Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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- - NO 12 I'CAItk SinEBT
i > y carrltr to any part ot th cttr.
I ! . \V. TILTQN. Le e .
TEI.r.l'ltONnB rjuslnrii office. No. IJ ! night
Idi tor , No. 23.
Mayne Heal Estate Agency , K39 Broadway.
All High school cadets arc ordered lo re
port at the High school tcday nt 3 p. m.
nharp. Captain Frank Cappel.
All the committees on the reunion of the
Army of the Tennessee will me t at 10
o'clock this morning nt the BOX eminent
Itegular meeting of muffs division N'o.
27 , U. H , K. of P. , this evening. All mem
bers requested to bo present , business of
Mr. and Sirs. A. W , Casady entertained
n party tit their friends at a & o'clock tea
> esterday at Ihclr homo on Oakland avenue ,
In honoi of thtlr irlend , Miss Barnard , ot
Get In on the boom by having a set ol
Jndson's blue print plats and index. Council
Dlurts and all additions , up to date , with
Flze of all lots as of record L P. Judson ,
( )29 ) Sixth avenue.
Sebastian Miller. Colonel Heed's strong
man , was discharged In polios court yester
day morning , Conductor Ilatchetor withdraw
ing his complaint by order of Colonel
Keed , who agreed to pay the costs of the
Sheriff llazen ot this city and Sergeant
Onnsby and Detective Haze oC Omaha will
leave a week from today for Syracuse ,
N. y. , to testify In the case of the state
agaliiut Charles \VllBun. charged with mur-
dirlng a policeman , The case conies up for
trial on the 10th.
The property owners on Fleming avnno
nnd licnton street where the filling has to
tie done are congratulating themselves on
the cheapness ol the thing. Th contract
has been let for -I'/i cents a yard , or about
one-third of what It usually costs , on ac
count of the short distance the earth has to
bo carried.
O. 0. Hayman , tlic 'cyclist who was hurt
in the Giinymedo races last week , Is all
right. He wrote from his home In Grand
Island jesterday saying he had recovered
and expected to ride In the races there this
week. He Rent an ord-'r to one of the local
wheel firms for a new racing machine In
place of bis old one , which was broken be
yond redemption ,
A complaint was sent In to police head
quarters > ester Jay afternoon that a man
named McCoy , who lives at th : corner of
Avenue F and Tenth street , has been re
laxing himself by the pasilmo ot wife beat
ing John Bandcl started for the plncc with
the patrol wagon , but as soon as McCoy saw
thi familiar object he went glimmering Into
the forest of sunflowers that borders hie
home. Further search was fruitless.
The Letter Carriers' band of Omaha , ac
companied by a number of the privates In
the rear ranks , visited Council Bluffs last
evening to advertise the picnic which Is lo
bo given next Monday at Coffman station.
They advertised the affair very thoroughly
and returned home at n late licur. Among
the attractions at the picnic tvlll be a tug
of war between the Council U luffs and
Omaha carriers ,
Money to loan on Improved farms at low
rates. Hargalns In real estate Houses for
rent. Fire and tornado insurance written
Money loaned for 1'cal Investors Lougee &
Towle , 235 Pearl street.
No delay In closing loans on Improved
( arm lands at low rates. Abstracts of title
piepared and real estate for sale. Puscy &
Thomas , 201 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
IJtumin Away In the I. cud.
If you will glance In the windows at 23
Main street and see the men's Itussla calf ,
$5 00 and JG.OO tan shoes , for $2.50 , ami the
ladles' French kid , hand turned nnd welled
soles , (5 00 and JG.OO shoes , for $3.JO ! , you
will realize what is meant by gcad goods
sold at a great sacrifice. We have also
ladlei' oxfords lor BOc , 75c , DGc nnd ? 1 25 ;
ladles' one-strap slippers , with bow , for 50c ,
7Cc , (1 r 0 and $2 00 ; misses' spring heel
bliocs , red or black , for 75c , Jl.OO , (1.25 and
12.00 ; men's shoes , the- best makes and latest
Styles , from Jl.lir , to$4.00. .
Duncan guarantees these goods to be Just
s represented and his customers are nol
feuucstcd to pay other people's bad debts.
See Duncan's \Vcar Ileslsters nnd Hani
Times before buying your children's school
shoes Curtis & Wheeler and Eddj
& Webster's ladles' fine shoes , J3.50 ; Stacj
Adams' men's fine shoes , } 4.00.
Bee folios neatly bound by Storehouse &
Co , , Council Bljtfs.
For cobs EO to Cox , 10 Main street. Tele
phone 48. _
Girls or women furnished situations of al
hinds. S25 Broadway.
Thomas Motcalf has returned from a trh
to Ohio.
Horn , to Mr. and Mrs. John Sandal , i
Miss Lizzie Oliver has returned frcm >
trip to Sioux City.
M. II. IJretz leaves tcday for a visit to Ex
celstor Springs , Mo.
Miss Lena Fonda returned yesterday fron
& month's visit to Laramle , Wjo.
Mr. nnd Mrs. n. H. Adams are horni
from n. visit to Hot Springs , S. D.
F. P. Fowler nnd family returned yester
day from an outing In Wisconsin ,
Miss Kvn II1II oC Magnolia Is the guest o
the Misses Maggie and Ora Dradley.
Mrs. W H. Lynchard nnd daughter. Mis
l.title , returned from a trip to Faulkton
B. D.
A. L. Preston , an Avoca attorney , was i
the city yesterday on business in the distrlc
court ,
Mrs. L. F. Parker cf Grlnnell Is th
guest ot Mrs. P. J. Montgomery on Fourt
street , on her way to Denver.
Mrs. J. It. Scott of Malvern and Mis
Kutlicrlno Lalng of Mount Pleasant ar
guests of Mrs. Cl.nt Dyers on Sixth street.
Dr. AVhlte returned last evening from
visit to Sheridan , Wyo. , where he went I
search of health , lie was very little bem
flted by the trip.
C. i : . White of Omaha was In the clt
yesterday trying to work up a boom for th
Silver Cross , an organization In the Intere :
oC free silver. ,
Miss Scagrave. who has been visiting he
friends , Miss. Gertrude Gleason and Ml :
May Tulleys , left Wednesday night fcr h
homo In Toledo , O.
The Broadway Mcthcdlst ladles will gh
n social this ( Thursday ) evening nt the res
dcnco of Mrs. James McCabe , Mornlngsld
There will be music by the Mandolin clul
violin s.lo , Pnul Tulle ) s ; vocal solo , Mr
Wakefleld ; cornel , Messrs. Tulleys and Pa
tcrson ; piano solo , Miss Christie Condrc
ot Omaha ; song. Miss Nettle Hceley. Pn
apple sherbet , fruit salad , with vvhlppc
cream nnd cake , will bo icrved. Evci
ono Is ccrdlally Invited ,
No use suffering from heat and droul
when there Is plenty ot good , clean , pur
Eparkllng water at Manhattan Beach , Lai
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Try a glass ot Sulpha-Saline or Sot rlt
mlicrtl waters frcm the famous Kxcchl
eprlrgs at Oorge Davis' , Paul Schneider
and O. II. Brcwn's drug ttorei. John LI :
tier , general agent.
Ilrmocriitlo County Convention ,
The Pottawattiniie county democrats t\
meet In the south room cf the court hou
Thursday morning at 10.30 o'clock , Septci
ber 20 , to nominate candidates for a conn
ticket. The cilices for which th * ncmln
tlons are to be made me county attorne
i udltor , cletK of the district cnirt , record
ind two members of the board ot supervlsoi
Attend the Vaughan avenue platform dan
Fr'day evening , August 31.
Manhattan Ilrach , Lake .Manawa , contlnu
to be the popular bathing resort , llumlrc
In the vaUr tvcry qftern ou and evening.
Gad cooking itovea tor real and for fills
Dai Co.'s office.
Git ; in a Dilemma Over thu E'eotr o Light
Contract Yihicli Ixpires Next Moatb.
> o Tlnio Now lor Another Compaur to
KnliT Into Competition-1 lt- hat Bo
Bull OIT , Iml Tiltntfl I'mrlleti
Muni Slid suffer.
The rily council IK confronted with a rather
serloim condition just now , In connection ivlth
the matter of lighting the streets. The Eco
nomic league has been calling loudly upon
the city government to IniuiRuraie n reform
In charges for lighting , and It Is the pretty
oneral opinion thut there Is no reason ivhy
lie job of lighting the strcts , If it Is to be
et out hy contract at all , should not be
warded to the lowest bidder , just the same
s Is done In all sorts of city Improvements.
3otnc of the nldermcn even go so far as to
olnclde with the general public In this be
ef , but thcro Is some doubt ns to whether
he city authorities have not sinned away the
of grace so that UIPV will have to take
uch termsus they can get from the Council
Bluffs Gas and ile.ctrlc : Light company , which
ow has the contract.
The contract under which the city U now
ghtcd cxplna un the 17th of next month , but
t contains a provision by which the city
ouncll has the exclusive option of renewing
t fat a term ot five years or more Noth-
ng is said about a term of one year or more ,
o that the conclusion Is that th ; council
illl either have to renew the contract for
Ivs years or else make an entirely new con-
ract with the company on terms to suit the
oinpariy. No ccmpany on earth could put
n plant In operation In three weeks , so that
l > y delavlng as It has the council has ren
dered tbe advertising for bids out of the
rm stlon.
Some ot the best attorneys in the c ty hold
hat the company cannot be compelled to
run Its plant a day after its contract ex
pires , even though II Is running for the
benefit ot the public. An effort Is now
'lelng made by the council to get more
'avorable terms out of the company than are
contained in the contract to 1)2
By It the price of each arc light used hy the
city will be } DO for next year , $ SS for the
year following , and so on , lopping off $2 per
annum until the fifth year , making the price
$ S2 per annum. This Ib only $1 more than
Stone & Webster's estimate made it , so that
there Is apparently little to bo gained , so
far as the city Is conc = rned. But private
consumers wllr have to pay JIBO per annum
right straight through the live- years , which
s undoubtedly an exorbitant rate
Some of the aldermen who held out longest
on the question ot hiring Stone & Wibstcr
to make the so-called "electrical survey"
of the city arc now having a most beautiful
opportunity ot saying , "I told you so. " For
a thing that cist $75 the estimate is nbout
as unsatisfactory as anthing could well
be. The $7IJ was Earned In a few minutes ,
and the council , or at least some of them ,
Insist that the estimate Is worth no more
than the guess of uny other person would
be. It Is not likely to take a very 1m-
pqrtant part In the deliberations of Hie
aldermen with the representatives ot the
light company. The question of making a
new contract with the present company will
come up for consideration at the meeting of
the council this evening.
IIUSIUN vroici : .
ll silllti ( > ll ' illI
Deeper cuts tlinu ever.
Summer corsets , lOo.
Thompsn glove-flUIng , n. , II. , C. , 0. , &
E. , In one lot. 9Sc.
? 1 CO anil (2,00 children's white dressei , nan
$1.25 laiimlercd waists , 23c.
12V4c dress glngliains , GV4c.
IQc and l- ' c wash goods , 22 Inches vv lile , 5c
Ladles' ribbed vests , lfc grade , Sc ; 5 <
grade , 12Hc : GOc grade. 25c.
Cloaks and cai > es , sold from $650 $ to $18.00 ,
ctio ce , $1. ! > 8.
75c anil $1.00 all vvo I plaids , 39c.
$1.00 and } 1 25 novelty dress goods , DOc ,
19c and 25c ribbons , DC
9c and 75c 21-incli printed liabutl silks
0c printed clilna silks , 23c.
AVondcrful bargains In notions
Jewelry nt half price.
Muslin ? and sheet.ngs at cost.
Hundreds ol other bargains In otliEr dc
partmcnts during our dissolution s le
Council Blurts , la.
The Council Bluffs Kindergarten , C39VI1
low avenue , will again open Monday , Sept. 3
Hammocks cheap , Davis the druggist.
Washerwomen use Domestic snp.
I'ostramtcr lloi'imm severely InjtircMl by HI
ArcliU-nt While llrliluc-
Postmaster Thomas B'wman nnd Deput ;
United States Marshal Frank I' . Bradle ;
returned yesterday morning from Topeks
Kan. , where Ihey went several days ago fr
look at seme land. Wh le there they hai
on experience which came near result m
"fatally , and Boninan Is still confined to hi
room al the corner of Pearl street and FlfU
avonuc. Tliey started out Tuesday evcnln ;
In a two-seated carriage with P. II nutlet
the manager of the Madison track nt Has
St. Louis , and a driver. While drlv In
near Silver lake , sixteen rnllea west o
Topeka , llio driver tried to pass a farr
wagon , which was ambling along at a slc\
gait Jus' ahead of them. The horses h
vvas driving ware fast steppers , and he ha
been show Ing their speed to the tlireo me
vvltli him. He was not acquainted with thread
road , and when he tried lo pass h
found that the road sloped down suddenly
The carriage struck the Incline and In a
Instant was tipped over and tlic carKJ vva
landed at the bottom of the slope , sevc
feel below , with the carriage on top. Th
farmer Jumped out of his wagcn ami pr <
vented the horses from running away , an
had It not been for his action one or mar
cf the party must have bcsn dragged to h !
death. The buggy vvas smashed literal !
to kindling wood Mono ot ( he party su
fered Injures any more serious than palufi
bruises , excepting Dcwinan , and his hurl
were not thought to bo serious at Ilrst. 11
got to the home of his friend , Ilutler. wlthot
difficulty , but after he bad sat down nvvlii :
ho was startled to find that he was pjwei
less In his lower limbs. He could not gi
out of Ills chair. What means vere :
hand were used In bring'ng him ubout , ar
finally It proved that ho hail net bee
stricken with paralysis , but was merely su
ferine from a nervous disease , brought t
by the shock of Iho fill. yesterday afte
noon he was able to bit up.
Half ii .Mill Oovruiriiril.
The city council met as a committee <
the whole yesterday morning at the ci
building for the purpose of making up Ihe
minds as to the amcunt of the tax livy ne
cssary for the coming year , 1B93. Tl
aldermanlc thinking apparatus was usi
with a great deal of energy tor quite a whl
In the vain endeavor lo bring down the bag
of taxation appreciably below that cf U
year. At last Iho feat vvat accompllshc
to a certain extent , and the amount of 29
mills on the tloll.r was announced. It vv
be crdrreO certified lo Ihe proper conn
officials at the meeting of the council tl
evening. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Coed stenographers , bookkeepers , clerks
house girls secured ut G-5 Uroaduay.
Domestic soap linnks hard water ,
Uagle laundry , 724 IJroartvvay. for go
work , Til. 1ST.
Domstl.toap outlasts cheap toap.
Tlwy'rti Alter Tltrni ,
C "W Car'son ' , a convicted thief , has Ji
completed his sentence In the county J
ami la to be turned loose today. I
partner , O'Mara. was turned loose a , fi
days i go , hut has been ha tig I UK arou
Omaha , wa ling lor his frlec ? lo meet hi
A few days auo he s nl his former pal
tl Uvlng reminder In the shape of a lot of pi
tobacco. It is suspected they have
Kthemt on f ol nnd the ofTUiiU of b ilh ;
rill's have determined lo keep th lr eyes on
th > m as long as thT lire here Bold ol
them have br n thoroughly "sized up" by
the police of Council Bluffs and Omaha , nnd
will be arreslcd on tight tn general princi
ples. _
NO Jtm LOTS on r.viii :
r t
But If you \vanl good straight goods thai
will wear , this is the place. We cnn sell
vou KOOI ! straight goods , bought direct frcm
the factory , at prices that the Job lot stores
can't touch. Prices are what talk , and I
will make thr price. Shoes are cheap. Good
shoes nre cheap. You don't have to take old
ilock beciiusp you want cheap shoes. Go to
Sargent's and net good ulio.s cheap.
The best school shoes In the tlty , and al
ways the lowest tn price.
4)3 ) Broadway.
A ( SlimrliiK tor the lloiun On.
Deputy Auditor of State Stewart Gooilrell
walked Into the office ot the Council Bluffs
Insurance company list Monday , 201 h Inst. ,
and on the 23d lust , completed an examina
tion of Its condition.
The t Mowing IR a statement ot the com
pany's nssets and liabilities as found by the
examiner ;
I.ontis on real tslotc nnil banl :
Cash In oiUcinnl uink mul In
c.iii ! " of lr nm BKlon 13.S5J 3i
Illlln receivable < til < cn for pro-
nilillnl M.CW ST I
All nctunl llalillltlc * . Incliullng
nil lows . . . tl ! 734 M
ItdriHUinncr reserve CI 434 11
Capital stock SJ.tKWOO
Net surplus H 22-1 IS 51M KM5.W
After deducting oil actual liabilities there
remains a burplus to policy holders of f'M.-
This showing , BO Boon alter the awlul fire
losses In June and July , Is one to which
the promoters of the Council Uluffa Insurance
company point with pride , and Is from
$10,00000 to $15,00000 $ better than vvas ex
pected before the sounding was taken.
The examiner. Godrell , authorizes us to
say In addition lo the foregoing that he Is
pleased vlth the condition he found the
company In , and a in I < 1 congratulations ,
fatherly advice and good wishes , he hied
himself awny to the Hartford cf the West
II. O Ccok and C r. Tullls , city agenti.
l ivrrencc Unlit Injnrrd.
Lawrence Hoist , the well known mall
clerk , mel with a bad accident yesterday
afternoon He was driving Skates , the rac
ing horse , down Pearl street , when the horse
took fright nt a motor and started to run
When near the corner of Willow avenue
Hoist fell backnrd , but his foot caught , and
he was dragged some little distance , his
head striking the ground at every jump the
frightened animal made. The sulky finally
collided with a telegraph pole and was Jerked
loose from the horse , which rushed down
Willow ; avenue lloiet struck his head against
the pole ns he fell , and was knocked sense
less. He was picked up and carried home.
Dr Barstow , who attended him , .slated last
evening that he hoped he would pull through ,
but there vvas considerable danger of In
flammation setting in as the result of the
blow. Hoist wai badly cut and bruised nbout
the head and face , and lost considerable
iflhool Mines lit Surci'iit's.
Remember , there Is lots of competition this
year. You cnn buy shoes chcap-r than ever
before It pays you to look nround. See
what you can do In school shoes for the chil
dren nt oth r stores , then come lo Sargent's.
I have the goods and will make th prices.
If you -want jw pay 75c I have the best.
If yon vuintrapay $100 I have the best.
It you wnndfto pay $1.25 I have the best.
If you want to | ) ay $1.50 I have the best.
I can suit you In quality end price. See
what you can do , th = n try mo.
413 Broadway
1 > 1I In the Kiiiln.
'The First Presbyterian Sunday school
had an outing al Fulrmount park yesterday
eftcrncon. After several hours had been
spent In the way Sunday scho.l picnics
usually choobe. supper vvas served on long
tables spread beneath the trees. The only
ace dent that marred the pleasure of the oc-
casin was when the Misses Beulah Hoig-
land und Ethyl Thomas fell In the basin of
the fountain. They were pulled out by
noms of the boys , very much bedraggled and
wet , but not seriously hurt.
Lost Ladles' open-faced oildized silver
watch , vvllh silver chain and heart attached ,
was probably lost between pavilion and
landing it Courtland beach. Ileturn to
Bao olllcc , Council Bluffs
The laundries lice Domestic soap.
Ulii-.ip Itntrn to rittsbiirir-
On account of the national O A. R. con
vention at I'lttsburg , Sept-mber 10 the Union
Pacific will sell tickets to that point nt ex
tremely low rates. The Union Pacific is the
official route for the Nebraska veterans and
their families and friends. See > our nearest
Uulon Pacific agent for fuither particulars.
IWM * lit A flit UA C.ltl.
Hotly of n Murdered Mini Mlien
the Cur V n [ > - " ! .
MOT1T.IYE , Ala. , Aug. S\ The body of a
man , far advanced In decomposition , was
found toJay In a loaded gialn car of the
Kansas City , Fort Scott & Memphis inrnl ,
which arrived here last night. The car
was sealed on both Hides and the seals were
covered with blood. Eight wounds made
with a blunt Instrument were found on the
bick part of the man's head ami upon other
parts of Ms body. According to the coroner
the man had been dead eight or nine days.
A verdict was leturneG by the coroner's
jury llndlnR that the mnn came
o his death from wounds made
iv some unKnovvn per.son or persons
flic car of Kraln was consigned Ic
Cleveland Uros. by Ihe Kcmper Grain com-
ianv of Kansas City. AmonK the effects
of the dead man vvas a prescription wilt-
en on a. blank which bore this inscription
'Take this to Bollnger Ac Itoss , druggist !
nii'l apothecaries , Itusselvllle. Ails"
The prescription vvas for W. II. Sharp *
mil was signed by W. W. Hill. M U
There was also Q bottle , which bore tin
nbel'cf Jamea It. Dawon & Urotlier , drug'
plsts , After , I T Several letters wen
also found One was dated at Joplin , Jlo.
.Iunf 22 ISO ! , addressed to A W Mayan
nml slgneil by Annie Chase. There wa :
also found n certificate from Home assem
hly No 2 S3 , of the Order of Knights o :
Labor of America of Carthage Mo Thi
murrlereil man wan white , about six fee
tall , apparently between 40 nml 45 > ears oU
anil wore a moustache. The- Index HngP !
of the right hand had been cut off at tin
second joint. He vas dressed In brovvi
striped trouserp , coat with a d.irk
ami n flannel shirt.
United Hln'es S < "r V' Icott lias re
turneil to Denver with his health full :
The Hamburg-American line has mel Ih
$1(1 ( rate of the American line from Ncv
York to Southampton.
Teil Henley and I.ulu May , well knovvi
In the theatrical profession , were rnarrlei
at Bt. Kouls yebterclay.
The Colorado prohibitionist conventloi
met al Denver yesterday and ntte rorgan
Izlnu atljouriuil until today
Miss llattle Hlncs of St. I-auls elope
from novvllng Orcen , Kv with a youn
lawyer named Hugh B. Wright
Thu ailESOiillun of Mlfsouln , lent , 1m
bene chnnxed from an evening to a morr
Ing paper and takes the Associated pres
Normnn Murriy , the anti-Catholic ns
t.ttor. was Kent to jail nt Montreal jestei
day fcr lefiislng to pay u flue for dlsturl
Ing a procession.
The PIVBB rlub of Plttsburj ? Is makln
Kr < > at preparations to entertain vlsltln
brothers during the Grand Army of th
Kcpiibllo reunion
The Wisconsin State Hoard of Health he
decided not to establish n iiunraiitlne In th
Eleventh ward of the city of Milwaukee c
account of tnnallpox.
William and Kittle Knymoml and Ann
IJelinont. noted Badger thieves , have- bee
bound over In New York and In default <
liall are lying In jail
Reports of consular agent sKt.ilc th'
owlnir to Russian competition trie llax giov
ira In Germany are not prosperotiH ur
many farmer ! * me abandoning It
In spile of Ihe Injunction of .Mgr Sato !
the Catholic Knights of America leat-eil bi
ISt privileges on the boat which curried the
annual excursion from New York.
111 The city marshal of Poncn , I. T. . Bhot ut
Us killed Isaac W Baker , a cowhov. who lu
UsW ! come to town to get revi-ncp on the nuirsh
nd for am-stlnc him the dny previous.
. MKH | Alice ganger , htenoKrapher ut 11
in.a while house during Ihe Harrison ailmlnl trillion und until
now under the prese
nga one , hiiH been transferred to the Poatolll
a department.
i i
H mernu Oouptei ia thoi'Ibwa ' Town Who
Deelw Sop j n ,
Our Ho/on of Din Mnul Prominent I'uiiillJes
In tlmt J'urt nt Ilic htntn Involved
in Vorlmi.i DuiiiiMtlv l > lr >
flruUli-x. '
CtinSTON , Ii , Ang" . 30. ( Special to The
llee. ) Domestic lulellclty nnd Immorality In
general Is augmenting In this city at n re
markable rate , and If continued soon bids
fair to outrival the ancient cities ot Sodom
and Gomorrah , llul whether a manifesta
tion of divine displeasure will be evoked Is
yet n matter of speculation. Certain It U
that the wrath ot the parental Inhabitant
Is aroused. During the recent Third regi
ment encampment , I. N , U. , the actions
ot many young ladles 'were so Indiscreet
that It brought forth ministerial rebuke , and
the mother began to Imiulrc"where was her
v.mderlng elrl tonight. " Other evidences of
unladylike conduct has "vet 'em a tlilnkln. ' "
The most prominent evidence that there Is
t-omothing wiong Is thD unusual number ol
divorce cases that Judge Tanner will be
called upon to decide at the September term
of the district court Twelve paitlons for
divorce are now on file In the county clerk's
olllce. and the evidence In some of them
will be decidedly sensational , and ufford thu
society gossip no end of material These
twelve couple who wants Judicial severance
are among the oldest and most prominent
citizens , and the teijuest for an abrogation
of matrimonial strings Is u matter of no little
surprise and comment.
The separation ot Mr. and 'Mrs. Ed
Ahearn lias caused the greatest public In
terest. Mrs. Ahearn is a preposscKsliig and
attrastlve little woman , and when she rides
a blcjcle about town the stranger Inquisi
tively besieges ( he resident. Mr. Ahearn
separated Irom his Mlfa In May , on Ing to
the attention his wife received from , u prom
inent attorney. Mr Ahearn , in his petition ,
charges hl.i pretty little wife ylth adultery
with Hugh M. Fry , n young attorney and
former partner ot County Attorney James G.
Hull. Mr. Fry was a well-known voung man.
it leader In society , n member ol several
swell clubs , generally respected and of good
parentage. His escapade placed him In an
uncomplimentary light and realizing his In-
ture In tills city was crushed , he took the
advice of Horace Grceley. and Is now prac
tising law at Portland , Ore. Mrs , Ahearn
declares his Innoccnse , and has engaged a
firm of lawyers to defend her.
E c-Counly Poor Supervisor John DlfTen-
baugh asks a decree of sepaiatlon from his
wife on the grounds of cruel and Inhuman
treatment. This couple has traveled life's
thorny pathway for over twenty years. Mr.
Dlffcnbaugh asserts that If he falls to re
ceive a divorce on the charge specified In
his petition hewill introduce uvldence that
will startle the community.
The evidence in some ot the other cases
will bo racy. One couple had only lived to
gether a week. The charges range from de
sertion to adultery. A large attendance al
the coming term of court is assured
Condition uf lown Hunk *
DBS MOINES. la. , Aug 30 ( Special Tele
gram to The Uce. ) Stulo Auditor McCarthy
has jutt ibsueil bis annual report on the
condition of Iowa state and savings banks.
He says in part : ,
In subnil'tluf : tr th , public toy nnmul
bank renart It I- a Source of Krutlllcntion
to be ulile to state , notwithstanding the
many failures of bunks Hi nil portions of
our country , nnd the , general < lfiier3 n ot
business prevailing everywhere , mi banls
under the supervision of. this otllce hus
been compelled to close Its doors , even
temporal lly , since tlie publication of my
last leport , one ar HBO. June SO. 1S9J ,
there were US savln Hbanks und 177 state
brinks doing buHlnedtf under the Htiite laws
On June 30 , ISM , 1G2 lavlm , ' " banks nivl IS8
< Uiite banks , or a totnl of MO Imiiks , ic-
poited to this olllce.
The consolidated statement SIOWR ! :
Total assets $ ( j1r7l,2C'i
Capital stock 61.071,800
Uue depositors 41.9S7.BM
Due banks and others 332,9t'2 '
Surplus 1nr,28,1
Other piotltB l"2fc,4
The statements made at the close of busi
ness June 30. 1891 , show the following
changes In the aggregate conditions of the
banks , Us compared with the statement made
at the close of business June 30 , 1893 :
Hills lecelvoahle , decrease. . . $ 3,8C,1,39" K
Cash and ci edits. Increase . . . 3.S17.1CS.U
Overdraft" , decrease X1.222.01
Heal and peiMjiml propctty , In
crease 4Cb,873. i
Capital i-toik , IriTeuse J,1X7MO
Deposits' , deoieuse 1O,598.3 (
Indebtediiiw * to banks smd
others , ilct tease 7Slr > i1S ,
Surplus lncrenne Z2 %
Other piotlts , Inciense 160,793 S
From the above comparative table It will
1)3 Eceu that the banks show desirable Im
provements In many respects noticeably BC
In the very material Increase of their cash
reserve , us well as In the largo decrease ol
their Indebtedness to banks and others.
Mnt I u.r ITO poctH.
DKS MOINES. Aug. 30. ( Special Tclegrair
to The Bee. ) The Iowa state fair will b <
formally opened tomorrow. Those In chargf
say that as many entries has been madi
and as much space has been taken up U
Thursday morning of Ihls year as Is uauall )
taken up to Friday evening of any prcrloui
year , which Indicates that the fair of 189'
Is to be a grand success. Tomorrow niu
Saturday will be general preparation days
Sunday religious services will .be held , will
a bermon by Hcv. J. H. Sanderson Tues
day will be women's and children's day
Wednesday soldiers' day , Thursday Dei
Molnes day and continuation of soldiers
day and corn growers' day , Friday Derb ;
day. Races will be In progress all weel
with a fine program.
linva Irrigation DeleRnti * .
DKS MOINES , /Vug. / 30 ( Special Tclegrntt
to The Bee ) Governor Jackson has appolntei
the following delegates to represent Iowa a
the national Irrigation congiess nt Denver
September 3 to 10 H F Clayton. Indlanola
D. J. Spencer , Alton ; William Christie , Atlun
tic ; L. F. Mulling. Atlantic ; W. B. Cox , Far
rngut , Lucius Wells. Council Hlufls ; J. M
Joseph , Creston , John Parker , Silver City
Henry Weir , Avoca , and William Dutlei
Clarlnda. _
Kollierccl l > jr Low Stugo of Wiitflf.
DUllUQUn , Aug. 30 ( Special Telegrai
to The Dee. ) The tfrlesoii Is the Iowa Ire
works last venture In paval construction a
Dubuque , the water being too low. The revenue
enuo cutter Willlont Wmdom Is to be flr
Ished at St Louis.
ut Onvi'luiul.
OTTUMWA , la. , App. 30 Freight train
collided nezr Cleveland , , a small station o
the Burl ngtcn rallrobdj this evening Gu
Starkman , the engineer" , vvas instantly kllle
and Ed Walker , he 'fireman , fatally Ii
Jured. . j i
.V/.SMO.V i- < , fcti.trui.Kr. .
sifi\poioil \ I.unutlcYli
NEW YOUK , Au30. . Edward Stolz ,
supposed lunatic ujio/ . proposes to kill Mg
Satolll , the papal delegate , was arraigned I
the Hurlem police 'couft ' today. StoU Is
wild looking man , and app.-ara to be su
ferlng Irom ulcohpllc mania. He U we
dressed mid fairly Intelligent. A iiallcemc
arrested him en the- Kings Bridge road la
night where shouting , "Kill hli
kill him , " and making lungsa at some Ir
aginary object. At th pollcu station tl
prisoner , who wore no shoes , culd he to
merly kept a saloon at Memlvl.le. 1'a. I
sold out nnd came here , God having call
upon him to kill Satolll. He had no hatn
for Satolll , but wanted to kill priests.
club of t n , of which ho was president , hi
been organized to kill all priests. He hi
been se ected by the club to strike the fir
blow In the court today , while compos.
and talking rationally , he still adhered
his story that his mission was to kill S
tolll. He was sent lo Bcllevue hospll
where he will undergo examination as to t
, e .Mutor llrukr IVIleu tn Work.
CHICAGO , Aug. 30. An electric car c <
llJcd with a | > < upc > i > rcr ; train on the Chicago
A Northern Pacific rallroid at the Forest
Hill crossing. Three pereoni were seri
ously Injured and a number of others wrrc
badly shaken up. The Injured are John
Hrlggs , left leg crushed nnd Injured In
ternally , I ! . It. Keyes , badly Injured about
the head nnd body Mrs. Mary Burns , cut
about the hcid nnd b uty
The cause of the uclllslon was the refusal
ot the brakes of the elcclr'c car to work.
The motormnn , Drlggs , was unable to pre
vent the cor from running upon the crossing
and smashing Into the train.
Northern I'nrt nf thn Cltt shukrii I , tint
M lit-iu : l Oiimlm Clil.'lly AiTrrteil.
U was South Omaha night at the "Lnst
Days of Pompcll" last night and there was
no mistaking the ( act. From early evening
until the last cloud floated nwuy from the
crest of old Vesuvius every car vvns loaded
with citizens ol the Miiglc City. The South
Omaha people , however , were not the only
persons who wltnesKod th.e destruction of
the city , for there were hundreds from Coun
cil Bluffs ami the surrounding towns , while
Omaha turned out n goodly portion of Its In
habitants , so ninny. , In tact , that when the
r d lights were turned un ( or the first act
the reserved seats , the boxes and the
bleachers seated not less than 9,000 men ,
women nnd children ,
While It was nol down upon the regular
bills , the manner In which the crowd vvas
handled by the street railway companies vvas
one of the most pleasant features ol the even
ing Th ; Omaha company gave a two-minute
service and at the Locust street Junction the
Last Omaha company loaded up Its cars
ever } two minutes and whisked them away
tp the gate uf the show ground. From start
to finish there vwre no long and tedious
waits and in many Instances tussengers were
landed at the grounds within thirty minutes
utter leaving Douglas street.
With the show It was the same old story.
It hud been the annual fete day In Pompcll ,
and all of the surrounding country and the
peasantry and the lown people were In for
a round of joy and merriment Bands had
been marching up and down the principal
streets , while any number of walking dele
gates had furnished the oratory hnrrangulng
crouds from the steps of the capitol building
as well as from the docks. During the -whole
of the day old Vesuvius , located In the out
skirts of the town , had been manifesting
symptoms of uneasiness by smoking and now
and then spitting up hot ashes Some of
the farmers who uero raising1 grapes upon
the slope of the mountain drove to town dur
ing the afternoon , and going up to the
temple told Arbaces. a rich Egyptian , who
had settled among the Ramans a few years
previous , that there was going to be trouble ,
and that the best thing that he could do waste
to call together the city council and have
that body Uaue an order for all the people
to get out of town lor a few days. Here
hUlory records the fact that Arbaces told
the tillers of the soil that he did not CK , ' ?
what happened , as he was In for a day of
enjoyment and would not move a peg If
Vesuvius threw up her boots Some of the
people on the stteets , hearing the conversa
tion , took to the woods , thus saving them
selves and enabling the world to know Just
how the whole altalr happened.
After the moguls cf the tovui had got rid
of the farmers who brought the warning.
Albaces and some of his lieutenants ordered
the festivities to be renewed , and for on
hour or two things went well , but later on
In the day , Claucu ? . a joting Greek who re
sided over In Heiculaneum , n rival town ,
came In a boat , and after landing went di
rectly up to the home of his sweetheart ,
lone , a very beautiful > oung woman and
ono who W.IH much sought utter
by the tans of the nobility. Among
her manj admirers was Arbaces , though he
was old enough to have been her father.
Twice before this clay Arbaccs had proposed
n marriage and once he had promised to deed
the girl half of his possessions If she would
accept his hand , lone went upon the theory
that she had lather have a young man. It
he had but a single shirt to his back , than to
tie herself to an old man , even if he was the
owner of the whole of th3 Roman empire ,
and Inplaln terms she gave Arbaccs to under
stand that she had made up her mind with
reference to tbla mnttcr.AArbaces fully re-
llazed that ho was nol "In It" for a minute ,
and so he concluded to have some fun with
young Mr Glaucus. Sending a messenger
boy tip to ths residence of lono's father he
Invited both of the young people down to
the public square to witness the festivities
Being unsophisticated In the ways oC a
wlckld world , they put on their wraps and
cal.lng a cab , were drlv n down one of the
principal streets. Upon arriving at the foot
of the steps ot the temple , they got out and
were heartily welcomed by the court ofllCTS
and the men in high authority and for a time
they watched the dancing girls and the
athletes In their sports. Just as the hilarity
iv as at th' highest point , Aibaces was seen
coming out of the temple , lugging a golden
calf , which he drought down and placed-rlghl
In front of Glaucus , at the tame time paying
In a loud and commanding voice , "Kneel
down und kiss the brute , or else down comes
ynur msat house " Glancus was completely
taken by surprise , but quickly recovering , he
replied , 'Not If I Know myself '
The people cheered lo the echo , and , draw.
ing a * word. Arbuces Invited the young mat
out Into the commons. The Invitation was
accepted , and e\etal hundred people fol
luwcd , In order to sec that one man did nol
take any advantage of the other. However ,
before they had reached the ground wher <
the duel was to be fought , Vesuvius belcheO
forth great quantities of hot ashes and lava
completely covering Hie town , and burylnj
Arbtces so deep that to this day his bone :
have not been found. Glaucus was one o :
the first men to notice the activity of Vesu
vius , and knowing Ihut to stay meant death
he caught lone under one arm and NjJIa
a blind girl who had been selling flower ;
on the streets , under the other , and made foi
the water , where he secured a boat , ant
throwing both of the fainting women In
Jumped aboard und escaped , rowing over t <
another part of the country.
Last night the fireworks were the bcs
that have be n exhibited , and were entirely
satlsfactoiy la .lam/J3 / Cunellff , who liui
charge ot this department. The picture o
Mayor Ed. Johnson of South Omaha was ( rui
lo life , and was recognized by the thousand :
who were present. Although seriously 111
Miss Maud Warner , who leads the balle
and who Instructed the young ladles win
take part , won rounds of applause , and wa
compelled to respond to an encore.
Tomorrow night Is to be "Hatlroad Night,1
and the management expects to see ever ;
railroad magnate , as well as all the boy
whoc an get off A "life size" locomotive
one of those"big fellows , " In firework
will be one of the special features. Mi
Craven , who Is the representative of Mi
Pain , promises that none of Pain & Son :
celebrated set pieces ever excelled the
big engine.
Diiliuque-l'iilll Torpedo lo lie Place
in Trliil In n I'mv OUYH ,
NBW YOUK , Aug. 30. The torpedo boo
Ericsson , the first vessel built on tiilan
waters , parsed quarantine at 10 o'clock till
morning , having consumed twenty-two < laj
tn the bea passage from St. Loula. Tli
Ericsson was built at the Iowa Iron work :
Dubuque , la , and upon her completion WM
towed down the river to St Louis , whei
die anchored for several days. She bega
her voyage to New London her destlnnlloi
August 8 at noon. Passing through tr
harbor und Into the Kist river the Erlcssc
did not stop at th ; navy > ard , but proceeds
on her course to New London , where st
will be placed on her ofllclal trial J
a few days. The government coi
tract Is tlat the Hrlcsson mu
make twenty-four knots per hour , but U
builders hope to exceed this by one knot
Superintendent Hopkins of the Iron worl
will clay with the boat until It Is turni
over to the government , vvlrn Lleutenai
II N Usher. U S. N , who Is also on heir
will lake charge.
Only Tlnse Who
it Hava Gojd Teeth.
10a BAILEY , TI , IKTI. : .
a- i ! ( | lltmr Pax ton lllooK , Ifltli und 1'ariiain H
aal Tc > Ii-iliiiie | , lCi\\
its l/itly Atlendulil U < rmi : NixiliUti. 1'ull k
teeth , BIS O0f niitilotiiiiiiu day ihu Iniinou l
l& tul.en. I'lllliiKS without pain. All wo
U u I > r. Uullry' * Toutli k'owili
Thirty-Fivo Members of the Eeo Hoe Meet
at Lie cob ,
SOUTH I Noir MriulM-rs lultUiti > < l Into thu
Atvfiil .MyntcrlCH ol thn Su < lct > I.Ut
uf 1liMc M'liit I'lirllctimtrtl
In tliufTnlr. .
LINCOLN1 , Aug. 30. ( Spselnl to The Dec. )
Thlrtj-ftvc members of tlic Hco-Hoo ban-
quetcil it the Lincoln last night. The hotel
still remains Intact ana the luinbtr market
lias not exhibited a bearish tendency up to
the time of closing this noon , but the nil-
usuil demand made upon the provision mar
ket last evening has caused an uneasy tccl-
InE to those who vcrc "short. " It was
the drvntl hour of midnight when they filed
Into the. bannuet hall and seated themselves
In the chairs which had been arranged In
the shape cf a flguro nine. John A. Wake-
field ct Omaha officiated as toaatnuister. Ilo-
fore arriving at the hotel they had been In
executive session at the Halter black , where
they had In tluted nineteen new members
Tlrso present were : J AVal < etleld , J
E. Preston , J. C. Harclay , ( Jeorfie Kelly , O
W. Dunn , Ootitd Diet * . Omaha ; Cri'lfihton
Morris. C. M. Linn. Humboldt , J. II. Uoggc ,
I3udd Crltchfleld , Elmvo l ; J. F : Jones ,
Qermantown ; T. A Whlffon , Ie Witt ;
William Fried , Fremont ; George W. Ualluln.
Crete , J. II. Erford , Sew nnl , F. W. 'iruwn ,
Herman merits , D n. Green , K O. Miller.
William Hopkins , T. It. French , J. C.
Graham , Gerrge E Gascolgne , K. I ) May-
hew , I G. Chapin , Hans D erks , J. C.
U'-ugh , L D. Dcemcr J S Ferguson , I'.iul
Bartlctt , a. AV. 1'latner and W. Leonard
roller , Lincoln.
The friends of J. A Marshall , formerly
of tlJs city , tmt now of Denver , ar recount-
Itig rumors to the effect that ho Is to be In
the near future a Moated bond holder and
millionaire It Is said that he has Invented
a process by uhlch It is possible to extract
the pur-- gold from low grade ores with
profit , end that a company with a capital
of $109,000 Is behind him The Idea Is to
establish a plant In the west as a eort of
experimental station , and to sell the right
of their process to mine ouners , who will
realize ? 12 per ton from ore that was for
merly not worth more than 75 cents.
C \V Heed of the Uellonc hotel arrived
In the city at noon jesterday , and calling
at the Lincoln hotel asked If one Foley was
registered there. He was , and the Omaha
man Informed the clerk that his presence
In the capital city was due to ( ho fact that
the salil Folcy owed him a board bill of
$32 Ho gave Mr. Heed an order on the
house ho claimed to repiescnt and let
him go He settled his account nt the Lin
coln and took the next train for St Joe.
TheGulney Drug company ot Harrington ,
Neb , Is the name of a new firm which flled
articles of Incorporation with the becrotnry
of state this morning.
The go\crnor left on the noon train today
to attend the encampment at Grand Island.
General Gage's Intentions vcra the same ,
but ho left six hours later , oulng to the fact
that the train wuuld not wait ( or him.
George Parish atks the district court to
grant him a Judgment of $4 27G against E.
K. Brace , for damages he all-gos were
caused by the failure of the defendant to
carry out a contract Into which they had
The members of the Commercial club say
that the new quarters In the Clark block ,
at Twelfth and P streets will be ready by
the time the state fair op'ns , and that vis
itors will be tendered a royal welcome.
McCann , Lincoln u center ( lelder , has been
given .nodes of release , on account of falling
to show up at practice. A man by the name
oC Wallschlagcr from Missouri Is to be put
In the box as soon as he arrives , and , If sat
isfactory will take lialsz's plac\ who will
go to the coast to officiate as deputy sheriff
In his brother's office.
I'niir lUllril by mi I-.XIDHOII. | | !
FERGUS FALLS , Minn , Aug. 30. A
threshing engine boiler exploded In Aastad
toady , killing four people.
Is ovcrywhcro rccosrnUnd , Ilenuly und an
nxed upii'Jiu.inco are Impisilblu. Onu unman
In a million is pretty with pray li.ili. The
others must preserve th Ir hair and their
bcuuty by using
It Is not ii dye , but u coloring , cU'iui , health
ful ctllclcnt H lint only n-Mores the hair ton
rich , beautiful color arid luitro , but acts as : i
hull tonic aho bcvcti s'lailcs from Holiest
ash blond to lawn Uluck Mudo only by
iMiTitiAi. tniin .vt , .uru. un , ,
292 FIFTH AVE. , NY ,
lvtlyr Htteet , - Omtiliti , Xibruiht
Our FhstCnl In Prices ,
Want Room for Mew CootK
In our Main and Branch Stores
we have 50,000 , Sample Pants
Patterns , To close quick wo
will make Pants to Order , from
the sample patterns at each ,
etoro , at the following
Great Redaction :
Now S2.5O. Formerly $3.00
Now $3OO. rornierlj $3,75
Now $3.50. Formerly $4.25
Now $4.13.Formerly $5.25
Now $4.41 , Formerly $6.25
Now $4.75. Formerly $7,25
Now $5.O6. Formerly $8.25
Now S5.4O. Formerly $9.25
Now S6.OO. Formerly $10.25
Don't Miss This Chancr
408 N. i6th St.
Jxtrarlnl tinliriiluiil tlioOx ,
In the treatment ol
NY NVuroloKlmt Society. Mn-llnc. April 4 1P9 *
"A c e ni WTwerilFil f toc mntiir ntnxl
yihlrh hirt l en ticnlnl wlili hMKHlrrnilo In-
'J llon of CUIliniUlM' ax > f ra mo th
'imtlrnt. n ninn fined fi'ity , hml IK-RMTI tn > uf <
fer with douMt vlnlim ThH nftrr rv rul
'months of trontinrnl hml illMppffiif. ! , nnil for
'a time he tmrt tncn iiilctll. ! . The hplrnl
> ) niptnin if locninntnr ittnxln then cnm < > oni
comiitpte IOM ot kncp-Ji'iko. nhorn r l ' In
'thr | P , ntnxl.i Kntp well niaihril , InabllllV
'to Unnil with the * } cl' > npil , difficulty In
'rvnuuntlnK the MmMer nnl lowrli , fextiol
'IHIKPT lout ) n trntr uf i-onntilrtlDn nmunit th
'nnl t. Ttcntmcnt win VIPRUnl ut ten ivcckj
'etm , nml mnslFlpil of n il < .ily lupoJcrmlo In-
'Mtlon of CiHiilHI.Vi : : "Itulnmand , five Oropn ,
'c"mWn l null n like nnu < unt of v\nlcr. lm
'pi < itntiit very mnil < v , ri-xunl funcllonn per-
'lootlv rcstoicO. cimif | te co.itrnl over Mmlilcf
'invl l > wtl . nml liiir iinln * tmd illnappenrolj
V nctnl htnlth lniiroI | I , ntle to run up nml
'J.iwn Malw. nml cuul Ktui < l mrndy with hit
Vjrs cluscil No utlier / ntmont cmplojcj. Im
pruvrmvnt Krrulunl nml Btituty. "
I > ese VI v o Drops I'rlct' . (2 ( Orachmi < . J2.50.
Wliorf twil JriUBlKtii nio not nupplleil with
the Hiimmoml Anlnml Kxlmcln. tliej- will b
mnll l , loKCthrr with nil .HxlliiK Illeraturn
on DIG nubji'ct , on rtrclpt or pilce t-y
1111. t t > iu.\i IIIA IIIMIL-AI , vv. ,
KVHN A co , Aan.vr rou OMAHA.
* 3.sp POLICrT.3 SOLE *
You cnn imvo money liy irrarlnz llio
W. 1. . Doiulno S.'I.OO Slino.
Itrcnimr , no nro 'lio Inrgcjt manufacturer * (7
tills prmloof > bues liitho wnrlJniiJnuarnntco their
inlno Iijr stamping the Iinmo ntul prlco on tlio
liiiltom.Mhlcli jirotocl you iih'almt litch prices finil
Die mlildltmnn'n ptuflts. Our ( hex's equal cuttora
vrnilc In style , fniy nttliiR nuil rirlriK aunllttcs.
Weharethem iMil everjwhiro ntlotvcr prlcesfor
the vsluoBlvrn tlmn any oilier mnkp. Take lioiub-
itltutc. If j our dealer cunnot aupply you , v P can.
So d by
A. W. Bowman Co. , 117 N. ISti.
C. J. Carlson. I2IB N 24th.
Ellna Svorison , 2003 N 24n.
Novvmnn , 424 3. I3tn.
W. Flshjr , 2923 Lonvonwarll
Kelly , Stlasr & Co. , Fnrnnrn & IStn
T. A < Croasy , 250O N at So. Omaha
Stonm end Hot Water Hoolln ? ( or
Rosldoncos nntl Buildings. " "
J. C. BIX BY ,
202 JIaln. 203 Pcnrl Streets , Connoil
Bluffs , Io\vn.
WE Ptria YOJ 10 8,000 P.MItNIS.
\VriteIorHanfc References.
loOperation. Bo Detention from Business ,
i-wp n F Nisi LER CO. ,
SOC-30S New York Llfo Ul'og. . Omaha ,
Don't Fool With Your Eyes.
Eeadacbe Caused by Eye Strain.
Many person * whose heads ire constantly neb-
UIK lime no Idea vvrml teller tclemlllcnly fit
ted elRnseo hill Klve them Tills theory U novt
unlversilly eslnUlnheil. "Improperly titled gla -
ii , Hill Invatlably Incrcn.a Hie trouble and may
Imrt to TOTAL. ULINPNUSS. " Our ability to
itijuit glasses sntcly and correctly la beyond
Question. Consult us ljea toted lisa ot churns.
Opposlto I'ailon Hotel.
K -
a tlru to th ntuto unit
fiuliTitl to nrt . ItoiniiH -'OO-T-H-O , Bllilaurt
lilncki < niiiicil Illti II * . In
Special JVloticesr
Council G luffs
n HUNT - , NKAn.
MIUi menue nnd I'earl street. Apply ni He *
AitiiAiiu uiMovn : VAULTS "cFIEANU
) .U llmlte , nt VV S. llomi r"s. MS IliuuUwuy.
draft nnd dilvlnu , CuniiliiBhHm hack untl
ci iie. | t liURHte , 4 i xpruHS mul IxiKKairn wagon * .
Z lruk anU erimry i\iiuii , 30 sets iloubU
a-ul sinulo harmm , 2 farm vmn < m . Wm.
Lewis 1 Muln strtut Council lllurra.
mi 1 acreage for snlo In Council muffs.
Kit fiituj prices caiuldneil 1' . J Ernie , 8
1'uirl Hti.'Pt
rou HAM : on JIINT : , A FI.VI : Z-STOFIY.
H KKUM .IwtillnK. nil ni'jdirn Improvements ;
K" < 1 lul. fine shade trrcs , thin ono block of
| iiiBlilli-e ; jKipKcmlon gl\.n Ht'ntemboi 1.
.vi i Huff p iil i minis o\er more miir corner
. .r Krunihtny nnd Main utri-ct ; will uimwer for
I vine louniH Imiulro of It. I' . OlIUn , 12 North )
M.I IN uri'it. u | > EtalH !
lull 8AI.K. Tlin rt'IlNITt'Ui : AND LKAfifJ
of .1 niHt-clniui lintel K iiiiiinu ; this liotel Ima
n flrnt-clnna n iiulntl'm fi'iillnir from CO to SO at
H meal ; Incutid MMdlu IlimuhMiy ul the junction
of nil the HIM ! cat Ifnei 11 In the beat stand ]
In llio city of rouni.ll liluffK. Aildiers J , Lk
i like , Council lllurfH
H roil BAT.n AT A SAC-
i Him , niarly new. In perfect , onlor. Cull at
Itco nllci ) > .
er to name of 'Tun j" lleiuinl for rctiuu
in 1H South Blnn. Iwforo Balunlay.
All kin Jut Uyotu ;
arulU.uinin ( < lmi3 I j
tlia liUlieit Htylo OL
llio art. f'.ilol H.I I
Milnoil fit'jrlj * ma'li
lu iixij : ii Koul .i
no r. kVnrx pruiniitl/
Oono mil tlollvoral
In nil Jj.irt-i uf in *
oouulry. rfjul tot
llroudnay , neur
rk t _ vd'Hluni Do pot.
rkr S r : i- § 5 Tel Uoue %