THE OMAHA DAILY BEEt .ffUESDAY , AUGUST 28 , 1891 Pays you $4 to 58 weekly that moans pin money adds j _ little to your present expenses THE BEE GETS 'EM 17 WORDS FOR 25 CENTS. 8PEG1RL Advertisements for thcso column * will taken until :30 p. m. tor .the evening nnd until :00 : p. m. for tli morulns and Sunday eilltlon * . Advertiser * , liy reaucatlns a numl > cr cli k. cnn Imve answer * addressed to a numbered letter In care ot The Dec. Answers o n.WrMScd will l delivered uixm presentation if tlio check. Rates. IVJo a word first Insertion. Ic n word thereafter. Nothing taken for less than tic for tlrxt Inter I Ion. . , . . These advertisements muit run consecutively. SITUATIONS WANTED. WANTED. POSITION AB mmsn ami. : reforcncei. Address 1 7 No. 22nd WANTED WA1E HELP. BALHSUKN ( nNnnCinTIO-WANT MEN OK rood nddrcsi on salary for rclall trade. Appljr 1516 Douglas. H-HMI 88 _ SPECIALTY SAI.nSMnN FOH niltlVS LUMP law remedy ( endorsed by U. S. Dt-pt. AKrlcul- ture. Hurenu of Anlmnl Industry , ns a ppecino as a sldo line. Llbcrnl terms lo ilKlit parties Address Brothers & Held. JInhern , Iii. U & 13ttl oil EI'ECIAI/TY AUVnitTlSINO CANVASSERS ; men familiar with prcmlu-n mcicuntllo trade. Money mnker ol < Mnlitcen ninety-four. Stanley- Bradley Pub. L'o. No. U. ICtli t , * [ . _ % WANTKD. THAVnUNO BAI.DSMnN. ItRUKN & Thompson , toilore , 1C12 1'arnain sliect. l S2 WANTRD. MKSSKNGKK HOY. AIMU..Y TO It. O. Dun & Co. , room 301 Tiist Nutliul lunlc. II 6IJ-S7 * WANTED , nnru CLr.rtK. MUST nu tciril or able lo become fa ; btlKlit. ru-thc. competent. No blunderer or "KUi'ij.n" need apply State vrlure and when rmr > lo > ed. Sher man 4 UcConnell , Omaha , Nclj. U MW8 3D , wlth lila parents preferred. dl e nire. refer ences , cto Addicas U 48 , Dee olllre WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED nmu ron HOUSE- work ; small fni ' .u. 1138 ij. Cist at. C 4U WANTED , A LAI1Y FOR A OOOU I'HHMANCNT position , must ! * < fairly educated , and betwein K antl 49 years of use. Address U 25. 1J"P. BIILMN'RIIY SAhTiSLADI E3. -Answer with lefeicnii.U 37. lice olllre. C MC05 18' WANTED , aim. vou OUNRHAT. HOUSE" 'Work. II. Nester , 1JW Park Wild < H. 71 h ) ave. U-MC60 28' WANTED. A noon ami. ron .housework. MIOVlrt street. C SIGST S3 * CANTED. A OOOD SECOND O1IIL , : JIUHT lth\e referencu. Mrs * 31areli , eaut of llmunell .ball. " . C M6K ! 30 * FOB BENT HOTJSES. TENT3 FOR RUNT. " 1S11 FARNAM ST. p-ea WANTED GOOD MEDIUM PRICED HOUSES. List your lioases Cor lent altli Ames. D-C6S _ HOUSES. P. K. DARLING. BARKER BLOCK. D-CC6 - _ _ nouses IN ALL PARTS OF THU CITY. THE O. r. Davis company , 1505 Farnam. I > C67 KKLKKNNY * CO. , R. 1 , CONTINENTAL nLK ; D-67 _ FINE 7-ROOM CORNER FLAT AT 701 S. 16TI1 street ; range and all other convenience ] . Qtorgt Clouser. room 2 , K21 Pornain Btret't. D SOU FOR UENT. LAROK TWO-STORY BUILDINO. formerly used by the UarhoiT Trunk Tactory , iUO Sevan ! st. D ? JO si FOR RENT. MOST DESIRABLE HOUSK. 251 ! Ifarnam. U. C. Patterson , Ranig block. D-JIOOl I , . i AND'lO-nOOM HOUSES. ALL MOD. ern , lawn and shade. Apply ut 11 N. Y. Lifter or 2124 Miami street. -M18 > _ FOR RENT. CHEAPEST SIX-ROOM COTTAOE with bath In city ; only J1500. 8055 raillfornh street. D-M3C2 _ FOR RENT. DESIRABLB D\VT3LLINC5S If oil parts of city. 13. II. Sheafe. IJ2 P. tnn blk 8-ROOM HOUSE , W.M. 9-ROOM IIOfHlX ! .M city water ; Dundee Place. 21S He * liMit. EIOHT-ROOM MODERN HOUSE , 2215 MIAMI Inquire KM N , Mill. D IT8-58 * _ f-ROOM MO DKRN COTTAGE. CORNER , IV mile * from postotllce , good location , \\lth barn H 50. ( -room home In excellent repair , $3 00 Pldcllt ] Tnist company , 17th and Fuinuin streets. D-MIM 31 _ FOR UENT , ELKCJANT 10-ROOM HOUSE i-easonable. K" Hurt street. 11SJ n * 5014 ilASON STREUT : GAS. I1ATII. LAWN barn ; elegant lo. al'on ' , J.O.W. S. K. Humiihrcy BMNevY York Life. D 61 } Kt to HOUSES ? " v. U."WAD , isrTTT'noifLaAS D-S21-31 J'UOOM. COTTA1SE. a. K. COR. n ANI Clark. ! r. ! 3 Jackson. - D sis : * FOR RENT. TEN-ROOM HOUSE. NORTllWES corner SDlh anil rnrnaiu strvetH. Posses-do Hlken Sepltinlx-r 1. Imiulro 331C 1'arnaiu street Charlea Turner. D MMj 2 ' _ 10-ROOM HOllBU. MODERN COSVBNtRNC'n * : 621 a. 18th ntreel. D-MS'W 23" _ FO R RENT , MODERN ROOM COTT A C5 K call between 12 and 2 l ! 2t Bhermart nxrjuie. IJ-MC2I _ _ TUB FRENXER. " 111-116 N. 23TII KTRKKI H Inrge rooms ; ull inoileru conveniences ; v.1 rent I'lther hall deparulely. John JT. Frenzei Opp. P. O. D--C07 I _ TOR RUNT , TWO SIX-ROOM FLATS IN GOO1 condition at 415 nnd 41 South lllh slieet A Jl Poopletou , HKIII 311 Itt KutlonJl bin bullOlnr. D-6lii-a _ FOR RENT , 5 ROOMS. C31 S. 17T11 BTREirr. D aio-saj" UKBUUPABSKD 8T13AM , MODKHN 3. B. ( room houses and Halt. TllurU , 221 N. 2lih FOB ItENT FUBNISHEU ROOMS FURNISHED ROOMB. SOUTH 13TH ST. K-MJ13 Hit * LAUQE BOUTH FRONT ROOM. W IIA11NE5 E-M372 ! _ PLEASANT rUUNISUED ROOM , 2J15 DO 1X3 1 FUHN1BHED ROOSIS AT Sit I3-M151 8 U FURNtSIICD ROOMH. S > CAH > ST LAUQK AND BMALI , ItOOMH AND 11OO1I en nulls on ivto car lines. 114 KJUIh 20lh alrec ROOM roil LIUIft HOUSEKKUflNQ. 11 * 15th. K-M6T7 _ ifl'UNlSUKD IIOOMH ; MODKRN , Sl'ITABL for oiio ot iwo , 1)19 Uudge. for roan and wlte. Rent taken In b ard. I N. I7th stiecU B-MMl _ ItOOMH FURXbHED AND UNFUUNISIIEI 4(11 Oed . K-M6IJ JTIBNISHED BOOMS AND BOABD. VOU.NO WOMEN'S HOME LNDER CARE OK Women's Christian association. Ill S. 17th st , . F C71 THE MADISON ( FAMILY HOTEL ) . 21ST AND ChlacRo streets , newly refitted and nfurnUhc-d throuKhout , references required. K &UiU 1 * PLEASANT ROOMS WITH HOARD. 2130 ILMt- " / F M3i5 aic * VERY DESIRAI3LE UNFuRNIbllllb TRONT and Lact pirlors , also furnished roonw ; e\ery- thing Hrst-clnss. 219 and 212 Bouth 2:111 street I--M134 NICELY FURNISHED ROOJ13 WITH ALL conveniences , rim-class board. ! ll No. mil street. r M27S-S13' PLEASANT ROOMS , WITH rillST-CLASS board. 22 l ndon Court. r M13S 2J * rURNISHlID AND UNPURN151IED ROOMS with bonrcl , steam heat , nt Utopti , 17U-172I D.ivenport. 1' 543-31 * _ rURNISHED ROOMS WITH BOARD ! RE- * crincc. Ell To main. F M50T ! NICELY rtlRNIHIiED ROOM IN IfOWNTKl ! Place , with or without board. Evci > thins nrst-cl/isa / U SO. lice. P 31M2 1 NICE ROOMS : GOOD BOARD ; RATES ItEA- soiialile.njnvenlences , The Ri > ,20.0 ' Mi ! Hariiey r MCSli S25 rURNISIIED ROOMS TOR HOUSEKEEPING , modern. IK3 Tarnam st. E FURNISHED ROOM , 224 N. 10TIL H Cll-l I"t7rtNIhIinD brand. 17W EIEOANTLY 1-TRNlSIinD SOIJTII TRONI room nnd prlvalo bo.ird , best conveniences 2110 Douslia street F M632 31 DEHIIiAHLE ROOJ1S WITH HOARD , REPEll ciiLei. 202 North ISth. r MCOO 2 BOABDJNG. DisiuAnm Roost WITH BOARD IN PRI v.ito family , 700 N. IStli. II 547-31 * FOB RENT STORES ANIi OFFICES CORNER STONE , O.W. 921 DOUGLAS. IN riulrc 3-2L I mSGS _ _ < FOR RENT , ROOM , f.5 HY 32 , 2ND FLOOR Ol my Btore , suitable for cloaks and sulti ; coo , light imd elevator bft'.lco. Airs. J , Benson. _ _ I M9S9 FOR RENT. THG 4-STORY BRICK T1U1LDINC 916 Furnam street. The kulMIng lias a lire proof ccineiit basement , complete steam heat Ins IKturts , water on all llnors. eetc. . An ply at the odlce of The Bee. 1 910 FOR RENT .TIlRL'B-HTORY AND RAHEMEN" store bulldlnfr at 1011 rurnani street , sm.i ] store In Exposition blilMlnp , nnd Imll siiltab ! for lodges or other purposes at 1001 Farnui. street , all In peed condition. A. J , Popple ton , 314 lit National bank building. I-G1G-2 AGENTS WANTED. AGENTS. BOTH. SEXUS. TO TAKE CON tracts ( or reliable firm. 425 Paxton blk , Omaha J-741-A30' AGENTS WANTED TO SKLL SPRA-O-LINr Address Home Treatment Co. . Denver , Colo. J M4SI 23 AGENTS WANTED , A HUSTLER IN EVUir Nebmska town. Article nenly patented , phc nomenal seller : 100 pel cent prollt. Addres ; with stamp. 2707 Q street , Bouth Omaha. J-M53D BALESJ1EN , Wo SEND SAMPLIIS. ALLOT liberal salary nnd expenbes or commission t proper appllLants. Staple Eellvr , thrc stares out of fl\e nlll onler. Address wit stump Lock Bac 420 , New Yoilc city. WANTED TO BENT. WANTED TO RENT , BY OCTOBER 1 , A PU11 nlslied detached house of about 10 rooms , wit modern conveniences and In good locatlor Parties rrxpunslblo. Xo children , U 2S. Bet K 5IS-S8 * WANTED HOUSES TO RENT. HAVE MOR calls than I can supply. J. H. I'arratle , let and Dodge , 1C 551 s ' , FAMILY OF THR13B. BREAKINO UP IlOUSl : kti-plng , would like three plruaant , untuiulshu riwrnnvlth hoard ; house must be Ltntial an modem ; terms reasonable , best rrfeienrc : Address U 35. Rcc. K MC17 2S * STOBAGE. STORAGE. WILLIAMS & CRO&S.121I IIARNE1 M-C72 bTORAGB FOR HOUSEHOLD GOODS ; CLEA : and cheap late , It. Wclli. 1111 I'urnum OM.VANdSTORAGE CO..1S03 FARNAM. lel.15 ; M-C74 UEST bTORAGE BUILDING IN OMAHA. I 8. gov. bonded warehouse. Household irnoil stored. Lowest rates. 1013-1015 Lea > enwortl M-743 WANTED TO BUY. CASH TOR LUMBER BUSINESS IN MV : town : glv full paitlculais. T 3. Bee oftlce. N-M9S5 S7 WANTED. G-ROOM COTT.VGK. WITHIN UIW eonablc dlitance frum poxtotllce , m-t over t2X ( > Addiess U 31 , Bee , N MCC1 2S WANTED , GOOD frUZK SECOND-HAND SAF In KOCK ! cnndlllon. C.ill or addrens Mfg. Co , Council Uluttffo , Monday , Aug. 27. N-WS 27 A riVK-ROOM COTTAGE AND IIATII I good condition , with stable on the premise must be cheap and In nice neighborhood 01 convenient to street cnrv Address glvli : location nnd price to U 4 $ , Omaha liee. HAVANA VRr.CKLKS. REST ON HARTir , tt N MC31 S27 FOB SALE FUKNITTJBE. PAYMENTS KASY , YUU WON'T MlbS YOU money , Lair prices on furniture & liouseha goods. Enterprise Credit Co. , U3-615 N. 16th s 07S IXR SAL13 , FIRST CIMSS UPRK1HT PIAN ( cheap ; must Bell. Call 12i3 B. 16th street. O 4SO ! 3 BIX-HOL11 GARLAND RANGE. tlO. DA Hay , rear 2SU Hamilton street. 0-MS27 2S _ _ _ TWO HARD COAL BURNERS. GAULAN and Rodlant Him'- , one oak chamber suit very chtiip. Cull morning * nt :00 N. 20th slre < 30 < FOB SALE HOBSE8 , WAGONS , ET i TOP BUGOIrilJSS 4 t6J.Ln.\THCR TOP CAI ring * tW. Drummond Carrlase Co. P 551 OR THADE t HOR.1ES WE1I1I Ini l.OVO Ibs. each. C and 7 > < ur old. I'r 'fury. 433 Ramge block. P 'C < THE BEST LEATHKRTO1 * BUGGY IN OMAI1 ( or IU.04. Urummond , Ktb and Harncy. WANTID-A : TEAM oi % HORSES WKKHIIN nu less than 1.100 Ibs. , well biuKen-to cl driving- . Bend particulars to U H. Bee. ron SALE-rtRST CLASS SADDLE HORS Theoijor * Qradman , at Drowning. Kim : & Co' ' THOROUqHBUED SHETLAND I'ONY MAIl & yetti old , handsome , ntll broken and wit out blemlili or vice. Address C. V. Croi Bhcnjmlcmh. la. 1' M l 30' ' FOB SALE MISOEIjl.AI."EOUS. UK 1'OR SAU1 ! ; CAN BHIl * OVER ANY RO/ out ot Omaha and Council Ulufls. Lamorea llrog. 3t Bu. 16th , Omtlia. Q-MJWSl VIRE BRICIC. CAR LOTS | | fM. BUST BID walk brick In raaikrl. tfee sample vvallu li cor. loth and Burl and 13th and I'lerce , Wi J. WeUhan * . room 331 , Ilotrd of Trade. Q-Stt Bll FOB , SALE MISOELLANF.OU3. Continued. CHEAPEST CHICKEN AND ORNAMENTAL l nc made. C. It. Lee , Wl Douglas. Q-J7i FOR BALB. TUB FORMl'LAB TOR WELL known proprletniy medicines , fav&rably known In the- northwest , tvlth silc rights to munufao- ture and sell Ui North and Bnulh Dakota , No * braika. None tmt responsible parties need answer. Address II T. Bmltli Q-MSU SIS _ ' " FUR BALD , A FlNB Pv i7H'LOo"n HOLaTI3IN bull cnlf , 4 months old 2829 Webster street. Q-M4M SI' HANK AND I'LATTK VALLKY SAND FOR ale. C. W. Hull Company , 20th fc Hard ats , . q 175 FOR BALE , 3 * ) TONS CHOICE HAY. IN" Wire at tjoin 3C. Iliuwnell blk , , Lincoln , Neb. Le Grande , M Baldwin Q MM ? MISCELLANEOUS. HAVE- YOUR OLD CARPET WOVEN INTO rugs. Smyrna rugi repaired , 1521 Lenvenworlh. R M542 STOCK. PASTURED ; GOOD FEED. T. MUH- ray. R MI27 B20 * CLAIRVOYANTS MRS. DR. IL WARREN , CLAIRVOYANT , IIU < llaUe business medium ; 7th year ut Hi ) N. 10. MASSAGE , BATHS. ETC. MADAME SMITH. S02 S. 13TII 2D FI/OR , room 3 ; maimfC"P3r , alcohol , Bteam , sul- phurlne and sea baths. _ T M598 1 * MME. LA llUK , 4I 1JOUTH "iBTII. T-MM1S7 * MAS3AGE , MADAME 11ERNARD. 1119 DODGE. PERSONAL. UMBRELLAS J-fADE. RECOVERED AND RE- lulled. 10" South Sixteenth street , U 381 VI AVI HOMIJ TREATMENT FOH LADIES. Health book nnd cimiullatlon free Addreinnr tall Vlavl Co. . 310 Bee bldg. Lady Bttendimt. U C73 TAKE YOUR FRIEND : TINTYPES , 4 FOR 23e. 1'roctor , ClG S. 16lli street. U MS3I MASSAGE UATH9. MME. POST. 313il P. T.TH. U 235 BALDUFF A pleasant nnd convenient place. 1520 Karnnm street , I'axton block ; 'phone 711.U . U CSO CREAM FOR WHIPPING AND BUTTKR- milk. Waterloo creamery , 1613 Howard ) tel. 1331 MISS MARY MARTIN OF DES MOINE8. IA. , Is most anxious lo sea or hear from lier sister , Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson , recently of Omaha , Neb. U M2CO 31 WHOLE WHEAT BREAD FROM UNBOLTED Hour at Imogen L. Ramsey's , 217 N. 16th it. U M40S SIT DR.W. STEPHENSON. SPECIALIST , 608 S. 13TH U-414-S19" MMI3. LA ROOK. MABSAOE , 1W > LEAVEN- north street , third lloor. C.ont rooms roomsUM CI 3 WHEN OUT WITH YOUR LADY VISIT J. 3 Mutter's new Ice cream parlors , 2W ! Leaven' worth slieel : cvervllilng is new. Including the building. Tel. 1WO. Ice cream deliveredU - . U C73 TWO NICELY FURNISHED FRONT ROOMS to two i expansible gentlemen. 1COJ Leaven Torth. . 3d lloor. I1 M6C3 3- IOC CIGAR TOR 5C , HAVANA FRECKLES. MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES LOANED ON or bought. V , C. Cheiney , Kansas C'ty , Mo. W-GS4 ANTHONY LOAN ft TRUST CO. . 318 N.Y. LIFE loans at low rates for choice security nn Na- and Ion a farms or Omaha city property. W-631 MONEY TO LOAN ON FARM IN DOUULA3 , Improved and unimproved Omaha real estate. Fidelity Trust Co. , 170J Farnam st. W-4S3 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate , Brennan. Love & Co. . I'axton blk. W < 99 .OANS WANTED. J. N. FRENZER. OPP. P.O W-7G8-3I MONEY TO LOAN ON OMAHA PROPERTY and Nebraska farms at from 6 to 7 per cent. W. B. Melkle , First National bank building. W C90 OMAHA LOAN & TRUST CO. . 10TH ANIJ Douglas streets , loan money on city and farm property at lowest rates ot ( merest. 'Wa3 MONEY TO LOAN AT LOWEST RATES. TUB O. F. Davis Co. , 1503 Farnam at. W GDI UNITED STATES MORTGAGE CO. OF NEW York. Capital n.OOO.OOD. Surplus JOOO.OOO. Bub- mil choice loans to F. B. Pusey , agent. First National bank building. W 633 MONEY TO LOAN AT LllWKST 11ATI9H ON' Unproved and unimproved Omaha real estate , 1 to 5 jcars. Fidelity Trust Co , 1702 Farnnm. W-681 MONEY TO LOAN ON IMPROVED OMAHA real estate. Breanan. Love & Co. . Paxton blk. W-682 LOANS ON IMPROVED & UNIMPROVED CITY property ; J3t)00 ) & upwards , 6 to 1 per cent ; no ddajs. W. Farnam Bmltli & Co. , 1320 Fnrnam. W-637 TO LOAN , ON REASONABLE TERMS. $50.000 on farms In Douglas , Dodge , Washington. Burt , Cumlngs. Saunders , Cass and Barpy counties. Nu delay ; cush on hand. Shrlver & O'Donohoe. W-6II-W MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. MONKY TO LOAN ON FURNITURE. PIANOS , horses , wagons , etc. , at lowest rates In city ; no removal uf goods ; strictly confidential ; you you can pay the loan oft nt any time or in any amount. amount.OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. , 300 B. lEth street. X-635 J. B. HADDOCK. ROOM 427 RAMOS BLOCK. X-693 ( B1IORT TIME LOANS. 431 PAXTON BLOCK. X 57 B8 MONEY TO LOAN ON PERSONAL PROP- erty. Harvln Loan Co. , 701 N. Y. Life build- Ing. X-C9 MONEY TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNI- lurt ? . pianos , horses , wagons , or any kind of cl.rt.tlel security , ut lowest possible rates , which yon can pay Iwiclt al any time , and In nny amount. FIDELITY LOAN GUARANTEE CO. , room 4. Wlthnell block. X-6M BUSINESS CHANCES. FOR RENT A DEPARTMENT ON SECOND lloor. SOxiO. In one ot the Uv.est houses la Council Bluffs. 13 , care Be : , Council Bluffs. Y-M633 FOR SALI3. A BIG PAYING BUSINESS ; NO competition ; U.8JO cash takei It. Address S CO. Bee. Y M1M 3 S" FOR SALK. IN St'MS TO SUIT. 11,000 , GOOD dividend paving lunk stock. This will Etand thorough InvcttlEatlon , Address U 23 Bee of fice. Y-MS2I 30 * FOR SALI3. DEPOT LUNCH COUNTER , Table Rock , Neb. Inquire of D. ChamhPilaln , proprktor Y M3D4 2 * " A HOWLlNrJsiICCESS , HAVANA FRECKLES. Y MC'.t B2T FOR EXCHANGE. IMPROVED STOCK AND GRAIN FARMS OFfered - fered In exchange for sheep and cattle. What have you to offtr ? Marcus P. Beebe , Ipswich , Edmunds county , S. D. Z 11402 31 REAL ESTATE T5 TRADE FOR GOOD"\VORK hortes. Lamorcaux Bros. , Board of Trade. 2 467-27 TO TRAD1 ! FOR CITY 7'ROPERTY OR CASH. a very showy brown horse , e veara old , 16 hands hlch ; untr.icked ; can show 2:21 gall. A. T. Cplc , Cauncll Btufh. Z M4S3 29 _ WHAT HAVK YOU TO OFFER FOR A NICS tftrmll furniture end undertaking stock ; no lonn property wanted. Address U 15 , Omaha Bee. Z-MS03 30 _ _ TO KXCHANG13. 160 ACRES LAND IN HAlT- Ian ciunly. Nebraska , tuid (1,000 00 In notes for hardware clock , Address ! . ! Box i , OJell , Ncu. Z MMQ 2S 1,211 ACRES CLEAR ELKUORN VALLEY land ; will trnde for small farm nnd give time on difference , or will tiade ( or cattle. Address U 22 , le . J5-ME } 31" . STOCK FARM IMPLEMENTS , J3.0CO 00 real estate , mortgages and cash , 3800 00 real estate , building and lots , all In northeastern Nlra8tcu , for land , cattle or sheep. AdUrir U 43 , Bee K-MG2I 4 _ AMERICA'S PI1IDI3. HAVANA FltKCKLEHrtd _ Z MC51 H2T FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. 3 y 1'ARM LANDS. C.IMIAIUUSO.V , JUN.V.Liril Itnj65-s6 FOR BALU , 4. 60 ACRES OP LAND 0 MILE3 northwest of Omaha. Address Thomas KerL Oakland. Neb. RB M7IT 31' I.AND BOLD ON LONd TIME PAYMENTS Oil on wheat contracts , M. I * . Ileebe , lpswlit.1 Edmunds county. S. D. ICU M4SQ * l FOB SALE. NK\V I-ROOM COTTAQE ; CEL- Ur , cistern , city water ; cor. 13tb and Bahlerj il.KO.OO ; lone time. Enquire 1JIS Farnam. Samuel Burns. It E 6 > t ONU OF TUB REST HOMES IN KOUNTZB Place ( t01 > Blnney ) If solJ before Hvpt. lit. will go for lesa .lisn cost of house. Terms about half cast , oalance easy , R , N.Vlthnell ( owptrj. 20T N. T , Life. RIJ 311 _ UAROAIN9. HOUSES , LOTS AND PA ! IMS. iali or trade. V. K. Darling. Barker block. R B-4M FOR 8 ALB- REAL ESTATE. 1IOICR GARDRN LANDS , I MILES FROM poitotnce. In tracts jroui 10 to 160 acre * . A crrat ba' iln. Wlll'takt lone trade. N. D. Keyes. 17 Mx'onIJi'ci ' _ RE-Mtai OR BAi.ron B.vruANon. IXJTB 4 AND s. block E. DOKCS .t HlllA flddltlnn. NO. M13 nn.l 211 } DoilKl 8 trret. 5 frame houses : will sell ch at > on ery easy 4M-ms or exchange for Oakland. Cat. , property. Shrlver ft O'Dtmolvnc. TYPEWRITERS ] rYRi BOntlltT. BOLD , 51 % chaneetl. rtnted and ffiiiUrcd. Typewriter and omce suppllr-s. TypeSfrltfrs rentul at $4 p r month. Ir.e Omaha Typiwrlter Exchange , sue- ccFBors to the tM > ewrttlQg depaitincnt. of the Uegeath btatlonary Co , ' . 214 8. IStli , let H l. TYPKWRITEiT iEK TUB NEW DOUGllEtlTY Th Omaha Typewriter Exchange , tel. 1361 , No. ill B. 13th st. 1 _ Sin MOST coMPLrrrF. * STOCK OF STAND- nrd tHievrrltfrs and supplies. We control the Deasmore CollKraph and New Yost. Bargains In second-hand machines displaced by ours. All machines perfectly repaired , new parts sup- uled I prices moderate : nevr machines loaned while repairs r < * > maue. United T > pearller A Cupplles Co. , 1619 Karnani St. Telephone 13S5. 171- BIOYCLES. DICYCLES HEPMRED AND UKMODKLnD. Tires and sundries. Safes opened , repaired. C. It. Ilenin , locksmith. 311 N. 16th t. 9SO _ BICYCLHS ! NEW AND OLD. 120 TO 1H easy payments , we rent and rtpalr. Omaha Bicycle Co , 323 N. Kill St. 703 BICYCLKS-ALL STYLES. Bend for our list of second hind and shop worn Meycles. Repairs and cycle sundries nf all hinds. M. O. Danon. 402 N. 16th < t. E3t If YOU WANT TO SELL YOt'R BICYCLE take H to Omaha Bicycle Co. , 323 N. " 't. BUSINESS NOTICES. OMAHA MEERSCHAUM PIPI3 FACTORY } OLD pipes made new. tU 8. l < ith. TW _ D. T. MOUNT HAS REMOVED HIS COAL OF- 1lce to 209 S. ICth St. . Brown block. M970 DAMAGED MIRRORTllEaiLVERBD , J19 N. 18. BTOVD TIEPAIRB OF ALL KINDS : ALSO hotel range and general assortment ot ranges , cooks and heaters ; water attachments put In and connected nt Jas. Hughes. 007 S. llth st. and Jackson. 8M LOST. LOST. DIAMOND RING SETTING ABOUT ti caret , on Broadway , Council Bluffs. Thursday , 23d ; $50.00 reward. Address U 33. Bee.M M 77 31 LOST , BETWEEN FARNAM AND HOWARD streets , a child's white duck Jacket : nndei please teturn to Boston store , 15th and Dodge. C35 28 23 00 REWARD , STOLEN , AUGUST 23D , 1551 , No 8 Rambler blcjcle. frame No. 16,588 , rat trap pedals , right pedal sllRhtly bent one the right side of the frame , about half -waj between the Mm ! wheel nnd the- saddle , dented O. & J. corrURateJ tires : copper rims ; No. ' drooplnc handle bars. The above reward vvll bo paid for tha return of wheel or any in fotmatlon that may liriul to Its recovery. J , H. Haldeman , Weeplns Water , Neb. Alw9I 23 STJFPMES. AitMATuncs AND coinvnnTnns unwouNr storaee. batteries recharged ; electrical and Ken eiol machinists , superior work guaranteed , Omaha Electrical Works , C17 and 619 S. 18th st 711 _ ELECTUICAL ENOlNCnPS AND CONTHAC tors for electric llglie and motor plants nnd al kinds of electrical c nstiuctlon. Western KleC' trio Supply Co , US kand HZ S. Jtli sU 113 UNDERTAKER AND EBOJALMEKS IL K. BtinKET , FUNERAL DIHECTOR ANI embnlmcr , 1618 CtiUago st. , telephone VO. 7M SWANSON & "vALIEN. UNDEnTAlcEn3 ANI tmbalmers , 1701 Cumlng st. , telephone 10C9. _ _ _ IM _ Mi 5i MAUL. UNDERTAKER AND EM balmer , HIT Farnam St. , iclepliono 5. 107 PLTJM&EBS. FKEB I'LUMDINQ OP ISVEflY KIND. QA ! team & , bat v.atcr heatlne ; eevreraco. 311 8. 11 , _ i , - i - < - J. 3. IlANIdAN , 1'LUMDINO , STEAM ANI hot water heating. 8705 Leavcnworth t. 15S 'ifHUt HQ'WEi CO. , PLUMBING , 6TEAM ANI hot water be&tlng. eas flxtuies. globes , * iifl-gjs HOTELS. THE MIDLAND HOTEL , 16TII & CIIICAQC eU. , coolest hotel , frontlnd on JefTerson square All car lines within a block : cars to "Tall o Pompeii" only a block away. American plan Jl.CO to > 2. < W per day : European plan , KOo I Jl.CO r r day. M. J. Frank , proprietor. 7H-S1 AITTNA HOUSE ( nUROPEAN ) N. V/ . COD lith and Dodge. Iloom Ly d y or week.IK IK 89' OMAHA OPTICAL CO , .LEADING OPTICIANB J. F. Ponder , manager. Ejes tested fre 2S Bouth 16 111. In Klnsler's druc store. 446-31 * THE ALOE & PKNFdLD CO. . 8CIENTIFK opticians , 140 $ Farham st. , opposite Paxtoi hotel. Ej-es tiamlned tree. TOI OBINDING. BCISSOnS. LAWN MOWERS , RAZORS. ETC ground. MelchlDr llros. , 1119 I"arnam street. M287 RAZORS , SHEARS , CLIPPERS. LAWN MOVJ en. etc. A , L. Undcrland , 1M K. 14th. 71) MATHEMAIICAIj INSTaUMENTJ ALVA i. cmovnii. MATHEMATICAL ANI surveying Instruments engineers' and arch ! tects' supplies ; traclnc cloth , blue procea pacers. 318 South 15th ; mall orders. in HAY" AND GBAIN. CUT TOUH HA ? 11Y CAH OR TON LOTS , Wl buy hay. A. II. Snyder , IMS Uurt at. , lei. 11 IT 86385 NHI1RASKA HAY CO. , WHOLHSALB HAT grain and mill stun. We are always on th market to buy or sell. HOZ-4-6 Nicholas at. 158 " " * JOB PKINTING REED JOB PHINTIKQ CO. FINE PRINTINI of all Vlnds. 17th St. . Bee building. 716 MAIL OUDEIt COMMERCIAL PRINTING . tpeclalty. Dour'-m PrintingCo. . . 419 B. IBt street , blieclay bide. Tel. 6U lor prompt serrlo JlTIl MUSIC , ABT AND LANGUAGE. O. F. QBLLnifllECK , BANJOIST .ANI teacher. 3310 California street. t4 FOR I3ARQAIN8 IN PIANOS AND ORGANS easy payments ; Instruments rented ; rents nppl on purchase A. Huspe. jr. 701 UPHOL-KINQ CADINKT MATTRESS WORK W. R. Bell , IL Ar-UcUachrom 2717 Leavenw't VII L WT _ UTHOLSTEIUNa VEirmiEAP THIS MONTI M. S. AValklln. nil UtuilngTel. . CQ2. JH2D \VT2STERN CORNICE "vfohlCH. GALVANIZE Iron curnlcei. 1723 Bt. ' Mary * * ave. 31 EAGLQ'CORNCE vics JOHN EPJ otter , prop. . 10S , 110 , 1U ° K. llth. UstaU HI lc < 311 SSI DENTM&TS. I > H. QEORGK 8. NASCWii.piNTI6T. 8UITH i I'axton block , ICth trj jjirnara stx. , let 711 , PH. PAUL. DBNT18T , K& BUHT 8T. TENTS AND 'AWNINGS. WOLF I1ROS. & CO. . > NUt'ACTURKn3 C awning * , tents , flags , riAagbn , hay stack CD\CI tarpaulins , balloons anuA ai chutes. 503-703 16lh at. , ulephona OM. in ) it ( or rent. 711 DY.E VfQBKS. , _ K. TWINfCITT r. , _ , 11.1 Farnam street , urclng ot every dfscrl ' 'in and dry cleaning. UC ! < " " ' ' " HARNESS. oirr MV PHK'F.9 BEFORB YOU nur A HAI niss. August Bohne , 111 81 llth at. 16 ! UE8T FURNACK MADB.BOFT COAL BUOK consumloc and hard coal furnace * . Eagls C < nice works 103-11S N. llth U tU OAKPENTEBS AND BTJILDEBS. C. B. MORHILL. CARPKNTDR. OFFICE AH store natures n ipeclaltr. Putchmc > < 151J Cnpltol ave. . tel. 409 W : BOAnniNO BTADLC3 , FINE LIVERT Mil cheap. Ed Baumley , ITlh and 81. Mary's at M t * STEAMSHIP LINE. ANCHOR LINE MAIL RTr.AMHItll'S-SAtL reRiilnrlr every Salunlay from New Tork for I < ondonderry nnd ( llnjfrow. Clrcimln , Beplem * ber I , 3 p. m. , City of Home , September I. noon : Rlhlnpln , September 15. 2pm. rnrnps- sla , September 13. 11 n. ra. Saloon , second cla * nd ulcernge , single or round Irlp tickets ( mm New Tork or Chlcajro at reduced rate < to the principal Scotch. English. Iifoh and nit conti nental points Kor monejonleni , drnflx , out- waixl or prepaid tickets nppl ) ' to nny of our local npenls or to Hcndvrm llros. , Chicago. TAXIDEKMISXS. TAXIDKIIMY ANI ) FURS. BUND FOR CATA- George E. Uromi , Jr. , & Co. , 709 6. 18th. 7 WHOLESALE COAL. JOHNSON BROa , WHOLESALG UEALUltS IN all kinds of coal. Correspondence solicited. IMS Farnam st. US BHOKTHAND AND VANSANT'B SCHOOL OP SHOUTHANB. tit N. Y. Life , Omaha. Ask for circular. 71S DANCING. CALL ON MORAND FOR LESSONS , SOCIKl'V or Elage dances. 1510 Jlnrney. m ' 17 HORSESHOEING. URS. THOMAS MALONEY. 9 N. UTJI BT.Ml Ml PAWNBBOICERS. H. MAROWITZ LOANS J1ONKV. ill N. l h st 722 I UK KKAI.TV M/UtttKT. INSTKUMRNTS placed on record August 27 , 1894 : WARRANTY DKKDS. lone Land and Cattle company to D n Whltnker. n M 22 , so sw 21 , w V4 ns and nc nxv 2T , nnd a tract In no lie 31 and HP BO 27-16-12 . $ 1 Elizabeth Mosea and huitnii.l lo A W Tin ker. w 'j of o 1,4 lot 7 , block 2. nnd H of n 6 feel of e62 feet lot S , block S.Kx- clKitiKP Place . . . 500 L H Ho > e and wife to II M Marcliessault , lot 12 , bloclt 2 , llelvedcre ; lot 3 , block 1 , Clo > erdale . , . 1,000 W T Robinson nml Fredeiick Wens' * ! to Q T Hnnclnnd. 10 acres In nw ee IG-H-I. . , . 4 , CM W T Robinson * to Fame , lotn 0 nnd 10 , Ilur- detle Cgurt ; lots E nnd 6 , block 14 , Isaacs & S's add . , . 6,400 J M Swptnam ami wife to Georgia HeM'r- nce , lot 2. block 2 , 1st add to Ccutial park 200 L M Struby and husband to OeurKC Krufr , lot 15 , block 12. Kounlze Fln.ce . 2,000 QUIT CLAIM DEEDS. E L Jaynes and husband to M L Lanplienr , lots 4 to 9. block 1 ; lots 4 to 10. 15 to 21 , block 2 ; lota 4. 5. 15 , 18 lo SI. block 3 , lots 3 to 10. IS to 22. block 4. North Omaha. . . 2,000 W O Krldgca lo N II Bronn. lot 9 , block 7 , Plalnvlcw . . .4 . i Total amount of transfers . 115,602 BUREAU. SUES & CO. , Solicitors. Bee Building , OMAHA. Nob. Atlvlco FREE , RHILWflYTiMEGHRD r < euves I CHICAGO & NOKTinVKHT'N | AFrl\c OiiiiilialL' , 1' . Dcn'ot , lOlli & Mason " St jOmarm- ll : < Qini Kastern I3xpre . . . . f:30ph : > 4lipni ) Vestlbuled limited SWam : GMam : Mo. Vnlley Local 10.30pm 5M5pm. Omihn. fhlcugj Sneclil. . . . . SilSpm Lorn es ICI3ICAOO , UU11I.1NOTON & cff.Crrives Omaha ) Depot 10th and -Mason tits. | Om.qlia : pm . Clikniro VoBtlbifia . a.Blnm > :4S.ini . ChlcaKtt Express. . . . 1.25pm 7:02pm : . . . chlcaso and Io n. I < ocnl. 8'OOam l | 5aiii . I'ncllle Juiictlonly _ > ciil . _ „ _ . , 6J3pin c/lliUiuTlNhTON & A1O R1 VljlTlArrU es Omiuial Depot IQtli and M.t ou SIB. | Omaha ll:16am : . IJemer 10:15am : . Uradnood Exprxss . iptn t : ! > 0pni . Denver Kx press . . . . . . . lilOpm Grimi. : Nebraska l.ocnl ( except SundiO. 6 00pm 8 ilSam Mncoln Local ( except SiindJ . .ll :25am : Lea\es"rCHICAClO , n. It & PA"CIFIC. | A7flvcB QmalialLJ. I' . Utiol | , 10th & aiusOn Sts f Omaha. 10:15am. : . . Atlantic Hxpresn ( ex. uiul.i . . C.OSpm 6:2T : > pm . NlKht Express . OMOam 4Wpm..Clilcago Vestlbuled Limited. . . . 1.25pm UiKiani.Oklalioma 1-ixp. ( to C. U. ex. Sun ) C35am ! _ _ _ _ _ _ "GKam.Oklahoinn : & Texas Uxp. ( ex. Hanlti9Spm ) lMpm . Colorado Limited . 4.10pm LeaTeTi u5 IONr "PA"CIl' 1C. " ( Arrives OmalmlHnlon Depot , l lh & Mason 3ta. | Omaha 10 : ) am..j . . . Kearney Express . 3Mpm : 2:15pm . . .Overland I'lse.r . 5'JOpm 3:4Spm : , Beatrice & rttromsb'B Kx ( ex Sunl5pm ) 0:40pm . I'arlllc Uxpreas . 10:55nm JS:30pin : , . . . . _ . . . . . , .1'ast Slall. . . . . . . . l.gQpm Leaves I CHICAGO , Mil. , . S. ST. PAUl , lArrlTei Oniahal Union Depot , loth A Maron 8ts. | Omnhs. 6:3Spm . . . .Clilcago Limited . oTsOain ll:10am. : . . .Chicago nxpreia ( ex. Sun. ) . . . 5 OQpm Leavrs I T. , E. & MO. VAlTLUY. | ArrifeT Omaha ] Depot 15th nndJ\Veb3ter ats. | Omaha Leaves f ailSSOUIll TvuJfFIa TArrKes _ Oniahal Depot lath nridWebater _ ats. I Omaha 9.00am . , .St. Ix > uls Express . cToOam 9:30 : | > m . . , .St. I ouls Rsiiress. . . . . 6Kpm : S:10pm : . .DalljeT. ( . Sun NVbraalta I cal. SilOam l.rti\pa I C. ST. J > . . M & u ( Arrives ' OmalmDei ] _ > ot 15th nnd _ AVelnter Sis , j Omaha 'S:0bam. . . Sioux City Arcoin. ( Eic Sun.)7r a.05pm l:00am. ( : . Sioux City Aetom. ( Sun Only ) S:05pm : U:13pm. : .Sioux Cltjnxprew ( Ur. Sun. ) . . ll:55am 6:3Qi > in. . SI. Paul Limited . JIMOa I -a\es I BIOUX'cifY & PACiriE | ArrU s OmaJmlUnlon Depot. IDlli & Maron 8ts. [ Omatm 8:5&am : . Sioux t'lty "Passenger. . . . 10:20pm : 3SSpm ! . . . St. Paul Express. . . . . 10.00am eaves I SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC. ( Arilves Omaha ] Depot lotli nndn'ebaler _ Hts. | Omaha B:30pm : r..St. Paul Limited 9IOam : SMpm : . .Clilcuyo Limited. . . ? i 9MOam Le rs I WAnASH HAILWAY ( Arrives OmahalUnlon Depot , Idtli & Maaon Sts.f Omaha 3Wjim : Ht. Louis Cannon Hall . . . . 12,35pm AFFAIKS AT SOUTH OMAHA. llurelara Trjto Loot Gumming House HiiUKo'but Are I'rlKl'toned AMMV. Tlirca burglars made an attempt to entej Hie gambling house over Pat Rowley's sa > loon at an carlv hour yesterday. Ed Harper , the colored man who sleeps In the place , fired three shots at them and they ail got away uninjured. Early In the evening a brace of professional safe blowers nero seen hanging around this building. The porter was told thaU things looked suspicious and lo prepare for a visit , Accordingly EJ toolt to bed with him a young cannon. Ho only hail three cartridges or h ( would have been firing yet. The thugs firsl tried the back door and next the window , Being unable to open either they to'rccd opet the transom. One man had his head ant ! one arm on the Inside when the colored mac spruced up courage enough to > pull the trlff ger ot his gun , King , bang , blng uent tin gun and the thieves cnt down the bad stairs like lightning , The colored man liac struck the celling directly over where h < slept , but the report of the gun hart UN proper effect. "The shooting ot the revolve ] did not arouse n policeman , however , and tin bnrglara had ample time to get out ot towc before an officer knew anything of the case Had the safe been blown open the thieve : would have , been sorely disappointed , as then were only a few dollars In It. The Slnllli-lleliilt MiirrlaRC. Ford Smith , one of the shrewdest colorec business men In South Omaha , was unltec In marrlace on Saturday evening In Councl Bluffs to Ml88 LouUo Delelt of this city The couple will at once go to house keeplni In Mr. Smith's cottage on I street. Fen Is a speculator In the live stock trade a the stock yards and has the respect and con fldenco of all the men with whom he trana nets business , Mlas Ilclelt la the daughte of the late Frederick Belelt , the Germai whose place of business was at Twenty-fourtl and K streets. - * - MurrlHK License * . The following llsonaea to wed were grants by the county Judge yoterday : Name and Address. Age Harmon M. Hawkins , Om.ihu 2 Mary A. Henry. Missouri Valley , la 1 J. Henry Kaiser , Onmlm , 2 hlirle Mitchell , Omaha 1 Qustav Nelson , Omaha. . . , . , . , 2 Anna Korberu , Omaha , z An Kxcellent Ituiueily for Dlurrlura. IlANDOt.rH , Mass. , March 13 , 1851. have used Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera am Diarrhoea Itemttiy and found It excellent fo diarrhoea , I have recommended U I friends and know of two cases of dlarrhoc ha ring been cured with cms small bottle.- Joseph H. Fatter. For sal * by druggist * . TRYING TO GET TOGETHER Efforts lo Establish Peace on Trannntssourl TrafBo Tinder "Way nt Ohioago , PASSENGER MEN ON THE ANXIOUS SEAT lro prct nf an Agreement Itlur , llio Atrhliiiii llnilni : Itcfuscil to Join 111 tlio Coitfrrriuo I > lcklii on Not b\THiii | > iHl with Letters. Transcontinental railroad circles are all ngog over tlio meeting sclieOuled for toil ay at the Auditorium hotel , Chicago , and prognos tications arc " -freely made that nothing will coino of tlio mooting of passenger men WHU will Ijo brought together by Vlco I'reslJont Stubus ot the Southern 1'acinc lor tlio pur pose of revising transcontinental rates , Sat urday Itwas pretty thoroughly understood that oil lines In Interest would have repre sentatives pioscut , even the Canadian Pacific having expressed Its Illlngiicsa to attend the meeting , but this morning a telegram was received from the Santu l * o that It had no Intention of joining In n new association unless conditions \\cro materially changed , In all the discussion that has been going on slnco the meeting was called a very strong factor has been seemingly overlooked , the Oregon Hallway & N.ivlfiatlon company , and the part It would play In the formation ol the new association. It Is well known that HcceUcr McN'clll Is determined to malte a paying property of tlio Oregon Hallway & Navigation It such a thingIs possible and ho means to securs business willy willy. Ills tie-up with the Great Northern and the rather frco lance methods pursued by Jim Hill's road would seemingly warrant the prediction that the Oregon Holiday & Navigation Is to become a scalping road. If such a thing should oc cur It would seriously Interfere with rates on th& Northern Pacific and Southern Pacific. Mr. McNelll could glvo a p.issenser the choice of two routes from Portland to San Tranclsco and with the Great Northern from St. 1'nul. The Great Northern Joins the Oregon Railway & Navigation at Spokane and from there Into Portland the latter road takes the business. From I'ortland McNelH's road can. offer a water passage to San Kran- clsco , or an all mil passage to conjunction with the Shasta route , which , while having an agreement with the Northern Pacific , could hardly refuse the same basis of di vision tendered by tha Oregon Railway & Nothing has been heard from Mr. McNelll In regard to this meeting , nt least nothing that has been made public. Should he refuse - fuse to bo represented It would have the effect of breaking the combination. On the other hand , should the Canadian Pacific re fuse to be n party to the proposed agreement It would also have a decided tendency to postpone action. In cither case It's the horn ot a dllema and everybody except possibly the gcneray passenger agents and general traffic managers nro at sea as to the ultimate outcome of this meeting. Freight men on the other hand say that the war might go on so far ai they are con cerned. If only the freight question might bs settled satisfactorily to all Interests , but his Is Impossible so long as the Panama lines contlnuo to disturb San Kranclsco rates , which the Sunset route Is compelled to accept or else lese the business. At best the situation la a trying one. and , he chances of nn agreement are exceedingly 8'CHICAGO , Aug. 27. The transcontinental lines met today to consider the advisability of reviving the old Transcontinental asso ciation Nothing was done except to ap point a committee of representatives of the Southern Pacific , Canadian Pacific , Union Pa cific , Great Northern , Itock Island and Rio Grande Western to draw up a plan for the formation of the association and report to the general meeting tomorrow. The Atchlson was represented at the meeting , but It Is understood that It Is opposed nt the present time to becoming n member of the associa tion under any terms , although It has prac tically said It will not turn over any orgmiza- tlon that the other lines may see fit to ar range. Only two names have been mentioned among Chicago railroad men as possible successors to the late President Newell of the Lake Shore. These men are President Jeffrey ot the Hlo Grande and John II. Kgan , late general manager ot the Chicago Great Western , the man who was at the head ol the General Managers association during the strike. General Manager Jeffreys Is consid ered the most probable selection , na It IE known he stands well with the Vanderbllts , It Is almost certain , however , that the posi tions ot president and general manager , which were filled by Mr. Newell-will be filled by separate appointments and no attempt will be made to combine them as heretofore , Nothing definite Is known as yet , however , as to the probable appointees , all being rumor. It Is very generally believed no man on the hake Shore will bo appointed to cither posi tion. riLLJiouii'S Hunting ! < m Says Ilia Southern I'liclllo Not I'nnun UK Kmployt'B. SAN FRANCISCO , Aug. 27 , A fortnlghl ago a local newspaper printed an Interview with J. A. Flllmore , general superintended of the Southern Pacific railroad , In whlcli Mr. Flllmore was iuote | < l aa follows : "If 1 know I hat a man was not true to this conv pany and If I find out that he has gat n Jrt anywhere I will pursue him and use mj best efforts to get him discharged.1' The men referred to , of course , were th < A. II. IT. men who took prominent parts It the recent strike on the Southern PaclfU system. The Interview provoked n storm o adverse criticism , which was mainly dlrectei at the Southern Pacific company , for then were many who charged that Mr. Pillmon had spoken without authority. C. P. Hunt Inglon , president of the company , haswrlttsi a letter from New York In which ho posl lively declared Mr. Fillmore's reported pollcj Is not the policy of the Southern Paclfli company. Referring to the Interview , Mr Huntliigton says : "I can hardly believe tha Mr Flllmore said this. If he did I thlnl he was all wrong. Wo of course owe It to our selves and to the patrons of the road to re fuse to take back men who destroyed an : of our property or mode any effort to proven otl era from taking their places ; but when w < have done that , that Is refused to Ink them back , I think we should wish them t get places elsewhere , If it could be don without Injury to the public , and It la no our business to follow them , but when the ; go wish thc.n well. " In closing bis letter Sir. Huntington says "I hope our people will consider these thing carefully and bear In mind that In hamllln the great Interests which we nro caring fo It is not cnougli to look for the right of th company , but also for the rights of ever ; member of the community In which we ar working and where our Influonca \ felt. ' The letter Is made public by II. E. Hunting ton , assistant to the president. TAKIitS TUUIIIUAnO. Iteiimlnn ot tlio l.ita President Newell lie moved from Yf > iin ? ti > uii. YOUNGSTOWN , 0. , Aug. 27. At 0 o'cloc this morning the body of John Newell , th deceased railroad president , was froi the Ted house to the Lake Shore dcpo where It was placed on a special train whlc was In waiting to convey It to Chlcagi The pallbearers were prominent manufai turcrs ot this city : John 1\ Taylor , J. C IJutler , Jr. , L. 13. Cochran , Myron C1. Wlcl General J. L. Uotstortl and Henry Wlcl At the station u large number of rallroa employes were permitted to look upon tli feature ! ) of their dead chief. The train pulle out at 3:15. : It consisted ol engine , prlval car and day coach. John 12. Newell an several railroad officials were aboard , f Mentor , O. , the party will meet Mri. Newe and her daughters , and proceed to Chlcagi whore the funeral Is to be held. It has nt yet been decided whether the Intermer will be In Chicago or In Massachusetts. CLEVELAND , Aug. 27. The funeral tral of the late John Newell , conalitlng of flv cars , led this city at 9 o'clock. The tral will reach Chicago at 7MO a , in. tomorrov The funeral will take place from Ills re deuce , 348 Ontario street , at 230 ; p. m. , Wee nesdaj' , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Public Not Interested. General Manager Dickinson ot the Unlc Pacific tald to a Bea man that the rutm publishnl last week In this paper that ho vrai being deluged with letters from business men and others along the main line of tha system west ot Cheyenne , requesting tha restoration of strikers , was considerably ot mli-statement. "I have received some few I'lters asking for certain restorations nml the resumption of work at division points , but they hare been very tew , not nearly so ninny ns The Dec would make out As n rule the business mpn and others who nro rcptoseiited to ha\o sent me letters , under stand the situation on the system , Th y know that If we had work to do , old em ployes would Mnml the first show ot NlnR put back , but there Is nothing to do hut wait for nn Improvement.Vi arc sailing close to the wind thot > days lo s.i\e even the pennies wherever possible" NViv Iron nml I on ! Jlimil tn lln Unlit , \VKST SI1PKR10U , WIs. , Aug. 27 -\n Im portant railway enterprise with St. Louis nml Chicago capital back of It has come to light hero. A newly organized company 1ms for several weeks had n surveyor at work run ning a line from Superior to Stlllvvater , Minn. , on the St. CroK line. U In Intenttal en tirely for Iron and roal. It Is ( o take Iron ere at the docks here mid traiinxirt U to barges at Stlllnater. whlcli will run down the Mississippi to St. Lou In. returning wth | coal. The St l.o > iIs Ironmonger * have con cluded that they must draw on the Mosaha and Vermllllon ranges for ore. A number of wealthy lumbermen nro also sulil to bo interested In the project. Opening u New Depot , The opening of the new St. Lnuls union station will fornnlly take place September 1. Nearly all the St. Louis lines with general offices In that city have negotiated with the Terminal association far the use of the new station. It Is said that tlio station repre- cuts nn outlay of between t'i.OOD.OOO ' nml 'T.OOO.OOO ' , and tint those who own n con- rolling Interest propose that this Investment ilin.II earn at least 10 per cent per year , 'hey calculate upon receiving 6 per cent ot his amount from Interested lines In rentnli 'or the use of the station , and the remaining per cent from express companies and tha cttlng of the many durable privileges In ho station proper. lint .MrclltljT 111 Sight. The annual meeting ot the protective board f the Urotherhood o ( Locomotive Firemen f the Union Pacific sjstcm meets In thl ity Octobsr 1 , and It promises to bo a hot csslon. While there arc few grievances to iljust on the main line of the. sjslem. tha members of the board accuse some ot the llvlslon superintendents of Interpreting tha tilers ot Judge Caldwell wrongly , and thesa natters will bo taken up with General Man ger Dickinson Itxlluay Conductor * In Denver. DUNVmi. Aug. 27. One hundred and fifty railway passenger conductors , mem bers of the Conductors Insurance association , , vlio left St. Louis July 7 for an excursion o Yellowstone park and the Pacific const , are seeing the sights In Denver today. They ill leave tonight for St. Louis. i/ohn A ( iiiult U.viiif ; . CHICAGO , Aug. 27.- Tom ) A. Gault , lha roternn railroad official , has been stricken by apoplexy , and was reported this afternoon "n a dying condition at his homo. In tbl < city. He has been unconscious since iVcdncsday , Itiillnuy NOVIH Nellie II. L. McKeller , general western agent ol 1m Memphis & Charleston railway , Is In tlio city. city.The The disintegration of the limestone upon which the piers of the Tenth street viaduct rest will necessitate repairs being made to the structure at once. Traffic Manager Gray ot the Southern Pa- chic and General Passenger Agent Lomar went to Chicago Sunday to attend thil transcontinental meeting. Union Pacific engines 1446 , 1253 and 1286. together with their crews , have been sent to the Southern Pacific to assist that road IP handling its large freight business , Sunday the. Wabash changed the timeot Ua train No. 8 from 3:55 : p , m. to 4:10 : p. in , The Sioux City & Pacific , In consequence ol the change In dummy service , will leave nt 3:55 : instead of 4:10 : hereafter from the union depot. The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul will run a special train from Perry , la. , and In termediate points on their line next Saturday to Courtland beach and "The List Days of Pompeii. " The train will leave Perry about 7 a. m. and returning leave the beach after the show. From advance sheets ot the Introduction to Poor's Manual for 1891 It appears that tha length of track In the United Slates for tha fiscal year ending In 1891 amounted to 177- 7E3 30 miles. Net Increase of mileage of all railroads In the United States In tha calendar year 1893 was 2,549 20 miles c Frttm Ollvur. OLIVER. III. , July 10 , 1891 Mcssers , For- sythe & Forsjthe , prom In out merchants ot this place , say they have used Chamborlaln'4 Colic , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy In their families. In the most severe cases ot bloody flux , with perfect satisfaction , and take pleasure in recommending It to the pub lic. This la the most successful medicine 'In ' the market for colic , cholera morbus. dysn- tery , diarrhoea and summer complaint. There Is nothing equal to It for summer complaint Incident to children. Tor sale by druggists. As a general household liniment for HID relief of pain , for slight ailments and from Injuries resulting from accidents. Chamber lain's Pain Balm has met with unparalleled success. It Is also famous for Its cures ol rheumatism and lame back. Tor sale by druggists. A XXO r/A CVJ.UB.V2 A. A complete freight train of fourteen cars , Illuminated caboose and practical worklnu engine , n magnificent scene ot Niagara Faila by moonlight , with real mist , as seen from suspension bridge ; the flight of the fast mall , which crosses tlio stage at the rate nf seventy miles an hour , and a realistic steam boat race and explosion on the Mississippi , are among the most novel scenes and me chanical effects shown In Lincoln J. Carter's Ecenlc production , "Tho Fast Mull , " which appears at the Fifteenth Street theater for four nights and Wednesday matinee , com mencing Sunday matinee , September 2 , and extra matinee Monday , September 3 , Labor day. Mrs. Potter will wear some magnificent costumes during her coming engagement. Most of these she procured while lo India , where the most mugnllicnt silks and laoei can be obtained for a mere song. Sbo has also recently Imported a number of gowna from Worth in Paris , which are ( aid to bo tm | most artistic that that artist has turned ] out In 201110 time. Mrs. Potter and Mr. Bel- lew , assisted by their competent company , will come to the Doyd for threu nights , com mencing Thursday evening next. Tlio fol lowing will be their repertoire : Thursday , evening , "The Ironmaster ; " Friday evenktie , "In Society ; " Saturday matinee. "Camille ; " Saturday evening , "Charlotte Corday " The sale of scats will open tomorrow morning , Will Not ( linn I.uhor Dny. "No , " said a local retail merchant yes. tcrday , "I cannot close my store Labor day/ for reasons that are obvious. Personally , I feel disposed lo do so , but the wretchedly dull trade the past sixty days has made It nccea * sary for me to use the greatest discretion Iq my business affairs , I believe that Labor day. this year will be popularly observed ; that tot depression In Industrial circles will cause all working people and mechanics to celebrate the day as they have never done before. Thil fact will draw hundreds ot people from neighboring towns to Omaha on that festal occatlon and I want a shore nt their trade , In fact , the retail merchants ot Omaha are entitled to take any advantage of a big day , In Omaha , and no one , I feel confident , can , consistently criticise them for It , In prosper * oui times It would be different , but undof existing circumstances the retail merchant cannot always do what lie would like to do. ' ' Her lluibnnil. Mrs. J. W. Cox ot 737 Broadway , Council Bluffs , wai at the Omaha pollco station. yesterday , endeavoring to locate her husband , wlio deserted her nnd child about a year ago. Mm , Cox eays that her husband la a can. ductor on the Rock Island road and l malc < Ing good wages. She undsntood that he catnt to Omaha frequently and she hope * to Induce ; him to return to her It ibe can mtit hluj again.