiH. ( C.C2H ; longs nnd ribs , SC.S ; ; ,
FhortH , IS.10 ; boned , 1 ( moie. lEicon. : shouldeis.
17.7 : . ; lon K. ! S.I-'i ; ribs. 58. ; : . : Ehotl ! < . JS.Si'i.
UKrini'TS-riiiiir. S.OOO bbln. ; wheat , CO.OOO
Im. ; corn. 11.0' ' ) bu. ; oats. 3C.OIW til.
HIHPMIINTS Flour , , 00 bl.lK.j wheat , l.COO
til. ; coin , " / > . " ) bu. ; cats , 2.VOO Lu.
Coffee Murket.
NTAV YOUIC , AUK. 3)-roprnn-optionB
opi-ni'il siniily. with Mny 13 points up and other
monllH nnchuiiKed ti. r. points hlphcr , ruled
fulily active on looal c < iverliiK nnd cloned firm
at , VT ? : ! | jnts | ndvnnre. SaleK , 21,000 liana , Includ
ing : AiiKin-l. JI4.Hi H.i : , ; Sfptemlier. 111. 101/15 / 'H ' ;
Ort,1ier. 13..wai3.S5 ; November , J12.S5 ; Uecem-
lh > r. 1J.C I2.7 : ; Mauh , J12.I3 ; May. * l2.13fl2 3 > ) .
Hput i-olTec. Hio dull ; No. 7 , JI6. Mild , quiet ;
l.'onloMi , Ji.icfir.l.i"i. | ) Waiclinvme deliveries fiotn
New Ynil : yesterday , 0,927 ICIEH ; New York stoclt
today. ( . ' . : : bans ; United Slates stock , 177,101
IMKX ; ailiMt ror the United Stntes , K > .1.0M bajcs ;
lotnl klnll.lo fur the I'nlted Suites , HT2.101 IJHRS.
aKa'Jinl ' W,7'.il ) ' IviK" Ian year.
SANTOS. AUK. 30. Steady ; K-VK ! nveruije San
tos , | r..n > ; receipts , 13,000 bas ; stock , 32S.UOO
HAMlirHO. Aug. 30. Firm ; prices Uff'4 pfK.
hlRher ; Miley. l.iioi ) bafjs ; cleau-d for New York ,
: tl ! i laiijB Ilr.izlllan.
HAVUi : , An * . 30. Opened a let and unehangvd
tn ' .j' lo 'r ; at 12 m. unchanged ; nt 3 | i. m.
utichuiiKcd to V > f hlnhcr ; closed net uncliiintrcd
ID lif lilnher. Total pales. 8000 bans.
IIIO ! > ! : JANCIUO , AUP. 3D. Steady ; No , 7 ,
HID , i.45 : vxrhnngp , 9 7-1W : receipts , lo.noi )
lwig ; clenmt for the Vnlted States , 10.000 baKs ;
denied for Uurope , 8,000 bags ; stock , 237,000
KUIISIIII City M rkct .
Aug. SO.-WHBAT-Wc hlither ;
No. 3 hnid , \ ftnf'j" ; No. 3 hard. ) < ; g-4 < ic ; Ni > .
2 red. 47JtSo ( ; No. 3 led , 4COlCVje ; rejectf < f , 45e.
C'OUN ; No. Z ml t > d. 61c ; No. 2
while. M i : 2',4c. '
OATS-Hlow ; No. J mixed , 31fi31 , c : No. 2
whttt * . 3.c.
lll'TTUH 1'ltin ; creameries , 17 j-Slc ; dairies ,
HflfiS-Stendy at HUe-
HIM'IJIPTS Wheat , M00 Im. : corn , 700 bu. ;
oats. I , Cod Im.
SHIPMENTS Wheat. 26,800 , bu , ; corn , none ;
oats , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Nevr York Dry < ooiU .Market.
Ni\V YUltK. Auc. 30. In the Jobbing dep.irt-
niviil < jf Irnde th < - demand has been very active
and u lame business IB licins done , Wth com
mission housea the selllnR orders und fpot de-
nund WHS uf large prnpcirtlon biH-niiFe of the
i if prorloua takings frum tockn nnd tlie
tila of orders to arrive. Nevertheliws the new
bu slne > wn very full. Woolen ami worsted *
for clollilnv iiutiH > bes wenIn good demnnd.
Agents of Cduards und Wurn-n hilled cunbrlcs
Imva mlvani'ed prices again He each. PrlntlnK
cloths Kilea 170.000 pieces. Hpot , ! T > c.
I.umlim Stuck < ] iintntloii .
y. Aug. 304 p. in , closing
iHF I'aclHo . On Si. I'-vnl com t > 7 {
Krln NIK > T. Y. 104 ?
Krlv'JdM 711 Pcmmvlranla K"-
UlH. ( Vmral ti ; lU-iullns 11) )
ilexlean or.lluary. HIM MCI. Con. now 4H. 4) )
HAH Hll.VKIt-30 7-16.1 per ouncr !
MONKV ! i per cent.
Tim rule of discount In the open matk t for
Hhort Mil * l 4 l > r ctnt , and for three nmnthn'
blllf , D-li per rent.
Mliiueupolli Wlieut Murknc.
MIXNKAI'QI.IS , AUB. SO. Til * , wliwit marVrt
a lilK'ber this tnornlne , due to talk uf lareo
deinnnd for ttheat for fcedlnK | uirpo e to take
DM place of corn , the Kovrrnmenl circular ad-
vlilmr fiinneni tu f r < l wheat Initead nl com at
tht > nume prlnnml rrporu from various iwuri'ie
that lir ; c ! nmounm were twine fed itirteU hort
lo cuvrrlnE. und thli put up price * aliout ViC ,
which wui maintained durlnr the day The mar
ket closed t an uveratc of He tibovfl ycitcnlay ,
UtcemUr ,
6l' fl.4Ho. Mn - . f.JSft'.ci ( : ) old hent nn track.
No : fund. : * ; Nn 1 M'v No t
n' > rlh rn. V . New whcnt ns ! V to 2'V' Under
thi prli'e of otil on truck Thire wns R K" d de-
innml lor rnnh u heal nrrlvlnn. The urenlher for
thre hinc nnd JrmrkellnR < very ( rood , nnd farm
ers nre Htmillly "mraneil In that ivoik , hnullnR
their grain to elevntors. M'lllnK the Rrentcr portion
tion , but ntnrlnc cunKlilemldr. Ileeelpts were ill.-
am bu , ; shipments , 57,011) bu. The Hour mnrkM
reninlned ateady ; ixtli-nts , J3.1503.W ; Imkers' ,
Well Coticcrtc < l Pin n In Lower the Specula
tive .Mnrkrt Icvi-lo | > < .
NEW YOUK. Aug. 30. That there Is a
well concerted plan to lower values on the
Stock exchange Is evident from the attacks
being made dally from different points and
from sources which do not ordinarily afford
comfort to the bear side of the market. That
there Is n strong undertone to the specula
tion and n strong recuperative power Is
also apparent. The bear raid wns started
right nt the opening , nnd Sugar and
the grangers were the chief objects of at
tack. An Interview with the general man
ager of the Northwestern road was tele
graphed from Chicago very opportunely , and
made that official say the "outlook for busi
ness Ini the west for the coming year Is very
bad , "
The decline which resulted was checlted
by good buying for the London account and
the scarcity of floating slock , and the short
Interest took alarm , wltlt the result of forc
ing them to cover some of their short con
tracts. This led to a recovery , followed ,
however , about 11 o'clock by a reaction ,
which did not exceed a fraction except In a
few of the specialties. SpcculaMon had re
covered Its lone before midday , and an up
ward movement was Inaugurated , which was
continued until near 1 o'clock. Shortly before
fore- that hour heavy blocks of Sugar were
put on the market. At the same time a re
port was being circulated , to the effect that
refined sugar could be imported under the
new tariff at lower rates by means of adul
terations. The stock broke 1 % per cent to
100 , and the general market reacted a frac
tion In sympathy. Sugar did not remain
long af the lower figures , and under good
buying Induced by the- decline rose2'4 per
cent , only to give way suddenly on n re
newal of the selling , In the final trading
dropping 2 per cent , and closing at a rally
of % jier cent , but Hi per cent lower than
the last sale of yesterday , the preferred
gaining % per cent on the day. In the late
dealings the general list -was In good tone ,
making some advances nnd closing IItin.
The bond market was generally strong all
day , and a good business was done In the
leading Issues.
The Kvcnlng Post says ; Foreign buying
on a very considerable scale governed today's
stock market. These orders were probably
genuine , and not the result of cables from
New i'ork , for not only did they check the
further local effort at declines , but they
found Immediate reflection In the sterling
market. When the London market closed
LMislntss fell here Into almost total dullness ,
the sudden spirit In Sugar towards the close
alone breaking the afternoon's monotony.
The Evening Post's London cablegram
says : Today's Hank of England return
made another "record. " The reserve Is
over 31,250,000. , the proportion of cnsn to
liabilities Is 70 % per cent , the coin and
bullion Increased 258,000 , ot which 182,000 ,
came- from abroad , 32,000 from Egypt , 11-
000 from China , and 1CI,000 were bars
bought. Twenty thousand pounds went out
to Spain and 25,000 to Egypt. The stock
markets were active and strong today.
Americans opened dull , but closed strong at
the best , Louisville leading. Tlie feature
today was a further big rise In Brazils. All
South Americans were strong. The public
Is buying nnd general confidence lias In
creased. It Is believed cheap money will
continue for a long period. Tradt revives
very slowly.
The following were the closing quotations
on the leading stocks of the New York ex
change today :
"U Northern I'.iclno.
mpress. . 148 No I'.ic. lifd
Alton. T. H HO II. P U. , t CJ
ilo pM 108 Northwestern . . . . 10C.J4
Am. Expreai llu do pfd 141H
Haltlnioro&Ohlo. 7f > N. Y. Contra !
CanaiUPaclflo . . . Ul ! ! N V. A N. Kng- . . . .
Cuunda Southern. M Ontario A. W
Central P.ioltlc. . . 14U9 Oregon Imp IP
! U9 Orepon Nav "
Alton , . . . Ml ) q , S. L. A.U , K. . . . "c
ZZ * CnclHcMaU
: l ) r.r la P , D.I E..f.r. . 43 <
lonsoHdated Gat
c.c. c..tst. 1.1 . . . 40 < ( Pullman 1'alaco. .
Cole , Coal it Iron ti-2 Illeadlu ?
Cotton Oil Curt. . . d Ulclimond Term. . 175f
13 ITS ilo pfil
Del ! Lick. * W..Y 107 H. G. W 1
I ) . . K. U. pfd :15HH. : | O. W. pM
II..VO. K. CO I'.Ht Rod : .Inland. . .
KiBt Tell n 11 St. Van !
Erto 111 St. Paul oW 181
81) ) . St. P. & Onmna. . . : i7H
FortWnyno 15'J do p ( < l 11:1 :
G.Northern Dfd. . 101 Soutlicrn I'.ic 21
C. ilS. I. pfd III Suirar llcllnury. . . JOHV4
llockinir Valley. . If * Tciin. Coal Si Iro.i
111. Central II4 Texan Pacltlc. , . .
St. P..tDilliUh. . . . 27 T. A.O. Ctiiit. pM. . 7(1 (
K..t T.nfd Union I'.iclllc 7(1UK
U. S. Exi.roas D' . '
do pfii 70 W. St. I. . &P IK
Lake Shore do > 1U > 4
Lead Trust WellHF.trso Hx. . 115
IxmlHvllle.V N . . . Western Union. . . HO
Louisville A N. A. KM W , A L. B. . . . 13
Manhattan Con. . . 117K do pfd 4Q
" M.tSt. L
Michigan Coni..l D. .til. U 1'J
Mo. Tactile O. K 'V 3S ! )
Moblloi Ohio. . . . N.I. llltf
Nashville Chat.- . C. F. & I IM
National Cord.iifa do tifd 7-
do pfd * 30 ii. &T. c aj <
N. J. Central 114 T. A , A. A.N. M. . . CU
N A W. pfd T. St. rAK.C. . . . 1
North Am. Co do pfd g
The total pales of stocks toilnj- were 207.2(11 (
liareij , Incluillnt , ' : American Tohaoco , 3,000 ; At-
lilDon , 7.600 ; American Snirar. 53.3W ; HiirllriKlon.
12.100 ; Chicago Gas. 7.600 ; Distillers , 7,600 ; Ocn-
vrnl Electric. 5,100 ; I * > ulavlllc & Nnslivlllo , 11,100 ;
Ili-iullni ? . 4.100 ; IU > ck Ipland , 6,900 ; St. 1'aul , 32-
400 ; Wi-atern Vnlon , 5,300.
? ! rw Vnrk MDIIOJ Mnrknt ,
Easy lit 1 per cent ; Inst Imn , 1 ] ier cent ; closed
at 1 per cent.
PltlMi : .MKUCANTim PA I'KIl 3JT3 > .i per
.srnilUNO KXCHANaE Dull nnd easier , with
actual ImxInt'Ms In bankers' bills ut JI.8r.4'il.SC %
fur ilrm.uu ) anil lit 14.li5Mi04.85i ; fur sixty dny ;
tiosli-il lat.'B , $ I.Sfi (4.67 ami Jl.ViWI.SS ; comineiLSiil
EilIU , Jl.Sliifil.SI'.t.
OOVKltNMKNT 1IONDS Firm ; state bonds ,
tlull ; rallio.nd bonds , linn.
ClohliiK quotalinns on bond ? were as follows :
Ir.creae Tn Oattlo VecaipU Finds a
Wclo in ? a ; the Yrtr 'a ,
Supply or Tli'n ( fort .Much Too l.lRlit-I'rlccn
Steady All Arpuhil Hog * Scared
nml Arc Urnrrully
' Higher.
THURSDAY , Aug. 30.
Today's receipts consisted of1,210 cattle.
0,330 hogs and GJG sheep , against 2,871 cat
tle , 7,824 hogs nnd 337 sheep on yesterday
ami 1.41G cattle , 7 , 3t hogs and 1,136 sheep
on Thursday of laat week. For the week
thus far the receipts amount to 13.9S7 cattle ,
25,205 hogs and 1,290 ehccp , ngalnst 8,451
cattle , 28,770 hogs and 3,033 sheep for tlio
corresponding days of last week.
CATTLE Today's cattle run was the
largest In sumo time ami almost double the
number received yesterday. Of the number
received , however , almost a thousand hsad
were shipped from Kansas City direct to
the local packers. The packers have been
short of corn fed cattle for some days nnd
have been trying to nmke tip the deficiency
by purchasing In Kansas City. So far they
have only succeeded In getting butchers'
stock nml cannerg In that market.
There were no very good beef steers on
the market today , Such cattle as there
were commanded good strong prices. A
bunch ot westerns brought $ : t.75 , which was
the highest price paid. The supply of
she Block was large , a ccnslderable
proportion of the total receipts being
made up of cows nnd heifers. In addi
tion to the natives there was a train of
Hay state cnttle , mostly cows. The market
on this class of stock was about steady.
As usual of late the supply ot stock cat
tle was large and the demand pretty fair.
Prices on this class of stock remain about
steady. Hoprcsentntlvc snlcs.
Xo. Av. Pr. Js'o. Av. I'r.
23..1131 J3 5)
Ii > l ) 3 C )
1127 3 CO
2 15
2 13
2 2)
2 20
2 20
2 20
2 2) )
. er , 220
2 2)
2 2)
2 20
693 2 23
OSS 2 23
t1i > 0 2 23
793 2 1 }
M ) 2 25
1107 2 25
lno ) 2 23
1210 2 35
! * ) ( ) 2 35
1,75 , 2 3. ,
10 0 2 35
S82 2 40
l"3 2 4)
972 2 40
Sit 2 15
121) ) 2 M
! i24 2 fO
S42 2 60
1022 2 65
l"07 2 63
1330 2 73
1270 2 75
1200 3 00
491 10
ISO 00
170 S 00
210 SOO
110 S tO
ICO 3 03
360 3 0)
190 3 23
120 3 25
112 3 CO
.1450 1 51
.1070 1 55
830 1 CO
1120 1 Gt )
1S20 1 03
SUO I 70
1530 1 75
3..17X 2 90
1. . . . 580 1 50 . . . SM 1 3D 1..1400 3 00
1. . . , 490 1 00 2. . . , 713 2 25 9. . . S4I 225
1. . . . Git ! 150 1. . . 42. ) 2 23 " . CC5 2 35
2. . . , 710 2 < W 3. . . CO ) 2 ' 3" . 050 253
1. . . . 770 2 VO ! . . . 6.111 2 2. . 17. . . 834 2 40
6. . . . 416 200 2. . . COO 2 2. ) 21. . . Mi ! 240
23. . . , . C23 2 15 2. . . , 430 2 25 2 ' . f65 241
10. . . , . 57S 2 15 1. . . , CD 2 25 2' ! . ; w 2 40
* ' ' . 7(5 2 15 * t ' ' ' 2 25 7. . . 921 2 43
. 1' ! . CU 2 13 11' . . ! 761 2 23 5. . . b70 2 10
i. . . , . 640 2 13 8. . . , 715 2. . . 615 2 40
4. . , , . 7cr 2 15 12. . . , s.-t 230 28. . . S.S2 2 40
7. . . , 2 13 4. . . , 677 2 50 18. . . 755 2 4)
. . . ! 621 2 20 5. . . , 720 230 30. . . D52 2 40
ID. . . , . 607 2 20 C. . . , 721 220 IS. . . 978 2 45
11. . . , . r,32 2 20 IS. . . , 772 2 30 11. . . 7S4 2 45
4. . . . 757 2 2.1 6. . . , 7-16 2 r.o 3. . . 9SO 2 M
I. . . . . MO 225 24. . . . 703 2 50 1C. . . S.V ) 2 50
Z. . . . C25 2 25 40. . . . KG 2 30 18. . . M2 2 50
t ' ' ' . MO 225 30. . . . J23 2 30 7. . . 7S7 5 55
tI' . . , , 035 225 2. . . , 875 2 30 . ! > 91 2 CO
2. . . . M5 225 1. . . , 170 O . 41 2 GO
It. . . . 794 225 II. . . . SOO 1. . .imi 2 CO
2. . . . 460 2 25 9. . . , 74S 2 3i 21. , .11303 2 < " > " >
1. . . . 7SO 2 25 7. . . . (51 2 35 7. . . 7CI 2 C5
3. . . . C20 2 25 2. . . , S'JO 2 3 ; 5. . . 90S 2 C5
1. . . . C20 3. . . . 7fc6 2 35 6. . .1111 210
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
1 cow ECO $2 $ 50 4 cows. . . .1105 13 Oi )
Hteer. . . . 1000 3 00 16 steers. .1278
2 hulls. . . . 770 1 35 1 bull 1090 1 33
3 calves , . . 216 2 UO 1 Ivnlrr. . . . . WO 2 00
1.1 cows. . . . C73 2 15 5 coua S24 2 20
07 eowa , . . . 2 20 10.1 cows 1)71 ) 2 S )
1 CHlf 270 225 1 feeder. . . . MO 2 25
3 sleets , UK12S3 2 25 S steers. tlKl2'l ) 2 2"i
147 cows 729 2 30 22' ' ) ciws 756 2 3' ' )
S41 2 40 4 cows Iflso 2 S.3
20 steera. . . 121fl 3 4) 151 feeders..1032 2 75
1 feeder. . . 113 < ) 2 M
22 eows. . . . 99 2 60 4 uteer : 1135 3 CO
HOGS The receipts today were lighter
than yesterday by over 1,000 head and less
than on Thursday of last week. The marltet
opened 5c higher than yesterday. In some
Instances the advance amounted to as much
as lOc. The market was not overly active
and toward the close the trail a cased off , but
not until nfter the bulk ot the good loads
were disposed of. Fair to good loads sold
largely at $5.30 to $5.CO , with a few loads
ranging up to a { 5.80 top. The extreme top
vvaa lOc higher than yesterday. Representa
tive sales : i-
N'o. A\ Sh. Pr. No. Av. Bh. Pr.
3C ICO . . II IS CI . 193 40 $3 40
87 1HS O 4 IS 72 . 213 120 5 40
54 137 73 . 213 3GO S 40
10 140 Ti . 215 240 5 40
3 140 71 . 192 ISO D 40
10 2s ; IM CO . 20.i 40 D 40
57 17S IW ) B'MCl 70 . 191 . . . 5 40
. . . . ' . . . . 40 5.W 76 . IM ) 240 B 40
79 130 M 5'ta v 209 80 6 40
60 1 (0 r , ic i 31 200 60 540
Ill ) 161 31'0 ' 5 Oi 16 . 196 C. 40
67 Ii7 200 510- G3 . 200 CO 640
29 157 120 5U5M . 74 . 203 120 5 40
101 ISC IM 6 IS , i .1 f.9 . 21C 120M R 40
104.-.19C 2-10 515 r 74 . 203 IOQ 540
60 119 ' 70 . 203 160 E 42 > 4
40. . 189 40 If , . 202 40 G 15
100. 173 170 4 . 317 fi 4"
B. . 164 10 . 27 545
78 134 IW S S 1 . 4M 6 41
72 100 . . . 5.21 GS . 217 SO 5 43
S4 174 StO S21 6S . 233 120 4i !
JO 170 71 . 21 IMW f 47V4
91 162 su CS . 227 W B M
7 252 t . 2CO 660
73 200 SOK a . 302 c neB
30 2ua K ) G ! : i M . 217 B 50
64 201 80 5 25 67 . 209 6 50
77 210 no 5 SO 31 . 2C8 BM
M 175 5 30 DS . 228 B M )
1 SOO K3 . ! IO fcO 550
M 204 5 301 71 . 227 40 653
33 2S3 S SOT 5 . 216 . . . 5 5Ti
61 151 &M j 71 . IM 40 B 53
58 222 C30 5S . IHJ 80 663
32 S34 0 35 * 70 211 80 63
0) 224 SCO G 33 71C4 212 HOSO 5S7-.5
7 15S C4 211 SO I. CO
17 215 031 2 ? . Ml . . . SCO
ct : M 12i ) 535 XO . 214 ICO
7S 316 3 ) C3& 71 . 232 IM
S3 198 120 d X , 2 . 27D 120 5 65
IS 191 200 BIS 117 . 210 120 5 C. %
81 2S3 so C 35 24 . 2SS 6T
77 191 J20 C 3TV * 1 . 310 5 C5
1S8 < > ) 5 4D 64 . 23 40 6 CT
214 : < ) C 4) ) 65 . 215 B 70
1S.1 240 70 . 2 6 70
212 150 S 4 ? CS . 261 IW 6 7S
80 . ' 40' 7 . ao 5 to
130 & 40 .
P10S AND nouait.
1 .130 16. . . . 91 4 CO
1 .140 Z7S Id. . . .111 4 M
7 .111 S75 IM. . . , ca 4 DO
20 . 39 300 10. . ' 41 :
4. . , ! s ; 4 25
2 UO . , 300 4. . . 143 4 23
' 1(0 4 , . . 90 4 23
Iii.ii4 ! ! ! ! . . 302 . ,127
1 . . IfiO . . 304 . . . . 11 } . . . 4 r. .
111) . . . . M . . . SIM 17 Ill . . . 4 SH
2 . . . I&0 . . . S IK ) i,7 ; M ICO 4 Zf ,
S IM . . . II 10 r IM . . . 4
1 M . . . 3 It 1JO II * . , . 41' ,
21 lit . . . 3 6 IW , , . 4 _ !
.1 W . . . 371 ) US . . . 4
IP : -a . . . 3 M ; i4& . . . 4 m
i m . . 3 M
SIlKKt' There were a fp\v * licc ; here , but
a portion of them were consigned direct to
tlie packers nnil were not offered on the mnr-
kft. Prices do not show any Iniprovoincnl.
Pair to good unlives nrc iinotnblc nt J2.2r > 0
2.75 ; fulr lo Rooil vvpstcnis , K.OOIJ2.40 ; com
mon nntl stock ntieep , J1.70JT2.23 ; good to
choice lambs , JL' . 5Ci.7u. ; Ucpre.iontatlve
pnles :
Nn. U't. 1'r ,
337 Iliiltutn nuckcin 4i J ? 20
TlicroVn n C'lmtliiiicul IJoml Odium I for
ltlin | uttlr.
CIIK'AOO , Aug. 30. Tlicie wn continued
Rood demand for rlic | cattle , nnd aHhmljjIi the
arrivals Included n Roodly ntinilirr thai mmwcrnl
to tliat description then- won nn snpKltiK cf
prices. As lilfili ns JS.W WHS paid today , wlilcli
Sc per 10.3 . Ibs. nlHrto the IdghcM ptlco previously
reached , liut the cuttle were a Illllc liner limn
those sold nt $5.f5. Common to fair steers wrro
easy nnd butchers' stock wns stronp. the supply
f tiulls boltisr llfilit. Thf supply consisted of
til Hit D.Coo natives. 2,000 westerns nml 1.500 Texnns.
Sales cf natives were nt fioin JI.Z3 to * Y0.iltli ! '
the tcronlrr part nt from 12 lo { 3 for rows , heifers
and Inills nnd ut from $ l.2. > to f.2ti for Fleets.
Tlieic were Severn ! nalca nt over $ ' > . .6S.Vslcini
were Kihittp at frotn $1.75 to JI.73 nnd Teinns
nt fr.nn Jl.CO to J3.25. Tlie calf inuihrt wns
Him nl from $2.25 to I5.2.V
The Itaif mniket was n little flow on lioav\
Kradcs nnd was nctlvc nnd Mrnni ; for K nd In
inline Hdit. The top for heavy ns JG.1U. in ?
tinder tlie lies ! pi lee | ind , yculorilay. wldli'
the llRlit icu'hed J3.HO , Cc nliovc yeptprdiu'1"
outside < | Ui.lntlon. No doitlit IKIKD us Kond in
those sold yesteiday nt 18.13 woulil liaxc liroiiKht
tlul figure today. The lepelpls weir below o\-
peelntlon , nnd while the ricnmnd did not semi
at nil urgent tin- bulk of the hoc * were en | ed
out lj > the middle of the fnicnoun. nnd Hie late
fei'lltiff wns slcndy. From 15 to ffi.IO uns tlir
rnnxi' ' of nuotntlrns for ineri'liintiilili * lots , the
hulk of the wiles IHnc nt from J" Co to JG for
medium nnd heavy nnd from M to JJ.SO for llRht.
As : i ciinaniuenci * of llpht iccolpls ( the arrlvnls
were estlnmted nt G. ( > 1) ) . theie wns a flrtm-r tone
lo the sheet , nnd himh innitoets , NHther "wjs
m.iterlnlly higher , hut sales \verp easily made nt
Wednesilny's ( lUtttutlons. Hnles were on a linsls
of fforn SI to S3.V5 for Inferior to choice IIHV ! ,
nnd lamlis wore salable tit from $1. < 5 t $1. ur-
cordlnir lo niiilllv.
Hecelpts t'nttle , III OCO heart : rnlvn , SOO hwul ;
IIOKM , I'.i.oO hend ; sheep , C 0,10 , head.
The Kvenlnn Jouinat reports :
1IOO.S ItecelptH loilay , U'.OOO ' head ; otllelnl ypH-
lerdny , 21.711 head ; shlpmi'ntM > pstrid.iy , V.S5G
head ; left over , about 8f , > W hnnil : < iuidlly not i
Kooilj market fiilrly nellve ; Iwst InlK . " ( hlwhcr ;
other Bnules f * lower ; > nlfs ranired nl } 3.2f > ff ! > .95
for liKhl ; J1.10W3.5" ) for rouich piickliiKi J5.1'1f
B.83 for mixed , itnil { 3.40i.10 for lirnvy paiMns
nnd shipping lots.
* 'ATTLK llecplptB todnv. 13,000 hend ; olll.-lnl
yestenlny , ll. tll henil ; shlpnipntH ycMenlny , r.G7J
hend ; market fnlil > active ; best guides 3 IOc
HKKI' Receipts today. .00n head ; olllcial yes
terday , 13.9S3 hend ; shipments jeiterday , 1.051
hend : mnrlict steady ; s.iUw of niillxeH wore nl
S1.25QC.M ; wi'Sterns , $1.7J84.73 ; Tuxali" , fl.COff
3.25 ; lambs , 23ij.23. .
ICccolpts Hint l > lspo < ltliii iif Stack.
Ofllclnl receipts nnJ disposition of stock ni
shown hy the books of tlie 1'nlon Slock Yanln
compuny for the twenty-foitr hours uti'lltig ut 3
o'clock 11. in. , Thursday , August CO , 1S34 :
Cms. Ilvad.
OnttlP li > 7 l.l > -r >
llURS , S3 V.tfa
Hhcx'ii 3 075
Iluvers. Cattle. Hops. Slie.-p.
Oninha 1 nrlilnK company 1,1'OS
The Ci. II. Hammond t.i > . . M 1.103
Swift nnd Onnp-iny 713 U2J 21) )
The C'wliitiy I'.ickliiRCo. . . . . 1,211 ! Iu4 (
Cuchihy llros , 212
O. II. Wllsm 1CI
Klnirnn & Co 524
J. Lotiman U5
L. Meeker 6S
U. Il.'clicr & DeKcn S'S
Lee Hothsch Id < > i
Oinalta 1' . Co. from 1C. C. . . CS
CJ. H. It. , from K. C Kffi !
Cudnhy , from Kansas City. Mt
Shippers nnd feeders l. S KM 772
Left oxer . ; S0 dW
Total i.'JM 6. 1 1.012
Chicago Fruit Oitotntlons.
CHICAGO , AUK. SO. The Karl Fruit c-nmpnn >
sold California fruit us follows : IVais , ILirtlrlls ,
Jt.23 ( overripe ) . Seckel. half Inxes. 6aC. I'.a.'hes.
Kusquehnnna , COiG5c : Onuice clhiRs. &H(7re ; Kl-
ttertu. "Oc ; Crnwfonl , 60o. 1'runcs. Oeiin.m. $1.10 ;
OI-OSK. iCflSOc ; Silver , 70c ; rrenrli , 7.V. ( irupes ,
halt crates , Tokay , ll.20iJI.rMl ; Musi at , S1.1V l' i-
ter Hum. company sold evii CHIH : llartleit
peara , IIMHIM ; peaches , MftHicj HKK plums ,
73fl80c ; Tokay grapes , 11.00.10 ; MuFents , Cii'Hf
JI.IO ; Thompson's seedless gt.ipi ! < , Jl 03 ; Gross
prunes , 7icQJl.O3 ; Gold lrois. | 9 > 1.00.
Porter Bros , company. New \ , > rk , sold thioc
cars : Half crates Tokay KfapeK , I1.71W2 0. , ; Sins-
cats , 80C5JJ1.J3 ; Mnlvolsrs , S5cfl Ii ; led nectar
ines , Jl.CO ; Hartlett pears , J1.4'.tfl.CO ; Crawford
peadien , 5 T80c ; clings , Iji'&Jl.lO ; Gross prunes ,
Cotton Aliirkct.
middling , G IS-lGo ; low inldrtlhitf 6 3-1Gc ; Rood
ordinary , C 13-lGc ; net rcce'pts , 647 b.iles ; new ,
568 boles ; Kross , kCC bales ; coiiclwlse , 300 hales ;
sales , SOO Lales ; stock. ISCIS bales' .
ST , LOUIS. AUff. CO. C\TTON Steady ; in d-
dllnt : , G4c , sales , 600 luiles : rerrlplH , none ;
Bhlpmcntn. 21 bales ; Block. 18,6)0 ) bales.
steady ; sales , sp > t. 200 bales ; to atrhi * . 2.V ) hales ;
recHpts , 5. > bales ; exK > rts , coastwise , Sli ) bales ;
toclc. 28.016 bales. September. t 21 6 3H ; Oc
tober , JG.36.38 ; November. f6.13C6 3S ; OecemU.T ,
JG.43SG.47 ; January. JG.ClfiO.W ; KVtnunry , J8.37W
e.5S : March , l6.64j6.6G ; April. $ G.G5fi6.71 ; March ,
16.6306.61 ; April , IG.C98G.70 ; Mny , JC.75SB.77 ; June ,
Kimsit * City I.lvn Stork .Mar'tot.
KANSAS C1TV , AUK. 30. CATTLK-Hecelpts ,
8,200 hend ; shipments , LOW head ; maiKK for best
tleady ; others slow and lower ; Texas steers , K iX )
(73.00 ; beef steers. ! 3.2. ' > QC.CO ; native conn , tl.25
Cf2.75 ; ptockers and feeders , $2.2003.25 ,
HOC1S Receipts , C.200 head ; shipments. 1,300
head ; market opened EtrtinK. elusetlveak to lOc
lower ; bulk of unles. S.4i)1i3.S3 ; lieavleH. | : . .Gr.ST
5.)2'4 ! ) ; patkers. jri-OtSTC-Wi ; mixed , $3.0083.7' . ,
lights , t5.33fi3.75 ; plBS , t3.Oixa.VI5.
Slll-ir : Hecelpts. 600 head ; shipments. , " , no
heart ; market steady ; good to clult * ' natives.
tl.75ft3.25 ! ; KOIK ! lo choice westerns , $2.50173.00 ,
common nnd stockers , $2.0082.50 ; gooJ to choice
St. IouU l.lKi Stock Murluit.
ST. I.OITIS , AUK. 30. CATTJ.I3 llccclpls , 4,300
head ; slilpments , 1,600 head ; no Rood natives on
sab1 , and pi Ices ruled easier ; native steers of
1.000 to 1,173 Ibs. , I3.2jffl.10 : butcher steers , Si.23
IT2.00 ; ttockcis nnd fcedcis ot 1,000 ll . , J ] , a
few light heifers brouKht 11.03(71.70 ; Texas steers
rnnfrriT. ! 2.40ff3.W ; COWB. J1.S3 2.25.
I1OOS Itecelpts. 3.800 head ; shipments. 1.100
head ; < | unHty cenerally | Kior and prices lOc off ;
trip , JJ.'O. ' with bulk of sales at $3.60 3.SO ; com
mon to fair , $ : .25i&5.0.
HI1EU1' Iteeelpts , 1,300 head ; shipments. 200
liead ; market active and hlRher for liotli sheep
nnil lambs ; natives , J2.23ff2.60 ; lambs , K.dJUJ.TD.
Kinv York l.lve SinrXInrk t.
NKW YOHK , AUK. 30. 1IERVKS Receipts. 3110
head ; none on Bale ; European cables quulc
American Fteera at 10'iWllVic iicr Hi. , dressed
wlRht ; refrigerator beef , 60'J5ic per lb , ; exports
today , 337 quurleis.
CAUVKS Hecelpts , 310 bead ; market steady ,
veals , iioor to prime , J5 0007.M per 100 Ibs. : Imt-
termllk calves. J2.75W.OO ; Kruasers. J2.70Si2.SO.
SIIHKl' AND l.AMIIH UccHptR , 3,355 head ; 21
cam on Bale ; sheep , llrm , lambs , > p hlKhcr.
alxmt l,2i head unsold ; eherp. } 1.87ViQ2.23 per
IM Ibs. ; lambs , $3.1,001.00.
HOGS Receipts , 4.177 head ; 6 cnra on sale ;
market firm ; lop hoga. $6.25 per 100 Its.
hlo.'k In
Record of rerclpls nt the four principal mar
kets for Thursday , Aucust 30 , 1894 :
Cattle. lines. Shevp.
Fouth Omaha . 4.3D C.IW 675
Cheapo . 13,00) ) 1 , < K)0 ) 6.000
Kansas City . .200 6,2 , * ) 6.
Ht. Uoula , . 4.SOO S.SOO 1.300
Total . . 31.33D 35,1(0 "iwi"
I'orrlcii I. link -Milteiiient.
LONDON. Aug. 30. The weekly Btatcmr/ll of
the Hank of Kngliind , Issued today , shows the
following chnnges , n compaicd with the pre
vious account : Total reserve. Increase , 361,000 ;
circulation , decrease , 7."ifn : bullion , Increase.
f25S.OjQ , other Bccurttles , decrease , i32S.t )0 ; other
ileposlta , IncienKe , 1207. Irt ) , public deposits , de
crease , fl36,0 0j nolea reserve , Increase , IlOI.OfiO ;
Bovcrnment securities , decrease , 300.000. The
proportion of the Hank of England's reserve to
liability ls "i.Z7 ) per cent.
I'AItlB , Aug. 3D. The weeKly statement of tha
Hank of Fmnce , Issueil tr lay , showH the tot.
lowtnK chaiiReg , aa compared with the previous
ai-eount ; Notes In circulation. Inciease. ni.70'1.- '
OWf ; irebiury nccount cuirent Increas3 , II T.I'.Wfj
icold In hand , Increase , 1,825 , OOlf ; bills ills. ounttil.
Inprenhe. 70MOOO.Jf ; silver In hand , deciease ,
Z,125. < X f. _
I.lll.rpool SlurUrts.
LIVKIU'OOL , AUK. 30 T.V I < T.O W Nominal ;
demnnd poor ; prime city , 3 .
COTTON lliit ) OIIHteady at : ts.
Tt'Kl'HNTlNi : Dull ; demnnd moderate ; i-plr-
Its. 21s 6d.
HOH1N Dull : demand mwleratc ; common. 3 ca.
HOI'S At Ixindon (1'Hclllc ( coafl ) , tteady ; de
mand moderate ; t2 10 iU 4 Is.
Wool Mm-kitt.
BT , IXJl-'IB , Auu. 30. WOOIThere is a niurti
steadier fcfllnt ! In this maiket and more con-
tlilence felt In the future , but there la no quot
able change In prices.
( MI cur Miirket.
NiVOItK. . Auf. ( 30. SI-'OAR-Itaw , flrin ;
enles. 7M tons Demarnni ccntrlfusal , 06 teat , ut
S'ic. Retlned , qulel.
SAN 1.-RANCI8CO , Aue. M.-\VIIKAT-Vcry
dull ; UMfinber , 9 < Tic ; May , tl.t)2T ) > c.
I'lliunrlal Xiitiin.
NKW OULKANH , Aue. -Clearines , 690.3 7.
I1OSTON. AUK. 30. Clearlnirs , nO , 26,43&i balance -
ance , , | IC19,76 .
LONDON , Aue. W. Tue amouat of bullion gone
Inl i llir Hank of I'mlaml nn tmlancrs todny
In Itu.'Kin.
HAl.TlMOlli : . AUK. J'1 - 1t.irln | ! ? . | l. : ! fi,8 fi ,
NI\V ! VOUK , A > IK.
Imlanots. | 4,9I .U8.
I'HII..VIIM'IIIA : , AMR.n < -tiim , $ ; . . .
KB ; Imlnncm , ll.Dlt.IH.
T/NIO.V , A ( t. JO. TinItartk nf UtmlMml's
rate ot illgCtnint Is iin < lini(1 ( nt t | * r CMII.
CI.VflNNATI , Ann. M. Moiiey. fifl tM-r cent.
New Voikiclinne , pur. Clenrlnum , J1.I',1V ) ,
JlKMI'llIS. AIIR- . -rkniliurs. . I115MH ; bnl-
nnci-s , ISI.3KI. New VoiU PXChntiRc Kellliii ; Nt
II. SO fri'mlnnt. '
P.VH1H. A | ! . JO - 1 p. m. Thrv" p r elit rfnte < ,
lOSf Sc f..r ttie Kct'oimt. l-XctiiiHgi- Lutldiin.
! Jf l c for clinks.
ST. IOfli , AUF. -ricnrlnon , ! 2.HI.Oi : ; bnl-
tmccs , HM3.M3. Money , quiet nt , Hf7 per rent
for mil nnd time loun * . llxvliange on New
York. 2So premliini ,
WABHINOTOS. Am. Sfl.Thf cnsli Imlanc.-
the treiimry today Is H2T , 7ktl ! , uf wlili'h $ K.-
.118.101 WIIB sold res rvi1.
RA.V FHANflSfO. Ati . .
e. 1V. , Silver l m ,
Mexlrnn dollars , & 4flf.4io.
I.OSHON , AUK. M-tlvliI l < qiiot l ol Iliioiio
Asn-s nl 244 ; Madrid , 22.SS : Uslnn , l.i ; St.
Vetersburir , V ) ; Athens , 71 ; Homo ; ID.SI ; Vienna.
1i > 3.
niK'AllO. Auir. -I'lemlniT" , $12 2f.t.fOO
Mtmev , 4 f4U per c < t nn c.ill , rf , ( per run on
time. New Yolk i-xch.itme , tie I'liielRn
fxrluinge , Me.uly ; stuillni ; , Jl.SI'iii '
Orccon Klilticy Tea cures all
troubles , Trial site , 25 ccnta. All drugglsti.
Oiniitin unit CliUMCo l.hulti-il Hft cn-elour
'I'm I n.
l.eivc Oinalm at C.35 p. in. nnd ttrrlvo
nt ChlCdKO :10 : n. m. vln C. M. d St. I1.
Hy. Cor ClilMso nntl nil points east. Trains
made up and started from Omaha , assurlttR
passengers clean anil well Hired cars. The
only line running n solid vc'tllmleil rlectrlc-
llRhtetl train front Omaha tllrrct. No wait
ing for through trains.
Klegant chair cars , paltpc i-lcepltiK nnd dinIng -
Ing ci-.ia. Ticket ulllto. U > ( H Knrnain clrrnl.
o. s. CAimiio : ,
Ticket AtI
. I .V.VO I ' . \ t ! KM K.fti. .
"Charlotto Conlti- , " which will be pro
duced hy Mrs. 1'otlcr autl Jtr. Ilellew on
Sattmlns" evcnitiK next at Doyd's ' , Is n play
fotimled on the story cf the heroine of the
French revolution , who slew HID atrocious
Marat. 'While ' not adhering strictly to
history. It tells the story In n moat dramatic
and Interesting way. The death cf Marat
In a bath tub Is given | n strict accordance
with .historic facts. 'Hip < leath of Char
lotte upon the guillotine Is un exact rcpre-
acntutlcn of the event.
Mr. Hellcw will plaj- the part of Marat.
It Is tikl to be .one of the best things that
this excellent artist appears In. Mrs. Tot
ter Is said to make un Idoul Clnrlottc , be
ing possessed of the Intellectual features ,
hainlsonia face and graceful figure which are
said , to have adorned the savior of Krance.
Commencing next Sunday matinee and for
four nights nnd extra matinee Monday , Sep
tember 3 , Labor day , the OOTS of the l * If-
teeittli Street theater will swing wide open
for the great scenic production of Lincoln
J. Cartel's "Fast Mall. " The railway lug
often been used by the dramatist , but never
before to such an extent us In farter's
famous play. "The AI U. " A freight
train v. I h fourt rn can , a llghteJ cibooj atd :
a full sized locomotive , with engineer and
fireman , crosses the stage In the most
realistic and noisy manner , uhlle later In
the play a grtat Misflf-lppl river steam
boat , "itli bells and wlilstlcs and engines In
full operation , moves in ami explodes w-ltli
terrific force. A great scene Is KPO given
of Niagara In real tumbling water. The
company Is a most elllclent cue , nnd there
Is a great deal of fun to go with the sensa
tional effects. A special car for the
bcencry Is used , and every iletnll is carefully
looked to In the stage production of the
Alaskan Aborigine Go Ou a Heap Siwa h.
ami Whoop Thlrg Up.
SI * .Men Mmilcrcd tl.'iKl Itmlhft frightfiilljr
Mttllliitol Mini Muny of llin l.hliiRMit-
Ivilnir Agonies SnnUors Tlircntrii
to .MiitKiicrp l lie Whiten.
I'OHT TOWNSBNt ) . Wash. . Aug. 30.Th. .
Steamer City of TopeU. which arrived from
JuncBU .gives detalln of n flercu battle be-
tuec-n the Clillcat Indians which resulted In
six men being murder.d nml a large number
wontled. The Indians wore drunk , Anil ,
bring armed , did great damage to them
selves. A few days previous to the fight
two Canadian sloops from llrltlsh Columbia
arrived at Chllcat laden with n vllo quality
of lliiuor. Laig. ' quantities were MIOH dls-
| Hal of In exchange for furs , etc Then
brfinn u scene of savage orgy.
The Indians are naturally Ravage ami
hostile , and when affected by whisky become
wild demon . Immi'tisillrcs wt-ro stiii'teil
nnd Mircrnl hundr.d Indians assembled to
ilrJnli llijuur and dance.
Toward morning a dispute arose over a
trivial matter which resulted In the louder
of one faction being stabbed to deutli. The
Ii-.dlnns then divided Into two parlies i nd a
l > attl > commenced. The two whisky smug
glers , unobserved , slipped away from the
No white people know the Incidents of
the battle. Sottlvnt living n few miles dis
tant heard yelling , nml , surmising the
origin of the trouble dared not venture to
the neighborhood until late In the after
noon of the next day. They beheld a sick
cuing sight. Dead and wounded Indians
were lying all around the village. Some
were frightfully mutilated and others wera
suffering agonies from their treatment A.
small band of survivors , fluted with success
and tliirut- for more blood , had gone down
the beach , threatening to nliirn and embark
a ciowd of savages and annihilate the whlta
settlers In the vicinity. The white peopln
became alarmtd and sent to Juneati for ns-
elstunc. ' .
Just before the Topelia sallod Deputy Col
lector of Customs Sinter and n possu hail
arrived on tin- steamer Wrestler and started
for Chllcat to arrest the smugglers , selz ? the
liquor and sloops , and quiet the Indians.
The Chllcat Indians arca hostile tribe.
Only during lerenl years have they per
mitted thu white trailers to enter their
country. Frequently they Interfere with
minors crossing the dlvl.le Into the Yukon
coir try. On several occasions the governor
has had to send a revenue cutter there to
suppress disturbances. All tills spring , on
dint-rent occasions , two unknown white men
coming down the coast In open boats worn
robbed anil murdered. There are now two
or three Indians In the Sltka Jail charged
with murders.
The Chllcats believe in witchcraft , antl
several women have been put to death in
recent years charged with being witches.
I I'M ii Iliiiiiinrr , "
Is the Ilurl.ngton Denver Unified.
Leaves Omaha at Ifi0 : p. in. dally , reaches
Denver at 7:30 : the next morning.
! > JS miles In a single night ! And the
journey Is as cnmti.rt.ablo as the latest Ideas
in track nnd trains can make It.
Tickets at 1324 Farnam street.
Here is a Letter
just one out of hundreds that are coming in
' ( every day. We publish it for the benefit of
f the women who read about Pearline , but
who still keep on washing without it , in that
needlessly hard and 'wearing way. We emil
name and address , as requested :
"uYow Twill tf/l you how f came to
i use your PEARLINE. We have take *
/ the 'Ladies' Home Journal ' for sev-
* --a [ years. Three and a half years ago ,
\ every time f picked up my 'Journal' it
read , i he first thing / would see uai
your advertisement and picture of
PEARL WE. I got 30 tired of looking at i/ ,
* * x = r - f said f would get a package and try it. T/tt
result wcts when the package was gone I bought another package , and
so / have done ever since. I never think of going to wash clothes sincet
unthout My PEARLINE. I have recommended it to quite a number
of people , who are now using it , Just from my recommendation. It
have just written this to you to let you know how highly I prize rV.
/ don't ' want my name and address to go before the public"
lllnilEiUUU IlLO I IHBLtjrvitHll r.lhepre .
tlon of n f raoun Frencu physician , w/.t quickly curt you at all ner-
V'jtta or disease * of the ceuernllve organt , sich : in Lost Munhooil.
Insomnia. 1'iiliis In tus BuckSoinltiid .EmlssloniNervous DeblllTi
Dimples , unfltn S9 t/ < Marry , Kxlianstlng1 Dr.ilns , Vntlcocclo and
OUriI > KNKcIeantc iria liver.tho Iddncyu and tbo urinary
[ BEFORE UNO AFTER ortnnaof all Impurities.
Cl'l'IDUNH atrcnclhonsnnd restores small weak oreans.
Tlio reason onfTercrnarB not oiimJhy Doctors In bocaiiHo nlnntvporccntorotroublcHl with
1'r on I at It U. CUPIDENK la the only known ri > n. 1jf tocuruwllhoutan operation. 0.000 ten-
UmonUls. A vrltteuRUaranU'ufrlviMi nntl inoney retui'iiu'l If six BO.1011 HOOK not < ; ffret a pur- tiLruro. SI.00 u nox.Blx for $5 do , hy mull. Bund for 'Ircular and tcHthnonlillP.
AddrnKB 1 > AV " ' "OIOIV < < < < . . I1 O. ox StoTU 8in : Frcn'llHpa. Cnl. rornulobf
OOODMAX DItl'tJ < 'O. . 1110 Kuriiuin .Street.
| l
whohsTebren hnmbatririxll'rtlio "Wrctrle n lts , " " fllnwnaflcror"HoIii , "
"C'raTon."TrorliBii , " "Vacoum , " "free euro" guoelcs. and "bo tmre found
youiwlf FTowltiB oldernmlwortei VOU who b T _ l entip ln < lnpalr , .ylnic
I nmdooned. tlitn U no liot 3 for mcl" to jou I H > T , who nrof Inklnirlnto iinerl _
r veordririlnBUt n lborflM e .of lrknMBamlinMortuno , , III' , Mnder/kV J
nd foi QUESTION I.ISTR nd I OP K Vr rrwoiee ; "
hniiiuidi , I CUITKC I0lI enlr run'ilMn.uw. lr If
Ur . Ciiuiiliiii iii i r D-li > or fc , fie .iiaii r 4.
' 3SIKFJ BrdMi < l nrrr h ri > i nt M r I' . II. t ) . ilf < srtnfO.l lrici < tl | IHKr mir J.K-fl fou lu liriLTn.
Or. H. E. WOOD , President. CHICAGO MEDICAL & SURGICAL INSTITUTE. 30 Van flurcn St. ChicagoIII.
uarntil i'd to rure nit nerf uu deoB0 ) .vucli an Weak Memory.l/M nt Drain
ow r. Headache , Wakefuln p , I.ostMonbooJ. NUIitlr Kmlnlonii , Nervous-
ncn.tlldrulinnnd Ion of power In OunorativBOrnuus nt clthi'r i-oacauicU
br o er cicrllon , yontkrui rrrni , eic lv USD nt tobacco , opium orttlia
ulants. wblcb IcaJlo InnrmUr.Cnniiiiupilon or In'nnlir. Can ns carried 16
Ted pocket. Ul iiorLoi. 41 fur 8.1. by ninll prriialil.VIUiaH3 ardor ir
cltrnvrlllen etiarantre lo cure or refund Iho muuey. Raid l > r a >
iilruBBIili. Auk font , lakannntber Wrlf for free Meillrnl llnuk cent ecnlvJ
inpmiiinrappjr , Atldrms NKUVKSKKU < JO..ilu uiil'-'IVrr 'illc.tir >
Boll la Omaha. N b. . 6y Eliennon & UcConnill. v Kunn Co. nod by Vlcketa & Merchant. ln )
We Have Corn
Write or wire us ( or prices ,
! ' . O. Ii. cars , Ointiha , or
ilulivcrcd at your .station.
Tccplionc 218.
Omaha Elevator Co.
* M rnn ANK.sriY
. .
U B. j.
. Vurlt-iKtio ,
Vltulitj. Aticjpur , l We kn i , etc , , tjy IsJ
l > AI > li.lh irrntlllnil olt utdr.
WrllUii K r Nlm f re. oCi
br ITnlin A Co. , Cor. l > th & I > ourl i8t , nil i.ju
llulla .at . CoVCor , utu * PQIUIUMU..OM1UA. .
t'oirrfjmiitlrHl fur Kruurtt , Ifoplsliw JC Co.
C'lt tin iff ,
Grain and Commission Broker
I'rlvalu ' ulroto Clilciii. ! ) iinil Noiv Vork.
Tulppliuno No , filQ ,
Coinuiissioii Merchant
drain and Provisions.
I'rlvnte wires to Chicago anil New York ,
Alt LmsliR'HS ordcra pmccU oil Chlca.g
Uoard ut Trade.
C'orrfspondunco Bollcltfd ,
Oftlcc , room 4 , > ' w York Life Uulltllna