Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 26, 1894, Image 9

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By which it becomes known that they aire selling goods at such ruinous prices that
purchasers cannot stay away. These extreme prices are made to get
the summer goo Is out of-jthe way this week to make
room for the fall goods dailv arriving.
To the ladies and misses of Omaha we extend a cordial
Invitation to visit our Ladies' Tailor Parlors on 2d floor.
The Ladies' Tailor is the very latest Tailoring System
1 he Ladies' Tailor is the only system that discards guessWork -
Work altogether.
The Ladies' Tailor is the only system lhat gives instruc
tions by object lessons.
You can cut any garment any style , to fit any form , withOut -
Out fastening a stitch.
To introduce the Ladies' Tailor we will teach the Ladies'
Tailor FREE to the first 100 ladies or misses who call.
Greatest Invention of the Age : Come and See It.
For particulars call at the Dress Goods Department.
ioc tooth brushes for 50. Whisk brooms for 50.
250 tooth brushes for 150.
250-cloth brushes for i2 ioc hose supporters for 30.
Needle work books given away.
25c dolls ioc. $2.00 hammocks Si. 1 8.
$2.25 croquet sets $1,50 , ioc dominoes 0.
5oc fancy baskets 25c. 3 yarcjs snk Hess 50 dozen.
ioc shopping- baskets
Silk ties 50. Linen splashers ioc.
000 yards all silk satin ribbons , Nos. 9 and 12 , at sc per yard.
25c cloth bound books 150. I 250 paper novels , the latest , 7c.
250 envelopes , 2C. I Playing- cards 30.
500 yards beautiful new jet trimming- yard ,
We are showing all of the leading styles of fall hats and
( japs and a large line of children's fancy hats and turbans at
prices that dety competition.
Gents' fine fur Derby si.oo.
Gents' fine fur Fedora $1.00.
The latest fall block in fine fur Derby $1.50 ; hatter's price
$3.00.A large line of children's novelties , in different styles , 250.
goc and
Trunks and Satchels.
On Monday we will make the deepest cut in trunks and
Trunks formerly sold at $8.00 to $10.00 , Monday at $5.00.
Satchels at 500 , 75c , up to $10.00.
Jewelry Dept.
How is this for a ( Ickcr 1
Gcntloman'e genuine Boss gold filled
tiatchoK , wamintcd to woni * 15 years ,
beautifully ongnwod , Klffln or Wail-
thutn works , warranted first class tlino-
kcopors , 88.05 , worth $15.00 the world
Gents' gold stiffened hunting cue
watches , Elgiu or WuUham works , $5.40.
Can't bu boat.
Boys' ' first class nickel watch 32.95.
This Is no toy.
Ladles' 14-kt solid gold watches with
Uno Elgin or Walthum works , 913.45 ,
worth $35.00.
600 gonta1 watch chains , worth 9160
RCd $3,00 , your choice $1.25.
UOO solid gold sot rings , worth $1.50
And $2.00 , oholco 75o.
Solid gold baby rings lOc.
Solid silver thirablos 13o.
First class nickel alarm clocks 55c.
Kogera' 12-dwt knives or forks 11.25
per lot.
" \Vatoh and clock ropairlng- reduced
Sweeping reductions this week , Best wire
steel nails reduced to I'.ic per pound.
Mortice locks , He.
Kim locks , He.
Window fasteners , Cc.
Door bolls , 3c.
\\'e alto carry thn largest stock of bu'ld- '
ers' hardware In llio rliy , al CO per cent
cut under regular rales.
We ura closing out fancy and plain screen
doors at just about luU luke. Also poultry
\\iro netting and screen ulre cloth , dt sreat-
! } reduced rates.
\VQ carry everything In the line ot carpen
ters ' , machinist and blacksmllli tools , at
10 per cent under price.
Note the following prices :
2'foot boxwood rules go at 3e.
2-foot box\\ood , brass bound rules go at
75o double Iron smoolhlng plains go at39e.
$1,00 double Iron Jack plains go u 45c.
lOc braces go at lOr.
76c braces go at 25c.
11.00 handled axes go at 45c.
! 5o 2-key jail pad locks go at EC.
60c 2-Uty jail pad lock : go at 10 ? .
Wo have the largest itock ot rubber and
cotton lawn bos In the city , at 7o , So and
lOc per foot.
Lawn sprinklers at about halt price.
Corn c ttters- , ICe and 25c.
Darted wiregalvanlied and painted , cheap.
Potato hooks , 49c.
Apple parer. corer nnd sllcer , only 2Be ,
In fact we handle everything In the hard
ware line , from. o > brad awl to f. ateom
threshing machine , and we will tare you
frum iO to CO per cent all the wathrough. .
Dress Goods
Our line of tall goods are arriving dally
and the beauty ot the goods must be seen
Co lie appreciated.
Go-Inch wool suiting , In blue , black and
brown , 25o.
Double fold plaids nnd checks , just the
thing for c lilldrcn's school dresses , IGc.
36-Inch novelty suiting , manufactured to
be told for 40c , our price , 23c.
35-Inch cashmere , worth 39c , for ISc. In
navy , blue , black and brown.
SS-ltich handsome novelty suiting , In all
the new effects , 43c.
42-Inch covert suiting , beautiful effects ,
worth 79c , our special price , 69c.
62-1 ncli covert suiting , In all the mixtures ,
worth Jl.HO , our special price , OSc.
52-Inch broad cloth , worth $1.10 , our special
price 7Ec.
60-Inch Imparted cpvrrt , the finest made ,
north } 2.50 a yard , our special price , | 1.33.
40-Inch extra heavy all wool serge , worth
& 9c , our special price 43c , '
46-Inch extra heavy all wool serge , worth
79c , special price , 43e.
Remnants 1 Remnants t Remnants ! In
all lengths , In all colors , In all qualities , at
prices which recommend them for drcsos
for girls far school ,
Wash Dress Goods.
It Is not profit or cos < t we are now looking
alter In this line , but to sell the stuff and
to sell It quick. These prices ought to close
out every yard of them. Imported crepe
which sold at 35c and 40c yard now going at
lOo yard ,
32-Inch wide Japonette , Crepollne nn.d Cre-
ponette , all worth 1'Jc , 25c and 35c , all In
one lot at Hayden's , only" lOc yard.
32-Inch Uengallnc , 25c yard , now S\tc \ yard.
Motisolllne de India In black ground , the
finest , showiest wash goods In the market ,
worth 35c , now going at lOc yard.
32-Inch wide Indaga blue Japanese cloth ,
sold all over the country at IGc ; Hayden's
closing price 7c yard.
32-Inch wide Jaconet lawns , Pongees , Foul
ards , etc. , which were lOc and 15c ; Hoydens'
selling them at EC yard.
Linen Department.
Special prices tliatOUght to Interest close
buyers. Head them over ( carefully"nnd com
pare. You will save 'money ' by buying your
linens at Hayden's.
66-Inch wide cream damask all pure Jlnen
at BOc yard. . *
63-Inch cream damask , pure linen , extra
heavy. 35c yard.
Pull bleached damask , COc , COc and 75c
yard. ' , ' ,
70-Inch bleached damask , 69c yard.
Silver bleached damask , 7E > c and S5c yard.
Every one of these special bargains IB worth
looking after , . '
Bleached huck toweling 3'Ac yard.
Fringed napkins 25c dozen ,
= 5a 11 linen Cull bleached dinner napkins at
? 1.00 dozen. , ' VU ,
Bleached or unbleached turklsh towels 'at
EC each. ' [ >
Honey comb towels 2 for Ce , 30c dozen.
Fancy knotted "frlngepi Inted tidies , lOc
ea-ch , never offered byianyone for less than
15c. f
New styles and designs In fancy tidies at
15c and 25c each. * '
Wo are overstocked In white bed spreads ,
wo have too manyj'thiy must bo sold ; look
them over. They'arefitTcred at prices that
will sell them.
CheniUe able
Covers * \ ,
New fall stock Just received all new styles
first .of the seasonvbought direct from the.
makers largest stock nnd best sejectlon1
ever displayed by nnr house in Omaha. ,
4-1 covers , 45c each ,
6-4 covers , 75c each !
C-4 covers at OSc , Jl'SO and 42.50 cach.4
7-4 and 8-4 covers * at $2.60 each.
10-1 covers at ' $3.98'each. '
House Furnishing'
Quart jars , COc pur dozen.
2-quart Jars , 70c per dozen.
Fancy lamp shades nnd frames complete
.Metal liai'Rlng kitchen lamp , with reflector
complete , X5e , worth $1.00.
Flower Pots.
You never bought flower pots at one half
the price you are buying them for now.
4-Inch pots 15ic each.
5-Inch pots , 2ic each.
C-lnoh pots , 3Lc each.
7-Inch pot , 4lc each.
8-Inch pots , G&c each.
9-Inch rots , b5io each.
10-inch pots , 104o each.
Saucers go with all flower pot * without ex
tra charge.
Sauce dlsli I'/fcc each. % pint tumblers le
each. Jelly glascs , tin top , 2c each.
All color shade paper , Cc per ream.
Pudding and milk pans form 2c up. Dus
ters DC cacli.
White cedar tubs , the finest tub In the
world , 75c end SHOD each.
Hard wood well bucket , 35c each.
The Iron galvanized shaft Western Stan
dard Washer. $3.50 ; the regular price' of this
washer Is SG.OO.
The lundy Iron frame wringer , $1.75 ; only
a few Jolt
Wash boards. flc each. Clothes pins Ic
per dozen. Dish pans , 15c each. Tea kettles
ISo each. 2-hoop pall.v7cWcach. " "
Albetn spoons-as gotfd a3 'slWcr7 < 136v'per"'se . "
The same In table spoons , 25c per set.
Black Dress Goods
Here's where we UXCBL.L. Nothing like
this line has ever been shown In Omaha.
Wo'vo got them , that Is all the new leading
staple things and our prices speak for them-
Belvcn. We begin at the bottom and otter you
A 34-Inch nrge for 12c.
W ? oH r you a 86-Inch henrlctta. for ISo.
We offer you a. 42-Inch henrletia for25c.
We offer you a 40-Inch elegant ti-rge for
43c.We offer you a 45-Inch serge for 4c. .
\\'i offer you -IS-lach serge worth E5c
for C5c.
Vfi offer you a 62-Inch Etorm serge for 75c.
"We- offer you a complete line of henrletia
In all qualities and all width * , and v > e guar
antee prtces to be ns cheap as anything In.
America , or money refunded.
' We carry a complete line of Priestly hcnrl-
etta and fancy weaves , and will offer Tor
Monday only :
10 pieces fancy , worth CSc , for COc.
10 pieces fancy weaves worth 85c for CSc.
Don't fall to visit this department. It
la complete In every DETAIL ,
Domestic Dept.
The largest stock of sheeting , muslins ,
ginghams , prints , etc ,
Derkly cambric , 1lAc yartl.
Deep ntver sheeting , yard wide , Cc yard.
Yard wldo Holbrook Dro. muslin , 8 0 yard
37-Inch ble'ached dairy cloth , 2c yard.
H5-liicU ble'ached dairy clqth , Sc yard.
42-Inch bleached pillow casing , S'/ic yard.
Mill remnants or blue denim worth ISo
yard , on sale at lOc yard.
Crctonno worth 25c , on sale at ICe yaid.
Best tndago blue prints , 60 yard.
New dark fall styles best prints , 5o yard.
Apron check and dress styles In gingham ,
5c yard.
Crinkled seersucker worth. ICc , now Co yd.
White Shaker flannel. So and lOc yard ,
White- wool flannel , 16o and SOa yard.
Good tickingBe , lOo and 16o yard.
Best and cluneat cotton battlug ottered la
the city at lOc , IDo and 20c
All leading brands ol muslin on hand at
lovreit prices. v
For 10 Dap ] Oni-M
Every Man's ; off on every
' ' Man's Sal
Boy's and . >
off on every
Boy's and
Chili's Suit. Cut ID Half.
WE'V ' *
" ' ed in such reSckJess cut
ting in our , , „
Men's Suic Department.
Men's Pants Department.
Boy's Suit Department.
Child's Suit-Department.
Men's Suits marked $10 , In
thin sal a you pay.
Long Pants Sulla , marked
$0.00 you pay. . ,
Short Pants Suits marked
ti.00 , you pay. . .
Sheet Mnsic.
% oft on nil the latest new music , studies ,
exercli-w , etc.
G.OOO dllTeient selections standard sheet
mutle at 3c pr copy , by mall 4c.
Piano Dept.
Da you want a first class piano ? Then
buy the best.
We hove 12 other dlffeient makes.
Come and KCO what we can sell you for
? 17&.00.
Organ Dept
Wo have all kinds. Flvf octaves , plK
octaves , seven octaves , $28.00 up. In nil
felnds of fancy cases.
Como and so our ntw PIANO CASE
ORGAN. In appearance exactly like a hand
some upright piano , \\lth seven octaves ot
keys ; prices not higher than the -ordinary
cabinet organ ,
Small Musical
Guitars , former price Jl.GO , now $2.25.
Guitars , former prlco } 7.00 , now $3.50.
Guitars , former price UO.OO , now $5.00.
Banjos , former prlco $7.00 , now JU.GO.
Stewart banjo , former price $20,00 , now
Violins , former price , $5C.OO , now J1T.SO.
Violins , former prlco , $4 CO , now $2.25.
Violins , former price $15.00 , now $7.CO.
Mandolins , former price $12 , now 15.00.
Mandolins' former prlco $25.00 , now $12,50. $
Kererythtng at4 price.
Wall Paper.
Wall paper we will sell you at Juit halt
( U ) ot what you can get It any other place
la the city.
Furniture ,
Tliis rocko ; Is oak and is also polished
It , in strong anil well mudo nnu wo have
a great ninny do/.cn on hand. Our ( irlco
is S2.GO. It will compare with any K1.50
oak roclcor on the nuirket.
Our now ( roods for fall trades arc com
ing inVo arc ( joinf * to bcllgootl , ( irbl-
class , well mude furnituto choui > cu' than
lie fore yon buy furniture of any kind
visit Iluyden Bt-os.
Oak bedroom stilt , 3 pieces , bed 4-G
wide , French bevel pinto mirror , per
fect drawer work , { rood llnisli , iirico $15 ,
0-foot extension tnble 8 > : ) .85.
8-foot extension tublo $5.
- O-fViriftUaV'Sxlc'usTbn"toolo'8" .75.
8-foot pillar extension table f (5.75. (
Cotton top mattress $2.
Best w vcn wire aprin * 81.23. , d all steel Biiriny , any size.
Oak eidcboaids $10 , $ -13.50 , $10.
Oak chaiis , cutie beat , 85c , $1 , $1.25.
Our Carpet Dept
Is complete In every particular. We carry
a fine line of the teM. ns well an the me
dium and Cheaper grades , Wlltnns , $1.00 to
$1.10 ; moquettes , SI.OO to $1.10 ; royal .ln-
rames Wlllon , 7Cc ; velvets , 76c to | l.OO ;
liigruln at fi om 12'/ic to 85c.
Don't full to see our lintof clienlllo and
Inco cuitnltiji. Wi have them In all tlio
grades , Includlnt ; liaRdncl. Urussel Mets , Irish
point and all the fine NoltlnghDma.
Every feminine Trader of The Hoe snnuH
read this and nioflt tlitrehy. I'roflt In a
two-fold sense. CU > t thf best gnrments that
cjn be put together and save much precious
100 braided and plain capes , worth from
(5 ( 75 to $10.00. Monday your choice of the
lut J3.S. ! )
BO full circular iklrl Jackets , silk faced and
taylur madu , your choice $4.98 , worth double.
Picture Sale.
Wo liavo just received a now line of
ole uiit plcturus , and you can now find a
selection here which will suit your
pocket und fancy.
Gasoline Stove
out gasoline stoves nt lee < ) than
ccst. Tills Is lor first class gasoline stoves ,
everyone warranted.
JC.OO gasoline stoves lor H 1I > . - .
J8.00 gasoline sto\D9 lor J3.05 ,
S1UOO gasollno stoics ( or (5.10. (
J2.GO gasoline oven for $1.45 ,
$3.50 gnsoliiie oven for JI.05 ,
A large vapor stove , 2-hurncr and ulcp
shelf , lay doun tank , vvltli ItusslQii Iron
oven , regular prlco 422.00 , we offer now for
$11,95 , These prices until September 1st.
Castorla 2Cc.
Syrup of Flga 40o and 75c.
Lk-blg's Beef. Wlno and Iron 35c.
Port Wine , Angelica , California. Claret ,
35o per bottle.
Old Maryland Rye Whiskey COo bottle.
O. F. G. Taylor Sour Mash COc bottle.
llclirayer'a Sour Mash COc bottle.
Kirk's Shandon Bells Soap ICe cake.
Kirk's Juvenile Soap 17o cake.
Kirk's White Lllao , Honey and Glycerine
Soap 7',4o cake.
Cocoa-Castile Soap , long bars lOc ,
Cocoanut Oil Soap 2o per cake.
Triple Extracts at lOo per ounce.
Florida Water lOc. 15c and 25o bottle.
Kirk's Violet Water 7Cc.
Only for Monday at theie price *
Monday will be allvely day In'this de
He pure nnd look over Iheso prices. It
means money In your pocket.
3-pound cans CJIenwood tomatoes , 7lio can.
Choice sugar corn only 7' ' , & can.
Columbia river salmon , S&c. lOc and 12VJO.
Flat cans steak salmon , 12Vic.
Halters * chololato 17V4o package.
Sapollo only DC c.iko.
While I'arla t-o.ip und all KliuU , So bar
Imported cnatllo sonp , IDc bar.
Good rice fruin 3c up.
3-pound can Iloston baked beana , 12&C can.
Oil sardines , -Ic can.
Corn March , 4l6e.
( ! loss starch , 3'ic.
Imported mustiird , 3',4c bottle.
Queen olloves In bulk , 35c.
Si.nUh | ollvea , 25c.
Arabian ulhcs , IGc ,
Dried Fruits.
Head Ilicso prices carefully :
ViilenctH raisins , 3' c pound.
Imported seedless ruhlns , 7'/4o pound.
New crnp California pcnchra , 12He pound.
New ciop California uprlcots , 12V4c pound.
New crop ruUIn cured prunes , 7Hc and
S'c , , pound.
New ciop white cherries , tic pound.
New crop blnclt cnorrles , 7V4c pound ,
KiiKllsh currants , IHc pound.
Claimed bostlgRH currants , G'c pound ,
lCvnJorat-d | apples , lO'/ic pound.
We liavo home last year's peaches we wllf
stll fur 10s.
Tea and Coffee.
This IB whcro we can nave you money it
you will only tnke advantage nl this sale.
- N < i. 1 Golilnn Kla cnlfnar 22 poundr
Drcilten lllocnntr > only 19c.
lliolien Java nnd MUcha , He. ICe and 17'/4o
pound ,
Very best Old Government Java nnd Mochn ,
33'f\o pound.
PnII cured Japnn ( pa , lOc pound.
llimkct tired Japan tea , 23c nnd 33o pound.
IVit ( new crop } uncolored Japan ten , 3Sc
and 42u pound ,
I'JnRllMi ' ijre.iUfant tens from 33c up.
Ceyloa tea , Ei'Jc pound.
Flour Dept
To Introduce llaydons' best CX flour wo
will far a short tlniu put Iri one ot the. fol
lowing articles in every sack. Tlio flour la
warranted to hn the btst > ou ever used or
money refunded :
Onti diamond ring. , /
One gold watch. {
One five-dollar bill.
One Hft solid silver-plated teaspoons. "x
One woridwlul Christy brrad Imlfe.
One lad If i' cluster diamond lace pin.
AVe carry other leading brands at
flnur , such an Minneapolis best 4X flour , $
Victor flnnr , Jl 00 sack.
Valley Uly Hour , ! )0c ) rnck.
Snonn.ihft Dour , C5c sick.
A good Hour for COc talk.
Tlaydens' array of bargains for Monday at
the meat counter :
Three fads about our mrnt department :
Klral , It Is the largest In the west.
Second , we carry the largest stock. '
Third , we sell at lowest pi Ices. y
Head these prices and be convinced.
Corned beef , ftc.
I'lclijed ox tongue for lOc per pound , Re
member yuu can't get them under ICe any
place. Suxar cured bacon , lie , 12He and
' /i ; Hoston long cut hams , He ; sugar cured
picnic hams , lOc ; boneless ham , IQVic. Bear
In mind that anything you liuy at our meat
counter that la not strictly No. 1 goodi your
money will be refunded Don't forget that
you can buy lard of us cheaper than any place
on rarth.
A few facts about our tuttcr department :
First , we handle only Ui product * of Ne
braska dairies and creameries. Second , wa
B ° ll the best made for the lea-it money , Hors
aie some of our prre ! : Fresh coun'ry ' butter ,
&c. I2c and 14c : creamery , ICc , 18c , ZOo
and 2c. Satisfaction always guaranteed at
our butter department.
Hero U the only place where you ran
get just wlmt you wantVn handle only
tlie llncst domestic and lmpr > rlr < ] goods and
eull nt prices Hull aru In liftplng with the
limes , Wisconsin cream clffio. 7'/4o ' and
lOc ; New York alnle full crrjm rliee o , 12' ' a
und 14r : brlclt cherse , ltc ) , J2V4o and Ho ;
] /linlur ) er ctieeso. lOo , 12Vic and lie ; Swiss
th ene , 12Vic , He and ICc : nap * ate ; cheese ,
8c pur package ; idJm chc-oso , $1.00 each ;
pineapple ctmt'BD , CSo each ; and any kind ot
cheese you
Nice , ( refill , ! goods I * our motto.
Soda crackcri Cc.
Ginger tinaps and snow flakes only 7J/ic.
Grandma's cookies , molaciey cake , lugt.
cookies and frosted creams at 10s ; nremncr1 *
lunch , 8Ho ; cream toait , lOc ; oatmeal crack ,
eri In on pound packages , vary choice ,
cracknelli , ICc.
Norway herring. 15o per doz ; California
salmon , lOo and 12'ic ; while flih , Co and
7iic , the flrtOKi Lake Superior white flab , 10o
cud 12'/ic : codllth fir 10c and 12'/ic ; rotck.-
or l , 7V c , lOo , 12' . - . 1 I5c ; very best n > '
Labrador lieirlnn Remember you will
lave money b ) year Call at