Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 30, 1894, Page 3, Image 3

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r I
Dtlitcred by carrier lo any part of llic cltr.
H. W. TIL/TON , I.c ee.
TELEMIONiS-Hujlnfsi office , 'No. 13 : nlghl
d lor. No. 23
3IH.\TJ < f.\ .
Mayno lUt.-vte Agency , 53) Broadway ,
Superlntcndrnt Siwyer wishes lo meet the
tcnclu rs of the city schools at the Bloomer
building this afternoon at 3 o'clock.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday to
Ilernuin f Juhl , ngtd 29. and Itena Dalley ,
aged " 1 I jo Hi of Cedar Il.iplds , Neb.
Joseph tlookcr , a nephew of A. D. Hooker
of this city nml Mrs. Amy M. Sllter , both of
CarBon , are lo be married next week.
Mr ? . Wltler's Sunday school cliss will
fclvo an Ice cream social tonight. August 30 ,
ht Trinity Moth dlst Ep scopal church.
A petition Is being circulated asking the
city council to pu | an arc light M the corner
of First nvcmio and Slxlh street , by the
Uaptlst cliurch.
William Van Dyke , colored , was bound
ovei to the grand Jury on the charge ot bur
glary yesterday , and taken to the county
Jail In default of n $200 band.
The second Ir-rliiro of the course will be
given at Ihn Christian tabernacle this even
lliK by B 0 Aylcsnorth , president of Drake
\iniverslt ) of Das Molnes. The subject will
uo "l-'r.tlrlclde. "
Got In on the boom by Imvlnc a set ot
Judson's blue print plats and Index. Council
Bluffs and all additions , up to date , with
Blrn of nil lolB as of record. L. P. Judon ,
029 Sixth avenue.
The Holiness society Is planning n series
of tent meetings un West Broidnay , near
plghlli street , beginning the latter part of
{ lie week The meetings will probably run
flv or six wceKs.
John Herbert died of Inn.immntlon of the
bowels last evening at < > o'clock , after an
eleven days' Ulnesc , aged 30 years nl his
( "csldenco on Xorth Thirty-sixth street The
fcmslns will be taken to Herman , Neb , this
noon ,
La.wipnce Hunter of Prcgcolt. la , was
lion ml over to the grand Jury yeslerdiy on
thr > cluige of bootlegging He denied having
lirokcr any of the laws , but ul the close of
Ills hearing before Commissioner Steadinai :
lie orknowledgcd having sold $1.20 worth ol
whisk/ the night before without having a
Otis Shepard and M'ss ' I.llllc Lampc were
married last evening at the bride's residence
bn Harrison street. After the ceremony
had been performed all the small boys o
that nelghborho od gathered around the
noiiso and Indulged In n good old-fash
loncd cjnrlvarl. compelling Ihe groom , as n
matter of self-defense , to bliow himself It
the usual ivay.
Mrs. Margaret McDonald , a 10-year-old
\vlfe , was brought In yesterday for nn examl
nitlon before I lie Insane commissioners. He
husband , who Is by many jcars her senior ,
( lied the Information He claimed she had
abuspd the children mid abused him when
Jie tried to protect them. The commissioner :
found It not a case of Insanity , but merely c
Case of June and December not being abl
to hitch The woman was released
Money to loan on Improved farms at low
rates. Bargains In real estate. Houses foi
rent , Klro nnd tornado insurance written
Money loaned for Investors Lougee &
Tuvvle. 235 Pearl street.
No delay In closing loans on Improved
farm lands at low rates. Abstracts ot title
'prepared ami real estate for sale. Pnsey &
Thomas , 201 Pearl street , Council Bluffs.
l'Klft ( > . \ iL I'.lK.tdlC U'llS
r. T. True and wife have returned from a
trip to Vermont ,
MUs Mlnnlo Williamson has returned from
0 Nebraska visit.
J. M. Keltuy , a prominent banker of Mace
donia , was In the city yesterday.
A , T. Fllcklnger and family have returned
fiom a visit with relatives In Independence ,
Miss Kannlo Swire , one ot the teachers
In the city schools , Is home from a Colorado
George J. Crane has returned from a stay
of several ycais In San Francisco and other
western cities.
Mrs. W. W. Lunger has returned from
] 3tiiver ! , Colo. , wheio she has been visiting
tor several weeks.
H. C. Cliaffee , a traveling salesman for
Mann Bros , chair manufacturers of Milwau
kee , Is In the illy.
Miss Glcnnlo White cf Jollet , III.'Is vis
iting the M.sies Slyter on Washington ave
nue for a lew weeks
Mrs. V 15. Sllcott leaves today for DCS
Molnes , accompanied by her mother nnd son ,
to spend a. week at the state fair.
Mr. nnd Mr . H.V. . Tlllon returned last
evening from a week's sojourn at Excelsior
Spring * , Mo.j very greatly benefited In
Mr. and Mrs. James A. Patton and daugh
ter arrived from Indiana yesterday * for a
visit with II Luring and family , on First
The Misses Mary and Fanny Cunningham
of Lincoln , Neb. , are visiting In the city ,
Ihe guests ot Mrs , Henry Stevenson , on
Hazel street.
Miss Jesslo Pontius arrived home yes
terday from Linden Beach , 0. , where she
has been enjoying Lake Urlo breezes for the
jKisl six weeks.
A letter from Mrs. W. O. Wlrt , dated at
Cripple Creek , Cole , conveys the Information
( tut It Is still a matter of considerable
doubt whether her husband will be able to
ave his left arm , which was broken In the
BhootliiR a week ago. If It 1s saved al all
It will be about two Inches shorter than Its
Mrs , I M. Parsons , formerly Miss Cora
Knrnstvorth , Is expected homo In a few days
from Los Angeles , Cal. Since going west
ehe has been given the best of medical at
tention , but to no purpose , for the heart
trouble to which she was subject has been
constantly growing worse. It is now feared
to bo only a question ot a short tlmo until
the malady will prove fatal. Her many
friends here will be saddened at hearing- the
new B.
Diinntn Aivny In the I.c.ul.
If you will glance In tlio windows at 28
Main street and sec the men's Russia calf ,
$5.00 and (6.00 tan shoes , far $2.CO , and the
ladles' French kid , hand turned and welted
eolea , $5.00 and $6.00 shoes , for $1.50 , you
will realize what Is meant by god goodi
eolft at a great sacrifice. We have alsc
ladle ! ' oxfords for COc , 75c. 9Cc and { 1.25
ladles' one-Btrnp slippers , with bow , for EOc
75c , $1.50 and $2.00 ; misses' spring heel
shoes , red or black , for 75c , $1.00 , $1.25 and
92.00 ; men's shoes , the- best niakes and latest
etyles. from $1.25 to $4.00.
LADIES' SHOES FHOM $1.00 TO $3.50.
Duncan guarantees these goods to be Jusl
as represented and his customers are nol
requested to pay ether people's bad debts.
See Duncan's Wear Registers and Han
Times before buying your children's schoo
eh es. CurtU & Wheeler and Edd )
& Webster's ladles' line shoes , $3.50 ; Stacj
Adams' men's line shoes , $4.00.
llolilied by rortutiu Tell vr.
Phyllis Wharton , a irypay fortune teller
was arrested yesterday for the alleged thefi
ot an apron , dress , pair of shoes , valise am
u lot ot other stuff , the whole valued at $15
from Anna Iloth , on Ninth street in Omaha
Bliu visited the house' a day or two ago a.or
the purpose of telling- the fortunes of the In
mates. She was given some stuff In addltloi
to her usual fee , In return for her prophelli
work. Just before she left sbe asked for loJJ i
drln ) : of water , and while alone In the JJ
8ho took advantage of the opportunity to 111
up the vallso with the- clothing which wa :
not Intended for her , and look It all , Sin
went with her party down Into Fremon
county , whcro the was found and brouch
back yesterday. Justice Vlen gave her flfteei
days In which to ponder over tier sin In car
of Sheriff Helen.
Bea folios neatly bound by Moretouie &
Co. , Council Bluffs.
K Per cobs go to Cox , 10 Main itr U Vole
pboaa _ _ _ _ _
The laundries uaa Domestic toap.
Great Preparations PeincMatafor the Oele-
bratioi of Labor Fay.
Maiijr Visitor * Kxiiecleil from Out * do Towns
Order uml l.liio of M.ttvti fur tlio
( ir.iml 1'nnula siieuUIng at
. the I'urk.
Xext Ate inlay will bo Labor day , and In
accordance ulth the proclamation of Uic
prescient cmrt goveinor It lll be observed
with appropriate exercises by Ihe people of
Council Ulufls. For weeks past commit
tees appointed by tlio vnrlctis labor organiza
tions ol the city have been at work on the
arrangements , anil the preliminaries are
tiju so well In hand that a succesiful cele
bration teems assured. It being n legal
holiday , business will be qu to gcncr.illy
suspended and the d.iyvill be given up to
enjoyment. H Is the first time Labor day
lias been celebrated In this city , and
efforts consequently have to be made to
eclipse all celebrations may come
hereafter. Instead of all that h.i\e ever been
witnessed , as Is usually the case.
All the railroads have made an excursion
rate of one and one-third fare for the rcimd
trip , and already word lias been received
tint people nil I cme here In large numbers
from the neighboring towns. The parade
will form at 10 o'clock Monday mornlni ; .
and It vvll be noon before it Is over and the
people have reached Fairmont park Cor the
less spectacular but quite as pleasant Job
of eating dinner. As socn ns the celebrntora
have f-rtlfled themselves nlih a good Jln-
ncr they w II proceed to IMcn to tpeerlies.
The following v.lll give an Idea of the s > ort or
paindo will be seen
Ganymede Wheel Club.
Police- .
City Ofllclals.
Bpcikei" . In Cairl.iRCi.
High School CmlotH
Vctcinli I'll omen's
Ilalbej's Hun.I
Woodmen of HIP World
D.inrlio Soeiel > .
Clfiar Makers Union.
Hrotliorhood of Ilall\\ny Yiuilinpn , Omnhn
IJrotlierhooil of Ilnllwn > I'anlmen , Coiuifll
Hlurr .
Unrbers Union.
Typogr.iplilcal Union.
D.uilsli ISrotlierliood.
Martial Itaiul.
United Labor Protective Association.
Knlgbts of Labor. ( ! ten\vooil.
Knights of Labor , Counrll Blurts.
Ameilcan Hallway I'nlon.
Urollierhooil of Ilallvvnv Tialnmen.
Loyal Imlusitlal I'nion
Uiiorfrnnl7f < l AVorkltiRincn ,
Flic Dppirtnient.
Trades and Meich.ints' Display.
The parade will form on Washington avc
nuo and adjacent streets , and -will move est
on Washington avenue to Righth street , sojth
to Broadway , east to Pearl , south to junction
of JIulii , north on Main to Hroaihvny. cast
to First , south to Graham avenue , through
motor cut to Falrmount park
Among the speakers at the park \vlll be
Mayor Cleaver , General Jnincs n. Weaver ,
Congressman A L. Hager and Itcv. George
Muller. Music will lie burnished by a quai-
tct and the Land. Refreshments will be
served. A large dancing plattonn , 60\SO fee
In size , ulll be erected ai l dancing wil
be Indulged in from 4 o'clock on , with Inter
mission for supper. The speaking \vill begin
atiout 1 o'clock In the afternoon , and after II
is finished there \vlll foe the usinl sack
wlieelbirrow and foot races arid other sports ,
with prizes for the lucly winners.
niftftolullim kutc.
Deeper cuis limn ever.
Summer corsets , lie
Thoraps u glove-fitting. R. , II. , C. , 0. . &
G. . In one lot , 9Sc.
? 1 50 ai.d $2.00 clillilrcn's while dresses , now
67e.fl 25 laundered waists. 25c.
I21ic dress glnglmma , C'Ac.
lOo and 12'Ao wash goods , 32 inches wide , 5c
Ladles' ribbed vests , 15o grade , 8c , 25c
grade , 12Vic , 50o grade , 26c.
Cloaks nnd capos , sold from $ G DO lo CIS.00 ,
cho ce , JI.98.
76c and (1.00 all % vol plaids , 3Dc.
$1.00 and $1 25 novelty dress goods , 50c.
19o and 25e ribbons. ! > c.
C9c ami 75c 24-Inch printed habnll silks ,
39c ,
60c printed chlnn Bilks , 25c.
\Vcndeiful bargains In notions.
Jewelry at half price.
Muslins and sheetings at cost.
Hundreds of oilier bargains In other de
partments during our dissolution sale.
Council Illuffs , la. |
The Council Illuffs Kinfl.rgaiten , 539 Wil
low avenue , will again open Monday , Sept. 3.
Hammocks cheap. Davlslho druggist.
Washerwomen lisa Domestic soap ,
Thren Knots Untlcil.
JudgeJIacy heanl tlio evidence yesterday
In three divorce suits. Xcnc of Hie defend
ants appeared , and HIP plaintiffs were allowed
to tell their stories \\lttioiil let or hindrance ,
with the result llml the divorce asked for
was granted In each case , Ik-ssle M. Cr.ifts
sued Joseph A. Crafts for ni dlNorceon the
ground of cruelty. The defendant was for
merly a member ot Ihe police force In this
city. They lived together bill two
months after they had been mar
ried. Mary B. Ilutler of Ncola asl < ed for
a divorce from J. M. Duller on Ihe * ame
ground and gel II. Churles Scherrcr. a
milkman , who was compelled lo marry Otlllle
Klal some little time ngo In order lo escape
a prosecution on the charge ot seduction ,
had found the wife who had worked so hard
to get him unwilling to stay with him , and
tlie charge he made against her was dpscr-
llon. Ho likewise- got a divorce.
A Croat Slum Ins for the Home Co.
Deputy Auditor of State Stewart Goodrell
IIwalked Into the oltlce of the Council Bluffs
Insurance company last Monday , -Otli Inst. ,
and on the 23d inst. completed an examina
tion of its condition.
The following Is a statement of the com
pany's assets and liabilities as found by Ihe
examiner :
Loans tin real estate nnO liink
slock J.16.SS6.45
Cash In urnr * nml UinV. and In
court > ol tr.inslHBslun 13St.35
Hills rectiKuljle ( tnUtn ( or pre
miums W.CW.S-JtC6,4M C7
All nctunl liabilities , including
nil lojfca J15.134 3i )
ItPlneuinncc reserve 61.15. ' 13
Capital stock ivuxuio
Net surplus 14 SW.18-IC6.4C 07
After deducting all actual liabilities there
remains a surplus to policy holders of $90-
This showing , so soon after the awful flre
losses In June and July. Is one to which
the promoters of the Comic 1 Bluffs Insurance
company point \vltli pride , and la from
$10,00000 to (15,000.00 better than was ex
pected before the sounding was taken.
The examiner , 3ocdrell , authorizes its tc
eay In addition to the foregoing that he IE
pleieed with the condition he found the
company In , and amid congratulations
fatherly advice and good wishes , ho hleO
himself away to the Hartford cf the "West.
. II. 0. Ceok and C. P Tullls , city agents
Good stenographers , bookkeepers , clerks 01
bouse girls secured at 525 Uroadway.
. Domestic soap brinks hard water.
. \1H > I Tree In Itloom.
- A rather queer slrht that greets those vlu
n pass alone Cast Broadway , near the clt )
limits , Is that of an apple tree In full bloom
For several days jvm ji has been coverei
with a thick growth of blossoms , which , li
spite of the lateness of the sraion , look
though they might gUe u big crop of apples
The frost Mill come , In all probability , hov\
nver. long before the buds mature. Tin
n tree ti Jutt past of KrcUlCh's place.
Eirjle laundry , 721 Uroadway , ( or gooi )
work. Tel. 1B7.
Domeitl ; > oap outlasti cheap toap.
Tuyjor A Vuuclin. UU a 3lortcat > o.
Taylor & Vaughn , w-to have teen keeplni
a Bicccry tpr < > on Droidwiy , near the corn *
it Scott 8t 6t , five a ciunl raortcc ye *
terday to Qronpwrg A Schoelitgcn for O
to secure the payment of a bill for gr > cerlcs
Later on several other chattel mortgages
were fllul , which brought the total amount
up to about J2.000.
The Uroadway Metncdltt ladles w II give
a social thli ( Thursday ) evening at the resi
dence of Mrs. James McCabi , Mornlngslile.
There will be music by the Mandolin club ,
violin s.lo , Paul Tulleys ; vocal solo , Mrs.
Wakefleldj cornet , Messrs. Tulleys * nd Pal-
tcr.'on ; piano solo , Mlsn Christie Condron
of Ouiiilia ; song , Miss Nettle Ilceley. P nc-
apple sherbet , fruit salad , with whipped
cream and cake , wilt bo served. Every
one Is ccrdlally Invited.
No use suffering from heat and drouth
when there la plenty of good , clean , pure ,
sparkling water at Manhattan lle.ich , Luke
Manawa ,
Try n glass ot S.ulpho-Sallno or Solerlan
tnlreral waters from the famous Excelsior
springs at George Davis' , Paul Schneider's
and O. II. Ilrown's drug stores. John Un
der , general agent.
Girls or women furnished situations ot all
kinds. 523 Broadway.
Attend the Vaugan avenue platform dance
Friday evening , August 31.
Manhattan Bench , Lake Manawa , contlmi's
to be the popular bathing resort. Humlrrd ?
In the water every aftern on and evening
Gas cooking stoves for rent and for sale at
Gas Co.'s ofllcc.
I'rotilliltloiiNM of loivit Aiixloim to Know
'k'liclr Itrlitlon to the Matl.nn ,
DCS MOINKS , Aug. 29. ( Sppclal Tele
gram to The Bee ) The prohibitionists have
submitted a knotty problem to the state elec
tion board. Last fall Bennett Mitchell
pclled 10,319 votes , ever 2 per cent of the
entire vote cast. The remainder of the
prohibition ticket dw lulled down to 7,000
votes. The question now sought to be set
tled Is whether or not It Is necessary under
the law for the whole ticket to have averaged
2 per cent of the vote cast or whether HIP
fact that the head < f the ticket polled the
required numbr Is sufficient to entitle the
t'cKct ' ncmlnated by the prohibit on con
vention to be placed on the ballot , or whether
It will be necessary to secure a petition.
Ex-Mayor C. C. Lane died today , aged 58 ,
aftrr a lingering Illness , of heart trouble.
The apportionment table of the Interest
on the. permanent sch ol fund of the state
showed there are CSS,150 youth cf school
age ; permanent fund held by state and coun
ties , $ tC)5,31376 ! ) ; Interest to be appor-
t onert. * 118,5i337.
"Bill" Molley , a prominent farmer resld
Ing at Elkhart , was shot and killed yester
day by a man with whose wife Molley Is
alleged to have been unduly Intimate.
Union i omity AfT.-itrf.
CRESTON , la. . Aug. 29. ( Special to The
Bee. ) The Union county democrats are ex
perlenclng more grief. Yesterday ex-Mayor
Ed Dorr , whom the democrats had noml
nated for county auditor , arrived licme from
Denver and Informed his party that he
would not acc'pt , the nomination. The pros
pects arc that the oITlco for auditor on the
democratic ticket wl.l be left blank.
Mr. Moore of Monmouth , III. , arrived In the
city jcstcrday In response to a telegram
asking him to come and Imlcntlfy John M
Moore , the Commonwea'cr who died from
starvation Monday He was unable to Identify
the corpse as that of his uncle. A photo
graph was taken of the dead man ani
Moore will Institute a search for the brother
who the dead man claimed resided at Man
mouth. Th3 remains were burled In Grace
land cpmetery at the expense of the county
Miss Luella Kobblns , a popular young lady
dld last evening at .the home of her parents.
Sheriff B nnett of Madison county was In
the city yesterday and arrested a man named
Sharth , who Is supposed to be connected
with tlie Macksburg postolllce robbery.
The Adams county convention of the
Church of Christ will meet at Prescott
Thursday and Friday of this week. A splen
did program will Int rest all who attend.
This morning while John Sales of Afton was
harnessing his team preparatory to coming
to Creston he saw s > meteor fall within n
short distance of him. Ills team became
frightened at the noise mada by the descend
ing meteor and came n'ar running away. An
examination showed that It was a fragment of
a meteor , about the size of a half bushel
measure , and was so hot that It could not be
handled. It made on exceedingly bright
light. Sales had a met'or fall on his farm
In Johnson county about seventeen years ago
and still has th3 curiosity on exhibition at
the Afton Normal college.
Smooth rorgi-r Ciuiclit.
OTTUMWA , la. , Aug. 29. ( Special Tele
gram to The Bee. ) Bankers In this part ot
the state will be n'-ad ' to know that C'nrod
Roller , the slippery forger , has been ar
rested at Brown rig , Mo. , and taken to Keo-
sauqua , for trial. He passed a check for
$500 on Ihe Keosauqui State bank and they
caused his arrest Ho also Caught an
Ottumwa bank for $2,600 and a Falrfleld
bank for $1,000. He will be tried here and
at Falrlleld.
Teresa Leonard Trlts to the 1'ollcn thn
btory of u Itlilnrd ( ilrl.
Teresa Leonard has come to the full re
alization of what It Is to love well but not
wisely , and now she Is making a vigorous
search to find a man to father her unborn
Last April , while walking through the
shady dells of IIunBcom park , Teresa met
Alfted Jones , a young man who was fair to
lotk upon , and who at the tlmo rustled the
trunks and baggage at the Nock hotel. There
was no Introduction , it being a case of love
at first sight , Cupid shooting his darts Into
the hearts of both of the young people.
After this first meeting there were any number -
ber of moonlight strolls , and In due time
an agrcemenl lo marry was cnlercd into , Ihe
lime for Ihe Inking place of Ihe event being
fixed for Iho early Jays of September. As
HIP courlshlp progressed , Alfred suggest d
that the ceremony was a mere matter of
form and could be omitted , and eventually
he persuaded Teresa that this was true.
After that Ihe Iwo went to living together ,
renting rcoins at 405 North Nineteenth
street where they held themselves up to the
publo ( as man and wife.
Matters went along well enough until last
Monday evening , when Alfred and Teresa
went out for a slroll , which was continued
until a number of the slreels of the city
had been walked. As the hour of midnight
was reached , Alfred look his Teresa back lo
Ihe boarding house , telling her to no and retire -
tire for Ihe night and Ihati he would go
down lo the hotel and stow away the trunks
which had arrived on Ihe late trains Hav
ing Implicit confidence In her Alfred , the
woman sought sleep and ntr pillow , not
awakening until the Tuesday morning sun
was high In the heavens. Then she discov
ered that the olhcr side of Ihe bed had not
been disturbed during the night and that
Jones had not been around the premises.
Hastily donning her clothes anil Imagining
all kinds of accidents befalling her lover ,
she hurried down to the hotel , there to learn
that he had not been seen since early Mon
day evening. Still harboring the opinion
thai ho was Irue , she hunted the town Tues
, day , only to learn Dial she had bon de
serted. Yesterday the woman app.ared
at the police station , where she laid her
, troubles before Ihe detective department and
asked that a warrant for the arrest of Mr.
Jones be Issued. The officers Informed her
that they were powerless to render uny as
sistance and Teresa Leonard went out Into
the wide world with her faith In the honor
of Ihe male porllon of humanlly very badly
shattered. -
Jones came back to Omaha last night , hopIng -
Ing to get tome of his possessions and es
cape under cover of darkness , but Detectives
Dunn and Donahue were locking for him ,
and they captured him In the livery stable
at Fifteenth and Cass streets. He was
locked up and charged with seduction.
UnptulnVnltilus Will ItcRimio Cummaml.
NE\V YOHK , Aug. 29. When the Ameri
d can liner Paris reaches this port on Friday
or Saturday her original commander. Cap-
lain Frederick \Vatklns , will take charge of
ber again. Since the Paris became naturalIzed -
Ized he has been the skipper of the Berlin ,
which Mill flies Ihe Urltlsh flag. Captain
Walking was not naturalized when liU ship
was , 10 could not continue In command.
Result of at ) Attempt to Enforce the Ctato
rv LEW.
Olio OtliurMill ) Ocuil ns tliu llrniilt of u
Street Mclf-c niitl iliu Coroner Hold nn
nil Ai-ci-Hsiiry UuUuiiie of
an Oil ! IVml ,
COLL'MDIA , S. C , Aug. 2 . A bloody trag
edy was enacted at Blackvllle , whereby Solo
mon Drown and John G ribbon' a dispensary
constable , were killed. The double killing was
the result of an old feud between Orlbben and
the Influential Brown family. Orlbben went
to the depot and opened a case of dry goods
consigned to Solomon llrovvn , ostensibly for
the purpose of seizing contraband whisky.
Simon Drown , the father of Solomon , met
Qrlbben on the street later and reproached
htm for opening his package , accusing him
ot persecution. The quarrel waxed warm and
Drown was joined by his sons , Solomon , Isa-
dore and Herman. Grlbbcn offered to fight
any one of them , and Isadore , 22 years old ,
accepted the challenge. Grlbben struck at
him , but the blow was parried , and Brown
knocked Grlbbcn down. At this juncture pis
tols were drawn and six or seven shots were
11 red in rapid succession. Grlbben was shot
through the left shoulder and near the heart ,
lie staggered into a store , firing at the same
time at the Urowns. A bullet struck Solo
mon Brown , who fell halt way to the ground
Grtbben continued his firing , and one bul
let penetrated Solomon Urown's head , killing
him Instantly. Another bullet penetrated
hl& heart. When Gribben's pistol ) was
emptied he walked through the store to the
back yard , where he fell and died in ten
minutes. Some contend that Coroner II P.
Ditches , who was standing In the store al the
time , fired the shot that killed young Brown.
The coroner proceeded to hold an Inquest ,
however , but the sheriff arrived In the midst
of It and arrested him on a charge of being
an accessory Justice Hallet then empaneled a
Jury and took testimony in relation to Grib-
bcn's death. The verdict was that he was
killed by Brown , and that Simon and Isadore
Drown were accessories before and after the
The Inquest on Brown's remains has not
yet been held.
Itniige Cattle In ( Jood Cnudltloii nml llelng
hhlppcil l > y TlinuiamU.
DEADWOOD , S. D. , Aug. 29. ( Special to
The Bee ) Cattle shipments from the Black
Hills country have already assumed large
proportions , and , as the season advances ,
they will be greatly Increased. The nikhorn
road -will probably ship this season between
1,500 and 2,000 car loads , and the B. & M. ,
since the season began , has been shipping
from forty to seventy car loads a day. The
mild winter and favorable spring have been
of Inestimable benefit to the cattle growers
of the Black Hills * country , and range cattle
this year have come out In tetter shape than
ever before. The amount of stock shipped
this year from the Hills -will be very large
and the railroads will be kepi busy -handling
Delegates from nil the. brass bands In Ihe
Black Hills have met at Deadwood and per
fected an organization of the musicians of the
Black Hills. The new organlzallon , which
consists of 150 members , will meet at Hot
Springs the latler part of September , and ,
organized Into one gigantic band , will give
concerts at that place for three days.
Tipple Bros , and associates , who * have
driven a bedrock drain for d'distance of 300
feet on Deaduood gulch , about one mile
above town , have at last struck dirt that will
pay lo sluice. At the point where they are
now working one of the old bedrock drains put
In In 1S7C has been uncovered. Though
burled for a period ot eighteen years , the
lumber of which ti was constructed
Is In as good condition ( IB the day on which
It was put Into the ground. All this ground ,
which Is drained by tb workings , had been
worked over in early days , when good ehov-
clers commanded wages of from $ G to $10 a
day , consequently any ground which did not
pay more than $6 a day to the man was
passed over. It U such diggings that Ihe
various prospectors noiv working In Whitewood -
wood and Deadwood gulchea are looking for ,
and many have been successful In their
search. Good wages are being made by
numerous parties who are working these
"worked out" claims along the gulches men
The South Dakota Mining company , whose
claims are on Annie creek and ralrebottom ,
Is doing a great deal of work on their many
locations and will soon make them producing
properties. A change In superintendents lias
been made , Oscar Waller succeeding Mr ,
Larke. The company Is controlled by KIIE-
llahmcn and Its plans contemplate one of the
largest reduction plants In the country.
The siliceous ore belt of the Black HI1U
Is ot unknown extent , and Is apparently co
extensive with the H11U. During the present
reason It bos been encountered In many un
looked-for placed , localities which for jeirs
past have been worked for other ores by
people who failed to see anything of value In
the ordinary-looking Hat rock that covers
.icarly every eminence throughout the Hills.
Hie latest discovery of this character of
ore has been made at the head \Yhllewood
b > -i party who has been prospecting In that
vicinity for Eome time past , Several shafts
had beun fcunk In the imarlzltc without findIng -
Ing anything , when It.was concluded to go
through that formation , which was done ,
and at a depth of eighteen feet the workeis
'were rewaided by uncovering a slifct of oxide
ore of good gindu. This position of the ore is
peculiar , ns in every other portion of the
Hills It has been found above the quartzltes
and in the shales
runt Trip ol u ( tittle Tr.iln ,
CHAMBERLAIN , Aug. 29. ( Special Tele
gram to Tlio Bee. ) A double-header stock
train left here this evening for Chicago. U
will be a test run. The railroad ofllclals ex
pect to make the run to Chicago in thirty
hours. If everything is satisfactory about
20,000 head of Sioux land cattle will as a
result be shipped from this point In the near
future. _ j
l.nrgc ( 'rputncry Iomrcj ' < l.
WnUSTEK CITY , la. , Aug 29. ( Special
Telegram to The Bee ) Plre destroyed the
largest creamery In the county at Stratford
ast night It was supposed to have been
of Incendiary origin The loss was total , and
s In the neighborhood of $5,000. There was
but slight Insurance.
II A > riilty I'-KA.S/OA.S ,
VetcrniiH of tlio I.ite War I'c'incinlioreil by
the ( iirral tiutcrnincnt.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 29.-Special ( to The
Ilee ) Western pensions ) . Issue of August
17 , were : Nebraska : Supplemental
Jonathan II Cllne , lied Cloud , Webster ;
Jurvls Dean , 1'lerce , Pierce.
Iowa Original Sallle CuvvKll ) , nurse ,
West Branch , Cedar ; Teirence Doyle , Pocahontas -
cahontas , Pocuhontas. Reissue Jere J
Harris , Sidney , Kremont. Original widows ,
etc -Kleanor Chambeis , Attica , Mm Ion.
Colorado Additional William H. Dlxon ,
Red Cliff , Kagle. Reissue Daniel I'
Wooton , deceased , Denver , Arapahoe.
I'liri-nt I ° lr < ) 'I lirouton City.
NEW WHATCOM , Wash. , Aug. 20-The
forests around this city ore on lire and a
strong northeasterly wind Is blowing tt ard
the city. Several suburban residences 'uve
been destroyed.
11'KAMlKlt J-'OttlStlrlltl.
I'ulr Wmtlier anil Warmer In Western N'c-
brnnkii Todny.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 29-The Indications
for Thursday are
For Nebraska Kitlr ; warmer In the west
ern portion , east winds , becoming Houth.
For Iowa Fair , warmer ; noithenbt winds.
For Missouri Fair ; soulli w ImK
For South Dakota Fair ; vviumer ; south
For Kunn.18 Fair ; soulh winds.
l.ocul Itei'orcl.
Omen orTiin WEATHER UUKSIU. Ovum ,
Aujr. " 'J Omaliu record of temperature and
ruinfallco.npiroJ > ritti corresponding day of
past four years :
1894. 1B13. 1892. 1801.
Maximum temuoraliuo 05 = 72 = cr , = 78 =
Minimum toiMDeriture. C0 = 403 60 = 60 =
Averaco tcmuor.tturc. . H0 = & 9 = 01 = fa7-
Preclpltatlon 01) ,00 , &u 00
Statement shovvlns ttio ciwJltlon ot torn-
peraturoand precipitation at Omaha for the
day nnd since March I , Ib'Jt :
Normal tcmunraluro 70 =
Kuccss for Iho duv 10 =
Excrsss tlnco Murcti 1 O82O
Nnrmulproclultallnn Hnc ! ?
Deficiency fortlioilav .11 Inch
Deficiency since Marcli 1 13.B9lne.hoa
Krportu from Other Station * at H r. M.
GI.OKCG H HUNT , Local Porncait OfflcUI.
Children Cry for
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cry foi1
Pitcher's Castorla.
Children Cryfoi
-Etcher's Castorla.
Our Bond
Guarantees no
Pay until Cured.
Bond for our Now Book.
119 S. 14th St. Omaha , Neb.
Always Reliable , Purely Vegetable.
Peirectly taftckps. clccnntly coaled , pur e ,
regulate , | ) uilfy , cleanse nnd strengthen UAD-
WAVS P1I.LH foi the euro ot all dUoidcrs of
Ilio ctoimcli , towels , kidneys , bladder , ncrvoun
dlsrasts , dlszlnrsa , vertigo , costhcncss , plica.
All Disorders of the LIVER.
Observe the following BJ mptoms , rcnming
from ( lliea es of the dlcestlvc organs Constipa
tion. Invutnl piles , rullnees of blood In the hind ,
acidity of the stomach , nausea , hoaitburn , ills-
eust of food , fullness of TU'lclU ot the stomach ,
sour crucUitloiiB , tslnklni ; or Huttcrlnc of the
hc.irt. cliol.liiK or suffocating sensntlons when
In a ItliiK posture , dimness of M lon , data or
nelis bcfoie the sight , fever nnd dull ptln In
the head , deficiency of pereplrallon. yellowness
of tlia ekln and < * } CB , pain In the side , chest ,
limbs , and budden Hushes of heat , burning tn
tlio flesh.
A few doBO of HADWAY'S PII.I.H will free
lh FJKlein of all the above named dlsaiders
Prlca ti5 iunl > Itux , Soul n > llnitfvUtu
or sent liv Mml.
Send to DR JIADWAY & CO. , Lock Box 553 ,
New York , for Book of Advice.
Catarrh , all Dlsoaaoa ol the Noao.
ThroatChost , Stomach , Llvor , Blood
Skin and K clnoy DlBoaeas , Lo3
Cull en or itddn-HS
Dr. Searlcs & Searlcs ,
V , ti , lri > o > ! ( onj , Uinahafliratlitt ,
CAPITAL , - - $400,000
SURPLUS , - - $55,500
Officer * snd Directors-Henry W. Tales , pres
ident ; John 8 , Collins , Ylce-prcildent ; L wls
8. ru d. Cashier : William II. 8. Uucbes , ss Ul-
out cashlir.
B Beer-B.
, B.-Barley - . B.
The most wholesome and the pleasantest
BVtntncr drink made.
Guainntccd to meet Ihe rcqulrcmentb of
the Iowa and Nebraska liquor laws.
It Is not u n cv. drink , but has Blood the
test of years nnd has stendlly grown In
popularity. Ilciul the minis bin and testimo
nial of a well Known chemist :
Office of Prof. Nell Johnson ,
Lincoln , Neb. . April Stli , 1ES3 ,
Having mndo an analysis of n compound
known as D. IJ or Bailey Uecr , I found It
to contain 0 OU per cent , of absolute alcohol ,
nlilch Is n much less per cent , than found
In any temperance beverage on the market.
There Is no mot * alcohol than Is necessary
to preseive the -vegetable matter. It Is pei-
feclly haimlcss ns a drink , and Is no sensa
an alcoholic bevemge.
Medical and Analytical Chemist.
Invented und manufactured solely by
Battling- Works , Council Bluffs , la.
Write for circulars nnd price list.
-At 337 Broailwn > lie U the prototype o (
TrfE FtfEW BdoME
SewliiR Machine , the siMttcM , lightest running
and tin Ilicic la nn taitli tlio winner ct nil
firm uwiircls nt the AVoiWx 1'alr Tlicre ule no
Dthoiu Ju l us K OI ] , iiml tin1) nrc the chiaprst
In the innikct , ranting fiom ) tu IC5.QO on
easy Icims.
J. T.
237 llmadnny , Council Illurrs.
T > r < rlter tupplkB and T > pew liters foi sala
or nnt.
President. Cashier.
Fiist Natiooa Bank
Capital , - - $100,000
Profits , - . . 12,000
One of the oldest tanks tn the state of Iowa.
We solicit your business and collections. W
pay 6 per cent on time deposit ! . We mill b *
pleased to see and serve you.
frc . tad ! ' ! ' g rut < * tbst
CALTIIOS will Ilrstorc our
UealUi , HtrenirUt and Vl or.
I lit it and \ftalisJttS \ ,
AcirlreesVONMOHLCO. .
B U i KMlwi > > ,
" -Special
I'lfth uvenuo and I'carl tticct. Apply at lint
lil Iluike , at W. S. IloniPl'K , MS Uroadway.
draft and driving , CunnliiKhuni hack and
cojpe. I buxses , 4 express and luggage navunu ,
2 truck and rcenery vviiKniis , 10 sets double
and slnxlo hainrss 2 ( arm unions. Win.
Lewis. ia Main street. Council lllufts.
iimiims. etc. ; bargain , i07 Stain street.
anil acreage for sale tn Council UlufTu.
No fancy price * considered. 1 * . J , Km If , t
l' < nrl street.
S-ronm dwelling nil mndfrn Improvements ;
K'Hul lot , tine shade trees ; wUhltk fine block ot
postofllce , possession given HepUinher I.
AlM > thiee K "d rooms o\rr stor neur corner
of Uroadway nnd Main street , will armwer fur
llvInK rooms Inquire of II. 1' . Olllccr , 12 Xoitli
Main street , upvtulm
of a Mrst-clau hotel , 42 rooms ; thin liotc.1 lias
& flrsl-cUs * reputation , feedlnir from CO to f > 0 ut
a meal , located Middle Ilniadnay at the Junction
of nil thv strrd car lines. H Is Ihe best stand
111 the tlty of Council muffs. AililltuB J , Dee
oftlce , Council lilufTs.
rlllcp , nearly new , In perfect order. Cull at
lire olllt * .
swern to name of 'Tone ) " . Itewurd for relura
tu 721 South First street , before Saturday ,